Stability Analysis of Parametric Roll Resonance B.J.H. van Laarhoven DCT 2009.062 Traineeship report Coach: prof.dr. T.I. Fossen Supervisor: prof.dr. H. Nijmeijer Eindhoven University of Technology Department Mechanical Engineering Dynamics and Control Group Eindhoven, June 2009 Abstract For investigation and developing fundamental knowledge about how and why ships and structures behave in an ocean environment Norway started the Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures. One of the research topics of this centre of excellence is parametric roll resonance. Parametric roll resonance is a phenomenon that causes a roll motion to a ship due to longitudinal waves. This roll motion can become so large that capsizing can occur. It is dangerous for ships to encounter this phenomenon. Even when capsizing does not happen this roll motion could cause damage to the ship and can be a threat for the cargo and crew. Although there are very specific conditions when parametric roll resonance can occur there are several examples where it did happen and caused significant damage to the ship and cargo for millions of euro’s. To describe this phenomenon the coupled 3 DOF model proposed by Neves and Rodríguez is used. The pitch angle and vertical displacement are assumed to be harmonic and therefore and uncoupled 1 DOF model is derived to describe the roll motion of the ship. For control it is interesting to have an indication what the values of the control parameters could be to prevent parametric roll resonance to occur. To determine these values of the control parameters first the stability regions of the uncoupled 1 DOF are determined. These simulations can easily be used as an indication for the control parameters since it is easy to see what the value of the control parameters should be to reduce the roll angle. Since in this study only an uncoupled 1 DOF model is used, results can be more accurate when a higher degree of freedom model is used to describe the roll motion. Also attention has been paid to a simple velocity controller. One of the control parameters used is the forwards velocity of the ship. Simulations show that an increase or decrease of the forward velocity would lead to a reduction of the roll angle. Decreasing the velocity always leads to a reduction of the roll angle. But increasing the velocity does not always lead to a reduction of the roll angle. The reduction of the roll angle when increasing the velocity seems to be highly dependent on the forward acceleration of the ship. No explanation for this has been found and further investigation is needed. 1 List of symbols symbol t ωφ ρw g ∇ GMb Ix A44 ωe ω0 U β φ z θ d1 d2 GMa K3 description time natural roll frequency density of water gravitational constant water displacement constant part metacentric height ship inertia in roll direction added mass in roll direction encounter frequency wave frequency forward velocity heading angle roll angle heave displacement pitch angle linear damping constant nonlinear damping constant varying part metacentric height nonlinear moment in roll direction 2 Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 Parametric resonance 2.1 Resonance in mechanical systems 2.2 Parametric resonance in mechanical systems 2.3 Parametric resonance in ships 6 6 7 8 3 Ship model 3.1 Ship model 3.2 Equilibrium point 3.3 Nonlinearities 14 14 15 16 4 Numerical analysis 4.1 Detection method 4.2 Simulation 4.3 Results 4.4 Simulation with simple speed controller 4.5 Results 18 18 18 19 21 22 5 Conclusions and recommendations 26 A Extended explanation used ship model 27 B Simulations near the equilibrium point 29 C M-files used for simulation 30 D Results of simulation done with varying ship parameters 34 E MATLAB simulink model 35 F Main characteristics of the container ship 36 References 37 3 Chapter 1 Introduction The Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures is located in Trondheim Norway. It is a centre of excellence that is founded to investigate and develop fundamental knowledge about how ships and structures behave in the ocean environment, using analytical, numerical and experimental studies, [21]. One of the research topics nowadays is parametric roll resonance in ship. Parametric roll resonance in ships is a resonance phenomenon that gives a roll motion due to longitudinal waves acting on the ship. This roll motion, which can achieve roll angles so high that the ship could capsize, can be dangerous for the ship. Even when parametric resonance does not lead to capsizing this can be dangerous for the crew, cargo and ship itself. This phenomenon has been known by the maritime society since the fifties. In those days only small ships, like fishing vessels, encountered this phenomenon. Nowadays there are examples of accidents with container vessels that cause significant damage to cargo and ship for millions of euro’s, [11]. For example in October 1998 the APL China sailed from Taiwan to Seattle and during this trip it experienced parametric roll resonance. When the vessel arrived in Seattle more than sixty percent of its cargo was lost at sea or damaged, see figure 1.1. A more recent example of ships encountering parametric roll resonance is the Maersk Carolina. In January 2003 the ships encounters a storm at the Atlantic sea. It alternates course to minimize roll, in other words the ship was heading into the sea. In a few cycles the roll angle increased up to 47 degrees and lasted a few minutes. The ships lost 133 containers and another fifty experienced severe water damage. The cargo claims reached up to almost 4 million dollars, see figure 1.2. Figure 1.1: The APL China arriving at Seattle [2] 4 Figure 1.2: The Maersk Carolina encountering parametric roll resonance [2] To see what parametric roll resonance is and what could happen to a cruise ship the reader may visit [22]. Because not only container vessels but also destroyers, cruise ships and roll on roll off paxes encounter parametric roll, this phenomenon recently attracted scientists, to understand the physics, detect parametric roll resonance during sailing and eventually prevent large motions of the ship by active control. For controlling this phenomenon it is interesting to know what the influence is of certain ship parameters on the stability of the ship. The main goal of this study is to define the stability regions of the ship model proposed by Neves and Rodríguez [8]. In other words define for which values of the ship parameters the ship encounters parametric roll resonance and for which not. The results can be used as an indication for the size of the control parameters. In the second chapter it is explained what parametric roll resonance is and under which conditions a ship can encounter this phenomenon. Also previous studies according to parametric roll resonance are discussed. Then the used ship model is presented and analytical analysis to this model is done. In the fourth chapter numerical analysis are presented and an analysis according to the control of parametric resonance using a velocity controller is done. 5 Chapter 2 Parametric resonance In this chapter attention is paid to parametric resonance in mechanical systems. It is explained what it is, why and under which conditions this phenomenon happens. Specific attention will be paid to parametric roll resonance in ships sailing in head seas. A list of empirical criteria is given to indicate when ships encounter parametric roll resonance. Also different models that describe this phenomenon are showed together with detection and stabilizing methods. 2.1 Resonance in mechanical systems In mechanical systems often oscillations and resonances occur due to for example actuators in the system. To explain this first is attention is paid a simple mechanical system an undamped, undriven pendulum, see figure 2.1. A mass is connected to the end of a rod. The other end of the rod is pinned at to point A, which acts as the pivot point of the system. Such a mechanical system is called an oscillator. Figure 2.1: Undamped and undriven pendulum The oscillation of the pendulum can be described as d 2θ + ω 2θ = 0 dt 2 (2.1) Starting at an initial value θ 0 this equation describes the movement of the pendulum. For the damped undriven pendulum a rotational damper is added around the pivot point and the oscillation can be described as d 2θ dθ +γ + ω 2θ = 0 2 dt dt (2.2) Due to this damping term all solutions decay to zero independent of the initial value θ 0 . The damped and undamped pendulum are examples of unforced oscillations. A forced oscillation can occurs when a mechanical system is driven by for example an actuator. In relation to the pendulum this means that an actuator generates a periodic force, which results in a moment around pivot point A, to give an excitation to the pendulum. In the model this results in a force term added to the right side of the equation. This is called a forced oscillation. The equation that describes this forced oscillation becomes d 2θ dθ +γ + ω 2θ = K cos(Ωt ) 2 dt dt (2.3) 6 Resonance occurs when K is large or when the frequency of the driven force Ω is near one of the resonance frequencies of the system. This means that the system oscillates with high amplitude. The resonance frequencies of a system are the natural frequency ωe of the system and multiples of that frequency. When the frequency of the driven force is near the natural frequency of the system, Ω ≈ ωe , the oscillation is called primary or main resonance. In mechanical systems it is preferred to avoid resonance due to the fact that a small driving force can cause large amplitude vibrations and therefore could cause damage to the system. 2.2 Parametric resonance in mechanical systems Resonance as described in the previous section, leads to differential equations with constant or slowly varying parameters. Parametric resonance differs from resonance, because it is an instability phenomenon. This instability is caused because parametric resonance gives differential equations with rapidly changing system parameters. This leads to large variations in restoring forces and therefore instability. Parametric resonance occurs when a system is parametrically excited by a periodic force and the frequency of this force is near one of the resonance frequencies of the system. Faraday (1831) was the first who recognized parametric resonance. During experiments with surface waves in a fluid-filled cylinder he noted that when the cylinder was vertically excited the surface waves had half the frequency of the vertical excitation. In 1859 Melde did the first experiments relating to parametric resonance. He tied a string between a rigid support and the extremity of the prong of a massive tuning fork of low pitch. For several combinations of mass and tension of the string and frequency and loudness of the fork, he noted that the string could oscillate laterally while the exciting forces work in longitudinal direction at twice the time period of the fork, [1]. In the example of the pendulum parametric resonance occurs when instead of actuating the pendulum by a moment around turning point A, now point A is periodically translated in vertical direction see figure 2.2. Figure 2.2: Parametrically excited pendulum Figure 2.3: Definition of ship motions [2] The oscillation can be described by die following equation 7 d 2θ + ( p + q cos t )θ = 0 dt 2 (2.4) Where p is a function of the ratio of the forcing and natural frequency and q represents the amplitude of the parametric excitation. This equation is generally know as the Mathieu equation and was discovered by Mathieu in 1868 while studying vibrations of an elliptic membrane. The Mathieu equation can be used for describing the response of many mechanical systems under the influence of parametric excitation, [1]. 2.3 Parametric resonance in ships Ships in calm water can be externally exited by for example wind. This can lead to certain motions of the ship. For definition of the different motions of a ship see figure 2.3. If the ship encounters a roll motion due to wind than, due to the roll damping of the ship, the roll motion decays to zero after a few time periods, see figure 2.4. However when the sea is not calm and a ships encounters parametric roll resonance, instability is caused due to large variation is a model parameter. The ship starts to roll until it capsizes or stabilizes up to a certain roll angle, see figure 2.5. Because of this phenomenon sailing in head seas can be dangerous. Also when parametric resonance does not lead to capsizing this can be dangerous for the crew, cargo and ship itself. Figure 2.4: Roll in calm sea [2] Figure 2.5: Example of parametric roll resonance [2] Although this is a dangerous phenomenon it does not happen to every ship at any time. The environmental and physical conditions that simultaneously need to happen to cause parametric roll resonance area • The encounter frequency of the ship and waves must be approximately two times the natural roll frequency of the ship. The natural roll frequency of the ship is defined as ωφ = • ρwg∇GMb Ix + A44 (2.5) The length of the waves should be equal to the length of the ship. 8 • • • Due to the previous criterion the ship needs to sail in heads or stern seas. Especially for large container vessels only waves in head or stern seas can reach such a length. The wave height hw needs to be larger than a ship dependent threshold value ht. Ships should have the correct hull shape. Figure 2.6: Ship hull on a wave (yellow line) crest (left) and on a wave trough (right) [2] The first criterion contains the encounter frequency. This frequency ωe is defined as the frequency at which the ship and the waves meet. The following function describes the encounter frequency [3]. ωe = ω 0 + ω 02 g U cos β (2.6) Where ω 0 is the frequency of the waves, g is the gravitational acceleration, U is the forward speeds of the ship and the heading angle of the ship. The heading angle is defined as the angle between heading of the ship and the direction of the wave, see figure 1.7. The last criterion, the vessel should have the correct hull shape, needs some more attention. The geometry of the hull is critical for parametric roll resonance to happen. Figure 2.6 shows the ships hull of specific vessels. These hull designs are based on years of investigation of what is the optimal design looking at economical aspects for example maximum cargo and minimal water resistance. The result is a hull design that is like a box in the middle and towards the head and back of the ship the geometry has large gradients. This results in large difference in water plane area dependent on the waves. When the ship is on a wave crest the water plane area is given by the yellow line in the left part of figure 2.6 and when the ship is on a wave trough the water plane area is given in the right figure. Hull designs like this are common in fishing and container vessels due to this hull shape these ships susceptible to encounter parametric roll resonance. Figure 2.7: Heading angle of a ship [2] Parametric roll resonance is a result of waves acting on the ship. It is obvious that beam waves, waves that come towards the side of the ship, cause roll movement of the ship. Parametric roll resonance however is caused by head or longitudinal waves, waves that come to the head of the ship. The stability of the ship 9 depends on the waterline of the ship. Due to the specific hull shape shown in figure 2.6 the waterline changes when sailing in longitudinal waves. This can be explained by mean of figure 2.8. In situation 1 due to a wide waterline there is more stability than in a still water situation (this means that it a bigger force is needed to push the ship away from it’s equilibrium point ϕ = 0 ) so the push back force, the force that is generated to get the ship back in its equilibrium point ϕ = 0 is large. A half time period later the ship is in situation 2 where the stability is decreased, the push back force is smaller so the roll speed increases. At last the ship ends up in situation 3 where the stability is again large which lead to a large push back force but because the roll speed was increased in situation 2 the ship rolls more over which leads to a larger roll angle. This repeats itself until the ship capsizes or stabilizes up to a certain roll angle. Figure 2.8: The effect of waves on a ship [2] 2.3.1 Modeling For better understanding of the physical behavior, the detection of parametric roll resonance and to reduce this phenomenon by active or passive control this calls for the development of mathematical models that describe the ship behavior in head seas. In the past few years several mathematical model are suggested by scientists. Most of the proposed models are based on the Mathieu equation, see (2.4). For ships it is common to, under certain assumptions, decouple body motions in longitudinal modes (surge, heave and pitch) and lateral motes (sway, roll and yaw). This leads to uncoupled one degree of freedom models to analyze parametric roll resonance. France et al. [4] and Shin et al. [5] point out that a Mathieu type one degree of freedom model can easily be used to show when ships encounter parametric resonance. In 2006 Bulian [6] came up with a 1.5 DOF model where the assumption of quasi-static heave and pitch leaded to an analytical description of the GZ curve. This model is valid for moderate ships speed in head seas and gives reasonable results for the prediction of parametric roll resonance. To get better understanding of the ship behavior Neves [7] derived a 3-DOF nonlinear model where heave, roll and pitch were coupled. By using Taylor expansion up to second order the restoring forces and moments in heave, roll and pitch were described. This model however predicted a roll angle that was too large compared to experimental results. These results are obtained by experiments done with a 1:45 ship model in a towing tank. Therefore in 2005 Neves and Rodríguez [8] expanded the model found in 2002 by using Taylor expansion up to third order. In this model the nonlinear coupling coefficients are derived as functions of the characteristics of the hull shape. This model was designed to predict roll motions of a fishing vessel. Also papers of Neves and Rodríguez [9, 10] show that this model matches the experimental 10 results better than the earlier proposed second order model. Holden et al. [11] used the third order model from Neves and Rodríguez for the prediction of the roll angle of container vessels. The validation discussed in the paper showed good agreement between the third order model and the experimental results for the situation where parametric roll resonance occurred and as well where it did not occur. 2.3.2 Detection To prevent ships from encountering parametric roll resonance there are several options, discussed in the next section. However how perfect these options will be, maybe the most important issue is the detection of parametric roll resonance. It is nice if there are systems which can reduce parametric resonance when it already visually happens but usually the ship and cargo are already damaged. In the example shown in figure 2.5, parametric resonance is build up in a few time periods. While long before it is visually noticeable, parametric resonance already starts to evolve. The problem with this is when is certain behavior classified as parametric resonance and when as normal roll disturbance. To reduce or avoid damage to ship, cargo and crew it is obvious that fast detection is needed so the observation of the skipper is not good enough. An automatic detection system is needed to detect parametric roll resonance sufficiently early enough to take suitable precautions. Nowadays ships use on-line detection schemes that use numerical calculations to predict parametric roll resonance [12]. For the detection of parametric roll resonance two studies have been done one by Christian Holden about frequency-motivated observer design and another one by Roberto Galeazzi about the prediction of the encounter frequency. Frequency-motivated observer design for the prediction of parametric roll resonance This detection scheme is based on the power spectral densities of data series that describe the ship roll behavior. In the situation when parametric roll resonance does occur, the PSD shows one major frequency component and in the situation that parametric roll resonance does not occur the PSD shows two frequencies. Based on this observation the output of the system is modeled as a linear second-order oscillatory time-varying system, with time dependent system parameters, driven by white noise. This system is discretized to a discrete-time model for further analysis. Since the system is linear-time-varying this method shows, at best, when parametric roll resonance is probable. For estimation of the time dependent systems parameters three different methods are used, a discrete Kalman Filter, the method of Recursive Least Squares and a Particle Filter. Then the eigenvalues of the system matrix are determined. A conclusion according to the probability of parametric roll resonance can be drawn based on changes in the eigenvalues. These methods have been validated using a 1:45 scale model of a 294 m tanker. The ship model was exposed to regular en irregular waves in a towing tank. In regular waves all method where able to predict the occurrence of parametric roll resonance with an accuracy of 100% while in irregular waves the accuracy of the best method was 87.5% The Recursive Least Squares method is the fastest method while the Particle Filter appeared to be the most accurate one, [12]. Prediction of the encounter frequency Since it takes a long time to build up parametric roll resonance it is unlikely to provide an early warning just by looking at the roll angle. Therefore also the heave and pitch motions (see figure 2.3 for definition of these motions) of the ship are taken into account to get more information about parametric roll resonance. Based on these time series of the heave and pitch motion of the ship an estimation of the encounter frequency is made. Parametric roll resonance detection is based upon sinusoidal detection in white Gaussian noise. This method is validated with the same experiments used to validate the methods of Holden. In regular waves also an accuracy of 100% is reached but in irregular waves it is hard to predict parametric roll resonance, [13]. 2.3.3 Avoidance/Reducing parametric roll resonance Avoidance or reducing of parametric roll resonance can be achieved in several ways. The most convenient way is to reduce the likelihood of parametric roll resonance. This can be done by making sure that not all of the conditions, explained in section 2.3, occur at the same time. This can be done for example by modifications on the hull form in terms of reducing the large gradients at the stern and bow of the ship and 11 adding roll damping to the ship by placing keels at the ship hull. Because modifying ship hulls is quite expensive most research has been done on stabilization of a ship by active systems. Roberto Galeazzi looks at stabilization of a ship by using fins and a combination of fins and modifying ship speed, [14, 16]. Christian Holden does research at stabilization by using a U-tank, [15]. Stabilization using fins This method exploits that when adding significantly enough damping to the ship, the roll motion will detune. There are two ways to increase the roll damping of a ship, adding fins to the ship hull and increase the speed of the ship. Since increasing the ship speed in not always applicable only attention has been paid to stabilization with fins. To avoid an extra drag force while travelling normally the fin can pulled into the ship and only come out when the ship encounters parametric roll resonance, see figure 2.9. Figure 2.9: Stabilizing fins can be fold out when necessary [2] Stabilization was established by influencing the location of bifurcation point in the used ship model by increasing roll damping with fins. The feasibility of this method was demonstrated using a four degree of freedom model of a container vessel. The demonstration shows that stabilizing the ship using fins is possible, [14]. Stabilization by using a U-tank The principle of a U-tank stabilizer is that the water in de tank counteracts the movement of the ship. There are two kinds of U-tanks, active and passive ones. Passive U-tanks can be useful to reduce roll of the ship if the frequency of the roll motion is right. If the frequency is to high or low than the passive U-tank even contributes to the roll motion and thus makes it worse. An active U-tank however always stabilizes the roll motion under any circumstances, but due to the pump that is needed, consumes a lot of energy. To compare both U-tank types Holden simulated with Lloyds U-tank model. These simulations showed that an active U-tank always stabilizes and a passive one only reduces roll under certain conditions. For simulation movies the reader could visit [18] for the passive U-tank and [19] for the active U-tank. Since Lloyds model has its limitations Holden achieved a new Lagrangian U-tank model for better calculations and larger validity range, [15]. Stabilization of Parametric Roll Resonance by Combined Speed and Fin Stabilizer Control One of the criteria when parametric roll resonance occurs is that the encounter frequency should be twice the natural roll frequency of the ship. The encounter frequency depends on the speed, see (2.6). Changing the speed gives a change in the encounter frequency and this way does not satisfy the first criterion and so prevent parametric roll resonance from happening. To increase the roll damping fin stabilizers are added to the hull. The used velocity controller is based on Lyapunov’s stability theory. The fins are controlled by using backstepping as control method for stability, [16]. 2.3.4 Stability analysis of parametric roll resonance Neves and Rodrìguez analytically derived equations for the stability regions for an uncoupled version their 3-DOF ship model, [8], which basically can be described by Hill’s equation. Based on the uncoupled ship model a numerical simulation is made and compared to the analytical solution. To investigate the influences of nonlinearities and coupling terms the 3-DOF ship model as presented in [8] is used to 12 numerically define the stability regions for parametric resonance. In both cases, uncoupled and coupled simulations, there is looked at the influences of the encounter frequency and wave height on the stability regions. The nonlinear terms have little effect on the shape of the stability limits. The nonlinear coupling terms however are relevant in determination of the roll amplitude. Initial conditions play an important role and there is evidence of typical nonlinear behavior: jump effect and bifurcation, [20]. 13 Chapter 3 Ship model In the first chapter an introduction to parametric roll resonance was made and clarified previous and current research topic of the scientific community. In this chapter the ship model used for the numerical analysis is explained and an analysis according to the stability of this ship model is done. 3.1 Ship model To analyze parametric roll resonance in ships a mathematical model is needed. Parametric resonance occurs in systems that can be describes as an autoparametric system. An autoparametric system consists of two subsystems, a primary and secondary system. The primary system can be externally forced, self-excited, parametrically excited or a combination of those. The secondary system on the other hand is coupled to the primary system in a nonlinear way and not under the influence of any external force. To describe parametric roll resonance as an autoparametric system, the model proposed by Neves and Rodríguez [8] is used. It is a three degree of freedom model that combines the primary (heave and pitch) and secondary (roll) system into one model. The primary system is externally exited by wave motion. The secondary system is parametrically excited by the primary system. Holden et al. [11] showed that this model, which was originally designed for describing the motions of a fishing vessel, also can describes the motions of a container vessel in head seas. The model is shortly presented. For a more detailed description the reader should read references [8, 11]. The generalized coordinate vector is defined as s(t ) = [ z (t ) φ (t ) θ (t ) ]T (3.1) Where z (t ) , φ (t ) and θ (t ) represent respectively the heave, roll and pitch motions of the ship which are defined according to figure 2.3. The equations of motion for heave, roll and pitch are defined as (M + A)&s& + B(φ&)s& + cres(s, ζ ) = cext (ζ , ζ& , ζ&&) (3.2) Where M is the diagonal rigid body generalized mass matrix. A is the generalized hydrodynamic added mass matrix. B describes the hydrodynamic damping which is nonlinear in roll movement. Cres contains the nonlinear restoring forces and moments as functions of the relative motions between the ship hull and the wave elevation ζ (t ) . Cext contains the external wave excitation dependent on the wave heading, encounter frequency, wave amplitude and time. Definitions and expressions for M, A, B, cres and cext can be found in papers of Neves and Rodríguez [8], Holden et al. [11] and appendix A. Considering expressions for M, A, B, cres and cext, (3.2) can be expressed as a nonlinear set of coupled equation for heave, roll and pitch motions that describe a container vessel encountering longitudinal waves. The equation describing the roll motion of the ship can be expressed as 1 1 ( Jxx + Kφ&&)φ&& + Kφ&φ& + Kφ& φ& φ& φ& + Kφφ + Kzφzφ + Kzzφz 2φ + Kφφφφ 3 2 6 1 + Kθθφθ 2φ + Kzφθzφθ + Kζφ (t )φ + Kζζφ (t )φ + Kζzφ (t ) zφ + Kζφθ (t )φθ = 0 2 (3.3) 14 In this study parametric roll resonance is investigated using an uncoupled version of (3.3). This is because the vertical displacement z (t ) and pitch angle θ (t ) are assumed to be purely harmonic and the waves are purely sinusoidal, so can be described as ζ ( x, t ) = Aw cos(kx + ωet ) (3.4) with Aw as the wave amplitude, k as the wave number and ωe as the encounter frequency. In fact this is the worst case scenario since the variation in water plane area is largest when the waves purely sinusoidal, see figure 2.8. The simplified model can be derived from (3.3) by setting the coupling terms to zero. This leads to the following ship model ( Ix + A44)φ&& + d 1φ& + d 2φ& φ& + ρwg∇(GMb + GMa cos ωet )φ + K 3φ 3 = 0 with ωe = ω 0 + ω 02 g U (t ) cos β (3.5) (3.6) The parameters look different but that is because the parameters in (3.5) are determined experimentally and therefore can be referred back ship parameters. The parameters together with their values are given in table 3.1. The values are obtained by experiments with a 1:45 container ship model in a towing tank. The main characteristics of the container ship can be found in appendix F. Data was achieved by varying ship forward velocity, wave frequency and wave height. The values of the parameters obtained by these experiments are calculated to full scale and used here. So the data achieved here is valid for a full scale vessel. parameter Ix + A44 d1 d2 ρw g ∇ ωe K3 GMa GMb ω0 U β value 1.62e10 3.20e8 2.99e8 1000 9.81 7.65e4 0.6031 2.97e9 0.84 1.91 0.4764 5.477 0 description ship inertia and added mass in roll direction linear roll damping nonlinear roll damping density of water gravitational constant water displacement encounter frequency nonlinear moment in roll direction varying part of metacentric height constant part of metacentric height wave frequency forward velocity heading angle Table 3.1: Numerical values ship parameters 3.2 Equilibrium point For determination of the equilibrium point(s) first the ship model is rewritten in the state-space form x&1 = x 2 (3.7) 1 x& 2 = − (d 1 x 2 + d 2 x 2 x 2 + ρwg∇(GMb + GMa cos(ωet )) x1 + K 3 x13 Ix + A44 (3.8) 15 φ & . φ with x defined as x = An equilibrium is defined by as the position where all velocities are zero, so follows directly that x 2 = 0 . Rewriting (3.8) and taking φ& 0 x& = = . From (3.7) it && φ 0 x 2 = 0 into consideration gives 0 = x1( ρwg∇(GMb + GMa cos(ωet )) x1 + K 3 x12 ) (3.9) This gives x1 = 0 (3.10) or x1 = ± ρwg∇(GMb + GMa cos(ωet )) K3 (3.11) (3.11) does not make sense because this that point varies in time what implies that the velocity x& 2 ≠ 0 . The definition of an equilibrium point is that x&1 = x& 2 = 0 so (3.11) is nonsense. Therefore the unique equilibrium point is determined as x1 = x 2 = 0 . Since this is a time-varying system the stability of the equilibrium point can not be characterized simply by the location of the eigenvalues of system, Khalil [17]. Also a suitable Lyapunov function was not found, so no conclusion can be drawn according to stability. To draw any conclusion about the stability of the unique equilibrium point numerical simulations are needed. The ship model (3.5), (3.6) is simulated around the equilibrium point starting at an initial value near the equilibrium point. Since this is a numerical simulation no exact conclusion can be drawn but when the roll angle decays to zero is highly unlikely that the equilibrium point is unstable. In figure 3.1 a graphical presentation is given of the ship model simulated around the equilibrium point. As can be seen three different solutions are shown starting from three different initial values. It can be concluded that the equilibrium point is unstable because none of the solutions decays to zero but fluctuates in a small region around zero. These fluctuations also can be an error of the solver method, therefore two other solver methods are used to check this and they show the same kind of behavior. The used solver here based an explicit Runge-Kutta (4,5), the Dormand-Prince pair, ode 45 command in MATLAB. One of the other two solvers is an implementation of an explicit Runge-Kutta (2,3) pair of Bogacki and Shampine, ode23 command in MATLAB. The other one is a variable order Adams-Bashforth-Moulton PECE solver, ode113 command in MATLAB. Plots of the solution simulated with the last two solvers can be found in appendix B. 3.3 Nonlinearities The model as presented by (3.5) and (3.6) is a nonlinear time-varying system. In linear time-varying systems the solution is not limited and grows until the system is destroyed. Usually mechanical systems possess some kind of nonlinearity that contributes to the response. [1] concludes that the effects of nonlinearities on parametrically exited systems have the tendency to limit the amplitude of the motion. This model has two nonlinear terms nonlinear roll damping ( d 2φ& φ& ) and the righting moment of roll ( K 3φ ). 3 So the presence of these nonlinearities occur that the model does exhibit unbounded and with that unrealistic prediction of the ship behavior. Basically these nonlinearities limit the amplitude of the roll motion. 16 Figure 3.1: Simulations near the equilibrium point with an ode45 solver 17 Chapter 4 Numerical analysis In the previous chapter the model is determined. In this chapter the model is analyzed to determine the maximum roll angles for certain values of different model parameters. Also a short simulation is done according to the control of parametric resonance. 4.1 Detection method Since no explicit solution is given for the stability of this model detection method needs to be designed. In section 3.3 is shown that every solution is bounded, so the amplitude is limited. For this reason the following detection method is designed. The model for the roll angle is simulated for a certain time period. This gives a graphically presentation of the roll angle in time, for example see figure 2.4. The average of the absolute value of the last ten extremes of this solution is taken and compared to a threshold value. Since the amplitude or decays to zero (stable) or grows up to a certain value (unstable) the threshold value is chosen close to zero to classify the stable and unstable solutions. The threshold value used here is 0.1 degrees. Since under certain conditions it takes a long time to build up and discover parametric roll resonance, a short simulation time could lead to wrong prediction of parametric roll resonance. Therefore the simulation time is set to 3000 seconds to predict parametric roll resonance. 4.2 Simulation It is common in stability analysis to show a kind of Ince-Strut diagram where the stability regions are presented. In this study there is chosen to show the maximum roll angle instead of the stability regions or certain model parameters. The advantage of this is that the figure contains more information than only stability or instability. First the model is simulated for a predefined number of grid points, see figure 4.1. Because this gives a rough interpretation of the unstable/stable regions it is required to increase the resolution. To save computation time and to increase the resolution in the unstable region, this is the most interesting region because in the stable regions the angle decays to zero, only the resolution in the region around an unstable grid point is increased up to a predefined resolution, see figure 4.1. Figure 4.1: Examples of a predefined grid (left) and grid after increasing the resolution (right) The model used for the experiments can be described by the following two equations. ( Ix + A44)φ&& + d 1φ& + d 2φ& φ& + ρwg∇(GMb + GMa cos ωet )φ + K 3φ 3 = 0 (3.5) 18 with ωe = ω 0 + ω 02 g U (t ) cos β (3.6) This is the model presented in section 3.1. This model has the following ship parameters Ix , A44 , d 2 , ∇ , Ix , GMa and K 3 . These parameters can not or can hardly be changed during sailing so are not useful for control. GMb , d 1 and ωe however can be influenced by using a PD ( GMb , d 1 ) or speed/heading ( ωe ) controller. For example d 1 can be influenced by stabilizing fins at the hull of the ship. It is not necessary to introduce control parameters like Kd or Kp because variation in GMb , d 1 and ωe will lead to the same conclusion. Therefore there is chosen to vary GMb , d 1 and ωe , and show the maximum angle in a graphical presentation. Simulations are done with MATLAB, the m-file to generate figure 4.2 can be found in appendix C. The results of these simulations are presented in the next section. Also simulations are done with variation of the ship parameters, these can be found in appendix D. 4.3 Results The red point in the following figures shows the values of the ship parameters determined during experiments mentions in section 3.1. In this case the values of the ship parameters are value 3.20e8 d1 1.91 GMb ωe 0.6031 Table 4.1: Values ship parameters parameters Figure 4.2 shows the maximum roll angle for variations in d 1 and GMb . In relation to the control parametric roll resonance from the figure can be concluded that increasing roll damping does not have the desired effect since twice the natural roll damping of the ship still leads to parametric roll resonance. Small variation in GMb however can reduce the roll angle less dangerous angles. Figure 4.2: maximum roll angle for varying control parameters d 1 and GMb 19 In figure 4.3 the results are shown while varying parameters GMb and ωe . Looking at the red dot a relative small variation in GMb as well as in ωe could prevent parametric roll resonance to happen. Figure 4.3: maximum roll angle for varying control parameters GMb and ωe Figure 4.4: maximum roll angle for varying control parameters In figure 4.4 the maximum roll angle is shown when varying d 1 and ωe d 1 and ωe . Note that instead of displaying ωe along the horizontal axes the ratio ωe ωφ is shown. This is because according to one of the criteria, mentioned in section 2.3, the encounter frequency ωe should be approximately twice the natural roll frequency of the ship. The figure shows that around ωe ωφ ≈ 2 parametric roll resonance occurs and gives high roll angles. Also it can be noted that there is a small peak around ωe ωφ ≈ 1 . This indicates that there 20 also is a subharmonic response that causes parametric roll resonance. Looking at the red dot it seems to be more obvious to increase or decrease ωe than to increase of decrease d 1 to get to the stable region, since doubling the damping is not even enough to get to the stable region. Figure 4.5: maximum roll angle for varying control parameters GMb , d 1 and ωe Figure 4.5 shows a 3D plot when varying all control parameters GMb , d 1 and ωe . Figures 4.2-4.4 are basically intersections of the volume shown in figure 4.5. This figure gives a good indication in which direction the control parameters should be moved to get out of the unstable region. 4.4 Model simulation with simple speed controller Figure 4.4 showed the roll angle as a function of ωe . The figure shows that a small variation is ωe can cause the ship to move to the stable region. According to (1.6) ωe depends on ω 0 , g , U , and β . ωe depends linearly on U . So the data of figure 4.4 can also be presented as a function of U by defining the horizontal axis differently, the result is shown in figure 4.6. Note that this figure is only valid for ω 0 = 0.4764 and β = 0 . For a different wave frequency and heading angle the scaling of the horizontal axis is different. Figure 4.6 shows that when the ship is at the red dot increasing or decreasing of the speed lead to the stable region so parametric roll resonance does not occur. To test this, a small simulation is done. A MATLAB simulink model of equation 3.5 is made with a simple speed controller, which can be found in appendix E. The simulation runs for 600 seconds after that time the speed controller is initiated and linearly the speed is increased or decreased. The initial speed is 4 m/s. The speed is increased or decreased until it lies outside the unstable region. In this case the end speeds are 1 m/s and 9 m/s. For both increasing and decreasing the speed special attention is paid to different kind of accelerations or decelerations of the ship. 21 Figure 4.6: maximum roll angle for varying control parameters d 1 and U 4.5 Results Decreasing the speed Figures 4.7 up to 4.9 show the ship behavior when decreasing the speed for different values for the acceleration. Directly after initiating the speed controller the roll angle reduces and eventually decays to zero. This implies that decreasing the speed reduces the roll angle independent of the acceleration. Figure 4.7: roll angle and speed as function of time deceleration 0.001 [m/s^2] 22 Figure 4.8: roll angle and speed as function of time deceleration 0.01 [m/s^2] Figure 4.9: roll angle and speed as function of time deceleration 0.1 [m/s^2] 23 Increasing the speed Figure 4.10: roll angle and speed as function of time acceleration 0.1 [m/s^2] Figure 4.11: roll angle and speed as function of time acceleration 0.01 [m/s^2] Figures 4.10 up to 4.12 show the ship behavior of a ship when the speed is increased up to 9 m/s for different accelerations. Compared to the plots where the speeds have been decreased these plots show totally different behavior. When accelerating with 0.1 m/s, figure 4.10, the roll angle decays to zero. But when acceleration slower than 0.1, figures 4.11 and 4.12, the ship behavior in unpredictable for an acceleration of 0.01, figure 4.11, the ship never get to the stable region even not when the speed, 9 m/s, is far inside the stable region. While, figure 4.12, an acceleration of 0.005 m/s first increases the roll angle but eventually does go to zero. The reason why this happens is not known and further research is needed to explain why this happens. 24 Figure 4.12: roll angle and speed as function of time acceleration 0.005 [m/s^2] 25 Chapter 5 Conclusions and recommendations 5.1 Conclusions Color plots For controlling parametric roll resonance it is important to know the influences of certain ship parameters on the stability of the ship. In this report the stability regions of a 1 DOF ship model are presented. This simplified 1 DOF ship model is derived from a 3 DOF ship model proposed by Neves and Rodríguez, [8], to describe the roll motion of the ship. The stability regions are given by color plots. These plots show the roll angle for different values of two or three different ship parameters. The plots give a good indication of the ship behavior for different ship parameters. The stability regions are well defined and easy to determine in the color plots. In this way the plots can be used as an indication for the amplitude of the control parameters. Since the stability regions are well defined it is easy to see how much a certain control parameter needs to be increased to get outside the unstable region. So an indication of the amplitude of the control parameters is possible. Simple velocity controller To check if the results give a good indication of the control parameters a simple velocity controller is used to see if this could lead to a stabilization of the roll motion. In other words to see what happens if a ship parameters is in- or decreased to get in the stable region. The velocity controller used here is linearly increasing or decreasing in time up to a certain final value. This velocity controller shows that a reduction of the roll motion of the ship is possible. Decreasing the forward velocity of the ship always leads to a reduction of the roll movement. However increasing the forwards velocity shows different kind of behavior. Increasing the forwards velocity does not always lead to a reduction of the roll motion. Simulations show that, while increasing the forwards velocity, the behavior of the roll motion seems to depend on the forwards acceleration of the ship. 5.2 Recommendations Color plots The results shown in this report are only valid for the used ship parameters, in other words for one ship represented by these ship parameters. Every ship parameter is highly dependent on the design of the ship and therefore the results will look differently for other ships. Unfortunately there was only data available for one ship so no comparison can be made between the results of two or more different ships. To get better understanding of parametric roll resonance it could be interesting to get the results for more than one ship. In this way more general conclusions can be drawn according to parametric roll resonance. In this report a simplified 1 DOF ship model derived from a 3 DOF ship model is used to describe the roll motion of the ship. In this report only an indication of the control parameters was sufficient enough but for actual determination of these parameters it is necessary to use a higher degree of freedom ship model to describe the roll motion of a ship. Further research should focus on implementing such a higher degree of freedom model, for example the 3 DOF ship model proposed by Neves and Rodríguez [8], to get more accurate results that make it possible to get an actual value for a control parameter. Simple velocity controller The behavior of the roll motion, when increasing the forwards velocity, seems to depend on the forward acceleration. However no further explanation is found in this report why this is and if it can be avoided. Therefore further research is needed to give for an explanation for this and determine if the ship is controllable by a simple velocity controller by decreasing as well as increasing the forwards velocity. 26 Appendix A Definitions and expressions for M, A, B, cres and cext. These definitions can also be found in [8] and [11]. m 0 M = 0 Ix 0 0 0 0 Iy Where m is the ship mass, Ix is the inertia in roll and Iy the inertia in pitch. 0 − Zθ&& − Z&z& A = 0 − Kφ&& 0 − M&z& 0 − Mθ&& 0 − Zθ& − Zz& B= 0 − Kφ&(φ&) 0 − Mz& 0 − Mθ& Where all coefficients except expressed as Kφ&(φ&) can be evaluated by mean of potential theory [11]. Kφ&(φ&) can be Kφ&(φ&)φ& = Kφ&φ& + Kφ& φ& φ& φ& Where the coefficients Kφ& and Kφ& φ& represent the linear and nonlinear roll damping. cres (s, ζ ) = cpos (s, ζ ) − cext , FK (ζ ) The vector of restoring forces and moments cpos (s, ζ ) can be written up to 3rd order as cpos ≈ cpos , s + cpos , ζ + cpos , s 2 + cpos , sζ + cpos , ζ 2 + cpos , s 3 + cpos , s 2 ζ + cpos , sζ 2 + cpos , ζ 3 Where cpos , s i ζ j = ∂ i + j cpos i sζ ∂s i ∂ζ j j cext , FK (ζ ) are Froude-Krylov forces which are caused by incident waves. cext , FK (ζ ) can be written as cext , FK (ζ ) = cpos , ζ + cpos , ζ 2 + cpos , ζ 3 The restoring forces and moments in each degree of freedom can be constructed. Beneath the forces and moments up to 3rd order are given in the roll direction. 1st order body motion in roll direction ( cpos , s ) Kb (1) = Kzz + Kφφ + Kθθ 27 2nd order body motion in roll direction ( cpos , s ) 2 Kb ( 2 ) = 1 ( Kzzz 2 + 2 Kzφzφ + 2 Kzθzθ + 2 Kφθφθ + Kφφφ 2 + Kθθθ 2 ) 2 2nd order hull-wave interaction in roll direction ( cpos , sζ ) Kh / w ( 2) = Kζz (t ) z + Kζφ (t )φ + Kζθ (t )θ 3rd order body motion in roll direction ( cpos , s ) 3 Kb ( 3 ) = 1 ( Kzzzz 3 + Kφφφφ 3 + Kθθθθ 3 6 +3Kzzφz 2φ + 3Kzzθz 2θ + 3Kφφzφ 2 z + 3Kφφθφ 2θ + 3Kθθzθ 2 z + 3Kθθφθ 2φ +6 Kzφθzφθ ) 3rd order hull-wave interaction in roll direction ( cpos , s 2 ζ + cpos , sζ 2 ) Kh / w (3) = Kζzz (t ) z 2 + Kζφφ (t )φ 2 + Kζθθ (t )θ 2 + Kζzφ (t ) zφ + Kζzθ (t ) zθ + Kζφθ (t )φθ + Kζζz (t ) z + Kζζφ (t )φ + Kζζθ (t )θ The external forces and moments are given by cext (ζ , ζ& , ζ&&) = τ 1w The wave excitation forces are defined by the wave force response operator this is defined as F i (ωe ) = τ 1wi (ωe) j arg[τ ~ e ζ 1 wi ( ωe )] With these force response amplitude operators it is possible to obtain the wave excitation load in each degree of freedom as τ 1wi (t ) = F i (ωe) Aw cos(ωet + arg[ F i (ωe)] Here i = 3, 4, 5 represents respectively the heave roll and pitch motions of the ship. 28 Appendix B Simulations near the equilibrium point of model (3.5) as presented in section 3.1. Figure B.1: Solution simulated with a Runge-Kutta (2,3) pair of Bogacki and Shampine, ode23 command in MATLAB Figure B.2: Solution simulated with a variable order Adams-Bashforth-Moulton PECE solver, ode113 command in MATLAB 29 Appendix C M-files to generate the results. MASTER.M constructs the results. DETERMINESTABILITY.M determines the stability of a single point. ROLLEQUATIONWITHCONTROL.M presents the used model. RESOLUTIONINCREASE2.M increases the resolution to a resolution defined by the user as explained in section 4.2. MASTER.M clear all close all clc solution3 = []; %simulation parameters tic; dd = 0.2/10; de = 11e8/10; dd2 = 0.1/10; we = 0.6031; w0 = 0.4764; d1 = 3.2e8; d2 = 2.99e8; rhow = 1000; g = 9.81; grad = 7.65e4; GMa = 0.84; GMb = 1.91; K3 = 2.97e9; IxA44 = 1.62e10; kp = 0; kd = 0; edged = 0;%set edgedetection on (1) or off (0) incr = 1;%set increase resolution x on (1) or off (0) resolutionx = 0.001;%set resolution of the unstable regions x resolutiony = 1e6;%set resolution of the unstable regions y %% calculating stability for different values of the bifurcation parameters for we = 0.5:dd:0.7 %x-axis solution2 = []; for d1 = 0:de:11e8 %y-axis % initial condition x0=[0.1;0]*pi/180; % start time, end time tstart=0; tend=3000; [ solution angle ] = determinestability( d1,d2,we,rhow,g,grad,GMa,GMb,K3,IxA44,kp,kd,tstart,tend,x0 ); solution2 = [solution2;we,d1,solution,angle]; end solution3 = [solution3;solution2]; end we = 0.5:dd:0.7; d1 = 0:de:10e11; %% calculating stability for different values of the bifurcation parameters for we = 0.24:dd2:0.34 %x-axis solution2 = []; for d1 = 0:de:11e8 %y-axis % initial condition x0=[0.1;0]*pi/180; % start time, end time tstart=0; tend=3000; [ solution angle ] = determinestability( d1,d2,we,rhow,g,grad,GMa,GMb,K3,IxA44,kp,kd,tstart,tend,x0 ); solution2 = [solution2;we,d1,solution,angle]; end solution3 = [solution3;solution2]; end [b3 p1] = sort(solution3(:,1)); 30 solution3 = solution3(p1(:,1),:); we = [0.24:dd2:0.34 0.5:dd:0.7]; d1 = 0:de:11e8; a = find(solution3(:,3)<1); a2 = find(solution3(:,3)>0); wphi = sqrt((rhow*g*grad*GMb)/IxA44); %% increasing resolution unstable regions if incr==1 [ smatrixnew ] = resolutionincrease2(solution3,d1,d2,we,rhow,g,grad,GMa,GMb,K3,IxA44,kp,kd,tstart,tend,x0, resolutionx,resolutiony); solutionmatrix1 = smatrixnew;%[solution3;smatrixnew]; [b3 p1] = sort(solutionmatrix1,1); solutionmatrix = solutionmatrix1(p1(:,1),:); save reso valuewe = []; valued1 = []; %defeining number of points in x and y direction for k = 1:length(solutionmatrix(:,1)) if k+1<=length(solutionmatrix(:,1)) && solutionmatrix(k,1)==solutionmatrix(k+1,1) else valuewe = [valuewe solutionmatrix(k,1)]; end end [b3 p1] = sort(solutionmatrix(:,2)); solutionmatrixd1 = solutionmatrix(p1(:,1),:); for k = 1:length(solutionmatrixd1(:,2)) if k+1<=length(solutionmatrixd1(:,2)) && solutionmatrixd1(k,2)==solutionmatrixd1(k+1,2) else valued1 = [valued1 solutionmatrixd1(k,2)]; end end a = find(solutionmatrix(:,3)<1); a2 = find(solutionmatrix(:,3)>0); else end toc save color2 %% edge and stability of the edge detection if edged==1 [ps pu] = pointdetection(solution3,we,d1); edge2 = []; for h = 1:length(ps) if ps(h,2)-pu(h,2)==0 edgepointdata = edgedetectionx(ps(h,:),pu(h,:),tend,x0); edge2 = [edge2; edgepointdata]; elseif ps(h,1)-pu(h,1)==0 edgepointdata = edgedetectiony(ps(h,:),pu(h,:),tend,x0); edge2 = [edge2; edgepointdata]; else end end solution32 = [solution3;edge2]; [b3 p1] = sort(solution32,1); solution4 = solution32(p1(:,1),:); [b2 p] = sort(edge2,1); edge = edge2(p(:,1),1:2); else end %% calculating colormatrix if incr==1 colormatrix1 = zeros(length(valued1),length(valuewe)); for n=1:length(valuewe) for m = 1:length(valued1) colormatrix1(m,n) = solutionmatrix((n-1)*length(valued1)+m,4); end end else colormatrix1 = zeros(length(d1),length(we)); 31 for n=1:length(we) for m = 1:length(d1) colormatrix1(m,n) = solution3((n-1)*length(d1)+m,4); end end end save color %% show strutt diagram and color plot for d1-we figure(5) if incr==1 plot(solutionmatrix(a,1)/wphi,solutionmatrix(a,2),'*',solutionmatrix(a2,1)/wphi,solutionm atrix(a2,2),'o');hold on else plot(solution3(a,1)/wphi,solution3(a,2),'*',solution3(a2,1)/wphi,solution3(a2,2),'o');hol d on end if edged==1 plot(edge(:,1)/wphi,edge(:,2),'dr-'); else end xlabel('\omega_e/\omega_\phi');ylabel('d1'); legend('unstable','stable'); figure(6) if incr==1 contourf(valuewe/wphi,valued1,colormatrix1);colorbar; else contourf(we/wphi,d1,colormatrix1);colorbar; end title('maximum roll angle for variation in d1 and \omega_e');xlabel('\omega_e/\omega_\phi');ylabel('d1'); resolutionwe = [resolutionx;resolutiony] %% show strutt diagram and color plot for d1-U figure(7) if incr==1 plot(((solutionmatrix(a,1)w0)*g)/w0^2,solutionmatrix(a,2),'*',((solutionmatrix(a2,1)w0)*g)/w0^2,solutionmatrix(a2,2),'o');hold on else plot(solution3(a,1)/wphi,solution3(a,2),'*',solution3(a2,1)/wphi,solution3(a2,2),'o');hol d on end if edged==1 plot(edge(:,1)/wphi,edge(:,2),'dr-'); else end xlabel('U');ylabel('d1'); legend('resonance region','preferred region'); figure(8) if incr==1 contourf(((valuewe-w0)*g)/w0^2,valued1,colormatrix1);colorbar; else contourf(((we-w0)*g)/w0^2,d1,colormatrix1);colorbar; end title('maximum angle for variation in d1 and U');xlabel('U');ylabel('d1'); resolutionU = [((resolutionx-w0)*g)/w0^2;resolutiony] DETERMINESTABILITY.M function [ solution angle ] = determinestability(d1,d2,we,rhow,g,grad,GMa,GMb,K3,IxA44,kp,kd,tstart,tend,x0) %STABILITYCHECK Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here [t,s]=ode45(@(t,y) rollequationwithcontrol(t,y,d1,d2,we,rhow,g,grad,GMa,GMb,K3,IxA44,kp,kd),[tstart tend],x0); %% determining if the solution is stable(1) or unstable(0) 32 extrMaxIndex = find(diff(sign(diff(s(:,1))))==-2)+1; extrMinIndex = find(diff(sign(diff(s(:,1))))==+2)+1; extr = sort([extrMaxIndex;extrMinIndex]); steadyangle = (abs(s(extr(end-3),1))+abs(s(extr(end-2),1))+abs(s(extr(end1),1))+abs(s(extr(end),1)))/4; if steadyangle>x0(1) solution = 0; else solution = 1; end angle = max(s(:,1))*180/pi; ROLLEQUATIONWITHCONTROL.M function xprime = rollequation(t,x,d1,d2,we,rhow,g,grad,GMa,GMb,K3,IxA44,kp,kd) %x(1) = phi %x(2) = z xprime(1) = x(2);%phi dot xprime(2) = ((d1+kd)*x(2)+d2*abs(x(2))*x(2)+(kp+rhow*g*grad*(GMb+(GMa)*cos(we*t)))*x(1)+K3*x(1)^3)/(I xA44);%phi double dot xprime = xprime(:); RESOLUTIONINCREASE2.M function [ smatrixnew ] = resolutionincrease(smatrix,d1,d2,we,rhow,g,grad,GMa,GMb,K3,IxA44,kp,kd,tstart,tend,x0,res olutionx,resolutiony) %unstable increase b = length(d1); smatrixnew = []; for k = 1:length(smatrix(:,3)) solution3 = []; if k-b>=1 && k+1<=length(smatrix(:,3)) && smatrix(k,3)>0 && smatrix(k-b,3)>0&& smatrix(k+1,3)>0&& smatrix(k-b+1,3)>0 for we = smatrix(k-b,1):resolutionx:smatrix(k,1)-resolutionx %x-axis solution2 = []; for d1 = smatrix(k,2):resolutiony:smatrix(k+1,2)-resolutiony %y-axis solution2 = [solution2;we,d1,1,0.1]; end solution3 = [solution3;solution2]; end%increase met nullen elseif k-b>=1 && k+1<=length(smatrix(:,3)) for we = smatrix(k-b,1):resolutionx:smatrix(k,1)-resolutionx %x-axis solution2 = []; for d1 = smatrix(k,2):resolutiony:smatrix(k+1,2)-resolutiony %y-axis [ solution angle ] = determinestability( d1,d2,we,rhow,g,grad,GMa,GMb,K3,IxA44,kp,kd,tstart,tend,x0 ); solution2 = [solution2;we,d1,solution,angle]; end solution3 = [solution3;solution2]; end%increase resolution else end smatrixnew = [smatrixnew;solution3]; end 33 Appendix D Results of simulations made with variation of ship parameters, The varied ship parameters are GMa with respect to ωe . 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