Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide In November 2003, NCRA will initiate the new Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) certification. Captioners can now take a more specialized certification exam, preparing them more efficiently for the type of service they will provide. Following are some of the suggested resources to be used when studying for the exam. You can also review the CBC job analysis for helpful study areas: http://www.ncraonline.org/education/certification/available/JobAnalysisCaptioner.pdf Formal study guides are currently being developed and should be available early next year in time for the May 2004 exams. Written Knowledge Test The Written Knowledge Test is a 90-minute, 100-question, multiple-choice test based on, but not limited to, the following four areas of knowledge needed to perform the duties of a broadcast captioner. A candidate must pass with a score of 70 percent or higher. • • • • Writing Realtime Language Skills Realtime Writing in the Broadcast Environment Research In order to help prepare for the exam, listed below are some study tools: Realtime translation system – My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 Role of the broadcast captioner – My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 Speaker identification – My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 Style, and format for realtime translation – Realtime Now! P-141 Page 1 of 1 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide Members: $275.00; Nonmembers: $295.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=448 My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 Conflict-free theory – I Wanna Be Like Mark! - Priscilla Trillo - 10/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0110/0110_realtime.htm Realtime Writing--The Court Reporter's Guide to Mastering Realtime Skills by: The National Captioning Institute P-20 Members: $29.95; Nonmembers: $36.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=216 Realtime Now! P-141 Members: $275.00; Nonmembers: $295.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=448 My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 Fashionable Realtime Toolbox by: Denis Thievin P-149 Members: $32.00; Nonmembers: $39.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=592 Techniques for developing and retaining brief forms – My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 Dictionary development and maintenance – Your Dictionary - Alan Schweitzer - 05/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0105/0105_dictionary.htm Page 2 of 2 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide I Wanna Be Like Mark! - Priscilla Trillo - 10/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0110/0110_realtime.htm As Close to Perfect as Possible Marybeth Everhart - 04/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0304/0304_realtime.pdf How to Say It and Write It Correctly NOW -- The Ultimate Reference Book, containing Practical Grammar, Punctuation, & Spelling Rules, Homonyms, Medical Terms, Layperson's Legal Dictionary, Major Art Terms -- and More! By: Santo J. Aurelio, Ed.D. F-6 Members: $19.95; Non-members: $21.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=637 My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 Writing realtime, 180 words per minute on literary matter for five minutes at 96% accuracy – What to Do About Those Pesky Attorneys Who Are Not Conscious of the Record! - Vicki Hartmetz - 09/2002 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0209/0209_reporting.pdf#page=2& pagemode=bookmarks&zoom=100% Literary Stamina Speed Building Tape 180/200; CT-156; Members: $9.95; Non-members: $12.50 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=660 Literary Stamina Speed Building Tape 180/200; CT-163; Members: $9.95; Non-members: $12.50 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=661 Literary Speed Building Tape 180/200; CT-165; Members: $9.95; Nonmembers: $12.50 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=671 Literary Speed Building Tape 180/200; CT-161; Members: $9.95; Nonmembers: $12.50 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=672 Page 3 of 3 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide Literary Speed Building Tape 180/200; CT-161; Members: $9.95; Nonmembers: $12.50 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=673 Literary Speed Building Tape 180/200; CT-161; Members: $9.95; Nonmembers: $12.50 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=674 61+ Ways to Write Faster by: NCRA P-109 Members: $14.95; Non-members: $18.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=209 Realtime Writing--The Court Reporter's Guide to Mastering Realtime Skills by: The National Captioning Institute P-20 Members: $29.95; Nonmembers: $36.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=216 My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 The Realtime Writer's Manual by: J. Edward Varallo, RMR, CRR P-162 Members: $38.00; Nonmembers: $45.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=677 Writing conflict-free theory – Your Dictionary - Alan Schweitzer - 05/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0110/0110_realtime.htm Realtime Writing--The Court Reporter's Guide to Mastering Realtime Skills by: The National Captioning Institute P-20 Members: $29.95; Nonmembers: $36.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=216 Writing Naked: Principles of Writing for Realtime and Captioning by: Kevin and Mary Daniel P-128 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 Page 4 of 4 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=416 Realtime Now! P-141 Members: $275.00; Nonmembers: $295.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=448 My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 Fashionable Realtime Toolbox by: Denis Thievin P-149 Members: $32.00; Nonmembers: $39.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=592 Writing numbers, roman, cardinal. ordinal – Your Dictionary - Alan Schweitzer - 05/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0110/0110_realtime.htm Writing Naked: Principles of Writing for Realtime and Captioning by: Kevin and Mary Daniel P-128 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=416 Realtime Now! P-141 Members: $275.00; Nonmembers: $295.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=448 My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 Fashionable Realtime Toolbox by: Denis Thievin P-149 Members: $32.00; Nonmembers: $39.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=592 Page 5 of 5 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide Using flag alphabet to spell words letter by letter – Your Dictionary - Alan Schweitzer - 05/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0110/0110_realtime.htm Writing Naked: Principles of Writing for Realtime and Captioning by: Kevin and Mary Daniel P-128 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=416 Realtime Now! P-141 Members: $275.00; Nonmembers: $295.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=448 My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 Fashionable Realtime Toolbox by: Denis Thievin P-149 Members: $32.00; Nonmembers: $39.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=592 Conceptualize translation prior to input (to control output) – Realtime Now! P-141 Members: $275.00; Nonmembers: $295.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=448 Skills Test The CBC Skills Test consists of three steps: 1. Setting up and operating your equipment 2. Accurately writing realtime for five minutes from professionally recorded literary material at the speed of 180 words per minute. 3. Converting your file to an ASCII text file. You are only graded on your final submitted text file. Page 6 of 6 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide The CBC Skills Test is identical to the CRR exam. If you have already passed this skills test, you do not need to retake it for CBC certification. A candidate must pass with 96 percent accuracy or higher. The following is a list of some helpful study tools: English, including grammar, punctuation, sentence structures, spelling and vocabulary – I Wanna Be Like Mark! - Priscilla Trillo - 10/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0110/0110_realtime.htm Paul Simone and the Mighty Asterisk - Alan Schweitzer - 06/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0106/0106_realtiming.htm The Comma-Because Clause - Marian Younger -09/2002 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0209/0209_language.pdf#page=1 The Comma Pair - Nathaniel Weiss - 07/2002 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0207/0207_punctuation.shtml Dangerous Danglers - Jim Barker - 11/2000 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0011/0011_punctuation.htm Direct Examination of a Unique Character - Nannette Taylor - 05/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0305/0305_grammar.pdf Dem Damn Dashes! - Jim Barker - 04/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0104/0104_punctuation.htm Doctor's Reports: Singular or Plural Possessive Marian Younger - Marian Younger - 06/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0306/0306_grammar.pdf It's a Verb! It's a Noun! It's Superconfusion! - Mollie Saferstein Newman - 07/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0307/0307_grammar.pdf Is That Right? - Marian Younger - 01/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0301/0301_language.pdf#grammar Save the Serial Comma - Lillian Morson - 07/2000 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0007/0007_morson.htm Subject-Verb Disagreement - Kenneth McClure - 07/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0107/0107_disagreement.htm Tip of the Month: Dealing with Mangled Words and Grammar Joe 11/2002 Page 7 of 7 De Souza - Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0211/0211_briefs.pdf#tip The Politics, Elections, Government, Military, Criminal Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-110 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $30.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=200 The Sciences, Weather and Geology Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-108 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $30.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=204 The Sports, Olympics Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-107 Members: $28.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=499 The Universal Religions, Ethics, and Philosophy Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-107 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $30.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=500 The ADA, Civil Rights, Affirmative Action, Business and Convention Handbook The ADA, Civil Rights, Affirmative Action, Business and Convention Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-109 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $30.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=496 How to Say It and Write It Correctly NOW -- The Ultimate Reference Book, containing Practical Grammar, Punctuation, & Spelling Rules, Homonyms, Medical Terms, Layperson's Legal Dictionary, Major Art Terms -- and More! by: Santo J. Aurelio, Ed.D. F-6 Members: $19.95; Nonmembers: $21.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=637 Proper Noun Speller by: Beverly Loeblein Ritter & Patricia Pooser Rhyne P-159 Page 8 of 8 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide Members: $22.00; Nonmembers: $26.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=675 Fairly Familiar Phrases by: Mary Louise Gilman P-3 Members: $7.95; Nonmembers: $9.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=229 Barron's Dictionary of Business Terms by: Jack P. Friedman P-101 Members: $10.95; Nonmembers: $12.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=236 Barron's Dictionary of Insurance Terms by: Harvey W. Rubin P-100 Members: $8.95; Nonmembers: $10.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=237 Barron's Dictionary of Medical Terms by: Mikel A. Rothenberg, M.D., and Charles F. Chapman P-51 Members: $9.95; Nonmembers: $12.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=238 American Slang by: Robert L. Chapman P-122 Members: $13.95; Nonmembers: $15.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=378 Advanced SAT, ACT, GMAT, LSAT Realtime Vocabulary Workbook by: Monette Benoit, B.B.A, CCR, CRI, CPE; Emmett J. Donnelly, B.S., M.Ed F-112 Members: $22.95; Nonmembers: $24.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=504 Barron's Dictionary of Legal Terms --- Second Edition by: Steven H. Gifis P-49 Members: $8.95; Nonmembers: $11.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=505 Page 9 of 9 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th Edition by: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins P-130 Members: $46.95; Nonmembers: $49.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=205 The 2003 Drug Guide by: Margaret T. Shannon; Billie Ann Wilson; Carolyn L. Stang P-117 Members: $30.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=453 Stedman's Abbreviations, Acronyms & Symbols, 3rd edition by: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins P-151 Members: $33.95; Nonmembers: $38.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=650 Realtime Writing--The Court Reporter's Guide to Mastering Realtime Skills by: The National Captioning Institute P-20 Members: $29.95; Nonmembers: $36.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=216 Writing Naked: Principles of Writing for Realtime and Captioning by: Kevin and Mary Daniel P-128 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=416 Realtime Now! P-141 Members: $275.00; Nonmembers: $295.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=448 My System - The Road to Realtime Excellence by: Mark Kislingbury P-146 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=475 The Real-Time Vocabulary Workbook by: Monette Benoit, BA, CRI, CPE F-112 Members: $22.95; Nonmembers: $24.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=519 Page 10 of 10 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide Terminology specific to the broadcast – The Politics, Elections, Government, Military, Criminal Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-110 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $30.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=200 The Sciences, Weather and Geology Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-108 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $30.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=204 The Sports, Olympics Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-107 Members: $28.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=499 The Universal Religions, Ethics, and Philosophy Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-107 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $30.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=500 The ADA, Civil Rights, Affirmative Action, Business and Convention Handbook The ADA, Civil Rights, Affirmative Action, Business and Convention Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-109 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $30.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=496 Barron's Dictionary of Business Terms by: Jack P. Friedman P-101 Members: $10.95; Nonmembers: $12.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=236 Barron's Dictionary of Insurance Terms by: Harvey W. Rubin P-100 Members: $8.95; Nonmembers: $10.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=237 Page 11 of 11 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide Barron's Dictionary of Medical Terms by: Mikel A. Rothenberg, M.D., and Charles F. Chapman P-51 Members: $9.95; Nonmembers: $12.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=238 American Slang by: Robert L. Chapman P-122 Members: $13.95; Nonmembers: $15.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=378 Barron's Dictionary of Legal Terms --- Second Edition by: Steven H. Gifis P-49 Members: $8.95; Nonmembers: $11.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=505 Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th Edition by: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins P-130 Members: $46.95; Nonmembers: $49.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=205 The 2003 Drug Guide by: Margaret T. Shannon; Billie Ann Wilson; Carolyn L. Stang P-117 Members: $30.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=453 Listening and writing for continuity, sense, and detail of the broadcast – Realtime Writing--The Court Reporter's Guide to Mastering Realtime Skills by: The National Captioning Institute P-20 Members: $29.95; Nonmembers: $36.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=216 Recognizing and preventing potential errors in translation – Solving Stacking Problems - Denis Thievin - 06/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0306/0306_matters.pdf What to Do About Those Pesky Attorneys Who Are Not Conscious of the Record! - Vicki Hartmetz - 09/2002 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0209/0209_reporting.pdf#page=2& pagemode=bookmarks&zoom=100% Page 12 of 12 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide Ten Mandates Engraved in Stone for Scopists and Proofreaders – Lillian Morson - 03/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0303/0303_language.pdf#proofreadi ng How to Say It and Write It Correctly NOW -- The Ultimate Reference Book, containing Practical Grammar, Punctuation, & Spelling Rules, Homonyms, Medical Terms, Layperson's Legal Dictionary, Major Art Terms -- and More! by: Santo J. Aurelio, Ed.D. F-6 Members: $19.95; Non-members: $21.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=637 8,000 Soundalikes, Look-Alikes, and Other Words Often Confused by: Mary Louise Gilman and Eugenie Fitzhugh P-16 Members: $14.95; Non-members: $18.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=451 One Words, Two Words, Hyphenated? by: Mary Louise Gilman P-113 Members: $9.95; Non-members: $12.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=506 Inserting appropriate punctuation symbols while writing realtime – I Wanna Be Like Mark! - Priscilla Trillo - 10/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0110/0110_realtime.htm Paul Simone and the Mighty Asterisk - Alan Schweitzer - 06/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0106/0106_realtiming.htm Dangerous Danglers - Jim Barker - 11/2000 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0011/0011_punctuation.htm Direct Examination of a Unique Character - Nannette Taylor - 05/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0305/0305_grammar.pdf Dem Damn Dashes! - Jim Barker - 04/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0104/0104_punctuation.htm Doctor's Reports: Singular or Plural Possessive Marian Younger - Marian Younger - 06/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0306/0306_grammar.pdf Page 13 of 13 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide It's a Verb! It's a Noun! It's Superconfusion! - Mollie Saferstein Newman - 07/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0307/0307_grammar.pdf Is That Right? - Marian Younger - 01/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0301/0301_language.pdf#grammar Save the Serial Comma - Lillian Morson - 07/2000 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0007/0007_morson.htm Subject-Verb Disagreement - Kenneth McClure - 07/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0107/0107_disagreement.htm Tip of the Month: Dealing with Mangled Words and Grammar Joe De Souza - 11/2002 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0211/0211_briefs.pdf#tip How to Say It and Write It Correctly NOW -- The Ultimate Reference Book, containing Practical Grammar, Punctuation, & Spelling Rules, Homonyms, Medical Terms, Layperson's Legal Dictionary, Major Art Terms -- and More! By: Santo J. Aurelio, Ed.D. F-6 Members: $19.95; Non-members: $21.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=637 Realtime Writing in the Broadcast Environment Available hardware and software technology – Key Features to Consider When Buying Realtime Software, Part I - Duane Smith and Bill Weber - 01/2000 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0001/0001_realtime.htm Key Features to Consider When Buying Realtime Software, Part II - Duane Smith and Bill Weber - 02/2000 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0002/0002_realtime.htm Realtime to the 'Net By Thom Weidlich - 0902 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0209/0209_realtime-net.pdf Broadcast preparation – Realtime Tools of the Trade #3 A Reporter’s Guide to Phone -Related Services and Issues - Gary Robson - 01/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0301/0301_phone.pdf Captioning Corner - Deanna Baker - 07/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0307/0307_captioning.pdf Page 14 of 14 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide The Captioned Iraqi War -- Another Trench - Monette Benoit - 07/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0307/0307_beyond.pdf The Sciences, Weather and Geology Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-108 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $30.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=204 The Sports, Olympics Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-107 Members: $28.95; Nonmembers: $33.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=499 The Universal Religions, Ethics, and Philosophy Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-107 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $30.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=500 The ADA, Civil Rights, Affirmative Action, Business and Convention Handbook The ADA, Civil Rights, Affirmative Action, Business and Convention Handbook by: Monette Benoit and Emmett J. Donnelly F-109 Members: $26.95; Nonmembers: $30.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=496 Quality control – Realtime Writing--The Court Reporter's Guide to Mastering Realtime Skills by: The National Captioning Institute P-20 Members: $29.95; Nonmembers: $36.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=216 Broadcast industry – The Captioned Iraqi War -- Another Trench - Monette Benoit - 07/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0307/0307_beyond.pdf Current events – The Captioned Iraqi War -- Another Trench - Monette Benoit - 07/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0307/0307_beyond.pdf Page 15 of 15 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide Broadcast/news production equipment – Realtime Tools of the Trade: Caption Encoders - Gary Robson - 06/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0106/0106_robson.htm Realtime Tools of the Trade No. 2: Audio Equipment for Captioners - Gary Robson - 09/2001 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0109/0109_audio.htm Captioning Corner - Deanna Baker - 07/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0307/0307_captioning.pdf Recordkeeping – Realtime Tools of the Trade #4:Backup Strategies - Gary D. Robson 05/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0305/0305_backup.pdf Troubleshooting – Realtime Writing--The Court Reporter's Guide to Mastering Realtime Skills by: The National Captioning Institute P-20 Members: $29.95; Nonmembers: $36.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=216 Work well with others – Getting Along Better at Work – Peggy Morrow 08/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0307/0307_you_inc.pdf Write parentheticals – Realtime Writing--The Court Reporter's Guide to Mastering Realtime Skills by: The National Captioning Institute P-20 Members: $29.95; Nonmembers: $36.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=216 Use word substitutions without altering the meaning of the broadcast – Realtime Writing--The Court Reporter's Guide to Mastering Realtime Skills by: The National Captioning Institute P-20 Members: $29.95; Nonmembers: $36.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=216 Timing – Realtime Writing--The Court Reporter's Guide to Mastering Realtime Skills by: The National Captioning Institute P-20 Members: $29.95; Nonmembers: $36.95 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=216 Page 16 of 16 Certified Broadcast Captioning (CBC) Certification Study Guide Research How to locate appropriate research material – Internet Research -Time-Saving Tools Cindy Naffin - 03/2003 http://www.ncraonline.org/MembersOnly/jcr/0303/0303_reporting.pdf#scoping Extract appropriate information – SearchMaster 7 by: Jim Barker and Lynda Batchelor P-129 Members: $269.00; Nonmembers: $289.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=420 Use information while writing realtime – SearchMaster 7 by: Jim Barker and Lynda Batchelor P-129 Members: $269.00; Nonmembers: $289.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=420 Retain and recall information while writing realtime – SearchMaster 7 by: Jim Barker and Lynda Batchelor P-129 Members: $269.00; Nonmembers: $289.00 https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/ProductDetail.cfm?ProductID=420 For more products and information from the NCRA store, visit https://secure.ncraonline.org/onlinestore/Index.cfm. For more information on the CBC and other NCRA certifications, visit http://www.ncraonline.org/education/index.shtml Page 17 of 17