ATTACHMENT 2 (e) Course Specifications

‫المملكــة العربيــة السعوديــة‬
‫الهيئــــة الوطنيــــة للتقـويــم‬
‫واالعـــتــمـــاد األكــاديــمــــي‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Commission for
Academic Accreditation & Assessment
Course Specifications
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment
College of Computer and Information Sciences
Computer Science Department
Course Code: CS101
Course Title: Computer Programming I
Academic Year: 2014-2015
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Commission for
Academic Accreditation & Assessment
‫المملكــة العربيــة السعوديــة‬
‫الهيئــــة الوطنيــــة للتقـويــم‬
‫واالعـــتــمـــاد األكــاديــمــــي‬
Table of Contents:
A. Course Identification and General Information ......................................................................... 3
B. Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 5
C. Course Description ............................................................................................................................ 6
D. Student Academic Counseling and Support .............................................................................. 9
E. Learning Resources .......................................................................................................................... 9
F. Facilities Required............................................................................................................................ 10
G. Course Evaluation and Improvement Processes................................................................... 10
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‫المملكــة العربيــة السعوديــة‬
‫الهيئــــة الوطنيــــة للتقـويــم‬
‫واالعـــتــمـــاد األكــاديــمــــي‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Commission for
Academic Accreditation & Assessment
Course Specification
Prince Sultan University
College/Department Computer and Information Sciences
A. Course Identification and General Information
1. Course title and code: Computer Programming I (CS101)
2. Credit hours: 4 credit hours
3. Program(s) in which the course is offered.
BSc. Computer Science
BSc. Information Systems
BSc. Software Engineering
BSc. Engineering Management
BSc. Network Engineering
BSc. Software Engineering
BSc. Communications Engineering
4. Name of faculty member responsible for the course:
Dr. Basit Qureshi (Men’s section) (Coordinator)
Dr. Manal Farrag (Women’s section) (Coordinator)
Ms. Layal Kazma (Women’s section)
Mr. Omar Ghalem (Men’s section)
Dr. Inayat Shah (Men’s section)
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‫المملكــة العربيــة السعوديــة‬
‫الهيئــــة الوطنيــــة للتقـويــم‬
‫واالعـــتــمـــاد األكــاديــمــــي‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Commission for
Academic Accreditation & Assessment
5. Level/year at which this course is offered: Freshman, First term
6. Pre-requisites for this course (if any) N/A
7. Co-requisites for this course (if any) N/A
8. Location if not on main campus
9. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply)
a. Traditional classroom
What percentage?
b. Blended (traditional and online)
What percentage?
c. e-learning
What percentage?
d. Correspondence
What percentage?
f. Other
What percentage?
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Commission for
Academic Accreditation & Assessment
‫المملكــة العربيــة السعوديــة‬
‫الهيئــــة الوطنيــــة للتقـويــم‬
‫واالعـــتــمـــاد األكــاديــمــــي‬
B. Objectives
1. What is the main purpose for this course?
This course is an introduction to the craft of programming, techniques, practices and applications. By
the end of the semester, students should have a basic understanding of programming concepts and
constructs such as variables, numbers, strings, assignments, sequential versus selective execution,
nesting loops, functions, arrays, reference parameters, etc. Furthermore, the Student should have
understood the importance of a structured approach to software development. The course includes lab
sessions that take place once a week. Lab projects involve programming exercises that could be
typically completed during the lab session. Additionally students are required to work in team to
develop and demonstrate an interactive program as a class project.
In what follows, we present the main learning outcomes. At the completion of the course, the student
will be able to:
CLO 1:
Understand fundamentals of problem solving techniques using variables, conditions, logical
expressions, looping structures, branching operations, memory manipulation and I/O operations.
CLO 2:
Design solutions for reasonably challenging problems by creating computer programs using
Java Programming language.
CLO 3:
Use an integrated development environment (IDE) to write code for interactive programs, build, test and
debug errors to create defect free applications.
Appraise team work utilizing effective group techniques to design, implement and demonstrate a
programming project.
2. Briefly describe any plans for developing and improving the course that are being
implemented. (e.g. increased use of IT or web based reference material, changes in content as a
result of new research in the field)
This course focuses on two teaching aspects:
1) Developing theoretical concepts through classical tutorial presentations, and promoting
students understanding by emphasizing extensive practicing;
2) Supervised lab sessions that requires students to complete programming exercises.
Intensive use of computers for completing programming exercises is expected from students.
Course Contents:
This Course covers the fundamentals of programming using Java. Students learn theoretical concepts
and apply these in lab sessions using Netbeans IDE. This approach allows students to practice hands on
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‫المملكــة العربيــة السعوديــة‬
‫الهيئــــة الوطنيــــة للتقـويــم‬
‫واالعـــتــمـــاد األكــاديــمــــي‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Commission for
Academic Accreditation & Assessment
exercises to build up their concepts. Additional programming project requires group of students to
interact and work together building key team work skills.
After completing the course, students will be able to take some basic certification courses on Java
Programming Language.
C. Course Description
1. Topics to be covered
List of Topics
Lectures: - Introduction to Computers and Programming. Critical
thinking and using problem solving techniques.
Lectures: Introduction to Java programming language, Syntax and
variable declaration. Introduction to java compiler and Netbeans
IDE. Writing simple Java program
Lectures: Using variables, for loops, operators precedence &
arithmetic operations
No of
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Lectures: Using methods, parameters, return values, and String
1, 2, 3
Lectures: Using if statements, text processing and conditional
1, 2, 3
Lectures: Using while loops, infinite loops, Boolean logic, user
input error handling and programming assertions
1, 2, 3
Lectures: Reading from and writing to text and binary files
1, 2, 3
Lectures: Introduction to Arrays, Array traversal algorithms, multi
dimensional arrays.
1, 2, 3
2. Course components (total contact hours and credits per semester):
45 Hours
15 Hours
30 Hours
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‫المملكــة العربيــة السعوديــة‬
‫الهيئــــة الوطنيــــة للتقـويــم‬
‫واالعـــتــمـــاد األكــاديــمــــي‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Commission for
Academic Accreditation & Assessment
3. Additional private study/learning hours expected for students per week.
3 hours/week
Student is expected to have access to a personal computer and necessary software.
At least 3 hours of practice per week is expected from the student
4. Course Learning Outcomes in NQF Domains of Learning and Alignment with Assessment
Methods and Teaching Strategy
G- Actual Grade, R - 4-point Rubric,
NQF Learning Domains
And Course Learning Outcomes
Course Teaching
Understand fundamentals of problem Lecture
solving techniques using variables,
Lab sessions
conditions, logical expressions,
looping structures, branching
operations, memory manipulation and
I/O operations.
Cognitive Skills
Design solutions for reasonably
challenging problems by creating
computer programs using Java
Programming language.
Problem Solving
Hands-on Practice
Group Project
Course Assessment
Direct Assessment
Quiz (G)
Exams (R,G)
Oral Discussion (R)
Assessment Tool
Course Exit Survey
Direct Assessment
Quiz (G)
Exams (R,G)
Projects (G)
Assessment Tool
Course Exit Survey
Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility
Appraise team work utilizing
@A,C,D,E,F effective group techniques to design,
implement and demonstrate a
programming project.
Group Project
Lab Sessions
Form 5a_Course Specifications _SSRP_1 JULY 2013 (Last updated November 5, 2014)
Direct Assessment
Projects (R)
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‫المملكــة العربيــة السعوديــة‬
‫الهيئــــة الوطنيــــة للتقـويــم‬
‫واالعـــتــمـــاد األكــاديــمــــي‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Commission for
Academic Accreditation & Assessment
Assessment Tool
Course Exit Survey
Communication, Information Technology, Numerical
Use an integrated development
environment (IDE) to write code for
interactive programs, build, test and
debug errors to create defect free
Lab Sessions
Group Project
Assessment Tool
Course Exit Survey
5. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester
Assessment task (e.g. essay, test, group project,
Week Due
examination, speech, oral presentation, etc.)
Tutorials / Labs exercises / Student
Assignments / Project demonstration
Major Exams (two in number)
Final exam
Direct Assessment
Projects (R, G)
Lab Sessions (R)
Proportion of Total
Every week
Week 14-15
Week 3, 8, 13
Week 5, 11
Week 16 or 17
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Commission for
Academic Accreditation & Assessment
‫المملكــة العربيــة السعوديــة‬
‫الهيئــــة الوطنيــــة للتقـويــم‬
‫واالعـــتــمـــاد األكــاديــمــــي‬
D. Student Academic Counseling and Support
1. Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student consultations and
academic advice. (include amount of time teaching staff are expected to be available each week)
5 hours per week in pre-determined office hours
Consultation by appointment (as needed)
Learning Management System
Course Book Companion website
E. Learning Resources
1. List Required Textbooks
 Intro to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (10th Edition) by Y. Daniel Liang
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 10 edition (January 6, 2014)
ISBN-10: 0133761312
ISBN-13: 978-0133761313
2. List Essential References Materials (Journals, Reports, etc.)
 Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, 6th Edition By: Walter Savitch
 Basit Qureshi, Omer Ghalem, “Writing Computing Routines using Flow charts”, Class Notes
distributed by instructors in class and on LMS. September 2013.
3. List Recommended Textbooks and Reference Material (Journals, Reports, etc)
 Java How to Program, 9th edition By: H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel
 Building Java Programs (3rd Edition) by S. Reges & M. Stepp Publisher: Pearson; 2013. ISBN13: 978-0133360905
 Introduction to Programming using Java by David Eck. (2011) Online edition.
 Introduction to programming in java by R. Sedgewick & K. Wayne. Online Edition
4. List Electronic Materials (eg. Web Sites, Social Media, Blackboard, etc.)
Course website
 Men’s section: LMS
 Women’s section: LMS
Instructor Website
 MyProgrammingLab, Pearson's online homework and assessment tool
5. Other learning material such as computer-based programs/CD, professional
 Netbeans IDE version 8.0 or latest with Java Development Kit SDK 7 or latest
 Raptor Flowchart interpreter (
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Commission for
Academic Accreditation & Assessment
‫المملكــة العربيــة السعوديــة‬
‫الهيئــــة الوطنيــــة للتقـويــم‬
‫واالعـــتــمـــاد األكــاديــمــــي‬
F. Facilities Required
Indicate requirements for the course including size of classrooms and laboratories (i.e. number of seats
in classrooms and laboratories, extent of computer access etc.)
1. Accommodation (Lecture rooms, laboratories, etc.)
 Lab equipped with state of the art machines
 Video projection / data show
 White board
2. Computing resources
 Computers in the Lab with pre-installed required software tools
3. Other resources (specify –e.g. If specific laboratory equipment is required, list requirements or attach
G. Course Evaluation and Improvement Processes
1 Strategies for Obtaining Student Feedback on Effectiveness of Teaching
 Course Exit survey
 Online Course evaluation survey at the end of the semester
 Discussions in class and office hours
2 Other Strategies for Evaluation of Teaching by the Instructor or by the Department
 Peer evaluation
 Department chair feedback
 Course Group Coordinator
3 Processes for Improvement of Teaching
Teaching and Learning seminars arranged by TLC at PSU
Self evaluation based on end of Semester Evaluations
Self evaluation based on feedback from Students
Feedback from peer evaluations carried out during the semester
4. Processes for Verifying Standards of Student Achievement (e.g. check marking by an independent
member teaching staff of a sample of student work, periodic exchange and remarking of tests or a
sample of assignments with staff at another institution)
Devising exams with joint cooperation of instructors teaching the course in various sections
across male and female campus
Comparison of results across all sections and against cohort of sample data from previous
Selected CLO assessments verification using Rubrics
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‫المملكــة العربيــة السعوديــة‬
‫الهيئــــة الوطنيــــة للتقـويــم‬
‫واالعـــتــمـــاد األكــاديــمــــي‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Commission for
Academic Accreditation & Assessment
Discussion of end semester results with course group and College quality assurance committee
(if needed)
5 Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing course effectiveness and
planning for improvement.
Based on feedback from quality assurance and course group committees.
Rubric evaluation for selected CLOs is done twice during the semester to analyze student
performance across sections. Based on feedback from this analysis, recommendations are given
by Course Group for necessary changes
Peer evaluation is carried out to assess the effectiveness of teaching strategies and further
improvements if needed are recommended to the Course Group
Faculty or Teaching Staff:
Dr. Basit Qureshi, Dr. Manal Farrag, Ms. Layal Kazma, Dr. Inayat Shah, Mr. Omar Ghalem
Signature: _______________________________
Date Report Completed: ____________________
Received by: _____________________________
Dean/Department Head
Signature: _______________________________
Date: _______________
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