Service Satisfaction Survey Please provide us with your preferred email address: Pat Sample 123 Any Street Anytown, AN 43615-6780 !436156780458! If you have any corrections to your name or address, please call our Customer Communications Centre: 1-800-263-3777 or email us through our web site: PRIVACY: At General Motors of Canada Limited (“GM Canada”), we respect your privacy and value our relationship with you. Your personal information will be protected, will never be sold, and will be used only by GM Canada, our affiliates, dealers/retailers, and service suppliers (only to provide services). Our goal is to enhance your product and service experience with us. By submitting this personal information to us, you are consenting to its use and disclosure for the following purposes: Dear Pat Sample: Our records indicate that you had your <2009 Silverado serviced at Hometown Motors on September 1, 2009>. Our goal is for you to be completely satisfied. Please take a few minutes to complete both sides of this questionnaire about our dealership’s personnel and services. If you prefer, you can respond to this survey online by going to and entering your personal User ID: xxxxx and Password: xxxxxxxx. If you choose to respond online, please do not return this survey by mail. Your timely response is very important to us and will be used to direct our continued efforts toward meeting the highest expectations of our customers. Meeting safety, security, legal and regulatory requirements Providing you with general marketing, product, service and business partner information and offers Conducting market analysis Maintaining the accuracy of our records to respond to your inquiries and provide you with warranty or other customer service communications, and otherwise manage our relationship with you Thank you for having your vehicle serviced at Hometown Motors. Satisfying other reasonable, legitimate business interests (such as collecting outstanding debts) 10 M /1 PL 7/ E 08 Sincerely, If you do not wish to receive notice of special offers or other marketing information, or if you would like to receive only certain types of communications from us, please let us know. Please contact us at 1-800-GM-DRIVE (1-800-4637483) or through our Web site at John R. Bailey General Director - Service and Parts Operations Instructions Please use a dark pen or pencil (preferably black) when filling out this survey. Please check this box if you no longer own/lease this 2005 Impala, and return the questionnaire. ** PLEASE HAVE THE PERSON WHO TOOK THIS VEHICLE IN FOR SERVICE ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2006, COMPLETE THIS SURVEY. ** About Your Dealership’s Service Department Completely Very Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied SA 1. How satisfied were you with the convenience of the Service Department’s hours?................................................................................... Yes No 2. Were services available to you on both an appointment and non-appointment basis?.............................................................................. Does Not Apply/Not Required Somewhat Satisfied Not At All Satisfied Don’t Know 3. When arriving for service, were you greeted promptly?.............................. Completely Very Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied 4. How satisfied were you that all dealership personnel treated you in a courteous, fair, and professional manner?.................................... Not At All Satisfied About Your Service Consultant/Advisor Completely Very Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied 5. How satisfied were you that your Service Consultant took enough time to thoroughly understand your service request?..................... Yes No Does Not Apply/Not Required Not At All Satisfied Don’t Know 6. Were you offered transportation options?.................................................... Completely Very Somewhat Not At All Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied 7. How satisfied were you that you were kept informed about the status of your service request?............................................................. Yes No Does Not Apply/Not Required No Time Promised 8. Was your vehicle ready by the original time promised?.............................. 99999999999999999 99999 21336000274 99999999999 Please complete other side 999999 2311 CSI 020690 About Your Service Consultant/Advisor (continued) Completely Very Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied 9. How satisfied were you with the explanation you were given of all services performed?................................................................. Somewhat Satisfied Not At All Satisfied 10. Overall, how satisfied were you with your Service Consultant?............................................................................................... About Service Delivery 11. When you picked your vehicle up, how satisfied were you with: Completely Very Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not At All Satisfied The time it took to complete the transaction?........................................ The ease of getting your vehicle?.......................................................... The condition in which it was returned?................................................ 12. Were ALL of your service concerns corrected on this service visit?........... No 10 M /1 PL 7/ E 08 Yes IF NO, why not? (check all that apply) Condition explained - repair not necessary Work performed did not correct the problem Service Department could not duplicate problem Service Department was too busy Parts not available I declined repair Other (please specify) Don’t know Completely Very Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Not At All Satisfied Satisfied 13. How satisfied are you that your vehicle was fixed right on this service visit?.................................................................................... Yes 14. Were you given a copy of the completed repair order/invoice?.................. SA 15. Were you contacted shortly after this service visit to determine your satisfaction with the dealership’s service?.......................................... No Yes No Don’t Know/ Not Sure Summing Up Your Experience Completely Very Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied 16. Based on this service visit, overall, how satisfied are you with Hometown Motors?........................................................................... Somewhat Satisfied Not At All Satisfied Probably Not Definitely Not Definitely Would Probably Would Might/ Might Not 17. Would you recommend this dealership for service?............................. Completely Very Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied 18. Overall, how satisfied are you with your 2005 Impala?............................................................................. 19. Are you… 20. Your age… Male Female Under 25 25 - 34 Somewhat Not At All Satisfied Satisfied 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 Yes 21. May we include your name when providing this survey information to your dealership? 65 or older No 22. Do you have any other comments/recommendations about Hometown Motors? If you have an issue with your vehicle or a concern requiring immediate attention, we encourage you to first contact your dealer. If further assistance is required, please call the GM of Canada Customer Communications Center: 1-800-263-3777; or e-mail us through our web site: Thank You!! Your opinions will help us serve you better. Please return this questionnaire in the self-addressed, postage-paid envelope to: GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, PO Box 712 STN A, Windsor ON N9A 6N4 99999999999999999 99999 21336000274 999999 2312