What Are Rocks Made of? Name: Period: ___________Date

What Are Rocks Made of?
Name: __________________________________________ Period: ___________Date: _____________
EQ: How are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks formed and destroyed?
Instructions: Watch the movie or read Chapter 5 and 6 ( pp. 99-143) of your textbook and answer the following
1. What are rocks made of?
2. How do minerals form?
3. What are gemstones?
4. Give examples of common minerals.
5. Can a rock contain more than one mineral? Encircle either for your answer YES or NO
6. What are the mineral found in granite rock?
7. How do geologists identify rocks?
8. How do geologists explain how rocks are formed and destroyed?
9. What is an igneous rock?
10. What is a metamorphic rock?
11. What is a sedimentary rock?
12. How are rocks exposed on Earth?
_______ 13. Which layer of sedimentary rock is the oldest?
Learn about the Principle of Superposition ( p. 558)
a. top
b. middle
c. bottom
Explain your answer. ( Think!)
14. Why are there no fossils in igneous and metamorphic rock?
( Think about it! )
Draw and color figure 5-1, page 100.
15. Explain why rhyolite , an extrusive igneous rock, has small crystals or is fine- grained?
16. Explain why granite , an intrusive igneous rock, has large crystals or is coarse- grained?
KEY Ideas: Based on video
All rocks contain one or more minerals. Minerals are formed when elements bond together.
Gemstones are valuable minerals that can be used to make jewelries.
Salt is one of the most common minerals. We use it for preparing our food and many other uses. Copper is another
common mineral. It is used for electrical wirings.
Yes, a rock can contain more than one type of mineral.Granite contains minerals. They are feldspar, mica and quartz.
Rocks are identified based on their ingredients ( type of mineral/s present) and how they formed. Melted and
hardened are igneous, weathered and eroded into tiny fragments and then cemented together are sedimentary,
buried and exposed to extreme heat and pressure are metamorphic.
Geologist explain how rock are formed and destroyed by using the rock cycle.
Igneous rocks are fire formed. Cooled and hardened molten magma form intrusive igneous rocks while cooled and
hardened lava form extrusive igneous rocks.
Metamorphic rocks are “changed” rocks. Due to extreme heat and pressure, an igneous rock can become a
metamorphic rock like granite to schist. And shale, a sedimentary rock, can become slate, a metamorphic rock.
Sedimentary rocks are small rock fragments joined together by pressure. The small rock fragments can contain pieces
of igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Rocks form beneath the ground, except for extrusive igneous rocks. One way for rocks to get exposed is through
weathering and erosion.
In sedimentary rocks, the oldest is always the one at the bottom because that layer is the first one that formed.
Fossils are the remains of plants and animals trapped or imprinted on sedimentary rocks.
Fossils are not found in igneous and metamorphic rocks because any plant and animal remain trapped in both rocks is
burnt off due to extreme heat.