Contact Simon Vagn Larsen
NZ mobile: +64 21 781 300
Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), based on Carl Jung’s theory of
psychological type, is a tool designed to help people to have a better
understanding of themselves and of how they relate to others.
By answering the questionnaire a picture emerges of individual preferences
people have on four individual scales, with each scale representing two
opposite sets of preferences. An individuals “type” results from the
preferences indicated on these four scales and is represented by four letters.
In reality the MBTI provides people with a best-fit scenario. By answering the questions indications are
given of individual preferences. At the end of the day, however, the type that results from an
individual’s answers remains just that - an “indication”. More often than not when someone is provided
with their indicated type, and learn more about it they discover that the descriptions are a near perfect
Needless to say, no test is perfect. The MBTI process is about self-discovery and the provision of
education on personality theory. At the end of the process it is up to the individual to decide what type
they truly are, since only they know their true preferences.
The scores on the MBTI indicate clarity of preference, not strength or ability to perform in the various
areas. Everyone use all of the functions at different times; the MBTI type indicates those functions that
people prefer to use most often.
It is important to remember that there are no “good” or “bad” types. All types contribute special gifts
to the world. Knowing our type can help us to understand and develop both our most and least
preferred functions. In addition it will enable us in our understanding of others thus enhancing how we
interact and work with them better.
People who prefer Extraversion tend to focus
on the outer world of people and things
People who prefer Introversion tend to focus
on the inner world of ideas and impressions.
People who prefer Sensing tend to focus on
the present and on concrete information gained
from their senses.
People who prefer Intuition tend to focus on
the future, with a view towards patterns and
People who prefer Thinking tend to base their
decisions on logic and on objective analysis of
cause and effect.
People who prefer Feeling tend to base their
decisions primarily on values and on subjective
evaluation of person-centred concerns.
People who prefer Judging tend to like a planned
People who prefer Perceiving tend to like a
and organised approach to life and prefer to have
flexible and spontaneous approach to life and
things settled.
prefer to keep their options open.
Contact Simon Vagn Larsen
NZ mobile: +64 21 781 300
Description of an INFJ
At Their Best
People with INFJ preferences have a gift for
intuitively understanding complex meanings and
human relationships. They have faith in their
insights, which often take on a sense of sureness,
of “knowing”.
They find they often
empathically understand the feelings and
motivations of people before the others are
themselves aware of them.
Characteristics of INFJs
INFJs seek meaning and connection in their
lives and have little use for details unless the
details verify their inner vision. They use their
Intuition primarily internally, where they develop
complex pictures and understandings. INFJs are
likely to be
 insightful, creative, and visionary
 conceptual, symbolic, and metaphorical
 idealistic, complex, and deep
INFJs apply personal values and empathise to
understand others and make decisions. They are
loyal to people and institutions that exemplify
their values. INFJs prefer to lead persuasively by
sharing their vision. They are likely to be
 sensitive, compassionate, and empathic
 deeply committed to their values
INFJs want meaning and purpose in their work,
their relationships, even their material
possessions. They are invested in growth and
development for themselves and significant
others and are willing to consider
unconventional paths to achieve these. They
value the depth and complexity of their insights
and creative gifts as well as those of others.
They want to see these insights realised in the
How Other May See Them
INFJs readily show compassion and caring for
others, but they share their internal intuitions
only with those they trust. Others, then, may
find them difficult to know. When they try to
communicate their internal sense of “knowing”,
they often express it metaphorically and with
complexity. They especially value authenticity
and commitment in relationships.
Though INFJs are usually reserved, they don’t
hesitate to assert themselves when their values are
violated. Then they can be persistent and
insistent. Others usually experience INFJs as:
private and mysterious
intense and individualistic
Potential Areas for Growth
Sometimes life circumstances have not
supported INFJs in the development and
expression of their Feeling and Intuitive
If they’ve not developed their Feeling, INFJs
may not have reliable ways of accomplishing
their goals. Then, their valuable insights and
creativity stay locked inside.
 If they’ve not developed their Intuition, they
may not take in enough information or take
in only what fits with their internal pictures.
Then, they will make ill-founded decisions
based on distorted or limited information.
If INFJs do not find a place where they can use
their gifts and be appreciated for their
contributions, they usually feel frustrated and
not give others the information they used to
arrive at a decision, and thus seem arbitrary,
 base their judgements on little data, on a
sense of “knowing” that has little basis in
 withdraw their energy and insight, and
 become resentful and critical.
It is natural for INFJs to give less attention to
their non-preferred Sensing and Thinking parts.
If they neglect these too much, however they
be unable to verbalise their inner insights in a
way that others can understand,
 fail to expose their insights to reason and
practicality and end up following a vision
that has little possibility to be realised, and
 become single-minded in pursuit of a vision.
Under great stress, INFJs may become obsessed
with data they usually consider irrelevant or
overindulge in Sensing activities such as
watching TV reruns, overeating, or buying things
with little meaning for them.
Contact Simon Vagn Larsen
NZ mobile: +64 21 781 300
Leisure Activities of an INFJ
Their originality is often expressed through
reflective, solitary activities such as reading and
music (playing, composing, or appreciating it).
The quiet warmth characteristic of this type may
show in their social preference for small intimate
gatherings. Their energy for physical activity
may seem low to more exuberant types. Other
play activities that appeal to INFJs include
artistic and cultural events, informational
reading, and collecting aesthetic objects.
Descriptive Adjectives of Your Type
compassionate determined loyal
Dynamics of Your Type
Dominant function
Secondary function
Tertiary function
Least preferred function
Organisational Preferences of an INFJ
Contributions to the Organisation
Potential Pitfalls
Provide future-oriented insights directed at
how to serve human needs
 Follow through on commitments
 Work with integrity and consistency
 Prefer jobs which require solitude and
 Organise complex interactions between
people and tasks
Leadership Style
Lead through their vision of what is best for
others and the organisation
Win cooperation rather than demanding it
Utilise a quiet yet persistent course of action
Work to make their inspirations real
Inspire others with their ideas
Preferred Work Environment
May find their ideas overlooked and
May not be forthright with criticism
May be reluctant to intrude upon others and
thus keep too much to themselves
concentration, thereby ignoring other tasks
that need to be done
Problem-solving Approach
Generate all the possibilities
Consider the impact
Examine the logical consequences
Generate all the facts
Suggestions for further Development
 May need to develop political savvy and
Contains people strongly focused on ideals
assertiveness skills to champion their ideals
to make a difference to human well-being
 May need to learn to give constructive
 Provides opportunities for creativity
feedback to others on a timely basis
 Harmonious
 May need to check their visions with others
 Quiet
 May need to relax and be more open to what
 Has a personal feel to it
can be accomplished in the present situation
 Allows time and space for reflection
 Organised
Contact Simon Vagn Larsen
NZ mobile: +64 21 781 300
Characteristics Frequently Associated with Each Type
Sensing Types
Serious, quiet, earn success by
concentration and
thoroughness. Practical,
orderly, matter-of-fact, logical,
realistic, and dependable. See
to it that everything is well
organised. Take responsibility.
Make up their own minds as to
what should be accomplished
and work toward it steadily,
regardless of protests or
Quiet, friendly, responsible, and
conscientious. Work devotedly
to meet their obligations. Lend
stability to any project or group.
Thorough, painstaking, accurate.
Their interests are usually not
technical. Can be patient with
necessary details. Loyal,
considerate, perceptive,
concerned with how other
people feel.
Succeed by perseverance,
originality, and desire to do
whatever is needed or wanted.
Put their best efforts into their
work. Quietly forceful,
conscientious, concerned for
others. Respected for their firm
principles. Likely to be
honoured and followed for their
clear visions as to how best to
serve the common good.
Have original minds and great
drive for their own ideas and
purposes. Have long-range
vision and quickly find
meaningful patterns in
external events. In fields that
appeal to them, they will work
to organise a job and carry it
through. Sceptical, critical,
independent, determined,
have high standards of
competence and performance.
Cool onlookers – quiet,
reserved, observing and
analysing life with detached
curiosity and unexpected
flashes of original humour.
Usually interested in cause and
effect, how and why
mechanical things work, and in
organising facts using logical
principles. Excel at getting to
the core of a practical problem
and finding the solution.
Retiring, quietly friendly,
sensitive, kind, modest about
their abilities. Shun
disagreements, do not force their
opinions or values on others.
Usually do not care to lead but
are often loyal followers. Often
relaxed about getting things
done because they enjoy the
present moment and do not
want to spoil it by undue haste
or exertion.
Quiet observers, idealistic, loyal.
Important that outer life be
congruent with inner values.
Curious, quick to see
possibilities, often serve as
catalysts to implement ideas.
Adaptable, flexible, and
accepting unless a value is
threatened. Want to understand
people and ways of fulfilling
human potential. Little concern
with possessions or
Quiet and reserved.
Especially enjoy theoretical or
scientific pursuits. Like
solving problems with logic
and analysis. Interested
mainly in ideas, with little
liking for parties or small talk.
Tend to have sharply defined
interests. Need careers where
some strong interest can be
used and useful.
Good at on-the-spot problem
solving. Like action, enjoy
whatever comes along. Tend
to like mechanical things and
sports, with friends on the side.
Adaptable, tolerant, pragmatic;
focused on getting results.
Dislike long explanations. Are
best with real things that can be
worked, handles, taken apart, or
put together.
Intuitive Types
Practical, realistic, matter-offact, with a natural head for
business or mechanics. Not
interested in abstract theories;
want learning to have direct
and immediate application.
Like to organise and run
activities. Often make good
administrators; are decisive,
quickly move to implement
decisions; take care of routine
Outgoing, accepting, friendly,
enjoy everything and make
things more fun for others by
their enjoyment. Like action and
making things happen. Know
what’s going on and join in
eagerly. Find remembering facts
easier than mastering theories.
Are best in situations that need
sound common sense and
practical ability with people.
Warm-hearted, talkative,
popular, conscientious, born cooperators, active committee
members. Need harmony and
may be good at creating it.
Always doing something nice for
someone. Work best with
encouragement and praise.
Main interest is in things that
directly and visibly affect
people’s lives.
Warmly enthusiastic, highspirited, ingenious, imaginative.
Able to do almost anything that
interests them. Quick with a
solution for any difficulty and
ready to help anyone with a
problem. Often rely on their
ability to improvise instead of
preparing in advance. Can
usually find compelling reasons
for whatever they want.
Responsive and responsible.
Feel real concern for what
others think or want, and try to
handle things with due regard
for the other’s feelings. Can
present a proposal or lead a
group discussion with ease and
tact. Sociable, popular,
sympathetic. Responsive to
praise and criticism. Like to
facilitate others and enable
people to achieve their potential.
Quick, ingenious, good at
many things. Stimulating
company, alert and outspoken. May argue for fun on
either side of a question.
Resourceful in solving new
and challenging problems, but
may neglect routine
assignments. Apt to turn to
one new interest after
another. Skilful in finding
logical reasons for what they
Frank, decisive, leaders in
activities. Develop and
implement comprehensive
systems to solve
organisational problems.
Good in anything that
requires reasoning and
intelligent talk, such as public
speaking. Are usually well
informed and enjoy adding to
their pool of knowledge.
Contact Simon Vagn Larsen
NZ mobile: +64 21 781 300
Additional Information about the INFJ type
Beneath the quiet exterior, INFJs hold deep convictions about the weightier matters of life. Those who
are activists (INFJs gravitate toward such a role) are there for the cause, not for personal glory or
political power.
INFJs are champions of the oppressed and downtrodden. They often are found in the wake of an
emergency, rescuing those who are in acute distress. INFJs may fantasize about getting revenge on
those who victimize the defenceless. The concept of 'poetic justice' is appealing to the INFJ.
Accurately suspicious about others' motives, INFJs are not easily led. These are the people that you can
rarely fool any of the time. Though affable and sympathetic to most, INFJs are selective about their
friends. Such a friendship is a symbiotic bond
Some Famous INFJs:
that transcends mere words.
 Nathan, prophet of Israel
 Chaucer, English Poet
INFJs have a knack for fluency in language and
 James “Jimmy” Carter (US President
facility in communication. In addition, nonverbal
 Fanny Crosby, (blind) hymnist
sensitivity enables the INFJ to know and be
 Mother Teresa of Calcutta
known by others intimately.
 Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi
Their amazing ability to deduce the inner
 Fred McMurray (My Three Sons)
workings of the mind, will and emotions of
 Shirley Temple Black, child actress,
others gives INFJs their reputation as prophets
US ambassador
and seers.
 Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights
leader, martyr
It is an INFJ who is likely to have visions of
 Shirley McClain, actress
human events past, present, or future. If a person
 Michael Landon, actor (Highway to
demonstrates an ability to understand psychic
Heaven, Little House on the Prairie)
phenomenon better than most others, this person
Tom Selleck, actor (Magnum, P. I.)
is apt to be an INFJ. Characteristically, INFJs
 Oprah Winfrey, talk show host
have strong empathetic abilities and can be aware
 Paul Stookey, folk singer (Peter, Paul
of another's emotions or intents even before that
and Mary)
person is conscious of these. This can take the
 Angela Lansbury, actress (Murder,
form of feeling the distress or illnesses of others
She Wrote)
to an extent that is difficult for other types.
 Richard Gere, actor (Pretty Woman)
INFJs can intuit good and evil in others, although
they seldom can tell how they came to know.
 Billy Crystal, actor, comedian
Subsequent events tend to bear them out,
 Carrie Fisher, actress (Star Wars)
 Sidney Poitier, actor
 Ralph Fiennes, actor
INFJs are twice blessed with clarity of vision,
both internal and external. Just as they possess
inner vision that is drawn to the forms of the unconscious, they also have external sensing perception
that readily takes hold of worldly objects.
INFJs are hard to get to know. They have an unusually rich inner life, but they are reserved and tend
not to share their reactions except with those they trust. INFJs can be hurt rather easily to others,
which, perhaps is at least one reason they tend to be private people. People who have an INFJ for years
may find sides emerging that come as a surprise. Not that INFJs are inconsistent; they are very
Contact Simon Vagn Larsen
NZ mobile: +64 21 781 300
consistent and value integrity. But they are convoluted, complex personalities that sometimes puzzle
even them.
INFJs like to please others and tend to contribute their own best efforts in all situations. They prefer
and enjoy agreeing with others, and find conflict disagreeable and destructive. What is known as
Extrasensory Perception, ESP, likely found in an INFJ more than any other type, although other types
are capable of such phenomena. INFJs have vivid imaginations exercised both as memory and intuition,
and this can amount to genius, resulting at times in an INFJs being seen as mystical. This capability of
intense internal intuition extends to people, things, and often events, taking the form of visions, episodes
of foreknowledge, premonitions, auditory and visual images of things to come. INFJs can have uncanny
communications with certain individuals at a distance.
INFJs at Work
Writing, counselling, public service and even politics are areas where INFJs frequently find their niche.
INFJs often select liberal arts as a college major and opt for occupations that involve interacting with
people, but on a one-to-one basis. For example, the general practitioner in medicine might be an INFJ,
or the psychiatric or psychologist. As with all NFs,
the ministry hold attraction, although the INFJ must Possible INFJ Careers:
develop an extraverted role here that requires a great Counsellors, clergy, missionaries, teachers,
deal of energy. INFJs may be attracted to writing as medical doctors, dentists, chiropractors,
a profession. INFJs make outstanding individual psychologists,
therapists, who have the ability to get in touch with musicians, artists, photographers, child
the archetypes of their patients in a way some other care workers, education consultants,
types do not. Whatever their choice, they generally librarians, marketers, scientists, social
are successful in these fields because of their great workers. Blessed with an idealistic vision,
personal warmth, their enthusiasm, their insight, they do best when they seek to make that
their depth of concentration, their originality, and vision a reality.
their organizational skills can all be brought into
INFJs are generally good at public relations and themselves have good interpersonal relations. They
value staff harmony and want an organization to run smoothly and pleasantly themselves making every
effort to contribute to that end. They are crushed by too much criticism and can have their feelings hurt
rather easily. They respond to praise and use approval as a means of motivating others, just as they, the
INFJs are motivated by approval. If they are subject to a hostile, unfriendly environment or constant
criticism, they tend to lose confidence, become unhappy and immobilized, and finally become physically
INFJs and Relationships
INFJs need and want harmony in their homes and find constant conflict, overt or covert, extremely
destructive to their psyches. Their friendship circle is likely to be small, deep and long-standing. As
parents, INFJs usually are fiercely devoted. A female INFJ, particularly is linked to her children in a way
different from the other type: with almost a psychic symbiosis. They are usually concerned about the
comfort of a home and most especially the comfort, physical health, and emotional well-being of both
mates and children.
About 1% of the population is INFJ