Risk Assessment as
SAP EH&S Core Process
Wolfgang Bock
SAP EH&S Application Solution Manager
Your presenter and contact person
Wolfgang Bock
Product manager for the areas of SAP EH&S Industrial Hygiene and Safety, and
for Occupational Health and SAP contact person for the DSAG EH&S user group
for the last 5 years.
Before that, he worked for about 10 years at the German Occupational Institute
for Safety and Health (Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit
in St. Augustin) after studying Environmental Science at the University of
 SAP AG 2003, EAGOSH 06.04.2004 – Risk Assessment as SAP EH&S Core Process
SAP EH&S - Overview
Risk Assessment – The Challenges
Risk Assessment – The SAP EH&S Solution
Risk Assessment – Other integrated Scenarios
Customer Statements and Conclusion
SAP EH&S Positioning
SAP EH&S offers comprehensive and complete business
solution for environment, health and safety management
Functional overview
Product Safety *
Hazardous Substance Management **
Dangerous Goods Management
Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Waste Management
Occupational Health
EH&S Analytics / EH&S Reporting
* for producers of hazardous substances
** for users of hazardous substances
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Substance /
One solution for all industries
SAP EH&S Realization of the legislations
Council Directive 89/391 of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to
encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work
Realization into country specific legislations:
• Germany: GefStoffV & ArbSchG und Betriebssicherheitsverordnung
• Austria: ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz (AschG)
• Great Britain: Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
• Netherlands: Arbeitsomstandighedenwet (1998)
• Belgium: Welzijnswet
• Italy: Decret 626/94, Decret 242
• Spain: Decreto Ley 31/1995
• Switzerland: Unfallversicherungsgesetz (UVG), Arbeitsgesetz (ArG)
• Portugal: Decreto-Lei 441/91 adapted by Decreto-Lei 133/99
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1970
 SAP AG 2003, EAGOSH 06.04.2004 – Risk Assessment as SAP EH&S Core Process
ERP 2004 Solution Map
mySAP ERP 2004
Self Services
Strategic Enterprise
Financial Analytics
Operations Analytics
Workforce Analytics
Financial Accounting
Management Accounting
Financial Supply Chain
Corporate Governance
Human Capital
Employee Life-Cycle
Employee Transaction
HCM Service Delivery
Workforce Deployment
Operations: Value
Inventory &
Sales Order
Customer Service
Operations: Support
Life-Cycle Data Management
Program & Project
Quality Management
Enterprise Asset Management
Corporate Services
Travel Management
Environment, Health & Safety
Incentive & Commission
Real Estate Management
 SAP AG 2003, EAGOSH 06.04.2004 – Risk Assessment as SAP EH&S Core Process
mySAP ERP – Risk Assessment related Functions
Environment, Health and Safety
Basic Data and
Product Safety
Management (S25)
Management (S25)
Management (S25)
Automatic Product
Calculation (S125)
Rule-Based MSDS
Authoring (S25)
EH&S Expert and
EH&S Easy Expert
Report Generation
and Report
Management (S25)
EH&S Web
Interface (S125)
Automatic MSDS
Generation (S25)
Global Label
Information System
Material Safety
Data Sheet
Shipping (S25)
EH&S Web
Interface (S125)
Global Label
Dangerous Goods
Dangerous Goods
Regulatory Data
Material Safety
Data Sheet Import
Dangerous Goods
Classification (S25)
Classification (S25)
Documents (S25)
Dangerous Goods
Checks (S25)
Dangerous Goods
Documents (S25)
Release of
Materials for
Purchasing (S25)
Inventory (S25)
Waste Management
Industrial Hygiene
Occupational Health
and Safety
Waste Basic Data
Management (S25)
Work Area Data
Management (S25)
Medical Service
(S25, S9)
Hazardous Waste
Permit (S25)
Work Area Pattern
Proposal List (S25,
Waste Disposal
Work Area
Integration (S25)
Scheduling (S25,
Waste Inventory
Management (S25)
Risk Assessment
Injury/Illness Log
(S25, S9)
Waste Costing
Management (S25)
Brief Consultation
(S125, S9)
Assignment (S25)
Vaccination (S125,
Management (S25,
mySAP Human
Questionnaire (S25,
Standard Operating
Procedure (S25)
Information System
Substance Tracking
IHS Information
System (S25)
Safety Measures
Health and Safety
Briefing (S25, S9)
Health Documents
(S25, S9)
Exposure Group
(S25, S9)
Medical Service
Accounting (S25,
S9, S8)
Reporting (S25, S9)
First-Aider Training
(S25, S9)
Site Inspection
SAP Component Available
Partner Product Available
SAP Component Available with Future Releases
Partner Product Available with Future Releases
Future Focus
Collaborative Business Map Available
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Cxx SAP Component
Pxx Partner Product
For more information about these products, please see the tables
at the end of this presentation.
SAP EH&S - Hazardous Substance Management
Enables safe handling and tracking of
hazardous substances that exist in
designated areas of the enterprise. It
tracks all incoming and outgoing inventory for
compliance management, proper storage,
handling and portfolio risk assessment(s).
Key Functionality
• Hazardous Substance Management
• Hazardous Substance Search
• Hazardous Material Exposure Log
• Procurement System Integration
Key Benefits:
Enables Material Master to hazardous substance
relationship for manufactured products.
• Supplier MSDS Management
• Validity Check of MSDS’s
Supports both enterprises that manufacture and
sell hazardous substances and those that use
hazardous substances they purchase.
• Internet / Intranet Integration and
Creates and maintains a hazardous materials
exposure log for the manufacturing site(s).
• Portal Integration & Management
Manages received MSDS’s and performs a
validity check comparing received to actuals for
procurement orders.
Enables substitute and alternative materials
search for manufacturing processes across
multiple sites.
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Process Support
• Report(s) Generator
Key Customers
Bayer Silicones, DSK, Fraport, Hella,
Infineon, Miele, Südzucker
SAP EH&S - Dangerous Goods Management
Manages dangerous goods storage,
transportation, movement, delivery,
compliance and reporting. Provides
planning tools for shipments, including TREM
Cards, Overpack Labels, Shipping Labels,
Transportation and Package management.
Key Benefits:
Reduces time and manual labor to collect and
summarize purchase, storage and usage
information on materials subject to regulatory
Eliminates delay in shipping material to
customers subject to regulatory reporting
Provides a base for customer-specific checks,
including DG checks, flexible reactions and
workflow in single system
Automatically checks algorithms and routines to
support expert users; also has walk-thru
assistance for non-experts
Centralizes DG information, enabling access
and information availability any time.
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Key Functionality
• Dangerous Goods (DG)
Classification using expert rules
• DG Master Data storage
• Management and Reporting for:
• Delivery Planning
• Shipment Processing
• TREM Cards
• Overpack and Shipping Labels
• Transportation Labels
• Package Management
• Multiple Language Support
• DG Compliance Processing
• Routing Management
• Flexible Reporting
Key Customers
Agfa, Aventis, Baerlocher, Boehringer,
Chemetall, Döhler, GE Bayer Silicones,
Goldschmidt, Degussa, Sasol,
SAP EH&S - Waste Management
Centralizes waste management;
integrating business processes, while
improving visibility, logistics, service
management, reporting and
• Waste Tracking & Compliance:
• Waste Manifest
• Consignment Note
• Transport Note
• Disposal Documents
• Lean Waste Management
Key Benefits:
Centralizes waste management enabling
easier tracking of material, compliance,
manifests, transporters and disposers.
Integrates scenarios improving business
processes, increase efficiency and
flexibility and lower total cost of
Integration with purchasing provides
visibility to vendor selection, pricing,
service levels, contracts, renewals and
Waste management partner integration
ensures visibility to transportation,
disposal and manifest completion
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Key Functionality
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• Validation with Dangerous Goods
• Integrated Business Scenarios
• Disposal Processing
• Lean Waste Management
• Integrated Waste Management
• Service Partner Collaboration
• Material Flow and Waste Quantity
Tracking (Area Allocation)
• Logistics Chain Management
• Integration with SAP Procurement
Key Customers
BP, Boehringer, Chemetall, Hella,
Ruhrgas, SIG Combibloc, Indaver
SAP EH&S - Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Provides capabilities for managing
industrial hygiene and safety; including
standard operating procedures, risk
assessment, incident/accident logs,
exposure profiles and compliance
Key Benefits:
Enables hygiene and safety tracking for
manufacturing personnel, including incident /
accident logs, risk assessment, site inspections,
injury / illness tracking, and exposure profiles.
Provides standard operating procedures and
guidelines for incidents, accidents, exposures
and manufacturing safety.
Measures health and safety incidents and
tracks governmental compliance reporting
Full integration with Occupational Health and
mySAP Human Resources systems.
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Key Functionality
• Standard Operating Procedures
• Risk Assessment
• Incident / Accident Log
• Injury / Illness Log
• Site Inspections & Surveys
• Health & Safety Briefing
• Exposure Profiles
• Documents, Checklists, SOPs
• Integration with Occupational
Health and mySAP HR systems
• Measurement Analytics
• Hazardous Substance Register
• Flexible Reporting
Key Customers
Aventis, BASF, Bayer, Bundeswehr, CN
Rail, City of Vancouver, DSK, Fraport,
Hirschvogel, Statoil, Miele, Südzucker
SAP EH&S - Occupational Health Management
Tracks enterprise health information;
enabling the identification of trends to
proactively address health concerns and
reduce risks for manufacturing
• Structuring of Medical Data
• Aggregate Personnel Data
• Health Surveillance
• Physical Examinations
• Medical Tests
• Health Process Workflows
• Notifications / Alerts
Key Benefits:
Centralizes access and maintenance of
enterprise personnel health data, including
exposure profiles, injury / illness logs, risk
ratings, medical service providers, safety
and process training.
Improves enterprise medical service
management; reducing costs and
increasing visibility to personnel health
trends. Monitors medical service costs;
identifying out of range data requiring
immediate examination.
Integrated with industrial hygiene and
leveraging functionality and ability to safety;
integrate data for greater visibility into
overall enterprise personnel health trends
and needs.
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Key Functionality
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• Scheduling for Medical Exams
• Medical Service Management
• Health Questionnaires
• Health Evaluation Tracking
• First-Aid Training
• Health Data Security
• Integrated Master Data
Key Customers
Bayer, Bayside Aluminium, DSK,
Eastman, Hunosa, Sasol, B.A.D, SAP
SAP EH&S - Overview
Risk Assessment – The Challenges
Risk Assessment – The SAP EH&S Solution
Risk Assessment – Other integrated Scenarios
Customer Statements and Conclusion
Risk Assessment – Ligitimate Questions
Do they need to
wear protective
clothing, -glasses,
-pair of shoes, a gas
mask or other PPE?
Which substances
are kept nearby the
work area?
Did the employees
follow the right
Did accidents
happen? If yes, were
measures taken?
What are the
Substances, sound,
airco, light or
physical heavy
Is there a fire
Have the necessary
preventive medical
check-ups been
carried out?
Which machines are used?
When will the next maintenance
take place? Are there any
possible dangers?
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What measures have
been taken for this
work area and what
measures are still
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Risk Assessment – What keeps IHS Experts up at night
To have no good answers on this
ligitimate questions because …
you always get boring secondhand
and …
you have no chance to spank the
colleagues when they fail!
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Risk Assessment – What lets IHS Experts rest easy
To have always the right answers
because …
you have real time access to every
information as an integrated part of the
ERP system,
and …
you have the chance to spank the
colleagues when they fail!
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SAP EH&S - Overview
Risk Assessment – The Challenges
Risk Assessment – The SAP EH&S Solution
Risk Assessment – Other integrated Scenarios
Customer Statements and Conclusion
Risk Assessment – Generic Process
1. Risk Determination and Analysis
2. Risk Assessment and Risk Rating
3. Safety Measures and Actions Tracking
4. Success Review and Documentation
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Risk Assessment – Process Step 1
1. Risk Determination and Analysis
Access to existing data, for example:
- Work area information
- Documents
- Questionnaire (checklist)
- Standard operation procedure
- Incidents/accidents
- Exposure Log
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Risk Assessment - Work area is the central object
and hierarchy
IHS Data
IHS Safety
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IHS Safety
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with related
SAP Objects
Risk Assessment – Process Step 2
2. Risk Assessment and Risk Rating
Possibility to differentiate the assessment:
- Different operation status (for example, maintenance)
- Agent-specific analysis methods
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IHS: Measurement Management
Planning of measurement projects
Control measurement
Indoor measurement
Continuous measurement
Measurement on grounds of pregnancy
Special measurement
Recording and evaluating measurement data
Usage of the EH&S specification database for agent-related data
Usage of work area to map the company structure
Usage of exposure log to generate measurement plans
Export and import of measurement data
Tracking of overexposures
Measurement reports and statistics
Measurement plans
Measurement reports
Log sheets
Personal monitoring reports
Excel statistics with the recorded measurement data
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Risk Assessment – Process Step 3
3. Protection Goals and Safety Measures
Standardized selection of protection goals
Safety measures:
- Technical, Organizational, and Person-related measures
- Integration with Plant Maintenance/Service Management
- Persons responsible
- Scheduling dates (for example, review date)
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Risk Assessment - Integration of IHS Safety Measures
Safety Measure
PM order
Status: Tasks opened
Status: Measures opened
Display modi
Execution of the
tasks in mySAP ALM
actual data
Status: Measures
Status: All tasks terminated
Status: PM order completed
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Risk Assessment – Process Step 4
4. Review and Documentation
Using the generic mySAP documentation and scheduling
Success reports via IHS information system:
- List of safety measures
- List of faults
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Risk Assessment - Personal exposure log
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SAP EH&S - Overview
Risk Assessment – The Challenges
Risk Assessment – The SAP EH&S Solution
Risk Assessment – Other integrated Scenarios
Customer Statements and Conclusion
Risk Assessment – SAP EH&S The Integrated Solution
With SAP R/3 Integration real time information from
Human Resource Management
Personal Master
Restrictions (Occupational Health)
Plant Maintenance / Service Management / Quality Management
Maintenance cycles
Safety Measures
Materials Management
Material Movements
Material Approval and ban
Substance Management
All IHS related substance information
Standard Operating Procedure
Document Management
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Risk Assessment - Purchasing Hazardous Material
Material quotation
Purchasing Officer
IHS Professional
Inquiry about material
Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) delivery
Substitute material check
Risk Assessment
Approval or ban of material
Place material purchase
Delivery of ordered material
Goods receipt and create
material master
Maintain data from MSDS and
release material
Create standard operating
procedures and reports
Create hazardous substance
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Risk Assessment - Accident Management
Health Center
ALM Department
Personal Department
IHS Professional
Recording of injury in the
health center
Start of
accident investigation and
risk assessment
Triggering of
safety measures
to ALM Dept.
Processing of
safety measures in ALM
accident report
Confirmation of
safety measures in ALM
Recording time data
in HR Dept.
Data access,
data recording, and
accident report
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accident report
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Risk Assessment – Health Surveillance Protocols
IHS Professional
Health Center
HR Department
Makes new
risk assessment
Determines new exposure
Transfers person
to new task
Runs proposal
Creates relevant medical
medical service
medical service
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Risk Assessment - Health & Safety Briefing
Compare profiles
and qualifications
Organize training
Trigger training
Prepare training
Follow-up actions,
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SAP EH&S - Overview
Risk Assessment – The Challenges
Risk Assessment – The SAP EH&S Solution
Risk Assessment – Other integrated Scenarios
Customer Statements and Conclusion
Why customers are choosing SAP EH&S?
Reasons for customers to choose SAP EH&S:
Software flexibility to meet plant, division and corporate needs.
Design and security flexibility to accommodate all levels of users.
Observed continuous improvement of SAP EHS suite capability to
address future EHS process improvement needs.
Data and processes have to be integrated with Corporate Enterprise
solution (SAP) to provide true EH&S business integration. Most 3rd party
EHS solutions could interface with SAP but could not truly integrate
within SAP
SAP EH&S provides capability for all EH&S media
SAP EH&S provides a companywide process unification through
central organization and local contact persons on site.
SAP EH&S ensures a sustainable advanced material data management.
SAP EH&S enables to track corrective and preventative actions.
SAP EH&S provides a strategic platform with long term and
sustainable perspectives compared with PC-solutions.
EH&S has an excellent EH&S-user group to voice wants and needs.
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Why customers are using SAP EH&S Risk Assessment
Advantages for IHS Experts
Direct access to SAP data, reducing the complexity of data inquiries, no
redundant data management
Comfortable and structured data determination: Risk assessment optional per
risk over all work areas or all risks per certain work area
Comprehensive analysis possibilities
Maintenance terms are kept automatically and can be used for preventive plant
Automated control of health surveillance protocols
Purchase integration secures an efficient Hazardous Substance Management
Worldwide standardization of methods and data, but can also be used locally
Multilingual working environment and data output
Industrial Hygiene and Safety and employee care become a strategic business
Advantages IT-Technics
Reducing costs by replacing isolated applications
Feasibility of a central IT-strategy
Sophisticated security concept without „back doors“
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mySAPTM PLM Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S)
“Primarily, SAP EH&S Industrial Hygiene
and Safety supports our risk assessment
process. We monitor hazards of eleven
different types at our work areas to assure
safety. Colored reports help our plant
managers to judge the safety situation
atat-a-glance. We document our own
checkcheck-lists and track corrective actions.
Future ideas include accident log and
integration into plant maintenance and
warehouse management. The tool helps
us to be compliant with regulations
regarding work place safety.”
Dr. Peter Schmidt, Key Account Manager,
Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH
Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH – subsidiary of Aventis S.A. is the leading pharmaceutical company in the German market.
Aventis S.A. is dedicated to treating and preventing disease by
discovering and developing innovative rescription drugs and human
vaccines. In 2002, Aventis S.A. generated sales of € 17.6 billion,
invested € 3.1 billion in research and development and employed
approximately 71,000 people in its core business.
Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH, Germany
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Success Story Metro de Barcelona
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Rail Customers – A comparable business
Occupational Health + Safety
(physical examinations, protocol definition, medical
service, scheduling, injury/illness log,
accident, integration with HR, work areas)
Metro de Madrid
Industrial Hygiene + Safety (work areas,
integration HR, risk assessment,
incident/accident + reporting)
Occupational Health
Occupational Health
Industrial Hygiene + Safety (work areas,
integration HR,incident/accident + reporting,
claim management)
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I hope you will not have a
belly-flop without SAP!
Thank you for your
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