Evaporitic Varves - TU Bergakademie Freiberg


reconstruction of palaeoclimate - sedimentology

Reconstruction of Palaeoclimate - Examples of Data Sources

 qualitative data for climate analysis in decades to million-year range, e.g. distribution of marine and non-marine climate sensitive fauna and flora climate sensitive marine and non-marine sediments synthesis of biotic and abiotic climate indicators

 sedimentological examples laminated sediments varvites

 Examples for environment and climate reconstruction newsbusters.org

reconstruction of palaeoclimate - sedimentology

Varvites as archive for environmental processes rhythmite: laminated sediment with periodic repetition varves: rhythmic sediments with annual character, formed in lacustrine and marine environments.

classic varve

type (De Geer 1912, Sweden ) consists of a silty, graded summer -layer and a winter -layer of clay and refers to laminated deposits in glacial lakes. extended definition

Varves form in a variety of marine and lacustrine depositional environments from seasonal variation in clastic, biological, and chemical sedimentary processes.


reconstruction of palaeoclimate - sedimentology

Varve types

Clastic Varves

Variation in clastic sedimentation from seasonal/annual runoff

- in subarctic or boreal environments runoff associated with winter/summer seasons

- in subtropical and tropical environments runoff seasonality mainly controlled by Monsoonal circulation or other factors controlling the rainy season

Caution: In arid environments clastic layers might represent non-seasonal flood events rather than annual sedimentation.

Biogenic Varves

Seasonal variation in bio-production

- caused by seasonal changing insolation, life cycles of (planctic) organisms and stratification of the water column

- often linked with seasonal clastic sedimentation

Evaporitic Varves

Formed in saline lakes of semi-arid and arid regions when seasonal/rythmical evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation.

- evaporite minerals that may precipitate are carbonates, gypsum and halite,etc.

- depending on solubility of evaporit minerals, characteristic sequences could be formed

Those types occur in non-marine and marine environments as well; could be combined in different manner.

Varve types

Varves form in a variety of marine and lacustrine depositional environments from seasonal variation in clastic, biological, and chemical sedimentary processes.

dual lamination triplet lamination quadrouplet lamination


number of laminae depents on climate types

 intensity of seasons and linked abiotic/biotic processes climate with two seasons climate with four seasons

bedding types of fluivial and lacustrine deposits

New Zealand, Mt. Cook subaquatic, shallow lacustrine - Litoral lacustrine-pelagial  Varves fluvial subaquatic, transition fluvial-lacustrine

Clastic varves - classical glacial varves examples for proximal and distal types

 in subarctic or boreal environments runoff associated with winter/summer seasons proximal glacial varve - couplet of two layers between 0.5 and 50 cm distal

“winter” layers (dark), usually >90% clay, often gradational with the top of the preceding summer layer below, sharply truncated at the base of the following summer layer

“summer” or melting season layers multiple micro-graded beds or laminations, showing often a general fining upward and may grade into the “winter” layer above. distinct graded bed of sand and silt mark the beginning of the melting season layer – sharp base

„Bänderschluff“ typical banded silt/clay; light layers – coarser summer deposits, dark layers - clay-rich winter deposits

Macherslust near Eberswalde, Brandenburg de.academic.ru/pictures/dewiki/66/Baendertone.JPG

Typical distal varved clay, lake deposits;

Passumpsic Valley, East Barnet, Vermont, USA http://geology.tufts.edu/varves/Geology/varves.asp

Non-glacial clastic varves

Variation in clastic sedimentation from seasonal/annual runoff

 in subtropical and tropical environments runoff seasonality mainly controlled by

Monsoonal circulation or other factors controlling the rainy season

(In arid environments clastic layers might represent non-seasonal flood events rather than annual sedimentation.)

Clastic lamination depents on

• sediment supply

• lake size, morphometry, stratification

• preservation potential – no bioturbation !

Investigation techniques:

- digital image analysis of sections or cores

- digital grain size analysis or color density analysis

 calibration to a climatic variable, e.g. sunspot cycle, El Niño-Southern

Ossicillation http://en.gtk.fi/export/sites/default/Research/images/varves2.jpg

Marine combined clastic-biogenic varves – modern example marine varves

monsoonal climate

Pakistan coast

Formed by

seasonal variation in upwelling which cause algal blooms  a

seasonal variation in clastic sediment supply from aeolian input, river discharge and wind driven coastal sediment transport along the shore  b

Schulz et al. 1996

Marine combined clastic-biogenic varves – modern example marine three-component varves

warm-humide climate

Gulf of California

Formed by

seasonal variation in insolation rate cause different algal blooms

seasonal variation in clastic sediment supply from aeolian input and river discharge

Biogenic Lamination / Varves

Seasonal variation in bio-production are caused by

- seasonal changing insolation, life cycles of (planctic) organisms and stratification of the water column

- often linked with seasonal clastic sedimentation

- mainly expressed in more or less regular alternation of organic and clastic laminae

Biogenic lamination depends on:

• seasonal changing bio-productivity in the aquatic environment – e.g. plankton/algal blooms

• seasonal growth of microbial mats – stromatolithes, oolithes

• seasonal entry of terrestrial organic material – pollen, plant leaves etc.

• seasonal biogenic and/or abiogenic induced precipitation of minerals e.g. calcite, vivianite (iron(II)-phosphat)

• seasonal sediment supply

Seasonal stratification and circulation of lake water masses example: dimictic lake thermocline caused by density anomaly

 maximum density for freshwater is 4 °C stratification  water masses with different properties

salinity (halocline), oxygenation (chemocline), density (pycnocline), temperature (thermocline)  form layers that act as barriers to water mixing

- dimictic lake undergoes stratification in the summer and winter and complete overturn in the autumn and spring,

during winter, surface ice prevents mixing by the wind,

with cooler water (0° C) staying near the surface, warmer, more dense water (4° C) extending to the bottom.

Biogenic lamination – postglacial lake Holzmaar example autum summer lake Holzmaar , Eifel spring biogenic varves

Holzmaar, scale bar 0,2 mm winter typical 1-year-varve

Annually laminated, non-glacial lake sediments from Lake Holzmaar (Eifel, western Germany)

absolute age of varve intervals with variations in thickness and composition correlated to climatic changes recorded by glacier fluctuations in the Alps.

Back to 8800 years VT (varve time = varve years before 1950) glacier advances coincide with sedimentation rate minima; prior to 8800 years VT they coincide with sedimentation rate maxima. early and middle Holocene sediments suggest a periodicity of about 1000 years for cold/warm cycles.

A sequence of 512 varve-thickness measurements was subjected to spectral analysis.

These provide apparent evidence for a 11-year sun-spot cycle. from Zolitschka

Maar lake Holzmaar, Eifel

Evaporitic Varves - modern examples

Formed in saline lakes and epicontinental seas of semi-arid and arid regions when seasonal/rythmical evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation.

- evaporite minerals that may precipitate are carbonates, gypsum and halite,etc.

- depending on solubility of evaporit minerals, characteristic sequences could be formed

Sabkha-playa lake Chott el Djerid, Sahara,

Tunesia halite chips

Chott el Djerid lake Boneville/

Great Salt lake,

Northern Utah laminated siltstone/gypsum/halite

Dead Sea, Jordan

Types of evaporitic varves

Late Permian Castile Formation ~500 m thick accumulation of evaporites in west Texas and SE New Mexico

Approximate location of Castile evaporite basin

Types of Castile varves (Late Permian)

(A) Thin couplets. (B) Couplets. (C) Thick couplets.

dark laminae are calcite and admixed organic matter

light laminae are anhydrite.

(D) Triplets

laminae are anhydrite, thin beds are halite

(Kirkland 2003).

Evaporitic Varves – examples from earths history

Formed in saline lakes and epicontinental seas of semi-arid and arid regions when seasonal/rythmical evapo(transpi)ration exceeds precipitation.

- evaporite minerals that may precipitate are carbonates, gypsum and halite, etc.

- depending on solubility of evaporite minerals, characteristic sequences could be formed laminated anhydrite

Zechstein, Late Permian

Barbarossa cave,



- light layers – pure anhydrite  evaporation during dry season

- dark layers – clay rich anhydrite  sediment suppley during rainy season

Carbonate laminites

mainly bio-induced

evaporation may play a role early Permian Rotliegend

Heuberg lake horizon


Thuringian Forest basin

 indicative for semiarid seasonal climate

Interglacial calcite varves from Piànico ,

Southern Alps, Bergamo, Italy http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/portal/-

;jsessionid=44E486F3380A00C8F93A96A0A4107500?$part=C msPart&docId=1575607


Ashley, G.M. (1989). Classification of glaciolacustrine sediments. In: Goldthwait, R.P., Matsch,

C.L. (1989). Genetic classification of glacigenic deposits. A.A.


Anderson, R.Y., Dean, W.E. (1988). Lacustrine varve formation through time. Palaeogeography,

Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 62: 215-235

Chu, G., Liu, J., Schettler, G., Li, J., Sun, Q., Gu, Z., Lu, H., Liu,, Q., Liu, T. (2005). Sediment fluxes and varve formation in Sihailongwan, a maar lake from northeastern China. J. of Paleolimnology 34: 311-324

David, T.W.E. (1922). The « varved shales » of Australia. Am. J. Sci. 3: 115-116

Drewry, D. (1986). Glacial Geologic Processes. Edward Arnold Ltd.

Hsü, K.J. (1989). Physical Principles of Sedimentology. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Junge, F.W. (1998). Die Bändertone Mitteldeutschlands und angrenzender Gebiete. Altenbg. nat. wiss. Forsch. 9: 1-210

Kirkland, D.W. (2003). An explanation for the varves of the Castile evaporites (Upper Permian),

Texas and New Mexico, USA. Sedimentology 50: 899-920

Murawski, H., Meyer, W. (2004). Geologisches Wörterbuch. Elsevier GmbH München

Middleton, G.V. (2005). Encyclopedia of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Repr. Springer-


O’Sullivan, P.E. (1983). Annually-laminated lake sediments and the study of Quaternary environmental changes – a review. Quat. Sci. Rev. 1: 245-313

Christopher G. St C. Kendall (Editor), Abdulrahman Alsharhan (Editor)(2010). Quaternary carbonate and evaporite sedimentary facies and their ancient analogues: A Tribute to

Douglas James Shearman (Special Publication 43 of the IAS).-Wiley-Blackwell, 496 pp
