RESIDENCY REVIEW COMMITTEE COUNCIL ON PODIATRIC MEDICAL EDUCATION 9312 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda, Maryland 20814-1621 301-581-9200 APPLICATION FOR INCREASE IN POSITIONS Increases in residency positions are considered and authorized by the Residency Review Committee. The application must be submitted prior to activation of the residency position(s), preferably at least six months before the anticipated starting date. The effective date of granting an authorization of increased residency positions by the Residency Review Committee will be no earlier than the date on which the program has both authorization of the increase and the additional resident(s) in place. A program on probationary approval may not request an increase in positions. It is requested that two flash drives of this form and of the documentation in response to items 7-11 and permission for members of the Committee to review the logs online be submitted to the Council office. Hand-written responses and hard copy documentation will not be accepted. A $500 application fee, made payable to the Council on Podiatric Medical Education, must accompany the application. The application will not be processed until the sponsoring institution submits all required materials, including the application fee. 1. Sponsoring institution: _______________________________________________________ 2. Address: __________________________________________________________________ 3. City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________ 4. Current number of positions per program (please provide the number of approved positions for each program sponsored by the institution): PMSR (per year) ____/____/____/____ PMSR/RRA (per year) ____/____/____/____ 5. Proposed number of positions per program (please provide the number of proposed positions for each program sponsored by the institution): PMSR (per year) ____/____/____/____ PMSR/RRA (per year) ____/____/____/____ 6. Anticipated effective date for the increase: _______________________________________ 1 7. List any increases in active podiatric staff and/or non-podiatric medical staff with the educational and professional qualifications of each (i.e., for each staff member list name, degree, and affiliations with certifying and professional organizations, as well as the type of training provided), 12 months of categorical volume, and the anticipated increase in volume (percentage of cases each new staff member is bringing to the institution). 8. Describe the development or expansion of facilities including new affiliations. If training is offered for the first time in another institution(s), provide documentation of affiliation. (When training is provided at a secondary institution, the participating institutions indicate their respective training commitments through a memorandum of understanding or contract. This document acknowledges the affiliation and delineates financial support [including resident liability] and educational contributions of each training site. The document is signed by the chief administrative officer of each participating institution.) 9. For programs that cannot document adequate surgical volume for the proposed increase in positions through web-based logs only, the chart at the end of the application must be completed to identify all surgical procedures available at the sponsoring institution(s) and all affiliated training sites. 2 10. List any increase or decrease in training resources through the sponsoring institution or other affiliated facilities. If the program has either developed new training resources or revised existing training resources, provide an updated copy of one resident’s comprehensive schedule for the entire training year and specific competencies and resident assessments associated with the new or revised training resource(s). 11. Use the following space to clarify additional training experiences that are available to justify the increase in positions. The sponsoring institution is invited to append to this application any additional statement or information that may provide further evidence of the institution’s ability to train the proposed number of residents. Chief administrative officer (sign and print name) Date Program director (sign and print name) Date NOTE: The Residency Review Committee reserves the right to request further information for use in determining authorization of increased residency positions. CPME/RRC: 345 March 2012 3 9. For programs that cannot document adequate surgical volume for the proposed increase in positions through web-based logs only, this chart must be completed to identify all surgical procedures available at the sponsoring institution(s) and all affiliated training sites. For secondary institutions or facilities utilized, appropriately executed affiliation agreements must exist to be included in the number of procedures column. CATEGORY 1 DIGITAL SURGERY RANGE OF CPT DESCRIPTION CODES 28108, 28124, Partial ostectomy/exostectomy 28126, 28153 28150 Phalangectomy 28024, 28160, Arthroplasty (interphalangeal joint [IPJ]) 28285, 28286 Implant (IPJ) 28160 Diaphysectomy 28310, 28312 Phalangeal osteotomy 28285, 28755 Fusion (IPJ) 28820, 28825 Amputation 28108, 28175 Management of osseous tumor/neoplasm 28005, 28124 Management of bone/joint infection 28505, 28525 Open management of digital fracture/dislocation Revision/repair of surgical outcome 28280, 28531 Other osseous digital procedure not listed above TOTAL NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 4 CODE NUMBER OF NUMBER PROCEDURES 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 0 CATEGORY 2 FIRST RAY SURGERY, Hallux Valgus RANGE OF CPT DESCRIPTION CODES 28290 Bunionectomy (partial ostectomy/Silver procedure) 28292 Bunionectomy with capsulotendon balancing procedure 28298-99 Bunionectomy with phalangeal osteotomy 28296, 28299, Bunionectomy with distal first metatarsal 28306 osteotomy 28296, 28299, Bunionectomy with first metatarsal base 28306 or shaft osteotomy 28297, 28299 Bunionectomy with first metatarsocuneiform fusion 28750 Metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ) fusion 28293 MPJ implant 28270 MPJ arthroplasty TOTAL NUMBER OF PROCEDURES CATEGORY 2 FIRST RAY SURGERY, Hallux Limitus RANGE OF CPT DESCRIPTION CODES 28289 Cheilectomy 28310 Joint salvage with phalangeal osteotomy (Kessel-Bonney, enclavement) 28296, 28306 Joint salvage with distal metatarsal osteotomy 28296, 28306 Joint salvage with first metatarsal shaft or base osteotomy 28297 Joint salvage with first metatarsocuneiform fusion 28750 MPJ fusion 28293 MPJ implant 28292 MPJ arthroplasty TOTAL NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 5 CODE NUMBER OF NUMBER PROCEDURES 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.1.9 0 CODE NUMBER 2.2.1 2.2.2 NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 0 CATEGORY 2 FIRST RAY SURGERY, Other First Ray RANGE OF CPT DESCRIPTION CODES 28294 Tendon transfer/lengthening/capsulotendon balancing procedure 28306-7 Osteotomy (e.g., dorsiflexory) 28615, 28740 Metatarsocuneiform fusion (other than for hallux valgus or hallux limitus) 28810, 28820 Amputation 28104-6, Management of osseous tumor/neoplasm (with or without bone graft) 28002-5, 28122 Management of bone/joint infection (with or without bone graft) 28485, 28645 Open management of fracture or MPJ dislocation 28306-7 Corticotomy/callus distraction 28322 Revision/repair of surgical outcome (e.g., non-union, hallux varus) 28111, 28760, Other first ray procedure not listed above 28899 TOTAL NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 6 CODE NUMBER 2.3.1 NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.3.8 2.3.9 2.3.10 0 CATEGORY 3 OTHER SOFT TISSUE FOOT SURGERY RANGE OF CPT DESCRIPTION CODES 28315 Excision of ossicle/sesamoid 28080, 64776 Excision of neuroma 10121, 11011-12, Removal of deep foreign body (excluding 28020-4, 28192hardware removal) 93 28008, 28060, Plantar fasciotomy 28062, 29893 28270 Lesser MPJ capsulotendon balancing 28200-34 Tendon repair, lengthening, or transfer involving the forefoot (including digital flexor digitorum longus transfer) 28615 Open management of dislocation (MPJ/tarsometatarsal) 10180, 11043-44, Incision and drainage/wide debridement 20000, 20005, of soft tissue infection (including plantar 20103, 28001-3 space) 28060-2 Plantar fasciectomy 11400-426, Excision of soft tissue tumor/mass of the 11600-646, foot (without reconstructive surgery) 28039-47, 2805054, 28092 Procedure code number no longer used 14020-21, 14040- Plastic surgery techniques (including skin 41, 14300, 14350, graft, skin plasty, flaps, syndactylization, 15050, 15240-41, desyndactylization, and debulking 15738, 15740, procedures limited to the forefoot) 15750, 15756-58, 20969-73, 28280, 28286, 28313, 28340-45, 28360 28020-24, 28050, Microscopic nerve/vascular repair 64727 (forefoot only) Other soft tissue procedures not listed above (limited to the foot) 27615-16, 27618- Excision of soft-tissue tumor/mass of the 19, 27632, 27634 ankle (without reconstructive surgery) 28035, 28055, External neurolysis/decompression 64702, 64704, (including tarsal tunnel) 64722, 64726 TOTAL NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 7 CODE NUMBER 3.1 3.2 3.3 NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 0 CATEGORY 4 OTHER OSSEOUS FOOT SURGERY RANGE OF DESCRIPTION CPT CODES 27640-41, 28116, Partial ostectomy (distal to and including 28118-20, 28122, the talus) 28288 28052, 28234, Lesser MPJ arthroplasty 28645 28110 Bunionectomy of the fifth metatarsal without osteotomy 28112-14 Metatarsal head resection (single or multiple) 28899 Lesser MPJ implant 28308-9 Central metatarsal osteotomy 28308 Bunionectomy of the fifth metatarsal with osteotomy 28485 Open management of lesser metatarsal fractures 20900, 20902 Harvesting of bone graft distal to the ankle 28805, 28810 Amputation (lesser ray, transmetatarsal amputation) 20005, 28005 Management of bone/joint infection distal to the tarsometatarsal joints (with or without bone graft) 28171, 28173 Management of bone tumor/neoplasm distal to the tarsometatarsal joints (with or without bone graft) 28615 Open management of tarsometatarsal fracture/dislocation 28308-9 Multiple osteotomy management of metatarsus adductus 27840, 28730, Tarsometatarsal fusion 28735 28899 Corticotomy/callus distraction of lesser metatarsal 28320, 28322 Revision/repair of surgical outcome in the forefoot 28130, 28140 Other osseous procedures not listed above (distal to the tarsometatarsal joint) 28118 Detachment/reattachment of Achilles tendon with partial ostectomy TOTAL NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 8 CODE NUMBER 4.1 NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 0 CATEGORY 5 RECONSTRUCTIVE REARFOOT AND ANKLE SURGERY, Elective – Soft Tissue RANGE OF CPT DESCRIPTION CODE NUMBER OF CODES NUMBER PROCEDURES 14020-21, 14040- Plastic surgery techniques involving the 5.1.1 41, 14300, 14350 midfoot, rearfoot, or ankle 27690-92 Tendon transfer involving the midfoot, 5.1.2 rearfoot, ankle, or leg 27685-87, 28240 Tendon lengthening involving the 5.1.3 midfoot, rearfoot, ankle, or leg 28260-4 Soft tissue repair of complex congenital 5.1.4 foot/ankle deformity (clubfoot, vertical talus) 27698 Delayed repair of ligamentous structures 5.1.5 27654, 27659, Ligament or tendon augmentation/ 5.1.6 27665, 27675-6, supplementation/restoration 27685-86, 27698, 28238 27625-6 Open synovectomy of the rearfoot/ankle 5.1.7 28035 Procedure code number no longer used 5.1.8 27630 Other elective rearfoot 5.1.9 reconstructive/ankle soft tissue surgery not listed above TOTAL NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 0 9 CATEGORY 5 RECONSTRUCTIVE REARFOOT AND ANKLE SURGERY, Elective – Osseous RANGE OF DESCRIPTION CODE NUMBER OF CPT CODES NUMBER PROCEDURES 29891-92, 29894- Operative arthroscopy 5.2.1 95, 29897-8, 29904-7 28118 Procedure code number no longer used 5.2.2 28899 Subtalar arthroeresis 5.2.3 27870-71, 28705, Midfoot, rearfoot, or ankle fusion 5.2.4 28715, 28725, 28730, 28735, 28737, 28740, 29899, 29907 27705-9, 27712, Midfoot, rearfoot, or tibial osteotomy 5.2.5 27715, 28300, 28302, 28304-5 28116 Coalition resection 5.2.6 28446 Open management of talar dome lesion 5.2.7 (with or without osteotomy) 27610, 27612, Ankle arthrotomy with removal of loose 5.2.8 27620, 27625-26 body or other osteochondral debridement 27702-3 Ankle implant 5.2.9 27705, 27707, Corticotomy or osteotomy with callus 5.2.10 27709, 27715, distraction/correction of complex 28899 deformity of the midfoot, rearfoot, ankle, or tibia 27700, 27720, Other elective rearfoot 5.2.11 27722, 27724-6, reconstructive/ankle osseous surgery not 27745 listed above TOTAL NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 0 10 CATEGORY 5 RECONSTRUCTIVE REARFOOT AND ANKLE SURGERY, NonElective – Soft Tissue RANGE OF DESCRIPTION CODE NUMBER OF CPT CODES NUMBER PROCEDURES 27650, 27652, Repair of acute tendon injury 5.3.1 27658, 27664 27695-96 Repair of acute ligament injury 5.3.2 64727 Microscopic nerve/vascular repair of the 5.3.3 midfoot, rearfoot, or ankle 28043, 28045-46 Excision of soft tissue tumor/mass of the 5.3.4 foot (with reconstructive surgery) Procedure code number no longer used 5.3.5 27846, 27848, Open repair of dislocation (proximal to 5.3.6 28555, 28585 tarsometatarsal joints) 27600, 27892-4 Other non-elective rearfoot 5.3.7 reconstructive/ankle soft tissue surgery not listed above 27615-16, 27618- Excision of soft tissue tumor/mass of the 5.3.8 19, 27632, 27634 ankle (with reconstructive surgery) TOTAL NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 0 11 CATEGORY 5 RECONSTRUCTIVE REARFOOT AND ANKLE SURGERY, NonElective – Osseous RANGE OF DESCRIPTION CODE NUMBER OF CPT CODES NUMBER PROCEDURES 28465, 28555 Open repair of adult midfoot fracture 5.4.1 28415, 28420, Open repair of adult rearfoot fracture 5.4.2 28445, 28465 27758-9, 27766, Open repair of adult ankle fracture 5.4.3 27769, 27784, 27792, 27814, 27822-23, 2782629, 27832 27758-9, 27766, Open repair of pediatric rearfoot/ankle 5.4.4 27769, 27784, fractures or dislocations 27792, 27814, 27822-23, 2782629, 27832 27635, 27637-38, Management of bone tumor/neoplasm 5.4.5 27645-7, 28100-4, (with or without bone graft) 28106-7 20005, 27603-4, Management of bone/joint infection (with 5.4.6 27607, 27610 or without bone graft) 27888, 28800 Amputation proximal to the 5.4.7 tarsometatarsal joints 27889, 28585 Other non-elective rearfoot 5.4.8 reconstructive/ankle osseous surgery not listed above TOTAL NUMBER OF PROCEDURES 0 12