Emergency Medical Responder Courses Kelowna BC Sample

Frontline First Aid
EMR Scenario Examples
Not every student needs to perform every scenario…but the class as a whole should be exposed to these ideas by the end of the course.
Examples supplement the simpler scenarios used to introduce new ideas. Instructors should gauge class readiness on a case by case basis
Course Type:
Start Date:
Instructors initial scenarios as they are completed…
CPR-AED Scenarios
CPR with Hypothermia – Load and Go
CPR with Obstructed Airway – Continue CPR after airway clears with NO obvious signs of life
Witnessed CPR – AED immediately
Unwitnessed CPR – AED immediately
3 consecutive No-Shocks – consider CPR on the move
Diabetic Scenarios
Unresponsive Hypoglycemic – transport equipment delayed…administer first glucogel on-scene
Unresponsive Hypoglycemic – Load and go…then administer first glucogel enroute
Conscious Hypoglycemic acting drunk
Unresponsive Hyperglycemic – friend thinks they need Insulin
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www.frontlinefirstaid.ca | 250-470-0205 | training@frontlinefirstaid.ca
Frontline First Aid
EMR Scenario Examples
Not every student needs to perform every scenario…but the class as a whole should be exposed to these ideas by the end of the course.
Examples supplement the simpler scenarios used to introduce new ideas. Instructors should gauge class readiness on a case by case basis
Chest Pain Scenarios
Chest Pains with Prescribed Nitro – transport equipment delayed…administer first spray on-scene
Chest Pains with Prescribed Nitro – Load and Go…then administer first spray enroute
Chest Pains with Prescribed Nitro and Hx of Viagra – Nitro Contraindicated
Chest Pains without Hx or Nitro Prescription – friend has Nitro and offers it; consider Entonox
Chest Pains with Prescribed Nitro – 3rd Nitro dose does not reduce pain; consider Entonox
Chest Pains with Prescribed Nitro – pain goes away after 3rd spray…comes back 15 minutes later
Chest Pains with Prescribed Nitro – Systolic BP 85 mmHg
Chest Pains with Allergy to ASA – ASA contraindicated
Entonox Administration Scenarios
Pneumothorax – Entonox considered but contraindicated
Flail Chest – Entonox considered but contraindicated
Burns – consider Entonox for pain
Smoke Inhalation with Burns – NRB 15 lpm; Entonox considered but contraindicated
Abdominal Evisceration – consider Entonox but contraindicated due to extreme Shock
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www.frontlinefirstaid.ca | 250-470-0205 | training@frontlinefirstaid.ca
Frontline First Aid
EMR Scenario Examples
Not every student needs to perform every scenario…but the class as a whole should be exposed to these ideas by the end of the course.
Examples supplement the simpler scenarios used to introduce new ideas. Instructors should gauge class readiness on a case by case basis
Airway and Respiration Scenarios
Asthma Attack – patient has their own medication but needs assistance
Anaphylaxis – patient has their own epi-pen but needs assistance
Conscious Respiratory Distress – inadequate respirations requiring Assisted Ventilations with BVM
Spinal patient with Respiratory Arrest – pulse present…Rescue Breathing with BVM using modified jaw thrust
Patient is Alert in Primary Survey – Becomes Unresponsive in Secondary Survey…attempt OPA
Patient rejects OPA – attempt NPA
Patient with Hx of CHF and SOB that worsens at night – position with legs dangling
Patient with Hx of CHF and SOB that worsens at night – Systolic BP 75 mmHg…position Supine
Unresponsive Spinal – begins vomiting after secured to spineboard
Responsive Spinal – becomes unresponsive after being secured to spineboard…attempt OPA / NPA without
removing collar
Stroke Scenarios
Suspected Stroke – inappropriate answers to questions
Suspected Stroke – One sided paralysis
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www.frontlinefirstaid.ca | 250-470-0205 | training@frontlinefirstaid.ca
Frontline First Aid
EMR Scenario Examples
Not every student needs to perform every scenario…but the class as a whole should be exposed to these ideas by the end of the course.
Examples supplement the simpler scenarios used to introduce new ideas. Instructors should gauge class readiness on a case by case basis
Traction Splint Scenarios
Mid-Third Femur Fracture with stable vitals and minimal shock – complete Secondary on scene; and apply
Entonox and Traction Splint before transport
Mid-Third Femur Fracture with significant Shock – Load and go with simple stabilization…Traction Splint
Bilateral Femur Fractures – Load and Go with simple stabilization…Traction Splint enroute if Bi-lateral Splint
Limb Threatening Mid-third Tib-Fib fracture – Pulseless with Gross Deformity…attempt realignment as critical
intervention; pulse returns making this a stay and play
Lower-third Femur Fracture – Traction Splint with 5 lbs
Compound Tib-Fib Fracture – Traction Splint with 5 lbs
Mid-third femur amputation – direct pressure insufficient…bleeding controlled with Tourniquet
Extended entrapment under heavy object…wait for advanced care before lifting object off legs
Unresponsive patient with used needle in pocket…avoid puncture wound during RBS / Head to Toe
Agitated patient brandishes weapon mid-Primary survey – back away and await RCMP
Knife wound from assault – set weapon aside and avoid cutting clothes through knife hole
Pelvic Fracture – presume presence of internal bleeding and transport with minimal movement (Clamshell?)
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www.frontlinefirstaid.ca | 250-470-0205 | training@frontlinefirstaid.ca
Frontline First Aid
EMR Scenario Examples
Not every student needs to perform every scenario…but the class as a whole should be exposed to these ideas by the end of the course.
Examples supplement the simpler scenarios used to introduce new ideas. Instructors should gauge class readiness on a case by case basis
BC EMALB Licensing Scenarios
Patient found in shed doorway – signs of smoke inside…move patient as part of Scene Survey
Cardiac Arrest Patient with Hx of blast injury and fall…2nd Degree burns over 70% of body…signs of life after
2nd AED shock…transport with Spinal Precautions
High speed MVA patient still conscious in driver seat – severe chest pains with Hx of Heart Attack…rapid
transport with limited spinal immobilization
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www.frontlinefirstaid.ca | 250-470-0205 | training@frontlinefirstaid.ca