BBA Thesis Instructions and Guidelines - Haaga

BBA Thesis Instructions and Guidelines
BIT thesis group
Bachelor’s Thesis Guidelines
DP in Business Information Technology
BBA Thesis Instructions and Guidelines
The purpose of this document is to guide parties of the thesis in the BBA thesis process.
These parties are BIT- programme students and the sponsor's representatives as well as
the teachers and supervisors in Haaga-Helia.
The BBA Thesis Instructions and Guidelines, this document, holds a standard procedure
of doing thesis in BIT-programme. This document describes what a thesis is, when and
under which prerequisites students may start his/hers thesis process. Here is also
explained what are the rights and the duties of each participant in the process, and how
the thesis results and process will be assessed and evaluated.
This guideline also links together other topic regulations and instructions of thesis
All instructions concerning thesis work in the BIT-programme according this document
is included in the HAAGA-HELIA extranet web pages Bachelor’s thesis in the Business
information technology, Pasila.
The Bachelor’s thesis instructions are as follows:
Thesis seminar
Bachelor Thesis Seminar (THE7TF007)
- the course description, implementation schedule and material.
BIT Thesis guidelines and templates
• BIT thesis guidelines and templates
- the instructions modified for the BIT-students
• General HH Thesis instructions
- the HH instructions which the BIT-student would also follow
Thesis project management
- the instructions and templates for the thesis project management
Thesis delivery
• HAAGA-HELIA library
- the case- in and other instructions for the public version of the thesis
• Theseus library
- the instruction for students save their thesis to the Theseus , an electronic
Other HAAGA-HELIA instructions are
• Writing Reports at HAAGA_HELIA
Thesis instructions and guidelines
1 The bachelor’s thesis and its objectives ………………………………….
2 Thesis project types ………………………………………………..……..
2.1 Thesis is a research project ……………………………………………...
2.2 Thesis is a system project …………………………………………….....
2.3 Outcomes of the thesis ………………………………………………..
3 Thesis guidelines
3.1 Bachelor’s thesis …………………………………………………..……
3.2 Thesis seminar ………………………….......……………………......…
3.3 BIT thesis guidelines and templates ……………………………………
3.4 Common HH thesis instructions ………………………………………
3.5 Thesis project management ..…………………………………………..
3.6 Thesis delivery ………………………………………………………....
3.7 Theses in Haaga-Helia …………………………………………………
4 Timing and workload ……………………………………………..……...
5 Thesis process
5.1 Orientation ……………………………………………………………….
5.2 Preparation ………………………………………………………….……
5.3 Starting …………………………………………………………………..
5.4 Implementation …………………………………………………………..
5.5 Closing …………………………………………………………………..
5.6 Maturity test ….………………………………………………………….
5.7 Evaluation ….…………….……………………………………………..
5.8 Publication ……………………………………………………………….
5.9 Certification ………………………………….………………………….
6 Determination of the grade
6.1 Assessment ……… ..……………………………………………………
6.2 Assessment and Grading Criteria ……………………………………….
6.3 Urkund ………………………………………………………………….
7 Thesis in a nutshell ………………………………………………………
8 Practical guidelines
8.1 Academic writing ………………………………………………………..
8.2 Abstract ………………………………………………………………...
8.3 Use of source material ………………………………………………….
8.4 Documentation ………………………………………………………….
8.5 Principle of publicity ………………………………………………….
Thesis instructions and guidelines
1 The bachelor’s thesis and its objectives
The role of the Bachelor’s thesis is to give the student an opportunity to show his/her
capability to apply the knowledge and skills accumulated during the programme for
one fairly large problem of his education field.
The thesis is a wide independent exercise the objective of which is to point out the
student's readiness and maturity to adapt independently the theory and practice learned.
The student also demonstrates his/hers ability to organize work, obtain information,
cooperate and work independently.
The thesis is also a process, where the student shows his/her capability to manage applied
research and product development principles: logic, methods and communication. The
student also learns to plan, monitor and report the progress of the thesis process. In the
thesis process there is room for creativity, new applications and ideas and the
experimenting touch, although applied research is in question.
The aim of the thesis is always to solve a practical problem related to the education field.
The thesis serves as the bridge between a theory and the practice at the final stage of
studies integrating earlier studies to each other.
The thesis is in most cases an individual effort but sometimes it is possible to do it in a
couple. A thesis done by two students has to include distinct individual work by the two
members. In case there are two students working in the thesis process the other student
may also be from other than the BIT-programme.
The student may do the thesis also in a theme group. The thesis coordinator gives
information about the theme groups.
The thesis process requires the student to:
• plan and report progress of his/her work
• work rationally and systematically
• cooperate and work independently
• gather and use information from diverse sources
• combine and apply the knowledge and skills acquired during his/her studies
• use applicable methods
• make rational decisions
• use creative problem solving
• show his/her skills in good written and oral presentation
The student may propose the topic of the thesis or Haaga-Helia shall give the topic.
Topics have to be always accepted by Haaga-Helia. Theses are mainly done for a
The student formulates the scope of the thesis as carefully as possible at the beginning of
the process. When the thesis process proceeds, the student may clarify and define the
scope, if it is necessary.
The BIT thesis is always implemented as a project. The BIT- thesis must be written in
Thesis instructions and guidelines
2. Thesis project types
The bachelor’s thesis in the BIT-programme is either a research project or a system
development project (a system project).
2.1 Thesis is a research project
In a research project the student does one applied research work from his own subject. In
the research project the student produces a solution and a report from some practical
A work process for a thesis project plan will base on the common research process and
methods (qualitative/quantitative research methods). The results of the research project
are going to be documented using the Thesis Report guidelines for a Research Project.
In the research work the determination of the research problem is essential. Before the
beginning of the thesis the student set research problems, which the research should find
answers to. The research problems direct the work during the whole research process:
choice of sources, framework and scope of reference, survey questions and analysis of
the answers obtained. And above all, the research results must solve the pre-formulated
research problems.
2.2 Thesis is a system project
In a system project the student develops a new ICT-solution and produces required
documentation. The subject of a system work may be feasibility studies, requirements
engineering, software development (analysis, design, implementation), database or
network design and implementation as well as software product acquisition and adoption
A work process for this type of a thesis project plan will base on some system/software
development model and methods. There are several system/software engineering models
and documentation practices, which specifies development activities, rules and
description types that should be applied in system/software development projects. These
practices also determine the maintenance and storing procedures of the documents.
Many thesis sponsors have their own development models and documentation practices.
If the sponsor organization has its own development, documentation practices and
standards, and they are at least as covering as Haaga-Helia’s, they can be used in a
system project thesis.
An essential matter of an information system development is to describe data, data
processing and ICT-solutions. The results of the system project are going to be
documented using the selected documentation practices and the Thesis Report Guidelines
for a System Project.
Thesis instructions and guidelines
2.3 Outcomes of the thesis
The outcomes in each type of the thesis are
• a thesis (report)
• a project administrative folder
The thesis
Each thesis includes
• concrete results and reporting of the results with arguments, conclusions and
references to theoretical backgrounds
• evaluation of the result, and a story of implementation and experiences
The thesis is an aggregation of thesis results, which
• in case of a research project is the research report, where confidential part of the
results (if any) are in appendices.
• in case of a system project holds the work objectives, implementation description and
others information concerning the thesis, and all actual deliverables (the system
documentation) are in appendices.
Due to the characteristics of the work, the weights of the parts in the thesis vary. In the
system project the system and its documentation are the most essential part. In the
research project the written research report forms the main part of the thesis.
See detailed instructions in BIT thesis instructions and guidelines:
• Thesis report guidelines for a research project
• Thesis report guidelines for a system project.
Project administrative folder
The project administrative folder includes all project management material. The project
final report should include the student’s self-assessment of learning.
See detailed instructions in Thesis project management/Contents of an administrative
Thesis instructions and guidelines
3 Thesis guidelines
3.1 Bachelor’s Thesis
The course description of the Bachelor’s Thesis is meant for the student. In the course
description there are written basic information of the thesis. The course description is a
part of the annual study guide.
3.2 Thesis Seminar
The Thesis Seminar (THE7TF007) is a study unit which the student must take before
starting his/hers thesis.
The descriptions and implementation plan of the Thesis Seminar study unit may be seen
on the extranet - BIT Bachelor’s thesis/Thesis seminar. There is also a link to the study
unit materials.
3.3 BIT thesis guidelines and templates
On the extranet BIT Bachelor’s thesis/BIT Thesis guidelines and template there are the
thesis instructions and guidelines modified for BIT students:
• BIT Thesis instructions and guidelines - for students and staff, this document
• Thesis process – a process diagram from the view of the student
• Topic proposal - a template
• Thesis Commission Agreement - a template
• Agreement of Confidential Appendices - a template
• Thesis report guidelines for a research project and for a system project
• Abstract - a template
• Feedback Commissioning Party Form - a template
• Maturity test - instructions
• Thesis Assessment Criteria & Form
• Case-in the public thesis
• Deliver the public thesis
3.4 Common HH thesis instructions
The instructions which are on the HH extranet- Studies/Thesis and which the BIT-student
must also consider:
• Publication - Thesis to Theseus library: saving instructions and Theseus Service
• Urkund – instructions for students and staff, to detect and deter plagiarism
• Thesis Report Guide - academic writing, bibliography, use of sources
• Misconduct and Fraud in Thesis
• Thesis Cover Example
Thesis instructions and guidelines
3.5 Thesis project management
The thesis of the BIT-programme is always carried out as a project irrespective of the
type of the thesis.
The general principles of the project management are applied: a project plan is required,
actual work may start after the approval of the project plan, and the work is then carried
out in a disciplined way according to the approved project plan.
The project plan is accepted and approved by the steering group that has been established
and assigned for the project. The steering group consists of the chairman, who is
normally the sponsor's representative, the thesis supervisor assigned by Haaga-Helia, and
the student, who does the thesis, as the secretary. The student acts as the project manager
and the main resource of the project.
At least three steering meetings must be held during the work: the starting meeting, one
progress meeting and the closing meeting. If necessary more than one progress meetings
may be held. Any of the members of the project organization can convene an extra
steering meeting. At the closing meeting, the results of thesis are delivered, and the
project will be ended.
In case the sponsoring organization applies a well documented project practices, which
are at least as covering as BIT-programme’s ones, they can be used. Otherwise, the
project instructions given to the BIT thesis project must be applied.
On the extranet BIT Bachelor’s thesis/Thesis project management are the BIT thesis
project administration guidelines:
• Project plan – a template
• Project status report – a template
• Notice of a steering meeting – a template
• Minutes of a steering meeting – three templates
• Project final report (Final report) – a template
• Contents of an administrative folder
3.6 Thesis delivery
All thesis outcomes are sent to the supervisor for the final evaluation. This includes both
the thesis (with deliverables to the sponsor) and the project administrative material. There
must be two copies of the thesis and the project final report for the second evaluator.
The public part of the thesis and the Word-version of the abstract are stored in HAAGAHELIA library.
Look at the BIT Bachelor’s thesis/Case-in the Thesis and Deliver the thesis.
The student should save the PDF-version of his/hers public thesis to the Theseus
electronic library (Theses and Publications of the Universities of Applied Sciences in
Detailed guidelines are in the HH extranet: Studies/Thesis/ Publication/
Saving instructions.
Thesis instructions and guidelines
3.7 Theses at Haaga-Helia
The list of the approved theses will be seen on the HAAGA-HELIA library web pages.
You may also have a look at the electronic library Theseus which holds theses and
publications from Universities of Applied Sciences on the Internet.
See BIT Bachelor’s thesis/Thesis at Haaga-Helia/ Thesis made at HAAGA-HELIA and
Thesis instructions and guidelines
4 Timing and workload
The bachelor thesis is carried out at the final stage of studies and it is compulsory to
The extent of the thesis is 15 credit points, in other words 50 study/working days, which
is about 400 working hours (a working day = 8 working hours).
The thesis process takes normally one semester, at least three months.
Thesis instructions and guidelines
5 Thesis process
There is a Thesis process diagram in website of the BIT Thesis guidelines and templates
which describes the thesis activities. Here are the detailed descriptions of the these
The student will carry out the thesis normally at the last stage of his/hers studies, when
the student has a sufficient knowledge to implement a wide practical exercise. The
beginning of the thesis requires that the student has completed all compulsory and
professional studies. Also the work placement must be done acceptably. The indication
of this is the grade and performance notes that have been recorded in the study register.
5.1 Orientation
The orientation is a stage, which precedes the thesis process and in which the student
studies the thesis guidelines. For orientation the student must participate and pass the
compulsory Thesis Seminar (THE7TF007). After that the thesis process may start.
5.2 Preparation
The student
The student will fix the topic proposal based on the assignment received either from the
external sponsor or Haaga-Helia. Also the students’ own topics are possible. The
system project is always carried out based on the needs of a sponsor or Haaga-Helia.
When filling the topic proposal the student also agreed that his/hers thesis can be checked
with a programme designed to detect and deter plagiarism, in Haaga-Helia the Urkund
application is used..
The detailed guidelines of the topic proposal are in the BIT thesis guidelines and
templates/ Topic Proposal template.
The student may enroll on a theme group (optional) in order to execute his/hers thesis
process. The thesis coordinator gives information about theme groups.
The student sends the topic proposal to the thesis coordinator. The theme group must be
mentioned in the topic proposal, if that is the case.
The coordinator accepts the topic and appoints a thesis supervisor for the thesis.
After accepting of the topic, the student has to contact the supervisor within
two (2) months otherwise his/hers topic proposal is cancelled by the supervisor.
Thesis instructions and guidelines
The approval of the topic proposal signifies permission to begin the project planning and
working with the HAAGA-HELIA assigned thesis supervisor and the sponsor’s
The responsibility of the thesis process is on the student from now on.
The Coordinator
On the basis of the description of the student's topic proposal the thesis coordinator
estimates prerequisites for the student taking into consideration the topic and the study
modules performed by the student.
The coordinator discusses possibly with an expert of the topic or asks, discussing with
the student, for the focused description.
The coordinator accepts the topic.
If it is a question of a topic proposal of the student team of two, it is accepted only as a
whole, not as parts.
HAAGA-HELIA accepts the thesis topic of a system work proposed by the external
organization, if it fills the following characteristics:
• the topic is independent enough so that it is not too dependent on the external
parties and out of the range of the influence of HAAGA-HELIA
• the sponsor assigns a supervisor and sufficient other resources for the project
• the project schedule required by the sponsor is suitable for a thesis process
• the topic is wide enough for individual thesis or a couple work
• the topic is interesting also from the learning viewpoint
• the implementation of the thesis project does not require HAAGA-HELIA extra
investments on device, tools or methods
• a public report and an abstract can be made out of the topic
• the topic is ethically acceptable.
After the accepting the topic, the thesis coordinator appoints a thesis supervisor of
Haaga-Helia. The coordinator informs the student about the thesis supervisor.
The supervisor
The potential thesis supervisor gets the topic proposal from the coordinator, approves it
and becomes the supervisor of the suggested thesis.
The supervisor waits contact of the student. If that does not happen within two months
after the approval, he/she will cancel the proposal and informs the student and the
Thesis instructions and guidelines
5.3 Starting
The student prepares the project plan and contact with the thesis supervisor and agrees on
the starting activities.
The student reviews the project plan with the thesis supervisor before the project starting
The detailed guidelines are on the Thesis project Management/ Project plan.
The supervisor validates the project plan.
The student prepares the notice of the starting meeting, the thesis agreements concerning
the commissioning party and possible confidential parts of the thesis work.
The detailed guidelines are on the Thesis project Management/ Notice of the steering
meeting templates and BIT thesis guidelines and templates/ Thesis Commission
Agreement and Agreement of Confidential Appendices.
The student calls up the steering group for the starting meeting.
The actual thesis project will start at the starting meeting. The student presents the project
plan, the thesis commissioning agreement and the agreement of confidential appendices
(optional) at the starting meeting.
The steering group approves the project plan as such or with the changes. The thesis
commission agreement will be signed at the starting meeting and, if needed, the
agreement of the confidential appendices of the thesis will be agreed, too.
(The thesis supervisor delivers the commissioning party agreement of the thesis project
to the student affairs office at the end of the thesis process with the thesis assessment
5.4 Implementation
After approval of the thesis project plan the thesis is carried out according to the plan.
The progress of the thesis project will be monitored according to the plan and good
project practices at the steering meetings. The student will prepare a status report for each
steering meeting and represent it and the results to the steering group.
If necessary and jointly agreed in the steering group, the project plan may be changed to
secure a successful performance and final result.
Thesis instructions and guidelines
The detailed guidelines for a status report are on the Thesis project Management/ Status
report template.
5.5 Closing
In order to get his/hers thesis to an evaluation meeting the student must, three weeks
prior to the evaluation meeting, have completed following:
• has finalize his thesis
• has send the abstract to the English teacher for inspection and corrected the abstract
following given instruction
• has held the closing meeting
• has delivered the thesis and project management material to the thesis supervisor
and within two weeks after the above bullet points:
• the supervisor and the second evaluator should have approved the thesis
• the supervisor has arranged the maturity test for the student after the approval
• the student has passed the maturity test.
When the results of the thesis project are ready, the student finalizes his thesis, prepares
the project final report and arranges a project closing meeting. He/she delivers the
deliverables of the thesis project to the sponsor’s supervisor and HAAGA-HELIA’s thesis
At the closing meeting the steering group approves the deliverables and ends the project,
if the results are acceptable.
The student delivers, by an e-mail, the abstract of the thesis to the English teacher for
inspection and corrects it following instructions given by the teacher. The corrected
abstract must be in the delivered thesis.
The student delivers, three weeks prior to an evaluation meeting, his/hers thesis to the
supervisor for evaluation. The outcomes are
• the project administration folder with two copies of the project final report,
• the thesis in two copies. The thesis holds all results, which are going to be evaluated.
The student delivers the agreement of the confidential appendices, if any, to the
supervisor for signature of the second evaluator.
The supervisor approves the thesis and names the second evaluator and informs the
Thesis instructions and guidelines
After approval of the thesis the grading process will start. The thesis supervisor sends the
copies of the thesis and project final report to the second thesis evaluator for assessment.
The second evaluator signs the confidential appendices, if any, in order to assess the
5.6 Maturity test
The student must perform the maturity test in which he/she shows that he/she masters the
topic and is capable of communicating in written English.
The maturity test must be carried out within two weeks after the student has sent the
thesis outcomes to the supervisor.
After approval of the thesis the student agrees the maturity test with the supervisor and
performs the test. The supervisor evaluates and approves the content and language of the
maturity test. The assessment scale is pass or fail.
If the student wants a Finnish language clause to BBA certification, he/she must write the
maturity test in Finnish.
5.7 Evaluation
After approval of the maturity test the thesis supervisor and the second evaluator assess
the thesis and the supervisor writes the thesis assessment statement for the evaluation
It is possible that the second evaluator does not approve to thesis though the maturity test
has been passed. In this case the supervisor and the second evaluator discuss and decide
corrections that should be made to the thesis and the student makes those corrections.
The thesis supervisor presents the thesis assessment statement at the evaluation meeting
and writes the final assessment statement (two copies) after the evaluation meeting.
A day after the evaluation meeting the thesis supervisor sends one signed assessment
statements to the student and the other to the student affairs office with the
commissioning party agreement. Or, the supervisor sends both copies of the assessment
to the student affairs office, which sends the assessment statement to the student.
The student should get his/hers assessment statement at the beginning of next week
after the evaluation meeting.
Thesis instructions and guidelines
5.8 Publication
The student attaches a copy of the assessment statement to his/hers public thesis (next
after the cover page) and take 2 or 3 copies of the public thesis and cases-in them. Three
copies are taken when the grade of the thesis is 5/5.The student may case-in one extra
copy to the thesis supervisor, too.
Detailed guidelines are on the BIT thesis guidelines and templates/ Case-in the public
The student delivers the 2 cased-in theses to the thesis dropping point, which is in the
lobby of TIKO management, on the 6th floor in the Helia-building 1. The cased-in
versions must be in the thesis dropping point till next Thursday after the evaluation
meeting at 12:00.
In case of the grade 5/5 the student delivers the 3th cased-in version to the thesis
supervisor, who sends it to the thesis coordinator. All theses that have the grade 5/5 will
participate in the thesis competition.
If the student has delivered the cased-in copies of the thesis before the evaluation
meeting, the thesis supervisor will attach copies of the assessment statement to the casedin copies of the thesis. They must be attached permanently.
In this variation there must be always 3 cased-in copies of the public thesis.
The thesis supervisor sends the 2 copies of the thesis to the thesis dropping point. These
should be in the dropping point till next Thursday after the evaluation meeting at
The student affairs office records the grade of the thesis to Winha, after delivery of the
cased-in theses to the thesis dropping point.
The student must send the abstract of the thesis to the Haaga-Helia library by e-mail as a
Word-file attachment (doc, docx).
The student should save a PDF-version of the public thesis to the Theseus electronic
Detailed guidelines are in the HH extranet: Studies/Thesis/ Publication/ Saving
Thesis instructions and guidelines
5.9 Certification
The student must apply the BBA certification at latest next Friday after the evaluation
meeting, if he/she wants to graduate in the next graduation.
The thesis supervisor stores the whole thesis (that for evaluation) till the student is
graduated, anyhow not over six months after the evaluation meeting.
Thesis instructions and guidelines
6 Determination of the grade
6.1 Assessment
The assigned Haaga-Helis’s thesis supervisor and the second evaluator have the main
responsibility of the assessment and grading of the thesis. They write a statement about
the thesis (Thesis Assessment Criteria and Form).
The sponsor supervisor’s statement concerning the results and working process is
required and has effect on the grade too (Feedback Commissioning Party form).
The final grade is determined at the evaluation meeting of theses. The decision is based
on the statement of the thesis supervisor and evaluator.
A day after the evaluation meeting the thesis supervisor sends one signed assessment
statements to the student and the other to the student office with the commissioning party
agreement. Or, the supervisor sends both copies of the assessment to the student office,
which sends the assessment statement to the student.
The student should get his/hers assessment statement at the beginning of next week after
the evaluation meeting.
6.2 Assessment and Grading Criteria
Assessment and grading criteria is described in the separate document Thesis Assessment
Criteria and For, which is on the BIT Bachelor’s thesis/ BIT Thesis guidelines and
template website.
6.3 Urkund
Urkund is a software application to track plagiarism. Use of Urkund increases awareness
of plagiarism and its prevention.
If the evaluator (supervisor or the second evaluator) suspects a student of plagiarism, he
asks the student to send his/her text to the supervisor’s/evaluator’s personal Urkund
analysis address as an attachment.
Urkund will analyze the document within 24 hours.
If the evaluator suspects that plagiarism has occurred in the thesis, he/she contact the
thesis coordinator. Suspicions of plagiarism are reviewed by Haaga-Helia’s thesis ethics
The student gives permission to use Urkund in his/her topic proposal.
More detailed information, see HH extranet studies/Thesis/Urkund/
Urkund instructions for students and Urkund instruction for staff.
Thesis instructions and guidelines
7 Thesis in a nutshell
1.The student has completed all compulsory and professional studies. Also the work
placement must be done acceptably
2. For orientation the student must participate and pass the compulsory Thesis Seminar.
Preparation and starting (about 40 working hours)
1. The student fixes and sends the topic proposal to the thesis coordinator.
2. The coordinator approves the topic proposal and names the supervisor for the thesis.
3. The student contacts his/hers supervisor named by the coordinator within two (2)
4. The student prepares the project plan of the thesis and contact with the thesis
supervisor and agrees on the starting activities.
5. The thesis project plan is approved in the starting meeting and the thesis project starts.
Implementation (about 360 wh, three months)
1. The student carries out the thesis project.
2. There should be at least one steering meeting during the implementation.
Three weeks prior to an evaluation meeting,
1. The student must have completed following:
• has finalize his thesis.
• has send the abstract to the English teacher for inspection and corrected it following
given instruction.
• has held the closing meeting.
• has delivered the thesis and project management material to the thesis supervisor.
Within two week after delivery of the thesis outcomes
The student takes the maturity test. The steps are as follows:
• the supervisor has approved the thesis
• the supervisor arranges the maturity test for the student after the approval
• the student has passed the maturity test.
Evaluation meeting
1. The supervisor and the second evaluator assess thesis and write an assessment
2. The thesis is evaluated at the evaluation meeting.
3. After the evaluation meeting the supervisor writes the final assessment statement,
which is signed by the supervisor and the second evaluator.
Thesis instructions and guidelines
A day after the evaluation meeting
1. The thesis supervisor sends one signed assessment statements to the student and one
with the commission agreement to the student affairs office.
Till next Tuesday after the evaluation meeting.
1. The student should get his/hers assessment statement.
Till next Thursday after the evaluation meeting at 12:00
1. The student attaches a copy of the assessment statement to his/hers public thesis, takes
two or three copies of the public thesis and case-in the thesis copies.
2. The student delivers the two cased-in theses to the thesis dropping point and, in case of
grade 5/5, the 3rd copy to the coordinator.
3. The student sends a Word-version of the abstract of the thesis to the Haaga-Helia
4. The student affairs office records the grade of the thesis to Winha.
At latest next Friday after the evaluation meeting
1. The student must apply the BBA certification, if he/she wants to graduate in the next
2. The student saves PFD version of the public thesis with the abstract to the Theseus
library (optional).
Thesis instructions and guidelines
8 Practical guidelines
8.1 Academic writing
Academic writing
A good reporting skill is an important part of BBA’s professional profile. One of the
evaluation criteria of thesis is the good linguistic form and readability of the thesis report
created as a result.
Bibliography and use of sources
The reader of a thesis must be able to see what is the writer's own text and reasoning, and
what is borrowed from other sources. For this reason the writer must be careful in the
choice and use of sources, in the note of references and in the compilation of the
Writing thesis at HAAGA-HELIA guideline gives instructions on the scientific writing,
and guides to look for, to choose and to use written sources duly. The instruction also
guides how to use a bibliography in the note and compilation of references.
8.2 Abstract
The abstract is tight, independent presentation which fits for one A4 sheet and can be
published separately. It describes the objective of the work, working methods, results and
conclusions. The template for an abstract in found BIT thesis guidelines and templates/
In order to facilitate a later search, the ACM classification standard is added to the end of
the English abstract.
An abstract of the thesis is written only in English.
The student sends the abstract as an attachment of an e-mail to the English teacher for
inspection and corrects it following instructions.
The abstract will be placed to the thesis. A separate electronic file as a Word-document
must be delivered by e-mail to the HAAGA-HELIA library.
8.3 Use of source material
Good sources are the following:
• peer-reviewed and academic writings
• professional (scientific) books of the industry
• professional magazines
Other source material
• conference publications of the industry
• material of the conferences and seminars of the industry
• standards
Thesis instructions and guidelines
interviews of the experts
electric documents and publications
user manuals
articles in the magazines of the industry.
In the search of materials use the Haaga-Helia library and open reference databases and
materials of libraries which can be reached through the network. It is worthwhile to study
the possibilities of the network already in good time before the beginning of the thesis. A
personal index from the sources found is worth maintaining.
A perfect bibliographic reference information must be given about all used sources. The
information must also be presented in a uniform way. The notions that have been made to
the used sources must be marked with a uniform way.
Instructions of presenting source information and references technique are given in the
guide Writing your thesis at HAAGA-HELIA. All the referred sources must be included in
a bibliography and there must be a notion to all the sources of the bibliography in the
document itself. In the source information of the material that has been received from the
data networks, also a date, when the material has been obtained, must be seen.
Furthermore, one must remember that the material to be obtained from the data networks
requires usually a more source criticism than a pressed source material.
8.4 Documentation
The student writes all documents in English. There are different demands for the
documentation of the thesis according to what type of work is in question. The thesis
documentation contains however at least the following items:
1 The project administrative material
2 The thesis (report) where all results are.
A list of administrative documents can be seen in the guide Contents of an administrative
folder on the BIT Bachelor’s thesis/Thesis project management.
Instructions of writing a thesis report
• the Thesis Report Guidelines for a Research Project
• the Thesis Report Guidelines for a System Project.
In a system project the documentation practices of the sponsor or Haaga-Helia are used
when describing the IT-solutions.
8.5 Principle of publicity
Bachelor’s theses are public according to the practice, which is followed in the
universities and polytechnics.
Thesis instructions and guidelines
If the thesis contains business or trade secrets, then
1) primarily the sponsor and business branch are blotted out from the report and its
If that is not possible,
2) then the confidential appendices are removed from the public thesis report (which goes
to the HAAGA-HELIA library and to the electronic Theseus library) and in the
appendices there are only a list of the results with short descriptions of the purpose.
In the case of confidential information a confidential agreement is made, where all
confidential parts and their secrecy degree are defined. It should also be agreed upon the
principles of how to deal with the confidential information and documentation received
during the thesis work. If necessary, HAAGA-HELIA’s agreement of confidential
appendices can be used (Agreement of Confidential Appendices).
The project final report of the thesis is always public and other project management
material, too. In the project final report there must be the basic evaluation of the project
and the self-assessment aspect concerning the student’s own experiences and learning.