CHAOS: A Recipe for Success - Software and Systems Engineering

A Recipe for Success
“It doth often trouble me to thinke that in this business we are all to lerne and none to teach.”
—Deacon Robert Cushman of Canterbury, 1620
Corporate America spends more than $275 billion each
year on approximately 200,000 application software
development projects. Many of these projects will fail,
but not for lack of money or technology; most will fail
for lack of skilled project management.
performed. The four “P”s of project management are
People Performing Perfect Process.
Project management is gaining traction in IT
organizations and the results are encouraging. Failure
rates are down, costs are down, and success rates are
up. Large companies are taking a small approach to
project management. Minimizing means scaling down
features/functions along with minimizing scope.
IT organizations are adopting standard project
methodologies or building enterprise-level formal
project management disciplines. This level of activity is
quite a change.
The opportunities for project failure are legion. Largescale software development efforts are conducted
today in complex, distributed IT environments.
Development occurs in a fragile matrix of applications,
users, customer demands, laws, internal politics,
budgets and organizational dependencies that change
constantly. Project managers who lack enterprise-wide
multiproject planning, control and tracking tools often
find it impossible to comprehend the system as a
whole. Underestimating project complexity and
ignoring changing requirements are basic reasons why
projects fail. Under these conditions,“software project
management” is an oxymoron.
For years project failure simply was not discussed,
certainly not with the CEO. But 1996 was a watershed
year, when IT project management finally acknowledged the cost, size and scope of the problem, and
discovered that there was no silver technology bullet.
Technology was neither the problem nor the solution.
Moreover, software today must not just automate
processes; it must create business value by improving
customer service or delivering competitive advantage.
Return on Investment (ROI) raises the stakes of every
large-scale development project: software must have a
measurable impact on a company’s bottom line.
The problem — and the solution — lay in people and
processes. Valuable lessons were learned and were
being applied to current projects. Project management
developed better processes, organized teams more
effectively and dealt with problems faster. Smaller, less
complex projects were developed. Troubled projects
were euthanized quickly, rather than lingering on to
become late, over budget, reduced function skeletons
of their original plans. The advent of professional
project managers enabled mitigating project risk
through scope minimization, standard infrastructures
and improved communications.
Finally, urgent multi-project, multi-site undertakings like
Y2K, Euro conversion, ERP, and the rush to the Internet
add to the daunting development burden.
For all these reasons, the business case for adapting
project management disciplines to large-scale software
development is obvious. There is simply no other way,
but implementation is dicey.
History is replete with examples of ambitious projects
that failed. Failure is a natural and necessary
consequence of innovation; and innovation is key to
progress. The Standish Group believes that failure is
critical to success. Only by examining our mistakes
and applying the lessons learned can one stem the tide
of project failures and enhance an organization’s
probability of success.
Project management is a process that spans the full
lifecycle of a project, from inception to completion. Its
cornerstones are planning, execution and control of all
resources, tasks and activities necessary to complete a
project. Project management is not an isolated activity,
it is a team effort. In the end, project management is
about people and process—how work is being
The body of the five years of The Standish Group’s
CHAOS research shows decided improvement in IT project
management. Project success rates are up across the
board, while cost and time overruns are uniformly down.
Project Resolution History
The best news is that project management is succeeding
more often. In 1994, only 16% of application development
projects met the criteria for success — completed on time,
on budget and with all the features/functions originally
specified. By 1998, 26% of projects were successful.
The Standish Group classifies projects into three
resolution types:
• Successful: The project is completed on time
and on budget, with all features and functions
as orignally specified.
• Challenged: The project is completed and
operational, but over-budget, over the time
estimate and with fewer features and
functions than initially specified.
• Failed: The project is cancelled before completion.
Project success rates are rising. As shown in the resolution of the
23,000 applications projects in large, medium, and small crossindustry, U.S. companies tested by The Standish Group since 1994.
The Standish Group believes three factors explain these
encouraging results. The first is a trend toward smaller
application development initiatives. (Our research has
shown smaller projects are consistently more successful
because of reduced confusion, complexity
Project Success Rates Rise, Costs Fall (1994 vs. 1998) and cost.) Certainly better project
management and greater use of standard
infrastructures are also instrumental.
Rate ‘94
Rate ‘98
Cost ‘94
“E” Here
Cost ‘98
Smaller projects have another benefit.
Because they are easier to manage and
contain, smaller projects experience fewer
time overruns. CHAOS ’98 data shows that
from 1994 to 1998, the percent of
Average project costs have fallen in large and medium companies.
applications completed 200% over the
Only in small companies did project costs rise, by 50%.
estimated completion time fell from 12.3% to
More projects are having successful results in all
2.5%. Even more impressive, the percent of applications
companies, but improvement has been most dramatic in
that took under 20% longer than estimated for
large companies (over $500 million). For example, in 1994 completion tripled, from 13.9% to 41.1%.
the chance of a project developed by a Fortune 500
company coming in on time and within budget was 9%.
The cost of failed projects decreased from $81 billion in
The average cost of a Fortune 500 project then was $2.3
1995 to an estimated $75 billion in 1998. Even more
million. In 1998, the chance of that same Fortune 500
dramatic was a major shift in cost overruns from $59
project succeeding rose to 24%, and the average project
billion spent in 1995 to an estimated $22 billion in 1998.
cost fell to $1.2 million. During the same period, 1994 to
1998, medium companies also posted higher project
Despite this progress, The Standish Group cautions that
success rates and lower average project costs. In small
challenged and failed projects — and their staggering
companies success rates rose, but so did average project
costs — remain the norm. CHAOS reigns.
costs — by 50%.
Certain industries breed success. The Standish Group’s
CHAOS research shows that in 1998 the retail industry had
the highest project success rate (59%)—almost twice the
success rate of the financial sector (32%), more than twice
that of the manufacturing sector (27%), and three times that
of government projects (18%). Of all industries, retail also
had the fewest challenged (28%) and failed projects (12%).
The Standish Group believes three key metrics can
pinpoint a project’s success potential: project size,
project duration and team size.
Size matter s. CHAOS research confirms that small
projects are more likely to succeed than large projects.
As project costs r ise, typically through the
addition of features and functions that are rarely
or never used, the likelihood of success falls.
Success by Project Size
Over $10M
Although one school of thought would argue that
larger projects with more funding and resources
should be more successful, and should produce
more function, the reverse appears to be true.
Smaller projects tend to be more manageable, and
it’s usually easier to ensure they meet the CHAOS
Ten success criteria. Simply throwing more money
at a project is no solution.
$6M to $10M
$3M to $6M
$1.5M to $3M
$750K to $1.5M
Less than $750K
We have long been convinced that shorter time Small is beautiful. Projects costing less than $750,000 are more successful
frames, with delivery of software components than any others. Project managers should realize at the outset that the more
expensive a project becomes, the less likely its chance of success.
early and often, increase the success rate. Shorter
time frames foster an iterative process of designing, We believe the retail project success rate is a function of
prototyping, developing, testing and deploying small that industry’s tight cost controls. The low-margin retail
elements. “Growing” (instead of “developing”) software industry cannot tolerate waste. The government, on the
engages the user earlier and confers ownership. Because other hand, faces no such challenge.
each software component has a precise statement and set
of objectives, realistic user expectations are set.
Company size does not guarantee success. The Standish
Group has found no correlation between a company’s size
Project Duration, Team Size Affect Project Success
Less than $750K
$750K to $1.5M
$1.5M to $3M
$3M to $6M
$6M to $10M
Over $10M
Project Size
and its project success rate. As with project size, bigger is
not necessarily better. While large companies (over $500M)
do experience more failures and fewer successes than
medium companies ($200M-$500M), project failure rates are
generally distributed quite uniformly across companies of
all sizes. Project failure is everyone’s problem.
Another way to look at project resolution is to compare the
value of successful projects with the waste of challenged
The smaller the team and shorter the duration of the project, the
greater the likelihood of success. Obviously, this does not suggest that
compressing the schedule and reducing the resources of a large
project will make it successful. Nor should it be construed that large
projects with large teams cannot be successful. The Standish Group
believes any project can be successful if all the key criteria are met.
and failed ones. Along with improvements in time and cost
overruns, companies’ waste to value ratios have improved
substantially. In 1996, CHAOS research found 50% waste in
IT projects. By 1998 the data identified only 37% waste.
What makes a project
successful? The
original CHAOS
study identified 10
success factors. No
project requires all
10 factors to be
successful, but the
more factors, the
higher the
confidence level.
User Involvement
Executive Support
Clear Business Objectives
Experienced Project Manager
Small Milestones
Firm Basic Requirements
Competent Staff
Proper Planning
The three biggest contributors to project success are user
involvement, executive support and a clear statement of
business objectives. Together they account for 50% of a
project’s chances for success. Bring on board an experienced
project manager, and the chance for a successful resolution
rises to 65%. The number one contributor to project success
is user involvement. Not surprisingly, the absence of user
involvement is a major cause of project failure. Even when
delivered on time and on budget, a project can fail if it does
not meet users’ needs.
Participants in The Standish Group’s focus groups conducted
in 1998 were virtually unanimous in citing increased user
involvement in the project planning stage as the most notable
change in application development over the past two years.
Participants recognized the benefits of early and continuous
user involvement. When users are actively involved in
planning, IT cannot second-guess them. Users who are fully
engaged in design, implementation and testing feel a deeper
sense of ownership.
Validated in The Standish Group’s research results and focus
groups, the CHAOS Ten success factors continue to be a
valuable tool to assess project success potential. While there
is no magic formula that can guarantee project success,
ensuring the presence of the CHAOS Ten can increase the
odds in one’s favor.
Better Project Management Through Communication. The
Standish Group has compared project success with a threelegged stool. One leg is communication. The other two legs
are scope minimization and standard infrastructure.
Standard Infrastructure. Requirements are in a state of
constant flux, but the infrastructure needs stability. The
Standish Group’s research shows that seventy percent of
application code is infrastructure. Some of this code is unique
to the application; nonetheless, much of it is code that could
be purchased from an infrastructure vendor. By using standard
infrastructure, the application development team can
concentrate on business rules rather than technology.
Many application development projects fail not in the
development of the stand-alone application, but in the
integration of existing applications. Here standard
infrastructures can shortcut application integration.
The Standish Group estimates that by the year 2000 the people
of this earth will generate 100 million transactions every
second. World businesses currently have over one million
business-critical applications in place. Every five years the
number of mission-critical applications doubles: more
transactions, more applications, and more interfaces. This, of
course, does not include the number of applications the
enterprise may need to integrate with other companies and
The Triad of Project Management
What has become clear since 1996 is that
people and process have a greater effect
on project outcome than technology.
Through a series of multi-city focus
groups and workshops at CHAOS
University ® ’98, The Standish Group set
out to explore the proper roles,
responsibilities and relationships of
project stakeholders.
These stakeholders include the Function
Representative, Executive Sponsor and
Project Manager. We wanted to know
what qualities and characteristics each
stakeholder should possess, as well as
what kinds of executive behavior might
detract from a project’s success.
business person must also be in charge
of milestone recognition, an ongoing task
to chart ongoing progress.
The Function Representative should
be the “Operations Person”.
Operational knowledge is important to
the function representative, who must be
able to answer operational questions.
His/her role must be defined with clear
responsibility and clear ownership, but
also with a limited scope of responsibility
(the user representative is NOT the
executive sponsor). The function
representative does not own the
technology, does not control or schedule
Like Paul Revere, the function
representative can rally the troops.
The Function Representative can be
lead astray. There is a constant potential
for overlap or conflict with the project
manager. The tendency of the function
representative is to exceed his or her
authority and to devise potential solutions
or suggest deployment of certain
technologies. Neither of these is within
the responsibilities of the function
representative, whose contribution is to
explain and reinforce the user’s
requirements, and to keep the project
focused on them. Most importantly, the
The relationship between the project
manager and the business and
technology stakeholders is shown in the
chart below. In the ideal triad, the project
manager is the lone interface between
the business and technology sides of the
The Business Person
The function representative knows the
business of the corporation better than
any other member of the team does. This
person is in an executive position, but
has the knowledge to drill down into all
key user departments for the essential
details about how the organization works.
The function representative also knows
the expectations, doubts, fears and
previous negative experiences of the user
The most important task for the function
representative is goal definition, which
is twofold. First, the function
representative must take a detailed
snapshot of the organization at the
moment before project planning
commences; then he or she must have
thorough understanding of what the user
organizations want tomorrow. These will
help build the project goals. And the
p r o j e c t r e s o u rc e s , a n d d o e s n o t
determine the project approach. But he
or she does speak with a loud voice for
all user departments.
The Function Representative should
be the “Minuteman”. The function
representative can be most effective
when using physical separation of regular
work assignments from those on the
project management team. Physical
separation, such as a different workspace,
encourages mental compartmentalization
and focus on the project dynamics.
The function representative is the team’s
subject matter expert and as such best
qualified to become the project’s
evangelist — selling the benefits of the
project internally to the user community.
function representative must emphasize
the business value of the project, not
technology implementation.
The Function Representative should
be “Sherlock Holmes”. Elementary as
it may seem, the function representative
must be prepared to explain the business
process in detail to the IT organization.
He/she must be trained to follow the
project management process and might
need a business analyst assigned to work
with him/her.
The Function Representative should
be the “Cheap Date”. The function
representative should be encouraged to
set realistic expectations, be involved
from the start and recommend
The Executive Sponsor: Project Champion
The executive sponsor provides the vision for the project. Often the executive sponsor
provides the funding and some of the major resources, as well. When choosing a
sponsor, it is crucial that the executive have a vested interest in a successful outcome.
To ensure this interest, answer the following questions:
of the project, including blame if the project fails. The buck
stops here. Sometimes knowing what not to do is as important
as knowing what to do. CHAOS University ® and focus group
participants delineated the negative traits for an executive
• Is there clear understanding of what will motivate
the executive?
• Have the political issues affecting the executive
been identified?
• Can the executive afford to have the project fail?
• Will the executive gain stature from a successful project?
Once a project has the backing of the right executive sponsor,
it’s vital to encourage positive and discourage negative traits.
Our CHAOS University ® participants identified the following
ways to accentuate the positive:
The Executive Sponsor should not be the Project Manager.
Too much executive involvement can be as disastrous as too
little. IT must clarify roles and responsibilities early on by
defining the rules of engagement. IT also should provide weekly
filtered reports that offer the executive sponsor easy and
digestible information in language devoid of techno-speak.
The Executive Sponsor should be “The Visionary”.
An executive sponsor should have a global view of the project,
how it supports corporate goals and benefits the organization.
The executive sponsor should set the agenda, arrange the funding
and articulate the project’s overall objectives.
The Executive Sponsor should not be the Function Rep.
The executive sponsor is probably unaware of the true operation
of the business. Enlisting committed, trusted users in the project
will help keep the executive sponsor out of the project details.
The Executive Sponsor should be the Project’s Champion.
The project should live and die by the executive sponsor. IT can
encourage the executive sponsor to champion the project by
supplying full disclosure and minimizing blindsides, having well
defined goals and milestones, and focusing on business rather
than technology issues.
The Executive Sponsor should not be “Santa Claus”.
Time is the absolute enemy of all projects. All too often, features
and functions are added to the project with no understanding of
the consequences for the health of the project. IT must
discourage scope creep by alerting the executive sponsor of
those consequences, by having a formal change management
procedure, and by pushing to deliver quickly.
The Executive Sponsor should be a “Minesweeper”.
An effective executive sponsor should positively reinforce the
winners and neutralize the losers on the project team. The
executive sponsor must pave the way for success and guarantee
that the project does not get sidetracked.
The Executive Sponsor should not be the Technical Officer.
The best way to discourage an executive sponsor from being a
technical officer is to have good technologists in the company.
The Executive Sponsor should not be a “Wimp”.
All too often the executive sponsor will not make decisions
because he does not understand the project or the technology.
IT must encourage the executive sponsor to make business
decisions and to reduce political conflicts. Using the 10 positive
and negative characteristics outlined here, a development team
can get a head start toward finding the appropriate executive
sponsor to lead their project.
The Executive Sponsor should be a “Gen. Schwarzkopf”.
The executive sponsor will muster the resources necessary to
complete the project. If IT identifies those resources quickly,
the executive sponsor will have adequate time to marshal them.
The Executive Sponsor should be the “Fall Guy”.
It is imperative that the executive sponsor claim total ownership
The Project Manager: The Linch-Pin
The IT community is just beginning to
understand the true role of the project
manager, the skill required to be a good
project manager, and the benefits a
project manager can bring to any project.
The Standish Group’s research clearly
shows that projects are likely to be less
challenged and more successful with a
competent and experienced project
manager on board.
The package of skills most CIOs cite as
desirable in a project manager includes
technology and business knowledge,
judgment, negotiation, good communication and organization. Emphasis is
on business skills rather than technical
credentials. Moreover, project managers
must know not only the business needs
of their own company, but also those of
suppliers and partners.
The Project Manager should be
“Multilingual”. He/she must have the
skills necessary to converse with all the
stakeholders and technical teams. The
project manager needs to have a view
of the project resources and how those
resources come together. Giving the
project manager exposure throughout the
organization will encourage him or her
to be “multilingual.”
More exposure to both the business
organization and the technical teams will
increase the project manager’s skills. One
way to do this is to establish a mentoring
and buddy system. Another way is to
have monthly “Project Managers Only”
brainstorming sessions to exchange ideas
and problem resolutions. Project
management should be considered a
profession, not a discrete task.
The Project Manager should be a
“Gatekeeper”. He/she must have the
authority to decide at the detail level
which features and functions will be part
of the project, whether for the first phase
or for later release. There must be a
change policy procedure in place, with
associated risk factors and cost increases.
Change increases the scope of the
project, the time involved and the chance
of failure. The project manager should
advise the stakeholders about the risks
of scope creep and its potentially
disastrous effects.
The Project Manager should be a
“Maestro”. The project manager must
orchestrate all the resources so that they
play together like a fine symphony. In
this regard, the project manager needs
to know the depth and skills of all the
players to prevent wrong notes. The
project manager must be empowered to
acquire and keep the right talent and get
rid of non-contributors.
The Project Manager should be a
“Cattle Driver”. The project manager
must be a hard driver, able to focus on
the goal and to minimize diversions.
The Project Manager should be a
“Clark Kent”. Good communication
is one of the cornerstones of successful
projects. The project manager must
communicate well, both verbally and in
writing. In order to encourage these
skills, IT management should consider
two training venues: Dale Carnegie
classes on how to win friends and
influence people, and Toastmaster’s
classes on how to present. The project
manager should be encouraged to use
the organization’s business dialect to
keep communication simple.
The Project Manager should not be
the Executive Sponsor. The Standish
Group believes the surest road to project
failure is through the IT organization.
Projects are done on behalf of the
business organization and should have
firm executive commitment. IT must set
down the rules of engagement and
clearly define the stakeholders’ roles.
The project manager needs to move with
the team, while getting the project done.
The best way to discourage the project
manager from becoming the executive
sponsor is to have an effective sponsor
The Project Manager should not be
the Function Representative. The
Standish Group has seen many cases
where the project manager thought he/
she knew more about the organization
than the function representative did.
However, in most cases this is not so.
The best way to discourage a project
manager from being a function
representative is to have strong user
The Project Manager should not be
a “Santa Claus”. Learning to say “no”
is the hardest lesson for many project
managers. Each feature and function
must be measured against business
value, project quality, resources, risk and
schedule. With eighty percent of
delivered features and functions
ultimately unused, enlarging the project’s
scope should not be taken lightly.
The Project Manager should not be
a “Control Freak”. While the project
manager must control the resources and
know all the project details, he/she
cannot look over the shoulders of the
other stakeholders. Establishing peer
review processes, focusing on goals and
having status communications meetings
can discourage a control freak.
The Project Manager cannot be
“Superman”. Projects are risky, and
even a remarkable project manager
cannot save a failing project. It takes
the active participation of all the
stakeholders to create a successful
project. Setting correct expectations early
in the project can have a positive effect.
Minimizing project scope will result in
better estimates, and over-promising
should be discouraged.
A Project Manager is much like a
President of a Small Company. The
executive sponsor is the venture
capitalist, the function representatives are
the customers, and the developers are
the workers. Keeping the project on
track is like keeping a small company
on track — no easy feat.
Since the time of the ancient Greeks, the concept of mentoring has defined a
constructive personal relationship between individuals who provide support,
guidance and assistance in the achievement of their full potential.
The role of today’s business mentor is as friendly advisor, coach and teacher. Like
their predecessors, today’s mentors share experience in pursuit of higher levels of
organizational performance. With mentors, skills and expert knowledge are
transferred and institutionalized within the organization.
From a management perspective, mentoring offers a safety net to the organization
as it undertakes new projects, pursues new strategies or applies new techniques.
Thus, the best mentors are alert to situations where methods, tools and strategies
are inconsistent or incompatible with those currently in use, so that management
goals and objectives are not compromised, and process improvement opportunities
are not missed.
Engaging a mentor requires care. Selecting the wrong mentor can have devastating
consequences that could potentially take years to undo.
1. What direct experience does the contractor/mentor have?
2. Has the contractor/mentor proposed constructive suggestions
and/or strategies?
3. What methodologies has the contractor/mentor offered?
4. What training has the contractor/mentor received?
5. What are the characteristics of the contractor/mentor?
6. What are the greatest strengths of the contractor/mentor, and why?
7. In which areas are the contractor/mentor weak and why?
8. Has the contractor/mentor made viable observations or suggestions for
immediate change?
9. Why does the contractor/mentor want to work on this assignment?
10. Has the contractor/mentor answered any questions that should have been
asked but were not?
Does Formal Project
Management Have Value?
procedures are in place. Resources can be allocated
for maximum effect.
In 1986 Alfred Spector, former president of Transarc
Corporation, co-authored a paper comparing bridge
building to software development. The premise was that
bridges are normally built on time, on budget, and do not
fall down. Software, on the other hand, never comes in
on time or on budget, and it always breaks down.
Formal project management provides a realistic picture
of the project and the resources committed to it.
Certain steps and procedures are reproducible and
reusable; thus minimizing the tendency to reinvent the
wheel, and maximizing project-wide consistency.
Lessons learned can be incorporated into active
projects. The process encourages go/no go decision
check points, so a project team can proceed with a
higher confidence level, or steps can be halted or
altered to fit changing requirements. This ability
to adjust in real time reduces project risk and
enhances skills.
One of the reasons bridges are built on time, on budget,
and structurally sound is the extreme detail of design.
The design is frozen, and the contractor has little
flexibility in changing the specs. However, in today’s
dynamic business environment, a frozen design does
not accommodate rapid changes in business practices.
A more flexible model is required.
Another difference is that when a bridge collapses, the
event is thoroughly investigated, and a report is written
on the cause of the failure. In software development,
until recently, failures were covered up, ignored
or rationalized.
Predictability is a big benefit, CIOs said. Predictability
reduces uncertainty, making use of resources more
efficient. A project manager has the ability to predict
and manage human and capital resource issues; and
can also direct user expectations.
Project management, used successfully for decades in
the construction industry, is still an evolving discipline
in information technology.
Formal project management adds value by mitigating
risk in almost any development effort. But project
management is valuable in other circumstances, too,
such as in complex situations, when certainty is
needed, or when projects require an extended time to
complete. Formal project management processes
diminish the level of complexity and reduce the
corresponding program risk when structured and
controlled implementations are planned. That reduced
risk includes this project, future projects and
overall business.
Eighty CIOs in workshop sessions at both CHAOS
University ® ’98 and European CHAOS ’98 discussed
the value of formal project management disciplines
and the merits of adopting formal project management
processes to large scale software development. In
other words, why bother?
CHAOS participants said that a for mal project
management process is the only way large-scale
software development can be structured for success.
All-encompassing methodologies address the typical
array of development problems such as inadequate
planning, inadequate user input, unstable requirements,
evolving technology, loose specifications and
unrealistic cost estimates.
Project management is most valuable when planning
new projects or enlarging existing ones. However, not
all projects warrant formal project management
techniques. Project management adds no value to small,
simple projects. Emergency, time-critical projects that
require quick delivery bog down under the weight of
formal project management techniques. In very mature
situations, where sound processes already exist, formal
project management adds nothing, and project
management probably should not be used when
innovation is required, or when the overhead is
greater than the project value.
Like scaffolding, project management supports defined
roles and responsibilities to achieve project objectives.
The project framework is procedural, rigorous,
standardized and documented. Standards are
repeatable. Monitoring, reporting and change order
Project Estimating:
Lucky or Lousy
In this regard, there are only two kinds of estimates:
“Lucky” or “Lousy”. Frequently, different people
make these estimates at different times using
different methods. Clearly a more standard
estimating process could generate significant
Yogi Berra once quipped,“Predictions are hard,
especially about the future”. Countless times during
focus groups, project group therapy sessions and
failure post mortems, IT executives echoed, “We did
our best estimate, we doubled it, added some more,
and we still missed the mark”.
One must be realistic; there is
no such thing as a reliable
estimate. Learning to work
better with poor estimates
rather than developing better
estimating techniques is
crucial. Nevertheless, project
managers who recognize their
limitations can use some
formal estimating tools and
these tools can greatly
improve their luck.
Project and program estimating is nothing
more than predicting the future
outcome of a project or program.
It is difficult.
Many tools offer a
combination of statistical and
judgment forecasts. These
tools combined with an
iterative process development
style enable a project
manager to react correctly to
the changing program
environment. Thus, the
estimating process itself is iterative through the
life of the project. This will give little comfort
to the financial officer trying to decide on
funding the project in the first place. It is
imperative to know if there is a kill switch and
how it gets pulled.
Project Management
The growth of the project management field has been
accompanied by the emergence of planning, estimating,
scheduling and tracking tools designed to support the
process. The need to utilize project management tools in
complex environments is inescapable. Today’s projects
are huge, often spanning the enterprise and global
boundaries. It is virtually impossible to create a
comprehensive project plan for a large or enterprisewide project without using a tool.
The purpose of project
management tools is to support
the project management process
by providing a vehicle for
planning, executing and
controlling the project. The tool
does not manage the project, the
project manager manages the
project by utilizing the tool.
common attributes, they can be widely diverse with
unique plan attributes that must be accommodated by
the tool. Multiple projects can be embedded in a larger
one, with each individual project having its own team.
Today’s enterprise-wide projects mandate flexibility in
project management tools.
Scalability: Project management tools must support
projects ranging from department size to enterprisewide, multi-project, multi-site, and distributed
environments. Projects such as
migrating an entire enterprise to
a standard platform or addressing
Project management
the year 2000 problem in a global
tools are used for:
corporation demonstrate the
need for scalabilty.
• Defining and assigning resources
• Reporting/communicating progress
• Identifying and managing dependencies, contingencies and risks
• Tracking
• Analyzing
• Planning
• Organizing
• Scheduling
• Estimating
Affordability: Project
management tools must be
affordable or risk being deemed
unjustifiable in today’s
environment of cost constraints
and limited funding. The Standish
Group believes that the use of a
project management tool can save
substantial amounts of time and money through
productivity gains and more effective planning.
Users are assured that all tools
will perform the basic uses but
they still need selection criteria to
assess the many available tools on
the market. To this end, The
Standish Group has defined 10 fundamental
requirements that we use to compare and evaluate
project management tools. These fundamentals are the
“must have” attributes that influence which tool meets
an organization/enterprise’s needs.
Interoperability: Project management tools must work
with other tools. This can be accomplished through
general interoperability via standard APIs and common
interfaces or through integration.
Ease of Use: Project management tools must provide
ease of use features to avoid the undesirable fate of
becoming shelfware. Market availability, a reasonable
learning curve, good support and documentation, and
easy implementation are some of the critical ease
of use features.
Security: Project management tools become repositories
of highly sensitive data such as dates, costs, resource
rates and other confidential or restricted information.
Security, therefore, becomes a critical issue. Features
such as version control, access control, password
protection and field level control are desirable.
Adaptability: Project management tools must be
flexible and customizable. While projects share many
Portability: Any project manager can attest to late
Sunday evenings or “off hours” at home spent updating a
project plan. The tool must be able to run independent of
the environment.
Role of the Internet
and the Cybernetic Worker
Distribution of Data: Project management tools are a
major source of communication throughout the lifecycle
Internet technology changes everything. As a ubiquitous
communications infrastructure, the Internet enables
enterprise-wide project management and the building of
virtual project teams within a global, collaborative project
management environment.
Because the Internet is the only widely available platform
for accessing process and project information, it is a cost
effective backbone for extending project planning and
execution to every corporate location using the TCP/IP
common denominator. A number of project managers are
tapping the power of the Internet, corporate Intranets and
corporate Extranets to provide all stakeholders with
instant access to project plans and status reports.
However, project management on a global scale will not
be easy. Most project management techniques were
designed for co-located project teams. Those techniques
may prove ineffective in global, multi-site organizations.
Globally distributed software development projects must
contend with different languages, cultures, time zones,
work ethics, legal systems, and hardware and software
requirements. The development of large software
systems will require larger teams of people with different
knowledge and educational backgrounds to work together
at multiple locations. This fact of life must somehow be
weighed against CHAOS findings that project size and
scope creep threaten project success.
of a project to a variety of audiences. The tool must
contain features/functions to support their differing
communication requirements, from the high level
executive view to the more detailed level required by a
project manager. This can be accomplished through
report facilities, online queries, Web access, e-mail
notification, and/or integration and interoperability with
other tools providing these functions.
Coordinating and managing the work of geographically
distributed high performance virtual project teams,
providing global access to project plans and dynamic
project data, and internalizing the experience of past
projects to make it usable for future projects are
challenges to be addressed.
Integrity: Project management tools must maintain the
integrity of the data/plan input into the tool. In essence,
a project management tool is just a productivity aid.
It does not “manage” a project or ensure its success; it
simply assists the project manager in planning and
executing a project. The project plan, as the primary
output of a project management tool, is the bible of the
project. A project manager must be confident that the
tool will not alter the content of a project plan.
Despite the hurdles, The Standish Group’s research found
that project management is one process cited by CIOs as
most adaptable to virtual environments. CIOs understand
that managing a virtual project workforce is not
technology dependent. From e-mail to cell phones and
pagers, communications abound. Again, people and
processes are at the heart of project management, not
toolsand technology.
Rapid Response Time: Project management tools must
accommodate resource movements, task/activity
additions, expansions or deletions, constant schedule
changes occurring throughout the lifecycle of a project
and rapidly reflect those changes to all participants,
whether they are local or geographically dispersed.
CHAOS University ® participants engaged in building or
supporting virtual enterprises reported that the top three
cyberworker issues are measuring productivity, managing
communications and motivating isolated workers. Project
size magnifies these human challenges. Building virtual
teams with a minimum of face time, clearly defining work,
measuring cybernetic worker productivity and managing
employee communications across time zones are major
management priorities.
The Standish Group anticipates that tool vendors will
place more emphasis on enterprise-wide project
management via Internet enablement, multiple nested
projects support, and enterprise-wide collaboration
features. Interoperability will be a primary objective.
Project Success
The Standish Group’s recipe for success combines reducing requirements to the stark minimum,
providing constant communication systems and coupling those with a standard infrastructure.
Mix these ingredients with a good project manager, an iterative development process, project
management tools and adherence to key roles, and success is practically in the oven. This recipe
for success works and we have seen it work again and again for the last two years. It’s a simple
recipe that produces incredible success rates.
n - Communica
Ingredients: Minimizatio
tions - Standard Infra
r - Interactive Process
Mix With: Good Project
the Key Roles
Tools - Adherence to
Project Management
six people nths - No more than
Bake: No
At no more than $750
However, too many cooks will definitely spoil this stew; so use no more than six people for six
months and at a cost of no more than $750,000. This recipe may sound like magic, but it is just
common sense. When it comes to project success, the fewer features and functions put in,
the greater the yield. While many have tried to break up large projects into small fragments
to increase the success rate, this strategy is fatally flawed. Only when you break the
dependencies of one fragment to the next do you truly accomplish minimization. Features
and functions add time, and time is the absolute enemy of all project success.
Although project management makes steady progress in reducing project failure rates and
project waste, there is a long way to go. Even our optimistic projection of 30% waste by 2000
is too high. Certainly, project management is only beginning to understand the different roles
and responsibilities of the stakeholders. Major research must be conducted to better
understand the motivations of each of these constituencies.
Through CHAOS research and CHAOS University ®, The Standish Group will continue to
investigate better ways to improve project success. It will be a long journey, but we have come a
long way already.