BIOL 122 Biological Science II - University of South Carolina Aiken

BIOL 122 (4 credit hours)
FALL 2014
Course Policies, Procedures, and
Section 001: Tues and Thurs 10:50-12:05
And LAB with Dr. Zelmer Wed 9-11:40
Meeting Place:
Lecture: SBDG 107
Lab: SBDG 103
Instructor: Dr. Virginia Shervette
Office Location: SBDG 219A
Office Hours: Weds by appointment
Phone: 803.641.3605
Required Text: CAMPBELL BIOLOGY IN FOCUS published by Pearson
Lab manual: Biology Laboratory Manual, Department of Biology & Geology (Required-provided as pdfs that you
have to print out and put in your lab notebook)
A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory, Van de Graff & Crawley (Required)
LAB SUPPLIES: Contact Dr. Zelmer for the lab supply requirements
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Biological principles and concepts from the tissue through ecosystem levels of
organization including evolutionary processes.
 To acquaint students with biological principles associated with multicellularity, development, phylogeny,
ecology and evolution.
 To acquaint students with the anatomical organization of organisms to include tissue, organs, and systems and
their functions.
 To trace the development of organisms.
 To trace the phylogeny of organisms.
 To acquaint students with the behavior and ecology of organisms.
STUDENT COMPETENCY STATEMENTS: By the end of this course the student will have demonstrated the
ability to:
 Discuss biological principles and topics of historical and current interest and importance.
 Describe the biological processes that operate at the multicellular levels to include histological, organismal,
population, community and ecosystem levels of organization.
 Apply theoretical concepts in the laboratory by following a written procedure.
METHODS OF PRESENTATION: This course will consist of lectures by the instructors, lecture videos,
classroom discussion, and group and individual laboratory exercises. The instructors will utilize appropriate
modes of visual aids and laboratory equipment.
METHODS OF EVALUATION: Achievement of course objectives will be evaluated by lecture exams, laboratory
reports, notebooks, quizzes and exams, and a final comprehensive exam.
The lecture will count for 50% and the lab for 45% of the final course grade. However, you must receive a
passing grade in lab to pass the class.
Grades in the course will be determined as follows:
10% - weekly laboratory quizzes
15% - lab notebook (5%) + lab assignments (10%)
10% - laboratory reports
10% - laboratory exams
45% - lecture quizzes
5% - presentation on current events (will discuss this in class)
5% - lecture participation
See the course schedule below for dates of lecture quizzes and current event activities.
See Dr. Zelmer for dates relating to the lab schedule.
1. This is a survey course and covers a great deal of material! The text is good and can help explain lecture
material you may not fully understand. I will not cover all of the text in class, but you will understand
lectures better if you read the assigned text sections before you come to class, and you will do better on tests
if you keep up with the reading. In addition, I will provide information in lecture that will supplement your
text. You will be expected to know this additional material for lecture quizzes, so it is imperative that you
attend lectures to do well in this class.
2. The lab is heavily scheduled and you will be expected to stay for the entire period.
3. You will be expected to have read all laboratory exercises and the accompanying text references before
attending labs. You must bring both your laboratory manual and your text to the laboratory.
4. No make-up exams will be given for missed lecture quizzes except under extreme situations (see your Student
Handbook). There will be no opportunity to make up missed lab quizzes or exams unless it can be
arranged during another lab period during the week the absence occurred.
5. Students are expected to attend lectures. Pop quizzes may be given periodically to encourage attendance. In
addition, 75% attendance in lab is required. You cannot get a passing grade in lab with more than two
absences and you cannot pass the course if you do not pass the lab.
6. You are strongly encouraged to make appointments with your instructor if you are having problems in the
course. You may make an appointment or drop in if I am not busy with another student.
7. Upon prior approval, you will be allowed to use an electronic device to record lectures if the recording device
is placed at the front lecture desk.
8. If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability which might affect your performance in this
class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, 134 B&E, (803) 643-6816, as soon as possible. The
Disabilities Services Office will determine appropriate accommodations based on documentation.
HONOR CODE: In our hearts we know that cheating is wrong. It is the responsibility of every student at the
University of South Carolina Aiken to adhere steadfastly to truthfulness and to avoid dishonesty, fraud, or deceit of
any type in connection with any academic program. Any student who violates this Honor Code or who knowingly
assists another to violate this Honor Code shall be subject to discipline.
By signing your name to an assignment, quiz, or test you are acknowledging that you will adhere to The Honor Code
at USCA. This class is designed to benefit you, the student. Please do not allow yourself to succumb to any form
of cheating. Suspicion of cheating will be reported automatically to Academic Integrity. Cheating on an Exam will
result in an F in the course.
21 Aug
26 Aug
28 Aug
2 Sep
4 Sep
9 Sep
11 Sep
16 Sep
18 Sep
23 Sep
25 Sep
30 Sep
2 Oct
7 Oct
9 Oct
14 Oct
16 Oct
21 Oct
23 Oct
28 Oct
30 Oct
4 Nov
6 Nov
11 Nov
13 Nov
18 Nov
20 Nov
25 Nov
27 Nov
2 Dec
4 Dec
12 Dec
8 am
Lecture Period
Homework to complete before next class
Introduction to Class; Ch 1 Intro to
Evolution and Foundations
Take Quiz on Ch 1
Take Quiz on Ch 20
Take quizzes on Ch 21
Watch documentary Galapagos
Take quiz on Ch 22
Class Discussion and Review Ch 23
Take quiz on Ch 23
Class Discussion and Review Ch 24
Take quiz on Ch 24
Class Discussion and Review Ch 25
Take quiz on Ch 25
Class Discussion and Review Ch 26
Take quiz on Ch 26
Class Discussion and Review Ch 27
Take quiz on Ch 27
Class Discussion and Review Ch 28
Take quiz on Ch 28
No Class - Fall Break
In-class lecture on Ch 30
Take quiz on Ch 30
Class Discussion and Review Ch 36
No class – Election Day
In-class lecture on Ch 40
Take quiz on Chs 36 and 40
In-class lecture on Ch 41
Take quiz on Ch 41
In-class lecture on Ch 42
Take quiz on Ch 42
In-class lecture on Ch 43
Take quiz on Ch 43 and Class
1. Read Ch 1 and study for quiz on 26 Aug
2. Watch online lecture video for Ch 20 Phylogeny
Study Ch 20
Watch online lecture for Ch 21 Evolution of Populations
Watch online lecture video for Ch 22 Origin of Species
Study Ch 22 and notes from documentary
Watch online lecture for Ch 23 Broad Patterns of Evolution
Study Ch 23
Watch lecture video on Ch 24 Broad Patterns of Evolution
Quizzes that will be done
during Class
Pre-test for Biology Majors
Quiz on Ch 1
Quiz on Ch 20
Quiz on Ch 21
Quiz on Ch 22
Quiz on Ch 23
Watch video Ch 25 Origin and Diversification of Eukaryotes
Quiz on Ch 24
Watch lecture video on 26 Plants and Fungi
Quiz on Ch 25
Watch lecture video on Ch 27 Rise of Animal Diversity
Quiz on Ch 26
Watch lecture video on Ch 28 Plant Structure and Growth
Quiz on Ch 27
Read Ch 30 Reproduction and Domestication
Study for Ch 30 quiz; Read Ch 36
Watch lecture video on 36 Reproduction and Development
Quiz on Ch 28
Study Ch 36
Quiz on Ch 30
Read Ch 40 Population Ecology
Study Chs 36 and 40 for quizzes next week
Read Ch 41 Distribution or Organisms
Study for Ch 41 Quiz
Read Ch 42 Ecosystems and Energy
Study Ch 42
Read Ch 43 Global Ecology and Conservation Biology
Study Ch 43 and finalize presentation
Quiz on Chs 36 and 40
Quiz on Ch 41
Quiz on Ch 42
Quiz on Ch 43
Biological Science II
Fall 2014
BIOL 122 Lab
Lab Instructor: Dr. Derek Zelmer
Phone: 641-3472
Office: SBDG 101C
SBDG 103
Urry, L.A., M.L. Cain, S.A. Wasserman, P.V. Minorsky, R.B. Jackson, and J.B. Reece.
2014. Campbell: Biology in focus. Pearson, 905 pp. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO BRING
Lab Manuals: Van de Graff, K.M., and J.L. Crawley. 2005. A photographic atlas for the biology
laboratory. 5th Edition. Morton Publishing Co., Englewood, CO. 264 pp.
Biology 122 laboratory manual. USCA, Aiken, SC.
Presentation: This course will consist of lectures by the instructors, classroom discussion, and group and
individual laboratory exercises. The instructors will utilize appropriate modes of visual aids and
laboratory equipment.
Evaluation: Achievement of course objectives will be evaluated by laboratory reports, quizzes and
See the course schedule below for dates of lab exams.
Guidelines (apply to lecture and lab for Dr. Zelmer):
This is a survey course that covers a great deal of material! The textbook should be used to
review lecture material before coming to class, and to help explain lecture material you might
not fully understand while reviewing after class.
Expect to stay in lab for the entire period.
You will be expected to have read all laboratory exercises and the accompanying text
references BEFORE attending labs. You must bring both your laboratory manuals and your
text to the laboratory.
No make-up exams will be given for missed lecture quizzes except under extreme situations (see
your Student Handbook). There will be no opportunity to make up missed lab quizzes or exams.
Students are expected to adhere to the University attendance policy as stated in the Student
Handbook. In addition, 75% attendance in lab is required. You will not get a passing grade in lab
with more than two absences, and you will not pass the course if you do not pass the lab.
You are strongly encouraged to make appointments with your instructor if you are having problems in
the course. Office hours will be posted on my office door. Please drop by my office if you have
questions or are having difficulty in class or for any other reason. You may make an appointment or
drop in if I am not busy with another student. If my office hours conflict with your schedule, we can
make arrangements to meet at another time during the week.
Cheating, plagiarism, and other activities that can be reasonably considered as dishonest will
result in a failing grade for the course and, forwarding of the matter to the University Judicial
Plagiarism essentially is the theft of ‘intellectual property’ through an intentional attempt to
present another’s ideas or work as your own, or through an unintentional omission of credit. If
you are uncertain as to what plagiarism entails, please review the laboratory report guidelines and
discuss it with me.
You will be expected to endorse the following HONOR PLEDGE on exams and assignments:
"On my honor as a University of South Carolina at Aiken student, I have neither given nor
received any unauthorized aid of this assignment/examination. To the best of my knowledge I am
not in violation of academic honesty."
It is the instructor’s right to remove from the classroom any student who disrupts or disturbs the
proceeding of the class. Disruption of the class includes but is not limited to the use of any
portable electronic devices, including cell phones, MP3 players; iPods, etc. unless prior approval
has been given to a student or unless required for the course. In extreme cases the faculty
member can request assistance from University Police. If the student who has been ejected
causes similar disturbances in subsequent meetings of the class, he/she may be denied admittance
to the class for the remainder of the semester and assigned a grade of F.
The use of any portable electronic devices, including cell phones, pagers, MP3 players, iPods,
etc., during class is not allowed for any reason unless prior approval has been given to a student
from the instructor or unless required for the course. If you are planning to have any of these
devices in class, they must be turned off and stowed away for the duration of the class period. If
you use a portable electronic device during a test, quiz, or other assessment, you are eligible to
receive a failing grade on that assignment. 10)
If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability which might affect your performance in
this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, 126A B&E, (803) 641-3609, as soon as
possible. The Disabilities Services Office will determine appropriate accommodations based on medical
Scientific Method/SA:volume ratios
Microscopy, Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Mitosis and Meiosis
Plant Diversity
* Group Project I initiated
Monocots & Dicots; Plant Tissues
Flowers, Fruits and Seeds
Lab Practical Exam I
Animal Development
* Group Project II initiated
Animal Phylogeny I
Animal Phylogeny II
Vertebrate Tissues, Form & Function
* Group Project II completed
Lab Practical Exam II
In your natural handwriting copy out the following statement in the space provided below:
I have read the BIOL 122 syllabus and understand the policies on lecture, lab, grading,
exams, attendance, quizzes, honor code, and cheating. I have also read and understand the
additional course information. While physically attending this class, I will act in a manner
that is respectful to me, other students, the professor, and guest speakers.
Write out statement below:
Signature: _________________________________
Name printed:_______________________________
Date: ______________________
*You will not receive credit for this course until you have completed and turned in this acknowledgement.