Tijdschrift voor Economie ei1 Managerrient Vol. XLVII, 2, 2002 A General Test of Referente Price Theory in the Presence of Threshold Effeets B y K. RAMAN and F.M. BASS* , Kalyan Rainan School of Management University of Michingan Flint & Associate Faculty, Center for Stiidy Of Complex Systerns University of Micliigan Aiin Arbor, USA Frank M. Bass University of Texas System Eugene McDern~ott, School of Management, Tlie University of Texas at Dallas, USA ABSTRACT The theory o f reference prices has great theoretica1 appeal and considerable managerial sigilificance. This paper provides a test o f reference price theory in a geiieral setting allowing for threshold effects and asyininetric inarltet response with respect to the thresliold. The theory is rigorously evaluated o n the basis of predictive tests using the methodology o f switching regressions, and the empirical results show strong conoboration for it. Tlie paper concludes wit11 a disclission of managerial iinplications o f refereilce price theory for pro~notionaland pricing strategy. * The authors are grateful to Marnik Dekiriipe, Russ Winer, Robert Meyer, Alan Sawyer, Chaluavarthi Narasiiilhaii, Gerard Tellis and Dan Putler for conlrileiits on previous versioiis of this manuscript. A previous version of this article was presented at pricing seminars at AT&T Bel1 Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, U.S.A. and DuPont Company in Wilniington, Delaware, U.S.A. I. TNTRODUCTION This paper incorporates the concept of reference price in an aggregate model of market share response. The behavioral pricing literature suggests that the attractiueness of a market price is deteriliined by a comparison of the market price to an intesnal standard known as the reference price. 111 cor~trast,classical Hicks-Qpe ecoiioiiiic models list: actual retail prices, thus providing no infonnation about the effect on aggregate demaiid of the psychological aspects of price. The notion of a reference price is grounded in considerations of the psychological dimeilsions of price perception. Many p~iblishedpapers in marltetíiig have examined individual os household level models of reference price (Janiszewski and Lichtenstein (1999), Kumar, Karande and Weinartz (1998), Lattin and Bucklin (1989), Kalwani and Yim (1992), Krishnamui-thi, Mazumdar and Raj (1992)) but none have established asymmetric reference price effects at the aggregate level. The theory of reference prices implies the following phenomena: l . The existence of a range of acceptable prices. 2. The existence of a non-zero price threshold, as a consequente of 1. 3. Asyrnmetric market response to the reference price above and below the threshold. Therefore, a valid model of the inlpact of reference price on market share must incorporate the above effects. Our model accommodates the above requirements by using switching regressions, a methodology originally developed by Quandt (1958), later gei~eralizedby Goldfeld and Quandt (1973), and recently applied to predict consuiner choice in a stochastic prefereilce framework (Lau, Yang and Post (1996)). The theory of reference prices offers a nuinber of inanagerial iinplications: 1. The timing and magnitude of price promotions should ideally be iililuenced by the existence of reference prices and their effect on consuiner demand (Kalyailaram and Winer (1995)). 2. The existence of reference prices and the manner iil which they are formed influences brand choice and purchase quantity (Kumar, ICirande and Reiilax-tz (1998)). 3. Macro-econornic factors such as inflation, unemployment and interest rates impact reference price forniation and hence sliould be considered in the evaluation of alternative pricing scenarios (Estelami, Lehmann and Holdeii (2001)). 4. The range of evoked prices inoderates the effect of reference price and hence has implications for "every day low price" (EDLP) and "high-low" pricing strategies (Janiszewski and Lichtenstein (1999)). 11. REFERENCE PFUCE ISSUES A. Psychologieal Foundations of Refevence Prices and theiv I~nplicationsfov Conszrmer Response Intuitively, a reference price is an internal standard against which consuiners compare observed prices. Since price is the most conspicuous of al1 the marketing variables, one would expect consumers to form an idea of the "right" price for a brand, based on their past observations of that brand's prices. Of course, such an expectation assumes that consumers remember past prices. Iii a much-cited study, Dickson and Sawyer (1990) showed that most consumers showed extreinely poor recall of prices that they had just paid, a finding that seems to cast doubt on the notion of reference price. However, as Kalyanarain and Winer (1995) note, a substantial number of respondents in price recall surveys do recall past prices with reasonable accuracy. Moreover, recent research on meinory suggests that there are two types of inemory, explicit and implicit; and while consumers may not explicitly recall the exact price, they are generally capable of forining vague juciginents such as '-t00 high," os "a good deal" (Monroe (1999)). The concept of reference prices thus has a great deal of intuitive appeal and face validity. Indeed, Kalyanaram and Winer (1995) note that considerable theoretica1 support exists for refereiice price aiid that its effect on consumer demand may be regarded as an established empirica1 generalization. At least four different psychological theories substantiate this concept, as iioted by Winer (1988), and reviewed in Sawyer and Dickson (1984). These are briefly described below, iogetlieï with their implications for aggregate market response. 1. The Weber-Fechner Law This law relates changes iii a stimulus to the evolted response as follows: AS/S = k, where S is tlie stilnulus, AS is the "just rioticeable difference" (i.e. so that S + AS is perceived to be different from S), and k is constant for each sensory stimulus. Fechner analyzed subjective sensations using differential increments and derived the Weber-Fechner law (see Monroe (197 1)). Several authors have applied the Weber-Fechner law in the investigation of price thresholds (Adam (1970), Gabor and Granger (1966), (1971), Monroe (1 973)). The empirica1 evidence reported in these papers supports the hypothesis of upper and lower price thresholds and thus a range of prices which is considered acceptable. The Weber-Fechner law provides a means of experimentally determining such thresholds. Prices below the lower threshold are considered too low (quality is suspect) and prices above the upper threshold are considered too high. This was empirically demonstrated by Adam (see Monroe (1973)). 2. Assimilation-Contrast Theory This is closely related to the implications of the Weber-Fechner law. Developed by Sherif and Hovland (1961), this theory hypothesizes a range of prices called a lattitude of acceptance, which is similar to the acceptable price ranges discussed in Gabor and Granger (1966) and Monroe (1973). According to this theory, consumers tend to assimilate prices within the lattitude of acceptance and perceive them as acceptable. Prices falling outside the range are contrasted to prices within the acceptable range and their impact is strongly perceived. 3. Adaptation-Level Theory Developed by Helson (1964), this theory hypothesizes that the response to a stimulus depends on its relationship to preceding stimuli. Consumers form "adaptation levels" through exposure to the stimuli. The response to the current stimulus is a function of the relationship between the stiinulus level and the adaptation level. In the context of price response, Emory (1970) calls this adaptation level the norrnal or standard price. Thus, in studying the consumer's response to price, we ought to consider the relationship of the current price level to the adaptation level. Niedrich, Sharma and Wede11 (2001) show good empirical support for adaptatation-level theory in their experiinental study of exemplar and prototype models of reference price. 4. Prospect Theory This was developed by Kahneman and Tversky (1979) to explain the choices made by economic agents in risky situations. It is an alternative to traditional utility theory (von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944)) in that it assigns a value to gains and losses, and not just to the final outcome. The behavioral rationale for this is that most people are more strongly affected by losses rather than gains, even if the amounts involved are the Same. In the context of price response, we may view a price higher than the reference price as a "loss" (fiom the consumer's perspective), and a price lower than the reference price as a "gain." Prospect theory implies that consumers would be more strongly affected in the former than in the latter situation. Winer (1985) describes a price higher than the reference price as a "stickershock effect." Mayhew and Winer (1992) provide empirica1 evidence of the different psychological effects of the gains and losses proposed in prospect theory. Putler (1992) shows theoretically how a price change effect may be decomposed int0 a gain and loss effect, using a generalized Slutsky equation. B . Operationalization of the Reference Price Having established that the reference price is an important variable in determining market response, we now discuss its operationalization. Several operationalizations have been proposed. Uh1 (1970) used the last period's actual price as this period's reference price. Helson (1964) suggested a weighted log mean of several actual prices as the current period's reference price. Rinne (1981) has used an adaptive expectations model to operationalize the reference price. Hardie, Johnson and Fader (1993) and Greenleaf (1994) use an adaptive expectations model. It can be shown that al1 these models may be accommodated in the more genera1 framework of the Rational Expectations Hypothesis (REH), developed by Muth ((1960), (1961)). Jacobson and Obermiller (1990) have questioned the appropriateness of the REH framework; however, as Krishnamurthi et a1.(1992) note, researchers are not in complete agreement over this issue. Furthennore, several researchers have implicitly used REH by operationalizing reference price as the previous period's price (Uh1 (1970), Gabor (1977), Mayhew and Winer (1992), Krishnamurthi et al. (1992), and Kalwani, Yim, Rinne and Sugita (1990)). Denoting the actual price by P, and the reference price by R,, define R, to be the expected price, given al1 the past observed prices. R, = E(P, j P,, s < t) The conditional expectation utilizes the inforination contained in al1 past observed prices, Of course, consiimers observe not only the brand's own past prices but also the prices of competing brands. Therefore, relative rather than absolute price levels are used in the empirica1 estimation of the reference price. In the context of the REH, the adaptation level (reference price) formed by consumers is influenced by the decision rules used by managers to set the levels of expectational variables, i.e. price levels. In our context, the essence of the REH is that economic agents act as iftheir expectations were formed on the basis of the decision rules used by managers to set prices. Thus, assuming that expectations are formed rationally (i.e. each consumer's expectation is an unbiased estiinate of the tme value) a model describing how price levels are adjusted over time by management would also be the model utilized by consumers to form their expectations. We note that we do not claim to capture the cognitive algebra of consumers: the REH is simply a theoretica1 description that generates an empirically testable theory by operationalizing the reference price construct. Although consumers' behavior inay be consistent with the theory's predictions, this does not iinply that they are actually canying out detailed iilathematical computations. To use a physical analogy, planers do nor solve systems of differential equations to obtain their trajectories; however their orbits can be predicted by Newton's laws which require solving such equations. A good discussion of REH and its incorporation in econometric models is available in Nerlove, Grether, and Carvalho (1979). When the price series is a discrete, linear stochastic process, it can be analyzed by Box-Jenltins methods to evaluate the conditional expectation in (1). If the price series is a random walk, equation (1) is merely the last period's price. As Section IV shows, the curreilt reference price for each brand was operationalized as the last period's price in this analysis. It may be objected that aggregate data are being used to test an individual level theory. However, the nature of this product class is such that reference price adjustments for brands are likely to be minima1 within the data interval (bimonthly) that was available for analysis. Furthermore, one can employ the "representative consumer" hypothesis to specify an aggregate demand functioil that is consistent with the behavior of an idealized "represeiltative" consumer who lias a specific representation of preferences. For exainple, Putler (1992) uses a modified Klein-Rubin utility function to theoretically derive such an aggregate demand function. 111. THE GENERAL MODEL AND ESTIMATION ISSUES A. Model FOT-uliulation Our nul1 model (i.e. the model against which tlie genera1 reference price models wil1 be compared) is of the following type: MS, = a. + u,R, + a,Xt + E, (2) This is a model in the classica1 Hicks tradition and has been used by many authors (Guadagni and Little (1983), Raj (1982), Winer ((1980), (1988)). Here R, denotes the reference price, X, a promotional variable and MS, the market share. While the economie literature uses the actual price P,, we use the reference price R, in order to directly measure the effect of the reference price. We also estimated a iiull model with actual prices P, as an independent variable. However, both inodels perform equally wel1 (or poorly) in al1 cases. This is easily explainable statistically: the variatioa of the reference price series is practically identical to that of the actual price series since al1 the price series were random walks, and consequently the reference price series was the actual price series lagged by a single period. Al1 variables are measured at relative rather thaii at absolute levels to account for competitive effects. X, and MS, are the brand's shares of the promotional expenditure and sales respectively. Economie theory predicts u, < O and a, > 0. In order to capture the elements of reference price theory, our genera1 model is defined as follows. Let A, = P, - R,, where P, is the actual and R, the reference price, and let K be an unknown, strictly positive constant. Next we postulate: Equations (3A) and (3B) constitute a switching regression, a t e m coined by Quandt (1958). The variable A, and parameter K control the switching between the two regimes; the periods when A, > K is commonly referred to as Regime l , and its complement as Regime 2. Using A, as a switching control rather than as an explanatory variable avoids potential multicollinearity problems. This model accoinmodates the essential i-equirements of reference price theory as wil1 be shown in the next section in which we discuss the rationale behind our predictive tests of the theory. B. Predictive Tests The concept of predictive testing is to deduce specific implications from explicit premises; if the predictions are fulfilled, then the data support the underlying theory, and if the predictions are not, then tlie underlying theory is falsified. This notion was advocated by Basmann ((1965), (1968)), used by Bass ((1969A), (1969B)), Bass and Parsons ((1969), (1971)), and fits into the logica1 positivist school of theory-testing (Hanssens, Parsons and Schultz (1990), p. 2-83). 1. K > O. We expect the parameter K to be strictly positive. As noted in Section 11, the Weber-Fechner law, adaptation-level theory, assimilation-contrast theory and prospect theory al1 imply a range of prices considered acceptable. This implies that consumers are not sensitive to every positive deviation A,. To use Winer's (1985) tenninology, the "Sticker-Shock" effect A, must be large enough to provolte a reaction. This requirement is conipactly suminarized by this test, i.e. K > 0. 2. B, < O, y, < O, P 2 > O, Y2 > O These are obvious requireinents deduced froin basic economie theoiy. 3. I P i > IYil This is a direct consequence of prospect tlieory. Regime 1 defines the periods when consumers perceive a "1oss"--the observed price is greater than the reference price and exceeds it by the threshold amount K. Regime 2 defines the periods when consumers perceive a "gain"--the difference between observed price and the reference price falls within tlie latitude of acceptance. Since a loss is generally perceived more harshly than a gain, we expect the slope of the reference price to be more negative in the first regime. The switching regression defined in equations 3A and 3B provides tlie natura1 framework for these predictive tests; the conventional constant parameters regression defined iil equation 2 cannot handle the phenoinena implied by reference price theory. Notice that the switchii~gsystem implies that inarket response switches discoritinuously between the two regimes. This is in fact lcnown to be appropriate at the individual level - Laining ((1986), pp. 18) notes: "The essential notioil of classical threshold theory is that the threshold is a point of discontinuity in sensory experience. Stimuli below the threshold are not perceived; they have no effect on the organism." It is possible that the aggregate response may uildergo a smoother transition than the discontinuity found at the individual level we are not aware of any research addressing this interesting possibility. Lilte al1 models, the switching system described in 3A-3B is an approximation of reality; it is a useful approximation because it captures the essential aspects of reference price theory which are neglected by the classical model specified in equation (2). C. Estimation Issues If the threshold K were known a priori, estimation of 3A - 3B would be simple. The data set could then be partitioned int0 two subsets on the basis of K, and OLS regressions perfonned on each subset. A Chow test could be used to test for the existence of two separate regimes. Since K is unknown, estimation of 3A - 3B is non-trivial, and we use the inethod proposed by Goldfeld and Quandt (1973). The algorithin, adapted to the present context, works as follows. l . The observations are arranged in descending order of A,. 2. Each value of A, determines a partition of the data set into two subsets. OLS regressions can be perfortned on each subset, provided each subset has a sufficieiit nuniber of degrees of freedoni to allow estimation of al1 the parameters. 3. The total sum of squared errors (SSE) is computed for each partition. 4. The value of A, at whicli we get the smallest SSE provides the best estimate of K, in the least-squares sense. The values of the other parameters in the two regimes corresponding to this value of A, are their least-squares estimates. The standard OLS assumptions of zero mean and uncorrelated error terms are made. For purposes of inference, we also need another standard assumption, i.e., that the errors are normally distributed. In order to test the nul1 hypothesis that there is no switching (i.e. a single regression suffices for al1 the observations), a Chow test is used. This is defined as follows: F,, m + I, -,P = {(SSEI - SSE~)Ip}I{SSEll(n+ m - p)} where, SSE, = Sum of Squared Ei-sors when a single regression is used for al1 the observations SSE, = Suin of Squared Errors when two regressions are used, n = number of observations in Regime 1 m = number of obsesvations in Regime 2 = nuinber of explanatory variables p Chow (1960) proved that the above ratio follows an F distribution with parameters p, m + n - 2p. Strictly speaking, the Chow test was designed for situations where the two regimes are known a priori. However, the alternative to the Chow test is the conveiltional likelihood ratio test which is reported by Quantimesgre (1960) to have some problems - it has been found to be of use only for certain ranges of the irue value of the threshold. Goldfeld and Quantimesgre (1973), and Bhattacharya and Johnson (1968) report that the Chow test, used with caution and as if the threshold value were h o w n a priori is satisfactory. IV. EMPIRICAL RESULTS A. Description of Data Five brands in a class of frequently bought consumer non-durables were ailalyzed. Specific brand name os product class ii~forniationis confidential and we have therefore coded the brand names as A, B, C, D and E. The available data contain inforination on sales (in units and in dollars), price, promotion and advertising levels. The variable X, in equations 2, 3A, and 3B was talten to be promotional share level since advertising was not used by al1 tlie brands. Market share was measured in tesms of units rather than dollars since the former measure tends to be more stable over time and is not subject to fluctuations arising froni varying costs of production inputs over time. The variable R, is an expectational variable and depends on the stmcture of the price series P,. Since consumers compare prices between brands as wel1 as over time, P, was taken to be a relative rather than an absolute price level. This is defined as the ratio of the brand's price to the average price of competing brands. Relative price levels have the further statistical advantage of remaining fairly stable over time since price competition is generally avoided by firnis. Thus, we expected the relative prices to closely follow a random walk, i.e. where e, is a white-noise term. Inspection of the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation plot for each brand confirmed this. This immediately leads to: R, = E(P,I P,, s < t) = P,- l Other researchers who have used this operationalization include Uh1 (1970), Gabor (1977), Mayhew and Winer (1992), Krishnamurthi et al. (1992), and Kalwani et al. (1990). B. Estimated Models 1. Description of Tables The empirica1 results are displayed in Tables 1-5. In Table 6, we have reported the R2 values for the constant parameter regression for each brand. R2 values are geilerally not reported for switching regressions, since such systeins are non-linear and consist of a pair of straight lines. Formally, one can thiiik of the R2 for a switching regression in the traditional way by coilsidering the total error involved in using the switching systein. Thus, R,,' = R,,' SSE SSY SSE = R' 1 - SSEISSY where, for the switching regression Total Suin of Sq~iaredErrors for the switching regression = Total Sum of Squares for the dependent variable = SSE, + SSE,, where SSE, and SSE, are the sum of squared errors for each meinber of the switching system. = However, it should be borne in mind that there is no statistica1 basis for interpreting the R' associated with a switching regression. We have provided this information purely to illustrate the reduction in total error when one passes from a constant parameter system to a switching system in which the values of the parameters depend on the level of a threshold variable. Tables 1-5 provide the following information for each brand: he estimated threshold K, the P-value for the Chow statistic, the number of observations in each regime, the parameter estimates and their P-value in the two regimes and the nul1 model (i.e. the constant parameter regression). 2. Discussion of Results Inspection of Tables 1-5 shows that the brands analyzed provide strong support for the theory. For every brand, the Chow statistic is strongly significant (ranging from a P-value of 0.0001 for Brand C to 0.1262 for Brand D). Thus, in each case, the switching regression performs significantly better than the constant parameter regression. The parameter K (threshold level) is strictly positive for each brand, as predicted by the psychological theories discussed in Section 11. This is an important empirical confirmation of the threshold implications of these theories. For Brands A to D, the coefficient of R, is more negative in Regime 1 than in Regime 2. This confirms our prior expectation that market response would be sharper in Regime l (due to the "stickershock effect" of larger than expected prices) than in Regime 2. This fact furnishes strong empirical confirmation of the implications of prospect theory for reference price theory. Al1 variables have the expected sign in each model. Note (Table 4) that R, has a positive sign in Regime 2 and the constant parameter regression for Brand D. However, it has the correct sign and is strongly significant (P-Value = 0.002) in Regime 1 when price deviations exceed the threshold. The promotional variable X, has a negative sign in Regime 1 for this brand, but its P-value (0.128) indicates that it is only weakly significant. Note that the results of Brand E are not supportive of reference price theory. Although the threshold is positive, the Chow Statistic is significant, and al1 variables have the expected sign, the direction of inequality between the slope of R, in the two regimes is wrong. Estimated Thueslzold K = No. Of Obseniations Intercept Rt X, TABLE 1 Brand A 0.0077 - P-Value For Chow Statistic = 0.0183 Regime 1 Regime 2 (P, - R, > 0.0077) 28 (P, - R, 5 0.0077) 98 Estimate 0.5135 (10") -0.3645 ( 104) -0.1326 (0.4356) Estimate 0.4741 (10-'j) -0.3285 (10-'O) 0.0026 (0.7478) Constant Parameter Regression Estimate 0.4739 (0.0001) -0.3309 (0.0001) 0.0054 (0.5004) Intercept Rt x, Inspection of the correlation inatrix showed that X, was uncorrelated with MS, (r = -0.08301, P-value = 0.4882) and weakly correlated with R, (r = 0.24136, P-value = 0.041 1). We therefore dropped X, froin the inarket share equation and re-estiinated the switching regression. This produced the following results: Regime 1 Coefficient Of R, P-value for Chow = 0.4469 -2.284 (10-'O) Regime 2 TABLE 2 Brand B Estrmatecl Thl*esholdK = O 0039 - P-Jhlzie Fo7- C h o ~Statrstzc No. Of Observations Intercept R, X, = O 0142 Regiine I Regime 2 (P,-R,> 0.0039) 19 (P, - R, I 0.0039) 20 Estimate 1.233 (0.00002) -0.3963 (0.0142) -0.0653 (0.0178) Estimate 0.7105 (0.00009) -0.0536 (0.5884) O. 1524 (1o-8) Constant Parameter Regression Intercept Estimate 1.0613 (0.0001) -0.2869 (0.0066) o. 1002 (0.0001) Here, the coefficients are very strongly significant, and the direction of inequality is as expected. However, tlie Chow statistic is insignificant, which means that we cannot reject the nul1 hypothesis of "No Switching." Based on the statistica1 evidence, we therefore have to conclude that a constant parameter regression sufices for Brand E. It appears that Brand E customers are not very sensitive to the discrepancies between the reference and actual price. Winer (1986) found this to be the case for one of the brands he analyzed. His explanation was that consumers were probably not devoting much price infomation processing time to its purchasing. Interestingly, in both Winer's (1986) analysis and ours, the brand insensitive to switching is a low share brand. Note that the promotional variable is insignificant for Brand A (Table 1) in both regimes and insignificant for Brand C (Table 3) in the first regime. Dropping the promotional variable and re-estimating the equations leads to even stronger results, as shown below. TABLE 3 Braizd C Estimated Tlz~esholdK = 0.0116 - P- Valzie FOTChow Statistic Regime 1 No. Of Observations R, x, 0.0001 Regime 2 (P,-R, > 0.0116) ll Estimate 0. 1542 (0.0656) -0.1306 (0.1343) 0.0365 (0.0545) Estimate 0.3299 (0.1212) -0.335 1 (0.1313) 0.4354 (0.25 16) Intercept = Constant Parameter Regressi011 Intercept Rt x, Coefficient Of R, P-Value P-Value For Chow Brand A Regime l Regime 2 Brand C Regime l Regime 2 -0.3246 (0.00004) -0.2360 (0.000003) -0.4013 (0.0135) -0.1258 (0.058) (0.0273) (l O-') We discover an interesting empirica1 relationship between the estimated slope of the reference price in the constant paraineter regression a , , and its slope in Regime l@,) and Regime 2 (y,). In every case (except Brand E) we find: TABLE 4 Brand D Estimated Thveshold K = 0.0104 - P-Value For Chow Statistic Regime 1 No. Of Observations Intercept Rt (0.002) xt = 0.1262 Regime 2 (Pt - R t > 0.0104) 1O Estimate 0.2910 (0.0001) -0.1321 (0.0920) -0.0216 (0.128) Estimate 0.0251 (0.6292) 0.0678 Constant Parameter Regression Intercept Estimate 0.2052 (0.0894) -0.1885 (O. 1806) 0.0561 (0.0001) The implication is that the constant parameter regression underestimâtes mârket response when price deviations are large enough to exceed the threshold K and overestimates market response in the other cases. In conclusion, the brands analyzed here al1 provide strong evidence for reference price theory. V. MANAGEMAL IMPLICATIONS Our work establishes the existence of thresholds and reference prices at an aggregate level of consumer demand. From a managerial standpoint, the presence of thresholds and reference prices has important promotional implications (Lattin and Bucklin (1989)). The existence of price thresholds and reference prices suggests that consumers will not notice a price-promotion unless the price reduction exceeds a minimum threshold. Furthermore, promoting more frequently will TABLE 5 Bvaizd E Estimated Threshold K = 0.0162 - P-Value For Chow Statistic Regime l No. Of Observations Intercept Rt x, = 0.0025 Regime 2 (P,-R, > 0.0162) 1O Estimate 1.723 ( l o-8) -0.980 ( i O-") -0.048 (0.1552) Estimate 1.972 (0) - 1.127 (0) 0.045 (0.0145) Constant Parameter Regression Estimate 1.904 (0.0001) - 1.086 (0.0001) 0.046 (0.0079) Intercept R, xt TABLE 6 R2 Values Brand A B C D E Constant Parameter Switching Regression 0.3876 0.7827 0.20 0.6106 0.6956 0.4389 0.8418 0.5015 0.6717 0.7600 R2 For The Switching Regression = 1-SSEISSY SSE = SSE, + SSE, where, SSE, = Sum Of Squared Errors From Regime 1 SSE, = Sum Of Squared Errors From Regime 2 lower the reference price, thereby making it increasingly likely that consumers wil1 not perceive future promotions to be as attractive as earlier ones. Even worse, the consumer inay begin to perceive the regular price as a price iiicrease. Our research sliowed that coiisumers react more strongly to a price increase thaii a price decrease. Such asymmetric response must be taken iiito account when setting dynamically optima1 priciiig and promotion policies. Greenleaf (1994) Iinds that recurring promotioiis are more profitable than a constant price, when the market is more sensitive to gaiiis than to losses. Our findings have interestiiig iinplications for planning proinotions in the context of deal-prone segments. Blattberg and Neslin (1990) define deal-proneness as the extent to whicli the consuiner is influenced by sales promotion. ICumar, Karaiide and Reinartz (1998) recoininend "liigh-low" pricing in deal-prone areas and EDLP strateg i e ~for non-deal-prone areas, based on their individual-level analysis of IR1 scanner panel purchase data. Our study empirically validates the existence of internal reference price and its atteiidant effects at the aggregate market level, thus suggesting that the recomniendations of Kumar et al. (1998) are likely to be applicable at the level of entire market segments. Beatty and Smith (1987) have shown that price information search declines with increased prosperity. On the other hand, households face more severe budget constraints during times of economic slow-down, resulting in an inverse relationship between household prosperity and price sensitivity (Wakefield and Inman (1993)). Thus, Estelaini et al. (2001) find that consumer knowledge of prices is lower during periods of higher economic growth, high inflation and lower interest rates. They suggest that comparitive pricing is likely to work better during such tiines because the success of comparitive pricing is likely to depend on a lack of consuiner knowledge of prices. Combining our deinonstration of reference price effects at the aggregate level with the findings of Estelaini et al. (2001), we suggest that comparative pricing tactics are likely to work better in market segments characterized by high economic growth, high inflation rates and low interest rates. VI. CONCLUSION We have presented the results of an empirica1 test of reference price theory. Our paper has theoretical, methodological and managerial contributioiis. Our model is based in psychological theories of consuiner response. We showed that switching regressions provide a liatural frainework for testing reference price theoiy. Reference price forniatioii is a complex process, aiid it may be argued that the frequency and depth of promotions, and otlier contextual variables would affect its dynamics (Kalwani and Yim (1992), Kalwani et al. (1990), Mayhew and Winer (1992)). Our research suggests that there is a basic asyminetry in market response. One should not expect this to be tlie case for al1 product classes: the conclusions reported here apply, strictly speaking, only for the product class considered in our study. Generalizations to other product classes must carefully consider the iinportance of the price variable, and whether consumers devote a significant ainount of information processing time to price comparisons over time and across brands within the product class (see Dicltson and Sawyer (1990) for more on this issue). If they do, then this research has important implications for management: asyminetric response must be modeled when management attempts to measure the impact of changes in a brand's price. Monroe and Lee's (1999) recent research on key differences between conscious and non-conscious processing of price information opens up a line of research that may uncover fresh insights int0 the effect of reference prices. Exact recall of prices requires remembering responses and retrieval of consciously processed information whereas knowing responses are related to a sense of familiarity that reflect non-conscious processing. Conscious processing is necessary to transfer exact knowledge of price information to long-term memory whereas non-conscious or automatic information processing can result in value judgments such as "too h i g h or "reasonable price." The formation of such value judgments results in linguistically vague rather than mathematically exact encoding of price information in meinory, a situation that is remarkably well-suited to the methods of fuzzy analysis (Raman (2002)). Thus, the methods of fuzzy logic are relevant to study the manner in which price judgments are encoded in memory and to quantitatively analyze their effect on consumer demand. In conclusion, we stress that statistica1 modeling should be based on a sound theory of the phenomenon. 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