Specialization “Organic Food Quality and Marketing” I. Module: Ecological aspects of food and nutrition Responsible lecturer Prof. E. Rembiałkowska Other lecturers - Organic % 100 Methods % Lecture 50% and exercises 50% Relation to other modules This module is linked to module no 3, 6, 7 Requirements for participation none Language English ECTS 6 Frequency SS Semester Duration of the module: 1 Semester Exam Written test and sem. speech Work load 140 h (60 h contact time) Learning objectives and students’ qualifications To indicate the connections between nutrition, environment and health; to develop creative and interdisciplinary thinking; to develop skills enabling students to gather and integrate information and to solve problems; to develop awareness of global and local problems in organic crop production. Teaching format Lecture 50% and exercises 50% (33% field trip to org. farm, 47% laboratory exercises, 13% study visit in organic shops, 7% debate) Semester weekly hours 4 Contents Lectures’ topics: ¾ The role of organic food in pattern of proper nutrition ¾ Ecological criteria of food quality ¾ Analytical and holistic methods of food quality evaluation ¾ Quality of the plant organic foods – the aspects of health safety, nutritive, sensory and storage value ¾ Quality of the animal organic foods – the aspects of health safety, nutritive, sensory and storage value ¾ Impact of the organic diet on human and animal health ¾ Organic food production and trangenic food (GMO) ¾ Commodity of Polish organic foods (trade quality, labels and packages) ¾ Debates Practices’ topics: ¾ Commodity and sensory assessment of the selected raw plant materials from organic and conventional farming ¾ Commodity and sensory assessment of the selected plant products from organic and conventional farming ¾ Comparison of vitamin C and nitrates content in selected organic and conventional raw materials and products ¾ Comparison of polyphenols content in selected organic and conventional raw materials and products ¾ Field trip to organic farm ¾ Study visit in organic schops II. Module: Preventive nutrition Responsible lecturer Dr Sa’eed Bawa Other lecturers - Organic % 0 Methods % 100% lecture Relation to other modules This module is linked to module no 3 Requirements for participation none Language English ECTS 3 Frequency WS Semester Duration of the module: 1 Semester Exam Written test and sem. speech Work load 70 h (30 h contact time) Learning objectives and students’ qualifications To familiarize students with updated knowledge on the role of diet and nutrition as well as other environmental factors in the prevention of chronic diseases in different populations. Teaching format Lecture 100% Semester weekly hours 2 Contents This subject involves the delivery of lectures pertaining to areas such as diet-gene interactions in carcinogenesis, the importance of nutrient balance in the aetiology of obesity, promoting healthy lifestyle in Europe through the application of appropriate diets and physical activity. The need to propagate the production and use of functional foods to prevent dietrelated diseases. The role of modern civilization in the development of stress and blood pressure and the dietary measures to counteract its devastating impact on humans. Lectures pertaining to areas, such as: the role of eating a nutritious diet in promoting overall health, the importance of making physical activity as part of our daily routine (goals and benefits of physical activity) will also be delivered. The need to adopt healthful eating and exercise pattern as permanent habits, physical fitness, mental and social health as part of total wellness. III. Module: Nutrition and health promotion in the European Union Responsible lecturer Dr Sa’eed Bawa Other lecturers - Organic % 0 Methods % 100% lecture Relation to other modules This module is linked to module no 1, 2, 4, 5 Requirements for participation none Language English ECTS 3 Frequency WS Semester Duration of the module: 1 Semester Exam Written test and sem. speech Work load 70 h (30 h contact time) Learning objectives and students’ qualifications To familiarize students with updated knowledge on the role of diet and nutrition as well as other environmental factors in the prevention of chronic diseases in different populations. Teaching format Lecture 100% Semester weekly hours 2 Contents The subject focuses on nutrition in relation to health promotion in different countries of the European Union. Successes and consequent public health implications of national preventive nutrition strategies, not only in the European Union, but also in Westernizing nations are going to be discussed. The role of various types of health promotion campaigns in reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases is highlighted. Reasonably successful community projects for tackling diet-related diseases e.g. “North Karelia Project” a region of eastern Finland with exceptionally high rate of heart diseases are examined. The possibilities of the adoption of some regional “healthy” diets, such as the Mediterranean Diet in reducing the burden of noncommunicable diseases are going to be discussed. IV. Module: Food Hygiene Responsible lecturer Prof. Danuta Kolozyn-Krajewska Other lecturers dr Malgorzata Jalosińska, dr Katarzyna Kajak-Siemaszko Organic % 0 Methods % 25% lecture, 50% practice and 25% tutorial Relation to other modules This module is linked to module no 3 Requirements for participation none Language English ECTS 4 Frequency WS Semester Duration of the module: 1 Semester Exam Written test and sem. speech Work load 90 h (40 h contact time) Learning objectives and students’ qualifications To define terms “hygiene” and “food hygiene”. To discuss types of food contamination and its prevention, general hygiene rules and pest control. To define the term “food-borne illness. To discuss main sources of biological contamination and principal food-borne infections. To outline the industrial treatment of raw and processed foods. To assess effectiveness of common cooking and food-holding methods used in food production, in controlling contamination and growth. To set down hygiene standards for personnel. To discuss how these standards can be achieved through the selection, training, motivation, monitoring and support of staff. To identify possible operational strategies for the management of food hygiene. Teaching format Lecture 25%, practice 50% and tutorial 25% Semester weekly hours 2-3 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Food hygiene and general hygiene Food-borne infections Food processing and cooking Food hygiene and the management of personnel Food hygiene strategy and assurance V. Module: Sociology of Nutrition Responsible lecturer Dr hab. M. Jeżewska-Zychowicz Other lecturers Dr Magdalena Pilska Organic % 0 Methods % 75% lecture, 25% exercises Relation to other modules This module is linked to module no 3, 7 Requirements for participation none Language English ECTS 4 Frequency SS Semester Duration of the module: 1 Semester Exam Written test and sem. speech Work load 90 h (40 h contact time) Learning objectives and students’ qualifications To indicate the connections between food, culture, life style and behaviors in the nutritional sphere; to develop creative and interdisciplinary thinking; to develop skills enabling students to gather and integrate information and to solve problems; to develop awareness of global and local problems in food related life style. Teaching format Lecture 75%, exercises 25% Semester weekly hours 2-3 Contents The aim of this subject is to present the selected aspects of food and nutrition in social perspective. These aspects are as follows: Food patterns – origins and development from Medieval Times through the 19th century. Nutritional attitudes and behaviors – origins and ways of changing. Social, cultural and psychological factors determining nutritional attitudes and behaviors. Food in various religions and cultures. Social functions of food. Social consequences of food surpluses and shortages. Chronic hunger and malnutrition. Social aspects of catering business. Food preferences – origin and role in determining nutritional behaviors. Social aspects of obesity. Nutritional education – sources of nutritional knowledge. VI. Module: Organic production and processing Responsible lecturer Dr Urszula Soltysiak Other lecturers - Organic % 100 Methods % 75% lecture, 25% exercises Relation to other modules This module is linked to module no1, 7 Requirements for participation none Language English ECTS 4 Frequency SS Semester Duration of the module: 1 Semester Exam Oral test, written test and sem. speech Work load 90 h (40 h contact time) Learning objectives and students’ qualifications Major legal schemes, their requirements and trade barriers in organic marketing will be discussed, as well as consumer point of view on political barriers. Importance of multiple certification will be pointed. The need of requirement harmonization will be major topic. Teaching format 75% lecture, 25% exercises Semester weekly hours 2-3 Contents Principles of organic farming and processing emerged in seventies as voluntary schemes, further systemized as basic standards, by International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements. Growing market demand for organic products resulted also in supply of pseudo-organic goods. To prevent such frauds certain governments initiated legislation steps in eighties. However, globalization process showed a need of international requirements. In nineties three important legal acts were laid down: European regulation 2092/91, American Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 and Codex Alimentarius Guidelines (1999). Currently over 70 countries adopted legal frameworks for organic food production and processing. Generally close, they belong to different jurisdictions, so international trade is not a simple export. The new EU regulation, binding from 2009, extent the scope of organic certification. Certification to respective legal standard is a key requirement to place organic products onto a market. VII. Module: Markets and Marketing of Organic Food Responsible lecturer Dr Sylwia Żakowska-Biemans (Department of Organization and Consumption Economics) Other lecturers --- Organic % 100% Methods % Lectures 70% and case study 30% Relation to other modules This module is linked to module no 1, 5, 6 Requirements for participation Basic knowledge in marketing on BSc level Language English ECTS 6 Frequency WS Semester Duration of the module: 1 Semester Exam written exam (70%) + case study and presentation (30%) Workload 140 h (60 h contact time) Learning objective and student qualification The students will gain a deep insight into it how organic markets function and develop within Europe and worldwide in a cross cultural context. The course will provide a better understanding of multifaceted factors that affect consumers food choices in relation to organic food. The students will better understand consumers’ perception, motivation, attitudes and values underlying organic food choices. They will get acquainted with practices in organic food marketing and will be able to translate and apply principles and concepts into concrete applications. Teaching format Lectures 70% and case study 30% Semester weekly hours 4 Module content Organic food markets in European Union countries and worldwide, international trade in organic products. Principles of consumer behaviour towards food, models of consumer and purchasing behaviour; contemporary trends in consumer food choices, food related lifestyle. Organic marketing concepts. Marketing communication. Trends in organic food marketing e.g. fair trade and organic, local marketing, sensory marketing. Case Studies in organic food marketing. The main aim is to teach concepts and principles of marketing and consumer behaviour, and to apply these to organic food sector. The course is structured into five main themes covering developments in organic markets, changing consumer expectations with respect to food choice as well as factors impacting on this decision-making process through marketing management activities within the organic sector. Selected organic marketing concepts will be analyzed. Case studies in organic marketing will support students to link with the marketing practice. It is envisaged to illustrate theoretical concepts in discussions with invited guest speakers from the organic food industry.