ESE 271: Electrical Circuit Analysis Spring 2013 Web site: visit website regularly for updates and announcements Text Books: R.E. Thomas, A.J. Rosa, G.J. Toussaint, The analysis and design of linear circuits circuits”, “The 7th edition, Willey, ISBN 978-1-118-06558-7 Instructor: Leon Shterengas (631-632-9376,; Offi hhours: TU Office TU,TH TH 10 10-12am, 12 Li Light ht E Engineering i i Bld Bldg. 143 Teacher assistants: p see website for updates Grading: Homeworks - 40%, Exams - 60% Any questions regarding the grading must be resolved within one week after grade was given. given ESE 271: Electrical Circuit Analysis Spring 2013 Course Description: Resistors, capacitors, inductors. Kirchhoff’s and Ohm’s law. Nodal and mesh analysis. Equivalent circuits Steady-state circuits. Steady state AC circuits. circuits Phasors. Phasors Transient analysis. analysis Fourier and Laplace transforms. transforms Fundamentals of AC power, coupled inductors (transformers), and two-port networks. The course is designed to provide the necessary theoretical background for electronic lecture and lab courses like ESE 211, 211 218, 218 311, 311 314, 314 324, 324 372, 372 etc. etc Class notes, homework assignments and problem solutions can be downloaded from Homeworks are due in the beginning of the corresponding lecture. Lectures: M/W 2 30pm - 3.50pm 2.30pm 3 50pm Recitations: R01 R02 R03 M(21) W(16) F(5) P118 11.00am - 11.53am 11.00am - 11.53pm 11 00am - 11.53am 11.00am 11 53am Melville Library N4000 Chemistry 126 Chemistry 123 ESE 271: Electrical Circuit Analysis Spring 2013: Tentative Schedule W k 01 Week Week 02 Week 03 Week 04 Week 05 Week 06 Week 07 Week 08 W k 09 Week Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Finals JJan. 28 Jan. 30 Feb. 4 Feb. 6 Feb. 11 Feb 13 Feb. Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Feb. 25 Feb. 27 Mar. 4 Mar. 6 Mar. 11 Mar. 13 Mar. 18 Mar. 20 M 25 Mar. Mar. 27 Apr. 1 Apr. 3 Apr. 8 Apr. 10 Apr. 15 Apr. 17 Apr. 22 Apr. 24 Apr. 29 May. 1 May. 6 May. 8 May. 11-22 L01. Current. L01 C t Voltage. V lt Energy. E Power. P Passive P i sign i convention. ti L02. Kirchhoff’s laws. Resistor. Ohm’s law. L03. Series and parallel connections. Thevenin and Norton equivalents. L04. Dependent sources and Operational Amplifiers. L05. Circuits with Op. Amps. L06 Nodal analysis. L06. analysis L07. Mesh analysis. L08. Material review. Midterm exam 1. L09. Capacitors. L10. Inductors. L11. RC and RL circuits. Time constants. Step response. L12. RLC circuit under harmonic excitation. L13. Complex impedance. Ohm’s law for phasors. Spring break Spring break L14 Phasor L14. Ph di diagrams. L15. AC steady state analysis: Norton and Thevenin equivalents. Nodal analysis. L16. AC steady state analysis: Mesh analysis. Superposition. L17. Complex power. RMS. Maximum power delivery. L18. Frequency response of the first order circuits. Bode plots. Midterm exam 2. L19. Laplace transform. L20. Laplace transform. L21. Circuits in s-domain. Transfer function. L22. Step and impulse responses. Poles. Stable circuits. L23. Frequency response function. Bode plots. L24. Resonance. Filters. L25. Mutual inductance. Transformer. L26. Material review. Final exam HW1 due HW2 due HW3 due HW4 ddue HW5 due HW6 due HW7 due ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Electric charge Coulomb’s law Case 1: sign(Q) = sign(q) Case 1: sign(Q) = ‐ g (Q) sign(q) g (q) Example 1 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Electric field Electric field created by Q at distance R In general: Force acting on charge q in electric field: 2 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Voltage Experiment Gedanken (thought experiment) 1. At At t t = 0 put q 0 put q > 0 with zero velocity at x 0 with zero velocity at x = 0. 0. Since velocity is zero the charge has zero kinetic energy at t = 0. 2. Let this charge go Th h The charge will accelerate in electric field and ill l t i l t i fi ld d after some time its velocity becomes > 0. This means that charge got kinetic energy. This energy charge got from the electric field thanks to work performed by force: Voltage difference between x = 0 and x = ∆x 3 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Voltage drop/rise across circuit element To be able to calculate the voltage drop across circuit element, the voltages present at its terminals should be measured with respect to the common reference point, for instance, circuit ground. 4 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Electric current Definition: Example Current Current density inside cylindrical volume there are charges all of them are moving with velocity Volume concentration of mobile charges 5 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Current flowing through circuit element C Conventional ti l currentt – equivalent i l t flflow off positive iti charges. h Arrow shows the direction of conventional current if Arrow shows the direction of conventional current if We will deal with electrically neutral circuit elements. 6 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Energy and Power Was created by external source of energy, ex. battery. Flows only if the circuit element has mobile charges. Energy given to circuit element during ∆t: Power: Positive power means absorption of energy by circuit element, p p gy y , sometimes they say that it means circuit element works as a load. 7 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Passive sign convention and passive circuit elements If current and voltage were assigned to circuit element following passive sign convention above: Circuit element absorbs energy/power ‐ load. Circuit element generates energy/power ‐ generator. Energy delivered to circuit element during period of time from t0 to t: Passive circuit elements can not deliver more energy Passive circuit elements can not deliver more energy than they absorbed previously, hence for them always: 8 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Active circuit elements Example Polarities of the voltages and directions of currents satisfy passive sign convention, fy p g , hence: This battery generates energy/power and PS < 0. This is an example of active circuit element. More generally: active circuit elements can generate more energy/power than they absorbed previously, hence for active elements one can have: previously, hence for active elements one can have: 9 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Ideal independent current and voltage sources For DC: Voltage: Keeps voltage fixed for any current, i.e. can generate any power. Current: For DC: Keeps current fixed for any voltage i.e. can generate any voltage, i.e. can generate any power. Ideal sources are clearly active elements but can act as loads and as generators depending on other elements present in the circuit. 10 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Examples 11 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 1 Electric circuit Here everything is clear and simple. What if we have mode complicated case? Example Model connection wire as an ideal conductor, i.e. no charge accumulation, no voltage drop, accu u at o , o o tage d op, no power dissipation. We will be working with lumped‐parameter model circuits (energy is lumped within circuit elements) 12