Vitamin D Lesson Plan Use this on well-baby day, at CPNP, at parents and tots group, or even at a cooking class when you’re waiting for something to cook in the oven! Key messages to share often: • Rickets is 100% preventable. It is a painful disease that causes bones to get soft and bend. • All babies under the age of 2 (breastfed or formula fed) need 2 drops (800IU) of Baby Ddrops™ every day. • Pregnant and breastfeeding women need to take a vitamin D supplement every day in addition to prenatal vitamins. • Baby Ddrops™ are colourless, tasteless and do not turn babies’ teeth brown. Learning plan objectives: Participants learn how to get enough vitamin D and why it is important. Activity 1 Vitamin D Trivia Materials: Vitamin D Trivia Flash Cards 1. Sit in a circle. 2. Take out the Trivia Flash Cards and ask participants the first question. Once everyone has answered, show them the correct answer [on the back of the card]. Continue with all questions. 3. Ask the group what they learned from the game. Encourage them to share what they learned and what they had already known. Activity 2 Q: ᓱᓕᕚ ᓱᓕᙱ ᓚᕐᓘᓐᓃᑦ? ᓄᑕᕋᓛᓕᒫᑦ ᐊᔾᔨᒌ ᐱᑎᑕᐅᖃᑦᑕᕆᐊ ᓂᒃ vitamin D-ᒥᑦ ᑯᓯᕆ ᐊᓕᖕᒥᑦ ᖃᖅᐳᑦ. True or False All babies need Vitamin D Trivia ™ ops drrop Dd byy D Bab Ba ng rong Stro for St fo eth Teet nd Te es aan ne on B Bo E BABY Dd HOW TO US [Reminder: Answers are located on the bottom of the worksheet] onto mother’s put 2 drops Once a day, finger or a pacifier. nipple, a clean 2 Ddrops™ Store Baby d at upright an erature. room temp 3 OF KEEP OUT . CHILDREN REACH OF 4 ™? nt by Ddrops What is Ba s™ is a vitamin D supplemaemin D in just one drop f vit rop d color. • Baby Dd s™ contains 400 IU o nd no adde ial flavor a rop • Baby Dd s™ contains no artific amin D rop ld d vit • Baby Dd able oil an til 2 years o only veget hildren un It contains ops™ to babies and c y Ddr • Give Bab urce This reso ted was crea ncial with fina contribu bie in D • Helps ba ough vitam not get en and teeth hildren do and small c e rickets d bend • If babies as get soft an et the dise ere bones they can g disease wh s a painful • Rickets i nada ncy of Ca alth Age ublic He nd the P Canada a m Health tions fro Vitam in W ps™? Baby Ddro g, healthy bones n bies need Why do ba s and children to build stro D or ks he Instru et ctions: Comp let You can e the follow ing do thi s by you question s to rself, with som learn mo re ab Circle eone the foo else, or out vitam ds you in D. with a think group contain . Vita 1 2 Answe rs 1. Fish, 2. a) Trueall eggs, makta aq, milk b) False 3. On (white c) a nipple and choco ; a cleanTrue late), canne finger ; on a pacifie d fish, marga r rine Materials: Copies of the Vitamin D Activity Worksheet, copies of the Vitamin D Activity Sheet – For Kids!, pens/pencils and crayons/markers. 1. Pass out copies of the Vitamin D Activity Worksheet. If there are children present, give each one a copy of the Vitamin D Activity Sheet – for Kids! 2. Have participants complete the sheet by working in small groups. 3. Once everyone has finished, take up the answers in a large group. rops™ 1 Giving Vitamin D to Babies Worksheet Fun! Vitamin D Trivia Materials: Copies of the Baby Ddrops™ for Strong Bones and Teeth tear sheet 1. Pass out copies of the Baby Ddrops™ for Strong Bones and Teeth tear sheet. 2. Read or have parents and caregivers take turns reading out the information. 3. Questions to ask: Has anyone given their babies under 2 years old Baby Ddrops™ before? How did they give it and when? Why have or haven’t they given their babies Baby Ddrops™? Have the group share their experiences. 4. Remind parents that Baby Ddrops™ are available for free at the Health Centre. Activity 3 ? the same amo unt of vitam in D drops. min D. True or Choose False? a) Ou whether the r skin can ma following K Tru e K Fal ke vitamin statement se s are b) The D from sun the sun true or fals . all the is strong eno e. vitamin ugh Vitamin K Tru e K Fal D they nee to give Nunav for bab D is importa d. se c) Pre ummiu nt ies and gnant t It help children and s elders healthy build strong, . should breastfeedin K Tru Taking bones and teet e K Fal take a daily g women, vita infa vitamin se day prev min D eve h. ry D sup nts, childre children ents babies pleme n and and nt all disease from getting Fill in year rou the Bla calle a nd. d rickets. Rickets Babies nks is and chi disease a painful Baby ldren Ddr get soft where bones 2 years ops™. It is under 2 yea and ben rs availab d. taste, of age nee le at all of age should d2 colour take or sm drops (80 health cen What 0IU) of ell. The tres. Baba liquid sup are thr y will ee wa not sta Baby Ddrops ies and chi plement call a) ys to giv in tee ed ldre ™ daily. e bab The dro n under b) y Ddrops th. ps hav ™? e no c) 3 Vitamin D Lesson Plan Sources of Vitamin D Other activity ideas: Recipe Contest • Have participants submit recipes that have vitamin D foods as the main ingredient. Vitamin D Poster Contest • Have children, youth or CPNP participants design a poster about vitamin D. You could use any of the key messages as themes for the contest. Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt • Take CPNP participants or other groups through your local store and see how many products they can find that contain vitamin D. [Hint: only some yogurt has vitamin D, check the • Vitamin D supplements • Maqtaaq • Seal liver • Arctic char • Milk • Chocolate milk • Soy beverages (check the label) • Eggs • Fish like salmon, tuna and sardines • Yogurt (check the label) • Margarine Nutrition Label] Story Telling / Group Discussion In a group, have members share stories about taking vitamin D. Some prompting questions include: • What was your experience taking vitamin D and prenatal supplements while pregnant and/or breastfeeding? Vitamin D Memory Dice Game Materials: 2 dice, 4 sheets of paper, marker or pen Preparation: • Cut up sheets of paper, write down each food with vitamin D (see box above) on two pieces of paper (to form a pair) Directions: 1. Form a circle and mix papers face down in the middle 2. Choose a number between 1 and 6 (i.e. ‘5’) • What was your experience giving Baby Ddrops? [Remind participants that Baby 3. Each person around the circle takes turns rolling both dice • How do you give your children over 2 years old vitamin D? [Remember 5. They go into the middle and flip over two pieces of paper, if it is a match (i.e Milk and Milk) then they pick it up and keep the pair, if they do not match they flip them over and turn over two more until they find a pair Ddrops™ are free at health centres] multivitamins are often free at the health centre for children under 6 years of age – check with yours!] When someone identifies a problem that they had, ask others in the group if they have any suggestions for that person. Refer to the key messages and the handouts in the toolkit for more information. 4. When someone rolls doubles of the chosen number, (i.e. double 5s) then it’s that person’s turn 6. They continue until the next person rolls doubles of the chosen number, at that time they take the pairs they found with them back in the circle 7. The person with the most pairs at the end wins 8. Debrief by reminding participants of the key messages