CSPS First Aid Steps - Afghanistan: A Canadian Story

CSPS First Aid Steps
Note Time
Are there any dangers to myself or the casualty?
Mechanism of injury?
Any others injured?
Major bleeding?
Angulated fractures?
Casualties skin colour?
Casualties physical and emotional responsiveness? APVU?
Approach face to face
I am a Canadian Ski Patroller, trained in first aid. May I help you?
Where does it hurt? Please do not move until I have checked you for injuries.
I am going to hold your head to remind you not to move and prevent further injury.
What is your name?
Do you remember what happened? When did it happen?
Can you take a deep breath? How did that feel?
Do you hurt anywhere else? Have you had this before?
Do you have any pain or tingling in your neck or back?
Can you wiggle your toes and fingers?
With free hand examine the neck
AIRWAY - is the casualties airway open and clear?
BREATHING - Check the casualty's (10 sec) PRESENCE AND QUALITY of respiration. LOOK
LISTEN and FEEL. Consider use of O if deemed necessary.
CIRCULATION - Are pulses present? (10 sec) What is the quality of pulse at neck and wrist?
What is the colour, temperature and moistness of the skin?
DISABILITIES - LOC (level of conciousness) APVU (Alert, Verbl, Pain, Unresponsive) Spinal
functions intact?
NECK - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations - Burns,
Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability Crepitus)
CHEST - Look for DCAPP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations, Paradoxical
Motions - Burns, Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus) Subcutaneous Emphysema)
ABDOMEN - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations - Burns,
Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TRGDE (Tenderness, Rigidity, Guarding, Distension, Evisceration)
PELVIS - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations - Burns,
Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus)
FEMURS - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations - Burns,
Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus)
BACK - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations - Burns,
Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus)
Check chief complaint (do PMS - Pulse, Motor, Sensory - if extremity, neck or back)
Load and Go?
Stay and Stabilize?
Communicate Severity of injury and need for toboggan, oxygen, splints, AED, EMS.
Treat any life threatening conditions found in the Primary Assessment.
Vitals (Time Pulse Respiration Pupils Skin Pain,LOC,Blood Pressure)
Time - record time - vital!
CSPS First Aid Steps
Pulse - check and record RATE and QUALITY of the pulse for 10 to 15 seconds
Respiration - check and record RATE and QUALITY of the casualty's respiration for 10 to 15
Pupils - Check and record SIZE, REACTION, and EQUALITY of pupils
Skin - Check and record the COLOUR, TEMPERATURE and MOISTNESS of the skin.
Pain - record the pain level - out of 10 (0 no pain and 10 being worst ever) for each injury if
multiple injuries (use OPQRST - onset, provokes pain, quality of pain, radiating, severity, time - if
condition requires it.
LOC - level of consciousness - Check and record APVU
Blood Pressure - >80 wrist, >70 femoral, > 60 carotid.
Record basic information - patients name, contact, time
HEAD TO TOE EXAM (check for bleeding, wetness throughout)
HEAD - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations - Burns,
Lacerations, Swelling) Battle signs, Racoon Eyes, Fluid in Ears, Nose.
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus) Check mouth.
NECK - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations - Burns,
Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus)
CHEST - Look for DCAPP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations, Paradoxical
Motions - Burns, Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus) Subcutaneous Emphysema)
ABDOMEN - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations - Burns,
Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TRGDE (Tenderness, Rigidity, Guarding, Distension, Evisceration)
PELVIS - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations - Burns,
Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus)
LOWER EXTREMITIES - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions,
Penetrations - Burns, Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus) Check for PMS (Pulse, Motor, Sensory)
UPPER EXTREMITIES - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions,
Penetrations - Burns, Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus) Check for PMS (Pulse, Motor, Sensory)
BACK - Look for DCAP - BLS (Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations - Burns,
Lacerations, Swelling)
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus)
Medic Alert - Check throughout exam
Feel for TIC (Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus)
Gather important history thorughout the exam
VITALS (TPRPSP,LOC,BP) - second set, compare to first set and note any change to condition of
Check vitals every 5 minutes for the first 15 minutes then every ten minutes thereafter.