-7 omaa 61; UTEP ', Gore. i briel Kamau, UTEP • fa •'.•:•'.:• AFA Q i • >. 5. C 7.4:54 15:1- rmo AFA and fastest .i. a.88 fergusoa 3. CSU • Heal 3:53o85 an t4ya» . : 3. 3:5 .3eiO ker . 3. Sovell AFA 4:0. 1 >t p jaaiels 6'1C i 6',: St I. 2. c if. i). c . auer - lallfy Fc~ • Charles Walle UTEP . Lorenzo Zackery CSU beRidi Snover -. CSU WYO ill iller j. Heat 3 mead Bennett UTAH Alan Klrkwood BYU 3 Gee 6.4A 6.55 oiclinger n Harrel 6.59 CSU 6.75 WYO 400 Mater D£.sh Hea 1 48.11 UTEP Bert Cameron BYU ChaxJsfe Waller Bobby Lew:?.i? AJ.cnto Be. AFA 49.90 UTAH N. UTEP 2. !EP •uo 5, 1. CSU 40 BYU >ffiX 50 26 • N. Mex 800 Meter I Heat 1 Qualify 3 & fastest 4th George 1-iehale 1: Blalre Anderson BYU 3 4 AFA la 1: Jues Morten WYO 1: 5. Mike We UNM aer WTO ' WYO CSU . UTAH •'-. Smith rJNM 500 Meter Dash Heaj talify 3 1. way 2- Larry Porter John Scckos 4,. to finals AFi :< 3SU .72 BYU WYO •ackary ,02 Kevin Egan Marty Baca AFA . Das Ya? 1:0 m .53 1:06 in ^Qualify 3 and Triple Jtmp af f 1. Dwayce Fudd 2. Norbert Elliott UTEP 4. Join DuPre 5. Fidelia Ndyabagye N MEX l#6f 4 ^ 6. Grfg Marshall re Hubbard NM BYU iarton 47'7 3/4 >r rtinez BYU AFA 46 . Heat 1. i Sfcandax gs after 5 eventi 2. UTEP 56 5. AFA BYU 6. Utah 3 H. Mexico 23 Col. St, 22 7> JYl HYO 2. 'eterson Ben Pa.o3.illo •'••-. BYU Roger Moore no CSU HYl . • • he !•:• Lna, 1 I ae of the trials v*r< cl.e * : it • •• • •^ie. * is second Jj ter A wina th ier D wins the s* £ is If then runner E would have a chance of ing two 11 ;c the lu< . possible in 15 se< rd go! •• Baae as mAking up to §15 Too 1 k'a Circle \ et .. :• ••• the i clerk's circle. befon tea must be nh£t t ceive any Is s int' . ley) wo. know ?l7 can be done a your neighl *twap thac are trj ough th< .ore t :s. .ition Lvely In for e« • . al . 9 t, 1SU ? n : .. ISU 4. . MSU Hill, I : •w . •m. ig Standard: Ilth Wildey, UM 18'2 - is, BSU BU ISU 368 la Tagaban art, BS: 2 Kristi M Chris -3SG 3SU 15T5 • • - . . • . ; . • February 26, 19S2 3? 00 35-^ • SXGBT XHPjOW SKY/WAC IHiOOR TRt X CHAMPIONSHIP - I7AC POLE Final Fli ght One Ted Crouch 1« Doug Applegate 420 3. Mary Gottsch 580 4. 5, Darryl Dubrovin Rich Ipa 560 Dave Kawaloa 592 Fli ght i in t ii i< -2 c . 3. G3U 552 Goran Swensson Carlos Scot 457 555 8. Tore Johnser 553 11. 12. Jay; Nova Craig Albright 13. Burke Ward HIGH JUMP 1, 2, Two Tomas Salasar Kjell Bystedt. •| 5:10 DTEP BYU ,T coat. 460 452 WAC Final Pettit #474 Milt Ottey 550 3. Septt Daniels ft Dave Stapleton 563 441 440 437 56.2 -: o UTEP 5. 6. BYU •\ CSU BYU Bob Olson Stoyle CSU UTF.P utAh BYU BYl* AFA UTiffl UTEP 5:25? 5000 ^TSRS - WAC Final ...LONG JUMP - BS Final 1. Mike Xubitshek 2. Dan Pooaey #408 434 HF4 3. 4. 5. Steve Travis Gabriel Kamau Brian M&as 565 549 430 UTEP • •Flight One *. Ken Reidl Lane KaestraS «• Calvin Loveali Junior Fulp MSU 107 142 6. Danny Boyle 461 CSU 7. 8. Ibrahim Kivina Chuck DaGarmo 495 464 UNM 9. Mm Hagle 473 csii John Lohman 471 CSU UNR ID Tony Bailey 20 MSU KAU BSU Jan Harland 36 mm. Curtis Charles UTME #113 129 49 10. AFA cs| Flight Tteo E 3. 4. ft. Jim Horner Steve Dick Steve Fink Jeff Qualle Brian Trebslco.ck Trond Enaplantf bi ght 5:05 119 46 X3U Roy Givens 2. A -. .•0 Marcus Mial Kendrick Camerud Nell Crichlow 5. 6. Joe Valacich Lars Welander 2, 3„ ISU Heat 1 1. 2c 3. Derrick May Gary Goaser Tom Ravaig ID 4. Brad Webber ID MSU ID 5c 6. Brian Appell Kevin Diiley WEBBS 39 MONT 7. Kent Newman BSU 22 BSU 8. Miguel Tibaduisa UNR 1. 2. Loren Young Tony Ti-nerman 8EBER 3. Bill Devine ISU 4. Jorgen Sirmo UNR 5. Keith Howerton NAU 54 98 134 u. of moot ID MONT DHR BSU Marty Niebause #484 UHM Brian Stav. WYO 6. 7. Greg Burrall Henry Carvajal ISU 586 422 AFA 8. Ren Cross UNR CSU Rod Cregler 474 439 &FA So John Harrel Rick Ence com Hunsc; 469 CSU Tony Hatch 10. UM BSU Mike Pettit Dave Yelken B. UNR 28 *• 5« 7. BIG SKY 5000 Final UNR POLS VAULT - WAC Final i. 5:45 WEBER Three i. 3o 70 166 65 132 George • UU BYU unr ETER coat. Top .:'. •' fastest 4th Heat 2 Heat 1. 2, Dave Reucki 3. 4. Tim Taylor Sam Ngatia Rich Blomq 5. 6. 7. 8. 2, CSU 1. Randy Sparks t 4th 2. 3. Glenn Test Steve Dick UTAH 4. Roy Givens 5. Trend Knapland 6:25 Qualify 3 & fas 450 Phil Armijo 494 0. Mike Bowell 636 50 Heat 1 Top 4 from each heat 2 heats of 6 Top 3 in each e Troy Montgomery 7. v 170 WEBE3, BYU NM pjobert Harker Mike Freeman 55 final NM 547 UTEP Heat 2 Top 4 from each heat 2 heats of 6 Top 3 in each siani CSU BYU NM AFA to final 5R HH WAC - Tk Heat 1 le 1. Tyrone Johnson #128 NE 2. Stevs Baty 163 WE 3. 4. 5- Jan P.arland Marion Peschiera Micah Williams 86 52 .157 U u )F IB NA J Qualify 3 te m Conklia i Pettit :2, #120 NEV-1EN0 SKY 55 METER HE - Trials UTAH ." 6. * Stave Traders Rex Hohnholt UTAH CS 0 UTEP Ibrahim Hussein Suleiman Nil Chuck De Garni} Phil Peterson J* u 6. 7* Elaine Anderson Richie Martinez Heat 2 1. AFA .•son • ;. iby Lewis Heat 3 Top 4 from each heat to semis 2 heats of 6 top 3 in lach CSU UNM semi to final 4. Rick Goddard AFA 1, Ken Riedl 5. Lrenzo Zac.kery CSU 2• 3. Scott Howes Carl Strozesdki 171 96 4. Jeff Quelle 132 NE7-RE 5. >rr Jason Bennem 167 60 W3BER Doug Allen Heat 2 :il Rick Stoyle 3. Scott Daniels Dennis Uthe Fatwell Kim Bleb Stnover 5o •'.' UTAH Qualifj 2o : 553 CSU AFA UTAH #113 MSfJ \ 7:1C WAC 55 DIETER DASH - Triads CSU ify 3 to I Lorenzo Zackerj UNM WYO 1. 2. cau 540 U*3 EP 570 V AH 1500 KETEK Charles Waller it 1 To "fasts.: 3.. and wso 5. to fir: . Ste MONT, T. ST NAU ISU 5. 3 to S 1. Fid Edyabag: 2. 3. Brad :;os Charlie Savis 4. Richie Hall |U er 594 /.- .-. 3 fastest :-.> 3 to Semi . »od 2. Raymond Bennett ID 1. i 2. Dav 3- Tom Rot BSU 590 MONT. 4. 5. Bill Graff FAU ST w: 0 BIG ;: '••; INDOOR TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP February 26, 1982 7:10 7:45 WAC 55 M DASH - Trials Heat 4 -Qualify 3 to Semi #480 1. Dwayne Rudd 2. 3. Mark Glen Rick Goddard 4. Kenny Walker WAC TRIPLE JUMP - Final Flight 1 UNM 1. Dwayne Rudd 467 CSU 2. Tom Reed 425 AFA 3. Norbert Elliott 554 BYU 4. Fidelis Ndyabagye 481 WYO UTEP NEW MESICO 5. Chris Corvese 463 CSU Flight 2. 1. Jon DuFre 2. Steve Hubbard 455 454 BYU BYU 30 Greg Marshall 4. Geny O'Hara 431 AFA 432 AFA 459 #480 590 N. MEXICO Big SKY 55 M DASK- Trials Heafc 1-4 heats, 3 of 5, 1 of 6, top three from each heat to semi-final L Mark Mielke #148 NAU 2o. Tyrone Johnson 3.28 RENO 3i Vic Wallace 48 IDAHO 4. Andy Noble 51 IDAHO 5c Marcus Mail 89 U OF MT. 7:55 # 50 IDAHO Heat 1 Qualify top 1. Guy Hill Charles Waller 2. 49 IDAHO 3. Heat 2 - 3 of 5, 1 ol 6, top 3 from each heat to semi-final iv Dave Smith 2. Calvin Loveall 3. • Steve Discoll 4. Paul Anderson WAC 400 METER DASH - Semis 5c Steve Baggs 136 80 162 6'. Colin Francis L43 Bert Cameron #544 UTEP 570 UTAH 542 UTEP RENO 4. 443 U OF MT 5. Brad Jackson Fatwell Kimaiuo BYU 482 WEBER ST 6- Bobby Lewis 483 NEW MEXICO NEW MEXICO NAU Heat 2 Heat 3 1. Jack Demelio 2c ; Mieah Williams 3. Dave Benton 4. Llynn Osbosme 5. Dave Bradbum Heat 4 1. Junior Fulp 2. Mark Wyatt 3. Ricardo McVane 4« John Owusu 5o Jim Fisk 7-30 #131 157 40 73 21 RENO NAU IDAHO ISU BOISE ST, Scott Ste 1 7107 133 Sutler Jeff Swanger 3. Carl Meylor 543 4-. 5. Alonzo Babers Mark Glenn 421 467 147 47 23 #131 150 NAU Luhs Stephen IDAHO BOISE ST. 3. 4» Jack DeJfello Colin Francis 5. Andy Noble 6. Mark McGa- Mark Mi 103 2. John Owusu US 3. 4. Marcus Mial Lars Welander 5. 6. Vic Wallacae Dave Bradburn 30 COL. ST. 2 #108 95 135 MSU U OF UNR 143 NAU 51 72 U C ISU #148 NAU Heat 2 1. 32 AIR j 1 from each heat and next Tim Gray MSU BYU UTEP fastest times 2. UNR NAU NEW 1-IfKICO BIG SKY 400 METER DASH - Semis 1. 1X0 . Alan Kirkwood MSU RENO izak J.er Marty Niebauer 2. Heat 1 BIG. SKY SHOT PJOT .;;.. I >to Miller 3:10 #484 442 1. 47 UI 89 U 0] 134 48 21 UNE U BSU # 22 BSU UNR Heat 3 1. Kenrick Camerud 2. Carl Strozewski 3. Dave Smith 4 3 Mark Wyatt 5. Joe Micko 96 50 133 149 • ID 1 February 26, 1982 8:10 BIG SKY/WAC BIG SKY_400 METER 33ASH t TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP 9:10 WAC 500 M DASH - Semis Heat 4 8:35 Heat 1 - Qualify 3 to finals lo Doug Brooks # 83 2o 3. Dave Benton Jim Fisk 40 4o Ron DeLaney 6D Ricardo McVane 23 63 147 1. u of m U OF ID Chris Corvesa #463 2o 3c Dan Devey George Mehale 571 545 449 8o John Smith Mike Wood Fto t 2 lo Maurice Smith 582 490 488 #489 Joba Edwards Chuck Turner 4. Tim Swinney 5o . Pete Serna 6o i Jce Lanier 7o Roald Hoiten 8:45 589 WYO 4• 467 445 CSU BYU 5. Marty Baca 485 NM #4i'6 NM ISU NAU Heat _2_ lo 6o John Sackos 2. 3. Heat 1 - Qualify 3 and fastest 4th Blaine Anderson Jues Morten - "#426 AFA Kevin Egan Larry Porter BSU WAQ 800 M DASH - Semis Ted Holloway CSU DTAH U EEP BYU WYO UNM 9:25 1. Mike Servizio 2. 3. Lorenzo hackery Dan Taney 479 433 AFA 4. Scott Daniels 56, UTAl CSU BIG SKY 500 M DASH - Semis Heat I 3 heats, top 2 to fi-zal AFA 1. Glynn Osborne # 73 DNM 2. 3. Bart 3ezanson John Willeon 81 V ofl MT Paul Mairphy 5. Ian Smith 6. Ricjc TiXstra 42 34 154 118 U iVJ ID 4. MSU # 33 BSU UNM BYU 585 476 487 470 WYO 588 WYO ISU BSU NAU Heat 2 CSU UNM CSU BIG SKY E00 M DASK - Semis 1» Sandy Mayo 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mark McGavish Dave Moravek Don Roberts Shane Nilsson Steve SuU.ickf Oti 72 151 173 41 NAU mm 127 V-- RENO MKV ISU IT 0 ID Heafc 1 lo 1168 Heat 3 t 3o Craig Fletcher Dale Hournung Roger Romero 4- Gene Stone BSU 5o Scott Arneoon 39 1C0 2, 3 MT ST 4, 6^. 7o Ben Fixe Steve Lauri 114 44 MT ST 83 WEBER U OF MT X-. uave Beaton ISU Greg Hall Tyron Johnson Steve Di Greg Burch 6t LeRoy Robinson Tom Walmoley Paul Murphy Tyler Rice Rusty Weaver Darin White :v \:.>.' I 43 Robert Wilcox 25 128 166 61 177 id BSU NSV -REM) WEB SR WEB DB •Jl-^LlpOO M RUN - Semis 9:50 HfcsjE 2 lo 2. 3o 4« 5o 6- ID # 40 U OF ID Heat 1 99 B '1.: NAU 1. U OF MT 3. Kenny Scrivni Tim Taylor ISU WEBEB 5. 6. Gary Marton Joseph Raraotshabi Martinez #475 CSC 429 AFA 477 CSl 593 WYO \7 546 BYU UTIP 492 NM 3IG i::p WAC 1( 00 M Heat 2 10:00 I. 2c Matt Long Troy Montgomery 3o Roger Moore 491 NM 4. 5c Ben Paolillo Phil Peterson WYO BYU 6» Greg Brewster >83 450 462 1106 MSU 53 ISU MI #591 WYO 472 CSU CSU BIG SKY 1000 M - Semi.8 Heat 2 1. Chuck Fred 2. 3o Tracy Harris Brian Reidy 4» Chris Micek 5» John Trott 6. Tony Black 94 L72 45 140 WEBER IDAHO NAU Heat 2 1. Rex Hohnholt 2o Brian Appel 3. Dennis Normand 4« Fred Sprowl 5. Frank Mos 6o Steve Kresl #170 WEBER 50 91 155 90 71 WEBER MONT. NAU MONT ISU ^'U^;S^' coLLBcron smes *1 DESIGNS OATEi P.O. 80x 4776 Poc.t.lle, ipjss,.-. ^cott^^-4- r j^8ov*Li*»* j^usf* .«— JJ f « [ 14. Weirhi in^li^lEf"" IS. Aitfcfy j&'HMftgUI !?• '>'- •' ' .'- tap Quantity 9 $4.00 e*ch • Hmdling . i*^— 4 ,- ,,„ , „ ,1, „ j ) fen *g**: TOTAL SO *, ^ok^omwh • OIYWIC PIUS P.O. Box «??« .«,...„. . n r* •»*»«•* NCAA INDOOR TRACK CHAMPIONSHIPS FINAL RESULTS PONTIAC SILVERDOME I PONTIAC MICHIGAN March 12-13, 1982 w Hosted by The University of Michigan 1. ^jjjjjU/ March 12, 1982 NCAA Pontiac Silverdafie^ Fontiac, MI Championships Indoor Track THREE MILE RUN FINAL Revised Times 1. Gabriel Kamau Yobea Qsxlieki 2, Texas-El Paso Iowa State Arkansas Patrick Vaughn 3. 4. 5. 6. Geoff S&ith Solomon Chebor Steve Binns Simon Cahill 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Providence Farleigh Dickinson Providence Western Kentucky David Barney Arkansas Illinois State Mike Baker James C^Connei! Syracuse Sosthenes Bitok Richmond Iowa State Colorado Richard Kaitany Mark Scrutton 13:07.81 ** 13:09.66 13:10.94 13:12.21 13:16.14 13:23.67 13:39.21 13:41.63 13:46.90 13:47.09 13:58.88 14:00.66 did not finish ** NCAA meet record; old record, 13:10.20, John Treacey, Providence, at Detroit, 1978. HIGH JUMP TRIALS 13 qualifiers to finals 2.10/6-10 3/4 Brian Stanton Brent Harken Ken Glover Leo Williams Thomas Eriksson Jim Howard Ben Lucero Milt Ottey Mark Davenport Doug Nordquist Greg Seay Mark Norman Paul Souza 0 - miss Houston CK Washington State Eastern Kentucky Navy X Lamar X X X Texas A&M Missouri Texas-El Paso Utah ox Washington State X Oklahoma Nbrthwood ox Penn State ox Indiana 000 000 X X X ox X - rrade NCN QUALIFIERS Ron Jones Steve Banks Arkansas State 2. March 12, 1982 NCAA INDOCR TRACK N|gs/ ONE MILE RUN TRIALS 1st two in each heat and next two fastest times qualify for final Baat 1 1. 2. 3. 4. * * * Jim Spivey (Indiana) Bob Verbeeck (Iowa State) Richard Tuwei (Washington St) * John Trott (Idaho) 5. 6. 4:03.56 4:03.84 4:04.14 4:04.83 Edison Wedderburn (Murray St) 4:07.16 Ashley Johson (Western Kentucky) 4:08.97 7. Karsten Schultz (So Illinois) 8. 9. Colin Hume (Sfemphis State) 4:10.78 David Vona (Boston University) 4:11.57 4:10.07 Heat 2 1. * Ross Donoghue (Villanova) 2. * Suleiman Nyambui (UTEP) 3. Vince Draddy (Virginia) 4. Mark Sisson (Wisconsin) 5. John Robinson (Baylor) 6. Ben Turpin ( East Tennessee) 7. Dave Uhrich (Marquette) 8. Don Volkey (Northern 111.) 9. Jack Ramsey (Montana) 4:03.71 4:04.67 4:05.68 4:06.58 4:09.70 4:11.06 4:13.12 4:18.2 (MT) no time Heat 3 1. * 2. * 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Marcus O'Sullivan (Villanova) Tom Stevens (Illinois) Tim Griffith (Kent State) Troy Billings (Boston Univ.) Michael Geteke (Minnesota) Todd Sinclair (Florida) 4:05.31 4:05.54 4:07.18 4:07.96 4:08.94 4:11,65 Michael Axinn (Chicago 4:11.83 Mark Hulme (Bucknell) 4:14.53 Todd McCaliister (No.Carolina) 4:19.02 * qualifiers March 12, 1982 NCAA TRACK Njfe/ L0S3G JUMP TRIALS 1. Andre Kirnes Middle Tennessee 7.32 (24-0) Foul 2. Yussuf Alii Missouri 7.60 (24-11 7.55 (24-9) Pass Pass 3. Gilbert Smith Texas-Arlington 7.47 (24-6) 7.30 (23-llfc) 4. Clarence Christianl 5. Orestes Meeks Georgia Middle Tennessee Pass Foul 7.01 (23-0) 7.38 (24.2%) 7.20 (23-7fc) Foul 6. Thomas Selmon Texas Tech 7.32 (24-0) 7.04 (23-1) 7.23 (23-8%) 7. Michael Conley Arkansas 7.28 (23-10%) 7.26 (23-10 7.20 (23-7%) 7.18 (23-6%) 8. Warren Wilhoite 9. Derek Harper Kansas. 7.27 (23-10) Michigan 7.20 (23-7fc) 7.17 (23-6k) 7.06 (23-1 3/4) 7.27 (23-10) Foul 10. Steve Bridges Western Kentucky 6.60 (21-8) 6.83 (22-55J) 11. Veryl Switzee Kansas State Foul 7.27 (23-10) 7.23 (23-8 3/4) Foul 12. Vince Bean Michigan 7.22 (23-8fc) 7.23 (23-8%) 7.03 (23- 3/4) NCN QUALIFIERS David Hawkins N1 eastern La 6.79 (22-3fc) Foul 7.13 (23-4%) Darryl Simmons Georgia Foul Foul Kerry Zimmerman Indiana 6.75 (22-1 3/4) 7.02 (23-%) 6.97 (22-10%) 6.73 (22- ^ March 12,1982 4. NCAA TRACK 60-YARD HIGH HURDLE TRIALS Qualify first 4 in each heat to 16 man semi-finals Heat 1 1. * Stephen Starring (McNeese State) 2. * Dwayne Johnson (Adelphi) 3. * 4. * 5. 6. Steve Parker (Abilene Christian Tommy Nnakwe (Seton Hall) Greg.Smith (North Carolina St.) Randy Brooks (Nebraska) Milan Stewart (Southern Cal) 7.28 7.36 7.37 7.43 7.44 7.65 disq. Heat 2 1. * Willie Gault (Tennessee) 2. * Al Joyner (Arkansas State) 3. * Javier Moracho (Washington State) 4. * 5. 6. 7. John Lenstrohm (Arizona State) Malcolm Dixon (Missouri) Karl Smith (Texas) Renya Thompson (Baylor) 7,27 7.37 7.38 7.39 7.47 7.54 7.56 Heat 3 7.33 3. * Jeff Powell (William & Mary) 7.23 7.27 1. * 2. * Tony Campbell (Southern Cal) Rodney Wilson (Villanova) 4. * Thomas Smith (Western Kentucky) 5. 6. 7. Cletus Clark (Houston) Andrew Presberry (SE Missouri St.) Martin Lawson (SW Louisiana) 7.39 7.42 7.53 7.70 Heat 4 1. * Jack Pierce (Morgan State) 2. * Reggie Towns (Tennessee) 3. * Shelby Johnson (Michigan 4. * 5. 7.33 dnr dnf Henry Andrade (SMU) Raymond Stiles 7.37 7.47 7.58 7.75 dnr John Sease (Kansas ) Albert Jones (Oklahoma State) Billy Richard (Georgia ^arch 12, 1982 NCAA Track 60-YARD DASH TRIALS Qualify first 4 in each heat to 16 roan serai-final. Heat 1 1. * 2. * 3. * Rod Richardson (Texas A&M) Febian Whyrans. (Texas^-El Paso) Willie Gault (Tennessee) 4. * Jeff Larkin (Georgia Tech) 5. Frederick Johnson (Hampton Insti) 6. Andrew Bruce (Michigan) 7. Gilbert Smith (Texas-Arlington) 6.14 6.18 6.24 6.26 6.28 6.37 6.38 Heat 2 1. * Bruce Davis (Baylor) 6.18 2. * Darwin Cook (Southern Cal) 6.22 3. * 4. * 5. 6. 7. Phillip Epps (Texas Christian) James Butler (Oklahoma State) Larry White (Mississippi Valley) Dannie Carter (Oklahoms) LaNoris Marshall (Washington) 6.24 6.26 6.27 6.34 6.35 Ifeat 3 1. * 2. * 3. * Herschel Walker .(Georgia) 5. Mario Johnson (NW Louisiana) Coty Duling (Oklahoma) Srmit King (Alabama)4. *. Herkie Walls (Texas) George Ervin (Fresno State) Perry Williams (N.Carolina St.) 6.18 6.21 6.22 6.32 6.33 disq. disq. Heat 4 1. * 2. * 3. * 4. * 5. 6. 7. Stanley Floyd (Houston) Calvin Smith (Alabama) Mike Miller (Tennessee) Juan Nunez (N. Carolina St.) Donald Bly (Oklahoma) Clyde Bishop (Louisiana State) Ephraim Serretts (Fair-Dickinson) 6.13 6.19 6.24 6.28 6.32 6.34 6.37 6. March 12, 1982 NCAA TRACK 440 YARD DASH TRIALS 8 fastest times to a two-section final Heat 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Heat 8 Ronnie Taylor (Florida State) 48.44 George Washington (Mississippi St) 48.56 Jeff White (Mt St Mary's) 48.58 1. Russell Carter (SMU) 2. Freddie Wilson (Okla) 3. Alonzo Babers (AirForce) 48.44 48.61 49.24 Sunday Uti (Iowa State) Douglas Powell (Iona) 48.77 50.39 4. Bill Bumpas (Miss) 50.60 1.,* Sunder Nix (Indiana) 2. 3. 4. Dwight Williams (Indiana State) Calvin Kennon (Louisiana State) Reggie Ross (Florida State) 47.78 48.37 49.75 51.71 5. Heat 2 * Qualifiers Calvin Brooks (Auburn) (fell-•-dnf) Heat 3 1. * Bert Cameron (Texas El Paso) 2. Ed Brown (Saginaw Valley State) 3. 4. Henry Amike (Missouri) Trevor Garrick (Boston Univ.) 5. Thomas Hind (Georgia Tech 47.34 48.17 49.39 50.34 51.13 Heat 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Carl Meylor (Texas-El Paso) Mike Jorgensen (Drake) Clyde Edwards (Fair-Dickinson) Randy Geary (Southern Illinois) Leroy Dixon (Wisconsin) 47.81 48.13 48.19 49.24 51.47 Heat 5 Carlton Young (Villanova) 1. 2. Ed Yearwood (Morgan State) Zeke Jefferson (Baylor) 3. 4. 5. Dennis Wallace (Nebreska) Sylvester Davis (VMI) 47.81 48.08 48.14 49.48 49.78 Heat 6 1. Michael Moore (Miss. State) 2. Alfred Brown (Murray State) 3. Kevin Jones (Nbrthwood Insti.) Jimmy Stanley (Georgia Tech) 49.16 50.26 54.04 dnf Heat 7 1. * 2. 3. 4. Anthony Ketchum (Houston) Victor Lacey (Memphis State) Eric Josjo (Southern Methodist) Derrick Peynado (Seton Hall) 47.51 48.49 49.22 49.39 7. March 12, 1982 NCAA TRACK 880-YARD RUN TRIALS Qualify first 2 in each plus next 2 fastest times for 8 man final, Heat 1 1. Terry Reedus (Bowling Green) 1:52.35 2. Greg Wade (Georgia Tech) 1:52.35 3. Julian Spooner (Richmond 1:52.37 4. Richard Ouma (Fair-Dickinson) 1:53.45 5. Ed Bunney (Harvard) 1:56.02 6. Anselm LeBourne (Seton Hall) 1:59.31 7. Scott Davis (Missouri) no time Heat 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Darren Geary (Pittsburgh) Herman Brown (Rhode Island) George Mehale (Texas-El Paso) Scott Rider (Ohio State) Barnabas Kipkorir (Richmond) James Vfestman (Rutgers) Nick Morgan (Clemson) Darren Kern (Indiana) Heat 3 1. David Patrick (Tennessee) 2. Philip Rolle (Florida State) 3. Craig Fletcher (Weber St.) 4. Les Hampton (Illinois St.) 5. Leroy Robinson (Idaho) 6. Mark Scruton (East Tenn.St.) * Qual^lri^191*1 <villa*°va) 1:51.54 1:51.60 1:51.61 1:52.19 1:52.40 1:52.55 2:01.26 2:04.70 1:52.16 1:52,57 1:53.75 1:54.46 1:56.32 2:03.52 dnf 600-YARD RUN TRIALS Qualify 8 fastest times to 2 section final Heat 1 1. 2. Heat 4 Greg Harbour (Baylor) Marcus Sanders (Mich St.) Lorenzo Zackery (Colo. St.) Chris Whitlock (Wash. St.) 1:11.29 1:12.34 disq dnf Heat 2 Elvis Forde (Murray St.) 2. * Michael Bradley (Kansas St.) Nicky Edwards (Indiana St.) Vic Shockey (Illinois) Michael Geraghty (Bucknell) 1:10.44 1:10.76 1:11.18 1:13.47 1:14.29 Heat 3 1. * 3. 4. 1.* Eugene Sanders(MissValley) 1:08.SJ9 2.* Stan Redwine (Arkansas) 1:09.26 3.* Robin Thomas (SE Missouri 1:10.< 4. Joseph Codrington(EMU) 1:12.2* 5. Mike Cielocha (Neb.) 1:13.12 Heat 6 Ian Daley (Md.-East.Shore) 2. * Rodney Bullcok (Kansas) %iig> Darrell Sargent (Miami) 1:11.20 Demetrius Cook (CalPoly) 1:12.79 Troy Sesscms (Manhattan) 1:14.56 Heat 5 1. * 3. 4. 5. l.w Oliver Alves (Fair-Dick) 1:11.05 2. 3. 4. Steve Keyes (Connecticut) Aubrey Moat (Tennessee) * Qualifiers 1:10.04 1:10 89 1:11.46 1:12.01 1. Gary Mitchell (Mid.Tenn) 1:11.47 2. 'Mark McGavish(Idaho St) 1:11:72 3. Scott Daniels (Utah) 1:11.76 4. Steve Dziabis(Notre Dame) 1:13.19 8, March 12, 1982 NCAA TRACK POLE VAULT TRIALS 10 qualified, to finals 5.03/16-6 David Kenworthy 5.13/16-10 Dave Volz Southern Cal Kansas State Arkansas State Tennessee Indiana PPP John Sayre Jeff Buckingham Southern Illinois Kansas Mark Strawderman Oklahoma State Rhode Island ox ox Paul Brattlof Rice ox Lane Maestretti Nevada-Reno Vicktor Krechsel Washington State Michigan Pass 000 000 Doug Lytle Steve Stubblef ield Danny Lamp Joe Dial 5.23/17-2 PPO POX X X OOX X X X PEP X X OOX OX X OOX PPP ox X X X X ox OK ox oox 000 X X NON QUALIFIERS Don Chevillet Jeff Ward Mark Klee Anthony Curran Greg Duplantis Paul Doyle Dennis Lentz Vines Reilly David Swezey Chris Mand David Spivey Bill Burkholder Donald Heyburn Miami X Arkansas 000 X ox 000 ox 000 UCLA Louisiana State Notre Dame Maryland Maryland 000 000 X 000 X 000 ox 000 X ox 000 ox 000 Oklahoma State ox North Carolina Auburn Purdue Northeastern 000 000 SHOT PUT TRIALS Qualify 12 to preliminaries; 8 qualify from prelims to finals Mike Lehmann(Illinois) 20.13(66-3/4) pass Lubomyr Chambul(W. Kentucky) 18.76(61-6 3/4) 18.24(59-10%) Scott Lofquist(Arkansas) Kelly Brooks (Texas) John Campbell (NW Louisiana) Oskar Jakobsson(Texas) Augie Wolfe (Princeton Charles Locke (Tennessee) Kevin Akins (Ohio State) Randall Naas (Okla St.) Mickey Cutler (Nev-Reno) Joe Staub (Nebraska) 17.55(57-7) 18.51(60-9) 18.79(61-7 3/4) 18.70(61-4%) 18.58(60-11 3/4) 18.41(60-4 a/4) 17.66(57-llk) 17.80(58-4 3/4) 17.44(57-2 3/4) 17.99(59-%) pass 19.07(62-7) 19.04(62-5 3/4) ,18.56 (60-11) pass 18.93(62-1%) 18.18(59-8^) foul 18.68(61-3 3/4) foul 18.51(60-9) 18.30(60-%) 18.50(60-8%) 18.44(60-6) 18.02(59-1%) 18.41(60-5) 17.87(58-7 3/4) 18.23(59-9 3/4) 17.87(58-7 3/4) 18.18(59-8) 17.94 (58-10%) 18.17(59-7 3/4) NON QUALIFIERS Gary Williky (Ariz.St.) Lance Deal (Mont.State) James Dawson (N'eastern) Kevin McGinnis(Texas ASM) Art McDermott (Boston Uhiv.) Brian Donahue(Texas) Neal Serafenas (Florida) Jon Newell (Tennessee) 17.0(55-9%) 17.37(56-11 3/4) 17.91(58.930 16.27(53.4%) 17.39(57 3/4) foul 18.07(59.3%) 17.96(58-llk) 17.85(58-7) foul 17.91(58-9%) foul 17.60(57-9fc) 17.86(58-7%) 17.80(58-4 3/4) foul 17.77(58-3 3/4) 17.79(58.4%) 16.92(55-6%) 17.53(57-6%) 17.60(57-9) foul 17.75(58-3) 17.45(57-3) Dennis DeSoto (Nev-Reno) Carlos Scott (UTEP) foul 17.56(57-7%) 17.55(57-7) 17.47(57-4^) 17.13(56-2%) foul tick Meyer (Houston) foul 17.46(57-3%) 17.22(56-6^) 9. March 12, 1982 NCAA TRACK \i^/ 35# WEIGHT THROW TRIALS AND FINALS TRIALS I. 2. 3. Tore Johnsen Richard Olsen Kjell Bystedt Texas-El Paso SMU BYU FINALS 19.14 <62-9%i 20.02 (65-8%) 20.72 (67-U 3/4) 20.66(67-9%) 21*42 .(70s3» foul 20.20 (66-3fc) 20.76 (68-lfc) 20.44 (67-3/4) 20.62 (67-7 3 /4) 20.00 (65-7%) 19.52 (64-%) 19.82 (65-%) 20.54 (67-4 3/4) 20.32 (66-8) 20.00 (65-7%) foul 4. 5. Robert Weir Anders Hoff SMU smu 21.02 (68-11%) 20.50 (67-3) 20.00 (65-7%) foul 20.34 (66-8 3/4) 20.02 (65-8%) 20.52 (67-4) 19.62 (64-4%) 20.40 (66-11%) 19.86 (65-2) 20.38 (66-10%) 20.08 (65-10%) 20.30 (66-7%) Njj^p/' 5. 7. 3. *. Matt Mileham Keith Bateson David Thomson Jeff Scott Fresno State smu Stanford Army foul foul 20.28 (66-6%) foul foul foul foul foul 20.22 (66-4) 19.62 (64-4%) 19.96 (65-5 3/4) foul 18.82 61-9) 19.78 64-10 3/4) 19.46 63-10%) 19.58 19.26 64-3) 19.66 10. U. 12. Tore Gustafson William Borden Declan Hegarty Washington State Southern Connecticut Boston University 63-2%) 64-6) 19.04 60-10 3/4) 64-4%) 62-5 3/4) 19.00 62-4) 19.24 63-1*0 18.76 61-6%) 19.26 63-2%) 18.86 17.98 61-10%) 18.56 19.62 59-0) 18.84 (61-9 3/4) 18.48 (60-7%) foul 10, March 12, 1982 NCAA TRACK 35# WBI@3T THROW continuea 13. Mark Oorsetti Sto3e Island 18.88 (61-11^) foul 19.04 )(62-5 3/4) 14. Ed Vandevoorde w$sh. State foul 17.76 (53-3%) foul 15c Shaun Pickering Stanf&rd 16.42 (53-10%) 16.60 (54-5%) 17.48 (57-4fc) 1000-YARD TRIALS Qualify first 2 frc*a each hsz&z ar4 zjext two fastest times Heat 1 1.* Wybo Lelieveld (Clemson) 2:08.06 2.* Jama Aden (FairleigIvD3fik*goa) 2:08.31 3.* Sotirios MDutsanasXWash?St) 2:10.41 4. Geoff Cooper (Memphis Sfcat©) 5. Jim Murphy (Indiana) 2? 10.77 2:11.06 6. Tom. Ross (Southern Illinois 2:12.77 7. Rob Webster (Washington) 2:13.27 8. Bobby Beck (Louisiana §t*> 2:14.34 Heat 2 1.* 2.* 3. 4. John Hunter (Villanova) John Stephens (Arkansas) Chris Mares (Drake) David White( BueknaU) 5. Mike McKay (Kentucky) 6. Gary Morton (Brigham •Yo&ssfc) 7. Jim Moyar (Notre Dame) 8. 2:07.21 2:08.58 2:10.97 2:11.89 2:12.34 2:14.98 2:18.00 Paul Neves (MIT) 2:19.67 Ray Brown (Virginia) disq. Heat 3 1.* Efenry Kimalel (Richmond) 2:10,37 3.* Roger Jones (Auburn) 2:10.66 4. Tim Colas (South Caroline} 2:10.96 5. Bil1 Bryan (Southern M&thod,) 2:12.17 6. Richard Block (Duke) 2:13.70 7. Martin Clark (Kentucky) 8. Richard Lippert (Rutgers) 9. Per Kristoffersen (Maryland) \%^/ 2:09.47 2.* Jon Schmidt (Illinois) 2:14.58 2:18.16 2:18.70 11. March 12, 1982 NCAA TRACK TKP MILE RELAY Heat 1 1. * Western Michigan 7:27.43 2. * Arizona State 7:28.03 3. * Texas Christian 7:31.86 (Mike Fowler 1:56*5, Gordon Mc Intosh 1:51.5, Kurt Leichty 1:50.1, Jack Mcintosh 1:49.4) (Eddie Davis 1:53.1, Pete Richard 1:51.6, Michael Schwarz 1:53.1, Pete Quinonez) 1:49.0) (David Nix 1:55.1, William Johnson 1:52.5, Russell Graves 4. Sagijiaw Valley State 7:32.43 1:52.8, Jim Jeffrey 1:52.7) (Ken Plude 1:54.5, Dan Prose 1:52.8, Ricky Brown 1:52.9, EdLaBair 1:52.2) 5. Texas 7:33.21 (Hunt Nolan 1:55.2 , Chris Bucknell If53.9, George Collins 1:51.4, George Bean 1:52.5) 6. 7. 7:33.95 (David Pharr 1:52.6, Jeff McCurdy Georgetown 7:35.02 1:54.8, Lionel Drummond 1:53.3, Hugh Willig 1:53.2) (Richard Katon .1:55.5, Lloyd Gellineau 1:56.9, Philip Reilly 1:49.6, Brian McNeil is 1:52.8) Virginia disquali Penn Heat 2 1. * Tennessee 7:30.24 (Basil MoGee 1:55.1, Mark Patrick 1:51.8, Al Harden 1:51.4, David Patrick 1:52.1) 2. * Wisconsin 7:30.58 (Jack Hoffman 1:54.5, Chris Deakin 1:51.9, Rick Turriff 1:52.0, Joe Kapheim 1:52.4) 3. * Princeton 7:31.32 (Brad Rowe 1:56.5, Johan Bettum 1:52.2, Mark Voit 1:51.7, Jack Fonss 1:50.7) 4. Idaho State 7:34.36 (Darren White 1:55.6, Tracy Harris 1:54.1, Roger Romero 1:52.3, Steve Kresl 1:52.3) 5. Virginia State 7:35.42 (Anthony Callicutt 1:56.2, Steve Hatch 1:54*6, Raymond Panther 1:51.7, Mark Preston 1:52.7) 6. Marquette 7:41.54 7. lona 7:47.08 (Todd Beston 1:57.1, Scott Roberts 1:54.2, Keith Connolly 1:53.3, Dave Uhrich 1:56.2) (Brand©! Weaver 1:55.5, Anthony West 1:55<,7„ Mike Cleary 1:54.1, Martin Hemsley 1:1:51.7) March 12, 1982 NCAA TRACK 12. WO MILE RELAY continued Heat 2 continued 8. Auburn 7:58.77 (Sergio Oaxaco 1:58.1, Greg Herzog 1:49.9, Larry Brooks 2:00.9, Steven Estes 2:02.0) Heat 3 1. * Richmond 7:34.96 (Edwin Koech 1:54.9, Julian Spooner 1:51.3, Phil Norgate 1:51.1, Sosthenes Bitok 1:57.5) 2. * Villanova 7:35.22 (John Borgese 1:54.4, Mike England 1:52.7, Marcus O'Sullivan 1:48.8, 3. Penn State 7:36.13 4. Georgia 7:39.00 5. Northern Arizona 7:43.93 6. C.W. Post 7. Rhode Island Pittsburgh Ross Donoghue 1:49.3) (Tom Walchuck 1:55.9, Paul McLaughlin 1:54.0, Ken Wynn 1:53.4, Mike Cook 1:52.9) (Eddie Hodges 1:53.1, Greg Roseboro 1:54.0, Jeff DeBar 1:55.5, Brad Lewis 1:55.8) (Tom Walmsley 1:58.9, Bill Graff 1:54.1, Fred Sproul 1:55.4, Ian Smith 1:55.6) 7:50.16 (Steve DeLucie 1:58.1, Dennis Turraan 1:53.3, Harry Penn 1:56.6, Walter Dovkowski 1:51.9) 7:56.58 (Michael Rinquette 1:56.3, James Burton 1:55.1, Robert Frost 2:01.3, Thomas Harrington 1:53.7) disqualified—false start 13. March 12, 1982 \l^/ NCAA TSAOC MILE RELAY TRIALS Fastest 8 times to finals Heat i 1. Arkansas 3:15,11 2. Texas Christian 3:15.31 3. Texas A&M 3:16.42 4. Virginia 3:17,81 5. Idaho State 3:21.13 Glynn Osborne 51.2, Greg Burch 50,4 Ron Delaney 50.0, Mark McGavish 49.3 Heat 2 1. * Texas 3:14.47 Greg Watson 49.0, Cddur Sigurdson Ian Stapleton, Gary Roberson 2.* Seton Hall 3:14<48 3. v&I 3:18.37 4. Michigan 3:20.15 5. Idaho 3:21.91 Paul Jones 49*9, Bill Dupont 48.4, Ed Williams 46*4, Stan Redwine 48«2 Allen Ingraham 47.9, James Richard 48.4 Festus Ogunfeyimi 48.3, Phillip E£ps 50.6 Gary Schurry 49.0, James Washington 49.0 Tony Tolson 49.0, Vernon Pittman 49.4 George Johnson 48.3, William Pirtle Eric Adderly, Leon Palmer Wash ington N|iri 49.3, Donot Mair 48.3 Linval Francis 49.0, Derrick Peynado 47.9 Sylvester Davis 49.3, Jeff Young 50.2 Davis Estes 50.1, Henry Sanchez 48.5 Rob Granger 49.9, Shelby Johnson 50.4 Andrew Bruce 49.3, Mike Shea Dave Benton 50.9, Dave Snttith 50.2 Vic Wallace 51.9, Lreoy Robinson Heat 3 1. * Mississippi Valley 3:14.73 Larry White 50.0, Nathaniel Sloan 48.4 Randolph Dixon 48.8, Eugene Sanders 47.4 2. Iowa State 3:15.81 Justin Nemec 49.3, Todd Holm 49,5 3. Georgia Tech 3:17.62 4. Maryland-E. Shore 3:18.09 Jeff Larkin 49.9, Greg Wade 48.7 Greg Newton 49,9, 'Tom Hing 49.0 James Roberts 50.8, Frank Connors 49.4 5. Eastern Kentucky Sunday Uti, 47.7, Kevin Kuchel McKinley Tull 50.5, Gregory Thomas 47.2 3:18.81 John Gilchrist 50.4, Kelvin Lewis 49.1 Corey Forrest 50.2, Otis Jones 49.0 Heat 4 1. * Southern Illinois 3:13.77 2. Alabama 3:15.69 3. Baylor 3:16.56 4. South Carolina 3:17*.66 5. Indiana 3:17.90 Perry Duncan 50.3, Randy Geary 48.0 Mike Franks 48.1, Tony Adams 47.2 Ike Levine 50.0, Walter Monroe 49.3, Allen Buford 48.6, Cedric Vaughns 47.6 Bill Hartson 50.4, Bobby Burkhalter 49.7, Willie Caldwell 47.9, Zeke Jefferson 48.4 Harold Butts 50.5, Dorrell Hilliman 49,3 Ricky Griddine 49,3, Verlon Rhodes 48.3 Joe Blackwell 51.0, Jon Thomas 49.6, Darren Kern 49.5, Sunder Nix 47.8 •14. March 12, 1982 NCAA Track MILE RELAY TRIALS (continued^ Heat 5 1.* Mississippi State 3:13,64 2.* Middle Tennessee 3:13.77 3. Michigan state 3:16.97 4. Florida 3:18.33 George Washington 49,3, Charges Sp&ne 48.4 Michael Moore 48.0, Daryl Janes 47.9 Floyd Janes 50.0, -Gary Mitchell 48.1 Herb Newton 47.9, Tiro Johnson 47-7 Calvin Thomas 50.3, Rob Murphy 49.4 Kelvin Scott 48.2, Marcus Sanders 48.0 Larry .Barnhill 51.2, Hugo .Miller 50.0 Creighton Blahak 48.7, Roger Dixon 49.4 Sfeat 6 1. Indiana State 3:15.55 2. N. Texas State 3:15.86 3. Howard Univ. 3:16.52 4. N. Carolina St. . 3:18.06 Mike Simpson 49.9, Ricky Gaitor 48.9 Kicky Edwards 48.4, Dwight Williams 48.2 Rudy Levarity 48.8, Lynn Howe 48.6 Richard Pace, Tim Flowers Oliver Bridges 49.0, David Charlton 48.7 Richard Louis 49.3, Ed Simms 49.4 Eric Townsend 50.8, Stanley Sunston 48.6, Auguston Youngg 49,3 , Brian Burns 49**0 Heat 7 N||a/ 1.* Oklahoma State 3:14.68 Greg Patton 49.3/ Curtis Thomas 48.6, 2.* Oklahoma 3:14.71 3. Eastern Michigan 3:21.23 Freddie Wilson 48.3, -Donald Bly 48.6, Coty Dialing 49.0, Dannie Carter 48.7 Jim MsGrath 51.7, Terry Thomas 50.1, Florida State disq. Daryl Curry 49.4, Mike Calhoun 49.8 Ronnie Taylor,-Lee McKtenzie, Philip Rolle, Sterling Starks 48.1, James Butler 48.6 Reggie Ross Heat 8 1. 2. Boston Univ. 3:15.29 Missouri 3:18.94 Murray State disq. Morgan State false start Jeff Smith 49,9, Bob Danville 49.2, Rich Ward 48,7, Trevor Garricfc. 47,4 Greg Jackson 50.9, Daniel Ogedi 49.6, Jim Chandlery Henry Amike 49.0 Willie Jackson, Alfred Brown, Willie Thomas, Elvis Forde Guy Goodwin, Mitch Lovett, Carlton MoNorton* Ed Yearwood March .12, 1982 ?'fi*Pl'B JUMP QUALIFYING David McFadgen (Virginia State) 15. 81 r.oul 15.97 Ke i th Co jmor 52-f*s (SMU J Franc i s foul Als ton (C.W. Post) Eddie Loyd (Middle Tennessee State.) Deon Hay.fl.eld (Ar izona St ate) Henry Ellard (Fresno state) Ed Lloyd (LSD) Kichacil Ccnley (Arkansas) Al Joyner IS. .25 52-;jt J/4 15,65 51-4 15„62 51-3 15.94 fowl 50-* 52~J^ 15-4 4 51- 3h 15. 21 5D~1 15.27 50~1 15.48 IT. 93 15.96 S'2-4% pass 52-3 TSTST 52-21 fOU'l 1:5.57 IS ..83 51-11 51-1 15.83 5-0-9% 51~11_ 15-81 (Arkansas St&te) 51-101 15T43 50-7* Joseph Tawio (Washington State) 13780 ' 15 .2 6 £1-10 50-3& David Sixer 15708 (Tennessee) 49-5iSf 15. 50- 10* 15, 18 49* •9M Gary Milton {Washington State) 15 ..91 Sl~lG'i 15.. S3 D0-U*. feral 15.. 75 £1-8. 15774 jTCpn-gualiflers Jawes Moi {Iowa) foul M.SB (47-1) 5.4 ..27 $46~S 3/4) Arnold Bell foul •foxrt 14.JBL7 (56-5 3/4-3 (NC St} Neil CriohiGw (Idaho)15.05 Greg Neal (Tenn) foul Dwayne Rudd (New Mex)14.48 Orestes Weeks 14.89 (4&-4-fc)15.D4 (49-4) 14.4.2 {47-3%) .14.70 f4tf~2 3/4) 14.?& (48-5 3/4) (4 7-6-) 15.41 (50-6*3.) 15..44 {50~&> (4-8-.10) X*UBSK48~10) fcn.il (Middle Term St) <(50-M)14.S?0 •{4-8-2 0%) pa&»*s Brad Johnson (Texas Southern) Ph. i l Alexander foul 15.03 •.(49-^3 fa»A (Georgia Tech) Leon Hut-chins 14.91 (48-1) 14.'8.2 (48-lk) 14.« *4.B~2) (Flo. State.) Greg Johnson .foul (Kansas) Tanner Cronic (Fla) Eramaauel Jackson (Geo, 1% a son) 14*39 foul foul 15.12 »i*9-7i> (47-2^)15,20 t-49-5.055) 3.5.©2 <49~3k.) 15..2®.;^5D-li') foul Robbie Mos 1 ey (AppSt) 15.. 25 (50-1) 15.18 (49-Sh) fo u! Lynden Sands (Hstn) foul (4«-f» 3/4) foul Lester Scruggs (Fla) 15,11 -foui. Jim Horner (Idaho) 14.5& l:&--26 {Stt-3/-*3 i-aul (47-9) 15©S (4:3"4 3/4) 15...12 {49-7%) Jerry Hatfield (Ohio) 15 «• 43 (*0-7fc) 1.5.09 j(4&-6) 15.17 <49~*U) 16. NCAA TRACK March 13, 1982 60-YARD HIGH HURDLE SEMI-FINALS Qualify first 4 from each heat to 8 man Heat 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. * * * * Tony Campbell(So.Cal) Jack Pierce (Morgan St.) Tommy Nnakwe (Seton Hall) Dwayne Johnson (Adelphi) Thomas Smith (W. Kentucky) Shelby Johnson (Michigan) Jeff Powell (Wm & Mary) Reggie Towns (Tennessee) 7.18 7.24 7.33 7.36 7.41 7.48 8.03 disq. final Heat 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Willie Gault (Tennessee) 7.17 Al Joyner (Arkansas St.) Stephen Starring(McNeese St.) Rodney Wilson (Villanova) 7.27 7.29 7.37 Javier Moracho (Wash. St.) John Ienstrohm (Ariz. St.) Steve Parker (Abilene Christi) John Sease (Kansas) 7.38 7.39 7.47 7.56 60-YARD HIGH HURDLE FINALS 7.14 7.15 1. Tony Campbell Southern California 2. Willie Gault 3. Jack Pierce Tennessee 4. Tommy Nnakwe 5. Rodney Wilson 6. Stephen Starring Seton Hall Villanova McNeese State Arkansas State 7.23 7.36 7.37 7.49 7.53 Adelphi disq. 7. Al Joyner Dwayne Johnson Morgan State 60-YARD DASH SEMI-FINALS Qualify first 4 in each heat to 8 man final Heat 2 Heat 1 1. Stanley Floyd (Houston) 6.13 1. * Rod Richardson (Tex A&M) 6.15 2. Herschel Walker (Georgia) 6.14 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Calvin Smith (Alabama) 6.17 2. * Fabian Whymns (Tex El Paso) 3. * Bruce Davis ( Baylor) 6.23 6.24 Emmit King (Alabama) 6.21 Mike Miller (Tennessee) Juan Nunez (N. Car. St.) 6.22 6.31 4. * Jeff Larkin (Georgia Tech) 5. Willie Gault (Tennessee) 6. Darwin Cook (S. Carolina) 6.25 6.26 6.27 Coty Duling (Oklahoma) 6.34 7. Phillip Epps (Tex. Christian) 6.28 James Butler(Okla. St.) disq. 8. Herkie Walls (Texas) 6.35 60-YARD DASH FINAL Texas A&M 6.07# 2. Stanley Floyd Houston 3. Calvin Smith Alabama Alabama Texas El Paso 6.14 6.17 6.18 6.20 6.23 6.24 dnr 1. Rod Richardson 4. Fjrnimlt King 5. Fabian Whymns 6. Herschel Walker 7. Jeff Larkin Bruce Davis Georgia Georgia Tech Baylor # New NCAA IVteet Record. Old record, 6.12 (FAT), Greg Edmond, Houston, Detroit, Mi 3-12-77; Curtis Dickey, Texas A&M, Detroit MI, 3-15-80 March 13, 1982 NCAA TRACK 17. HIGH SCHOOL MILE RELAY FINAL %^/ 1. Detroit Central 2. 3. Taylor Center Henry Ford 4. 5. River Rouge St. Martin DePorres 6. Ecorse 3:23.2 3:24.6 3:27.0 3:29.7 3:31.3 3:32.9 MILE RUN FINAL 1. 2. 3. Suleiman Nyambui Ross Donoghue Jim Spivey 4. Marcus O'Sullivan 5. Bob Verbeeck 6. 7. 8. Richard Tuwei Tom Stevens John Trott Texas El Paso Villanova Indiana Villanova Iowa State Washington State Illinois Idaho 4:00.65 4:00.74 4:00.97 4:04.29 4:04.30 4:06.06 4:08.01 4:09.80 POLE VAULT FINALS 5.13 16-10 5.23 17-2 5.33 5.43 17-5 3/4 5.53 17-9 3/4 18-1 3/4 1. Doug Lytle OOX OX OX 2. Mark Strawderman Rhode Island X 000 pass X X 3. 4. Dave Volz Joe Dial OOX 000 Indiana pass pass X 000 Oklahoma St. X X OOX 000 000 Kansas State 5. Jeff Buckingham OX Paul Brattlof Kansas Rice X 6. X 7 John. Sayre 000 So. Illinois OX 000 David Kenworthy Southern Cal. Steve Stubblefield Ark. St. pass pass 000 Danny Lamp 000 Tennessee 000 440-YARD RUN FINALS 1. Anthony Ketchum Houston 47.47 2. 3. Sunder Nix Bert Cameron Indiana Texas El Paso 4. 5. Zeke Jefferson Ed Yearwood Baylor Morgan State 6. 7. 8. Mike Jorgensen Carlton Young Carl Meylor Drake 48.25 Villanova Texas El Paso 47.64 48.09 48.18 48.20 48.25 48.67 48.91 March 13, 1982 NCAA TRACK 18. 880-YARD RUN FINAL 1. David Patrick Tennessee 2. George Mehale Texas El Paso 3. Herman Brown 4. Philip Rolle Rhode Island Florida State Ohio State 5. Scott Rider 6. 7. Darren Geary Terry Reedus 8. Greg Wade Pittsburgh Bowling Green Georgia Tech 1:49.94 1:50.44 1:50.95 1:51.20 1:51.81 1:52.15 1:53.07 1:53.51 LONG JUMP FINAL 1. 2. Gilbert Smith Warren Wilhoite Texas-Arlington Kansas TRIALS FINALS 7.95/26-1 foul 7.79/25-6 3/4 7.76/25-5% foul 7.50/24-7* 7.59/24-10 3/4 7.79/25-6 3/4 3. 4. Veryl Switzer Orestes Meeks Kansas State Mid. Tenn. State ^%^>/ 5. Clarence Christian Georgia 7.45/24-5* 7.55/24-9* 7.64/25- 3/4 foul 4.72/15-5 3/4 7.35/24-1* 7.45/24-5* 5.62/18-5* foul 7. 8. Thomas Selmon Yussuf Alii Michael Conley Texas Tech Missouri Arkansas foul foul foul foul 7.58/24-10% 6. 7.51/24-7 3/4 7.32/24-0 7.54/24-8 3/4 7.43/24-4* 7.72/25-4 7.64/25 3/4 7.28/23-10 3/4 foul foul foul foul foul 7.27/23-10* foul 7.41/24-3 3/4 7.33/24% 6.95/22-9 3/4 7.52/24-8 foul foul 6.88/22-6 3/4 7.43/24-4% 7.51/24-7*? 7.34/24-5 foul foul NON QUALIFIERS Vince Bean ( Michigan) 7.30/23-11% Andre Kirnes (Mid.Tenn.St.) Derek Harper (Michigan Steve Bridges (West. Ky) foul 7.24/23-9 foul 7.24/23-9 foul foul foul 7.10/23-3% 7.27/23-10* 7.26/23-9 3/4 time called .March 13, 1982 NCA2i TRACK 19. * FINAL 1. Eugene Sanders 2. Elvis Forde 3. Ian Daley Mississippi Valley Murray State Maryland-Eastern 4. Stanley Redwine Arkansas 5. 6. Robin Thomas Oliver Alves Fairleigh-Dickinson 7. 8. Michael Bradley Rodney Bullock 1:08.51 1:09.07 Shore # New NCAA Meet Record. Detroit, MI 1966 Southeast Missouri Kansas State Kansas 1:09.41 1:09.94 1:10.03 1:10.04 1:11.11 1:11.98 Old record, 1:09.04, Martin McGrady (Central State, OH) DISTANCE MEDLEY RELAY FINAL 1. GEORGETOWN 9:45.97 John Pedati 1:55.9, Patrick McCabe 50.2, Kevin King 2:58.1, John Gregorek 4:01.7 2. MICHIGAN 9:49.43 Bob Boynton 1:57.1, Craig Camp 50.2, Mike Shea 2:58.9, Brian Diemer 4:03.2 3. MID., TENNESSEE ST. 9:51.95 Tim Johnson 1:58.3, Herb Newton 49.9, John Davis 3:00.6, Joe O'Loughlin 4:03.1 4. ARKANSAS 9:53.68 Paul Jones 1:55.6, Ed Williams 49.7, Paul Donovan 3:00.6, Tom Moloney 4:07.8 5. EASTERN MICHIGAN 9:54.44 Chris Lezovich 1:57.5, Mike Calhoun 48.9, Dan Shamiyeh 2:59.9, Erik Kenriksen 6. WISCONSIN 9:57.09 Jeff Loker 1:57.9, Luis Curet 51.8, Tim Hacker 2:58.3, Jeff Hacker 4:09.0 7. BRIGHAM YOUNG 10:03.46 Brad Jackson 1:56.8, John Edwards 51.0, Phil Peterson 2:59.8, Blaine Anderson 4:15.8 8. MICHIGAN STATE 10:09.05 Terry Ross 1:55.5, Calvin Scott 49.3, Eric Teutsch 3:06.5, Tom Irmen 4:35.8 1000-YARD RUN FINAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. x^mp' John Stephens Henry Kimalel Richmond Sotirios Moutsanas Jon Schmidt Washington State 2:07.37 2:08.39 2:09.01 2:09.08 2:10.87 2:11.03 Illinois 2:11.51 Roger Jones Auburn 2:15.12 John Hunter Jama Aden Wybo Lelieveld Arkansas Villanova Fairleigh-Dickinson Clemson March 13, 1982 NCAA TRACK 20. SHOT PUT FINAL 1. 2. Mike Lehmann Kevin Akins Illinois Ohio State Trials Finals 19.85/65-1% 20.51/67-7 3/4 foul foul 20-39/66-10 3/4 17.77/58-3 3/4 pass pass pass 19.79/64-11* 18.62/61-1 3. 4. Augie Wolfe Oskar Jakobsson foul 19.43/63-9 19.38/63 -7 19.63/64-5 foul foul foul foul foul 19.48/63-11 Princeton Texas 19.37/63-6% foul 5. 6. 7. 8. Lubomyr Chambul Kelly Brooks Scott Lofquist Charles Locke Western Kentucky Texas Arkansas Tennessee 20.61/67-7 3/4 18.83/61-9% 18.66/61-2 3/4 foul foul 19.24/63-1 3/4 18.52/60-9* 19.14/62-9% 18.76/61-6% 19.20/63-* foul foul 19.01/62-4% 18.69/61-4 18.54/60-10* 18.78/61-7% 18.56/60-10 3/4 19.15/62-11 3/4 foul 18.79/61-7 3/4 18.63/61-1% 18.40/60-4% 18.37/60-3* 19.05/62-6* 18.53/60-9 3/4 NON QUALIFIERS John Campbell (Northwest La) Joe Staub (Nebraska) Randall Naas(Okla. State) 18.13 18.84 18.92/62-1 18.84/61-9% 18.74/61-5 3/4 18.80 17.94 18.51 18.31 Mickey Cutler (Nev.-Reno) 17.41 17.67 17.80/58-5 TWO MILE RUN FINAL 1. Suleiman Nyambui 2. 3. Chris Fox Peter Koech Washington State 4. 5. Gidamis Shahanga David Taylor Texas El Paso Arkansas Texas El Paso Auburn 6. David Bensema Kentucky 7. 8. Keith Brantly Bryan Allf Florida Duke 9. Dean Kimball New Hampshire 8:38.91 8:42.24 8:43.97 8:44.09 8:47.38 8:48.79 8:49.92 8:53.71 9:20.61 March 13, 1982 21. NCAA TRACK MILE RELAY FINAL 1. 3:11.07 OKLAHOMA Freddie Wilson 48.4, Donald Bly 48.0, Coty Duling 47.2, Dennie Carter 47.3 2. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY 3:11.51 Larry White 49.0, Nathaniel Sloan 48.1, Randolph Dixon 48.1, Eugene Sanders 46.4 30 OKLAHOMA STATE 3:11.63 Greg Patton 48.7, Curtis Thomas 48.3, Sterling Starks 47.3, James Butler 47.1 4. MIDDLE 'TENNESSEE 3:11.78 Floyd James 49.6, Gary Mitchell 47,9, Herb Newton 47.6, Tim Johnson 46.7 5. TEXAS 3:12.54 6. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 3:12.91 Greg Watson 48.0, Oddur Sigurdson 48.1 Ian Stapleton 48.1, Gary Roberson 47.9 Perry Duncan 50.2, Randy Geary 48.2 Mike Franks 46.7, Tony Adams 47.7 7. MISSISSIPPI STATE 3:13.09 George Washington 49.2, Charles Spane 48.7 Michael Moore 47.2, Daryl Jones 47.8 8. SETON HALL 3:13.97 Washington Njiri 49.2, Donot Mair 48.0 Linval Francis 48.9, Derrick Peynado.47.6 HIGH JUMP FINAL 2.16 7-1 72* 2.25 2.28 7-3% 7-4% 7-5 3/4 2.31 7-7 OX X 000 2.22 2.19 2.13 7-0 1. Lao Williams Navy X X X X 2. Doug Nordquist Wash. St. pass X X 000 Milt Ottey UTEP X X X 000 4. Brian Stanton Houston X OOX X 000 5. Ken Glover East. Ky. X OX OOX 6. Mark Davenport Utah X X 000 Paul Souza Perm St. X X 000 8. Ben Lucero Missouri OX X 000 9. Mark Norman Northwood COX ox 000 10. Thomas Eriksson Lamar OX 000 11. Greg Seay Oklahoma OOX ooo Brent Harken Wash. St. pass pass Jim Howard Texas A&M 000 000 • # New NCAA Meet record. ooo Old record 7-5%, Leo Williams (Navy), Datroit,MI 1981 # 22, March 13, 1982 NCAA TRACK TWO MILE RELAY FINAL V^i/ 1. Richmond 7:24.48 *** Edwin Koech 1:53.9, Julian Spooner 1:51.6, Phil Norgate 1:49.6, Sosthenes Bitok 1:49.2 2. Arizona State 7:25.28 Eddie Davis 1:52.3, Pete Richardson 1:49.7, Michael Schwarz 1:52.5, Pete Quinonez 1:50.6 3. Villanova 7:25.96 John BOrgese 1:54.7, Mike England 1:52.5, Marcus O'Sullivan 1:50.7, Ross Donoghue 1:48.0 4. Tennessee 7:28.38 Basil McGee 1:55.6, Mark Patrick 1:50.8, AL Harden 1:50.5, David Patrick 1:51.5 5. Wisconsin 7:29.03 Jack Hoffman 1:54.0, Chris Deakin 1:51.8, Rick Rurriff 1:51.4, Joe Kapheim 1:51.8 6. Western Michigan 7:30.60 Mike Fowler 1:56.5, Gordon Mcintosh 1:52.0, Kurt Leichty 1:51.2, Jack Mcintosh 1:50.7 7. Princeton 7:30.79 Brad Rowe 1:54.9, Johan Bettum 1:53.0, Mark Voit 1:51.3, Jack Fonss 1:51.5 8. Texas Christian 7:34.85 David Nix 1:55.6, William Johnson 1:53.7, Russell Graves 1:52.3, Jim Jeffrey 1:53.1 *** NCAA meet record; old record, 7:25.7, Kansas, at Detroit, 1970 TRIPLE JUMP FINAL 1. Keith Connor Southern Methodist TRIALS FINALS 16.08/52-9 16.61/54-6 foul 16.84/55-3 2. Joseph Tawio Washington State 3. Ed Lloyd Louisiana State 4. Michael Conley Arkansas 5. 6. 7. 8. David McFadgen David Siler Al Joyner Francis Alston Virginia State Tennessee Arkansas State C.W. Post >%^/ 16.22 15.75 foul 15.89 15.62 pass 15.60 15.93 15.85 15.81 16.01 foul 15.52 15.68 15.76 15.39 15.50 15.78 15.72 16.52/54-2% foul 16.17 16.30 16.65/54-7% 15.27 16.43/53-11 foul 15.61 16.37/53-8% 15.96 15.51 16.35/53-7 3/4 16.28 15.73 15.93 16.14/52-11% 15.63 foul 15.85/52-0 foul 15.79/51-9 3/4 15.76 15.47 foul Deon Mayfield (Arizona State) Eddie Loyd (Mid. Tenn. St.) foul 15.39 15.50/50-10* foul 15.70/51-6* 15.63 Gary Milton (Wash. State) foul 15.31 FcuF51-8 i§:§3/5i-i Henry Ellard (Fresno St.) 23. March 13, 1982 NCAA TRACK FINAL TEAM STANDINGS 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. Texas El Paso Arkansas Villanova Southern Methodist Tennessee 67 30 28 24 23 Washington State 7. Houston" 8. Indiana 9. Mississippi Valley 10. Kansas State 11 Rhode Island Mid. Tennessee State 13. Richmond 14. Iowa State Southern Cal Texas A&M Alabama Oklahoma State Kansas 22 20 18 16 14 14 12 10 Ohio State Illinois Oklahoma 9 8 Murray State Arizona State Auburn 31. Texas 7 32. Louisiana State 6 Brigham Young Maryland-Eastern Shore Princeton 36. Providence 37. Florida State Seton Hall Baylor Clemson 44. Eastern Michigan 5 4 2 S.E. Missouri St. Western Kentucky Eastern Kentucky Virginia State 49. Pittsburgh 1 Fresno State McNeese State Rice Western Michigan Kentucky Texas Tech Drake Southern Illinois Utah Georgetown 3 Wisconsin 58. Penn State Texas-Arlington 25. Fairleigh-Dickinson 26o Morgan State Michigan 42. Georgia 1/2