^ ______ i--_ .__________ n 7 - 9 '6 ^ ~ -------------^---------------'f jT lC - S ---------- m M f f lf T R f lllP T n T P ■ U U fiL B A a iU U i Good m morning Today’s forecas a s t: P artly clo u d y , s c:a a ntte re d snow show ers. H ig h s 2 5 to 3 5 . T< T o n i g h t in c r e a s in g c lo u d s, chonce o f s n o 'w . Low s 10 to 20. . P m ie A 2 I Adult adoption m T w in F a lls S tu b b s , R -T w in b ill th a t w o u ld a d u lt a d o p tio n ;' a t t:o o r n e y , R ep. M a rk F aills l l s , h a s inuvduced a c r ee aa lt e .th e p ro c e ss fo r . Crafftsm$S if m ]l e i ^ ai r f d leai too Immigrant proposes 2 ■ totempoles p H “forcSiyonrlim 5 1 f ^ IH B y \^ ig ia ia S. O aib er T im cs-N ew s w riter T W IN F A L L S - T w in F a lls “y o u n g city’’ - lac k in g thlee ia rt th a t w o u ld transfonn its p u b lic lie p la c e s lo th e cciiity , a c Weed and ru b 'blsh b l fines Jac no dr d dinragwlovisitors a c ra ftsm a n w fh o h a s T h e C ity C o u n c ilI to t( d a y w ill co n sid er ttu m e d his ow n fro n t y a:rd rd in to a stifT er p cn filtics f o r b o th e rso m e w eed s ssh o w placc for h is art. an d rub b ish in T w in Fc F a lls . K r a s s im ir S la b a k o v ’ss - c a r v e d P»g«B1 “ t o t e m p o le s ” g r e e t m o t. p a s s in g h is Loc u st S tr e ec t 1h o m e .___ _____ ~ N o w th 'c B W g a r ia n 'lm iiinnii g r a n t w a n ts to create tw o 3 0 -fob oott p o le s - o v e r lo o k in g th e S n a k:e e R i iv e r ----'^ r C c a n y o n a t the c ity ’s entrant ranee, h e K arl’s quest s a id , sp eo k in g th ro u g h on an in te r - _________ --------------U t a h - J ^ c e n t e i - KKsarl-M o lo n e-k n o w s— — p re ter. tim e is running o u t o n h is dream fo r an “ I h a v e been h a p p y to o bt s e rv e N B A title. . ttlh e In c re o sin g in te r e s t o f T w in P«0«B4 f a lls residents to the to te:m F m .p o le s a t m y house and thot creotci o te d th is m e — ---------- TTT—— —" Id lc e a ;” Slobokov w rote to the lhe T w in ’ — T oum am enttiini m tm e rc e T a k e a lo o k a t t hl e g i r l s ’ b o sk etb all ^F a lls A rea C ham ber o f C o)m e a rlie r this month. m atc h u p s fo r th e C la s s A -1 , A -2 ond A-3 ® T h e new poles - g lo rified fled- v e r d istric t to u rn a m e n ts th< th a t start today and s io n s o f the sim pler o n e s a t h1 o m e tom orro w . -- w o u ld "charm th e p ic tu lurc re s q u e *— —■ ■ PW B 4 v i e w " from the c h o m b e rr’s ’s v i s i ttoo r s ' ccnter, ju st south o f tth h ec P e r- w h ether the chom m b e r can fu n d th e S uper bore? rin e B ridge. projcct w ith unbui m dgcted m o n e y o r ■ D e sp ite h eav y b e ttin T h c ch o m b e r’s b e o u tiric i ngg o n Dallas, sotne f icia tio n corhm unity spons( iso rs, Just s a id . p ro footb all ex p erts s»a y Pittsburgh h a s a c o m m itte e quickly g a v e th e p r o I cc S lo b ak o v hoss ai s k e d f o r a b o u t c h an c c fo r a b ig S u p e■rTB E o w l upset. p o s a l a "thum bs up,” c h a mi b e r D i pc S 5 ,0 0 0 to c rea:c te tw o h a n d -c h is P«9 e B 4 re r e c to r K ent Just said. B y .FFeb. eb 13, e le d .m a s te r p iesec e s - n o t m u b h a fin a n c e com m ittee w ill! dc d e c id e m o n e y for the j oob, t Ju st s a id . T h e c i^ to p u t "m iu ch p rofound w o rk " into th e cruatic rations, using u style he dev e lo p e:d d in ii T w in Falls. H e 's still tr y in g to c h o o sc 0 d u rab le w o o d s u ita b lee fo r carving. T h e ppoll o le s ’ o rnam ents - " specifi c a l l y s c lle c t e d to c h a r a c te r iz e - X w i a - F aa ll l s o re a _ a n d ^ d a h o i^ — w o u ld in c lu d e lo c a lly import:<ni c re a tu rcc s^,js u c h as fish ond an eag le . h e soid. sai C arv ed faces w ould d e p ic t hluu m rr o n s' m any m oods, Slabako^ ik o v ’s drcum is to "ch a n g e th is to w/nn and a he lp m ake it a m ore a ttra c tiv/ee ppla c e ," his letter said, A ch oa m lb e r boord m e m b e r su g - • g e ste d to te p o les decorating the totem re d e v e loo p iin g O ld T o w n d is tr ic t; Ju st said. icfore T w in F oils b ecom es n -p o le c ap ita l," the cham I try to gouge c o m m u n ity to the creations, Ju st said, o concem ed-about vandals ge^ conyon-rim attractions, . k ov brought his fam ily o f 0 th e U n ite d S ta te s fo u r o ,-lo o k in g - fo r-o -p lQ c e ---------B u l bgefo 0 %voodcarver f<Sr “o to lcmlobokov, -pi could expand his talen t b e r w ill>. tr^ re a c tio n recognition. to Igoria, S labakov taught at •H e ’s a ls o ci ______ W ith t h e c o l l a b o)rraa tlo n o f h i s w i f e a n d so w h o ta rgchooL e t ■ foiU > udding-^nists. ' _ - . F ^ l s r e s l d e n f K riai is s l m l r S l a b a k o v , a b o v i . th e In te rn a tio n a l B io --;-------h e s a id ____ t h e s e t o t e m p o l eBS s a s r o u g h m o d e l s o f th S lo b o kIIo vC e n tre in C a m b rid g e , t w o 3 D -fo o t p o l eIS s h\ e h a s p r o p o s e d c a rv l , intlcluded him in a listing .a rtis ts to T w in F a l l s A r e a C hh a m b e r o f C o m m e r c eowemwTWNwi—y ^ e o r s - a g'oor l, d 's in te lle c tu a ls a n d w h e re S lobt ____I c e n t e r s o u t h o f th ee P e r r i n e B r i d g e . s c o n tin u e d co lla b o ra - • btfcw 18 y e a rsp, eci th e c h a m b e r w ill allo w an d fin d 1rec chambi n b e r’s bo ard is g e n e r a llyy in i S 7 ,0 0 0 p e r y o r d , Slo ;sum e full-tim e, corviny _ , In B u lgor favor roo f th e p ro ject, an d th e re: ’s 0 T he p ric e h e i s askir —s o n , Tw in „ h;ph > colleag u cs-o t-h o m c ’- a s g o o dd ( c h a n c e th e t o t e m p oole le s sy m b o lic a m o u n t o five, d r e w In 1 9 9 3 lest . th critics. Slabokov ond couldd t be erec ted b y su m m e r,•, h e said. th e g r a p h ic ain l cCv , h is friend ond intersaid, T h e a r t i s t s a i d he th ey a re " o n the sam e E n g lo n d .lyinc E lse' s e w h e re in th e N o r th w eesstt, th re e o r f o u r m o n thvs in g f o r t h e voiting fo r th e gun signol totemn ppoles can sell for m o re thai than his s to n e c o rv in g jo b »ir v is ito r s ’ artists. > start running.” ■ H e hopes tio n w ith th ilabakov said , him to re s u r c in g -is-ju si-a w ith —h is co Sleep and hormloi ones / )f m oney." h e his to u g haeirm st a n S te v e A n to n e , a ' I S 0 t . T hoA sso i f m ela to n in is n ’t th t h ee a n sw e r, m ay b e ^ M ilen Kune> 1, said th e ossociation w ill 'in so m n ia is b ein g c a u sseedd b y d eeper p ro b - I . BOISE le would lo k e p re te r. s am y _tlp f a d d itio n a l re v e n u e 5E — T h e th ir d w eek o f the tl Idaho || L •-lem s. ■ , . J hs aw ay from team ... woit: Q 2 L egislatu tu re’s 1996 sessio n will Ifoc: focus on its ' itate: an d 'locol-opllon taxPage U in Sun Volley” so w e ca n sU ® _ biggest: ppro b le m : P ro p e rly i\indinj ling educa- 3 H ie A s s o c ia te d ! ^ tion i n iill y3 e a r w hen sta le r e s o u r ^« aare tight. g e olso w ill include a bill lo n d a y , th e J o in t Finance-A e u r d ’A lene to the list o f W A SH IN G TO N — C ontrai trad ictirig o th e r „ tio n s ^Ceom m ittee w ill start.golog m u n ilie s" allow ed to im R eep u blicjm leaders. H ouse Me llic s c h o o ls b u d g e t. It tradi :ol toxes to offset the cost e r D ic k X rm ey sa id C o n g res: out h a lf o f a ll general stale lie lax revB a tt u n v esile ilc d th e m e o s u r e o n Frid U tio n Sto . ra ise th e federal d ebt ceiling ling n e x t m o n th u/i, C om m ittc cT C H rism o irr . ^ h e n h ig h e r e d ucation IsI a< added in, a im e d a t e n d ir in g a g r ic u ltu r e ’s ex em p t) e H Id a h o sh o u ld m o v e s lo l w ly o n chan g „^ ^ | ^ ^ | | | | | _ unless Presii t s id c n l C lin to n Rupert R epublicon, sdouse o n Friday, B oise •ly th re e -q u a rte rs.o f the stale ate budget, from th e 1917 7 lilow requiring m o s t o th e r e to jld low m okers they w ill _ in g its spe e d lim it^a g uneess t editorial says. I- H I osk f o r s o m e f o r m ,G O P bud g « 'P hil< B att-ahd-educalion-lea le a d e rso re —ployers-to-provl x>vide c o v ero g e -fo r-th eir WOI te st'fo p B T C g io n a l'tran sit ' — — PaB »A 6 — sharing from th e suite nillio n o p a rt in th e ir recom om m endo- ers. Seruite Den: )em ocrats also in tro d u c e d a I k-cstem Idaho. C oles said ing authority. r pu b lic sc h o o ! funding. Th< r h e gover- o n F rid a y anidd R 1 ep. M ark S tu b b s , R -Tv T he cities p a e k olg g e fo i r funding from som e Its g e n e ra l fu n d support o ffS 6 8 9 .5 Foils, h a s his ow o w n version. Ihot c o u ld a d d C o le e u pr ro p e rty tax. « R e p u b lic n n s w h ic h w o u ld b e up obout It S $30 m ilT h e H o u s ee,, ’w h ic h a llo w s p re - filin g 57u-m Idaho " reso rt co m m i em b er H ouse G O P h s to n c o u rsc im th e c u r r e n t budget. Ed E d u ca tio n leg islatio n , pass lossed five b ills a n d s e n t the pport pose ad d itio n al lo co l t B a tt's holdback o n ­ ivant a b o u t $ 7 1 2 million, to th e S e n a te ;e 1lo st w ee k . H o u s e S p e ak it to g iv e th e g o v e rn o r Mass graves idoy o f d e a lin g w ith to urisn I b n n g th e fis ^ h e bo jo v e r n o r a l s o h a s rcc o m rm e n d e d M ic h a e l Simip psi so n said a n o th e r e ig h t bi: th e cut i f m ore m oney Ition In 0 speec h to th ee H A U .S . ofTiciol w ill ggiv e.n ew . evidence n illio n for h ig h e r education; on; educa- could b e approv roved by T ue sd a y . A n d by‘ emt ater. r M ayor B rent C o le s toli o f m o ssac re d B o s n ia n . M u s lim s over to, I d n ie rs w ont $ 1 8 9 .8 million.. 1The col- e n d o f t h e wveek ee a b o u t 4 0 H o u s e -p a s/ork^— si to c ur spendget-a: fu n d in g re q uee sagcncics r H o^e R ei b l S s in ISp’n I” " th e Y u g o slav w ar c r i m e s itribunol. system got b ills c o u ld b e on their w ay to t h e S enate. d u n iv e rsities in the state sys 5e 2st6 m illion overall. The 1 bill authority in so u th w A r m e y p a rtic u la r a h T v e b e c n r e . P »geA 7 llion in th e cu rre n t budget, et, but the C o m m itte e!s s ore o facing e a r lie r d ead lin fw in s e n s o r s ore lo o k inik g efi up a b o u t S9 m illion ' lu c to n t to pc Anti-soclal troops ' . goCcmor's their fo r fin ish in g th thee ir w ork th a n in p o s t yeai r's sp en d in g h o ldback r ^ uIuced o sch o o ls holdback I film iinding m easures fo r the 1996 source o th er thon t hpublic ep p o r tb y S 3 .5 m illion, an d S im p so n ho has been p u sh in g s ta te age A m e ric a n so ld ie rs a r•e e nn 't w e ll liked b y I r auis is e th e d e b t c e ilin g u n t i l g of Lost w e e k , th e 5I.7a-in d w ill use unexpecte r im p o rta n t b ill could gel e l its first c ics to s u b m itI dth< ie ir proposals q u ic k ly , :hem caucus voted to su pI pendow m ent fund eam m a n y B o sn ian s b e c a u s e tth e y “are ecting Hlo o tu s e m o v e s closer to th e R Rce p u b lic a n s ’ o lis w e e k . S e n . D av id KLerrick er iation o f Idaho C itie s w ill pr o f T h e A ssociatii ;t. like p o lic e m e n /'o n e r e s id e n t said. I sev( w e n -y e a r balanced bu d g e t plai oker Slate s p e n d in g , b u t ti I, th e R e p u b lic a n floor lead sader, w ill sen t its legislativ stive paekoge to th e H d u sebills u ' flexibility to re sto re’ w P ae«A 7 T a l k s o n th e b a la n c e d buc tho u ld h o v e g o n e to S X = . b ro .c c “ i sation bill ^ co m m itte e this v eek. B ut a s u su a l, th e pn t B a tt’s w o rk e r’s compensat is w 0 th e n e t re s u lt is ihot dov, o w n l a s t w eek; a n d it’s unli r the becom es avoiloble latei . n lik = ly .,h e r c S X “? olo l m m e r c c 'a n d H um an R'e R e so u rc e '' p o sa ls'fa c e -a hhoi a id tim e g e ttin g t h r o u g ssed th Batt o rdered s u t etiove a{ to sustoin a S4 mil-' P l e a s e s e e D E B T /A 2 CommillMee. h ighly conservati vative panel. ing by 2 pcrccnt, o r S2< incs Legislature w ill m oke iars, o f the $ 13 m illio n pub FUmmakers’ para< -a d is e gen- from a reserve fund, ar ; *4 T h o u s o n d s " o f m o v i e8 nm a k e r s , m o v ie ' I cd ^ w t h in sc h o o l c r - ~ l o v e r 3-fln d -m o v ie-b u y « 3 -ta r e expected-in— ----------fc r— ^ pre- ings to ofTset th e rest. P ark C ity , U tah, o v e r th t h ee n e x t w eek a t : tax B u t th a t m o n e y w th e S u n d an c e F ilm F e s tiv a ival. pro- sch o o ls o n y w o y . s o ti Pae«A 8 that public scihbols w ill hav< lion d ro p in funding. -------------- BUOOyCKARLeSMANOtt I I^ WMM < Congressiiiman: GOP wm! I debt C Lgegislatujre will take or Q n d m g -- ceilin s ta i > Proceed with caut nedspe 6 9 Flood waters spreai C itie s o n 'th e O h io R ivv eeir a r e the latest v ictim s o f h eav y ra in s a n d m eltin g snow in the e a ste m U n ited S ta ttee s . P ag«A 3 S e c t i o n A ------------- S e c t i o n C W e a t h e r ............ 2 F o ccuui e ............ 1-2 N a tio n .......... 1 ..3 , L e ggaall n o tlc e s 2 -3 O p in io n ........... ..6 C l ais sa l f le d ......2-6 W o rld .................. 7 W (98t....................8 . SS le c t i o n D F e aattuu r e s .......1-6 S e c tio n B D e aa rr A . b b y '.......4 L o c a l....... ............1 M o vviei e s ............. .5 Q b ltu a r l6 8 ....;..2 C o mmUl c s ............. 6 S p o r t s .............4 - 6 ’ jn k . W e print d n m cyc l y c l e d p a p e r. P l e a s e r e c y cilee it a g a in . ----------- ;----------— Menu nmail T~~ talks wvay ^ into farme M 3r^ I l i e A sso e isted Press C O N C O R D , N .C . - T hiee v' o ic e c o u ld cc u t th ro u g h sh ee t m e ta l -> h ig h - p itc h e d aannd tw a n jv , a m adcap m ixtui (tu re o f a co o n ddoo g ’s h o w a n d a T V p re a c h e rr 's ra n tin g s. •T R E A -S U R E o f th e OCEv :E A N ... th a t’s TL T U N -a N O O -dle C A S S E R RO O L L L L E I ... o r P IZ Z A l PIZZAI P lZ Z AIIl .... K E R -n c Is o f C O R N ... w ann, sp iced C CH H E R R R R IE S ... C R U N -c h y V E O -gie B IT IE S ... a n d a R Q LLLLLU !___ ^ ____________ T h is is the m enu fo r M o n td a y , J a n . 8 , 19: 1 9 9 6 , f o r th e C h a r lo tte - M M ce c k l e n b u r g ssecth o o ls , c o u rte sy o f t h e oom iie o n d o n ly Lunch M enu M an - D a v id Pric c: a rr sa le sm a n w |to h a s parlay v e e k ly p h o n e m e s s a g e inIto to a p e c u l i a r ^‘a m e . iT h e L unch M enu M on comn Ib e h e a rd o n rad a d io stations across th e count w n tiy . H e h a s ip p eared on a notionol T V ta tall lk s h o w a n d opp u t h is first album. He^s ev ^>n n cd o n e a c o u lie o f com m ercials. I t ’s h a r d to fa th o m a l l th ao i h a s h a p e n e d to Price since S ep temnber, be w hen h e • le5fftt h is jo b o f 10 y e ars s e llinlgg < c a r s to ta k e p j o b in th e o d v e ^ sin g d epartr a rtm e n t a t th e Cto ocn c o rd Tribune. ■ I' H i-. ^ It wins Ionian ] Arafafan “Pal^fi electio v s S e rv ic e - Y a s s e r A ra fo t. w in f th e v o te f o r p r c s i! * o le stin io n N a tio n a l S u n d a y w ith on o y ore f o r h is p e a c e p ro - K n ig h t-R id d e r N e w s ! JE R U S A L E M — Y ning 8 5 p c r c e n t o f tl d e n t- o f th e f i r s t PoN C o u n cil, e m e rg e d S u n APphMB. w h e lm in g m a n d a t e f< r ic e , t h e L u n c h M e n u Mi M a n , v i s i t s s t u d e n t s aItt G C re e n w a y P a r k E le cess w ith Isra e l. But h is n e w c o u n c i N.(.C . m e n ta r y' S c h o o l I n C h a r lo tte , N ' m a y .g iv e h im fits. He had al alw ays' w a n te d to be a cou :ountiy th in g e v ery t im e /’ 1Price, 33, s a id in a n I'nU n o ffic ia l r e s u lts singer, b utt di id n ot v ie w h is new posi o sid o n te rv ie w . “ I figured ired, ‘N o o n e ’s lis te n in g is A ™ '" ' show ed th a t 5 0 o f hthe to fam e o n d fortune, asa .tic k c ttc anyw ay; so le t’s jo jokk e around a l j t t l e . ’ ’’ toim11p c o u n c i l . ” s a id 88~ c o u T ic ilts c n ts w c d ," P ric e s a id , “to spenda nm ore ..*'1 wanted H e n o tic e d thh a t n e a r ly e v e r y d o y ’s 1 oplr o m in e n t h u m o n g o to ' m e m b e r s tim e w ithI m r y g ir ls ” - w if e C alhie ie a n d m enu see m e d to 'eend n w ith fiv it o n d a ro ll, A r a f a t’s F o to h P o ;till r ty , d id n ’i k n o w lote daughters,, M N aria, 3 , and.'K ara, 2. w as doing it. ‘F R U U U Il“B y T h u rsd a y , I wa n h is c o u n c il ra c e bul m o n y w in n e r s /aorc O ne 'o f PPrric e ’s first d u tie s at the nc new s- IT T ... an d o ROLL )L L L L !’ " P ric e s a id , his lie om ong 0 n e w g e n e r a ­w a n t p o rtic ip a to s to r e c o r d th e w eek ly lu p a p e r w as i n c h eyes tw in k lin g . enyt - d p n o t W ont a n tio n o f i n d e p e n d e C obarrus C o u n ty SchoolsB fi m enu for Ci for a W h e n C a th ie hea heard th e t a p e r s h c w o rm in d e d le o d e r s . o nwa -o n t s e p a r a tio n o f ■ call-in lin e*,. ,. , ried th a t h e c o u ld1 be be fired. e A ra fo t, b u t th e y • lysts sa id . “ It w as k in d o f d u l l d o in g the sa sc m e Pl P l e a s e s e e M E N U /A 2 , " I d o n ’t t h i n k t 5e h is e e A R A F A T /A 2 w ill b e 0 r u b b e r - s to m . J o n a th a n K u tto b , a pi rights lo w y e r w h o s till Sundoy i f h e h a d w o n in Je ru sa le m . " P e o p le ry d e m o c r a c y . T h e y ^ T~ A rab re g im e . T h e y w i . . ' ............... p o w e rs. T h e y lo v e A ; A -2 TImos-NoWi goWs. Twin Falls, Idoho Mom o n d a y , J a n u a r y 2 2 .1 9 9 6 iho forecasts;------------------------------------ ■ M ondiVr.jM .Ji .2 2 ------^---------------------------- , lha* rorecut for dayilme condiliotw uxl aad high tempenturci ----- CMADA -Today; ^ T [i . WASH. ^| r••------- — K ■ Exten snded reglonal-foorecast k. k “ Wednes besday and Thursday cloudyy 'with a good chance o f snow. Lov Lows in Uie teens east and 20s IS ’west. Highs in tho midthe imid-30s. 20s to the Pridayci ty cloudy and colder with a chanc ince o f snow. Lows 5 to 15 castandli 115 to 22 w est Highs in the 20sIaeaS to the lower 30s west .,n a iB r I j uiwi Idaho :•... • P a lle Twin Fi Ms Max Min P ep Boise - 40 31 .15 Burley 35 30 .10 .,. Folffleld ..... m, Gooding m HaflOfinon m Idaho Falls _30_ 30 _ ^27 .04 Joromo 33' 28 ' .16 33 Lewiston 40 33 .02 Mo^ad 35 31 .02 Malta 38 McCall m • Y esterdv Lsstyear Norniol 39 5 0. 36 2 9 ' .52 23 ..... 16 .03 35 m 15 ch S k y w a tc ^ ■ I ■ ■ : s : D m H H Max ________ ■ WAMI STAnONMY E i E ) SWOWtHS ftW E G 3J E 3 T.3Jt r.3jwus numies E 3 S snow ne -' P R a in , Sl snow pelts Min P e p ; il S ^ Tod.,CO f cold wiUi scatteredisaow show bwers. Local brisk north Ida] Idaho: H ig ^ 40 degrees at Lewi ewiston and Boise. Low , 15 degi ;grees al Sun Valley. winds east 1 u t and souUi central. H ighs InI the tl low 20s to low 30s. Mqi Motion: H i ^ 84 o t Miami, Flo. 'la. Low, 23 below a t W illiston,:N.D. Tonight cold. cot A few lingering mountai tain snow showws east. 1__^ - . ■■■ ■ ______________ OUjcrwisep se partial clearing with local voi i-alley fog or low clouds wesL Lows IWS locally zero to 10 above no north and east and teens elsewhere. 1 re. Tuesday local valley fog we vest in the morning. In- ■ ■ CTCOSlng dclouds o wiUi 0 chance o f snow rune to (he Notional W eather S< w north and west in the T Servicc rodio bond ot VHF-FM 162.4 or 162.55 MHZnftcmoon. n. IPortly cloudy central. Cootii >fcall423=4423. -----itinucd cool wiiHTiighs or c mid-20sats d a t to lower 30s west. tierfr Utah N orthe nation 1 : " E r p ^ c ip S ------------------- Salmon Stanley Sun Valloy COiO Today p ly portly cloudy. W idely 4cat :attered snow showers. l . H igftsiniS I the mid- dOs. Northwest wiadi Ids 5 to 15 mph. Tonight Jhion T LOW m increasing ng Iclouds.'Low s 15 to 20.- Tue le sd a y cloudy. A slight ^ chanceofsi U -________________• 91 snow .Jlighs in.Uiejnid-JOs. Northe hem Nevada -7 Almahi hac 50 >d River Valley isiire Valley Treasi . r ' gSSe U |l . • Dallas 57 26 ......... Denver ’ 55 22 - Dee Momes-------37------^1»— ------.-D etroit--------30.. J . 1ff_..»-.._- . -Honolulu,.88 74 ____ Houston 68 74 .... Indianapolis 36 1 7 ....... Kansas Cl» ^42 U ....... Las Vegas 62 ' 37 ... (.oa Angelos 60 46 .60; Memphis 45 35 .02 Miami Beach 71 67 .... Mllwaukoo . 32 14 .... Minneapolis 28 6 .... New Orleans 63 46 New Yor1< 32 26 .... Oklahoma City 59 19 .... Onwha 42 12 .... Phrv.nl, 64 36 .......... _ Eh Pittsburgh 38 24 .... Portland, Mo. 24 11 .... P oi C 1BBB ^^W «alHT. Ine. Poi Portland. Ore. 45 40 ... < Reno 34 . 2S . St. Louis 35 18 .... 33 .01 au swww PT.aouoy c to w r [ ’ Salt | | | U k e City 42 SanFrancfseo 55 48 .60 ---------------------- ----------------Set -Seattle------------- 40-------32-—7t;t;— Spokane • 33 . 30 .51 . -W&shlngton------ 34 — 2 2 ------ u- ^ __ Today p ly portly cloudy. Scattered snow 9w showers. Highs in (he mid-20i.T s. Tonight increasing clouds. Lows L< zero to 5. Tuesday A jallgltt flf ewwiv ________ cloudy.A *s4n4hc-mid-20s,---------- 2 FRONTS: Mm . a*pa Mparat* hlQh Iwnpmtura »OM (or (h« sy portly cloudy. Scattered snoi low showers! Highs in the lower 30! 30s. West w inds 5 to 15 mp n p h .T o n ig h t increasing • clouds.. Lc Lows 10 lo 20. Tuesday cloi loudy. A slight chance, o f Highs-25-to-357-— --------------------- sr>ow.-Wg e a a a fThe AccuWeathei'*foreca sc a s t for noon, M o n d a y , J aann . 2 2 . Valley ^ " J * INBW M agic jlc ■2^ — fT ^ *•• Tl^ K U For current rood conditions, call Fo these numbers: Boise, 37^8 0 2 8 ; Shoshone, 886-2266; Pocotello, 2 3 3 -6 7 2 4 ; R igby 7 4 5 -7 2 7 8 ; Ul Utah 801-964-6000; the E lko, Nev., Nc area, 702-73M 888. Westit showers drenc n c h E a s t Month lo date vith ndflilinniil nfjruTwii. ate:_________1.S 1 ___ Snowndv adyi»oiyjodoy,.snOitJikcly_syil Normal mo.I.tcto dale: .82 lations o[>rf I1-2 inches. C older. H ighs hs in the m iddle 30s. Press , strong wind blew from Ahead o f Iho weolher' system sys Water yoar•to to d ate: partly cloudy and colder. SligI 6.14 Tonight pari i{^t chance o f evening • le Associated ' Nonmolyearti Bwers. Lows 20-25. Tuesday' ii th e S ie rro to th e n o rthh e rrn an d c e n tra l R o c k ie s . In increasing clouds and ir to dato: 3.87 snow showe Rain fell along the West Coasi d cold. Highs neor 30. Chonce: o f snow 70 percent,tooast on Simday, wiUi snow inI Wyoming. Ihe gusts rcache iched 63 m ph at Lander an d 60. Comfort rt factors S r S o20ppercent this evening. Uie; inlohd ir mountains, and showe 3WCIS were scattered o v er Uie> mph ot Casper. iTsliding”iicro8sTtheTEasrprodueied~" A 'w cak w ca U icr'sy st^ sli al v .- s r ia a h o 26 ~ Baroiribfofall j m m a r y — An areoo'f slow pressure*spreai read rain along Uie coost fromI light rain showers In the SouU; ^uthesst, with o mix o f n in , ftcezm south uUiem California northward ii •d into Woshington, w ith the ing drizzle ond light snow IW sshowers extending northw ard The Uppet pper Snake and Southeast Highli m ..... Wonds were among the. rainn turning it to'snow in the Cascod codes and Uic Sierra Nevoda. along the coast into New Engli inglond. | last sections >ns o f ldaho to rcceive snow 'o; on Sunday ss o stomi s„( Snow fell ot elevations as low t 500 feet above seo levelI )w as Elsewhere, o few areas o f light I snow were scattered o v er passed throu irough the state. Blowing snow ow continued to cause -n'r northwestern Washington. UienorUiem P lains.' visibility in thc Island Park orco. or Widely scattered " 5Farther °! east, 2 to 4 inches o fr snow sni fell during Uie m orning Sunday’s tem perature extrem ext es around the L ow er 48^ snow flumes ries occurred were around the souUiwest, so os'well. PreSunset today 5:39 p.m. lund Idaho Foils, Idoho, and wind win piled Uie snow Into 2 - to states ranged from a morning ling low o f 23 below zero ot H alinowfall reports include on estitr 0m ‘ liminaiy snov imoled 17 inchcs at Uie Sunrise tom onow 8:01 a.n bot drifts. lock. Minn., to on early after iftemoon reading 'o f 75. at Miami 4c '< lodge, 4 to 6 inches in the hif [ligher elevations o f Uie L unar phase; New. Jan. io 20riirs l quarter, P** (n northem N evada, inoderate tc le to heavy snow was reported ond Homesteod, Flo. The lowest and 1 inch o r less at lower ele low wind chili wos 50 below elevations o f the south Fob, l»ullie«!t miii Jan. 27; full. Feb. 4; lastt qimncr. qi und Elko. Since Saturdt urdoy. M ullan Pass had Ui« highest hi] reported snow arouni zero at Cut Bank, Mont; depth withII li 15 inches Sunday morning. A t 3 p.m. MST, temV l ^ planets: Morning,.Jupiter. Jl Evening: Satum. Venus. pcmtures w weim mostly in Uie lower to middle m 30s sutewide. ^ ; : | ib-weafher-su _Arafai it___ e b t- | • I i ; ' ' I ‘B a h e ,llTravQltajv!MnGolde; enJolobes I __ ^ “ " C o n t i n u e d fronTA' H h e 'HH o u s e u n le s s ' it carries w ith it il C ^ n tT n u e d fro m / BEV ERLY H IL LS, C alif, (, P)— c o m e d y o r m usii if,(A : w ill be a n y £ toec ! s jn _ s e ttjin g jlic _ 5 0 mnccth sic al. Its pro d u ce r, Travo: avolta, who ended a long c a i ^ E c .s t in g .tb iitJs.a.su b stan tiaL st w a n t- a n - in d e p ejnn d e n t- c o u n c il- a s — — ms d ifferen ces before i re s id e n t C lin to n o f oDur re P u r a g e n d a o f decreasing Uie ’’E m m a Geotge’M illcr, occ ^ te d T f jn > o ijo r r < r - d io i^gh'tlast ^ “ S e ftsc -o lT d -S c risib llltyrr’'] year with “P i a ^ H o 5 f .' s hc siz e w e ll.” • T hom pson’s adaptation o f' Uie Uit l9Ui- liis anim al c ast an ; ■ d eliv e rs h is Stale te o( f th e U n io n od- a n d1th e intru siv etiess o f govetrimi and 400 crew m em - commen m ented, “I d o n ’t know ex a c tly nm ent. E v e n a s s o m le e c o u n c il c a n d i^ centuiy Jane A usten n ovel,.ww<o n b e st ■bets,declaring,“A . ; ; dre ss o n T u e s d aly. y .'C o n g re s s retu rn s ... M1otofpeoplchelpcd. w hat: IT’v v e done to deservv.the.good d a te s f r e t t e d a bboo u t^ lh e d e la jr in ' jdrtunatic n, p icturc ho n o rs aItt S from a tw o-w cekc rci Sunday bring th is littie ppig i| to life, inducting , will,”” an rcccss o n M o n d a y . "W a n d he ack n o w led g e t . R ^ Wie h a v e a H o u se that is com •m rm it- a n n o u n c in g r c s uu llts , an d . o fiic ia ls ‘ . ■„,'g night’s G olden Globes. ;• “L et’s n o l ployy gt gom es w ith th e te d tc Universal, w ho sai said, ‘A talking pig? Hubbard jard, Uie foundcrdf Scientology/ ^ io „ gg lis t o f v o tin g ir-' to g e t t i n g t h i s jo b ' d o n et,, as n d j icolas C age, tbe dcaUi-wIsl N * I tu re q f th is countiy wish alco- Sure, w h y not?*” N Itry o r th e c c o n o m y w e’re Miller concluded his .Kidmi r e g o in g to u s e e vety instrum d m an w on fo r he r ro le In th e f e s u l a r i t i c s , inCei :e m a tio n a l m o n i}jol [lolic o f “L eaving L a s V egas : o f this co u n try ,”’ W Wlhite H o u s e C h ie f w e c a n to m o v e th e ball forw gas,” and . r c m i ^ b y putting i gatc^p ig sn o u t. ' d a r kforce l e ‘T o Die For” about b eing ar ivard, t o r i n g g r o u p s prc iro c la im e d S a tu rght Sharon S tone, th e treacherou rous wife . M el G ib s o n w o n b e st d ire c to r famous • o f S ta f f L e o n Pane anetta s a id la te r on he sal< s m urdoous. She thanked a id . . us and • d a y ’s e l e c t i o n sI ia n o v e r a ll s u e h{„ “Casino,” w o n best dramat I “M e e t th c Press,”” w arn in g th a t C linmatic act- honors fo r h is Scot A.rr nm e y s a i d h e w o u ld supp< a ttish independence “evcryon y o n e w ho has ever been n ice to p p o r t c e s s . T u rn o u t w aass e s tim a te d a t 75 n g awards. : to n w o u ld not accep cept a d e b t lim it cx- lin k:in in g th e d e b t lim it in c re ause epic “ B ravehcait’.’ iand John Travolta me” and paid tribute to ber husband se to . p e rc e n t. '‘A n d n o o n e is m o re sut] ; ten sio n w ith strings surprised and N icole K idmaan a won Globes for T o m C nru ise “for such ten d ern e ss, Igs a tta c h e d . . longua ^ a g e te rm in a tin g the Conimei mcix:c “ I a m v e r y plcaj sa sc d w ith th e re iha, .• L ast w e e k on th UieA .som c_neivs.pn> r_D epar h a i u n c . J 3 K l l S t o n c ^ i . "■“01^.iL’s-a 0: g in g .in a -c o m e d iy.or-musical.-----------y. love-aiid > a m n c n t,- a - to p - p rio r ity - o5f-f _l th c _ s t,its - o f tb e - c ie d r rio and-happiness,-and-thisw o u ld — ic n srw h ic h " w e re -------- 'am I m iracle.” g r a m , H o u s e Bud" lu d g e t C o m m i t t e e R ep u b lic o n C o n g re s s , tmd preve In h is occeptonc nee specch, Gibson be noUiin lUiingwiUiouthim.” event- t io n e in e x tr e m ec ll y d if f i c u l t d ir C C age w o n h is G olden Glol 1’ C h a i r m a n J o h nI K K. a s ic h , R - O h io , in g tthh e T r e a s u r y s e c r e ta r y ffrr to m fc u m s ta n c e s ,” saic 31obe for said:“I d i d n ’texpei pecttogctUiis.” Thom) om p so n w on a scree n w ritin g lid f o r m e r P r e s i^,,0 inother story about love and I l'. g a v e a s s u ra n c e ss th a t R e p u b lic a n s “e v e: r a: g a in r a id in g th e tru st fu id loss in M any in th e aui m dieoce w ere also G lobeBfoi fuon d s d e n t J i m m y C ai nr t e r , w h o le d a fo r ber adaptation o f A usten’s lo s j is Vegas. *; w o u ld ex te n d thes go s u rp rise d b e ca u sc g o v e rn m e n t’s bor- o f fedi ise o f an cxp e cte d “Sense i^deral w o r k e rs ’ retirem entt ppiro - d e l e g a t i o n o f m le ai a n d Sensibili^.” She fism ed mi o n i t o r s . “ T h i s , “F o r m e,' it’s a storybook ( • I r o w in g o u th o rity )k dream swell o f su pport fo ly tb e f o r e F e b . 15, gramns.” s, for Ron H o v w d o f h e r spee p e e c h as it m ig h t h a v e b e e n e le c tio n is th e Hrsi r s t m a jo r s te p fo r con o m e tnie,” C age said. !•' w h e n in te r e s t due “Apollo 13” an d A ue to b o n d h o ld e r s A fte Ang Lee o f “Sense written f te r C lin to n la st N ovem ber \Y®J d e m o c r a c y f o r tl n bbjy Austen herself, and the ret h e P a l e s t i n i a n In a n in te rv ie w la te r Cag< ______ w o u l d j u s h ih e de b:ebt t b e y o n d th e cur* to e dl a d e b t c e i l i n g m e a su re w i 'age told and S o isib ility ,” w v ho were consid- suits w er ere lulorious. She noted th at , w j t h p e o p le a n d f o r P all a le s lin e ." D)ick y C lark w h at attracted him im to the eicd f a v o rite s K re n t $ 4.9 trillio n limi limit. sim ilar the authc la r m tr ic tio n s , T rta su ty Sect u th b r w ould have und ersto o d >ecreA r a f a t, s l i g h t l /y »e m b a rra s s e d b y iim; “ I th o u g h t i t's th e mlost ost nonfl " Jo h n K nsich’s w wilillin g n ess to vote tary R “A t th e r is k o f sounding t Rco b e rt R u b in tw ice tapped go cliched, that she tie w a so w e d a lo to fm o n e y . 5^ * *he m a r g i n o f vii / i c t o r y o v e r h is iidgm ental lo v e s to iy I hod f o r it to th e conUuij la d e ver ‘Look a t ih e .’ I’mI tl rary,” s a id A rm e y , e m mlee nr t tru st fu n d s to avoid cxcec the one telling you M iia ta S Sorvino,'Uie d i t ^ booker ill c ee d - l o n e o p p o n e n t ,, jj o k e d , “ I w a s ^^od » d ..A n d I think it's bitterswet w e d and that I w o n th e Goli R -T e x a s , " i t ’s nol Dl c o m in g th ro u g h ing th olden Globe," T m - . “M ig hty h ty Aphrodite," . h e b o rro w in g lim it. and B rad Pitt; lo o k in g f o r S l 'p e rsrce c n t.” .n o ti volto said, reprisinj ing his buzz phrase th e inissar a n e asy lu m in m ate o f “ 1 2 A moirfe a ^ a taUdng pig i )ig called . from “ G e t S h o rt] rty ,” th c c o m e d y Monkeys, e ys,” w on the best supporting “Bai Babe” w on best picture honoi >nors for about g an g sters iniHolIywtiod. I: perfoimer m e ra w a n b . i.1. 3 I M e n u - I ; | < *p' I I ; > ! I ! • I ! !. |. | ; • I laho road rep tport } • C o n tin u e d from A l his b rrc«a d -o n d -b u tte r recitations w wiith d a y s . H p h a s c u t c< c o m m e rc ia ls f o r IH fl ;• “ I s a id , ‘N a h , le Ictt’s le a v e i t , ’ ” exhorta; rta tio n s a g a in s t dropping out lUt o• f - c a rs a n d c e llu la r pi p h o n e s . A ll 4 0 0 . . _______ j l P ric e soid. sc h o o l, l , a n d o f f e r s to v is it clas. la s s - c o p ie s o f h is C h nis sitm a s a lb u m — d oDtISE < (A P ) — T h e Id a h10 o D J e- well, dry; C aldw ellII-Nampo oriu, dry;' wet, iey icy spots; T w in Falls-Corey, wet, «: S o o n , t h c Tribune j n e 's sw itc h b o a rd ro o mIS s s: o h e c a n sp re a d th a t me; m e s - w h ic h P ricc recordec p o ite d Boise area, d iy , snow panmcl n e n t o f T ra n sp o rta tio n repoi owing;,Boise o iea-^ _ i w spoti pots; Carey-Arco, w<^ icy spots, .......... » i,.w a s s w a m p e d w ith /ith c a l l s , f o r th e sage. . . . I . . - a r c lo n g gone. A notl Jlh e r «lbi™ IS on fee and Jttho'ut '' M ountoin'H oriid,' ddry, r wet, snowing; 'dnfts; Ai m d sn o w on 'rlS a d s t l i r o u g i; Arco-Salmon, icy sjwti^ broken *.• lu n c h m e n u line.. Tl T h e re w e r e 2 0 0 " C oa ll il m e i f I c a n h e lp ,” he: im in - th e w ay . H e ’s p eddlii M ountain H om o-01 li n g T - s h ir ts . I h e s ttaa te t S u n d ay . . . . . □lenns Ferry, w et; snow/ (loor; pc Lost T rail P ass, broken . c a lls in S ep te m b eer, r, 5 ,0 0 0 c a l ls in p lo r eis. s . “ I t d o e s n ’t lo st th a t lonj ong. -T h e -L u n c h M enIU u M an e v en has ' Bliss-Twin Falls, wet /et; Twin Falls-Bursnow flo< wo^ f l o o r ,^ w tn g . " , • >ad C o n d itions:' O c t o b e r - a n d 335, 5 ,0 0 0 c a J l s i n ' W hen1 I w e n t to sc h o o l, school w ia s a h j w ?nt. ^ i^B„uilQjiViahJIiie_— IdahcL: S,-95— P4ummcr-Coflur-diA1« --------- t^ N o v c m b e rr-A s -a -pjooiri n t 'o f refferen ce,' co o l!..... iw floor, rein, snow, icy spots pots, snow f l ^ r , oralohche wam r h e a rd f r im 3 0 broken en snow flo o r, sn ow ing; Co th e T rib u n e hos a circulation cin o f ju s t P riccee h a d n o id e a h ow popular reeshoe Bend-Doning; Ooleno Golt Summit, icy; snow floor, u* h e o r 4 0 'r a 'd io sta tio nIS s w h o w a n t h im d'A letie :iie-San'dpoint, w et, broken sn snowing, drifting; snowing, d w in r n c lfy ,''? n o t flo o r'lll 13,200. ing, drifts. hod beci c c o m e tm til a friend oskedI hit h im on,” s a id A n d y S m ith ith o f In sight T a lfloor,, sr snow floor, snowing; Sandpo odows, snow floor, Intersu owini- D o " « l‘y-N cw Meod T h e n , several radio er»uilc86 — W et dio s ta tio n s in and to ta kce e a w a lk th r o u g h d o w ntow dion border, snow floor, snowi :ow n e n t in C h a rlo tte . “'H H e ’s tb e h o tte st Cahadioi . sn snowing-dnfts. Interau eratote 15 — Utah line-Pocatello, a ro u n d C h a rlo tte beord bea Riggins Ins-W hitebird H ill, broken a b o u t h im , Concord ord. th in g in tovm .” Idaho 21 — Bois. ise-Lowm'on, w et, wet, snow sno' ing; Molod Pass, icy spots, Whitebinj Hill, broken snow fle f l a n d b egan to .p lo y Prii P r ic e s re c ita tio n s “H c; b ro u g h t m e in to about 15' dii d ifS m ith is tiy in g ,to»ee n tice late-night r, snowing, drifts; snovring;] ing; Pocatello-Idabo Fall^ wet, & fts; Seyille-rWinchester, broken, sn ’ broken sn o w floor, CI - o f sch o o l lu n c h fore. t. ' feren t; bi said, ta lk sh o w h o sts D ave b u s in e sse s in to w n ," h c saic k»e L ctterm an a nd mmit, CLOSED. Idaho Fall Falls-Dubois, wet, icy spots,'brdcen W isch este r-L e w isto n , brol »• T h c L u n ch M enu h an w a s re a d y “H e wvo ,u M otu ld sa y , *D o yo u know w whh o J a y L e n o to g iv e Thi Tie L un c h M enu • tain Home-Fairfield, snow floor, floo driiU; M ^ d a ftiss, broken floor, itihingV Lewiston-Mosc< v ' f o r th e b ig tim e. Hlee left li h is j o b an d this is71 in.” M a n a listen. 7 I t’s T h e L iin c h M enu M an.” wet. broken snow-floo oon.Fairfield<iuey, soowflooi floor, snow floor, snowing drifts, i ' ........... , ........... icy, mini liningr W eiser-New Meadows, v bl w e n t o n to declaimn the tl; lu n c h m e n u T h e;y y a ll k n e w T h e L unch Men: 91 snow floor; AreoU Ic n u A n d h e ’s ta lk in g8 to s o m e la r g e ■ brokena «SDOW floor, snow floor, snowi ^ in o broken S..S.3 0 . ~ McCommon'-SodQ ow"»8. Idaho Foils, icy spots.I, Ibroken snow floor. f o r th e su ite’s largest est sc h o o l d istric t M on; th thce le g e n d h a d taken hold. Springs, I c o m p a n ie s w h o m ig g lh t w a n t-a n u n - . Moningng-Oregon lin ^ wet, snowing, wet, drifts;^ SSc ‘^ r i ’ Folls-Ashton, W i icy spots, broJlj o n T h e C h a rlo tte O ObJ b se rv e r’s in fo rS in ce : e th e n j fie ’s b e r a featuredi 6i o n fo ig ettab le p itchm an; n; o fle r a ll| w hile - ■ In tee rt rs ta te 9 0 — F o u n h o fr’ju Ji lv IJin n snow flo o r; A shl hton-Montona line, spots,, bro b r k en snow floor, snow in g , w m a tio n line. r a d i o p r o g r a m s ' f r o m T.exoss ti m,. broken snow floor, snowii t o , d i i ^ c i i ^ c a n m okes isc h o o l lu n c h e s , iiConyon, broken snow floor, snoi lowing, drifts. drifts;: Montpelier-Wyoming M< line, wet, 5 “ C H IC K -c n LICK-ii s advised; L ookout P ass, sm K-in N U G - g e ts ... R h o d e: Is I la n d . H e w a s featured1 ooin n u tr itio u s , o n ly T hle e Lunch Menu' .chBlDsa UA ,2« — Idaho Fa Folls-Wyoming line, broken sn> floor, snow, drifts. n snow chains advised. 5 w ith K ET*chup o r S SA A U C E ... a din - C B S -TT>V ’s “ D a y o n d D a te " ta t a ll l k M an c a n n ioke Uieml ee n te f li u ilin s , ! : « “ ■snowing, «» dng, mowing, drifts; U.S. 91 — Icy spots, broken snow floor, snowin >. 91 S. 12 — L ew isto n -O ro fln o« , ii«„ 'cy» ; n e r R O L L L L ... m maa s h e d P O T A - show , “I 'm re ad y fo r thp5 bI ig u m e now ,” Jin^ eiackfool-Areo. snow/ floor, f drifting. floor, snowing. snoi lain; O rofino-Low ell, w et, ra ' ; T O E S ...b ro c c o li-w •woo cco li? J e I I - 0 . T h e C h a r lo tte p a p e r d o esn’t pa^ p a y P ricc stiid. “ S o f a r Ir -’v e j u s t b ro k eii\ ? ? ^ i ill-Lolo r ,floor, snowing. ' Idaho 2 — Icy spots, snow floor, .'J i r ? Idaho 51 .— Snow.fl bo 28 Pass, snow floor, snowir ' ?• a n d F R U U im iT T .”' • ■ h im f ob r h i s w o r k , s o T h e L u n cf 3 : U.S. 93 - N evada c h th e ic e . I ’d lik e to bi b e a h o u seh o ld do line-Twin Falls, W fts. :rstate 84 — O regon line-Cal T h c L u n c h M enu f a n p r e c e d e s . M en u M IU M N t o is B sc ra b b lin g g u y these ic sc n am e.” ■ hernn»N ow s Circuls I lla tio n 1 ’,^ TyRjuM^I,ctol*U< uM ondtaclor ne llnef are open between 7 n d 10 u n .. only. onl; If you do not foM, ceive yoor p i ^ by 7 #.m., #.1 <*11 thc number ........•••r/bryoltfsrw:v] ' Jeronw-Wendell-Ooo) H -536.2335 li' Buriey-RBpert-P«ul^ , H 67^2552 li : Babl-CtsUerord . 543-4648. .. d ' Jnier-Rosenon-Holliti olliner .3 '. '326-5373 .. ' a Twin PalU ind all Mix ’ • » ■• .*§ ^ -S . g New* CUffc'Wk>wonh,mi^ upuging editor . ir you b a v si newi lipor w ialr^ talk to I lip - fom eom in (be-editoriid wiiU department. call tOjOO -; 7 3 3 ;0 9 3 rb etm en l0 ;0 t m . and 5:30 weekdays. To report late newt and and we«k, daily o nly S3.50 per cr-wcek,5uadsy.: retuIU after 5:30 and on weekend*. ut o f (tale rales: • nd*.' only S2.50 p e r w eek. Out c ll7 313-0931. 3J ’ daily an d Sunday S5.00 per pt week, dally « only S4.00 p e r w eek , Sund nday only'S3.00 . ided in all above .per week: Sales lax include Advertising ^ I be levied for all rsle*. A S lS .O O c h a ^ w illb O'York, advenising director 'ou wish to plaee an adveni»emcnt. returned Checks. 33-0931. C laisincd ad*, call 733M aU in fin n tflao vlonday through Friday front 7 a.m. 631-080) U pubH .•ii . T he Times-Newf (UPS 63 S 3 ,',”p.m. : and Sanudays from 7 a.m. unlil X lith ed d a ily ac 132 T h irdd .Sl. W., Twin ■ 10a.tn.. Information In on diaplsy ad* is availValley ■ N able week cekdaya only. For ihc Burley omcc, F a llt, I d a h o , 8 3 3 0 1 , b y Magie laaapotlasopaid ■ 7-4042. Oflicial ■ at T ^ ^ l t ty ^T»e T i n «-News. ^ to SecH d iy and county new tpaper putsuaat pv icripdoa rstes 3S lio n 6 C -l0 8 o ftb e Id a b o C oOde. d Thursday!* >e delivety: daily and Sunday, S3.35 tk. hereby d e tig n a te d u 'th o daj Jay ofthe week ■jS K R , per week; ek; Sunday only, S2.00 per week, tee on which legal ootJees will bepubliahed. be ibiojpiions must be paid it\ advance Po tu n aater, ple ate seod) 'cchange o f adandafeavi available only where delivety ii not 48, Twin Falli, nd dicta form to: P.O. Box 548 maintaine< ined. Mai] rate*: local, daily and 00 Idaho 83303. Sunday S3.50 S3 per week, daily only S3.00 per week; ek; Sunday only S3;35 per week, Idaho rate atei: daily and Sunday S4.00 per ^ 1 ’ SS IH f J; \ ■■ ■ 4 . • couicc • MCHio n a SCOKS P re ss ; T h Im ^ iesMews ^ ^ ABC I 2 SKIUNE ^ ^MOVIES S re d ^ A i 5 lAJ The^ .“ s i g: j b Sponsorec _____ :.r— ^ - 4 WEATHER locAifowcASTs .. POl^SLfc SPO H T • . Infoi)rm ation SPORTS-.... LOTTERY^ • P re ss DEF I ' ... n m e r i> f e m i : : j : TheTbnMNawl 3 :] T l. ■ | j ■______ L ..L l_ [fl n -j.-. Monday, Jofiuofy 2 2 .1 9 9 6 Tlm« TImos-Nows. Twin Folia, Idaho “ " f hBrief Plane era; *ash victuns’ hoi >me burglarizedd ] F l o o rdiirgi]f n t s ^ tresrOn A-3 “ N a tio n ” ^ )R iw r“ T he A ssodsted fte s s{ woshed-t :d-out ro o d sent their car into int< a se v era l s p o ts alongg West Virginia’s flood from fron a fifth-floor hotel room, oir. reservoir. . Northem Panhandle, " I told I old evctyonc l got u flood for iny j LIN CO LN , NMeb. e t ^ Several days after a co couple died in a plane crash, ao ' Flooding on this 01 Ohio R iv e r foived Officin idols in m a n y oreas had not ot 3yet W heeling lsland. •a a low-lying, uiban birthday,” uy,” M fs,S chranim said.“lt'ssad . ; burglar broke into Ito their home, drugging thetr d and stealing belongings.• Irdog hundreds o f people fiom fr th e ir homes fully mea le a s w ^ th e damage. enclave o f s o m e 3,SC SW residents con- M y husbt ------------M ik c .a n d _ CUh ti m stin a J< ^lle n -w e re -k illee d -a lo n g 'W iih 'tfa e irp iio t'O>n-------RSondoyrw hlle-reB iai l a e m r o f f l o j r t e d ^ n i T i a r l t o ‘ lhe"fTret {precinct to vote ote in _nected by b ridge tci V ^Wh'cclingi WiVo!^ think moyl noybe il’s time for on apiutmcnt." . . j •Jn n .-i4 -w h e n th th ee ir s l n g l ^ n g i n e plane c;niau h ed -o u ta id c L in c o ln r T h e tow ns upstream Tii P Peen n ^lv an ia.o ii'd “T ^ew 'HHairipishirc ai fo r the' p'ir'sldcnti c n tio L _ i^ .9 5 p crccnt un d er' T wolcr as thc Ohio J o e D eeB eni sto o d in a n e ig h b o r's v ic tim s’ identities tie s w ere m ad e p ublic the he? l e x t d a y ." . •upstate N ew York set sctiaped m u d fivm election, m. T h o se f ir s t’returns don’t ’t liIcll ro se 10 fe e t o u t o f i l s banks before yard look: ooking ol his ow n hou.sc, which I . O n T h p rsd o yy,, relatives r d iscovered that a bI u i^ la r h ad taken p ro p erty • |y ' so aked h o m es an d hi h isto ric a l m onu- you a hec. leck o f a l o C said Don Maurer u w o f beginning to recede^. /About 700 poople w as s'urroi inounded by several fcci o f w alcr.' I v a lu e d a t a b olut u t $ 6 0 0 , in c lu d in g c o llecti ic tio n s o f B a rb ie d o lls a n d ■ ' ments.'- ' th e Nev Jew Y o r k sla le O fficee o f fled the islond. “ I ju s t fin ish e d rem odcT ihg il.*’ iust I C ab b ag e P a tc h1do d o lls in th e ir original c&rtonj ons. Thc past w eek’s burst bu o f flooding, Emergoic ency M anagemenL “E vety h o m e on tli tlie island is dam- D cBeni sa "W e lost our m otor home, li sakI, i . “ I j u s t h o p ei th o t th e y re a lly en jo y it,~ t , ^ a i d ICaren R ice , o n e o>ff snbw, ice and cold had id been b lam ed fbr Preside ident C lin to n on Sunday declar :lared aged,” said G e n e Baric ricer, Ohio County W e had id to leave evciytliing in.ihe base• ! • W ollen’s s is te rs , . at least 3 6 deoths froir om' th e P lains into Pcnnsyivs -Ivanio o d isaster arco because ise o f deputy director o f cmer lergencyscrviccs. • m e n t, all o f o u r to o ls, o u r tracto rs, I The burglar also Iso turned ofTtbe furnace, allow owing w ater pipes lo fiveze and H ' N cw England. In upsi pstate N e w York, tbe floodu xling. Isla n d r e s id e n i Th rhelm o Schram m cveiything tling. It’s gone. Thcro's no iasur; ' burst, and drugged Kl tlthe coiq)!e’s hunting 6og. The Iw d ^ im v c iw l, relatives said. fivem em bersofonefiii fiunily died when a ' . The 01 O h io R iv e r crested Sundoy oy at spent her 6 3 rd binhdi idoy watching thc .. once." _ I ^ Actor Stai anton tied up, robbed n in home ill widentis;^cre-ws tto empt)/y barge _ i _ ____ L OS A N G ELES ianlon-was.tied-up-and-robbed— [ in his house b y gur gunm en w ho fbrcM their w ly a y in, : loadejl his car with elec* I tronic goods an d1 drove dr ofT, police said Sunday, ay. Two m en were arrested, J S tan to n w a s sstru tn c k o n th c face w ith a g u n and slig h tly injured w hen I th re e ro b b e rs cnti e n te re d h is M u lh o llan d D>rive ri h o m e S a tu rd a y n ig h t, ; D etective M e l A Am rnold said. SO U TH K IN G STO ‘O W N , R .I. (A P) _{^____The robbers forcc)rced.Stanlon..69,inioJiis bedrc droom aLgunpoint,.bound.him _ rc h o p p y 'w a te rs; j and th en loadedI eli electronic goods and otherr items ii into his 1995 Lexus,^--------2="W orklng”a g a in sfc ;; c r e w s b e g a n pum pin ling h c a th ig oil Stanton, w hose Icng cnglhy film crcdits range from m -"H o w T h e W<« W as W on” S u n d a y from a crip'pl )'plcd b a rg e that t to "Paris, Texas,”’ fn freed him selfand callcd policc lice a fte rth e gunmen left s p ille d m o re than 82 S28,000 g a llo n s : ' The c a r w as outfi utfitted with a security tracking ing device and police found it a fte r m nning aground id o f f a w ildlife 1 - two .hours later inn > N orth H ollywood. As officei icers wotched the car. another re fu g e in a s to m i. ' : vchicle arrived, som lomeone got out, w ent over to 0 tl the Lexus and drove off. 'M e a r iw h ilc , ih e oi: oil h a d s p re o d . a n d thc barg e w as still illlc a k in g .G o v . iw i L incoln A lm ond decli d a r e d an emer* g c n cy a n d requestedI fi federal disa ster I • P L A IN F IE L D? ., V ' t. — D eath -ro w in m ate I te M um ta A b u -Ja m a l-w a s[ r e l i e f fu n d s To h e lp Ip p a y f o r th e i aw orded a bacheloi Blor o f arts d eg ree in psychol l o l o ^ Sunday from a sm all ‘ cleanup. I - cpllcge, e a rn in g a b o u t h a lf o f h i s credits fro n prison. om “ W e 're all getting p retty frustrat* ; : ' "H e p u t all h iss ei en erg y an d a heart into g;etting ctt Oie degree. He d id n ’t e d , th nt's w h y I say.th the n u m b e r one lake h is ed u c a tiosn n ai s serio u sly a s he should > hen h c w as y oung, so it[ d w _ th in s right n o w J s toijiy ti a n d g e t thc _ j -------- mcans-a-lot-to-him im,:,-s a id h is son rJam ali------r e s t o f tlic o i r o f f ant ind.'T U flnTcTbc ; Abu-Jam al, a forr former reporter and Black Pan •anther, w as convicted o fth e p a tie n t w ith ev e ry oorn e ,” A lm o n d ; D ecem ber 1981 sshh o o tin g d eath o f Philodelp :lp h ia police ofTiccr D aniel said . j Faulkner and w asi scheduled sci lo d ie by injection in Ilast A u g u st A judge grant• C rew s estim ated itt \w o u ld ta k e at I cd him a n in d efiniic ite;stay o f execution and he is sseeking a second trial. le a s t 14 hours lo pum | o ut a b o u t 1 mp _ I _ . _ _ _ A b u - J a m a l- w cunitto t -C o d d ard -C o llcg e.n eai^ icJvIontpeIier-betwecn-19 78— m illio n g a llo n s tn ore )rder to s c f t h e ■; i and 1980. H c reap a p jp lied last y e a r a n d w as accepted ac im o the off-cam* b a rg e afloat again. It ho hod b e e n c a n y ; i pus p ro g ram . H e: ddiiid all his w o rk through thh e m ail. in g 4 m illion g allons.' T h e spill, th c largest sl in S la te history , w os b e in g pushedd oi u t to s e a by t h e w in d , b u t h a d I s p r e a d f ro m I' I NEW Y O R K — — A rth u r G etz, an artist wh w h o se depictions o f life in R h o d e I s la n d ’s s o u th e m c o a s t 12 •' ; an d a ro u n d th c cit; c ity a p p e a re d 2 1 0 tim es o n th e c o v e r o f T h c N cw m ile s to pond on Bloi lock Islond lhat I Y orker m a g a z in e5,, h as d ied o f a stroke at a g;e e (82.. ; ; G etz, w h o d ie di Friday, Fi so ld his first c o v e: r to i the m agazine in 1936. I . A sty lized d ra w in ingg o f s ailb o ats superim pose )sed o n a m ap o f the E ast ; ' Coast, it w a s p ublisl ilished o n Ju ly 2 3 , 1938. r “H c w a s th c mlost ost p ro lific p ro d u c e r o f cove •vers w e ’v e e ver had.” said . I j Lee L o ren z, T h e N c w Y o rk er’s a rt director. ■ -I . It w a s n 't u n c o)m m im o n fo r G e tz to have ec ig i | h t o r n in e covers pubm rn g in g from a m an shovelin • I lished e a c h y e a r, ra lin g in a city snow storm to 1 scenes' from s m a llII sub s» u rb an tow ns. ^ b e g in Death-row inmate earnss college degree ker artist Getz ddies at 82 i ’. New Yorke f ^o n q n led fio n n v iicT ep o rts' m |w ^ o h ^Ff-MDREr- I i THOUSANDS OF 5F YARDS OF FABRIC REDUCED Rl TO CLEARI NOINFIATCDI D PRICES ORMISLEADII DING DISCOUNTS. 1ST QUA! AUTMWWCOT^EAl iATSAVlNGSI ^ a is s e g B ia iiS ia Dec )ecorating >ki Fashions • Ski >portsWear Spo Brid Iridal ^ t t ? Velvets Woolenss Double Kr Knits Hi Fashiot ions f I i c c r^-- VAlOtSTO»4** WOOL& ' WOOL BLENDS ; BBSSiB CORDUROY S PRINTS & PLAIDS TO to VAiutSTO*6** j C d U U ) l £ A R N A L O r (. |^ M; A W m M r I w a ■ m . :v Vi'f'vB iTliHT IffiM i L itlU L fM S iigSSct-^n JU Disposal I P ^ O T Patterns McCalls Quilting Books Simplicity \l m m m b \ F in a w »vifcdtoMove1 AllPli A ^“aeSelecth THESE ARE O IN N LYA FEWOF THE ^ m ^^DINGW A'iTICKET ISAS .’f'. V ’ I ; I { Quilting Crafls I i Baby : I tlngen'e ft t • '. ~ ~ IK ‘ .b 'm i s asp aw iwrning a r e a for flounder, ThcriTv e w e re n o im m ediate report o f deadI fish ft o r b ir d s there,.but ihou sands' o)ff lo 1 b s te rs imd several dozci !z"n^ r d s . m< m o s t l y d u c k s , hav e be ci k ille d al th e a l o n g t h e c o a s t n e a r th< T ru sto m m P o n d N a tio n o l, W ildiiifc lif Refuge.. O C th e r b ir d s w ere seen cov :o v e re d w/ it: i t h o i l . a n d fis h in g wa: banned in a 105 sq u arc -m ile area, “ F o r e v\ e r y o n e ( a n im o l) .ilia t’; d e a d thl er e r e ’s p r o b a b l y h u n d re d ss'” m o re thoi h a t h a v e n ’t d ie d but hove been afTee fected b y th e oil spread, saic said C urt Spou ctor . )a u ld in g . c x c c u liv c dircctoi o f SaveI th th e B a y . an_cnvironm ento m o l_ group help nup elp in g to coo rd in a te cleanuf efforts o)nn lth e s h o re . Tlie oil >il sp re a d ex ten d ed south tc th c islond n d . c o st a l o n g th e coast tc P o rt Juj d ii t h P o n d o n d w e st to CRorlestov to w n P o n d , o b o u t'i d m iles from thc: C o n n e c tic u t border. T h c Coi 'o a s t G u a r d se t up boom s oround th thee b a r g e a n d other coastal stal s a lt p o n d s to k e e p th c o il froom m sp rea d inng. g , T h r e e sk im m in g b o aats ts w ere rem n o v in g o il from the w ater’s surface. ik c;i ' B E S S J ^ I . L i l o u L i f *l l SO NO' lo w ^ 3 » 9 9 / yd BSBBSBB POLAyi iw « rER ESCAPE BoTli nusx W INTEI m ik ’iI M 1*J p u p o iT I- Mu m m i N IC N A T I O N A L " HKVilWa RESTONl WAi ARRANTY B A N K C A R D S5 lW E L COME^ Ptus>« i k |^ liifii m i r H I 1)IAME ______ ■ { A D D fiE S S _ I .^ ^ 8 » 9 9 / yd . •. I FREEDEIlIiVERY»FlREE SET VP FREE DISIPOSAL OF 0OLDSET EVEB RTON E i lyiATT TRESS n AGIO ( C I T Y ; _____________ | S |P H O N E _ ___ _ ------------------------- ^ - T 7 --------hi no<elI*ibl*.Dipo«jtBoUw Rcpn>ductlotu of coupon! nM c VDiiMbedep^tedtntbe I ' ’ ihinJ»nui(y3l.l99«.EBByoii /■ ^ N .- F R I . 9 J I^^^TlwTlowi-Ntmrornon-iuhKi t i b i c r i M w ' r . A y S "1^. itofB»boien*ii>e»ppe«i»bor , IM M i 3 8 Facto TORY W o r ld w id e C onsumer R IPRO TECTtO N P lA M ---------------------- ^ M. AI V . .M . - 6 P .M im ii;cC) S A T . I Oo - 3 3 1 2 ^ ^ T V #V ----------------------- A .M ;. - 5 I N F A L L R .. M ^ . -------------------- ,4 . ----------___---------- ---------------------- _____ ■ ' " ■ ■ i ^ A-4 TImoS'N »s-N ow s. Twin Foils. Woho ' Moi Mondoy. January 22.1996 Jl liBMj. B ■ p ^■^■1 M ji B W i I H ? . I T~( — M M elro se F P la c e Ue Few! 7PM Jed a n d jS t a c e y few-l-8PM- am lE l * a rtn e rs p e mm&'Nerew! 8:30P T l i .i € S ^ i U I I 1 -Fexxt-Tuesdaj »x XMesdd a y i ^ie IMigp h t M o vM Hoi»t S h o ts: P F art D ewIX I’ld^roadcLcas.tJ^tem:liene___^ Dbl JWm 7P1V -J--W— ii^C-»X3S IJ. U 11 ^ I 11^'. iHBB^'r ^ ■ | | . I" W t ? I 90210“ I Mew! 7Pi’M Lp_ac.ty_oaf_Eive__ I New! 8:C00PM ' ■ V ' ; I /' li jju ^ Livinc S' - ' . < r s dI i ^|H Til g S in g leI HewNewl 7PM N e w Yc 'iork Und< r h e C re w r! 7:30PM / le r c o v e r SPM • “ I--------•____ j£^; J ■ • ■ :.: . ' / ' — “ MondoyrJonOflfy. 2 2 r l9 96-TlfTi0tr-N(iW9:TVrinFalf87l<laho~A-g~" 96- 9 (fl r ,^ B M ll^ •I- ' F /-6 f 5 t r a n g ei L uck S J 7PM T h e X-Filile s /[New!-8PM- 1 ------------------------------------- 1 tfT A T '. c^^ops___ IV FULL HODUR N New! 77PM A m e ricte a 's lo s t W arnI te d . Wew! BPM 8 1 2^ f IPM Hiiitnoi 9" ,,. ii % I — d TV~ T Jew Late 1 fc:?! ^ J S . v '- 'V X B e y o n dI __________________________ ■ / f: ' *^- (' \ . \<\.J' le S im p s5 o n s wl 7PM ., a r t in____ )OPM Th<a rrie d ... ITe-w ith C hildiIre n ^ ' ■J -'/p^TTa^---7 ( COOL, J' t^ . /*«<-^A / H ~^( 1 9 wfi m m 8PH. ■" “ « il |^!« ™ H jc: ac ^ ^ ■ T MNFAUS/SUI r _______________________ i^ . . <4i f^^y y h j t nV,': ' tk' ............ y- . - ■ .'t..L-^W .I.-, ■ . .lli. ux.iartikJjf.-1-iji I V h u h ? ^ l i d D n i i il i n i i B pni I o th cier viewg S . • AfTe higherr speed linmits vorth moi)re lives, ftfuel — ~ ----- we. oBl tfVAmei> A TiM ue T(0UR SOUL...NO ____ ___ ow L .'i m !.C s - Vou PRWlSftoSei T« "Me A TReMAT''IW ANP -----------CO STLY ■PSATM, YOU AR« AL JVST TU W in bad luck. Nlow o / V \.eAVe. \we’u WLU you — OF S M 'T l * a w F rom the Post ost R eg ister, Id a h o FoilsI L -.,jK . t tickcted. A n ew sp e;ed e d lim it could allow speeds o f u p to0 180 a n d b eyond U nlike some imc o f its n eig h b o rs, Idahc iho before drivers a r e rickc :keted. _________ is responding ng to its n e w authority tc ta There has bee n n o) di discem a b le push _______ set spee^limHits it! rcsponstR y] in Jdaho to ra is e thtie e 65 m p h lim it, A s so'on (IS }ill even from long-distani ys IC o n g re ss p a sse d a bil a n c e truckers. Ed . to lin the 65 '5 im ph s p e e d lim it on inin- Brandt, chairm an o f* th e Idaho M olor ■ (crstaie hiuihwi; iways a h d Ict slates deicrer- Transport A sso cia tioo n w ho runs 20 0 m ine speed limits, Hit a t - - rigs for J.R. S im p lo t; C o ., say s there’s M o n tan a elim inatc d ils daytim la-- “no com pelling re aso n to g o faster,” mee lim it. O th e r Ic g isla 5on _____.„turcs,,particui c u la rly i n .th c .W c s t..aire. rc than tlie currcnt li m iLt . . . -........................d riv in g legisla he T he U .S . T r a n s p o rrta t tio n D e p a rtislation th ro u g h w iih the sp e e d o f a D Dco d g e V ip e r c a re e n inn g ment and the A m ericcan ar Insurance In ­ d o w n a m oun 'u n tain p a s s . B u t Id a hho o stitute estim ate re p eal < f t h e 65 m ph al o leaders, like Gov. Gi P hi! B att and Senn- limit to 70 o r 75 w ill 11 «claim ' an addia te T ransporta irtation C h a i r E v a n F raa- tional 6,400 lives a yes y ea r and S20 bilsure, R-Pocatel e s lion m ore in annual co ilello, a rc ap p ly in g brakes :o ssls lo taxpayers an d a speed bum bi p h e r e and there to -and Insurance p o ltcly y hh o ld e rs. H lghm ake su re the tr- way deaths were a t thbei he issue is s tu d ie d thore irp e a k In 1973 oughly. - 54,052 - before m aki ak in g a dram atic F ra s u re .s aays y f l e g i s l a t i o n to ra iss e drop to 45,195 th e yea v'car a fte r the 55 speed limits will wi: be th e “ hottest topic lie mph speed limit w a s> Im It posed. Since this year," in\ hi haa v e ctrbpped to________ his co m m ittee . B ut R'e’5^ then,‘traffic fatalities h w illm g to wait :ie about 40,000 a y e a r.. S c a t b e ltla w s , lit Iuntil cn g m c c rs and the state Transporta Drtaiion B o ard stu d y road td b etter road c o n d itio>ns n s an d to u g h e r , an d traffic com ond itio n s o n s ta te highh- dm nken driving enforcc ircem enl'all co n -' "w i ways. tributed to th a t d e c llin in e , bu't so d id ’ le s ln w e r tm v e l __________iJn Jd ah o ..ilie J lieJ.egisIaiure-can-sctihcm axim um allou lowable lim it on all state te It’s true thal h ig h wfays ay in th e W est Qi: 5unlirennially, the lament aris irises: How did ' lown vote) for pruning regula* , I diled up-or-dowi and federal hig| lighw ays. b u l th e TransS- are long and far from1 co cc n gested. P erwe wind w iip with this boring pre: iresidential dmi^ in , as importani iis his proposals dcms. But, again p o rta tio n B oai o ard d e t e r m in e s sp e e d haps a'sm all increase inin som e areas is . palgr gn? This year such keeningi is, u nonsense. • cast he gives them. is die moral.casl lim its. T hat’s>tis it s h o u ld be. N o two o warranted. B ut M ontana o f ideas is leen an a highw ay pa* Thee marketplace i « m in g -allea st ' Gramm believ :llevcs economic growth has done roads are alike :he party that believM in.marfc <e iin q u ality an d am ount It tro lm an R o g e r K e ninn e y is a lr e a d y inthe orkets and. ideas more than allI die the political writings from Locke '■ nd is producing the most subs jbstantivepiesiH |^ m B . o f traffic, andd tl 1 dirough Milton Friedman to this s h o u ld n 't b e a de' . andJe^ersonthr !- skeptical o f his s ta te ’s c isio n to als dec itial debate in m e m ^ . ry ppeople for freedom: This is be- ’ -■ I equip ordinary c i s i o n fo r poi ) o l i t ic i a n s a l o n e . T h e low vehicles to tra v e!ll ui p to 85 m ph ‘‘“ I" uy for a substantial investment stantially less nccessao' nt, respect cause in a society cicty where brisk growth is die w h o le idea oiff rre lu m in g au th o rity to0 and morc. “At th a t am m oount o f speed, . >teve , Forbes, spending substa perty rights, a sense o f a perma n is spent to introduce o new j w snack food, for properi nanent norm, “fairness" »s" is understood not in terms o f s t a t e s w a s thu h at lo c a l g o v e r n m e nItt If they start rolling o /e v er,r they go into ^tS^al : accelcnited the debate about lUt taxes, flat and stake in1 lhe ihi community) that conduce :e to social what govemmen nent gives but in terms o f oppor* • c o u ld b elter de: d e te rm in e local c o n d ii- another lane and, in ste le aad o f injuncs, erwise. Most Americans migl light soon realize stability. mmcnt does nol impede. Such a tunities govemm ytions. wc have fatalities.’! UiatI most n Ice Forbes, Gramm would lax all a inAmericans already ore u« principally Unlike I society is spared ired the embittering politics o f re* W h ile w e gget e n e ra lly a g r e e w ith a Idaho leg islators need sed to s e n o u s ly taxed ncluding investment income,. ffor two sd by a flat tax: A m ajori^ pay pa more in So- come, incl distribution, p h ilo s o p h y tha Ihat s a y s s p e e d lim itss question w h e th e r th e; a< a d v a n ta g e s o f cialI Security S ;. One taxes than in federal iral income taxreasons. O is that perecptions mattei ter and no Gramm hass been be faulted by some conservash o u ld b e set: to m atch th e sp e e d o f g e ttin g s o m e w h e re a jfe w m in u te s n t about economie efllciency/ca c n hope tives for talking es. argument ( t much about economics ng too m ost drivers, th' the s ta te still o u g h t toD quicker Is really w o rthh tth e additional ih die liis year's c a m p a i^ has'feati atured a qunntito banish tl perception dial taxing in< Income and too little aboi Thi about “values." (Almost every- ; ------ ■ _ be-cautious.-MMaost d riv e rs tra v e l bc-- lives lost and Increased if detailed economic orgumen ient rare in from wage ages but not from investments is is inone talks loo muc much about "values" radier dian i d iin s u ra n c e a n d «yof< le. Gramm’s oUier reoson reflet lerican polirics. And the camp mpaign was en* equitable. < tw ee n 70 andI 7: lects the virtues; Hitlerr had hai values, not virtues.) How­ 75 m ile s p e r h o u r on1 taxpayer costs, n o t to) nm en tio n m orc professor's analytic led last Wednesday when Phil nchec 'hii Gramm at former economics eco lie bent. ever, Gramm’s e< ’s economic package is an exam* ---------— ru ral-in terstaictes-n s o w w ith o u t-b e in g5 - fuel expended. e, he Ja stsl showed that he knew how to bring thede* Suppose, h says, you have lwo childr dren and pie o f what inI another ant era was usefully called to invest and give5 die ti odier “political econon _________________ L~batc-u nveiled propose— give onee SlOO,000 Si s'up from economics; He unvc nomy.” It demonstrates that his alsdc IXK) education. Taxing only the designed to make Forbes' iliil lilt tax prdposal a $100,000 he income conservative criti' critics misundersumd him be* « secmi ;d by n thin gmel. Gramm’s aim is lo e ^ in d le produced b die Investment in educadt isundcrstand political economy, i idon cause they misuni « aadisincentive for invesUneni « Irapid growth, and.to make t n c more :e growth serve would be sit in huwhich is the devis levising o f economic measures to lital. ^ . theco aracter. nun capita: country's concern about chan lin character traits and other so* promote certain e im's arguments for uixing all income, ir Gro 1 pereent flat Gramm’i iromm's centerpiece is a 16 pc cial objectives, s. S icp h c n H orlgcn C lark W alw orth Ty RansdcQ P e te rr York ,ax^ yf, die mortgage interest With a standatrj family deduc Iuction o f ' and for retaining reta st and So far, Forbes X5S1has helped Dole by further Publisher M an ag in g editor Q rculation m an ascr A dIvertising v er directo r j 2 2 ,000 (K and a SS,000 exemption le ^ving deductions, may be,I, in i part, 3n for each de* ehariiablc£ fracdoning diee most m< conservative portion o f izau'ons for taking die path o fr least I< po- die Republican lent, a family o f four with tod today's average rationalizai n nc nominating electorate, pre:• • The \c rmembers bf the editorialI board b< and writm of editorials sistancc.3.ul.atJcost.theyjirc.a r . ±me (projected to be $49.2001 «JtLl9it8):______^liHcaLrcsisi :.aigu- __j'cn'Ung.diaLp9ortiooJromlcoalescingjirounda_____ rd( jhcn-H artgcnreiark Walwort n-MUler:-------- :---------orthrStcvG-CrumpTind kevln'N onneedng economic m easures' come shielded ments conn Id have 65 percent ofits incoi s with ' single candidate p lie possessing more ideological from1 taxotion, t mjoyed sincc moral cono jncems. a condition not enji clarity dian Dolet ole can provide. However^ die --------- ------------- the 19: m’s plan to achieve 4 pereentI annual a 1950s. Gramm would end the he deductibili^ . Gramm’s - dialectic of politic •litical competition can produce [the rate has averaged 2.6 perce ofstati ler to fuel tax growth (tKe ate and local uxcs, the better cent unpredictable ouK outcomes. Forbes has clone 66) includes, among much else revolts Its inhigh'tax juri^lctions. since 1966) Ise, exGramm the favor' vor o f foreing him to explain his __________________ Unli f free trade; requiring a 60 pei nlike Forbes. Gramm wouldd preserve p the pansion oofl lereent economic progran gram widi reference to die soctjority to raise Uxes; balancing supermajori iction for charitable giving bbe^ u s e such lg the ology o f virtue. It remains unclear that anyone :. Il M ake punishme nent fit crime Will flngerprinting.l g .h e lp k id s ? n four lg should be encouraged osI th the welfare budget in fo years and in die next fou our limil- can derail DoIe, bi it is now more likely dial • e, but T his letter is to addi iddress several rother Sen. Schroeder definitely ily needs to rethink state shrinks. sl Towdi of government to the inl nimm would ing the grov Unlike Forbes,^riin nfladon ifanyone does,I, it will < be Gramm. I short but importantt subjects. su 1 stance against flngerprini his rim ing ihose who ' prescn iblishiag a commission, akin to te die leduction be* rate; establii rrve the mortgage interest ded -------------------Rep. Doug Jones: and an “arch g ra n ili ene* 1 shape the lives o f Idaho help iKo’s children. cause sing Mmmission, dial would produce pi e itI encourages home owners! trship, which base closing George F. Will Vill is a Washington Post colum-1 m y" David Buddecke :ke have determ ined Teachers and all support rt sslafT from adencour ;hensive proposal (leading to a uragcs conservative anributes Ites (the thrift acomprehei Ian expe- msf. that punishing any juvenile juv crim e m usl r cd to be flngerministrators to janitors need first .start with a suspe: spension o f a d riv er's p printed before being employ' Ibyed 'to work with ■ ^ license. i aand around children. T hese se fpeople, takeri L ff ; W hether or not grafl .rafTiti is in any w ay rc- collectively, e ape many more ______ touch and shape ---- ------------------------^---------------------! lated to an individual’i lal's d riv er's liecnse, li lives than lawyers, insurance st serve as the first cul In .the i e appli* 10 to IOO times ss tr more. I n a n d a t o i y m i ^ t j u s t s I that license must be: su suspended. In s t< agents or public notaries S v ® c T S ' r ' “ - M a ke k teacher checks m: tate rocess. That is wrong! ng! . ; ' cssehce, pne punishme tment fits all crim es. . lawyers, h ell, the pollsters and survey I y folks can. Well etc., ate required to be flngeiprint.YOUNKIN I hope Presiden idem Clinton suuids his ground' put Ida daho near the bottom of yet The punishment sho <hould fit the crim e. c before employment. et ianother list. ed Palls until you admit w it what you are doing and stop iwly position Twm Fall W c should not be craf^ lire, wc take glee in our lowl rafting punishm ents to ional and illogical Oh sun Schroeder is using irration: , uixing the poor tb >r pay die rich. Ifyou would fit any and all crimes. i ime lists. On other lists, w e { ia, regardless o f th e tl osiiion. Research . on som thinking to jusdfy his opposti ioxing poor ta pay rici Cm cut federal retiren irements^to 550,000 a year and are' r ‘i’""v?' Stop tax public interest involvci Ived. The proper resl th e hardest group o f thes rnotion, h ’s ju st who wc a shows that pedophiles are the get rid o f die Con; p. Michael D. Crapo: Conservation Reserve Prothat Idaho To Rep. > sponse to a property/ dam di age issue is to re* ofscx nd it a/wost unbelievable ihi o imtc. .l.finc ofTenders to rehabilitai se-thafyou-are-fbllowing-the-e ^crow d—^ gram ^ou-couldt Jdbalanee-dic4iudge«lie— — — •:— SThcrbnck=---------^I-realize-t ttlc-omo-wayofehcrckirigTl ---------- quirc-the-individualto' toTcpairthe-propertyr:—“ ^ rh a y eb ce n ’fingcrprinted'b d'bccause'I'Bold hos-littl Kpedi* CRB-is-welfare; glet rid o f iti Therfritfe more lg the e; g lets, coun- and voting t way it is.politically exp ids of applicants for teachen In essence, if propeny ny i^ defaced by grafrc retired teacher as ground real.esute in Idaho. I’m a reti K»orlo coiporate welfare )ing so, you are taxing the po< fare programs dial cbiild be there again, I ent. In doin{ >and administrators. But the fili, require the perpetr letrator to repaint the > well. w I believe Utal an honest est person has c u t ^ y are yrou o u :afraid W cut Ihemt we are. W e pay the rich die logic is, it’s ju st who we entire building at their eir expense. N ol susn< lore, would not tn'nk rti nothing to hide and, therefore you raise Medicare paym ents its on I know the poot >oor don’t doniate niuch money crime rate, • When yot 3n our quality of^life, low cri pcnd their driver's lice: icensc. ol takes a village lo dote on objcct to flngerf)rinting. Il tak tying tojive on S20.000 o r Ie less a to your campaign ign fund, buk diey votel ly, we are so persona tiyii spacc. etc. A nd by the way, Wc all know tiuit oh( once size does not fit ra a child. Child pir>teclior ion needs to be opc” sp raise tt M ERLE STOD] ODDARD - laid bac an taxing them. Y ou raise taxes ack we don’l even bother to infringe •. year, you1are ; all appetites (that's wh; why m enus exist), iSo- our oi No. 1 priority. o r to . T ^ Falls- . school ^ on the poor < cut taxes oq som eone nmu ^ n g ; toner gloves (ask O.J.), J.). panly hose (ask loans to ask them- °n “n individual’s right to teachII s< I ask Schroeder and Idahoa ; any female) or in virtue rtually any other as* sc selves, “What good will finge ngciprinlingdo “''S ;ing their criminal record. head ofth e II, it's time to ju m p to the: he • pect. Why someone would wo think one size fo Idaho’s children?" Is it wc w onh Ihc pricc? , Well, for class, fc idem Anne C. folks. Schools Superiatende ■ fits lill punishments is Ibeyond com prehcnPOLLY BICKETT • Fox wai ^ . /ants to make backgroundIchecks cl sion. One size docs not fit all; one putiishJerome era f i x t m , Letteis considers dered, libejoiis, obscene or in I 7Yoie5-Neivs.welcomes letteh mandate a rb w ^ c ^ 7^ atoiy, ond.l applaud her forJ ment docs not fit all crim.cs. cri r e s t T o ' b a d t ^ w i l l b e3i ^^ e i ^ as VlII mateml ex! n ' subjects o f public in t m nseipnntinB! readerst bot proposal, including the fingi • -r. in y o u r e d ito rial oiff Jan. Ji 9, 1996, you p East Minico had first i t iw e b p a g e ? S h o rI lire your letter is p u b lish ^ trromptly^. o pressing racial, eUin edime o r religious bigotry. ; itch m ethc^ ' °x>ke sure needs an effective to^DOtcl ■ recom m end a Hispanic nic leadership council : a few guideliaMtb remed&ef ien Wc do not piibl mbiish venie o r - p o ^ , and ; m e Middle School for chec not . heiB,areal I read your articlc on Jerome ccking these backgrounds.I. Why \ ! be created. Remember: er: God loved EachI letter lei 'wegim erallyremb' should incltide .the^w > m ove or limit reiligiou^ quo)uld like to inform the best st in the nation? having a web page, and I woulc m ankind enough not; to send a com m ittee. tadons. A iticlel’ta] ire. nailing a d d rm ra d t dImhotae.' ^ I tak ra ^ m other publica* icre is a small fee necessary>'tom tc akea u lico Junior High If ther signature, Your headline editor lor needs to review his you y ° lhat we here at East Minicc -eferred, tions will nol be: rep reprinted. letters are prel » tno problem number. Typewritten T ehcnsive investigation, 1 see sir Dec. 12, compreh ■ .procedures. Your recen' :ent headline: “C SI ‘ School have had s web page: since vith less Because o f spnce stftng lh(» npplinnnt trt pny thni .lg^5 t.15 doyj bcforeJcromIC. c^ ____________ iUlhjiak ;— :— ofTer«lasBC»;-in-Goodir >ding—is-nons«nsioal:-----^ letters’to 400 word f error. icant with a chance oofc /ords. Longer leners will be ' :h a little better. fee alone >ne would signal to_w applica I• wish you would research 1 assum e the College: of o f S outhem Idaho /in Falls shortened. The! Times-News Tii rs moy be brought to our Twir Leners r reserves die >nable recora that'we'are eribiis here in cybcrhighway. qu'cstiom O ur address is http://vAvw.cyb ; also ofTers classes in Bading, Bo C ooking, as x)l personnel -oflice, mai etters. nailed to P.O. Box 548, Twin in Falls, righttdedit all lette: ibout attracting public school Idaho ab net'-aaronl. Math. nei • well as English and Mai cr. ID 83303,. 1-5538. We look forward w d tb hearing from you! )3, or sent by fax to (208)734-5 ' the highest moral character, ' o f only tl M KEM C C ARTHY M. LYNN DUNLAP nvestigation L— The prospects pi o f a thorough Invi Riq>cft ; . Twin Falls [I -me TtsT.------ " w >Vhat diidd wedo to t deservve this caampaign? E B I 1r h e T I ma George I e s - J N e ^ L e t t e rs_____ r e tte rs tTritetbus 1 : D oonesbury By Garry ry Trudeau TIMeAe»filNX>\ I^A D A LLL L S fM g c L is r s ^ r m W IfT.ZONKIPICKJ^Ts VrSfTVeOtPJ XXXl£77Bi T B S - \o tr r A i£ r m tt.A T I1S ^ . ' M A IL S ilO lJ COM eUM T 1 rrsffohi j.j. ^ Malla^l a rd Fillm ore m ma n ' f t c m w wa : eaiay ^ W ^ r t f A j o pig A » A i*} I «v««/ 1IM» I J, ■ rV ^ H o w W ll .J : ■ ^ iW ?rR>ifau J M ,r MKN y u m COX HaM aBfAW iwe tfOW ijpf. THe M fiK t n » t ir- S faJT 2 i s _______________ 1 ' ,MoniJoy7 Ja n u a r y 22,~1B96'~ B6 H m os-Now8.'Twfn Folia, idatior .A-7 ' ' _________ W Bcials: 7,000r M O ffl GLOGOVA. Bosnia-Hentcgov-ina B — Bosnian ‘ [ ; ^ Rebel ; (A P) — N ewr evidence C’ ael S erb that Serb . Qovommont*, m ilitia s massa< s ac red up to 7,000 :linm w ill hondcd ___ _:_B.o.8nian_M usU n ----- faSfralton— I ■ • over to the Yugoi igoslav war crimes tri,— ^ « P ^ ib l ^ g ravfl 1 .‘ l^ bunal, a to p ' U U .S. o fficial said. ^1.^ I Sunday. ! John Shattuck, :k, the assistant sqcre* .' r tary o f state forr human hi rights, was in Q eastern Bosnia collecting col evidence o f ' Tb • alleg ed w a r c rir • conditions that investigators inv will face in the coming wee veeks. “W e believe there thc are up to 7,000 -----Sandlcl .'a .. m issing, and I ’m ’n afraid their fate ' „ ^ re b re could very well b very clear from 11 bc w aas ___ thp mass gravess and ar m a a executions ' BOSNIA^ -HERZEGOVINA-----w e’ve heard aboi told'reporters. S h attu ck said lid s u rv iv o rs have Ml - nam ed the abandi ndoned, bombed-out ■ village o f Glogov ;ova, nestled among f ' . snow y hills, ass the tl graye_ofjhpse__ •.... Ic ille d ln o n e o f th e w orst o f th e ' | n .........alleged war crimes, nes.------ ^----- — .........H P “Up to 2.000) people pc were herded |B into a warehousee and ai then fired upon' g W by grenades and1 other ol weapons, and anyone who wass left 1< was shot when . they left" the towi 3wn o f Kravice, just tip the road, Shattuc ttucksaid. ^ K ravlce w as part pa o f the eastern .Mjr M uslim enclavee o f Srebrenica that s^^ • was overrun byy tl the B osnian Serb . forceson July III,, I1995. Shattuck did housc Lise. H e predicted diggers wc w o u ld ' not explain howV or o: why the bodies begir gin w o rk a t Glogovo w ith t h ,.t h c w e re m oved frc from K ravice to spring ing thaw. • Glogova; ___________ _______ Th( rhe w ar crim es tribunal in ' ~ ---------- Shattuck said •he he coul3~scV blw d Hague gue and other human rights ?nvcsin' spatters and m ass assive holes in the tigatoi Itors have been worried that < iat ev warehouse from thi the heavy weapons dencc ice o f g ra v es and possible Ic 'w a r and ffcnadcs. ‘Tw< Fwo thousand miss- crime: ncs could be tampered w ilh ith th e ing people very nearby ne could mean longer ger the sites are left outsidelin intc r^ -------thTSt-QTl^TOOOl 0 people could be nation ional controf ^ ^ ■ buried in this mass Bss grove,” Shattuck NA' 7AT0 ofTicials promised Sum u n d ay said, standing inn a desolate, snow- to do lo their best to protcct investi estigacovcred field intl fi front o f a guttc.d toriiI al at alleged mass graves aroi ro u n d r i d ^ ims mi l y ^ K a i' S ^ b e e3n masssacred u s li ... ■---- T7T------ Shaituck also toured Nova Kasaba, ----- 7— I Sl '.V ;.,. .a ninother ol reputed moss grave, and <onJevic Poljc, where witnesses say . ~ 2 0’00'people 0 '; were shot os they tnedTo lec along along thc road. ' ’ : ' " In the town o f Karakaj. Shaituck aid his team looked at o school lojjse ond gym flosium • where '■•^.-~~MMuslims usl weie reportedly held before , >eing token out in groups o f 30 and hot tKfore open piis. ' ' “This is" the evidence many eye•’itnesses'hove provided," he said. Olher reputed sites' ore ol nearby Irdtunoc and an abandoned mine nearl ear Prijedor in ihc northwest. ------ The Th warcrim es tribunal.’atJ.N;^----ppoinied court based in The Hague, le Netherlands, was losing hope that • NAT lATO forces would help secure /na.<i5 ta.w grave silcs and arrest ind/ctcd war arecriminals. — j H I U ---------- ------- “Wc will provide whotcvcr sop-----)rt we con." said_a_writWn slale-__ ............... 'm ccm n i by U.S.‘Adm._ Lcighion Smith, ‘ comn >mmander o f th e NATO troops enfort iforcing the Bosnian pcacc plan. Smi did nol say how much miliSmilh • . tary r ry muscle would be needed, buj noled Iled NATO soldiers would “provide a environmeni in which (invesdean tigaloi ;aiors) can accomplish their missions.’ ins.” , . In another a probe, the chief Muslim • * ■ -I •i • ' invesli L'csligator in central Bosnia, Safet J Hodrc idrovic, is trying to determ ine lether Croat militiamen arc linked APpholo whethi •thc-fate*of-ovcr-500-M uslim s----J o u rn a lis ts g a th t h e r S u n d a y a ro u n d a1 p o s s i b le m a s s gra v e) In th e v illa g e o f G logovi v a .T h e U n ited ssing from the towns o f Vitez and N a tio n s m ay b e( e g in s t a r t d ig g in g In thh e a r e a t h i s s p r in g forr ev e^ id e n c e o f S e r b m ass^ sa c re s o f Zcpce pee. Croats and M uslim s, now M uslim s, tes, fought each o lh er there in allies, ?3. 1993. .Bosniaandwotchii iibr.any.attempts.to— sands-< ------------ lcadcr,-Rajko-Kas{ isagic,-6aid-investi------- Groi) rroaissuggesi-iliui-lfis-probe-could----tamperwith the sites tes. Blut ut S h a ttu c k com m ended led his gotors would facee no obstacles. But undem Jermine the Muslim-CroaiyedeniUnti! now, Bos osnian S erbs had Bosnit nion Serb hosts for being coo coopcr- he told Serbian rad adio that reports o f tionn lhal th has been given 51 pcrccnl blockcd outsiderss Ifrom sites where alive, e, and said he.faced no resi restric- m ossacrcs were “disinformaiion “c under the U.S.-brokered ... o f Bosnia Bos they are accusedI co f burying thou- lions is * o n his tour. A Bosnion £ in Serb without any proof.” ice \plan. r.” peace ^ H p w ® f jj I g B 'S ?-:-, Anti-1 -social bDehavioi»r o f sonQe U.S. troops annoys i many EBosnians Los Angeles Times ies “Thi The Norwegians are very likcc k ed In o f f base to m eett 1th e p eople they Thc he restrictions have annoyed s* d some becausc o f a ban on such community failing ing lo reach out to thc Tuzlo comour to town, because they are not 3t j u s t came hei« to help. Ameri erican m ilitary choplains, s, \who outreach. Soldiers rs manning check- munity nity, they contend, Americans ore TUZLA, Bosnialia-Herzegovioa — soldiei liers but also human beings/* ** ssa id “You have to bee ssafe," said Senior weree barred I from attending reccnl rec points have been ordered or not to give teachin :hing Bosnians peacc without a i American soldiers it flak jackets and .Nedzn -sin Izmija OmercehBjic, head o f th e Airman Mark Bjrow)wn o f San Diego, • Seibiar lian Orthodox Christmas servi Tviccs, handouts to beggii ;ing children, and . human nan face. Bosnians o f oil cthniciH helmets worked lonj long hours last week Tuzia :la M usic H igh School, sippi p p in g patrolling the froi’ont g a te with an a lost st opportunity, they argued lied, to evdn leftover meols Is are being thrown ties,, diey the say, respect military might, fortifying the from •ont gate o f the air coffcc ce with seveiiJ Norwegians3 ai af^er explosives-sniffinIng d o g . “Still, I- ■build1 fi figurative bridges with Bost iosnian owoy rather than ofl jfTcrcd to local res- but Ihey ihc’ olso need lessons in humanbase here, fillingg metal n cages with the pe perform ance- “The A m erici -icans would like to go oul)ut and see whai is Serbs. •s. Nonvcgion troops, when cn ;staidcnts. ity. stones to hold o ffr“an “a cnetny attack,'’ are ac acting like policemen. I ddoo n ’t going bn here." . tioned ed ih Tuzlo o5 pan o f Ihee U U.N. “I f I hove lo gel :t it cleared, it will “Ii ll is like 0 fourth group has joined as one soldier descrii i^ b e d it know w \why they seem so afraid hen icrc .” U.S. m iliiary ol o f f ic io j^ a y - th c peacek :ekeeping mission that prccci seeded never happen.” said id iheRcv. Stephen th e warring wai foclions,” said Rupert Norwegian troops 9ps, also part ofthe It has ht been m ore than a ml o rn t h troops shouldn't expxpect cliMgcs any thc NA >IATO operation, not only ottendottc Booth, a Roman Col ^iholic chaplain in W olfe Ife M urray, an independent _ NATO deployment :nt in Bosnia, were sincee iA m ericans arrived in T'uu z la , time soon. Keepingng A m erican sol- ed sucl uch services but also drove 3ve an the A ir Force who' earned c a shoe box Sconish nish consulwnt to ihc'Tiizla cily' hard at w ork os: w well, packing up and th( the m'assive show o f strength ^ ‘ diers alive and aviivoiding even on Orthod odox priest from Bos^ian.S n.Scrb o f condy ond toys to to the front gate to govemi emment. “We had thc Cheiniks -their belongings for for a move to a new moree tlthan 600 military flights can »UTy- appearance o f partirtiality —: some- - -territorj o iy to officiate.--------------------------- offcrto-chlldreflT**! *■11 IS easier to get ( S crb ^ nationalists), t M uslim s ond n Serb territory.. ing 10, . outpost in B osnians 10,000 tons o f cargo, 1,000 v ed h i- thing, they fear, ththat would inviie ’ Four lur hundred pounds o f blank ankcts forgiveness than pennission pe around .C rolats, ats ond now w c hove thc W hen th e A mnoricans or called it cles and an 3,500 people — is begi e g in - retaliation againstst A m erican s — and cos » a ts , meanwhile, sent to Ihe he Air here.” cricon soldiers. They moy ^ the Amcricj quits for the day,', they tJ retreated to ning: to fray-some nerves here, _ rcq u ire tight contrc irols on mingling Forcce ffor distribution lo needyy ppcoC ritics o f the Am Lfflerican approoch goodd guys, gi but they ore so secludcd their teats, only thei then shedding their Resi esidents In Tuzia say theyy a r c widi Tuzia residents,is. pie, ho' hove been stranded ot thee bi base say m ore is at stake ke than image. B y on the he bbase nobody knows it.” w e ap o n s an d bod >ody orm or. The frightc iitened by th e m ilitary mlig tglh t. “It doesn’t hurt U to g o slowly and ______ Norwegians took oofff for downtown Peacek ;ckcepers from European cou :o u n - cautiously,” said L t ' Col. Michoel D. T uzia, w here a fell fellow soldier w&s tries co complain o f American overki srkill. Clay, who oversees«' civilian-mililary M R m singing with a local cal choir. Helmets, And some so U.S. troops say theyy a r c operations for Maj. .(Cen. Wtlliom L 1 ^ 1 1 I'.cre.chcckcd.cuibz— fe ^ uup_witii.a-security-policy.tfa p. %e8is.and.sunsjiv.cn -tfaat— Nash,-the-U.S.-comi mmander.-iiForca—P W W I side. prevcni ents them from even steppii Iping protection is a very bibig deol/’ ' _ A lg e ria n1 police, ] m ilita n tss)clash 'W 'M i < i s i t e A LG IER S, Algeri jeria (AP) — At |g I le a st 33 Is la m ic: m ilita n ts w ere. k ille d in w eek ennd d c la sh e s w ith ^ Algerian security foi forces, including, e i ^ t m en w ho had Id held » 6-ycar. m m I old child hostage. Meanwhile, a car ir bbomb exploded in a to w n e a s t oif.A f j lg icrs early Saturday, k illing two, tw people and . woimding five others :rs as it destroyed part o f a national guar uard bascs )ded in Djebahia Tbe bomb explode near B ouira, 70 mili niles east o f thc c a p ita l. It w as not o t im m ediately .■ ■ ■ ■ k n o w n w h e th e r th e dead and Limited J t to a w ounded w ere civili viliqns, national ^m ilyof offive. . ants. guardsmen o r militants — ----------- r t n i n r s x i r e r c i j rjTshT^TTeifflrlty----------st eized m ilitary - fo rces s a id th e y ssei weapons from the mili nilitants, who are fighting to topple Al A lgeria’s miliment and replace taiy-backed govemme: it with strict Islamic: ni rule. H f lD B i m - l irty ~ ‘ ivo entrees must bepuRhased. --- . B h ~ ^ . “Vm finding the M icnmI Internet hu Scrvice to be ull 'deifn-nioref—There'.v-ri-hHn--------•ng someihing every day. I'm discover and I'm lettminf! finding loads o f infonmuio ation and the e-mail .len-ice is great!" - CC..tRydic. Ooi.sc MUVfTCCwiKA B M S H flK a a i ?fTV»i!pi ( Wfh l-ounfh t aHI m c h a n | ^ ^ C h a n n e l* "f sure like the serxice you son pnividc in the Nampa/ Caldwell area. IliavetoUl •old many o f my friends, who have joined M icnm hucrtxc ■met Ser\-ices too. Keep up the goo d w o rkfo ru s!" - E. Medeiros. Caldwell Cal "I really enjoy m y Micnm k •>n Internet account..../ think you have the best deal tm>u inmndfor Iniernet acccss." - D . Lceson. Mom Uuoitain Home S P f iB I ^ IB B (OMES OUIR 3 NEWr CHANNEELS! H I WELC( r . W h o ’s On Jow!™ fro m M icro□n? Peopl<le J u s t L ik e You. ^ T H E f f l ^ R T QC H A N N EL CH A N N EL 37 L o w A s $ 1 8 1.31 .; hannels As L Per Monnth*' ; - 30 Chi lonthly Fee C O n A d d i t l o n lal e Sets f • • No Me smium Chanri n e l s T o C h oDOse i From • 6 Pren ariteed Oh-T ^Umi T i h i e I r r s T a l la a tio rrs rs ^ 7ice • Guarai i "Mlcmn was.myjirsf Choice vice in Internet providki^ andfrom what I've heard fn i friends who didn't dfnm make Micron'theirjir.u choi choice (and arc now switching to Nel.Now/'"}.I. yo your pnihlcmx are minor compared to the serxuce you yon gctfnm i several 'other' ' . Inremei p r o v i d e r s . --MM. Johnson. Boi.ie........................... BRINQINOTHEWOMDT 10TO Youn nNOEimps M IC -F R O N ___ ______ _ IMTJ MTERWET SERVICES utm «u WORLD WIDE WEBAThtf] r hffp://www.miCfon.nel/ ' T lm es^N owM.'Twin a.' Falls, Idoho 'A -8 W e s tt - ' ........ ....... —......... — -- - m .J { splay works 1 y y i an ofElci icer w o rid n g ~ H u n tsm t les d f b u rn s w ith1charity die — RQUE (A P) — The S ALBUQUERC Sloymaker’s "Origins XVII" II" is the fc.li W :----- 1---:r cdisabled the artists’ firs more the cancer irs t w ork the v ie w e r sees es upon fl angtfr, their vision, the entc bodies, ihc strong ntering the gallery. It’s a blue ■ «us. ml ooin ^ g e o f pressed c la y slol sharper their focus Three o f these se 1$ cancer patients, cost ast in ploster — that d o n ’t qu ------------- whose works-arc-1 u t are.bound together, on.ci jc-bcing shown a tth e - but ix an v o sU niversity o f' Ni New M exico, have wilh 'ith splashes of color. Hudson, 1 ' ' died. A n o th er* lo lost an eye, others H He r husband, M ichael Hu( jndreds, TBsa-# have lo st breasts iys his wife produced hund sts o r port o f a lung, say: but none surreni ‘endcred passion o r peri' erhaps thousands, o f w orks Cs iin thc ' it. yielded to fear. 20y D years she had canccr. Bea Mandclmai man, in her SOs, hod H elen H ardin, a S a n to0 C lara helpers hold her uj ueblo ortist who died in thee 1'1980s, and talked aboutruclp while she painted Fuel acrylic' Iso is rcprescnied. H ardin'ss o( “I felt the heed It change. f . * olso :e co fth e n canvas titled “ LjB^t D ance !d sfor anew direction,- onlimbres," c a breakthrough,” ml tribal echoing traditional 1 ,” she wrote in o note Mssign, in accompanying Iier daugh* was provided by herr di "Shadow s N o .her 3 aciylic on canvas, desi, r, who also has a work in the le sl show. --------------im agcs-w crc-abo . 3 ." "The previous t e—Thiit^ifr-whcre-I-Uverjn-thesi r ,' lesearch . have to do w ith ibout-gcsture;-these-----sili >r ultimate stnictures,” said th< the late She's slill workii silence." foro rry \ Nadler, w hose o il pair lainting Hon An a r ti s t ’s irking. no vlighl Studio I i r is accompani< anied by Slaymaker admitte note from M artha "Ni£ o rk s from his w ife, H elen, and or Patrick NagaUmi. terrified by h erilled ill she was initially w tend •__!____ ;sought innovative Four o f the 19 artists represe r illness, but then “ I fnen resented own survival.” She dFcnot hove cancer themselves :ive solutions to m y ves, but -------------e x e rc is e d rs tu dShe ie changed her diet, didfTcrcd the loss o f friends-or or relai "The process o died-self*hypnosisr—sufT* fn >es. Most o f the works arc by Ncw necting with m yf mi making ort, recon* ' tives exico'ortists, but som e are re Ifrom and nu m ero u s ' ot musical background . Mlo exd e Island, C alifornia and Id INcw y g m g S g B B i devices, becam eo lh i e r im aginative ' Rhoi ork. There ore p ain tin g s,. sculp* sc le im portant outlets Yor) and helped dissipat re s . ceromics and photograi graphy, Af -pgnizing my'ownpate n the panic in rec* ture: ch work captioned with thc; an artist’s Tl mortality." ‘ cach She died in Janui servations about cancer, life nnd J o s e p h T ra u g oStt, t c u ra to r o f t h e J o n s o n G a lle ry In A lbuquerc The “ A rtlives-, nuoiy 1995. obsc N.M-., d is p la y s a v in e -s tra n g le d tr e e by b y a r t i s t Am alie S chulthi co n c lu d in g M arc Santa ’ ’ es-A rtlives” shov/, art.A m alia S ch u lth ess o f Si Jonson G allery,arch v 15 at U N M ’s o nt ica , C alif., w ho lo s t aa ci A closc up," says a poemI bby Cynthia Barber, “Sli 'She and her brother had both idea, soys co-( e n d to cancer, sent o n e o f h er whose "Ocean Vi ^ was Sloym oker’s M on View," a Wrought- lected led, the rocks that are part of o -c u ro to r Joseph frien Traugott. "M artha .ssassinated Trees” sculptures - a Iron triptych wiih1 $sea pebbles, occu- sculpt res — ilplure,” soys Traugott. "The r th a started the ball “Ale^strangled ssj ----- :------- rolling-on-this-buttree in-a-coffin.’:-'------------pieronecom ' f^e-galleiy:------------- ore-re erofH Tcfcrenccs~to*the*timclcs$nc3 vinenot live to see the>ut-unfonunateIy-did— e: ‘Turning poin into art is one ine step Borber's brother :r died o f cancer. livest :s and souls ond our memory.’ e exhibition.” ‘T ' I N eart!yl0,000Dexpecte< for SllundanceJFestival1 PARK CITY, Uts 0 pay little attention' to indcpi IcpenUtah (AP) — All o f whot jfilm, festival organizers are t a sudden there are are as many movie dent to f keep Sundance anchored by . people in th is ski ski resort town as ing to there are snow drifU not.commerce. Thc Sundance-ifU. Fi art, no lo be 1 donlt want our festival to Film Festival, thc "I vc en by size re q u ire m e n t: nation’s leading !sh< showcase o f indc- d rivIford e pendent film, is exj said Saturday. “ W hen I expected to attract Redfo 9,000 filmmakers, i le o f size comes against quali film lovers o v er'S,itsfilm buyers and issuew iill always vote for quality, I f its 10-day run — w c wi and yield a lot o f wi w e re interested in s iz e oloi 'winners ahd losers w e w< in the f i ^ t to jc a c h t aff of d be' using the advisory staff chtheoters. w e’dIt Disney.” 1 Founded by actor Robert WaltloEn y o f the film s h e r e are Rcdford in 1981.:tor-director thc ire M aich o f a company like MIramt started Thursdiy',the 1 festivol, which /, has become the -- search prem iere showcase i Line or Sony C lassics to0 bbuy :asc for A m erican Fine distribution L movies-mad? outsidi et tthe rights, m arket side the studio sys- the di: tem. It’s also some iss tthe I and ship it to theaters across mething o f a huge film rjtry. at m inor league baseb seball team where countr the Hollywood scoiii o r q u ite , a few fllm niokci :6iits look for fresh' F o rd an c e is the b est w a y inn tithe talent. S unds Culled from 700 t ' dissn to generaie interest ^ m n d: )0 entries, there are nation 34 films in competi u to rs and au d ie n ces in ne new petition for awards tribut< in dramatic and doci 'ies. fields, movie: In a new ca teg ofocumentaiy ry >metimes the attention c o m « )ry, 20 first-tim e Som d ire c to rs are havi o k in ^ lies: Several buyers ore lookii aving th e ir w ork hibbtei s h owcased; althoug on J ^ nipapo,” •fl'dram a ab o u t < not e lig ib le f o r)ugh th the films are__ at “ J^i eric o n jo u r n a l i s n p l d y e d I thc top-aw ards. A m eri • Trophies will be pres iry C zerny from " C le a r^ ar6 jresented Soturday, H e nent ry Danger”) woridng in Broz and the festival cond imzil. includes Sunday. Present A m ong th e film! the le tim es it com es — lik ee tf Ims having th eir S omherh et ere — Inastorm . world or U.S. premi« miere are “Shine," weothe about the Australiar how. le festival's Friday night shov ' The Df “Woiking and T alking" wi Helfgott; “Losing lion Ch pianist Dovld was Chase,” the direc- ing olunced f as canceled because bt torial debut o f actor bad ;ior Kevin Bacon; onnoun “ Looking F or Rich ther had kept th e T iIm ’s prii ichard,” w ith Al • weathe P acino b e h in d the c at a New York airport. Ale the c a m era -in a shickbuyers, o Uular Shakespeare-themed ears affixed to celluli ed story; and “It’s film ics, bu heard that the film someho' - My Porty,” an AIDS DS drama starring phones, • Eric Roberts. ; it through the snow , andj the th m ade/ iab o u t female relatibnshiF Even th o u g h the become an event the for fe stiv a l has story;d o40 minutes late. for movie people . staned • I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ■ 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 14 15 16 17 18 m y Channel n e Disney •ne Showtime CInemax'X . vie Channel n e Moyle fox Office (HBO) HomeBoxi hannal 19 Scl-fl Chan intartalnmant (A&E) 20 Arti & Ente ryChannal ^ 21 DIscovary C ovIb Claulci in M 22 . American h ^ ^ :iost for the lost se 12:30 o.m. at Health Science pilal.spokesma not eligible. Depotil no liter A statem 'coupon* ei 1996. Enuy miiMtM deposited in the Huntsman Cot : ip p e u i above. Couponi available *t Home died ofl ■ — I ■ r ' i l I NAME _ I ADDRES .1 — — .-H i fO iC fS t « J i V ■ E\W V* c liW I I I )p tH B I . Continental I ■i .1 p it |I , 24 C-SPANilhsr Channel I 25 ThsWealhe 26 MTV iTelavlilon ' 27 VH-1 ilhrChanaal ' 28 LiralimaTel mtiiiatiBtwoiftrTNN) 29 TbaFamlhr latworkTalaviilGii(nfT) -30 -Tftalteffntll 31 ToraerMahi n 32 WTBS leon/NlekatNlta 33 UnlvlsloniNawt nlnB Channel 34 Niekalodaor latilc Movlat 35 HaadllnsNa iry Channel 36 Tha Leamln nounced • 37 Ttimer Clan irtalnmentTeleviilon 36 TheHlttoryi s m E ip a o d id lm le f s a n rle i 39 To Ba Annou 40 EITVEntarta B a U tlM tu . ---------------— Rt 2 Travel Cha Channel 3 ' KIVI(ABC____ A BC'Nampa) KIPT (PBS>BS-TwlnFatli) la'Nfltwo'rk’ : BC-SaItDire)/HoiTiB'Shopptng'i 6 KKVI (FOX'OX-TwIn Falli) 7 KTFT(NBC <BC-Twln Fallt) 8 CNN KTRV (FOX FOX/lndepanilanl-BoliB) Irs Programming Contlnenta intal Cablavlsion Public Affairs OVC KMVT(CfiS CBS-TwIn Fallt) ESPN ' . I I C H A N N E L L IN I g 10 11 12 13 SS cpe M H I Cablevlslon- i» j I I! II I t HOURS: lat. 10 a.m . tp 9 p.m .Mon.-Sa Sun.. 11 a.m . to 6 p.i I.m . 734-0804 agl&Valley-H S ^ a H W tS P # B O B S n H H I . ; |k ^ 501 S. Lincoln J j ^ Jerome, ID, 324-2500 - 1 : J J I. ff / ^ V ^ • . I -I — | ! ; I .. . 1 | _J_ i Q ^ T T H W i m EKAKMHuTc^oiTI ^ ! c 'T v — Ithass. I PHONE_ •y" Cablevlsioh' 1 Continental Ci M EUP J bB h SALT LAK "David H o rn e w as truly the >KECITV(AP) — A "D H untsm an em er p lo y ee w ho was 'Ang \n g el o f M ercy ’ fo r an- entire . badly burnedi in 1 Armenia and’was couni ountry,” Jon Huntsm an said iri. —p ire g n rc d —statem ent;-- “Hc~: Utdh aboard-indostri-— a— rougnt th e A rm e n ia n 'p eo p le private brou aiist Jon M.. Huntsman’s I f Sunday morning. hope, ope.and saved m any lives. ,\Ve uiy love him .” . .tDavid Homi me. 70. general man- truly ager o f the H untsm an fantiily's ‘ InIna dram atic rescue attem pt,^ lome was flow n to Salt Loke; n. efforts in Armenia Horn ity on T hursday afte r he was seven o'ears, died at City It University o f Utah injur ijured in Y e re v a n when ropane fro m a le a k in g gas ices Ccnter, said hos- prop saler expldaca^.H c apparciilly nan John Dwan. ' heote as lighting th e h ea ter in his e n t re le a s e d from, was I lartment at thc time o f thc acci* 'orp. on Sundoy said apartt if heart failure. dent. :nt. . oth col* ■ Reproduction* of CO ; of this I ihMJiBuarySI. I9« le rocks ■ IIORwhMa name ■( ■ness o f — ■ — ^Tb«-Tlm**-Nfw* fe & F"© ■!" Monday, iy , J a n u a iy 22, ists Wi - ' r 9 o*n I t o I ^7"------ LawM ¥ O U IAriwi■W l B^ Karco ToUddnen Timcs-Ncws writer • m I E C ^ d oE > p t i o n1 of a< hinrrN rel'son-s n -s a id r -H ls notural-father------------opposed tlie mov novc throughout his life, and . now they too ore oro waiting for Stubbs’ bill to . BOISE - Until attome] mey Bruce Bacon reod T take effect bcfo cfore m oving the.adoption a suite Supreme Courtt ru ruling a year ago. he .1 through. didn’t'think twice about )ut arrangine for adult :M_ Nielson hass hc handled a handful o f such ‘ | adoptions. ■ Adults bec bc o m e coses this year, In 10 years, he had helped helj about 20 adults L "It’s somethin; odoplcd forr various v hing th a t’s happening more I become formally adoptee pted by another party, BURLEY - A h ause there are more divorccs j \ higiiway occidcnt nine reasons, icluding and more becaus< including Romanian refi quire the permission o f on m adult and thc refugees who wanted requ m ites west o f here urioge,” hc soid. .; >ere sent three people to sm oother in h c ri- and more remarrio to ensure their ability to Ibccome naturalized adul lull’s spouse and the guardit dian of an incathe hospital Saturds irday m orning.. It pi provision o f Stubbs’ bill, hc ,l tance rights.s. An important and to bring relatives to 0 tl the United States. pad icitated adult. The Idaho State ate Police reported that move the requirement that an ■ “A lot offiit is an said, would remox But then the Supreme :m c Coiirt ruled th at A A similar measure passed] tl thc House last Twin Falls resident lent Diana L. Fischer, 30, pa conscnt to the adop;| cmotionol th tl in g ," adult’s natural1 parent Idaho law does not have lave a mechanism for year «r and never made it to the Senate floor lost control andd rolled r StuI th e 1987 Ford id. "T he tion. •tu b b s • Nielson said. . adult adoption. fora r a vote. B ronco sfic was IS dc riving. Fischer was "Once you're e an adult, you should be able :jj main reasonn ts ju st So Bacon, o f Twinn IFalls. F stopped th e Ui such o jaw passes, odu Unlil dulls seeking to on emotion costbound on Inters :erstate-84 when the acciIional, family, caring reason.I. ‘I ju st to decidc whctKer iTcr you want to bc adopted,” ------practice. ------------------------bccc come-adoplcd arc in limbo bo.- Bacon soid— want-you -1 be m y dod.-You’ve bec — —dent occurrcd orour ound 8:30 a.m., the state.— )u-to icen'm y— he said.’_ ' ' ; “Thc whole area wos lg untiUhe bill da^fbr 10 years.’ It gives them thatt feeling p o l i c e s ^ . __ _ as ian exuvmely nonone e oT his clients is waitinR f ....... Opposition fror from the natural parent isn't thing,” h'eb si saiid.~“rd i9 n ’t give bccb comes low-before proceedfi • Three o fth e four alwoys the case. e. Nielson N said none of die 20 -! blifpeoplc'in"Urc vehicle” ........glomdurous ' ging to a family.” 3 any thought to adult ado; doptions .... This isn’t adop liclson of Twin One clici w crb taken to a nr e a rb y ho sp ita l. No option. Attorney. B rent NicI :lient was adopted by her step epfather cases he has handli indled have been challcQged. -old being ado{)ted by Falls like the joy o f a Nycor-olc nam es were availabi lls also has a family waiting. lg. as 0 child? lable at press time. Id? with the consent o f her natural n . Parents who> Ilose oj parental rights woiild ' i family with children or without children. Ai Bacon w onders i f th c adoptions father. Deo And )nal family ties as well'as thc >ecades later, she launched an search ! lose the emotional This is inore o fo business css transaction.” olrea eady performed are Icgitimat iate. for her naii inheritance, he said. nafural father, found him. om md was right b f reverse: inh Clothes, shoes ies missing after Now another attorney, ly. 1Rep. Mark Stubbs. “L ‘Logic would soy tiiey’rc not lot," he said. adopted back, bae Nielson said. That m eans,'if , 'i f a c h ild died leaving an break in at Bu Buhl Roper’s itroduccd o bill that Th R-Twin Falls, hos intro rhat coutd cast on odoptedJ oodult's inheri- _ Another* icrTwin Foils family has been en wait- csuttf. 'the naiuriil jriil parent wouldn’t be entiBUHL - Burglar {lars broke into Roper’s would create the proccss fi odiilt adoption. ss for tance thcir adoptive ing until their thi child bccamc an adullI to ice into serious question. Iff C t ibr- tied to any of it1 if he I o r she had relinquished cipthing store Fridaj iday morning. Under thc b ill’s terms -ms. adoption would pare: !%nl died without a will andd thcir tl adoption mally arrai rrange i b r his stepfather toD adopt ; parental rights, hhee :said. I They loaded uIpp )garbage sacks full of clothes and shoes, a stole out the bock s, and 'one caught them , said door before anyon Buhl Police ChicffRon R< Romero. — ---------- Storeemployees-j es-ore-still-counting-how----m any items were re taken, t R om ero said, P olice have severa eral leads on suspects, ■who pried open thc i hc front door to enter, he said. u ------M ore-than-a-doz< lozen-bags-full-of-mcr------chandise were lefl ft tbehind, os if the burf l a r s got scared in the m iddle o f their thcA. Romero said. d. . “Over 75 pcrccnt ent o f the store was in bags,” Romero said. lid. . Garber B y Virginia S. Gar riter TimcsrNcws writci t h e yr a l l e v ____ Accidentja :near Burley sends 3 toDIhospital 1996 V iH datcdt— Other rc relatives : grounds to :st th e inheritance, J, Bacon rture r e c o u t^ ift^ State lawmake I<ers meet public 'Hiesday in WI'ood oi River Valley HAILEY - Tues( lesday afternoon, con­ stituents o f Idaho’s ’s Ilegislative Disuict 21 will have a chance t meet their legisla:c to tors “face-to-face,” e ,” even though they are hard at work in Boise oise. C ollege o f South uthem Idaho outreach centers in Hailey an< and Gooding will present on update o f haf happenings o fth e 1996 Legislative session. n. This Legislative: T( Town Meeting Updote will bc broadcast live live vio CSI’s two-way, interactive microwa wave communications sy stem ...— State Scn-C lintt.Sterinet,-D-Kctchum S ,----. and R eps: Wendyy JJaquet, D-Ketchum; and Tim Ridingcr,, RR-Shoshone, will meet (he public, from 4 to to S 5 p.m. teleconference will be In Hailey, the tele u p s ta irs in thc Fo: Fox B u ild in g in the 3ns Room, Suite D. In Gooding, it will bc be in C S I’s Northside ____ _ Center at 202 I4th A\ Ave. E. ________^ 2^ning for man lanufactured housing on Jerc irome agenda JEROME - TheI Jerome Jc City Planning ap d Zoning Boardd will v m eet at 7 p.m. today in the Council icil C ham bers, 152 E. Ave. A. Agenda topics inch nclude: a discussion'of zoning for manufactu ctured housing, update he downtown business the definition o f the i )perty restrictions,' and area, including propei icussion on Jerom e’s an update and discu: area o f impact. • Meeting schedu duled this week tofindBoy Scoi :out leaders 1 - O y takes t y oil tlrashy propperdes .S - Bothersome weeds and TWIN FALLS rubbish in Twin vin F alls m ay get a s tiff penalty from the c C: City Council today, A new civil fine would encourage more property ownerss or occupants to get rid of weeds - without hi Jt hiring m ore city employCCS to enforce anti anti-weed ordinances, city ;ay. staff members say. Currently, Sanlt anitation Inspector Sherry J eff has to tum noncompliance nor complaints o v er to the city ty ia tto rn e y for crim inal action, she said. “1 would like: to sec thc fine be set high enough to makee the th incentive be to clean ^ ^ E b n M M ttifl VCJO fore thc fine," Jeff wrote to thc property before als. - ....... other city officials. She'suggestedd as assessing $100 ifo weed o r trash violation i: >n isn’t corrected by a ckite set on the first w a ing noticc. A second wom violation would cos cost $200. and a third vio.lotion $500. Jeffpn f proposed. Thc council m mci eets at 4 p.m :,loday in C ity Holi; no 6i p.i p.m. hearings orti^ched-. —uledrThc mccting-ii ig-is-opcn;tp-the-publicr'^--------------Also on todoy's ’’s oagenda: • City engineers eers w ill recommend that the city not insull ill stop si o r yield signs at the com er o f ThirdI A A^venue W est ond Sixth kV . S tre e t W est. A nt e a rb y resid e n t hod U , requested the signs i November, {ns in H ' But a speed and ind occidcnt-history study cngihcers said. But H failed lo worrontI signs, sig nend elim inating parking H they do recommen< tion. near the intersection Buom H»V CHl^RLES UANOINEmwTtawMM ■alls P ark conccssionoirc • Shoshone Fall: G irl’ d a n c e an d a u c tio n t o e a r n m o n e y to purB ro w n ie T ro o p 20 7r s« s o ld c a le n d a r s a n d o ti^ ^ an lze d a 'B e s t G u y , Gl Willie Done willI ask as for a five-year Icose and concession at the park’s newVrestroom re: c h a s e b o o k s t h a t wwere ei d o n a te d t o t h e Twiirn F alls P u b lic L ib ra ry . m ge fo r in s ta llin g new s ta n d in exchangi : snack bar. ; equipment in thesm • Councilmcn s^ilt si/il reconsider a decision '-m onitoring equipment at to puruh&'se flow-m( BlucLakes.............. • The council1 will w go into executive session to discuss ss “pending “ litigation" or “general public awai iwareness o f probable litigation." G irl•I Scoutts,B ro► w n ie s raise j ftinddsfor 1Twin F a l l s libbrary TW IN FALLS - • The TI local Boy Scout cing for leaders, organization is looking ct oc f the Snake River . T he Falls District C o u n c il w ill spoi p o n so r a m eeting Wednesday night for ibr anyone who wantslut w orking with the ' - By Denise Tumer to leam . more about last summerr for fl our. reading program," ----------—-—Boy-^cout-prognun* .— en ’s'X ib ra ria m u d y ’Davis, ------Times-NewsTvriter-------^— siHd'Cliildren' M so td 1 2 G lrlS cB'OlUt— c . I t ’s .s c h e d u le d for fo 7 p .m . In the who noted tha that u bookplate giving the c alen d a rs.’ C om m unity. Roomn o f th c K M VT-TV credit for thcir contributions Girl Scouts crc TW IN FA LLS - Gj iirr l Scouts do n ’t es ILakes Blvd. N. Building, 1100 Blues icrtcd into thc front o f each always sell cookies. Somi ometimes they buy ‘S being insert — R a n d i FIisc r h o r Ited in woricing in any A ny adult inlerested id by book denoted t girls. “Wc are so grniebooks. volunteer position is invited to attend, ea g e 6 fui for publicc conUibutions.” cc Falls - 150 strong Girl Scouts in Twin Fa Previous scouting expi rxperiencc is not nec- , - recently donated $200 }|d Holey Baisch was happy " Six-ycar-old 00 worth o f books — essary; the Boy scouts uts will provide trainn putcrs. to sign up for tl book project. She came blic Librory. Tbe ness.. literacy, m ath a n d c oom )r thc to the Twin Foils Publii ing. • al B y Steve Koehler ral arc Bro\vnic>Girl ScoutIt rreference owoy from the money. Several :hc project with some special girls worked tb cam the1 m C all Jerel Johnsonn at 733-2067. gr Timcs-News correspi espondent s.'with games and activities, 5S. memories oiff a m agical night with her ‘They donated 22 booV ooks,” soid Midge books, ic Brownies from S uson1 E B oiseh’s dad, Steve Bois F isher, m em bership cx executive ot th c The laisch, at the "Best Guy, Goi” * WENDELL - Som Some city councilmcn say Murtaugh dispu pute on tap ip 207 presented th c bb(ooks to, fund-raiser. Its iCouncil, which T roop Silver Sage Girl Scouts ff building permit fees ces arc too high and disd rc n ’s Librorian A n nlic-L ie aurie The galo eve It ccountics in the C hildr strctches ac ro ss eight rvening was held at the Turf, for Twin Falls commissioners cc courage ncw consuue itniction. )n. Thc 11 girls hod soldI c; calendars Club, and Hal jle n n s Ferry and Burton M agic V alley, plus Gle •lalcy wore a flowered sun ' commissionMURTAUGH - County Co “ I think the fees i :es arc w ay out of line," iclpcd pInn a “Best G uy, Go □ol” donee dress. Her dod Jod danced - “sort of,” she Jockpot, and serves 588 58 girls j ranging in ■ and hci morning how to settle i ers will dccide this moi Council PresidentI Gwen G Rost said, “I sec uction 10 cam money to pure urchase thc soid, and thc: two tv got their picture taken. ese arc books that and aue oge from 5 to 17. “These hay-cubing business a dispute between aI ht absolutely no reason son for what w e’re chargnes. together. we use in Girl Scoul8,.but but they aro adaptvolume Jid its neighbors, ■north o f Murtaugh aiid build. W c’rc a little town, IC ing the people to buil sold 12 Giri Scout calendars,' rs,"soid6Whot did Hi 5r ggroups, too.” ”1 sol able and usobic for other Haley and Dad eat at the will v o te at 9 a.m. ' C om m issioners wi w c’rc trying to cncou courage growth.” old Randi Fischer^ beamming ii with dance? 3CUS on conlempoi ycar-ol Mony o f thc books focu ______ to d a y on. H aytech:h o w n e r M ichael _ _ P/»ripl<» I pnj simi_ rniy —rh ild nbiiitfi ic r ^ th r d iv o r c c ,— pride, -------------------- i^ k ie s .-^ H i orrestrietlottSTJlfiCCd--------rl la'r structures have; co complained lately ofthe suicide and teen Thee ffibrarinns arc grateful. substance obuse. youth1 si i f they were Girl She d id n ’t know 1 on his business by planning pla and zoning ■fees. Councilman Dale Dal Bunn said. wi?h wc had som e o f thcsi CSC. books Scout cookies. p r c ^ n c y . A few ore abo about physical fit-' “I wi s. commissioners, Count; unty C lerk Bob Fort ___ Building Inspector :tor Sonny Hemy said he said. . T h asn’t noticed any ly m r ore complaints than xirs have complained . Residential neighbor! _ u s u a l., W endell’s ’s fe e s a re less than ted d u s t, noise a n d I (hat H aytech created M Gooding and Jerome ome bccausc he doesn’f lufacmres alfalfa pelodois. Haytech manufa ........... charge building plan iaat review fees, which a r e omestic s a le s .. lets for export and domi an additional 65 percent pei o f th c building B y SharoQ M etcalf com ing to In other bu.si >u.siness, the council: ea rlie r cu rfew s fro m co w ith ca in November TT)c zoning board1voted vc ... permit fee, he soid. nt Gooding ' « Unanimou ng. . iously voted to go ohead wi T in ie s-N ^ s correspondent to require Thompsonn titb enclose his hay “I don't carc wiiat /hat Jerom e. Gooding or fo r 0 D iv isio n . > The corhmiiiee c :urfews do . a p p lica tio nn found th a t cut te n and m ake other chopper with- air fill» everybody else is ddo in g .” R ost sold. “ 1 ilul Quality loan in thc amou GOO DING - T h e cityy is ii considering not co>rrespond n th ro u g h o u t thc fic co u n ty .' Environmental iation. altentions in his opemti think wc can keep the cost down." ng city’s present, curfcw iss midnight, r setting an earlier curfew for or kids k under 17.. Gooding o f $224,0000 for f ordinary-and necessai Compiled led fiom 8tB£frqiotta Hemy discussedj the th complexities o f the icwcr repair. ill’s is 10 p.m. M ayor Dovid A dair said lid that the C ity Wcndell expense ofsew building code and1 fee fee schedule and soid it --------------------------- ;----------- 1 - c Council will be getting t^le [^letter from the • Counc libitcd con• Approved ed the use o f the municipal ai ncilman Robert Reed exhibi was not somethingg cosily co grasped-in 0 city mmittee advising . cem at thb tl rcquesteid scven-day-a-v I'week cur- port, by the; Air Ait National Guard for refue Juvenile Justice Rules Comn* council meeting. a0 10 p.m. curfew for juvenili tnilcs age 17 and few, sayi lying that “kids need to let;t a little air mg excrciscss bbin March 16and 17. ,. Rost said that the le c< council can understand /ed on e s tim a te from Cii under in the city from Sept. >t. I1 through June out on tli orous vein, • • R eceived thc weekends.” In a hum on tu 0 have to pay $500. and people used to hi he recalli ent Todd Bunn of $30,000D ito died his parents m aking hiir lim leave i f . Superintendent now they have to pay po> $800 for a building B2 ' Summer curfbvrwould be ' O b itu aries ?e 11 1 p.m. ■. he camIC e:home too eorly. ______ J $35,000 for: Cl extending thc water line•oc n said the curfcw ^ B ro w^n r ^ i d that allow ances w Police CKicrt’aul'B rownn sf roct"rrTrrtrSfe^enih-ttTFo¥fl ----B4-6 ‘ ' S p o rts would prevent youths from om other towns mode for Street. P le aise se see VTCNDELL/B3 br school events and w ork. sch^ules. sc . ^ ^ P ric e orfbuilding— f ^ :h fees in WendeU \ ,y draws criticism c Goodinggponder!:s earlierr curfew 1for some J— ■ . .1 Id ah o ,^ m « k N « w .T w i n I F alla, a - M onday, Ja n uja arjr y 2 2 . 1998 --------------------- ' ------ ■ ^FortH ee record "■ ~ ‘ i-r ........ ' ___ i_.____ i____ In the aggehcia ilESDAY------------- --------- :--------------------^------------------- WEDNES r's Ucense. ^4 PqUq ^ e n ta l. meetings this llowing is a list o f g o v errn o n e yeorr jail jo ond one year probation. ll Hospital Board, 5 p.m.< monlhs probation and $6 S66.50 in coun Cassia County Memorial K is list ( : in the Magic Valley. This ll is compiled from K athy/FF,. K um z.3l.24'2 8th Avc. E . lOspiuU auditorium. 'a lls : she p le a d e d g u ilty too costs. es-News suggests that ho: T w in Foi: nee schedules. The Times-. p.m.. City Hiiil. d Rose Irene Doane, 53, 3.N 0.26 1S15 jnm d theft. She w as sentenced ■ felony groi >y calling the appropriIHeybum City Council, 7' p.r confinn the information by < im m issioners, 8:30 a .m ., o Kimberly Rd., Twin Fall ■III: 10 days in J, lerk's office before attending 10 three yeors in prison, two ling. 1Twin Falls'C ounly Com n :5 D o v ^ B a ile y , 29, addre unknown: ’ Joil, 180 doys-suspenij nded drivcr>s obation and S200 fme. a u r th o u s e ........................ }; -possession o f m ctham phct TODAY Y 4. license. $750 fine, -24 months m probaneuunm e. M artin In /Anthony B uckley, 32. 515 N. TS, 9 a.m., courthouse. to . tton ond $66.50 in court1 ccosts. Blain aine Co,unty conhmissloners, Jcronic: he pleaded guilty 10 EISDAY TO U RSt ' . L incoln, Jl :rs, 9 a.m., courthouse. , ic Jackie L loyd Netz,, 37, 3 615 I2th . , casii R l c h w d 'w ^ c ^ S k :e e llto t n . 2 2 , 420 3^io County com m issioners. felony pos: Mssession o f amphetamine. He ' p.m. City Hall. •_ _ _ j___________ -Bellevue.City.CounciI, 7,p.r iii— Ave7NTBuhl:'two-dflys rcourthoiise? ...L . lys'Jn-jollrnSD— T T H a ile -T -— Pm kview -C tT T M ounman-H ln' om erdrug' W a s ' slicnccdTb'biw’to n oorria l H o s p ita l T a x in g ^ three y eo islh iileyC i^C oiihciC co G ooding C ounty M em 10 days suspended driver's ers, 9 a.m., courthouse. _)islrict > , possessio n and driving-w three years probation and S200 ■ome County commissioners, 24 Jeron at it© hospital, 11 a.m. conferencee room ro m onths p ro b a tio n . $3: .350 fine snd Linci ;• '•-Ic g c s.-B a ll,w a s s c ta t$ 1 5 .' oners, 10 a.m., courtncoln C ounty com m lssionc oo ff C o m m e rce , n o o n , H agerm an C ham ber 15 $66.50 in court costs, defender w as appointedd and oi a prelim iXeeloI M. M Nosh, age unknow n. 405 e. • / lagerman Senior Center. d— e T~ C v c T Jc T d m 'K 'S tn rp lB ad ed - —D'wnyne W alter-Mleacham ------- tg n r h e aHn r w n s T e r f onr-9 ^ :3 0 T n n rJ mi.^ H " 4 t h -A ,. 36. r -^M inli sioners,*«fl;m:rC 0 u rt-— Twiri"Falls County-Comninldoka C ounty com m issioi immissioners;-8:30:8-.mr;------ ----jc„c:s300 fine ' , “ e. 1C 1412 N. 6th Streei, Payet 19. j misdemeanor p etty thefi. Shc ourlhouse. in and'SS 1.50 in court costs. - Marie P. Biickway. 3*6.' iten cei to one y e a r probation 6,772 2nd Avc. was’scnlJi 8:30 a.m ., vin F oils,C ounty com mlissioners, iss Wende!! City Council, 7 p.m., p.n City Hall. , Charles Narcizo Arnic menm. 43, 829 ' w ithour an d 5 5 \ .50 .5 c in court costs, c- S .; T w in FaUs: Issuing a check c: Jiouse. win Foils: one courtho Eastland D rive S., Twi: liiiub. Bail was set at SS1,500. I,: a public Dnjxikeii kea driving seatenciogs: ODAY FREDA d day in jail, 30 days suspei pended driver’s xo TUESDAY AY defender w as appointedi and oi a prelim i- ' Q a jy Taylor Moseley, 50. 134 3rd m m issioners, 8:3Q a.m .,, robation, $300 - WoOi te r Board, 5t30 p.m .,- - 1Tw in Falls Counly Comn: naxy hearing wos SCI fo.rr 99:30 a.m . Jan. A v e . S ..T ..1 w in Falls: s ix m onths inn license,- six m onlhs prol oOd R iver M edical C enter fine and $66.50 in courtt costs. e ourlhouse. 19. medical coi cal center in Sun Valley. ioii. Vern L eonard Corthi then, 44, 684 8 . 3 1 4 G u lc h A ntonio R ich a rd Joy H ash , 338, nio Velasquez F lores, 27. 7177 oys jp jail, 180 sthom phew m ine Broadway, , C reek, T w in Falls: metho 'oy. Buhl: 69 d a y s in ja il andd Calico, Hansen: two day: r's license, six 1“ ^ ^ “ days suspended driver's possession. A preliminary ory heoring was s66.50 in court c costs. >300 fine and • ' se t for 9:30 a.m. Jon. 26. Kcstlcr. 25. 1616 4th Avc. E., m onths p ro b a tio n , $3i »• N ik i Ke; C h a rle s Ja c k s o n , 19, 19, T w in F a lls T w in Foil 'a lls : three d a y s in j a il an d d '' S66.50 in court costs. — $ 6 6 .5 0 in ccourt costs. ' C ounty Jail; burglary, he w as r e l e ^ in, 32, 24 I E . “ 17“ 4.' Douglas C ornelison, Benjorni o a b is o w n reco g n iz aanncc e , o p u b lic imio Lisle A ndrew s, 39. 48 N. lg ffo r volunteers w ill be Tax preparation iralning ule o f m eetings arid 7 ing is a schedule inno• Thee follow I p: d e frad e r w as appointed1 and ai 0 prelim i- ^ r y Creek :ck. Corey: one y e a r suspend-I- Spring Sl., Hagdrman: pleaded 1. eld'at 7 p.m. in Shields 211. .week al thc.College.of heli K)._____________^ ev e n ts:sllthat will take place this.we was set al $500. ' — !—nary hearing set f o rrJJ a n . 26.----------- e d d r i v e er ’r’s 'lic e n 8 e r S 3 0 0 - f in e - a nd d- '-cent.-Ball minor will be held at 7:30 Bob Fellows wellness semin lem Idaho. l . R f l B ox6, Souther .Victor G. Vazquez, 31. in coun costs. $6 6 .5 0 In c orium. .m. in the Fine Arts Auditoriu ;uilty. He wns Hagerman: pleaded gul Wayment. 15.-550 E. 536 S;. Im o th , 2 1 . 6 th R y an W; B ^ ^ W e b s ^ W ilm i reheorsal will be held at Mogic Volley Chorale reh< ~ ” “ V~ TODAY Y jgnisonce. t o days in ja il, ISO dayss released on his own recogi ■ A ve., Yum a, A riz.: h e p le l a d e d guilty D ietrich1:: tw :30 p.m. in Fine AM 133. •ereaters A nonym ous mleels' ee at 3:30 p.m . in 7:3< n, 40, address Oven led driver's license and S66.500 .. Robert A llen Wilson, H e w as origi- suspended ‘ - lo misdem eanor battery.-H ■unkonwn: pleaded innoc ocent. He was Desert 1. rtl2 costs. ’ ny irape. H e w as in c o u rt coi lu lly charged with felony • FRID A DAY Mgnizance and Pepa iBand rehearsal will b e; held h< at 7:30 p.m . in - Hi e n ry -G a lin d o , .4 6 , -5 2 00— — released-on his-own reco] jaiil an d S51.S0------- D o n -H -------- sentenced to 18 days in ja orkshop will be held at 9 Bob Fellows wellness work ll. Twin Falls: five days in jail,I. 0 public defender was appi Arts 133. ,,, Fine An H ozeldel, 1 • in court costs. srium. m. in the Fine Arts Auditoriu OX, 40, 615 :, R aym ondLee Cox a.m rs suspended d riv e r's license, 180 days s •B r ia n Q u in n G a ilee y , 2 8 , N o . 4 America conferencc will Business Professionals o f Ai 3oil was set at nth sherifTs w ork detail, $2000 Jefferson, Kimberiy: Boi TUESDAY ^Y ' ■ B alls: h e pleaded o n e month • M eadowbrook, T w in Falls c rw ^ appointw Igic j Valley Symphony rehca $5,000,'a public defender $66.50 in court c o su . hearsal will be held at bee held from 11 o.m. to 6 pp.m in the A spen and 6 g u i l ^ lo tw o counts o ff nm isd em ean o r fin e a nd1S icn n g w a ssct e ed and o preliminary hea anyon buildings.' • gin ally charged Jo h n N. Carter Jr., 38, 681 Sunrise itorium. Car p etty th e ft H e was origin p.m. in the Fine Arts Audiloi ollege - women play at CSI Col Foils: five doys in jail,I, for 9:30 a.m. Jon. 26. C bosketball vs. Snow C 1 felony burglary. He w aoss !sen ten ced to B lv d . N.... Twin _ •ccjjl a c tiv ity in TW IN FALLS - Rccci lly S th D is tric t th e Tw in Falls Counly Courthouse included: inhis weetik at CSII m. iin Uie gymnasium. , p.m. ond men play at 8 p.m. DAY 6 p. WEDNESDA uring Choices and Accesss to ic Employment teleInsuri RDAY ________ _____ SATURD fence-wilLbeJieldjiLnoonJn u n A s p c n J M i____________ ___________ ; ____ confcrci viirb'e*given'ar8-a;m r1n------ ---------Idaho Personnel bxam will" I< litaiy testing will b e held at i5:30 p.m. in Shields _________ Militfl hields204. S hi orkshop will be held from Adult Basic Education works Church in Hogcrman. iin Gooding. (D em aray's >e held at 7:30 p.m. in A C atholic: Ci ■> OooilinS ■ “ Iw int Ing Bond rehearsal will be h 12. . Chapel). 0.m. to 6 p.m. in Desert 112. 8 a. Arts 121. Fine An „ _ Military testing wilj be h eeld ld ;at 9:30 a.m. in Shields ),ol u g Ia s ___________________ N _eJiP,O (Q.------------------------------n D o r a L l i l l a n P e r o t t o s r ---------- -----------------203 N FALLS -" N e il D o u g las * . T W IN - women play at an RUPERT-Dora Lilliann Perotto, r CSI Col ;e /Association Internet C basketball vs. Dixie College IS,. 29, o f T w in F a lls, died1 ho School Business Office R ic k c tts n. in y. Jan. 20. 1996 os the result o fr 886-year-old Salmon reslden p.m and men ploy ot 8 p.m. it the gymnasium. Tl.. in 6 p. Saturday. J am will be held ot 1:30 p.m I Shields 214. Rupert resideni. diedX u r d S ; itomobiie a c c id e n t n ear' mer n a n outoi : in Salmon. — I Jan. 20, 1996 nt her home ii lot. Services are pending and J B lackfoot. al arrangements are! pending p announced by W hite Mortuary'.. Funerol F nt Chapel. ^ Falls. tlthe Hansen Mortuary Rupert — Peathi-notlcesS R o t h F in le y oth Fin ley , 87. TW IN FALLS - R Rol u n d a y , J a n .- 2 J ,_ . T w in F alU , d ied Sun« Estates. Services 1996 at Bridgcview Est are pending and wili be announced by White Mortuary. Calvin M arsh B O IS E - C a lv in. M .rs h . 70, of anstiuction workBoise, on M-K Co. const in. 2: 0, 1996 in a er. died Saturday, Jan. igil services will Boise care ccnter. Vigil b e h eld a t th e ^ I d ie e nn -W a g g o n n e r o n T u e sd o y . C h a p e l Qt 6 :3 0 p .mn . < 'ill be held at 11 Graveside services will a.m. on Wednesday o't ot tthe Hagerm an ccmetery. Viewing wvill ill take place at 10:30 a .m . a t th e SSr. r. C a th e r in e ’s of.Tw inF o ^ ‘B e tty ’ T o r s o n E I I z a b3ecth ( DING - Elizabeth E. ■•Betty" GQODIl T o r s o n ,, 72, o f G o o d in g , d ied T h u rsd aay. y , Jan. 18. 1 996, a t the M emorial Hospital. G oodingg Counly C S e rv ic e:ss w ill be h e ld a t 3 p .m .'' M onday’ ot ot the First Christian Church: A i lfr e d S c h n a b e l nobel. a 83RUPERT - Alfhxl Schnn ar former yyear-old Nampa resident and Rupert resident, died Sunda} liy,Jm .21 H ipa. Funerol 11996 ill his borne in Nampt 0arrongem ents are pendir ^8 r‘ hHansen Mortuary Rupert Cht rgan trj'ansplain t survidvor vors neewfounf4 sweett tooth ^ w iS M .1 id Stanaway doesn’t want! to e . “They said I name and £ irri front for the procedure, riN , W ash. (A P ) — T erri ^ ASOTU ly o n e , but to all s h o 's a id sy, no ifs, onds m iss anyo kid had to have the money, iki" Stanaww felt like a kid “Pinki' id. thanks, an- or buts,’'Stanaway said, idy store a f l^ a kidney-panih a candy nother, Vivian Byers, continison, she was Her moth inB ut fo r som e reasi ansplant lost sum m er canoreas tram londle the financial concerns. list fbr kidneys ues to hond placed on the waiting lii celed herr diabetes. di to hove SeverolI b u s in e s s e s have b e e n ien and a pancreas. “I'm ggrateful r -------;----For 355 yyears she's been forf)idden hed about making donations, OiTMid-'-Tliey— approached hot my sccond chonce,-” sh'i one hour b e fo re the fui funeral on g re ets bee because o f the disease. That jChapel), 0 Sheny Parke, o f H ailey; noon G ooding C b e a good tax w r ite - o ff,” “ I ’d be Tuesday at the church. can’l take the surgery bock.” b( changed ovemight. ov today, Hailey LDS C h a p e l. F riends ly si said. ot easy and the Stanowoy uld The surgery, was not Resch, o f Twin Falls, prayer F re d Re: even a normal person should m ay call .from 10:30I a.m a.i . until noon Emma J a n e tte Rasmu rice can b e put bn h e r new “I was No price ay, recovery may be eveni worse. > ilt Rosary. 7 p .m . to d ay , on desscrts.24_hour8.a day, ________!t<^oy ot th e .c h u rc h1 , ((W o o d R iv e r v i g i l w'llh Burley,.2 p.m*. Tuesday. Bu jugh; -It m ians m ucl n n o r e— -’ she admitted.-- -life,-thougl iley). .............. 'R c y rio ldds s Funeral C h ap cl in T w in1 E ok-' ^ a real horrible patient'-': - - Funeral Chapel in Haile) I for 0 while. We were mak* jn e n l Moss, 2 p.m'. Tuesday at; 77lh Ward ChapeL Vlewln ling able to eat p astries. It FaUs. Pune onti-rejection than being A reaction to an ai ert runs,” Slanoway soid. today at the Hansenf t1o n S r J cral chopel. V iew in g , noonI p.m. p ein g free o f the d ia ly s is Edward Goodrich, o f lBurley, 2 p.m. th e funern tre drug took her out forr :II days afler m eans bbei: she’s back to m aking iire liour before Now shi Chapel and one ho me o f the R osary loday and1 Burley £ r tu a r y B u rle y u n til time shots and frequent to d a y , H a n sen M os rti ngs'filled with machine, insulin ir jnthe operation. H eriunj i member o f A sotin> volunhechurch. . runs as a r a.m. until time o f.th e funeral1 tithe funeral on Tuesday at the ing, noon from 9 a.n ■* Chopel, 321 E. Main.I. View V trips to the hospital. It means having ;en fluid and she was put on a respirator, e deportm ent. S h e ’s been le e r fire d day at the funeral chapel. Tal at the mortu- on Tuesday undl time o f the funeral g y to p , I w as in a the energy I ride her horse and take ing “ W hen I w oke up, vem! months, now following home seva Mae King, o f Gooding, memorial 1 ary. the firefighting activities she ,e laughed. .“ I part in She straig h t ja c k e t," she ation in July al Seattle. She Wednesday. her operatii D o q EB.>Aahby, o f Heybum, 11 a.m. sservice. 10 o.m. Wei re.” lOVM._____ 3V- wasn’t v ery cooperative subsequent period o f recov. _J)cmarByIs_GQ!0!diogi^Ee.U eJJViewng._____ spcni.a.sut ptQr)-ToCTon,-of T u esd ay'.^u .^ L 3rd_W ardX D S .C hapcl._I ----- —Elizabeth BU»-(BetQ importantly, it meansTfaving :i must vSitTicr H iiost imp >dy B'acSThomeTsne still i : I 10 7 p.m. Tuesday at thi the funeral cry there v e wailing to see i f her body y, < G ooding First V iew in gg.. 6 to 8 p.m . to d a y a l the 1 Coodiiig. 3 p.m. today, with herson, Kyle, 12. hondsful a fiinire wili doctors regularly ond lakes U low signs o f rejection, Burley Chapel ond chapel. c would shov M< C h ris tia n C h u rc h ,, ( D e m a r a y 's H nnsen Mortuaiy sically can lead a normal life “1 basicai ' don't have ivoy counts herself blessed[to to o f medicotions daily.. *“I Slanawaj e ry o n e else," sh e s a id . “ I speak of," she like everyi ant_ an immune system to S ] lg the be among t 1 percent o f transplant now how sick I really was " extra careful didn't know ms said, so she m ust b e: < ac ce p t n e w o rgans p atien tsJ who v. jut the transplants, she estitions. Without , about germs and infectii _________ without dif difficulty. . . ie would have had only three en poses a dan- mates she v int The mold in hay even n ’t easy to get to this point It wasn’t K5KA MEMORIAL HOSPTTA] ER MINIDOK 3IO N A L M EDICAL CENTER lask to feed her years to> live. li> She recently m arked' Ing ger, so she. wears a mas CASSIA REOIG r. Her kidneys w ere failing however. I Admitted and ex p e c t to celAdm ftted her 40thI birthday bii JUT horse, Uno. hod ofPaul. a n d s h e ta . been on dialysis for four Rupert and Lorinda Johnson of A leah L abraofRup rle y , T iffony Patterson o f Paul Pa and tany more. Roseon G ill o f B urlej doesn't replace ebrate manj me Because her. body do e m onths by the time the- ca ll cam Released C h ^ e n e Sincloir o f H eyburn. eyt iway said she gets a lo t o f ■ . also Stanawa; lad ’ red cells very fast, SStanaway t that replacement organs had Neverez o f July 16 tho on of Heyburn and Mary N « E m m a Spurgeon 1 Released , . im people who want to know a. “T here.are calls from f saffers from anem ia, md for her. •been found ind Elden Buriey". >y < G ibson. Shauna Jo n es ond Sharon Bowers, R oy y ccan get a tran^Iant to'rid how they he some rough days,” she: said. s ilmosl m issed g e ttin g the S h e aim Bixtbs FerreU B ell o f Jerom e and1 William W W ood; all o f Burley, F a ves o f diabetes., She hos no Stonaw ay said shle e tries not. to themselves It ffor two reasons, bom 10 Lorinda Johnson o f Pai :*aul. transplant A 'baby girl was bor G ochnourofH azelton. w er. unting doctor easyansw a ph iiifection in h e r folot o t think about the m our -I A stoph jplant was cov“You have hav to be so sick like I was required1 a bone be rem oved andi 0o bills. The kidney transp! icreas was not. or they w woon’t take you ... I felt, so lot ered, but her new panci lutaled. A m putees are not r toe amput; Ijy. would you have to get so are considered bad. Why. v onsidered fo r tra n s p lam n t Poncreas transplants ar ' l For oobb i t u a r y r a t e In fo rm alatlon. b rcthty.w illuikccare.ofit?----je-not.covered--..sick-beforc ----- -‘-‘experim enuir-and are she said.--------- ----— ^--------'8 - - - - ......- -sufgery.-shi r3 3 ^ d 3 1 . e x t e n s i o n 278 ‘ ball 733 “Why' not no help kids when they’re en i y insurance, le Iinfection had n o t been ** - I f the •efore they dwelop cornplicaBut without a new’ fpancreas, her young befoi 1 would haye had to . caught inn lime, li the tions?” d leg amputated and thenn I diabetes would have destroyed a n d Olive Hansen sn Sibbett. have myf li njoyed’teachirig a n d work- Lewis L iiiiiifi'iiri cialiy enjo fdw years. ______' new kidneys within a ff' a n d y o u th . S h e He H attended schools In Pre ^ tcouidn’t hhave i had the inuisplant” ' ing with1 children c I' M flM W jeT% both conHe m arried Doris Asii lisFriends and strange iespite community fund-raista u g h t eesa rly m o rn in g r e ilg lo u s “ was-latertJhnjrcedrHeiher hclp^pay-mcdn—^ W x l - l the— inbTitdd-KTa-fUttd-xd-ht “ “ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i n s t r a c t i olo n n -c ta ssB sio rn ig h -sc rio o t—w ris/sh'e stlird ia irtlia v c- the" C om lsh o n May 19. nany people to ieminary}.for five y e a rs. S h e Loia L -ft youth (serr partial payment required up ical bills. There are ma A l l ? l d ln 535,000 pa Janot Mary Aase ived by h e r h u s b a n d : h e r Am A erican F alls. He has cc 'S survive' m ost _ L o g a n . Utah, and a J a n e t Mary *Aase. IS. Erik Aaso o f Twin Faiis, Sheliey. S H a four sons. le has iived G r O U ipp Rupert, where he Saturday. Jan. 20. 199< 996, of cancer, ^rvld Aase ase of Rexburg, J a re d A ase recently r( 1956_____ at her home in Twin Fa Falis.-She.was . SfLSgTnn, Utah ' a n d J a s o n A ase of sinco si born March 12. 1940 He w a s e m p lo y e d at G o o d e f o r fr ti 0 liIn Redmond. Azusa Cai Caiif.: ono d a u g h te r. J an eile ESOAY, JAWARY28* • B|Wl TUESU In R u p e rt as3 a truck . U tah, to G lea v e ae n d V eld a S S f o f Re Rexburg; two g ra n d d a u g h - Motors ^ Household-Tools-Antiques P eterson, and sh e w weas ra ise d in .,q, s ; herr mother, m ement. He v A N r:0UVER; n; Velda P e te rso n of m nr echanic until his retlrer British Columbia S Church. A group called Friends o f CorulQ Druignments Welcome - Jerome Redmond until 1950,, wf when her fam. .Twin Fails a m em ber of the LOS ( m liis; two b r o th e r s , N ordeii was A KlAASAUC^tAldi wile. Lola, ify i7v5ved to Las Vegas, Survivors Include his w las. Nev. P e te rso 3nn of L a y to n ,. U ta h a n d lan ris trying to sabotage a plait Joe Sibbett the W olf is S h e g ra d u a te d frc from R a n c h o Darwin Peterson Pel ol G allatin, Tenn.; of o Rupert: his five sons, Jo MESOAY, JAMMRY24“ - 7 pM Roy Sibbett to send )8 38Brhish Colum bia wolves High ScTiooi in Northi ^L s Vegas in and one) sister, sl o u r s : '^ C laudia C rendaii of Sr, S of Rupert. Delmar LeRo /oo ling and Idaho. . ■ W oocjd/s& Yamaha Spot! Center 3iil and Jim to Wyomm 1958, after which sh< s h e a tte n d e d Vegas, IBS. Nev. .. Sr, S of Lewiston. Mont., Biil Snowmobile Auction. iTering a $5,000 reward to It is oflc Brigham Young Univer versity for one ja n e twwja s a ioving wife, m other Sibbett of H eyburn andd Kenneth S Arctic Cats - Yamaha - S«*Doo • Polaris >Jev.; three anyone who wh finds th e w olves and y e a r. S he w as active ive in s p o rls . friend, of W endover, Ne nd, and s h e will b e greatly Sibbett S Caidweil ' majored in physical ed education and h is s e d Funeral 1 D elene Sund idstrom of frees them. m. ' . s e rv ic e s wiii b e daughters. d J p m I Al^ertlsem ^ - J y uary 21 Ulah, Christina I ufieyof assisted wilh.the spot ports program gt 11 11 a,m. T u e sd a y , J a n . 23. Smithfield. aH “ W olves S /es have a real b ard tim e picxER AUcncMsanncE '■ ■ nen Wyo. and- Karen ( while at BYU. . D 1996 at Ihe Ih Twin F alls 11th W ard Dubois. throughout pno'third-of-the he®? [?au existing thr 3. JJan e t served C h ap ei,, 664 7 E a stla n d D r, N orth. 0of H eyburn; tw o brothe From 1963 to 1965, S e I b m u s e they’re being poiUtUUUY.JiURUllYZr I V Mil and barllo m ta rk for th e with Bishop hop Dale Q uigley co n d u ct- SSibbeit of Logan. Utah ar a m ission to D enm , W . W Reed E state-A n tiq u e____________ apped and s h o t” coordmalar fliK.; 24 soned. trapi ’ial-wiU-foilow,^rlend&-r7wy— S ----------Ghufoh-of-JesuB-ChfJi hi4et-oLLatter«_lng:-BurialTiiture - uoiiectlbles - HoumW i iis A )ur g re a ttor Dennis - tv ^ said Saturday, n 10 1 a.m. to 1 0 :4 5 a .m . a t gg ra n d c h ild re n a n d foin d a y S aints. S he mlet et J . K ristian call from niluns-Mis«llai>eouJ-TwinFali* Fumilure or wolves ere not fo r sole ireceded In “ O ur wo j r c h . A r r a n g e m e n ts a r e ggrandchildren. H e was pre itiey were nnac* th e churc < . A ase In Las Vegas. The Advertisement-Jan 25 ex p o rt" >65 In th e Salt u n d e r th th«e d ire c tio n o f W h ite ddeath by his parents andd a grand} ried on Aug. 27, 1965 WAILMXIHMOS I.S. governm ent is paying ng . T he U.S T in Fails, /.Tw . 8son. < i L ake C Ily l.D .S . Treerm p le . They Mortuary. Funeral services wiii blee 'conducton $275,0000 for i the w olf-relocation ns, Colo, until _ _ _ _ _ _ I resid ed in Ft. Collins, ed a t 11 'a.m . Thursday. ie d his'schooi- B B | Q ^ 1967 while Kris finished < 1996 at th e Rupert idaho V ie y m o v ed to BP H i H H are bein g captured 1 ih o , afte r w hich they ^ 't T w osolves l Stai<e Center, -fOO West 3 e tithey.resided - i : - :--Sldney.:Moht.. where Fort St. John; B.C. or C laridsi-------north ofFoi Rupert, with Bishop Vfclor < for 27 years untii herr hhiusband was D e l m airr Hans I Sibbett^ ‘ gofficiating. iiiow In.the T w in F a lls3,, Burlai will foiio K im berly in i tra n s fe rre d to Kir »r H I. 1T hey m a d e Delmar Y ans Sibbett. a 71-year- Rr upert C e m e te r y withh milHary i D e cem b e r of 1994. mtity and location of two wit^. [18,'Keano are seeking tho, identit Tho Jaw firm of Evans, ert resident, d ie d Saturday, graveside rites. Friendss may c a ll' 9 || ,„g.. ^ oid Rupert 1 5 their home In Twin Falls. rding an automobile aeddent rod to have knowledg regardini ), ,1996 a t t h e V e te r a n s Hansen ^ nesBCS.who are beliovw }ert from 6 1 Wl M orluary In Rupei iwo m em ber of i ' Jan e t was an active voy 93, seven miles aouth of imo 24, 1996 on U.S. Highway tration Hospital in Boise. p whieh occurred on Jun esday, and ' p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesi SUS C h rist of Administrat a ' th e C hurch of J e s u s iproxlmotely 12:30 a.m. and belore the lie accidont oeeurrcd at opproi Twin Fnlls, Idaho. Th. 3S born A ug. 1 5 . 1 9 2 4 a t at al the church o n e hour bi K e was £ ’ Latter-day Saints and1 fulfilled many liich drove into tbe Side of i) on Thursday. ired Cbovrolet Suburban which fu involvoii a boigo eolore ch. S h e esp e - P re s to , id ida h o . th e s o n o f A lvin funeral S callings In the church. a r a dairy. diesel truck/trailer noor n ,di driving a suburban pulling................... le witnease* being so u ^ t were ItUbcUcvod that the' ■e.the acddm t w|th a rdative ly have spent the nii^tbefore.th a hono trailer and may 1.-' in tho Twin Falls area.-' ent, please telephone (ijoUect) ■ rmation regarding accident, Ifyou bovo any inform ■eetrSuite-aOOrBoiaerldaho- ^ ----iw-PirmrllOl-Wr^Uvei-Street, — ;thirBTan0rKrano-Law 0^9^— Michael Stefanie. . ^ 83701; (208) 384-1800,I, and e oak for Rex Blackburn or M IbythtM k" ^ ■ S n B S Z E '33-6600 jj a N O tH M TlVINl [N FALLS • K1MSER1.Y • 733 1.9900 • y ^ 4 « 6 S g » Servicpes HospiItals I Obituaaries offers money -eeing wolves nl I -oi- II IB W H IT E ji II * 3 ^ -eMim Ij - t - r x --------- ' I Winter Ho Sun -Th'hur I cJ Fri - " 1 fi 0pm. JB-_ dent Near L . ... _ June l t995 Auto Accidc Idaho - Witnei lesses Sought I I ------------------ ------- ' - . • { ________________________ — ^ ^ [mna.N ow a_Tw ln Fflllii Idaho _ _ B-3 --------------------T F - M olonday, r Jsn u a iy 22.-.1996—.Timet Magic Valley^yestr V S unv e y tlt o w a r di B u r l eey t p o ]> lls a t t i tudes airp>ort ^lenator ■ Jennifer Bunch ____ L_ _JCimcsJ?Icws.witc ounds ed i^aming— SO -v ;- • W J B U R L E 7 :^ 'S S oo m e p ilo ts ‘w ho j c j g g j g g n nrvimnni ' use th e Burley M Miunicipal A irport • sn ToUddnen • K arenT IS S . say it m c e t3 th e ir n e c ^ w here it cs.News.writct____________ - . . --------- — - . -_Timcs«h -------------Isrothers say i rrsh sh o u ld b e re lo c a t..... • ed to a m ore rural iral area for safety, DISE - Lawmakers might have BOIS ; according to a recc ccent survey. Hide colleges and universities if hJ& Lii to guide The survey o>ff registered i pilots. Board o f Education doesn’t do the Boa and aircraft ownei 'ners in the B utlcy Pb. a lawmaker, threatened last aiea was conducte cted by A rm strong. ■ B ia S f lf iS S week. fe. C o n s u lta n ts in In c . o f G ra n d ;n. cGary Schrocder, chairman o f ■ Ju n c tio n , C o lo o ., to se e w ho is Senate E ducation C om m ittee, - - -using thc airport>rt how often, and he was alarmed by thc board's • said - 1 whether users thit Chink th e aitport is . sion last fall to allow B o ise _____ decisio: adequate. S ta tee U niversity to operate en g iArm strong repo sported the survey neering ing classes formerly under the . findings in a stud tudy assessing the roi b( f the University o f Idaho. control • • ' adequacy' o f Ihee B I urley airport at ‘ Ve seem to b e in an era th a t 'th e re q u e s t o f' tth h e M in i-C a ss ia ;r than having a long term goal, rather T nuis^ rtation Coi Committee. |^ H ' r'. .' ^i'~' ' ~ I revise the roles and missions O f 13! surveys! ys mailed out, 46 - ^ S M as w ce go." gl he told Raybum Barton, or 35 percent - w ere e retumed. tiv e d irc c lo r.o f_ th e .S ta te ___ _ e x e c:u u ti • The survey aske sked about tbe ade:d o f Education, during a tw oH |H B ||j | B oard quaey o f runwva] ay le n g th s . T h e | ^ H hour hearing. lengths coupledi v, w ith air obstruc- H H T hat lat decision I creates an atm pstions around the: oi airport were iden“people will com e to n B B S m p h eree where w tifled in Armstron rong’s study as the. with requests and you revise the you witl most im portantt issue it facing the m is s io n s b e c a u s e o f ro le s and a Burley airport. requests csts." "T he reaso n som so e o f the runIt also alsc could lead to expensive, ways are so short >rt iis because o f air . —— ^ :eful duplication o f program s w astefu obstructions,” sai said .Sue H olm es, I------.KEVINMlUi on another insitution's and infringe infr an airport planner er ifor Armstrong. B d e b a te t h e r o l e and uni m issio n , hc said. R ig h t Ith h is w o r k w h ile pilo ts D o n a h u e c o n t i n u e s with 'e fu e le r a n d m a in te n a n c ie a t t e n d a n t S ean O'Do rle y M unicipal A irp o rt t'eft ions are anything* B urle A ir obstruction and m issions - w h at a _________________ now ,. roles ro r-iS S U tt.----------------------------- ^— e q u a te ru n w a y le n g th a t t h e - a lr p o r t Is a key-is -------------- thaHimits-flight-T iritso f-a -n ew -airp o rt-A dje< it-Tjaths-arom d'the— iflBril universi ersity can and cannot teach — airport - such aass grain elevators, Itions,” Zerza a re clei are c c r ta in lim itati cle arly d efin e d by thc s ta te A r m s t r o n g ’s length1ooff 6.370 feet. nan; . A c c o rd in g to 4 llb io n pilot O'Decn Rcdm ai es and bridges and Alb trees, pow er lines relatively short. Board ol that said. R unw ays are rel serves planes thai d ofEducation. Thc: airport ai fione s tu d y , lo n g e r ruin n w a y s w o u ld nagcr o f the Albion Telephon -equire a minimum- mana{ highways that reqi number o f pasS e n .'Tim T u ck e r, D -Port H ill, 5 to which restricts the nu :n. . an approach speed o f up tc o f ho t weather, have an the lessen the effects of Co..,. asaid in an interview thatt th flight clearance. can twitted I • iph and a w ing span up to) 79 7S sengcrs and foicl thee company ed Barton fox seeming to bow •• es 'n itp lane per138 moh i n e ...- Hot jvcather_reducfia p o rt m ee ts his -needs fine ------- -- . O f the-survcy^r y re s p o n d e m s ,-8 0 - -airpo ded ta k c lo ^ iirlc y r h c sai< 'ide, and a h ew or expandcc c wishes o f Boisc business pcoOld. ■ to the w; g longer t^ eo fT feet wide i fo r formance, requiring dm an flies a Cessna 2 0 6 fc iway length was no Rednpercent said runwa ediment to our p]e and c “It’s not a n imped be designed for this this n d creating competition, ichcs and reduc- aitpont should sl Igle- and landing approacl incss and pleasure. The single it w as an busini p ro b lem , 13 p>ercent er beaninconvc“ Mlaay Armstrong saidd in ir business, but it can b< y b e the law school should lich an airplane size offaircraft, a foot ing thc rate at whic jiiie. six-seater.has a 36-foc >lem and 2 pcrccnt engiri occasional probler niencc,” he said, dy. m ovee to Boise since all the lawyers le study said. its study. oach can gain altitude, thc igspan and a 104 mph approac quent problem .. wings said it was a fivqu( m eets arc inn Boise,” Bc In g e n e r a l , the airport ai 1 Zerza, a spokesm an for the thc he said, A v ia tio n Fred Z F ed eral cd for landing. spondents, 89 perspeed All o f the respo Bartoi •ate- a b o u t 9 0 p e rc e n t o fS im p lo t's im plot C o . a t corporate irton defended the state board, andards for thc J.R . S ir liers Adm inistration stan Tic a i^ o it draws a lot o f flici Aid they base their Thc cent o f whom said aid needs, Zerza said, ]u a rte rs in B o is e , sale ting that it docs not listen ju'st insisting hat u se the air- headqut ic tto types o f aircraft the urley, because it is closc a irp o rt, re p o rted to B Bu a ircraft a t th e aii mg for 90 perto Boise nes. Thc FAA is payinj ot uses its sm aller planes sise consumers. )-foot runw ays. Simplot lotcl port call-for 5,660-1 m and to divert to town i thiiy can walk to a moK they never havec had 1 ng’s S98.600 “ i Jdo q not believe that all roads icts. c e n t o f A rm strong scater B eech K ing A ir jets Thc existing runwv iay s a rc 3,955 eight-sen fe , Redman said. o f insufTi- or »caf another airport because be< Vlinidoka' and ]ead to Boise." E is ia s tu d y . T o g e th e r Mi ps to B urley. T h e je t has he said, ret. A rm stro n g for trips ngth in Burley. "IItf’s v e ry close an d v/ ce r y fe el and 4.094 feei . . xient runw ay lengt : naying_ 5 perT h e bboard has long range goals nph C assia countics are j; )t wing span and a 138 mph ic and b e acquired 54-foot > iway recommends that lar idy," he said. A longer runwa O ne re s p o n diee nr t said th c a ir-, handy incl cent, an d th c state: IS i paying ihc , that includc ich speed. changcs for community oned w ith in th en n e x t 2 0 y e a rs to approach y be runw ay should be may fc helpful, but he qucstione port's east-west; ru icre rem aining 5 percent. eets o u r needs, but there rges, vocational education, adult colleges, otential runway “It m me accom m odate a poti the need nc for a ncw airport. extended as far os as possible. ] and thc universities, ---------------------- 1 basic: education edi lid. 0 . hc said. hroeder and other lawm akers I’t fin d m u ch c o m fo rt in Barton's on’s words. >nce thc bank has been broken insidercd a strong . "Once hemical. he said. It is con: leaving the site. cher that prevents water from lea is tto submit an applica- th whether the plant needs , y° you_want to m ake sure you The Times>Kews migants that a r e Ite rn a tiv e f o r o t h e r fumi )y test crops m ust bc alte • Drainage from nearby i e r ;p e n f k . It may not, tion for a waste w ater 5 ® a ^ o d s e c u rity s y s te m .” imospheric ozone. elieved to destroy upper-atm lant site. belie away from the plan manufacturing is sup- directed di farm chem ical plant to be because the chemical m: BURLEY - A far < c .th c .p lo n t:s .p e r;_ i^ ^cer c '’ ‘said. -Cassia-Cquiity-can.revoke. • thatTBrlOCked-fcnCCr^r-rCl -rrOthcr-stipulationS'are-th :lose d -!o o p -sy ste m -an d -^ itc^posed-to-oecur-in-a-cloa ic”cngincering-issuc-w as-divi— >unQ^bea-not-need-a-statc‘ ■. TT v;fauilt-itrgassia-€oun 'uidclines or state . * *'® ® lit if it vio lates cciunty gui site, and truck traffic mit m ust surround thc plant site create no byproducts, he tsaid. . S chroedcr said , and started ity {permit to operate here, ' or federal air quality U..C could shut th e nd federal law s. Or, the stat routed west on SOO and' thc plant must be ro submit tl spill prevcn- from fr ;rKcrley does need to> si ier education on an unwanted And it already h as a s ;a county spectal>use pernorth to Highway 30 , factc actory down. South to 400 West and nor , McMasters said. Si tion and clean-up plan, M c. . • mit. volvcd in another *™ck. Kerley also has been invo thc B urley-O aklcy Ki o r E ast on 500 South toJ tl nissioners in November oi or Cassia County com m is 5 and o th er law m akers ques■s, ia certification supervisor ' Mike McMasters, :tu r in e p la n t in letam s o d iu m m an u fa cti met; >e ipermit for the plant. Highway. H a l approved a special-use cd w hether o th er universities iv isio n o f Environm ental w ith the stale Divii ucson. ised to ^ a k e metam Tues T hree chemicals are usei m Under that permit: d 'lose their program s o r have lant only will release steam : Quality, said the plan ' Thc N incrcc ln c ., is carbon bisulfide and Tl T u cso n area plant, M sodium caustic soda, car any chemical products sc o t • It cannot release an; rams duplicated in other parts ent and chemicals will not into the environment own by the end o f nder court o rd e r to sh ut dow _be transported into unde ----^ ^ ------------------J---:m m cthylam incjrhcy_w ilLbj [e-smte.JeadingJQ_competition_ >rdingTorits-opcratingTJian------------beTlischargedaccDrdl e^rtumerourcnvi-— of .thc-si ys the chem icals will 19{^’ n . . • It cannot produce any an product other than BBurley by rail. Kerley says itudents and dollars within thc for stud' nanufacture metam sodium. Thc plant will man Dnmenml violations. hoped holding tanks ronn lem ical th at becom cs be b( pum ped into bullct-shoj system. a soil iiunigant, at 285 28. W est and 500 South o f m etam sodium , a chen ,y negotiated ih c 'S tatcsys KKierley s a id th c com pany plant; Is and kills num erous/ and ar then mixed inside the: pi ial gaseous in farm soils i ihroedcr w rote to Tw in F alls jy, the plant’s key financial Burley. Bob Kerley, :ave its site on thc rder because it w ants to leas sneral-use pesticide, onie M etam sodium is a gene it- pests, from weed seedss to to bacteria. :er ‘Curtis Eaton, who is presinix, Ariz., recently submit' ■ backer from Phoenix lalion reservation. 'ohono O ’odham Indian Nai I purchase and use iu Toh< lem icals in accordance wwhich means anyone can pi sn ■ • It must handle chen o fth c Board ofEducation, askapplication to th e Division ted on air quality ap] lerley said. T h e p lan t esse; y th Kerl » c n ,i.lly ,is b c in & fn'g"'^!!! BBut it is under review by t e EPA..which is laws. with state and federal law w hether there should be new Quality, M cM astcrs said, • o f Environmental Q uj arced put. he said. it to u se the forcc p idcd by a mound o f soii co c<n s id e rin g requiring a perm lg ' • It must be surroundci thc roles and m islaw s governing go d h1; e is still investigating M cM asters said .. .1 sions>ooff colleges and universities, ton responded Jan. 8 that edu3n is ra p id ly c h a n g in g to e U ^ ______________ me more consumer driven. The Carvel Harward, c /ton p o lic e allejge the tl ih (A P ) — A Layto )win ■LAY TO N , U tah : has em barked on a tw o-year rR e council stru c k dow wton said th e evaluatioi C ontinued from B l irgh’s were trying to collcct i oman accuscd in Vosburg line to create a “virtual univero n is nom ination o f P'au au l y Layton mon and won Itors, s u s p tc tin g ranee b c c a u s e ’prosecuto irl's SlOO.OOO.lifc insuran' 8-year-old foster the girl' arks the death o fth cir 18H enry re fu s e d1 to tc s e t th e r a te isoacsoi s o r to continue as watenvork; king, wanted top ^ tty . " w w here s tu d en ts co u ld tak e V osburgh w as faki y. D a v is p ro s e c u to rs have ha' r a ig n m c n t this policy, th e d au g h te r face arra ses at universities in Idaho ahd ested the city use ^superin rintendent, but approved th< . schedule and suggesi so said Vosburgh fonya evaluators. He also :d delays in the case on Ton; < urer month, almost threee years after thc blamed her suites, and request a degree jointmcnts o f Braga, Treasure: 1991 rates. Thc reappoii - the 1994 code and1 T ed to meet w ith ll illre p e a te d ly refuset urgh, who claim ed mental ii Vosburg lilip teen's 1993 death. fromI an Idaho university. na Barr and Police ChiefPhiIi{ ■ city switched from1 the tl 1991 to thc M anna meys examiners. ind.changed,dcfcnse attotrie w ill.be arraigned., ness .and ...... . ‘.Tonya .Vosburgh-W: gher education, can ad a p tj p_^_e.__ ---------- :------ ---- ------last.Octobcr,.______Cowell. ___ ;..1954Jee.schedule Iasi slipped by, Layton* ■A s the months'sli] mes. dvi- in 2nd District Courtt con Tuesday and five time :ging student, funding patterns A'estOne Bank financial advi uel Braga said the . • We .’ City Clerk Racquel press fmsuaiion to :|ucnt policc began to expn all in July 1993. subs'cque A fall dis- her now-estranged hhusband. Rick. technology without abandoning 3ob H ildem an o f B oise dis pay the building so r Bol iot. who took thc tcch city uses thc fees to0 p; stays C h ie f D oyle Talboi an d h o sp ita l sta; ater. brain surgery si ates will # p c a r a week lati olcs and m issions statem en t, ;d ithe need to raise water rate; ihasc the building cusscd ' inspector and purchai County A ttom ey 1994. c.onccms to DavisI C sd thc case into early 199 Ited a b o u t three pushed ssue They were arreste :h ddirects the board to prevent • tees pass thc water bond issu< ses iess than $50, if voter J code books. For fees !tition Mel W ilson. “She: 'was playing the 'vhich her first attorney filed a petitii M arch 3. 1993, whenhci dn’t ' m onths after thc M leful d u p licatio n o f e ffo rt in 6 dcction. He couldn’ thc inspector and • at thcB Feb. F two-thirds goes to thc •albot said. "She teney court sy stem ,” Tol ermine her nicntal compctem Womack, who had to detem g ^ — dcath-of-Bobbi-jQ-Wo er educatifin. Eaton wrote. ^____ l-anytown*with-waterTatcs-8i iccail-a: --------r^ ^ n c ^m ird -g (5 'crt<S~thc~chyrfees* rt understoodthc;syster tem well enough t q r - ” ‘?.L e^| rd ln ~ T o fa child. to stand I ar the mcintal capacity of .egislatioh on thc subject coufd is'W are split equally low as > cndcll’s. • greater than S50 are im' o f be able to string it ou le law provides a maximum lomcone trapped State I h ly Authorities say soi bit !the flexibility, innovation, Id e m a n said the m o n th lj id iinspector. Hlldt - between the city and w u declared comjators B y Dcc. 2 1. she wi ys for mental health evaluate ng w o m an in a 60 days the disab led young spirit o f creativity and participaase would need lo be S3 to S4. S4 :Ison said the fce increase Mayor Lynn Neisc th, her husband’s sPii? mlua- petent. Last month, mit reports. Vosburgh's evalu o u re d g aso lin e to submi ).m. L ayton garage, poi which is needed forsceably,” hc 3romised to attend'the 8 p.m here, Ofler hc . structure would bc: hhashed out in a and pro eren’t case also was split from fr March 3. 1994, weret and ignited tioM.ordered ore ond between her and the door d e. Jan. 31 public meeting on the bone ir the wrote. - : woric session. offered to testify for I prosecution. cd until August 1995. ming away. finished i It. thc liquid before runni issue at the American Legion Hall. ■- ' In other business: Plannled Burrley chenmical pilanfwoi>ii’t neec:d air pejrmit s death ( charge in foster•daughter’s _ Couple face i Wende r ■; . This is tiie I onlly mergi|or our baanlc cusBtomersS ' 1 wilili ever see. I . }ank Custoihers, D ear Ba ir w h e n major lat nattirally occur m d frustrations thai jvoid confusion ar To av langing (fou to consider ch£ ations, we invite yo banks m erge their operal nm unity Bankfriendly and st^blfee IH om etow n Comi over t o>tMagic V a lle /s fri " " T D . ]L p; ^ V A N S I B a ^M K ; E \v^E N IT Y TOW N ' M A CG I C V A L LL E Y 'S y O M A l b i o nI T w iiin F a lls 4-5700 734 'C O M RlL u p e rt 436-- B A N K 673-53011 M e m b er F D IC M W NK. BAN B u r le yy \ 678^907( 76 ^ l^en d er. A in E q u a l H o u s in g Lc .. — V------------ I ‘ ' • W - - v b o y i ss v u hneralb l c v i i [Mornning line “Steel‘l e r ^ l Iiavel i g H lt p M i st Dallas the 49ers’ 38-20 win'against moge in the onNov. 12. der. The ing D allas’ ofTense is harde .. .Stopping s h av e quanc^ack Troy Ai -w Cowtoys as 1become alinost as ._ A m erica’s Team has running bbaac k Enimitt Smith end re vulnerable as any other•indicNFL. in indends Irvin, blit the show begins on 's (: (14-4) will play the The Dallas Cowboys lysicai offensive line that is the ti best with a physi -5) next Sunday in SuPittsbureh Stcelere (13-5): me. • in t ^ ilikc two years ago in per Bowl XXX, but unlik h a v e to give Dallas a lo t io f run hip appcarancc, the ^ their last championship ’-lanes, ;ra'pins gaps inside to clog-1 I ^ stunts, scra| Cowboys arc bcotablc. in their en.'^’T r y 'to contuse them ir Cowboys hove lost ^ sai'd'Creen. ----- “ I t’s no secret the Cc vn.' You schem e to slow iheni down some top players over the ycais," said, Min. . blocking sc: STHDimtt- ' loke Emmitt run laterally. Hle’s e’ only Dennis Green. ’'That ____ want to mok nesota Vikings Coach Dc rtunity to get-better ge' nm ncr outside, but greot an average' has created the opportui It inside les. J think once you stop The Steelers have o A n a ly s isi matchups against them.I. T • the tackles ut < out a significorit part o f thi n e people may think — _ you’ve cut belter chance than some ------ for an upsetr^---------------success by run- fense.” las. They have fioH'soinc sue Fewer in pcause two of^)allas’ was The point is valid, bpcai ps and countcr , Smith w a held to 100 yards or fe^ g s t r a i ^ t ahead with traps 1C 'Woshington Red- -ig fj' four losses were to thc he Iteam ’s losses this season. He I- hod les Chad Hen-' tluee o f the ys against defensive tackles •s vwere against the f:: ' gs, Leon Lett and Russell Maryland skins, and the others nst thc Eagles, but only 10D in ,h e and 108 against M Son Francisco 49ers. Philadelphia Eagles and1Sa ilf. Robert Jones sccond half. :backers Dixon Edwards,, R owboys’ number, it’s ju,d qG odfh^ Myles. If anyone has the Cowl ms with eccntly, Dallas had problem: ■ Until, recc Turner, who was thc ..jThcir j Redskins Cooch Norv Tui lg ofTense bccause team s s ovcHy big, but its possing linebackers aren’t ov( ordinator when Dollas , 1,.^y ,are quick and fast,’* saidi 1Tumcr.“ The double-teai Cowboys’ offensive coord! ea rn in g Irvin and giving I 1993 and 1994. won championships in 199 ■on-one rsuit, so you’re Willioms, th tl e other receiver, onc-o: Jle team has excellent pursu ______liNo.-J,.i-would-soy-yoa ^ou-havc-to-limit-their— jf/ji-o Gb'”stral8ht'0t coverage.■Bbt“WlltIams-hnsploycd-wcl Bl "goinS'io~o'DtrurrthemrGi3 said Tumer. whose ,i,„ „m. Their strength playedI into scoring opportunities."’ sa the Cowboys another wcapor ir ours bc- . ly, giving thc boys 27-23 .n O o ,.l Redskins brat the Cowboy II between the Turner has ha: mode the adjustment.' se wc like to run the ball \ le s a m e and 24-17 on Dec. 3. “A lot o f teamii would stay in the :les." :ore some points, but ‘T hey’re going to scorc on Irvin,” sold T iiodcs took it a coverage,, doubling d< hiladclphia Coach l ^ y Rhot cjimc_oILihcj:Io.ck.__ ^ rfartlier.-He'always"double-te !u' ___you have to.takc some.ti: uhaYC to'dois-m iryourcovi :-teams‘Ceit:— i"“What youh lu’re struggling, run it “ Run the ball. Even if you’r lavdhis icm. Vou con let Michael iui' ight now,” said against them Leon is extremely sharp righ managcmcn, ™ d,o: once in a while for timec m ou ju s t tiove to limjt them to3 ian av)des. “The real problemI will w comc if calches,you keep them honest. bout 6 yards.” lineup. If you erage o f aboi irlcs Haley is back in the Ur d-position game with 9 ^ " i' “No. 2, play the field-pi isburgh Hc also says Pittsl bnc-onGreen ogcees. ogi ble Leon, then that leaves Holey I'i: them. If they beot y o•u, u ,:make them have pushover. won’t be 0a pi riing drives, but don’t- one in in pass protection.” those long, timc-consumini 0 ally crucial for Pittsburgh to►have 1: illas’ pass nish “It’s really he R e^kins countered Dalla •• •. Thc • give up thc big play.” k e time nsive day, run the ball to take slant-ins, as did the 49ers. The good offensi < • •In the Redskins’ first win wir against the Cow- with1 quick ack and have a methodicol passing pi las' linebackers off thi clock rs also went afler the Dallas rrry Allen rushed for 49ers ■ boys, Washington’s Terry ■s run 0 lid G reen. “But the Steelers game,” said and he had 98 yards withIthe tl pass. . 121 yards on 30 canies,, an sses dow n the middle ond1 iquick ■ry Rice, from lot o f passe on Francisco receiver Jerry notch. Philadelphia’s Son on 25 carries in thc rcmoti sins deon o f their strengtiis is usir oi turned a traps, and one yards in the Eoglcs' thc slot sl position, beat JonesI and , Ricky'Wottcrs hod 112 ya tu n ts . They have so m1eC key itoon81-yord fcnsive sstu rt pass over the middle into in C Dcc. 10. short; 20-17 win over Dallas on with Dallos.” ly from scrim- matchups wii ;hdown on thc second play : iust anywhere against touchc But teams con't run just , By Mike Preston The Baltimore Sun ' 4u H i s t o r y r w a s n ’t b a d , b u t w o r lIdd l i t e r a t u r e a n d a l Il t h a t ? . . . I ( c o u l d n ’t ) c a r e l e s s ab o u t w ha t h ap p e n ed , ' a l l t h o 8i s« e f i c t i o n s t o r i e s aa!b o u t w h a t h a p p e n e dd I n t h e y e a r 1 5 0 0 o r 11 66 0 0 . H a l f o f ' e m a r e n I’t ’t e v e n t r u e . ■ ' , ,1 ;' ‘ f9 9 — John Daly Ds telling G olf ' D igest hhee w a s n 't m uch ludent In co lleg e of a stuc ' ■ ■' ;nt to hospital H askins sem heart attack w ith m ild he ' n ^ ^ APPhoto' V eteran Jazz: c a n t e r K a rl M alo n e, s h o w n pulling ig d o w n a r e b o u n d In th is file p h o too,, h o p e s t o w in a cham * b e f o re h a n g i n g u p h is p io n s h ip ringJ bc sneakerB . ' A ■ Agingg M alone clingsstoNBA-' r ”' tLtle diIream^— ---■■• Press The AjsocialedPie, ■ r iT Y - I n his lltb.scason.' _ Vlalone stubbornly clings to an aging Karl Mah wearing an N B A cham pidreom o f weo onsWp rin g -e v'cn en tas hc admits his own per-! fermance has been bee in co n sisten t when it. , counts most.; Ipiint Near the m idpii o f the 1995-96 camlighl-lime A ll-Star was still j' P“‘g". it 226 po in ts on 52 perccnt overoging about I 11 aaflcr 36 gam es, on pace' shooting overall ivcrages. with his career aven hups w ith tea m s likely to • But in matchup oyoffs - defending chompidominate the ployo icogo, Orlondo, Son Antonio on Houston, Chicog and the.Jozz hove ^ond Phoenix - Molone Mo ‘smiggled, losing'seven se> o f 10 gomes, joints Friday night in Utah's P B l i M a l o n e ’s 37 poin 111-99 victory over ovei the M agic team was a T O u r n a n iw « n t rare breokthrough f( beth thc Mailman and. ;h for .Qanesplayedatl ithome the Jazz. Generally, illy, M alone hos found it dif- • 3-0 U S . d o w n s Giuatcmala ui , . • ■ , , ..'l.ofhlghw t'se^ edtean ficult to deliver: ogainst og such ni<>rquee big • • , TWnfall»(S-15.1-7r ; match ; i n G o l d C u p soccer sot :m V . .m en as Hokcem O la ju w o n , S hoquille! id Robinson. ‘ i I' . O.’Ncol ond David F _____ i_____L O S ^ G E L E S^ric_W Synalda.bc^_ _rTTrThe:TimeS-NeW8—- r r — fBA'Ielitei Molone hod over-; • • : ......Agoinrtihc“NBA leader in U .S” , came the allMime scoring sci 'S on ' aged 22.6 points oi 44.5 percent shooting; soccer Sunday, helpini ping the Americans to a ■ing 0 major upset, the Classi /A-1, Region III ios« POCATELLO-Borring in#3.;. " \ ‘ecus ------------prior to the Orlando ndo win. uatemala for third place 3*0 victory pVer Guat( lace. nent is a battle for second pla< giris’ basketball toumamer :ightlifler, the 6-foot-9 pow- ■ A fanatical weigh > in the Gold Cup. Pnc«»Bfl (156,^3) eoten Highland, ' idy from the district has beo That’s becousc nobody edes nothing, except his recr forward concede: Wynalda scorcd the opening goal in the -0 in the lea'guc. GamM.1,: season at 19-1 overall and 8-0 i,2 a{7p.m .. which rolled through the: set ceding hoirlinc, to the ti passage of^ more than 35th m inute on a 10-yard 10 h ead er o ff a The Eiams’ currently are ranked third in the state,, ^with their only 0«m7. •; I afT a? ? p.m. ■ . adccadeofbruisinfi sing play around thc basket.. Reyna. W ynalda sur-. cross'by Claudio Re ackfoOt: . loss coming to No. 2 Black u8o ; - vwiwe^'ei..':- , ■ A ccarw r assist leader John:_____ _ Along with NBA ly’s motic o f 21 gools in passed Bruce Murray’s Jch-begin s_Monday,^nightt,w .w ilLselccLone,- GameJe!? Thetoum am enL-wiiich ne s t ii r c o i n ^ s c s thc h'cart yelt : Stockton, Moione ------- ^— Jntcmatlonarplny.------them Idaho Feb. . Satin iment at the College of Southi team for thc state toumamc ^aft~ ^ .m . ft6.3!^p!niyin|M^ e. o f Utoh’s offense. Jeff Agoos scorcdd tv two minutes later and Jp |getting 0 second chanccl aa t a p l a y o f f i n 8-10, with the runner*up \s hi his showing has not been .............. Still, he admits 10 rreplaced Wynalda in Jovan Kirovski, who Idaho Falls Feb. 3. ination toumey are ployed cbn the the stuff dreams are m ade of, especially his ■ in the double-eliminai the 80th minute, gave :ave goalkeeper Kasey All gonics ga: lls (5-15 overall, 1*7 region)) (gets first crack ' Fiflh-sceded Twin Falls ( d team . Second-seeded Poc scatello own. That has been cen nowhere m ore apparent: . of the highest-seeded t ort with a closing goal Keller further support 0 . No. 4 Burley hom e floor nc ns* home floor in Pocatello, at Highland on tlic Rams* ind b y e ond will play thc M Vlmicothan in gomes with 5-3) drew thc opening-round lith M idwest Division lead-; in the 88th minute. dote with third- (15-5,5short hop to Rupert for a do (11-9, 2-6) makes thc sho Tuesday, . crs Son Antonio and Houston. ico played in the title Burley^winner w Brazil and Mexico 4). seeded Minico (13-7,4-4). JSt y e a r’s state toumey; Hig atello finished second at last ighlond In two losses this month with Robinson’s ; an under-23 team, beat . game. Brazil, using on Pocate ir ttwo gam es to HighlandI tby 23 and 20 The Bruins lost their : V olley team has ever won c 1 first two gamcs. No Magic ' o stole Spurs, Malone maade ju s t 15 o f 40 shots ’ ■0 in . the United States I-O il the semifinals and m during the regu.lost its fli rley by 10 and lost by one du points; Minico beat Burley lionship. ■ mcnt in preparadon for chompiot is using this tpumamci (37.5 percent), w whhile ta lly in g 18.5 p p g .' lar-season. this summer’s Olympic ipics. on’s Rockets he did better,: = = ' Against Olajuwon’s lints as Utah went 1-2, but! j ,. n a i i t ' averaging 25 points shotjust40percenti ent doing so. ' ! Eddie‘the Eagli gle’ plans to ^ , "Obviously, I’m m not r where I want to b e,"; soar again in 1998 19 Olympics here are a lot o f things right. > tV,v< Molone says. "There - Mr,,; now thal I’d liker to do i better. I ’m just going; He “th e E a g le " EdR em em ber Eddie Cfam'pior and see’what happens." utsy ski ju m p e r from wards, Britain’s guts: - ' 71» Times-News ______ . _ — A *^-2 start, rami oming ofEa-club record 60r [----------• th e 1988 W in te rr 0O ly m p ic G a m e s ? — C T " win season;-had-the ihe-Jazz-looking every b it:----- — aining”ro r th e ~ 1 9 9 8 " ' ■ B U H L - T h e b i^ 'h o «^ ffor ----------- T V eH rhe-is-In'train •Class-A--2; D is-"...... t Wood River wfieh'thVC nders os the 1995-96 cam-; i > ; w, like NBA contendei Olympics. ournament opens Tuesday nij l i ^ t is to catch : * trict 4 girls' basketbaj! tour lost four o fits next; . lim it h im s e lf to ski But he d o esn ’t lin 2 ^ 4 ^ paign began. ButIt Utah U Jemine.Iooking ahead: ii|^ r ^ p s . yed .500 basketball since,; Iso a stuntman,** ap,riit';i six and has played jum ping. “I am lilso Uie.regularsoiThe Tigers easily beat the Wolverines twice' during tl' rd place'in the Midwest.. nim blingintothinip s aid. "I d o ju m p ss o f f b u ild in g s , ca r isms 2 hvin over their Hailey rivals to0 tmoke the tour, son and needs one more win s tu n ts . I h o ld th e .■~ - nament ^miflnals. • Malone hopes s tu n ts a n d sk iin g} si for a resurgence. After all,-_______ ‘_ ------ ^ “ world'Tccord-for-ski-j ist two gom cTbener at this, the Jazz stood just t ■‘face a'Bufil teanTfliit wonifth e t o u m ^ ’i ■ There, Jerome would^fa( Galley at last season’s state'to people*’(35)." toiftna- point lost year before n e represented the Magic Vail (10), buses (7) and pci fore winning nine in a ro w .: ' ' It their regularr Jerome ss iafter the two teams'split': top seed with a coin toss The Tigers avenged one oiff those nd lost its firat two games. Tl ‘‘The important tl nt thing is, d o n ’t push the. # 0 points early ment. ond idians nipped Jerome by twc seoson meetings. The Indie , C o n nilod e c fit>m w ire T^Knts «ating lum a twice during the ills time around, however, beat le regupjmjc button," he de« the Tigers last losses this ! declares. "Y ou’re going to : sing a narrow decision to th in the season before losin] ion. lar seoson go through some slumps. slui W hat 1 work for is ; week. . 15-5 overall; Jerome is 14-(J JV' comes into the tourney at 15 Buhl1 c< lg hheld In Buhl based on the! ddistrict’s rotatin, and that's just; the standards thal1 I1beheve b The tournament is being Mo. 4 in the state, while Wood finishedd the ti regular season ranked No. (to) keep workingg an ond get ot i t ’’ ing site system. 14. ournament Feb.' er is 6-14. istrict 4 will make the state toi He fihds a soulmi jlmate in Stockton, whose^ Only one team from Distri ivon the state championship. ilagic Valley team has ever wot No Moi Today Malone, along with driv-! lool. uifconny assists lo0 N ! 8-10 at Wendell High School ing layups and outsi lutside shooting hove been: his ticket to seven A n All-Star gomes. A starter; High •ch o d glrt#‘ b «tskattMlI ka for 10 o fh is 11 Jo: Jozz seasons, Stockton’s: District toumam«nts perfonnance remain: lains steody: His H assists; • A -I.Reglonlll ' Twin Falls a t Highland. nd, 7 p.m. and 15 points per sr game gi is on p ar with his„ Burley at Mlnlco, 7.p.tn. >.m. career avcragcs(11.6 11.6assists, 13.5ppg). ironce. at Wendell • A«3 Canyon Conforon laying well suitistically and: “Vou can bc playji Klmborty vs. Fllor. 0:15 1 :15 p.m. Tlje Times-News still not be gettingg it itidone as a team," Stock-. 10 p.m. > Valloy vs. Dodo, 7:30 p f 're not mpion ton shnigsi “We’re r reody to sum blam-. Cham i ■KJIatrfct, at Carey . A-4 Nofthsldo sub^JIs Feny tried to make sense oof the usually ■ WENDELL - Glenns Fe ing anyone. We jus just need to s ta n playing; iunty, 6 p.m.__________ :-------_________ . Carov va. C amas Count «-girl9^>asketbellTBC^thi»'Sea — waoky^^yon-Gonference-g nfia Will Uke t m of the in j------------— — gooo Daij and things :30 p.m. RIchnsId vs. Bliss. 7:30 nent.as the top jaSBjB f f l rnter the conference toumamc But, while the Pilots entc KdlBtrict. at Mur• A-4 Southsldo sutKjla < o' overwhelming favorites to w seed to n i^ t, they won’t be IS moments o f consistency^ ^ H jl . “Everybody has n u gh.«p.m . toughOoWoy vs. Murtaugh yed oi^sccondthe tournament is being playe That’s panly because.the :y. We ju s t haven’t really^ U H b and inconsistency. ' >n. 7:30 p.m. Castleford vs. Hanson, i floor and partly because Glei seeded Wendell’s home floi : S S M clicked as a team yet.” yet. nts at home 1 ^ S BSB by getting snmg by 18 points vcalcd itself as vulnerable5bj oan is m ore concerned with; jfflK H * Coach Jerry Sloan week by diird-secded Volley. porting cast. H c has ex|>er-; iB b B S his two stars’ suppon xjhfercncc.win^in.iroprc8sivc.nine-pne. coi ....... Still, the Pilots reeled o ff a b'comer Chris Morris, using; S S s imentcd wiih newcor t-round bye. sir copener and earned the first-r ning streak afler losing their ntO<COli£C£>HICHS' lew J e r s ^ N et at bolh the; N o.'6 ihe 6-8 fonncr New itUes Declo Volley (13-5,' 8-4) batUe p gome and asA t ^ p.m.. .t ntil the Jan. 31 championship, 'Incy’ll tiv to survive until J e f f Homocck,inc ^ e No.2 guard spot, shared.with shai ames with the Vikings durinj he Hornets'dropped both gami 8-10 ai Jerome seed. The thc state tournament Feb. 8sure themselves o berth inn th ard, in co n ju n c tip n with! and sm all forward, season, • High School. ing on David Benoit. th W endell (12-6, 8 ^ ) Uikin day night’s action starts with inncr-up focing Tuesdaj for the big donee, with the nini The tr a team qualifies lot Felton Spencer is back:' At centcr, 7-foot 1 the No. 2 seed over Valley V, g(3-15,2-10). Thc Trojans earned car ^t-team cham- Gooding ( untain Home to moke the eigh a playofr on Feb. 3 in Mount ’s tendon injury, but his; t □ngs. They split the seasonI sseries from an Achille’s le o< f two wins over the Vikinj by virtue pion^ip field. 7 : O stertag and Greg; vpoint backups - rookie: Greg Gi j'on Dcc. 5 and taking a iwo-j xxling, losing bv IS at home'oi 'ileri thc fourth with Good opener pits Kim baly and Fili For the lateit scores csll • # • The 6:15 p.m. toumcy op< mr pro acquired lost Octo-; Foster, a sixth-year | nple lrutfuctk>ru. jand fiflh s e c ^ respectively, ir De 18. «nd lollow th« simple di- victory on the Senators home floor Dcc. in a battle o f teams headed! indifferent ir • htcap. ber-arestillleam ning inE the Jazz system .. 5Criy/Filcr winner in the nighti is Fcny will tackle the Kimberi Glenns 1 TteTinKri a i & a s ------------------- 1 rections. r ession "Being oble to make mai the right play, being' :hampionship game will b e Jan. J; 31; with the extra ses ate by beating Thc chu The Wildcats opened the Canyon Conference slati stop defensively,; . .able to make thee right ri Fe 1 ifnceded. near the top for much of thee iseoson, while coming Feb. Glenns Feny and remainedi n< ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ < :ol|y th e problem ." Sloan; nent - • that’? been basicaUj entries in the state toumamc year's Canyon Conference enl Lost yet _■____ ____ n gomes. _.Kiml»rlyJosUtLftr5Lswen£ ne-guy'breaks'dow n^ther-” — ■— rc ra^ t—sflysT^If’even'onc-j «slve*rtin5rThe-Viking5-&ro ondTamterty^hiid-lmpfessl' ihed by winning six o f nine But the Bulldogs finishei apa: on you. You hove to; . 1C second-place trophy, andI K im b«]y took consolationn hon- whole thing falls apart >cc. 1. ICimSer- home the i ird iti(nes,’ going 2-11 since Dc< ts B6 Jgames; and Filer fell on hard S co res a n d stats it work.’* ' . have everybody toJ moke nu ■1. . ■ ors. _ meetings. iy won both regular-scosoaI mi as - Don Haskins,-the EL PASO, Texas Paso the past basketball coach att Tcxas-EI Tc lg vwell Sunday aHcr be35 years, was doing ing stricken with a mild mil heart attack during ISnight. a game the previous ni coach is in Providence The 65-year.old co Memorial Hospital,I, vwhere hc i.s cxpccted .few days undergoing to spend the nextI.fe core unit. rests in the cardiac can John Thom pson said Athletic directorr Ji Haskins had eaten and even was asking for ime. . details about the game ready to go afler “Hc looked like he was ’ . it again,” Thompsonnsaid. s not know i f Haskins The school docss ni EP’s next gam e Thurs* will return for UTEP’ day against Utah. In A-1,, Regionlin , ^ n ffighlaiindis quleen ^ WoodKiiiver tries tlto cut in on Jerc*ome, Buh] g Canyon (Conferentice is ^ nothing but b scramable ^ TUNE SPORTS ^34-6326 ' A-1 Region III ill Girls’Basketb skdtlMdl Toumwni B — ________ ___ -S a s t-vv#ns ov< in Hu]ilaBow] ‘ Bro)Q kS c:H p tu r e s IT ,C alif. ( A P ) - Goydo 'dos69 and M aggert 71. PA LM DESERT wilh rooks pulled in to a tie wit coBroc . M ark B ro o k s, a first>rouod f HONOLULU (A P P)) - New Mexi- four driv rives deep into East tenitory. irdie ton ot 21-under w ith a birdi ained a t o r n e a r Hustor leader w h o remaii e r had a pair of One w/ound oi co ’s Winslow O liver up w ith a failed field tire to u m a m e n t, on No. oun>lo. 10 ot Indian R idge Cour thd front th e entir ttempt, another ended with" a“ eluding a;game* goal atta touchdown runs, inclu a r 67 S u n d ay to try Club. Cl died B rooks th e n b irdie shot a 5-undcr-par record 53-yardcr, and n d Neil Voskcr- loss o [dow f di ns and tw o on intercep■lope C h r y s l e r No. 11 to go up by one. His leod Ico ^ w in th e B o b Hc itchian o f C olorado lo kicked a 24tions. iston Ice. wentt tlto iwo shots w hen Husto ,u . C lassic b y a stroke . yard field gool Sunda id ay to givy the Th e‘E ’East i took a ! 0 »0 lead at the :ycdJJo.J2.______________ ih 4Lsecond.con.'__bogcyc ^ --------- Hc-finished-w ith ;cbnhg bri its fjrst and“flnal' y oyer the West™, Half, sco liastX IV ^U victory c uston cam e b o c k w ith th a Hus scciltive r o u n d o f6 f f 7 for.a 2 3 -u n iii' the Hula BowL drives. ic bn No. 13 to narrow’ th the der t o l a ! 'o f 337 for fc th e 9 0 -h o Ic birdie -::01ivcr, whp-woun« rer s w e p ra r o u n d right end und up w ith 88 ” O liver but g ap to ti one s h o t a g a i n , bi ev e n t It w as his; ffiflh v icto ry in also scored on a to cap®a61-yard drive with Triniyords on 10 carries, ah oks rolled in a 6-foot birdi irdie T o u r a n d . Brooks ,v ' 12 y ea rs o n the PGA P ----------- ^ y a r d nm. Ih e Kasl SnaiioiialTJTbn Stkrk sparkJ ist's Mike Uotty intern oiT N on6“tb~build'his lea leod— ?4 r. r ^ p u t t or g g l ' “his firsrsincc-1994 d rie d defeated L e:e e IC orso o f the ing the e drive by com pleting passd th B ro o k s began the tl final ro u n d backc tito two, ond h c p arte dI the West for the second1 st straight year in es o f 16 16 yards to B n a n Roche o- ff with John H u s - last two twi holes. {•q tied for th c lead v. th e battle o f ESPN>I football f o se S ta te a n d 1 1 yards to com- San Jos< rooks began the toum am er !Wort a n d J e f f Broo to n , P a y n e Stew nientatori-saving ass coaches. c< Syracuse is e ’s M arvin Harrison, a w ithi 0a 66 on ^ V e d n c s d a y , as >4 .* M aggert. k e r itc h la n k ic k e d his 24* ^ ,F or the West, Dam am on Huard o f V oske :ling winds k ic k e d up* du: 6 H uston shot 688 to fin ish s e c - sw irlir Washington hookedI u] up with Michi* y a r d err w %ith 13 s e c o n d s left '(to kept scorcs re la tiv e ly higl on the last h o le and kc ond. H is birdie on , g m State's Mushin M Muhammad on give ie theEast its 10>point margin, cards for th e to u rn a m e r pulled him , from a tie with. S c o tt H is ca e W an .lU y a rd TD p ass 1 iS and Marshall Tyrone > illiam s o f Nebraska set H och, w h o w as aalre ad y in t h e were; 66-68-69-67-67. 0ybung o f Texas-EII P Paso kicked a up th e: th t: re e -p o in te 'r w ith a 2IQ. le golfers rotate on four dii m der. Thc clubhouse at 21 -un iterccption retum . 48^yari field goaL yard inte •am. nt courses, p la y in g pro-an )sed w ith in o n e ferent ,C5 H och, w h o closi tnw hile, tb e W e s t’s drives -^Despite com ing oouu t on top, thc M eanv the lefore h av in g to fo r thc th< first fo u r d a y s o f th ind shot o f th e lead be East struggled o n oofTense. f In the ended on on the E ast’s 29, 28, 2! and ) th the e. Then thc field is cu t to 0 tlie final fo u r H ope.' settle, fo r p ars on quarter, it w ent t fit three>and-out 20. low 70 scorers and tie's, and[the th tic holes, sh o t a 65. — 6n_lhrcc-oLfOuiLpo! a o s s e s s io n l,^ The, W We st m ad e it 10-7 in the play the.final ro u n d .a tJ h te w art_ sh o t_ 7-70 ( to -.w in d u p __pros pi - p e r i o d - o n —t h e - H u a r•d--------—S d— — Olivcr’s#core-was-&ch e o n ly d r i v e ^ — t h i r d —pi club,'Indian R id g e this ycai nd. A lso a l 2 0 - host cli tie three s h o ts behind nm ad pass, b u t O liver came ahd, in its four p o sse {sessions in the Muhamff is the longest o f the th co ch u n d er w .ere th irdd-ro - u n d l e a d e r .The course third quarter, it w as IS tthree-and>out bac k wwith l h is lo n g ru n , w hich by Brad B ry an t, who0 had a 6 8 , a n d - four at 7,037 yords. again. - ' , erased1 th tl c m a rk o f 59 yards by th PorT iis a vague m em o ry ot: the )te N olan H enke, who0 shot 69. n Jones, o f M ichigan State . B ut the East w a s} helped h by the C linton . nomcnt e v e ry y e a r. Perr; Fred C ouples s(hot h 70 to w in d tourno W est's inability to0 ccapitalize on in 1967. ii up in a four-w ay tie tl at 19-under. won at 25-undcr last year, and id m •unI, Tom Kite finished 35-un was d efen d in g 1993,1 Also in th e group> > 90 c h a m p io n K enny ly P e r r y , w h o . d e r for a tour re c o rd fo r a 90* recoverecl fro m hole event. ev never com pletely r< ooks won $2 3 4 ,0 0 0 for th Broo! an o p e n i n g 75; s e c o n d - r o u n d ned ory, and H u s t o n earnci dos. a n d M a g - victor} / leader P a u l Goydi 1,400 for finishing sccond. 1 final-round 6 5 . $140,4( gcrt. P erry shot a fi anday, jBf>oo>y22.1996 .__ ^ 0 ^ imo Tlm oia ^ o w . Twin^Faljs. jd a h o B -S: _ lassie H oj p e G I " Bobcatits grab IBig Sky leadwidth earlyy \ictory 2_ tr L fl/ 7^ jV /J r HR. ^ "iTJfiil ------ ----- APtMa E n te r ta in e r B ob H H' ope ta k e s a s w in g a t th e firs t te e d u rin g t h e :he B ob H ope C h r y s l e r C Cila s s ic a t In d ian fo u r th ro u n d o f thi R id g e C o u n try C:iub it In P alm D e s e rt, C aallf., lif S atu rd ay . vith ^:24 remaining on’a bas59-57 wit Shawn Samuelson. who would kct.by_Sb< with a career-high 26 points, •In a battle o f unbeate »tcns, round one finish wit na (12-4, 3-1) could get no o f the Montana-Montai itano State rival- M ontana ly, along with sole po>s Msscssion o f the closcr. >etwccn her and the rest o f :e. put some distance betu tg S36.230 for sccond-placc, took addition-to earning 5 F la. (A P ) - It toe L A I ^ B UENA VISTA. \ ' Big Sky Conference lea lead, went 10 the N ico) H l- a rriso n s co rcd eight oo ff rsi Ihe field on Saturday. )00 bonus for finishing firsi she w on a $100,000 ykic Karrie W ebb finally' got gi five tries, but rooki 1 final nine points, finishing ________________ M SU JsJl — Bobcats_____________ icr-bogeyed-thc-nrst-tw o----------ics-----Thc H all-of F am crg-HealthSouth-Supcr-Scrici in-lhe-season-long-1G -------th e-l- 8 t h - h o l e - r iig g h t a n d - w o n -th e - L P >GA— MSU (11-5 overall, 11, 3*0 in leogue with 22,:, as a the Bobcats wrapped it up holcs to lose her grip ip oon the lead, then squanff. standings, sural Sunday in a playoff, ^ H ealthSouth Inaugu laturday night in Bozeman, play) shook off a cold>ld-shooting first 72-65 Sati chance she had to com c on dered any re alistic ch; ar-old A ustralian who w or ick’s Webb,, a 21-ycar-i ished second in last week .. W ebb, w ho finisl tana coach Blaine Taylor al-j half that had put it in1 a 34*28 hole at Montan )c- back and w in w h e n she si bogeyed No. 14 to Iish Open last summer, be:d iin the W om en’s Brilisl nt o f C ham pions, tapped LPGA Toum am ent vas lcx>king forward to round the break, using a 20-7 )-7 nm to take a_ ready wai iiind G eddes. W ebb and iA fall two s h o ts behinc -quickest w in n er in LPGA med come th e second-qu jrth.extra b o le and claimc rT._ . -for par on th e foun th'M SU bn F eb. 17 in Mis^' ............ ' 5 0 ^ lead with I 2 : i r7'lc:fl i e to ploy. two with" lUr Nause. ;lory in ju st h er sccond toui jcd* history w ith a victor er’s check w h e n Jane Gcc the $67,500 winner “Something ju st waj kvasn’t right but soula.’ . he rnext hole to pull ahead Geddes birdied the toum am ent. des rolled a 5-fool1putt p w ide o f the'cup. e the th e re ,’! said M S UJ g] u a rd Scott While i w eek’s marquee game :cd for the victory before rn and appeared headed on w on th e 1951 Eastern Ition B e v e rly H anson G eddes bogeyedd ithe last h o le o f regulatio yed in Bozeman, the battle for Hatler, who got five o fh f is 13 points was playo 8 . She recovered from a on faltering on No. 18. and Open in h e r flrst tour toui event. A m y Alcott won BC-way tie w ith W ebb an to fall in to a three raged w ith previously during the pivotal spur p u rt “W c need- sccond place pi facc a par-saving 18-foot poor sccond shot toI fa( in 1975. jik e ili her third LPGALtoumament to ^under•par 2 0 9 on thc Lak Martha N ause at 7-i ing W eber State playing the ho for thc win but left it about al little bit. The struggling 4 inches shon and ed lo calm down aI li Patty S heehan and M ichelle McGann. whc se at W alt D isn ey World.1. , Buena V ista Course The Wildcats (10;7,2-_ lol right ofthe cup. first half we were tighi g h t B ut I think . role o f spoiler. spe fmal jJay. .finishcd.one„s_hoi and shot a 66 on thc^fini tu rae d -to .th e I 8 th-tee an 2-— — The- Icadcrs-rctui :rWebb w as iii positii last w eek’s sch^ule sition to win on the first en' we.werc a different team tea in the sec- 2) had entered ddcs and N ause at 6 -underma- behind W ebb. Geddc irc times b efo re the toumt ‘I® played it fo u r more but missed putts o f 15. 6 e* three extra holes, but winless in conference play, but hondH ira se and Swe* par 2 10. Ja p a n ’s Mayumi M: ond half. d. Nause b o g e y e d the first fir ment w as dccided. ed . :e Suite (7-7. 3-1) and Idaho dsson were next at z iz . ------ tn rd l^ 'rcc t-A n c r'G3eddes^cnra-30jfoor-putt-----------and den’s Helen Alfrcdss , “Wc were determinec ned to come oul cd Boise no extra h o le to fallI out o f th e ru n n in g , an Dn tthe fourth playofT hole. rst 5 feet past the cup on their first Big Sky setrirsi Sheehan led the! first fit two rounds o f thc first State (6--88.3*1) , and play our style — and an< we did.” lances to w in o n th e fin st* W ebb w a s te d chai and two-putted from 18 ay Webb played it safec ar fulNfield event o f the th year and poid Sunday Although the GrizzI zzlies closed to backs. s .' ' three playoffholes. 'amage o f an opportunity to feet for par. for not taking advani ofltable day fo r Geddes.;. In I ' It was s till a prol TTie Associated Press1 ^ Rooldie-prevaiils-in-pla^ Am]liez earrns 1st “ sla]ilom viGS o f y v in -L P G i^A-event— ^ Bland[overtake!BSColbertt to win seiiniors tourirnament B this.*' said B la n d , w wlho d rilled an 18*foot rto R ico (A P ) - Defendin D O R A D O , Puert) ■I'ng ' 'it l7ih. thcn h iiascv e n * iro n , I - birdie at the par-4.17ll: Ibert w as s ta n d in g behind - — - champion* Jim Colb n d o , - ^ ^ - . : ----- m n approach a t 18 lo w wiithin three feet o f t h e ar-4 15th fa irw ay and stoi star: . tree ju s t o f f the par um am ent*winning.putt I flog to set up the toum ..H R '' /, but 'h is m in d w as on the th ing dow n a bogey, /ould have gone eight feet I “The putt at 17 woul su-etch o f six holess 1he hod j u s t finished. ext m onth’s W orid Cham* idn’t gone in.” Bland said, I past the cup if it hadn' VOY SEN NAZ. Z., Sw itzerland ity is next vent' ^ 5.” said C o lb e rt, w ho wci “Forget about 15, gnificent approach at 18.” (A P) - F r a n c es ’s S eb astien p io n shlip ip s a t S ie rra ' N evada, ■ “Then I just hit a magnii tnd lose to a late-chargin sing on to b o g e y 15 am and he was philosophical 67 and entered most Spain, an< Colben led afler a1first-round fin Ajniez, one o f th e season’s » itroke S u n d ay a t the Senic John B land by a str Bland at 7-under-par. Hc e the day tied w ith Blai consistent slalom1 sk sl ierirrallied afler hiss elimination. lam pions. ’•'ITiat did n ’t cost co! _ T ournam ent o f Chai _ _ _ -T foj-hts-firsrW orld1-birdiesjiLlhe.scvcnth and_______ Id'C up-vi ctory------ “n o ookk ~ a llth e -risk srlik e -a l-— ~ — went-lo-9-under-with-bii me th e to u m am ennt. t F our tim e s 1 ttiougm lUte, 38.79 sec- ways,” he said. “B etter now than Sunday, in 1 minuti ^ eighth holes to tak:c e a two*stroke lead over had h it p u tts into tlthe ce n ter o f th e cup an Vorld Championships.” in the Wo 1C first 10 holes, M Bland, who parred thc fi onds. som ehow m iss e d . YouI 1let < * four tim e s , they sc :om bined competition, inler wilh a birdie at the par* en e M lekuz b f The cor Unheralded Ren« Bland got to 8 *under ' Igh, r ang a ro u n d lo n g enough the o lh e r g u y s hai downhill and jc e d 64th, was eluding; Saturday’s S; f l . 3 11th. but gave backk a stroke at the par-4 12th -''Slovenia, who race 10 jum p a l y o u .” som eone’s going to ^’s slalo m , w a s w on by flew over thc green. I as Syko* S unday’s ■ where his approach flew • second at 1:39.16.. Thom T tly that, m a k in g birdiess t o t . l y ^ ^ B land d id exactl] I f l p Hrardelli o f Luxembourg, he back nine w ith fiv e •leader afler the • Marc Gin r C olbert b e g a n the ni o f Austria, co>lea les to o v e r ta k e th e 199 the fin a l tw o hole le for the tw o disciplines s h)e d th ird at His time i' straight pars before hitting hitti his drive at the parfirst heat, fin ish ar and w in fo r th e sccon Player o f th e Y ear 4.44. to chip out to the , was3:44.< 1 4 15th behind a tree.:. Forced Fc , 1:39.48. time in fo u r Seniorr 1PGA starts. It wass the t best perfomuince in Amiez was ra pjtu tu ro u sly feted I j fainvay. Colbert h ithis histhird shot to thc green, can received $151,000 for fc The S o u th Africa rw ise poor season for thc /ing fans. . an otherw by his banner-wavinj 9 40 feet short o f the flag, fla{ and two-putted for a lg him on th e p ath to wha the victory, starting Gi 2 bogey lhat dropped him back to 8 -under. “Although I’v e: not n< had a win veterw Girardelli. sm* he hopes w ill be a1 ttop-30 fin ish o n the cam nd in th e com bined was have been so less impatient Second I But Colbert said 15 15 wouldn't ' until now, I w as le nior ings list in his firstit full season o n th e Senio in G uenther M ader w ith ^ .. just one o f those I important i f he h ad1 gotten gc than my fan club» and ai m y fami- Austrian ■ ■ Tour. and third was Kjetil An3:45.41 ai i ly,” he said. I four puits to fall. Ifway th e re alreacly,” sai< “I’m alm o st half' im o d t o f N o rw a y with jp in I “I m ight w a k e up : the m id d le o f th e Amiez closed th thce gap in the dre A am ean ' cd on th e P G A Europeai ^ B land, w h o played n sundings on 3:48.30. ut those putts.” he said, B niglit thinking ab'out 1 World Cup slalom : irough 1994 b e fo re comin] »ng Tour from 19.77 thre APphotB T h e sla sie lo m victory- was the ---------to-the-U nited-S tat< _______ leader and d e f e n dn d in g overall * “ Things w e re lo o kking in j good until th en . It i l c s J a s t - S e p t e m b e r .J T r __________ ______ ___ I ’m im tT b C C irn e rs e a s o n tfo rr T a fte ------------;-W ofld-C up-chamnp piion,-A lberto.-hlgh.poin f r all.thosc.m isscs.".__ ______ jlt^ frorirtH o^tiaja^on th eB - -didn’- tjc t.a n y -e a sierro :ver -'D a v e S to c k t o n hits y right n o w ; b u t yo u neve —playing'confidently Tomba crashed' A m iez.. H I- e p la c e d fo u rth and an opportunity Tombo o f lu ly . Toi .Colbert’s failures; provided pn ra d o B e a c h In D o rad o , no- n in th h o l e a t Dorad itin g a t th e n e x t tourna know w h a t ’s wait: is m onth, and second at eliminat* fif\h tbis lim. . through a flag andd was v menl.” d u rin g t h e sec* . • for those pursuing him. P u e rto R ic o S atuurday rd dIo., in November. Vail. Colo . ed in the first heat;; im Marsh took a share o f f Australia’s G raham I •under-par 7 0 o v e r a still Bland, s h o t a 2-ui 3 S e n io r T o u m a m e n t o f ‘II** o n d r o u n d o f th e 2 was f o u r ^ in the first in J h e Am iez ' with a birdie at the p ar-5 ............... Tomba has 44 00 points p the lead at 9-under _wit oiado.<Bcoch-course at-thi H yatt Doi ,^ ® T C h a iiip Io n 8 : 49.82, then h ad a strong .........-samrated ' Slovc- heot in '49 iven-undcr witli birdies at standings and A miiez.434. ie 2 13th, fell back to sever )pcning e v e n t to finish a ______Sfin ip r’s .s e y soniop. mn-of-48:S»7.---------------------^----- 14-and-15.-bcforc.agai Bgain-takitig.a_portion.of_______ ------------- t f l a 'r J a r e - K o s in'Vhird~in~the~~second'rur rrj rLee'TrevinoTind C olbert:icra~FI6yarTKl<nrwili7L-< elusive, w inners^oiily tieli 279, b ea tin g an exci i/ay.!s ..E in h C h ris tia n _ _ im'inatcd in-thc..... N orw a: ie at —- ■ • standings, was elimi ai 16. e the lead with-a bird ie w a g a in s t a field lik:e rek N ic k liru sT -R a y m ojn n id - “I t ’s a th rill to> win th a t i n c l u d e d Jai; vho was tied with Sykora third in Jagge..whi second heat after placing pla ic firs t h e a t, w ound up af^er the the first run. his main priorninth. Tomba has said hi: ter wins wvomen’s Wacht< i> n i ggiant slalo: I N o.l Iran k in g up forr grabs I seeds fared Howtopse< ia (AP) MELBOURNE. Australia U - For those who think: I? jservc to take over the No. homas Muster doesn’t descr ru ling to do with i t mking. descrve’s got nothing - How seed™All it takes is points, rcgardi H (MELBOURNE. Australia Au ;ardless o f whether they came MPEZZO, Italy the sceniclie Dolomite mountains is H ed playeis fared Sundi mday at the Australian froi iddle o f nowhere or the hai-' CORTINA D’AMF •om cloy courts in thc middi est giant slalom course on A nn iu Wachter the longest H OpOT (seeding iri porci orcnthescs): low where Muster didn’t dare to! >wed grass ofW im bledon.1. wl (AP) - Austrian A Id Cup circuit Jelzinger’s big the Worid < W] Men’s I I’s singles trca overcame Katja Sel: ead. ' IS vety hard to win here,” “It was ' H itnll idRouod N first-ran lead and w'on on Sunday’s giMuster will jum p from No. 3 to No. 1. leapfiogging 5H Furlan, Italy, def. lef. Ivanisevic (10). p^ti in ihc rankings next ant slalom mce to vault vat to the top she said. cte Sampras and Andre Agassi, Agt en ’s Erika H ansson pro* • standSweden < M ' Croatia, 6-2,3-6.6-4. at Jim -4.6-2. w’cek « if Agassi doesn’t beat o f the World C up1 overall o^ Ji Courier on Tuesday to ( . cr best Worid Cup finish. duced her Q Foisth BthroQod rcac semifinals. aich the Australian Open sem ings. ieo<H>drJ9-wconds-back-------jrid-C np-cham-— placingseo 9 l ------- Agas3i-(i),-La3'Vej Vegas.-defr-Bjorkman,--------^ --------: — WBChtznTthe-Worit UosLSunday_iiLJlicJiD.ui3h;_____ on had the fastest second xi 1from third to Hansson H Sweden. 4-6.6-2,4*6, MS. 6*1..6*2. rou; pion in 1993, rallied )und. shortly afler Agassi won. wo Thc loss by Sam pras to' >.09. ■ C hang (5 ). Hendi nderson. N ev..' def. fvlo third rqund Saturday night: . her first victory o f the thc season with nm. 1:19.0* lark Phiiippoussis in th e: th: ger fell to third place, .01 , 37.74 seconds, Seizinga H Fleurian, France, 6*2, ( .2,6-3,6-1. kno . ' a time of 2 minutes, 31 nockcd him out o f the top[) spot sp and lefl it up for grabs; lehind Hutssot}, after domiwn thc Olimpia second beh iomi, def. O ndruska, by j ■ C ourier (8), Miom y Muster and Agassi. for thc two runs down tic'firstruntn 1:17.90. inatingthc': ■ South Afiica. 7*5,2-6, 4 -6 , 6 ^ , 6-2. o u t ihat’s the No. 1.”' '■ Tofonc course. “Wholcvcr Ihe com puter• prints pri iger. w ho led Wachter by pped out diiring Seizinge ■ Tillstrom ,’Sweden len, def. M uster (3), Picabo Street droppc body No. 1 who doesn’t de-1 luster said. “There is nobod nds and HanssoA by 1.14 ■ Austria, 7-5,4-6,6-3, ( buy your poinis in the super-! M^e i t It’s nol like yo u buy ’ Ihe firat run. as didj her h teammate .72 second sen in d S w eden’s seconds,, m n ade several mistakes ■ Womeo’t eossm ^ • mai bcN • Shannon N obis anc larket and say. 'I wont to bc ^ o. I . - " >per section o f tbe second in the uppc ■ U n rdRouod id l n doesn’t lake a genius lo • Pemilla Wiberg. It to figure out th e ‘ATP Tour;| w as delayed when r’ s third giant run. She: also a ■ Coetzcr (16), South ath Africa, dcf. Hiraki, ran! cips. ' . It was W achter’s inkings. but a calculator help: ag tangled in her left ski three years, in a gate flag ■ Jopan, 6-3, 6-1. forr'winning various rounds o f .- ' slalom triumph in th There are regular poinis fo Jth round (Qm It was pole. IB Fourth ints for beating higher ranked’>| ' this Italian w inter• resort. re lumamcnts, and bonus points irritated by th e flag, but “I wasi ir la, Fla., pia< n Seles (1), Sarasota, 1 dcf. Sawamat:d value o f the G rand Slam![ ■■her 12th World C:up up career win layers. There’s the added \ lot th e cause o f my de­ n onth winless it was not B su (15), Japan. 6-1,6-3 6-3. toui onsider. There are the points|| • and ended a 11-moi lumamcnts this year to cons: s a id S e iz in g e r , the fe at,” sa hsk> Sanchez VicarioI (3), (3 Spain, def. Ferthat APfMo als. and those that are added:'__ lat'come off players’, totals. •-■spell. . ic d o w n h ill ch a m p io n irro afler a difli- O lym pic on,1. And'you have to look at nandez (9). Miami, 6-3,6-3. 6-3 lit the “I’m getting m form tl best 14 results o f p l ^ . :ud* P h illp p o u s sis , acAurtralian M arK 'Scu been doing increasingly said. “It who has: b< yette. La., dcf. Sabati^rs < Rubin (13). Lafayett cult season start,” W/achtcr m *s over>the post S2 weeks. m etow n s u p p o r t after technical disciplines this __ know ledges h is hom -2,6-4. ni (6). A r ^ t i n a , 6-2. < -'was time torcttnn on t<^. I won a well in tec iiralian Open. S a m p ra s 'h a M ' > Al the start o f thc A ustral P ete S a m p ra s a t the “I lost tbe race following " his u p s e t w in o v er Pi ilio, d e f Appelmons, 4 ^.842 pbints, Agassi 4,765.. and Majoll (7). Croatia an Muster 4 ^ 7 4 o v er theif^i r~ ' ‘ tough race, on a long, Ion difficult season. “1 1 ____________ two bad m istakes on th e icy sec- . __JU istraIlan.O pen.Ten mnl*_CJ>arop.lonsh!p,«_ L_.__Belgium^6r2.6-2---------------------- ---------^-year.:BQmBecker_WM fer;{i ■ ■ «-14rtoum amcnts the.past-y the sccond nm . dc tat the fbo^ <^f tionsofffie TIjo'icy, hard track shind tn fourth with 3.325. . beh . In M elbourne Saturdi ■day. ■ r " _ _ — ^ .. ---------------- ■ ■■ ■■ B -Q ...flm o8rN ow 8, T wvin in F . a lls . Idaho - Monday. Ja nnuui a ^ 2 2 . 1 9 9 6 ' ' S h a qI ’s shoi►t, b lo c:k sq ma s h H (o u sto nfl mingham I A lab aama-Birn J-IOUSTON (A PP)) - S h a q u illc . _ wn Kemp had 26 poinis and n d l3 . P a c e r s 1 06, B u Ulets e 96 Shown P^ r o b a s k e t b a l l ids for the Sonies, who hove be: O ’Ncul’s layup with ith 4 .7 scconds IN D IA N A PO L IS-R Rik Sm its scorcd rebounds 17 .limes in the pi left after snaring aI rebound rc lifted — 24 points and Reggie; M h iller added 23 “ •>’« Mavericks ^ etings and five straight times ' non' BS th e Indiana Pacers w vt ithstood a pair the Orlando Magic to sa 97-96 victo* lifting the th R aptors over the Boston f " « ‘" liomecourt. DallOs oeot Seoti e” t k B IRM INGH AI A M , A la. (A P ) o f second-half comebac: acks an d beat the on R o ck ets on Ccltics. ry over th e H ouston C lo l l e g e m e n ’s )f the. C cdric D ixon sc o re d 2 5 p o in ts „ C skct Washington Dullets for id^mire's gome-winning basket ir itheir N BA fronH 2 .I001 1 in their Hrst meeting oft: ch o f the teams Siou^i Sunday in a rcmatch on Dcc. 12. lisp la y o f c lu tc h |b a s k e t b a l l in a b rillia n t dis ifter B oston's Dino Radja had chise-rccord I2th straigh ght hom e victory, s"*® " that made last season’s n ’s N B A Finals. 'ree D e rric k M cKey fm a g S u n d a y n ig h t . 3*point shooting le scorc 95-95 wilh two free in is h e d w ith 15 c « . . ^ . O ’N eal, w ho finisl , is h e d w ith 29 - s .l l S y T d e h S S points, while Antonio> D I avis added 10 o p u rs •as A la b a m la a '.B J rm iT ig h a m 26 2 6 p o in ts f o r th e D em on p o in ts a n d 16 rebc : b o u n d s , th«^n LADELPHIA.- Dovid Robinspoints for Indiana._____ .............. _. . . ..........PHiLA mson . -'-6hocked;jN o,-3\ iC in c in n a ti -70 ----- Deacons ons (1 2 .2 r4 -I).-B u t the Wake blo ck e d "S a m C ai ss s s e l l ’s Inyup. scoredI 23 2 , points and Brod Lowhai jhauB 68 leaving only ly .o n e u n d e f e a t. F o re sstt c e n te r lo o k e d c o n fu s e d 11 1 , P i s t o n s 9 6 attempt at the buzzerr ttc o seal the vie* J ' a d d e d l 18 E as fhe San Ahtoiiio Spu ,„ i S u p e r S o n i c s 108» isl C lem son's tight defense. ’P " " cd te o ri i i th ee m a jo r c o l l e g e againsl -----■ — AUBUl lURN HILLS, Mich. - Michacl * sn a p p e:d d itheir two-game losing strei , ’ toiy. scored 3^points ond Scottie ttie M a v e r ic k s 101 ' ____ Jordan sc __ __ __________ with a 11 118.88.rdut ortbe.Fhilfldelpb N o . 20 M M ichigan 67, added 22 asltie Chicago Bulls ^ D ix o n w ra s 5 - o f - 9 f r o m ulls SEATTLE - G ary'Pa Payton scorcd 29 76ers on S m Sunday nighL R aptors 97, Celtic Hcs 95 ivcT the Detroit Pistons for'thcir >oint arc. T h e 5 No. 14 1 4 Penn S t. 66 licir points, outdueling Jason 3 tlthe beyond the.3-poi m K idd in a battle Robins inson hit lO-of-12 shots.as T O R O N T O - Roo l o o k i e D am o n llth stfatg ■aight victory. - o f poinl guards Sunday fo o t-9 p o i n t ggiu a r d w a s t h e ANN ; RBO R, M ich. - Macco W A ay as th e Sisattle Spurs won wo their seventh straight game gdn ' Stouda'm irc sc o re d T Too r o n t o 's f in a l. Tlic Pis Pistons, who had won five in in 0a SuperSonics continuedi tl their dom iiution at the Spc Spectrum. Philadelphia’s lasttvicvi m stuffed in the deciding bosst e m o tio n a l s p aa rrk f o r U A B ’ s Boston eig h t p o in ts , in e ju ddin in g a b a s e l i n e ' row al home, hoi were led by.Gmnt Hill’s ill’s o fth e Dallas Mavericks a w ith a 108-101 tory atI hi home over Sdn Anionio<was wi hen snufTed out No. 14 Penn in c e the B la z e rs ket, then biggest upset sin ____ jum ocr w ith 11.8-s^con' ;onds rem aininfl,__ 24 points.. ts--------------- ^______________ 23,1992. . . . 's last --------------- ------------ Mandi23, n p so n 's V irg in ia S tate's li chance* w ith 0 blocked beat R alph Samp 82 N C A A to u r , shot os as N h o. 2 0 M ichigan won 67"■| team in th e 198i undoyi bo n d in g Ihe N iitony 66 Sund: nament. f" 3 -2 C o n fe re n c e Lions1th t hR| r firsl defeai. U A B (13-6, 3in Stole (13-1, 4-1 Big Ten) d o w n th e h ig h '. ___ USA) slo w e d d( oken 0 66-65 leod on o short S 2 £ s c o rin g B e a rc a a t ts ( 1 2 1 , 3 1 ) CobradoSL Cd 4 3 .971 10 6 .62S :r by Donovan W illiams wilh UTEP— 2 8 J66 10 6 .623 holding B ob Huj u g g in s ' te a m to ^34 s «conds o m remaining, J13 ifs lo w est offeni n s iv e o u tp u t o f Michig shigon (14-4. 4-1) inboundcd' 1 NBA standings I I I I ll i the season. le ft, and Travis , w ith 16 16 seconds ! Tel< e ie v ls io n ^ C in c i n n a t i ’si 5s t a r , f o r w a r d Conlan f< in found Boston alone under EASITOHoS^WNa ENCe " T E T T w T ?Pa; Donny F o r t s ^ ,1 i l p eered 2 4 b u t .the baskei isket for the slam lhat nut the ^ en t' * station Time • NaMda ' 4 2 .687 *11 5 .668 ' . Z . _____S i S ! OiUMS 29 10 W olverin erines o n top w ilh nine scc5S was f r u s tr a t e l ^'All : e v e n in g b y uc 10go. ng 2-3 zo n e . ' onds to g< «w»>ai(«n l e ’ 20',487 jo ' U > ^ ’s collapsinB trallan O p ^ E SP N /C h. 13 ID T onnls,A ustral 11a.m. M«ni 17 I t . ukstbBlI, Vanderbilt at Tonnstt • M 0 « E SP N /C h. 13 1 p.m. Q«St.-Fl«ara>r< w 4 3 .971 S 10'.333 W om »n’» b M t Ww jwMy 18^ a .S l IM UtMlSL 9 3 .500 9 9 .SOO kotball. S L Jo h n 's st S o lo n Hall III E SP N /C h. 13 . 5:30 p.m. ^PaSAe a c u t7 9 , N o . 223 3 .A u b u rn 95, No. 5 Connectic 3 4. .429 7 8 ^iar 7 PTMdM^ ^ . 7I s30 s l P r im e S p ort» /C h . 8 4 (IH7 ', Itlandors at Avalancha HT) 7 p.m. SS UNLV 3 4 .429 6 9 .400 ise 70 LSU 87 OanJoaaSL 1 4 .«» 4 t l J67 ■^7 No. 12 Syracuse • 7:30 p.m. oa« Kolball. O k laho m o at Kansas E SP N /C h . 13 ' a 910 ' Colloge boeKoli Na»Ma>.St 1 5 .167 4 10 .386 BURN. Alo. - W es Flanigon atball, (.ong Budi SL at N. MmIco » SSIL E S P N «h.13 10 p.m. AUBUl ^ H A R T F O R D , 'C onn. - R o y g M jW ^31 ^ ta P rim e Sports/Ch. 84 (IHT) T) 10 p.m. U sc o re dd 21 2 p p in ts , o n d N o. 23 Allen scorcd 22 o.fh f I is 27 points in ■ •S -ls . H li g h s c h o o l s ta n d in g sS rn o v e r c o m e p o o r e arly A u b u rn th e s e c o n d h a lIf, f a n d N o. 5 d i Har* Owlalto' . ta » . !incinnati stunssN o.3C i] Scorei»s and sttats - -. ' - . , . . ' K&£.VVi, ■,I s Tmsi OvMai 124-4 ti » 3.0ncinnM><12-1)b« 26 .282 24 WASHMOTONtm a S s » 3 -“ » '•(*« 9-17 4423. IMIoAiaMma-Olnnli WESTERNCONFERENO LPnc*2-7 9-39, Duaw 4, Karaai |14-t|ibaalSLPM*r'aa5-71:bajl bau £ 2 S £ t ; “3 5 S , ’£SS U*>«MDMMsnr * L Pet 08 1-*M2.Lf;lwMO-Ot2. } 12. u Pnca 3-01-19, Colorado 80r7S. i8-1)bMl8lJelwi'at6-73: faMO-2 040. Tom s . Cemtacaem (18-1) I II ,703 — W«lw*2-72-28,l>lc»v»n< 13 .675 X ' 3M21»-23'96. l2^toMRielwnen47t40; ^ s Y 13 ,649 3 Mowrunon 0«nv« 16 33 23 ,410 11 UcK*y»-79-S1S,DOa«ia S a g »«Mt:kiilloNo.l9 a 2#—aj4 ^1 4--- »33 W-J4, ])toallo8«ion KM 76-73: " MimMMi Tl 27 1 !7 .289 IU >09.PMRa2-12-2e,AOl A 0ani344410. ' 7. VWmvi M44)toal nCarotna7640. Tsi44l-19. ToCM BaWNo, tOHaiwCar 10 .311 IU WsAminO-1IM>0,Fwist< o—w nkiJ® •' ^baat.N onD m a7449. SiB« ' 27 11 11 .711 — w i f H r ^ 2 S)baMArtjn*M 94-72: kNtk) SKiwnMo 23 IS .< LALak«n 21 la .1 ia(t3^^||MlVlrolna67-S3: PonUM 19 19 , b '“s5o “ 'wwM rl-4, DuoatO- IO.Nor9iCwetna(t3 OoMnSUIa 17 22 > .lO(Jaduont-l, loatMNo.’TVaunova ).FB«adaul— 11. VIrvna Tadi (11>1 l.'^ O n lO T o Z tt ______ ll i tS35?** M B ir 3 S il VtflCOUVWM. Ntw Ycrk OmUmd 83. LA UkM S2 Ulsh106.LA.appWtS2___ S Tororto 97! o5 £ ? 9 ? ^ Ortwt&97.H«nlone« I ^ S a »-Wa*tUnglon36, ■4M«r.O.OM, ■»». A—ie.716 imaonl13-1)baalW*aFo>a>t6S> W.11NonnCan«na8UM7»44. 74-91. MIM Sinda/agn . FARWEST , Cok»ado69, UjngOwWi S I EuM*«pi(l2-4)baal_Mi(aiatiK<SlM A<tonwa68, H«ndiu79,8 OnarCM^O^ UDWEOT . 80, OWatwma87 ssr^ K ! S p T " Pumua64,U •naPl66.Wla.-Suparlor4$ A4 ,^Tacn.^lg), dalaaMd M Fi« 61-51. Maalatf s a ? s v f a * ’* S 2 « -y 5 S !W S L .a ■ S £ i.'S :g S 5 :il’ai aa)D»nMS2-70;Mlo 1tf. Iom (14.4) baa) n 740. UKNgan siala 6240. |b^ln(Mra7449;loatl» 17.Pun1u^14J)M / . .•nO»714#. l8 .M lc n a (1 3 4 ^ lO^Oamaon (12-nio» baalNa.6W*aFrnt 4)taa<Na.t4P«nn8Slae7-. 20. UcNs«i(14.4) ta< 66. M|11-4)baa«'M<aMuipi)i s J f S K g ■n«a*804t. sa 1-9(M) a. O'Naal 13-24. >4 7.HantawMlO-t7 .Vau^O-t(MO, Snt<>».80411, Dm M 1-2tM)3,To«»la40« 1-21 10-19 97. i3-9l-2 7.0>aivwon 136-B20.sm0-9I. Dtyani 7-10 0 4 14, CMcua M) 04 0. DrMU« i«0404 04 0.RacMnM O-IM 0, Jw«t 04 00 0, T< 96.' ' S*n AMonlo« MuSSfs’30 p m. HouMonDASanta.S.30pm. .. VtncPUM MUMvkM. 6:30 p m. NBA box scores ^ ^ ^ l ^ T t t ^ i c C l c u ) 9-216-9 4 6-9 29. '3l0,KUd9- s r i ! Tulana73,Clr on oaaim 66. Anatlean U, 59 4a>y68.RicnnwM46 .WMmSMtf] ___ 0<«tal86.aa Leida. UU. 64 64. FMrSaU53 ■ iL s s u ! ! '" '- '" ft.’f e s s s * ” FARWEST /a«l«iaUnSL71 fc-18.3aa(15,ait) , Wa»hlng«oneS,W»»Nf soun oun*v6ST. 5 f W a 7 3 ,‘ VaniaM76.D wanvftgwii i . 'S T 'A ., ox s c o r e s Late NBA box , , outlasts 9 i l o w a 01 |f?crt»i’a‘i ffi 7t-6MV7l4»-M0i EV A N STO N , ] (A P ) «e»m»a» J40 7I4^7I«-70-340J9 • cored 27 points Tiffany Gooden see fo. 8 Iow a to a Sunday to lead No. 4t n 64*51 v ic to ry oo^ v e r N o . 12 r2a7474>'70-MI 744MMM7-342______N o rth w e s te r n , sn Willli I sr-”. C o U e g e w omen’s on 3 94 13.VanEiial 4^n4i«MpnM t4. * -« ,3 1 t (18.168). if f ia f f i* " " . 5 Foi».174.9 20. FUM7.14M 17,Mc M Ck2 10. Day S-19 2 0 12. WoMy 24 • EI>Hn2-3l'29.l*n(»0.1<M)a.Oom> 4-10 0410, !95 Rog«n2-S S2 19—66 -701S-16B2. ’ top 25 Hw Cia lop 29 M m h -No. llouMlraTatfifie ^ S fl s v s i2 s ;:s s m a g s s is U i ^ fJ. DiMidon t-S. MB* >4, Vat){Ual 1-4. . lMAm«lMS-17IPMM34,' JOOM1-S. lffi» 0-^TtWW^C ' a M iS iK s s M re is r s " Oavaland IS, Loa (V « n ^ 9) totttCault-0«w • Ai^atoiBeeal diSm.*^19J80{l7,90J). U). No 3ComiaeMut(1M) 1M)UatloNo.40«o>9la lama 6744: baat n6aalNo.3Cenr>acacul ! K .'5 a i '’,'SPam S SUM79-78. Ho SSUr<lotat1^3.2)6M 2)b*atOiaawiei-42;Mal No. 12 Oragan SUla 89-! Na6 Tara«aaM(1M )l a s a ? " - " MOaorolaTacn ^S8 is s .'” ” ” " ’' * i)W6M>Wlt93.733 S a i l MCn«Ma,n9.163 »«rA>a*i-U1jaD IS SB, T9-T38tW«a-M8f g jj ' u 5 < 674»«>7l-72-34a S i Wildcats’ nine-gom m e nom e w in ning streak. Northwestem (IS' 15-3 ovem ll, S 2 Big Ten) led 30-2^ 24 after en d in g the first h a lf witha a13-7 m n , b u t tom ied bock to Iowa (16-1,7-0) sto 6 w ith 1 3 :3 9 (ie the g a m e at J36 le ft. T h e W ild caatts ’ la s t l e a d ’ 1:38 m a rk o n occurred at th e 11: Megan Chawonsky': ,f's free throw . ' l“ ‘S5iS$in3u? 8^72-7M>«-344 4 . S SMtan.ft1J73 i; B g n«Hnmona.tl1jn l P G A HealthSouth scorcss i ) s a , 'S j a « 's ! S s s B » . naiMI»M8'S3hMP«|nOM«)1LM ' siD 68) No. 14 Wisconsii Illinois 67 . _ , t ! ill , I ^ N M U jw TraaauraNWIt) s s s a w? 0 7 :0« 0 1 . CHICAGO - Barb 25 points to lead No. Id 0 6 8 -6 7 w in o v«er Illin o is o n Sundoy. The Illini tum ed thi times, 14 times iii the the Badgers (14-2 ovi >vcmll, 6-1 Big Ten) c a p ita liz e , takinj ing 0 37-23 lead at hajftime. So 8ST ihoH,SallLi*a54 Seve>«nMaho S s Lr h*WeOam.ai.9tl KS S "irsrMMi,ci.9it JS Rxu 92. Eaalai •M«IlUia«78 IM^C0M.«S0NW3p------------ p j|Ui*HMa,tt4,809 j, OUa 70, Snow! s s s s rs -is ji" >9.TrM«nVaiMy4l UUhVaa*y99,' D f ta n m itljn S^aaaif M.S«i9<aniWala48 nHar>n,IU7t. cMradoNW92 • liihr.U.f» 25ni^75” - ‘ 79rt«-2IO et'7i<n-2io 794M9-211 s s s iir ' 67-7).72-2l] ri-?7'7a-ZI3 79»7}-4l3 3-PoMOOM»-Osugn 4.20 IQnmn 2-6‘ SIJ5KIJ W»wy RToaro. 1.^, 0»y tMl.Teron h .i, a ffliss “ . No. 21 P u rd u e 64, TM1.2). B«M7-i 6041S.UMOim 9-I 14.21 one-12t-114, OmUHouOtti 64-tt. UBiSr______SMnn«}-7 9-eit.&«xnon6 2 •M M m H ^.'bailN b*— — W gl-, ({g--,Y-—5^-S 014). Hom«M3-93-39.U«y34 UaNMnm.M,l70 79»n-3l4 -------- M ichiganSt.-6241. DoMSL 1-111,KMte6-7fr012.Fo«» ' S a S a s i T S 919' vaBOTMna, 18-170 . 73«7:-2I4 W E S T L A FA Y E 1 1-t M 9. OUanag No lOPamStata (14^) l4^)baalNo.ai Pudja KMtvSL ilC<KM.irO 71.70-5-214 . • UonMAt 1 i i ' i 5 i “ 21106. <M6.0T;latt»M0.4O«^7V-79. 4C i s T & 'w s s s r " ' Stephanie W hite’s twi MS(aio(T3J)i>oat WMtSl with 2.3 seconds remoii t-9 2-9 0«in)>a Tacti 66-S]::bulN bul omCMM76Uaw m io r ib u m a m e n t o f MuiTsy0-3 04 0, VmsM3-3 2 6.Wuaama «mion7(M4. e-Wathinglon I 7-184-4 n,ioaltoNo.24 0amio 24 M 7, OMwn 4-1064 I9,0any 19,1 21 P u rd u e a 6 4 -6 2 ' M iu 9.7 7-7 16. No. 120noon 84ala<l i<l14)MCali«omla93V N.Annna 0 4 JXX) 3 12 JOO C ha b a m p i o n s sco res Michigan S u te Sunday -1042.HWVM1.4 70:MlaM».68tar4grd Mbrd694*. . . LKWT4-7 1-73. Tow 1-1 3-24. Tou»2 M24-74 IMOeS. No. 130iM (1541 bwH baal G«cm ( Taeh 7U«. >ad Hm^ ' 4 4 M 11.KiikocM0«tXK« >adto.10t o * i w SSS^ Purdue (11-7, 4-3I Ini» S 226 30 2S—106 No t4WI*<EnW){14.2)t 4-2) baal NOffi^ lOM M I - 3 0 4 ' IW> 23 ’ led by Ja n n o n Roloni L A C «(m . 18 223 21 2 3 - B2 95W beal MWwoU M 4$ 90;baainnolt6A2!simpSi5^M 2?Cm|J!TS'o^b3,DKWn I I DoradobS ? 1 h I < W Toolten M.BanoA 67. . Kirk. Roland scored a ; .^ s s trs s s v K J.UHonaO-l. No.1SCotanA)J17-4)b< ■4)baalloiiia8taM7a48; CMM ^ |6-I8(a«fy4-10, MalNMyatkaeMl. L poinis, including three ■9.RM4. Hwn«cND.2|.L(MA>ioMa6-1 MJ10-16£t^24. Trie»p«8-17>9 19. Fl ,RogafiO-1). No. t90UDon*>en(l3-: >'(l3-2)batlE4MCM«na Ajustta 91-2 9. H^rwr 3-7 00 9. Houtfon 6>19( th e se c o n d h a lf, i10 sp ark a d»-3jtahsa(Ka«la 76-W: baa) NorVi CaR*« • WMtO-t{kOO.Ou>n(n2-6CK)4.UM1 STfSlI sSdSmSii1 3; 3 - ^ 10 7 J u from a 35-26 <6).Aulat>-Utah No. 17 NortrM*Uwn(l5-: ^ ^ « M 6 , « » n 1 - 2 0-02 TOU B o ilerm a k ers ro ily fi M.ltlOahara, SUM9<-K>; loai lo No. 9 1 halftime deficiL 1 a»—111 ntttowtUI).Tal«iaul>-UUtl s s j .'i f 5 s t e s i a sap « S 8i 31— ! 96 A/«M21.TMtMctf»-Malan l iln lo n 1 0 3 , No. 15 O ld Donil ' . M S S rs ? 5 T r5g!i« i2 js s a “ ~ “ Murif<y^ia7 eS-ID-TWII 4)loalloNa.e WaaMR No.20Arkanan(144)la iHMd. <22,000 7940-70-312 o n 22N .C .-W llm ingtoi HouMon M. M*»0-1,Dgi»>» M I frSS!^ foJ College men’si tt(o p . z s f f s r s s t f i . ?M ilaSouth CaroanaCe-U. )MtteHo.lOParaiSUM N O R F O L K . V a.. - C la risse 8 1 ^ 7 |4 .C4 >— Ha>MM»23IM<n>lnTT>*A» »). OMM46 (W T ta M ^ X M ii -Chlcm a • i i i ‘S S .^ a S : s s ..t I M a c h a n g u a h a o u tsc sco re d N o rth NawUaxIco ! HRnotlattland77- |^ n / ^ u ^ 4 - 4 ^IbaalAlaMmaM a c s s & w S r r .r a t. .CaroIina.W ilm inpon by b hbrsclf ond wisMiaaiuJppieuM7l- SanOUgoSl i ® ” (21.4W). ? I !l 1 S 3 K*nW»v|t»-1)bM(LSU tis S I I S ’? I a e Seni fiifiii ili-M fll , j i T l i n M ^ E S W Ee I n Mu sc ^ KIDSO>fPLU5 2 22 B lu e U k e * Blvd. N. • Tw in F«ll»« . M onda)'- Saturdny 10:00 u n to 6:00 pm • Closed Sundays n 1333 O verland • Doric}’ • ,s s ,A " s s ? ;; •C lo se d Sundays I m I II _ I i ^ I I | I ’n . ADDRESS _ I CITY________ I PHONE--------- J ADDRESS i C IT Y I P H O N E ---------- DepptilnoUier / Rcptoductiofti oreoupoiu ixXjellgibte. ell| / ^ (haa ;inu»ry 3 i .' 1996. Entiv muM nuw be dcpoaitcii lathe JVC. CoupMU tv»ili*le II_______ «I9R whon lutme appcm ■Dove, ______ J. ^ . ;__________ .____ ^ N u T c o u p o i T rI I 733-15591 — — III .I r . ^ a m e ' _ R e p n x ^ o n t oreoupotii nol>1cctisible. OqMaU no Uiet lhair Jaautry 31,1996. Entty mtM mi be dcfMnlled in the ove. Couponf ivailable at noire wboac nunt appean abov< tMcriben. - __ ___ C e ll li se g e w o m e n ’s h< b a s k e tb a ll !s 8S, ’ K ansas* No., 19>O 0 klahom a St. 58 L A W'R RE E N C E , K an. - A ngie scored 24 points — holf o f 'i HolblcibI see ' them on1 four foi 3-point baskets — as No. 19 Oklahoma K ansas defeoied defe -S8 Sunday. trailing Oklahoma S u te (133 overall. 3- Big Eight) early in die 1.3-2 Consos took th e lead when I h it the first o f .h e r .3 'p o in l-__ —____-ing it 19-18 w ith 8:52 lefi in Ihg firatihaif EalF \ No. 20I Al A rk an sas 66, S. C aroli -olina 58 - / , ' - J A Y E •TTTT E y iL L E .J ^ r k _ ^ y tio ____ ______ ____ icored 15 points and grobbed lunds S u n d a y os N o. 20 15 rallied late to knock o ff irolina, 66-58. sas (14-6, 1-4 Southeastern ice) ended 0 five-game los* Conference) k wilh the victory. ElE N . . M FFIlorida 71, LSU 64 IN B ROUGE, La. — DcLisha • BATON Mred 18 points and grabbed Milton scoro 16 rebounds inds to lead No. 22 Florida t o o . 7 I ; 664 4 v ic to ry o v e r LSU bn . Sunday iiin O' S o u th e a ste rn ICCmatchup. 1(15-3 overall, 3-2 in SEC) took odvanto: antage o f 26 LSU turnovers to hand the he L U d y Tigers (12-3 and 32 ) their first itsihI o m e lo sso fth csca so n ._ ^ . %Lamonii I I LYNWO W O O D SHOPPING CEtJTBR I 54( Blue Lakes Blvd. N. 546 733-31 IS ' ' NAME ___ ADDRESS I I CITY.:______ I I PHONE____ ^ :----- “l i i i i w i n u E l u K iK B O N u T cO U P O H l ^nwood Shopping Center 7341 Rler Ave. E. I I w w H m i s t t P ifM . I ^ S - J ^ N o . - 1 5 - O M01d-DominionhadrunS'<if-32--------^ points and 2 points in a 103-22 vie. nd 25 T the Seahowks Sundoy. M ochani languona sco red a career* ' high 32. points poi in only 23 minules. de 13 She mode 1, Held goals, three more Seahowks, and grabbed nine than the Sea rebounds, __ . a w£ftmlAl24.37S iHMl.t20,190 flaSp . mnw^fT-vr s •48ry«il.tS3.733 s anMM.u3.7s gSu ..... . . r '”T55Mtiwestem,1,64-51 , " H'gr)! i a ®m|MBi^40M rtSSa.Q34M0 S VTTLE - 'M a r k S a n fo rd d 2 7 p o in ts a n d the W ashingic nglon H uskies tied 0 school rccord wilh will 10 3-poiniers in on 8571 Pacificific-lO Conference win over W ashingto ngton State o n Sundoy. T h e HHu; uskies (10-4 overall, 3-2 P o c -IO I d b y a s m u e h os 27 0)) le p o in ts in in the 1 se cond h a lf against the Couga: ugars (8-5, 1-4) after buildi n g a l66-point -p( hoinim c advantage, W nshini h ington sank 54 pereent o f its shols ( ‘ fo r 65). including 10 is (35 o f 13 3-poinlers. 3-pc T h e Huskies hit six o f seven sevc 3-pointers In the firsl h a lf in taking taki a 41*25 lead. C L E M S O N , S.I S.C. - T e r r e ll M cIntyre hod 15 poi joints in the se c . ond half, a n d No. 19 Clemson held six th .ro n k ed W ake ce Forest n ea rly 30 p o in ts b e lo w it: ils averoge in a Ap4 tl 55-» 1-victory Sunda; :lay. M cIntyre finished ;d wilh 0 coreerl2 2 high 20 points os thi thC'Tigcrs (12-2, I gS S | S s E r ; . 2 a »,, OWayJ 1-2. dafaaMd Ran Riw 73-54. --------" ~ 3 ^ A tlantic C oast CConfcrcnce) p u t . MaMCa*saM744r..i on en d to th e Deni :raon D e a c o n s ’ ?*2S NCM. 104.datMMaMM«uM5M6. , nine-gam e w inning s 1 streak. iMaM OiaarM Fllanei 8840. Trey. »4, leal ts Oanaaaa 52-44, Oaaiy T im D u n c a n , thi th e c o n fe re n c e _ leader in rebouiidin ing and b locks, . i H " .G o U ^ge e standtiigs' ........ C Sca^T O ;^^ AlVtntOMr.aiWiCoM cWWUj M Fwaw 78 U Q u m !}■__. 0«Mtr 4ylon2-7. 1D-213-i23.Surk*3-102-4 >0-S). FauM 8, Omw6-12 0414. M.WM liiS ^ lS m p 'tS l^ M iS y .C ^ w . S S . ». Sm SM2S (MduUn 6). Toul fM*. TAilOI.ShMnaaSL SOUTM SouMnildih L ! fii" !I M.SMtM VANCOUVER(U) D.OnoNM6a OnaCcMoa KinoO-12-3£*>M3-93-< oaiafSfl Iw w STITotS)^'* ' * l3rf6,RM*aa6-12 Ala-ItomMMm 7a Or 2-214. D.EAMrtt 4-103-31: S-7 14.0E0>tMl M 2U4.I a. MtfOcOi M 4-9 to, MoU«1 !S I?fi? S iS ?iia, 2-6 1-36 T0IM26462347 t-37B4. l0UWraTaOl46.S0U Eaod 4.10 2-2 n . iW w t*« 04>2.Ratmon 2. f 1>12 3-S23. M N « n 7-B04 H, Jo rMmUMa.6i . -CcMidoNW 4,Ja(iman HwYoli 21 22 27 21 14—64 MOW 102iSaw«Ma i 44 frO8. Lcnwt 7 ^ 0 4 1 6 . P«r*on r*sn S-9 3-4 VnouvW Z 6 0414. 3J>anloott»-Mw.YaA4-.i; -------- ._14.RM<sO4O«0.Aluan(lerM04 Hwr«n2-S0>14. Dampi 2-7 0414. Ar ----------^ J S S S J ^ iitS S T :! »Mou)—Narta.’ Albany. N.Y, 66, Hau.-) Z S ^ V l 'S S S S ^ .€ l! ^ 7 .t3 S 0rcSS2toHW54 smeil'oiM' jaa69 l3-92a V<flCOIM>S7(RM>MI0j.Ai J '2 2 S i » . v « S S S S & Sa Suff S jm T O utanwayge. 04.Muw«l 2t(StwUe).VlKCiMr30(C 89.T(Ma>raValar78 ssE sassr ToMbub-Ww YbA 28, V«t M 6 3^ 14, Sudan 1-404 3. H u>ra4>142,Z m4 acti Ndaon. OaUey .FnrMn PMna 78. Sacr 11. W*M«i 2-S1-2 7. Outnn 2-SM 6 fi77.Da)«n6e Riaa 119. Cele 32-93 tSi22 88 assssr* " K61.NMIIMM79 ~ s r s .B S K s " a s - a s S Sj ' s s a r x HanvMNtaCoS.eg SalLiM70.Ti LaUsynt77.N*>HM>c ^ ■ a § ii tS ^ « lK a n l6 9 ■*'i. Lonw«4-9. EMfl 3-3, Panon t-3. KYU73.EiKm66 >130012.Cw»-B NawEnolMMniMna s 3 i S ¥ ? a ‘; S 'i r T r , i ; <timmw(.Va. 83 SMUkaCem lrarMenS-177919.. SaUMy8l114.l>tiM f n f :-3M 7, 1.J 0- WaWftBlm Uo. 87. 7.fWwM«63 UtmVi“^ s ^ s r a r js s r » - & ,. Pti4«)Ki'UUm*Mtwu(»n 19).Aw r s J U - s y s i 'i S S 'i i M '” S S iI31 ! 24-10S Washin; [lington 85, [lington S t. 71 'Washin; No'. 19 Clcm sor No. 6 W ake Foi rre s f’4411 orest 0. OM 120. dafeaMdCuMaeaeeMI, le# J.Lapwal. g a ! SS rS S ^lS ^atiM aa WaM8Wa6442. •M ed Soda SpMM 7962. ^ 7 1 '. ^ IMM Tam.: w^4JJtmtu»y99 kMupaa7.S OUOoiMMor< sassf”"'”* ?srr.?s I'baalLSU9947. m(13-3) baalSL John* 91- sipoMpools-OrUndo 7-22 Twnr 1-3. Stew 1-4. Son 1 ».HouMn3-32(CMMl2-) fticnwO-1.SinOO-2.Dn I.Hoag«04 ■ MO S TeUM39-104 I S 1»-20tOI. S S«4.12(V26; ingg to ra lly from a U -poinl shootm d e n c itI-to to 0 95-87 victory Sundoy ' bul-prone LSU. over foul-; )um (15-3, 3-2 Southeostem A ubum :rence) tro lle d u n til Adrion Confereni :sl ccapped a 15-6 run with 0 Chilliest layup-jhat ihat<put-tho-Tigers-up-65.64--------------0:20 Icf^. w ‘h I0:2C lurn went o n to build a 14A uburn Po«nt Icad Ico o v e r L S U (9 -7 , 2 .3 ) w hen Lance Lon W eem s hit 0 17-fool jum perr w ith j 3:35 rcmainine-________ _____ 1 i.OldMwmaStaa SmM'aSio n.CoaSJ 13. UCIA|13.4)6m I' tsNo.16Aniona8a-7 i3-1)loailsNo.2OUcn0an 14. PamSMla (13-1) I its 15th straight C onnecticut w on it idoy over No. 12 gome, 79«70 Sundi Syracuse. • ' from the field In A llen, 2-o f-9 fro ist Syracuse's 2-'3 Ihe firsl h a lf against lOints - including zone, scored 10 poi =-in-the-Huskics>— ~ ~ a'fourspoinrTjlBy=" vc them 0 62-46 16-.4 ru n th a t gave A4 i.OM iopKaly144.MMaMdV«»>va6t49. 5lay. 59, lead w ilh 9:08 lo pis !l2“ , Syracuse, w hichtl Ihas lost four o f 6-54. <3a(aaMd Mann Valay 63-71. right back its last six gom es,, comc c . Uoacow, 10-3. Coaur fAlana (potfperMe), that made it 64J __;____ .wlih.nnJLlr2_nin_tli 5 7 w ith 6 :3 1 to> jp la y , o nd th e , V««wa. 12-3.4*<MMdNyiaa. Ora. S2-46. 16. .H uskies (16.1, 8 .0) Big E East) callcd giYS BiaXop Kaly 6t-i9. OaMaMPayaOa' 0 timeout. ^t**! ,_g, I. CaMwmMl. 13-2. MlaaM ManMi 7940. ”• Mtt MlaaladDoliaoa^ 2I.. 1Lake ^ eny. J 14. daMaMd LawWon 64-39.I iI.SeiacMool 10-3. dilaawd PoeaMM93-59. >noletigible. Depoait ne tater ' ■ ■ Reproductioniorcoupooinc tiyinuitbedqwalteclinlhe I I lbuJum ary)i.l996.C fltiy Co<9>on*av>lUbleai f ■ nore »hoae name appean above. ab j “ '|^ ^ ^ la T laM » -N ew i for non-nil " I I ■ ^ ji ^ o o m i fea imr— U S ^ nld1%IS!dl ( A fath ther’s story; ogling with Strugi grief,; Jguilt 10 1_vears ;] later_____ "And the cot ;ar's ia the cradle and the sil silver spoon, litth ittle boy blue and the mon1 in ii the moon.. 'Whqn 'W you cornin’ home ne, Dad?' 'I don't I 'f know when, but we’ll ge get together then,\,Son. S You know we'll bare reo{ good time then. e n ."’ ^1 ■ - t hhe e song "Cat’s in the Cradle,' lc,” . by Hany Chapin )in. The A ssociated: edPress __________ V;-: M .'. ■ 0 . Fla. — Theyw cre-eriter ORLAND O. :ep----------------------------------____ _______tain in g friends id s and relatives when the the_______________________ phone rang that reg lat January night. It was Greg calling to say’ hello hc ep— his father and st^* mother hadn’t h lile ’t heard from him in o while — and to tellI them th tomorrow appearedI to APpholp __ bc The Day. •J A 'fter'm ontli! i t h r o f b 'e in f b'umpcd'fr'om 3m • • B ru c e J a r v ls ri-fa f a th er o f o n e o f'th e • ■ ----- ------5le flig h t to flig; h t and enduring m ultiple a s t r o n a u t s k llle Illed In th e S h u ttle • 's , Greg Jarvis felt sure hhee launch delays, 3 la c e s a th an k -y o u C h a lle n g e r, pla< J finally would be heading into space aboard c a r d o n a c a r iIn n O rlahdo, Fla., d lslallenger. the shuttle Challi a lle n g e r lic e n s e p la te , p la y in g a Challe sted.only a few minutes. The The call lastcc T h e p l a t e s h a vvee ra is e d $17 m illion . .uts were waiting to use the Lhe other astronauts Space Center, and phone at the Kennedy Kc f o r a m e m o riaa l ffo u n d a tio n . G reg C reg had to be brief. He waited until he J a r v is w g s a ppa; a y lo a d s p e c ia lis t on was ready to hang hai up, and then he said it: t h e m iss io n . _ _ “I love you, Dad H e’d never told tol his father that before, winged spacc plane lanes had been flying since uid there, in front ofhis wife ife Right then and flight had becom e’almost 1981. Shuttle flig t-of-tow n company. Bruce ce and th e ir out-o and was generating less routine, in fact,I. ai Ily unemotional, broke down >vn' Jarvis, normally public son,’’ hc replied! He’d :’d in tears. “I love > 'c you, lUgh, this was ‘‘the ultimate For Greg, though ' never said thatIt bbefore, not in all of Greg’s I's trip.” 41 years. conds. It lasted 73 sccon eir T hat w as thei: heir lost conversation, their ptured 8.9 miles above the Challenger raptui ■ very last words js lto one another. An omen. ;n. while traveling at 1,460 A tlantic OccanI wl . Bcuce Jarvis now IOW feels. . -mph, o.r nearly twice twi the speed o f sound, On Jan. 28,. 19^6. 1 T^ at 11:39 a.m. EST^ als, or O-rings, in a critical The pressure seals, uce J a rv is and his six G r e g o ry B ruci It _« Mlid-fucl rocket booste r _ ___ _ joim o f the right ' ChaUenger crewi nvxiiates died in afireball in ha'd given way in the Vold — it was 36 the sky. vith a b o o s t e r ro c k et flyin T his p h o to g ra p h shlo o vw s portions o f t h e Chall allenger s h u ttle craft, wltt /In g , fre e afte r th e explosI< ich time — and failed to s io n . degrees at launch atcr. his father is still heart­ rtTen ytears latei bustible rocket gases. _____ contain the combusi )y Jarvis has been cursed sed on occasion and m u ' s ic k an d b i t te ierr a b o u t th e decision by >lowtorch, fast and furious, It was like.a blou ol left standing in engine! ex exhaust; the drivers B n oster-maker Morton Thiokol N ASA and boost . creating a hole in the external fuel tank, Ici thought he was peddling ling something. But H J b Inc. to launch Challenger O that fatally cold .. which collapsed. At Ai tlic same time, thc tip gs for the m ost part, moto: otorists are touched m o rn in g , despii spite en g in e ers’ warnings ooster rotated and crashed o f the leaking boos 10 .andgroieful.:. ' about the now-h v-itifamous 0-rings. He no art-oflthe.cxtcmal.iank..the—----------into thc,uppcr.part.c is-wiferaiso-78rhave— lg------ He-f»gurcs‘he-and-his-%s —:--------------longer-dwells-on on-itrthoughrand-is-tiyingfinal blow. id handed out som e 5,000 )00 cards since the ds for to m ake am ends I his son’s lost life, and en Jarvis watched in disbcBruce and Ellen J e pplates were issued first Challenger license their lost relation: onship. nch site as chunks o f shutlie f from the lounch to Florida residents a ye year after the acciit’s now or never. At age 78, hee figures fi Eanh. “Obviously a major tie rained onto Eart dent. (The co u p le got )t the ti first two; his toiy. ^ ^ ^ vlission Control reported This is his stoo m alfunction,” Mis; bears Greg's biith date.) :.) *The commemorafusibn. am id all the confusi' S16 million for the is tive plates have raisedI SI It’s a sunnyr O rlando moming and, os T he c o u p le w e re hu stle d aw ay by h. Astronauts M em orialI Foundation Fi at the usual, B m ce Jorv arvis is prowling his neigh* Is. along with thc other N A S A o fflc ials. i lc< Kennedy Space Center, r, paying p for a huge H R v borhood and nea: learby shopping-mall park* a s tro n a u ts ’ fam m ililie s. Jarvis, then 68. ie granite monum ent beari: :aring the names d f W c t ing* lots -in sea're: arch o f Challenger license his wife feared required medicalI attention; alt the 16 Americans who) have hn died sp far in |j j ||l i plates. hock. h e ’d gone into shod and a space educa- K j t t id the line o f space duty,, an emains were thc last ones Greg Jarvis’ rcmi He used to go by foot, striding up and ,g tion center, ng tmonths after the acci. found; three long ' down the endless :ss rows o f cars and leaving >n, and mission in . ^ ^ 9 u It is J a r v is ’ passion, w . Marcia, scattered his i d en t. His w idow. blue thank-you1 cards ci on the driver’s-side . a s h e s in to the P Faacific O ccan, o f f thc windows o f vehic shicles with the commemo- what's lefl o f his life. He and his wife see B D the m em o ^ o f thc , B ||D Iq it as a w ay to keep the imia coast where thc two S outhem Califomi: rotivc plates. Nov. Fowadays, Jarvis has trouble m d especially the I Q Q ;y hhad no children — and ; had lived '— they w alking, so hee bbikes. Even though he’s C hallen g er S ev en , and ing bright B ||l 'Uh ' • ^ ' cutoffcontactw U h her in-laws. slower and doesn isn’t get out as much “I memoiy of^Greg, burning nembers,-ho isrpcr— .J— Of-the.scvcn-crew-men vis', peacc, sii'ch as it was." --------- Ju st don*rhave*i: For-Brlice^'Jaivis'. e*ih«"heolth’**=‘he'won*r* verlooked, the. one H | ) | | haps, the one m ost over stro n a u ts M em orial la y in th e A Asi stop. H e can’t. I .most easily forgotten. oblished .shortly after thc > Foundation, establi He’s always on the lookout for the iundT h ere w a s C h ris taa M f cA bliffe, thc cards. raising plates; eve sven when he goes down toJ ac cid en t and in the thank-you : oncord, N.H., who . maam what w e’re “ G reg w ouldI appreciate ap th e lake on thei edge ec o f his condominium„ "ischoolteacher from Conc was going to use Challen lengcr os an orbital __ doiji^ , w hat' th ey ’i do inc. what we’re l y ’re . ! complex at daybrc break to feed the ducks. Udrcn.everyw hete— ___ classroom ^S choolchildi h'^ p in g them 3o. i o. much more than any• -J got so th 'aitn n 'T d u ia ^ o l'o n e 'o T th'cse” oar; theirjoy_quick® tuned in to watch her soar thing else‘1 can thinl hink of," he says. things ahalf>m ile away,” he boasts, ly tiuitcd into anguish. . It helps Bruce: and an Ellen feel closcr to Jarvis never leavds lea the house without a0 ider Francis “Dick” There were commandei Greg pnd. maybe, jv maybe. Jarvis says, e. just pocket full o fthhe e business-size i cards, evenn Scobee and pilot Mlchac hael Smith; Judith m akes up for all the the time hc should have, though there seen :em to be fewer and fewerT Resnik, the second Ame: m erican Voman in and could have, spent spi with his .son over ■ es around these days. Challenger plates < space; Ronald McNair, the the sccond black in the years. by both Jarvis and space; an d E lliso n O:)nizuka. Thc cards are; signed si the first ni **1 w ish I ’d had ad m ore time for a lt o f his wife o f 20 yeai 'cars, Ellen. Theyread: "Onn Asian-American in space. m p them ,” he says o f his hii three sons. "But now , »a».-w«co>icfgi«Tr»iiB»nni>C«w»mMm behalf o f Greg Jarvis Jat #««■.K k* and the crew, BmceB And there -was Greg,. a Hughes Aircraft .. that I’ve got the time tin ..." His voice trniLs erim ents in "This is my m> one chance,” Greg had sa and Ejlen Jarviss thank tt you for purchasing! Co.'engineer who had been bcc bumped from • goingg to condu'c/t flu id experi iish. off. He cannot finish ate. Your continued renew-- D isco v e ry b y a sen ed satellites, Neither Bmce Bn a Challenger plate, nor Ellen Jarvis was con* c< a inatoii and from orbit. IHe designed and managed n. SA’s : P ls a s e sse e ee CHALLENGER/C2 vas not a prof}:ssional astrona onoiut. cemed about al is appreciated.” )ut his safety. After all, NAS/ 1.” • C olum bia by a congres: ressm an, and was but was ||h ||| ’s town[pays tltribute ryears 2after, teeacher’i :re not alive at the time the ic Challenger C accident hap.were ned,” Rad 2 ilowic2 said.. “They ”T nre gettine_SQmii______]— penc I’o rm ation at school, but thc they need more detailed rormntion and wc hope the | he permanent exhibit can [fill that need.” as been low-key obout preThe high school, which has b viou ining whot it hopes will be )us anniversaries, is begtnnin ^® 3| S !8 H I anai annual speaking program. ^ 1 < On the .Friday before the: Jan. Jai 28 anniversary, stuhn Radzilowjcz. Oi — John nts will walk about a mile fi le from thc high school to 1 M u lfi C h rista McAulifTe iffeT^lanetarium fh"*; : C apital C cnter for the Ar Arts to hear from CNN [ )orter Judy Fortin, a 1979 C — — 9 Concord High graduate . i 'amilies. It also will unveil an exhibit on the con* their fam who 10 c o v e red the C hallenger Iger ofterm ath as a ncw ions m ade by Arabs to astn istronomy. funded by rcpoi s-WMUR‘TV. K>rter at New Hompshire’s'W the I Oth anniversary, I think; ppeople are final- ‘"bution As .Prince. S.ultan.bin.Salman,, who wl flew on thc misicl'Gorrett sajd the school ■Assistant Principal Michoe|'( ng that all o f the people onn the. Challenger S nudi.^ is.ll i f - i M . Iy realizing t h e C hallengerr and a trained with want iful graduate Who can talk . . . ' om our point o f sion before be nts to highlight a successful Christa, in particular, fror wM fM r n .crew, andd C ------------------------ ,----g ljp y iliffe.____________________ rc8,’-s a id - J o h n — McAuhfl nit~aspirotions'iuid“ the kind :inds o f things you can do -r ive-becom e-historio-flgure —view , -have h |S M |9 H Radzilowicz, Izilowicz said a sampling ooff the t plaques, poems, if yoi i-ou put your mind to it" Radziti icz, eductition director at the: pplanetarium. ''' hrista isn't really artwork i rk and cards Concord receivc :ived from around the po Even peop eople in'Concord re aliu "Chr show how McAulifTc's o. "ortin said she will try to0 sl APpfioto oursanymon world niter nft her death will bc display played. value nore,” he said. ^ ,> ' ucs have affected her life and can guide others. a risk and a real inveil an exhibit A fut This year. future p e rm a n en t exhibi ib it w ill highlight ”C ’C hrista McAulifTc was taking tak t, Mike C h a lle n g e r c r eBW w m e m tje rs , from fro nIt, sar, the planetarium will un> work'shops-and ■McAuKfl lallcngctrole, he Mid.__€hani "bui.by_taking_ajisk.8hc — incc.iniicr Iifc,” .she.said., ”bi and about M cAi ;Auliffe, hold free teachcr' w iKftc.the person and her.Cball ln S m ith , C h r i s taI M cAullffo, Ellison C n IzuKa >f kids per ycac who was t ired teachers and ‘ *"We a s able to achieyc so much.” e are see in g thousands o f ii nission fees for tochers, retire waive admisi sl u ttls. ' G r e g o ry J a r v is8,, pI re p a re to b o a rd th e1ish TheAssocda xdatedPress ------- RfTlnrChnttcnBer ORD,“NH. -^ 'A decade after 1 plunged Concord into shoci Kk and grief, the high school fc taught and'the Dol where Christa McAulifTc eaking with tradiim built in her honor are brea! jor events, tion to mark ark the anniversary with majoi m sees an opportirista McAuliffe Planetarium urtdcrstanding o f honor teachers and broaden ui !e the person, but the schoolI i:is steering away McAul icr goals o f strivAulifTe herself to focus on hci ims,- even in face xccllencc and to attain dream w ii t h t h *w 1t h i n k m m • aIl l x i n g on th e n a vi v« e b e c e 1 0 t h a n inni l v e r a a r y , I p e o p le a ra f ln a lly “ ’ t h a t a l l o >f ff t1 h e p e o p l e C h a l l e n g e ir c r e w . . . o m e h i s t oo r i c f i g u r a s . * |*r ' Tl ~ _____ ______________ C*2 C ^ J a n u a r y 2 2 .1 9 9 6 Monday. T im M > N ewtaa,' . Twin Falls. Idaho <l e h a U n g e r _ _ s, Qf.newmtt: * i _ ,^ Z Z Last. per clip p in g s, c a rd s , letters Libr1ir°^^ In S B 5 memei n e n to s to th e W e tle r L 86, for a perMohaw lawk, N.Y., population 2,986 lent display .dedicated to> hometown 1 itianen ) G reg.' till, plenty remoins. ssociatedPress The Assoc ;g, the entire Fram ramed photogrqphs o f Greg, V, ^ e n thc -aftcrmath o f the iie explosion ^ 'OS ias diverse a sp ac e shtittle crew, n i-th ej-Ja rY ises'‘H vin^-ro is ec'v e r— ■.male," fenmle,-white, ropm rw nlls ^rew ds en'birds are shown flying8 out o f the ericon, C h ristia n , b lo ck ., Asian-Am As hold Res o f smoke). Tables and shelves sh plumes |ues and other cdm m em ora plaque: ricf look at the seven w ho died " l i v e sifts. A brief sI_subscquent.morriflgc ____________ B ru c c _ J a r.v .is lj .jaapshots_ 0 £ Jhe_couple.( 1Chollcnger-lO.years ago:----- --tto° !_otj(»rio.U!L_ ^-nboim lC h him to be o.morc. E lle n , w h o c n c;ourogcd ou t t ^ oloriols. ri ' reaorv Jarvis; Hughes Aircraft icr, gniduaily iiiipiuvcd~thc sreftillTTJackcd-away-innhe he-betlcoom-------- i = C r Siginecr S in Los Angeles. A ge 41. rd d tio n s h ip betw tween c father and son. Greg ite .cardigan a 8cldom*wom m an 's white eg ed. Nd children. F irst shuttle kep i h is fa th er aabreast br o f his growing num* If ball, chcrjtcr and-a gold-colored golf sweater nents in thc -801011110 world. b e r o f a c h ie v e m ei !d. re llossnop. ’ ishedi pi presents from Greg, as wel th e-on launch----------- i ^ h n s t f i r s t w ith th c A iir Forco and then w ith s-ofThrtnradledsup-couplcicord, N.H., and first p riv a te d te. in Concorc H u g h e s A irc ra ftI in ir Los Angeles, as well as ^ ling and o f the rising shuttle, hosen ' all h is o u td o o r adventures ad with Moreio — Then lo re 's a ls o a. copy o f thee' letter the . izen chos; to fly in spoce. A ge 37. ;d. Two children, now 16 and thc M om cd. 1 1 0 0 -m ile b ik e rid rides, whitc-wotcr rafting, ises w rd tc 'to G reg righf before b S. Jarvise -V st shuttle flight. icy were and 19. First sl c ro s s -c o u n tiy sktiing. iir t, telling him how proud the) flight, U )nold M cNair Second black in /ith him into • Ronoli . how be should take their love wit :ion os a space shuttle.poy* G re g ’s sel.cctior from Lake C ity, S.C. spacc, physicist phy e. load s p e c ia list in 1984 was, for father and 5i Married. Two children, now )ut, unfohuA ge 3Si V imc helps," Jarvis says. “Bu son , a p ro fe ssio nnal a l pinnacle. His phone call /as 10 years 11 and 13. Karate instructor, ja z z sax* y, it doesn’t seem like it wai na(ely, to h is fa th e r th e ni( night o fJan .2 6 o r2 7 . 1986 sl. S Second shuttle f l i ^ t . . ophonist. -a g o .'-' ■— -----------^ - - B r u c e .a n d EEllen-Jorvis l lc disagroe-whichhis wife agrees, borelyaudi^ bo APphoto "It doesn’t,” do . Ellisc le •Iison O nizuka: F irs t A sian that, at least in the nig h t it w a s — ssurpasscd uq con in^space, A ir F o rce lieueyes o f th e fath er. A m erican sr. n g e r’s tw o b o o s t e r rocki T h e s h u t t l e C hallengi k e ts t a k e o ff a f te r th e, craft ci a x p lo d lerc wc arc still living," she he goes, on, te n a n t. .co .colonel from K e a la k e k u a , “O h G o d , I w os a s ecstatic,” t Jarvis recoils. ’ iftoff J a n .2 8 ,1 9 8 6 . e d s e c o n d s a fte r llfto “ond ol! these people had such- dreams di and K ona, Hawaii; Haw B u t in o n e h b oo rr if ic in sta n t, all the Age 39. M onied. Two vision and had so much lo•contnbute. c children, n. 20 and 26. Second shutn, now d re a m s-c o 'm e -tru u 6 and clitams-to-be were team will ever.forget it.” t.” thcj ley have attended around O thi..= oun.^-ovor 8 just not in sequence. It shoi lould be the tie flight." sn u n e d o u t.1 nding for Jarvis was the le past decade, o r how mo , E specially heart*rend! mony tim es they o,her wn ■way around.’’" A c o m m is s io>n n appointed ; by President. — is — .n o t knowing; precisely Jith Resnik: Second A m erican ' pi w hen his hav ng d riv e to th e ave m a d e -th e h our-long uttles have flown 49 times R eag an b la m e d thc the accident on a frighten» ” ” =/■>!= . . w J a t ' Il lin: spocc, clectrical engineer Kexi ennedy Space Center for• Challenger C J son died.' He suspects Greg Gn was alive when trib . c h Xlonger m accident, each time with w Jarvis a ..,— At,mi rooted in histoiy — in g n u m b e r o f mlistakes ist kron, Ohio. Age 36. Divorced, ned into the Atlantic utes loriol Foundation es. The A stronauts Memori g thc crcw cabin slammed me holding his breath. The sc -jo in t design, unrelenting a fa u lty r o c k c t- jo idren. Jewish. Classical pianist ly next S unday; aiis a lo w -k e y ceremony “ and possibly aware o f what wh; was happening. . plai successes, one failure. N / p re ssu re to m e e t: th< the demands ofa n occeler* Ishuttle ftigHt. ' rvis will b e there. “I ’ll nev e r forgive them lem,” Jarvis says. ' ' L ® t1 ,„ 'c ^ motess the th odds o f a disaster at ab< a tin g flig h t s c h eedule, di a silent safety promcis “Dick” Scobee, com m an55, • Fmncij !s co f thc Challeng^er .“1 “He’s th e kind o f guy wh( L ik e o th er relatives vho will go any- loo miss nissions. This is a best-guess. gra m , p o o r c o m m u munications, slack monogeIsinctnded:--------dcK-Form i acoranytimerto-flprefld'the ^ — c re w r Jorvis-suedr-He*r< the-gospel of Utc _ For r m any reasotisrthoBc-m ldr m ent. om Cle Elum, Wash, A ge 4 6 ._ iun^_Evei!_____ p ilot from tonJniiokol,-enough,__ u uuoriation,—snysJbundatioa (]__ cIosed-sum Jrom -M oiton t on.ErcsidenLJim _jarvis.w i i.willjicvec.go.back-fouLlaut rocked-N ASA -and-forced--------- ^--------- T he-findingS -ro< children,“now j l “ana lellowed if “ M d m cddTTwo .J lably. DeS yp player in all o f But he’! eSands. “ H e ’s been a key le’s changed his m ind, mel c h a n g e s . E v e n um unw ittlng members o f thee he says, to live comfortab ond shuttle flight, 34. Sccond is, never wavered, always ys been support- you will, vill, on another emotional mlotter. a N o m atter how much :h iiit still hurts, Bruce la u n c h team w e re « a s h a m ^ and felt guilty. chael Smith, pilot: N a v y cape.” ' is daughter* • Michai wonts io reconcile with his He wo every C hallenger »ve.’ a n d E llen Jarvis go. to c S o m e s till do. id ft former com bat p ilo t from )io. ta in and V, who still lives in California v ic y 're invited. They B ut finally, mercifully, life lif has becom e in-law, [• m em orial to which they ‘T h e r e are so m n e who today are not total* irt. N.C . A ge 40. M a r rie d . don!t_wnnt to he d ead hel -re arc-fewcr.cer-__ **1 dpi l e f o t c J l v c ______.BjM uJjotL lin^er:^fc«:0e:Jaivlses.-T hw llffnger-event,”.soys shuttle, ----------- ^— lyTOvcrrtho^Ghallffi e _ J c e l .o b I i g © d ..- = = ----- : :hildren, now 18, 24 ond 27. 's going to ■ T h re e chili he says. So h e’s ling them w here made amends," an ing, rcW j^'’~he says, cmd nonies, few er people tellinj n “It con be devastating, o p e ra tio n s d ire c tor to r Bob Sieck, who was in uttle flight. ^ First shuttle .fter 10 years, he says, it's time tir to live they er exploded and try. Aftei ey were when Challenger 01l < center that fateful mom*I* “Y ou cry a t every one.”” th e la u n c h co n tro wer tears. and let5t lilive. iw very sorry they arc, fcwci T hey haye no idea how ow mony ceremonies how in g . “ N o b o d y wvho hc was 0 member o f thee --------------LiC ontlnued-fronv^ luttle carried day, this woy: • H e ex p la in s itit another oi fam ily w a sn 't particularly T h c J a r v i s fan c l o s c w h i l e Gire re g an d his two younger Y. Rowing up in-Mohawk, N.Y. b ro th e rs w ere gro> L ik e h is f a th e r b.efore k him, Brucc Jorvis cy w as to o b u sy rum unning the family phormocy ot* children: So it was only natto d o te o n his chil __________ u r a L th a t _ a f l c r;r_G _ ( rcgJeft_foM hc_S taic. N ew York at Buffolo, he U n iv e r s ity o f Nc --------------- retu rn e d h o m e less les: and less, cspccially after !d. h c m a rrie d M arcia ■cia and his parents divorced. 'Clll liverse crew ^ j i r a w i N T K B ci ui p n o N O S C ^ i r F ‘s K u rt's P R E S C R IP T IO N C E N T E R P H A R M' A/ C - y 5 • 734-8177 IN THE LYNWOOD* I NAME _ . ADDRESS I S •________ ' i ~ 'I n l n M l ^ ' l n i n n N i u i s fi iu ^ N u T c o u N i ^ 'gold 5 ^ (3 ^ CROWN I.■ . . 266 Blue Lakea Blvd. North 733-«S22 r e s Of/O'fl:M a n te IlfcOOp I | I I NAM E . I . A D D R ESS s I I C I T Y _______ -I PHONE EEKK W nO N U SCO m 3 upon* Boi elltlbk. IJepetIt noliicr Rrproductlont ofcoupoi Mi. Esuy muil be dqxMiicdia Ihe tl>anJ4nuuy3t.l996.E 7pe«H«bov8. Caupont i vlUbIcit __ iioic whoK luuiK <ppea; ^ ^ T h c Tlmw-Ntwi fwir noci'tubicribm' no '"~ » I - ^ |- |- N ~ ' ” 11 iljP I ■ C I T Y . ^ ______ I P H O N E _ I RcprDducdociiortoupo rpOMOMeUgiblo. Dq>Mt iw UW Ibu Jmuuy 31.1996.1 S.EnOymuitl>edcporiledi>ilt« . - I pcM»»bova.Coupcrmv«Htbl«it., MorewboHlane mea AM E— ss ADDRESS CITY ' PHONE_ ' mo^re 'noi .lU jiilx l^ ^ dibble.'DqMxli no Uler «6. Eaay mial bedqtotiied In ihe ihuittUMy3l.'I996 >ppm ibove. Coup^ avalUble al ’/ttoreW ^oiiiM W Tot' id with just‘aone p h o n e callIII Reach mot ore than 53,0C00 readers a day ---------------- _ T h e ^ lA H . :U S T O M .. SOfMoiiNMl' SIOO»OMMHm lOIMtFMri is s ijr IWhna^ initmM .SIStemid?Sa% S f= 5 5 S r' is S S s 111tom—t WiO incucMbMN ’ WlllMln sntNibwuM 50? —_____ _..i01Q«ll»w____ ___ Ulliariktaa -------------- MMnMltMn UQhMMWtMMi HIM/Ihtan . SMJM/XVMhm ____ ____________________ _______ IC E LEGAL NOTIC • LEGAL NOTIC ICE iS=" l. i r IK ■! ' . ^ aoKMwti .!! l= ! . ! ! » “ “ ■' S rS .t? ' Ii l t S l i X -mBut ..................... I .......... ItlEaoalMMt -------in ttg ^ ------ --------------- * ....... ...... ....... . Ijs ry r - iiiriMitaiM IKHMIfM . IliMfclkniMCi l e g a l n o t ic CE e sSSr l e g a l n o t iciE e TTOCT, BUREAU OF LAND MAf (ANAQEIMENT. BURLEY DI8TRH nON NOTICES: A TIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL. POLICY Pi ACT DOCUMENTATIOI NATI Nonc T IC E O FL E m N Q Sealed'proposals willIt be be received by the IDAHO TRAI lDl)WTrtTwenFiSr6rth'elDAl DAHO TRANSPORTATION 3N DEPARTMENT, 3311 WE VEST STATE STREET, BOIS 3ISE, IDAHO 83703 or received 'Ml by 29. BOISE. IDAHO 83707. AT) man a t p o Box 7129. \TTN: IISTRATION-,untjl two o'dock1p. CONTRACT AOMINISl ^1 ^. for tha wori( of o on the la th dav of Febr :elgnala in T«vln Falls to a master tar PC necUng various trafltee^ M ILobased digital computer »r < controller, Twin Falls Various laho Federal Aid Project No. rCu . cation, known e s Idahi alia County. Key No. S531. • 4200(103), In TwinFalls (FOR ADOITIONAl.'lN 'i n f o r m a t i o n CONCERNI^ 'JINQ LEASE c o n t a c t RESIDENT E THIS PROPOSAL PLEX rEN* QIN EE R -^IL L M E RwRnr r r —a t (208)888-7850.j . T ha Idaho Transportatli tation Department, In accordant with the provtskm off TMe Tt VI of the Civil Rights Act 1964(7 8 S tat2 6 2 )o f)d >dtf the regulations of the Departme "•2 ! of Commerce (16 CFR. R, Part I 8). Issued pursuant to su< a c t h e ^ n o tttes anI bM bk dan that It woTafflrmatlvefy o su re that In any contrac tract entered Into pursuant toith thls ty busirtesa enterprises wlU bee asf . forded (UU oppoitunRy' to submit bids in response to>thisth ------------ Iriv f ta ir o r ia n d ^ 'n o ltbe'diafirim be >-the lnaiM against •on-th Ideronxinds of race, eok)r,»« , aax, or national origin Moonslde ation for an award. , 1^ S B :....- ,' aiMOta . 10O 1M is!2 nn^mtuMh l e g a l n o tic::ee )ERAL AID CONSTRUCTION' NOTiCE TO FEDER com 3NTfWCTQRS____________ __ ICE Le g a l n o t ic i B idders shall be licensa nsdd In the S ta te of Idaho by ti,K« S tate Cbntractors Uoens enaa Board, except on proiecb I The successful b ^ e r on projec voM ng federal funds. Th I n v o t ^ federal fundaa sl shall obtain such a Ikwnse befa osprovMed tn SubsectionJ03.i aw ard will b e made, as tw IS ^ a r d 8pedflcatlons,’Edm< ond 107.03 of the Idaho of 1995. ______ to pay not lass thari tl The Contractor wBI be> required rs minimum w age raise ooff the t attached general wage dei aton for the p r a ^ aaa •sat out In the advertised sped ssl. Such rates will b e made a pp<v t cations and bid pfoppesl. <Q1the of the contract oovsring 1 project. T he Fair Labor-Sta *5"* .S.C.A. Title 29, Paragraphs' 20 darda Act of 1933 (U.S.l ipply In the employment oi labor f r fonn of contract, proposal fom m ts. 2 ] 9. C hapter 8) shall appi apedficatlons.' fon » ffe may be obtained at the office of<the £ and other Information maj thlsprojecT Idaho Transportatton Dop Dopartment, Boise, Idaho, and1are a rwer on flie for exanilnation at tlthe ofBce of the District Engine , K. ,nM Board to bul It Is th e purpose of the IdahoTransportatlon Idal . a t Shoshone, Idaho, shortest time consistent with goc the Improvement IntheI sh ry equipment an d an effective ... constriction. Necessary i * c A non * re fu n d a b le cha: :h a rg e o f TWENTY C j3 U £^£ gan[zatk>nw01 be Insisted tedupon. ble par— tax will t>e made for ea fSgO.OOlDlusaDoltoable (e to s e t of plans, payment1to b ernade by cheoR. payable Jon Department Plans m n beso<r- D A TE D Januajyie,1990 >90 tho Idaho Transportation 732-2098 (In Idaho) or (208) 33433 JIMMY D. ROSS. P.E,, Chief Ct Engineer dered by phone (800) 73J •quest to the Idaho Transpoitatli or ^ written requa indaJ C ontrolPO B0X7129, Bois 2 3 .2 4 .g S a n d g e .1 9 9 e >ise, PUBUSH: January 22.23. Department, Attn: Flnandi Idaho 83707-1129. “ ijRT C ase No. CV-96.00 IN THE DISTRICT COUR' IAL SUMMONS •' O F TME FIFTH JUWCIAl >BIDDINQDI8KErreARE COMPUTEfttZEOBI ftTE L A V E R N E A S L E T T DI8TroCTOP.THE STATI Ti. a1 lJU P O N REQUEST AVAILABLE! OR—m a rd e d -w o m a n deallni ’ OPiOAHO.fNANOFOR Iling ................ ~ “ » pt THE COUNTY OFTWIN «ty, reject all propoaala, or to accec T he right la reserved to>re) Plalntlfi, FA ILS .. «la deemed iMSt for the Stater S c th e proposal or proposals ------------ ^— ;— — I..' 73 ‘ 3 -0 . # . ^ A B O UST I OUR G U ARANTeED ■P RISULTS SPCCIAU I '. I ,,«i No proposal wfll be con Mnsidered unleaa accompanied sal guaranty.In an amount not lc an acceptable proposal le 6total amount of the proposal. T* than five percent of the ilT ths form of a Certified Check o guaranty m int ba in tha vn (on a n Idaho bank, made payal C a a h i^ a Checii drawn 5 K !? ortatlon Departm ent or a Bldda to th e Idaho Transport] Idders Bond. P ro p o sa ls must be prep irepared and aubmltted In acct :dino dan ce vrith the roqulram rem enu of Section 102 • BIddli dard R equirem ents and Com londltlona of th e Idaho Standa 095 SpecfficatkKisforHlghwai iway Coqstnjctlon. Edition of 190 I , DEADUN INES: ....... -.......UNE-Al ADS--------------------------oihdhmthmMi 2:00 P /I Moodc^yFrkJoy fo r noxTi day* PM s k PMFHdewhr Sundo/s publicatioi ]0:00> 0 AM SotGrdoy fbr pvbll fMbllCOtkn ! ■ nil AY ADS . DISPIA' g jft l!» S J l iiness doyt prior io publieolion.I. Col Coll a Timei-NewrAdvenitIng-- l ~ 2l iS: S r “ ~ ...... ..... 3 Bu.in, ■ S K K T ------------------- f fniMtWm p, Si RaproMnlotive b r moTe InforrtM noKon._____________________ Kc ■ WtWUiirMk mui», r— ^ ^ ----------. ............ awiwiiMMtiirt i CAUTO DAy Nl{ Idaho. NOTICE Environmental ^U cyy /Act mont hereby provklea noUco off National Ns the Bureau ol Land Managomoi The Burioy District ofi th a c t • ;■ on the followlno proiect h e IRecord of Decision has an signed : documentation that the - • Location' Lo< C ounty NEPAN< No. T ow nship Ranoe Seo S* ProlectTVps Project Name VR Twfn Falls 960133 ion Grazing Season Chgg IIS 16E VI ‘ Uennan Chg In Season 17 TW^ Falls 96019 9 14S 15E i; le Rlght>^>WBy ' Idaho Power Dlst Uno ey District Offlce. A list of signed'Rocord rd 0of Dedskms. a s required by’ NEPA. Ni Is available at the Buriey ( Itor, at the Burley DLstrk:t Office, For more Infonnatloo.. contact co Pete V anV ^e, Plannloi ning & Environmental Coordinator, »,16 10 B 83318,(208)678-5614. E 200 S . Burtey. Idaho ' /a / Dorothy Bonner,, Land La Law Examiner Dated: January 1 7 .19M 2.1998 _________ • PUBUSH: January .22.1 ----• i ,Si s S s r ■ ■ ■ Sl iia s a a r - O lM rM n U n E R iE R V IC E . Y fl8:0 0 -1 0 :0 0 J3303 • MOiDAY*FRlDAY8:i 8 « ) TO 5 :3 0 * SATURDAY ) 548 i TWIN FAUS, ID 833' lOX 1 32 2 33RDSTREErWEST,P.O.BO 52I6URIEV/RUPERT) J-0931 •(FAX) (208) 734-553 }26-5375(Rl£R) ••5 36-25355 ( NORTHSIDE] • 678-2552 1538 • 543*4668 (BUHg* 326 (208) 733-0' 100 — cl] IKEe t F [ T ie T iiin e 8 3 V ^ “ “ :E LEGAL NOTICI , CE LEGAL NOTICE |I LEGAL NOTICE | thtocase............. 2* If your-reeponee Is an a aint,K Answer to the Complaint, must contain admission lon or c Ito aldenials of the separato a iplaint legatlona of-the Complair a you and other.defeneeayo may dalm. 3. Your algnature, mallln lalling oddress an d telephon< hone Anthorty, Idaho. Executton I of ths proposed o on tract ■ w o u ld t r a n a f e r to t h e ■ Fremont-M^lson Irrigation ■ District th e operation an d ■ miUntsnanoe(0&M) o fth e ■ remalnlng reserved vroriia ■ of the Upper S n ak e Stor- ■ age DMslon of th e Mlnkk>- ■ ka Project flnduding Caa- ■ «y. cade Creek DNwalon Dam. deirv- Q ra ssy L ak e D a m a n d jr re '-~ R ^ e r> ^ . and laland PaH c' ’ attor- Dam and Reservoir), wve. TO: RICHARD A MOUNC N 0| quiet Written d a ta , v iew s, and & CHARLOTTE MOUNC tyde- oommenta coocam ing th e husbandand^. Inton proposed eontraot aetlon Be wHh IWs.Court____ _____ _ m ay.be.aubm tttad to t h e . In order to defend thie law-______________________ la> ______Bureau DtReciamatJon..At-..- — ryou temon: PN-3323. 1.1W N. ’'*1^ must pay « • with Curtla R o a d , B o is e , ID » the 83708-1234, a n d will b e accepted for up to 3 0 d M on you, ir you fail to ao r S. following publication o f a speiod the court may errt notice th a t coplea o f th e judgm ent against y ou i ■ p ro p o s e d c o n tr a c t a r e in55 Oy:D«P<ityCI« d e m a n d ^ by the Plaint a v a ^ e to the pubUa ReIn the ComplalnL PUBUSH: January IS.>, 22, quests fo r o o p lee e f th e 29 and February 6,1996. 96. p ro p o ssd c o n tra c t m ay nt Is ...... A' copy of the Complaint ------ now be d ir e c te d tp t h e seirved with this Summon ons. lEQAL NOTICE above address o r m ay b e If you wish to seek the1adm Bureau g l f^edam etlon k Maootlate C o n tra q i wiff vlce-or repreeehtatlon1 by t itter, Fmmom.M adla^ [rrtaottnr sent when on attorney In this matu you should do ao prompi ipiiy s o -th a t y o u r w ritte n ri re - for R em alnlna Raaarv^n ^ PUBUSH: Januaiy 21 and sponse. If any, may be file fUed A a flf ibfi UpMcaQfttia igal S tp r y e p iv la io n of In tim e a n d o th e r legi rights protected. lo t, U E N SA L E mCHARD A. MOUNCE CHARLOTTE MDUNCl >CE, husband and wife, Defendanta. N O T IC E : Y O U HAV ^ X |‘ B E E N S U E D B Y T ,1 H ^ PUINTIFFS. THE COUF UHT m ay ENTER JUDQMEh IfiX AGAINST YOU VWTHOI. FURTHER NOTICE Ul L E S S YOU R E S P O N VWTHIN 20 DAYS; RE/» T H E IN F O R M A T IO ^ ' •_ ^ i -i 1 9 8 0 V W R ^ 4 d rd to e e l. An appropriate wrtttenI ren '■ * VIN* 17A0939894. To be s p o n s e re q uires eompi ipli- The Bureau of Reolomauna- sold January 29, 199 6 at an o e w ith R u le 10(a)(u e a 2:00 p.m. a t 264 Main Ave. )( 1 ) tton intends to newtiate end oth e r Idaho Ruless iof supplemental and amennon- N., TMn Falls. Idaho. ihall--datorycor\tract wHhthe CMI Procedure and sht t t h e .................................................•• also Include: ■ ttlon PUBUSH: Januaiy 22. 23 ^ F^mont-Madlaon Irrigation 1. The title and number HIof District, looated nearrSSt. t. ^ 2 4 , 1 9 9 6 . ~V ■ ■ "j ' ' ■ ' ’ -------------- — ^ 7 — ----- - T .-^ ly. Jo nuory 2 2 .1 9 9 6 Mondoy. LEGAL NOTICE CE . io s -Nowb, Twin FdllsVldoKo C -3 Tlmos-f G R A FTER S. A R T IS T S . MISC. O PPORTUNITIES H A IR S T Y U S T ES N U RSE ' SA L E S DEALERS N e e d e d for tor N e e d M oney? W e now h o v e openings tor ore WANTED W e n e e d C N A 'S who or« now (ull tim e, p e rm a n e n t 2 0 p o s i t i o n s a v a ila bble y o u I n o u rb u sy s a Jo nntt le . Inlorested In vrarking will trllh A m M lo u a a n d a o g ra sslv Cro(t Mali o p e n in g In April. W a s h i n g t o n in v e n to to r) ry o u r c lio n ts in Ih e home . G uam nteed salary m e A le x a n d e r C lark B usiness ^ InG ro u o s.-C h u rc h o s, b u si---------- S n r v l n o - a n a lio n wUidur)------ oere-eotlingi-A V e-pay-to pS ^ ;<inn n o a s o s w o lc o m o . F o r /B, c o m p a n y Is now hlrln{ •P aU .v acatlo n.h olklaye, ring . a d d l t i o n o r tr o ln in g to r te r v l o w i n g % r b usT nos^ ^ I H o a fln a w lllb o h e ld u ipon p o r th e following Kems; more info call 7 3 4 -4 2 0 1 , ' p o o p lo t o loln.oi/r toom lom. th o se w h o oro Interostot . and more ted f o r m s s o r e s p o s it io n s . ; A C o m > m o N A L U 8 l/U l ^ V N D DIVISION b y F a rm e r's I 1 . nd oak (or D iane____________ P orform ing invontorlos ts Ir In In w orking with develop < C om pany insurance a t Dp* M u s t b o a m b itio u s aand ‘ tfonol B onk on proporty ty co onsisting o f 7 .1 8 a c r o s locaf^i D EN TA L A S S IS T A N r o la li s t o r e s . If you con cor m ontally delay e d & tormi mih a v e a p o sitiv e attlludo. •■do. DONT M ISS T H ISIIli~ ; S e c tio n 2 l,T o w n s h lp) 9 SSouth. R a n g e 14 E a s t. B.M. fi 2 ^ “ ’^ w /ex p , fo r a ta s j! p a c e w o rk d a y s , e v o n ln g s or 01 nally 111 cllonts. Ploaso col :uill g u a ra n to o d territory, salos Idaho b a s e d c o rp . seeking • Re°tlrom«Tl?proftt > know n a s being located t 'J®, d ental oWce In K etch uu nn ? od two (2) m llos N orth a n d o n e n w e o k o n d s, ploaso givo o uuss or s to p by o u r o tdc o. ^M tr a i n in g , g r e a l b e n e lits c T u s to m e ^ r y lc o D e®P‘ pt d is trib u to rs In T F o r o a . • ; W o«t of th© Buht Alfoor m u s t b e a t e a m p la v o p o rt a n d a d d re s s e d a s 1 1 5 2 E —.a call—— --------- -— -----------— Ihnj-Pr9:00-O ;m rlo-410( lOO- - p k g r M o s t n a ro - a hlgh d e ' - l5 fg o -p 7 6 to c ^ 6 a ^ o rH I6 r^ '------------• 4 3 2 5 N orth. Buhl. I d ^hoo . In th o Aorlcultural Z o n e. T h e _ _ w /a p o s it iv e a t i l t u B“ cf j F o r m o re Infonnation a bout o u t W e oftor: p.m . M agic Voiloy Stotf i(fsiro lo s u c c e e d . SoifMiononQfoat In-hom o t^ uslnoss. ; to ndod O se is to divldo — I P lo sa o c o n la c t B a rb a r le itho 7 .1 8 o c fo s Into h a lv e s (of (o: a t ^ -------------- -------------------y • P a id training Ing So rv F cos Incorporot joining th e J.C . P e n n e ata g e m e n t S k ills a M uat. no p h o n o s o l i c i t a t i o n . • le a s t 3 o c ro s oach) a ni d sell a for p r o flt. o r Shaxla a t 7 2 6.4711 ____ sa lo n leam , coll 734-0833 ■ 107 33 * C om petitlvo pay ratos> od. 2 0 0 ^ n d Avo. North Ih . E xp. Q plus. F o r Intervlow M oke '9 6 f u n o n d v o r y • - ; - A C O N D m O N A L USE S &/LA N D DIVISION b y J a mnosL oa I ABORnON AfVh«n you liavo iioma aroun Twin F oils. ID. 734-060C a n d a sk tor Toni. . . • Flexible h o u rs iOO s e n d io s u m e : Alexondor ^dor profitable. S I 2 .0 0 0 investI c onsisting o f eighty (80) a c rrw e s l » ■ A i a E B N M j VS ^ • 4 0 1 K & I n s u r a n icc ee your home you n o tonae o rl-8 0 0 -3 0 3 -0 6 0 2 . E O .E . M/F C l a r l r B u s i n o s s F o rm fm s mont req. C all... 327-690B ; r o w n s h lp .ll S outh. R a n g o 1 6 E nood. DdvonlM thorn. — . a vaila blo. ‘ — 10801 E m orold B oise Id, ' • I B .M .A tsoknow nftS boIn (4.5) PREGNANCY CR ISIS « lnig lo cated to u r a n d o n o -h aliII (4 — INSTALLER O FFICE T o r e s e r v o a so o t a t our oui r, ‘ . PMpIo with eomothlng lo m O 8 3 7 1 3 Attn S o le s Mgr. . :,m lles S o u tt» o fK lm t» rty rty ian d a d d re s s e d 3 2 2 6 N orth133!5 0 0 CEfTTER O pening for loum oym•an an laso RE N T A L REPRESEN TA J __ and p o oplo w h o w ant to , DRIVER n e x t o r ie n ta tio n , ploose • E a s t. Klmborty^ tdaho3 In tho A gricultural Z o n e. T h e In- • Free testing. Call 734-747: Ito r sig n Inatallor/senHcomon. TTVE w an tdd for Thursdoy idnt . buy... th a rs wliol dasslllod For. 10 w h eeler fo r winte ancall 73 5 -1 4 4 3 '~: te n d e d 'u s e Is to o p o rate a te a; d o d o rp U for p ro lK ............. -----------------o r 1-800-371-7472.-■ /ont . 1odnrorilalno la an obout. rt^z oxlal, somoono would Invonl C ontact Bob at S u n d a y s , a p p ly H o rt] w o rk .F T & b e n o fit a ' A H u fty Company ■ j-^CONDmONAL u sJQIIAMD ei D M S IO N b v G lonn n aI n d ^■ Ront A C ar, T F Airport bo 30II. Call 733-0331. Y oung Boctric Sign Co. ____ 423"t269______________ 0. . U n d a M ayor on property e r ^ c onsisting of o n e -h u n d re(d d fifty f . ■■ . -----m. ■ ___ Eom up to S 3 0 0 0 /m o protw o o n 8 :3 0 o m -11 am — (702)738-5710 Elko. NV (V M ISCELLA N EOU S ; { (160) a c r e s lo cated In S £ e c tio n 4 , T o w n sh ip 11 SSouth. ol I DRIVER I 108 ^ IS- cossing m o rtg o g e rotunds Must b o o vor 20. hoveJ 0t S T O R E M EftCH ANDUS. — $ 2 ,6 0 0 ; R a n g e 1 6 E ast. B.M, Als RK. I'l your a re a . N o exporiL P a rt tlmo, e x p erien c ed vfltl vith INSURANCE Also know n a s ixtlng lo c ate dl ooin e . I md INO W /D ISPLAY WORKP R O F E S S IO N A L vlco <|ood driving record, one , I, Oualifiod N on-Prlor sorvlco • h a lf m ile W o st of HIghvi Im m ediate openings to r II□hway # 9 3 .o n 3 5 0 0 N orth o n I C D L Call 324-2 3 9 9. Pan tlmo w/ tloxlablo hrs. once n o c o ssa ry . Call ,fo r bo b o ndablo. l_ S E m n C E S ^ Individuals a re ollglblo for = - - c e n s e d JnsurancaJw U ots. . sId e o t l h tLroaiLan --------- OxpT-ftolpfah-CBll-733'^ — a '$ 2 :5 0 0 71W Btjffl?ht— s r DRIVEnS ------------ ^— ,■ H orth. Filer, Idaho In Ihe Agricultural Z ono. T h o intone L o c a l c o m p a n y . C a ll o ndod TUTORING lndlvldUBllze< s i: 7111 for appt. or apply tn Going O u t O f B u e in e a e tjo n u s In th o Idoho/Vmiy TTiy AMHOVlatkins bnng obOrovSi: 'y'P^ R un d lh e r 11 w e s te m' oor , u s e Is to d ivide and set S u m er a t 733-7300 se ll Tivo a n d o n e -h a ll (5.S)' ni non. k -6. E xperien ced , afford tiio porson a t Cains,204 main . P, N ational G uard. Huny. od results. Whon you wtlto In B o is e . ^h 4 8 states. W e offer ne% EX PRESS PERSONNEL • ta m a b l e o c ro s for profit. avo.n. Cains Is an oqual Rocks/sam ple d isp lo y s for ab le, flexible h o u rs, '° will I your doM lllod od,jro tw sure th e s o Inconllves w on't losl e q u ip m e n t .'c o m p e t lv ; :A CONQmONAL USE E b y J. Miko H u ld iln g s o n prope operty reloroncos, 4 2 3 -4 0 8 8, " l^ib 111 R LER AVE. __ )ur opportunity omployor. ro ad o rs undorstond your for long. CALL ___ solo.New corpot.w otorfali p a y & beneflis. C all Bol I c o n sistin g o f one-hund n sixty (160) a c r e s lo c ate n dred todd In ,171 m o s s ^ - e p o n it o u t. S F C B a r to w 208-734-9171 display rock w ith o ver 3 0 0 -----A d a m s. R & J L e a s inngg . L A BO RERS TELEM ARK ETIN G . . S e c tio n 3 0 . Tow nshipp 11i6 S o u th . R a n g e 1 7 E a s t, B. jBseo s o m p l o s .v in y l d is p l a y Y 1-800-523-3069________ T o sta rt Immodiotoly. m an— O rd e r t a k e r n o o d o d . U • A lso k n ow n a s being] lo c a te d 4 6 m iles S o u th o f'™ Tt n BANKRUPTCY " J- M ISCELLA N EOU S )Q. rock & s a m p le s 2 0 0 walln.Q PO S T A L JOBS-S1S.90/}ir. — a g e m e n t train in g a v ail- NFL exhibition ilckel o((lco. nr. y o u r o w n p h o n e S10.00, f^ lls , Idah o and 12 miles lies North of Ja ck p o i; N e v a d a In I n th i e All C h a p te r & AG rela te d DRIVERS .(tor poper b o oks.w lndow cov- a b le , y e a r r o u n d in sld°? o N o e x p n o c o s s a r y . For or $ 2 0 .0 0 p o r hr. Coll altor ; A gricultural Z one. The-int »-intondod u s o is to o p e ra te o yoi y o uth c a se s. F re o io lo p h o n o e w m a n a g e r ) soil and D A D T n in s p o rta tJ o n^ orJn g d i s p l a y S 7 5 0 . U • work, m ast h ave a car. , I d(ne liv •9 3 p m . 356 -S 9 8 0 ._________ . ■ c a m p ^ o usfn g 3 5 juvenll » u tre d con'sultat/on. e n lles a n d to provide a stru ctu ery p o sitio n s, dollv^ S e rv ice s. INC — Haul.343-7489 loo v o m sg Call 735-0882__________ ‘ p rogram s o th at th e juvei 536*7760 8 0 0 -S48-2166 jv o nlles will acq u ire th o n o c otssa ssi ry _ , o r y m u s t p r o v i d e ow n 1735 S Main — T R A D E U gfitlng contrac-. ' se lt-d lsd p lln e and'w ork a rk skills s o th a t thoy'wlll ovorcoi •come Wm H. Mulbcny v e h i c l e . O a y / o v o“ s»•. RESTAU RA N T Goodlng. ID 6 3 3 3 0 LEGAL : lo'r n o o d s jo u r n e y m a n ; . the ir dellr>quent a n d onti-i n ti-so d a i beh av io rs a h d to fadtlti :i[ltate 22y t i experienoB ___ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ H r/com m . C alt 736-8162 Seeking ovor th e ro adI SECRETARY gg D ISHW ASHER oloclriclan. g o o d pay. loI a poslttvo reintegration1 1nlo Inl th e family a n d th o com m uni . drivers wilh CD L & go od od Utigation experlonco aL n e e d e d . P o rt time, doys. }. c al travel, e x p e n s e s . 768GRAVEL FO R SALEI M ISC ELLA N EOU S ct n • ACONOmOMALUSEb] E by Jo h n W iggins o n proportyI,“M pr Call 7 3 4 .1 6 9 0 or opply in In driving record. 4 6 S ta te . m ust .-Send resum e to° 1 1 3 7 m sg . le d In WEHAUU Stool (ab ric ato r w anted. FT d sstxty-fh/o (165) a c r o s lo c ate , sisting of one-hundred _ ' p o r s o n a t B l u e L a k eISs h BOX 96054-% Tim es‘ C all 93 4.4 2 2 7 . ' p o s l l i o n . W a g e s O O E. Also >. S ection 6 . Tow nship 111 S o u th . R a n g e 14 E a s t, B.M..A CU RPENTLYH AS _ N ows P.O . Box 548 [Irii C o u h try C lu b . 1940 Blue j e W R ITE R S Jo b responslbilTties, fabri­ ; ifcnown a s being located le d o n o m ile S o u th o f C a stle fo Also relief drivers, Twin Falls ID 63303. [ng, L akes G ro d e , TF. L icen sed sm a ll In d o plonen nod THE FOLLOWING F re e -lo n c o w riters waniod c a tio n . la y o u t, bonding. • Idaho in th e Agnculturoi 2 one. TTie in io n d ed u s e Is to. t oi Z ngs ( ^ m ^ tlt lv e S a l a ^ ^ ^ dont h o m e h a s o p o n ln ~ to w r i t e a b o u t p o o p>10. lo , — rolling & b id s . S o n d rf®; e ­ SA LES INDEPENDENT . e ra te a retail sporting go< g o o d s sto re with Inventory in d i «T.n« fof 2 p eople lev els 1 o r 2 . o v o n ts o n d n o w s In Iho s u m o o r a p p lic a tio n to; MANAQER ‘ -Ihg: d o lh ln g . campingI a nr d hiking g e ar, rifles, shotgui JUNIOR RO U TES C o n s u lta n t n e e d e d lor g u n s. 24 s t a f f i n g m ai n y L umpers Pa id W o od R iv o rV allo y . SendT % S te e l Fab rica tio n . P.O, H o m e H ealth D irector ! .black po w d er an d reloted ited Itoms. fenllizor & chem ical solos. Ing AVAILABLE amoniUes c enlraliy locatc atHomo Rogulariy a r o s u m o o n d o w riting ICO B o x 6 2 3 . T w in Foils.’ 10 R oqulrem onis: E xperience • A C O N O m O N A L U S E b )y W arran H elns o n pro p erty ct S a la ry b a s o * b o n u s Modem E quipm ent o d to b olh h o s p lf ^ s d oo ss e ms 83303.______________ _ In h eallh relalod pr>gram located In S ectio n 3 3 . Township e I . slstlng o f 13.4 a cro s Iocs incentive. C onsultant II' li­ N °s"’ N okkonlvod, Regionnfo. C o m e b y o ffic e o r collII on- -rWIN F A L L S & 1 y r. su p e rv iso ry B.M. A lso known a s b ein g local < S outh. R a n g o 14 E ast: B.I c e n se required. S ondro1.206-934.4451 M O RTG A GE , o l E d i t o r . T h o T Im o s __ ex perience. mbury H o t S p rin g s a n d a d d ress sa ’ ! .76 m llos S outh of Bonbi sum o to P.O . Box 973222 litol A m e r ic a 's #1 m ortg annn ge N o w s . B o x S 4 8 . T wl/ln in .R 0 u r ee e 2 Mlnkjoka Memorial Hospital Buhl. Idaho. In th e O u td o o r Rlecreeo ‘ a s 4814 Rivor Road, Buh r e s u ME writing holp. Pro>ro. ELECTRICIAN % TIm os N ow s. P.O . Box •oil 500 bik Bolton S t c o m p an y is accepting ro. roa . P a !'8 - ‘P 8 3 3 0 3 : or coll s e e k s dependablo Individ: a tio n Z o n e. T h e Intondet P'x60'_ f«»mlnnn1 rw aiittB fin ll -- T F a r a f l . l D - l l c n n a ot XalL Ided u s e . ls_to_construct a 60'x( --------- tOO-500bn<-Filef-A-»eM^---------------S ------ s u m e s (o r a n oxperienced u als, to join our nursing farm sto ra g e building, on. jo u m o y m a n . All ty plOs ei 733-2009 by R o y Slotton. _ 500-600 bik W o sh in g to n p r o c e s s o r . T h is position •Ion SA LES • lon_____ toam..You!ll wo[k !nji__ SE.L A N D .D iV IS lO N .b y _ £ v o r< - J ___ A .C .0>JD JT 10IIA L .VSE = - _ c o n stru ctlo n _ H o a lth .p la r = 1 - -^81W-------------------------------------------------------o t t o r s ' o x c o t l o n t p a y .a y A bV ER TrSlffQ --------,g . friendly dynamic sisting o t 2.5 a c r e s location in S< [so cLewis o n pnsperty consist “ I 2 i5 -I- 1 0 0 -2 0 5 b ik W i r s c h i n g . ___, & m o re L e a v e m sg s c h e d u l e , o u ts t a n d in g '*’0 SA L E S envlronmont. whllo A lso I . tion 7 , T ow nship 11 So S outh. u R a n g e 16 E a s t. B.M. Al 206-233-7427 . I RESUME PflEPARATlON ^ Avo.W . . . W o'ro e x p an d in g our mor— oam ing competitlvo • know n a s being locaied ed < 4 m llos E ^ o t Kimberiy Ro Rood ■ HOME/HEALTH a n d In c e n tiv e p rogra m s ig P ro fe e e lo n a l r e su m e s koling te o m & a ro looking w ag e s. For considerations tion o n d a ^ d r o s ie d o s 3 3 6 9 Noi e FARM : a n d E as tlan d Intersoctlon tt you live In th e so araaa II CARESERVICES f o r t h o s e w h o p o s s oisrs riC indy a t 73 3 -1 6 0 6 ___ i are In terea ted In ft®. ^ 1 Exp. tractor op e ra to r n e eJdd (or on Individual oxporic o ntact hum an reso u rce s • • 3 3 6 0 E a s t, Kimborly. Idaf Idaho in th o A gricullural Z o no . T s tro n g a n a ly tic a l a n d or­ o n c e d .n s a l e s (o r th e n . - e d for potato farm . HousJSa t 436-0481. __ I Intended u s e Is to dtvlde de oc n o a c r e to sell for profll. ______U c o n s o d _ 8 m a iU n d o p eo/ti 217- J tto .a J n d a p a n d o n tJ u n ^ ________ g a n iza tio n a l skills. Ploaso X®- T he M agic W ord.-734-8217M lnl-C assia m arket. Exm d " ----------------------n ag 'r • i A R E Z O N E ITEM 'by R Rb) o y a h d 'S a n d r tT W o J d k -a s ^epro* d^ -(jont h o m e h a s o p e n in s “ Ing-provIdod.-Y earrounc _ lor m u te carrler...Pleaae ~ re sp o n d b y sending your collont worklrig conditions, w ork. S e n d r o s u m o to: s. ^ , — I Ctll 733-0931 e x t 203 ; I se n te d by EHM E nglnoen o ers. Inc.. o n p ro p erty c onsisting Ing o l for ^ p e o p le lev els l orr 22. roro su m o to N orw ost Mort­ IOT MANAGER Rotall oporo.B o x 97338 c/o T h o Times c p r o g r e s s iv e c o m p e n sa0- I 6 , T ow nship 11 S o u th . R a n g ee l S • I 10.30 a c r o s In Sectton1226. 216 2 4 h r . s t a f f i n g m a,nn vy isg a g o . 1201 Falls Avo. E. illg tlo ns m a n a g e r high p r e s ­ ' lion p o c k a g o & bonoMts. t. N ew s POB 5 4 8 Tw in Fallt E a s t. B,M. Also known n aa s b ein g lo c ate d approxlmla at« 9 I EM PLOYM ENT tely am onlllos c entrally lo:a c at. bbee S u ite 1 1 . Tw in F alls.,, ID s u re; long hours; rnust A dvortlsing o r morkollng ^ 6 .3 m iles S ou th of Honsei risen o n R ock C re ek R o a d a t 338' 10 83303. 800 od to both h o sp itals d 3SO o so |8 I S E R V IC E S _ Iti8 3 3 0 1 . N o phono colls — a b le to coordinate-m ulti­ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ IIS .. d o g r o o p ro fo rro d . Port:> '* C a s t a h d 3 0 0 0 N onh In K an se n . Idaho In th e Agrlcuitu n H iltural to shopping (or m o ro ln(o. 1(0. p le p ro jects; e x p erien c e • p le a s e .____________ . ___ tim o._T o_opply s o n d joOl - MANAGER..:______________ • ; _ Z o n e . T h o Inionded use.ii ie Is lo ro zo n e 4 ,3 0 a c r e s (rom n eafl:- - CaU 73 4 .6 0 5 6 ..................-____ h A R M __________________------ In tiool dlspotchragricul Iot” M o b il e lu b o o ll c h o n g o sum o & 'covor fetter id: M a n ag e r N o odod In Buriey ‘ I ricultural tb outdoor rocroi c ra d tlo n for a re stau ran t, a conv — F a r m ( o re m a n n e e d e d . nj; N U R SE . , • • tural tonllizorondchom i ;o b u s in e s s . E x e a lle n t ' o r o a for A grl-lonlllzer Co.. • . < nie n co sto re , an d a g aIS s Islond. Is M ust hove e x p e rie n c e in rJ. C N A 'S . Bridgeview Estates e a ls required: (arm back. o pportunity. F o r in (o r. T op Pay. -Ik a s i !E tbv R o y a n d S a n d r a W ojcik p o t a t o & s u g a r b e o' tI :• i A CONDITIONAL USE h a s 2 FT o p e n in g s on tho g ro u n d proforrod. S e nntj d motion call 736-0678. CHILD CARE ,'X P O B ox 648 n g in e ers, Inc.. o n p ro p erw ccco rh equipment. S e n d resu m„ e‘ • : I r e p r e s e n te d by EHM E Enj 6 to 2 sh ifts, P le a so apply r o s u m o t o P . O . B o x I SERVICES ^o' TF. ID 83303-0548. to: 324S N 4 7 0 0 E . Mur. I slstlng or 10.3 0 acros In S o ctio n 2 5 . T ow nship 11 S o u « in p e rs o n a t 1628 BridgePEPSIrttE RSH Y /N E ST LE 9 6 9 4 6 % T im e s N ow — PE R SO N N E L SER VICES lso know n a s b ein g lo c ate d e •; ' R a n g e 18 E ast: B.M, A Als SIo m u Q M P 033*4 • view Blvd, Tw in Falls, lID. SALL CASH B U S IN E S S S 1 _ p . o , Box 548 a n J C h ild C a r e in m y h o m o £ l to L is . In Tw in Foils 733-7300^ S o u th o t H an so n o n Rock C'rre t-i 1 proidm ately 6 .3 miles So< Eom S 30.000 & u p . oniy 6 CounlQr.- com puter - PubTw in Falls. ID. 83303- _• Sin^n w e e k d a y s o n ly . C P R^ & & FARM N U R SE In Buriey 678-4040 id 3 0 00 N orth in H an so n , Idaho • * : R o a d a t.3 8 0 0 E ast and (Irst aid certified , (o n co d M ilk e r w a n t e d . D a y s & lie relations skills holpfui. Twin F a lls • Bufloy^N o Fpq. hrs por w ee k n o o d o d , lim__ C N A 'e P a r t a n d lull tlmomo u m J s to_pperate ' t h o AgrteuUurai ^ n o . T he_Iiitended ^ ;££- -Ito d t e r r ito r y - a v a ila b le , --------- - oiB iL -bad<yard. In Ih e S aw to O o th lh- - e v o n l n g s . - E x p o r i o n c.g e - M A N A G E R ------------------p o s i t i o n s a v a i l a b lIn e .------S end r e s u m e to Wootan. •!', resta u ra n t, a'm nvonlonce n e e sto re , a n d a g a s Island. ^ ^ 1 1 v o r ilio b lo b y o w n o r . School District. 7 3 6 -0 121 71 Inc.. P O Box 963. Glonns necessary . Call 7 3 4-97 934 4 W a n te d : C anal C o m p an y P l o a s e c o n l a c t D N S; ao ti th a t a Public H earing v I NO TICE IS FURTHER1 GIVEN Ol $15,980 c a s h req u ire d for _ a ssista n t m onogor. M us Forry. Id. 83623. n ns 8 86-2228. In F Falls C ounty P lanning a n d Za cn b e held befo re th o Twin Child c a re in m y hom e.>■ iin m o d ia to o w n o r s h l p . g o o d p u b lic r e l a t i o n HAIR STYUST r* Ing C om m ission a t the hhoi o u r o l 7:3 0 p.m , o n th e Sth d ay lal Ciauillod roadors w o looking iino SALES Will ove rse e c eno skills. fF ull/P art T im e • : F e broary 1996 a t tho T w in F alls C ounty O ffico Buildii Tw ilf^ng ^ N 3 2 4 - 7 ^ ' ” * "^' s o (or Itoms thoy wanl lo buy. air m a in te n a n c e , su p e rv ise _ C o st Cutters Fam ily Hair J Idaho rd fA vonue E ast. Twin Falls. Idal M eeting Room . 2 4 6 3rd n d P tao o y o u r a d today lor m ain lo n a n co crow s a n d C a re Is looking for talenIttChild c are. Sm all g roup. In In •: ' upon sa id roquosts. quick rosponso. 733-0031.'• W h o r o w ill y o u b e In 5 dllchridors. Knowledge 0of o d hoIr sty lists fo r p o s)ii­ :h llIho my h o m e . A g o s 2 & u.Q p. . A com pleto description1 ooff e a c h re q u e st Is o n file with ul. ' ' — y e o rs? Worl< w/prlvatoly c a n a l oporallons helpful tl o n s In o u r b u s y , f a s t ng’ upon Lunch & s n a c k s provided, A dm inistrator a n d a v a ila b le up< •■^i-'Offico o f th o Zoning Adn 10.N U RSE held multi million dollar inIn E n g in e erin g d e g re e do p a c o d . u p b e a t w a lk -In Ground (loor o p p o n u n lty . taring .R e a s o n a b le r a t e s . C;g|j a ll srM n s m a y a p p e a r a l sa id hearii ir '- " re q u e s t. A ny an d all perw ry. L PN ’S . In to ro sled In workrklornaiional c o m pany w/a sire d but nol n o c o ssary salon, Coll aO O -662-3847 24 h rs 301 n la tle r Shelley a t 734-69.S9. roval o r d isap p rev al o l th e mall *r I a n d re g is te r their approvi n o in g w ith c l i e n t s In th e he jo'mily & te a m wori< atmo- i M ust bo willing to lo cate ’ B U SIN E SS . *• : s ta te d a b o v o , or m ay fllo their w ritten c o m m o n ts to sc iry h o m e w h o a r e termlnolly s p h e re .th a t will glvo you to G oodlng a re a . S a la ry W e oKor th e se ben efits: WIII b a b y sit, in m y h o mi T e. OPPO R TU N ITIES . . I - f M u e s ts a t th e Officer o f th e 2tonlng Admlnl8l/otor,-2< Of ■ Ul. p le a s e a p ply. This will ■wil Ihe re su lts you n e ed. For n o gotlobie. O oodllno for )65 •G uaronteed hourly w a g]ee ' C U RREN TLYH AS In Falls. Id ah o 8 3301 •(208J >7131 ^ Mon-Fri 7-5. Call 7 ^ 2 0 6—5 A v o n u e E a s t. Twin f appolntm eni call 733-0461 ap plica tio n s is F e b m eiry ry b o a call a s n e e d e d sltuop lu s s e rv ic e & p r o d u c tt, 11 A M B IT IO U S H A IR ST Y L . Ing. : i: h » 4 9 0 , b e fo re sa id hearing THE FOLLOWING 1, Job lo begin M arch 11. tion th rd u g h o u t tho Mogic sa lo s com m issions. (E arnm ------- D ated th is 17th da y of J a rn u a r y -1996 iry Valloy. P l o a s e call or stop op SALES IST n e e d o d lo h olp lake S e n d resum e with salbry INDEPENDENT 'u p toS7-S12hrly) 3.. ove r o n e xisting dionte le -ri. S a le s & m o n a g e m e n t op-;a. by o u r o tflc e Mon thru Fri. ! R . Erick MIkosolI. Cholrmt Irman req u o si lo Big W ood C aCARRIER R O U TE S - -a h e lp w / a n y now dionm. p o r tu n ity In I n s u ra n c e , in ln g a n d Zoning C om m ission ox 9 :0 0 a .m . th ru 4:0 0 p.m. -i-TW ln F alls C ounty Plannin /3 n a i C om pony, P .O . Box -d lolo In a Tw in F alls salon. orb u sin e ss. I( y o u ore hord : ATTEST: - C . S h o s h o n e . I d a h)oo M agic V alley Stalling SorM ust h a v o a t lo a si 3 yrs. 00 vrorklng & willing to loom, L. 00 v ic e s in c o rp o r a te d . 200 ■- R o b e r ts . Fort,C lerk 63352. W e ore a dm g froe n oxp e r. w / a c u rre n t Idaho w e'll tro ln . C om m ission, ke - 2 n d A v e . N o r l h . T wlin in P U B U S H :Ja n u ary .2 2 r1 9 9 6 ty com pany. e. b o n u s o o . r e n e w a l s , c o s m e t o l o g y l i c e n s 3ie — F a l l s . ID . 7 3 4 - 0 8 0 0 oorr Shoshone Route G u a r a n t o o d o p p o rtu n ity o d - v o n c o m o n t . MECHANIC 1 :8 0 0 -3 0 3 -0 6 0 2 . A ct. T o rcfq u o stm o ro Into AvallablelllUl I R E Q U E S tF O n -to build a d lo n to lo o i i jn. ol lel ' — (208)331-0220. d iee t! CLERICAL/CLERK m a tio n .o r a n R F P p ack •p a id vacallons & holid ays Local trucking n e eds diesel [ PR O PO SA L — o n l y f o u r a u t h o r i z e d N U RSE m echanic.'m inim um of S Twin Falls C ounty Is a c It o f c o n ta c t tho D ep a rtm o n t ia t *sludonl loan p ay m ent M C T he Id a h o D epartm ont IN. SERVICE •S ty le s o n V id e o ' salons s t -Long lorm c a r e CN A PRN. ~ y e a r s exp o rie n co . m u st dllne cepUng appiteatlons for a r e - (2 0 8 ) 3 3 4 -5 1 1 2 . D eadlln ^0o pio’isse call R o g e r, toll (reo ■advanced training Ju v e n ile C orrections IsI re)r in Id ah o & bo a p art o( 11 A s e rv ic e m a n w elder for Ill F % FT. 7 to 3 o r 3 to 11 h a v e k n o w le d g o o t a tl C o u rt S e r v ic e s C le rk . or as (o r p r o p o s a ls is F o b ruu a iry . 1.800-658-3883 to r m o ro ' *advancom enropportunlty ^ q u e s t i n g p r o p o s a l s (or s u c c e s s f u l (ull se rv ic e e& 24potato & b e e t oquipmont.I. o r shK ts. Coll C a ro l a t 324Succossful ap p llca n ls wilt Id ty p e s of tru ck s & Irailer Inloimatlon 'a b o u t a n y of - ....... - - 3 con su U a n t^ to certify luj v ee’- 1 4 .1 9 9 6 . retail sa lo n . C all D onna “aty M u s t h a v e o w n h a n dd at Ir e p a ir s , indudlng re e feo r 4 3 0 1 , e x t. 3 2 7 or opply >at havo experlo n co In W ord tho obove ro u te s . M ust have Idaho C o sm e|y n l l e d ji t e n t l o n f a c ltit ie t Ily to d s . C ali 733-7481. 733-4461 o r 733-4489. Bd rep a ir. P ay a ccording to S t . B e n e d i c t ’s .F a m ily Porfect. d a ta e n try , c u e - ' •fo r P U B L IS H : J a n u a r y 2 222 , 4o. M odlcal C e n te r. 709 No. to m o r s e r v i c e a n d t h e o x p e r le n e e , I n s u r a n c;oe It you live In thaaa araaa c 5 P J o d { m '^ ) 7 3 3 ^ ) 3 0 — 6 JDFP 1 9 96 % co m p lia n ce \^ th th e JJD U ncoln, Je ro m o . ID a v alla b lo . S o n d re su m10 e , a b ility t o h a n d l e h ig h '2 A a re Intaraatad In ba^ Q u it S m o k in g F o r s v e rl to B ox 9 7 5 9 5 , % r/)e s t r e s s a r i d , m u l t i p rk l o. HAIRSTYUST ” Ing a n I n d a p a n d a n t '* N U R SE !! D r. R e c o m m e n d e d . NC p r e le c t s . A p p lic a tio vill ns noodod. s o e d a sslfle d ed r/m o s News, P .O . B ox r o u te c a rrie r...P le a a a ^ T iJ _ ^ L ong te rni c a r o RN. 7 to, 33 w ith d raw a l 1 0 0 % Q u a r In B u s in e s s O p p o rtu n l8 5 4 6. Twin Falls. Id 83303. a n d r e s u m e s m u s t b>rd o Catl on e o f th a a b o v e — sh ift. C a ll C a ro l a t 324a n te e d ■ T e s t W ts Avalla subm itted to H u m an Rjos - ' tie s. 301. numbera_______ 31. 4 3 0 1 . o x t . 3 2 7 o r S l. MECHANIC b le . C a ll T O D A Y . A J ”sl s o u r c e s . P .O . B o x 1 2h6.e --------------------------------------dlllB e n e d ic t's F am ily MedlI- M ajor E aslorn Magic Vala b o u t g r o u n d f l o’ o^ Ywin F alls. ID 8 3 3 0 1 ng oh TL c a l C e n te r. 7 0 9 No. UnInI a I W }.____ I o v F a r m E q u ip m e n t 4 302 1 " oooortunltv. A sk for Davt - l a t e r - t h a n - J a n u a w - 2T4o^ MAINTENANCE ig ~ ~ ^ n , Je ro m o . ID " - o r ^ ^ l e '7 3 3 " 7 5 2 6 T ID o a le rsliip . Now~h1flng ■ m o n e y t o ^l o a j ^ 1996, Tw tn F a lle C o unn s- G rounds Foreman IJo u rn ey m an dlesol trac 80 0 -306-7526.__________ b o- Requlromonts: A sso c iate's ___ ty I r art E q u al O p p o rtu S S 0 -1 0 0 K S S n t o r m e c h a n ic m u s t b?e' N U RSE tod ogroo In la n d s c a p e a rio i ” n lty E m plo y er. ,? R N P r n o r p a r t ti m e , SIN G L E? Find lovo & haopp . Rofinonco & e q u ity lo a n s. skilled In tractor overhaul, c h fte c tu re a n d m a ln te)!6. g i ^ W S T ^ F O U N D _^ ^ N i g h t s a n d o v o n in o s . p i n e s s In 1 9 9 6 1 M .°°* ee 2 0 6 -7 3 4 -8 7 2 7 ________________ hydraulics, electrical a hwi d A EROBICS INSTRUCTOR no n a n c e or c u r r e n t ly e n pu JC A H O D ru g &.AIcohol lii ]__ ^ F O U N D S ilv e r and__brpwn 0 ...... powortroln rep a ir. Excel_ n o e d e d . current.certK ica-. :4 ^ _ roU odlnan.educallon pro:_ ola . ~ T ro o im o n t C onto r.'E x celI SS NEED C A S H ? 4 liL lenl fringe bonofils. vacai fem a le h u sky. Sm all asnSd " '^^brochure 1 -8 0 0 -9 4 '9 -0IL lion an d e x p erien c e n eincr g r a m to o b ta in t h o d o goe rr H i i i J i i U i a A i s u i u y i i i l e n t b e n o f l t s . W a lk ^ Wo buy n o te s & r e a l e s ta te friondly. C all 324-6622 o r tio n p la n a n d w o rk in g g re e , Ivro y o a rs in sta lla(.­ lu ai e s s a r y . m o r n in g s a n;ud C o n to r.G o o d ln g . ID. Con; T W O SH Y T O T A L K ju s Is iR fS E R IS n lfS iB S n r 3 2 4 - 7 6 5 6 a s k fo r Kip o r tion and sprinkler s y s ^ m0 - _ c o n d l U o n s . S e n d R o - - ta c t J u d y (208)934-8461. . 1. R n a n ce . 1 - 8 ^ 9 9 9 - 4 8 0 9 — Ilsto n c a ll 0 1 1 -6 9 2 -5 99 00 *- e v e n in g s tim e a v a ila b le — m alntonance e x perlonco.0 ■ su m o s tb’ Box 97323 c /6 Sunny 0 1 9 . 7 7 c e n ts a m lnuU • Cell Iho YFCA 733-4384. T h e T im e s N o w s P O B >R . smQil o n g ln e 'a n d p u m pq B N U RSE ................. vv// a v e r a g e S m in u tes. Mus - .'F O U N D Y o llo w L a b .w Lu?-L BO O K KEEPIN &---------------5 4 6 T w ln F a lls 1 0 8 3 3 0 3 .- R N -srF T n ig h ts. P T doys& a-- - r e p a i r s knowledgo. Idaho > & I V ^ P V W P I b o i s * . RBC In te re s t r a t e s a r e _ • .w h ite fa c e . Found o n Sitata___ B o o k k e e p e r , n o w h irin g , S la te c hem ical sp ra y in g “ r e l i e f . L P N 's . ro llo f all Q" I m \ iiW T ■ ° MEOICAI--------■ " dium Blvd.'C all 73 4 :9 6 9 9 ' minimum 2 yb ara o x p oIri-' dow n! • d iic onie and two y e a r s oxshifts. C N A 'S FT d ays and I V ^ i I b i ^ I i i H ° H o m e H ealth D irector e n ce. Call 733-9360. le. ■ (Roles a s tow a s 7.5% ) p e r ie n c e .in.lnBOOlicldO'. S ’ i 106 “ ts. I o v o s. o n d rollo( oil shifts. 'L O S T B row n T errlor mix, Now >3 Iho lim o to roflnonqp qJ ; iS P E C IA ^ IO T IC ^ a n d horb lcld o s p r a y i n g A pply In p o r s o n Twin Foils w /ro d collar w /rab ie s lag. ^'9 H l l i H I M M f H R I 1. •5‘N your h o m e tor: . a n d m u a t h a v e a g o o d C a r o C o n t o r . 6 7 4 E astst. Sm all fom alo |u s t spayed •Oobt c o n solidation • ----- know lodgo o l p r o v e n ta - - Minldoko Memorial H ospi­ M A L C O H O L iq S land.T w in Falls. ID83301. CLERICAL L o a t n e a r H o o p s S t Call tal s e e k s dopondabie In•Home Im p ro v em e n ts Bf.. r t l v o m a l n t o n a n c e ANONYM OUS : B o o k k e e p e r an d CortKiod 7 3 4:2266. . divlduols. to join our nurs• E x lr a c o s h progroriis.. Prefor ability to. ' A ccountant. ,­ Ing team , Youll woric In a — .Bof'krupicy & p o o r a o d lt __ perform g e n eral m a in te L O S T f e m a l e P i t B u ll, R e c s p tld n ls t for S u n Valfriendly dynamic environptogrom s availa b le . oe n a n c e d u ties a s n o o d o d„ J s p a y e d , b r o w n & tain n . A s o t J a n . 1 6 . 1 9 8 6 J___ ley Area. ■ m ont. while oam ing com17. Livoly will b o rosponslblo o n d required, will n e e d to ' N ^ o Is U d y . 736-7387. 1-800-454-2645 in Call Sum or a t 733-7 3 0 0 potllivo w oges. For con— for hfs d e b ts only. quality ior w atch e’tondlng An id a tio C o m p a n y b in E X PR E SS PE R SO N N EL II . sid o r a tlo n s c o n la c t h u ■Why run all over town whon dullos which in d u d o s boll111 FILER AVE.. TF. ,1 . you c a n lo c a ls p a rli lo lorr d i v o r c e K I T S $ 6 0 . rn an reso u rc esQ t e r operations. HVAC units, automobllin In Iho dasslDed 436-0481, “e d 7 3 4 -7 6 4 2 A sk for Sallio q n d controls, a la rm sy sr r CONSTRUCTION MONEY E X P R E S S .:-lid«.Call733-0931. la E s tim a to r, e s ta b l is h eId to m s , g o n o ral p lu m b in g'< MEDICAL RNANCIAL S E R V IC E S a n d llquk) sy ste m s opera*'• C N A 'S 4 NA’S n e e d e d , - - L O S T -/« r0 * rew ardi ^All E A R L Y ___ gonoral c o n tra cto r eeek* Yourlocal R e a l o s ta le lo a n I x p e r ie n c e eci m g p e r s o n w /c o m p u lo_r tion an d m u n te n an c o . h black, long hair, adult cat. CN A c la s s e s a v aila b le , s p e d a ll s ta ' 2 R o s t ^ o n a l b l l l t l e s : A ll train in g , tim b o riln e e s tiH a v e y o u t'a k o 'n In" aa '• Excollont benoflts avalla♦Oulck loon a p p ro v a ls D E A D U N E S te r e s te d In s t a r t i n g o i m a tin g p r e te r a b lo . All'>d gro u n d s duties Indudlng,° s tr a y ? O r h a v o 1 out In ble. C o n ta d Toni at-934♦Credit p ro b lem s. O K p h a s e s o( c o n s t S a la ry k* la n d s c a p e a re h lto c tu ro0: .y o iir b a r n s ? L o s l from 5601 or opply at: G oodlng ♦ Competitlvo R o le s alk w ith y o u . “SI F O R C I ^ S I R E D D O E . S e n d r e a u m e to Df .g ro u n d s a n d e q u ip m e n'*t " g room ing p la c e o n W ost R e h a b L iving C o n t o r . ♦ l s l & 2n d 's u p to 100% Ron Stanley Co. P .O . Box ti. m aintenance, lavm sprin-0 le n d o fF Ile rln O c t. Phaaa 1220 Montane. Goodlng. ♦Mobile h o m o lo a n s • itions offer a polenliol.inco :om e o f $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 lo ■' 1 7 1 9 , T w in F a l l sJ, | iID k le r sy ste m I n s ta lla tio n • . " : c S I B 3 7 ^ 1 i -----------♦D obi C o n s o lid a tio n s & 8 3303 o r call 734-0455 ry ]||y. To qualiFy you musi ha hove a g o o d driving a n d m ainlonance, sp ray1- MEDICAL — THURSDAY. 2:0 0 pm personal lo a n s in g o f tu r f , t r o o e a n dI. T H ERA PY TECH n e e d e d ections a n d must be (2 0 6 )7 3 6 -0 0 3 3 oblo lo Follow, simple direc 71 for FRIDAY- ) m CO N STR UC TIO N F O R Elo . JX s h r u b s . In clu d in g w e e dk to w o rk w ilh p r o fo u n d . P lo ase cliock your e d ttoj oj FRIDAY 2 :0 0 pm for MAN S teel erectio n , m u st ^ou musi b e .a b l e lo osely with p eo p le . And yo a b le lo work close h a n d ic a p p e d c h ild r e n1.. D c o n tro l, m a in ta in a id e sREAL E S T A T E L O A N S ■. . c o rr e c tn e s s o n tho.flrsil b e a b le to w e ld , a r c . a ’ -walks, curbs a n d p aridng a SATURDAY 5 :30 om-2 p m w 1:4Spm•Poor, credil h isto ry {j start immedialely. d a y th a t tt ru n s, a s T hei w ire fe e d , ru n c o n stru C— a r o a s In a h a r a r d - f r o oil - 10pm or shifts. W eekend ■Bonknjplcy & to r o c lo s u re s -i. T lm e s - N o w s Is n o t re-1 l i o n c r e w s , f i g u r e: er: • O ne-on-one Training condKkin; m aintain extort-Iworit involvod. If IntotostIW e oFfer: I j j ________T h an k you >g , ' . •Dobi co nsolld a tlo ii lo a n s I sporislble for errors afteri problem s. M ust b e a self­ st o r s ig n a g e . F u l l.tlm e . e d coll T eresa 01934-56011 •P urch ases & r e f in a n c e s • Paid V acation , th a ttim e . | s ta r te r . W illing to 'w o r A k M u s t b e a b le to w o rk 1 -8 0 0 -5 3 6 -6 5 6 0 • Liberal (!lommissions IS ~long hours during se a s o ni-. d a y s , e v e n in g s , n ig h ts So n d resu m e & sa la ry d e0­ a n d rotating w ee k en d s. i0 4 ^ 1 • • M odical a n d Dental]| P ackage i 304 I sired to Box 426. Je ro m o'(-, A pply 0^ C a ssia R e g io n a l •PERSONALS I II P ackage • Excellent Retiremeni I | w ve£ to en t^ ID 83336______________ k• M ^ te a l Center. 1601 HI‘1 C hris Parker,will no longer 1. land Avo.. Burtoy. E .O .E tndilions • G o o d W orking Com In v e s W e n t p r o p e r ? ? COOK ‘ b e re sp o n sib le for Tracy y^AN TED E x p e r ie n c e d Twin F a lls f i n e s t lux u ry day through Friday, A p p l y in p e r s o n1 at al the D ealership, Morid( P a r k e r ^ d e b ts a s of Jan. C o o k v a r ie d s c h e d u l e . oportment c o m m u n ity . 6 0 . 1 5 .1 9 9 6 . , 1 0 : 0 0 a . m . t o 5 ; ppo O p.m. lo M anuel Davila. _ TIM ES CLASSIFIED units, p o o l, c lu b h o u s e . R e feren ces. S a la iy DOE. ry Employer *d DEPARTM ENT n if you h a v o a work related Call Idaho Y outh R a n ch . Leihom n M obr* it on Equol Opportuniry I Presently u n d e r c o m b ijc tion. . ^ 532^4117. EEO_________ - Infury A h a v e beon treated < » p e r ic n c c d .unfairly. P /e a a * call T h o m se D e v e lo p m e n t C o COUNCILOR 2 0 8 -3 4 » 8 8 7 7 733*34«7 d u e t o in c r e a s e GRAND O PE N IN G • ' ;:0 a m n o t a n attorney). _ , T. C . Bunk B e d s. J a n u a_iy_ U ^ a tln g r e s u m e flie s to r C .D c o u n c l l o r a . N e e d fo lm o r K ent a t ng 2 7 . 1996. U p ,to 2 0 % uoft ' 3M 1 • VWtsn youVe loit v m in im u m o f C D T a n d ho » 733-5776 Lvc. S. • T w in F alls, Id a h t 5 1 0 2n d Ave OT s a v in g s . 1 2 0 S o . Id ahooft, a p p o i n t m e n t . ' CONTRACTS A exp erien ce. S e n d re su m e Kh- - W « n d e l l r l D ^ 6 . 5 0 S ,08 , is lo o k in g f p i ■ •• bo a valuablo friond )n IWid^ JO R T Q A Q K ^ “ to W alker C en ter. 1 1 2 0 A E n ta r to w fn a tta a b a di st l -,M Ing ILCoR 739-0931.^ o n ts n a S t. G o o d ln g tod. saleis p e o p l e d i 83330 ATT. V ayfe -• il Bt how e u y A It t o plaoe a i n s a le s . C a l l J c d u t l l l e d a d . T h e c o st U 1ow...ihe r s s u l u m n high.-. 5 733 1823 f o r a T .' \*> T h tf id M r tJ « L 7 3 3 W t. I .........................tfr' C i^ l e g a l n o t io _____ OVER£AT£RS -ANONYMOUS D E L IV E tlY A fte r s c h ooio l p a r t . t l m o J o b . S p 'f m" 9:30pm . d eliv ery p e re»oo n n oodod. P lo a so a p p lyy in I - ^ R E M E M B E f = H = -------p o a o n -W o k -a -Q rU I-w taurant. 1188 BlOe Lake i< e s' n ^ a tb lrth d a y ad y o ^ p la co . fjg Blvd N. ___ 7 3 4 -4547 N O n C E O F P U B U C HEARINQ t THE V M E S ^E W S _ I EXPRESS JU S T THINK I THEVMES-N^WS IE H I 3 I >n- N O>W HIRIIN G SAILES REIP S : |! 9 1.. S ^ E No El If you are inter would'like to talli These sales posilio $70,000 annually, record, must be ob N CESSARY I new career, we y- J FAX'. J YOUIR s: AD 208-734-5538 RY'S rLAND G A rORS i -I ? W E S Ttr MOT 1 m m m u ■‘ '( I , ■ ■ ■ V i ■■ _ _ Z ---------- ;--------- 0-4 -7 1 fnoB-NowB ows, 7\Mn Foils, (daho----- Monde ndoy. Jo n u a ry 2 2 r 1 9 9 6 ---------------- SS TOP DOU OLLARSS I t F 2 b d rm h oo^mo n . n o w r l e r - NORTH175 75 + /-ocre* g M l I BURLEY Now 2 bdr For contracts, m M rm .ga- CLEAN AFFORDS )D A B tE ». mortgagbs. Jdtchon & bath. 1645-C C ase Skk> Loi llh. Ig. back form, now Valloy URED rao®, DW. WyO ho hook up.. ROOMS for re nit$ t S4 5 w k . I 20S-734-8 »4-8727 yard, $36.000.>■ '733-7S57 $ 1 5 ,5 0 0 ..4 8 0 -0 C Ownor/tlconseo. 32 a Nice aroa $465/mo 'mo. 825-6354 after 4 Loader, $7500: New Cali 676-1659 I rp By ownor - NE location. >9______ 734-3540,731-243 no Ttactora, paits.& IS 1975 aenbrook. 14 : - -k 4 e e re p e o l8 le ^ 4 w ----- ------------- l ^ N A N OL-6H.VKE9-I^ 420-3B43orW7-e313 Good soil, oppllonm . • $7700, 55 hp. 4x4. $1 e n t- F u r - | | H | | | B | | a 3 H 2 S tS d t|; T F " * P H ^ a W RRUN** L ator. Good or, good cond. Loc , g a s ho at. economical wator •91. Can (206)436-5 DEBT CONSOL h.Prefored 36-5700 ^ ---------- 7 0S I jouDATioN ir ^ le x dbt garaao. for dairy hay form, irm. J a d ^ L Must b e 1 ).7334023 I I y i iijy iy y iiiiiy j anytime. Cut paymonts ts ui up to 50% BV° rm,2fuli Female.$200mo.73 ISO afl»r 1000+ sq.ft 2 txfrm. much morel *325 ACRES Productlvo Pro S8S00.324-46SI ----------HAY.QRAIN 24hfnppfovn|B00 baths. Plus aim _ _ SO-FT. H ydraulicc R o s a ■ re E D 733-3532. crop/catlie place. ice. homo, 6 :00 p.m. orhavt ‘"."J® TF, CSI fem aleI wantod. wi amonitios of a Reoi I 2 fi7 ' / e i l a g e ' e p re a d e r bdx wf eil ------------ — corrals, Qoodlng S h a re 2 b e d rooooim . No M 7 01 ' TF p r e s i d e n[Tt .S : T 5 IIT - -*?4o:ACREs^crpp 1X70 wtth Bultt-ln mlcnjwave. w n s. rww- JEROME. Nice 14X" _________ oxten»lone,.$4500ori J o r b e st s o o to n alfalfa hay, dairy _ 'H O M E B Y 'O>WW N E R .4 c e park:------ rofrigrpaundiymi: quality, large f to n b ales. t u t o T F C C ww aa l 0 r V “iatfdltlbW Ih'rnoe offer. 2-yr-old 19i ft. hy 7-3606. W/D, window covor ■ ■ bdrm., 2 b a th Buhl $ 17.500.0011527-; box w/ 5 a li( ^ ) S 6 7 - 9 1 3 1 1,, !$67,900. homos.-SW of Buh ---------r r 145 Holstein cows for M M H storMo nn., offldor 736-8207. _________ *160 ACRES • nici ;|ont gos TF. F urnished rooi nice grain iv Leon ALFALFA 45 Tons, good contro) hoat & air. vi ’, vaulted am oking. No drir . b o s t offor. 6-way Li [o p m o n t ■ — TF. Small duplex. mrouah test3rdcrop. lOOObales ceiling, balconie flies, Near CSI. $250.733 733-6627. ANQUS 60 h e a d B Biaok Blade. FKs 2460 thro IRUrVolI o d r^m po'enUal.-W ^FlR U I!19IIIi^B good cond .-2^b ofstraw. 423-5278 ■ iM carports,^liy.landsc dscopod,. ■— Mifera. 4 6 9 0 C a s e tr a cctot ^ i Crook. M ■ li bl rSS S - -le y poar Silver Crft m nppllancos $55,0 M H H f ~ TofilflctocoUon.'n juntain' $4000.536-5023. ALFALFA HAY approx. S i^ T lIf a c r e s - h olomo m & 25 . . I OfrBfinonco.Cain ■ M l ' SchooIsandCS ail 734-7191 ocros pasturo, plus aiusdovolH S W fH W W ---------80Ton,3rd'cut, 2 String. 401 dep. g ^ « O B I t £ H O 3M M ES fliittn $S70-$560 * dO| >lth Snake 3-bdrm 2 opmont land with ;';LV;J • B im £ R F * ed C o miveyor r« y CP24. A0F29, TDN64. 50LS/ 8 .W. TF Home. 3SCHOOI H H M a l BULL, Jsrasy .'b reei Cali Jody jhl ' > • ^ ^ tir l Rtver views. Buhl ’K IS 50' witli 18- d«1>-lro< ►-trough $90/Ton. Approx. 110 both, handwood, INUCTION STRU C rty M a t JEROME. A-17e,$S $250 . 2 a g o f o r s a l e . C Keystone Property *76-A C R E S-R ow ow crops, ' 602 b e lt a n d .m o v in g fe fe e d Ton 4 th-cut $90/Ton. ' “ bdrm: IV* bath. Has 4aswood 536-2580. upn 735-0300 CCwaior. . UNFURNISHE § Id « ;“ gatedpipe. TFCC _ _. _ dlvorter. High capac ipacity* L argo truck lots only, ances______________________ » ★ **★ atove a appllanc J • ★★*.***★**•*•★★ b a s T ^ » ai "s 1 2 w k s. rd. HOUSES ar di dairy Havo bale forte loader. »ofCastleford. 330fi/mln. ideal for c o r r a l . $ 1 00u55s . u0 u0 u0 . .7«“ rwAMQ HERFORD SemintaiI crosa o _______ E L W O O D & EV> 1 a c r e s . Smal T R A IN IN Q1-,9 hrs. por 734.8310.moll farm &S4 2 5 and livestock oporaUo raUons. Cali 366-2322 -VM INO mommacows.16®s lated pipe. CLEAN. NEAT HOI startingMar. 33-9110 1.{ OMES •• do so to Buhl. Qatei **★*★ 734-1401 ______ ■ Used only several wee Jim ea. 886-7008! av ailab le for Imme w o o k .^ ll 733-{ , shop building. nediato TF. 1 &2bdrm.apts., _____ $3.500. 536-6693 day ' Alfafa 185 tons, 2nd. 150 TF .Apply for fum 2 --------tons. 1st ton bales. 1st, & up, refurbished.j*‘bC w ^ g g — I -------------s o >r „ TWIN FALLSUVESTC R O B E R T J lOOIN E S , » S T g S « , . « 335.00 to o k Burley •nactorSahras s Ivage 2nd, 3rd, In sm'. b ales, IV*bath. WD. Aval la u n d ry facility, i2 a 3 I B U H L/RU • COMMlSSIOfH COMP, <PANY Combine a tractor parts pan R e trie v e r lo ads only. 'a.'^VV/D l o r 2 people. 734-9 2 bdmi. 2 b a th -$ 8 0000 .0 0 bdrm. townhouses. ’e f R E A L TrYy 420 543-5699. ■________ ^ rtfo r Paul. ID ♦438-5420 h o o k u p , sm all ya I V v a rd a WHY PAY REMI ENT Eariy Coiwlgnmenti — E -J 7 3 3 0^ 4 3 & b S r « 5 050.00 storage. All quiet a&cclean, 2 ERO DOWN $ 27a r?0/MO Wednesday, January ry 24. CASE 4890 cab, air. 4 r, rfr Alfalfa 1st 2nd. 3rd. High * A 1 l [ l l BUHL Country. 3 \ r » pots. 734-6600* . . . >001 (country locale) im. motes. 20.8-38 duals, OAC. Contact Jeff Iff Smith S Sale sUrt 10:30 am als. 12 tost $60 to $80.734-4361 bdrm, 3 bath, doi stock spd trans, 4900 hrs.•G Ooo o d '* * * * 733-2224 • 300 running a g e st or 731-4381_________ J ______ APARTMENTS: MT garage. 'l l i f M l f ] coilings. 2 car c l e a n w o rk h o r s -• _• •• cows.- ' ■ 9 5 .0 0 .JEROME 1 bdrm.. 316 31 S. --------------- --------L >r ppocplo 2 t)drm. 2 b a th . $495 indscaped. Classlllod . . . tor < >720.' Approxlmately400ton 1st ves & $22,500. Call 629-572C ■- • 1000 m ixed c a lve 50.00 A dam s. $295/m^o., ..W O g — 1931. 2 bdrm. 1 b ath. $450 653. 41* ovrnvwhorol 733-0931 M n d crop quality alfalfa — 50.0----------0 hookups,3a4-TO0a~ I 24X6 Hay a approximately 30 4 Twin Falls Livestock •d< - F o r s a le ; JD 8300 ^ SOPI U S E S . g excel top diean barley straw. 5 0 51^ JE R 0 M E 2 b d rm .m ; Commission Compai >any grain drill w/seeder,. exi I I 513 '>»»•»' I R C T ^ ^ AACC E _ | '^ ^ W L E V n E A L l _^PEN H O U ! Call 566-3036.________ 630 Railroad Avo. • apartmontj washer/d >r/dryer ' I g o o o n c v w 'ENDEU. en 0-^ condr 532-4133,532-42 lA C R E A G E S & b TS tl-O 734-50M fViin Foils. ID 63301 d<yard. E X C E P T IO N A L• oolffic e . I I home ES s ' (OVOS or w eekenda BARLEY/wheat straw, sm GRA1NERY1 11,000ibushbut 6 o r lO acros Valloy ^ )7 3 3 -7 4 7 4 your a d fot -5866. sp a c e available1 --1-1 5 0 734-8480. Ask for Ja tHish& Ifl bales, combined w/ Pioase chock youi el gralnory. 2 6.000Ibus JW double with water. Cali 825Bruce Bllllngton 3n the firsi BY OWNER now — sq. ft at 834 Falls Avenue, Avi stripper header. 733-6456 “ ^ , 1 , . JEROME. Clean. 2 bo correctnoss on ol grainerfes. Good cond., com tx^roSuite (H2130. $850 ns, t a s Tho wido. On 2V* acn iSOplus (208)733-4337 EDEN Nice 2 bdmi. m A^Sr. om. VA bath. All appl day that it runs, 7— m u s t b e m o v e d th $ ro b o o '' BY OW NER 7 + a ippllandeposit Call BRAW Is n o t rowater & sower, *$7 homo. Private lot A llm 'a l D tfty quallly hay for «U0 . AWLEY yOUNQ COWS ' 100 ho lie W/4-S bdmi. 1 bath. 1 cos. $390. Caii543-e; TImoS’Nowserrors Is hoad spring, call Kim Wahlen >•0256. R ^ T Y 734-6668 aflet Call 934-5456 Also som e feeder hay. S O h e a d B r e d ^ n g ------------room, new carpeting sponsiblo for orro ng u e 397-4575 or 221 -2200 Call 568-2283.________ Northviow Manor 733-0 3-0740 ____________ ' ______ heifers. 1 4 H o reifo f( rd — QOODI NQ 2 bdrm, rm. 1 bath corrals & fendng. 3. 1 loaf- OOODING 2 bdrm,» that time, rlng,lg. ^322 Washington S t N ^ I bull. JD 4440 Quad, 3 remote ikesO fcows. 4 calves and l b :a sh to a sIng sh e d . 2 ig. storage slo on 2 dty lots. Casi gas hoat, now floorin' OFRCE IN BIue'Lakef FEEDER hay in big bales, im a s s is t 18:4x38. Orl( iq ftim Call 734-5265. 37.900 bidgs. $134,000. fice Parks. 1152 sq ft sumablo loan $37.: foncod yard, 837-6: *70 dollvored, also dairy TF Laurel Park Apte. ^<144 _______ ’ —— nai paint a u pholster story, hoy tjig 4 iinio bales. >HOMES Strickland Real >al 1Estate Call (206) 6S5-41< I^ W N F A U S M ANQUS 15 big butt ----------- HAGERM AN 1 bC »tted soOOhours. Call 733-2090 ' . straw in big bales, 684. 176’Ma5ri*2st“fi“®'-TF ’n AT LOCA______ Mack Angus virgin bulli CHOICE TWIN FAL 1_______: FALLS freshly painted. $25{ o»8. Padfic States Equip. lip. 9300 or 351-1286 S86.600. GREAT now listing. OOODINQ. 3 bodr< UL Cali 934-6161 = . idroom, 1 BUILDING LOTS OFFICEyETAJL >TS. . * dop. 324-7250 m (208)543-6319) ' TION on this now -3-bdfmsra- -bothrfamlly-foom omT-1400- —AvailaWe-ln-Sprtngle lSiSSm” JEROME 1 bdrm,, 1 bath ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ « « « « « « «♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ jo c k a ro a square foot' Now w liInterior. - -subdivision. All utill ” n JD 4630 4x4 Tractor. ioMt^ ^ o n Wmbort'y F ly Rd. d 702 ting and .45T 3rd cuttlng.b a ih s . Nico doc on lo. lot. $290Mio. •< /9? barjBQd. J a r g o J a n a n d-d-yjixd____ .j rMT - ALLOW AY-iaa_1J2-ra lndudingjjB8.andxi JE_Ono.unlUavaaobli 2-“ * - -G < ^quallty;7S4-S518---------------- ------- B d AIRY EQUIPMEN _ J _________ wtth hot tub. Wott 18.500, writydop., 324-3430 beet/boan cultivator. mily room. $68,500.00. 934-8 4-8296. Pricos start at $18.£ 30___ ; b ee u tlfu l 4-plex., c6 0 0 ' Call Stovo. llroplaco in famllv ' OR VIR— beol Good alfalfa hay. 1st 2nd — Builders welcomc 3raat PARMA 6 row tank: be< lORM ‘’ 'ock N. O ulncy (n< 'S Attn. Stock haulers. Gr« JE R O M E - 2 & 3 BD CALL KATHYis01 32 a 3rd. Cali 326-4962. p n ^ rty . ■ 5 9 5 ------------1 420-3943 o r 736-75 I Roy digger. Cali 733-2732 C SI). Opon floor p ^ sekKUonoftralloraotR $300 &$550. 324-28 GINIAlo soo this p< 837-6313 o r 734-241 w /kltchon bar. m ae , ' ' Raymond Ford. Built ........ I JE R O M E / Michigan 35A_ioader 4i»95-27S. Lr4-1 HAY 2 5 T E x c e l. 3 rd laroo twdroom w/wiak-ln dSo 7 3 ^ 3 3 4i _ s o r v l c o d l o c a l l yj!'L“ l Extra nice. Ifl "bLrcket. ^'w hooI steer. >er. 1_ alftUfa. $7S/Ton 423-4494___________ you these |H A G B iw A H /H HOMES 0 GOOOINQ By ownor, ^ _JEROME. il/wfta & private bath. 2nd,b ■7 - ; ^ - _ C h a r jn a o .jr f .a d a J i J,bod^ „ 2 -b d r m ^ b a th dblA -3/47d^udcorQ oodconi $ 7 6 ^ wiii get yoi -3 % acresrB (col.-oro utside Hocenlly remodeledd 1500 1 JO/rno “ roomr2nd batfi; Outs wolcomo. Can 736-2481 • on private iot. $500/ BY OWNER Horse I JOKropow ater s h a r e s p iu s ------- ;------------ two-homeffTtlvo* IS L Call 734-5123________ ■ HAY 1st a 2nd Iton bales. office — n. Insq. ft. professionalli of S8 6 7 . patio- storage room. No pots.Refs. 326-581 «y. Chooiy 2 bdrni I ------Alsq. straw available. and ront the other, rofrig. building with fenced p -------cludos ig Ulll rm. rofi I NEW a OSED 4x4 dle» r .io S jlesel 326-5028 or 326-5033 l e a tu r e s 4 bdrm p o rt. Ing lot a landscaped fi ^UL ra n g e , DW. C orpo J O N E S W E HAU TinjA. .1, I tractora. Motore. Impi< )ut bidgs. KIMBERLY S cenic f e w » . ‘’ou't' heat, aulo spi'lniii nil lit. for ront. $ 1200 ^ 0 . : you g u e st parking, well ^ HAY 1st cutting $50.00 ; e monts. rentals a salos. l a r e s of ocro or moro parcel garage. Rontal bri Some 2nd Avo. N. Cali Gam amand I FARM SERVICES $595/m o + dep. Soi :h take all. $55.00 4.1/2 ton “ • “' J & ' S e ' ' om Jerom iles from Klmborlj “ . ____ Hobbyj!forso.Ranch._ S2 OT.0 0 por month lylone — Marketing at 734-5744 itnjck.- *-utlls.-lnd.—• Cail-flaylo - t o s e o r - j n „ s75;ooo. 324 id ^ ^ r " ' ■terlossthanrentlngatn 324*4550' ~'paved r a u h tn road. lauI. 206-324-565:8. ----- -|O ts:73y6059-------------l21_ custom equip a hay hat — --------------- D O R O T H Y - to &Ariz at734-4411. N oedloadstoC Jfffi/ or324-9246______ dored by BLM on sc ras-301. a c e for Ing. 326-4141.-420-414; TF 10‘x12'offico space 71fc7 , HAY 1st cutting $60.00 ES H L ROTO TILLERS used, PREE ESTIMATES U nlim ited h o r s e«bh n r li lease. Inc. uUl. 736-99 Jtin a take an. $55.00 4;i/2 ton HAOERMAN All br rear of tractora. Startin CAU.32<.3<90> ____________ :_______ t E E l l HAYRETRIEVINQ * ''<*'"8 aroa out your t lots. 733-6059 bdrm. 1 full, two -HI laloa a t $ 100. Hobby Horsi TF 2 bdrm. Ibath, ^ t.a022 3 wido. 2 wido. 8 , ton ball TF OFFICES .736-eo P“ *o- B o a u tlfu lI vi V iow . t f 2 bdrm, appls.,— , eelec $375/mo + $200 dop. 1 cor g a r a g e . «Feilo A Ranee, Jorome 324-565 HAY 2nd. 3rd a 4lh cutting. FRENCH'S ^ge portion farma " ’oWoh o a t. fe n c e d yard,p il® TY. INC. yard, $64,800.637- “Hoa” TF 1.000-2.000 rotail/sh I/Shop. Call 543-6695 1 -2bdrm . Ibath, ySur homo and ------6 4.40-76.60 TDN tost. ind Irri- pots. $ 4 7 5 Tri Co Prop. Pi STATE REALTY. ___ TRACTOR $400/mo 4 $200 dop. p. Addison Avo. W. iocatl MI c v gate, with approxima -_-H . - P lu s oat hay. ton balos 734-0400 ^ ^ — HAQERMAN V AU 0.-2- -JD4655-4000 hoursrgooi t'walor^ Mgmt 324-2734 :____ • •6523.' -Hayrotrlovlng.-3wIde.• WILLS INC. ,- $400/mo. Cali 734-65S r i l , _ 9 34;5359.O f.934;4086.______________ -----------------^Tobuy.orsoll that^l 743- -c o n d .-C a II676-2705— — I- — wtdeand 1 ton.-734-974 = 7 ^ --------Cell 734-4411-----____________BY OWNER_______ 1: ^ T F'2/3 b«Jm:’1 SalhT2' Ih, Neat,- proporty, call Mari< & ___1 . TF Office space. Noar IT b< tMth ------------------------------3 bdrms. 1 bath, Estate garage, foncod yd. Oulet Qi TRACTORS AntlquoTwii HAY 3rd cutting. 1 05 + vie homo. JENSEN REAL ESI »00 WISHING you an a proi TP cioon 2 bdrm,. ig fair lamlly court houses. 733-3301 re Tons, small bales. . doan.- Stucco style I I neighborhood. $600/m UNCity. Motors free, tiress aan -------porous ’96, BALES W iT ? / rm. firo place. All ap appO Auto sprlnkiing, lane $600/dep. Call 736-25 oioi u p . $ 2 5 0 . O liv e r 71 t e — ------- 1 . LIMITED want to holi utlls fumlshod. Avail 1/S 1/27. f l 6 0 6 SHOSHONE 1 d ty lol 1 od. G as hoat 808 umcom plete. Runs. Tlrei Wo haul big balos all sun $535/mo * dop 543-86 10.000 TF 3 bdrm, 1 bath, gara 14 h in “ Ie-1 2 0 -x 7 5 '.fl0 .0 I COMMERCIAL are up.. $400. C asa SC mor a retrieve any size0 all 8 s a le ail c ro p s, X g ’ d.y..734-1556,«H..:__ _ I ^ P m ^ E R T Y ^ Call 736-6207 7 fenced yard. No smok Is h o d 'b w 54 dredsq, ftlnsulated complete, runs. TIree an HSa6y 0for yoar. 208-543-5366 ^ - C a l l 625-5011. --------$635/mo + $500 dep. -----------and woll, Catl 837Call 837-6354 ----up. $375. (2) F12 Farm P - ^ , TF Newly painted 2 bdn 37-4749 SNAKE RIVER iroved ~ ~ S>m' ' . “O OSnn-ttaB. approv 1, 3 .5 bath after 6 pm. ^ 1( , 0 .2 Call 734-5596 alter 5p —; { all mostly complete. $16< apt. large laundry rooi SISO L o a d s 6 8 b a le s s tra w _______ H a g e rm a n V a lle y By O w ner 4-bdrm,o3.! daycare or sm. bu busli 7 04 o d y to ' ea.- Misc. international i ample d o so u & storag delivered. Call 324-5167. ICTION a c r o s . $ 6 6 ,5 0 0 . 99..6 1 TF 3 bdrm. 1 bath w/ba 2SOO s q . ft.. rea< SS2; noss, 734-0455,423-54 >5411 atnofah- UNDER CONSTRUCT jY | Famrall parts. 324-7254 SSOO rwar schools, $42a'mon acres $68,500. Real leaner mont.^ $650/mo + $5 movo into, g reatc onn i w / eves, a weekends. IN HAQERMAN - r t . OAT_HAY_ Large or small _ a l _ . _ + SSOO.socuflty.depos lu trooi; ownatf. 209-786-3651 >51.■ - d o p ^ t- Call 734-2632 _ _ b o rh o o d , oxc. Tcor -----------‘TS antique IHC-JD-CA T. In tho* Mo'*' homo on quiet's 'AT- WHEEL'UNES."24. good ood amounts. 326-4270 No pots. Cali 733-4330. 30. FO R LEA SE O R ffA l sprinkler systemDol . I d ls t. rALE Tractors. 1 or all, all rur 1560sq.ft-f full bosoi f«ri. cond., call 397-4575 or TF Largo duplex lo>tt NE 1 ____________________ ^ CAR LOT In Burloy. y. < ofBest offer, 324-5167. . ■ S a w to o th sch ooro o l Info. your carpets &■colors. cc * O at hay for sale, 934-5793. j 221-2200 location. $27,000.. C 5; ^ TF-PARADISE PLACE Call TF Duplox. spadous. do to p . a h o p . b la c k tO; S12S.OOO for moro •5962. St28.900 hMriu A c r o s s from P e r rin 736-0124 or 731-0124 __ w/garage. Also KImbfl ^ i" o fe n c e d . O n O voriam 734-1663 or 736rS9< ----------THOMPSON & NELS ^ school. New-2 bdrm, house. $400/fTX) 733-13 lets* 1-B00-773-3167, I. 1 bath. BUILDERS TF Lot 125‘x50'.- On M( b a th , w alk-ln.closeti By o w ner 2 bdrm,i.on 1 dou837-6313 or 637-621 •6264 roo S t $12.500.734-59 vaulted coilings, gas het *•5926 t f N E W 4 - p l e x heat! TF Business rental prope dotachod garago.on ^ •7 5 9 4 Collular 420-3943 iltod AO. all appls., balcon: ony, ty in American H aza Str bio lot. $70.000. 733■ TF Stoneybrook lot. -------- 2 bBrm. 2 balhs, Vaulto oarfv la n d s c a p e d , c a rp'o o r/t. _ ^ i . 4300.sq.jtjnt8ric I 15,668sq.ft. 733-227 Inc^ $550/$570 + dep: 54! f I 50T E !L 5436.000 sq.ft. fenced yai ,0 4930 or 733-5805 eves. BS. area. 733-1963 or 82! intago AC, prhrate storage NSEN TF3.21 acros 211’fronta ^ I KIMBERLY/HANS — 4231. Available now. X 660' depth on North O hCol• lockers, $595/per D ^ ^ H O M E ^ TF-3bdrm.S500mo.+dei dep. ■ logo Rd, 1/3 block west rest of mo.+$595 dop.. 2 yr. Application-lease. TF Retail-Wholesale. 2.00 i!ooo " KIMBERLY «hlnd lease, discounts for 3 & . Blue U k e s Blvd. behli no pets/smoking. . sq. f t building. 4th Ave V BY OWNER. Lovely 3bdrm 31 C a n y o n S p r in g s : in n . year leases. 367 Elm 1,^ S 733:5802 or 734-3050. I t y o n a r e im aa lb l e t o c a l l o r c o m >0Cali 734-0612,733-707S m ce b y T h e T i m e s 2 bath home locate atod In $405,500 (S2.90/sf) Cali C Call Laura 733-0775 01 nowor aroa of Kimb mberly 1-800-733-2581 Ext. 2712 27' _______ 734-6505. TF -Brand new 2 bdrm, ull or N e iiis o fiB c e . is i m p l y c l i p a n d1 zm a i l t h i s o r d e r 1, A 4- TF. Possible build to suit c IFIED over 1380 sq ft. extri xtra lo. plex, extra nice $500 )0 -t- approximately 53,000 st TIMES CLASSIRI — 1 T F^ bdmi., $S50/mo., ^Art E ^^' garage. Central air,■,lg.lot ig ^ ------------ 5 ^ 7 ----------’ 13; f o r m t o o u r c c l a s s i f i e d d e p a r t^m e n t s o t h a t w e , dep. 734-0427 for info. 0. ft. op en land for leaae DEPARTMENlast&deanlngdop..ava sprinkTer systom. Won 15^ Call 736-0743.________ able 01 / 18 . ^ - 2 1 4 3 ful neighborhood. M MaaS it I ^ O N D O M I N U ^ __ I c a n g e t y o u r ai TF -NORTHVIEW MANOI a d s t a r t e d w i t h o ua t d e l a y . 208> 73 4 -5 5 3 ( la n d 2 bdmis. Froo cable 2.5 0 0. PRICE REDUCED-BAC lACK T F3bdrm .1bath.'dosei f 6 1 0 ------sta rtin g a t $345.1321 FOR SALE BY BUILD - P lease p r i n t c l e a r l y w i t h d aa rr kl p e n c i l o r p e n O N T H E M A R K EE1T . Perrine school a CSI, r 1740 I STORAGE/ .’oj,® Washington St N733<I74< 1534 sq ft. Vaulted colli $53,500. plus sellerr w will smoking or pels, total ■ - T h e rea rax — JjjrABBjOUSERBnAL e a p p r o z ix z ia te ly 2 :3 3 < 2 ca rg a ra g e . c h a ra c te rs ... holp you v/fth your doslr oslng romodolod, avail. Fob. • TF 2 bdrm, a p t quiot area Oulot cukle-sac costs to got Into this Is aaf$550/mo. For Intervio ^ ____I “ 512 (tacludjii i n g b l a n k s p a c e s ) p e5rr 1l i n e . :|aw No pots. Laundry faditties Ues! AA Storage 1260Addlsor 1851 Spring Lano IES/------- forflable-2 -BBWoomi7rTn r ■~can7S8:9776 or 726-921: ------------ | “ F»nM/Fw;NCHE; ^ $400 mo. Coll 734-8224 24 ” Avo. W ., $5 off 1 st m< - P le a s e pi --------------------------- S10SB00—•7511 p a y a c c o r d i n g t o r a tt ee si c h e d u l e w h i c h b a th 'c o n d o in a g ro roat, a ' ' ■ DAIRIES ---ront. 733-1683.886-2042 734-8000 o r 736-751 ■2452 TF 4-bdrm , 3 ba th , ga m vonlont location. ItIthas ha g a s TF Largo,' cioan 2 bdrm rm. is p r in tc t e d b e lo 't^ . 4ao-3943 Of 734-246 ■y faheat, northeast locatlor its own Inside laundry ft Ion. brick duplex w/garage. ge. WAREHOUSE nuch $950 * dop. No pets,.ocr duty, firoploce and muc Avallablo Feb.1. Nopeta ROW CHOP ets. 7800 sq.ft^ , FOR SA LE BY OWN 5 >doy.- --smoking. CaU T33-6348. natoly moro. C A a LEXi-todO) 18-----Refa< $ 4 6 0 ^ d ep. 27C > 7 8 ------Partially heotod-— --------i l . P l e a s e r i S a c re s . 5 b d rm .: t with 423-6986. iif85-276. — Elaine. Cali 734-6709 foi for 2 1 2 x 1 4 'Overhead Ooora baihs. 2 st 0 7 , full bs TF Charming oldor homt [^1°;. opplication end showing. )g. Ample Pari<lng 2 family rms, firoplaco. _______ : _____ f o r 4 bdrm, 2M baih. famli p o i ---------OfficoAttachod wator sh a re s, s te s .i r o o m , s u p e r sh a rp I (Prtnt o n e c h a rac:lc tc r ‘p c r s p a c e p le a s e , Inclv ’■pf TF Nice 2 bdrm, 2 baih, ga­ pivots, whool linos a i c l u d l n g b l a n k s p a c c s .) I oa* Approx. 576 sq.ft ★ Call 734-2212. $825/mo -tdoposlt . rago. lots of storage, near - G E M hand linos, no improve oar Call Stovo CSI & shopping. $500/mo ---------------------- L --...... •-! 5ELUI STATE REALTY. INC. ------ 1 —Bnts.pwnorsays-SEL ipo for more information. Almost new. 2 bdrm apl >pt. ->S300d«F^ Call 733-4330. — -------------------------- 1 . 734-0400 IVO, IIS . S H A L L O W S laundry area, DW. stovo CATTLE ill. TF. S300 MOVE IN AL­ ILRealty — -1 rofrig. $475/mo -fdeposlt. ■ EO Buhl/Hagornun; 2 0 0 hhd.- g 518 LOWANCE 2 bdrm.iJ.1 Guaranteec inside cattfo oporalh _____ I______________ 7 3 4 -4 3 3 4 iin' bath, an appllancos. S525 f S S L m o b i ^ h o m e5 ^ ----------------1 ■ VEEH PROPERTY MQM1 bordering Salmon Fa ADS 0 « $300 dep. Water son. . s S I ---------;_1________________ 733-6869 OR 734-6500 Ck Canyon. 480 doodi -------------------------------------1 ■odod a c a d e m y 1 4 ' x 70* S — lawn care provided. Call Ja// I 61 1 [OM acros. ovor 300 irrigate I ' latod. bdmis. 2 baths w/lgo fam lam TF R o m o d e le d 2 b d rn rm 734.0674 or 734-4121._ | _ ™ m s _f o r r e n ^ B uy th e G u a ra n te -------------------------------------1 T hee Vory private, ond of rw rond . lly room. Q as hoot fleody . tody h o u a e . W o o d s to v e 'e , 6 a c k a g e a n d Thi I . u a rNow custom home, sh< shop to movo. $7800 438-8215 ts. TF. 2 bdrm. WD hookup. 1215 fe n c o d y a rd , no p e ts iPi QOODINQ 80 acroe. virgin. gin. j T im es N ew s guai ner^nd calving/horso bar barn. 1 50 OW. c o v ere d parking. ------$ 525 p e r month.$35C 10 spud ground. 6 yr lease. se. I . $643,000 Ovmor/Agoni lOnt • CHALUS Ono 1983 Nova a n te e s to sell mei $450 * dop. R efs. roq. |ova deposit Call 733-1264 $200/acre. System need­ Trades consldorod 14x66 m obile h o m o . 3 c h a n d ise or»ms — 734 Maurtee. 7364)815 e d . 3 N orth. 3 W o st of bdrm, 1 t>ath. Very doan. Jan. TF. 1 bdrm. hortio. new autom otive items re a l ja c k Horton $15,000 or best offer, TF. 3 bdrm. 1 bath, family Qoodlng. 206-934-6289 p a in t, now c a r p e l, no in 7 d a y s a n d area ys AgrlLsnds Real E stats a te Ono 1977 Tllan 14x52, 0+ room, IHA a pprove. 530 30 HAZELTON Groon Wood 2, 22 pets, no smoking. $3504e s ta te In 15 days 206-643-4546 bdrm. 1 bath, fair shapo, 15, 3rd Avo. W . ^ 734-8285. ipo, $200 dep. Call 734-4345, ffi. a r e a . 6 0 a c r e e . A aB ___ _ $8500 or best otfer. ■ o r w e will ream ~T w ater. Sprinkler, hanfid d ion' Th TF.A.1S0.$S75.2bdrm.2 (208) 879-4490._________ TF. 2 bdrm . h o u se with •ff ilnee. $70 a acre. th e a d a n addition :h. bath, refrlg. range, dlsh- Been fn pasture for 4 yra. — sh o d .'$ 410 por m onth. a l 7 d a y s a t no QOVENOR 14’X70 1975 3. washer, microwave. WD, Contact Jon Crane at 5 IHA okay. Call ,734-1663. j p a y S c h e d t u■ l i e > A l l A d s Ml uu a. t b o R i v p a l d additional charge . 3 bdrms, 1'A baths, tlpout — g a s fireplace. W ater & 678-7521 or 420-9020 TF. A-112, $475.3 bdrm.' 2 trash pakl. Call days 543-6391 • to th e custom er. — bath. Avail. 1-26-96. ELWOOD a EVANS T F Dairy for rent, double T h ere Is a $3 e^rE 734-1401 LE ELWOOD & EVANS? _ULiCl(LaBjflLCflpflcUy_ c h a rg e for the , C h y itg s p e M ltfe ~ ' “ “ - $ 1 0 p e rc o w p er month. Ille 7 3 4 - 1 '4 0 i : - '' _ TF. A-174. $500. 2 bdrm. - g u a ra n te e d go av a lia b ie im m ediately. to EQUAL HOUSING I — •' . i y' ■ h appllancos, WD hobkup, V E R Y N tC E D O U B Lom E TF. Cute 2 bdrm. 1 bath, p ac k ag e . A ds P; Cali 733-0731 days, 734le d OPPORTUNITY WIDE In C a m e o M obile ,1-3 d a y s.........!....., 6342 evenings. m ay b e cancelled >g). rofrig. stovo, WD hook up. ner Alte^lwtjtoacMHlbhgiiiNt pj ' ^ E sta to s. O ffors 2 la rg o 4 -7 d a y s .......... early for custom,Uf. er nai gas heat, no pels. $475 nmrspvKUsubied'lo Iho Fair. bdrms, formal living room rf! 73^1401 Ina month $300 deposit Ref8-1 5 d a y s ________ ftatong Ad Mtidi fKta 1 y ■■ co n v e n ien ce but—i 6M ^ “ II writh firoplaco (etocMc log), l< lo 3(>venit» ’anf pieletonco cherences chocked. Call af- TF 2 bdrm, 1 bath. All util­ 1 6 -30 d a y s ............... th e c h a rg e will »■ I ^ w a n t e d t o r e n t J family room aroa. formai ie , ImCAncrcfccrhndantasoden or. tor 6 pm @734-4660. ltlos Ind. Ali appliances. 'fi' dining with built In china rem ain th e sam e. $485/mo Call 736-7484 _ j s j s s ! i i a ' ^^ W a n te d farm g ro u n d to hutchj^and a r d o u s kltchx $ /n n e an Inlcrelon. Mnuks iny wch lease . Caii 423-5611 or ^ i 603 ___ pr«(or«ttea. UmllaUen or 734-6741 evenings. « Other foaturos Indude covdtaMrution.’ ramiCal ttalut lor I FURNISHED APTS/ For oach Sunday ^ f t l ■ or ered wood deck, attached J r o o m s f o r r h j J ' P l i ^ D U P L E C E S ^ -I Indudo your ao In Ag\ I B ir^ HOUSES .k .r storage room, carport, vinyl T otal am o u n t d u e Flxors OK. sa v o brokoi aniaSan'. ptusfuni women arxJ u, fiding and auto sprinkler KIMBERLY. 2 room kttch-I- MOTEL $95 wk. $375 mo, foos. Can 734-97B6. p^^«irtigaaecl)rcrchUTnBl U □ M y ch e ck o r m o n e yy o rd e r iis e n c lo se d for '$. Includes all. 736-1088 I system , VERY S H A R P I enotto. all udis. furnishedd - ......... ,J r- L ady ro o m m ato .w a n to dt-. ONLY .$39^Il»102.96J1. e x c e p t g a s . $ 2 7 6 .-f^ SA LE or le a s e option. 2 □ Bill m y VISA (?r, M asti s le r C h a rg o (cw* on«) $ 2 0 0 p e r m o n th . Capri Motal. %^nter rates. - I bdrm. mobilo home. 2691 deposit CalU23-S5S0. lum ber__________________ C redit q a r d Nui Vi/kiy. r a te s'sta rtin g att utllldes. Can 733-0973. E a st O rch ard , 1^ aero. I■ » ntiio MNchb Inviob^ o(.hs E xpiration D a tfl te $140. Call 733-64S& . J pasture. 733-&6S8 ” * Uw. Our r«j()cn ar« hareby i 604 I . ROOM M ATE WANTED _____________________ 2_ — — ____ {_ _ _ i_ U N F U a N I S H E D _ -Caprt Motelrwlnter rates.' “ r T O - 'n e T m e e N M i : — ----------- HLLov*<y.2;«t0»y..5tb^, '■ M l ly o u r ’ rj .Wkly. ra te s starting atI ,736-6508 or 420-4409. 1A ^C U STO M ER 10 R E A L T Y 33 1 APTS/DUPLEXES 2 b a th , c o tta a e . oak o rder form & L $140. Cali 733-6452. ' flo o rs, w / b a s e m e n l A h ^ JsE B V IC E ~ BUHL LucomaApamenta . S H A R E 3 -b d rm h b m e Ti _ cd i-floo-«D-i J ----------- ^ 7 3 4 - 6 5 0 0 ______ j g a r a g e . L o c a te d n e a r P a i^ s n tto : . ^ t, 1160a q .f t 3 bdrm.$4751 .M O T E L lW ln l.t raW ..-■ _ J 2 ? ( ^ ^ ; in d . aD.utiis. &. _ s c h o o l & a h o p j p l nP.fl. g _ 97r7..Tlil ToD'Iree.tolophana . weekly rates starting att more.- Nb srrioklng. Call 3.^ "1B 0O sq.ff4bdrm .S560c»nt8ii.W reaK w 9."C iill C • WENDELL 1962 2 bdrm. j r a ^ 6 oa.. 543-5157altor4pm. $ 1 0 7 , ^ 5 6 3 0 , or leave msg. a t 733-4623. • a _.trtf..Excot..cbpd., Car p ort,, b storage shM , and sklrdng. ! ■ I . _ I 536-5023 ll ^ I 'cgr ' i ----- 55T“ 1 S S ' I Cu'^H GE^M i [T he 3imesb 5 IJfiriO'l lliljilililili FAX YOUR AD I I run my ad In clas! issifica¥oiT~"”ri _days. I 1 ' i J 'l i ! Name, 2. I Address______ Jg I CIty/Stateyzip _ Phone Number__ r 'j l __ Humbef4>Ulay8 yc 4 # lines 6M I c "" I 4 I ; IRWINI \ V ■ ^ !; -------------------- --------- lo n d a £ -J a n jja ry 2 2 ri6 9 6 -------TIS 'T lm es-N ow s. fw ln'F alls, Idaho C-5 W EDDINQ SET: WC VOM- QUEENSLAND WANTED: U sed Sub Subaru ForSaleorTmdo: 1991 • a r WINNEBAO 1AOO 1198a 31- Claas 'A ' Super „ .. AN’S . $3000 new, wvnisell Oi BLUE HEELER pu T H E A ^CG E S O N B R I Cd g e "* p u p e. wogon, 4 wheol or U 3t front T he U ltim a te F lsih h in g B o b b y W o lff Elan Dan. Loadod1 w wl;ith Chlof bv W innebago 454 for $150Q/offor. 734-71 t-7647 CALL 643-5096 _____ wpooldfivo. 736-7161 161, Boatl 1996 M agna Ail Alum, o p t i o n s , 4 6 0 F o rred . Chov c fw sis, generator, ' l&ft. T ntrlti- OfthplM mq b i -$43,900— :--------------------------root-AC . awnlngs on -e ll ' I- -ReTfW EIbERAm oaa ^ A T C K C O C C E C ro d 816 'tO ” 12 volt troll m otor,.ssid e 1980‘ 3 V a LUMAUT . "i4n idealist is’ or U T E windows, low miles, localone who, on notic- - — - - _____N O R T H ; Long time Bolso colloc 01^ moctor. consolo, live well, full« c I b o r o s e e q u iw Motor Homo. $39,500. X>. ly ownod end much much : ing ihat a ro s ei st Will pay top dollar lory smells better than 4 9 7 2 opy. fu'l covor depthi findfl 1993 • 2 1 'SCOTTY Oat C lass moro. $33,995. r»olB. m o n s S w is sUwi . a cabbage, conct . . .EX ERC ISE Center:: Dual D .........._. _ .V .Q -J.1 0 7_______ ncludes that il will ROTTWEILER AKC rei many m ore optio lions. C 'M otor H om o w /3 / 311 8 Contact D ennis' RIloy at watch. Coll Brian @ 8 T r a c k 2 0 , C om ple lo t o . tered puppies,' 736-4« S '800* Usod loss that 15 hoi ; also make better; ♦ 2 ersoup." lOurs. Dodge. S25.995. T om S c o t t H o n d a / 066-8982 a c c e s s cc $300.734-8746 a te r < » code Plug Trailer S ta r tral ■allor. ArtDERSON'S R.V. 4>A Q J 10 8 V. W in n e b ag o . 208-4 6 4 -' — H. L. Mencken_______ ............_ A iao .p a tfo c t_ S o id .nm ow . _ ._ e K it- ie 2 on »-64— ------------ 3030 o r 206-866-6230.--------------D M ILL~Soarri R'OTTWEillER pups ................................ WES; SST E A S T ------------ rREA o v e r S 18,0 0 0 . AakI Iking 733-6756 W tEEL CHAIR, wonl<K aty io r, 2000 compul jutorsole,/U<C, had fMsHc 1^ 0 0 $15,950. Would consi •Sljir 825-5336 4 J6 4 1 0 5 4 33 ' buy. good quality, lai Izod. 1yroW,$499; 654-2777 What shouldI W e st leod aOer he -------with 22' Inch seat fron >3 V4 2 front to *0^ « Call 326-6026. 908 1 5 a Ii WINNEBAQO ------- I ^ s e e s th c s i n g llee t o n diam ond in---> A Very back. Call 733wtS60. ------- SHIH TZU, AKC (2) Vi \ KI J 9 7 ♦8 643 /innle I SN O W V EH ICLES .-f Mfnnlo 300. Minnie Winni dum m y? E a s tt ’s “ n nico pups. $150.00 o a ’s fa ilu r e to bid 4>6J.44 2 ...........j 4 K 9 3 • ,, n ttiw I & EQUIPMENT „ 8 i 7 _ ^ ..... WICKER CHAIRS, four four or -C a ll 352-4458. - should g iv e h im im a ciu e . E a s t’s ------ : br o 'ckm /w ' s r v M ISC FOR SALE aix. Call 676-2717. • S O U T H *«i« 7 ’94 Phazor II long tra c k . . ____ d ------------ 9 0 4 --------pass, coupled w witith’ South’s open*734-31671-800-77^16: $3 3 0 0 . D rive on /o ff 2 '4 K Q 8 adore S P R IN G E R SPA N II L .W ant to B uy Dachshu . COMPUTER Commodi rilE ing bid, le a v e s3 little li for E a st to ' j [ c a m p e r s /s h ^ placo trlr. $1000-768-9831 ^ 1 2 8 w /c lr m o n itoorr. 2 AKC. 1 st shot/wormc •mod, pofforrod adults. 4 3 8 « VA K g 8 6 1995 2 8 'Class* A* . hold. T herefore,5, V W e st should limit d rlv e a , printer. 1 2iOO+ 0< $250. Call 324-3587 ♦ Q .IO S •avoi- W in n e b a g o { f a c tt oo rr y ARCTIC CAT -80 Pontero - - r CAMPER. 8' Teton Trav "■ W a n te d to b u y olect hi^ hopes re g a rd iin g B ast’s posslp r o g r a m s .N O T I EIBM I0 l]lo dem o) 454 Chovy. aaut ♦ 75 uto 540, oloc. sta rt $700. ® Si cab high, tat HOUND. 1 ] 1 yr. hosplmlbod. 736-764( COMPATIBLE $250. ble contribution1 to th e defense. „ o t , foof air, 4K g on atovo. Iceb o x , clos< 0 ^ ^ Runa grool. 423-5667 «40 old. H as boon on Coo Small computor dosk, $^ >4 microwavo, awning. Lii • West c a s h e sI th e diamond king Vulnc Ider (nice), $500,366-2804 Waniod to buy: Oldor n c r a b le : B oth & atarted on Mtn. uSn* Uo 6 5 0 5 1 /4 OSHD'dlsks In p rIc o $ 5 7 6 ,4 0 4 . SS eall e A ttn . S n o w m o b l l e r e . - and notes E a s t’s ;’s ipli^r of the four. Dealc iothos ____________________ round Barblo's & Ba^lodoUi } lc r South original (Ag. $ 10 por hi — priced at $37,887 o r’ onl only Groat seioction of snow 5527 • from tho 1960‘8-70's. V Should W e st innte te r p r e t this a s a 1 will CAHPEB SHELL t o Mio. K dred or $70 for all 5 3 3 8 .6 7 por m o. OAC OAC shuttlos at Roy Raymond — i.: buy estates o r collocdoi cuons. Very good cond, FhaI long Ic suit-preferehce isit 1 TV stands, $20 oach isignal and shift to The! bbiid ding: 20 % cash d c ^ or tradi Uado Ford. Sullt & servTcod lo­ Call 733-9688 or s ta n d a rd a iz a F Fcord equity. Indudos all fees. S o a rs cartop carrier $60 tos. cally by Charm ae.'T rado' < •clubs? • or 733-1322 eves. Rangor. $300/offor. C 8^___ Black hlghiop office ch Ith W e s t N o r th E a sitt Call C ontact Donnls R iley jy ao t Ins wolcomo. 736-2460.' ' No, for tw o reeasons. at The four is iT S T 837-6656.___________ jg T E B E O ^ D IO /C D ! w/orms, $50 »S TTib yoar will be our bettlUi T o m S o o t t H o n:dd aa / ■ 2 4 3V » P asss . likely to be a nonan-committal card. 4 Z — dttsJriod. 733-0931. 2 '13* radial studded tin W in n e b ag o . 2 0 6 -44 56 44 . HONDA 5Hp snow blO¥rt)r. P a ss . Pass P a ss.* '. CAR STEREO , Ploneo le e r. . .And even if it wa: to. like now, $400. 734.5488 . $40. Call 733-7526 3030 o r 20^888-6230. w a sn 't, how couldn .LimJi = = I 9 0 5 " m it ra ise ------ , KEH-P8200. CDXrPSl ’ 810 r f " ■ th e defense w in n ffo u r tricks with |_ ^ U N ^ I F ^ ^ INDY STORM '9 6 RMK. changer. $5M eai or$9C DOOR OPENER for a vvan. t 1996 2 5 'Class'A* W inno _______ oniy the d u b Idng S ! l^ L E A M A B Iffire aoo. tor pair. Lanzar‘10' eub Mfa fSOmHos, rovorso. $7000. ng in EasTshand? Ooenfr eectrte, automatte, $3< n fn g fend: D iam ond fcfng______ bago. 454 Chev c/iaaafs ^ C oll P ython .367. $40 • S u rely ; S o u thi' c o u ia ptcK up 0011768-3873.________ ^ ---------- Call «78^731:------------------ $ 1 3 0 r«X 9r^t45-iJtba 400 roof AC. 4K g e n e ra”to0 r“; -INpOOB-FLEA-HAHKE IKO:-----643-6462-ovenings-< —m lorow avorroar-leianc “ ampe. 4400, $150. 2201 trum ps and d is cca a ird one spade or .1 Fob. 3rd.9am -5pm Fel l a ^ -ovER-ZO -usod'snow nra:----------E N C Y C LO PED IA BH L E A D W IT H T H E ACES IR I- $130. Prices negotlabU bod. Retail Price $47,863 ’ m ore on dum m y’s u S i ___________ i'’s ilong clubs. 4ih.10am -4pm. Nation bllos in stock. Magic Val■ TAM NICA Up to da ia to Call 324-6932. , .re d u c e d to $ 3 4 ,9 8 7 01 f l e y ' s s n o w m o b i l o ■ ei-a-jB gourd armory. FrountU mtler GUN & COLLECTIBLEe T he s o lu tio nn fc I wtth ali annuals. $ 1200 / b e c o m e s c le a r <..,,41,, •** only $298. por mo. 18C Lh h olds: •CO, r.d. by CSI Exto. Woo Vood SHOW tark. STEREO SYSTEM. 6 -CC superm arket. K aw n sa. ■ ffer. Call 736-6106-Mai . only after W e st id en tin es his obmos, 20 % cash down oi now Janua/y 27th & 28th rnot booka. avon. n e .. 483 — w/tower spkra & cabrne kl/6ujukl/Polerls of Twin . ■ jM tives. To w in th thxre e m ore tricks, , ^ t r a d e eq u ity O A C .’ InIS < o f Saturday 9-6. Sunday 9-^ dual caaa, remote, oxct ixcel u a e d . e n d lola Falls, 3 6 1 '4 th Avo. W . ■ V K Q J 10 8 7 4 2 dudea all foes. ^ West m ust h o p es to l i n d '^ s t with collectablesi__________• Student Union Bidg. at ^thi cond. $400.734-67966 y eolt -^34.4060 ■ ♦ ,Q 4 C ontact Dennis R iley -----ISU Campus Pocatello,, I ■either the tru m pp a c e o r club king 4A ’J ,? T o m S e o t t H o n d a / / POLARIS'88 indy650 ■ H 206-746-5555 (Adm. $3,5( plus the sp ad e 10. ( 0 . (The spade Mng W in n e b a g o . 2 0 8 -4>8484Nowuackaclutch. $1800 ■ S o u th W e s t N o rth w ith n o ,m o re th thaa n th re e o th e r E astt 3030 o r 206-886-6230. H QUN 9. I Call 543-1601 ovos. ■ |TO O L «M A C H |N E R Y 4 ¥ . 4 ,4 P ass RRV Colt Woodsman .22 autc - spades also paj Jto. ■ ■ ____________ p a y o f fj JJ [<iil good condition. $400.0{ P a ss 5 4 All p ass ,00. .. To take advanta, Ita g e otallpracU CH ICA Q O S h e e t m ota ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■! ■ li Call 431.Q808._____ cal possibilities; Wi ED brake. 6 ' 934-5951 W e st should lead T IM E S CLASSIFIEC J W E R ; C lu b a c e . I f y o u ccan a (ow spade a t tric l two! E ast’s 10 r : H I C RCD IT P •iclc IS GUNS Ruger P90D C.45an DEPARTMENTr CONCRETE MIXER, lov lov•_________ p a rtn ep -w ith -a -q u ick -en tfy p a isrTransnsrtaw rerm 5 S - 1 -B A N K R U P m P . mirn r ■ a o ' 1 " ...... .... — 2 0 8 ^ / 3 4 - 5 5 3 8a--------B $325. $700 for both 736 r ui f f will b e a t t h e c o n tracL ^ and when th e club ^ sonry tools etc. 733-044! I^T V gM O T O R C Y C.ES lub fln esse loses.' c)ub n lK I. . 6108 ovos ask for Mori<. ^ [ R IP O S S -------EENCE-POST-Foolad pint -------^-------E ast-retum s-a-spe sp ad e 'to 'g iv e 'th e— S 5 5IdasquaMlomloTheAn*, 5 not-' WEij)INQ~MACHlNE. Un P.O.Dailtia. 6* diameter. 7' & 6' long ^ 1994 Polaria SportSm ai man SHOTQUN Now Borotti defense four w innei n e rs . o«aM.Txi rx Tsm <MhsAse lornp^. tod. coin SA 200 w/loads. Low ha. treated or untreato< f " 400 w /wlnch. 1995 Po P o . 12 ga. A-390 Silver Ma :0|VTlch( ItM. Unlud moira SrT>«e*U ______________________Ccw i.V. hrs. Sell or trade. Call afS5-$6. Will deliver M.V ' laris Explorer 400. Boll Bolh lard,$600. Call 324-1404 32- ter 7:00 p.m. ® 637-4807 ----a r e a . 2 0 o r moro. 432 havo less than 3 00 mU09 6607 or 423-6316 $9000forboth. 734-5713 STRAW H i i 906 ZZl-l-BHAND.NEW:.MTOC.fiOOC -P k O O R -B U R N IS H E R ............. .....- SMdh>Q/«tf8w;‘ D®llvii i v i f ^ l f --------- 801— PP ■ 1 9 9 5 Honda XR:250, oxm chargers. 16 hour, $ K ^ = w ii k n o w H iot goo< I — A N TIQ U ES* o o d i ^ p l e can h av e E 3 H Mn h<Oh a p e e d p ro p a n e ll^ ^ ^ ^ S lP M E N T avallable.-734-9132 U cond. low ml. 543-5245 oach. 733-6470 betweer :lf). : problem * a n d n«o< «*n 2 4 --2300 RPM, rocenlh t« o d anorfier c h a n c e t o H | H H O TTUBCalSpa*Padfl 1 COLLECTIBLES 6 am and 5 pm Mon-Fri 6 ATELUTE descrambler, nir, I re -esta b>l!sh lish th eir c redit. T ■ STRAW BY THE BALE ,oel. ca* '95 mod(H, 220. altalr " s e r v i c e d . S p ra y buf u j' VWoodphor2 forlg.dlsh. HONDATRX200.4whooi PIANO 1909 H o b a r t» . $1.SQea. 324-318S; 7 “ • a tt a c h m e n t . Low hrs lion. ozonator dolux covor rod sdAn Id a h o drfveK , " or. very good condilion rer*si license/ p ro o f o f I H $300.00. Call 324-2408. !o2 s ' R A D IO S, U SED P110, ■------- Cable. $2500.326-5021 wood cablnot. $3700 oi ^0' Must aeCI $1350.736-4635 or Incom e, r e s ld■a w n q^^ond j o ^ f ^ I I I ^ . P _______■ ^ • Call 733-5676. — . UHF,-6 channel. 4 watt._ ________ 8TRA W Jor.M l«..$.7£ 5.76 a ............. .......... ........ 84. - o r* o il th o t' TT-- TV 45'-Zenlth Wg screenr "SNOW MOBILE , ----- - -poasltrie trado-324-5984 ------1 GP-300, UHF, (2,6. 4• 16 'MAGAZINE COLLECTIO b a te .a n y a m o u n $450. Call 733-0107. 829-5821 channels). Call 733-5470 470 N S. Complete Rivor Run _ '90 PolariB 650. 2600 ml., ml., d 007, ' ““ between 6am.5pm. Mf f I APPLIANCES nor/Paddfer-$l50.C om v e ry c lo a n . $2500. tm-' VIDEO: Editing oquipmont Straw, big and small baU °° | m otohhom es» ^ p lo te B ack P a c k e rIng 736-7696_____________ Over $7000 new, asking 3rd cutting h a y , sm d e t^ ^ c ^ l7 ‘ E I s mia ll REFRIQERATOR 1^OE i 809 ■ $ 1 5 0 . P la y b o y I9 6 00 -- $2500. Call 734-9361. ^ T rallera? G roat soloctlon balea. Call 734-S123 3 Almond. No frosL Cleai to LINDV 21' 1984 Som 1996 Incomplelo $500. |_ _ C O H P U T E R S ^ I ; s ; q g o u > k e y^ A / U T O C R E D IT S ■ ;r —~ llkenew. MICROWAVI —I a t Roy R a y m o n d Ford. ^ 73g-6108/eves~M ark. V ^ f l M d ^ h a y . Ple leaa s e n # * . $50. 735-1907 L_ U 825 s I Built & serviced locallyr by ’ - 1 j !O M P 0 T E R L eB dlno _ i 7 3 6 -- ' 2 4 9 4 E I C h a r m a o .T r a d e ln s 110? . , _ e E M E M B E a _ 1 W ANTED TO BUY ----- JO onnod. . . . the «olutk)n~Ion to --Edge.386._14L jnonitor. ! ! ! - JM 0 3 S L S « l.rl S.ranii.11 '-WBlcomo.-73e^460.-----31. w/printer. Call 736-1760 BO T hat birthday ad you placed — I sfl your twedt. 73a^»31. »d" CAR TRAILER, wanted to' :___ ___ turtx) diesel pusher. Luxto I so m e time ago In 77>0I . 709 buy. 1 6 ’ ta n d e m axle, —I u ry m o to r h o m e , low ELECTRIC WATER HEAI iATCOMPUTER: IBM compatMl77/Tjes-A/ot*s7Nowlstho ,S{ I 903 ^^H O R S E ^^ good condition. Also want miles, ono ow ner, nonER 50 gallon good cond >ndlIble desktops, & laptops il. I BOATS & >ur to buy. I960 to 1986. carsm oker, com bo w ash^ M iT m m r n lg H 1964 starling at $100. Econpta les tion, $120. Cdl 733-396 1st. 2nd, or 3rd big bala e. I a C C E S S O R I K » er/dryer. microwave conmy Radio, 733-9444 excol feeder h ay . ato om a e . . Custom er Sorvlco Dept » —' vection oven, Ice maker. -grasa/alfalfa mix, S6S—■ RANGER 1977. = j __________ to«ayl 2 0 0 0 vratt inverter, solar FREEZER Q E. 7 c u . U 7 0 .'A lso, a o m e e x?Pc i® ' new, $275 or best offei - CASH PAID for old mnitaty Ity 175 HP Mercury, panels, blonder, leveling FOOD MAR. . horse hay. 2 atring bale d e c o r a tio n s , m ed a ls, s. flsh finders, troll motor,ir. j S '’ ( n M N m m E l c j R P_ ^ SPECIALTY Ja c k s, ro a r m o n ito r & Call 53^6590 ovonlngs. KET out of business. In• Can 366-2S04.________ badges. Insignia, photos, IS, EVERYTHINQIi $5990.•0 . moro, BMutlfulbrmndn*wkN«“• documonta, uniforms, etc. ------- R ANQE K en m o re a e l e. Bert Harbaugh motorss Contact Donnls Riley a t AOHA ,.t4 ,yr b a y m o y 2nd. ..'8aat.oAwbitaw/)3(lnLJVof. _Paul Nuttlng-733ti69l... -. - Magic Valley'a Mercuroy-deanlng. very good cond oy.......T o m S c o t t H o n d a / ...........'-R eg rO K fo rk W a .--* -^ gsudyl Qood for home or •733^8377-Mon-Fri.-iy4pm$250. Call 326-S028. — Marine Dealership W in n e b ag o . 2 0 8 -4 6 4«•- R n n n M T- COLOR TV’S and VCRs Wendell ID, (206) 536-6323 — offfeo. $500. S43-6999. 323 3030or20&-e88-6230. STO V E, poiiot. Traeger, needing repair. 734.3639 RANGE, electric. Whirl o a k m antel type. Excol. yoV CARPET9X 101/2goldJ +. cond. H eats 2500 sq. tt! tt. COMPUTERS printers. pad. 11 X 25 multicolor\ I 5^ $650. Call 324-2406 . .WHrTEHEART . anything electronic. NOT l-apad, oxc. cond.,.733-7S51 Dishwasher, $5. Roll-a Boarding, tmlnlng,^ WORMNS orWORKINQ way bed. $25.736-2441. " TV 48* RCA $1250. 733-6760 win pick upfroo. I L CARPET, new, $5.99 por Lessona'Endlsh'westerr Cali 436-1764 evonlngs oint yanl & up. Factoiy direct Indoor outdoor areruia. a s . ' REFRIQERATOR Hotpoln COWBOY SHEET MUSIC, «)1, Call 734-6474 ext 3. l9cu.fL.whlte,n;nswell Minors, dally tu m o Ju t _ WHEELCHAIR E & J eloc^ poetry & song books. AiRound pan. 324-9180. 90. $ 1 0 0 .C a ll6 5 5 - 4 1 6 2 s m B s s tr ie p o w e ro d Tom post CABINET and y so. any cowboy hats, any irirtrkieieirkirir-kiririrt rirtr momlngs, will deliver. ___ CHINA w heel chair. 12 volt, used 6 place setting of China. i c o n d .C a l l c o lle c t. 7 daya. $3600/olfer. Can by Call 734-3531 If 543-5315._____________ H O RSE W ALKER (h [hoo t REFRIQERATOR, skie by 737-5020 or 737-5023 walker). 4 bara, g a a en en- sMe, $400 & stove. $250. -I DOQ CARRIER. Large,7, Cali: COUCH Beautiful new, Ig., all 733^0931 est I fer more Inl Information cryoursenrlee rep “ glne powered. $760. lg-, ^ ■ Mov.ingl C ie a n . g o o d represtntatlve ' T plastic. Call 324-5905. n e u tr a l c o lo r s , $ 4 010. 0, i : 2QS-324-S658 81 8 condition. 20 cubic (• ft. ;ilj 734-8402 __________ d e e p freeze, $75. Call _ |M t » C A L m S T R ( W ^i PIONEER Pi«o 24* gas8 I BUSINESS >* HORSES & PONIES. Cal Call 543-4049. E HEALTH I SHARPENING I' H operated chain aaw. __ O IN IN Q R O O M S E T . : 423-6762. I SERVICED ! □ . J.’ MUSIC iN sraucnoN CARE I I___ SERVICE Call 324-2592 I ■ — , Beautiful BroyhUI pecan ___ WASHER/DRYER Soara „ . Flute, voice, piano, guitar, w oo d .4 C aIn t» cK (^ r8 ~ Blackdlam ond Coil tn d E x c e l, c o n d . D e lu”x e : HeraM: Bought, s o ld and lOME HEALTH JOh IQ etc.* F am ily ratosl Chil-[: ROOFINQ QUN, nematic JO HN'S SHARPENING r 0 Excel, cond. Pd. $1250. S t t 1 . . cydes..$250. 733-4270 ; traded. Call 733-6055. 3 ho spk :e ) ’ dren's/adult volco classes« ataplo. And eonatruetion? SERVICE ■ — . Will 8Oll/$600. 733-6451. su lto O o n rc ^ ^ ”*^ 734-4061 61 TwinFalls Co ^ $S/wk. Or. K Bondurant.t. scaffolding. Call 324-5367.: Complolo sharpening. ^ 2 WASHER/DRYER; W est. Now, & U sed Com ; ■ TENNESSEE W alkera, >5 Mlnl-Casslo Ca '^ f i ^ i S ? 436-5655 Carbldo & siool saws. Irwhouso, like t>rand riew. D IN IN Q R O O M S E Tr ,, PH.D Former UNH/SCSU SPINNINQ WHEEL & Printera.Also.su reg lste ra d g a ld in g eI.. 1 , ' round, maple, w/6 chairs, ■s. Muaic Faculty. 733-2679 iro/Modicald. Clipp :iipper sharponlng-ropolr. $400.00. Call 324-2113. 734-0617or731black, 1 palomino. 1G yyfs. n. and oqulp. (usable) C o r t f l SJcensed/Bondod S _ exc. cond.; S36-6342 l 141 Brackon St S old, groat horses. 1 ^ 1 for Can 324-6418- OROAN: Hammond, spln­i. t a t io n Na^^najlj, RESTORATION sST> 34-4050*1-800-471-4050 ca, d io 4 "1 FURNfTURE ot alzo. Excellent condltiA t E ngberg's ■ $2500; 324-7456 ' TOYS. Paying cash for old S Budget Motel of Burtoy Is on. $350. 736-3931 __ B BtWLPMQMATERIALS irown In Idaho . | Umlturo . Home Gro We spedalizo InTun TREE I to y s from I 9 0 0 's thru selling. 95 rooms of fumi. reflnlshing & rop II B u S a e ^ M ie o ^ f S ^/to ^ ----- lure Indudlng a large cre- 1 1960'S. All typos. Ploase SERVICES I ■ )NALCARE rio _ Call 734-7759 or ^733 t t~ 819 I■■■con.7g4;5ezo_________ ' " h^ S p^•ICE i? b u ild in g s, 40 x 3 0 w a a . — CARE •— h o r s b e q u i p m e hj ttII ° | omCEEQUB>MENT SHELTON'S ' • I I I ' $6100 iww $2990; 4 0 ) ^ IS .................. 'CNA’S'.ftI ftN'S. LPN'S ' .........................'AAA-1 " TWIN FALLS ® ^^^SU PPU E S TRAILER, long box pk:k up onwas $11,250 now $5900: 3M 734-0600 M Twin Falls ' „ TREESERVICE ^ : '1 090C & B 16ft. e's, conPLAN ROOM Sorvfng Magic Valloy ,nt-- - 50x76 was $13390 now s . S i i T f n S r ^ -COPIER Toshiba 1210, llko bod, for c h u rc h youth 8 Mlnl-Cosslo - Jobs (o bid for Qom • : verted to 3-horse-alant;> group, Call 326-5305. WoodRivorValloy M $ 8 6 0 0 ; 6 0 x 1 5 0 w a1a8 13-0602 Idaho ^ .th e b o d . TV. a n d Side0 Sub-contractorstaiss s i . : . S2750. Win take 2 h orse ■ new SSBS; Thennai busi0. chairs, also possibility of MAGIC VALU STAFRNG PP or whorovor ore. Blueprint cop cop Im T ; tn on trade. 543-6462. . $23,000 now $15,900. ” neaa fax. $200.733-5900,! TVS A VCR’S 1 0 'or larg­ FREE ESTIMATES — ' Endwalls are available. le. soiling Hems listed abovo . I 734-PLAN (7S26 er non-wortdng color. Call 736-3516 A t t n . H o ra e h a u i a r ■u'. s T----- 1i600;3 2 0 « 4 0 ------------------- 8lnglyrcorTtBcrt:l8a-or ", 4 2 3 ^ 8 7 6 w w a wknda.820 I Qreat selectkxi of tralfara= . —L buM JorJunhaU nfonn. .1 ■ ' OME----------1----------- 'DALE'S THEE-L1M0— ----------------S . ’ o i w v H r r r o p s o i i rOl' w •|~ HOM E ‘ at Roy Raymond Fo rd ation. 2 0 8 676-2200. I P E T S ^ SUPPUES W A i m p ^ ^ a lift pump. CHIPPING' rs I bv a a le . Trucks & loaders P A IR S . Built & s w ^ c ^ l o ^ l ) | by CONSTRUCTIC T IO N For m ulch or disposal. COLUESuoft Is ne avail. 734-7039.________ FU TO N W o o d fra m e■ .; BORDER « BENEREL'S — Oueon size. VCR Sharp.,, 5 yrs. old, apayod. Has a! WANTED 2sTo -f sq. ft. •S HOME CARS 'F rM Eatlmatos. ' welcome. C ^ 736-2460° A-1 DRYWALL ORAVEL: drivoway , very vory funny ond onlortaln- houso undor $200,000. O' $50 ea. Call 736-4563 II. PalnllnB. I(208)734-2742 Export hanging, topli reasonablo. 543-a2&4. Ing personality. Oldor kids try. Ail homo I(S08)733-3i23 CHARMACK *02 Trailer Proapprovodfor loon. toxturing. Slnco li — LIVING ROOM FURN.. OK. 6 3 6 -6 5 3 6 . ask for 6'x16'. Uke naw cond. i«do& out. 10 --------- HIOHUNE 734-0228. Jobs large or smi c o m p le te a e t. C arp o t Ooe. $3200. 666-2062 I 805 n Grog Lossing, owr ‘ofosalonol Troo Sorvico w/pad Sofa. Chair w/otto- WANTED 3 6 0 4 -b a rre l •ce ^ -7 M 3 * ' . -g jjjCAHraASAEQira w 733-3579 Ucensed & Insured 'J man Oak end tables and1 COCKATIELS, C hand fod manlfold,.460 engine or : H O RSE CO LLA RS & Troo rroo pruning ♦ shoping much more. Call 733-2292> bablea & pairs. 436-5287 • : HARN ESS c o m p le ta te CAMERA: Minolta SLRcar for parta. Drum sot I bol balandng * romoval ALAN'S Ganorol Carp : (2set8). 629-6633 and a gun. 734-4668. XQA body, 28-85 zoom. MOVINQ MUST SELL All C AKC malo. Romodois. Nowconstn S S S ot l a w n &(G c ARDEN I sstump grinding lens, canylng case, flash, appliances, furniture andI DACHSHUND 1 yr. old. $125.436-6093 1WANTED Com ent mixer. .STO CK TRLR WW 1 6T '. lo b & JoLynn Babbitt Spodalty docks,. pal patios, SERVI nj like new, $300.734-54661 J bumper pull, very cleani 326-3318._________ . 735-1143 or 837-4614’ patio covors. carpo irports, , I— Q E R M A N SH EPH ER D . , $2,000. Call 543^649. _ C A M E R A S O ly m p u a shods. Small jobs obs & T ony'a Lar endacaplng f— p u p s A K C . 2 m alos, 9 \ WANTED Old pictures & repairs. Call 734-32 *•3244. - I . O.M.Q. pro m aster 3 5& H omee Repalra I wks. ahota. black & tan. *• Queen'Plllow top mattress frames, small or toy sow­ TUTORING ;■ I . 200 zoom Ions. Flash and g r " t Ti I an d box. still in plastic $19S^oftef. (206)645-2421. ing machines, old quilts or BOB’S BETTER HO bag, $300. Also, Pentex lnkIor8.l5yra |_ _ _ $250 Cali 734-6961 “ quilt pieces. Old colorful Skilled in all tmdoa V* S P 1 0 0 0 . s p o t m a tic expor. W ot Q E R M A N SH EPH ER D ptehotsa para. 733-6696. Romodellr)g. aiding. d< ad Grammar or Writing Kl c a m e r a . M otal b o d y’.. SOFA/SLEEPER | purebred, 4>yr-oid malo, • (l'e)Hook a Latch 3 ' hand roofing, fences, wind iiS S ' iost you a promotion? ,w- —jc ra w mount lens. 2555 _ a matching lovo aaaL Soft good 1 tem peram ent $ 100 . M WANTED Pre 1930 dothes • llnga wHh-valv»-A-endI & doors, homo rope repairs. —GSuaranteed uar Tutoring— 0 m dlmetarlSSSTies^aas5 - -e a rth - to n is colors w/oak 3I 2 4 - 4 2 4 9 . _______ & accessories, unusual ptug. $i400ea.S9»0400. Bob Walsh. 600-6S2"< 52-t564 . , — »lp for. Homo . -Helpfi Toachors lens. 1 2x extender filter,r. trim. Call 733-5546 clocks, old o rocks, old :roatlvoWriting/Pholo . QERMAN Ql SHEPHERDS. 3 F ta a h a nd b a g, m a k eB , F d r a a le 6 ' a 10* g a tedd harefwaro. colorful enamPROFESSIONAL l A i r ~ M EDI' ^ ^llll 'J i m at 733-9173 TABLE & CHAIRS NEW beautfftji t pups. Had shots. h offer. 536-5777 ' pipe & S ' mainline with ol vrtire. 733-6696. , ROORNQ a, COATII ^TINQS ___________ 36'x60* tile inlaid wood ( Starting $150.324-7121. . rtaeca. Call 934-6101. 733-7221 o r 326-561 lO v a tlv e T u to r in g kitchen t ^ e w /4 chairs & r : WANTED Used'trombone MAQK: VALLI Commoricai, Industrl 7 4 807 1 a bench. $300. 32»«028 OREAT PYRENEES '' w/caso. 543-5961 IMMduallxod . Qood used 3 ' certter ria«r, resktontlal. Buildup rc LEYMEDICAL ;; •G entle plant* 7 wk old ' hook and (atdi handllnaa. K-8 «Phonlcs MeocareModc Leaks repaired In 2244 hrs. WDOXYQEN " F p u p p te ^ Large, healthy. VW ANTED to b u y 6 x 6 ' lading •Wrillng^Maih : R a id ready. C all 5 3 2''- BOOTS: 2 pairs of Laramla . W ATERBED King Size 734-06007 cBcakMnsuranco • * w/headboanJ. $ 12 S v cam pershell to fit 1990 all Bocky ® 734-7632 41Qgor670-4213, . SAWTOOTH SHEE lEET 436 ^5 6 6 M _ boots, siM e s and S'AB.' ) Twin Fells . w/iMdlgroe. C a??w m m Call 734-1563 . w F o rd H e a v y H a lfto n . METAL 1-800-303-0 ■ $50 each. Can 324-6656 ; Mlnl-Cassio - SRCC Watar Stock info. 8 01-255^204 Can 734-7605._________ Heating/AC Refrigerot emtion TAX I WATERBED. q ueen w/6 — ^•0602 idaho ■ : TSaharea.. 733-4919 - ComrrwciaiandrosW o w e r p e d e a ta i/9 0 % KE KELPIE Pups $25. ? WANTED W to buy treadmill,'' * p r e p a ra tio n I : i < 808 I d ra , (208) 733-6546 ^ • SAND& G aveiess mattreaa, pad- Pl< Please Call 644-2667 jp refer m o to rized . Call 1I I COMMUNICATION .- w • 4 ^""713 dwJ rans, $ 2 5 Q /e f r e r .^ — 7 ^ 7 5 1 1 or 734-4699 af­ in c o i J e Va x - . J ___________■ 1 I DEVICES )AHO iSOUTHERN IDA» |ter 6 pm. 3 0 2 7 . P l e u a ^ m s f l . ^LABS AKC registered, 5 p r e p a r a t io n B u l I d l n g J ^ e eDpia l r . deuve '- bblaok. 1 yellow, parents Affordable Ratos > 60% Boer meat gcM kida,, 2-WAY RADIOS (3) MO- ' .are good huntars & com- V l WANTED: H o m ea tea d , Gravol. aand, C 4 E . torplaMXTSOO. W ith 1 ^JACK STEVENS 812 n *D ' p u re brads, bred d o a a . pAbtimo, Decks, &F«n( p a n i o n a , $ 2 - 6 0 /o a . i poppy trail, pottery. Marphones & 1 hr. chargera.- I topsoll for JA( 733-4786 . Can736-2S7S._________ 736:1716 o r 324-843 SS326-4292- - _______ I w Minton, bone china. arklng lots, ote. $22S0. S4»5368______ I —-----NORTTfWES* Can 7330817 leave msg.' iailer haw you spond Oo.GrtMfS«M ________ WOOD a METAL LHASA A PSO puppies (4) J ________ 733-ia HEATING & I - BAiMoa.-wacD+QP-eoo.- r ir-days. olaitllled Ills S T CO, IMC No malt* ANTEDrA-gafs a n a ra r ' ----------------- BUTtDINQS*-' UHF, 2 channel. 2 HTA j R c o r f f l m o r ^ “- 5$10 0 'W B !« rC a )I^1 6 7 4 '' Wfence, ir busy schedule. Pul --------------------your-d« fouridation to finish, lh, rroofP re p la n - a ta■1234,---y old omate. for veg9 0 's , UHF, 2 c h a n n e l. isllled's tlme-tavlno MULUCCAN CUCKATOO ■■!etttWe garden. 7 6 8 - 4 ^ . _ Ing, concrate remodol Moling. mud- o rd er»yg o ut p f th e ctocy of Doods and t w ' cJassMll G o o d s ta r te r a y a t e m r -F I R B P t A c S N s S R ^ V1V4yr old mala: Comes' J C e ll J e r r y 678-8C -8 6 1 3 'W llld e llv e ri Faboo Big FOot $200 or -— «lo work forjroutodiy._____ ________ w /cag e a to y s ; -Asking - WANTEO:-aectric W sew er ~ -•^ -^ ^ h e m e r4 3 m )e i3 cwm W mar-^ - ---~ C a I l7 3 3 ^ 4 4 f m ake offer. Can 733-8828.. MU lln . $ 1 ^ Call 687-3489 or I a r o to - r i/tto r . C all '• —536-«63«formoceirite. • - | e e /re w a s934-4766. F A X . YOUR’ f ---- — A D ^DJ is$f5S/OW5?_^^0__ I I I TTrw.r.T*! g 1 □. I___CAJSU r 2i I GOLl LDKEY H A U T O>tCREDIT p I o i I I i ^ i l l i ||P | •) E B S w m lw W ^ BUS & I V IC E I I I .REP' I I = T | I IB i- f 1 J E W ^ L B Y a FURS• a .' ■ .........- . |{ ^3 iP Q ( > ■ , -V • /■ L s I ■ ■■ T\v)n Falla. Idaho c - 6 T lm 6s-N ow s. 7\v)i M o n d ay . Je ■ . **M 'l^?M ndlt?on!'s4.i S4,M 0 call 733-5052 oak for or C Dan. 555— PpL A R jS' 92 Iridy 650 ---------- mirfffl?5r-E5?OTirew Of :BM S2750. 487-2530 or rp Ot tho R.V. Bom. TF FORO F880, 475 eng “*lo. rod with 14' flat I $5550. Coll 829.5720 QM C'1982 d u m p t n SK ID O O SlratO S 1199 8 8 . 10.12 yo rd d u m p b ------------ 1408-mlrr-S1600,-Ar. -Arctic— Hondrlckson-suspena C a t C ougar 1985..22‘ 1 5 8 -AT, diosol e n g ln e , < mi.. SI 200. 423-5845 ^45 cond. 1979 2-yord loa _____ noar now tiros, Ropa i Oolrolt diosoi englrM. . SNOW BOARD <9nn\ TBR.Sft Rosslgnot, froe st/lo l,0 5 __ Brar>dnow.4300.00.-( K ).Call_ 324-9254. SNOW MOBILE ARTIC CAT -89 EXT CT530 { M o u n tain C o t. tooki lOka & rurts oxcollent, la plpw >lpod & i850/ h a s poromotors, S26S( offer. 324-4880 ovening ■InflaS n o w M achino Ronte W o h avo snow . Smli imiloy C reek Lodgo. 774-354 3547. - ' W m CHEVY *83 3/4 Ton \ 3 5 0 . S td . tran s- Ni r u b b e r . Q ood con !»non. CRIIS38-2648 1007 u A C H O O SE 909" M O R E U Y V N QBEBOBJffl S O F V E H IC L E S A T FR O M TH A N H A N l Y T H l ^^ G I E R EE E L IS E D 3i ROY & T Ri UI C K S CARS |T O A V E L TRAILER! H ii— 1991 3 1 'A lpha S u n 5th 5 u s e d luxury cooch, Full Fi IMng room slide, ownlr mlcrowovo, lots of cabi ets. Sa)oprtcedatS22,9! 10 ffor . o r only S239 por mo down ' ............... 144 mos. 20% caah dov r • or tra d e equity OAC71 elu d e s alt foe's. C o n ta c t D ennis Riley ey a t T o m S c o t t H o nI d ia / W in n e b a g o . 208-45> -464. ______ 3030 o r 208-888-8230. 4 , 8 8 s SA V E! ' ' . m i ^ 1 4^ , 9 8 l : 8 4 Ford Tempo : 78 Chevroiet iMPAU Wagon K ® K - ■ ' ■ "• . ^ H V ^ m S M its u b is h 9 5 H ondo PO IRD L X 79 M ercury Zephyr S ,T T 7 5 , 4 8 8I 9? 44 M i t s u b i s h i D i aAMANTE n ES f ; * 1 18 ,4 8 1 pw If . i 8 4 Buick Century i 8 0 M ercury Zephyb ; \ ■J ' ) , [ ' I; ^ ^ 9 8 2 Ford H |b p P ^ ^ ■ ■J " ■ • 'V ' ' ' ^ * CAMP TRAILER 1 5 'exce ixcellont condlllon $1200.' Call 583-5777. 9 4 92 BM W !5 i ■“ ■ TCOMPANION >■ Ouallty made In Idaho . . NASH ...................Affordoble.duraljle, BROCKMANS' RV 734-3167 1-800-773-316: ^ , 8 8 8 85 PlYMOUTH Horizon 9 4 T oyota 4 RR iu n n e r ! S s u iu ODEO ^ 9 8 8 NO DOWNPAYMENT OJX.C. ONSIEPRA'S b y COBRA 1996 • 26' SIERRA Trave I I- 82 Chevrolet ; Ceiebrity S |j 'J 8 0 Ford M ustahc ''1 I, ■ T R U a m liH H H - • 6 ,9 ^ 8 9 2 H yundai See taiooin 9 0 D od 6 E D th a •1II7747A • • • • • • • • • > • • ..V 7^99S 9 3 H t u h p w Eu '9 , l S « T u r a S C " ' * 1 0 ^ 9 9 5 < 1 4 ,8 8 8 * 2 2 ,9 9 5 PROWLER 1973, 21' fully i=y s e lf c o n ta in e d . S2500. Call 733-8850._________ * 2 2 ,9 9 S TERRY Turaue*78 24' 5th w h o o l. o xcel cond. nd. S3900 324-5908. .W i'n w riG lE A T i r o n u o n M n>, H — A ttn. C arg o haulers. Great seloctlon of trailers at Roy R a y m o n d Ford. Buitt & s e r v i c e d lo c a lly by C h a r m a c . T r a d o In s ----------w elcw m e .^ t-7 3 6 -2 4 8 0 .- II lj Sew -POWER LG W u m i n*» A c u 0 1 a node Riraow F o n y a iiisstttii-.. nJtlST UKE Y o u r ■ ' T r i r l rT T T m i W o r n 1 99i . ' - J “ j 8 8 P lymouth C oir/Visw ^ -» J 8 6 B uick Skylark 7 ^ 8 7 Ford Tempo J 8 8 Ford Tempo I 1^ 'J 1^1 8 4 M ercury Topaz 1 !RWINDOWS • ' ^ = C o i f t 1002 A U TO PARTS & A C C E S S O R IE S Chevy PU 4 core radiator, $125. N ew 7 blade flexfan. $25. 12 volt battery. $20,543*4813 i _»14 OOOOE. 1989 to 1993. full size truck bed, gray In col­ or w /cam per shell. Excel12. lent cond^on. 736-4942. ' ' 1 S IT M *12, JAPANESE ENGINE & TRANS. 4X4 spodals. 1.800-3a>-3742 ■ 1005 A N T IQ U E AU TO S ^ c o l l e c t ib l e s ' FO R D '6 0 T-BIrd ex cel, d r iv e r 7 8 K orig m iles. New p ad d ed dash. $2800 - ___- (208) 934^5651Jeav a m s p ^ r - HURRY I 1 ^ " 1 006 ] ■ Tnwfof fruek Modal 2375. i.v 40,000 GVW. E kc. cond. A s k in g S I I , 9 0 0 . C a ll 738-1187 ■ _ _ ^ > AYW h' - I I L E TO CHO I 0 0 5 E FROM ! R a yJJT O N IR'tlUIINAKrS RIV D II.S, Itt 833ni 3 i s i n u . '; i i i « i« i S E LL E C T l O hS S I S IF Y rO o Iu W A N T E D t o b u y : N on d riv a b le '5 5 -‘64 C hevy cars. Call 734-7021. 11 9 8 0 n e r n a tl o n s i D iesel u ................................ . 1 9 9 5 2 2 - tr a v e l tralit ilee r , R oom er by Skyline; Roof Ro K lltl A C . aw n in g , po w er II irege tongue, largo rear stores door with bike rack. Absi le w , lu te ly like b ra n d new n e v e r u se d . N ew pric price S I S .4 0 0 , s a lo pH c ---------- :-$'1-1-,99&-w-only-S144.0 20% per m o for 120 mos, 20* c ash down or trade eqult qul?yOAC. Includea all fees.. C o n ta c t D ennis R iley »y“ai t T o m S e o t t H o nid d as / 454W in n e b a g o . 208-454 [3030 o r 208-888-8230. I T O0 herokee CI hi ILANT E S ^>n- ' v S h S ............. 911 ......... T IM E 9 4 J ee p S M its u b is h i 3 ^ 8 8 w hnfll, hnniitlfiil, antrfg i THE ‘ 3 C h ev rolet MINA 91 0 |m r i U T Y T O A I L £ R[s^J IS M I T SSl U B I S H I > K2 18S Cpp sk is w// M48 M ns 3-9 bindings. Dlowa Irons i 734g raphlio. Si 0 0 ea. 73 9548 ovea. . =; . . . N O WV ■SE! FO RD - lelan Jo u rn ey m an Eleetrleiai TF area. 208-233-742; ^427 T r a i l e r . R e d u c o d t< $15,995. No Down O A C 1 9 9 6 - 2 7 'SIERRA Stt W heel Travel Trailer. Re d u c e d to S 1 8 .9 9 5 . Nc Dovm O A C . ANDERSON'S R.V.' *. Exit 182 on 1-84 733-8758 825-5338 R A Y M O ^ ^r D | T5EB2!SttSPv:'.v.; •: I ts o t tay lo r m a d e Iroi 3 -S W , 1 so t S lezenc Irons, 2-PW .S100oacf •1404.Lynx stof^ bag. 324-l4( i I - : -------^TRUCKS— JCks, 'a n d I call T B PT W. ¥ Ti .T .A SPOmiNG GOODS >DS UES- — H FORD / fl/llTSUBISI fl Hi ■ 4 ■ Older Ford backhoe load -Qood.oor>dltlon..C 1 0 .0 i Call 934-0958. __ ^__________________ RAYCO su so en slo n v» S fffO O re a r'e n d a , 9 g ear ratto, low mi,.wlU.< frame to length, $3000 Call 324-7023. 4 YAMAHA-91; electric lc 81 start a r e v e r s e . S 2 9900 0 , 73S-0583___________ ! 1987><^t,00. 1 1 42' >trailT2SS—------5|jrd B E S US...WE CANT SAVE YOU YC ANY MONEY! DON T c o m e ; s e e u < 16-2480 ••1-800-47: 73-5797 H Sal. 9-« E J® 5434318 ■ W e e l(d a y s 8 - 8 • l I o c a i l o n . to o ! * P r i c e ss g o o d a l o u r B u h II iiiril :iliiiwn iii.iy 3 iip(iiMi,il. . 5 T ^ , 4x47 roR D '’n 'B 9 i pDrerj r « EckUe.i je E P ^ 7 6 .C J 5 ,.V.vee.'ru , n a AUDI. 5 0 00,1987, UX)W 17. 52K . DODOE ‘8 8 8HA0( -poW y; j ote- -B autr.-50K -m ltrea and sel-oond. -m K aai AC, cruise se^ AT,------ 4-dr.-A/T.- new Urea n d :« i^n er» oon d .J 18.w o'' bs 83 S S Call t W o S . c S l ^ k1874. ts : varydaan,$2196.C .Call 24 wheela, $2250.I. C WW».^rT^>n or 53^-8878 '■ hra.adttyat738-11: 1121. . 678-0059 a n y 44PM PI 4 ^ » BUICK‘89 Century.-4 i w l a k f S ! ■POBD’M WT . y FORD *80 LTO New sw tires, -V -6 . .auto.. .Full power; pc runa ex c e t.$ 2200 . ( -N B S A H aram i 2 ^ a i " 'i i E s s ! i a ' v tlre 734-446^aftar 8Jm?*" pm A C iw hlte. N ew t e. C H E V yJSr e i a• *z «4 r S - 1 0 . 4.8296 ‘ ^ 4x4 new Urea I 738-1994 or 734-e : $2600/offer. 738-88 ^ G A EA Tl^^O O O ^ V a iow-oost'SiMUj*' ■ ,(tx4.'^T.F>8,AC. .U1#|TJ tod^r.Crii733<mi.'• u n a ^ e x c S FORD W I w m l.. ■r CADILLAC'8 8 S 8<e d a n 04________ box a b e d ! ntaa r T ^ ^ S L N I M I A N im B E V HU .ex !« b .c * rtip S ’•‘ q n S ' ■F0 RD*’8 8 T a H rtr#- Q '^ t r ^ -ao m rfiT r^w T T ’ • H CHEVY-.'BS P UJ , :3 /4 ton. ' ----- -i M 900/off*A Callja ^ U r r y !• cond. 734-8378 ^ door.AC, cnjise. 56t< S6Kmls .... „ ■;— '-•xt^.oab< t u r b o ___ ^-$3200. Call 324-660 3608 ’p il 1 x 0 . iow M . low ml.. » 4i 5 i ' >n. 1984.' CHEVY 7 3 impala.'4 .'4 door FORD’S : TaunisOL i45.'Aftarv SUBARU, W agen. T B ^ S ■ cond. 733-2648 678-29ei:ore78^ iWAIv fS I' . hardtop.AC, elects i seats, owner. Low mls. Loaded Loi da,-. ■ ■ 4X4. great oond. — 8:00 or weekenda; i$ 2 0 0 0 or . flo o d 1 s t o r 2 ndd e a r . Wftil V * you wall New tires. You won ront bo ■ aJllled^d (’ORD, P10Or*9O ^ t 8 3 4 ~ -$1800.- Call 538-877 I--------------------- rWMt~tria^;ei««> ;» 0j 4 X 4 r 777:---------^Bbla’fo’b W th ls 'a t any XLT, e x ta n d a c TTTdealership for $7496. Kloriilaai’ CHEVYTS Blazer /3!^ — -r— loaded. 381. AT, ^T. ahelt! TOYOTA *92 L anda . CaP 733-2319 H C H E V ^sV sub 4*3534. ■ lo a d e d , w h ite»7. $$ ^ . ' • Qo«J cond, $2746/01 ------ -H c ^ R C ^ r ^ n t. ** DO r ev^ ' iCan733-948a ------------- . 734-5714 , . ■■ ■ . FORD '9 3 Escort. t Low nl., running FORD, FY50,1S8ft apo. , w.B mllaagel Qoodshapi 9 8 5 , 6 78cab, V8, 302, 4ap!dP*1 4 T O Y O T A :4-R UJ N JN E ^ CHEVY '78 Novai.ru n s ______ $7« i 5. 733.8155 h ootlons, Good shapo, »n d . w/or . 1990. loaded wHh op 29810f678-S475 475 owper, oxcet. coni shell. Call' $ 1 5 . 8 0 0 / o f fSetT r . o a r i sood. »000. 73M“S28 ■ HONDA'iggS Accord )rd LX. _ without campor ahl ■ CHBW. % to n , 11 736-0376. , ^ ndltlon, _ y u „ 5 « l « 7 3 33-3444. ^ — — low miles, exc. condH c«>ant condition. S -------- — CHRYSLER 19833 N I ew Ipaded, Call 734-5147 H Call73»8860. FORD. F2S0, 197fl lil— “ “ ■“ H Yorker. 318,23 mpg i »hwy,* ■ i 1010 e - e . HONDA.Ch/lo.1991,^ 1 ,4 d r. k>aded,$12S0/ofrerr H CHEVY, ’8 S HT. Sii I v A N » a sSEE S is,llgtit essan- sedan, '38,000 miles, I r w f s f f l I CHEVY 7 9 ,1 ton pas ■ ahall. $7600. 825$8800 Call324-7401. extras, blue, good shape. $8 « IT 7 5 n _______ CHEVY *87 Bouvlllo Call 766-ie0&. H CHEVY, 1 9 9 0 , eexx te n d e d FORD. R a n g eir;r; 1 9 8 3 , ,v a n . 9 - 1 2 p a s s e r --------■ . cab , 4X4, 5 0 03 cr m llea on . g o o d a h a p e , c ia m p e r *6®"(SaM P ^ lo a d e d , $ 4 8 9 8 . Hd LX. V a ^ ' HONDA: 1992 Acoord m anyextraTw oo/G ■ rebuilt engine. $12,500 $12 ehail, S2600/otfe iffer. Call 734-5051_________ )5.CaII futlykjadod,$l1,695J _______ ; Claaaio model 6th K wf l H Catl TO4-3608. X)8-. . . 734-6803 or 734r8 ■g. 733-4394 ieava msg. APV 93, ^towrtoferPa.$30a/o CHEVY LUM1NA,AP> 0 ccond. Oalt^ model locked? |o o ' H Y U N D A I'9 1 SpO H CHEVY. 8 -1 0 , 1 9 8 6 , ex- Q.m:c ’03 SuBdrba rtwn, 57k 3 .8 . loaded, exc: p o rta ^ Dava box, ataai, for PU. ■ t a n d ^ cab. VQ. a ). automatml. Fully k»ded<-$2 <■$26,000; Priced at wholeaaie.. Cm ia. r.il'i'‘v C -o u p e L S . 671^m 329:5682 riew, $100. CASH 01 lc. n w Urea, cod ' cond. }ood 324-2119 leave maaaage. me 829-5407. evea. 829ONLY Great ahape.'Sporta'b a bra. PLEASE 888-2189!_____ .• $4900. Call 324-6908 H $4000. Call 324-SI >08 —^ a u . c 1985 3/4 ton tonheavy C H E V Y '7 7 C o nnvv V a n ' H DODQE '9 0 D>18 toed etc. | . — . !• , }f. 6 .0 0 0 Cap/chaira, aofa/bec • 1 5 0 .4 X 4 duty 350 motor, Auto. V-e. low mis. nia. Excel, miles. S18,500.432 432-6113 Nice! $1490 543-663 ■ , cend. $8405. 68f OMC *90 K ton Clu Club Cab ^ E V Y , CaVob Var H D 0 0 0 E .V « ^ 11965.4X4,. 9C lo n g b e d S L E .nnew e 6.2 .1988. V6, AT. fuel I • .abort box. 1^ gre 92K {Basel, $10,760.881 886-7165 tio n ; la d d a r.ra c k . ■ miles. S3300/offe w ork v an . $ 2 9 030. 0 . Call ■ S 909^y o f.?8 63-1- 1i ^ 7 e ra QUC'92 Suburban 934-S851,l«IV8na|| T h e T im e s New i ^ options. Ilka new. van njns g u a r a n te e s to 8 H FORI^‘88 Bronco c o $5200. see. 734-8376 C0NV ER80N '83van ■ ' /offer. 228 Blue Lb TTT— “ and looka g reat Now Jowtiros m e rc h a n d ise , ■ . Inqulra whhln. 73 la n k 3>-I -wv. *rid rima; $4700. a u to m o tiv e I n : ■ is a g '^ y a ' Cool Csril Low mllos. dosS: EJt»l.-MM.' BftdW BOW:----------Trs«iyto*av*itl*eJnd«« u _____ Coll 734-7486 aftor Spm________ flod.Ju»tc«a73»0931. sssssssssss “f g x m c O t:N '’9~4 Town ( SUBARU 1987 4x4 Wl llka.new cond, sllvor, s"s; (19000 on, nice d e a n , $2,900 tended vrarninty,$19,( ]I4^0 Call 324-51: or make offer. 733-*4 tlm timos-N ow s, Twin Falls. Idaho C-7 7 !7 I1 _ TOYOTA 'BO Supro. ~ 1 0 5 3 ---------RTO Turbo, hox^ top convortit}lo. jlM P O R T ^ S P O R R i _ .b « » tJ ^ a r - J S a ll3 ^ ^ s M rPAYING ! M O iy i - f A w u s r UNCOLN: Tow ncor,' or, '81, ^ B A R U : 1 9 8 3 wage moc h a m ist. 302,I, good g( _ 6 5 .o o o m liea.-$26C cond;$i8O 0.734-148! I486 1241 Falla Ave. e . or < F O R u s MERCURY '89 Sablo, loadod & doan. PW, V W je r r A '8 4 Tan,nj njns $ & T k P8,cnjiae.tlltalr,AM/ AM/™ groat $ 1 B00 /o«or. cass7r$5,660.- Soe» In —— $-TopDollarfbrA r ^ b i r Y a a r A n r M o i l e U - s -----------In-TF-------- Can~324:i~494~^ by calling 368-2569. z i ' 4 . 0 N J r JHi E S R O T ^ i - IS D TREU CC KA SRS i$ ^ I LiWSIl-tllKIIIMIIM! OLDS Cellos S. '89 4quad 4. $4000.733-B6 Ploaso check your, ad fl corroctneaa o n 'th e fir 7h( day that It .runa, a s TT TImos-Newa la notireri eponslbta for enors alti unei thot time. O L D S M O B 1 L E 1199 7 3 in V V-8 Toronodo. 455 cu. In. 18 0 0 i T w o o w n o r . $180 Phone: 324-3838, OLDSMOBILE, Culls u llsss C ierra S . 1992, re,so 78.S o m l l o s . o x c o l . ;o con nd. $8,875. Call 733-2907. 907. ft ^ 5 C a UI T T 3 8 - 0 8 8 0 ^ « A s k f o rr IBH c k e i b r a n . e o i M A JI M N AVE. EA ST X S S S S S S S S ;S$ s s $ s s s s s s jlCTHTMTTnST OLSMDBILE Cutlass a SlorSI r a '8 4,4 dr. crulsoAC, S S a li$2500/6ffor'. 536-4848 ter 6PM. U 4,0B « -------------I9 9 5 0 1 d 8 o p re m e -.^ ft 19M C h e v y C a v a l ie r■- -W h iU n m __________________ :_______________ * 9 , B 1994 C h e v y C o r s ic a - ?m u m tu ' ---- ■ -------------------1994 C h e v y C o r s ic a --VWhitt r»Ta_____________ ___ — ------ -----------1 9 9 2 0 ! d m o b iI e 8 8 - tf < 1992 P o n tia c B oan evrille-lfarD ill onaas;.^__________ ________ ” O St *8^98 *8^08 —------ ----•11,088 ^_*1O ,08B tipe -Bldek'aiu " 1969 B o ic k R e g a l Coop _________ *4,888 .f . 1994 C h e v y C o rsic a ‘B b u n m _______ •. ^ ------------------ ^*8,888 <Ufh Your Credit! ' 19M O ld sm o b ile C terara -C rM n w a * -------- ;____ ^____ K»-Establl _ _______.*10,488 fr WithBa f l a a u t l n g 1993 C h e v y C a p r i c e - j ________ *1»,408 ______ 1ftft9nM«mnM?iiOfl-W| . Hfn»/Cifn>»L.W ________ J » , 0 0 8 - -----n o n d -F o fd rw e < s n -help-----Panied^nd^tnB D ta )i!sh y o u r c re d it a n d g e t 1990 G eo P r iz tD - f f U ite f e m m _____________________ _________ *4,008 CiJlQ. _ :___ y o u J h e .n e w ^or. r.u se d .v e h ld e .y o u .w a n tl__ ^------------199 0 G effS to rm “ il9Hitooa*---------------------------------o — , »g;oo 8------DODQE. C a ra v a n 1989 D odge D a y t o n e-Blue -i t m t __________________ _________ *3,408 ,*S 3 of.i a t n o additiona 1987, vary clean. $; 2 2 5 .0 0 : ch arg e to m e 1987 N issa n S e n t r a wI^t t . I :___ _________ *1,008 B ook p rice. $5225 nd Ford, o n e o f t h e fe w c u s to m e r. T h «err e CaH73fr910e. _ 1 9 9 5 C h e v 9 l2 P a s s e nIger s i Van - Jhn w m « _ _ _______ 9 d e a le rs to o ffe r *10,008 _____ is a $ 3 e x tra fe F O R D rA e ro e la rrH ir4-D oor-fledt«M ,,„ ' = - * iy,oo8 Itee I A C T U A L B A N K F IN A N C INQa - - -1994 C hevy-81 0 B lazer* n E p d i M M „ j U d’r«2, ?t n ^ '--------f o r t h e g uarant€ c ol1 9 9 4 C h e v y S 1 0 B la z e:rr 4-Door ' - Green m a __________ m a y t o p e o p le w ith ban! a n k ru p ta e s , p o o r c re d it, col ________ *17,008 p a c k a g e . A d s mi Evana Bank. 397 N o ssessions o r n o c r e d i t larly l ^ l o n , reposj y .io o r b e c a n c e i l ^ eai 1993 GMC J im m y 4-Doo kwr - White n u u _____________ ________*14,008 M M | J U U o M o r e C redh P r o b l e mt ss ! H QUO '91 EX CAB . . - -4x4r6xc.-condrS kit $12,900. Doug F O R D '8 6 B ro nICO c c . 4X 4. 2 6 ,_______ S ^ , 1-800-251-2e $4,200. 678-8526 0. fi full alze. ISUZU ‘68 T ro o ^^ , s s o d H FORD '87 Bronco, R uns g re a t, full jll |p ow er, just rebuilt, now cti ____M ______$flaOOXalLS36;S 'so n ^_ ^ S S o ' b B •f;r 7 3 8 H ' F 0R D '87F150, V-i V:_____ ■ loaded, low m i., i ■ BHM,S3fr6323I JEEP71CJ5.Xconi ; n PF S PB ^630Q-734-9313.733 H FORD *00 3/4 Ton ------ --------------crulaa..S. 8p d ...nnm e w i r a s ! - JEEP..'82.CJ7,.Jaml ■ . One owner. Good >od cond. 6 cyl.. 5 spd., har ■ • A fter6pm cairS43 M3-572S n e v e r b e a n o ff 1 ______$6900. BHM, 538-6 ■ FORD :bo full size M Bronco, E ■ XLT, lo a d e d ,, 01 c u a to m JEEP Cherokee '80, ■ w h e a ls , e x c e l Ic o n d . do, AC, AT. PS, PB I ■ $13,000. Call 734-< 34-6411. sharpl.$10,976.643 ■ ■ Mor tondoy, Januaor 22.1906 OCKJPOOOOOOOOOC 3 00 0 0 PLYMOUTH. C oll, 19 .JE EP .C harokas Uml Jmltad. -$ 1 6 0 0 or beet offerrR' s r 1990, AC, RKE. PW. PU greati G ood condltl cruise, laathor Inter nterlor,- Call 825-5531 10 M ^ r n i A C . R reblrd. 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MOOO 00 ,■ loaded.Jow.mllea, UNCOLN '92 Conlino Unontal $12,000. Catl 733-2764 loaded, Signature Sorioe, loac leather, exc. cond, n dTmust SUBARU 1987 4x4 Wl -0057 on, nico d e a n . $ 2,000 see, $15,160,736-OOi . Z\ We CCan i Help! fo r c u sto m e r . <0 * 0 c o n v e n ie n c e bbut i 1 3 s W ' — th e C h arg e Will nil” ' ndabie, re m a in t h e sam i (4-0769. SECOND CN 'M M 1991 D odge R a m 6 0 - A R e d r m _____________________ -------------------------S O U > 1991 F o rd F 1 6 0 4 x 4 Sup upercab,-B/M iiitt___________ 1989 C h e v y 8 1 0 P ic k uip p - Blue 8 IU --------' 1978 C hevy S u b u r iia n14x4 4 - Silver m x ____________ I 9 8 6 C h e v y B la z e r- tr % fhitelReduuc i ________________ 1984 C hevy SIO 4x4 Pici ickup-iZ gd«« „ tC B e i N A N C- f l* -"'~ 'N ow ,foranapf ipplleatlon'and ep p rd v a ll — IK E E s p _______ *10,088 ____ . ______ _ * S , 8 8 8 ------------- *9,888 *4,888 y j a r z I’a T h e C redit Reso so u rce C e n te r M a n a g eerr a o t o sf o r ^ SALE I 3e-j24ao Call: T 3 I_____________ j . r 1 - 8 0 0 >- - 4 T 3 - S T 9 7 K rm az D i J 3 7 * s s i o F F o r n i i i o 0** 0 - 9 6 ■ I f Ha z o a ' < ■ H H H I ' PASSION FOR THr m rV o A r F I O R P A S S IO N ' m a zo a i CHEVROLET>OLOSMOBILE IILE>QE0 BtfflLEY • 1221 W. Main • 678-2 RUPERT • 434 S. Oiwids • 43S4 ■PiicaBiint YouU...OurPtopltBrii,t» •Plu»T>r.TO»,t«>dDMltfDOCF«oor«; j 0 ‘ R OD i A D - T H E ^ ■^ A M vS/ r^w, n « s . | • C B f H P ; 1 9 9 6 B b N V, [Q Q H ■ ■ . P.U. 2 3 0 0 P ll I D rive h< lew c a r o r truuck fro m Ro; [lome i n a ne m d F ord-M itsu it b ish i.. a nnd h a v e c a sih h badk! * 9 ,9 7 7 E ■ y ^ 1 4 9 /n n ^ ■ 0 .y. a . \ 1 9 9 6 FC FORD R A N G EIER , XL E W DR :O RFTO 3RD r'&Oj I ^ TEGE LX I flR C O N D IT lb N IN G ^ -PPO 0W E R W IN D 0W S ” j5 -C R U IS E ,2 _!lPOV 3 W E R J.0 C K S _ -.A M /fMkl.CASSEITE ,i: ______ r ^ ^ , 1m 1 3,4777 zlZ fa lvff?T n H lli I ■• • ** . ■ :■ " 7 .« > 'W ^ : 1 9 9 6 M j s _ _ DEALER DISCOUNT 6 2 6 A IR C O N IDITIONING D ^ HE S A I PRICE —- • ’ *9,588 .EARC0AT-PAINT*175/70R^ TRANSMISSION •1.9.SEFi*'0LEAfl 5 SPEED TR 1 3 'TIRES. .......- ........ — Plus TaxTfitlFand Dealer DOC" lOC'FeTof^S": ■“ — ” D -g 19► 996DF IN SO TR AD R 1 9 9 6 F<"ORD I L '. I D P ^B5H B acJ^v W O . . ! W I | ! - 9 9 6 3 26 t x 6 2 < ^ ■ I ^ ^ A I R CC O N D I T I O N I N G POW ER - PC m fM nef, C M fD IM.n if os Kwn oQc FS O'U iJa M ** T ataO ^M O M«et£ASL CS NfamsTAXAWKAiaDOcraor iKtanYC009T ACcusmoN MYMNtOOSNOtNUMISIM ' .X •~MMCxrHaoss>»o 5£ y VERAL T O C H OtO O SEFRO M IDOWS AND LOCKS-CRUISE.TIl 4X4* POWER WINDC •TILT»AM/FM STEREO CASSETTE*• SLT Si SSPORT PACKAGES. FUILLY LLY EQUIPPED* lUAL OR AUTO TRANSMISSIONIj MANUA V O W E R W IN D O W S *S • PC A • C R U IS E □ L O C K S - C A\SSETTE SI nly« 2 6 S9/mo*** yoaiioaMUSATi SEVERALL T O C H O O S E FR FRO M IIj fU E«• TILT* LUGGAGE RACK* /iNOOWS ANO LOCKS • CRUISE 1 POWER WiN DEMOTE ENTRY‘ Ve AUTO‘ REAR EAR WINDOW DEFROST AIR*REi D riv eaa new Ford... ...Get ca sh b aack in your p< pocket... a n d g e t at an affo rd ab leg paym ent! ■0 > ff, ik u in ceosnoM cousmj r a m as!AJNM)EttiacocfaofP*».— IM ►OW'tfAattOOrWWQIJOtlRMYWff.K »----- 1 ~0-<-KvamoosB>o€ ;| > . i'iSLENGINE* HANDLING PACKAGI AGE»lNTERMITTENTWiPERS«i — 5SP0.TBANSMIS: MISSION* MANY COLORS TO CIHOOSEFROM HOI 2 • ■ M C A S SE T T E - AM/FM 1 - - — stock r s W2M947,-W394526; S26.-W39453«— ........ S a ls piles o l '9.996 96 pius Tax, TItIo and dealor OOC DOC fee o f‘59". • ths,-8.62%-lnterest,-‘0 down^OA , ------------— 7 2 m oiitlis -OAC,.. >0 § ( J s J O N I .Yr« 2 4 9 /nm o * ” ™ i ^ I ■ >x ^ > mo*** O' 1 o 4 o 1 O - - 3 ^i 690 * 1 5 ,6 _________ . - ■ ■ ■ 'n n n T 'T 0 a je o f ^ ^ ^ F tlu r r y li Today w S T w m _ ---- -SIJ"' -------------------- — — - ^ --------- — y ------------------: ■ ' ■ r iz n ^ ■r ™ - j _ _ __________ ___________ - ~ ------ :C -8 "'T lm o iP N a v S rT v ^n win " F alla, Id ah o ^ i - ------------- . ----------- -- ( b ( ^ a y . :ia Ja in u a r y 2 2 .1996 : .' ■ ■ ' m M . -' T - — Q III™ ■ ^K s --___ U nB 'G Wl Wj'. l l l . V l ' - f M o r G re e n . O ne a t th li price. Ui Unlt*.«ub)Mt to prio r tale o r Icmc u e . O .A .C . cap c o * tS 1 3 ,7 8 8 . Fir F in t payment ' . S to ck «6T -103.C oIoi d u e u p o n 1rvcoptionn S S22 0 9 .0 0 . 6 0 month cloK d end $5 ,7 0 4 .9 2 . M id Ilea*e totaling $1 2 ,5 4 1 .2 0 . O pItlon tio r to purchatc a t Icate,end forr S ncludcd In m onthly payment. D3«alcf ci retain* fcbata. -■• ' ■ T a « a n d Ucic noc Inclt ‘ v ^DOW NI^^ h I CMt S 1 5 .9 M . FlnV'iUyment Stockk #' « 6 T D -9 3 . Colon W hite. O n e ac (h it jiric e . U n ltt lubjeet lo pfiiW ii iale or lea«& O .A .C . cap cott Opi p tio n COp u r c h iu c a t leaic a n d teleecurity i depoilt due upon Inceptloi Itlon $ 4 9 7 .0 0 . 6 0 m onth ckxed end cn le u e to ta lln s $1 4 ,3 4 0 .0 0 ..O retalnt rA a ie . end fo In m onthly paytnent. Dealer Di o r S 6 ,8 9 a 0 5 . TVx and ilile n o)tt Included In iciii» U j?r5cIKSil M I nl . liv lEP WAGONEE ER 1985 JEE W as $5995 I now ^3988B.,’0nH l39 » 1 ' ' J s.'jgia'' B UnlMMlli^l COprtM ■OM . T u . litU Im (fS.00) «nJ DnWr CX (54aoo>ar*nM[n<IwMlni: HOW 5 9 t o ^ a xe.e . 1 t e tfdi^CSBXO) wai Owkr DO ^ ■ 'U n it * M bl^l topritf tdrax (S40.00I •>« no« Indiidtd la Ib lb* Bonihly ptrw ot. I02SK APR, Nc ^ ■ ^ iw fv _ a O ^ < ih l^ 2 2 > w «. n. ^IN. baic»n •IW)g J w M W I iwm” DnWr DOC I— ^ B ^ S w S ^ S l irlw Mb T u . «<tl«Im ( $ ^ > andi D >% A P& N oa^ y W ) .« « i Im IuM In Iht i^ t h l r ptrw nl. M.35% ^ ■ 1 ' ^ Im o i£ t NocMh Mt* Mt^Mie p « k > r ^ ' ^ >l£m;iUUIw 1ftl^ ig ^ («T ($404XI>af« Jo ^W u m 1993 JEI EEP CHEROKE] 4x4 Was *13995. 9 8 8 o r^ 0 o .w » ^ ! IL iip 9 9 S ^ ^ far Ml* n ^ -tlib W ( S ^ > ■«! b«W b< r DOC kIimImI In th* moniMr fia|rmn>i. >0.14% t KpAni.N<>c«>h «HM5. U«h>>ul>l«I»> prior »l &*.<. T u . Illl* f*« ISA.OOI >nl Dn at ul« }fil*rtXX;iM l ^ l <»4aOO)'*r« not lnclud< :lwM lnth*iM>nih1ri«»m*nt. iaS}% A ■ym*nt^Mh>Unnnp>nnrn^^ ^ H j ^ l ^ V B V T Tab ^ ^ « T V w ii f ^ l 'u a i t i 'a i j ^ ^ ^ Q t ...... • ...........' i ---- -V y ' W | i 1 - iaRh ■J o o n '1 “1 !t | u ssshot ^ In s ’t hurt aU w q h ’i dmit that I am afraid of a will {rankly adm: iM dic'al carc. I tra c e th is fear to my IS ffar as I could lell, the critldhood, when os m cdicol profession’ on’s reaction to every physical problem I cdeveloped, including i, ^w a s to g iv e m e a ____n c a rsig h tcd n css,_ “ tetanus shofrNofdnl; only that, btit'th'e mcdi* would always Ue about c a l professionals woi it. “ YouMI hardly’ fc feel iti" th ey ’d say, com ing at me with a needle the size o f a harpoon. in ia ' If melatonin in'isn’t the antiswer,. ...' maybe the question q is xrmore complic icated i n o i> n e s -■ B y Joan Bean T im es-N ew s correspond! " I’ 'j f l "W e hove so im ony wake hours and so m any sleep hou h o u rs ." Valento said..“And dependss to a large degree on |>j:ooncs." ‘ . cert o f hormones. H e soid cstro. Jtrogcn o r sex horm ones in nly-one part.of.this. They’r e . _______ __general.arc.only. torm ones involved in the regnot the only horn :p. uiation o f sleep. ic strongest impulse, he said, Probably iha si nelatonin, which is produced , com es from melt gland slo* ih thc brain. Melatonin during thc night's sleep and levels ore highil du low during theJ day. da Valenta saidd it is likely iliat this is regulatcd by the timo im ount o f light. Bright light blocks its produci iluction ond release and dark* ness increases its secretion. Jet log or nighi ight*shifl sleep disturbances, he said, have beer }cen treated with melatonin, A lthough mcIi n ela to n in is sold over-thecounter'as a sleep lecp aid. that’s not its primary role, he said. id. IIt is m ore like one o f thc regulators b f the he cyclic c functions. WetaTonln“l5~ln m oncs, and he: said sai estrogen is one that can mcrease lis produ< rductiorT------------- ::-----------------------A num ber off other ot hormones show similar cyclic change nges, hc said. Among them tiormones ond hormones that are the stress horr regulate rcprodui >duction. including thc sex 'h~drmo~nes~one~tl: e” tlfat"rcgulolc'rth‘n h 7 r o u l-----------growth hormone. gland and the gro\ iS is 0 frequent complaint of I Sleeplessness isturbances o f the female sex . a num ber o f distui said. Post-mcnopausal in* horm ones, he soi on eo fth e n i. som nio.isjust one Studiesundicate cate-that hbt fluahes-ore.-onc-T-r-. ns that respond best to estroo fth e symptoms t: ond that cenain coses o f in* gen treatment and somnia ore due: to these ond thc sweats that happen during; the the night, waking the per- II T W IN F A L L S - S Si? ix m o n th s a f t e r Donna GofT underwent :nt 0 hysterectom y, . • she developed-sym ptom >ms s o f m enopause.__ ' r '/ H U '.jfH ' 1 A nd along with thc hot hoi flushes and dcprcss'ion, she suffered fro from insomnia. ■ "I ju s t lay there wide t je awoke o t-n ig h t,"' she said, now 54. “I coul< ouldn’t sleep.’’ ■ vered that she had G ofT s doctor.discover ' v e ry little estro g e n ,'' ev even th o u g h h e r ovories were spared inI th the hysterectom y. A fter a m onth on cstrog roge n -re p la ce m e n t. pills, h er sym ptom s were 'cre pretty well under control. H um or pills weren’t help* B ut 0 yeor later, thc pil and she wos starting as m uch anym ore, on ed on h o rm o n e in jcctii ctio n s. W hen th e ' A s o ch ild , I wa WOS m o re ofraid o f eved, she sold she proper Ieve! was achieve tetanus shots than,. fo for exam ple, Driculo. -ovemeni. noticed a m arked improvi Gronted. Dracula wo would w m e into your _______ room at nighfand bit( bite into Vour neck ond __ “It was like the diflcrcnc 5ltTo~much better.” and day," she said. "1 leirs s uck out all your bio blood, .but there was a r.J jA f f_ s iitl_ to _ k e s _ ^ B lis; n a m ely, y o u could_____ ____ No.w._15_y.eai:sJatcr.J _______ positivc-sidc-to-this;. these shots, plus the pills >il!s —now o f synid S t a y oul oil n i g h t, t u m Into a bat and thetic origin, coll Estrace W hereas I could sec iee no pluses w ith the ace - that replaced the natural estrogen t hlat a t :she began w ith. tetanus shot. 0 p e r fe c t A lth o u g h sh e d o e s n 't have 1 O f course today I no i longer hove this b.e.cau5.c._ns_a_iTUU.utc____ le. she sleeps w ci I_. I * ' __ night!s_rcst_nlljhc_tim e._ _ _____^childish-phbbja.J>.c.t m ost nights. adult, 1 can lie. “ f ju s t had a tetan tanus shot this momthc issue ever arises, in g !" I can soy, if' th' Dr. Ltibomir Voleota,, an endocrinologist S f r fact!’’ “Eight o f them, in faci ic i& Hospital, said a t the Twin FoIIs Clinic raid o f m edical core, B u t I'm still afraii hormones such os estrogen gen or progesterone iragcd by TV medical - . ore- noi-meant-to b e slcepi A n d T rh not encouraj icping pills. -But he-i_|pB B R;’r Ify o u -W teh tffesV- "‘saidTihe •• ” — •; -dram as such as “£.-R;’ lock o r or exccss ss ot f sex horm ones E l M | ro b a b ly n oticed that s h o w s , y o u ’ve prob , may hove o similar efTect, :t, con sleep. mmr latH etic civilian gets w h e n ev er som e patl With the sam e patternn <5f sex hormones, ■ g jjg h o s p ita l em ergency w h e e le d into the ho he said one woman cons IS ssuffer insomnia; ^ ^ 5 r, he room on a streich'cr, h o r she is immedi*. -. in another, there might be t>e iincreoscd sleepi* in Iby enough medical ate ly pounced upon • ness. O r the pattern mayf all altemote in onoth- g | U | ----- ^1 f-thc-sleep disturbancc-isclearly-rclat*-----------dis -o -hospital-softboll------- efindividual.' -----------p ersonnel-to-formn-o cd to thcr m cnstt nstruol cycle, pregnancy, Ing to see who con do league, all competing “So it is not something :g tl that would be di* m enopause or puberty, put then we see if wc t h e scariest thing to lo the i victim . Apporr rectly reloted to sleep," he isaid. “And octucan correct on way,” hc said, 1 any ouse in -th c standord" ■ ally, the sex hormones ma e n tly th ere’s o clou: may work through ' In thc case oiff pregnancy, pt when there ore iers* C ontract stating.' Television Perfomier melatonin or other other'hormones, such os me sleep disturbances ices caused by on exccss o f T in th a t eveiy chamcier ii a medical drama lich show 0 cy clic ^ ^ 9 pituitary horm ones which sex horm ones,, hc said a sleeping pill is ck a t em ergency pag e ts 'to toke a crack ;h sstress horm ones pattern and also through proscribed, not hormones. hor tie n ts :, ;ing this and that." W ^M and are not dircctly. causing L: I ’ll give him a shot! In thc post, a w womon with premenstrual f i r s t DOCTOR: Although'all these horaii >rmoncs may infiu* syndrom e was som son etimes treated wiih proTO R ; X’ll-pound his -S E C O N D DOCTG ence sleep, he said it's not iot their only func- ' g c s te ro n e . butt V olen ta said that d id n 't .........- chest!------------- i------^"tlon'or'speclfic purpose.- ■ )w ;sHc m ight be placcd on }R; r u stic k a tube ' Valento said the brain is very responsive ntMriinitt w ork w ell. Now T H IR D DOCTOR BUOOY CHARLES U«M0IN6n:A« TtoM , birth-control pill p ills, elim inating her own • w ay up his nosel ^ to sex homiones, and slecf leep in general de* -After m rnla, D o n n a G o f f h a di tc t o b e g in tak in g horm oni ar s u ffe rin g fro m In so m hormonol function tions. ........... _FO yR TH D O C TQ 'QRt.L’lI F find an unoc• pends ' on the functioning8 o f the sleep cen- -jectlc tlons t o a id h e r sleep : post-m cnopa'usal women, 'S im ilorly, int po h is body, ahd cut it -.j c u p ie d .sb c tio n .o f hi: tialamic area o f the *'ter,*Iocatcd in the hypothali it fe m a le s e x h o rm rr o n e s are m ost often ____■ . _ o p cn fo r.n o good reasc aso n !; ood pressure th is is calk ailed diurnal rhythm, meani —brain. Thc stalk o fth e pituii ituitary gland is at* functi< tions. such as hunger, bloo lent. H e said currently this w a sh h is m outh out . ^ . JA N IT O R : r i l for trcotmcm tached to the hypothalamus, h ap p e n s within w ius, which is in thc and temperature. tei a 24-hour period,I Horon p| ill, w ith both estrogen ■ , to ° cornbination w ith a td$et brush) rain. He said .this Thc tc sex horm ones have rec low er portion o f th e braii receptors in m ones w^ork or cyclically, and they-he me. bably saying: “Dave,J N o w you're pripbab to th e progesterone. II Ithe cyclic a d ju s t wul< Ily octive. Having this area, ai vuke and sleep activity tc gland is very horm onally w hich regulate all arejiiat TV SHOWS, y o u 'b ig baby, thoK or centers for regulation o f‘aa rnumber o f body Valenta said changcs o f day and night, he said. functii tions, including sleep. Vo ' • R e aJss e s e e H O R M O N E S /p 2 ngs do not happen to In real life, bad things people who foil IntoI the Ui hands o f medical c a re /' n e s e c o n d w hile I. . E x c u s e m e for oom n y keyboaiy is short* Idugh so hard that my I happen to j Catfay Walworth circuited by drool. Becouse Be • T he Thursdoyy sc sem inar. “ From Chaos to ugh comcdy By strates throug mnd a bulletin-boord •]Tinies-News correspondent .-^be holding in my han Control,” will be HS presented p at the CSI Fine how and ho' to more . ‘ noticc that was sent: to m e by a Vermont Arts AuditoriumI from fro 7:30 until 9 p.m. Ticktse our minds cnbctivcly use nam ed either “David orthopedic surgeon noi door, or $3 wiih student ac' and the power TWIN FALLS — Ever' wi wondCT how those c r o f positive -M inid d M 1 agic" will be presented ed at ^ ’^or “ O ee B ali,’’ de,potato chips found thefr way H. B ahnson M.D.”^oi way to your'mouth V . thinking, ^ ^ th e Colle; liege o f Southern Idaho Fi Fine ir > y o u ’re reoding his cduring the commercial break*! p ending oii whether oming workshop from 9 a.m. fn Fellows, wl isdoy Friday momt »k? Simple nionipwho holds a X rts Build jilding auditorium on Thursc noture. • • • nuiation. letterhead or his slgnoti 30 js until noon at thc! Fir Fine Arts Building auditori*J m aster’s deg legrce from from 7:3( :30 to 9 p.m . A 'w orkshop D r. Bahnson told1 m it e, in a phone incritical, thinking and self rceople oppeor on the ►\ kM Harvord U Uiniversity. . plan n e dd on Images o f slim, active peop until touch on1 cri o frfday from 9 a.m. ur und this notice over iTV scrcen. They guzzle scads for handling stress. I ,:tervic\j(, thot he fount ■ sponsibility and1 secrets se< .V ■ shows audienc< nces how the . noon ads o f snack foods, w h ic h is th e place c kshopisSlO . ■ t h e “sc ru b sin k ," l ng Ifor more — and crunching, smiling, reaching i s ^ ■ power o f sugg iggestion is a c o s t fo fc r thc T hursday eveni n i ng workshc sh th e ir hands afier s w h e re doctors'^wash hips sounds like a T->v m tool used in evi suddenly eating a few' chip: wonM be; o0 ‘“stress-boshing prcseniaeveryday life keynote; address oc is $5, or S3 withI sstuiid..i-le will tcach participants ... ____ - — t h e y o p ero te -so -thhaatt-th e y -w o n -l-g e t-------g gp. ---- tion,” Fellows said. “ goodidea.-----------------------r«llowif«...... to-infiuence-i e-mdividual dent activii tivity card.-Friday's workshop find humor, lake tal oVgons on their how to accept yourself, you fle c k s o f your v ital . decisions onn ceverything swayed so easily?, $10. You’re too smart to bc sw nethinp, chanee the environ- _ _ _cha_rge o f someth - - -L exus upholstery.-----thc-foods-wc;coL.io.drug. nnH ar filrnhni i, illu5ionist,.magi-* .from.tl -N ot-so,-says.Bob Fellows, il ------------:■................. 5. ment, leam that "No "No"'is a compl’cic sentence.’ cian and wellness educator. abuse. . and stay in cc [1 control in difTicult situations, P le aise s e s e e BARRY/D2 x,.ancLundeistand.that-excr------------lind gom es gct ployed-on-: •being.— look_to-the future,-a lore easily fooled," "Mir “Intelligent im pIe are mort in-us.alLthe------Self-twmor ponsibility is tlte k<7 to well*b< temon_ cjse saves time, niversity audience time,"'• hc I said. “I thinic o f my prcs< * F Fellows explained to a univ ■esentation as he says, and i nd involves the audiencc in der ^ ip .' Thc sem inar will wili b c sponsored by Blue' that since a kindd of i inoculation a^ in st b«ing . recently. “Sometimes' w e think ll mg fooled by strations to0 see sc liow'easily they can be mi; 31uc Shield ofldaho, thc City >ortant Cross o f Idaho, Blue I uy to teochll ways v sily fooled." other mnnipulators. m we’re smart, we ore not easily to re* ulatcd Into g :o giving up control o f impoi ofTw in Falls. CSL SI, tthe Magic Valley Regionlanipulntion and increase seIf-< u r ^ speaker at the sist mar Fellows will be the feaiurc( If-esicem.’' f,ealth deci.sio i.sions. X Twin Falls Clinic & Hoslows teaches “Mind Magic,” ealthv "I Medical Centcr. 1 Seminar Thursday Fello eighth annual Wellncss Scir a program “ Wheneve ever someone has an unhea id. piUilandThcWalkei ilkcr Ccnter. hows audiences how to visui Icshop. He demon- that she and at a Fridoy woricsh I ■ - night ; sualize goals lifqitylc, they hey have been tricked," hc said. I Dave Bappy eminar Fellows;1brings ‘‘MindMlagic’ toDCSI weillness se] 3et tickets now Dear Abby ^ ealth not>tes Lookinng good sr people need tel tetanus shots Beimefits of runnin Older ling len endure Wome re wearing torturt nable shoes fashion: Have: you y hnd a tetan u s shot Ot :lately? For older people,, tthe answ er is to o likely ely to be “no," bc* couse they th( m ista k en ly th in k it isn’t necessary, Mony pe people ossum e thot onee ttetanus shot pro>r lil^e, but it isn ’t so; blood tects for 1 3 o d levels o f the an* tibodies :s that I fight te tan iis dcclii d in e with age. For le. a study at L ong Island . example, md Jewish Hospital th patients in the in Ncwb- York foiind th a t h u lf' the geriatric ic ccnter i had antibody levi levels that were too low to provide pi p ro te c tio n . H aalf lf o f the 50 or so that o cc u r each1 year yc tetanus deaths di in the United States ore ire in older people. T h e A sso c ia te d Press nquisi:ks and thumbscrews o f Inqi B O IS E r - The racks m en’s crs h a v e nothing on wom< tio n torture.cham bers high-heeled shoes. ■ ’s fashion expectaUons, mony m T o fulfill society’s imfortIhcir feet uHth tight, uncomi w om en are homiing thc unm er able shoes. They payy the tl pricc in bunions, ham other problems, said toes, pinched nervess and ai surgeon in Bois< M ichael Coughlin, on1 orthopedic oi ote in ve bee n try in g to promote “ T h c m essage I’ve time for emancipotion o f wornw< Am erico is that it’s tim en’s feet,’’ he sold. oshion ay still hove desires for fosh “ 1 think women may :turers . but I feet shoe monufoctui sh o es o f this nature, bi ices in wom en decent choice: have on obligation (oI give gi these problems." style, ond yet address th< o r io f a study that providess conc ■C oughlinJs coauthor ote ot certain foot infirmities ore alsiderable evidence thot c men/ • inost exclusive to womei * 3J /0 2 “ ^ " ' T ’le a s r s W S H O E S oom F .'ent strokes ^ S j w -■ *' • , . ,1— • '■ to s s h o w a n o r m a l fo oDt, t to p ,: T h e s e x*ray p h o3to foot, b o tto m , t h a t h a d 'b e e n a n d a w o m a n ’s foi ^ filgh>heeled f a s h io n s hloes,=-™ o c o fls trlc ts d ^ b y hig The ling are well known, but he health benefits o f running .some* e older people are reluctantt to hit the road for fear o f damag age lo foot and leg joints.. Nc Now a study has found that running ri doesn't causc joint int degcnefation i or bone chtingi igcs in older people. The Stai Stanford / m ^ i s Center study i y compared long*temi runners ners wilh a siniTlar group of nor onrunncrs over a nine-^car ar period. p .\t an average ; Qgc of 67, there \vas no significa ficant difference in joint damag agc,'Spine bone density or' incidence inc o f osteoanhritis in1 the l two groups. The runnen ners had better bone and joint health h. at thc start ofth e study udy and nine years later. ! j ; He! jlp for the hip nd exercise even helps oldc older people who hove Researc irch has listed another bcnc ;ncfit o f caring fraits operations for total hip repli -eplaccment. A study in 5etoblcs: protection against s and vcgeti ist stroke. Thc Fratn° found that w om en who md ho 1had the surgery and ved a group o f Mnsingham St Study, which has followed went tlirough an exercisee progrom pi that featured ijachusctts ;tts men over th^ years, has found/that those :ing on a treadmill had impr m proved walking speed or more servings ooff fruits and vegeta- „ “I, b etter cardiovascular funci who ate: three tl jn ctio n com pared to a lower risk o f stroke :h day had a 22 pcrccnt lo\ bles each lent patients who didn’t lar group o f hip replacement )se who ate l^ss healthy diets. die When a stroke that) those cise. The workouts don’t: hove ha' to bc exhausting, ;ur, thc death rate w as 50 percent lower in did :occur im provem ent occurrcd researchers report: the imp cgctables. Thc Nura. mcri' Who; 10 ate lots o f fruits nnd vege » crcise-w as below the I though the am ount o f exer llow ing a group of^ sith Study, w hich is folio . e s ’ Healtl l-rccommcnded for fitness.^ ' ' inary results indicatwomen as they age. has prcliminai M ^ e protective efTect for• women._____ w ______ ____ _ Coi^il< ipiled from •wira r a y t i „-ingA ft.sar t .1 . I J i: J • ■ ■ __ I ------------------------ D -2 T lm «».N ew 8.T wwin ln Falls, Idaho M orxjay, Ja nnum u i y 2 2 ,1 9 9 6 : ■ |H01)fmofiito- Tpdio0 for youLl --- ------- ^----------- Continueien 4 c V eb -a re— sion-bye^ i©<J-ffonv04-;^— :—T— r — . 30s in whom estroge aid'he would never treat i igesinlifc. He said nformation, call Sandy Ke> ime higher than at other staff JV IC niore info evon or JahG e n era ira lly , i t ’s the syndrom e C a n c e r g r o uj p to m e et a t M V R W isturbance primarily with es> ice Stone ot 736 736-2122. Sleep disturbance is not a m ajo r sleep distui caused by by lock-of sex hdnnones that thai TW IN FALLSS - T h c Magic V alley Brco reast Canperiod, he said., trogen, but but ifap e re o n hos an.estroreplaccnnci said symptom during this pc nents ore used to treat, he said — ; cc r Support Group mp will meet at 7 p.m . toda Iciency, he deols with i t And cims can cause gen dcficiei ally B ut the PMS symplon menopause and surgically e t i n g s — as i b e p n s e r i r a o f m e e t i S i c t ’ Widowers b w aiting area o f thc the Southem Idaho R egion atient’s sleep dlstutbonce was may interfere if the paticf y ed __o th er problems thot_ni , . rcfnQvcd !d_or_othcrwi8c_destroycd -——^-----c e r-C e n tc rrlo c a:ated-ut-M ogic-V allcjy-RR(egional------TW IN -F A L ti L :L:LS---W idow ed In fo rm " .................. due lo'tltC'l tltcnggnivation-oftiepiesslon m a tio n arrd- 'ovanes. " • with sleep, C onsultation Sei M cdical Center. Services will begin o serie je s o f meet..jn othe an cause cm o- because* ooff estrogen deficiency, he Miller said they can ther situations, w e m ay use use ussion. ings on “ C opin will bc a round table discus: T hc program wil ping w ith W idow hopd” fro fi m 10 to jn it ^ ^ 5 , pes o f dnigs," he said. ^‘Foi dc- said then ii might toke core of the For tional disturbances andd aggmvate i ot the College ooifS o u th e m ilo-Dovis. 11:30 a.m. W/edncsdoy ed brmation, 9 all C har B asila . . '■ F o r m ore infom 1. p disorders arc problem, example,!, vwith PMS we use serotonin min pression. He said sleep ody Craig Idaho O fllce on Aging. . , 5IRCC at ’737-2800,;o r Jod; .............. M .S.W . at the SIR r suid hc! usually tiMts sleep, ymptoms o f c s - <■ Millersu ; • re-upiakc cc inhibitors, which are anon- not usuolfy the main syn The cight-wec week series will m eet each Is clinic & Hospital at 733-3.700, 73: at thc Twin Falls ' anccs with anti-~depres8ant.s ut they can b c ciisturbancc ch W edncslidcpressan Va- trogcn dcprivoiion but sont pre«nption drugs,” Vo­ day. ThroughI th the sessions, wldoN^cd pe ext. 344. aersons will igma said, the; work very well. i individual and tliat they id.- “ A nb these prove to bc be secondary, especially in an receive inform a -motion ond support iit det c a lin g with helpful.” sion. who is prone to depressic )cing widowed, n’t1 think the hormone level problem s o f bcir practice sleep “I doo 1 nia “I don't see in my pi ith PM S, he said insomnia ch e ck s a v a iUabIC il; F r e e b l o o d p>res5ure n F or m ore mfc information o r to register, die sleep pattern, but r, c a ll 736can bc peri olp: >eri(xlic, 'CKcuring prior to the disorders as a major onptonvofhor- directly olTects T W IN FALLS5 - Thc Twin Foils S eniorr C Citizens 2122. Drop-ins v is welcome. ly itit affects the person’s stale ne deficiency,” indirectly menstrual mone excess or homionc al iperiod. ^ fe r blood p re ssu re ch c ck cks from C c n te r w ill o ffer ession if sh e’s prone lo deo f dcprcssi' Dr. Geo ills M ille r said. “I see it freq u en tly , 'corge Miller, a Twin Falls a.m. on Tuesdoys and fron 10:30 to 11:45 a.n •om 10 to B r i d g c V i e wV t( i,”‘hc t o lio ld T U z h e lm e r’s no ie e Q n g s m p to m o f d e prcssion,” h said. “An excess of es* ^ n e c o loogist g and obstetrician, said aid though, as o major sym ridoys at the cenier. 11:45 a.m. on Fridc ir deficiency o f estrogen can )n con be made uogen or de d to separate w hat causes ses pression, and depression ■omily Suph afd t ,LS - The Alzheim er’s Fai dm inistc, FALLS volunteer nurses w ill adn: E xperienced vol latfi the depression, which uals - onjy in-, exacerbate >turbance in the premenstrual tioi wonsc in some individua sleep distut p o rt G ro u p w wil ill m eet at 6:30 p.lni J a n . 30 a t the checks free o>ffccharge. ilecp disturbances.” snc to deprcs- causes sIcc] specially in a 'woman’s mid* lid* dividuols who ore pron Vjate dining phase, espc B ridgcV icw Rei R etirem ent C en ter’s privjD ro o m ^ • childbirth coun i r s e ■■ ' T o 'r m ore infc R e g i s t e r n o wVfor f nrorm ation.'cair,D onno“ B B eh u n in at th course ’ 36-3933. -------------------T W IN FALLSS - A prepared childbirth iay and continup through F wiJJ begin Tuesday imfortobfe shoes are replocing :ent ond a 3ViBul comfo 2*inch heel by 57 perccr e d from D1 I r e f r e s h e r c o u l e e oCC B ere d C onifhued icet from 7 to 9:30 p.m . in t Id"; ChUdbirthn The class will meet . high-heclsin Is in many situotlons. Athletic (jj. inch heel by 76 pcrccnt. >re than 1,000 years, the Chilocated ot the back o f Magi ucation C enter (loc ogic ValTW IN FALLS LS - A prepared childbirth th refresher w make up 40 percent of ihe oe room ofien shoes now n . Shoes with ^ough toe nd young girls’ feet to stunt ley Regional Medic :dicoI Center’s north porkir king lol). closs for persons }ns who have previously toi akeh a pre^ ket. 1. U.S. market, are too loose on the heel. vth, ble coursc fee is S40. . . T he non-rcfundablc lh ccourse will be held from pared childbirth n 7 to 9:30 involved a n d Withthe theonnual cost o f foot ail0^. W ith all the poin in' really had difTiculties walkirepore parents for childbir Designed to preF birth ond p.m. Jon. 30 atX the th Education Center (loca cated at the . Qtionwide estimated at S3.5 emphasis on ments natioi |g_ Am cricons’ growing ei they were very vulnerable. the coursc includes films, IS. slides, . back o f Mogic ’ early parenting, ihc c V Valley Regional M edical a , c e n te r. ror surgery ond 15 million ml high-hcelcd billion for ] Ith health, it makes sense that : done because women with nd relaxation techniques.. The T ex- north porking.lot). ot). labor rehearsal and k doys, Coughlin has taken d Ito museums, lost work di shoes would be relegated et were considered very senjndable course fee is SI5 am , pectant m other iss asked a: lo wear comfortable ble pants ' The non-refund urdptc-reg: ;agc to national news proris try on their his message tughlin said. ‘The feet were But as long as little girls jired. pillows. A support person and to bring tw o>pi on is en- istration is require of grams.' y f mothers' shoes, another• generation g etw e en age 3 and 7. Our irejjoration and medical ceni .. ■ couraged to attend. Childbirth prc]} inter procc0 desiped a sticker with thc ome slaves to Hc olso de on womeh likely will becon iccomplish this deformation -eviewed. A film, a discussic lister ond dures will be revi Pre-registrationII is ii required. To pre-rcgist light shoes” in a red circle words “tigh ee , fashion. o v e r a period o f three t. aand a tour o f the labor/del this class Is being held,. ccall the ling adjustment, to find out wheree tt lash across it. The surgeon “Industry, whether wce like li it or not, with a slash J7-2900, will bc included. d. I ti o n D epartm ent a t 737ould be placed on shoe Iwxcs' M V R M C Educatic lion standard, said It should en requires a ccrtaln fashio the damage develops when To re g is te r or for m ore inform ation, irous footwear inside. in 5 9 o.m. and 4 p.m. br some wom* with torturou _ w eekdays between •z in their 30s, 40s and 50s OS, as ■ That makes it difTicult for MVRMC Educatii rotion Department at 737-29« for the shoe monuranlly tnoblle. . “Wc’rc: waiting wa l(e ’ cn who want to bc upwai r hi^-heeled shoes to make days between 9>a.m. a.t and 4 p.m.___________ .to_occcpt_the_challcnge,’l l i c _ s_lo_makc.I!__ faciurcrs.to.i ...... 1 A l z h e i m e r ? s - ggroupmeetsAVednes g ------------- ------- their-feet-S( t-seem -daintier.-lcgs-seom __Ihcy_Jiav.c_dccisions_ liink the conscientious nianut ]going in for said: “1 think Coughlin said. "If you're i gait shorter. i B U R L E Y •-T hIC c ^Mini-Cossia A lzheim er’s r’s Fami* To do for you vho is concerned about fashou is a calender listing o f l with a facturer who nt a job interview on WollI Street S shoes ore designed to fit will meet at 2:30 p.m . WednesWi > ly Support Group3 vv laied activities,f, events e concerned about' and education. Ini nformation , 1,.:^ feet w ^ ithout constrictions. ReQ. very nice toilored'suit: and a B lrken- ion but iss genuinely ge • • -I day at the Burley Public Pu Librory. should be subniii 'ttiitted by Thursday for pu ,uWcn„on you’ll succced thc healthh ooff women’s feet probably ows for. fewer incidents oo ff s t o ^ , I’m nol sure ifyoi slping People w ith Demlentia er .• A film on ■•‘Help: lanciolly rewarded.”________ in in the following lg iMonday's Health & Fast will be financ _ or not.”___________ •>rm»ti<»g n f th<» forpfnnt — ity Living w ill'bc shown, —A c tlv itie s 'o rD ffity /n. Ideas tion. Moii notice: ices to: 'Thc'Times^ewV,rP i .O rS o x thcarealhm om the mid-orch forward, ings for 1996 w ill o lsoI be b dis- S48, Twin Falls. ' f o r fu tu re m eeting Us. ID, 83303, or deliver uIO o u r ofCoughlin in soid 87 percent o f foree' cussed. ncc at 132 Third. ird St. W. foot operatic itions he has conducted duriv S -^ IV E R IR W E A R ■ y ) -year practice were on worn* ----------------- inghisl5-yc cn. i ’s dress shoes are narrow W omen's w ; B a r r y _ Wllh a .trioni ongulor point. But_.fectjire^ more rectans mguM. . g § '. ture is igi ignited by a spark from a in the unlikely event th i at you do ;* C o n tin u e d from D1 “Over sev several decades o f wearing •esl ass u re d ,hcse shoes sink is s u rg icoln lim plem ent s u c h a s onn ex p lo d e , you m ay rc. >es, th e feet can becom e 1* N o, seriously, thcc scrub si c lhat, no m otter how : cautery, the result can bc m any pieces severely con icir lionds BEclcctric ci :ompressed and assume the f w here they w ash their refers to as “ intro-I- y o u w in d up in , e v; ec r y o n e o f pointetl app< a a l i l j l l t l ljE A N ppearance o f the toe box,” m d Dr. Bohn- w hai thiccarticle i > F O R E operating, and W P |#g||jS |^U eoandR eland ___ those p ieces w ill, in oa c co rd ance Cmighlin’g5 study-said.______________ st olice-had-liccii n b d o minal iia fires.” —— j^son.said.that.this-noti< Most wor lycd there for I n ’ whhaa r c y u l d b e th e s i n g lcc ^ ” w ith m odem m edicalll standords. /o m en ’s feet arc SH to 4 C p ro m in e n tly displaye comlofSlBle^aiJR imarkable statem ent that I receive a tetanus shot. inches wide. de. Fashion shoes usually is centitled — 1 '■cm: r several m onths. It is y B ro | W ^ J S ^ j /er read in a m edical artihave ever --------------are only 3 inc inches wide. am n o t m a k in g th is up — le is quoted as soyingg Dave BarryJs.aJiun unotL.coIum ^ “Add a he R OC EDUR E: ele. o n ei expert ci heel to this. You cause the > “ E M E R G E N C Y PRO 'car this is a real quote —- v.ist for the Miami Hei 'erald. Wrile foot to slide i a downward plane into le in )N THE SUR- — ■ S'™" FIG H TIN G FIRE ON “ P a tie nnts ts a r e n ’t e x p lo d in g oil1 to him c/o Tropic Mag igazJne, The the toe box,” c,’’ Coughlin ^ d . . G IC A L PATIENT."■ ut there-is thc potential forr Miami Herald, One He ferald Plaza, A threc*qu -quarter-inch heel increases correctly. Dr. 0 ''e r. but i : Y es, you read thot1 cc Miami, Fla. 33132. pressure onn the t toes by 22 percent, a B ahnson told me that, > 'h a s n o t h a p p e n ed ‘“^ to b ' i t t r c r ' ‘ H a .h aIIn1 cenainly am feeling reW O M EN 'S H H B I ut on patients assured! ! > som etim es break out eally.r m sure w e ’re talkticularly when . . N ° . ™»l > during s u rg c ^ ,'p a rtic t nents acciden- mg. aboutut a very sm all num ber o ff I hot m edicol implemen act with surai- Pa'ieM s :“exploding o r catching on' |I -----------------------------* tally com e into coniact firc ..S o j..iJ f y o u ..p c r s o n a lly ,.a rc , I - cai drapes.- rd n o tice'd is- s e h c d u leled t to u n d erg o s u rg e ry , j y T he bullctin-board :dn’t give this m atter on* i I c u s s e s tw o ty p es o3 ff :situations: T A L K S W T R ■ s o r ^ r o s | lought, assum ing that you “s m a ll fire on th c ppaa tie n t" and “ ‘b e r thou cen I ^ y 7 - : ^ n a m o n l 2 7Tg O ^ I ^ I E L atient." There h"’'? taken thc basic precaution o f ' . “large fire on the patic T tv p ry S u n d a structions for h av in g a0 | personal sp rin k ler sys*[ I ; arc stcp»by-step in stn ailed on your body. > ; dealing with both o f'th tbese; Step 3 ' tem install ' * i a n u a r y z sp”~ . Q p e n Lines LADIES' I the patient," N p. 5riously, I’m sure your op-. I ; u nder “ large fire onI th SIZE: will go just fine. A nd even I ’ for exam ple is; “Care re for the pa- "»>'<>" wil alVg about cancer_ ] m\ I tient.” j * F F B R U A R VI'm f " Shari lie b e n n a n t # mt thc proceI w as surprised that I ON ^ I a n d lm m u n e D C y sfuncdon dure w as so definite.. Y ou’d think __________________ I YOUTH H ! thaf, w hat w ith all the: these medical D l/^^ ^ l c o N R ^ ^ o . M 1 sizEES i 24*30 o t o f "T h e Zone" j ctions would —• ; law su its, the instructii ! I T S b r u a r y i1I1 ™ "* Barry Sears au tiio c 1 % O F F p e S s t o |H jip i \ • call for m ore cautionn con the port rs. Dweemer, t o f the doctors. (“Mrs. J 733-0444 I II ------------w e think you m ight be )e (on file, but V |u - f M A IL O R D I , w e w o n ’t know for sur sure until we I SponsaredB ^= "^. tv 1 2 9 6 A d (^so n ; ha.ve a s p e c ia lis t fly fl) in from f/' A venue E ast look.”) : S w itzerland to take a lo< vL f c Twin F a lls I N ow b e f o r e j get a Ilot o f irate I m ail from the medical :al communinot all surgiI ty, let m c stress that noi — i- 'caJ-patients catch on fire fire ;S o m fo f ; them also explode. I am an referring — l-h c rc -to -a -N o v e m b e r aarticlc-fromr — n j - T he M cdical Post, s ent n t ;in by alert B g R l v - " - f c a d c i^ t u u r e n 't c i g h; ht it o n , 'h e a d ~ H M ■ H i — ^ 1 i ned :-^B EW A R E-EX X PP L 0 D I N G - | ^ ^ 2 £ | irticle states P A T IE N T S .” This arti th a t n itro u s o x id e — w hich is I n p rn JE C a r e e r W i m ionesthelic I som etim es used as an , in s to m a c h su rg e ry' — con get east Screening Edueatlona mai Program . By appolntmc nent only: C a ll 736-1675. 5. m ix ed up w ith in testir itinal gases, j || K | | B M A re: yyou a woman who is a resi ‘esident o f Idoho? Are you 40 10 years o f ag e o r older? Hav Have you never hod ; w h ic h h a v e b ee n p ro \v e n to be. a m lamm'ogram ar before? Do you /ou have no Insurance covera^ rage for a m am mogram,'or h. or hove on ttnm rt ; h ig h ly co m b u stib le in countless dedui tucUble o f $60? If you dtn in eanswer yes to all these crile ileria, YOU qualify for a free mammogram ■ ts cconducted ; scien tific experim ents L • G r a n t s l L o a' ,i n s ' under ler th e MVRMC Mammogn jgraphy Grant'Program. Limit nited num ber o f grants avoili i in fratern ity houses. IIff this mixmailable. O ur facility ' ocated in the ProfessionalI Plaza, PI is lo a 526 Shoup Avenue N V West. Suite J. Call 736-1675 675. •, IH B f A v a ila b le -----* ■ She S" ____ _____ tor/ \Y cI l s ± a irs ^ 1 9 ^1 ^ M , , - JnEwCHi l ^ r a S K KiRTs - -r i f H RfHON^ I i I -i^-TERKy-5 I1W 8Msw ^ 1 I f S z s|% O ff SPEEDO 1 H SR I W .5 D aawMM )fE V F N ~ yiTH A F U T U I ■niiaiii I H a l l m a r k i n t r ooJdiu c c s 7 ^ ' ^ h •j • i ; ; % • E a s y P a y m xent t ^ P la n *. Monda day, J a n u a r y 22, 7:00 p.m., .m., Reception A rea ■ o fthIhe e S o u tliem Idnho Region ional C an ce r Center. F or int inform ation, call C h a r Basil Baslla-Davis a t 7372441 •3700. II Io r Jo d y C raig a t 733-37( • Placem ent Assistance □ ^ STARTING - JU N E 11 f o r C a v o rite p e t« a n d tlte p e o p le w k o lo v e tlie m .. Iglc Volley B reast C an ceerr S J upport G roup Q Mogii nd Ithcir All kinds of pets (and friend^) can now be pen pe> pals 3n! Comc with this ncw collection! :ards and fetch these Pei Love carc gifts for all occasion iparied, C hildbirth C ourse P reps se * Tuesdays, January 2 3i -- F e b ru a ry 20, 7 - ^ : 3 0) p.m., p.i Education nter (localed at the back oofi C ente f our north parking lot). Prci reregistration required. C Cal all 737-2900, Id b lrth R efresher P ro g ra n * Tuesday, January 30, ram 30,7 - 9:30 p .m ., Edueatlor tion C enter (locate ated at the back o f our nortl: arth parking lot). Prereglstrat ■ation re q u ire d . C all 737-2S 7*2900. M a kin 8 g ^Magic Valley the health Uhiest p la c e to live. ✓ ■ 5 7 7 L y n w o o d Mlall all * T w i n F a l l s , 3 0 0 -8 3 4 -7 7 2 ;(q 13-7777 - l-aC j i ^ Mr. Juan’ss College fm pj ^ of Hair Design D 7 3 E ' R C lass * T uesday & Thu 'hursday, J^ nun)y 23 & 25, 6:30 < - 10 p .m ., 5th West < est Conference >m. T o register, call 737-20 Room ■2007. ■ — i Q Ju nllor io V olunteer R eeruitmlent en Session * Tuesday, Jan inuary 23, 4 p.m ., MVRMC :MC Cafeteria. im about being o Junior Voli Leam Volume* for thc spring. To participate, pa you ^ u s t be 14 l4 yye a b o ld , hove ‘ parent intal permission, and purcht chase a junior Volunteer c6bb l)blcr apron. * e ,.„ l A g i o G r a 6 -5^ = A = prD : I S :0 N-- m T — !______________ \ ■ 'r VALLEEY I C L . e :id i g a l c e n [tT E R : TV , ■V : < , ' c < * ] _____ i . i __________ ___ . M o nday, nt Ja n u ary 2 2 ,1 9 9 6 Key tIo igioplasty Reseatirchers: A n| lufFerers help!)sangina su e s u c c ce s s i s Ss i m p l eJ ^ w ai D allas Morning N ew s n aass-N e w s . Twin Palls, Idaho T im D -3 1 ■ them n tissue and store them ou way in a box or'trunk, the wa The next time youLi si t rid o f the goofs. In your hear s tan d in'front‘~ '^ ^ ^ ^ H l“ ft .TTje Washington Pos Hy1 clogged vessels. There ’ost partially o f th e closet m o ann ir ■ts, you know the ones. Th( The in g th a t you 10 significant dilTercnces in were no s in" bouglu on sale but neve _ n othing to w■'ear, ea co n sid er developmeni o f heort. fail;_______ ' i ' f L - ___ A -hcarL proccdt dure commonly .deaths, , de th is: The trouble m ay worn. The Tie blouse that gaps. The'pant; havants used to unclog block :art attack pr rccurrcni chest ■eked arteries also ure, heart . • in g too few cloth'cs, bu jc up.'T he loo-sm all drcsi b u t too many. f^css is cfrectivc at combj stwcen the two groups. Nor ibaling the severe pain betw< ; Sounds like heresy, be been saving for thc day you yoi y, < d o M n ’t chest pain kn o w icre any difference in the wn as angina, was thcrc In fabt,-most people sight. “When you hit size p ie have more >r bypass surgery. ' •c < 4 rcscarchers report. need for bj -again,” advise- thc authors o f "Simple th a n enough clothes, tc ca rry them Iple Balloon angiopla; lasty, often, used . T h e - -fifin d in g s “support :.the c o m fo rta b ly thro uigli g li t h e ir days Isn't Easy, sy," “you have our pcrmissior sion' to unblock cloggedd coronary 1 blood attemptsts 0o f physicians to opci) up a n d n ig h ts. Our clos lashopping^prcc." ' to c te ly occludcd aricrici in . l o s e ts tu m b le vessels, also helps alleviate a angina, com plete] kc rejects to a resale shop5 01 w ith s h irts , d re sses, s w e a te rs , or according to Peterr Berger 1 who aa* having lots o f chest and his patients iwl b e l t s and shoes. B ut fe w o f us slore colleagues at thc Ma; said Berger, one o f the lead ore, or give them aw ay —- to' tc fayo Clinic. pain,” said c o n s is te n tly look thc The team o f rcs( , K 10 friends, to a w o m e:n’s n ’! _ ;searchers com - authors oof f the study, which appears t h e 'w a y w e ’d i lik e to ~ pulled toge pared two groups o>fpatients— f 139 in th is mm o rith ’s Journal o f the s h e lte r■ 0o r the S a lv a tio n A rmn yy . >gether, ap p ro an (College ofCiudidlogy. “It icp, . patients w ho undei lerwent balloon American priate^fchic. liih added an interim step, sral angiuplasly' for com] to bc a safe and effective mpldely blockcd appears5to • T h c secret lo ac hlieving ie\ things in boxes for several th e latfor relieving severe symparicrics ond nearlyy 1,300 patients method 1foi t e r isn’t tracking down m onths; before she ev e n tu ally let Ici >wn th e perfect angina in these patients." ike who had the proced sdure bccausc o f toms o f ■ an{ ja c k e t o r buying y e t a&n o th e r pair them 0 . "Those boxes w ere like o f s h o e s . Jt'_s d is cceeir n i n g w hat my y s. I----------------------------:urity b la n k e t," s h e says. eed 1 w hile,! found I didn’t need ...........clotH es really fit our liv e s ,, our them anyn bodies, our styles — - a n d getting lymore.” — ganize your closet. " I f you ' rid ro f all the rest. S l That-process is rarel sec w h a t’ s _in y o u i ircly easy, say }bc, you f o r g e t w h a t's t h c ‘authors o ftw o re reic c n t books, ’ say s G ro ss / M o s t s ty le b u t the benefits are tret tremendous', y 'l re c o m m e n d g ro u p in g Ib r o itE S S I O N . “ Y o u ’ve accum ulal i la te d a ll this t y ||W p S a ^ c e Prota^U 'b y category and co lo r — s tu ff, and it takes gub {Uts a t first .to •ryOMOlng ng. b u t Golds Idsmith recom m ends hang- I g e t rid o f it,!' says K Kiim Johnson ice ngs by outfits. A nd, since ing thing! G ross, a former fashic ihion ed ito r at ” *** visibility ists ty is essential, sh e in sists E squire and Town &i C o untry, and Itic a l (non-w ire) h an g e:rs, rs, co-founder wiih JcfTf S to n e o f th e ' ■' n B l identic C h ic Sim ple series o f p rim ers on I clothcs neatly, uniformnly ly ing the same direction, parin g down. I k '^^3 ' and facing dd. side what you need to add. “ Dejunking,” as Gro }ross dubs the It mny'be me bc something quite specific w eeding out process,i, ij is an invest— s a y ,aa Ifitted black turtleneck to m e n t in tim e initialiy illy . “ B u t thc re p la ce 01 one th at’s w orn — o r it fe elin g o f freedom an a n d lightness 5 g e n e ra l. D o y o u h a ve m ay bc y o u g et afterwards is incredible, ______________ plenty ooff work clothes, but noth* • m uch the same as you )u h1 a v e after a___________ i'car to a party?‘M okc a l i> i s tst~ ing to wca good'haircutT’. isfr, prvbatBi sstak pM ng ...sbdlgtiilalkoawlils,tnists, ;aps, but don.'t plan on fillo f t h e gap > P ractical advice on s trea m lin ing them the n tall in a single trip to thc in g , packaged with hist tiistorical trivurirhood m all. A llow yourneighborh ia a n d c risp p h o toiss o< f m o d e rn ______________ s e lf limee to t nnd things that really Ily 2 fa s h io n classics, is1 tthh e b a s is o f olved-to-get-my-affairs-in— -------itti your core w ardrobe, • w ork with ; h i c S im p le G r o s s ’ iateyt~,~‘*c;hi 3Rsidcr in having a will or . • Make k'c fuiure purchases count, • W o m e n ’s W a rd ro b e ” (K n o p f, Dennis S. Voorhees mg 10 give up shopping T he ideaa isn’t ii $ 3 0 ). The book is nur l u m b e r 17 in o r ignore re trends en tire ly , b u t to Coals. W rilc. th c C hic Simple librai ira ry . ( I f that 'ant lo happen with your lin e to a d d on'lly AppiMo l^ave thIC c discip ' . seem s extravagant, the he com p a n y 's ' your decision would be' y pfoporty upon your -QUESTION:-l-have-re*olv« order. What should I consii th a t yo u n e e d a n d th a t m o tto , an A ustralian ;n A b b rig in a l ^ iii» .p , th i n g s th diffcfonl if you were o d el A n g e lic a p r ^ e n t e a bt l ^ j a c q u a r d b elted ll es trust prepared? ith your uniform . " I t ’s like, w ork with x p la n tio n -fo r -I*]®."'?® ------_saying,> offcrs.an cxpi d .c h a n g e jf.a ,5 p o u sc.o r_ . ____ , _____ Tfiink.about.l b y C arollhtt H e rra ra d u rin ln ( g -a 1 9 9 4 fa s h io n shoM jv»lnNev»— k e c p i i i s t p■thc' w eigh t 6 f f a ft c r 'a ' i e d g e :'“ The ; Ih e b o unty o f k h d wvle at child's share 10 go to child prcdcccascda down ' whai you would w.inl n s: im p lic ity Is to Identii tify a b a s ic d i e t ,” say ;ays G o ld sm ith , " t h e r e' ’s® ;hcc le s s y o u Y o rk C:ity. ltj T h e s e c r e t o f fa s h io)n • m o re y o u k n o w , th grandchildren or to urIdeath. Consider whelhcricrs yoi and sisters? 'everything ing to tempt you.” s ty le and n d th ro w aw ay all t h a t ddisis tr a c ts fr o m I t , need.") r property to your spouse Decide whcth >re lo die prematurely. . ent > , G ro ss believes thle e rriovem i require lhal any unspent —I wilh no strings ada t .how.your. planning .would, cl lal you rcach O n e fo r favorites that 1 s o m e .a re calling “ volu o lu n tary sim - ™ V he u work.” person funds go 10 your iclyou. Would you want that c of your surviving in. O ne f o r k i*.*I In \r s t e p , books aim to p ro v id e aB f o r a g a i n an d again C . / IQ the b in g. ___ LpIicity!Lis-due.pprtly_tc ~5pousc‘rchoosing:~ n— th i n g s " y o u " l i k c 'b ui r w e a i - l e s s — o Ihc deceased child's broihers <>»iit “ 'o f the iS B ^th^rfash1bh“ : m g consum erism o f• th e SOs, and o f te n . I f yo u c a n 't bi Spccial n o tether :' you want lo leave yourespr(will be speaking lo an be ru th le s s , W stapTral ome.” Tnininfl H B lp i '% « » .X f e ^ sx itie s o f life hasbccom : p artly to the complexii \ lose w ho follow th e p re ­- b ring in a friend who can. ci To thos on thc lopic of estate informal galhcrin{ ^ I” " ”a ta" Stamina llachcd. You may wish 10 rcqt : iTi th e ‘90s. hes you w ear • A n aly ze the clothe route, Goldsmith prom isess Bookstore, lanuary 27 al planning, wills, andchildren rather ih.m io a pers Mijwiouttnien ou d o n ’l hove ro' "L ife Is so busy, you Chances ore, ^ suptnirtig 1:30 p.m. B rin^a fri tim e to open up y o uurr c lo s e t nnd . “ “"y swards: Not only w ill youJ ;•• m o s t co n sisten tly . Ch , y o u r e l y on them n p re c is e ly Pym.ntg>i e tte r -d re s s e d e a c h d a y , ;lO>«wTrlObgwU ;k. D ejunking lo o k b c tl 1: This Saturday Mr. Voorhees v -.h a v e an anxiety attack. lost com fort^ ortto^uim o lUflwuylwiindA »2517 pend less time on dressing; b ec au se th ey ’re the mo ivith ng of inlercsied listeners on : frees you up to deal w it the m ore you’ll spo atu.SMnrtttiii'i versatile fo r r llfg •• a n d sh oopp p in g , le s s m o n ey on1 a b le , flatterin g and vt i^ lo r I Int ibur. id trusts ai Bames & Noble Boc ' interesting things itf life fluid or tai1 y ou. A re th e clothes f 736-6000 and have better-organized ll Pierce Stre» A . s im ila r m a n ifej sst't i in fo rm s. fricndl T S S J ^ A a minant co lo r ^ ' lo re d ? Is th ere a domi Ii.............. ..........Sendyourqui itnFatts:lDS3303.....-,..^ _____ !y-■^ " closets. . . '. 'i ^ i m p l e i s n ’t E asy .’ (H o rp e r „ „ “''.“,'? ™mier Icngth'or s i P ■ Compliments ow w hat it’s lik e"n o w 'to5- ' schem e? A recurring'lc le j:pocket-size . "I kn»» ^Sp.otlight, SS.SO). T be ean closet," she says, "andi h ouette? /o o rh e e s L a w O fl : . g u id e b o o k is tbe jo ,in in tt e f f o r t o f es to distract : W ithout other pieces sautifbl thing. Opening tbe reet and A ddi5on Ave. • 2i r.;.be^-sel!ing fiction w nr ite r O livia J ’ ble to identi- • ' id seeing things so neatlyf y o u,-you should be abi “"J* : 'Q oldsm iih and Am y F Fiiin e C ollinj, juestioiv to:J>;0. Box Z, Twin i i ,8gives me such a sense o f fy a n esse n tia l style. ’This is th e fie e d ito r and - r H a i p e r ’s Bazaar style ersonal “unifoundation o f your per : contributing editor a t Vl 5 fo rm ." jvitS, from “C hic S im ple - - W h ile researching “Fi a h o , In c . a I S e rv ic e B u ♦ R efin e . Put asidee things th at *8 sWardrobe" and “ Simple5 1- tl th o fashion Wonion L a te ," a novel set in' I’t work w ith IV .\yorld, Goldsmith disco seo v ered .th at " " ' I "isy,” ; ' some tips on stream*• yo u lik e but thol don’t thing in th e V | r y o u r lo o k . I f som eth ^our w a rd ro b e an d y o u r d sa b le in the ‘? ‘” 8 y “ ' • “th o s e m ost knowledge cle an in g o r “ k e e p " p i l e nee d s cl I tly i g n o re d • .f a s h io n w o rld rnost^^ u re a u o f Id a h aside several hours to try' r e p a i r , e ith e r do It y o u rs e lf o r s t e a d , th e y " “* 'tre n d s an d fa d s." Inn st Hon rviS-Npi96-1 nk o f p ro m . An I n d e p e n d emt n t U ceim e of the Blua Cross ry th in g you o w n ..M a k e: h a v e it. d o n e . T hink adopted “unifom is," dde' ev eloping a ' ' " S3 o' ' e fo r th in g s - th a t n o> d r e s s e s , s o ro r ity T'•s >2 h irts a n d ,.ta n d a tie k .,f» y „ O n sty le th at worked best' favorites a s . fit. O ne fo r th in g s y o uI o t h e r s e n tim e n ta l fa' • Ip g w ith it. ithes. W ra p 4 worn in a y ea r o r m ore. k e e p s a k e s , n o t clotli lot o n ly ease h a v e n 't w '" T h i s gave them not n c C e c f i l i 1 9 4 6 , IS end Blue Shield Association '■.in^dresslng" she says,I, " b u t a visi* • :b’le identity." r ta n t m e m B e r, t h e f a s h io n R A r . T i - > I n th e - c a s e o f the m a v e n s , -the ty p ical u n i f o r m is ^ - ' i t y . ' T f i r o u ^ f i, i ‘W e c o n t i n u e ; ssy and . .som ething expensive, unfU ui r black. For other w om er it m ight : :b e so m e th in g a rts y , e th n ic H a s n m a i n e d- ;o f t H e I d a R o 3 n tic, flow ing 'dE^th'toned, or romantii \ ‘d&'d pale. m i t m e n t - t o - t f i ,5 0 y e a r s , o n e ' i ’c r m u l a ; " — ■r” l ‘* T b e r e * s -n o " o n es-^ T h a t’s w hy 1 stresses Goldsmith. "Th ___________ ' tH e s a m e '=ddn*blike-anything'that iiat-tells peo> — is in a v y b lu e ' p ie, ‘H ere, w ear th is .A merican H awaii Q u C R U IS E S W INMDSTAR* C s k i r t w ith th a t r e d j a c k e t , ’ o r ie p e o p C e u> e s t - "N ev e r w ear loud-print in ts ." W e’v e— -7 /M y W E u m 'm m l '/ T * all re a d those lists, o f w h a t th e lOUld consist |6 3 5 p s r p e ts o n essential wardrobe shou I S p e c ia l 9-ttlihl Ham mall . ■ of. l^ons^nsel That’s w lh y w e talk ii c m ls e /la n d package a b o u t th e zcn o f t lh i s . T h is je a s H k n o w le d g e . re q u ir e s som e s e l f kn I l o w a s ’ 1,74Sperpen Roundtrip airfare S H B eB l -w ^ ( M Estate SShape Vt ^^8 a j t M edical la h o w Blu(leShieli i d o f i de to Be an 0 mecCicaC import com m unit e tfiin£ j. li serve. -------------- OUT comm WTAmPACKAGE- ney! f IJ S e le c t O ates Only. M itara from mainland not incL "i l& H o D an d Am erica I i 7DAYS TO I WXfCAHmVlERA I 199S C/umEAK ■ ig c o la te I 5 4 9 p e r p e is a n i CLOSED SUNDAY IAYS a R A N C E S,A L E r | .Cnilsa only rates. H S j HE ■ i Yardage & A Full Bolts ^ ^ iL 1 1 1!^ (SSi J ^H I I.TS24 icbjded. 11 ! ' 1 ; H ll ■ j^ c tiu n s F iio u K U n l^ ia ia A n m is ■ Aimei '^ c S Br iB H B UCamivai. : H irson. Mast Book ByJanuary31 from ri Los Anaeles I 1 night pre dayroom Transfera ' “'i.______ So cm r I ■ C kw xs J O A tfs fm m I * 6 5 9 p e tp B is o i t i;* I Select Da^s Through A| April Ratos are cruise only, Port cha and I m : ' "-"WM med from escorting a group on. Diana his fust ntumec ibaan cruise out of San Juap. I day Southam Caribbai v/lth her or any of>f the tt Qualified agents at 4W Travel about the‘axpei xperience “of,cruising. il jjj (P ro u d to c e ll 'a r t n e r s f ii p i v i t ) 1 1 9 9 6 C A L E N D / I PICK OWB UP AT OUR 01 (e B r a te o u r 5 0 I94 6 - 19 9 6 ne '• Boise • Coeur d ’A lene >f .1 • • . vi \ t f i t H e p e o p Ce. o j Idaho Fall? • • ^ - 7 -----------------^------------ ...; ly e a r c f Idaho. L Lewiston • ■. "I o ' • TW^ F a l l s ^ i ^ p PocateUo 1 ! iI 1 ............. 0 -4 Tlm os-N ow a. TwinI Falls, Foi Id ah o » 0 fy 2 2 .1996 M o n d a y , January , T w omlian’s paffifmsp]rifes othler’s triiumplr^ Perse s in the W '^ W A I i b y 1: shape5 of the Hpstick aved at tlie HOltie o ff and'On •ciy..-.i.Kno.w___wiy.csjtayj "I. .your, letter .m Jts emirct ----------DEAR ABBY: Youu ppublished a so m e period o f tim e. Tfifs fifs T ^ ^ 'cd when she . for th e soi ■ Tara will b e overjoycc ier Libbens Icltcr from Tara Eslhcr in c lu d edd m 1 eo ls and occom m odasees il. Congratulationss on < your vieun < 49-year-old J which she dcscribcd hen tions. tory over the oddictlon.>. 1I’m sure the A b ig a il ® moiher’s death from lung lun cancer-*’our husband A fter M M'other’s funeral, I went to news th at you and yoi diagnosis. She just 34 days after her diaj V an B u ren ;e to «s Knight-R idder 1 pay whatever expenses have q u it s m o k in g wos wi the best .the oflice hod tried for told how .her m other ho ■'f'--.-— ....... old - -N e w s service iV c u rr e d ; but I w o s told J hew s y o u r fa m iliess have', ev e r w c h ad ib g, but years to quit smoking. I was so s .n o chargel They said1 it there w aas. •r , received. d and it framed i sitting on my dresser hooked she sm oked until un the day I o0 pleasure to hove hod my ur.answ er to hod been . .DEAR A B B Y : Youi ! y o u /V-.' ' . S to p . B e fo r e under. 1 hope to live a long, she died. ...................... as 0 remin< r those seven years. irding retirem other bfor read another word, d , pull I am a 25-ycar-old,_hfl , happily m arh e a lth 'y life I - and b ccom c m yy HclciV B lerstein regort rope was 100 A b b y. , -w ith -a ll tho -ta lk . in ik^and: .out:>,our_Ups,tipk reTTjcst'frrchd. , • • - ...... ment facilities in;^Euro) ------ -fjcd mofhe-r o f f w bb-w - \ onde'rfu'I —dough'tere^ lusbarid dnd'I 'W a sh lnggtb ti n '.'D .C ., about cutting '" f • lokc 0 look ot the s _ At Chris iristmos, wc gove our faml-i- percent correct.' My hu! daughters, ages 3 and 5. 1 have been « ond Medicaid, one wonM edicare 1 arc originally from the: fNelherlonds. o f it. smoking for 13 years.i. A year ago. lies the good go( news. • 0 w e respect our senior cltiled there. My dcrs, “D o ^ |. but our parents remoinc' Now. what doeis t to :ed smoking. I . I wont ti thank Taro for extendmy husband also stortcd seven years in z e n s l i<e k e th e y do in H o lla n dK? ” e.^and lip stick look like, beat -ing m y life lif and the lives o f thosec ' mother spent her Iasi sc' guess he figured if lie: couldn't co /ou fo r m entioning this In tment that the Thonk yo» ■ )t such 0 home. The trcotn w hat does It soy about, 0 oin me. . around me. me Her message really got me. he might as well join um n. xcellcnt. The y o u rc o lu n it elderly get there is exe you? and wds worth the pain it 's 1letter. I felt through ar After reading Tnra's . RUURTJE VEIGHT-VAN e for both the R cost i& very reosonablc : A c c o rd in g ve eouscd her to write it. ighted a cigamust have guilty every tim e I lighi <O OY, LAKELAND. FLA. lily who visits DER KC iw s le t-' -7 C hoiiel's lotest new gci printed, A bby.!, elderly and for the famil; the ’ - If thisi doesn’t di 5 rettc around my kids. 1 showed might. (I travD B A fl R Ri U U R T JE : T h e tre o tu r lipter. the shape your o n too and needs to slay ovemi and told him w o u ld you yo p lea se pass article to m y husband1an im Florida to m ent o rf sse n io r citizens in som e a . stick ends up in ofter of Ihe inay feci a little b e tte;rr eled tw ice a year from He T ara? Shc that I was consideringg quitting. q m countries is adm irable, E u rtjjco n e see her.) ’**■ few u ses te lls qu: luite a W ffrM ? g that h er letter did so m nc to help me know ing t • ofTcred to quit with me r. w orking people in those e r’s death. 1 H ^ c t 'e r . erson- ■ ^ Prior to m y m other b it obout y o u r per ou may use my name. good. You get through-it. ss s p a y fo r this co rc w ith the retirement c o u n trie -LA U R A GLEA SH,I, spent three weeks at th< h a v e 'h o d o • A s o f D cc. 5 , wc! h; rr h1ig h er than those in the luring her lost taxes fo K home to be with her dui “ ? ? .h = t o p i s ,„ u . uhded, PHOENIX a ra ’s le tte r sm o k e -fre e h o use. T Ta: States. ers and their United Sta g days. My tw o brother e ond it s a y s , “ G e n tle RRLA U RA : I ’m p r i n t i n g cs. I now have DEA saved our family’s lives. ro m an tic, w ith aI Itaste for hormony. A 4 >or articulo rly s c n s u o l w oOm an. w h o c o m c s-a llVv'e a t . night." :veled, I f the top Is bev< ng the skin's screen ’Iss ' w h o t con reolly m oke8 a “I for the skin, amplifyinj y e t to D E A R P A U L A : I have hi ce In how the skin ages, i s iq h , FMphOta It so y s , ' “ P r e c is tn I f i t w ere difTerence oxygen in ta k e . Even ecom m end a see you discuss o r rcc( c t B o la n c e O x y g e n 600 0 0 reflnem ent and ottention tt • P erfe p o ssib le to Im provee th e s k i n 's g o o d fa c e .p ow der for dry s k in , s c l f - a s s i ir e d prefer to to *keep oil clues to yourt o d e to il. A si jring oxygen from M adrrily n M lglin c o n ta in ss 2o oppcara.nce by deliveri P a u la . , one thot doesn’t lookk too ti chalky. . tip th e tubes ond go for !s things done self, skip lie om ount o f oxygenated ted w om an, who likes gh oxygen in m inusculc to It, there isn ’t enougli Is there one? Or is it ju jusst a subject . ct lipsticks ond.glosses. ■B egoun Qd exam ple." com pact li w h ic h w o u ld n ’t p ro v idd e well and sets 0 gOQi . this product to blow out 01 0 candle, vvater, w l ■y o u ’v e overlo o k e d . — Joy, San o in te d lik e a Last foil fal C honel introduced ff o r e v e n a h a n d f u l o f I f th e top is poi lever explain •J O f course, the ads ne\ tensities. 0 com pact with Diego ther than that, it w ould be Lip IntMS 0® w h i s t le . It s o y s},, “ A d o r in g c o n ta in s Othe > how a p r o d u c t th at D E A R J O Y : T h ere re are g r e a t considerr foee fi fTerent finishes o f o slnpowder an a u to m atm o istu riz e r for som eone ond four diffei wom on, slightly wwhimsical l snts that sup- “ et in ic second pow ders on the m arket i all p n c e ide — mottc. gloss, satin nd step afte r you a p p l yyr ontioxidants, Ingrediem / sk in . It contains m ostly jirited persongle shade very sensual. A spii n atu re foundotion ra n g e s, b u t by th eir very v< ion. Powder is only n e c e s-> posedly kee p o ir o ff 1 iloc vero, standard waterro si s t. In P e b ru o r y i t ’s issertive.” a n d fro ality, strong ond ass and con look sory to set sei makeup i f the s k in iss prevent free-rodical dt pow ders arc drying one o g e n ts , several thjcken- ______ If the top Is worn li n gj a n o th e r c o m p a c t. m not, it soys, lo u n ch in •=— olso-contain-or-attract!/oflhe'Toundailon-is-por=— -------^chnlkyon”dty^ktnrEEven-w v< hen-a— o5Iy"and/0: lc-acTd"rabour3-pcrcent)7 I pj e r s o n a lity , "this timn c - a -d u o 'c a lle d -G p ’stal---------------lo “ A v e ry re la x e d ; c d ,w o u I d n t the antioxidonts workc< a ter-binding agents, vitaor moist. F o r th e pressed pow der contain alns oil or is ticularly' slippery sl oss, ofTering a choice o f s o m e tim e s re m ooirk o b ly la id Lip Gloss „ e aain d 'A . p la n t o il, m ore art, it is ju s t fine t o g o0 they keep the oxygenI 1m: th e p ro d form ulaied to have a sii silky feel, ir m o s t part ed o' r sheer w ith a brush on o u t- p'eoriized ,® bock. A w om an keen k icsk m / th c k c n es rs rs, ond preservatives. It h as th e ty p ical effcet :t (o f po w d e r w ithout and at use it ju s t b arely to0 uct from Im pacting the c h o n ^ . It w ill se tl for i •tics.” ' fo r eoch door life and athleti The skin’s aging proc •oeess IS very oi^-o co n ttia i n s a tiny a m o u n t o f as the day g o ess touch upp makeup r b n th e s k in . H o w e v e r, o l o t j th ese person- $37.50 at local cosm etic coun. W hile none o f tl e7r-w h ic h -c o o ta -th e -fa o fr ' ■olitieV is unoppeotr ere-isnit-ony— a - c ry la rc ■ fo ------ depends-orrhow -you-nn -arc-applying— b y rB u rfo : n ll'sld n 'ty p csrih e 'le sss— com pllcotedr^nd-ther< iltn g T ir'y o u ’d— ters:-------tl a t c a n b e h in „ i i h a th ii plastic layer th at can the better, becouse it cann one c a u s e o f ag in g th nking care o f pow der th it and how you are taki; letic. If extra te m p o roarri l y bandaged w ith a cosme m ake it lo o k I------- ^---------------------uild up and look caked. y our skin. easily buil Ti—_ ;r b1u t moy olso couse irrism oother o x y g en w e re th e aann s w e r, w c Please sand m e y skin should DEA RI PAULA: F Individuals w ith dry sl gen tents and tation. Ition on the O xygen 6 0 00 would all live in oxyge a v o id u s in g 'p o w d ctrr (o v e r b a r e inform ati( ------------!. But It isn’t from Morilyn M lglin I ’v e • no one w ould wrinkle, ly a; minim ol product fn skin. A lw ays use only radical dam Paula Begoun Be. is the author ofsevJing on QVC, the in -h o m ec just oxygen, o r free-ra r5.Fashk>n C olors nd only o v er been seein am ount o f pow der, and ks-on cosmetics, including th .presence.. .cra/.'iiooA^ g-channel.-lt-clalm s-to b e ' age (w hich-requires the ------ f o u n d a r i o n —Alsor'-ne^ n e v e r-a p p ly :— shoppings n a d e to fit y o u r^ j 23W - ...... ion o f ccrloin "Don’t To Goto the CosmeQ'cs C«'>unfer 5ic workout for your sk in 1,. o f oxygen), o r dcpletioi use a goodan aerobic (vlndow. A s low a s . .. pow der w ith a puff; us W ithoutr M / e ” (Beginning Press, m olecular substances.5. The sun is tc, Niagora Falls, N .Y . use it — Colette, sized soft brush, and olways alv V L U s n 7 5 % O ^ F R E T A IL a no-nonsense paperbncA: in c a u s in g $13.9S), a X th e b i g g e s t c u lp r it i I COLETTE; This p ro d u c t DEA RC sparingly. cosmetics. guide to brancf-namc bn __________ Salt ends January31.1! . I sh o u ld po in t out that th I d o n ’t clo im s to be su p e r-o x y g e n a tin gS w rinkles, an d using o0 good sun- B e w ^re iiM ngg facialjpowderr o n d i ^^ skin M C o s m e t ic ’ ALUMINUMI hMINI BLINDS 7 SimplicL c i i ^ r p ^Etems j r s i p L s ^tn all^ X Tjatalog At B everly Fabrics1 i& Crafts In [lile Morris believes th e newV log.’* WhiU brialle Konn solves these problems and iss San Jose, cashier Gab: coulog sol' as been posistie, reaction at the p atternn says initia! reaction has new in fabric enthusiostii There’s something ne\ smaller tive. “C ustom ers like; the 1 ntry, and it's counters: isismixed. stores ocross the countr ier to hondle, “FromI aoconsumer point o f view , size. They soy it’s easle not ju s t a novel shadee o f gingham :odes make it and the bright color co< i t ’s a h ard an catalog to use,',’ s a y s o r on unusxul print. . T - easier to find item s." - district m an a g er tern s" Hos Carolyn Crabtree, O ■‘S im p ric it'y Patter is creating a The sm o lle r size is Fabrics ond C ra ftss efn for N ew/ York \ re d e s ig n e d the p d tte h c a ta lo g , >res, bccause n the S on.Francisco B oyy ' problem for some ston nal 12-by-13- . sto res in i Replacing the'traditional or shoplift. sections is on Area. “Iff ll ’m ’ looking fora blouse, I1 it’scasier to misplace 01 inch book with tabbed sei the F rem ont “I’ve lo s t tw o in th refer to the front o f the coto8 K -by-l 1-inch book, w wiithout tabs ' have to refi 1 eryville nd out whol color edge I’mn (Colif.) s to re , ond inJ Em isually associlog |o find ond without the heft usuf isiiig one this (Calif.) they were missi (S. In for and I can’t put m y har\dd ated with.pottem books, i place o f . looking for, lys. “They’re ;d flip there ond 1 bock to ponts. W ith[i- morning.” C rabtree say; the tabs is Simplicity'ss ccopyrighted 0 put ] In their yoii to n do that. 1 don’t seee easy for a custom er to ding S y s te m .. the tabs yo Q uick-Plck C olor Codln isy to ca rry omcrs flipping through th ee arm , and t h e y ’re eas; ot. categories the custom w here consumers look: ot ly have been ity book the way I usu allyY around — w hich may inted tobs. Simplicity by color rother than prime It. B ut th ey S im p lic ity ’s thought, I't know if they don’t see itt tioh from our do. I don't “It’s early, but reaetlo't don’t alw ays return itt to 1 where it iplicity book o r they aren ’tt n o th in g b u t os o Simpl; a c c o u n ts h a s .b ee n no publooking atat it becouse they’re look-- belongs." favorable,” says Anna Morris, M Konn soys no bookss 1hove disap[lat’s on sole. V York-based, ingot what licity director for "New \ Ither concem is the picturess peared thot she knowss of, but she itroducing the "M y othi Simplicity, which is intro ach security ill, so you d o n ’t g e t th ee 'spys she p lan s to ottae a r e sm all, new format this month. n,alarm will ome patterns hove as m onyy , devices to them so on, is sdys. is in detoil. Sorr T h e chonge, M orris s so you don’t gett sound i f som eone triess tto leave the research thot as three pictures, pi' response to consumer rei store with one. 1 ,’’ she says. ' 1 pattern catathe detail,’’ showed ‘*the traditional pt ojor p attern W h e th er o th e r moj' Jurbridge, manager o f th e: >hop and wos Lisa Bui log took too long to sho; fo llo w w ill r, Calif., New York F abrics5 co m p o n ies and that ‘^ e Sun Jose, C too heavy to even'Iift" an id dow nsize ^s she hasn't gotten any cus-- S im p licity ’s leod and cd the b o o k store, saysi ta b po g cs thot divided jmplaints, but finds h e rs e lff their books is n 't clear. om wear and tom er com] w ere often tom o ff from her the com^ Morris says, “Whethe cssons in how to use It.” giving “less tear, leaving them lostt In Ir Ihe catatev ice K night'R idderN ew s Ser^ ila^tor in ccorn msuJ cts as iia tural t Snow aci ^^BriH ^ou^thtuitnsonie Pi n.” follow s is yet to b e seen.’’ petition fo do, ordless o f what others do, But. regon S im p l i c :i ti ty p la n s to c h a n g e its itte rn books, such os the o th e r p att' H o m e DD e c o ra tin g & C ra fts C a ta lo g 1 a n d th e L a rg e S iz e or- F ashion C a talo g , to the new forvell. mot, as w e 'ee hopes it’s not a trend, C rabtree lilosophlcol. “Once we.get but is phil< u s e d to uus i n g i t ,” she s a y s , “ it w on’t b e a1 n y different th an onys e , b u t I And m y s e lf not th in g else' using it aass m uch as I used to. In ire the end, sssales will be the meosure ' o fth e bo>ok.” ol lu. ^ aau ro , morketing ond eduB eth M cation dlire in c to r for the A m erican S e w in g an d C ra fts H om e io n , soys the b o o k is so A sso cia ttic new It's too to early to teil i f it’s the ■ took o fth e future, pattern boc ver, Mouro soys, “It shows H owcvei o u r i n d u s t r y is re ally try in g to a d o p t t o> t1h e co n su m er. P e o p le ill-bonceived perception hove a n '■il o f t h i s in i d u s tr y os b e in g a dinosour,; an a d thot’s not true ot all. Iw ays trying to update and W e’re olwi ro(d u c ts m ore frie n d ly to m ak e p ro :rs.” consum ers. _______________ Are youu still fighting of Ho[ii id, W e ig h t? ■ ' - OM't WEIGHT 7M(in line and VWUST your time spacious C h e ck d out our mm anib s] dioziascular Room at D oi ^ > is t; s - Vf^Cycles - Rec iecumbentBikes' mer________ . . liSiairmisters: - Rpm I — iS -------- .:-------------- K ed Gross iii But the coldlysiology o f being w o rm -- that wos 52 degrees. Bi basic phys aore quickly ______ blooded,, aand then wrap y o u rs e lff e r It is outside, the mo slop. ..... ^------------ie h 'c o p s'o T in c a re fufu lly •c h o s e n -ln y e rs - o f— hyportiermia con develo P c o p lc loolc "at'tHe imes and sec c lo th in g g th a t m oxim izc y o u rr snow outside their home ^ “Tbe first signs ore that th you feel n o t h i n g b u t fro z e:n n tr o u b l e , c h a n c e s s ' o f m a in ta in in g t h a tt s a id K e v in U w eak o r s l e e p y .’’ se h i n a tio n o l warm -blooooded status. W a rre n B o w m a n , th he N atio n a l F irst, the thi science. The b o d y is5 Reilly, director o f thee 'emergency' m ed ica l a d v is e r to the ny M edical T h e T‘im in es-N ew s d e p a rtm e n t a t Albon] / 0 fumacc. Bowman said . It a s i m i l a r basicolly a S k i P o tr o i, lo o k s at i .Ibony, N.Y. m e in C o o k I t generateQtcs heat by burning fu e l,. C enter H ospital in Alt s ce n e o u ts id e h is home T he’ blems walkJ E R C^ O M E C ity , M o n t., ond secss ssom ething w h ic h weve du tifu lly shovel in to> "Then yo u hovp probl i c a n R ed C ross blood o f just A m erici d Iths several times o d a y . .• ing and m ay fall.’’ A drop ry th in g y o u o u r tnouth v e r y d iffe re n t: everyt: injg h e ld Dec. 28 fe ll >dy’s in terio r' d ro w in : nine degrees in the bod; norm al c o n d itio n s , t h e ) the w inter. U n d e r no need to s ta y warm In tJ ly sh o rt o f its 85-unit s lig h tly akes ju s t enough h e o t to) can lead to death. nowing how b o d y maki It’s ju s t a m atter o f kno' core temperg o al b y c o llec tin g o n ly 83 Even If the body’s co he-am o u n t o f h ea t l o s tt good sn o w -, 'm a tc h the to m ake th e most o f aI gc , extremities units o f blo o d . ., fr o m th1eC s k in . Tha,t c o m e s t o) ature rem ains n o n n a l,« fall, he soid. o w e r d o n o r ro te w a s A lov lOut snow is about 8 6 > a M lories of heal p er h o u rr such as e a rs, fingers 0or toes can T he g o o d th in g abou old. T h o t’s e x p e ccttie d b e c a u s e o f th e o ^ L tsrcfer {pfthese m o re: g e t d a n g e r o u s ly col ab o u t (physiolo^ lh a t it tronsm its heatt with w h o lid alayy s e a s o n . D^onors :y (o f copper, properly a:an«RHMri«rles, but th e yr b e c a u s e w h e n p u shh co m e s to •1/ 10 ,0 0 0 th e efficiency some as the calories th a tt shove, the circulatory’ ssystem will ' e o r n i n tg p i n s w e re D a n in ie x c e lle n t a re th e sor Twhich m eo n s it is on h a n d Noney Jackson, B urosh w rm a n , t h e yo u countnt in your food), o r a b o u t( shunt w orm blood to0 the m orel i n s u l a to r , so id B ow s e v e n g a llo n s , a n d as the heart, b o t h s< a lo rie s a day. D o in g s o> critical organs such os ident o f th e 2 , 0 0 0 calc .'im m ediate post preside ids and away • S h a n aI JJac k so n , one-gallon, Society. “ It keeps the e\ body’s internal tem p er-- liver and odrena} glands :W iId e rn ess M edicol So d o n o r w os o f i r s t s.. T hat can O n e d< } from tb e e x tre m itie s tween 98 and 99 d e g re e s m in u te s to ature betwi •takes o n ly o b o u t 2 0 m entially irre- . tim er, le a r tem perature f o r t h e; lead to frostbite, o poter cheer- — an ideo ^ i g a snow trench," hee said si T h e: n e x t d ro w in g is c a v e ' chem ico! {r reactions necessary fo rr versible d e stru c tio n 0o f e x p o s e O 'fully. “V ou can build 0a snow s ^ p la n n ec d fo r noon to 5 p.m . tissues. ife. 5I0 0 in three, hum an life, :in tw o ho u rs and ari iglo( 6. A ppointm ents con frostbite ore ^ M orch1 < , Early sym ptom s o f fr temperature gets c o ld e r, elow zero iri A s oir tc H’ve slept o u t at 19 belo oes, nose or b e m a d e b y ca llin g J a m ie ond it w os how ever, •,f heat gets lost from th e5 pain in the fingers, toe :on c o f th o s e th in g s,, ot entually, he M cD ow >well 01324-4124. ' ter than it is m ode. T h e; ears, R eilly sold. Ever s k in foster really q u ite cozy.” }n so that the • ling it." re s u lt conon be hypotherm io — aI said, "you lose sensation - T alk obout “not getting icomforiable. . area slops becoming unc( the body’s core tcm pcra: W hen p re s s e d , hh o w e v e r, drop in the That’s 0 big danger sign.' ot snow has ture. ^Bowmon concedes thot cniiitinn's fo There are tw o basic si henhia can strike £ v e n inI )r those w ho Hypothei :its colder side. A nd for t P S S I^ S the' h ea t-lo ss problemn:: G enerate tem peratures; recall th e m tdoors fo r m o d e s t ter lin sist on v e n tu rin g out< letter job o f (SERVING MJAGICVALLEYFOR17 YEA^ :eod o f cu d - d e a t h s oof f fo u r A rm y R a n g e r m orc heat, o r do 0 bel ^ valks o r errands insteac It’s already k e e p in g 'th e h eo t th at' lost February in F lo r id a low cove, h e u a in e e s lo: ‘dling up in a toasty snow iding fo r hours in w o tc r' been made. derstand th e o fte r wadii •has som e odvlce: Under T he W ashington Post U S ■ r Us-short^ of goal 1 1 ^ W E P A jM y P E R y cy c f loaxlng, 3m 6/end makeup, facial' u with skin care, custom and att kinds o f n scalp massage, p esdlcures dl call 7 3 3 -0 0 9•99 fo r F R E E C o n s uull ta t to n H w v y f B P t t i e s er iG r e a t ffe a /8 f O i e Vma y U r t a n f P o m S U : IQfi A ^ s m •LosAngelK O jj K 3 4 f c l i P * L j s V e g n» • Oakland •Phooniz •S einifl* Portland •KsBsnClly »lt>rJun9 4.1996. ffirs/y 31 aad eomplM travtl ij TteketbrJanu St. Louis...... Iirom*72 . l-dtftdnoetpmlum. a g o ...... irora*76 Chlcas rieaenttn»tefly.rmmetmviwthMtielKti T-fflUitfiMt. Stiangk »TMi. or»riwrieeen IISNEYIXAITO! from SLC *2 Kts. Hotel ILUDES; -HounillrlpWnron sn sfirs - Dlinsyland P a n sell on aunil ttc a ip m c f- Z A illag O i llim ( a i u 3 -1 1 ) lim lln i together 3.nuJunel5.l99i. BW] H-i»ri*iMiii i«iii>MtiBii»» VilMJ»T.lwMMh3H AprilS3 IW ^ W A • ’ perpeKon OHiw iiamnr«>i|i I $HonolM ! ,4 4 9 9 S^trlp Air from SLC f'Liil Greeting - Tran^are i n r p m m b n H m m . oa.. __ AC C A F 0 |» .> U i J .y S d r i a y 4 M ll i I ;___________ :--------------- ~— - > -------------- ^-----------. . .( ___ '• Ml Monclay. Jonu a ry 2 2 .1 9 9 6 Tlmos-Nows.<Twln Tim FoKs. Idaho D-5 iate y^ o u r Sistretchlingrcoilttne— ^ ■ " l ^ j ^ t - R i d d e r Km ews Services - ■ rnlnutss'. of.aerobiceKerdi irdae. • I r a H p H P P ’2 S ® P 9 . " ingrjiretx 'i(ktnrtff;yaiK ta .'to i h a e a s e cni^c u i ^ r : tgtoroea ahd^tBmpeiature ;;8tni^-e8& elntc Into it.'i; ' ^muscles wxl tn > s0 ^ ^ 'tbW pointofallgl ■- :.thelrpllabBlty>^ 'dlsoomlbrt; a'stnSi the r' ’ ^iS'lhshoutdocoufJnthi B w j M i W ^ o fS eT n u st m a m u m n^^atochmiBnta >nts, I a r^ J ^ Id 'n e v e r I J ig W . fc « k & H i M eveoH: B raa tti Ratebc brewing ^ . QO ten ses tne body; go Into'a stretch ^ l lele exh^lng.then conceniats on slow, ow, nonh^hrsaths I Wit V'ith all o f these factors inn mind, n It isn’t in’t unusual to see self-moliv 9livatcd I f you ran track k in junior high or recrei reationa! a th le te s p erfoDrming rn dated and |)otehtlal(y dange high school, youI probably f remem- outdat igcrous b e r w h a t sceme iches. Flexibility is no diffe led to b e e v e ry stretcl; ifTcrcnt - coach’s-favorite surtch su — the hur- thantl any n other type o f cxercIs rclse in dler’s stretch. ns o f evaluating effcctiver terms vcncss. I’ll describe it ju jusi in case you’ve Deten ermine'your goal, then crii irilique forgotten, but plMS ase don't try it. It’s ■ an ex? jxercisc’s ability to address ; ss your . done bysittlng on1 tthe floor wilh one g o als ils-w hile .m in im iz in g risi risk o f leg out ih front an< and thc other knee injury, Ify.............. ...................... b m t w ith your foo bot on tho outside,. Hlere er is a re v ie w o f excrc: :rcises near your glutes. S < Some people even comm ifnonly considered to be IC ccontak e this strclch oa siep further and ndicotcd for thc general pop traindi [K>pula.‘1f you are s till u sin g• tl: try to lie back inn (his position. I f lio ni.O these walk by som eone stretch yo u happen lo wj iches to increase y our flexibi (ibilily, , you can practical* there ; m odifications for' to .doing this sttclch,y •c are lower ar increased effectiveness ly feel th e pain in your own knee risk and ess foiing each exam ple. Remcm lowin{ and lum bar spine, ember, T oday, most pleople « sial orthopedic p ro b lem s must n who attend specia o n -a n in d ivvidual id organized fitness cclasses o r have a bc considered coi personal trainer ha' liave updated their basis, s. icus on e ffe c tiv e • The Tl h u rd le r’s s tr e tc h :: 7 s tre tc h in g to foot This ning withoui joint hamistring st and lo w -b a c k stre m uscular Icngthenii stretch ;es unwanted stress o n m e medial pain; Unfortunately ely, 80 percent o f places and cnn create ] the population doe oesn’t even exer* knee; ligaments li tc pain in th e k n e e: joint. jo cise, let alone get1uupdated informa- and instability in brtunately, 1 see an average t io n . F urthcrmlore, o w ith , th e Unfort •age o f . onslaught o f homee (equipment avail- two people pe per day aittempting ng this :ch, since my o ffic e Is direi able, m any peoplee are doing unsustretch lirectly enter’s ss from the recreation ceni pervised self^fonnnt lotled workouts. across ick. ‘ indoor running trad cich by extending Modify this sircii nt and bending the one leg out in front other knee in towa vord the body, so your foot is in bet' ctween your*legs. ‘ Now reach forwor ord to stretch thc ham string and low lo back, w h ile e stress on y o u r rem oving undue . knee. • Thc plough: This Tl is that reallyattractive stretch in it which you He . on your back and take tx both legs up and o v c r ’yoiir lead. hc O rig in ally intended to stretch h thc lower back, the position appli ■lies trem endous crvical spine (thc pressure on the ccr neck). When you u add your body weight, thc stress on ot the spinal vertebrac is increasedI even e more. Why not take theesame : body positjon and invert I? it?Ify o u sil with both legs out in fr front o f you and you can ■“reach and round forward,” fo achieve,the same lowlo back strclch without the stress on or your neck, and lg stretch io boot, you get a Jiamslring :orporato supine You .can also inco torso strctches in w which you bring, one knee across /our yo body, while trying to keep your ir shoulder on the floor to.'strcich the lumbar lu spine. • T Th h e knee s it: Intended to stretch tch thc quadriceps, this stretch putsI the thi knee in a<biomcchonically strc ssed s s c environm ent when it is hypcrfii crficxed (moro lhan 90 degrees). This>position po overstretches many o f the attai ittachmcnls oroundjhe knee. . .T ry ai prone.quadrieep stretch :ad. Lie down on your ubdomiinstead. n als1 aan n d lay y our head down o n ........ yourr left let hand lo allow your neck to X. Reach back with your right relax. F hand1 and an grab your right feral. Now, :ad o f trying to pull your foot instead inlo your yoi glutes, just hold your foot, contract ract your glutes and uy to press your’ hips hij inlo the floor. This stretch minimi: im izcs the stress on thc knees ' an d m max im izes the quadrieep stretch. ch. B rieHy, rief full ncck circles should voided bccausc of the hyperex­ be avoi« tension ion o f Ihe neck. Substitute half neck: circles cir in the from 180 degrees only. Sim S ilarly, bending forward from !i aa standing position w hile keeping '■ng your knees locked places uncomft imfbrtablc and .unwonted stress on thc hc low I bock, kiiutc and ham string it g muscle itself. Try the modified hurdler's hun stretch above instead. . approtves Retiina-A fojr fine w wrinkles 5ws Service Orth nho Pharmaceutical w onn FDA F pulse laser iherapjpy. The la s e r’s ' Dermi ;rmalologists and patients have *oval o f Relin-A (retinoic: ac approv ore dramatic than ra v edd fo fi r years about R etin-A ’s acid), cfTccis arc also mon tamin A d e riv a tiv e , ^forr acne a a viiat ly to Renova. becausc it trpenetrates deep- ability u bring out a more youthful tmeni ln 1971. U n d e r fedi Icderal er into thc skin, treatm and.color. Now, even skin texture tex law, drug di companies c a n 't pron romote Renova initially/ < causcs redness, the F'D DA / says those benefits have Id pait gs for u n a p p r o v e d us dru g s ling o f the skin, been scii uses, dryness and pcclin scientifically proven. .Think symmetn allhout jdicsJ‘ound.thai.after.2fljiceks,_____ _ Lcxpcricncc-thcsc™ _Studic ----------— • —iBtretehmo-sam m usdesonbotj )c them for such so-called nc degree during aboutIt oonc-ihird o f users showed scribe :d iofP side cfTccts lo some t)oth sides . f ^achieve -‘ > ofthebodvtoa ;rate improvement in .fine lines jcks of treatment, modcrati ruce was declared labelI purposes. pi the firsi several weel , ' equt^nexlbaity; sp o tty discoloration, a third crmatologists h a v e fo r yeiirs yc IS often fiare up and spo n, N.J., com pany Derr and the symptoms 'cd minimal improvement and icribed'R etin-A "not only 7.5 million penally prescr onth decline. .showed ily for again aftera six-mon _ j _____ ; iklc;reduciion. but_for_its .apparam d sl showed no improvement. _______ eases .sCTsilivily lo__ n th ird he g o v ern m c n fs wrinklt Rcngva a l» jncroai K night-Riddcr New whether it had ilfe^ ent abH ts arc advised lo In a 4i 48-week study of 300 people ibility to help skin lhat has IS b been thc sun, so patients md to avoid direci ages 30 Ilo 50. results were even betlead- apply a sunscreen anc iId'A for wrinkles. damage aged by too much sun, thec Ic D o e s th e acne :ause o f skin cancer, ch as possible. On ter. Scv< sun exposure as.much las a new wrinkle: ing cau 5cvcnty-eighl percent showed reduce facial wrinkl nho is marketing its new’ wi ecausc thc drug minimal wrin- the other hand, bcc nai to moderate skin improveug Admlhlstration ' Orth< n H B f For seven years, redueing'Reiin-A formulai ilaiion appears lo affect the le way cells grow ment. 1 the product as a- kle-red S ^ 'f l o d b l s H W M ' g • 11[ to e r n m e n t and therough skin, brown — a OJOS provide protection .' This is rr minor miracle happens ot the lollicnt and change, it may pr 0J( percent tretinoin cmolli ' a r e a s of ths body, rn — a s R enova. A 40-gr Scientists are now microscc ;iscopic level. lOigman and h i s ____ ^ •gram againsi. skin.canc.CT._S( guessedIt — fine crearh • J B S B I ...... ^ over that question.>an of aging. lasts four to six mom 'ssibiliiy. • collcagui igues found that the drug caus- ” ’ ■ H S n ..n > lonths, investt^ling this poss tube,, which w A year ago, a tru ws photosensitiv- es c erlls lls in the epiderm is — the iption “Retin-A increases iave done It long will be be available b y prescript: w hen th e Raritan, ible w orld,” said next month m( for S60. nd what norm al layer beneath ber the skin surface — to ity, but not beyond agreed to pay a S7.f h^le there’s no d o u b t Rene nger skin," said proHferat erate and thus thicken, ll also enova would be-for youn{ the University o f . WhM fo r obstrocting the ;ases the clumping, or kera(5 for plu ven Grccnbaum, decrease dermatologist Steve fessor emeritus o f works 1 most people, il has pluses . investigation into wl: ilion,-of-epidermal-cells;-pro--------ay.----- ^ c h ic f-o f-c u ta n e oouu s -s u rg c ry -a t— tinizaiioi minuses, dcrmatologists-say.. -dcveloped-Retin-— ondmit -s^gally promolcd Retin mova is inexpensive, low-r w-risk Thomas JefTcrson M Medical Collcge m o te s slo s u g h in g o f dead cells; IS a tem pest in o Rcnc ■ I ^ H F If I n a ^ H i Now the saga has in Philadelphia. “Yoi iscs blood flow, and decreases . o -it-y o u rse lf. B u t it takes tal 'ou have to wear increases /orks.” and ddo st^ O W h i T h e Food and Drug >ur skin is m ore m elanin nin clustering, which causes ihs 10 smooth and plum p ag aging a sunscreen or youi oman Lisa A dler months s t r e t S n o[or r strained has ju s t approved«uss t: the tempest: ^ H o n ly cr. Bui you may brown1 sp immc- vulnerable to canccr spots. skin, in in conuast to thc m ore imr S j B S B H w o i ^ B v e'coodMon o treatm ent for the roi (of can- .. anti- also have a lower chance cl ; results o f tw o n e w e r ar ;nt on that. W e’re d iate r — s p o ts .a tfd ^ y o u .g!gotten i n-A norm alizes — ikle tre a tm e n ts — alpha alp cer) because RetinFDA m arw rinkl wrinkles that are par oxy acid skin p ee ls and uli ultra- epidermal skin cells.' , J hydrox; M (5 V ... “They should ho' a g o in a reasonabl ------ — ---------j show tl A lbert Kllgman, th I Waltlns to Exhale (R) \ Pennsylvania profes I Nidify 7.VI>9:00 H — dermatology-who-di I AduttsSS.50. StnienS4.00. » A. “ I th in k it was ' teapot. The drug woi O rtho spokcswor |B to Dom«n3) d idn’t w ant to disci lu w n m o w a r 2 ( P G ) 9 .r 5 0n/)' | | loin, the active ingredient vs Service tretinoi “I have no comment Iro m and Huek (P6) 7:15 Only l i i-A. thc anti-acne product ll Retin-A ju s t pleased we've g' Jews Service Kuighl-RidderNe' lG rum pt«rM en(13 )7:t5-9;t5 y . Iso been shown to reduce wrini wr keting clearance.’*unting th c d ay s has also iNlxon (R) 7:30 Only || ic your faoq with iding an and discoloration, :ountrics look W HQ While other coi lAduttsSS.SO. KJ0S2-12 S2.75 | | prescription skin Lj|ccke R elin -A , R e n o v a w , formal steps years irs ago to out‘ j324-8B75FORJEROMe TIMSS j j educe fme w rin- d e v e lo loped by Ort: V ’."® law fem ale circu cum cision. a KRT InfogrepmctAMVIDARaAN nd rough skin. Pharma maceutical C o rp ., a divisi bill that would ban bs the pracapect to wake up o f Johr >hnson & Jo h n so n base d |HMt(R)7;30 0n/y V tice throughoutt the U nited vilh the complex- Raritan. an, N.J. road. .. Stales has faced a tough i 6mmplerM«n(13) 7;(»-9:Y5 Nott ssurprisingly, th e target mi morR ep, P at gchi h ro e d e r. D^ H DuikTIi dui Dawn (R)7:t5-9;30 rc one. jcct for or Renova is th e h u g e bab DobyC o lo ., in troduce ced a bill in ’ Eye for Eye (R) 7;r5-9;90 in the ages o f 30 boomer ier generation, intent on lookloc 1993 thai wouldI prohibit j iKc tlumanJKPG) 7,00-9;f5 . K n i ^ M U d ^ N n se n o f R enova is ing youi oung as long as possible. practice exceptI in i cases o f Ounston Check* (PG)7;75 /our skin, dermaDr. M icliacl C o ld f a r b , m edical n ec essi ;sily. T hose Toy Stoiy (PG) 7.00-900 ! U.S. Food and Dearbor )om, Mich., dermatologisttwwlho found gu ilty o fr pj erform ing 12 ,Monkeys (R) 6:45-9:15 le s tu d y l o o k e d a t 1,03 D K , y o u ’re cour . T b e Washington Posi ’o s t The )n agrees, and in participi ipiyed in studies o f Renova )va ot th e p ro c ed u re: co u ld b l TWO If by Sea (R) 9;J5 0n// patienl :n ts w ith n e w ly diagnoset until you can douse proved th e d rug the Uni> niversity o f M ichigan Clinic inical imprisoned for five Ive yeors. |Bk> Dome (13) M-Tu»s7:00-9:1S R enovo, the ncw pr pharm acies Pharmai gn p o ly p s w h o were part o o f patients with benign ^ C lose relatives of s in nacological U nit, predicts CIS It T he b ill w ass p art o f a ' Wtdnesday9:15 l| National P olyp Study at sevei cream proven to red hcir colons or rcc- the Nat benign polyps in thci: ble only by pre- will be JC a success. “I’v e been very vc Minority House Improvement Ir Adults SS.SO. Kida 2-12 S2.75 ^ kies, brown spots anc :al,centcrs...The.irivcstigator _____^ s .ro n .a n .in c re a sised c i .risk o f devel;.. .clinical i t h ’s. s u p p l y . i s ., .. h a p p y/ V with .it, and my. patients.a is.are....... A ct ihal.would.exl :xiend c e rta in ....... looked at th e rates o f coloi B ut should you ex{ o p in g cancer inI tt>h o s e re g io n s , then lO' 0toS15. veiy haj happy wilh il. and som e have hs' health programs for fi minority rectal c a n c e r am ong parent the next moming wit idy published last and rec : 30 years o f sun been on It for yw rs jin d yearss ai QjCcording to a study and groups. T h ^ ac t died dli after the /> ion o f a te e n -a g ^ n a g ed ; s a g g i n g * ‘ycars,”” lihesaid. tibllngs arid com pared it witl ------------ \<reeJrnrthc N ew “E 'E ingland Journal and sibi ? H ouse p asse d i !>“ ' 'I'C iStrMiTKM MulsKM .SanmtSM ate am ong spouSes serving a: N ot unless you arc the rate ungone, said D r. Dr. D’Anne D o f Mcdicinc. Klcinsmith. who0 h has Senate did not. Th rhe bill, reinumt S*Mi TEUB S«t AniUW • IM00 l f you’re between itrol group. . he ir findings, the a contrt A s a result o f thei linical investiga- a derm i m atology p ra c tic e In We West — troduccd.in.1595,. 5,-remains-in-and 50, regular use rlier s tu d ie s ’had shown tha Earli< _ tnvestigatora from nine nir medical ccnd com m crcc DE cts a the judiciary and nfield, Mich., a ls o expects . , . Bloomfl »—•. nn Ncr.W t-M nts-N ^ith-benign polyps-rui likely to improvecjndm yoi duaLw ho lea"Sf5t«Tuid*one— patient! huge demand der -committees.. for Renovo. icreased ris k o f developin{ to lo g ists sa^. Theeckle-like I {gested that people an incr sp o ts “ Ther in Great Britain sugge H. E lsew here,V ih liic U n h e d ic r e ’s olready b e e n a fair fa BTKWoioMMIAMIUnUUHUM Drug Administration thi ge spots o r liver amount 'under 60 wbo are parents or siblings co lo n o r r e c t a l c a n c e r i f 031 1CW.S) Kingdom, Belgiun um, Sweden, nt o f Inierest af^er the (new ised late D ecem ber appr lign p o ly ^ should p o ly p s a r e n o t re m o v e d . This It they really ore. re le ase o f patients with benigi FDA D enm ark. Can. inada and se about th e FD t o f for stile. It arrives ispots,” s a id eening. ^ study/ ssh o w e d t h a t ca n ce r risk: Switzerland have! outlawed c il. NTTlf. ■ undergo routine screen approval val,"she soid.. sven next m onth, availabl sig n ifican tly higher omonf i.Io n g as lOycars were si ‘Yes, Francc. which al^i l?o prohibits r of dermatology • AndI would w Since it takes as.lo she try Renova? “Yc Its and sib lin g s .o f patientsItors__s Ir c r ip t i o n ..A montl who oly p s to develop, parents it, has prosecutedI parents p )f Penrisylvania i wouli for. these benign poly uid try it m y s e lf ,” said sai iAVNTHEFUVtt . }!on expM ted td cost SI01 n th e b e n ig n p o ly p s were have circumcised I their tl daughleaded by Sidney whom : in Philadelphia. Kleinsmi )h e investigators, hea smith, 46. anc _ B ut it w on’t cu rej intry. N orth cles, lers. In this coun inu o f wrinkling Thoug -J. W inawcr o f the: N ^ ational Polyp fotindJ bbefore t h e y turned 50 ents lUgh it con’l w ork m iracle dam age o r turn and ias a crinkle. I f Renova ib lin g s o f p a tie n ts betw ivitlT' eer • Show W ednesday 7:30 PM suits, D akota, N ew Y ^ ork an d e rs a t M em orial for sibl i produce visible result S tu d y Headquarters 'a did oy No Pbbm • Oboouni Aoatplad. g as foce into a fresh yoiin id (60 w hen th e benign polypi rfairs M innesota alrec ia d y h o v e id or under your said Eve Sloan-K etlcnng C'aarn e e r Center in SO and ivelyn DcNike, p ublic affai: Jam es Leyden, a din iirict passed felony laws creenings should were found. foi le, or if the skin speciall: N e w York, said sere illst for the D e tro it distrii S i s that lor for Renov?. IS a crcpe paper office ofthe of b e done at five-year it If intervals. . T hce iin v e s tig a to rs said it was FDA.- . :a r w h y c l o s e re la tiv e s ruoln — 1-i‘It's meanljbt-thcJ e, Ihat’s itW ith the cost o)ff m t edical treat- unclear ling has th e brow n, free: Its w ith benign colon or rec, folding, saggy 3eing evaluated, patients m e n t constantly bei th e som etimes called age tlyps ran an increased risk ol e.a hound dog, d th ey are unsure lal poly] the.researchers said tl 'h is spots, although what oping cancer. They suggestplostic surgeon,” ’ :e n in g would be develop w h e th e r such screen isks a re sun>dam age : could b e d u e 't o a common it could ed It co co^*efrective evenI though tlong Leyden, a professorfically c tic m u ta tio n , b u t said they for m id­ cidence o f colon genetic h e lp r^ u c e the incid s In dl th e University o f unable to find any. were un; nova c o n ta in s a n d rectal cancers. ere School o f Medicme it and “It’s also for the kinc een that Is best described J k; > r e ^ yps you see lines around ' I7 V M « P r eyes when you smile, • Quality Produc ivas on y our cheeks gels I o f look when you smile, rec“B ut If Il’s deep, i loiiiiiimiiiiiiii^ J __________ k O O llllllllllllllll mill— _______________ i c o f skin th at looks like. rk 1J est- that (ieison needs a pic non he saidAvltli a laugh, fiey D eveloped speclflc d lc -a g e s k in , Rene le drug R e tln -A tkles? s, the federal gove m an u fa c tu re r, tical Corp.. fought FDA h BMi^ ivies I w“*^3*W k elatri v e s o f p »atients s M th pp o l y p s a rre a t risk ’ 7a helps, but 1 woni’t 1 miracles for 1 aged I -U.S.la!»gs»n flf! circumcicision legislaitio n ^1^ R enov workn K S jcctgn gftlm Secleit V ---- k DEUCHTFUU” :W F <O R G E T » O N 'T 09 U R C H U A N G E S il i Y! EFFEiICTIVEi T O D A I: ia o B jjB irdI, i Pmfrssional Experience/ ducfs & Personalized Servia O T v n to w n T W in F a lls - * !] *•733-7735— • ■ ■ ___M flgic.V a% :s.O 'I V O q 'liiiiii E lS 1 V o o IIIIIHIIIIUIIII — !!l= y --------------- -Our-Quality_SIshows® 7 3 3 -6 2 3 0 » I -----536-6565 4 ' K OcuGuai _ sion* Continehtail Cablevisi ■ J ' ^ ________ ________ ... ■;* i J D-6 T1mos>N^.'*rWin in F Falls, Idaho U 0 (y 2 2 ri9 9 6 Monday. Januar C o m i^S P eanuts____________ THE SCO RE 13 5 1tied ! DSTDPtAy! THR6E SECONDS 1 1 / HE TTtU (j^SHC R N S !V . . I I~IZ I By Lynn Jo h n s to n tter o r F o r W o r s e M. S ch u lz F o r B ettai ,1 B y C h a ria s M + S rti> ^ V.— I— / / so r t p ^ t e p o w w y i8P / < y e < » 3 r tt{ A A c r ^ ^ ^ B ftS i K M } ^ U G )ew K N 6 y IR o r rTHar ^ fiK is ij[ h y l j fi G rim m M other G o o s e & Gri __ rISHT TH(S S By Mik< ike P e te rs a I CMiC IN '7 0 Al>0L0<itZB IN I [HER, I CMV>‘ I c i ______ ISlM V M ai a53i"H , S | l B o n d ie I v e A H .u O A ie ' M ECTPO W A N i c e ? w e 'R e A T V P IC A L NUCLEAR r i% ■ I paOtfU SHi . Young & S ta n D rake By D e a n Yi 'to ^% s. ) Suwl INTMB FUrUBB ? f ASK ■ A F T g R A M O T ti ■ s ._ '^ ^ 3 ? FAMItV. J g g - r — - ^ r '^1 _ i _ ^ ' ■B y-Johr hnny-H art-------P tc M es— ~ p iis e p "nn -------- BX. I. \ ■ |^ 0 r t , 4 : 6 4 f e U R U , ' e e CHEAP c t s A R s . : Li»se Wm'POlOUUl^EUf «£/!£ S3R'et=KQV CW\ ) V ^ WK£fJ WILL I EVE NOT TO CLIMB TR \ k.A . v -v ^ . y ( W H£N w / I EV£P E .R ' -MW—V-^ QM M I T nJB B \ 7 J tW u B ----- 1 --- j- 2 i j ^ /■ S ( T H A T 'S F O K ^ t U jpr ^ w V parn su r e iii ^ i i _ By C h a n c e3 Brow i ne B N p n - 1 |1 s HELPS N | | | i r' r 3 T ^ f t oSUUA^IM ji m g R A P E L m c / “ III e ^w toR k'oPP • * 1(tW« A^B n MOW6.V. ; / ) \ \ i « /.zz JVWWNrtSJ 1 V tH E y B M > iO O T r J -----^----------------------- By-Jir Jim-Davis------- o e n n ls -th —T h e Fam ily C ir c u s ------lan k -K ettJh am ------------- — — thie -M e n a c e ---------By-Hani HI and L ols • w' (f \ w --------- " 3 ” T " ------------------ - ? f / Ul. — ^— By B rian-C rane—............. ............ 3 r» A « )o a ? io ^ * n Pvot ^ ^ ... — ------- ^ r HER T tig g A P V A N P ^ /MINB p o H T Miy I s A T ti^ 'e i^ s i& r - s ^ /^ - > 5 ^ e < 5 A 1-22 > [ r ( \ \7 sure y i/e 'rei ggco n n a H a v e a c a u s e in A u s tomorrow becau ea d y . ttie r e .” tralia it's alreac Tm tm e R WHEWIMIS OSED TtJB OBE \K m tM tn ^ tM ^ D o n o Ir z i i ; oaou>>Ja I y- _________________ The Wizard o f Jd A « f irr NEIGHBORHOOD." dnoy Omapp I ‘Pillllion’ is exti tra seat on ccycle I’, jsydn By B ra n tP a rk e r & Johni inny H art E You knc Ind :now lhat extra saddle behind "' I llic d riv :r’s er’s seal on a motorcycle? It’s c alled a 'pillion." “pil ^ M I A(PU~)P , r^R ------------ LM.Boyiyd .„ Horoscope ----------- ' ' Ho ;ARY 22 IS YOUR BIRTHIFJANUAK W asAirtrtia part o f human nature from were your own person early, la tr DAY; Ypu wet C J “WIS ining? Or diei humans develop lop J could have been bee sepamted from one o r r H>i$ T«> BB ey Ihemsclves developed? You ■ J A /. ll! P ^ 'i M t l is when young.-You ore dy-. bolh parents w! iM up a platypus by the tall, J p U L r /I ToufrH ye \ mJRhi loss tss out that pair o f puzzling orthodox, fascinated by-dears Sales o f ^rw m u m cigaijars repontdly )ver Ihc dinner.table. Scholars A q u eries ovci ^ P05- THS scture, biographies of famous confliciing answers, bul most M ^ .'J Slill gW c CO A - , /es:"InsW cnie PfOP'';- T murus, n n Leo. Scotpio persons ^ Said the w it Bob Thaves - lii '" t i j now believ* ieve a natural element o f Art cant roles in your life. MemUBSlIng 10 gel -,pl"y signlficuo ion there’s a Ihin person siruf insic in the earliest humon ' w as inirins posite M/|{. v iti- ■ atale him wllh o f 0PP°“ ' sex often are in love OUI. but I can usually sedi 3 m akeup. S eweir ut are with you but ar afraid lo admit i t Cur* O w f\ ne p lhe four or five cupcakes." s legisliture is called the Q.Onele politics, entertain* of Ihc hliloHc "!>' e y " ' 'pimphasizes p li A red star is Ihe logo ol Wbere?d that come from? :1. fashion. May outstanding . ' by (icbl. The mem. imvel. I, ■ ' f i m. Macy’s. now; bedeviled b hipper-in,” an old British lerm. ou in 1996. More in 1858 u . 'mon who founded the sti lhe man among ar Ihe fox hunlers as* <vi<^ (March 21-April 19): Relah ljow nuuoo. copied that sym bol from hL keep Ihc hounds togelher. • i Browne signed lo ke< g & = ^ , ~ r , r i ^ n ..^hr& -E s snsg, bul only temporarily, Hagar th e H o rrib le . m o New eng- llonjhip hiB sm ri- He'd been a deckhand on ;e floor size o f a new AmeriAverage I overwhelms diO'er-.r' wloni , Hussey Veiy ooon. romance rom 50 land w haling ship. Rowl le at last report was 1,450 ' can :nl ability to gain allies, influ* ences. Accent al Macy, he._ square feel. et. ; in far-away places. c o o iP fz e A L ix ' ;d creatures in P^PjE.*" f ,iU A student o f feathered Q. Isn’t 'I Ibe a bite o f tbe m ale duckbill (April 20-May 20): Music aven has been . TAURUS5 (A V/HSH T M e W e A l lileralurc contends Ihe rav platypus tox toxic? tonight read and write, disry. supcisiiiion m your life tom; * COUP? • lut iHc subject o f m orc pociry, its bile, it has no teeth. But i A. NolI it: ^ .Z x W riA T ? iformotion. deai with execuerbird scminaie infom re. and folidore than any other on its hind legs are. Ihe sharp) spurs S] phone information is limeT l IS — _ ' ly moslly on 'ives. Teiepho. ;|(s Amateur jugglers rely to poison glands. Il kicks meet ^ They connec I b If c ' v ^ i ''j - v m. sighi; professional juggler e „ m os,,yon “ g S a but t - ullinulcly worth it. ^ t '^ 9 | and stabs wilh wi Ihcm. It’s the only mam(May 21-June 20): O buin ck toucbm Ilo t>e venomous. D on't pick mal known om by studying Aries, T a u -' >S | i ■ |2 |3 |« M J -b . * fl ACROSS :cs..Emphasis_on..hoimony,_ --------------- .-I— I f ”.', >oryow - - ------ M ilWlft ■ ^ - • • 1 Boobabor i ----r — — style, panache,: :he, manlal status. Music in, ^ > 5 French pal painter F j “ ■ ly lb dance to your own lune. ■ volvcs ability ■ • •• S r. 10 C ablo'_ 19-------------------- eANCBR-(Ji H-(Junc-21-July-22)rTrnns------------------------Mol llllmii?"” 14 Hai i mo. I I '• 'cSfS — form moods inti 5 into creative energy - conB y Mortt w \ a lk e r lemplalion. me meditalion prove valuable i B eetle B ailey xJed by P** I II N be called romantic, sultry — ■ ■ ■ allies. You’ll I 17 Landed T O «AAYPAY/ \ ( pecu and sensual.I. N News of possible Inheri18 Musician lA ffW S ( U H 'O H ... I M A - ( OKAy/ I* I H O F^T TTsi S2 J3 -taiioslenasspia spiceT.................. .............. .................. ■ Lj ____ L u r S - s a - V - •agon [J* 127 2S «UNAWAY-/0;VrEM^-« KGSNCit ■■ 'iS'Coponhao * ■ * « ' BEETLE/ I ^ ________ _ ' cillzon Iy 23-Aug. 22); Accent the ----------------------LE©/ olfering P * | '^ ^ ,T 20 Musical Ioil . study l e ^ nuniflcalions o f ' — u.,oTo<ffi''s.u=; L E S /^ X lor in L - ' --------------- H 0 > r C ''' 2 2 Characlori * project, be fami familuu- with tax, license rei ^ __________ quirements. H Highlight showmanship, • « s a “ “ nation, entertainment. nllnd I I H :::::i:.Q ' a s o n c o con® --------------- ^ VIROO (Aug. (Au 23-Sept 22): Old ipiod t a - i --------- p — •Cr n . 26 Unoccupifr flame back in town. Don’t permit ro29 Chargo tah taken on J ; ; ------s li10 block vision. What ~ H H H mantle haze _ ■ ■ ■ ■ caused oiijpnal inal breakup 1 did not undergo S - ^ 34 Ebb on. Emphasis on basic i ^ 3 signal *• , <» «> 35 Warnings! 'iz . m s----------- — sues. Htness,. em; employment. 36 Inlol ’ I UBRACSepl SepL 23-OcL 22): Look be' 37 Thoalor..« so.» o n ^ -------------- - m aslor 55------------------- HB sT 3 yond the inunedi mediate, stress independeitoc. “ T>ieiv/oc 38 Sot Bollol By B ob TT T iaves 39 ol «•»" typo u te could be just around the F rank a n d E r n e s t ________ L Your soul mate n>o ______________H ^ ■ s r * " “ ^ B e s ” 40 A dam 's mato ma 03 lar position stresses style, * comer. Lunar T ON 41 Unit of / W A T C H C - H /lR l- T atement of discovery. ;«Mcm.lne. mco 011» 6 Tnl>iin*MMUtS«M c 01/22/96 5 (Oct. 23-Nov. 21>: Those ABhcmirMOfVOd. ir o n 6lV f T H t TEN I you of dabbling in t ^ occult solved: who accuse you S a tu rd a y 's Puzzle si 43 Depot O M I A A r i I > M 6 N T i: O N ^ :d, cenviotis. Property settle* __ -are frustrated, g 45 Anatyzos edilif you hold frist, refuse to L M i l * |i l i | meat achieved • i I 1 ] ± I O E ° I a I5 I oI O i H / l N N e i - j ; y . , o pK » gmmmaticj itically H AlT h B o R r 0 rTl prinaples. ° r r water<kwnprlni ? 46 Actress J 0 / 4 N C b U t-Z N S U9 g A ^*■ T | e | ElD| SAOnTARn QUUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): IW 8 High cards S MacOraw S t TW a N f i p T Ap itress vdsatiUty. communi-' > t|B |A |8 |c|o ] Divcisify, stres! ss 9 Unknown 5 47 Doubtless B p e / I K T H E M O f ^' lividual wbo recently arrived S 48 Compolllloi llion porson [M lX p H iH cate with indlvid • c H /iN N e t f o u i t . B ? f f H R b a e l l o ‘[B > l^ T lT I^ Jn foreign loac 10 Climber’s noedI land. Ridiculous situation Q 52 Ironed medium 11 Muslim priost A otW E B ■ a e!|T ll M R |E |^ turns out to be '.. C 66 Culture me behibtimorous, oot harmful. 12 Columbus'ship* 3RN (Dec. 22Jan. 19): CAPRICORN i ° I l ° I m o | p | e oi ll ^ I m e • fg Scarlett's'shom h o 13 First garden T * V ^^6 ^ o WpT I T e m o w ^^ o ~ N els^ You’ll be deali leoling with stubborn, cre)lo 21 Prong 60 Short nolo eramental people. Taurus, i | a | n | liTle] ative, tcmpcrtn adually 23 Sign gas l& C h i p .. eiW oargradi . By'Art S a n so m 4 penons represented. Com-' H M i £ 1 l B t [ e wiT T? E lA H B i Leo. Scorpio>pel T h e Bom L o » « r 26 Mak) servant ' 6 2 fArabhin ruler tuli sas, protect concepts, inven|N S H I M M E R M l TT T |8je|A|iiil muaicate idea^ td 27 Overhead \ 63'Obsorvod buckle down to teimagaaL &EKeAiyM&’ V L L O C WL- fw a - i c Y ( ^ K ^ ' t S weiraETOJPrPDRLweE ” 0 £ * p je o■■ l t Ia Ih IoI 'tichis. Don’t bud 28 Baskolban j 64 Uvishedd US .'(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): B i li^lilal AQUARIUS, ____ y alloctlon £ i. 5 s B t n o R O w iL c e e ]C , ■ . i N F o e w n o N - ^ -------wt to do. where Ibe ac* o l g l s l K B s l A l T l e i a‘ll c e L T Ydu’U koowf wbat 29 [jhh^stainlng 65 Tom ' D W Jj'ooe / j ’U be attractive, dynamic, ; 1 1 1 tion is. You’U 30 Angorod ibbom. You .could be incre^ve, stubbo o u is ic f? ^ ! / 31 QoA clubs <pN . DOWN w djSKminating . ,32 From then unlll volved in oevns reportioL i C'X^ ■’ I 1 Russian rulrulor <4 Woman 49 Mok owing style informadoo. Virgo Vin will do proofreading. VO ' 2 Roign 45 Soundod liko a - 50 Title ylo 33 Loathes Jfebri9*March 20): Atteoi 7^^ 3 Poem stylo lie „ . . ■ PISCES (Feb’ ti cat SI Bull: d guess 35 Swamp bird . u LSp. . . ,jo„ revolves ai ta arouod home, abDity to £ } \n I * Educatedg 38 Dleappeared 47 Oinnerware 53 Oittc ? p 4 j\/7 ^ ^ \U ' 5 Leave roundings, music, d fts repbeauti^ sunoun ^ maker 54 Irela 39 British rKT/ollst -V. 6 Sond outloolt tho inboloflove.Bcdrploinatic = ^ W 4 iS S d lu e l. 55 Tap< • 41 Otfteo cab in et. . 48 ■ Eccontrk: P B B lij • country ' w noney owed you.-:-------------- - — -------------sgallve •' eonccrmog inotK ' - wheels 58 Neg aco 42. Peel____________ 7WMo^>aco >m O What’s whi ■ Ij^K (|k POLmciAi '" S te; s; ^ ^tioW U/KAT V '' M il!!- SHAKEA / -5^ “ F F -y P s2 ©liife ? |K SCHOOLSW IL CLOSEDTOn TOTl^SNOU ^ I ‘S •I i « t o t - r I- - i . . ........^. / . - . ; ' ^ '" ' ll : ■ ■ .t. .............