IQmark™ Digital ECG PDA Quick Reference User’s Guide – Performing a 12-Lead Resting ECG Test Note: If you have newly registered patients in the IQmark Diagnostic Workstation, synchronize the PDA device through the docking station to update the patient list. If you are using a wireless connection, tap Search on the Patient List screen of the IQmark PDA will update the patient list. 1. Start the IQmark PDA program - tap Start on the PDA device, then tap Programs and then tap IQmark PDA. 2. Search for and select a patient from the patient list. 3. If you cannot find the patient, then tap New Patient to register a new patient. Enter as much information as you can, particularly DOB (date of birth) and sex. 4. Tap Vitals to enter the vital signs if needed. Blood Pressure entered will be recorded on the ECG report. 5. Prepare the patient for the ECG test. a. Make sure the temperature in the exam room is comfortable for the patient. If the room is too cold, the patient may shiver causing artifact or muscle tremors on the ECG. b. Explain to the patient that the test is non-invasive and painless. c. Remove clothing to expose electrode prep sites. d. Shave body hair if necessary to provide a good skin-to-electrode contact. e. Prep skin at electrode sites with alcohol wipes. Let air dry. (Body oils/lotions will interfere with electrode signals) f. Instruct the patient to lie down on the exam table and get comfortable. Test is most accurate with the patient in a supine and relaxed position. If the table is too small for the patient, ask the patient to tuck his/her palms by their side and under their thighs. g. Apply fresh disposable electrodes on the patient, making sure the disposable electrodes are adhering well. 6. Attach the Universal Clips to the disposable electrodes. Refer to the labels on the patient cable for correct electrode placement sites. 7. Connect the IQmark Digital ECG module to the IQmark PDA device. If already connected, verify it is secured. 8. Tap ECG on the PDA device then press the symbol on the ECG module to monitor live ECG. 9. Again, instruct the patient to relax. 10. Allow the Wait status to change to Save (about 12 seconds). The signal quality indicators will turn green when the quality of the ECG tracings is good, or yellow when the tracing quality is between fair and acceptable. Verify the quality of ECG tracings by scrolling through each of the lead groups. When you are satisfied with the quality of the ECG, tap on Save. The number of ECG reports saved is indicated in parenthesis. 11. To review saved ECG, tap Review button on the live ECG screen. 12. To return to the Patient List, tap OK button in the upper right-hand corner of the IQmark PDA screen. 13. Tap OK again to exit the Patient Search screen and the IQmark PDA program. 14. Remove electrodes from patient. Discard used disposable electrodes immediately. 15. Dock the IQmark PDA device with the IQmark Diagnostic Workstation to transfer saved ECG tests to the Workstation database. If using wireless connection, all saved tests will be transferred automatically. 16. If Print Reports After Receive option is enabled in the IQmark Sync application, these ECG reports will be printed automatically. 3300 Fujita Street, Torrance, CA 90505 • 310-530-5955 • 800-624-8950 • Fax 310-530-1421 3-100-1052 Rev. E Style A Standard 12-Lead Patient Hookup Diagram Chest lead placement Limb lead placement RA (White/White) • Right lateral side of the upper arm below the shoulder. V1 (Red/Brown) • Fourth intercostal place at the right margin of the sternum. LA (Black/White) • Left lateral side of the upper arm below the shoulder. V2 (Yellow/Brown) • Fourth intercostal place at the left margin of the sternum. RL (Green/White) • Lower leg, above the ankle. V3 (Green/Brown) th • Midway between V2 and V4 (on top of the 5 rib). LL (Red/White) • Lower leg, above the ankle. V4 (Blue/Brown) • Fifth intercostal place at the left mid-clavicular line. V5 (Orange/Brown) • At the horizontal level of V4, at the left anterior line. V6 (Purple/Brown) • At the horizontal level of V4, at the mid-axillary line. Quick Troubleshooting Tips: (Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide in the operation manual for more help) 1. The LED on the IQmark Digital ECG module should be green when ON. If it is not ON, press the on the ECG module. If the LED is red, replace the batteries of the ECG module. symbol 2. If any of the I, II, III, aVR, aVL and aVF leads on the screen are noisy or flat lined, always check the limb lead electrodes for proper contact in this order: RL, LL, RA and LA. If a precordial lead is noisy or flat lined, check the limb lead electrodes first, and then check the corresponding chest lead electrode for proper contact. 3. If the noise or artifact still persists, turn on the AC, Drift and MYO filters. You can turn off and on the IQmark Digital ECG module to help resetting the baselines. 3300 Fujita Street, Torrance, CA 90505 • 310-530-5955 • 800-624-8950 • Fax 310-530-1421 3-100-1052 Rev. E