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comite consultatif de I'environnement KATIVIK
KATIVIK environmental advisory committee
TEL.: (819) 964-2941
comite consultatif de I'environnement KATIVIK
KATIVIK environmental advisory committee
The Honorable Adrien 0~ellette~M.N.A.
Minister of the Environment
Dear Minister,
It is my pleasure to enclose the Annual Report of
the Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee for
the year ending March 31s t, 1983.
Respectfully yours,
Augustin Lebeau, Chairman
Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee
comite consultatif de I'environnement KATIVIK
KATIVIK environmental advisory committee
The Honorable John Roberts,P.C.,M.P.
Minister of the Environment
Dear Minister,
It is my pleasure to enclose the Annual Report of
the Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee for
the year ending March 3lst, 1983.
Respectfully yours,
Augustin Lebeau, Chairman
Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee
cornit6 consultatif de I'environnement KATIVIK
KATIVIK environmental advisory committee
Annual Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rapport annuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (verso)
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comite consultatif de I'environnernent KATIVIK
KATIVIK environmental advisory committee
TEL.: (819) 964-2941
eornite consultatif de I'environnement KATIVIK
KATIVIK environmental advisory committee
Monsieur Adrien 0uellette.M.A.N.
Minis tre de 1 'Environnement
Gouvernement du Quebec
Monsieur Ie ministre,
J'ai l'honneur de vous transmettre Ie rapport des
activites du Comit6 consultatif de l'environnement
Kativik pour lfann6e terminge Ie 31 mars 1983.
Veuillez agr6er ,monsieur Ie ministre ,1' expression
de mes sentiments distingugs.
Le president du comitg,
Augustin Lebeau, president
Comite consultatif de I'environnement Kativik
~ f l L ^ r > L + f ~ Cb
cornite consultatif de I'environnement KATIVIK
KATIVIK environmental advisory committee
Monsieur John Roberts
Ministre de llEnvironnement
Monsieur le ministre,
J'ai l'honneur de vous transmettre Ie rapport des
activit6s du Cornit6 consultatif de I'environnement
Kativik pour l'annge terminge le 31 mars 1983.
Veuillez agreer,monsieur le ministre,lfexpression
de mes sentiments distingugs.
Le president du comitz,
Augustin Lebeau, president
Comite consultatif de I'environnement Kativik
cornit6 consultatif de I'environnement KATIVIK
KATIVI K environmental advisory committee
Rapport annuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annual Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
POUR L'ANNEE 1982 - 1983
Rapport annuel:
Message du president
................................. 15
Mandat du Comit6
........................ 13
........................... 15
................................ 15
Activit6s du Comit6 (1982-83)
................. 16
et regie interne
................. 19
Secretariat C.C.E.K.
depenses . .
Message du President
Au cours de l'ann6e 1982-83, nous esp6rons avoir
-r6ussi A 6tendre la port6e de notre dialogue avec
les municipalit6s situ6es au nord du 55e parallels
par divers moyens mis A notre disposition tels que la
publication d'une brochure diinformiation,
la participation de la population aux r6unions-etpar la promotion d16changesd'information entre intervenants en
mati6re d'environnement.
A plusieurs reprises. Ie Comit6 A r e p des demandes
d'assistance technique de la part des gouvernements
locaux et r6gionaux en matiere d'environnement.
Cette annbe, une partie importante des activites du
Comit6 fut consacr6e A r6pondre aux besoins de
ces gouvernements et des repr6sentants de ces
organismes onteu I
ion de participer activement
aux reunions-du Corn& lorsque les sujets trait6s
leur 6taient d'un int6r6t particulier.
Nous avons aussi tent6 de promouvoir Ie libre
&changed'information entre les divers intervenants
en matidre d'environnement nordfque, notamment
en ce qui concerne les divers programmes et politiques desgouvernementsduCanada et du Qu6bec.
Finalement, nous esp6rons que la publication de
notre brochuire
d'information fen inuttitut, francais
et anglais) a permis de sensibiliser la popufation et
ses intervenants A I'existence du r6gime de protection de I'environnement ainsi que de mieux faire
connaltre les diff6rents organismes consultatifs et
administratifs issus de ce r6gime.
Alors que s1ach6vemon mandat en tantque Pr6sident,
j'aimerais remercier tous les membres du Comit6
pourTeur support et leur d6sir de travailler ensemble
A des buts communs orient6s vers la sauvegarde de
I'environnement du Qu6bec nordique.
Augustin Lebeau, president
Corn26 consultatif de I'Environnement Kativik
Le Comit6 se compose de neuf membres nomm6s
& part 6gale par Qu6bec, Ie Canada et I'Administration regionale Kativik. Le pr6sident et Ie vicepr6sident sont, chaque ann6e, nomm6s & tour de
role par Qu6bec, Ie Canada et llAdministration r6gionale Kativik. En 1982-83, Ie presidentfut nomme par Ie Canada et Ie vice-president par Ie
Le Comit6 consultatif de I'environnement Kativik
(CCEK) est un organisme cr66 en vertu de la convention de la Baie James et du Nord Qu6b6cois. 11
est r6gi par les articles 169 et suivants de la Loi de
la quality de I'environnement, L.R.Q., chapitre Q-2
et par la Loi sur Ie r6glement et revendicationsdes
autochtones de la Baie James et du Nord Qu6b6cois
(Elizabeth II, 25-26, Chap. 32).
En 1982-83, Ie Comit6 en 6tait & sa troisi6me ann6e
d'existence et Ie present rapport examine brievement Ie mandat et la composition du Comit6 et en
r6sume les diverses activit6s au cours de cette
Le Comit6 consultatif de I'environnement Kativik
est 11interm6diaireprivil6gi6 et officiel des gouvernements du Qu6bec et du Canada ainsi que des
administrations locales et regionales en ce qui a
trait A la formulation des lois et r6glements concernant I'environnement et Ie milieu social au nord
du 55e parall61e.
dqntI:un desmandats est de surveiller
'application du r6gime de protection de I'environnement 6tabli en vertu du chapitre 23 de la convention, peut faire des recommandations concernant
la r6vision, la modification ou I'adoption de lois et
de r&glementsconcernantIe regime de protection
de l'environnementet du milieu social. IIfaitaussi
des recommandationsconcernant les m6canismes
du processus dV6valuationet d'examen des r6percussions sur I'environnement et Ie milieu social.
Enfin, Ie Comit6 consultatif peut &tre consult6 par
les gouvernements du Qu6bec et du Canada sur
les grandes questions portant sur !'application du
r6gime de protection de I'environnement et du
milieu social et celles du r6gime des terres.
M. Augustin Lebeau fut nomm6 au Comit6 par Ie
Canada en remplacement de M. Normand
Lafrerre. ll fut aussi nomm6 Presidentdu Comit6
pourl'ann6e 1982-83 et d6buta son mandat A la
14e assembl6e. Dr. Jacques Gigu6re fut nomm6
Vice-president par Quebec A la 17e assemblee.
M. Marc Voinson, ancien Secr6taire du Comit6,
fut nomm6 membre par !'Administration r6gionale
Kativik A la 14e assembl6e.
A la fin de mars 1983, les membres du Comit6
6taient les suivants:
Augustin Lebeau, Canada
Vice-pr6sident: Jacques Giguere, Qu6bec
Michael Barrett, Kativik
Andre Dicaire, Qu6bec
Jean-Claude Dub& Canada
Camille Mageau, Canada
Jean Piette, Quebec
Marc Voinson, Kativik
Lizzie Epoo-York, Kativik
Activites du Cornit6 en 1982-83
Surveillance du regime de protection de I'environnement au nord du 550 paralWe.
Dans Ie but d'informer les r6sidentsdu territoire,
les initiateurs de projets ainsi que d'autres
organismes sur Ie regime de protection de
I'environnement et du milieu social au nord du
55e parallele, Ie Comit6a publi6, en avril1982,
une brochure d'information intituI6e "Le regime
de protection de I'environnementet du milieu
social au nord du 55e parallele". Cette brochure,
publi6e en inuttitut, en fran~aiset en anglais,
fut transmise aux municipalit6sau nord du 55e
parallele ainsi qu'aux diff6rents ministeres et
autres organismes.
Au cours de 11ann6e, Ie Comit6 fut tenu au
courant des activit6s des autres comit6s cr66s
en vertu des chapitres 22 et 23 de la Convention
de la Baie James et du Nord qu6b6cois au
moyen de comptes rendus deactivit6sde ces
comit6s communiqu6s au d6but de chaque
1.1 Complexe Grande Baleine
Le Cornit6 a continu6 A suivre les d6veloppements du processus d'6valuation et
d'examen des r6percussionssur I'environnement et le milieu social du projet hydro-.
61ectrique Grande Baleine, Cependant, Ie
Comit6 fut inform6 de la d6cision de la part
de I'initiateur de reporter la construction
du projet de plusieurs annees, possiblement jusqu'A 1988.
1.2 Programme d'ameliorationdes infrastructures a6roportuaires au nord du 55e
Le Comit6 fut saisi diune proposition conjointe Qu6bec-Canadaconcernant l'am61ioration des infrastructures a6roportuaires
au nord du 55e parallele. Dans Ie but de
faciliter l'6change d'information sur la proc6dure d16valuationetd'examen sur I'environnement et Ie milieu social applicable A
ce programme, Ie Comit6 invita des repr6sentantsde Transport Qu6bec et Transport
Canada A sa r6union du 27 juillet 1982 6
A cette r6union. Ie Cornit6 obtint des informations g6n6rales relatives A ce projet et
fournit aux reprbsentants un bilan de la
proc6dure dr6valuationet d'examen 6tablie
en vertu de la Convention et de la loi de la
qualit6 de I'environnement.
1.3 Exploration p$troii$re dans la Baie
Le 1er avril 1982, Ie Comit6 s'est k u n i
avec des reprksentants de la Canadian
Occidental Petroleum, I'Ontario Energy
Corporation, SOQUIP, Canada Oil and Gas
LandsAdministration et de plusieurschefs
Inuit pour promouvoir libchange d'information et de points de vue sur Ie programme
d'exploration p6troli6re dans la Baie d'Hudson. Les compagnies impliqu6es si6taient
entendues avec Ie gouvernementcanadien
pour entreprendre un programme d'exploration sismique d'une dur6e de cinq ans
dans la Baie d'Hudson;
M@mesi Ie projet n'est pas 16gaiement
soumis A la proc6dure d16valuationetd'examen 6tablie en vertu de la convention, la
r6union a permisd'6tablirdescommunications entre les initiateurs et les Inuit du.
Qu6bec en ce qui a trait aux impacts du
programme sur I'environnement du Nouveau-Qu6bec.
Aux assembl6es ult6rieures du Comit6, les
membres furent regulierement inform6s
des d6veloppements concernant ce programme d'exploration p6troiiere et particulierement en ce qui a trait aux aspects
2. Etude et examen des loiset reglementsconcernant I'environnement.
Examen et revision des annexes "A" et
" B de la loi de la quality de Ienvironnement
Le Comit6 a continue son examen des annexes " A et "B"de la loi de la qualit& de
I'environnement afin de formuler des recommandations concernant liopportunit6
de modifier les annexes. Entre autres, Ie
Comit6 demanda et recut les recommandations de la Commission de la qualit6 de
l'environnement Kativik concernant la modification de certainescomposantesdes annexes.
Suite & une demande du sous-ministre au
Comit6 de lui soumettre ses recommandations d6coulant de I'examen des annexes,
Ie Comit6, par r4tsolution adoptee A sa 17e
r6union (r6solufion KO.82-11), recommanda
de n'apporter aucun changement aux an:
nexes pourune p6riodede deux ans. Cette
r6solution fut adoptGe sur division.
2.2 Rt3glementationconcernant la gestion des
d6chets solides au Nouveau-Quebec
Le Comit6 compl6ta sa r6vision du projet
de rdglement modifiant la reglementation
de la gestion des d6chets solides au Nouveau-Qu6bec. A sa J3eassembl6e. Ie
Comit6 proposa (r6soluf)on no. 82-5) plusieurs changements au projetde reglement.
Par la suite, Ie sougministre de ItEnvironnement du Qu6bec soumit au Comit6 une
contre-proposition concernant la section
100ddu projetde rdglement.Cette proposition fut approuv6e par r6solution
(No. 82-10)A la 16eas$embl6edu comit6.
2.3 Reglement sur I'eau destin6e a la
consommation humaine
Le Comit6 recut du ministre de I'Environnement du Qu6bec un avis d'adoptfon du
"R6glement sur I'eau destin6e A laconsommation humaine". Le Comit6 revisa Ie projet
de rhglement et recomkanda certaines
modiflcations'qui pourraient s'appliquer au
Nouveau-Qu6bec (r6solufion no. 83-3).
3: Consultation et information sur les questions et
polltlques affectant I'envimnnement au NouveauQuebec
Au cours de 19ann6e,Ie Comit6 recut, de la part
de I'Administration r6gionale Kativik et de plusieurs municipalit6s,des demandesdeconseils
et d'assistance technique sur des sujets sp6cifiques A I'environnementdu Nouveau-Qu6bec.
De plus, Ie Comit6 a servi, A plusieurs reprises,
d1interm6diairedans la promotion d'6changes
d'infdrmation entre organismes en ce qui a trait
des sujets et politiques affectant I'environnement dans Ie Nord. Celui-ci s'est av6r6 particulidrement efficace dans la promotion dV6changes
d'information entre I'Administration rkgionale
Kativik et la Direction r6gionale du ~ouveauQu6bec.
Pollution par I'amiante
Selon une lettre du maire de Salluit A I'Administration r6giona1e Kativik, une importante quantit6 de poussidre d'amiante provenantd1AsbestosRill etde Deception Bay
se r6pand sur une 6tendue de territoire
utilis6 par les Inuit dans leurs activit6s de
chasse, de p&cheet de pi6geage. Cette lettre fut ensuite transmise au Comit6 qui
chercha A obtenir de I'information sur la
nature et I'ampleur des r6percussions de
plusieurs sources.
Comme premiere &ape, Ie Comit6 6mit
des recommandationsde nature g6n6rale
aux ministdres de I'Environnement du
Qu6bec et du Canada (r6solutions nos.
82-8 et 82-9). Par la suite, Ie Comit6 invita
un repr6sentant du ministere de I'Environnement du Qu6bec A sa 18e r6union et obtint
des informationspr6cises sur la nature des
r6percussions 6cologiques des activit6s
de la Soci6t6 Asbestos A Asbestos Hill et
Deception Bay. A cette m&me reunion, Ie
Comit6 recommanda plusieurs mesures
sp6cifiques qui permettraient de r6duire
les &missions provenant des activit6s A
Asbestos Hill et Deception Bay (r6solution
no. 83-1).
Barils de bitume surles bords de la rivikre
Koksoak a Kuujjuaq
Programmede rev6g6tationdes mnicipalites au nard du 55e parallele
La municipalit6 de Kuujjuaq a port6
'attention du Comit6 les r6percussions
environnementalescaus6es par la pr6sence
d'une grande quantity de vieux barils de
bitume situ6s sur les bords de la rivi6re
Koksoak Kuujjuaq. Le 26 mai 1982, Ie
Cornit6 recommanda au minist6re des
Transports (Canada) et au ministere de
'Environnement (Canada) de prendre les
mesures n6cessaires pour r6soudre les
probl6mes 6cologiques cr66s par la pr6sence de ces vieux barils. A la 15e reunion
(27 juillet 1982), des repr6sentants de
Transport Canada ont inform6 Ie Comit6
des mesures envisages pour r6soudre ce
probleme. Le 22 f6vrier 1983, Ie Comit6
6crivit au Ministredes Transports (Canada)
et lui indiquason inquietude dece qu'aucune
mesure concrete n'ait encore 6t6 prise
pour r6soudre ce probleme.
Le 5 octobre 1982, les membres de I'Administration r6gibnale Kativik ont inform6
Ie Comitb de leur intention d'initier des
6tudes de faisabilit6sconcernant la rev6g6tation des municipalit6s situ6es au nord du
55e parallele. De plus, ils ont demand6 au
Comit6 de I'assistance pour obtenir des
informationssur des programmes ou etudes
de rev6g6tation qui ont 6t6 entrepris dans
Ie Nord.
Par la suite, Ie Comit6 invita des sp6cialistes
en rev6g6tation du ministere des Affaires
indiennes et du Nord et de la Soci6t6
d1Energiede la Bale James et obtint des informations pertinentes sur divers aspects
de rev6g6tation dans Ie Nord. A sa 18e r6union, Ie Cornit6 sugg6m que I'Administmtion
r6gionale Kativik et les municipalit6sconcern6es examinent la faisabilit6 et l'opportunit6
d'initier un programme de rev6getation
avec la coop6ration de la SEBJ et d'autres
organismes concern6s (r6solution no.
Au cours de l'ann6e. Ie Comit6 servit d'interm6diaire en ce qui concerne les ^changes
d'information en matiere d'environnement
dans Ie Nord. En particulier, la Direction regionale du Nouveau-Qu6bec informa r6guli6rement Ie Comit6 de ses programmes et
interventions dans Ie territoire (qualit6 de
'eau potable, Naturas, programmes de cr6ation d'emplois,programme de guerre aux
d6chets sauvages, Urgence Environnement, etc.).
Administration et regie interne
Le Cornite s'est r6uni six (6) fois entre Ie 1er avril
1982 et Ie 31 mars 1983 aux endoits suivants:
Le si6ge social du Cornit6 consultatif de I'environnernent Kativik se trouve a Kuujjuaq. Un poste A temps
partiel (7 jours ouvrables par rnois) a 6th cr66 pour
Ie Secretaire qui travaille alors sous la direction et la
supervision du Cornit6 et deson President.
13e assernbl6e:
14e assernblke:
15e assernblke:
16e assernbl6e:
17e assernblke:
18e assernbl6e:
1er avril 1982, Qu6bec
25 et 26 rnai 1982, Radisson
27 juillet 1982, Qu6bec
4 et 5 octobre 1982, Kuujjuaq
7 d6cernbre 1982. Hull
21 et 22 f6vrier 1983, Kuujjuaq
Lors de la treizi6rne assernbl6e (1er avril 1982), M.
Hew6 Chatagnier, sur avis de I'Adrninistration r6gionale Kativiket I'approbationdu Cornit6, fut nornrn6
Secr6taire en rernplacernent de M. Marc Voinson.
Les lieux des reunions refl6tent bien la politique du
Cornit6 de tenir ses reunions alternativernent dans
Ie Nord et Ie Sud.
A la neuvi6rne assernblke, Ie Cornit6 avait transrnis
aux rninistres de I'Environnernent du Qu6bec et du
Canada sa proposition budg6taire pour Ie fonctionnernent du Secretariat pour l'ann6e 1982-83, d'un
rnontant global de 55 757,00$ (r6solution no. 81-2).
Le Cornit6 obtint 40 000,00$ et les d6penses encourues sedistribuent cornrne suit:
Secretariat: Comite consultatif de I'environnement Kativik
Total des d6penses pour la p6riode du 1er avril 1982 au 31 mars 1983
Contribution de I'ernployeur
B6nefices rnarginaux
Frais de voyage
Frais de bureau
Frais adrninistratifs
Location de salles de reunion
1. Liste des r6solutions adoptees par Ie Cornit6 pour I'annee 1982-83
ANNEXE 1: Liste des resolutions du Cornit6 pour 19annee1982-83
de recornrnander au gouvernernentdu Quebec la modificationdu r6glernent
relatif A la gestion des d6chets solides conforrnernent & la proposition publiee
dans la Gazette officielle du Quebec Ie 18 novembre 1981 suite A une recornmandation du Cornit6 consultatif de I'environnement Kativik, ,sauf pour les
modifications suivantes:
1 les norrnes particulieres pour Ie milieu nordique ne devraient s'appliquer
qu'au nord du 56e parall6le;
2O i l'article 100d,propose, devrait
la presence de vieux barils de bitume, A proxirnit6 de la rivi6re Koksoak, &
Kuujjuaq constitue une source inacceptable de pollution de I'environnement;
la pr6sence de ces vieux barils rel6ve de Transport Canada;
il est urgent de faire disparaitre cette source de contamination et de profiter
de l'6t6 pour ce faire;
de recomrnander au Gouvernement f6d6ral du Canada (TransportCanada et
Environnernent Canada) de prendre, d6s cet 6t6, les mesures requises pour
r6gler Ie problerne 6cologique que represente la presence continue de
vieux barils de bitume A proximite de la rivi6re Koksoak, & Kuujjuaq.
selon I'article 22 des regles de r6gie interne du Comit6 consultatif de I'environnernent Kativik, Ie Cornite doit proposer ses demandes budgetaires
annuelles avant Ie 1er aoOt de l'ann6e pr6c6dente;
que Ie Cornit6 consultatif de I'environnement Kativik transmette les pr6visions budg6taires ci-jointes aux rninistres qu6b6cois et fhd6ral de I'environnernent.
Ie Cornit6 consuttatif de I'environnernent Kativik a 6th saisi d'une lettre du
rnaire de Salluit au president de itAdrninistrationregionale Kativik concernant les activit6s de la Soci6t6 Asbestos Lt6e & Asbestos Hill et Deception
Bay et des r~percussionspossibles de ces activiths sur I'environnementA
Salluit et ses environs;
Ie Comit6 consultatif de I'environnement Kativik appuie 11int6r6tmanifest6
par Ie rnaire de Salluit;
Ie Cornit6 a ht6 inform6 que Ie ministere de I1Environnernentdu Quebec
avait entrepris de recueillir chaque ann6e des 6chantillons d'arniante &
Asbestos Hill et Deception Bay;
que Ie Comite consultatif de I'environnement Kativik recommande que Ie
ministere de I'Environnement du Quebec fournisse d la municipalit6 de
Salluit toutes les donnees et informations pertinentes concernant la poussiere d'amiante resultant des operations d Asbestos Hill et Deception Bay;
de recommander que Ie ministere de 1'Environnementdu Quebecdhtermine
'ampleur de la dispersion d'amiante & Salluit et ses environs;
que Ie Comite recommande que Ie ministere de I'Environnement etudie la
possibilite d'etablir et/ou de modifier les normes actuelles concernant la
presence d'amiante dans !'atmosphere et dans I'eau.
Rhsolution 82-9
Ie Comit6 consultatif de I'environnement Kativik a pris connaissance d'une
lettre du maire de Salluit d I'Administration regionale Kativik concernant les
activites de la Societe Asbestos Ltee & Asbestos Hill et Deception Bay et
des repercussions possibles de ces activiths sur I'environnement de Salluit
et ses environs;
Ie Comite consultatif de IiEnvironnement Kativik appuie linterfit manifest&
par Ie maire de Salluit;
de recommander qulEnvironnement Canada fournisse une synthese des
etudes portant sur Ie probleme de l;a pollution par I'amiante particulierement
en ce qui a trait d la region affecthe par les operations minieres d Asbestos Hill
et Deception Bay;
qulEnvironnement Canada etudie la possibilite de fixer ou de modifier les
normes actuelles concernant la presence d'amiante dans l'atmosphere ou
dans I'eau.
Resolution 82-10
Ie Comit6 consultatif de I'environnement Kativik a transmit au sous:ministre
de I'Environnement du Quebec la resolution 82-5, IaqueUe recommandait
certaines modificationsau projet de reglement sur l'elimination des dkchets
solides au nord du 55e parallele;
Ie sous-ministre de I'Environnement du Quebec a approuve ces recommandations dans sa lettre du 1 er septembre 1982au presidentdu Comite consultatif
de I'environnement Kativik, & I'exception du retrait de I'article 100d;
I e sous-ministre a propose que I'article 100d soit modifie comme suit:
1 0 0 dAmenagement Avant de deposer les dhchets solides dans un lieu d'elimination v.is6 & I'article IOOd, on doit enlever les rnateriaux meubles jusqu'a
une profondeurd'un metre ou jusqu'au pergisol et disposersur Ie pourtourdu
terrain les materiaux de deblai qui seront requis ult6rieurement pour recouvrir les residus".
que Ie Comite consultatif de I'environnement Kativik recommande que I'article 100d soit redig6 tel que propose par !e sous-ministre de I'Environnement
du Quebec.
Ie Comit6 consultatif de I'environnement Kativik a recu une demande d'avis
date du 20 octobre 1982 du sous-ministre par interim relative & deschangements sugg6r6s aux annexes A et B de la loi sur la quality de I'environnement;
Ie Comit6 est d'accord avec les pr6occupationssous-jacenjes
aux modifica'
tions propos6es dans la proposition du 20 octobre 1982;
les repr6sentants nomm6s par Kqtivik, aprds consultation de leurs principaux, ont exprim6 I'avis qu'il est n6cessairediacqu6rir une plus grande exp6rience de la procedure et de tenir des consultations suppl6mentaires avant
de proposer des changements aux annexes A et 6 de la loi;
Ie Comit6 croit que des consultations pr6alables sont n6cessaires a tout
changement de la loi 6t de ses annexes;
que Ie Cornit6 appuie les pr6occupations sous-jacentes aux modifications
propos6es dans Ie document du 20 octobre 1982;
toutefois de recommander qu'aucun changement ne soit apport6 aux annexes A et B durant une p6riode de deux ans;
que durant cette pbriode, Environnement Quebec amorce un processusde
consultation des intervenants impliqu6s par ces modifications.
Ie Ministre qu6b6cois de I'Environnement a, dans sa missive du 5 janvier
1983, sollicit6 des recommandations sp6cifiques relativement au problferne
de pollution par I'amiante des regions d'Asbestos Hill et de Deception Bay;
Ie Comit6 consultatif de I'environnement Kativik a pris connaissance de renseignements provenant de sources diverses relativement au problfeme de
pollution par I'amiante qui s6vit dans les regions sus-mentionn6es;
IL EST R E S ~ L U ,
de recommander au ministre au6b6cois de iiEnvironnement:
que son ministdreentreprenne imm6diatement un programme d16chantillonage de la quality de I'air ambiant de sorte a &valuerla presence en
matiferesparticulaires dans les r6gions sus-mentionn6es en 6gard des
normes de qualit6 de I'air ambiant qui sont pr6sentement en vigueur au
que son ministere prenne toutes les mesures administratives et juridiques necessaires pour faire respecter, d'une maniere energique, les
normes d16missiond'amiante et de matieres particulaires applicables
aux operations de la Societe Asbestos dans les-endroits sus-mentionnees, en egard notamment aux sources suivantes:
a) Ie tas de kateriaux kjhtes d u concentrateur dlAsbestos Hill;
b) la reserve de mineral concentre de Deception Bay;
c) Ie chargement des navires de Deception Bay.
Resolution 83-2
les representants de I'Administration regionale Kativik ont indiqu6 que les
villages nordiques se montraient interesses A reconstituer leur vegetation;
la ~ o c i 6 t d
6 9 ~ n e r g de
i e la Baie James et Ie Ministere des Affaires indienneset
du Nord ont acquis une vaste experience dans la reconstitution de la vegetation au Nord et qu'ils pourraient 6tre interesses A prendre part a un tel programme dans les villages nordiques;
que Ie Comite suggere A I'Administration regionale Kativik et aux villages
nordiques d'etudiers'il est possible et opportun d'elaborer un programme de
reconstitution de la vegetation, en collaboration avec la SEBJ et d'autres
parties interessees.
Resolution 83-3
de recommander au ministre de I'Environnement du Quebec:
que son ministere, par Ie biais de son laboratoire, continue Ie paiement
des analyses periodiques de I'eau potable dans les communaut6s
autochtones de notre territoire, soit Ie Nouveau-Quebec;
d'amender I'article 9 (section Ill) du projet de reglement sur I'eau
destinee a la consommation humaine, de facon A ce que la periode
requise pourfaire bouillir I'eau de consommation qui estcontamin6e soit
reduite de vingt A cinq minutes.
1982 - 1983
1982 - 1983
Annual Report:
A message from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Mandate of the Committee
Activities of the Committee
for the year 1982 .1983 ....................... 38
Administrationand Internal Management
K.E.A.C. Secretariat .Expenses
. . . . . . . . 41
A message from the Chairman
Throughout the year (1982-83),
we hoped to have
succeeded in furthering our dialogue and improving
communicationswith the municipalitiesnorth of the
55th parallel. This was achieved through the use of
various means available to the Committee, such as
the publication of our information brochure, the
participationof northern residents at meetings, and
the promotion of the exchange of information
between various organizationsconcerning environmental affairs.
On several occasions, local and regional governments in the North requested technical assistance
from the Committee on specific matters related to
the environment. This year, an important part of the
activities of the Committee was oriented towards
responding to these requests, and local and regional
representatives had the opportunity to actively
participate at Committee meetings when the topics
dealt with were in their particular interest.
We have also attempted to promote the exchange
of ideas and information between the various organizations on environmental matters, particularlywith
respect to the various programs and policies of the
Canadian and Quebec governments as they affect
the North.
Finally, it is hoped that the publicationof our information brochure (in Inuttitut, French and English) has
helped to expose the northern populationand other
bodies to the environmental protection regime as
welt as the various administrative and consultative
bodies established under this regime.
As my mandate as Chairman comes to a close, I
would like to thank the members of the Committee
for the support they have shown and their willingness in working together towards a common goal
oriented towards the preservation of the environment of Northern Quebec.
Augustin Lebeau, Chairman
Kativik EnvironmentalAdvisory Committee
The Advisory Committee iscomposed of nine members appointed in equal number by Quebec, Canada
and the Kativik ~ e g i o n aGovernment.
The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman are appointed each
year alternately by Quebec, Canada and Kativik
Regional Government. For 1982-83 the Chairman
was appointed by Canadaand the Vice-Chairman by
The Kativik Environment Advisory Committee
(KEAC) is a body established under the James Bay
and Northern Quebec Agreement. It is governed
by the Environment Quality Act, R.S.Q., section
169 and by the Northern Quebec Native Claims
Settlement Act (SC 1976-1979, ch. 32).
The year 1982-83 was the third year of operation of
the Committee and this report briefly reviews the
mandate and composition of the Committee and
summarizes its various activities for the year (April
1, 1982 - March 31, 1983).
The Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee is
the official and preferential instrument for the
Quebec and Canadian governments as well as local,
and regional governments with respect to the formulation of 1aws:'and regulations concerning the.
environment and the social milieu north of the 55th
The Committee, mandated to oversee the environmental regime established by the Environment
Quality Act and Chapter 23 of the Agreement, can
make recommendations concerning the review,
modification or adoption of laws and regulations
related to the environmental and social regime. It
also makes recommendations with regard to the
environmental and social impact assessment and
review procedure.
Finally, the Advisory Committee may be consulted
by the Quebec and Canadian governments on major
issues related to the implementation of environmental and social protection and land use regimes.
Mr. Augustin Lebeau wasappointed to the Committee by Canada replacing Mr. Normand Lafreniere.
H e was also appointed Chairman for 1982-83 and
began his functions at the 14th sitting. Dr. Jacques
Giguere was named as Vice-chairman by Quebec
and this appointment became effective at the 17th
Mr. Marc Voinson, former Secretary of the Committee was appointed by the Kativik Regional Government as a member at the 14th sitting.
At the end of March 1983, the members were the
Augustin Lebeau, Canada
Vice-chairman: Jacques Giguere, Quebec
Michael Barrett, Kativik
Andre Dicaire, Quebec
Jean-Claude Dube, Canada
Camille Mageau, Canada
Jean Piette, Quebec
Marc Voinson, Kativik
Lizzie Epoo-York, Kativik
Activities of the Committee for
the Year 1982-83
Overseeing the environmentalregime North of
the 55th parallel.
In an effort to inform residents of the territory,
proponents of projects and other interested
agencies on the environmental and social protection regime north of the 55th parallel, the
Committeee published, in April 1982, an information brochure entitled theMEnvironmentand
Social Protection Regime North of the 55th Parallel". The Brochure, published in Inuttitut,
French and English was transmitted to all the
municipalities north of the 55th parallel in addition to governmental departments and other'
Throughout the year, the Committee was kept
informed on the activities of other environmental committees established bychapters 22
and 23 of the James Bay and Northern Quebec
Agreement. Reports on the activities of these
committees were presented at each meeting.
The Great Whale Hydro-ElectricComplex
The Committee continued to monitor the
environmental and social impact assessment and review procedure as applied to
the proposed Great Whale hydro-electric
Complex. The Committee wasinformed of
the proponents' decision to delay the actual
construction of the complex, possibly until
1.2 Programto upgrade landing strips north ofi
the 55th parallel.
Thecommittee became aware of a QuebecCanada joint project proposal to upgrade
landing strips north of the 55th parallel.
In an effortto exchange information on the
environmental and social impact and assessment review procedure as it should be
applied to the proposed program, the Committee invited representativesfrom Transport Quebec and Transport Canada to its
meeting of July 27, 1982 in Quebec.
At this sitting, the Committeewas informed
of thegeneral aspects of this project and in
turn informed the projedrepresentatives
of the environmental impact review procedure established by the Agreement and the
Environment Quality Act.
1.3 Oil and gas exploration in Hudson Bay
On April 1, 1982, the Committee met with
representatives from Canadian Occidental
Petroleum, the Ontario Energy Corporation,
SOQUIP, the Canada Oil and Gas Lands
Administration and various Inuit leaders in
order to promote the exchange of information and views on the Hudson Bay Oil and
Gas exploration program. The three compagnies involved had reached an agreement with the Canadian government to
carry out a 5-year seismic exploration program in Hudson Bay.
Although the project is not legally subject
to the environmental and social impact and
assessment review procedure from Northern Quebec, the meeting permitted cha,nnels of communications to be opened between the proponents and concerned Quebec Inuit leaders, concerning the environmental impacts of the project in Northern
At future meetings, members of the Committee were regulary informed of the developments related to this exploration program, particularly with respect to its environmental aspects.
2. Study and review of environmental acts and
Review of Schedules "A" and " B of the
Environment Quality Act
The Committee continued its review of
schedules "A" and "B" of the Environment
Quality Act in order to issue recommendations concerning amendments to these
schedules. Among others, the Committee
requested and received recommendations
to modify certain components of the schedules from the Kativik Environmental Quality Commission.
Upon the request from the Deputy-Minister
to submit the Committee's recommendations concerning the review of schedules
" A and "B" of the Environment Quality
the Committee, by resolution at its
17th sitting (no. 82-1 1) recommends that
no changes be brought forth to the schedules for a period of two years. The resolution was adopted by division.
Regulation on the management of solid
wastes in Northern Quebec.
The Committee completed its review of
the draft regulation amending the regulation
concerning the management of solid wastes
in Northern Quebec. At its 13th sitting, the
Committee recommended (resolution no.
82-5) several modifications to the draft
regulation. The Deputy-Minister of the Minist6re de I'Environnement du Quebec later
submitted to the Committee a counter
proposal concerning the land management
article (100d)of the regulation. This proposal
was approved by resolution (resolution No.
82-10) at the Committee's sixteenth sitting.
Regulation respecting water for human
The committee received from the Minister
of the Environment of Quebec a notice of
intent concerning the adoption of the "Regulation respecting water for human consumption." The Committee reviewed the
proposed regulation and recommended
certain modifications which could be applied
to Northern Quebec (resolution no. 83-3).
3. Consultation and information on issues and
policies affecting the environment of Northern
The Kativik Regional Government and severa'l
municipalities north of the 55th parallel requested
technical assistance from the Committee concerning several specific issuesaffectingthe environment of Northern Quebec. In addition, the Committeeserved as a generalforum for the exchange of information between government agencies
on environmental affairs. This proved to be a
particularly effective means of the exchange
between the Kativik Regional Government and
the Direction r6gionale du Nouveau-Qu6bec.
3.1 Asbestos pollution
The mayor of Salluitaddressed to the Kativik
Regional Government his concern that a
significant amount of asbestos dust originating from Asbestos Hill and Deception
Bay has spread over a large area of land
and water used by the Inuit for hunting,
fishing and trapping. Thisconcern was then
forwarded to the Committeewhich obtained
information on the nature and extent of the
problem from various sourcesAs a first step, the Committee issued several
general recommendations to the Quebec
and Canada Departments of the Environment (resolutions no. 82-8 and 82-9). The
Committee then invited a representative
from the Quebec Department of the Environment at the 18th sitting i n order to
acquire precise information on the environmental impacts of the Asbestos Corporation
activities in Asbestos Hill and Deception
Bay. At this same sitting, the Committee
recommended specific measuresto reduce
the emissions resultingfrom the processing
facilities at Asbestos Hill and Deception
Bay (resolution no. 83-1). .
Asphalt barrels along the Koksoak River,
The environmental hazards caused by the
presence of a large quantity of old asphalt
barrels located along the Koksoak River in
Kuujjuaq was brought to the attention of
the Committee on behalf of the municipality
of Kuujjuaq. On May 26,1982, the Commit-teerecommendedto the Ministersof Transport Canada and Environment Canada that
the necessary measures be taken to resolve
the ecological problems caused by the
continued presence of the old asphalt
barrels. At the 15th sitting (July 27, 1982)
representatives from Transport Canada
informed the Committee of the steps proposed to resolve the problem. On February
22, 1983, the Committee expressed its
concern to the Minister of Transport Canada
that no concrete steps had been taken
towards resolving this matter.
Revegetation project for the municipalities
North of the 55th parallel.
On October 5, 1982, the Kativik Regional
Government members informed the Committee of their desire to initiate feasibility
studies for revegetating municipalities ~ o r t h
of the 55th parallel and reauestedassistance
from the committee to obtain information
on existing revegetation studies and cases
in the North.
Subsequently, the Committee invited revegetation specialists from the Department
of Indian and Northern Affairs and the
Soci6t6 d'Energie de la Baie James and
obtained relevant information on various
aspects of revegetation in the North. At
the 18th sitting, the Committee suggested
that the Kativik Regional Government and
the municipatities North of the 55th parallel
examine the feasibility and advisability of
preparing a revegetation program with the
cooperation of the SEBJ and other interested parties (resolution no. 83-2).(.
The Committee served as a forum for the
general exchange of informationon environmental affairs in the North. In particular,
the Direction regionale du Nouveau-Quebee regularly informed the Committee of
its programs and interventions in the territory (water quality, Naturas, environment
job creation programs, litter war program
in the Schefferville region, Urgence Environnement, etc.).
Administration and
Internal Management
The Committee met six times between April 1,
1982 and Mars 31, 1983, at the following locations:
13th sitting: April 1, 1982 Quebec
14th sitting: May 25-26, 1982 - Radisson
15th sitting: July 27, 1982 Qu6bec
16th sitting: October 4-5, 1982 Kuujjuaq
17th sitting: December 7, 1982 Hull
18th sitting February 21-22. 1983 Kuujjuaq
The locations reflect the ongoing policy of the
Committee to hold its sittings alternatively in the
north and the south.
The head office of the Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee is located in Kuujjuaq. The
Secretary, under the direction and supervision of
the Committee and its Chairman, was allocated a
part-time position contracted for 7 working days a
At the thirteenth sitting (April 1, 19821, Mr. Herv6
Chatagnier, upon the advice of the Kativik Regional
Government and the approval of the Committee,
was appointed to replace Mr. Marc Voinson as
At the ninth sitting, the Committee had transmitted
its budget requestfor the Secretariat in the amount
of $55,757.00 to the Qu6bec and Canada Ministers
of the Environment (resolution No. 81-2) for the
year 1982-83. The Committee was accorded the
amount of $40,000.00, and the expenses incurred
by the Secretariat are broken down as follows:
KEAC Secretariat
Expenses for the period of April lst, 1982 to March 31,1983
Emp, cont.
Fringe benefits
Travel and expenses
Office expenses
Adm. charges to KRG
Rental halls and meeting rooms
Housing charges
List of resolutions of the Committee for the year 1982-83
APPENDIX 1:List of Resolutionsof the Committeefor the Year 1982-83
Resolution 82 - 5
to recommend to the Government of Quebec the modification to the
regulation pertaining to the elimination of solid wastes with respect to
the proposition published in the Gazette officielledu Quebec, November 18,1981, following a recommendationof the Kativik Environmental
Advisory Committee except for the following modifications:
1* particular standards for the North should apply only North of the
56th parallel;
2O proposed article 100d should be repealed.
Resolution 82 6
the presence of old asphalt barrels along the Koksoak River in Kuujjuaq constitutes an unacceptable source of pollution to the environment;
the presence of these barrels are the responsibility of Transport
it is urgent todispose of this source of contamination and to make use
of the summer period in order to do so;
to recommendto the federal government of Canada (TransportCanada
and Environment Canada) to take the measures required, starting this
summer, to resolve the ecological problems caused by the continued
presence of old asphalt barrels along the Koksuak River in Kuujjuaq,
Resolution 82 7
according to section 22 ofthe rules of internal management of the
Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee, the Committee must propose itsannual budgetary request before August 1st of the preceding
that the Kativik EnvironmentalAdvisory Committee send the attached
budgetary request to the Quebec and Canada Ministers of the Environment.
Resolution 82 - 8
the Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee has been informed of
a letter from the Mayor of Salluit, Quebec to the Kativik Regional
Government concerning the operation of the Asbestos Corporation
and its possible effect on the environment in and around Salluit;
the Kativik EnvironmentalAdvisory Committee endorses the concern
expressed by the Mayor of Salluit;
it was brought to the attention of the Committee that the Ministere de
'Environnement du Quebec has undertaken yearly samplings of asbestos in Asbestos Hill and Deception Bay;
that the Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee recommend that
the Ministere de IIEnvironnementdu Quebec provide the municipality
of Salluit with all relevant data and information concerning asbestos
dust from the operations in Asbestos Hill and Deception Bay;
to recommend that the Ministere de I'Environnement du Quebec determine the magnitude of asbestos dispersion in and around Salluit;
that the Committee recommend that the Ministers de IfEnvironnement du Quebec examine the possibility of establishing and/or modifying existing standards concerning the presence of asbestos in air or
Resolution 82 9
the Kativik EnvironmentalAdvisory Committee has been informed of a
letter from the Mayor of Salluit, Quebec, to the Kativik Regional Government concerning the operation of the Asbestos Corporation and
its possible effects on the environment in and around Salluit;
the Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee appreciates the concern expressed by the Mayor of Salluit;
that the Committee recommend that Environment Canada provide a
synthesis of studies related to the problem concerning asbestos pollution, particularly with respect to the region affected by the operation
in Deception Bay and Asbestos Hill;
that the Committee recommend that Environment Canada examine
the possibility of establishing and/or modifying existing standards
concerning the presence of asbestos in air or water.
Resolution 82 10
the Kativik EnvironmentalAdvisory Committee has sent to the DeputyMinister of the Environment of Quebec Resolution 82-5 which recommended certain modifications to the draft regulation on solid waste
disposal North of the 55th parallel;
the Deputy-minister of the Environment has approved the recommendations of the Committee with the exception of the proposalto remove
section 100d;
the Deputy-Minister proposes that section 100d read as follows:
"100d. Land management: Before solid wastes are disposed of in an
elimination site referred to in section 10Od, all loose material to a depth
of one meter or to the permafrost level must be removed, and excavated material that will later be required to cover the residue must be
placed around the areas".
that the Kativik EnvironmentalAdvisory Committee recommends that
section 100d be read as proposed by the Deputy-Minister of Environment Quebec.
Resolution 82 11
the Kativik EnvironmentalAdvisory Committee has received a request
for advice, dated October 20, 1982 from the Deputy-Minister ad hoc,
concerning proposed modifications to Schedules "A" and "B" of the
Environment Quality Act;
the Committee agrees with the underlying principles of the modifications proposed in the proposition of October 20, 1982;
the Kativik members, after consultation with their administrators, have
expressed the opinion that more experience with the procedure
should be acquired and supplemental consultations should be held
before proposing changes to Schedules "A" and "B" of the Act;
the Committee thinks that consultations are necessary before any
changes are made to the Act and its Schedules;
that the Committee supports the underlying pre-occupation of the
modification proposed in the document of October 20, 1982;
to recommend, however, that no changes be brought forth to Schedules "A" and "6"for a period of two years;
that during this period, Environment Quebec initiate a consultation
process with the organizations affected by these modifications.
Resolution 83 - 1
the Minister of EnvironmentQuebec requested, in his letter of January
5, 1983, that the Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee submit
specific recommendations concerning the asbestos pollution problem
of the Asbestos Hill and Deception Bay areas;
the Committee has received informationfrom various sources pertaining
to the situation of asbestos pollution in the aforementioned areas;
that the Committee recommend to the Minister of Environment Quebec:
1 that a sampling.program of the ambient air quality be undertaken
immediately by the department so as to assess the presence of particulate matter in the above mentioned areas vis-a-vis the ambient
air quality standards presently in force in Quebec;
2O that the Department of the Environment take all the necessary administrative and legal measures so as to strictly enforce the asbestos?and particulate matter emission standards applicable to the
Asbestos Corporation operations in the above mentioned locations, particularly as the following sources are concerned:
a) tailings stock pile from the con-centrationat Asbestos Hill
b) the storage bin at Deception Bay
c) the ship loading facilities at Deception Bay
Resolution 83 2
representatives from Kativik Regional Government have indicated
interest from northern communities in revegetation;
the Soci6t6 deEnergiede la Baie James and the Department of Indian
Affairs have acquired vast experience in revegetation in the North and
could be interested in taking part in the revegetation of the communities north of the 55th parallel;
that the Committee suggest to the Kativik Regional Government and
the municipalities north of the 55th parallelthat they examine thefeasibility and advisability of preparing a revegetation program with the
cooperation of the SEBJ and other interested parties.
Resolution 83 3
that the Committee recommend to the Minister of the Environment of
1 that the Department of the Environment continue payment for the
periodical testing of the drinking water supply in the native communities of Northern Quebec by making use of its own laboratory;
2 that Section 9 (paragraph Ill) of the draft regulation be amended
so that the time required for boiling contaminated water be reduced from twenty minutes to five minutes.
comite consultatif de I'environnement KATIVIK
KATIVIK environmental advisory committee
TEL.: (819) 964-2941