Ankle ligament reconstruction

Chai Kulsakdinun, M.D.
Montefiore Medical Center
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
1695 Eastchester Road, 2nd Floor
Bronx, NY 10461
Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction
Ligaments are the thick bands of fibrous tissue which hold bones together. They are
injured when the ankle is sprained. If the ligaments do not heal well or are stretched out, your
ankle may become unstable, causing your foot to unexpectedly roll under. We will repair these
ligaments to tighten up the ankle. There are two major ligaments which secure the outer side of
the ankle. They are the anterior talofibular and the calcaneofibular ligament. In some patients,
augmentation with a slip of tendon or bony reconstruction may also be needed.
Surgery will be performed under general,epidural spinal, or regional anesthesia. You will be able
to go home the same day.
After Surgery (Post-op)
1. The ankle will be protected for a total of 12 weeks.
2. You will be given crutches and a prescription for pain medication during the pre-operative
3. Initially, you will have a plaster splint on your ankle and you will be non-weight bearing.
4. 10-14 days after the surgery, your sutures will be removed and your splint will be replaced
with a cast. The cast will be worn for another 4 weeks. This cast may either be removable or
non-removable, depending on the extent of the repair. You will be able to put weight on the
cast as tolerated.
5. After the cast is removed, an aircast type splint will be worn for walking until 12 weeks after
6. Physical therapy will begin at about the sixth week after surgery when the cast comes off.
7. Please see attached sheet of post surgical guidelines.