Name Sue Bruce Annette Bruton Stewart Carruth Pete Leonard Fred McBride Gordon McIntosh Susan Cooper Colin Mackenzie Frances Backwell Bruce Robertson Ritchie Johnson Charles Armstrong Christine Gore Iain Gabriel R Ashton S Hunter I Lorimer E Lowson C McMahon Council Aberdeen City Aberdeen City Aberdeen City Aberdeen City Aberdeen City Aberdeen City Aberdeen City Aberdeen City Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus 127,613 127,732 121,986 105,704 101,129 119,762 122,599 Director of Infrastructure Services Director of Neighbourhood Services Head of Law & Administration Head of Finance Director of Infrastructure Services Director of Corporate Services 127,732 Director of Corporate Services Director of Corporate Services (formerly Director of Planning and Environmental Services) 127,629 159,662 Chief Executive Director of Housing and Social Work 82,515 152,500 City Chamberlain (s.95 Officer) Unknown title 128,265 128,435 22,282 97,118 Director of Social Care and Wellbeing Director of Enterprise Planning and Infrastructure Assistant Chief Executive Director of Education, Learning and Leisure 128,435 74,600 Director of Corporate Governance Director of Housing and Environment 77,415 170,086 125,798 122,862 103,657 107,738 125,152 130,914 130,914 44,116 130,914 54,159 110,906 170,600 212,425 - 128,131 128,131 128,131 128,131 128,131 129,698 Total Remuneration 2009-10 2010-11 Director of Education Culture and Sport Chief Executive Job Title 2.61% 2.59% 2.50% 1.92% 2.60% 2.49% 2.59% -65.46% 2.57% -57.78% 397.74% 6.85% 157.44% - -0.24% 31.93% -0.24% 71.76% 65.51% -23.75% % Change Gross salary, fees & allowances £143,121; Pension contributions £27,479 Gross salary, fees & allowances £110,906. From 1 January 2010 to 28 February 2011. Gross salary, fees & allowances £45,435; Pension contributions £8724; Left 29 August 2010 Gross salary, fees & allowances £109,827; Pension contributions £21,087 Gross salary, fees & allowances £37,010; Pension contributions £7,106; Left 1 August 2010 Gross salary, fees & allowances £109,827; Pension contributions £21,087. Became Director of Corporate Services 13 January 2011 Gross salary, fees & allowances £109,827; Pension contributions £21,087 Salary, fees & allowances £102,933, Non-cash expenses £3,176, Pension contributions £19,043 Salary, fees & allowances £90,918, Pension contribution £16,820 Salary, fees & allowances £87,474, Pension contributions £16,183 Salary, fees & allowances £102,933, Non-cash expenses £886, Pension contributions £19,043 Salary, fees & allowances £102,933, Non-cash expenses £3,822, Pension contributions £19,043 Salary, fees & allowances £10,328; Compensation for loss of employment £26,585; Plus annual compensation £861; Pension contributions £175,512. Left 23 May 2010 Salary, fees & allowances £107,272; Compensation for loss of employment £1909; Pension contribution £20,517. The value of compensation for loss of employment is in relation to pay in lieu of holidays. Left 31 December 2010 Salary, fees & allowances £107,559; Pension contributions £20,572 Salary, fees & allowances £107,559; Pension contributions £20,572 Salary, fees & allowances £107,559; Pension contributions £20,572 Salary, fees & allowances £107,559; Pension contributions £20,572 Salary, fees & allowances £107,559; Pension contributions £20,572 Full details for 2010-11 and Notes D Sawers Sally Loudon Douglas Hendry Sandy McTaggart Angus Angus Angus Argyll and Bute Argyll and Bute Argyll Argyll Argyll Argyll Argyll D Anderson J Inch D McGougan M Turley M Miller City of Edinburgh City of Edinburgh City of Edinburgh City of Edinburgh City City City City City City City City Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh G Tee City of Edinburgh of of of of of of of of T Aitchison City of Edinburgh Bute Bute Bute Bute Bute H Robertson Angus and and and and and R Peat Angus 124,958 108,097 155,422 - 135,074 106,564 112,500 152,500 212,500 190,291 164,693 144,616 144,616 145,480 144,616 112,471 102,500 107,500 - Director of Social Work and Health Assistant Chief Executive Chief Executive Unknown title Unknown title Chief Executive Director of Customer Services Director of Development and Infrastructure Services Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Chief Executive Director Children and Families Director City Development Director Corporate Services Director Finance Director Services for Communities Chief Social Work Officer Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title 117,142 102,500 102,500 107,500 112,500 112,500 148,971 148,971 148,971 148,971 169,655 164,717 109,052 112,500 - 109,985 139,324 145,076 102,500 107,500 110,585 128,083 4.15% - 3.01% 2.40% 3.01% 3.01% 3.01% -13.44% - 3.21% 3.15% -6.66% - 2.30% 2.50% Salary, fees & allowances £127,888; Pension contributions £36,829. Left 31 December 2010 Salary, fees & allowances £140,676; Pension contributions £28,979 Salary, fees & allowances £123,525; Pension contributions £25,446 Salary, fees & allowances £123,525; Pension contributions £25,446 Salary, fees & allowances £123,525; Pension contributions £25,446 Salary, fees & allowances £123,525; Pension contributions £25,446 Salary, fees & allowances £97,133; Pension contributions £20,009 Salary (including fees & allowances) £116,317; Taxable expenses £1,922; Pension contributions £21,085 Salary (including fees & allowances) £92,515; Taxable expenses £658; Pension contributions £16,812 Salary (including fees & allowances) £91,790; Taxable expenses £643; Pension contributions £16,619. From 1April 2010 Salary, fees & allowances £108,087, Pension contributions £19,996 Salary, fees & allowances £90,918, Non-cash expenses £2,847, Pension contributions £16,820 Salary, fees & allowances £116,523; Non-cash expenses £5,967; Pension contributions £22,586. Left post on 9 March 2011. This includes £2,039 in relation to elections Returning Officer duties for which the Council is reimbursed. 2010-11 full year equivalent total of salary, fees & allowances is £123,719 (incl. Returning Officer fees) 105,252 101,837 108,624 115,258 115,554 103,146 102,953 117,620 Chief Executive Director Chief Executive Service Director Support Services Director Community & Customer Services Director School Service Director Social Work Service Director Economic Regeneration Director Sustainable Development Managing Director DG First Chief/Deputy Chief Fire Officer Chief Fire Officer Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Dumfries and GallowayGavin Stevenson Dumfries and GallowayAlex Haswell Dumfries and GallowayGordon Lawson Dumfries and GallowayColin Grant Dumfries and GallowayJohn Alexander Dumfries and GallowayTony Fitzpatrick Dumfries and GallowayAlistair Speedie Dumfries and GallowayGeoff Lewis Dumfries and GallowayColin Scott Dumfries Dumfries Dumfries Dumfries Dumfries Dumfries Dumfries Marjory Stewart Jim Collins Alan Baird Dundee City Dundee City David K Dorward 109,410 119,094 117,014 Director of Education Director of Social Work 117,014 140,074 105,763 112,500 - 84,041 Director of Finance Chief Executive Depute Chief Executive (Support Patricia McIlquham Services) GallowayDavid Wynne Galloway Galloway Galloway Galloway Galloway Galloway Dundee City Dundee City Dundee City and and and and and and and Dumfries and GallowayJustin Tracy 97,896 117,909 Angela Leitch Chief Executive Clackmannanshire 119,942 119,942 118,898 123,942 167,114 142,828 102,500 102,500 117,500 117,500 117,500 117,092 186,653 108,044 172,285 119,109 118,932 107,357 176,134 124,392 155,859 118,289 2.50% 0.71% 8.67% 5.92% 19.30% 35.05% - 39.33% 58.69% 4.94% 67.03% 3.08% 3.19% 9.66% 62.15% 22.15% 48.08% 0.32% Salary, fees & allowances £138,743; Benefits other than in cash £2,704; Pension contributions £25,667. Started 1 October 2009 Salary, fees & allowances £105,217; Pension contributions £18,725 Salary, fees & allowances £97,782; Benefits other than in cash £3,026; Pension contributions £18,090. Started 2 October 2009 Salary, fees & allowances £101,217; Pension contributions £18,725 Salary, fees & allowances £101,217; Pension contributions £18,725 Salary, fees & allowances £97,095; Returning Officer Fee £3,350; Pension contributions £17,224; Pension contributions as returning officer £620 Salary, fees & allowances £129,126; Expenses £235; Pension contributions £26,498 Salary, fees & allowances £90,710; Other payments £15,069; Pension contributions £18,613 Salary, fees & allowances £95,966; Compensation for loss of office £60,474; Pension contributions £19,694 Salary, fees & allowances £88,965; Expenses £135; Pension contributions £18,257 Salary, fees & allowances £97,501; Expenses £1,423; Pension contributions £20,008 Salary, fees & allowances £97,501; Expenses £1,600; Pension contributions £20,008 Salary, fees & allowances £89,092; Expenses £1,924; Compensation for loss of office £62,986; Pension contributions £18,283. Left position on 31 March 2010 Salary, fees & allowances £88,965; Expenses £822; Pension contributions £18,257 Salary, fees & allowances £99,684; Expenses £1,012; Compensation for loss of office £65,500; Pension contributions £20,457. Left 31 March 2011 Salary, fees & allowances £92,066; Expenses £1,846; Noncash benefits in kind £1,710; Pension contributions £21,470; Salary, fees & allowances £115,592; Pension contributions £27,236 East Lothian Alan Blackie Chief Executive Director of Development & Derek Cunningham Infrastructure Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire East East East East East East East East 123,558 Director of Corporate & Customer Services Diane Campbell East Dunbartonshire 118,160 Director of Community Services John Simmons East Dunbartonshire 143,504 Chief Executive Gerry Cornes East Dunbartonshire 54,310 117,500 C Houston East Ayrshire East Ayrshire Chief Internal Auditor Unknown title A McPhee East Ayrshire 106,526 E Morton East Ayrshire 136,443 117,125 107,500 107,500 112,500 147,500 - 125,661 Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Support G Short East Ayrshire 116,899 F Lees East Ayrshire 145,753 116,277 - 107,081 Chief Executive Executive Director of Educational and Social Services Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services Michael P Galloway Director of City Development Unknown title Unknown title Dundee City Dundee City Dundee City Director of Housing Elaine Zwirlein Dundee City 136,203 121,545 102,500 102,500 102,500 123,469 118,169 145,386 100,409 - 120,003 120,704 129,779 145,638 119,942 112,500 137,500 109,761 -0.18% 3.77% - -0.07% 0.01% 1.31% 84.88% - 12.65% 3.25% 3.28% -0.08% 3.15% - 2.50% Salary, fees & allowances £113,096; Taxable expenses £699; Pension contributions £22,408 Salary, fees & allowances £119,223; Taxable expenses £834; Other remuneration £3,032; Pension contributions £22,297 Salary, fees & allowances £102,111; Taxable expenses £843; Pension contributions £15,215 Salary, fees & allowances £102,111; Taxable expenses £834; Other remuneration £1,900; Pension contributions £18,624 Salary, fees & allowances £102,111; Taxable expenses £834; Pension contributions £18,600. Started 15 May 2009 Salary, fees and allowances £57,095; Taxable expense £38; Compensation for loss of office £33,185; Pension contributions £10,091. The post of Chief Internal Auditor reports directly to the Council's Chief Executive. The Chief Internal Auditor retired on 31 March 2011. The amount shown for compensation for loss of employment represents the lump sum element of compensatory added years of their pension and pay in lieu of notice Salary, fees and allowances £101,442; Non cash expense and benefit in kind £162; Pension contributions £18,399. Salary for 2009-10 relates to the post of Executive Head of Finance and Asset Management Salary, fees and allowances £123,213; Pension contributions £22,425 Salary, fees and allowances £109,796; Pension contributions £19,983 Salary, fees and allowances £102,288; Pension contributions £18,416 Salary, fees & allowances £92,625; Pension contributions £17,136 Salary, fees & allowances £101,217; Pension contributions £18,725. Started 8 June 2009 107,264 Margaret Anderson Acting Director of Social Work Services 107,274 Alexander Jannetta Director of Finance (Section 95 Officer) Falkirk 101,171 Acting Director of Law & Administration Services (Monitoring Officer) Rose Mary Glackin Falkirk 107,234 Director of Development Services Rona Geisler Falkirk 107,274 Maureen Campbell Falkirk Director of Community Services Falkirk 157,369 Mary Pitcaithly Falkirk Chief Executive Malcolm Burr Eilean Siar Eilean Siar Eilean Siar 126,221 - 107,967 112,500 112,500 112,500 - Chief Executive Unknown title Unknown title Norman Williamson Director of Finance Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire East East East East East East 107,437 Deputy Chief Executive Caroline Innes East Renfrewshire 107,178 Director of Environment Andrew Cahill East Renfrewshire 107,325 Julie Murray East Renfrewshire 106,624 Director of Education Director of Community Health & Care Partnership John Wilson East Renfrewshire 120,299 Chief Executive Lorraine McMillan East Renfrewshire 119,590 Director of Environment Pete Collins East Lothian 105,562 Don Ledingham East Lothian 119,590 Director of Corporate Services Director of Education & Children's Services Alex McCrorie East Lothian 18,494 Director of Community Services Monica Patterson East Lothian 145,699 104,094 110,349 110,349 109,417 155,912 128,086 127,500 127,500 110,117 117,500 117,500 107,677 109,050 109,889 108,507 123,257 120,436 109,938 120,436 115,362 35.82% 2.89% 2.90% 2.87% 2.01% -0.93% 1.48% - 1.99% - 0.22% 1.75% 2.39% 1.77% 2.46% 0.71% 4.15% 0.71% 523.78% Salary, fees & allowances £88,082; Pension contributions £16,012 Salary, fees & allowances £97,007; Pension contributions £48,692. Includes an additional contribution of £31,849 in respect of the early payment of accrued pension benefits. Left 31 March 2011 Salary, fees & allowances £129,062; Other amounts £2,894; Pension contributions £23,420; Returning Officer Duty £536 Salary, fees & allowances £92,574; Pension contributions £16,843 Salary, fees & allowances £93,506; Pension contributions £16,843 Salary, fees & allowances £93,506; Pension contributions £16,843 Salary, fees & allowances £98,898; Taxable expenses £221; Pension contributions £28,967 Salary, fees & allowances £95,169; Taxable expenses £758; Pension contributions £19,435. Started 1 February 2010 Salary, fees & allowances £101,001; Pension contributions £19,435 Salary, fees & allowances £95,169; Taxable expenses £711; Pension contributions £14,058 Salary, fees & allowances £101,001; Pension contributions £19,435 Salary, fees and allowances £111,588; Expenses allowances £960; Pension contributions £10,709 Salary, fees and allowances £98,875; Expenses allowances £279; Pension contributions £9,353 Salary, fees and allowances £98,875; Expenses allowances £1,661; Pension contributions £9,353 Salary, fees and allowances £98,875; Expenses allowances £822; Pension contributions £9,353 Salary, fees and allowances £97,202; Expenses allowances £1,122; Pension contributions £9,353 Salary, fees and allowances £99,225; Expenses allowances £1,539; Pension contributions £9,353 Stuart Ritchie Julia Swan Ronald Hinds Kenneth Greer Stephen Moore Steven Grimmond Stuart Nichol Brian Lawrie Michael Enston Bruce Clark James Campbell George Black Lynn Brown Ian Drummond Maureen McKenna Robert Booth David Crawford Falkirk Falkirk Fife Fife Fife Fife Fife Fife Fife Fife Fife Fife Fife Fife Fife Fife Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City 193,596 127,519 127,519 Chief Executive Executive Director Education Executive Director Social Work Executive Director Housing & Communities Executive Director Environment & Development 156,046 Executive Director of Financial Services Executive Director of Education Services Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services Executive Director of Social Care Services (Formerly Executive Director of Corporate Services) 155,993 148,120 141,202 138,226 450,628 157,993 217,419 37,605 107,500 132,500 117,743 131,363 85,815 131,363 131,363 131,363 131,363 199,349 110,349 110,349 154,782 121,862 168,320 217,435 Chief Executive Executive Director of Special Projects 104,546 107,500 107,500 132,500 - 19,307 127,519 127,519 127,519 Chief Fire Officer Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Assessor Executive Director Finance & Resources Executive Director Performance & Organisational Support 107,274 Director of Education Services 90,803 117,274 Director of Corporate & Neighbourhood Services 4.90% 0.78% 13.43% 167.72% 1.25% -0.01% -64.03% - 509.85% 3.01% -32.70% 3.01% 44.67% 3.01% 3.01% 2.97% 2.87% -5.90% Salary, fees & allowances £166,780; Election duties £20,401; Pension contributions £30,238 Salary, fees & allowances £132,051; Election duties £2,000; Pension contributions £23,942 Salary, fees & allowances £132,051; Compensation for loss of office £109,303 (PLUS annual compensation of £11,040); Election duties £10,201; Pension contributions £199,073. Was Executive Director of Corporate Services to December 2010 and Executive Director of Special Projects from that date Salary, fees & allowances £117,005; Pension contributions £21,221 Salary, fees & allowances £132,051; Pension contributions £23,942 Salary, fees & allowances £125,386; Pension contributions £22,734 Salary, fees & allowances 93,506, Pension contributions £16,843 Salary, fees & allowances £93,506, Pension contributions £16,843 Salary, fees & allowances £149,437; Returning officer fees £20,280; Pension contributions £29,632 Salary, fees & allowances £111,136; Pension contributions £20,227 Salary, fees & allowances £111,136; Pension contributions £20,227 Salary, fees & allowances £111,136 Pension contributions £20,227. Started 4 July 2009 Salary, fees & allowances £111,136; Pension contributions £20,227 Salary, fees & allowances £66,082; Returning Officer Fee £2,000; Pension contributions £17,733. Left 17 October 2010 Salary, fees & allowances £111,136; Pension contributions £20,227 Salary, fees & allowances £99,160; Taxable expenses £536; Pension contributions £18,047. Started 4 January 2010 Salary, fees & allowances £32,012; Taxable expenses £344; Pension contributions £5,249. Left 11 July 2010 Iain Scott Colin Edgar Dawn Corbett Thomas McCabe Jim Cunningham Wendy O'Donnell Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow City City City City City City City City City City City City City City City City City City City City City City City City City Steve Inch Glasgow City 106,767 92,496 102,500 102,500 102,500 107,500 107,500 112,500 117,500 122,500 122,500 132,500 137,500 147,500 - Assistant Director of Development and Regeneration Services Area Education Manager Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title 95,616 Head of Service Development 102,500 102,500 102,500 107,500 107,500 107,500 107,500 112,500 112,500 112,500 122,500 132,500 376,111 - 349,600 256,530 139,955 102,334 100,563 85,297 369,827 298,574 111,624 154,782 Head of Corporate Policy and Service Reform Assistant Director of Corporate Services Head of Communication and Organisational Development Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services 306.62% -100.00% -100.00% - 227.44% 168.29% 64.08% 1.76% 231.31% 92.90% Salary, fees & allowances £45,710; Compensation for loss of office £109,279; Annual compensation £11, 032; Pension contributions £143,585. Left July 2010 Salary, fees & allowances £74,014; Compensation for loss of office £78,142; Annual compensation £7,356; Election duties £2,000; Pension contributions £215,671. Left December 2010 Salary, fees & allowances £85,781; Election duties £1,000; Pension contributions £15,553 Salary, fees & allowances £77,802; Compensation for loss of office £48,044; Annual compensation £6,571; Pension contributions £14,109 Salary, fees & allowances £85,739; Compensation for loss of office £69,955; Annual compensation of £6,821; Pension contributions £100,836 Salary, fees & allowances £93,962; Compensation for loss of office £82,741; Annual compensation £7,853; Pension contributions £172,897 Salary, fees & allowances £82,955; Compensation for loss of office £70,297; Annual compensation £6,935; Pension contributions £222,859 Stephen Barron Stuart Black Alistair Dodds Hugh Fraser Alan Geddes Neil Giles Michelle Morris Harriet Dempster J Mundell A Fawcett A Henderson R Murphy P Wallace E Paterson K Lawrie D MacKay Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland Inverclyde Inverclyde Inverclyde Inverclyde Inverclyde Inverclyde Inverclyde Midlothian Midlothian 105,450 105,450 130,731 Assistant Chief Executive Director of Social Work Chief Executive Corporate Director Regeneration & Environment Corporate Director Education & Communities Corporate Director Community Care & Health Partnership Corporate Director Organisational Improvement & Resources 81,565 Chief Executive 116,716 94,780 - 116,351 Monitoring Officer Unknown title Director Education & Children Services 134,854 - 136,642 136,971 117,482 134,030 100,834 107,500 120,767 120,467 105,450 Director of Transport, Environmental and Community Services 150,979 103,467 115,995 Depute Chief Executive & Director of Finance 136,768 120,535 105,450 Director of Education Culture and Sport 192,025 100,777 140,112 Chief Executive 136,967 120,617 105,450 Director of Planning, Environment and Development 136,725 116,788 105,450 Director of Housing & Property 0.66% 64.32% 6.39% - 3.80% 16.43% 19.61% 3.28% 3.15% - 29.58% 29.89% 30.16% 29.70% 37.05% 29.89% 29.66% Salary £109,198; Returning Officer £2,948; Pension contributions £21,286; Returning Officer Pension contributions £598 Salary £91,022; Non cash benefits £7,983; Pension contributions £18,477 Gross salary £102,034; Pension contributions £18,433 Gross salary £102,034; Election payments £300; Pension contributions £18,433 Gross salary £83,118; Election payments £2,700; Pension contributions £15,016 Salary, fees & allowances £105,450; Pension contributions £31,192. Figure for 2009-10 was taken from Town Hall Rich List 2011 and is simply salary fees and allowances. Figure for 2009-10 was taken from Town Hall Rich List 2011 and is simply salary fees and allowances. Gross salary £111,849; Election payments £2,780; Pension contributions £20,225 Gross salary £102,034; Election payments £150; Pension contributions £18,433 Gross salary £102,034; Election payments £150; Pension contributions £18,351 Salary, fees & allowances £115,995; Pension contributions £34,984. Figure for 2009-10 was taken from Town Hall Rich List 2011 and is simply salary fees and allowances. Salary, fees & allowances £105,450; Expenses £329; Pension contributions £31,192. Figure for 2009-10 was taken from Town Hall Rich List 2011 and is simply salary fees and allowances. Salary, fees & allowances £148,549; Pension contributions £43,476. Figure for 2009-10 was taken from Town Hall Rich List 2011 and is simply salary fees and allowances. Salary, fees & allowances £105,450; Expenses £126; Pension contributions £31,192. Figure for 2009-10 was taken from Town Hall Rich List 2011 and is simply salary fees and allowances. Salary, fees & allowances £105,450; Expenses £83; Pension contributions £31,192. Figure for 2009-10 was taken from Town Hall Rich List 2011 and is simply salary fees and allowances. Salary, fees & allowances £105,450; Expenses £325; Pension contributions £31,192. Figure for 2009-10 was taken from Town Hall Rich List 2011 and is simply salary fees and allowances. C Anderson J Blair N Grieve I Young I Jackson Elma Murray Alasdair Herbert Carol Kirk Gavin Whitefield Russell Ellerby Mary Castles Alistair Crichton Paul Jukes John O'Hagan Christine Pollock Mary Fegan Alistair Buchan Elaine Grieve Brian Thomson Nigel Mills Leslie Manson Midlothian Midlothian Midlothian Midlothian Midlothian Moray Moray Moray North Ayrshire North Ayrshire North Ayrshire North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire Orkney Islands Orkney Islands Orkney Islands Orkney Islands Orkney Islands 116,411 102,500 - 124,404 Director of Corporate Services Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Chief Executive Corporate director, Finance & Infrastructure 121,138 Chief Executive Director of Marine Services Director of Education & Recreation Services Assistant Chief Executive Director of Development & Environment Services 105,681 - 134,613 131,396 97,785 101,173 101,196 101,174 97,448 97,968 103,180 99,442 122,207 108,716 107,500 134,613 134,643 131,396 131,072 134,835 134,945 118,233 177,830 176,513 118,226 150,323 217,469 102,500 102,500 44,181 140,820 113,736 114,050 131,396 131,289 116,610 178,232 110,882 Corporate Director, Education & Skills Chief Executive Assistant Chief Executive Executive Director of Housing & Social Work Service Executive Director of Finance & Customer Services Executive Director of Environmental Services Executive Director of Corporate Services Executive Director of Learning & Leisure Services Head of Social Work Services (Chief Social Worker) Unknown title 105,881 111,430 Director of Strategic Services 84,438 110,854 Director Corporate Resources Head of Law and Administration 112,241 Director Communities & Wellbeing 3.46% 3.29% 3.82% 3.76% 0.88% 2.87% - 2.45% 2.70% 2.47% 2.62% 2.78% 1.39% -0.23% 59.19% 11.66% 20.83% 86.81% - -60.35% 66.77% 2.60% 1.61% Salary, fees & allowances £101,398; Expenses allowances £124; Benefits other than cash £20,685Shared by Shetland Islands Council Salary, fees & allowances £86,031; Expenses allowances £7; Benefits other than cash £17,142 Salary, fees & allowances £84,031; Expense allowances £1; Benefits other than cash £17,142 Salary, fees & allowances £84,031; Expense allowances £23; Benefits other than cash £17,142 Salary, fees & allowances £84,031;Benefits other than cash £17,142 Remuneration £98,843; Pension contributions £9,873 Remuneration £121,932; Pension contributions £12,681 Remuneration £121,932; Pension contributions £12,681 Remuneration £121,931; Pension contributions £12,712 Remuneration £122,133; Pension contributions £12,702 Remuneration £122,233; Pension contributions £12,712 Salary £126,597; Taxable expenses £685; Returning Officer fees £3,546; Pension contributions £23,041; Returning Officer Pension Contributions £645 Salary £99,390; Taxable expenses £747; Pension contributions £18,089 Salary £99,390; Taxable expenses £754; Pension contributions £18,089 Remuneration £161,239; Pension contributions £16,591 Remuneration £165,470; Pension contributions £11,043 Salary £91,022; Non cash benefits £4,551; Pension contributions £18,477 Salary £91,022; Non cash benefits £4,237; Pension contributions £18,477 Salary £27,515; Compensation £1,640; Pension contributions £111,665 Salary £24,593; Compensation £11,020; Pension contributions £8,568 Salary £29,303; Compensation £10,260; Pension contributions £177,906 Bernadette Malone James Irons David Burke John Fyffe Ian Innes John Symon David Martin Robert Naylor Paul Gannon Shona MacDougall Sandra Black Mary Crearie Bob Darracott Peter MacLeod D Hume TM Logan Perth and Kinross Perth and Kinross Perth and Kinross Perth and Kinross Perth and Kinross Perth and Kinross Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Scottish Borders Scottish Borders 126,060 122,985 102,235 102,235 140,167 Head of Legal Services Head of Finance Chief Executive Director of Education and Leisure Services 107,149 107,149 107,149 112,500 141,094 112,698 Director of Planning and Transport Director of Social Work Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Unknown title Chief Executive Director of Resources 108,170 107,349 Director of Environmental Services Director of Finance and Corporate Services Director of Housing and Property Services 110,134 Director of Corporate Services - 126,060 122,985 119,522 144,596 127,844 102,500 107,500 107,500 107,500 112,500 112,500 117,500 122,500 177,500 127,844 127,844 128,144 128,044 182,396 127,844 163,840 99,593 99,593 132,157 148,517 124,968 151,864 Chief Executive Depute Chief Executive & Executive Director The Environment Service Executive Director Housing & Community Care Executive Director Education & Children's Services 6.06% 2.48% 19.31% - 19.31% 19.31% 18.47% 19.28% 65.61% - 16.89% -2.58% -2.58% 2.50% 2.50% 5.75% -2.20% Left during year Left during year Left during year Left during year Left during year Salaries, fees and allowances £123,136; Pension contributions £21,460 Salaries, fees and allowances £101,039; Benefits other than in cash £296; Pension contributions £18,187 Salary, fees & allowances £125,331; Pension contributions £23,186 Salary, fees & allowances £111,525; Pension contributions £20,632 Salary, fees & allowances £106,380; Pension contributions £19,680 Salary, fees & allowances £106,380; Pension contributions £19,680 Salary, fees & allowances £84,045; Pension contributions £15,548 Salary, fees & allowances £84,045; Pension contributions £15,548 Salary £132,722, Fees & allowances £6,053, Expenses £65, Pension contributions £25,000. Salary £107,844, Pension contributions £20,000. Started 1 April 2010 Salary £37,913, Fees & allowances £2,600, Compensation for loss of employment £134,883, Pension contributions £7,000. Left 4 September 2010. 2009-10 does not include pension contributions Salary £107,844, Fees & allowances £200, Pension contributions £20,000. 2009-10 does not include pension contributions Salary £107,844, Fees & allowances £300, Pension contributions £20,000. 2009-10 does not include pension contributions Salary £107,844, Pension contributions £20,000. 2009-10 does not include pension contributions Salary £107,844, Pension contributions £20,000. 2009-10 does not include pension contributions Salary £107,844, Pension contributions £20,000. 2009-10 does not include pension contributions Left during year Left during year Left during year Left during year Director of Technical Services D J Anderson H M Garland E Howat J G Peterkin A Strang L Hardie R McIlwain N Anderson L Forde C McDowall L Freeland H Stevenson Bob Jack Janice Hewitt Linda Kinney South Ayrshire South Ayrshire South Ayrshire South Ayrshire South Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire Stirling Stirling Stirling 147,771 142,271 142,271 136,191 142,271 119,429 108,806 96,889 Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Chief Executive Assistant Chief Executive Assistant Chief Executive 109,378 112,232 124,937 143,211 138,781 142,711 141,250 120,787 148,261 151,152 150,651 67,723 186,653 123,840 Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director-Development and Environment 124,774 191,485 121,275 Executive Director - Corporate Services 126,290 151,789 - 107,500 107,500 150,113 119,594 107,454 119,594 Chief Executive Executive Director and Depute Chief Executive 120,479 Chief Executive Executive Director - Children & Communities 149,932 107,500 Unknown title Scottish Borders Shetland Islands Shared staff with Orkney Islands - 94,309 Unknown title (Formerly Chief Finance Officer) Scottish Borders AG Brown Scottish Borders 116,866 Director of Social Work - AC Lowe Scottish Borders 105,086 Unknown title IM Lindley Scottish Borders 116,834 Director of Education & Lifelong Learning Director of Planning & Economic Development Scottish Borders JG Rodger Scottish Borders 12.89% 3.15% 4.61% 0.66% - 0.31% 3.71% -15.10% 0.33% 0.33% -2.52% -45.31% 2.89% 4.82% 1.24% - - - 59.17% 2.33% 2.25% 2.36% Gross salary and allowances £58,016; Pension contribution £9,707. Left 30 September 2010 Salary/fees £156,878; Expenses £271; Pension contributions £29,504 Salary/fees £127,714; Expenses £298; Pension contributions £23,140 Salary/fees £126,066; Expenses £271; Pension contributions £21,924 Salary/fees £120,516; Expenses £271; Pension contributions £0 Salary/fees £120,516; Expenses £271; Pension contributions £21,924 Salary/fees £119,627; Pension contributions £21,623 Salary/fees £117,177; Expenses £283; Pension contributions £21,321 Salary/fees £120,516; Expenses £771; Pension contributions £21,924 Salary, fees & allowances £105,315; Expense allowances £139; Pension contributions £19,483 Salary, fees & allowances £94,248; Expenses allowances £548; Pension contributions £17,436 Salary, fees & allowances £91,846; Expenses allowances £541; Pension contributions £16,991 Gross salary and allowances £128,983; Taxable expenses £96; Benefits in kind £135; Pension contribution £22,575 Gross salary and allowances £105,041; Benefits in kind £2,160; Pension contributions £19,089 Gross salary and allowances £105,685; Pension contributions £19,089 Salaries, fees and allowances £101,394; Pension contributions £18,200 Salaries, fees and allowances £91,106; Pension contributions £16,348 Salaries, fees and allowances £101,394; Pension contributions £18,200 Salaries, fees and allowances £59,089; Compensation for loss of office £80,388; Pension contributions £10,636. CFO until 21 March 2010, Director of Technical Services until 24 October 2010 Remuneration contained an element of voluntary severance or early retiral Remuneration contained an element of voluntary severance or early retiral Remuneration contained an element of voluntary severance Rebecca Maxwell G Hope A Linkston G Ford J Dickson J Hill A Logan M Niven G Struthers S Field A Gee A Shaw A Aird D Forsyth A Quigley West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Lothian West Dunbartonshire Anne Ritchie West Dunbartonshire Elaine Melrose West Dunbartonshire Joyce White West Dunbartonshire Terence Lanagan West Dunbartonshire David McMillan Stirling 154,346 125,799 130,586 Chief Executive Depute Chief Executive Director of Development & Environmental Services 106,603 Head of Finance Services Head of Schools with Education Support 92,616 98,604 Head of Customer Services Head of Property Services 104,001 98,643 Head of Area Services Head of Social Policy 101,145 98,604 48,767 109,000 234,364 101,148 101,145 100,026 98,604 95,806 109,352 184,335 111,455 154,284 128,925 89,243 141,327 100,699 Head of Corporate Services Head of Planning and Economic Development Head of Housing Construction and Building Services 106,603 98,604 Head of Operational Services) Depute Chief Executive (Formerly 129,803 Chief Executive (Formerly Depute Chief Executive) 119,511 115,667 119,511 116,174 113,227 115,667 141,751 108,837 142,260 93,581 98,236 Chief Executive Executive Director of Educational Services Executive Director of Corporate Services Executive Director Housing, Environmental and Economic Development Services Head of Children’s Healthcare & Criminal Justice Assistant Chief Executive -53.11% 10.54% 153.05% 2.54% 2.58% 2.58% 4.40% 2.58% 72.92% 13.03% 18.15% 2.48% -42.18% 8.88% 7.61% 3.32% 3.32% 2.60% -0.36% 10.79% Salary fees & allowances £119,675; Pension Contributions £21,652. Became Chief Executive 1 October 2010 Salary fees & allowances £74,380; Pension Contributions £14,863 Salary fees & allowances £112,308; Pension Contributions £16,617 Salary incl fees & allowances £38,805; Compensation for loss of employment £77,288; Pension Contributions £38,191. Left 6 August 2010 Salary, Fees and Allowances £95,138; Pension Contributions £16,317. Became Depute Chief Executive 1 October 2010 Salary, Fees and Allowances £30,306; Compensation for loss of employment £14,508; Pension Contributions £139,520. Left on 31 July 2010 Salary, Fees and Allowances £91,701; Pension Contributions £17,651 Salary, Fees and Allowances £84,045; Pension Contributions £15,981 Salary, Fees and Allowances £84,828; Pension Contributions £16,317 Salary, Fees and Allowances £84,828; Pension Contributions £16,317 Salary, Fees and Allowances £84,831; Pension Contributions £16,317 Salary, Fees and Allowances £23,311; Compensation for loss of employment £65,244; Pension Contributions £145,809. Left 31 July 2010 Salary, Fees and Allowances £42,023; Compensation for loss of employment £52,972; Pension Contributions £14,005. Left 2 October 2010 Salary, Fees and Allowances £40,638; Pension Contributions £8,129. Left 11 September 2010 Salary, Fees and Allowances £101,109; Pension Contributions £18,402 Salary, Fees and Allowances £85,297; Pension Contributions £15,402 Salary, fees & allowances £91,846; Pension contributions £16,991 Salary, Fees and Allowances £119,925; Pension Contributions £21,826 Salary, Fees and Allowances £101,109; Pension Contributions £15,065 Salary, Fees and Allowances £101,109; Pension Contributions £18,402 West Lothian M Rankine Head of Education (Quality Assurance) 96,385 192 105,542 235 9.50% Salary, Fees and Allowances £91,957; Pension Contributions £13,585