FRAME THE LESSON TEACHER: Grade 1st LESSON DATE: September 21-25 M T W TH F “Texas, Our Texas” Resources/Materials Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson Noun=Underline Verb=Italicize Pearson –My World; Making Our Way 14C: identify anthems and mottoes of Texas and the United States (p. 9) Objective/Key Understanding: Identify anthems of Texas. Stop & Check for Understanding—High Level Questions What is our country’s anthem? Do you know the words to our country’s anthem? Do you know the words to our state’s anthem? What are some of the words in each anthem? What does the word anthem mean? What are we reminded of when we the song? What are things around the perimeter of the song that remind us of our great state? What are other symbols you can put around the song that stand for Texas? Vocabulary: anthem Differentiated Instruction (p. 9) Use the following activities to differentiate instruction. Special Needs Point to the title of the song. Say: This is our state’s anthem, or song. It is called “Texas, Our Texas.” Point to the lyrics. Say each line and have children repeat it. Then point to and identify each symbol that reminds us of Texas. Have children repeat the name of each one. Extra Support Have children complete sentence frames. o Our state’s anthem is called _____. o It reminds us of _____. o Words in the song that tell about Texas are ___ and ___. o Symbols that remind us of Texas are ___, ___, and ___. Then sing each line of the anthem and have children echo you. On-Level Have children use complete sentences to describe the anthem, what is important about it, and what symbols remind us of our state. Then have them sing the anthem. Challenge/Gifted Invite children to draw a picture that illustrates what is important about their state. Around the perimeter of the picture, have them write words that stand for Texas such as strong, brave, proud, Lone Star, and big. Afterward, have them hold up their pictures as they sing “Texas, Our Texas.” Lesson Questions Prepare to Read (p. 9) Preview the lesson with children by having a volunteer read aloud the headings. Ask if anyone knows the words to “Texas, Our Texas.” Point out the lyrics to the refrain on the lesson page. Explain that they will learn about the song and why it is important. Introduce Vocabulary (p. 9) Read aloud anthem and write it on the board. Explain that an anthem is a song that is usually sung about an important place, such as a state or country. Have a volunteer look up anthem in the Glossary and read the definition aloud. o What is our country’s anthem? o Do you know the words to our country’s anthem? o Do you know the words to our state’s anthem? Begin to Read (p. 9) Use the questions to model active reading and learning as children work through the lesson in the Worktexts. Welcome to Texas (p. 9) What are some of the words in each anthem? What does the word anthem mean? What are we reminded of when we the song? What are things around the perimeter of the song that remind us of our great state? What are other symbols you can put around the song that stand for Texas?