"Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" LOGISTIC One important thing for speed up EPC project By: Miduk Aritonang 1 CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" 1. PREVIEW OF LOGISTIC - Logistic is delivery goods until to destination place / buyer location - Logistic mode: 1. Air transports 2. Sea transports Marine transport 3. - Land transports Many parties who involved within logistic phase - Carrier, forwarder, slavedoring company, container leasing, tax dept. (VAT of goods, import/export tax, etc), custom dept. (HS code application, import/export/transit duty, final packing list check, custom clearance, etc), etc 2 CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" 2. LOGISTIC IN EPC PROJECT E : Engineering P : Procurement Logistic C : Construction Project Control 3 CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" 3. LOGISTIC BY MARINE SELLER/SHIPPER (PENJUAL/PENGIRIM) CARRIER (PEMBAWA/PENGANGKUT) BUYER/CONSIGNEE (PEMBELI/PENERIMA) 4 CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" Pict. 01: Marine transport process flow (by: Gunadarma Univ. – Sea Transportation) CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 5 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" Picture 01 (information): 1. Seller warehouse/workshop 2. Forwarder 3. Shipping company 4. Receiving terminal 5. Customs 6. Slavedoring company (perusahaan jasa bongkar/muat) 7. Carrier 6 CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" - Vessel types: 1. Conventional liner vessel break bulk only 2. Semi container vessel 3. Full container vessel - Vessel services: 1. Conference line ---- Member Member of of marine marine alliance, alliance, so so they they have: have: Fix Fix schedule schedule Fix Fix bill bill of of lading lading (daftar (daftar muat muat kapal) kapal) -- Non Non Member Member of of marine marine alliance alliance -- Has Has no no naval naval fleet, fleet, but but provide provide shipping shipping transportation transportation 2. Non conference line 3. Non vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC) CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 7 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" - Container types: 1. TEU (twenty footer equivalent unit, 20 ft) 2. FEU (forty footer equivalent unit, 40 ft) - Container ownership: 1. SOC (shipper own container/kontainer milik pengirim) 2. COC (carrier own container/kontainer milik pembawa) - Bill of lading (daftar muat kapal/surat pengangkutan): 1. Receipt of goods (tanda bukti penerimaan barang-barang) 2. Contract of affreightment (perjanjian pengangkutan) 3. A document of title (tanda bukti hak milik) 8 CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" 4. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD - ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) publish INCOTERM (International Commercial Terms) INCOTERM published by 1936, 1953, 1967, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 (last edition) INCOTERM 2000: 9 CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" - FOB (free on board) type: - Seller hands over all goods on vessel clean on board - Buyer arranges shipping, pay freight tonnage, bear any insurance - All risks will be transferred from seller to buyer after vessel move on - Seller’s advantages: Seller Seller more more knows knows regarding regarding term term of of condition condition of of tax tax and and custom custom if if stuffing stuffing port port in in own own country country Seller Seller avoids avoids any any freight freight rate rate fluctuation fluctuation and and currency currency rate rate fluctuation fluctuation in in buyer buyer country country 10 CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" 5. INDONESIA REGULATION - Indonesia government refers to HS (Harmonized System) Code HS Code is an international commodity classification system which is to classify various of commodity (import goods), and then to be determined how much its import duty and import tax. HS Code is developed in Indonesia by under Custom Department. Concerned with it, Custom Department publish “BUKU TARIF BEA MASUK INDONESIA 2007” as guidance for import goods Master list is a list of commodity (import goods) without import duty and import tax, such for: Import Import goods goods are are still still not not produced produced yet yet in in Indonesia Indonesia Import Import goods goods have have been been produced produced in in Indonesia Indonesia but but still still not not comply comply with with specification specification as as needed. needed. Import Import goods goods have have been been produced produced but but the the number number is is still still not not adequate adequate for for industry industry need need 11 CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" 6. UNSTUFFING PROCESS - Berthing position of vessel: -- Cross-side Cross-side position position against against jetty jetty -- Along-side Along-side position position against against jetty jetty Note: Note: need need confirmation confirmation to to Port Port Department Department - Considerations during unstuffing process: 1. 1. Provide Provide lay-down lay-down as as temporary temporary staging staging at at jetty jetty area area need need MoC MoC 2. 2. Ensure Ensure availability availability of of crane crane and and forklift forklift at at jetty jetty area area need need confirmation confirmation to to Port Port Department Department 3. 3. Availability Availability of of truck/trailer/lowboy truck/trailer/lowboy for for mob/demob mob/demob 4. 4. Provide Provide man man power power (safety, (safety, supervisor, supervisor, operator, operator, rigger, rigger, helper, helper, etc) etc) and and provide provide mobile mobile truck truck at at lay-down lay-down project project 5. 5. Provide Provide tools tools (shackles, (shackles, wire wire sling, sling, webbing webbing sling, sling, wood, wood, rope, rope, body body harness, harness, ladder, ladder, portable portable lighting, lighting, etc) etc) 6. 6. Provide Provide documents documents (MoC, (MoC, work work permit, permit, JHA/JSA, JHA/JSA, lifting lifting plan, plan, etc) etc) 7. 7. Knowing Knowing free free time time schedule schedule of of vessel vessel and and avoid avoid demurrage demurrage CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 12 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" Pict. 02: (shipment 1) Alongside berthing position of vessel (Comet 3) CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 13 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" Pict. 03: (shipment 1) Unloading material at lay-down project by 2 of cranes CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 14 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" Pict. 04: (shipment 2) Alongside berthing position of vessel (Taurus 10) CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 15 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" Pict. 05: (shipment 2) Unloading steam turbine package by crawler crane 150 ton CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 16 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" Pict. 06: (shipment 2) Forklift for mobilize equipments to temporary staging at jetty area CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 17 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" Pict. 07: (shipment 2) Unloading de-aerator by crawler crane 150 ton CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 18 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" Pict. 08: (shipment 2) Un-anchoring and away from jetty, and towed by Atlantic Star CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 19 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" Pict. 09: (shipment 3) Night shift during un-stuffing process to avoid demurrage CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 20 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" Pict. 10: (shipment 3) Continue un-stuffing process at second days of night shift CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation 21 "Try not to become a man of SUCCESS, but rather try to become a man of VALUE" 7. THE END 22 CGS Monthly Engineering Presentation