2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA all year varies varies http://admissions.appstate.edu/scholarships/index.h tml Campbell University Scholarships all year varies varies http://www.campbell.edu/adm/finaid/search.html Duke University Scholarships all year varies varies A comprehensive list of Duke's merit scholarships can be found at www.dukefinancialaid.duke.edu Elon University Scholarships all year varies varies http://www.elon.edu/e-web/admissions/financialaid Greensboro College Scholarships all year varies varies Meredith College Scholarships all year varies varies http://www.gborocollege.edu/finaid.php http://www.meredith.edu/admissions/financialaid.html NC A & T University Scholarships all year varies varies NC Central University Scholarships all year varies varies NC State University Scholarships UNC-Asheville Scholarships all year all year varies varies varies varies UNC Chapel-Hill Scholarships all year varies varies UNC-Charolotte Scholarships UNC-Greensboro Scholarships UNC-Wilmington Scholarships all year all year all year varies varies varies varies varies varies http://www.nccu.edu/admissions%20and%20aid/sc holarship%20and%20aid/index.cfm http://www7.acs.ncsu.edu/financial_aid/ http://www.unca.edu/financialaid/ For the most up-to-date list of UNC Chapel HIll's scholarship information, go to www.studentaid.unc.edu http://www.uncc.edu/finaid/index.htm http://fia.uncg.edu http://www.uncw.edu/admissions/aid.html Wake Forest University Scholarships all year varies varies http://www.wfu.edu/finaid/merit-based_intro.html Western Carolina University Scholarships all year varies varies http://www.wcu.edu/266.asp US Army ROTC Scholarships ASAP varies varies Navy ROTC Scholarship ASAP varies varies Appalachian State University Scholarships REQUIREMENTS http://www.ncat.edu/finaid/ www.goarmy.com/rotc/scholarships.jsp or call 1-888449-1545 www.navy.com/careers/nrotc 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP Scholarship Search Engine on Facebook Sallie Mae's free scholarship search: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships Scholarships.com: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships Scholarships4students.com: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships Scholarships Based on Your Individual Profile: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships Christian Connector Scholarships: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships United College Fund Scholarships: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA REQUIREMENTS ASAP varies varies https://www.facebook.com/myscholarships ASAP varies varies http://www.collegeanswer.com/paying/scholarship_ search/pay_scholarship_search.jsp ASAP varies varies www.scholarships.com ASAP varies varies www.scholarships4students.com ASAP varies varies http://www.fastweb.com/college-scholarships/ ASAP varies varies www.christianconnector.com ASAP varies varies http://www.uncf.org/programs International Students Scholarships: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships ASAP varies varies IEFA is the premier resource for financial aid, college scholarship and grant information for US and international students wishing to study abroad. Go to www.iefa.org/ Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF): Search Engine for MANY Scholarships for Asian/Pacific Islander students ASAP varies varies http://www.apiasf.org/scholarship_apiasf_list.html The National Database of Scholarships: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships ASAP varies varies www.free-4u.com 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP National Alliance for Excellence Scholarships: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships United Negro College Fund (UNCF): Search Engine for MANY Scholarships for African-American students Black Excel: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships for AfricanAmerican students Hispanic Scholarship Fund: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships for Hispanic/Latino students College Foundation of North Carolina: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships College Prowler: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships College Board: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships Next Student - College Funding Made Simple: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships Union Plus Scholarships: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships for Union Families DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA REQUIREMENTS ASAP varies varies http://www.excellence.org/programs.html ASAP varies varies http://www.uncf.org/forstudents/scholarship.asp ASAP varies varies Find over 200 free scholarships for minorities - go to www.blackexcel.org ASAP varies 3.0 Applicants must be of hispanic or latino origin - go to www.hsf.net/Scholarships.aspx ASAP varies varies http://www.cfnc.org/paying/schol/info_schol.jsp ASAP varies varies http://collegeprowler.com/scholarships/ ASAP varies varies http://www.collegeboard.com/student/pay/scholars hips-and-aid/ ASAP varies varies www.nextstudent.com/directory-of-scholarships/ varies http://www.unionplus.org/college-educationfinancing/union-plus-scholarship and also go to http://unionplus.educationplanner.org/education_pl anner/paying_article.asp?sponsor=2866&articleNam e=Grants_and_Scholarships or google Union Plus ASAP varies 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP The Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships DUE DATE ASAP AMOUNT varies GPA REQUIREMENTS varies This search engine will also search unusual scholarships. Go to http://www.finaid.org/scholarships/unusual.phtml Student Scholarships: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships ASAP varies varies This search engine is based in Charlotte, NC. Go to www.studentscholarships.org or email at news@studentscholarships.org American Foundation for the Blind Scholarships: Search Engine for MANY Scholarships for blind or visually-impaired students ASAP varies varies www.abf.org Scholarship Points ASAP $2,000 "No Essay" College Scholarship ASAP The Christian Connector, Inc: Search Engine for Scholarships College.us.com Scholarships ScholarshipPoints.com helps students find money for college. Multiple scholarship drawings are held each month - you can win just by registering. Register at www.scholarshippoints.com $2,000.00 www.collegeprowler.com/scholarship/apply.aspx ASAP Website provides free Christian college information as well as a $2,500 scholarship drawing - students simply lon onto www.christianconnector.com to request info and automatically be entered to win! all year Anyone planning to enroll in a school of higher education can apply. To enter, you have to tell them in 2-3 sentences how this scholarship would benefit your education. You must enter for your chance to win. Drawings will be all year long. Go to www.microessayscholarships.com/ $1,000.00 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP Wal-Mart Foundation Scholarship DUE DATE all year AMOUNT $13,000.00 Financial Literacy Scholarships all year $500.00 American Red Cross Scholarship: Bloodstock Scholarship Program all year up to $2,000 Nina Belle Reddit Memorial Scholarship not dated U.S. Coast Guard Academy Scholarship NC Reach (foster care students) not dated not dated GPA REQUIREMENTS 2.0 Student must be a Wal-Mart associate or the immediate relative of a Wal-Mart associate. Must enroll in a 2 or 4 year college, have a 2.0 gpa and have been a US citizen for at least one year before applying. Apply at www.walmartfoundation.org For high school seniors and college students (two $500 scholarships awarded annually). Students must successfully complete the online Financial Literacy 101 tutorial at cfnc.org. Go to http://www.cfnc.org/paying/financial_literacy.jsp 2.5 up to full tuition varies top 20% Applicant must volunteer to plan and organzie a blood drive. Apply at weneedblood.org Eligibility requirements: a woman who is a US citizen, gpa of 2.5 or higher, NC resident, and plans to attend a NC university. Email pirateabwascholarship@yahoo.com with your full name and email address. Directions will be emailed to you. Applicant must be a track /cross country athlete, high achiever in Math & Science, top 20% of class, and average scores of 600 on SAT in each section (Math/Verbal). Apply at www.USCGAsports.com Applicant must have aged out of NC public foster careor whose adoption was after age 12. Applicant must enroll in a community college or 4 year institution. Apply at www.ncreach.org/APPLY-FORFUNDING.51.0.html 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA Boeing Engineering Scholarship UCSD not dated Army National Guard Scholarship: DEDNG (Dedicated Army National Guard) not dated up to $10,000 2.5 North Carolina Education and Training Voucher Program not dated up to full tuition REQUIREMENTS Register at www.fastweb.com - Applicants must complete an application, write an essay, and provide letters of recommendation Applicant must be a US citizen, have minimum gpa of 2.5, have a minimum SAT score of 920 (M+R), complete the ROTC Basic Course requirements and be medically and morally qualified. For more information, contact a recruiter or go to www.guardscholarship.com You must have aged out of the foster care system at age 18 or were adopted from foster care with adoption finalization after your 16th birthday; you must be under 21 years of age, must be accepted into or be enrolled in a degree, certificate, or other accredited program at a college, or vocational program and show progress towards that degree or certificate. You must not have personal assets greater than $10,000 and be eligible for NC LINKS program. To apply, go to www.statevoucher.org and click on NC, then APPLY, then Eligibility. Blog for Cash not dated $3,000-$5,000 Have something to say about the world? Post a blog on the CollegeNet Web site about almost any topic on politics or current events. Students who receive the most votes by CollegeNet members on their blogs receive thousands for tuition. Applicants are any students enrolled as a senior who will be enrolled in college within a year http://www.collegenet.com National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Scholarships not dated up to $3,000 http://www.nsbe.org/scholarships 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT NC Hispanic College Fund Scholarship not dated $500-$2,500 The Broadway Star not dated Teen Travel Writing Scholarship August $1,000.00 Federal Junior Duck Stamp Art Competition August up to $5,000 Flashcard Scholarship August $500.00 Bryan Scholars Program at Davidson College September Mercer Engineering September Questbridge September up to $120,000 varies GPA REQUIREMENTS Applicant must be Hispanic/Latino background - gpa 2.5 of 2.5 or better - apply at www.TheNCSHP.org/NCHCF Apply to Lees McRae College in the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC - Performing Arts is one of Lees McRae College's most well known majors - they award talent-based scholarships including musical theatre Applicants must be ages 13-18 and attending grades 8-12. For more information, go to http://www.travelbigo.com/scholarships/SATW Sponsored by the US Department of the Interior and the US Fish and Wildlife Service: Students submit a drawing, painting, or sketch (details included on Juniors Also website). Go to http://www.fws.gov/duckstamps/federal/federal.ht m http://www.flashcardscholarship.com/ Athletes: One male and one female scholar athlete exceptional academic record, exhibits outstanding leadership abilities, and are considered superior athletes - if you are interested in Davidson College and you meet the eligibility requirements, see your high school counselor ASAP Must be nominated by a counselor. For more information, go to www.mercer.edu/engineering/scholarship Go to www.questbridge.org to find out more information 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT UNC-Chapel Hill Global Gap Year Fellowship October $7,500.00 Presbyterian College October varies Wendy's High School Heisman Scholarship October Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States National Voice of Democracy Essay Contest October Morehead-Cain Scholarship October GPA 3.0 REQUIREMENTS Students must be admitted under the early action plan to apply for this unique opportunity at UNCChapel Hill - if interested, you must apply for admission to UNC-Chapel Hill and additional information will be sent to admitted students in early February. Must be a member of the National Honor Society. Apply at www.presby.edu Athletes: Eligibility for application is limited exclusively to men and women entering their senior year of high school in the 2011-2012 academic year who have at least a "B" grade average and participate in at least one of the 27 sports officially sanctioned by the National Federation of State High Schools. Apply at www.www.wendyshighschoolheisman.com up to $30,000 $60,000.00 AXA Achievement Scholarship Program October up to $25,000 Coca-Cola Scholars Program October up to $80,000 top 10% 3.0 Attend UNC-Chapel Hill, be in top 10%, demonstrate service, athletic vigor and character. Students may also self-nominate at www.themorehead.org Awards seniors who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in non-academic activities in school, community, or workplace. Information and applications are available at www.axaequitable.com/axa-foundation/AXA-achievementscholarship.html Applicants must be planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution - apply at www.coca-colascholars.org 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP National Merit Scholarship Corporation Pogue Scholarship (UNC-Ch) DUE DATE AMOUNT October GPA REQUIREMENTS Juniors Only Applicants automatically apply for this scholarship among others through the National Merit Scholarship Corporation when they take the PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test in the fall of their junior year in high school. To find out when the PSAT is going to be administered at NLHS, see your counselor. Applicant must apply to UNC-Chapel Hill by Novemrber 1st. Emphasis on minority applicants based on financial need - apply at http://studentaid/unc.edu/pdf/misc/pogueapp.pdf October Prudential Spirit of Community October $1,000.00 CIA Undergraduate Scholarship Program October $18,000.00 One student per school will be nominated. Based on initiating or participating in exceptional community service projects. For more info., stop by student services or go to www.principals.org/prudential Applicants must be a senior with an SAT score of 1000 or higher, gpa of 3.0 or higher, demonstrate financial need, commit to a work experience each summer during college and agree to CIA employment for 1.5 times the length of their CIAsponsored scholarship. Apply at www.cia.gov/careers/student-opportunities/index 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP Young Arts Scholarships DUE DATE October AMOUNT GPA These awards are granted to seniors who show talent in dance, voice, music, art, photography, jazz, visual arts, writing, or other creative areas. You must audition or submit a portfolio or tape. For more information, go to http://www.artsawards.org up to $3,000 Gladys Baars Campbell University Scholarship October full tuition SunTrust Off to College Scholarship Sweepstakes October $1,000.00 Horatio Alger Scholarship October up to $10,000 Thomas Wolfe Scholarship October Akademos/Textbook.com Scholarship Contest October up to $2,000 REQUIREMENTS top 10% 2.0 Seniors intersted in attending Campbell - gpa of 3.5 or higher - top 10% of senior class - SAT = 1800 (M+V+W) - leadership skills - community involvement - See your counselor if you are interested. Scholarship not based on gpa or financial need - 15 chances to win with one winner chosen every 2 weeks starting October 30 For students who have demonstrated integrity, perseverance in overcoming adversity, strength of character, financial need, a good academic record, commitment to a college educ., and desire to contribute to society. Apply at www.horatioalger.org/scholarships Applicant must attend UNC-Chapel Hill and demonstrate writing ability. Go to http://english.unc.edu/creative/tws/index.html Applying students are required to compose an essay and reference a single book on a designated topic. Essays for this scholarship are required to be between 250 and 750 words. There will be a single grand prize winner chosen and two runners-up. Please refer to the website for for current essay topics: http://www.textbookx.com/scholarship 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA REQUIREMENTS Coca-Cola Scholars Program October $4,000-$20,000 3.0 Apply at www.coca-colascholars.org US Senate Youth Scholarship What Makes Your School Rock Scholarship Susan G. Komen for the Cure Scholarship October varies October $800.00 October up to $10,000 October $500.00 AES Engineers Consultants Scholarship Offered to 14-19 year old students - go to www.student scholarships.org Learn more and apply at www.komen.org/scholarship Applicants must submit an essay of no more than 1000 words in answer to one of the two questions posted on the website: http://www.aesengineers.com/scholarships.php Park Scholarship November $80,000.00 top 10% Attend NC State, be in top 10%, demonstrate leadership, service and character. Students may self-nominate at www.ncsu.edu/park_scholarships Kinston Elks Lodge Scholarship November $1,000.00 top 10% Applications available at www.elks.org/enf/scholars and will be available in September and must be returned to your counselor before the due date. Stokes Educational Program (majors in computer science or computers) November up to $30,000 per year 3.0 http://www.nsa.gov/careers/opportunities_4_u/stude nts/stokes.shtml 3.8 For students interested in attending UNC Charlotte school nominated only - see your senior counselor ASAP Submit an original science project - applicants can apply at www.societyforscience.org Levine Scholarship November full tuition Intel Science Talent Search November up to $1000 First Freedom November $1,000.00 http://spirit.prudential.com or www.nassp.org/spirit Free Speech Essay Scholarship November Target Scholarship November up to $10,000 up to $10,000.00 thefire.org http://www.college-financial-aid-advice.com/targetscholarship.html 3.0 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP The Society of American Military Engineers DUE DATE November AMOUNT $2,000.00 GPA REQUIREMENTS 3.0 For a senior planning to enroll in an engineering, architectural, or a similar technical field at an accredited college or university - applications are available in the counseling department ROTC Scholarships (all branches) November up to $150,000 ARMY ROTC Scholarships for Historically Black Colleges November full tuition Winston Salem State University Full Scholarship Award November full tuition 3.5 William F. Crumel Jr. Foundation Scholarship November $1,000.00 2.3 National Co-Op Scholarships November varies 3.5 Ron Brown Scholarship November up to $40,000 WH Plemmons Leader Fellows at Appalachian State November $1,000.00 3.0 Competitive, merit-based scholarships and stipends for qualified students who plan to enter the Armed Forces. SAT (M+R) = 1000+ or ASVAB + 74+. For more information, go under "Paying for College" tab at www.cfnc.org Students interested in the Army and to enroll at a Historically Black College: must have minimum 920 on the SAT (M+R). Apply at http://www.usarotc.com/index.htm Apply and be accepted at Winston-Salem State University and have minimum gpa of 3.85, and minimum SAT score of 1,100 or ACT score of 24. See your counselor for more details. For a deserving African-American student who will be attending a 2 or 4 year college with at least a 2.3 GPA and family income of $60,000 or less. Applications will be available in the Counseling Department. www.waceinc.org Applicant must be African American and demonstrate financial need. Apply at www.RonBrown.org Applicant must have a 3.0 gpa or 1000 on their SAT (math+reading) - apply at www.plemmonsfellows.appstate.edu 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT John Montgomery Belk Scholarship November full tuition Jackie Robinson Scholarship Fund November up to $7,500 Trustee Scholarship Competition December full tuition Laws of Life Scholarship December Centennial Scholarship Program December $10,000.00 Miss Eastern Carolina Pageant/Eastern Carolina Outstanding Teen Pageant December up to full tuition SAE Engineering Scholarship AXA Achievement Scholarship December December GPA top 10% REQUIREMENTS Applicant must attend Davidson College and demonstrate strong academics and leadership www.davidson.edu/admission Must be a minority student, exhibit leadership potential and financial need, and attend an accredited 4-year college or university. Apply at www.jackierobinson.org/apply/index.php Attend Boston University - must be a leader and in the top 10% of the senior class - to apply go to www.bu.edu/admissions/trustee www.lawsoflife.contest.com Attend NC State and major in textiles - school nomination or self-nomination http://www.tx.ncsu.edu/student_services/centennial _scholars This program is affiliated with the Miss America Pageant, the largest scholarship program for young women in the country. There are divisions for girls 13-17 and young women ages 18-24. The pageant is Saturday, Feb. 27, 2010 in Ayden, NC. Any interested applicants should plan to attend an informational meeting on Sunday, Dec. 6, 2009 at 2:30 pm at the Ayden Free Will Baptist Church. varies Applicant must be a US citizen and plan to major in engineering or related science. Apply at www.students.sae.org/awdscholar/scholarships $10,000.00 Must demonstrate outstanding achievement in nonacademic activity/project - Apply at www.axaachievement.com 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA Robertson Scholars Program December $160,000.00 top 10% Miss Cheerleader of America December varies 1800 Wheelchair Scholarship December $500.00 NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award December up to $1,000 ECU Academic Merit December $40,000.00 Stephen J. Brody Scholarship Healthy Lifestyles Scholarship December December $5,000.00 varies NC A & T State University Alumni Scholars December 3.0 3.5unwt 3.0unwt National Elks Scholarship ECU Academic Scholarship Programs NCSU College of Education Scholarship Awards December varies December up to $40,000 3.0 LCC/ECU Ribbon Program (Nursing) January varies 3.0 Explora Vision Award AWM Essay Contest January January $10,000.00 $1,000.00 Rubincam Youth Award January $500.00 Edison Scholars Program January $10,000.00 January 2.8 REQUIREMENTS Must plan to attend Duke University or the University of NC at Chapel Hill. For more information, visit www.robertsonscholars.org Requires high school cheerleading experience; must compete in a semifinalist round. Apply at www.misscheerleaderofamerica.com Essay of 500 words in length - go to http://www.1800wheelchair.com/scholarship For seniors that have an established business apply at www.nfib.com/yea Attend ECU and be in the top 5% of class, demonstrate extracurricular activities and leadership. SAT 1800 min. (600 each part) http://www.studentscholarships.org www.fitnessexercises.tv/scholarships.php Must be admitted to NC A& T State University - have an unweighted 3.0 gpa and 1000 SAT (Math+Verbal) www.elks.org/enf/scholars Applications available in Guidance. See your counselor. Information may be viewed at http://ced.ncsu.edu/admissions/scholarships Partnership between LCC and ECU Nursing Program must have unweighted 3.0 gpa and SAT Reading score of 490+ or ACT score of 21 on all sections. www.studentscholarships.org Essay contest - www.studentscholarships.org Essay contest for all students in grades 10-12 www.studentscholarships.org www.scholarshipamerica.org/edisonscholars 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA REQUIREMENTS Dell Scholars Program January $20,000.00 2.5 Washington Crossing Foundation January up to $5,000 http://www.dellscholars.org History Buff? Enjoy Politics? Government or Military Service in Your Future? Please visit www.gwcf.org or call 215-949-8841 up to $10,000 Recipient must submit a unique phot, piece of artwork, or computer graphic for the front of a greeting card. The student with the best design wins! Apply at www.gallerycollection.com/greetingcards-scholarship.htm Creat-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship Contest January Navy ROTC Scholarship January $180,000.00 top 10% Navy Nurse ROTC Scholarship January $180,000.00 top 10% Mensa Education & Research Scholarship January Ronald McDonald House Scholarship January Forgivable Education Loan January Eugene McDermott Scholars Program January Applicant can be a high school Junior (2nd semester) or Senior, have an SAT of 1050 (M+R), and ranked in the top 10% of the class. Apply at www.nrotc.navy.mil. Applicant can be a high school Junior (2nd semester) or Senior, have an SAT of 1050 (M+R), and ranked in the top 10% of the class. Apply at www.nrotc.navy.mil. Requires essay describing academic and career goals. Apply at www.mensafoundation.org www.rmhc.org All seniors should apply. If awarded, students do not have to pay back the loan. For more details, go to www.cfnc.org/fels Student must have an SAT score (Reading+Math) of 1400 or higher) http://www.utdallas.edu/mcdermott/applicationinformation 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP The Christophers' Poster Contest DUE DATE January UNC-Greensboro Merit Awards Program January Head Start Association Annual Scholarship Award January Gates Millennium Scholars January John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage Essay Contest January Sweet-diggity-dawg Scholarship January NC State University College of Education Scholarships January AMOUNT GPA REQUIREMENTS High school students in grades 9 through 12 are invited to enter a Poster Contest by creating a poster interpreting the theme One Person Can Make a Difference. For more information, go to http://www.christophers.org/Page.aspx?pid=274 or www.christophers.org and click on "Youth Programs" and then "High School Poster Contest" $1,000.00 Applicants must have a minimum of 1800 on the SAT or ACT composite of 27 (Writing Section 3.5 required). Apply online at www.uncg.edu/fia/meritawards This scholarship if for a student who attended Head $1,000.00 Start. Applications can be obtained in the counseling department. African-American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian Pacific Island American or Hispanic American 3.3 must demonstrate leadership and participate in extra curricular and other activities. Apply at www.gmsp.org Essay contest - For more information, go to www.jfklibrary.org and then click on "Education and up to $13,500 Juniors Also Public Programs" and then on "Profile in Courage Award" $20,000.00 2.0 Students who wish to apply must be a current high school student (2010-2013) with a minimum gpa of 2.0 and have a Zinch.com profile. To apply, create a free Zinch.com profile. http://ced.ncsu.edu/student_services/scholarship_in fo.php 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP Vickie Clark - Flaherty Scholarship Aubrey Lee Brooks Private Scholarship Johnson C. Smith University Golden Scholar Program DUE DATE January January Jan.-July AMOUNT $1,500-$2,500 varies Accepted at NC State University, UNC-Greensboro or UNC-Chapel Hill - merit and need based - students must complete the PROFILE available at http://profileonline.collegeboard.com/index.jsp then complete the application at www.cfnc.org/brooks - summer study abroad, research and internship opportunities full tuition Applicant must have a 3.5 or higher gpa and plan to attend Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, NC. To apply, call Mrs. Carolyn Scipio Glover at 301-3420140 or at 301-877-5130 Jan.-July $5,000.00 Knight Essay Scholarship Jan.-July $3,000.00 Jan-Dec. REQUIREMENTS For females in the restaurant industry who want to get a dgree in the restaurant industry. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. Help Johnny Scholarship Imagine America Scholarship Program GPA $1,000.00 3.5 Scholarship is available to any high school student that is 19 years or under, as of October 25, and is renewable. Apply at http://www.studentscholarships.org/helpjohnny.php Juniors Also Essay contest: go to http://www.sar.org/Youth/Knight_Essay_Rules Kinston High School is registered for this program and all seniors attending career colleges (such as Miller-Motte College) in the fall should apply between Jan. 1, 2011 and Dec. 31, 2011. To apply, go to www.imagine-america.org and click Education Scholarships, High School Students, and then Apply. 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP Davidson Fellows Scholarship Allstate Foundation Scholarships Buick Achievers Scholarship Program DUE DATE February February February SAMMY Milk Mustache Scholarship February Burger King Scholarship February Christian Connector Scholarships February AMOUNT GPA REQUIREMENTS up to $50,000 Award is for a significant piece of work in one of the following categories of math, science, literature, music, technology, philosophy, and "outside the box." Go to www.davidsongifted.org/fellows $2,000.00 Journalism Awards: go to http://www.allstate.com/foundation/keep-thedrive/HSJ.aspx up to $25,000 Student must plan to major in a specified course of study that focuses on Engineering/Technology or select Design and Business-related programs of study and be interested in pursuing a career in the automotive or related industries - Applications can be found at: http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php $7,500.00 2.5 $2,500.00 Got Milk? Each year, twenty-five senior athletes get this award. To apply, you need 75 whey proteinobsessed words of how you incorporate milk into your everyday diet and athletic training regimen. A photo of you sporting a freshly-grown milkmustache should be included. For more information, go to www.bodybymilk.com/sammy_scholarship.php Applicant must be a senior that works part-time (does not have to be Burger King), demonstrate financial need and participation in community service. Apply at http://www.haveityourwayfoundation.org/bksp_appl ication.html www.christianconnector.com 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA NC A&T Alumni Scholars Program February $10,000.00 3.0 unwt Vegetarian Scholarship February $5,000.00 National Action Council For Minorities in Engineering (NACME) Scholarships February up to $20,000 http://www.nacme.org/sch_index.html Student Composer Awards (Music) February $500-$5,000 The contest was created in 1951 to encourage young composers and help them continue their musical education. For more information: http://bmi.com/foundation/program/bmi_student_co mposer_awards $1,500.00 3.0 Senior with intent to pursue a degree in a health care field - gpa of 3.0 or higher - application can be found at http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php 3.0 Must be a senior with a 3.0 gpa. Applications can be found by going to: http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php Alegent Health Scholarship Doing Good Scholarship February February up to $25,000 REQUIREMENTS Accepted at NC A&T - unweighted gpa of 3.0 or better - SAT (Math+Reading) of 1000 minimum or better - Financial mNeed is not a consideration Applications are available in the Counseling Department. Applicants will be judged on having shown compassion, courage, and a strong commitment to promoting a peaceful world through a vegetarian diet/lifestyle. For more information, go to www.vrg.org/student/scholar.htm 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP Shell Oil Company Technical Scholarship Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program DUE DATE February February AMOUNT GPA REQUIREMENTS up to $2,500 Student who plans to enroll full-time in engineering. Applications can be found by going to: http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php up to $10,000 Student must demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship at school, at home, at the workplace, and within the community. Student must be nominated by an eligible community leader, such as a high school principal, elected official or executive director of a non-profit organization. Application can be found at http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php NC Student Incentive Grant (NCSIG) February $700.00 Alpha Delta Kappa Linda Rankin Memorial Scholarship February $1,000.00 top 10% Accepted at UNC campuses, community college campuses or NC Independent non-profit colleges or universites - need based - must complete the FAFSA - scholarship awarded until funds are exhausted www.cfnc.org/NCSIG Open to any student who is currently graduating and expects to enroll in a four-year college/university in NC - must be ranked in the top 10% of class and have a combined (M+R+W) SAT score of 1488 - applications are available in the Counseling Department 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP Alpha Delta Kappa Clare Johnson Marley - Mary Earle Berger Fine Arts Scholarship DUE DATE February AMOUNT $2,000.00 GPA REQUIREMENTS top 20% Open to any student who is currently graduating and expects to enroll in a four-year college/university in NC who is declaring his/her major in the area of fine arts - must be ranked in the top 20% of class and have a combined (M+R+W) SAT score of 1344 - applications are available in the Counseling Department Alpha Delta Kappa Student Achievement Scholarship February $2,000.00 2.5-3.5 Alpha Delta Kappa Eunice Riggins Memorial Scholarship February $2,000.00 top 10% American Red Cross Scholarships February $1,000.00 KFC Colonel's Scholarship February up to $5,000 DECA Scholarships February Open to any student who is currently graduating and expects to enroll in a two-year OR four-year college in NC - must have a gpa between 2.5 and 3.5 (not higher or lower) and must have a combined (M+R+W) SAT score between 1344-1560 (not higher or lower) - applications are available at www.nccommunityfoundation.org under Scholarships - Statewide Funds Open to any GIRL who is currently graduating and expects to enroll in a four-year college/university in NC - must be ranked in the top 10% of class and have a combined (M+R+W) SAT score of 1344 applications are available in the Counseling Department Applications available at weneedblood.org 2.8 Must pursue bachelor's degree at a public college or university. Apply at www.kfcscholars.org. DECA Seniors: See your DECA Advisor: Jessica Shimer for many DECA Scholarship Opportunities 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA Best Buy Scholarship February $1,000.00 Grades 912 USA Funds Access to Education Scholarship February Burger King Scholars February $1,000.00 2.5 Military Commanders' Scholarship Fund February $5,000.00 3.5 National Co-Op Scholarships February $6,000.00 REQUIREMENTS Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate commitment to and involvement in community volunteer service or work experience.Apply at www.bestbuycommunityrelations.com or www.at15.com Open to financially needy students who are high school seniors - go to www.usafunds.org/scholarship Applicant must work part-time for a minimum of 10 hours per week, be actively involved in community service, demonstrate financial need and plan to enroll in a 2 or 4 year school after graduation. For dependent children of active duty, reserve, National Guard or retired members of the US military who hold valid Exchange & Commissary shopping privileges - recipients selected based on academic record, demonstrated leadership and participation in school and community activities, honors, work experience, etc. For more information, go to www.sms.scholarshipamerica.org/militarycommande rs To be eligible for a merit co-op scholarship a student must apply, be accepted, and attend one of the following: Drexel, Johnson & Wales, Kettering, Pace, Rochester Institute of Tech., Univ. of Cincinnati, Univ. of Toledo, or Wentworth Institute of Tech. - apply at www.co-op.edu 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA REQUIREMENTS Apply online at http://www.axa-equitable.com/axafoundation/community-scholarships.html or call Bert Powell at 252-756-7721 AXA Achievement Community Scholarship February Dr. Suess College Scholarship February Applications are available in student services or at www.ohtheplaces.org February McDonalds is looking for role models in their communities. Applicant must provide transcript, personal statement, letter of recommendation, parent/guardian W2 form. Apply at www.rmhc.org Ronald McDonald House Scholarship $2,000.00 $1,000.00 Jagannathan Scholarship February up to $14,000 Davidson Fellows Scholarship February up to $50,000 ECU James H. and Connie M. Maynard Teaching Scholarship February $20,000.00 Nu Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Scholarship February William F. Carl Scholarship February $500-$5,000 SPIKE Scholarships February $10,000.00 Recipient must attend a 4 year UNC school - based on financial need and merit - must have an SAT score minimum of 1200 (M+V) and a profile must be submitted by February 1 - for more information, go to www.cfnc.org/jag www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php Applicant must be admitted to ECU, must intend to teach K-12 upon completion of an undergraduate SAT=1000 program for a min. of 4 years in a specified county, (M+R) or and must provide current year 1040 tax form. ACT=21 Applications will be available in the counseling department. Seeking qualified African-American male students with an unweighted gpa of 2.5 or better planning to 2.5unw attend a post secondary institution. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. 3.0 For students whose parents work in the restaurant industry. Applications available in the Counseling Department. www.studentscholarships.org 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT Elon Teaching Scholarship February up to $4,500 Siemens Merit Scholarship February up to $6,000 Lenoir County Association of Educational Office Professionals March $300.00 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Scout of the Year Scholarship Girls Going Places Scholarship Pfizer Epilepsy Scholarship Award March March March $5,000.00 GPA Juniors Only REQUIREMENTS http://www.elon.edu/fellows Interested Juniors must take the PSAT in October of their Junior year in high school - to apply, go to http://www.siemensfoundation.org/en/merit_scholarship.htm Will be awarded to a Lenoir County senior acceptance letter from community college or 4-year college - Applications are available in the Counseling Department. Applicant must be a registered, active member of a Boy Scout Troop, received the Eagle Scout Award, demonstrated practical citizenship in school, scouting and the community, and reached his/her 15th birthday. Apply at www.vfw.org - click on "programs" and then on "scholarship programs" up to $10,000 Awards girls aged 12-18 who have demonstrated budding entrepreneurship. The competition starts September 1. For more information, go to www.guardianlife.com/womens_channel/girls_going _places/girls_going_places.html $3,000.00 Applicant must be an outstanding student that has overcome the challenges of epilepsy - must be under a doctor's care for epilepsy and been successful in school - apply at www.epilepsyscholarship.com 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT Buick Achievers Scholarship Program March up to $25,000 Charlie Adams Endowed Athletic Scholarship March $1,500.00 GPA REQUIREMENTS For leaders both in the classroom and in the community, but may not have the financial means to go to college. For more information and to apply go to www.buickachievers.com Awarded to one senior female participating on a varsity cross-country team at a high school that is a member of the NC High School Athletic Assoication (NCHSAA)- nomination only by high school coach or athletic director Gainey Student Athletic Award March $2,000.00 Awarded to one senior female student athlete at a high school that is a member of the NC High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) - nomination only by high school coach or athletic director NC High School Athletic Association Scholarships March varies www.nchsaa.org Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund, Inc March $2,500.00 3.0 USPAACC (Asian American) Dr. Anita Young Bowell March March $5,000.00 $1,000.00 3.3 2.8 Clary Student Medal Athletic Award March $2,000.00 American Council of the Blind March $500-$3,500 Based on financial need and demonstrated leadership - for more information, google "Janice M Scott Memorial Scholarship" www.studentscholarships.org www.studentscholarships.org Awarded to one male and one female student athlete at a high school that is a member of the NC High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) nomination only by high school coach or athletic director Applicant must be visually impaired. Apply at www.acb.org or call 1-800-424-8666 for more information. 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA USBC Association Scholarship (Bowling) March $1,500.00 2.5 The Lewis and Elizabeth Dowdy Scholarship at NC A&T State March full tuition 3.8 NC Veterans Scholarship March varies Delta Kappa Gamma Society Scholarship March $500.00 Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year (SAMMY) March $7,500.00 Golden LEAF Scholars Program March $3,000.00 Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year (SAMMY) March $7,500.00 National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Scholarships March varies 2.5 REQUIREMENTS Applicants must be a current member of the NCS USBCA and bowling in a certified USBC NC youth league. Applications will be available in the guidance office. Accepted at NC A&T State University - SAT (math+reading) of 1200 or higher - 3.75 weighted gpa - Applications will be available in the guidance office. For students with a wartime Veteran Parent who was a resident of NC when he/she enlisted. Call 252-355-9052. Female student aspiring to major in education applications will be available in the guidance office Excellence in academics, athletics, service & citizenship. Apply at www.bodybymilk.com Attend one of the 16 campuses of the UNC system. Applications are available online at www.cfnc.org/goldenleaf. For student athletes (male or female): judging of the nominees will be based on five criteria academic performance (35%), athletic excellence (35%), leadership (15%), community service (10%), and milk experience (5%). Apply online at www.bodybymilk.com African-American students interested in applying for any NAACP scholarships should complete a membership application prior to applying for any of the scholarships - go to www.naacp.org/youth/scholarships/information/ 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP NAACP: Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship DUE DATE March AMOUNT $1,500.00 GPA REQUIREMENTS 2.5 Applicant must be a current member of the NAACP and have a financial need - to apply, go to www.naacp.org/youth/scholarships/information/ NAACP: Lillian & Samuel Sutton Education Scholarship March $1,000.00 2.5 Membership in the NAACP is desired - applicant must plan to be an Education major - to apply, go to www.naacp.org/youth/scholarships/information/ NAACP: Roy Wilkins Scholarship March $1,000.00 2.5 Membership in the NAACP is desired - go to www.naacp.org/youth/scholarships/information/ NAACP: Hubertus W. V. Wellems Scholarship For Male Students March $2,000.00 The National Exchange Club (Exchange Club of Kinston) Youth of the Year Scholarship March up to $500 Gilbraitti Scholarship March $500.00 2.5 Membership in the NAACP is desired - applicant must be male, have a financial need, and planning to major in one of the following fields: Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, or Mathematical Sciences. To apply, go to www.naacp.org/youth/scholarships/information/ Applicants will be chosen based on the requirements of grades, activities, and personal achievement as well as an essay "Inspired by the Power of Community Service." Applications will be available in the guidance office Go to http://mortgagebrokerslangley.ca/application.php or google Gilbraitti Scholarship 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT IFT Freshmen Scholarships March Phi Delta Kappa Prospective Educator Scholarship March Max Preps Citizen Athlete March $2,500.00 Kohl's Kids Who Care Scholarship Program March $1000-$10,000 Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Sigma Chapter Scholarship March GPA Go to http://www.ift.org/community/students/scholarships/ ~/media/Knowledge%20Center/Learn%20Food%20 Science/Scholarships/Applications/IFT_Freshman_ Scholarship.pdf or google IFT Freshmen Scholarships High school senior planning to major in education at a 4-year university - applications will be available in the counseling department For high school student athletes who are model citizens in all areas of life: community service, academics, athletics and school involvement- apply at www.MaxPreps.com/CitizenAthlete Applicants must be nominated by an adult (teacher, parent, community member). Kohl's is looking to award students who have been an outstanding young volunteers and have made a difference in the community. Nominations should be made at http://pull.xmr3.com/p/2381CA1D/62999755/clickto12_scholarship.html $1,000.00 $500.00 REQUIREMENTS 2.5 Applicant must be a female student aspiring to major in education, a Lenoir County resident, and must maintain a 2.5 GPA - Family members of Sigma Chapter will be given priority - applications will be available in the guidance office 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT BAM Scholarship March up to $20,000 American Welding Society Scholarship March up to $2,500 ANS Incoming Freshman Scholarship March $1,000.00 LULAC National Scholarship Fund March up to $2,000 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Scholarship Crumley Roberts Next Step Scholarship March March GPA 3.3 3.0 2.5 $2,500.00 2.5 REQUIREMENTS BAM is a company-sponsored diversity organization dedicated to supporting the continued growth and development of black employees at Microsoft Corporation. BAM will award two $5,000 scholarships to outstanding seniors who are interested in pursuing careers in technology. The scholarships are renewable for four year totalling $20,000. Applicants must be African-American and plan to attend a 4-year college/university. Apply at www.microsoft.com/about/diversity/programs/ergen /blacks/scholarships.mspx, Applicant must be pursuing welding education. To apply, go to http://www.aws.org/foundation/district_scholarships .html and for others, go to http://www.aws.org/foundation/national_scholarshi ps.html Pursuing a degree in Nuclear Engineering or have the intent to pursue a degree in Nuclear Engineering - based on academic achievement, quality and content of 500-word essay, letters of recommendation and other information - go to http://www.ans.org/honors/scholarships Applicants must be of hispanic origin - go to http://www.lnesc.org/ African-American male - applications will be available in the guidance office www.crumleyroberts.com/community/scholarshipprograms.php 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE Odenza Marketing Scholarship March Essay contest - For more information, go to http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php March $1,000.00 Business, Marketing, and Personal Finance students currently enrolled in their junior or senior years of Juniors Also high school are eligible - apply at www.knowledgematters.com/scholarships March varies www.waynecc.edu/foundation/scholarships March $6,000.00 www.ttecscholarship.net March varies https://www.spj.org/a-hs.asp Virtual Business Scholarship Wayne Community College Scholarship ITEC Scholarship Society of Professional Journalists Scholarship AMOUNT Tri-County Electrical Scholarship March Daughety Memorial Foundation Scholarship March LMH Nursing Leadership Scholarship March $1,000.00 National Association of Hispanic Journalist Scholarships March $1,000-$5,000 State Employees Credit Union Foundation "People Helping People" Scholarship Program April $10,000.00 GPA $500.00 2.5 unw REQUIREMENTS Applications will be available in the counseling department. Please listen to the announcements and stop by weekly. Applications will be available in the counseling department. Please listen to the announcements and stop by weekly. For students planning to pursue a nursing degree: Applications will be available in the counseling department. Please listen to the announcements and stop by weekly. Hispanic students interested in journalism as a career should apply - go to http://www.nahj.org/student.html Applicants must have an essay, resume, biographical statement, acceptance letter from a UNC-System college/university, and a gpa of 2.5 unweighted to apply. Applications will be available in the guidance office. 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP Train Them Up for Success College Scholarship DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA For African-American high school seniors interested in business and mechanical engineering - go to http://train-them-up.unitedcp.org/ April Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships April up to $5,000 Young Cancer Survivor April up to $7,500 AMDA (American Musical & Dramatic Academy) College & Conservatory of the Performing Arts April varies Johnnie F. Lyles Memorial Scholarship April James Beard Foundation Scholarship Program April Spina Bifida Association of America Scholarship April REQUIREMENTS National essay contest for students designed to encourage and promote the study of the Holocaust. For more information, go to http://holocaust.hklaw.com The American Cancer Society offers annual scholarships to college-bound students who are cancer survivors and in need of financial aid. Apply at http://www.cancer.org/docroot/SPC/content/SPC_1 _College_Scholarships_List.asp 2.5 Juniors Only http://www.amda.edu/scholarships-financialaid/grants-scholarships/ Applications will be available in the counseling department. Please listen to the announcements and stop by weekly. For students planning to further their education at a licensed or accredited culinary school - for more information, go to www.sms.scholarshipamerica.org/jamesbeard Applicant must have spina bifida and must provide a physician's statement to that effect. The applicant must be a high school junior entering their senior year at the time of application. For more information, go to "Paying for College" tab at www.cfnc.org 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP American Fire Sprinklers Association Scholarship DUE DATE AMOUNT April $2,000.00 Go online to www.afsascholarship.org. Must write an essay. Scholarship is for two deserving seniors that have been accepted into a college or university, but do not have the necessary funds to attend. Applicants must write a 500 word essay. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. The Daughety Memorial Scholarship Fund April $500.00 NC Society of Accountants April $500.00 TEACH Early Childhood Scholars Program April up to $5,000 Carrols LLC Community Scholarship Fund (Burger King) April Adam R. Howard Memorial Scholarship April Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.: Sponsored by Wal*Mart April $1,000.00 GPA 2.8 REQUIREMENTS For students who desire to enter the profession of Accounting. For students interested in obtaining an Early Childhood Associate Degree at any NC Community College - for more information, go to www.childcareservices.org Scholarship offered to any eligible senior or employee wishing to further their education. Winners are chosen on merit basis and completion of application. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. Applicant must be a member of a Lenoir County volunteer fire department or a member of a fire department that is a member of the Lenoir County Fireman's Association (two or four year college) applications available in the Counseling Department Applicants will be required to submit, personal statement, financial information, two letters of recommendation, letter of acceptance from intended institution, resume, copy of Federal Student Aid Report (SAR), and recent photgraph. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT North Carolina Bar Association Scholarship Program April $250-$4,000 Pitt Community College Student Ambassador Program April full tuition Lenoir Community College Foundation Scholarship April varies Adkin High School Class of 1967 Scholarship April $300.00 State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC) Scholarship April $500.00+ GPA 3.0 REQUIREMENTS Scholarships for children of North Carolina law enforcement officers killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty - apply at http://younglawyers.ncbar.org/media/207370/childr enofslainorpermanentlydisabledlawenforcementoffic ers.pdf or contact Jacquelyn Terrell at jterrell@ncbar.org or 1-800-662-7407 10-12 applicants will be chosen who have an outgoing personality, a professional appearance, and high academic achievement. Applications are available in the counseling department or www.pittcc.edu and then click on Ambassadors from the drop-down menu Scholarship is for students planning to attend LCC in the fall. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. For more scholarship opportunities at LCC, go to http://www.lenoircc.edu/studserv09/finaid.htm Candidates must demonstrate a strong record of academic achievement, a wholesome character, and an interest in service to the community. Eligible students are seniors that have been accepted into an institution for higher learning. One award will be given to a student in Kinston/Lenoir County. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. Attention children of State Employees! Is your mom or dad a state employee/retiree and a SEANC member? Apply at www.seanc.org (under member benefits) from Jan.-Mar. Questions call Renee Vaughan at 800-222-2758 x 3333 or rvaughan@seanc.org 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA UNCF - Foot Locker Foundation Scholarship April up to $5,000 2.5 For aspiring students wanting to further their education - apply at http://www.uncf.org/forstudents and click on "Scholarships" 3.0 Applicant must be a member, the child, or the grandchild of a member of the LaGrange Frink Alumni and Friends Association, have a gpa of 3.0 or better, etc. Applications are available online at www.frink-alumni.com/foundation.htm LaGrange-Frink Alumni and Friends Association Scholarship REQUIREMENTS April $4,000.00 April $500.00 Academic Scholarship - applications available in the counseling department April $500.00 Academic Scholarship - applications available in the counseling department April $500.00 Music Award: One recipient per school will be selected from all Lenoir County High Schools Hyatt Scholarship April $3,000.00 Samsung Scholarship April Fonnie B. Murrill and Ruth M. Jones Scholarship Foundation - Nathaniel Lee Jones Scholarship Fonnie B. Murrill and Ruth M. Jones Scholarship Fonnie B. Murrill and Ruth M. Jones Scholarship Foundation - Musicians for Education: Music Explosion Scholarship Duck Brand Duct Tape Stuck at Prom Contest Prom up to $2,500 Need-based scholarship - contact Miles Jones at 919244-1133 or google Hyatt Scholarship http://www.legion.org/scholarships/215471/downlo ad-samsung-scholarship-application Open to couples age 14 or older who are attending a high school prom wearing complete attire or accessories mde from duct tape. Award is $2,500 each (total per couple $5,000). To apply, go to http://www.duckbrand.com/Promotions/stuck-atprom.aspx 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP NCFRW (North Carolina Federation of Republican Women) - Caring for America DUE DATE AMOUNT April $1,000.00 Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf April $500-$2,000 Westminster United Methodist Church: Sawyer-Wooten Memorial Scholarship April $1,000.00 Westminster United Methodist Church: Todd Howard Memorial Scholarship April $1,000.00 NC Child Support Council Scholarship and the Bob McGuire Memorial Scholarship April $1,000.00 R.L. Flanagan Memorial Scholarships April GPA REQUIREMENTS Go to http://www.ncfrw.com/CFAScholarship_application-020113.pdf or go to www.ncfrw.com and select programs For the profoundly deaf student. Apply at http://www.agbell.org/DesktopDefault.aspx?p=Colle ge_scholarship_Awards&MnulD=1 or see your counselor Applicant does not have to be a member of the Westminster UMC to be eligible for this scholarship: Emphasis is placed on Christian character and financial need. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. Applicant must be a member of the Westminster UMC to be eligible for this scholarship: Emphasis is placed on Christian character. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. 2.0 At least 1 parent must be a member of the NC Child Support Council or client of Child Support Program. 2.7 Applicant must be a graduating senior planning to pursue a college education and have a minimum gpa of 2.7. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE Etta B. Lane Cup and Banneker Literary & Social Club Scholarship April Zeta Pi Sigma Alumnae Chapter: Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Pearls & Rubies Scholarship May AMOUNT GPA 2.5 $100-$350 REQUIREMENTS Applicant must be a graduating African-American female who has applied for admission to a four-year college or university, gpa of 2.5 or better, and participates in extra-curricular school activities as well as community service and church. Preference will be given to low income applicants and/or single parent families. Essay required. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. For seniors who have survived cancer or who has an immediate family member that has survived cancer applications are available in the Counseling Department. Betsy Justus (NCTA) Scholarship May $1,000.00 3.0 In her memory, NCTA established the Betsy Y. Justus NCTA Founder’s Scholarship to encourage and support young women in North Carolina pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The scholarship awards each recipient a one-time grant of $1,000. Go to http://www.alphanumeric.com/index.php/newsroom/ entry-view/betsy-y-justus-ncta-founders-scholarship Nordstrom Scholarship Program May $10,000.00 Juniors Only http://shop.nordstrom.com/c/nordstrom-caresscholarship Oakseed Ministries Essay Contest May $1,000.00 Wade Edwards Foundation and Learning Lab May varies The Essay Contest awards $1,000 scholarships to the author of the best essay. For more information, go to www.oakseedessaycontest.com Juniors Only http://wade.org/pages/shortfictionaward.html 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP Kinston Civitan Club Youth Service Award Scholarship DUE DATE AMOUNT May Actuarial Diversity Scholarship May $1,000.00 Tylenol Scholarship May up to $10,000 Big Dig Scholarship May $3,000.00 B. Davis Scholarship May $1,000.00 Healthy Lifestyles Scholarship May $5,000.00 Delta Rho Zeta Chapter: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Scholarship May DSM May GPA REQUIREMENTS 2.5 This scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior who has maintained a C average or better, who plans to further their education in an institution of higher learning, and who has demonstrated a community-service oriented spirit. Applications are available in the Counseling Department. 3.0 Must submit an essay that is under 1000 words by the stated deadline http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php Juniors Also http://www.studentawardsearch.com/scholarships 2.5 $1,000.00 Each applicant must have at least one birth parent who is African-American, Hispanic, or Native North American. Applicant must have a SAT score in Math of 600 and intend to pursue a career in the actuarial profession. To apply, go to http://www.actuarialfoundation.org/pdf/2009diversity-application.pdf Open to students interested in a health-related field. Applications available at www.tylenol.com/scholarship Two essay questions: go to http://www.fitnessexercises.tv/scholarships.php Applicant must plan to attend a college/university in the fall - applications available in the Counseling Department. Parent or guardian must be an employee of DSM. 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT Coca-Cola Two Year College Scholarship May $1,000.00 BBG Communications Scholarship June $1,000.00 Miss North Carolina High School June up to $10,000 Congress of the United States House of Representatives: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Spouses' Scholarship Program June North Carolina Trucking Association Scholarship June $1,000.00 GPA REQUIREMENTS 2.5 Applicants must be planning to enroll at a two-year institution - go to www.aie.org/Scholarships/detail.cfm?ID=18590 or google "Coca-Cola Two Year College Scholarship" Essay contest: go to http://www.breylancommunications.com All NC High School girls in Grades 9-12 that wish to compete for this title in a pageant. For more information, go to www.MissNorthCarolinaHighSchool.Webs.com and www.americashighschoolpageant.com. If you are interested in applying, call Gayle Mace at 910-6730093 to request an entrance packet. Two Scholarship opportunities: General Education Scholarship and Cheerios Brand Health Initiative Scholarship - Applicants will have to provide a personal statement (500 word min.), official transcript, letter of acceptance from intended institution, two letters of recommendation, resume, recent photograph, and copy of Federal Student Aid Report (SAR). Applications are available in the Counseling Dept. Applicants can attend junior colleges, community colleges, or technical institutes of their choice in addition to four year colleges and universities. Apply at http://www.nctrucking.com/forms/NCTA_Scholarshi p2010.pdf 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATE AMOUNT GPA REQUIREMENTS Abbott and Fenner Business Scholarship June $1,000.00 Juniors Also Apply at http://www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarship.htm June $5,000.00 Sussle Scholarship The Pharmacy Technician Scholarship BigSun Scholarship June http://sussle.org/scholarship http://collegeprowler.com/scholarships/major/pharm acy-technician-assistant/ June For young athletes: high school senior currently involved in some sport in high school or in the community. Apply at www.bigsunathletics.com $500.00 National Hemophilia Foundation Kevin Child Scholarship June $1,000.00 UNC- Chapel Hill Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Balanced Man Scholarship June up to $1,000 Man Mac Automatic Scholarship June $500.00 Applicant must be an individual diagnosed with hemophilia or Von Willebrands disease. Apply at www.hemophilia.org or call 1-800-424-2634 ext. 3700 To be eligible for this scholarship, you have to have been accepted at UNC-Chapel Hill and plan to attend in the fall. You must also be a male student that possesses a Sound Mind and Body: proficient in classes, active in the community, in maintains a healthy diet, in great physical shape, and stays away from harmful substances. Apply at www.sigepunc.com must expect to enroll in an undergraduate program in the fall at a school within Canada or the US http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php 2013-2014 NLHS Scholarship Opportunities SCHOLARSHIP Bridgestone Americas Safety Scholars Contest DUE DATE July AMOUNT GPA Win college money using a camera instead of writing an essay: This is a video contest that is focused on a topic relating to automobile safety and/or automotive environmentalism. For more information, go to www.safetyscholars.com $5,000.00 Caremark Eric Delson Memorial Scholarship July $2,500.00 Bridgestone Safety Scholars Contest July $5,000.00 National Foundation for Women Legislators July $3,000.00 Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund July Ink Scholarship July $2,500.00 Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship July $1,000.00 REQUIREMENTS Applicant must be diagnosed with hemophilia or another bleeding disorder. Apply at www.caremark.com/portal/asset/Hemophilia_Schola rship.pdf Entrants must possess a valid driver's license. Apply at http://www.safetyscholarsvideo.com If you are a female high school junior or senior, you are eligible to participate. For more information, go Juniors Also to http://www.womenlegislators.org/events/scholarshi p-program.php Applicant must be a dependent of a US service member that has become permanently disabled (100% VA disability rating, was killed in action, or is classified as a Prisoner of War (POW) or Missing in Action (MIA). Apply at www.fascholarship.com 2.5 http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship/920 7/ink_scholarship_scholarship.php Apply at http://www.gkscholarship.com/