CCS 112 Final Project: Education and Career Portfolio Rubric Criteria Mechanics (grammar, punctuation & spelling) Organization Presentation Content Summary Paragraph Portfolio Grading A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 59 and below 20 Exceeds Expectations Exceptional use of mechanics 15 Meets Expectations Good use of mechanics 10 Needs Improvement Fair use of mechanics Highly organized format, exceptionally easy to follow Contains cover page, Sequential order of material, readable and consistent use of fonts, appropriate use of headings and subheadings All topics plus additional documents Over 400 Organized format, material can be followed by average reader Sequential order of material, readable and consistent use of fonts, appropriate use of headings and subheadings Unorganized format, material can be followed by average reader Not sequential throughout, fair use of headings and subheadings Little to no organization, difficult to follow All topics included as required by the assignment 251-400 words Most topics included Less than half of the topics are included Less than 150 150-250 5 Poor Poor mechanics Little to no sequencing, meager use of headings and subheadings