AVASTipendium for the human brain SCHOLORSHIP PROGRAM FOR SUPPORTING ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE RESEARCH Page 1 of 10 Contents AVASTipendium for the human brain is a joint education scholarship program initiated by The Alzheimer Foundation and sponsored by international software company AVAST. The project focuses on supporting the development of both research on and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative brain diseases, as well as other purposes, particularly: to increase the expertise of junior specialists studying the causes and development of Alzheimer’s disease and similar neurodegenerative brain diseases, as well as other scientific and applied fields engaged in these diseases; for development in the area of neuro-science fields, preferring research activities in sectors occupied with Alzheimer’s disease, and which are not yet developed in the Czech Republic, or are only marginally developed; as a supporting initiative and motivational tool stimulating the research activity of students, doctoral students, and junior doctors and researchers up to the age of 40, occupied with Alzheimer’s disease and other related illnesses; indirectly, also to develop international cooperation in the respective fields. Preferred projects include those promising further development, which can lead to efforts for obtaining subsequent grants and which promise interesting published outputs. Page 2 of 10 Project guarantors The Alzheimer Foundation The Alzheimer Foundation was founded to support the research of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative brain diseases, leading to cognitive-function disorders and dementia. Its goal is also to improve the quality of patient care, expanding the range of provided care and improving the conditions under which care is provided. The AVAST Foundation The AVAST Foundation was founded in 2010, continuing the philanthropic activities of the founders of AVAST Software – one of the leading international software firms, developing programs that protect roughly 200 million computers and mobile devices worldwide, more than any other company. The AVAST Foundation decided to support The Alzheimer Foundation’s project with an annual donation of CZK 500,000 and at the same time become the patron of "people’s memories." Page 3 of 10 Support can be provided in the following fields neurology neuropsychology psychiatry biomedicine visualization and programming clinical research statistics ethics neuroradiology biophysics statistics medical physics neuroepidemiology and other sectors occupied with Alzheimer’s disease Requests for financial support The program is primarily intended for fellowships lasting 3 to 6 months, particularly – though not explicitly – at international research institutes. Recommended research institutes include: University of South Florida, Tampa, USA; Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA. Another proposed area of financing is the applicant’s involvement in special education events and courses in the given fields and also in the applicant’s active presentations at popular international conferences and seminars. In case the entire amount for the program is not allocated for the purposes described above, it can also be used to finance the international exchange of academic and research employees and the non-investment furnishing of the applicant’s workplace laboratories. Page 4 of 10 The program is specifically intended for financing tuition, course fees, participant fees; travel expenses; lodging costs up to $1000/month; boarding costs up to $50/day; fees for the personal sponsorship of a selected tutor up to $500/month (the tutor must provide an important research capacity in the given field and his/her name and fee must be stated in the applicant’s request for a financial subsidy from the program, the tutor’s name and his/her remuneration are evaluated separately within the scope of the applicant’s program); visas; health and accident insurance; paying rental fees for a passenger car, if necessary (this subsidy can be requested for circumstances when it is not possible to provide accommodations near the project house and when commuting between both places via public transportation is not possible in a reasonable amount of time). Who can apply for financial support from the program a student in the last or next-to-last year of his/her postgraduate studies; a distance or daily student of a doctoral study program at a Czech university or research institute; a doctoral study program graduate; a physician practicing in the given field; an expert occupied with Alzheimer’s or other neurodegenerative brain disease. The applicant must meet the following criteria must be no older than 40 years of age; must work or study in the Czech Republic; must commit to returning to the Czech Republic after the end of the project and to also be involved with the professional research, academic or medical institute for a minimum period of three years (failure to comply with this condition will result in the recipient having to return the full amount of provided subsidy); must demonstrate knowledge of the country in which the research fellowship will take place, by providing a certificate or document for passing a language exam in his study card (does not apply for Czech Republic/Slovakia). Page 5 of 10 Conditions for requesting subsidy The request shall be submitted in writing and electronic form until October 31st 2013 to Alzheimer nadační fond, Šimůnkova 1600, Praha 8, 182 00 and also to email address sekretariat@alzheimernf.cz. The request must meet the following criteria and conditions: the applicant’s own description of the project, 2 page maximum – A4 format, with standard formatting (Arial or Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1.5 row spacing) and a summary up to 350 words long; justification of the importance of the project or program, which the applicant individually proposes for a maximum period of 6 months and outlines the potential application of newly acquired information and experience; curriculum vitae that includes the applicant’s age and signature, involvement in grant activities within the scope of domestic and international grants and a listing of selected published papers (1–1.5 page (A4 format) maximum); list of contact information for event organizers, tutors, or institutes sponsoring the project; structured, transparent budget requested by the applicant; undergraduate and postgraduate students and recent graduates shall provide recommendations from tutors and one independent person in the Czech Republic or abroad, working in the field or a related field; research and expert workers shall provide at least two references – from the worker’s subordinate and a colleague or professional international partner. Selection procedure The selection procedure is conducted in two rounds. As part of the first round, up to five of the most successful applicants will be invited as part of the second round to a personal interview, by the evaluation committee, consisting of members of the Alzheimer Foundation board of trustees, representatives of the AVAST Foundation and, in justified cases, also an independent expert in the given field. The results from the selection procedure will be available on the Alzheimer Foundation and AVAST Foundation websites, and the selected applicants will be informed in writing. Multiple applicants can be supported as part of a single competition. A subsidy agreement will then be concluded with the successful applicants. Page 6 of 10 Assessment criteria The assessment criteria for projects brought forward includes particularly originality, applicability, contribution to society, economic impact, and benefits to the applicant and his/her research team. Obligations of the recipient of financial subsidy The recipient of financial subsidy from the Alzheimer Foundation and AVAST Foundation program shall submit a report within 30 days after the conclusion of the project containing the description of utilizing the financial donation, project development and results, and the overall evaluation of the project and its benefits, preferably along with photographic or other type of documentation. The recipient shall further submit a report for the potential presentation of a subsidy provided by the Alzheimer Foundation and AVAST Foundation (with a list of outputs, internet and media links, etc.). As part of the Alzheimer Foundation and AVAST Foundation, the recipient of financial subsidy for the three to six month international fellowship shall: submit a travel report, travel expense documents for the statement of travel expenses and other expenses and for the statement of provided deposits, and provided the recipient had a personal tutor, his/her evaluation report shall also be submitted; submit a grant request to any of the grant agencies in the Czech Republic or send an original article to be published in the review magazine, dedicated to the Alzheimer Foundation - AVAST Foundation program, within 12 months after the end of the stay. Financial statements, including documents, confirmation of involvement, and any copies of certificates (provided courses were attended) are part of a special annex. Page 7 of 10 Ethical codex of the recipient of subsidy Professionalism – recipients perform tasks in their respective fields at a high technical level, act correctly toward the employees of other institutes and other applicants for subsidy from the Alzheimer Foundation - AVAST Foundation program. Selflessness – recipients must not obtain financial, material, or other advantages for himself/herself, his/her family, or friends, via means acquired from the Alzheimer Foundation - AVAST Foundation program. Responsibility – recipients are responsible for their actions and decisions within the scope of supported work tasks defined, and they respect legal regulations and rules of the program. Transparency – recipients always act in a transparent manner and must be capable of justifying and proving their decisions. Honesty – recipients will not take advantage of information about organizations, companies, and individuals obtained during work carried out on projects supported by the Alzheimer Foundation - AVAST Foundation program. Loyalty – recipients will always act in such manner to prevent putting their creditability and the good reputation of the Alzheimer Foundation - AVAST Foundation program at risk. Humanity – recipients will not betray the general principles of research and doctor ethics. Page 8 of 10 FAQ I have already been accepted to participate in the study fellowship/course/conference, however, I cannot afford to finance my activities myself and did not receive a subsidy from other sources I applied for. Can I apply for a subsidy with the Alzheimer Foundation - AVAST Foundation? Yes. Apart from other programs, our program aims to support special and justified education activities. We also know that an applicant may have attempted to obtain a financial subsidy elsewhere, but did not succeed due to insufficient personal or project quality, because this type of activity is not commonly supported in the Czech Republic. Can I enroll in the Alzheimer Foundation - AVAST Foundation program even though I already have a scholarship? Yes. However, activities you are requesting a subsidy for must not already be financed in another manner. For example, you already have travel expenses, lodging, and boarding provided, but do not have money for the course/conference fee – in this case you can apply for subsidy via our program. Attach your confirmation of acceptance to the course/conference and upon returning, submit the documents necessary to process the statement. Can I enroll in the selection procedure repeatedly, even though I was not selected last year? Yes. However, we cannot guarantee you will be luckier a second time around. The reasons why it did not work out previously are very important. Can I enroll in the selection procedure repeatedly, even though I was already selected last year? Yes. Requests are evaluated based on quality, originality, and applicability upon returning to the Czech Republic. Is the scholarship coupled with obligations? Yes. Our goal is to provide talented and goal-oriented young individuals the opportunity to achieve academic success and subsequently utilize their newly found experience for technical activities in the Czech Republic. The applicant for financial subsidy, as part of the Alzheimer Foundation - AVAST Foundation program, shall utilize the allocated resources economically and properly settle accounts after the end of the project. Page 9 of 10 By accepting financial subsidy, the applicant is obliged to quickly submit a grant request focusing on research, for which the applicant requested a subsidy for as part of the Alzheimer Foundation - AVAST Foundation program at any of the grant agencies in the Czech Republic, or to send an original article to be published in the review magazine, dedicated to the Alzheimer Foundation - AVAST Foundation. Page 10 of 10