Vogue USA - WordPress.com

Vogue United States has a real time authenticity attached to it. It was Arthur turner in
1892 who started with the magazine in the United States and at that time it was a weekly
magazine and its first issue was published on 17 December. Later on the magazine was
bought by Conte Nast in 1909 and they made it a bi- weekly magazine. The head office of
Vogue was in New York then and till today the Vogue head office in located in New York.
Vogue then had a reputation in targeting the elite of the society and expanding itself in the
weddings. Vogue has come a long way since then it has seen both ups and downs, mostly
ups thou but during the time when Grace Mirabella was the editor in chief, Vogue had
started to become of bore for its audience because of her monotonous work. Thats when
Anna Wintour came into action as the editor in chief for Vogue in 1988 and is till date in
power. As for the creative director for Vogue Untied States for 20 years now is Grace
Coddington. Undoubtedly Vogue is treated as the fashion Bible for people, as the name
itself suggests style, Vogue brings to people the latest style and fashion trends. As per
October 2013 Vogue has a average print circulation of 11.3 millions. Vogue United States
gives its costumers a complete fashion knowledge for the upcoming season, it brings to
your notice first whats going be in fashion now, what styles can you play with, what are the
different colours that would bring out the most beautiful you every season so it actually
acts as your personal style guide. Vogue along side with its main stream magazine also
comes up with its Vogue weddings, now this magazine helps you know what new different
styles are available for wedding gowns, what are the fabulous makeup that the bride can
wear on the d- day, not just this they also suggest you places where you can have your new
start, suggestions that cover everything regarding your cocktail party be it the wine, the
dress or the location, it also makes sure it doesn’t leave behind the flower girls, so all in all
every little details are kept in mind by them to bring to you a complete guide for a beautiful
and yet very fashionable start. So as we see be it the Vogue magazine itself or its website it
has everything that needs to be included in it for a person to have its fashion quires and
knowledge updated. Seeing all this we can very well say that Vogue every month comes up
with the best of the do’s and don’ts in fashion and much more, hence it won’t be wrong
when it is called the Bible for fashion.
Design philosophy
The design philosophy for Vogue United States is completely International unlike Vogue
India which has a mix of both national and international outlook. Vogue US magazines
contains all trends in the west of all top brands be it from US, UK or maybe Europe. It
wants to tell you the latest fashion trends and how you can get this style in cheaper price.
Now coming to Vogue USA website, its again is in its self a very complete site for
everyone’s fashion interest and queries. It has under it firstly fashion which includes
celebrity style, street style,models, designers,shopping, trends and fashion shows. Then it
has Beauty which includes celebrity beauty, skin, makeup, nails, health and fitness. After
this comes the culture section under which they tell you about movies, TV, art , books,
theatre, weddings, food ,travel, parties, opinions, everything that the untied states culture
includes. Last but not the least in the section on the fashion shows, which tells its readers
all about the ramp and the designers new collections, bout models, shopping etc.
Colour Preference
The colour preference that Vogue US supports is a colourful print as again we see the
cover page of the magazine is the most important part and hence they choose to keep it
more colourful and bright to catch the attention of its costumers. Even when the inside
pages are concerned the pages contain lot of pictures which again they try it keep very
colourful and attractive.
Brand Identity
When talking about the Vogue United States, it has a very strong brand identity there. Its
said before its in fashion its in Vogue. So like Anna Wintour with the help of her magazine
can bring something in and out of fashion as women and the teen girls
in United States reach out to a Vogue magazine for any kind of fashion trend advise and
knowledge. So if its not in Vogue for them, its not in fashion.
What kind of costumers to they create it for?
Now Initially Vogue United States wanted to target was the upper class, the class which
would be ready to pay as much or would be able to afford the kind of brands and the
designers styles that they advertised in their magazine. But later on it was made to reach
out to people who so ever wanted to read the magazine. The view that people who can
afford the brands should be shown the brands changed and the view that everyone should
come to know of the brands and styles and where they can buy these styles is a cheaper
price became their agenda just incase they cannot afford it.
Median Age
Median HHI
Gender - Female/Male
58% / 42%
Education - Any College
Employment - FT or PT
Employment - Professional or Managerial
Median Age
Median HHI
Gender - Female/Male
87.5% / 12.5%
Education - Any College+
Employed - FT or PT
Employment - Professional or Managerial
Some Of Vogue US Influential Cover Pages
Figure number: 1!
Magazine: US Vogue Published: December 1892!
Website: www.vogue.com!
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Figure number:2!
Magazine: US Vogue Published: July 2011
Cover Model: Emma Watson!
Photographer:Mario Testino
Website: www.vogue.com!
URL: http://backseatstylers.com/wp-content/
Figure number:3!
Magazine: US Vogue Published: December 2012
Cover Model: Anne Hathaway!
Photographer: Annie Leibovitz!
Website: www.vogue.com!
Figure number:4!
Magazine: US Vogue Published:September 2012
Cover Model: Lady Gaga!
Photographer: Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott
Website: www.vogue.com!
URL: http://backseatstylers.com/wp-content/
Figure number:5!
Magazine: US Vogue Published:September 2007
Cover Model: Sienna Miller!
Photographer: Mario Testino Website: www.vogue.com!
URL: http://backseatstylers.com/wp-content/
Figure number:6!
Magazine: US Vogue Published: July 2013
Cover Model: Emma Stone!
Photographer: Mario Testino
Website: www.vogue.com!
URL: http://backseatstylers.com/wp-content/
Figure number: 7!
Magazine: US Vogue Published: December 2010 Cover Model: Angelina Jolie
Photographer: Mario Testino
Website: www.vogue.com!
URL: http://commelafumee.wordpress.com/
Figure number:8!
Magazine: US Vogue Published: March 2009
Cover Model: Michelle Obama!
Website: www.vogue.com!
URL: http://whitehorse.digital/wp-content/
Figure number:9!
Magazine: US Vogue Published:April 2014!
Cover Model: Kim and Kanye!
Photographer: Annie Leibovitz Website: www.vogue.com!
URL: http://www.thefashionisto.com/
Figure number:10!
Magazine: US Vogue Published: June 2012
Cover Model:Hope Solo, Ryan Lochte, and
Serena Williams.!
Website: www.vogue.com!
URL: http://www.styleite.com/news/voguejune-2012/ !
Anna Wintour one of the most influential women in the world, became the Editor-In-Chief
for Vogue Magazine United States in 1988 and since then she has been justifying her
position, by her great work and influence on the fashion world. Her influence is so much so
that no runway shows start’s with out her presence. Vogue Magazine(Conte Nast) under
her has been given the no.1 position for fashion publication
in both circulation and its prestige. Her style of bringing
things into fashion in completely different, like she had
brought down the olympian heights because for her fashion
trends begin from the ground and not from the top in fact
they end/decreed on highs. Her magazine also started out
giving tips as to how one can get that runway look for lower
price. Now this was a very smart move by her as by doing
this could increase her audience. In all this time she also
came up with Teen Vogue in the United States in 2003,
which was again a great success. Teen Vogue is not in that
regular size magazine but a little smaller than the regular
size and more glossy which makes it more attractive. It
obviously targets the teenagers, and apart from the content
of fashion, lifestyle and makeup,etc for teens its also
discusses intense topics like school, relationships, advice,
friends, family, health, career and giving up. Not just this in
2003 itself Anna Wintour joined the Council of Fashion
Designers of America in creating a fund that each year
will bestow money and guidance on at least two
Figure number:11
emerging designers. She has also taken social issues
Published: 2010-12-18
and she also insists the others also in the industry to
Photo:Anna Wintour"
do the same "I have always believed that it is
Website: www.vogue.com
important to understand Vogue's mission in broad
and socially responsible terms," she says. Last year
she got Vogue to contribute money to open beauty
salons in Kabul, creating jobs for newly liberated
Afghan women; a story on the project ran in the
magazine. After 9/11, she organised the sale of
specially designed T shirts to benefit a Twin Towers
fund and spearheaded a p.r. campaign to get people
shopping again(http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/
0,28804,2015519_2015392_2015433,00.html).So we can see that Anna Wintour by her
magazine just doesn’t want to promote fashion but also wants to promote social activities
which is unlike of people to think of when it comes to fashion, for them its a self obsessed
field but she works beyond that and is contributing to the world with the help of fashion
guidance and other ways too. This in itself makes her stand out in the crowd and a very
strong personality too.
Figure number:12!
Magazine: US Vogue Published: September 2012
Cover Model: Selena Gomez!
Photographer: Giampaolo Sgura!
Website: www.vogue.com!
URL: http://img1.bdbphotos.com/
Figure number:13!
Magazine: US Vogue Published: Feburary 2014
Cover Model: Ariana Grande!
Photographer: Sebastian Kim!
Website: www.vogue.com!
URL: http://glamorousmagazines.blogspot.in/