ECNS 303: Intermediate Macroeconomics with Calculus (Spring 2014) Class Schedule: 10:50am to 12:05pm on Tuesday and Thursday (ROBH 307) Professor: Dr. Mark Anderson Email:; Course webpage: Office Hours: Tuesday 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (307E Linfield Hall) Course prerequisites: ECNS 202 (Principles of Macroeconomics) and ECNS 204 (Microeconomics) or ECNS 251 (Honors Economics); M 161 (Survey of Calculus) or M 171 (Calculus I) Textbooks: Gregory Mankiw, Macroeconomics, 7th edition; Mancur Olson, The Rise and Decline of Nations Grades: Quizzes: 25% -There will be approximately 8-9 quizzes. The 2 lowest quiz score will be dropped. -If you miss a quiz, you cannot make it up. No exceptions. Exam #1 (on material in Mankiw): 30% Exam #2 (on material in Mankiw): 30% Exam #3 (On material in Olson. This will be a take-home exam administered during finals week): 15% -Exam will be due at the time our final exam is scheduled (May 2nd at 3:50 pm) Homework: 0% (HW problems assigned serve as prep for quizzes and exams and will not be collected) Schedule (subject to change at my discretion): The Economy in the Short Run -Week 1 (Jan. 9): Review of syllabus -Week 8 (Feb. 25 & Feb. 27): Intro to Economic Fluctuations and Aggregate Demand I (Ch. 10 and 11 of Mankiw). Introduction to Macroeconomics -Week 2 (Jan. 14 & Jan. 16): The Science and Data of Macroeconomics (Ch. 1 and 2 of Mankiw) -Week 9 (March 4 & March 6): Aggregate Demand I (Ch. 11 of Mankiw). Quiz #6 on March 4th The Economy in the Long Run -Week 3 (Jan. 21 & Jan. 23): National Income (Ch. 3 of -Week 10 (March 11 & March 13): Spring Break Mankiw). Quiz #1 on Jan 21st -Week 11 (March 18 & March 20): Aggregate Demand -Week 4 (Jan. 28 & Jan. 30): Economic Growth I: II (Ch. 12 of Mankiw). Quiz #7 on March 20th Capital Accumulation and Population Growth (Ch. 8 of Makiw). Quiz #2 on Jan. 28th -Week 12 (March 25 & March 27): Aggregate Supply (Ch. 14 of Mankiw) . Quiz #8 on March 27th -Week 5 (Feb. 4 & Feb. 6): Economic Growth II: Technology, Empirics, and Policy (Ch. 9 of Mankiw). -Week 13 (April 1 & April 3): Exam #2 on April 1st. th Quiz #3 on Feb. 4 NO CLASS ON APRIL 3rd. -Week 6 (Feb. 11 & Feb. 13): Unemployment (Ch. 7 of Mankiw). Quiz #4 on Feb. 11th -Week 14 (April 8 & April 10): Consumption (Ch. 16 of Mankiw). Quiz #9 on April 10th. -Week 7 (Feb. 18 & Feb. 20): Money and Inflation (Ch. 4 and 5 of Mankiw). Quiz #5 on Feb. 18th. Exam #1 on Feb. 20th. The Rise and Decline of Nations -Week 15 (April 15 & April 17): Class discussion on Olson (Ch. 1 through 4 of Olson) -Week 16 (April 22 & April 24): Class discussion on Olson (Ch. 1 through 4 of Olson) -Finals Week: Exam #3 (Take-home exam on the material from Olson)