Patrick Papadopulos - University of Rochester

Patrick Papadopulos
UR Mathematics
915 Hylan Building
University of Rochester RC Box
270138 Rochester, NY 14627
Topology, configuration spaces, mapping class groups.
University of Rochester, Rochester, New York USA
Ph.D. Candidate, Mathematics
• Advisor: Frederick R. Cohen
M.A., Mathematics, May 2012
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
M.S.E, Computer Science, May, 2009
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts USA
B.S., Mathematics, May, 2007
Graduated: Cum Laude
Honors and
Good Teaching award: Penn Math department 2007-2009
Mathematics Department award: University of Rochester Math department: 2013
Recipient the Edward Peck Curtis Teaching Award: 2015
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
Teaching Assistant (Math 104 Calculus II)
Graded homework and held four weekly regular recitations. I also held office hours, graded exams
and provided review sessions.
University of Rochester, Rochester, New York USA
Instructor (Math 141 Calculus I)
Fall 2012, Summer 2012, Summer 2013
Sole instructor for the course. Created exams and held review sessions
Instructor (Math 143 Calculus III - Kearns)
Summer 2014
Sole instructor for the course. Created exams and held review sessions. This course was held in
conjunction with the Kearns center.
Instructor (Math 141A)
Currently I am the sole instructor for the course.
Spring 2015
Teaching Assistant (Math 142 Calculus II)
Spring 2013
I held regular office hours, held weekly review sessions for the students, graded exams.
Teaching Assistant(Math 240H Honors Topology)
Spring 2011
I graded homework, held office hours, review sessions and wrote solutions to all homework problems
Teaching Assistant(Math 165 Lin. Alg. and Diff. Eqs)
Fall 2011
CIRTL Online course- “An entirely practical guide to online evaluation systems”
I am co-creating this course and will be co-instructor for this project along with Dean Vicki Roth.
This course is supported by the CIRTL consortium. This is an online course which is open to early
faculty and graduate students at schools in the CIRTL network. Its aim is to expose students to
online evaluations system by using WeBWork as an example.
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York USA
Instructor (Math 181- Project Based Calculus I)
Fall 2014
Sole instructor for the course. Created exams and held review sessions. I designed a semester long
project for the students to do in groups.
Instructor (Math 171- Calculus A)
Currently the sole instructor for this course
• Private Math tutor: Many Semesters.
Spring 2015
• CETL math tutor for the Calculus sequence at the University of Rochester.
11/25-11/30 2012 — Cohomological methods in geometric group theory, BIRS, Banff, Alberta
11/9-11/11 2012 —Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, Rice University, Houston, TX.
10/6-10/8 2012 — Quillen Memorial Conference, M.I.T, Cambridge, MA.
6/28-6/30 2012 — Workshop in Geometric Topology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
5/4-5/7 — 2012 Cornell Topology Festival, Cornell, Ithaca, NY.
3/31-4/1 2012 — Graduate Student Topology and Geometry conference, Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN.
1/13-1/15 2012 — Configuration spaces, braids and applications, Tulane University, New Orleans,
5/2-5/6 2011 — Workshop on the Torelli group, Mapping Class group, and Out(Fn), Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH.
4/2-4/3 2011 — Graduate Student Topology and Geometry conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
2/28 2009 — Appalachian set theory workshop, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Research Talks
• May 25th, 2013: Oral exam/ U of R Topology seminar (“The Farrell Cohomology of Low Genus
Mapping Class Groups.”)
• March 10th, 2015: SUNY Brockport Seminar (“Math in a factory: Algebraic Topology and
Configuration spaces.”)
• April 28th, 2015: Tulane Topology Seminar (“Configuration Spaces of Certain Types of Graphs.”)
Computer Skills
• Languages: C, C++, Perl, Lisp, Coq.
• Applications: Mathematica, MatLab, inkscape, LATEX,Beamer, WeBWork Administration.