Turn Imagination into Results ProteCol™ HPLC Columns t'MFYJCMFIBSEXBSFPQUJPOT t)JHIRVBMJUZQIBTFT t1FSGFDUNBUDIGPSBMM ZPVSTFQBSBUJPOOFFET AUSTRALIA & PACIFIC REGION EUROPE JAPAN USA ProteCol™ Column Range Introduction 5VSOJNBHJOBUJPOJOUPSFTVMUTXJUIUIF1SPUF$PM™SBOHF PG)1-$DPMVNOT 8JUI 3FWFSTF 1IBTF /PSNBM 1IBTF BOE 4QFDJBMUZ 1IBTFT1SPUF$PMFOTVSFTZPVIBWFUIFSJHIUQIBTFGPS ZPVSTFQBSBUJPOOFFET8JUIUIFPQUJPOPGDPNCJOJOH JOFSU1&&,DPBUFEIBSEXBSFPSUSBEJUJPOBMTUBJOMFTTTUFFM XJUI FBDI RVBMJUZ QIBTF UIF 1SPUF$PM )1-$ TPMVUJPO EFMJWFSTUIFDPNCJOBUJPOZPVSFRVJSF ProteCol Reverse Phase tProteCol C18PGGFSTBGMFYJCMFSBOHFPG$CPOEFEQIBTFTJODMVEJOHQ)TUBCJMJUZBOEQPSFTJ[FPQUJPOT tProteCol C8DPMVNOTIBWFQPSFTJ[FTUPTVJUZPVSBOBMZTJT tProteCol C4DPMVNOTIBWFIJHIEVSBCJMJUZBOEFYUFOEFEBDJEJDBOEBMLBMJOFSFTJTUBODF tProteCol Phenyl Hexyl DPMVNOTPGGFSVOJRVFTFMFDUJWJUZ ProteCol Normal Phase tProteCol AminoDPMVNOTFOBCMFTFQBSBUJPOJOCPUIOPSNBMBOESFWFSTFEQIBTF tProteCol Cyano and SilicaFOBCMFPQUJPOTGPSOPSNBMQIBTFDISPNBUPHSBQIZ ProteCol Specialty Phase t ProteCol HILICSBOHFQSPWJEFTBQPMBSTUBUJPOBSZQIBTFBOEIJHIMZPSHBOJDNPCJMFQIBTFBMMPXJOHZPVUPSFUBJO BOETFQBSBUFQPMBSBOBMZUFT tProteCol ChiralDPMVNOTFOTVSFUIFJTPMBUJPOBOEBOBMZTJTPGQVSFFOBOUJPNFST tProteCol PFPDPMVNOTBSFVTFGVMJOUIFTFQBSBUJPOPGFQJNFST tProteCol SCXDPMVNOTIBWFBIJHIMPBEJOHDBQBDJUZBOEQSFTTVSFMJNJU ProteCol Ultra Phase t3BOHFPGQIBTFTGPS6)1-$VTF Hardware Options 1SPUF$PM)1-$DPMVNOTBSFBWBJMBCMFJOUIFGPMMPXJOHGPSNBUT t*OFSUIBSEXBSF1&&,DPBUFETUBJOMFTTTUFFMPS1&&,TJM™$BQJMMBSZIBSEXBSF t$BQJMMBSZ)1-$ t4UBJOMFTTTUFFM t6)1-$ t4FNJQSFQBSBUJWFBOEQSFQBSBUJWF Inert Hardware t1&&,DPBUFETUBJOMFTTTUFFM t$BQJMMBSZ)1-$ t0QUJNJ[FEBOBMZUFSFDPWFSZ t4VQFSJPSQFBLTIBQFBOESFQSPEVDJCJMJUZ t-FTTBSUJGBDUTEVFUPSFEVDFEDBSSZPWFS The Importance of Inert HPLC Column Design /POTQFDJGJD JOUFSBDUJPOT CFUXFFO UIF UBSHFU BOBMZUF BOE UIF TJMJDB QBSUJDMFT JO UIF )1-$ DPMVNO BSF OPX XFMM DPOUSPMMFE XJUI UIF BWBJMBCJMJUZ PG VMUSBQVSF TJMJDBT 5PEBZ DISPNBUPHSBQIFST FYQFDU TJMJDB TPVSDFE CZ NBOVGBDUVSFSTUPCFPGUIFIJHIFTUQVSJUZ8IBUJTPGUFOOPUDPOTJEFSFEJTUIFSPMFDPMVNOIBSEXBSFNBZQMBZ JOOPOTQFDJGJDJOUFSBDUJPOToUIFGSJUBOEJOUFSOBMDPMVNOIBSEXBSFDBOCPUIJOGMVFODFUIFCFIBWJPSPGBOBMZUFT XJUILOPXONFUBMDIFMBUJOHBDUJWJUZ 1SPUF$PMPGGFSTUXPJOFSUIBSEXBSFPQUJPOT1&&,DPBUFETUBJOMFTTTUFFMPS1&&,TJM™DBQJMMBSZIBSEXBSF 1&&,-JOFE $PMVNO 4BNQMF $PMVNOT #VGGFS 'MPX 1IBTF .FUBMDIFMBUJOHQSPCF ¬HPGIZESPYZQZSJEJOF/PYJEF NNYNN*%BU«$ N.&%5"JO8BUFS NMNJO 1SPUF$PM™$¬N ProteCol™ 1&&, DPBUFE F 4UBJOMFTT4UFFM $PMVNO E D A B C " # $ % & ' A Colum PEEK Porou Statio PEEK Stain $PMVNOFOEDBQ B 1&&, GSJUIPVTJOH C 1PSPVT1&&, GSJU D 4UBUJPOBSZQIBTF E 1&&, MJOJOH F 4UBJOMFTTTUFFM DPMVNOCPEZ .PTUQIBSNBDFVUJDBMMZBDUJWFDPNQPVOETBOEOBUVSBMQSPEVDUTIBWFUIFQPUFOUJBMUPJOUFSBDUXJUINFUBMT'PS UIJTSFBTPONPMFDVMFTMJLFRVJOJ[BSJOUFUSBDZDMJOFPSDJDMPQJSPYGPSNUBJMJOHQFBLTJOUIFQSFTFODFPGNFUBMJO UIFDPMVNOPSTZTUFN Capillary HPLC ProteCol Capillary HPLC Is Perfect For: t4NBMM TBNQMFT CJPUFDIOPMPHZ NFEJDBM SFTFBSDI QSPUFPNJDT t&YPUJDTPMWFOUTEFVUFSBUFETPMWFOUTGPS-$/.3 t-PXDPODFOUSBUJPOTIJHIMZQPUFOUQIBSNBDFVUJDBMT NFEJDBMSFTFBSDI t*OTUSVNFOUBUJPOEJSFDUDPVQMJOHJOUP.4 Figure demonstrating the relationship of analysis sensitivity with low volume use of solvents. 5IF1SPUF$PMDBQJMMBSZ)1-$EFTJHOJODMVEFTJOUFHSBUFE DPOOFDUJPOUVCJOHXJUI1&&,TJM™GPSUIFDPMVNOCPEZ BOE DPOOFDUJPO DBQJMMBSJFT EFMJWFSJOH SPCVTU EFTJHO [FSPWPMVNFDPOOFDUJPOTBOEVOJOUFSSVQUFEGMPX Stainless Steel Hardware 1SPUF$PM)1-$XJUITUBJOMFTTTUFFMIBSEXBSFIBTCPUIFYUFSOBMCPEZBOEFOEGJUUJOHTNBOVGBDUVSFEGSPN IJHIRVBMJUZHSBEFTUBJOMFTTTUFFM UHPLC 4UBJOMFTTTUFFMIBSEXBSFJTEFTJHOFETQFDJGJDBMMZGPS6)1-$VTFBOETUBOEBSEXJUIUIF1SPUF$PM6MUSBQIBTFT 5IFTFDPMVNOTBSFGPSVTFBUQTJ Chemical Properties of ProteCol Range Stability at pH 1: $PMVNOTJOUIF1SPUF$PMSBOHFTIPXOPEFUFSJPSBUJPO XIFOFYQPTFEUPQ)CVGGFST Overlay of 40 chromatograms run at pH 1.0 spanning 1200 column volumes. Long-term Reproducibility $PMVNOT JO UIF 1SPUF$PM SBOHF TIPX B SFNBSLBCMF SFQSPEVDJCJMJUZPGUIPVTBOETPGJOKFDUJPOTTVCKFDUUP TBNQMFQVSJUZBOENPCJMFQIBTFDPOEJUJPOT 2500th Injection 2000th Injection 1500th Injection 900th Injection 500th Injection 1st Injection Chromatograms of a test mix over a period of 2500 injections. Analysis of Larger Molecules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elative Diffusion Coefficients 5kDa peptide in 1000Å pores 100kDa protein in 1000Å pores 5kDa peptide in 300Å pores 5IF3FOLJO.PEFMQSPWJEFTBOFRVBUJPOPGUIFFGGFDUPGQPSFBOEBOBMZUF TJ[FPOUIFEJGGVTJPODPFGGJDJFOU"%Q%NWBMVFPGNFBOTUIFEJGGVTJPO JOTJEFUIFQPSFJTBTGBTUBTJOUIFCVMLMJRVJE%Q%NNFBOTUIFNPMFDVMF EPFTOPUNPWFJOTJEFUIFQPSFT 5kDa peptide in 200Å pores 5kDa peptide in 120Å pores 100kDa protein in 300Å pores 5kDa peptide in 100Å pores 100kDa protein in 200Å pores 100kDa protein in 120Å pores 100kDa protein in 100Å pores An illustration of the relative diffusion rate of a 5kDa peptide and a 100kDa protein in a number of pore systems. Reverse Phase ProteCol Range tProteCol C18PGGFSTBGMFYJCMFSBOHFPG$CPOEFE QIBTFTJODMVEJOHQ)TUBCJMJUZBOEQPSFTJ[FPQUJPOT tProteCol C8 DPMVNOT IBWF QPSF TJ[FT UP TVJU ZPVS BOBMZTJT tProteCol C4 DPMVNOT IBWF IJHI EVSBCJMJUZ BOE FYUFOEFEBDJEJDBOEBMLBMJOFSFTJTUBODF tProteCol Phenyl Hexyl DPMVNOTPGGFSVOJRVFTFMFDUJWJUZ Reverse Phase Column Selection Tree Molecule Type Sample Type Size or pH requirements ProteCol Selection Proteins > 15,000 Da ProteCol – C8 Q 1000 < 5,000 Da ProteCol – C18 G 200 < 15,000 Da ProteCol – C18 G 300 Chelating Compounds pH 1-9 ProteCol – C18 Q 100 General Purpose pH 1-12 ProteCol – C18 H 120 Hydrophobic pH 1-12 ProteCol – C8 H 120 Hydrophilic pH 1-9 ProteCol – C18 P 120 General Purpose pH 1-9 ProteCol – C18 G 120 Large Molecules > 1 KDa Peptides Small Molecules > 1 KDa General ProteCol C18 t4VCTUBOUJBMMZSFEVDFETBNQMFBOEDPMVNOQSFQBSBUJPOUJNF t*NQSPWFEQFBLTIBQFHJWJOHZPVJNQSPWFESFQSPEVDJCJMJUZBOETFOTJUJWJUZ t'FXFSBSUJGBDUTEVFUPSFEVDFEDBSSZPWFS t&OBCMFTVTFPG.4&-4%BOE$PSPOB$%"UFDIOJRVFT Four Chemistries Phase Pore Size (Å) Particle Size (¬m) Pore Volume (ml) Surface Area Carbon Load % C18 Q C18 G C18 G C18 G C18 H C18 P £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ C18 Q t6MUSBQVSFTJMJDB t'VMMZ FOE DBQQFE PQUJNJ[FE $QIBTFT C18 H t.PEJGJFE CPOEFE QIBTF NBLJOH JU FBTJFS UP XPSL GSPNMPXUPIJHIQ)VTJOH UIFTBNFDPMVNO t/PWFM DIFNJDBM CPOEJOH FOTVSJOH TUBCJMJUZ VOEFS FYUSFNF BMLBMJOF BOE BDJEJD DPOEJUJPOT tQ)TUBCJMJUZ C18 G t4UBCMFJOBRVFPVTDPOEJUJPOT t3FEVDFTOPOTQFDJGJDBOBMZUF JOUFSBDUJPOT t4FQBSBUFTQPMBSDPNQPVOET tQ)TUBCJMJUZ C18 P t1PMBSFNCFEFE$ tDPNQBUJCMFXJUIXBUFS tQ)TUBCJMJUZ $ISPNBUPHSBN PG UFUSBDZDMJOF BOUJCJPUJD BOE JUT NBKPS EFHSBEBUJPOQSPEVDU/PUFUIFQFBLCSPBEFOJOHPOUIF CBTFPGUIFQFBLSVOUISPVHIUIFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMDPMVNO *OTFU UIF UFUSBDZDMJOF NPMFDVMF EFQJDUJOH UIF UISFF QPUFOUJBMDIFMBUJOHHSPVQT $PMVNO 4BNQMF .PCJMF1IBTF" .PCJMF1IBTF# (SBEJFOU 'MPX3BUF 5FNQFSBUVSF %FUFDUJPO YNN*%$) $POUFOUPG7JUBNJO4VQQMFNFOU $BQTVMFT#MBDLNPSFT"VTUSBMJB 8BUFS "DFUPOJUSJMF UPNJOVUFTUP# UPNJOVUFT# N-NJO «$ ON 1SPUF$PM™)QIBTFCPOEJOH $PMVNO YNN$(¬N .PCJMF1IBTF N.,)PO Q))PO N-NJO 5FNQFSBUVSF «$ %FUFDUJPO ON 4BNQMFT J 5FTU.JY0SHBOJD"DJET JJ $SBOCFSSZ+VJDF ProteCol C8 t±QPSFTJ[F t*OUFSNFEJBUFQPMBSJUZ$QIBTF t$POUJOVJUZ PG VTJOH )1-$ GPS BMM TFQBSBUJPO OFFET TJNQMJGJFT ZPVS XPSLGMPX t'BDJMJUBUFTUIFVTFPG.4 t&MJNJOBUF4%41"(&GSPNZPVSXPSLGMPX Phase Pore Size (Å) $ $ Particle Size (µm) Pore Volume (ml) £ £ Surface Area Carbon Load % £ £ $PMVNO 1SPUF$PM™$2¬N*%YNN 'MPXSBUF ¬-NJO .PCJMFQIBTF" GPSNJDBDJE .PCJMFQIBTF# BDFUPOJUSJMFGPSNJDBDJE (SBEJFOU NJO#NJO#NJO# NJO#NJO# Base peak chromatogram of ribosomal proteins. Why choose 1000 Å pore size? ±QPSFTJ[FTJMJDBTFOBCMFMBSHFJSSFHVMBSTIBQFEQSPUFJOTUPCJOE UPUIFCPOEFEQIBTFXJUIPVUSFTUSJDUJOHBDDFTTUPUIFQPSFDPNQBSFE UP±TJMJDBTXIPTFQPSFTBSFFBTJMZCMPDLFECZMBSHFQSPUFJOT L%BTQIFSJDBM NPMFDVMFTJOB±QPSF n L%B SPETIBQFE NPMFDVMFT JO B ± QPSFBTQFDUSBUJP L%BNPMFDVMFTBETPSCFEPO UIFXBMMPGB±QPSF ProteCol C4 Standard Proteins $PMVNO 1SPUF$PM™$ YNN .PCJMF1IBTF " $)$/5'" # )5'" "# 'MPXSBUF N-NJO %FUFDUJPO 67ON 5FNQ «$ t ¬NNBUFSJBM t1SPUFJOQVSJGJDBUJPO t)JHIEVSBCJMJUZ t&YUFOEFEBDJEJDBOEBMLBMJDSFTJTUBODF t3FDPNNFOEFEGPSDPNQPVOETUPPTUSPOHMZSFUBJOFEPO$ BOE$QIBTFT Phase Pore Size (Å) $ Particle Size (¬m) Particle Volume Surface Area % Carbon Load pH 4BNQMF 3JCPOVDMFBTF $ZUPDISPNF -ZTP[ZNF #4" .ZPHMPCJO 0WBMCVNJO ProteCol Phenyl Hexyl 1SPUF$PM 1IFOZM )FYZM VTFT B IFYZMMJOLFE QIFOZM QIBTF XIFSF UIF IFYZM BMLZM DIBJO EFMJWFST VOJRVF TFMFDUJWJUZ BOE JODSFBTFE IZESPMZUJD TUBCJMJUZ XIFO DPNQBSFE UP QSPQZMMJOLFE DIFNJTUSZ 5IF FYBNQMF QJDUVSFE IJHIMJHIUT UIF TFQBSBUJPO PG B NJYUVSF PG #FO[PEJB[BQJOFT XIJDIJTEJGGJDVMUUPTFQBSBUFPOBTUBOEBSEQIFOZMUZQFDPMVNO Phase Pore Size (Å) Particle Size (µm) Surface Area % Carbon Load pH 1IFOZM)FYZM $PMVNO 1SPUF$PM™1IFOZM)FYZM .PCJMF1IBTF"DFUPOJUSJMF8BUFS 'MPXSBUF N-NJO %FUFDUJPO 67ON 4BNQMF -PSNFUB[FQBN %JB[FQBN 0YB[FQBN Normal Phase ProteCol™ Range tProteCol AminoDPMVNOBMMPXTCBTJDDPNQPVOETFQBSBUJPOJO OPSNBMQIBTFBOEDBSCPIZESBUFBOBMZTJT tProteCol Cyano DPMVNOT QSPWJEF DISPNBUPHSBQIJD SFUFOUJPO CPUI JO OPSNBM BOE SFWFSTFE QIBTF TFQBSBUJPO EVF UP JUT NPEFSBUFQPMBSJUZ tProteCol Silica DPMVNOT IBWF IJHI EVSBCJMJUZ BOE FYUFOEFE BDJEJDBOEBMLBMJOFSFTJTUBODF ProteCol Amino Specifications t#POEFEXJUIBNJOPQSPQZMTJMBOF Applications t#BTJDDPNQPVOETFQBSBUJPOVOEFSOPSNBMQIBTF DPOEJUJPOT t4BDDIBSJEFTFQBSBUJPOVTJOHBDFUPOJUSJMFXBUFS Phase Pore Size (Å) "NJOP Particle Size (¬m) Malto-oligosaccharides $PMVNO1SPUF$PM™"NJOP YNN &MVFOU$)$/) 'MPXSBUFN-NJO %FUFDUJPO3*% 5FNQ«$ 4BNQMF(MVDPTF .BMUPTF .BMUPUSJPTF .BMUPUFUSBPTF .BMUPQFOUBPTF Tocopherol isomers $PMVNO1SPUF$PM™"NJOP YNN &MVFOU)FYBOF&UIZMBDFUBUF 'MPXSBUFN-NJO %FUFDUJPO67ON 5FNQ«$ 4BNQMFĮTocopherol ȕTocopherol Ȗ Tocopherol įTocopherol Surface Area % Carbon Load ProteCol Cyano $PNNPOBQQMJDBUJPOTBSFGPSUIFTFQBSBUJPOPGGMBWPOPJET FYUSBDUJPOPGQPMBSDPNQPVOETGSPNOPOQPMBSTBNQMFT BTXFMMBTUIFBOBMZTJTPGTBNQMFTDPOUBJOJOHBOBMZUFTXJUI BXJEFSBOHFPGIZESPQIPCJDJUZ Phase Pore Size (Å) $ZBOP Particle Size (¬m) Surface Area % Carbon Load ProteCol Silica )JHITVSGBDFBSFBBOENFDIBOJDBMTUSFOHUI Phase Pore Size (Å) 4JMJDB Particle Size (¬m) Surface Area % Carbon Load Specialty Phase ProteCol™ Range tProteCol ChiralDPMVNOTFOTVSFUIFJTPMBUJPOBOEBOBMZTJTPGQVSF FOBOUJPNFST t ProteCol HILICSBOHFQSPWJEFTBQPMBSTUBUJPOBSZQIBTFFOBCMJOHUIF SFUFOUJPOBOETFQBSBUJPOPGQPMBSBOBMZUFTVTJOHPSHBOJDNPCJMFQIBTFT tProteCol SCXDPMVNOIBTBIJHIMPBEJOHDBQBDJUZBOEQSFTTVSFMJNJU tProteCol PFPDPMVNOJTVTFGVMJOUIFTFQBSBUJPOPGFQJNFST ProteCol Chiral tProteCol Chiral CHMJTBNPEJGJFEDFMMVMPTFDPBUFEPOIJHIQVSJUZIJHIQFSGPSNBODFTQIFSJDBMTJMJDBQBSUJDMFT 5IFDIFNJDBMNPEJGJDBUJPOJODMVEFTUIFDIFNJDBMCPOEJOHPGDIMPSPNFUIZMQIFOZMDBSCBNBUFUPDFMMVMPTF 5IFVTFPGDFMMVMPTFNPEJGJFEXJUIDIMPSJOBUFEQIFOZMHSPVQTQSPWJEFTGPSUIFTFQBSBUJPOGPSNBOZQSFWJPVTMZ VOSFTPMWFEPSQPPSMZSFTPMWFEDIJSBMNJYUVSFT tProteCol Chiral CHCBSFQPMZTBDDIBSJEFDPBUFEDIJSBMDPMVNOTNBOVGBDUVSFEVTJOHBVOJRVFQSPEVDUJPOQSPDFTT PGDPBUJOHUIFQSPWFODIJSBMTFMFDUPSUSJTEJNFUIZMQIFOZM DBSCBNPZMDFMMVMPTFPOIJHIQVSJUZTJMJDBHFM tProteCol Chiral CHAQPMZTBDDIBSJEFDPBUFEDIJSBMDPMVNOTBSFDSFBUFEVTJOHBVOJRVFQSPEVDUJPOQSPDFTTPG DPBUJOHUIFQSPWFODIJSBMTFMFDUPSUSJTEJNFUIZMQIFOZM DBSCBNPZMBNZMPTFPOIJHIQVSJUZTJMJDBHFM tProteCol Chiral CH4VTFTBNPEJGJFEDFMMVMPTFDPBUFEPOIJHIQVSJUZIJHIQFSGPSNBODFTQIFSJDBMTJMJDBQBSUJDMFT BOEDPOTJTUTPGUIFDIFNJDBMCPOEJOHPGDIMPSPNFUIZMQIFOZMDBSCBNBUFUPDFMMVMPTF5IFVTFPGDFMMVMPTF NPEJGJFEXJUIDIMPSJOBUFEQIFOZMHSPVQTQSPWJEFTGPSUIFTFQBSBUJPOGPSNBOZQSFWJPVTMZVOSFTPMWFEPSQPPSMZ SFTPMWFEDIJSBMNJYUVSFT ProteCol™ CHC Column Size:9NN Particle Size:NJDSPO Sample Name:"USPQJOF Mobile Phase:)FYBOF&UIBOPM Flow Rate:N-NJO Injection Vol: ¬Pressure:CBS ProteCol CHA Column Size: 9NN Particle Size: NJDSPO Sample Name: )ZESPCFO[PJO Mobile Phase: &UIBOPMJO)FYBOF Flow Rate: N-NJO Injection Vol: ¬Pressure: CBS Phase Sub Phase $IJSBM $)$ EJNFUIZMQIFOZMDBSCBNBUFDFMMVMPTF Chemical Structure Particle Size (¬m) $IJSBM $)" EJNFUIZMQIFOZMDBSCBNBUFBNZMPTF $IJSBM $). DIMPSPNFIZMQIFOZMDBSCBNBUFDFMMVMPTF $IJSBM $) DIMPSPNFUIZMQIFOZMDBSCBNBUFBNZMPTF $IJSBM $) DIMPSPNFUIZMQIFOZMDBSCBNBUFDFMMVMPTF 4FNJQSFQBSBUJWFBOEQSFQBSBUJWFGPSNBUTBSFBWBJMBCMF ProteCol HILIC )*-*$DISPNBUPHSBQIZVTFTNPCJMFQIBTFTDPOUBJOJOHCFUXFFOXBUFSGPSUIFSFUFOUJPOPGQPMBSDPNQPVOET 5IF1SPUF$PMSBOHFPG)*-*$DPMVNOTEFMJWFSTZPVTFQBSBUJPOTQFDJGJDGPSZPVSQPMBSBOBMZUFBOBMZTJT ProteCol HILIC-RP $PMVNO 1SPUF$PM™)*-*$31 YNN¬N .PCJMF1IBTF.FUIBOPM8BUFS %FUFDUJPO VW!ON 'MPX N-NJO 4BNQMF -PSNFUB[FQBN %JB[FQBN 0YB[FQBO 1SPUF$PM)*-*$31DPMVNOTEFMJWFSBDPNCJOBUJPO PG )*-*$ BOE SFWFSTFE QIBTF DISPNBUPHSBQIZ o QFSGFDU GPS TBNQMFT DPOUBJOJOH QPMBS BOE IZESPQIPCJD BOBMZUFT 5IF DPNQPTJUJPO PG CPUI UIF QPMZIZESPYZMBUFE QPMZNFS BOE 0%4 HSPVQT CPVOE UP TJMJDB QSPWJEFT IZESPYZM MFWFMT UIBU BSF XFMM BCPWF DPOWFOUJPOBM IZESPYZM BOE EJPM UZQF TUBUJPOBSZQIBTFT $PMVNO 1SPUF$PM™)*-*$' YNN¬N .PCJMF1IBTFN.BNNPOJVN BDFUBUFJOXBUFS "DFUPOJUSJMF 'MPX N-NJO %FUFDUJPO VW!ON 4BNQMF .%" "NQIFUBNJOF .%." .FUIBNQIFUBNJOF $PMVNO 1SPUF$PM™)*-*$)$ YNN¬N .PCJMF1IBTF"DFUPOJUSJMF N. 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Building your HPLC Column Part Number 5IF4(&1SPUF$PM™SBOHFPG)1-$DPMVNOTPGGFSTZPVNBOZDPNCJOBUJPOTXIFSFZPVDBOTFMFDUUIFQIBTFQBSUJDMF TJ[FDPMVNOMFOHUIBOE*%BTXFMMBTDPMVNOIBSEXBSF 5PNBLFPSEFSJOHFBTJFSQMFBTFVTFUIFGPMMPXJOHHVJEFXIFOCVJMEJOHZPVSDPMVNOGPSZPVSBQQMJDBUJPO t5IFQBSUOVNCFSTUBSUTXJUI1IBTF$PEF1BSUJDMF4J[F-FOHUI$PEF*%$PEF)BSEXBSF$PEFBOEXIFUIFSJUJTB HVBSEDPMVNO t*GZPVXBOUBHVBSEDPMVNOUPDPNQMFNFOUBOBOBMZUJDBMDPMVNOBEEi(wBTBTVGGJY Phase Particle Size Column Length Column ID Hardware Part Number 5 ¬N 250 mm 2.1 mm PEEK coated ? &YBNQMF 1SPUF$PM™$) ID CODE LENGTH CODE PARTICLE SIZE HARDWARE CODE Particle Size Particle Size Code Length Length Code ID ID Code Hardware Hardware Code 1.8 18 10 G 0.15 15 Stainless Steel S 2.5 25 10 T 0.3 30 UHPLC U 3 03 50 L 1 01 PEEKsil™ K 5 05 100 M 2.1 02 PEEK Coated P 10 150 N 3 03 250 R 4.6 46 10 10 10 $ 05 R 02 P 2C18205R02P 3FGFSUPUIFUBCMFPO UIFOFYUQBHF Build a column easily by downloading our HPLC Part Number Generator at www.sge.com/lc PHASE Phase Length ID Pore Size (Å) Phase Code Particle Size (µm) Hardware Code 1SPUF$PM™$2 -./3 $ 4,1 1SPUF$PM™$) -./3 $ 4,1 1SPUF$PM™$( -./3 $ 4,1 1SPUF$PM™$1 -./3 10- 4,1 1SPUF$PM™$) -./3 $ 4,1 1SPUF$PM™$( -./3 $ 4,1 1SPUF$PM™$( -./3 $ 4,1 1SPUF$PM™$) -./3 $ 4,1 1SPUF$PM™$) -./3 $ 4,1 1SPUF$PM™1IFOZM)FYZM -./3 /) SP 1SPUF$PM™4JMJDB -./3 4*- SP 1SPUF$PM™"NJOP -./3 ". SP SP 1SPUF$PM™$ZBOP -./3 $/ 1SPUF$PM™)*-*$31 -./3 )- SP 1SPUF$PM™)*-*$1* -./3 )- SP 1SPUF$PM™)*-*$'- -./3 )- SP 1SPUF$PM™)*-*$)$ -./3 )- SP 1SPUF$PM™$IJSBM$)$ R $)$ SP 1SPUF$PM™$IJSBM$). R $). SP 1SPUF$PM™$IJSBM$)" R $)" SP 1SPUF$PM™$IJSBM$) R $) SP 1SPUF$PM™$IJSBM$) R $) SP 1SPUF$PM™4$9 -./3 4$9 SP 1SPUF$PM™ PFP -./3 1'1 SP 1SPUF$PM™6MUSB$ -./ 6$ U 1SPUF$PM™6MUSB$ -./ 6$ U 1SPUF$PM™6MUSB"NJOP -./ 6". U 1SPUF$PM™6MUSB$ZBOP -./ 6$/ U 1SPUF$PM™6MUSB)*-*$'- -./ 6)- U 1SPUF$PM™6MUSB)*-*$1* -./ 6)- U 1SPUF$PM™6MUSB1'1 -./ 61'1 U 1SPUF$PM™6MUSB1IFOZM -./ 61) U 1SPUF$PM™6MUSB1IFOZM)FYZM -./ 6/) U 1SPUF$PM™6MUSB1PMBS -./ 610- U 1SPUF$PM™6MUSB4$9 -./ 64$9 U *Note no guard columns available. Guard Columns (pack of three) Trap Columns (single pack) 1SPUF$PM™$1± NN*% NN*% NN*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% 1SPUF$PM™$2± NN*% NN*% NN*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% 1SPUF$PM™$2± NN*% NN*% NN*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% 1SPUF$PM™$2± NN*% NN*% NN*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% 1SPUF$PM™$)± NN*% NN*% NN*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% 1SPUF$PM™$(± NN*% NN*% NN*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% 1SPUF$PM™$)± NN*% NN*% NN*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% 1SPUF$PM™$)± NN*% NN*% NN*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% 1SPUF$PM™$)± NN*% NN*% NN*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% ¬N*% 1SPUF$PM™4JMJDB± NN*% NN*% NN*% /" /" /" /" 1SPUF$PM™"NJOP± NN*% NN*% NN*% /" /" /" /" 1SPUF$PM™$ZBOP± NN*% NN*% NN*% /" /" /" /" Inner diameter of the guard columns provided. Particle size of the stationary phase is corresponding with the particle size of the main column (please specify when ordering). HPLC Method Development *GZPVBSFMPPLJOHUPEFWFMPQBNFUIPEBOEEFUFSNJOF UIFNPTUTVJUBCMF)1-$DPMVNOGPSUIFBOBMZTJTGPMMPX UIJT EFWFMPQNFOU GMPXDIBSU UP FTUBCMJTI UIF CFTU NFUIPE (BUIFS*OGPSNBUJPO 1VCMJTIFE.FUIPE :FT /P 1FSGPSN3VOVOEFS $POEJUJPOTPGUIF 1VCMJTIFE.FUIPE 4UVEZ$IFNJTUSZPG 4VCTUBODF *T4VCTUBODF $IBSHFE :FT /P "EKVTUQ)"XBZ GSPNQ,B7BMVF 4UBSUXJUI$PO QBSUJBMMZEFHSBEFEQSPEVDUPS SFTPMVUJPONJYUVSFTUBOEBSE 3VO(SBEJFOUXJUI "DFUPOJUSJMF "MM1FBLT3FTPMWFE :FT /P -PPLGPS$SJUJDBM1FBL1BJST $IBOHF1BSBNFUFST 'MPX3BUF 5FNQFSBUVSF Q) (SBEJFOU1SPGJMFUP 3FTPMWF$MPTF1FBLT "MM1FBLT3FTPMWFE :FT /P $IBOHF0SHBOJD.PEJGJFS UP.F0)PS5)' $POTJEFS*POQBJSJOH 3FBHFOUT "MM1FBLT3FTPMWFE :FT /P %PFTUIF.FUIPE 8PSLPOUIF3FBM 4BNQMF $IBOHFUP%JGGFSFOU#SBOE PG$$PMVNO /P :FT *TUIF$$PMVNO 4VJUBCMF :FT 0QUJNJ[F.FUIPEGPS 4IPSU"OBMZTJT5JNF /P $IBOHFUP%JGGFSFOU31 $PMVNO1IFOZM$$/FUD -BSHF(BQT#FUXFFO BMM1FBLT :FT *ODSFBTF4MPQFPG(SBEJFOU 6TF4IPSUFS$PMVNO /P "MM1FBLT3FTPMWFE :FT /P /P $IFDLGPS.FUIPE 3PCVTUOFTTBOE$SJUJDBM 1BSBNFUFST $IBOHFUP%JGGFSFOU-$.PEF /PSNBM1IBTF*&$FUD "MM1FBLT3FTPMWFE 1BSUT8JUI/P 1FBLT :FT Method Finished Documentation /P LC is Not Suitable for the Analysis Method Validation :FT 1BSUJBMMZ*ODSFBTF(SBEJFOU 4MPQFUP4LJQ"SFBT 8JUI/P1FBL HPLC Troubleshooting Problem System Related -PXVOTUFBEZTZTUFN QSFTTVSF Reason -FBL "JSJOQVNQIFBE %JSUJODIFDLWBMWFDIFDLXIFUIFSWBMWF DBOOPUDMPTF #MPDLBHFDPOUBNJOBUJPO Resolution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iGJOFTw /PJTZGMVDUVBUJOHESJGUJOH 4ZTUFNDPOUBNJOBUJPO %JTDPOOFDUDPMVNOBOESJOTFTZTUFNXJUIBDPNCJOBUJPOPGBDJE CBTFMJOF OJUSJDBDJEPSQIPTQIPSJDBDJEGPSBTIPSUQFSJPEPGUJNFGPMMPXFECZ XBUFSBOEBPSHBOJDXBTIPGBDFUPOJUSJMF*1"PWFSOJHIU %P /05SVOUIFBDJEUISPVHIUIFDPMVNO "HFPGUIF67MBNQ 3FQMBDFUIF67MBNQ 5FNQFSBUVSFGMVDUVBUJPOT 6TFDPMVNOPWFO )JHIFS 67 BCTPSQUJPO PG FJUIFS NPCJMF 6TF)1-$HSBEFTPMWFOUTDIFDL67DVUPGGWBMVFTGPSNPCJMFQIBTF QIBTF " PS # 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Wash t3FNPWF VOXBOUFE BOBMZUF t&OTVSFIJHI SFDPWFSJFT ProteCol™ Guard Columns and Filters Analytical Protection Capillary Protection ProteCol Filter 5IF 1SPUF$PM GJMUFS JT EFTJHOFE UP GJMUFS UIF TBNQMF QSJPS UP UIF QSFDPMVNO 1FBL CSPBEFOJOH IBT CFFO FMJNJOBUFEEVFUPMPXEFBEWPMVNFJOFSUEFTJHO t ;FSPEFBEWPMVNFGJMUFSEFTJHO t ;FSPQSFTTVSFESPQBDSPTTGJMUFS t ;FSPDPNQSPNJTFPOQFSGPSNBODF ProteCol Guard Column 8FSFDPNNFOEUIFVTFPG1SPUF$PM(VBSEDPMVNOT UP QSPUFDU UIF BOBMZUJDBM DPMVNO BOE FOTVSF JU QFSGPSNT DPOTJTUFOUMZ 5IF HVBSE DPMVNO JT EFTJHOFEUPGJUJOUPUIFCBDLPGB1&&,GJOHFSUJHIU GJUUJOHQSPWJEFEXJUIUIFHVBSEDPMVNO /PGVSUIFS VOJPOTBSFSFRVJSFE 5IF1SPUF$PM *O-JOF'JMUFSJTBTJNQMFBOEFGGFDUJWF XBZ UP QSPUFDU ZPVS DBQJMMBSZ DPMVNOT GSPN QBSUJDVMBUFT*UQSPUFDUTZPVSTZTUFNGSPNCMPDLBHFT BOE JODSFBTFE CBDL QSFTTVSFT XJUIPVU JOUSPEVDJOH QFBL UBJMJOH PS MPTT PG SFTPMVUJPO 5IF GJMUFSJOH FMFNFOU JT B NJDSPO QPSPTJUZ TDSFFO MPDBUFE CFUXFFOUIFTRVBSFDVUBOEQPMJTIFEFOETPGUXP MFOHUITPG1&&,TJM™ UVCJOHAUBJMT Accessories HPLC Tubing 1&&,TJM™ NBZ CF VTFE BT B EJSFDU SFQMBDFNFOU GPS DPOWFOUJPOBM TUBJOMFTT TUFFM BT XFMM BT B SFQMBDFNFOU GPS1&&,UVCJOHVTFEJO-$ TZTUFNT5IF1&&,QPMZNFS FYUFSJPS DPBUJOH BOE UIF GVTFETJMJDBDPNCJOBUJPONBLFT1&&,TJMWFSZSPCVTU NBLJOH JU JEFBM GPS DBQJMMBSZ )1-$ BOE -$.4 BQQMJDBUJPOT EasyLok &BTZ-PL DPOOFDUJPOT DPNQSJTF PG B LOVSMFE TUBJOMFTT TUFFM OVU BOE B EPVCMF FOEFE 1&&, GFSSVMF 5IF 1&&, GFSSVMF TMJEFT PWFS BOZ 0% UVCJOH UP JUT SFRVJSFE QPTJUJPO XIJMF UIF OVU JT GJOHFS UJHIUFOFE 6OMJLF TUBJOMFTT TUFFMUIF1&&,GFSSVMFXJMMOPUDSVTIUIFUVCJOHBOE DBO CF FBTJMZ SFBEKVTUFE GPS RVJDL DPMVNO DIBOHFT 5IFVOJRVFEPVCMFFOEFEGFSSVMFEFTJHOTFBMTBUUXP QPJOUTUPQSFWFOUMFBLT HPLC Connections 1SPUF$PM 6OJPOT TUBJOMFTT TUFFMPS1&&, BSFDPNCJOFE XJUI SFVTBCMF 1&&, GFSSVMFT GBDJMJUBUJOHDPOOFDUJOHBOZDPNCJOBUJPOPGNN GVTFETJMJDBUVCJOHBOE1&&,TJM t4UBJOMFTT TUFFM VOJPOT DBO CF GJOHFS UJHIUFOFE PS UJHIUFOFE XJUI B XSFODI GPS IJHIQSFTTVSF BQQMJDBUJPOT t1&&, VOJPOT DBO CF GJOHFS UJHIUFOFE 5IFZ BSF TMJHIUMZ MBSHFS UIBO TUBJOMFTT TUFFM VOJPOT CVU BMTP MJHIUFSGPSMFTTTUSFTTPOZPVSUVCJOH 5IFGJUUJOHTBSFDPNQBUJCMFXJUIBOZTUBOEBSEGFNBMF )1-$ GJUUJOH JODMVEJOH 4XBHFMPL® 1BSLFS™ 8BUFST® 7BMDP®BOE8IBUNBO® Hexnut *EFBM GPS BQQMJDBUJPOT XIFSF DPSSPTJWF TPMWFOUT BSF CFJOH VTFE )FYOVUT IBWF JOFSU DPOUBDUTVSGBDFTNBLJOHUIFN CJPDPNQBUJCMF 4UBJOMFTT TUFFM UISFBE GJUUJOHT VTF B OPOTXBHJOH ,FM'® PS 1&&, SFQMBDFBCMFGFSSVMF ProteCol™ Capillary HPLC Columns Phase Type ID Length (mm) Pore Size (Å) Particle Size (µm) Column Type Pack Size Part No. C8 HQ 150 µm 100 1000 3 PEEKsil™ 1 250182 C8 HQ 150 µm 150 1000 3 PEEKsil™ 1 250180 C8 HQ 300 µm 100 1000 3 PEEKsil™ 1 250177 C8 HQ 300 µm 150 1000 3 PEEKsil™ 1 250175 250162 ProteCol™ C8 HQ1003 ProteCol™ C18 HQ203 and HQ303 C18 HQ 150 µm 100 200 3 PEEKsil™ 1 C18 HQ 150 µm 100 300 3 PEEKsil™ 1 250142 C18 HQ 150 µm 150 200 3 PEEKsil™ 1 250160 C18 HQ 150 µm 150 300 3 PEEKsil™ 1 250140 C18 HQ 300 µm 100 200 3 PEEKsil™ 1 250157 C18 HQ 300 µm 100 300 3 PEEKsil™ 1 250137 C18 HQ 300 µm 150 200 3 PEEKsil™ 1 250155 C18 HQ 300 µm 150 300 3 PEEKsil™ 1 250135 Pack Size Part No. 2224058 ProteCol™ HPLC Capillary Trap Columns Phase Type ID (µm) Length mm) Pore Size (Å) Particle Size (µm) Tail ID (µm) Tail OD C8 150 10 300 3 50 1/32" 1 C8 300 5 300 3 50 1/32" 1 2222158 C18 150 10 300 3 50 1/32" 1 2224054 C18 300 5 300 3 50 1/32" 1 2227054 C18 300 10 300 3 50 1/32" 1 2222054 ReproSil™ HPLC Capillary Trap Columns ReproSil™ is the reference material for leading proteomics scientists. ReproSil™ captures the broadest range of peptides from hydrophilic to hydrophobic. Phase Type ID (µm) Length mm) Pore Size (Å) Particle Size (µm) Tail ID (µm) Tail OD C18-AQ 150 10 120 5 50 1/32" 3 2224072 C18-AQ 300 10 120 3 50 1/32" 3 2222066 C18-AQ 300 10 120 5 50 1/32" 3 2222072 ODS-3 300 10 120 5 50 1/32" 3 2222070 HPLC Columns Pack Size Part No. HPLC Columns and Applications HPLC Columns ProteCol™ HPLC Guard Columns Phase Type ID Length (mm) Pore Size (Å) Particle Size (µm) Column Type Pack Size Part No. ProteCol™-P C18 HQ105 HPLC Columns and Applications C18 HQ 2.1 mm 10 100 5 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250007 C18 HQ 4 mm 10 100 5 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250009 ProteCol™-G C8 HQ125 C8 HQ 2.1 mm 10 120 5 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250003 C8 HQ 4 mm 10 120 5 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250005 ProteCol™-P C18 HPH125 C18 HPH 2.1 mm 10 120 5 Stainless Steel 3 250013 C18 HPH 4 mm 10 120 5 Stainless Steel 3 250015 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250021 ProteCol™-G C18 HQ203 and HQ303 C18 HQ 2.1 mm 10 200 3 C18 HQ 2.1 mm 10 300 3 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250029 C18 HQ 2.1 mm 10 300 5 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250025 C18 HQ 4 mm 10 200 3 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250023 C18 HQ 4 mm 10 300 3 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250031 C18 HQ 4 mm 10 300 5 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250027 ProteCol™-G HQ1003 C8 HQ 2.1 mm 10 1000 3 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250019 C8 HQ 4 mm 10 1000 3 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250017 4 mm 10 120 5 Stainless Steel (PEEK™ frit) 3 250033 ProteCol™ GP125 C18 GP ProteCol™ HPLC Capillary Guard Columns Phase Type ID (µm) Length (mm) Pore Size (Å) Particle Size (µm) Tail ID (µm) Tail OD Pack Size Part No. C8 300 10 300 3 50 1/32" 3 222205 C18 150 10 300 3 50 1/32" 3 222404 C18 300 10 300 3 50 1/32" 3 222204 HPLC Columns HPLC Application by Industry | Environmental PAHs using EPA 610 on ProteCol™ C18 GP125 Column Part No.: 250212 Sample: Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (EPA610 mix) 20 min 100% B ProteCol™ C18 GP125 150 x 4.6 mm 50 min 100% B Column: Injection Volume: 1 µL Mobile Phase A: Water Mobile Phase B: 100% Acetonitrile Gradient: 0 min 70% B 51 min Flow rate.: 1.0 ml/min Temperature: 20 °C Detection: 254 nm 45000 Components 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 40000 35000 30000 25000 1 20000 5 2 10 15000 8 10000 11 9 7 3 4 70% B 12 13 14 Naphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo[a] Anthracene Chrysene Benzo[b] Fluoranthene Benzo[k] Fluoranthene Benzo[a] Pyrene Dibenz[a,h] Anthracene Benzo[g,h,i] Perylene Indeno[1,2,3-cd] Pyrene 16 5000 15 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 HPLC Application by Industry | General Chemistry Paraben Mixture on ProteCol™ C18 HPH125 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 butylparaben methylparaben ethylparaben propylparaben 1600000 Column Part No.: 250112 Sample: Paraben Mix Column: O ProteCol™ C18 HPH125 O-R150 x 4.6 mm Injection Volume: 1 µL Mobile Phase: 75% Methanol in Water Flow rate.: 1.0 ml/min OH Temperature: 30 °C Detection: 254 nm heptylparaben 600000 400000 200000 0 0 5 10 HPLC Application by Industry 15 20 HPLC Columns and Applications HPLC Application by Industry | Food, Flavor, Fragrance TP-0199-H | Measuring Fruit Juice Adulteration by Changes in Flavonoid Content Using MEPS™ on ProteCol™ HQ105 Column Part No.: 250102 Column: ProteCol™ HQ105 150 mm x 4.6 mm ID Mobile Phase A: 0.1 % TFA in water Mobile Phase B: 0.1 % TFA in 80 % methanol LC System: Shimadzu Prominance LC20. Flow Rate: 1.0 ml/min Gradient Profile: 0 min - 0 % B 20 min - 50 % B 30 min - 100 % B 40 min - 100 % B 41 min - 0 % B 60 min - 0 % B Column Temperature: 40 °C Detection: 254, 350 and 550 nm HPLC Columns and Applications Chromatograms of cranberry juice prepared with different MEPS™ phases. Flavonoid fingerprinting of various fruit juices on MEPS™ C18. More chromatograms and application information can be found at sge.com/documents/chromatogram-library HPLC Application by Industry | Life Sciences Enolase Trypsin Digest on ProteCol™ Trap Column C18 HQ303 Column Part No.: 250140 Sample: Enolase Trypsin Digest 10 fmol/ µL 40 min 40% B Column: ProteCol™ C18 HQ303 150 mm x 150 µm ID 45 min 100% B Injection Volume: 8 µL Mobile Phase A: 0.1% Formic Acid in Water Mobile Phase B: 0.1% Formic Acid in 90% Acetonitrile Gradient: 0 min 10% B 59 min 100% B 60 min 5% B 70 min 5% B Flow rate.: 0.5 µL/min Detection: QSTAR Elite MS with nanoLC source HPLC Columns and Applications HPLC Applications by Industry HPLC Application by Industry | Life Sciences TA-0141-H | Ribosomal Proteins on ProteCol™ C8 HQ 1003 Column Part No.: 250170 Sample: Ribosomal Proteins from Rat Liver Gradient: 0 min ™ Column: ProteCol C8 HQ 1003 150 mm x 2 mm ID Injection Volume: 10 µL Solvent A: Aqueous 0.1% (v/v) Formic Acid Solvent B: Acetonitrile/0.1% (v/v) Formic Acid Agilent 1100 LC System LC: 5% B 80 min 45% B 81 min 85% B 82 min 85% B 83 min 5% B 88 min 5% B Flow rate.: 0.25 mL/min Detection: Agilent 6220 ESI-TOF LC/MS HPLC Columns and Applications No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 214 RT [min] 22.4 24.2 26.5 28.7 31.9 36.7 36.7 37.9 42 42.3 42.3 43.8 44.6 45.6 46.6 47.3 47.3 47.7 49.1 49.5 49.5 50 51 51.6 52.2 53.4 Mass Protein No. 10943 10943 6648 6276 12321 17279 9399 9270 18449 17623 17779 18448 15667 12122 15644 8087 12465 23922 23922 27908 27908 14164 18343 14421 15465 15466 15727 L37 L37 S30 L39 L36a(L44) L26 S27a S27a; cleaved C-term. L21 NG to KR L24 & L24 cleaved C-term. L21 L27 L36 L28 L38 L35a L13 (terminal KK) L13 (terminal KK) L8 L8 L31 S11 L35 S24 S24 L32 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 RT [min] 53.9 54.5 55.3 55.3 56.2 56.7 56.7 57.8 60 60.8 61.4 63.2 63.2 63.6 64.5 64.5 65.8 66.8 67.4 69.5 71.6 72.5 75.3 77 78.5 Mass Protein 28680 23191 23647 23345 16503 24015 9170 14776 15954 13284 21527 29464 29862 16314 16314 29466 15379 17091 17629 22169 22460 14708 21893 11772 30355 26585 S6 L14 (native & with mod) L13a L27a L15 S21, N-acetylmethionine L23 N-acetylserine S19 S20 L18 S4 L7a S16 S16 S4 S17 S13 S18 N-acetylserine S7 N-acetylmethionine S9 S15a L9 P2 L7 S3 N-acetylalanine This selection guide can be viewed as an electronic book at sge.com/selectionguide BPI/EIC Chromatograms of BSA Tryptic Peptides on ProteCol™ C18 HQ303 Column Part No.: 250137 Gradient: 0 min 0% B (loading) 50% B Sample: BSA Tryptic Digest 8 min Column: ProteCol™ C18 HQ303 100 x 0.3 mm 26 min 80% B LC: Dionex Ultimate 3000 Solvent A: 0.1% Formic Acid Solvent B: 0.1% Formic Acid in Acetonitrile 27 min 80% B 37 min 80% B 38 min 0% B 45 min 0% B Detection: Bruker HCT ion trap Mascot Search via Biotools: Mascot Score: 1481 Sequence coverage: 71.5 2 pmol of sample injected, (130 ng) HPLC Columns and Applications Two hydrophilic marker peptides usually not reproducibly detected on different column materials are reproducibly retained and detected using ProteCol™ C18 HQ303 column. Green and blue: Overlaid BPI chromatograms of 2 consecutive runs of 2 pmol of BSA (~130 ng) red and orange: extracted ion chromatograms (EIC) of the two respective peptides. HPLC Applications by Industry 215 HPLC Application by Industry | Life Sciences BPI/EIC Chromatograms of Human α1-proteinase Inhibitor Tryptic Peptides on ProteCol™ C18 HQ303 HPLC Columns and Applications Column Part No.: 250137 27 min 80% B Sample: Tryptic Digest of Human α1-proteinase Inhibitor 37 min 80% B Column: ProteCol™ C18 HQ303 100 x 0.3 mm LC: Dionex Ultimate 3000 Solvent A: 0.1% Formic Acid Solvent B: 0.1% Formic Acid in Acetonitrile Gradient: 0 min 0% B (loading) 8 min 50% B 38 min 0% B 45 min 0% B Detection: Bruker HCT ion trap Mascot Search via Biotools: Mascot Score: 1481 Sequence coverage: 64.9% (does not include the glycopeptides that comprise 21% of the sequence). 10 pmol of sample injected, (500 ng) 26 min 80% B Tryptic peptides reflecting the protein termini are detected as well separated peaks, though the N-terminal peptide is isocratically separated under loading conditions. The different glycopeptides carrying mainly disialylated, biantennary N-glycans as described previously are well separated. Grey: BPI of A1PI tryptic peptides, other colors: Extracted ion chromatograms (EIC) of the respective peptides as indicated. 216 More chromatograms and application information can be found at sge.com/documents/chromatogram-library HPLC Application by Industry | Pharmaceutical TP-0190-H | NIST SRM 870 on ProteCol™ C18 HQ105 Column Part No.: 250100 Sample: Uracil (28 µg/g), Toluene (1400 µg/g), Ethylbenzene (1700 µg/g), Quinizarin (94 µg/g), Amitriptyline (2800 µg/g) in methanol Column: ProteCol™-P C18 HQ105 250 mm x 4.6 mm ID Injection Volume: 1 µL Mobile Phase: 4 mM phosphate pH7.0 in 80 % methanol Flow rate.: 1.0 ml/min Temperature: 23 °C Detection: 254 nm LC System Shimadzu Prominence 20 AC HPLC Columns and Applications ProteCol™-P C18 HQ105 Average competitor Type I silica This figure shows the chromatogram achieved under the described conditions in comparison with a competitor’s column and a column packed with type I silica. HPLC Applications by Industry HPLC Application by Industry | Pharmaceutical TA-0135-M | The Extraction and Analysis of Urinary Antitussive Metabolites using MEPS™ and ESI-LCMSn on ProteCol™-P C18 HQ105 Abstract HPLC Columns and Applications Urine specimens were first hydrolysed with beta-glucuronidase and then the analytes of interest were extracted using MEPS™ prior to analysis on a ProteCol™-P C18 HQ105 column using a 1 % v/v aqueous acetic acid – methanol mobile phase. Detection of the target analytes was by ESIMSMS with collision parameters selected for specific analytes. The MEPS™ phases were nominally 50 µm silicas modified with C18, C8 or SCX chemistries. Speculative structural elucidation of metabolites was possible by mass fragmentography and MS3 or MS4 as required. Sample preparations 3 mL aliquots of urine from the samples collected at 0 and 2 hours after oral administration were diluted with 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 6.0, 4.5 mL) and the pH adjusted to 6.2-6.3. The samples were then enzyme hydrolyzed with betaglucuronidase for 2 hours at 50 °C. Samples were extracted by either a conventional mixed mode SPE method or by a reversedphase MEPS™ method. SPE extraction was performed on Bond-Elut Certify™ columns using methods described previously. (Wynne PM, Batty DC, Vine JH and Simpson NKJ., Chromatographia, 59 (4/5), S50-S61, (2004)). Experimental Administration and Sample Collection Oral administration of a single dose of: 10 mL Vicks® Cough Syrup (equivalent to pentoxyverine (carbetapentane) citrate 15 mg), 10 mL Robitussin® DX Dry Cough Forte syrup (equivalent to 30 mg dextromethorphan hydrobromide) 2 Mersyndol® day strength tablets (equivalent to paracetamol 1000 mg and codeine phosphate 19.2 mg). Naturally voided urine samples were collected at 0, 2, 3 and 4 hours following administration. Urine samples were stored frozen at -20 °C until required for analysis. 218 MEPS™ extraction was performed on C18 MEPS™ BINS fitted to a 100 µL MEPS™ syringe. MEPS™ BINS were conditioned sequentially with 50 µL methanol and 100 µL water. • 50 µL methanol conditioning. • 100 µL water conditioning. • 1 mL sample was drawn and expelled in 80 µL steps. • 80 µL water wash. • 50 µL sodium tetraborate pH adjustment. • 80 µL water wash. • 2 x 80 µL air drying. • 2 x 20 µL methanol elution. • 10 µL iso-propanol elution. This selection guide can be viewed as an electronic book at sge.com/selectionguide 1.2E+07 Sample: Uracil (28 µg/g), Toluene (1400 µg/g), Ethylbenzene (1700 µg/g), Quinizarin (94 µg/g), Amitriptyline (2800 µg/g) in methanol Column: ProteCol™-P C18 HQ105 150 mm x 4.6 mm ID Injection Volume: 10 µL Mobile Phase A: 1 % aq. acetic acid in 10 % methanol 1.0E+07 6E+06 8.0E+06 2.5E+06 240 250 260 270 280 290 288.00 250102 271.99 Column Part No.: 6.0E+06 4.0E+06 240 250 260 270 280 290 2.0E+06 1 % aq. acetic acid in 90 % methanol Flow rate.: 0.7 ml/min Gradient: 20 min 0 to 100 % B 10 min at 100 % B Temperature: 40 °C 0 5 10 * * * 15 * 20 25 30 1.8E+06 258.06 Mobile Phase B: 0E+00 5E+06 HPLC Columns and Applications H-N O-CH3 1E+07 240 260 300 272.06 CH3 H-N Cytochrome P450 2D6 Cytochrome P450 3A4 O-CH3 Dextromethorphan (parent compound) 2E+07 240 3E+07 270 CH3 280 290 ? OH H-N OH H-N 3E+07 260 H-N OH 240 3E+07 250 260 270 240 274.00 244.09 OH Dextrorphan (active drug) 258.13 Thermo LCQ Classic positive ion mode 250 1.8E+06 CH3 Detection: 280 3E+06 2E+07 250 260 270 280 290 Metabolites of Dextromethorphan 5E+06 4E+06 3E+06 5.0E+06 hydroxy metabolite (M+1=350) hydroxy desethyl metabolite (M+1=322) hydroxy metabolite (M+1=350) dihydroxy metabolite (M+1=366) dihydroxy desethyl metabolite (M+1=348) dihydroxy metabolite (M+1=366) hydroxy desethyl metabolite (M+1=348) hydroxy metabolite (M+1=350) hydroxy metabolite (M+1=350) dihydroxy metabolite (M+1=366) hydroxy metabolite (M+1=350) didesethyl metabolite (M+1=278) desethyl metabolite (M+1=306) parent (M+1=334) hydroxy metabolite or possible N-oxide (M+1=350) O C-OCH2CH2OCH2CH2-N C2H5 C2H5 (#14: M+1=334) 1 3.5E+05 4 4.5E+06 HO 286.08 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 = 6E+06 III N O CH3 H HO 4.0E+06 14 Morphine (M=285.34) 270 3.5E+06 280 290 300 310 320 2 1.6E+06 H3C 3.0E+06 N O OH OH HO 2.5E+06 Hydroxycodeine (M=285.34) 270 280 290 300 310 320 2.0E+06 2E+06 1.5E+06 8 5 2 1E+06 1.0E+06 15 3 1 4,5 6 7 9 10 11 int.Std. 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 0.0E+00 16 1 5.0E+05 0E+00 17 18 19 0 2,3 5 10 15 20 25 3 1.6E+06 5.0E+05 H3C 1E+06 9 7 5 11 10 12 Hydroxycodeine (M=285.34) 1.5E+06 6 1 CH3 OH H HO 4 2E+06 N O 1.0E+06 int.Std. 270 280 290 300 310 320 4 6E+06 15 3E+06 H3C 2.0E+06 N O 3 2 30 20 13 8 CH3 H HO Codeine (M=285.34) 2.5E+06 270 4E+06 280 290 300 310 286.03 H3C N O 5E+06 3.5E+06 14 6E+06 Metabolites of Carbetapentane 4.0E+06 320 5 1.6E+06 3.0E+06 Signals are related to carbetapentane which was co-administrated OH H HO Norcodeine (M=285.34) 270 280 290 300 310 320 Metabolites of Codeine HPLC Applications by Industry 219 HPLC Columns and Applications HPLC Supplies and Accessories MEPS™ Micro SPE ProteCol™ In-Line Filters In-line Filter PEEKsil™ Tubing Kits PEEKsil™ Injection Loop EasyLok™ Fittings Hexnut™ Fittings HPLC Column Replacement Frits ProteCol™ Unions, Ferrules and Fittings High Efficiency HPLC Column Couplers Detector/Tubing Unions ProteCol™ Accessory Kit Guard Cartridge Systems Solvent Filter SilFlow™ - New Splitter Technology ProteCol™ MicroFlow Meter Microflow™ Meter Using SGE fittings and connections to test ProteCol™ HPLC Columns 222-225 226 226 226 227 227 227 228 228 229 229 230 230 231 231 232 232 HPLC Supplies | MEPS™ Micro SPE MEPS™ (Micro Extraction by Packed Sorbent) has been created by SGE to overcome the limitations of conventional sample preparation methods. It has been estimated that up to 75% of labor time in a typical analytical laboratory workflow is consumed in preparing and processing samples prior to their analysis. Therefore, any improvement in sample preparation efficiency will increase sample throughput and deliver important time savings for busy laboratories. Below is a comparison of MEPS™ with other common sample preparation techniques. Comparison of Sample Preparation Methods HPLC Supplies and Accessories Method Description LLE (Liquid-Liquid Extraction) SPE (Solid Phase Extraction) MEPS™ (Micro Extraction by Packed Sorbent) • Relies on the difference in solubility of analytes in immiscible liquids. • The organic phase is immobilized on a stationary phase in a cartridge. • One phase is aqueous (hydrophilic) and the other is an organic (hydrophobic) solvent. • A suitable organic solvent mixture is used to selectively elute the compounds of interest. • A miniaturized form of SPE with a reduced stationary phase (3mg) integrated into a high quality SGE analytical syringe. • Stationary phase does not move, sample and solvents must be moved to the cartridge. • Stationary phase moves with the syringe which aspirates and dispenses the sample. • Can be used to remove unwanted interfering compounds. • Can be used to remove unwanted interfering compounds and to increase sample concentration. Sample Volume Required • Generally large e.g. 10-100 mL. • Small e.g. 3 mL • Micro e.g. 50 µL. Evaporation Step • Solvent evaporation required to increase sample concentration to a level that can be analyzed. • In the majority of cases, solvent evaporation required to increase sample concentration to a level that can be analyzed. • Evaporation required. Solvent Used • Large solvent volumes required e.g. 10-100 mL. • Large solvent volumes required e.g. 10 mL. • Micro e.g. 500 µL. Time • Slow and labor intensive. • Evaporation step can be time consuming. • Fast e.g. minutes, as one step washes, loads and elutes. Automation • Entire process automated. • Can be automated. • Can be fully automated. Price • High solvent discard costs. cannot be purchase and • High solvent discard costs. purchase and • Low solvent discard costs. generally purchase not and MEPS™ (Micro Extraction by Packed Sorbent) is a micro SPE solution that incorporates the stationary phase in a micro-cartridge integrated in a high quality SGE analytical syringe (Barrel Insert and Needle - BIN configuration). MEPS™ is the miniarization of conventional SPE packed bed devices from mL to µL bed volumes. MEPS™ stationary C2, C8, C18, Silica phases available: Schematic of the MEPS™ stationary phase within the syringe needle – SGE’s patented ‘Barrel Insert and Needle’ (BIN) configuration. To view a demonstration of MEPS™ visit sge.com/support/videos How To Use MEPS™ • Step 1: Pump the sample through the MEPS™ BIN (one or more volumes may be taken). • Step 2: Wash the MEPS™ BIN once by pumping 20 µL to 50 µL of wash solution through the BIN to remove interferences. • Step 3: Elute the analyte by drawing solvent through the BIN into the syringe barrel. • Step 4: Inject the analyte directly into the injector. • Pump 50 µL solvent followed by 50 µL wash solution to prepare BIN for the next sample. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 HPLC Supplies and Accessories SAMPLING (1-N TIMES) WASHING ELUTION SOLVENT INJECTION MEPS™ Is Reusable Like conventional SPE, the number of times the cartridge can be reused is dependent on the sample matrix and the cleaning regime between elutions. Since only 3mg of stationary phase is used in MEPS™ it can be washed effectively between each extraction without the need for large solvent volumes. For simple applications, MEPS™ devices have been used successfully for up to 50 cycles making it very cost effective. MEPS™ Can Be Semi or Fully Automated Semi-automation of MEPS™ can be achieved by coupling MEPS™ syringes to SGE’s eVol® automated analytical syringe to speed up repetitive SPE and is ideal for rapid method development. For more information on eVol® see pages 22-24. MEPS™ can also be fully automated on autosamplers such as the CTC PAL for online SPE and injection. MEPS™ Has Proven Accuracy and Precision Compared to Other Sample Preparation Methods Method Ropivacaine LOD (nM) Accuracy (%) MEPS™ / GC-MS 2 105 5.0 1 min LLE / GC-MS 2 101 3.8 20 min SPE / LC-UV 100 101 3.0 20 min 5 110 6.3 40 min SPME / GC-MS Precision (RSD%) (Inter-assay) Handling Time Comparison of accuracy and precision between MEPS™ and other methods for ropivacaine (local anesthetics). HPLC Supplies | MEPS™ Micro SPE 223 HPLC Supplies | MEPS™ Micro SPE MEPS™ Applications and Publications MEPS™ micro SPE format is ideally suited to previously challenging applications. For an example of MEPS™ used in a forensic application see page 12. HPLC Supplies and Accessories Industry Title Author Journal Environmental Determination of organic priority pollutants and emerging compounds in wastewater and snow samples using multiresidue protocols on the basis of microextraction by packed sorbents coupled to large volume injection gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. Prieto et al J Chrom A, 2010, 1217: 6002-6011 Forensic and Pharmaceutical Liquid chromatographic analysis of oxcarbazepine and its metabolites in plasma and saliva after a novel microextraction by packed sorbent procedure. Saracino et al Anal Chim Acta, 2010, 661: 222228 Environmental At-line microextraction by packed sorbent-gas chromatography– mass spectrometry for the determination of UV filter and polycyclic musk compounds in water samples. Moeder et al J Chrom A, 2010, 1217:2925-2932 Forensic Contribution of microextraction in packed sorbent for the analysis of cotinine in human urine by GC–MS. Lafay et al Anal Bioanal Chem, 2010, 396: 937–941 General Chemistry and Life Science Recent advances in microextraction by packed sorbent for bioanalysis. Abdel-Rehim J Chrom A, 2010, 1217: 2569-2580 Forensic Rapid identification and quantification of methamphetamine and amphetamine in hair by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry coupled with micropulverized extraction, aqueous acetylation and microextraction by packed sorbent. Miyaguchi et al J. Chrom A, 2009, 1216: 4063–4070 General Chemistry and Life Science Fully Automatic Sample Treatment by Integration of Microextraction by Packed Sorbents into Commercial Capillary Electrophoresis−Mass Spectrometry Equipment: Application to the Determination of Fluoroquinolones in Urine. Morales- Cid et al Anal. Chem., 2009, 81: 3188– 3193 Forensic Screening of Cocaine and Its Metabolites in Human Urine Samples by Direct Analysis in Real-Time Source Coupled to Timeof-Flight Mass Spectrometry After Online Preconcentration Utilizing Microextraction by Packed Sorbent. Jagerdeo E, Abdel-Rehim M J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2009 May;20(5):891899 Food and Flavour Determinationof2,4,6-Trichloroanisoleand2,4,6-Tribromoanisole in Wine using Microextraction in Packed Syringe and Gas Chromatography−Mass Spectrometry. Jönsson et al J. Agric. Food Chem., 2008, 56: 4962–4967 General Chemistry Study of the factors affecting the performance of microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) using liquid scintillation counter and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Altun and Abdel-Rehim Anal Chim Acta. 2008, 630:116123 Pharmaceutical MEPS™ as a rapid sample preparation method to handle unstable compounds in a complex matrix: determination of AZD3409 in plasma samples utilizing MEPS™-LC-MS-MS. Abdel-Rehim M et al J Chromatogr Sci. 2008 46:518-523 Pharmaceutical and Life Science Rapid and Sensitive Method for Determination of Cyclophosphamide in Patients Plasma Samples Utilizing Microextraction by Packed Sorbent Online with Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MEPS™-LC-MS/ MS). Said et al J. Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 2008, 31: 683–694 This selection guide can be viewed as an electronic book at sge.com/selectionguide MEPS™ Syringe Options All syringes may be used manually as well as with the listed autosamplers. Description 100 µL Removable needle MEPS™ syringe for CTC Analytics, HTA 300A Plus & Varian 8400 systems. Replacement plunger assembly for 005291. 250 µL Removable needle MEPS™ syringe for CTC Analytics, HTA 300A Plus & Varian 8400 systems. Replacement plunger assembly for 006291. 250 µL Removable needle MEPS™ syringe for CTC Analytics systems. Replacement plunger assembly for 006292. 100 µL Removable needle MEPS™ syringe for Agilent systems. Replacement plunger assembly for 005292. 250 µL Removable needle MEPS™ syringe for Agilent systems. Replacement plunger assembly for 006293. 100 µL Removable needle MEPS™ syringe for Shimadzu systems. Replacement plunger assembly for 005293. 250 µL Removable needle MEPS™ syringe for Shimadzu systems. Replacement plunger assembly for 006294. # per Pack 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part No. 005291 031826 006291 031831 006292 031831 005292 0318263 006293 0318303 005293 0318274 006294 0318305 HPLC Supplies and Accessories MEPS™ Barrel Insert and Needle (BIN) Assembly Options For GC applications, needle is 23 gauge, 0.63 mm OD, Cone point style. Description MEPS™ BIN for CTC Analytics, HTA 300A Plus & Varian 8400 systems C18 Silica C8+SCX* C2 C8 MEPS™ Development kit (contains 1 each of C18, C8, C2, SILICA and C8+SCX) MEPS™ BIN for CTC Analytics systems using 250 µL syringes C18 Silica C8+SCX* C2 C8 MEPS™ Development kit (contains 1 each of C18, C8, C2, SILICA and C8+SCX) MEPS™ BIN for Agilent systems C18 Silica C8+SCX* C2 C8 MEPS™ Development kit (contains 1 each of C18, C8, C2, SILICA and C8+SCX) MEPS™ BIN for Shimadzu systems C18 Silica C8+SCX* C2 C8 MEPS™ Development kit (contains 1 each of C18, C8, C2, SILICA and C8+SCX) For Use with MEPS™ Syringe P/N # per Pack Part No. 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 5 5 5 5 5 1 2900101 2900102 2900103 2900104 2900106 2900105 006292 006292 006292 006292 006292 006292 5 5 5 5 5 1 2900301 2900302 2900303 2900304 2900306 2900305 005292 and 006293 005292 and 006293 005292 and 006293 005292 and 006293 005292 and 006293 005292 and 006293 5 5 5 5 5 1 2900601 2900602 2900603 2900604 2900606 2900605 005293 and 006294 005293 and 006294 005293 and 006294 005293 and 006294 005293 and 006294 005293 and 006294 5 5 5 5 5 1 2900601 2900602 2900603 2900604 2900606 2900605 For Use with MEPS™ Syringe P/N # per Pack Part No. 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 005291 and 006291 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 2900401 2900402 2900403 2900404 2900406 2900408 2900409 2900405 006292 006292 006292 006292 006292 006292 006292 006292 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 2900501 2900502 2900503 2900504 2900506 2900508 2900509 2900505 For LC Applications, needle is 22 gauge, 0.72 mm OD. Description MEPS™ BIN for CTC Analytics, HTA 300A Plus & Varian 8400 systems C18 Silica C8+SCX* C2 C8 SCX SAX MEPS™ Development kit (contains 1 each of C18, C8, C2, SILICA and C8+SCX) MEPS™ BIN for CTC Analytics systems using 250 µL syringe C18 Silica C8+SCX* C2 C8 SCX SAX MEPS™ Development kit (contains 1 each of C18, C8, C2, SILICA and C8+SCX) Base material is silica with mean particle size of 45 µm and pore size of 60 Å. *C8+SCX BINS are labelled as M1. HPLC Supplies | MEPS™ Micro SPE HPLC Supplies | ProteCol™ In-Line Filters Particulate Protection for Your Columns SGE fittings, guard cartridges and in-line filters are completely compatible with all other manufacturers' HPLC columns and systems. HPLC Supplies and Accessories • Zero dead volume filter design. • Zero pressure drop across filter. • Zero compromise on performance. The ProteCol™ In-Line Filter is a simple and effective way to protect your capillary columns from particulates. It protects your system from blockages and increased back pressures without introducing peak tailing or loss of resolution. The filtering element Description is a 2 micron porosity screen, located between the square-cut and polished ends of two lengths of PEEKsil™ tubing (‘tails’). The construction of the in-line filter minimizes dead volume, providing optimum column performance. In-line filters are available with both 1/16" and 1/32" O.D. PEEKsil™ tails, providing versatility in connectivity and flexibility. The ends of the tails are precisely square cut and polished to achieve zero dead volume connections using ProteCol™ Unions. Inlet Length (mm) Outlet Length (mm) Tail ID (µm) Tail OD Pack Size Part No. 212005 ProteCol™ Filtering Connector 1/16" 50 50 50 1/16" 3 ProteCol™ Filtering Connector 1/32" 50 50 50 1/32" 3 222012 ProteCol™ 1/32" In-line Filter Kit Includes: 3 x 1/32" In-Line Filters (P/N 222012), 2 x PEEK™ Fingertight fittings for 6-40UNF port (P/N 222017), 2 x PEEK™ Fingertight fittings for 10/32 port (P/N 222002). 50 50 50 1/32" See description 222016 HPLC Supplies | In-line Filters • Inert – biocompatible. • Utilizes a replaceable 0.5 µm porosity frit assembly. • Simple, cost effective means of sample filtration suitable for pre-column use. • Low dead volume design eliminates peak broadening and enhances column resolving power. • Supplied with Hexnuts™. Description Pack Size Part No. In-line Filter with a 0.5 µm Frit (supplied with holder) 1 204002 Replacement In-line Filter Frit Assembly 1 202009 If you can't pre-filter samples, make sure to use a low dead volume in-line filter after the injector. HPLC Supplies | PEEKsil™ Tubing Kits Description Pack Size Part No. 1/16" tubing kit (50 µm I.D. 100, 200, and 300 mm lengths) 5 212012 1/32" tubing kit (50 µm I.D. 100, 200, and 300 mm lengths) 5 222008 For other lengths of PEEKsil™ tubing see PEEKsil™ on page 239. 226 HPLC Supplies | ProteCol™ In-Line Filters, In-line Filters and PEEKsil™ Tubing Kits HPLC Supplies | PEEKsil™ Injection Loop • Smooth, non-reactive internal bore reduces sample carry-over and sample rinse times. • Reduced sample loss due to shear or adsorption. • Maximum operating pressures are 3000 psi for 10 µL, and 20 µL loops. • Supplied with PEEKsil™ tubing and two sets of stainless steel Hexnuts™ with PEEK™ ferrule fittings. • Compatible with most valves including Rheodyne® and Valco®. Volume PEEKsil™ID Length Pack Size Part No. 10 µL 0.22 mm (0.009") 26 cm (10.24") 1 0650010 20 µL 0.22 mm (0.009") 53 cm (20.87") 1 0650020 For complete loop fill, the syringe capacity should be greater than twice the loop volume. The loop capacity sets the injection volume. For partial loop fill, the injection volume should be no greater than half the loop capacity. The injection size sets the injection volume. HPLC Supplies and Accessories HPLC Supplies | EasyLok™ Fittings EasyLok™ fittings are composed of a knurled stainless steel nut and a double ended PEEK™ ferrule. The PEEK™ ferrule simply slides over any 1/16" OD tubing to its required position, while the nut is finger tightened. Unlike stainless steel, the PEEK™ ferrule will not crush the tubing and can be easily readjusted for quick column changes. The fittings are compatible with any standard female HPLC fitting including Swagelok®, Parker™, Waters®, Valco® and Whatman®. EasyLok™ fittings are recommended for use with SGE GLT™ columns. SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Pressure Rating 5,000 psi Thread Type The unique double ended ferrule design seals at two points to prevent leaks. 10-32 Description Pack Size Part No. EasyLok™ Fitting 2 fittings, 2 ferrules 206102 10 206160 PEEK™ Double Ended Ferrules For quick and easy HPLC column connections use EasyLOK™ nuts. HPLC Supplies | Hexnut™ Fittings • Stainless steel 10-32 thread fittings use a non-swaging Kel-F® or PEEK™ replaceable ferrule. • Inert contact surfaces make them biocompatible. • Ideal for applications where corrosive solvents are being used. • Hexnut™ with Kel-F® or PEEK™ ferrules are recommended for use with SGE GLT™ columns. Specifications Maximum Pressure Rating 5,000 psi Thread Type 10-32 Description Pack Size Part No. Stainless Steel Hexnuts™ and PEEK™ Ferrules 2 hexnuts, 2 ferrules 1021003 Stainless Steel Hexnuts™ and PEEK™ Ferrules 10 hexnuts, 10 ferrules 1021011 Kel-F® Ferrules 10 0730010 Replacement PEEK™ Ferrules 2 0730004 Replacement PEEK™ Ferrules 10 0730014 HPLC Supplies | PEEKsil™ Injection Loop, EasyLok™ Fittings and Hexnut™ Fittings 227 HPLC Supplies | Column Replacement Frits Accumulated impurities during a column's life may block the column termination frits, making a replacement necessary. Frit porosity must be chosen to retain particles. Select appropriate replacement frit for column type and packing size. Description Pack Size Part No. 1 mm ID micro column frit assembly (3 µm packing) 2 202016 1 mm ID micro column frit assembly PEEK®-PTFE frit 2 2020155 4 mm ID GLT ™ column frit assembly (3 µm packing) 2 202002 2 mm ID GLT ™ column frit assembly PEEK®-PTFE frit (5 µm packing) 2 2020035 Frit Removal Tool 1 200005 HPLC Supplies | ProteCol™ Unions, Ferrules and Fittings HPLC Supplies and Accessories Perfect Connections, Every Time • Stainless steel unions can be inger tightened or tightened with a 3/16" wrench for high-pressure applications. • PEEK™ unions can be finger tightened. • Zero dead volume design for no peak They are slightly larger than stainless dispersion. steel unions but also lighter - less stress • Easytouse. on your tubing. • Completeversatility–allowsconnection to the same or a range of different size Connectivity tubing. ProteCol™ Unions and reusable PEEK™ • AvailableinPEEK™ and stainless steel. ferrules allow you to connect any combinationof: Stainless steel or PEEK™ unions ProteCol™ Unions are available in either stainless steel or PEEK™ (for all sizes). All use the same range of reusable PEEK™ ferrules. • 1/32"PEEKsil™. • 1/16"PEEKsil™. • 0.36mmfusedsilicatubing. ProteCol™ Stainless Steel Unions Description Pack Size Part No. 0.36 mm to 0.36 mm 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 222007 1/16" to 0.36 mm 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 212008 1/16" to 1/16" 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 212006 1/16" to 1/32" 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 212007 1/32" to 0.36 mm 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 222006 1/32" to 1/32" 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 222005 HPLC Supplies | Column Replacement Frits and ProteCol™ Unions, Ferrules and Fittings ProteCol™ PEEK™ Unions Description Pack Size Part No. 0.36 mm to 0.36 mm 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 222011 1/16" to 0.36 mm 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 212011 1/16" to 1/16" 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 212009 1/16" to 1/32" 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 212010 1/32" to 0.36 mm 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 222010 1/32" to 1/32" 2 unions and 4 PEEK™ Ferrules 222009 ProteCol™ PEEK™ Ferrules Description Pack Size Part No. 0.36 mm to 0.36 mm 5 223007 1/16" to 0.36 mm 5 213008 1/16" to 1/16" 5 213006 1/16" to 1/32" 5 213007 1/32" to 0.36 mm 5 223006 1/32" to 1/32" 5 223005 PEEK™ Fingertight Fittings Description Pack Size Part No. 5 2062752 1/16" to 10-32UNF 1/32" to 10-32UNF 5 222002 1/32" to 10-32UNF (long) 5 2062753 1/32" to 6-40UNF 5 222017 HPLC Supplies | High Efficiency HPLC Column Couplers • Inert – biocompatible. • Provide a rigid low dead volume, metal free connection between two components of an HPLC system. • Ideal for connecting two HPLC columns, a HPLC column to a guard cartridge or inline filter. Specifications Maximum Pressure Rating 5,000 psi Thread Type Description Stainless Steel Hexnut™ Coupling Kit 10-32 Pack Size Part No. 1 200009 5 x Replacement PEEKsil™ tubing (1/16" x 175 µm ID x 50 mm) Part No. 0624351 2 x Replacement PEEK™ Ferrules Part No. 0730004 10 x Replacement PEEK™ Ferrules Part No. 0730014 HPLC Supplies | Detector/Tubing Unions • True zero dead volume unions enable connection of existing detector and other metal male fittings to the finger-tight compatible SGE column and cartridge systems. • Available for Waters®, Swagelok®, Parker™, Valco® and Rheodyne® male fittings. Description Pack Size Part No. Union for Waters and Rheodyne tubing 1 2062746 Union for Swagelok®, Parker and Valco tubing 1 2062747 HPLC Supplies | High Effi ciency Column Couplers and Detector/Tubing Unions HPLC Supplies and Accessories HPLC Supplies | ProteCol™ Accessory Kits Description ProteCol™ 1/32" accessory kit includes: Pack Size Part No. 1 222000 2 x 1/32" – 1/32" stainless steel union 3 x 1/32" – 1/32" double-end PEEK™ ferrules 1 x in-line filter with 1/32" 50 µm x 50 mm PEEKsil™ tubing 1 x 1/32" 50 µm x 100 mm PEEKsil™ tubing 1 x 1/32" 50 µm x 150 mm PEEKsil™ tubing Positioning toolkit (acrylic clamp, wrench and depth gauge) HPLC Supplies and Accessories HPLC Supplies | Guard Cartridge Systems • SGE recommends that 4.0 mm ID Guards be used to protect all 4.6 mm and 4.0 mm ID HPLC columns. • Vital for HPLC column protection. • Inert, metal free - biocompatible flow path. • Improved biological and ion chromatography. • Pre-packed in a range of packing materials. These inert, biocompatible cartridge systems offer maximum efficiency to protect the analytical column and begin the separation process. Always use a guard cartridge to prolong column life. 230 Each of these guard cartridges has an effective length of 10 mm. Guard Cartridge Holder Description Pack Size Part No. 1 205000 Pack Size Part No. Guard Cartridge Holder Guard Cartridges Description Column ID (mm) Exsil™ ODS - 3 micron 4.0 and 4.6 3* 2050010 Exsil™ ODS - 5 micron 4.0 and 4.6 3* 205001 Exsil Silica - 5 micron 4.0 and 4.6 3* 205002 Exsil™ C8 - 5 micron 4.0 and 4.6 3* 205003 Exsil Amino - 5 micron 4.0 and 4.6 3* 205004 Exsil™ SCX - 5 micron 4.0 and 4.6 3* 205005 ™ ™ ™ Exsil SAX - 5 micron 4.0 and 4.6 3* 205006 Exsil™ Cyano - 5 micron 4.0 and 4.6 3* 205007 Exsil Phenyl - 5 micron 4.0 and 4.6 3* 205008 Nucleosil® ODS - 5 micron 4.0 and 4.6 3* 2050014 ™ * Holder not included HPLC Supplies | ProteCol™ Accessory Kits and Guard Cartridge Systems HPLC Supplies | Solvent Filter • PTFE and porous glass membrane filter. • Efficiently filters particles down to 1.2 µm with minimal pressure drop. • Filters solvent as it is drawn from the reservoir. Description Solvent Filter (1 µm) Pack Size Part No. 1 204000 HPLC Supplies and Accessories HPLC Accessories | SilFlow™ - New Splitter Technology Using SGE’s SilFlow™ technology of microchannels in wafers, the next generation of splitters is now available. There are two configurations of wafers developed to enable connecting flow lines to external components in a GC or HPLC system. SilFlow™ offers low dead volume connections, that are deactivated and can be easily installed. For further information on SilFlow™ technology see page 182. Configuration Types SilFlow™ Splitters are available in 3 port configuration for HPLC applications, and as 3 and 4 ports for GC. See page 185 for GC applications. Kit Contents Each kit comes complete with: wafer, fingertite tool, mounting bracket, appropriately sized ferrules and nuts, and blanking ferrules to assist with set up. Tubing Dimensions Description Port A Port B Port C For Tubing Pack Size Part No. SilFlow™ HPLC 3 Port Splitter LC Kit (1/32) 1/32" 1/32" 1/32" 1/32 Kit 123740 LC Wafer (1/32) 1/32" 1/32" 1/32" 1/32 1 123741 Part No. Replacement Parts Description For Tubing Pack Size SilFlow™ LC Nut 1/32" 1/32" OD 10 123708 SilTite™ Ferrule 1/32" 1/32" OD 10 073473 HPLC Supplies | Solvent Filter and SilFlow™ HPLC Accessories | ProteCol™ MicroFlow Meter Accurate, stable flow rates are the key to reproducible retention times, and using the optimum flow rate for a column is very important to achieve the best possible performance. Whether conducting research, or doing routine analysis, good lab practice requires documentation of flow rates for your records or publication. HPLC Supplies and Accessories The ProteCol™ MicroFlow Meter is a fast, simple and reliable way to accurately measure flow rates in Capillary HPLC and for other low flow applications. The direct measurement of flow provides definitive confirmation of the actual flow rate through the column and is the perfect HPLC system companion whether pumps require flow splitters or deliver low flow directly. • Universal principle does not require calibration for different solvents. • Two versions cover the flow rate range for HPLC columns ranging from microbore to nanobore: – Choose 0.2-10 µL/min meter for columns 300 µm ID and below. – Choose 2.5-100 µL/min meter for columns 300 µm ID and above. • Valuable tool for troubleshooting when retention times fluctuate. Description Pack Size Part No. ProteCol™ MicroFlow Meter - 2 µL flow path volume (0.2 - 10 µL/min) 1 222013 ProteCol™ MicroFlow Meter - 25 µL flow path volume (2.5 - 100 µL/min) 1 222014 HPLC Accessories | MicroFlow™ Meter • Designed to accurately measure flow rates from the HPLC pump and column. • Flow cells supplied are traceable to international standards allowing the calibration of HPLC pumps for GLP, GMP and other protocols. Description Pack Size Part No. 1 206370 MicroFlow Meter 50 µL, 250 µL and 1 mL cells 1 206372 Replacement Flow Cell 250 µL 1 206377 Replacement Flow Cell 1 mL 1 206379 MicroFlow™ Meter 1 mL cell ™ HPLC Supplies | ProteCol™ MicroFlow Meter and MicroFlow™ Meter