MlRALAX / GATORADE BOWEL PREPARATION Purchase at the pharmacy: 4 Dulcolax (Bisacodyl) 5 mg Laxative tablets 1 Miralax 238 gram bottle 1 Gatorade 64 ounce bottle. All are sold over the counter. One day before the procedure: You may have a light breakfast but only clear liquids for the rest of the day. At 3:00pm take the 4 Dulcolax tabs. with a glass of water. At 5:00pm mix the whole bottle of Miralax with the 64 oz. bottle of Gatorade. Shake the solution until the Miralax is dissolved. Drink an 8 oz. glass every 10-15 minutes until the solution is gone. Continue drinking clear liquids until bedtime. ***DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING BY MOUTH AFTER MIDNIGHT*** On the day of the procedure: If you normally take blood pressure medication in the morning, you may take it with a sip of water the morning of the procedure. Hold all other medications until after the procedure. Diabetic Patients: Day of prep: The morning medication dosage is taken as usual. The afternoon and evening dose is Yz the usual dose. If you start feeling symptomatic, do an accucheck. If the results are low, drink clear liquids with carbohydrates. Day of procedure: Hold all diabetic medications, but take them with you to the hospital. An accucheck will be done upon your arrival. o Driving: You cannot drive; use a taxi or a bus after the procedure. You must have an adult accompany you and drive you home. You do not have to stop taking blood thinners if you are having a colonoscopy. Please let us know if you have a defibrillator heart device so that we can notify the hospital. If you are having surgery please stop blood thinners 5 days before the surgery. *Clear liquids: Strained fruit juices without pulp, water, clear broth or bouillon, coffee, tea (without milk or non-dairy creamer), Gatorade, carbonated soft drinks, Kool-Aid, plainjello without added fruit or toppings, Popsicles and hard candy. Nothing colored red or purple. Please call our office if you have any questions. 512-418-1979 Hospital: Date of procedure: r _ _ _ Arrival time: --------- Magnesium Citrate Bowel Preparation Instructions Purchase: 2 ten ounce bottles of Magnesium Citrate (green) which is sold over the counter at the pharmacy. The day before your procedure you may have a regular diet for breakfast and lunch. of the day and evening. _ Only clear liquids for the rest At 1:00 pm drink 1 ten ounce bottle of magnesium citrate followed by 3 eight ounce glasses of any clear liquid. Stay close to the toilet facilities. At 6:00 pm drink 1 ten ounce bottle of magnesium citrate followed by 3 eight ounce glasses of any clear liquid. Stay close to the toilet facilities. It is very important to drink all the liquid with each dose of laxative in order to have an adequate bowel preparation. Clear Liquids Allowed: Water, clear fruit juice, coffee, tea, sodas, gelatin, popsicles, beef or chicken bouillon broth, hard candies. No milk products or solid food. DO NOT DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT. If you normally take heart or blood pressure medication in the morning, you may take it with just a sip of water the day of the procedure. Hold all other medications until after the procedure. Please let us know if you are taking a blood thinner or Plavix or if you have a diffibulator. If you have any questions, please call the office (512) 418-1979 ext. 222 during regular business hours. After hours call Medlink at (512) 323-5465 DATEOFPROCEDURE: _ FACILITY: _ TIME OF PROCEDURE: ARRIV AL TIME: _ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETE BOWEL PREPARATION John S. Mangione, M.D Robert W. Cline, M.D. William G. Robertson, M.D. DAY BEFORE (512) 418-1979 (512) 418-1763 (512) 418-1755 4106 Medical Parkway Austin, Texas 78756 Fax Number: (512) 418-1943 SURGERY: You may have a regular breakfast and a light lunch. Full liquids only until 6:00 p.m. Clear liquids only until midnight. You may have hard candy, clear broth, and carbonated beverages, clear fruit juice, coffee tea, Jell-O and Popsicle. At take the two Bisacodyl (Dulcolax) tablets. At start drinking the PEG solution. Drink ten ounces every ten to fifteen minutes until stools are clear. The liquid stool should be clear. This does not mean colorless, an appearance of yellow or green without stool particles is normal. Usually about one-half of the solution needs to be taken. If you feel excessively full, distended or nauseated, temporarily hold off of the solution until this passes. Then resume. You may mix the PEG solution and refrigerate it for several hours before drinking. To enhance the taste, try sucking on hard candy. If you think you are having trouble tolerating the PEG solution, call the doctor before deciding not to drink the remainder. After completion of the PEG solution, you may have clear liquids only. It is very important to follow the diet and laxatives to assure you have an adequate prep. Please do not drink anything after before you surgery or examination. You may take any necessary medications with a sip of water. If you take diabetic medications or blood thinners, please read the enclosed flyer. You need to arrange for someone to stay and drive you home from the hospital. DAY OF SURGERY: Be at the hospital two hours before your surgery time. If you have a colonoscopy, plan to stay at home for the remainder of the day after the examination. Eat a normal diet. There will be no limitation of activity or food the following day. If you have abdominal surgery, follow the instructions you are given upon your discharge from the hospital. If you have any question or problems with the instructions, please contact your doctor's office, or ifit is after hours, MedLink 512-323-5465 Facility where procedure is scheduled: Date procedure is scheduled: Arrival time at Facility for procedure _ OUT PATIENT PRE-OP INSTRUCTIONS HOSPITAL:-------------DATE OF SURGERY:----------ARRIVALTIME TO HOSPITAL:------For your procedure you will need to purchase 2 Fleet Enemas (green box) which are sold over the counter at the pharmacy or grocery store. Use both of the enemas 1 Y2 hours before leaving to go to the hospital. If you are having surgery please discontinue all blood thinners (aspirin, Ibuprofen, Coumadin, Plavix) 5 days before the surgery date. You do not have to stop blood thinners if you are scheduled for an endoscopy procedure. If you are diabetic do not take your morning medication but take it with you to the hospital. They will do an accucheck upon your arrival. Do Not Eat Or Drink Anything After Midnight except for heart or blood pressure medications on Please call me with any question's you may have about the procedure. :Nancy 418-1979 ext. 222 RE1WARKABLE COlvllENIEVCE DIRECTIONS At Bailey Square Surgery Center, we ofthe Bailey Square Medical Building at II r I West 34th Street offer a remarkable convenience by allowing our patients to easily provide their online clinical history by visiting our website .. is Bailey Square Surgery Center is located on the fourth floor at Medical Parkway, just across from Seton Hospital. FREE PARKING There available in front of the faclllry, Please go to: and click on Online Clinical History. Once you do, you will be able to enter your clinical history into an online form. By providing this infor-mation online, the amount of paperwork needed on the day of your admission is greatly reduced and you are assured of the accur-ate documentation of your clinical history. It's remarkably convenient! It will take approximately 10-30 minutes to complete the Online Clinical History Form, depending on your medical history. Before ),ou begin, take a moment to be sure )IOU have the following information on hand. .!. The name of your doctor who is admitting you to the surgery center .:. The date and time of your scheduled procedure .:. A short description of the procedure .:. The name of the person dr-iving you home .;. The name of the person you after the procedure who wili care for .:. The name and dosage of ALL of your medications .~. The dates and descriptions of past surgeries S'fDavid's BAILEY SQUARE SURGERY CENTER I r I r West 34th Street, 4th Floor Austin,Texas 78705 Tel 512.454.6753 .:. Fax 512.454.4314 For your convenience, our facility is a "WIRELESS HOT SPOT" , Any complaints may be directed to tho Administrator of Bailey Square Surgery Center at (512) 454-6753. If this venue does not provide you with an acceptable resolution, the Texas Depmtment of Health is the responsible agency for ambulatory surgical center complaint investigations. Any complaints may be submitted to: Director, Texas Department of Health, Health Facility Compliance Division, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756, 1-888-973-0022. stDavid's BAILEY SQUARE SURGEIZ¥ CEN'.f'ER '1'1'11West 3'~th Street· TE\. 512AG't6lG3 Austin, Texas liliO!) [0(1)<. G12.'\G(~A3'14 Your physician has an ownership interest in Bailey Square Surgery Center. !!f Yes Medicare Ombudsman contact: 1-800-MEDICARE 0 No Patient's Rights Square Surgery human rights of patients. Efforts are directed to providing care commensurate with those basic human rights. The staff Center I3SS-S04 P (OtJ/09) and personnel recognize the of Bailey basic Patients are treated with ruspoct, consideration, and dignity. Patients are provided, to the de9reE~ .known, complete inforruatlon concerning their diagnosis, treatment, unci proqnosis. Wlwn it is medically lnadvisable to give such information to a patient, the information is provided to a person Jesi~Jl)ated by thfJ patients or to <liagaliy authorized rersol), Patients are provided appropriate privacy of any information or treatinent concerning his/ her own medical care. Patients have the right to be informed of <:II)Y persons other' then routine personnel that would be observing or' pnrticipatinq in his/her treatment, Patient disclosures and records are trealed confidentially, and, except when required by law, patients are given the opportunity to iJfJprove or reFuse their relaase. Patients are given the opportunity to partlcipato in decisions involving their health care, except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons. Patients have the right to change primary or specialty physicians iF other qualified physicians are available, '; Patients have the right to: person know the coordinatinq or persons his/her care, responsible receive from his/her physician enough information so that he/she may understand the procedure. 01' tron tmont being received in ordor to sinn Ihe infonucd • • • of know if allY rosourch will be done dllrillg treatment ami have tlw riUht to refuse. his/her ~1I)(.1 of his/her ill advance the oxpoctod ostil1latfJci of hi~/her bill. Pationts h~1V0. the right to know what lLlill!Y SqU<11'OSur~Jery Center rules and re~JLrI(1tioIlS apply to his/her conduct and respol1sibiliti(~!; <15 a patient. know ,1I\1OUllt • know. rnothods for oxpressinq grievances suUgcstion:; lo U,1 lloy SCJLwre Sur~Jcry Center, • infonnatlonconcerulnq the institution it is the patient's responsibility or physician for clarillcation. to (1I1SWer all medical questions best of his/her knowledge. truthfully nurse the to the and to which instructions. • arrange for a responsible adult to provide transportation to and [rom Balloy Square. Surgery Center, and remain with tho patient for period of at least 24 hours ,lfter surgery, or as directed and appropriatn with the medications and/or anosthetlcs he/she will bo rcceivlnq. carufully and follow th\.l pos t-oporatlve instructions he/she receives from the physici'Hl(s) and/or nurses. This includes post-operative appointmon ts. read contact he/she may have) to be transferred, The his/her complications. to which the give approval staff, as well patient is baing prior to transfer. ask carefully and follow tho pre-operative instructions received [rom his/her physician and/ or Gailey Square Surgery Center unci notify the Center if he/she has not followed 'pre-operiltivn service from the fndlity. of mnchauism by which he/5he will have continuinq henlth care followillg discharge from this surg(HY contur. and receive <111f)XI)lc\Jliltioll of source of payment. to: rond bo informed examine responsibility rend ancl undersrand all permits and/or CVI15ents he/she siqns. If tho patient does not understand, the bill·reg,lrcJless • It is the patient's consent. refuse treatment unci to be informed consequences of his/her actions, expect quality care • Patient's Responsibilities for institution tri.lnsferrcd must b~ respectful if physician of HII the hcalthcare as has he/she ilily providers and other patients. • b!~ assured the) t mmketinn or udvHrtising rcgardill9 the corupe tenco and capabilitles of this facility and its org<1l1iLdtlOIlis not misleading to patients, for service rendered aro in a timely basis and ultimate responsibility is his/ hers, reg<1l'dless of whatever insurance coverage he/she may have. • an advanced dlroctivo (such as living will, h~)alth cao proxy, or durable power of attorney for health carol concerning treatment or desigllCltill9 a surrogate decision maker with tho expectation that the facility will honor the intent of that directive to the extent permitted by law and facility policy. notify • have disclosure mgiJrdil19 physician financial or ownership in the Surgery Center. in teres t assure nil payments tho Administrator, Director of Clinical Services, Director of Business Services or their designee at Balloy Square Surgery Center if he/she feels any rights have been violated, has il signiFicimt complaint or a suggestion to improve services 01' quality of care. This can be accomplished by filling out our Patient Questionnaire 01' by direct contact. "