POHNPEI HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE EMPLOYMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Position: Cultural Anthropologist Salary: $36,000 - $38,000 (depending upon qualification) Supervision: Department and Division Division of Pohnpei State Historic Preservation Office, Department of Land & Natural Resources Location: Pohnpei State Funded by: U.S. National Parks Service, D.O.I The Pohnpei State Historic Preservation Office is seeking a Professional Cultural Anthropologist to work with the Pohnpei Historic Preservation Office. Please see details below and requirements: ________________________________________ Pohnpei State Historic Preservation Office (PNI HPO) is seeking a Professional Cultural Anthropologist fully funded by the U.S. National Parks Services, D.O.I. The candidate for the position will serve as the State’s technical expert on oral histories, ethnography, and cultural resources and plays a key role in furtherance of the goals and objectives of the PNI HPO in collaboration with the Pohnpei State Government, FSM National Government and U.S National Park Service. He or she shall work closely with the Pohnpei State Historic Preservation Officer and provide technical assistance and expertise necessary including, but not limited to the following: Duties and Responsibilities: 1. To perform and develop, coordinate, and ethnographic surveys. 2. Responsible for the collection of oral history including cultural subjects such as birth, marriage , traditional laws and customary practices and to review the extant collection of oral history; Conducts field work as necessary. 3. To design plans and conduct a research of local practices, customs and tradition such as dances, tattoos, basket, weaving, canoe building, traditional house building, grass skirts, navigation, and related topics. 4. To establish, develop, and maintain an organized electronic database of cultural resources. 5. To assist with the establishment and management of a centralized system which uses a number system to aid in collection, organization, and preservation of existing cultural resources such as tape recordings, video recordings, photographs, books, and other forms. 6. To provide assistance for the maintenance and improvement of the cultural resources museum, library collection and laboratory facilities. 7. Responsible for the drafting all written forms and questionnaires to be used in the collection of oral history, ethnography, and cultural resources in addition to those relating to reports and brochures for site restoration projects. 8. To provide training to local staff in collection and preservation of oral history, ethnography, and management of cultural resources. 9. Seek funding opportunities and write grant applications. 11. Develop priorities, work plan, personnel responsibilities, time allocations, required budgets and equipment needs for carrying out oral History and ethnography tasks. 10. Performs other related tasks that may be required by the Historic Preservation Officer and/or supervisor. Additional Requirements: 9. To ensure compliance with section 106 of the U.S. National Preservation Act, regulations 36 CFR 800, relating to U.S Federal undertaking in the F.S.M., and the requirements of the U. S. National Park Service Program assessments. 10. Must produce two (2) project (7 copies in DVD,CD, e-copy or hard copy) that meet the Secretary of Interior Standards for Anthropology and Historic Preservation. Projects are to be approved in advance by NPS. Research design and other identification standards will be in accordance with the Secretary of Interior Standards for Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 11. All reports, Publications, Public information materials, including audio and visual, and workshop materials needs an acknowledgement of NPS support, the required disclaimer statement, and nondiscrimination statement. 12. Copies of all publications, journal articles, press releases, or other publicity and/or a copy of acknowledgement statement planned for a subsequent publication shall be submitted to the State HPO for approval prior to the issuance of the publication, journal articles, press release or other publicity of any subsequent publication. 13. If final technical reports (products) do not meet the Secretary of the Interior’s standards, the cost of the projects will be the responsibility of the contractor and repayment must be made by the contractor to the Pohnpei State Historic Preservation Office for projects cost associated with the contractor’s salary. Final products which do not conform to the terms and conditions of the agreement or which do not meet the applicable Secretary of the Interior’s ‘Standards’ will not be reimbursed. 14. At the end of contract period, the contractor must submit the Product Summary Table and an end of field work report based on ethnographic products and cross-training efforts with local HPO staff. 15. Contractor’s draft report must be submitted to the Technical Advisory Committee for review and comment to determine if the report meets the Secretary’s Standards for Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 16. All Travels must be approved by the U.S. NPS and PNI HPO 17. Capable of and willing to train field workers and/or PNI HPO’s staffs Qualifications: The applicant must have a graduate degree in Master’s or Doctorate (MA, MS or PhD) in Anthropology with a specialization in Applied Cultural Anthropology or a closely related field, plus a minimum of two (2) years of full-time professional experience including at least 1 year of unsupervised field and analytic experience in general ethnography (preferably in the Pacific region) applying the theories, methods, and practices of Cultural Anthropology that enables professional judgment to be made about the identification, evaluation, registration, documentation, or treatment of historic, prehistoric, or traditional cultural properties; And products and activities that demonstrate the successful application of acquired proficiencies in the discipline to the practices of historic preservation. Employment Benefits: • $36,000 - $38,000 per year (based upon qualifications) • Health Insurance (Government) • Housing provided • Recruitment and repatriation costs (including air fare, layover costs, etc.) Provisions: • Hired employee cannot participate in any other personal, academic, or professional activity during working hours or devote time to or engage in such activities, which may compromise his/her, official duties with PNI HPO. • Submission of seven (7) products for at least Two (2) complete project. • No renewal of contract at one (1) year if two (2) complete projects are not submitted or does not meet the U.S. Secretary’s Standards. HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND PROVISIONS: This program receives U.S. Federal funds from the U.S. National Park Service, Department of Interior. Regulations of the U.S. Department of Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in Departmental Federally Assisted Programs because of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility operated by a recipient of Federal assistance should write to: Director, Equal Opportunity Program, U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, P. O. Box 37127, Washington, D.C. 20013-7127. All work conducted or supervised by the Pohnpei State Cultural Anthropologist shall fully meet the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation. All reports must be written in accordance with the applicable Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation. The acknowledgment of NPS support, the required disclaimer statement, and the required nondiscrimination statement are required in all reports, publications, public information, materials, including audio and visual, and workshop materials. Research publications derived out of the contract work must acknowledge National Park Service and Pohnpei State Government’s support. Copies must be supplied to the PNI Historic Preservation Office and National Park Services. In order to meet the HPF Grants Requirements and Special Conditions, all professional services will be issued on a “reimbursement-basis only”. The contractor is required to conduct and complete a minimum of two in house survey projects annually or one in house survey project and one other project that can produce products which can be counted in the Product Summary Table requirements and in conformity to yearly HPF Grants Special Conditions/Requirements. Personal publications by the Anthropologist that are of a research or technical nature and that have been derived from work conducted in the course of her or his duty as the Pohnpei HPO Cultural Anthropologist must acknowledge financial support from the Pohnpei State Government and U.S NPS. At least two (2) final copy of any such publication must be provided to the PNI HPO and NPS. NPS and the U.S. Department of the Interior shall have a royalty free right to republish any such material. NONDISCRIMINATION NOTICE: This program receives U.S. federal funds from the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in Departmental Federally Assisted Programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity or facility operated by a recipient of Federal assistance should write to: Director, Equal Opportunity Program, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, P.O. Box 37127, Washington, DC 20013-7127, USA. How to Apply: 1. Please Fill out Pohnpei State Application form (see attached file). Application can also be obtain locally at the Pohnpei State Personnel Office or FSM National Personnel office send via electronic mail if request. 2. a cover letters specifying how your qualification and experience will enable you to successfully complete your duties and reasons for wanting this position 3. current Resume or Curriculum Vitae 4. Three (3) Recommendation letters and 5. at least two (2) e-copies or hard copies of recent publications (products) Documents can be obtained and send via both surface mail and e-mail or locally submitted. To apply for the position or obtain additional information please contact any of the addresses below. Mrs. Malpihna E. Nelber Chief Division Division of Personnel, Labor and Manpower Development Department of Treasury and Administration Pohnpei State Government P.O.Box 1567 Kolonia Pohnpei, FM 96941 Phone: (691) 320-3000 e-mail: psglmd@gmail.com Ms. Paula Falk Creech American Samoa and Micronesia Program Manager, National Park Service 333 Bush Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94104 Tel: (451) 632-2352 Fax: (415) 632-2388 e-mail: paula-creech@nps.org Mr. Mordain David Division Chief/ Deputy HPO P.O.Box 158 Kolonia Pohnpei, FM 96941 Tel: (691) 320-2652/2715 e-mail: mordaindavid@yahoo.com jixpac@yahoo.com rosterlemuel@yahoo.com Mr. Augustine Kohler Administrator P.O.Box 158 Kolonia Pohnpei, FM 96941 Tel: (691) 320-2652/2715 e-mail: gus_koose@hotmail.com