MIDDLE SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM Collier County Public Schools 1|Page Special Thanks to: Jennifer Gersten/East Naples Middle School Ashley Kozlowski/East Naples Middle School and Tammy Loux/Gulfview Middle School For their dedicated work and expertise in creating the Middle School Physical Education Curriculum Map for Collier County Public Schools. 2|Page Table of Contents Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...5 Grade 6 – Unit 1: Orientation, Policies, and Procedures………………………………………………………………..6 Grade 6 – Unit 2: Fitnessgram Pre-Test ………………….…………………………………………………………….8 Grade 6 – Unit 3: Fitness……………………………………………………………………………………………….10 Grade 6 – Unit 4: Strength and Flexibility……………………………………………………………………………..14 Grade 6 – Unit 5: Gymnastics/Dance…………………………………………………………………………………..17 Grade 6 – Unit 6: Cardio-Fitness……………………………………………………………………………………....18 Grade 6 – Unit 7: Fitnessgram Post-Test ……………….………..…………………………………………………....21 Grade 6 – Unit 8: Finals/Locker Room Clean – Out………………………………………………………………......23 Grade 7 – Unit 1: Orientation, Policies, and Procedures………………………………………………………...…….24 Grade 7 – Unit 2: Fitnessgram Pre-Test...…………………………………………………………………………......25 Grade 7 – Unit 3: Fitness……………………………………………………………………………………………....27 Grade 7 – Unit 4: Anaerobic Team Sports …………………………………………………………………………....29 Grade 7 – Unit 5: Outdoor Pursuits…….…………………………………………………………………………..….31 Grade 7 – Unit 6: Aerobic Team Sports…………………………………………………………………………….....33 Grade 7 – Unit 7: Fitnessgram Post Test……………………………………………………………………………....36 Grade 7 – Unit 8: Finals/Locker Room Clean – Out……………………………………………………………….….38 Grade 8 – Unit 1: Orientation, Policies, and Procedures…………………………………………………………..…..39 Grade 8 – Unit 2: Fitnessgram Pre-Test...…………………………………………………………………………......40 Grade 8 – Unit 3: Fitness……………………………………………………………………………………….……...42 3|Page Grade 8 – Unit 4: Extreme/Alternate Sports ………………………………………………………………….….…...44 Grade 8 – Unit 5: Individual Sports…….…………………………………………………………………………..…46 Grade 8 – Unit 6: Dual Sports …………………………………………………………………………………….…..48 Grade 8 – Unit 7: Fitnessgram Post Test ………………………………………………………………………….…..50 Grade 8 – Unit 8: Finals/Locker Room Clean – Out…………………………………………………………….….…52 4|Page INTRODUCTION THIS CURRICULUM GUIDE CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS • Next Generation Sunshine State Standards • Suggested Essential Questions and Learning Goals • Unit Vocabulary • Community and training resources to aid lesson planning • CTEM friendly components for instruction PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE Due to the unique challenges that face middle school PE teachers (multi-grade classes, variable access to equipment and facilities, class volume and school dynamics), this guide provides a set curriculum framework, yet is flexible enough to adjust to specific activities and exercises at the discretion of the teacher. The main goal of this guide is to provide a professional resource which will allow teachers to validate their methods and techniques while teaching to the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards of which our curriculum is founded. Another goal is to provide teachers with information that correlates with CTEM. Additionally, the guide unifies the district to a common end result while still allowing individual teachers to utilize their strengths, resources, and facilities as they see fit. HOW TO USE IT Each grade level is represented individually in reflection of the segregated grade levels within the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for physical education. However, the guides are meant to overlap with a focus on commonalities to accommodate the reality of multi-grade classes. For example the 6th grade gymnastics/dance unit is 4 weeks long. If you have a mixed 6th and 7th grade class, you may choose to do gymnastics or dance for two weeks and outdoor pursuits for the remaining weeks. Also, you may choose gymnastics first semester and dance second semester. Below, the guide allows for a team/dual/extreme sport of the teacher's choosing but suggests that the focus be on anaerobic activities (unit 4) or aerobic activities (unit 6) to simultaneously fulfill a mixed grade class. It includes suggested sports meeting the criteria, vocabulary, and additional resources to aid with planning. In spite of the fact that there are repeats in the curriculum to cover core competencies each semester, there remains flexibility which allows for change to accommodate each school's schedule and facilities. In addition, regional considerations were made when pacing the units. This means that cardio-fitness is placed earlier in the semester when weather is cooler. As the temperature rises, activities may transition into strength and flexibility units. Unit 4 (anaerobic) 6th grade - Strength and Flexibility Unit 6 (aerobic) 6th grade - Cardio Fitness 7th grade - Team Sports 7th grade - Team Sports 8th grade - Extreme Sports 8th grade - Dual Sports Semester 1 1 Length in Weeks 1 2 Semester 2 Orientation Orientation Orientation 1 Length in Weeks 1 1 FITNESSGRAM FITNESSGRAM FITNESSGRAM 2 1 FITNESSGRAM FITNESSGRAM FITNESSGRAM 3 3 Fitness Fitness Fitness 3 3 Fitness Fitness Fitness 4 4 Strength & Flexibility Team Sports Extreme/Alternative 4 4 Cardio-Fitness Team Sports Dual Sports 5 4 Gymnastics/Dance Outdoor Pursuits Individual Sports 5 4 Gymnastics/Dance Outdoor Pursuits Individual Sports 6 3 Cardio-Fitness Team Sports Dual Sports 6 3 Strength/Flexibility Team Sports Extreme/Alternative 7 1 FITNESSGRAM FITNESSGRAM FITNESSGRAM 7 1 FITNESSGRAM FITNESSGRAM FITNESSGRAM 8 1 Semester 1 Final/ Locker Clean-Out** Semester 1 Final/ Locker Clean-Out** Semester 1 Final/ Locker Clean-Out** 8 1 Semester 2 Final/ Locker Clean-Out** Semester 2 Final/ Locker Clean-Out** Semester 2 Final/ Locker Clean-Out** Unit 6th Grade 7th Grade ** - For students leaving PE 8th Grade Unit 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Orientation** Orientation** Orientation** ** - For students entering PE 5|Page GRADE 6 - Unit 1: Orientation, Policies, and Procedures Duration 1 Week, 5 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards PE.6.M.1.12 PE.6.R.1.1 Use proper safety practices. Recognize that peer pressure can be positive and negative. Vocabulary Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal "By the end of the day I will be able to…" Suggested Activities What is the procedure for dressing in/out? ...follow basic locker room procedures and operate a PE lock. Establish classroom management Post rules Why is it important to follow PE safety practices? ...follow and understand the purpose of all safety procedures. Show PowerPoint of Rules/procedures practice run-through of daily routine and opening locks What is the relationship between peer pressure and student behavior? ...identify positive and negative behaviors, and procedures of what to do when you are involved or witness negative behavior. Bullying video Role-play SPARK: team building exercises Post bullying information (hotline number) What is an example of negative peer pressure? How does conflict hinder good communication? ...effectively communicate my thoughts, feelings, or opinions in a civil manner. ...show respect for other people's space, ideas or opinions. (cultural belief) PE.6.R.1.2 Demonstrate acceptance and respect for persons of diverse backgrounds and abilities in physical activity settings. Why is it important to acknowledge cultural differences at school? Show video Give examples of other cultures in school SPARK- Character Education PE.6.R.1.3 Demonstrate responsible behaviors during physical activities. How can your behavior and choices affect your learning and the learning of those around you? ...be self reliant and take responsibility for my own personal behavior. Role-play positive behaviors vs. non-positive behaviors Go over PE expectations (dressing-out, grading policies/rubric) PE.6.R.1.5 Demonstrate appropriate etiquette, care of equipment, respect for facilities, and safe behaviors while participating in a variety of physical activities. What is etiquette? ...recognize the value of following directions, caring for equipment and, and respecting the rules and regulations of activities/sports. Give examples of proper equipment usage and storage Character education 6|Page Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ www.fitnessgram.net FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com - Free summer program (Ages 12-17) Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastic World of Naples- gwnaples.com 7|Page GRADE 6 - Unit 2: FITNESSGRAM Pre-test Duration 1 Week, 5 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Vocabulary Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, data, evaluate, fitness, cardiorespiratory, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility, accuracy, MVPA, aerobic capacity, PACER, curl-up, modified. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.6.M.1.11 Apply proper warm-up and cool-down techniques. What are the benefits of warm-up and cool-downs? What is the relationship between flexibility and overall fitness? ...safely perform physical activities by implementing a warm-up before and a cool-down after physical activity. ...describe how flexibility benefits the body and improves overall fitness. ...execute proper form and technique according to the FITNESSGRAM program. Tutorial on Unit specific warm-ups/cool-downs Perform FITNESSGRAM test Inputting results into FITNESSGRAM software Heart rate monitoring RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) Poster of intensity level during workouts Shoulder stretch/sit-andreach test PE.6.M.1.12 Use proper safety practices. What is the purpose of safety rules? PE.6.M.1.13 Use technology to assess, enhance, and maintain motor skill performance. ...log-in to my personal account and access my data in the FITNESSGRAM program. PE.6.L.1.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on a daily basis. What are the benefits of using technology to assist in assessing student performance? (EX: FG cadences) What is MVPA? PE.6.L.2.1 Demonstrate achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing level of personal fitness by creating, implementing, and assessing a personal fitness program in collaboration with a teacher. Demonstrate program planning skills by setting goals and devising strategies for a personal physical fitness program. What is a fitness assessment? ...understand which component of fitness each FITNESSGRAM test assesses. Explain the purpose of the FITNESSGRAM tests Why is it necessary to set fitness goals? ...use fitness goals to create a plan to motivate myself and help me achieve optimal fitness. Goal Setting based on FITNESSGRAM results (short term/long term) Use a variety of resources including available technology to assess, design, and evaluate their personal physical activity plan. How do you know if you are becoming more fit? ...compare my fitness data and personal improvement of health as guidelines to see my overall progression of fitness. FG Data Sheets and goal sheets (Sportfolio) PE.6.L.2.2 PE.6.L.2.3 ...determine a workout's level of intensity based on my own personal baseline. Show FG tutorial video and practice each test with peer assessments 8|Page PE.6.L.2.4 Select a variety of physical activities when developing a personal fitness program. What does the term "physically fit" mean? ...determine if I fall in the Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ). PE.6.L.2.5 Recognize health-related problems associated with inadequate levels of cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Why are fitness assessments important? ...understand how fitness assessments will help me progress towards a more physically fit person. PE.6.R.1.3 Demonstrate responsible behaviors during physical activities. Why is it important to be honest when recording fitness results? PE.6.R.2.2 Recognize the potential benefits of participation in a variety of physical activities. How can use your FITNESSGRAM results to improve your fitness and your skill in activities outside of school? ...be personally accountable and responsible for accurate and honest results while testing so I am able to achieve my best. ...bridge the gap between FITNESSGRAM participation and physical activity. (Relevance of FITNESSGRAM and the student's health.) Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ www.fitnessgram.net FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Explain the different components of fitness and how they relate to the FITNESSGRAM tests Do a discussion panel on each topic to determine adequate levels of exercise (in groups by interests) Peer assessment Personal assessment Homogenous grouping (by leisure time interests) and data comparison with hypothesis (Ex. Bookworms/gamers/ skaters, etc.) Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org It is recommended that students complete FITNESSGRAM at least twice. If a student takes PE year-round, their testing should be done at the beginning of the year and the end of the year. If a student only takes PE for one semester, testing should be done once in the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester. FITNESSGRAM results will typically be due at the end of January and again at the middle of May. **Note: Because of the unique class-scheduling situation in middle school, student rosters may not be uploaded until October for the first semester and March for the second semester. Please take this into consideration when inputting FITNESSGRAM data. For example, you may choose to begin FG testing at the beginning of the semester, but keep a hard copy of the results and input this information once your classes are fully uploaded. 9|Page GRADE 6 - Unit 3: Fitness Duration Vocabulary 3 Weeks, 15 Days 50 minutes/day Fitness, hydration, endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, benefits, exercise, overload, progression, specificity, aerobic, anaerobic, calories, expenditure, nutrition, intensity, monitor, cardiovascular, body composition, power, speed, balance, coordination, agility, reaction-time Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal "By the end of the day I will be able to…" ...take part in movements designed to improve fitness. PE.6.M.1.1 Demonstrate movements designed to improve and maintain cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and proper body composition What types of exercises improve muscular endurance? PE.6.C.1.7 Classify activities as aerobic or anaerobic. What are the differences between aerobic and anaerobic exercise? ...describe the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises and/or activities. PE.6.R.2.2 Recognize the potential benefits of participation in a variety of physical activities. How does daily exercise help you personally? ...identify fitness and its relationship to exercise. PE.6.C.1.20 List appropriate warm-up and cool-down techniques and the reasons for using them Can you describe the difference between "warm-up” and "cool down"? ...explain the differences between warm-up and cool-down techniques. PE.6.M.1.12 Use proper safety practices. Why is it important to read the direction manual before using exercise equipment? ...follow safety procedures when utilizing exercise equipment or participating in activities. Suggested Activities Divide class into 5 groups. Each group will develop a circuit course including all fitness components. The group will demonstrate their circuit to the entire class. Fitness Chapter Spark or Circuit Training Choices -Physical Best pg. 150 Class discussion explaining each sport and identifying whether aerobic or anaerobic. Class discussion: Personal testimonies Power point with physiological effects of warm-up and cool-down on the body. 4 Corner Heart Health WarmUp/Cool Down- Physical Best pg. 33 Lecture on Character Traits and how they apply to physical activity 10 | P a g e PE.6.C.1.2 List safety procedures that should be followed when engaging in activities to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. List the three different types of heat illnesses associated with fluid loss. What are the safety procedures one should take before engaging in physical activity? ...describe the safety procedures for fitness activities. Establish a safety board outlining safety rules for each activity with visual and written aids. What safety steps should be taken before participating in an activity or sport on a hot sunny day? ...identify symptoms of heat related illnesses. Lecture pointing out high profile news stories of heat related sports illnesses. P.E.6.C.1.1 Identify at least two movements or activities which lead to improvement in each of the healthrelated components of fitness. What are the health-related components of fitness? ...identify specific exercises/activities, which will improve my overall fitness. Circuit training: each station represents a component of fitness. PE.6.C.1.4 Describe how each of the health-related fitness components (cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition) is improved through the application of training principles. How is health related fitness components improved through training? ...give examples of activities, which will improve each of the health related fitness components. PE.6.C.1.5 Describe the long-term benefits of regular physical activity. What are the benefits of daily exercise? ...articulate the benefits of daily exercise. Divide class into 5 groups. Each group is assigned a fitness component. Groups must give examples and the benefits of these activities. Class discussion of the long term benefits of regular exercise PE.6.C.1.6 Describe the training principles of overload, progression, and specificity. What are the functions of overload, progression and specificity? ...define overload, progression and specificity related to exercise. In depth PowerPoint on training principles followed by specific activities representing each principle. Cross Training Trio - Physical Best pg. 42 PE.6.C.1.8 Prepare a log noting the food intake, calories consumed, and energy expended through physical activity and describe results. How can you organize an exercise and food consumption log? ...create a fitness/food log and relate it to the concept of food intake and expenditure. PE.6.C.1.9 List the components of skill-related fitness. What is an activity, which represents each skill related fitness component (speed, power, balance, reaction-time, agility, and coordination)? ...define and give an example of each of the skill-related fitness components. Student food log journaling caloric intake and expenditures. Journals may be hand written or computerized utilizing technology thru Fitness Pal, Livestrong, etc. Circuit training: each station represents a component of fitness PE.6.C.1.3 11 | P a g e PE.6.C.1.12 Explain the effects of physical activity on heart rate during exercise, recovery phase, and while the body is at rest. Can you explain what is happening with the heart during exercise? ...describe the response of the heart rate during physical activities during the recovery phase, and while at rest. ...develop a plan when exercising in extreme weather conditions. Heart Rate Highway –Spark pg. 1 or Heartbeat Station –Physical Best pg. 40 PE.6.C.1.21 Identify the precautions to be taken when exercising in extreme weather and/or environmental conditions. What are the appropriate precautions before exercising on an extremely hot afternoon? PE.6.C.1.13 Recognize the difference between fact and fallacy as it relates to consumer physical fitness products and programs. What can you say about Television commercials claiming you can become fit without exercising? ...identify false fitness and equipment claims. Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on a daily basis. Why is it important to engage in daily exercise? ...set goals to participate in daily activity. Health and Fitness Quackery – Physical Best pg. 179 and /or Evaluating Health Products – Physical Best pg. 181 Journaling – exercise log PE.6.L.1.1 PE.6.L.2.5 Recognize health-related problems associated with inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. What are the health risk to the body and mind if you chose not to exercise? ...explain the benefits of exercise on a person's overall personal health. PE.6.R.1.3 Demonstrate responsible behaviors during physical activities. Why is it important to be focused during an exercise? ...demonstrate good sportsmanship during activities. PE.6.R.2.1 Identify an opportunity for participation in a physical activity outside of the school setting that contributes to personal enjoyment and the attainment or maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Where can you find opportunities to exercise after school hours? ...locate the community resources for leagues, sports and activities, which promote fitness. Lecture pointing out high profile news stories of heat related sports illnesses Divide class into 5 groups. Each group is assigned a fitness component. Groups must give examples of potential health related problems. Peer assessment cards: Good behavior tally sheets. Student presentation on local fitness programs Suggested Activity Units During the Fitness unit, many modalities and activities may be used. Spark, as well as other resources, has several lessons which emphasize muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. For example, Zumba, step aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, group power strength training, boot camp, crossfit, P90X, Wii Fit, circuit training, pilates, tai chi, TRX suspension training, Tae-Bo, BOSU, stability ball, medicine ball, kettlebells, bodybar, dumbbells, isotonic training, calisthenics, obstacle courses, sprint relays, etc. Team sports such as volleyball, basketball, flag football, etc. may also be used during this unit if the emphasis is on fitness. 12 | P a g e Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com - Free summer program (Ages 12-17) Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation- www.worlddancearts.org 13 | P a g e GRADE 6 - Unit 4: Strength and Flexibility Duration 4 Weeks: 20 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Vocabulary Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, fitness, hydration, endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, benefits, exercise, overload, progression, specificity, aerobic, anaerobic, calories, expenditure, nutrition, intensity, agility, monitor, reaction time, cardiorespiratory, body composition, power, speed, balance, wellness, F.I.T.T. principle, conditioning, participation, movement, reaction time, sequence, warm-up, cool-down. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal "By the end of the day I will be able to…" Suggested Activities PE.6.M.1.1 Demonstrate movements designed to improve and maintain cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and proper body composition. What is the proper technique for lifting weights? ...use the proper technique when lifting weights. Task cards: Visual aids (muscle action) Peer and Teacher assessment P.E.6.M.1.3 Demonstrate the principles of training (overload, specificity, progression) and conditioning (frequency, intensity, time, and type) for specific physical activities. How would you use the training principles to improve muscular strength and flexibility? ...apply training principles to improve muscular strength and flexibility. Physical Best: Muscle in action 4.6 Flexibility circuit PE.6.M.1.5 Perform movements using a variety of equipment, which lead to improved or maintained muscular strength and endurance. Why should you incorporate a variety of exercises in a workout although some of these exercises may use the same muscle group? ...actively participate in a variety of exercises using multiple techniques and an assortment of equipment. Spark: Create a muscular strength and endurance routine P.E.6.M.1.11 Apply proper warm-up and cool-down techniques. Why is it important to always incorporate a warm-up and cooldown when exercising? ...select the appropriate warm-up and cool-down for a variety of exercises/activity. Physical Best: Rev-up Roulette 4.4 Yoga P.E.6.M.1.12 Use proper safety practices. What are examples of responsible behaviors when engaged in P.E. activities? ...identify the safety rules for a variety of activities/workouts/exercises. Peer Leaderships/Peer Coaches to reinforce safety practices through the lessons PE.6.M.1.13 Use technology to assess, enhance, and maintain motor skill performance. In what ways can you use technology to enhance your workout? ...uses many forms of technology to enhance my workout. Heart rate monitors Pedometer GPS 14 | P a g e PE.6.C.1.2 List safety procedures that should be followed when engaging in activities to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Classify activities as aerobic or anaerobic. What are the safety procedures one should take before engaging in physical activity? ...follow the appropriate safety practices for physical activities during physical education. Lecture on safety procedures when engaged in activities. Visual aids/reading directions Which term (aerobic or anaerobic) represents strength training (heavy weight/few reps) and why? ...identify activities as aerobic or anaerobic. Physical Best: Lesson 4.1 “Imposter-or Not? PE.6.L.1.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on a daily basis. Why is it important to include physical activity on a daily basis? ...actively participate in daily moderate to vigorous physical activity for 20-30 minutes daily. Daily “start up” strength and flexibility routine Yoga Pilates PE.6.L.2.5 Recognize health-related problems associated with inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. What are the potential health problems associated with low muscle strength fitness? ...explain the importance of muscular strength and flexibility training. Divide the class into groups to create a muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility circuit routine Spark “Fitness” PE.6.R.1.3 Demonstrate responsible behaviors during physical activities. What is the definition of “Sportsmanship”? Give examples to illustrate definition. ...identify good sportsmanship behaviors during physical activities. Character education PE.6.R.1.4 Recognize the personal, social, and ethical behaviors that apply to specific physical activities. Why are reporting inaccurate stats not beneficial to you or your team? ...identify proper rules and behavior during physically activities Role playing of proper behaviors expected during physical activity. Physical Best: Mission Push-up possible P.E.6.R.2.1 Identify an opportunity for participation in a physical activity outside of the school setting that contributes to personal enjoyment and the attainment or maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. How would you use the internet to discover community athletic/exercise/team programs? ...use current communication devices to seek out community physical activity programs. PowerPoint presentation : How to search the web for exercise/sport programs PE.6.R.2.2 Recognize the potential benefits of participation in a variety of physical activities. What are the psychological benefits of exercising or participating in a team sports? ...identify the benefit of exercise on the body and mind. Lesson on " Physical and psychological effects of exercise on the body" Yoga Pilates PE.6.C.1.7 15 | P a g e Suggested Activity Units During the Strength and Fitness unit, many modalities and activities may be used. Spark, as well as other resources, has several sport lessons which emphasize the use of muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. For example sports such as volleyball, softball, football, bowling, etc. may be used during this unit. Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation- www.worlddancearts.org 16 | P a g e GRADE 6 - Unit 5: Gymnastics/Dance Duration 4 Week, 20 Days 50 minutes per day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards PE.6.M.1.6 Vocabulary Etiquette, gymnastics, dance choreograph, sequences, mechanical, balance, force, leverage, risks, improvisation, promote, stunts, tumbling, traveling, rolling, rhythmic, patterns, transfer, routine, locomotion, apparatus, fitness, muscular strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, safety, complex, movement patterns, center of gravity, spaces, pathways, direction, expressive Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal "By the end of the day I will be able to…" Suggested Activities Design and perform smooth, flowing sequences of stunts, tumbling, and rhythmic patterns that combine traveling, rolling, balancing, and transfer of weight. Design and perform a routine to rhythm with a partner or a group while incorporating gymnastic actions and various forms of locomotion on small and/or large apparatus. Perform complex dance sequences from a variety of dances accurately and with correct technique. Why it important to break down a dance/gymnastic routine in segments? ...create a dance/gymnastic routine and explain each movement skill. Spark: Stunts And Tumbling World Championships What are the essential rules of safety when working on apparatus ...create and perform a gymnastic routine utilizing a variety of apparatus. Peer collaboration: Routine Design Why is repetition required in gymnastic/dance? ...execute complex dance sequence in gymnastics/dance. Ballroom dance: Merengue, Salsa, Cha-Cha, and Waltz PE.6.M.1.9 Create and perform a rhythmic movement sequence while working with a partner or group. How can you create a pattern to a musical beat? ...design a rhythmic movement sequence with a partner. PE.6.M.1.10 Design and perform different group dance and rhythm sequences that incorporate equipment. What kind of equipment can be added to a dance routine to enhance the performance? ...design and participate in my own dance rhythm sequences as well as participate in peer created performances. Peer collaboration: Routine Design SPARK: Create a Poco Loco Peer collaboration: Routine Design PE.6.C.1.14 List terminology and etiquette in educational gymnastics or dance. What are examples of etiquette in relation to gymnastics/dance? ...define dance vocabulary and list etiquette for gymnastics and dance. Spark: Merengue Etiquette and Basics PE.6.C.1.15 Choreograph basic dance or gymnastic sequences alone, with a partner, or in a small group. What are the steps in planning routine/dance? ...design a gymnastic/dance routine. Spark: Hip Hop Basic Moves Jigsaw PE.6.C.1.16 Describe the mechanical principles of balance, force, and leverage and how they relate to the performance of skills in gymnastics or dance. What are examples of leverage in gymnastic/dance? How does maintaining balance help you when performing different moves? ...identify elements of a movement sequence in gymnastics/dance. Task cards: “Exploration of Movement" Give students cards with the mechanical principles and have them perform a skill which they think the card represents PE.6.M.1.7 PE.6.M.1.8 17 | P a g e PE.6.C.1.17 List and describe the risks and safety procedures in gymnastics and dance. Why should you always have your partner present when participating in gymnastics? ...recite the safety procedures for gymnastics/dance. Institutes "Safety First" daily routine. Group safety checklist PE.6.C.1.18 Recognize the relationship between music and dance or gymnastics skills How does music influence gymnastic/dance? ...explain the relationship between music and dance/gymnastics. SPARK: Create A Poco Loco. The Music Experience (Emotion): Music in a stadium, Doctor's office, movie theater, party, worship PE.6.C.1.19 Know how improvisation is used to create movements for choreography. How can changes in rhythm, tempo, and musical style alter movement? ...create movements using improvisation dance. Spark: Circle Moves Movement Exploration PE.6.L.1.2 Participate in a variety of fitness, wellness, gymnastics, and dance activities that promote the components of health-related fitness Identify the in-school and community opportunities that promote fitness, wellness, gymnastics, and dance. What are the similarities between the components of fitness and gymnastics/dance? Where can you participate in gymnastics or dance after school? ...extrapolate the fitness components for each movement in gymnastic/dance. Spark: Electric Slide (cardio kickboxing style) ...give examples of available gymnastic/dance community programs. Participate in a variety of fitness, wellness, gymnastics, and dance activities that promote the management of stress. Study games, sports, and/or physical activities from other cultures. Why does participating in physical activities reduce stress? ...explain how physical activity will help in managing stress. What can we learn from studying dance in many different cultures and/or time periods? ...discuss similarities and differences between cultures and how dance impacts those cultures. Invite community fitness, dance, and gymnastic facilities and promote their programs. Distribute information. Yoga Pilates Line dancing Show dances around the globe Open discussion: emotion, meaning, interpretation, and similarities PE.6.L.1.3 PE.6.L.1.4 PE.6.R.2.3 Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ Education Gymnastic: Sharon Hardman NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX World Dance Arts Foundation: Miss Molly Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org 18 | P a g e GRADE 6 - Unit 6: Cardio-Fitness Duration Vocabulary 3 Weeks, 15 Days 50 minutes/day Cardiorespiratory endurance, aerobic, expenditure, intake, pulse, intensity, target heart rate, vigorous, wellness, assessment, flexibility, frequency, intensity, time, implement, dehydration, technology, behaviors, participation, etiquette, contributes, maintenance, benefits, cultures, analyze, monitoring Next Generation Sunshine State Standards PE.6.M.1.2 Perform at least three different activities that achieve target heart rate. PE.6.M.1.4 Perform at least three activities having value for cardiorespiratory fitness. PE.6.M.1.11 Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" What are the benefits of tracking your target heart rate during exercises? What activities and sports are aerobic? ...participate in several cardiorespiratory exercises that achieve target heart rate. Aerobic fitness Cross training ...participate in a variety of activities promoting cardiorespiratory fitness. step aerobics, basketball, lacrosse, dance, jogging Apply proper warm-up and cool-down techniques. What are warm-up exercises for basketball? ...select the appropriate warm-up and cool-down for a variety of cardiorespiratory exercises/activities. Physical Best: Wanderer 3.4, Four-Corner Heart Healthy Warm-up and Cool-Down 3.5 PE.6.M.1.12 Use proper safety practices. Why do PE teachers strongly emphasize safety daily? ...identify the safety rules for a variety of activities/workouts/exercises. Task Cards: Safety checklist for each activity PE.6.M.1.13 Use technology to assess, enhance, and maintain motor skill performance. What technology is available to enhance cardiovascular fitness? ...utilize technology to enhance my cardiorespiratory workouts. Polar Heart Rate Monitors: Lessons for Life PE.6.C.1.2 List safety procedures that should be followed when engaging in activities to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Classify activities as aerobic or anaerobic. What are the potential hazards of not following safety procedures during activities? ...identify safety procedures when in engaged in Cardio-Fitness activities. Task Cards: Safety What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises? ...select and decipher exercises and activities that are aerobic and anaerobic. Student developed cardiofitness circuit course PE.6.C.1.10 Determine personal target heart rate zone and explain how to adjust intensity level to stay within the desired range. What is the formula to compute your Target Heart Rate using the Karvonen formula? ...calculate my personal target heart rate. SPARK: "Gotta Have a Heart", Aerobic capacity fitness circuit, Heart Rate Highway PE.6.C.1.11 List methods of monitoring intensity level during aerobic activity. Why is it important to monitor your heart rate during exercise? ...utilize my target heart rate to adjust or modify my intensity during aerobic exercises. Interval training, step aerobics, cross-fit, circuit PE.6.C.1.7 19 | P a g e PE.6.C.1.22 Evaluate the movement performance of others. Why is it important to give an honest assessment of a classmate's skill level? ...analyze the performance of peers and be able to assist in skill correction. Peer assessment skill cards PE.6.L.1.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on a daily basis. What are vigorous activities you can do at home? ...actively participate in daily moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least 20-30 minutes. Daily Start-up activities which emphasizes on cardio-fitness. Teach fitness concepts through physical activities. PE.6.L.2.5 Recognize health-related problems associated with inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. What are the health problems associated with an unfit heart and/or lungs? ...identify potential health issues or health related problems that may arise due to an unhealthy cardiorespiratory system. Physical Best: "Clean Out Your Arteries" 3.2, Aerobic Benefit Hunt 3.3 PE.6.R.1.3 Demonstrate responsible behaviors during physical activities. ...identify good sportsmanship behaviors during physical activities. Character education related to P.E. lesson PE.6.R.2.2 Recognize the potential benefits of participation in a variety of physical activities. Why is it important to be trusted by your peers when engaging in physical activities? What is the relationship between cardiovascular activity and weight loss? ...identify the benefits of cardiorespiratory exercise on the body and mind. Physical Best: "Clean Out Your Arteries" 3.2, Aerobic Benefit Hunt 3.3 PE.6.R.1.5 Demonstrate appropriate etiquette, care of equipment, respect for facilities, and safe behaviors while participating in a variety of physical activities. What is etiquette? ...recognize the value of following directions, caring for equipment and, and respecting the rules and regulations of activities/sports. Give examples of proper equipment usage and storage Character education Suggested Activity Units During the Cardio-Fitness unit, many modalities and activities may be used. Sports such as basketball, soccer, lacrosse, ultimate frisbee, jogging, etc may be used during this unit. Spark, as well as other resources, has several sport lessons, which emphasizes cardiorespiratory fitness. Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX World Dance Arts Foundation: Miss Molly Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org 20 | P a g e GRADE 6 - Unit 7: FITNESSGRAM –Post test Duration 1 Week, 5 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards PE.6.M.1.11 Apply proper warm-up and cool-down techniques. Vocabulary Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, data, evaluate, fitness, cardiorespiratory, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility, accuracy, MVPA. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" What are the benefits of "warm-up" and "cool-downs"? ...safely perform physical activities by implementing a warm-up before and a cool-down after physical activity. Tutorial on unit specific warm-ups/cool-downs What is the relationship between flexibility and overall fitness? ...describe how flexibility benefits the body and improves overall fitness. Shoulder Stretch/Sit and Reach Test PE.6.M.1.12 Use proper safety practices. What is the purpose of safety rules? ...execute proper form and technique according to the FITNESSGRAM program. Show FG tutorial video and practice each test with peer assessments PE.6.M.1.13 Use technology to assess, enhance, and maintain motor skill performance. What are the benefits of using technology to assist in assessing student performance? (EX: FG cadences) ...log-in to my personal account and access my data in the FITNESSGRAM program. Perform FITNESSGRAM test Inputting results into FITNESSGRAM software PE.6.L.1.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on a daily basis. What is MVPA? …determine a workout's level of intensity based on my own personal baseline. Heart Rate Monitoring RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) Poster of Intensity Level during workouts PE.6.L.2.1 Demonstrate achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing level of personal fitness by creating, implementing, and assessing a personal fitness program in collaboration with a teacher. Demonstrate program planning skills by setting goals and devising strategies for a personal physical fitness program. What is a fitness assessment? ...understand which component of fitness each FITNESSGRAM test assesses. Explain the purpose of the FITNESSGRAM tests Why is it necessary to set fitness goals? ...use fitness goals to create a plan to motivate myself and help me achieve optimal fitness. Goal Setting based on FITNESSGRAM results (short term/long term) Use a variety of resources including available technology to assess, design, and evaluate their personal physical activity plan. How do you know if you are becoming more fit? ...compare my fitness data and personal improvement of health as guidelines to see my overall progression of fitness. FITNESSGRAM Data Sheets and goal sheets. (Sportfolio) PE.6.L.2.2 PE.6.L.2.3 21 | P a g e PE.6.L.2.4 Select a variety of physical activities when developing a personal fitness program. What does the term "physically fit" mean? ...determine if I fall in the Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ). Explain the different components of fitness and how they relate to the FITNESSGRAM tests PE.6.L.2.5 Recognize health-related problems associated with inadequate levels of cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Demonstrate responsible behaviors during physical activities. Why are fitness assessments important? ...understand how fitness assessments will help me progress towards a more physically fit person. Why is it important to be honest when recording fitness results? ...be personally accountable and responsible for accurate and honest results while testing so I am able to achieve my best. Do a discussion panel on each topic to determine adequate levels of exercise (in groups by interests) Peer assessment Personal assessment Recognize the potential benefits of participation in a variety of physical activities. How can use your FG results to improve your fitness and your skill in activities outside of school? ...bridge the gap between FITNESSGRAM participation and physical activity. (Relevance of FITNESSGRAM and student's health.) PE.6.R.1.3 PE.6.R.2.2 Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual www.Fitnessgram.net NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Homogenous grouping (by leisure time interests) and data comparison with hypothesis (Ex. Bookworms/ Gamers/Skaters, etc.) Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com It is recommended that students complete FITNESSGRAM at least twice. If a student takes PE year-round, their testing should be done at the beginning of the year and the end of the year. If a student only takes PE for one semester, testing should be done once in the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester. FITNESSGRAM results will typically be due at the end of January and again at the middle of May. **Note: Because of the unique class-scheduling situation in middle school, student rosters may not be uploaded until October for the first semester and March for the second semester. Please take this into consideration when inputting FITNESSGRAM data. For example, you may choose to begin FG testing at the beginning of the semester, but keep a hard copy of the results and input this information once your classes are fully uploaded. 22 | P a g e GRADE 6 - Unit 8: Finals/Locker Room Clean-Out Duration 1 Week, 5 Days (2 Days) 50 minutes/day Day 1 Final Review/Final Day for Locker Clean-out Day 2 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** Day 3 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** Day 4 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** Day 5 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** ** Students will not have access to their lockers during Final Exam week. 23 | P a g e GRADE 7 - Unit 1: Orientation, Policies and Procedures Duration Vocabulary 1 Week, 5 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, character. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.7.C.1.3 Identify the critical elements for successful performance in a variety of sport skills. What character traits are pertinent to being an effective participant in PE? …understand what skills and character traits I must possess in order to be successful in PE. Character Education PE.7.R.1.2 Demonstrate acceptance and respect for persons of diverse backgrounds and abilities in physical activity settings. Why is it important to acknowledge cultural differences at school? …show respect for other people's space, ideas, opinions, or cultural beliefs. Bullying PowerPoint PE.7.R.1.4 Recognize the personal, social, and ethical behaviors that apply to specific physical activities. How can your behavior and choices affect your learning and of those around you? …be self reliant and take responsibility for my own personal behavior. Situational role-playing PE.7.R.1.5 Demonstrate appropriate etiquette, care of equipment, respect for facilities, and safe behaviors while participating in a variety of physical activities. Why is it important to follow PE safety practices? …understand the impact of my behaviors and decisions while using PE facilities and equipment. PE & locker room policies and procedures Safety practices Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL Spark P.E. Central Best Practices of CCPS Colleagues Bullying Power Point (CCPS) P.B.S. Character Education (CCPS) Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastic World of Naples- gwnaples.com 24 | P a g e GRADE 7 - Unit 2: FITNESSGRAM Pre-test Duration Vocabulary 1 Week, 5 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, data, evaluate, fitness, cardiorespiratory, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility, accuracy, MVPA, aerobic capacity, PACER, curl-up, modified. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.7.L.2.3 Use a variety of resources including available technology to assess, design, and evaluate their personal physical activity plan. How do you know if you are becoming more fit? ...compare my fitness data and personal improvement of health as guidelines to see my overall progression of fitness. FITNESSGRAM data sheets and goal sheets (Sportfolio) PE.7.R.1.3 Demonstrate responsible behaviors during physical activities. Why is it important to be honest when recording fitness results? …be personally accountable and responsible for accurate and honest results while testing so I am able to achieve my best. Examples of skewed data through inaccurate data entry Safety principles PE.7.M.1.8 Apply technology to evaluate, monitor, and improve individual skill performance. What are the benefits of using technology to assist in assessing student performance? (EX: FITNESSGRAM cadences) …log-in to my personal account and access my data in the FITNESSGRAM program. Perform FITNESSGRAM test. Inputting results into FITNESSGRAM software PE.7.C.1.2 Provide feedback on skill patterns of self and partner by detecting and correcting mechanical errors. Why is it important to be accurate when assessing yourself and others during FITNESSGRAM testing? …detect and correct mechanical errors of myself and peers by providing candid feedback during assessments. Peer assessment Personal assessment Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ www.fitnessgram.net FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org 25 | P a g e Please note: It is recommended that students complete FITNESSGRAM at least twice. If a student is scheduled for PE year-round, their testing should be done at the beginning of the year and the end of the year. If a student only has PE for one semester, testing should be done once in the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester. FITNESSGRAM results will typically be due at the end of January and then again in the middle of May. ** Because of the unique class-scheduling situation in middle school, student rosters may not be uploaded until October for the first semester and in March for the second semester. Please take this into consideration when inputting FITNESSGRAM data. For example, if you choose to begin FITNESSGRAM testing at the beginning of the semester, please keep a hard copy of the results. Input this information once classes are fully uploaded. 26 | P a g e GRADE 7 - Unit 3: Fitness Duration 3 Weeks, 15 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Vocabulary Fitness, hydration, endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, benefits, exercise, overload, progression, specificity, aerobic, anaerobic, calories, expenditure, nutrition, intensity, monitor, cardiovascular, body composition, power, speed, balance, coordination, agility, reaction-time. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.7.C.1.6 Describe how movement skills learned in one physical activity can be transferred and used in other physical activities. How can movement skills and strategies that are learned in one physical activity be transferred and used in another physical activity? ...articulate what movement skills or strategies that can be transferred from one activity/sport to another. Circuit training - ex. each station represents a different skill PE.7.M.1.9 Demonstrate principles of biomechanics necessary for safe and successful performance. How does body positioning affect the outcomes of the exercise? …correctly position my body in a variety of exercises and movements. Peer/teacher assessment Task cards/visual aids PE.7.L.1.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on a daily basis. What is MVPA? …monitor my heart rate or RPE (rate of perceived exertion) in order to gain maximum benefit from my workout. Polar heart rate monitors Pedometers PE.7.L.2.1 Demonstrate achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing level of personal fitness by creating, implementing, and assessing a personal fitness program in collaboration with a teacher. How do you know if you are becoming more fit? ...compare my fitness data and personal improvement of health as guidelines to see my overall progression of fitness. FITNESSGRAM data sheets Goal setting Goal/program evaluation PE.7.L.2.2 Demonstrate program planning skills by setting goals and devising strategies for a personal physical fitness program. Why is it important to set fitness goals? ...create and implement short-term fitness goals. FITNESSGRAM data sheets Goal setting Goal/program evaluation PE.7.L.2.5 Recognize health-related problems associated with inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. What are some potential problems that can occur due to lack of a balanced fitness program? ...identify risks associated with inadequate levels of all health components of fitness. Class discussion of the long-term benefits of regular exercise PE.7.R.2.1 Select an opportunity for participation in a physical activity outside of the school setting that contributes to personal enjoyment and the attainment or maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. What are some agencies that offer opportunities for physical activities in Collier County? ...locate the community resources for leagues, sports, and activities which promote fitness. Student presentation on local fitness programs PE7.R.2.2 Identify the potential benefits of participation in a variety of physical activities. How does daily exercise help you? ...describe the benefits of exercise of overall personal health. Student-led discussion of wellness-related current events 27 | P a g e Suggested Activity Units During the Fitness unit, many modalities and activities may be used. Spark, as well as other resources, has several lessons which emphasize muscular strength, muscle endurance, and flexibility. For example, Zumba, step aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, group power strength training, boot camp, crossfit, P90X, Wii Fit, circuit training, pilates, tai chi, TRX suspension training, Tae-Bo, BOSU, stability ball, medicine ball, kettlebells, bodybar, dumbbells, isotonic training, calisthenics, obstacle courses, sprint relays. Team sports such as volleyball, basketball, flag football, etc. may also be used during this unit if the emphasis is on fitness. Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org 28 | P a g e GRADE 7 - Unit 4: Anaerobic Team Sports Duration Vocabulary 4 Weeks, 20 Days 50 minutes/day Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, fitness, hydration, endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, benefits, exercise, overload, progression, specificity, aerobic, anaerobic, calories, expenditure, nutrition, intensity, agility, monitor, reaction time, cardiorespiratory, body composition, power, speed, balance, wellness, F.I.T.T. principle, conditioning, participation, movement, reaction time, sequence, warm-up, cooldown. Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.7.M.1.1 Participate in modified versions of team sports demonstrating mature patterns while using a variety of manipulative skills. What movement patterns can be combined to create a more fluid and productive skill set? ...perform a variety of practice drills to improve my skill. Skill/technique task cards PE.7.M.1.2 Use basic offensive and defensive strategies while playing modified versions of a variety of sports and activities. How does improving your transition strategies affect offense and defense? ...foresee opponent's offensive/ defensive strategies and adjust accordingly. Student coaches - run practice/drills, game plan PE.7.M.1.3 Demonstrate appropriate relationships between the body and an opponent in dynamic game situations. Why is it that being more aware of your body and its relationship in space will help you move about the activity area more effectively? ...be more mindful of strategic body placement to be successful in a variety of activities. Cross-curricular approach (ex. Using geometry to teach strategies - angles, shapes PE.7.M.1.6 Demonstrate the critical elements in specialized skills related to a variety of sports or outdoor pursuits activities. What are the key skill-related components of fitness that are necessary to enhance performance? ...identify and apply skill-based components of fitness associated with performance such as balance, agility, power, speed, reaction time, and coordination. Conditioning Circuit training - break down of skills PE.7.M.1.7 Utilize proper equipment and implement appropriate safety procedures for participation in a variety of sports or activities. What precautions can be taken to minimize the risk of injury? ...enjoy activities by taking necessary safety precautions. Introduction to the sport Cornell Notes Emphasize safety - post precautions PE.7.C.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the basic rules for team sports. How can learning the rules make game play more enjoyable? ...teach others the rules of the game in order to play outside of school. Student referees PE.7.C.1.4 List specific safety procedures and equipment necessary for a variety of sports and physical activities. What modifications and procedures can be used to make a safe environment? ...recognize environmental hazards and make appropriate adjustments to make the activity safe. Hydration PowerPoint Lightning/weather education PE.7.C.1.5 Explain basic offensive and defensive strategies in modified games or activities and team sports. How does your offensive strategy change based on the opponent's defense? ...react to the opponent's strengths and weaknesses to gain an advantage during play. Peer assessment to analyze opponent's weaknesses for offensive and defensive strategies 29 | P a g e PE.7.L.1.2 Participate in a variety of team sports, outdoor pursuits, and aquatics activities that promote cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. How can ---(unit activity)--- be used to satisfy the physical activity element of your wellness plan? ...utilize a variety of activities to promote improved cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Relating unit activity to student's self-created fitness plan PE.7.L.1.3 Identify the in-school and community opportunities for participation in team sports, outdoor pursuits, and aquatics. Where in the community can you participate in ---(unit activity)--outside of school? ...continue to participate in activities outside of school. Student presentation on local fitness programs PE.7.L.1.4 Participate in a variety of team sports, outdoor pursuits, and aquatics activities that promote effective stress management. What are different stress relievers? Why are they important? ...determine the value of stress management through activity and wellness. Lab: Gauge stress pre- and post-exercise PE.7.L.2.4 Select a variety of physical activities when developing a personal fitness program. Which activities promote success in the areas needing improvement? ...modify my current wellness plan to reflect my knowledge of the newly learned activities to meet my current needs and interests. Fitness plan revision and evaluation PE.7.R.1.1 Identify situations in which peer pressure could negatively impact one's own behavior choices. What are the different ways you can act independently of peer pressure? ...devise a strategy to identify and withstand peer pressure. Role-playing: peer pressure PE.7.R.2.3 Discuss games, sports, and/or physical activities from other cultures. How does physical activity break through language barriers? ...identify similar elements of games currently played in the United States and those played in other parts of the world. Olympics World Games Suggested Activity Units During the Anaerobic Team Sports unit, many modalities and activities may be used. Spark, as well as other resources, have several sports lessons which emphasize muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility For example: flag football, softball/baseball/crazy ball/kickball, volleyball, rugby, track and field, lacrosse, cross-fit, hockey, racquetball, team handball, sepak takraw (kick volleyball), badminton, Kin ball (SPARK). Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org 30 | P a g e GRADE 7 - Unit 5: Outdoor Pursuits Duration 3 Weeks, 15 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Vocabulary Respect, responsible, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, fitness, hydration, endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, benefits, exercise, power, balance, weather terminology {inclement weather - landslides, mudslide, terrain, sinkholes, heat index, etc., hypothermia, hyperthermia, frostbite, heat-related illnesses}, environmental concerns {snakes, plants, other wildlife terminology, etc.}, water terminology {salt, fresh, brackish, life preserver, flotation devices, etc.}, specific suggested activity unit terminology (see sample activity units below.) Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.7.M.1.4 Demonstrate introductory outdoor pursuits skills. What are outdoor pursuits? …identify and participate in regional outdoor pursuit opportunities. Guest instructor - Ex. Surf & Turf Naples (outdoor enthusiasts) PE.7.M.1.5 Perform aquatics activities to improve or maintain health-related fitness. What are basic safety measures before entering a body of water? …recognize hazards associated with water and follow safety measures. Water Safety video Swimming simulation on benches PE.7.M.1.6 Demonstrate the critical elements in specialized skills related to a variety of sports or outdoor pursuits activities. What are the key components necessary to enhance performance? ...identify and apply skill-based components associated with performance such as agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed. Circuit training Task cards PE.7.M.1.7 Utilize proper equipment and implement appropriate safety procedures for participation in a variety of sports or activities. What precautions can be taken to minimize risk of injury? ...enjoy activities by taking necessary safety precautions. Introduction to the sport Cornell Notes Emphasize safety - post precautions PE.7.C.1.4 List specific safety procedures and equipment necessary for a variety of sports and physical activities. What modifications and procedures can be used to create a safe environment? ...recognize environmental hazards and make appropriate adjustments to make the activity safe. Hydration PowerPoint Lightning/weather education Equipment evaluation checklists PE.7.C.1.7 Identify and explain different types of safety equipment and practices relating to water activities. What are the different types of life preservers associated with different aquatic activities? …identify the appropriate flotation device for a variety of aquatic activities. Water Safety video Equipment demonstrations PE.7.L.1.2 Participate in a variety of team sports, outdoor pursuits, and aquatics activities that promote cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. How can ---(unit activity)--- be used to satisfy the physical activity element of your wellness plan? ...utilize a variety of activities to promote improved cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Relating unit activity to student's self-created fitness plan 31 | P a g e PE.7.L.1.3 Identify the in-school and community opportunities for participation in team sports, outdoor pursuits, and aquatics. Where in the community can you participate in ---(unit activity)--outside of school? ...continue participation in activity outside of school. Student presentation on local fitness programs PE.7.L.1.4 Participate in a variety of team sports, outdoor pursuits, and aquatics activities that promote effective stress management. What are different stress relievers? Why are they important? ...determine the value of stress management through activity and wellness. Lab: Gauge stress pre- and post-exercise PE.7.L.2.4 Select a variety of physical activities when developing a personal fitness program. Which activities promote success in the areas needed for improvement? ...modify my current wellness plan to reflect my knowledge of the newly learned activities to meet my current needs and interests. Fitness plan revision and evaluation PE.7.R.1.1 Identify situations in which peer pressure could negatively impact one's own behavior choices. What are the different ways you can act independently of peer pressure? ...devise a strategy to identify and withstand peer pressure. Role-playing: peer pressure PE.7.R.2.3 Discuss games, sports, and/or physical activities from other cultures. How does physical activity break through language barriers? ...identify similar elements of games currently played in the U.S. and those played in other parts of the world. Olympics World Games Suggested Activity Units During the Outdoor Pursuits unit, many modalities and activities may be used. Spark, as well as other resources, has several lessons which emphasize muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. For example, camping, fishing, boater safety, outdoor living skills, orienteering, backpacking, canoe trips, fishing, wildlife and nature safety, first aid, CPR, knot tying, survival skills, kayaking, ropes courses, rock climbing, project adventures, treasure hunt, amazing race, obstacle course, Tough Mudder/adventure races, cross-country, scouting, archery, wilderness safety, military courses. Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org 32 | P a g e GRADE 7 - Unit 6: Aerobic Team Sports Duration Vocabulary 3 Weeks, 15 Days 50 minutes/day Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, fitness, hydration, endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, benefits, exercise, overload, progression, specificity, aerobic, anaerobic, calories, expenditure, nutrition, intensity, agility, monitor, reaction time, cardiorespiratory, body composition, power, speed, balance, wellness, F.I.T.T. principle, conditioning, participation, movement, reaction time, sequence, warm-up, cooldown. Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.7.M.1.1 Participate in modified versions of team sports demonstrating mature patterns while using a variety of manipulative skills. What movement patterns combine to create a more fluid and productive skill set? ...perform a variety of practice drills to improve my skill. Skill/technique cues Task cards PE.7.M.1.2 Use basic offensive and defensive strategies while playing modified versions of a variety of sports and activities. How does improving your transition strategies affect offense and defense? ...foresee opponent's offensive/defensive strategies and adjust accordingly. Student coaches - run practice/drills, game plan PE.7.M.1.3 Demonstrate appropriate relationships between the body and an opponent in dynamic game situations. Why is it that having more awareness of your body and its relationship in space will help you move about the activity area more effectively? ...be more mindful of strategic body placement to be successful in a variety of activities. Cross-curricular approach (Ex. Using geometry to teach strategies - angles, shapes.) PE.7.M.1.6 Demonstrate the critical elements in specialized skills related to a variety of sports or outdoor pursuits activities. What are the key components necessary to enhance performance? ...identify and apply skill-based components of fitness associated with performance such as balance, agility, power, speed, reaction time, and coordination. Conditioning Circuit training - break down of skills PE.7.M.1.7 Utilize proper equipment and implement appropriate safety procedures for participation in a variety of sports or activities. What precautions can be taken to minimize risk of injury? ...enjoy activities by taking necessary safety precautions. Introduction to the sport Cornell Notes Emphasize safety: Post precautions PE.7.C.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the basic rules for team sports. How can learning the rules make game play more enjoyable? ...teach others the rules of the game in order to play outside of school. Student referees PE.7.C.1.4 List specific safety procedures and equipment necessary for a variety of sports and physical activities. What modifications and procedures can be used to make a safe environment? ...recognize environmental hazards and make appropriate adjustments to make the activity safer. Hydration PowerPoint Lightning/weather education 33 | P a g e PE.7.C.1.5 Explain basic offensive and defensive strategies in modified games or activities and team sports. How does your offensive strategy change based on the opponent's defense? ...react to the opponent's strengths and weaknesses to gain an advantage during play. Peer assessment to analyze opponent's weaknesses for offensive and defensive strategies PE.7.L.1.2 Participate in a variety of team sports, outdoor pursuits, and aquatics activities that promote cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. How can this activity be used to satisfy the activity element of your wellness plan? ...utilize a variety of activities to promote improved cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Relating unit activity to student's self-created fitness plan PE.7.L.1.3 Identify the in-school and community opportunities for participation in team sports, outdoor pursuits, and aquatics. Where in the community can your participate in these activities outside of school? ...continue to participate in activities outside of school. Student presentation on local fitness programs PE.7.L.1.4 Participate in a variety of team sports, outdoor pursuits, and aquatics activities that promote effective stress management. What are different stress relievers? Why are they important? ...determine the value of stress management through activity and wellness. Lab: Gauge stress pre- and post-exercise PE.7.L.2.4 Select a variety of physical activities when developing a personal fitness program. Which of these activities will help you succeed in the area where you need improvement? ...modify my current wellness plan to reflect my knowledge of the newly learned activities to meet my current needs and interests. Fitness plan revision and evaluation PE.7.R.1.1 Identify situations in which peer pressure could negatively impact one's own behavior choices. What are the different ways you can act independently of peer pressure? ...devise a strategy to identify and withstand peer pressure. Role-playing: Peer pressure PE.7.R.2.3 Discuss games, sports, and/or physical activities from other cultures. How does physical activity break through language barriers? ...identify similar elements of games currently played in the United States and those played in other parts of the world. Olympics World Games Suggested Activity Units During the Outdoor Pursuit sport unit, many modalities and activities may be used. Spark, as well as other resources, has several sport lessons which emphasizes muscle strength, muscle endurance, and flexibility. Basketball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Tennis, Rugby, Ultimate Frisbee, Speed Ball (Gator Ball), Capture the Flag/Neutron Power Source, Relays, Flag Tag. 34 | P a g e Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org 35 | P a g e GRADE 7 - Unit 7: FITNESSGRAM Post-test Duration Vocabulary 1 Week, 5 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, data, evaluate, fitness, cardiorespiratory, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility, accuracy, MVPA, aerobic capacity, PACER, curl-up, modified. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.7.L.2.3 Use a variety of resources including available technology to assess, design, and evaluate their personal physical activity plan. Did you obtain your fitness goal? …evaluate my data and adapt my exercise program to reflect my areas of fitness that need improvement. FG Data Sheets and Goal sheets (Sportfolio) PE.7.R.1.3 Demonstrate responsible behaviors during physical activities. Do you realize the importance of accurate data collection? …be personally accountable and responsible for accurate and honest results while testing so I am able to achieve my best. School PBS Plan acronym, SPARK (Character Education) PE.7.M.1.8 Apply technology to evaluate, monitor, and improve individual skill performance. What are the benefits of using technology to assist in assessing student performance? (EX: FG cadences) …log-in to my personal account and access my data in the FITNESSGRAM program. Perform FITNESSGRAM test. Inputting results into FITNESSGRAM software. PE.7.C.1.2 Provide feedback on skill patterns of self and partner by detecting and correcting mechanical errors. Why is it important to be accurate when assessing yourself and others during FITNESSGRAM testing? …detect and correct mechanical errors of myself and peers by providing candid feedback during assessments. Peer assessment Personal assessment Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org 36 | P a g e Please note: It is recommended that students complete FITNESSGRAM at least twice. If a student is scheduled for PE year-round, their testing should be done at the beginning of the year and the end of the year. If a student only has PE for one semester, testing should be done once in the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester. FITNESSGRAM results will typically be due at the end of January and then again in the middle of May. ** Because of the unique class-scheduling situation in middle school, student rosters may not be uploaded until October for the first semester and in March for the second semester. Please take this into consideration when inputting FITNESSGRAM data. For example, if you choose to begin FITNESSGRAM testing at the beginning of the semester, please keep a hard copy of the results. Once classes are fully uploaded, then input this information. 37 | P a g e GRADE 7 - Unit 8: Finals/Locker Room Clean-Out Duration 1 Week, 5 Days (2 Days) 50 minutes/day Day 1 Final Review/Final Day for Locker Clean-out Day 2 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** Day 3 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** Day 4 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** Day 5 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** ** Students will not have access to their lockers during Final Exam week. 38 | P a g e GRADE 8 - Unit 1: Orientation, Policies and Procedures Duration Vocabulary 1 Week, 5 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.8.C.1.3 Identify the critical elements for successful performance in a variety of sport skills or physical activities. What character traits are pertinent to being an effective participant in PE? …understand what skills and character traits I must possess in order to be successful in PE. Character Education PE.8.R.1.2 Develop strategies for including persons of diverse backgrounds and abilities while participating in a variety of physical activities. Why is it important to acknowledge cultural differences at school? …show respect for other people's space, ideas or opinions (cultural beliefs). Bullying PowerPoint PE.8.R.1.4 Maintain appropriate personal, social, and ethical behavior while participating in a variety of physical activities. How can your behavior and choices affect your learning and of those people around you? …be self reliant and take responsibility for my own personal behavior. Situational role-playing PE.8.R.1.5 Demonstrate appropriate etiquette, care of equipment, respect for facilities, and safe behaviors while participating in a variety of physical activities. Why is it important to follow PE safety practices? …understand the impact of my behaviors and decisions while using PE facilities and equipment. PE & locker room policies and procedures Safety practices Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL Spark P.E. Central Best Practices of CCPS Colleagues Bullying Power Point (CCPS) P.B.S. Character Education Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastic World of Naples= gwnaples.com 39 | P a g e GRADE 8 - Unit 2: FITNESSGRAM Pre-Test Duration Vocabulary 1 Week, 5 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, data, evaluate, fitness, cardiorespiratory, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility, accuracy, MVPA, aerobic capacity, PACER, curl-up, modified. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.8.M.1.8 Apply technology to evaluate, monitor, and improve individual motor skills. What are the benefits of using technology to assist in assessing student performance? (EX: FG cadences) …log-in to my personal account and access my data in the FITNESSGRAM program. Perform FITNESSGRAM test Inputting results into FITNESSGRAM software PE.8.C.1.2 Provide feedback on skill patterns of self and partner by detecting and correcting mechanical errors. Why is it important to be accurate when assessing yourself and others during FITNESSGRAM testing? Peer assessment Personal assessment PE.8.L.2.3 Use a variety of resources including available technology to assess, design, and evaluate their personal physical activity plan. How do you know if you are becoming more fit? …detect and correct mechanical errors of myself and peers by providing candid feedback during assessments. ...compare my fitness data and personal improvement of health as guidelines to see my overall progression of fitness. PE.8.R.1.3 Demonstrate responsible behaviors during physical activities. Why is it important to be honest when recording fitness results? …be personally accountable and responsible for accurate and honest results while testing so I am able to achieve my best. Examples of skewed data through inaccurate data entry Can be used in future goal setting Safety principles Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ www.fitnessgram.net FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX FG Data Sheets and Goal sheets (Sportfolio) Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World= www.gwnaples.com" World Dance Arts Foundation=www.worlddancearts.org 40 | P a g e Please note: It is recommended that students complete FITNESSGRAM at least twice. If a student is scheduled for PE year-round, their testing should be done at the beginning of the year and the end of the year. If a student only has PE for one semester, testing should be done once in the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester. FITNESSGRAM results will typically be due at the end of January and then again in the middle of May. ** Because of the unique class-scheduling situation in middle school, student rosters may not be uploaded until October for the first semester and in March for the second semester. Please take this into consideration when inputting FITNESSGRAM data. For example, if you choose to begin FITNESSGRAM testing at the beginning of the semester, please keep a hard copy of the results. Once classes are fully uploaded, then input this information. 41 | P a g e GRADE 8 - Unit 3: Fitness Duration Vocabulary 3 Weeks, 15 Days 50 minutes/day Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, fitness, hydration, endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, benefits, exercise, overload, progression, specificity, aerobic, anaerobic, calories, expenditure, nutrition, intensity, agility, monitor, reaction time, cardiorespiratory, body composition, power, speed, balance. Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.8.M.1.4 Apply principles of biomechanics necessary for safe and successful performance. How does body positioning affect the outcomes of the exercise? …correctly position my body while executing a variety of movements during exercise. Peer/teacher assessment Task cards/visual aids PE.8.M.1.5 Demonstrate appropriate speed and generation of force when running sprints or distance, throwing, jumping, striking, or kicking. What are the health/skill related components of fitness that are involved in running, jumping, throwing, etc? ...identify health components to specific movements. Hypothesis creation and testing PE.8.M.1.7 Apply skill-related components of balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, power, and speed to enhance performance levels. How can reaction time enhance a person's performance level? ...understand the skill-related components: balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, power & speed. Drills/skill work with different sport activities PE.8.C.1.6 Describe how movement skills and strategies learned in one physical activity can be transferred and used in other physical activities. How can movement skills and strategies that are learned in one physical activity be transferred and used in another physical activity? ...articulate what movement skills or strategies that can be transferred from one activity/sport to another. Circuit training - Ex. Each station represents a different skill PE.8.L.1.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on a daily basis. What is MVPA? Polar heart rate monitors Pedometers P.E.8.L.1.2 Participate in a variety of individual/dual and alternative/extreme sport activities that promote cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Why is it important to improve your flexibility while playing alternative/extreme sport activities? …monitor my heart rate or RPE (rate of perceived exertion) in order to gain maximum benefit from my workout. …understand the importance of flexibility in correlation with alternative/extreme sports. P.E.8.L.2.1 Demonstrate achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing level of personal fitness by creating, implementing, and assessing a personal fitness program in collaboration with a teacher. How do you know if you are becoming more fit? ...compare my fitness data and personal improvement using the health components of fitness as a guideline. FG data sheets and goal sheets (Sportfolio) P.E.8.L.2.2 Demonstrate program planning skills by setting goals and devising strategies for a personal physical fitness program. Why is it important to set fitness goals? ...create and implement short-term fitness goals. FG data sheets and goal sheets (Sportfolio) Goal setting Goal/program evaluation Identify and apply daily warm-ups and stretching routines 42 | P a g e P.E.8.L.2.4 Select a variety of physical activities when developing a personal fitness program. What is the importance of cross training? P.E.8.L.2.5 Describe health-related problems associated with inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. What are some potential problems that can occur due to lack of a balanced fitness program? P.E.8.L.2.6 Discuss training principles appropriate for enhancing cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. What does F.I.T.T stand for? ...define frequency, intensity, overload, progression, specificity, time, type. Fitness planning and design P.E.8.R.1.5 Demonstrate appropriate etiquette, care of equipment, respect for facilities, and safe behaviors while participating in a variety of physical activities. Discuss opportunities for participation in a variety of physical activities outside of the school setting that contribute to personal enjoyment and the attainment or maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Describe the potential benefits of participation in a variety of physical activities What does it mean to respect the facility and the equipment? ...exhibit sportsmanship and respect for the equipment and facility. Student-led discussion of respect in all areas of PE What are some agencies that offer opportunities for physical activities in Collier County? ...locate the community resources for leagues, sports, and activities which promote fitness. Student presentation on local fitness programs How does daily exercise help you? ...describe the benefits of exercise of my overall personal health. Student-led discussion of wellness-related current events P.E.8.R.2.1 P.E.8.R.2.2 ...extrapolate skills from a variety of sports and activities to create a fitness plan. ...identify risks associated with inadequate levels of all health components of fitness. Wellness plan creation Sport fitness days Class discussion of the long-term benefits of regular exercise Suggested Activity Units During the Fitness unit, many modalities and activities may be used. Spark, as well as other resources, has several lessons which emphasize muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. For example, Zumba, step aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, group power strength training, boot camp, crossfit, P90X, Wii Fit, circuit training, pilates, tai chi, TRX suspension training, Tae-Bo, BOSU, stability ball, medicine ball, kettlebells, bodybar, dumbbells, isotonic training, calisthenics, obstacle courses, sprint relays. Team sports such as volleyball, basketball, flag football, etc. may also be used during this unit if the emphasis is on fitness. Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org 43 | P a g e GRADE 8 - Unit 4: Extreme/Alternative Sports Duration 4 Weeks, 20 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Vocabulary Motor skill, speed, force, sprints, agility, coordination, power, mechanical, balance, adrenaline, physical exertion, injury, safety, cross-fit, stress fractures, exhilaration, thrill seeking, motoring, repelling, stamina, energy, coordination, accuracy, physical demands, intensity, modification, stretching, flexibility, biomechanics, exertion, calisthenics, neuromuscular, equilibrium, center of gravity, dexterity, fast-twitch muscle, slow-twitch muscle, static balance, static stretch, ballistic stretch, compound exercises, isolation exercises, wellness. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.8.M.1.1 Demonstrate competency in motor skills for a variety of individual/dual and extreme/alternative sports. What movement patterns can be combined to create a more fluid and productive skill sequence? ...perform a variety of practice drills to improve my skill. Skill/technique task cards PE.8.M.1.3 Demonstrate body management for successful participation in a variety of modified games and activities. Why is it that being more aware of your body and its relationship in space helps you move about the activity area more effectively? ...be more mindful of strategic body placement to be successful in a variety of activities. Cross-curricular approach (Ex. Using geometry to teach strategies - angles, shapes PE.8.M.1.5 Demonstrate appropriate speed and generation of force when running sprints or distance, throwing, jumping, striking, or kicking. How can speed be influenced by the generation of force? ...be a more powerful competitor by creating and improving on speed through plyometrics and other power-based exercises. Conditioning Speed training PE.8.M.1.7 Apply skill-related components of balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, power, and speed to enhance performance levels. What are the key components necessary to enhance performance? ...identify and apply skill-based components of fitness associated with performance such as balance, agility, power, speed, reaction time, and coordination. Conditioning Circuit training breakdown of skills Select and utilize appropriate safety equipment. What precautions can be taken to minimize risk of injury? ...enjoy activities by taking necessary safety precautions. Introduction to the sport Cornell Notes Emphasize safety: Post precautions PE.8.C.1.2 Provide feedback on skill patterns of self and partner by detecting and correcting mechanical errors. How can a peer coach be beneficial in improving movement patterns? ...identify mechanical errors in skill patterns to improve performance. Record and analyze student performing skill Outline each step through video analysis PE.8.C.1.5 Explain basic offensive and defensive strategies in individual/dual and alternative/extreme sports activities. How does your offensive strategy change based on the opponent's defense? ...react to the opponent's strengths and weaknesses to gain an advantage during play. Peer assessment to analyze opponent's weaknesses for offensive and defensive strategies PE.8.M.1.9 44 | P a g e PE.8.L.1.2 Participate in a variety of individual/dual and alternative/extreme sport activities that promote cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. How can this activity be used to satisfy the activity element of your wellness plan? ...utilize a variety of activities to promote improved cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. ...continue to participate in activities outside of school. Relating unit activity to student's self-created fitness plan PE.8.L.1.3 Identify the in-school and community opportunities for participation in individual/dual and alternative/extreme sports. Where in the community can you participate in ---(unit activity)--outside of school? PE.8.L.1.4 Participate in a variety of individual/dual and alternative/extreme sport activities that promote effective stress management. What are different stress relievers? Why are they important? ...determine the value of stress management through activity and wellness. Monitor stress preexercise, during exercise, post-exercise PE.8.R.1.1 Act independently of peer pressure both in and out of school. What are the different ways you can act independently of peer pressure? ...devise a strategy to identify and withstand peer pressure. Role-playing: Peer pressure Student presentation on local fitness program Suggested Activity Units During the Extreme/Alternative Sport unit, many modalities and activities may be used. Spark, as well as other resources, has several lessons which emphasize muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. Triathlons, martial arts, canoeing, cycling, mountain biking, fencing, orienteering, power lifting, hiking, rock climbing, rappelling, baton twirling, paddle surfing, disc golf, rollerblading, skateboarding, skating, surfing, ropes courses, obstacle courses. Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org 45 | P a g e GRADE 8 - Unit 5: Individual Sports Duration 4 Weeks, 20 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Vocabulary Striking, motor skill, conditioning, follow through, body management, body mechanics, tactics, transition strategies, balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, power, speed, performance, feedback , cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, body composition, stress management, training program, movement control, extracurricular sports, self efficacy. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.8.M.1.1 Demonstrate competency in motor skills for a variety of individual/dual and extreme/alternative sports. What movement patterns can be combined to create a more fluid and productive skill sequence? ...perform a variety of practice drills to improve my skill. Skill/technique task cards PE.8.M.1.2 Demonstrate critical elements when striking with an object or implement. What steps can you take to properly execute a striking motion? ...identify the critical elements involved in striking an object. Record and analyze student performing skill Outline each step through video analysis PE.8.M.1.6 Demonstrate offensive, defensive, and transition strategies and tactics. How does improving your transition strategies affect offense and defense? ...foresee opponent's offensive/defensive strategies and adjust accordingly. Student coaches - will run practices, drills, game plans PE.8.C.1.1 Identify basic rules for individual/dual sports. How can learning the rules make game play more enjoyable? ...teach others the rules of the game in order to play outside of school. Student referees PE.8.C.1.4 List specific safety procedures and equipment necessary for a variety of sports and physical activities. What modifications and procedures can be used to create a safe environment? ...recognize environmental hazards and make appropriate adjustments to make the activity safer. Hydration PowerPoint Lightning/weather education Equipment evaluation checklists PE.8.C.1.5 Explain basic offensive and defensive strategies in individual/dual and alternative/extreme sports activities. How does your offensive strategy change based on the opponent's defense? ...react to the opponent's strengths and weaknesses to gain an advantage during play. Peer assessment to analyze opponent's weaknesses for offensive and defensive strategies PE.8.L.1.2 Participate in a variety of individual/dual and alternative/extreme sport activities that promote cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. How can this activity be used to satisfy the activity element of your wellness plan? ...utilize a variety of activities to promote improved cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Relating unit activity to student's self-created fitness plan PE.8.L.1.3 Identify the in-school and community opportunities for participation in individual/dual and alternative/extreme sports. Where in the community can you participate in these activities outside of school? ...continue to participate in activities outside of school. Student presentation on local fitness programs 46 | P a g e PE.8.L.1.4 Participate in a variety of individual/dual and alternative/extreme sport activities that promote effective stress management. What are different stress relievers? Why are they important? ...determine the value of stress management through activity and wellness. Monitor stress preexercise, during exercise, post-exercise PE.8.L.2.4 Select a variety of physical activities when developing a personal fitness program. Which of these activities will help you succeed in the area where you need improvement? ...modify my current wellness plan to reflect my knowledge of the newly learned activities to meet my current needs and interests. Fitness plan revision and evaluation PE.8.R.2.3 Compare and contrast games, sports, and/or physical activities from other cultures. How does physical activity break through language barriers? ...identify similar elements of games currently played in the United States and those played in other parts of the world. Olympics World Games Suggested Activity Units During the Individual Sports unit, many modalities and activities may be used. Spark, as well as other resources, has several activity lessons which emphasize muscle strength, muscle endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance and flexibility. Gymnastics, triathlons, martial arts, bowling, canoeing, cycling, fencing, crochet, golf, martial arts, orienteering, power lifting, outdoor activity, weight-lifting, baton twirling, tether ball, paddle surfing, forehand, backhand, badminton, table tennis, hand ball, dance, running, disc golf, archery, ladder golf, wall ball. Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World- www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation-www.worlddancearts.org 47 | P a g e GRADE 8 - Unit 6: Dual Sports Duration 3 Weeks, 15 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Vocabulary Striking, motor skill, conditioning, follow through, body management, body mechanics, tactics, transition strategies, balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, power, speed, performance, feedback , cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, body composition, stress management, training program, movement control, extracurricular sports, self efficacy, back hand, forehand. Suggested Essential Questions Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" PE.8.M.1.1 Demonstrate competency in motor skills for a variety of individual/dual and extreme/alternative sports. What movement patterns combine to create a more fluid and productive skill set? ...perform a variety of practice drills to improve my skill. Skill/technique cues Task cards PE.8.M.1.2 Demonstrate critical elements when striking with an object or implement. What steps can you take to properly execute a striking motion? ...identify the critical elements involved in striking an object. Record and analyze student performing skill Outline each step through video analysis PE.8.M.1.6 Demonstrate offensive, defensive, and transition strategies and tactics. How does improving your transition strategies affect offense and defense? ...foresee opponent's offensive/defensive strategies and adjust accordingly. Student coaches - will run practices, drills, game plans PE.8.C.1.1 Identify basic rules for individual/dual sports. How can learning the rules make game play more enjoyable? ...teach others the rules of the game in order to play outside of school. Student referees PE.8.C.1.4 List specific safety procedures and equipment necessary for a variety of sports and physical activities. What modifications and procedures can be used to create a safe environment? ...recognize environmental hazards and make appropriate adjustments to make the activity safer. Hydration PowerPoint Lightning /weather education PE.8.C.1.5 Explain basic offensive and defensive strategies in individual/dual and alternative/extreme sports activities. How does your offensive strategy change based on the opponent's defense? ...react to the opponent's strengths and weaknesses to gain an advantage during play. Peer assessment to analyze opponents' weaknesses for offensive and defensive strategies PE.8.L.1.2 Participate in a variety of individual/dual and alternative/extreme sport activities that promote cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. How can ---(unit activity)--- be used to satisfy the physical activity element of your wellness plan? ...utilize a variety of activities to promote improved cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Relating unit activity to student's self-created fitness plan 48 | P a g e PE.8.L.1.3 Identify the in-school and community opportunities for participation in individual/dual and alternative/extreme sports. Where in the community can you participate in these activities outside of school? ...continue participation in activity outside of school. Student presentation on local fitness programs PE.8.L.1.4 Participate in a variety of individual/dual and alternative/extreme sport activities that promote effective stress management. What are different stress relievers? Why are they important? ...determine the value of stress management through activity and wellness. Monitor stress preexercise, during exercise, post-exercise PE.8.L.2.4 Select a variety of physical activities when developing a personal fitness program. Which of these activities will help you succeed in the area where you need improvement? ...modify my current wellness plan to reflect my knowledge of the newly learned activities to meet my current needs and interests. Fitness plan revision and evaluation PE.8.R.2.3 Compare and contrast games, sports, and/or physical activities from other cultures. How does physical activity break through language barriers? ...identify similar elements of games currently played in the United States and those played in other parts of the world. Olympics World Games Suggested Activity Units During the Dual Sport unit, many modalities and activities may be used. Spark, as well as other resources, has several sport lessons which emphasize muscle strength, muscle endurance, and flexibility. Gymnastics, triathlons, martial arts, bowling, canoeing, cycling, fencing, crochet, golf, orienteering, power lifting, outdoor activity, weight-lifting, baton twirling, tether ball, paddle surfing, forehand, backhand, badminton, sepak takraw (kick volleyball), table tennis, hand ball, dance, running, disc golf, archery, ladder golf, pickle ball, golf, bowling, track and field, relays, tennis, frisbee, disc sports, dance, gymnastics, ice skating, beach volleyball, power lifting, wall ball. Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ The FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World - www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation - www.worlddancearts.org 49 | P a g e GRADE 8 - Unit 7: FITNESSGRAM Post-Test Duration Vocabulary 1 Week, 5 Days 50 minutes/day Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Respect, responsible, gymnasium, participation, safety, behaviors, diversity, tolerance, bullying, peer pressure, etiquette, communication, data, evaluate, fitness, cardio-respiratory, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility, accuracy, MVPA, aerobic capacity, PACER, curl-up. Suggested Essential Questions PE.8.M.1.8 Apply technology to evaluate, monitor, and improve individual motor skills. PE.8.C.1.2 Provide feedback on skill patterns of self and partner by detecting and correcting mechanical errors. PE.8.L.2.3 Use a variety of resources including available technology to assess, design, and evaluate their personal physical activity plan. How do you know if you are becoming more fit? PE.8.R.1.3 Demonstrate responsible behaviors during physical activities. Why is it important to be honest when recording fitness results? Lesson Plan Resources ANGEL SPARK Physical Best Activity Guide P.E. Central CCPS Colleagues: Best Practices www.etc.usf.edu/pe/ www.fitnessgram.net FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Test Administration Manual NASPE TEACHER TOOLBOX What are the benefits of using technology to assist in assessing student performance? (EX: FG cadences) Why is it important to be accurate when assessing yourself and others during FITNESSGRAM testing? Sample Learning Goal Suggested Activities "By the end of the day I will be able to…" …log-in to my personal account and access my data in the FITNESSGRAM program. …detect and correct mechanical errors of myself and peers by providing candid feedback during assessments. ...compare my fitness data and personal improvement of health as guidelines to see my overall progression of fitness. …be personally accountable and responsible for accurate and honest results while testing so I am able to achieve my best. Perform FITNESSGRAM test Inputting results into FITNESSGRAM software Peer assessment Personal assessment FG data sheets and goal sheets (Sportfolio) Examples of skewed data through inaccurate data entry Use in future goal setting Safety principles Community Resources Gulfcoast Runners Club - www.gcrunner.org Naples Area Triathlete Club - www.nats.info Collier County Parks & Recreation - www.colliergov.net/parks YMCA - www.ymca.palms.org City of Naples Parks - www.naplesgov.com/parks Lifestyle Family Fitness - www.lff.com (Ages 12-17) Check out free Summer program. Sportsclub - www.sportsclubnaples.com Gymnastics World - www.gwnaples.com World Dance Arts Foundation - www.worlddancearts.org 50 | P a g e Please note: It is recommended that students complete FITNESSGRAM at least twice. If a student is scheduled for PE year-round, their testing should be done at the beginning of the year and the end of the year. If a student only has PE for one semester, testing should be done once in the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester. FITNESSGRAM results will typically be due at the end of January and then again in the middle of May. ** Because of the unique class-scheduling situation in middle school, student rosters may not be uploaded until October for the first semester and in March for the second semester. Please take this into consideration when inputting FITNESSGRAM data. For example, if you choose to begin FITNESSGRAM testing at the beginning of the semester, please keep a hard copy of the results. Once classes are fully uploaded, then input this information. 51 | P a g e GRADE 8 - Unit 8: Finals/Locker Room Clean-Out Duration 1 Week, 5 Days (2 Days) 50 minutes/day Day 1 Final Review/Final Day for Locker Clean-out Day 2 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** Day 3 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** Day 4 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** Day 5 CCPS District Scheduled Final Exam** ** Students will not have access to their lockers during Final Exam week. 52 | P a g e