SLAC- 143 UC-34 (EXP) A STUDY OF NON-STRANGE BOSON RESONANCES QUASI-MONOCHROMATIC BETWEEN MICHAEL LINEAR Stanford, COMMISSION BUBBLE CHAMBER M. MENKE ACCELERATOR STANFORD PREPARED BY PHOTON BEAMS OF ENERGIES 4.3 AND 7.5 GeV IN A HYDROGEN STANFORD PRODUCED CENTER UNIVERSITY California 94305 FOR THE U. S. ATOMIC UNDER CONTRACT December ENERGY NO. AT(O4-3)-515 ‘3 1971 . ‘, Printed in the United Information Service, Springfield, Virginia Price: Printed Copy States of America. Available from National Technical U. S. Department of Commerce, 5285 -,JJort Royal Road, .: 22151. $3.00; microfiche $0.95. ABSTRACT The photoproduction of resonances of a hydrogen bubble chamber and 7.5 CeV nominal on the three-prong yp -p*‘r- reactions yp + pl~+x-x’ The general analysis and yp * x+r+x-n Using various cross section decreases to about .tOO~b/CeV2 at 7.5 CeV. vector The cross part, I t= o is then 9.4i2.3 meson production of 4.3, procedure 5.25 and results We study the highly at the annihilation con- energies. found is 7.OkO.4 p” photoCeV from about 130pb/GeV2 composed into an OPE and a diffractive (du(p)/dt)/(du(w)/dt) radiation models to parameterize pa+=- , the mean t-slope in yp --t in three exposures over the energy range 2-8 CeV and the are given. the p” forward annihilation event topology are presented. reaction production to positron energies. strained Cross sections has been siudied -2 , while at 3.3 CeV section for yp ---f wp is dewhich is found to be 1.5*0.3pb. at 7.5 C&V. In comparing with that of Compton scattering da/dt for via VDM for photon n energies above 4 CeV, we find that for yi/41r agreement cross at all s and t. sections to cT(yp) the 90% confidence width, Inelastic be associated This same value of ~;/47r at all our energies. level, ap,(1250)<0.3pb peripheral neutron channels, co production but with present with it. and Al n are observed, = 0.32*0.03 The quasi-two with cross statistics relates our forward A search for p’-+ and uc,(1650)<0. co 217finds, at lpb per 100 MeV is seen in both the proton and the specific body reactions sections there is good decreasing nucleon isobars yp - a-A’+, cannot p-A++, with photon energy For the first two a=l. 74kO.16 and 0.6iO.2 respectively, indicating like E-“. Y It follows that that they are unlikely to have the same production mechanism. if the reaction yp -+p tive decay width (-0.5 - ++. A 1s due to an OPE process, the required MeV) is much in excess of the value predicted rho radiaby SU(3). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is a pleasure to acknowledge who made this experiment the general direction The experiment possible. of Dr. the contributions George Chadwick, of help and understanding both in matter details analysis. of bubble chamber operation were Drs. members of the collaboration was carried Other major sources of advice and co- Peter Seyboth and Arie which carried Drs. Zaven Guiragossian, Skillicorn, Joseph Ballam, in matters and criticisms William Paul Klein, and Tai Ho Tan. Professor aid Others who made material contributions all Much help Aahron Levy and at various William stages are Podolsky, Ian Special thanks are due to my thesis supervisor, for his patience, not only of physics constantly but of personal of this work have been received receptive life. attitude Valuable and comments from the co-signers, Profs. Bardeen and Mason Yearian. The hospitality several and support of my research years has been greatly ductive atmosphere received from Schwimmer. Profs. Group. Helpful Fred Gilman, Also I appreciate the Stanford Physics appreciated. by SLAC for the past I especially appreciate the con- created by the many people of SLAC, particularly in Group B and the Theory Department The help and cooperation Haim goes to all the scanners advice and consultations Harari, the continual ... - 111 - c have been support and encouragement of the SLAC Accelerator at SLAC, those David Leith and Adam during my graduate career and of Bob Watt and the 40” bubble chamber credit Shapira, out the experiment. Ken Moffeit, source and in the many technical and advice in the early phases of the work came from Drs. Gunter Wolf. out under who has been a major of physics Yehuda Eisenberg, of the many people here. Operations crew were superb. the Weizman of Institute Group Special and Tel Aviv University hadronic (see Fig. who diligently events in a nearly II. 1). and Madge Tartar operation performed the task of locating overwhelming The help in data reduction is also greatly background of uninteresting and management appreciated. from the staff of our SLAC computation - iv - and measuring events from Ken Eyeman I also received facility. the friendly co- TABLE OF CONTENTS page I. Introduction It. Experimental HI. Iv. Apparatus 1. The Hydrogen 2. The Annihilation 3. Determination 4. Scanning Procedures 5. Measuring and Procedures of Annihilation Beam Parameters ... and Kinematic 35 ....... Reconstruction 45 45 Flux Determinations 3. 3-C Channel Cross Section ............... 4. Calculation Photoproduction 60 Sections for 1-C Channels .... of Neutral The Channel yp - Vector p=+n- Mesons 83 ............... 84 ................... p” Production B. Nucleon Resonances ................ C. Higher Meson Production Mass Vector 2. Omega Meson Production 3. Vector Dominance Vector Meson Couplings 109 (p’) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 114 Model Tests and the Photon- Photoproduction State pr+r-r’ 67 82 ......... A. Associated 46 for Cross Sections ........ of Cross 29 33 .................. 2. 2. 14 Beam ............ Radiation General Method ..................... 1. 8 ............. Bubble Chamber 1. Resonance 8 .......... of the Cross Sections ............ Determination 1. V. 1 .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Four Body Final States . . . Rho and Delta Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -V- 135 in the Final . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s . A2 Meson Production 125 139 147 r page 3. VI. Inelastic Conclusions References Rho Production ................ ......................... 156 166 169 ............................. - vi - LIST OF TABLES page_ I. parameters and statistics .............. 36 in SLAC data .......... 38 II. 1. Scannedevents on SLAC rolls. lI.2. Fits to various hypotheses sections 47 ............... III. 1. Fair cross of Knasel. m. 2. Summary III. 3. Microbarn III. 4. Sample 3-C cross section calculation III. 5. Scan-to-measure III. 6. 3-C cross section calculations m. 7. Combined 50 ........... of pair scans on SLAC rolls equivalents 7 .... of the three exposures. from pair spectra 56 ......... 58 ........... 61 ................ correction 3-C cross sections 63 ....... at all energies from 5.25 and 7.5 GeV 65 data ............................. III. 8. Cross sections for Iv. 1. Fitted widths, masses, YP ‘pop IV.2. Forward yp -cpr’r-x” and total cross sections ... cross sections 93 and d2g/dtdm t=O for 98 .......................... Iv. 3. Standard method for du/dt, IV.4. Total cross sections (0.715, v. 1. Fits to the channels px’x-x0 V.2. A to yp 4 pa+n-x0. 0.815) GeV ...... 105 wp ...... 120 for the reaction A P slopes> P;~, pll> 79 for .......................... yp-pop. ff ++and yp -7rxrn and r’r”n-n yp . and shaping parameters ..................... - vii - 137 ......... for fits 142 FIGURE CAPTIONS Page It. 1. A bubble chamber prong hadronic II. 2. Horizontal picture of a photoproduced three 9 event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cross-section of the SLAC 40-inch bubble 12 chamber........................... II. 3. Schematic layout of a positron annihilation radiation 15 beam............................ II. 4. Noise to signal ratio of positron energy for annihilation Predicted R.6. Layout of the positron II. 7. photon intensity Measured electron annihilation 21 . . . . . beam in end 23 collision pair spectra at the three annihilation 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theoretical spectrum for a positron-hydrogen at fixed angle. II. 9. E(gamma) II. 10. Photon spectra reaction in the bubble chamber B . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . energies. II. 8. 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II. 5. station beam as a function atom 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - E(calculated) for 1-C pairs 27 at 7.5 GeV . . . . as deduced from measurements of the yp dpr+a-. R. 11. Bubble chamber II. 12. Relation . 30 . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . , . . . . , , . 32 coordinate system viewed in two planes. between photon beam and projected beam direction. for 3-C events . . . . . . 40 for 3-C events . . . . . . . . . . 41 II. 13. Gamma mass squared calculated II. 14. Chi-squared distributions positron . .. - Vlll - III. 1. Pair production (Ref. 44). III.2. cross sections according to Knasel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spectra of PHONY generated pairs at 5.25 and 7.5Gev........................... III. 3. 52 Spectra of PHONY generated pairs on a percentage scale........................... III.4. Cumulative . probability III. 5. to a pair with 1-C energy <E . . . . . . . . Y Cross sections for the reaction yp - pr+~- . . . . . . . HI. 6. Missing mass squared for all events consistent with the reactions III. 7. Missing III. 8. Missing HI. 9. Cross sections mass of 5 body events treated as 3 prongs for 4-body reaction Iv. 1. 5 energy intervals. IV.2. IV. 3. (0.60<m<O. IV.4. 6.8-8.2 I t 1 distributions Forward yp- pr’~- for 77 81 in the first yp - pnf- 85 in the photon GeV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 for events in the o” region 85 CeV). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . double differential as a function for 73 channels with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dipion mass distributions energyrange . . . in the final state . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dipion mass distributions 71 for PHONY events yp - ~?;‘T-TT’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a single neutral 66 by . . . . . . . . . . . . . mass squared distributions of the reaction 54 yp - pn+~- plus neutrals T’A+T- plus neutrals and yp - 53 that a pair of energy E6 will reconstruct ionization 48 90 cross section and slopes of dipion mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Iv.5. Mass skewing mechanisms in the ading phenomenological . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lV.6. Summary Iv. 7. Spin one density frame N.8. models. of results on p” production matrix elements for the dipion system (Mp”+) and (b) M(pr-) and at six energies . , 94 107 in the helicity in the o” region distributions . . . . . . . 110 for yp 4 pr+n- events with m(7i.+n-)(l 111 Iv. 9. Cross sections 113 Iv. 10. Angular GeV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ++ for yp -+ A 7~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . distributions of the K+ in the helicity the dipion system for events with rn(r’T-)<l Iv.ll. Iv.12. Iv.13. N.14. lV.16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 nfn-xo mass distributions ll? invariant yp -+ op total cross sections v.2. for yp -+ pn’x-?r’. measured . in this experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Differential cross sections do/dt yp’op.. . . . . . . *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The spin density Comparison matrix system elements yp -op. yp total cross sections . . . . Model predictions present data using $ /4n=O. 32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . dt for Compton scattering data. Scatter plot of M(pr’) - ++ cross P--+P A 126 with Dominance UI 124 poo, Re10 and plel Vector d 122 for the reaction for the reaction of measured photoproduction v. 1. GeV for the 7.5GeVdata.. in the helicity Iv.15. frame of based upon the calculated 129 from the present . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 132 versus sections M(x’n-) for 7.5 GeV . . . . 141 determined in this experiment. 146 -x- v. 3. M(pn) in all charge states for 1-C fits in the 7.5 GeV data............................ 148 v. 4. M(nn) for all 1-C fits to yp --r A+r+r-n v.5. M(x*a+n-) distribution . . . . . . . , . iiyp -+3r A 71 n in the reaction at (a) 4.3 CeV, (b) 5.25 CeV and (c) 7.5 C&V . . . . . . V. 6. M(~+?r+a-) distribution for yp d a+r+a-n, datafrom4.3and5.25GeV. M(r+s-?r”) v. 8. Dipion masses in all charge combinations v. 9. 37r)l< 0.5 GeV2 . . . . . in the 7.5 CeVdata. M(xa) distributions 4.3, v. 10. YP dpa+a-x0 (t(y, for the reaction 5.25and7.5CeVcombined. M(a+x-) 155 . . . . . . . . . . yp -) pr+a-r” 158 at . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 for all 1-C fits to yp 4 x+=+=-n in the 7.5 GeV Peripheral 161 M(aa) distribution at all energies. v. 12. 153 for 1-C fits data............................ v. 11. 151 combined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v. 7. to at 7.5 GeV for 149 ( 1 t(y,?w)l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M(p?p) and M(nn+) distribution yp -+ ~T+T-T’ i 0.5 GeV2) and nn+r+r- 162 in the reactions respectively. - xi - . . . . e . . . . 164 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Photoproduction and strong interaction lated since the beginning of systematic From unitarity accelerators. physics have been closely experimentation and time reversal using high energy invariance shown that the phases of the single pion photoproduction pion nucleon elastic scattering for two pion production. sufficient to calculate nucleon scattering, trates This result, but it serves in the spin-isospin such as whether may be essential the (3/2, amplitude in terms ambiguities 3/2). of multi-pion duction proved a valuable interactions tum numbers vector Therefore it is not evidence of the pion Moreover, photopro- of nucleon isobar and states above 3/2) resonance. numbers multi-pion and illus- or the Yang sign convention, the complex pion in the pion nucleon phase When photon beams of energy and intensity nificant is not of elastic solution gave the first state (3/2, to use the Fermi in disentangling and the agree modulo pi below the threshold between these two processes. duction data has helped to resolve shifts, amplitude as a guide to the possible that low energy photoproduction nucleon resonance alone it has been known as the Watson theorem, the photoproduction the close connection surprising amplitude re- method to examine and resonances, Their dominant ent with the experiments to produce final state events became available, as the photon itself. mesons. sufficient the properties especially Such resonant -l- photopro- of pion-pion and those with the same quanstates are called neutral role in photoproduction at the Cambridge sig- Electron first Accelerator became appar(CEA) and the Deutsches periments Electronen-Synchotron revealed px+~- while that the neutral rho meson dominated the omega meson was the most significant state pn+r -*O. final states, limited (DESY) in the mid-1960’s. These same resonances respectively. were present The utility by their use of bremsstrahlung ton energy determination and produce the final state effect seen in the final in the five and six body of these experiments, however, beams which provide no -a priori mostly low energy events. new type of photon beam was needed to extend these results gies and to obtain the higher statistics Therefore the first Stanford Linear Accelerator duction exposures l-7 photoproduction uid hydrogen. chamber the neutral complicated were limited 11 vector annihilation monochromatic bubble chamber interesting photoproduction only bremsstrahlung experiments of photopro- radiation the energy of the annihilation filled 9,lO with liq- and streamer on the photoproduction energy events relative experiments photons increased to the bremsstrahlung much lower energy photons. -2- particles which had Furthermore, First, constrained in the final state. the yield of interesting induced events, but The pre- to produce high energy photons. photons was known to *2%, allowing of of more photon energy. over previous fits to be made to events with one or more neutral Second, the monochromatic 8 beam. in 4, 5, and 6 body final states, of the incoming advantages as a technique ener- gamma rays to be used for information reactions by lack of knowledge a at the mesons p” , W, and 4, as well as some glimpses sent work had two distinct come from performed in the SLAC 40” bubble chamber . yielded pho- Clearly, to higher was in fact a series using the SLAC positron The previous studies experiment Center (SIAC) experiments was necessary. bubble chamber This beam produced high energy, These ex- high most of which the annihilation energy allowed the calculation intheunconstrained (rather fit) of a missing allowed a clean separation picture production, of resonance One of the outstanding the mechanism chamber of numerous duction of neutral counter 12 rho, however, tion, explanation in photoproduction a relatively mechanisms. resonances physics resonances, cross section The shape of the The omega cross the rho cross in the first sec- with energy in a way consis- plus one pion exchange (OPE) production For example, of other the associated to decrease decay width of the rho into a pion and a gamma. which had been expected with cross Other sections range were not observed. The main problems this experiment in the thought to proceed via OPE and was used to like the A2 meson, in the microbarn to the track some evidence was seen for production It was therefore the radiative has been skewed toward low dipion masses, in 4 and higher body final states. with energy. a that o” photopro- of p-A+ ’ in the four body final states was observed production estimate constant for this was known. of diffractive In addition, yielded In addition for ItI up to 0.5 GeV2. on the other hand, was found to be falling tent with a combination in the above, this topic has been the subject was found to be strongly and no fundamental This then particle These studies all indicated maintaining s channel center of mass system system. which has subsequently meson production. mentioned studies. is diffractive, for the neutral that is necessary photoproduction. questions vector 9-11 experiments mass of events with a single neutral final state from multineutral more complete than the assumption existing was performed section remain photoproduction in the physics can be summarized constant experiments, -3- of photoproduction as follows. at higher energies First, when does than those observed and is there continued indication for s-channel helicity conservation? skewed shape of the neutral from Second, what is the reason for the rho, how shouldp’ the raw data on the reaction models imply for the forward dominance coupling yp--pn’?r-, constant describe there higher .12 annihilation implications of the neutral by the Veneziano OPE parts of the omega production diction model? with at least one neutral production particle, mechanisms? to improved 15 Fifth, correspond posed by using bremsstrahlung This experiment questions, unsolved. in some detail because of the serious questions in photoproduction in final states about their was tied limitations im- the new contributions are summarized in the conclusion, great number of other experimental briefly -4- in skewed shape remain of this experiment in the abstract where our results observations like the differences and that observed and the reason for its apparently physics produced to many of these problems basic theoretical More specifically, photoproduction decay width of the omega has been able to shed some light on most of the above although certain production and beams. between the rho meson observed hadronic are to the SU(3) pre- and if so what can be learned techniques, Fourth, do the diffractive boson resonances The solution experimental 14 me- rho in the dipion mass spec- mechanism Sixth, are there additional meson into vector for VDM? and that expected from the known radiative meson? of vector when obtained by photoproduc- and by electron-positron mass recurrences trum as predicted does the vector and if so, what is the value of the photon-vector and what are the subsequent sons13), Third, the photoproduction (which appears to disagree tion in heavy nuclei be derived and what do these various p” cross sections? model (VDM) accurately mesons on hydrogen, cross sections and reviewed are compared and theoretical to to a 16-24 predictions. The SLAC annihilation trons from electrons resulting positrons celerator and finally resulting annihilation determined energy. sulting were then accelerated allowed A residual to annihilate by their production bremsstrahlung photons were collimated 5.25, all three groups. background The experiment photoproduction, discussed present, but the re- the monochro- photon energies, was performed Institute Since close collaboration as a collaboration of Science and Tel Aviv Uni- and analyzed by the Weizmann was maintained phases of the experiment, permits an analysis giving important during both the all the data are presented This not only enhances the statistical accu- of the energy dependence of resonance clues to the production mechanisms as above. Since this beam was developed, available was still positron the 5.25 GeV film by the SLAC group and the ‘7.5 CeV film by as if from a single experiment. but further The and have an energy at an angle chosen to,enhance the Weizmann data taking and analysis racy, target. to this background. and 7.5 CeV. group, The in a liquid hydrogen angle and the incident The 4.3 CeV film was measured Institute posi- 2/3 of the ac- were made at three mean annihilation of groups from SLAC, versity. by creating along the remaining photons obey two body kinematics uniquely Exposures beam was produced at a point l/3 of the way along the accelerator. matic photons relative 4.3, radiation for producing high energy photon beams. ploys laser photons which both receive tain a high degree of polarization energy electron beam. other new techniques 25 One such method em- a large amount of energy and main- when they are backscattered This method gives a high degree of -5- have become off a high monochromaticity and polarization, tion rate of current tectors lasers. Hence, like the bubble chamber more complete but is limited information. this technique is most suitable which also have a slow period for de- but obtain Such a beam has been developed at SLAC26 and used in the 82 inch hydrogen bubble chamber. work have been published by the power and repeti- 27-32 Preliminary and have provided data from this a great deal of stimulation to our own work. The number of Pictures electron energies, beam, and the number of events measured The experimental details cedures are discussed sections and corrections The subsequent chapters tion, at various explaining in Chapter II. for various describe The determination backgrounds were derived data as well as various -6- and analysis of resonance and comparing theoretical pro- of the channel cross is discussed the investigation of the are given in Table I. of the beam, the bubble chamber, how these results other experimental the parameters models. in Chapter III. photoproducour data with TABLE Parameters Central Central (%) energy (GeV) production Photons/frame, Total pairs/frame volume of the three exposures. 4.3 photon energy (GeV) Resolution Positron and statistics I angle (mrad) in scanning Total frames Total events measured -7- 7.5 F2.0 12.0 i2.0 8.5 10.0 12.0 11.9 9.4 -54 k > 0.9 kA 5.25 -70 7.15 -30 15.8 16.2 11.7 300K 252K -940K 10178 9153 -24000 CHAPTER EXPERIMENTAL The Hydrogen II. 1 The first Cambridge Electron Synchotron” AND PROCEDURES Bubble Chamber studies of multibody, Accelerator’ (CEA) and the Deutsches The bubble chamber secondary interactions allows on hadronic and the decay of many strange particles. tively to separate further to classify bubble chamber shown in Fig. ionization hadronic picture II. 1. containing stricted a hadronic vertices Therefore of the it is rela- ones and A event from this experiment along hadronic protons but very useful momentum of all to the number of hadrons produced. The bubble density to be used to separate tracks, events from electromagnetic events according at the Electronen- the observation interactions, simple high energy photopro- out in 1964-1966 using hydrogen bubble chambers (DESY). charged tracks, APPARATUS comprehensive duction were carried II tracks allows is the from kaons and pions in certain ranges, according re- to the approximate relation I(p) = I(min) where m is the particle chamber mass and p is its momentum. views a 4a geometry, therefore no complicated in order acceptances the bubble chamber periments bubble chamber technique. P. and angular is particularly disadvangages First, distributions. biases and -8- data For all these well suited to exploratory ex- is to be studied. in studying a photograph 1) Because the bubble to be folded into the experimental in which a wide range of properties There are several , there are no severe geometrical to obtain cross sections reasons, (1 + m2/p2) photoproduction with the must be taken on each beam FIG. II. l--A bubble chamber picture of a photoproduced three-prong hadronic event, which illustrates the copious background of electromagnetic events and the subsequent difficulty in isolating events with short proton tracks. The hadronic event originates just before the first of the three obvious lines crossing the bubble chamber in about the center of the chamber. The proton track is very short and highly ionized, whereas the pion tracks are minimum ionizing like the electromagnetic background and form a characteristic l’fishtail” pattern which usually indicates a high energy, low momentum transfer event, a likely candidate for the reaction yp -•, pop. -9- pulse, whether extremely or not it contains difficult to trigger Meres ting photoproduced netic processes photons irradiate dronic reactions. hydrogen. hadronic the purely electromag- hadrons when high energy Since only a limited number of positron-electron and delta ray tracks can be tolerated it has proved necessary This increases before the ha- to reduce the flux in ten contains both the number of pictures them. the difficulty Second, and related in observing with three charged hadronic momentum (140 MeV/c is easily overlooked nant background to this large electromagnetic corresponds by scanners to a range of 1 cm in liquid pairs. which has been the subject of several correct pletely From counter the forward understood. experiments experiments, experience 12 protons counter occured for to forward p” studies covering the most significant scanning there is some evidence on how to losses in the bubble chamber data, but it is still not com- The method adopted in this and all other bubble chamber to date has been to make a linear d a/dt in the forward hydrogen), In both the CEA and DESY experi- Most of these events correspond the region where bubble chambers losses. An event one of which is a proton of very low ments these scanning losses due to the ‘Tinvisible’ production, is who can confuse these events with the domi- of electron-positron It (p,p) I CO. 04 (Gf3v/c)2. to ex- background, events with very short proton tracks. tracks, a needed to ob- tain a useful sample of events and the amount of scanning necessary tract on occur with a much higher probability to a level where less than one picture event. construction involving events become obscured, in such exposures of standard Furthermore, than photoproduction Compton electron event, because it has proved a bubble chamber such as pair production (200 times higher) pair, a hadronic direction. - 10 - exponential extrapolation of The SLAC 40” hydrogen bubble chamber diameter of 1 meter and a depth of 50 cm. chamber is shown in Fig. surface providing from circular feature bright II. 2. pair production the hydrogen each camera in allowing windows illuminated from lens. A very important thin alumi- is 6.5” x 28” with total thicklengths, which limits to less than l/9 of those made in a useful flux of photons into the chamber, was approximately The central magnetic spread out field setting for 26 Kg and the field was uniform volume to 4Y0. The repetition over the rate in this experiment varied 1 to 1.5 pulses per second. The chamber triangle cm The light comes The large area of the beam windows was in- so that events would not be obscured. this exposure system has a reflective to less than 0.01 radiation of the chamber. of this is the pair of large, The area of these windows from the chamber with a visible diagram in the chamber. for photoproduction ness OX&‘, corresponding strumental The piston expansion flash lamps surrounding num beam windows. A schematic field illumination of this chamber is cyclindrical is viewed by three camera about 70 cm on a side. thick, assuring quartz viewing ber is illuminated reflected in space, by flash tubes which surround piston. a retrodirective lens is bent by a 45 degree mirror - 11 - in a path to vary BK 7) and the of 1:17. the lenses. The reflected the camera resulting window (Schottglass The lenses gave a demagnification back to the camera by Scotchlite, the camera from which cause the optical are the chamber to a dish attached to the chamber through The distance was 245.5 cm The materials distance ports. position. of the chamber 17 degree stereo angle. from the physical The lenses are mounted on a steel plate 10 a fixed relative lens to the mid-plane lenses set on an equilateral The cham- The light is material glued light after passing and focussed on the -. L FIG. II. 2--Horizontal cross-section of the SLAC 40-inch - 12 - bubble chamber. film The film format plane. forated three view, on 70 mm per- film. In addition chamber to the problems discussed further serious but rather of studying photoproduction above, the CEA and DESY experiments handicap since their bremsstrahlung This is not a problem of unknown momentum. a problem charged particles, rators was single strip, in using bremsstrahlung momentum analyzing and neutral created crossed the bremsstrahlung spectrum that of the total reactions studied, Because of these problems, bremsstrahlung relatively for bremsstrahfurthermore, so few are at high energy. photoproduction produced were visible, or those containing experiments using very narrow so the 3-constraint and prominent and their statistics interactions. For events with one or more missing with only a single neutral were strongly weighted fits were resonances like the toward low energy neutrals, Hence it was very difficult ments to do detailed studies of channels observed. events at the tip of the bremsstrahlung Although in the hypothesis in the final state can always be fit by adjusting energy in the O-C fit. very narrow after it is toward low energies, omega meson, incident For can give information In particular, weighted sepa- content. beams were able to study in detail only those channels which all the particles possible, and particle on the photon energy is known; is strongly For field and radio frequency techniques and massless. lung beams only an upper limit photons unique to bubble chambers, but a photon beam can not be analyzed since it is both neutral from a to produce photon beams. K mesons time of flight on the beam momentum, suffered beams delivered can produce beams of very pure momentum neutrons in a bubble and well separated in these experi- in which any of the particles resonances - 13 - the like the omega spectrum are not and could be studied in more detail, creation of photon beams. new approaches One possible at the time of the bremsstrahlung ments. 21 Other approaches beams themselves, tic beam. marized involve II. 2 The Annihilation polarized Radiation In I960 D. M. Binnie bremsstrahlung to construct decreases 33 observed the characteristic ly excludes photons, with great success For the annihilation annihilation in flight, positron angle it would be feasible photon beam by impinging a well defined through a collimator the inner angle of which would greatly forward-peaked of a positron process. bremsstrahlung exceed This effective(see Fig. of energy E and mass m into two one of which has energy K and laboratory the incident beam to produce high with photon production angle m/E of the bremsstrahlung most of the strongly is the that since the cross section for beam on a liquid hydrogen target and accepting shell of photons, method, 26 much more rapidly a quasi-monochromatic only a conical II. 3). experiments is sum- Beam than the cross section for positron positron and even more versatile photons. experi- the photon which was used for this experiment, A recent, electron. the ideal of a monochromn- of a laser beam from the SLAC electron monochromatic, the scattered total cross section in such a way as to approach in the next section. needed for the tagging the photons novel methods of creating which has been used in photoproduction energy, by observing in doing several One such approach, backscattering method involves process This has been used successfully were clearly angle 0 with respect beam, one obtains the energy-angle relationship to (for E >>m) K= E 1 + E02/2m - 14 - (II. 2) W Thus defining the production energy constraint angle t3 determines to be applied high energy component in the fitting the energy K and a1Iows an of photoproduction of such a beam is approximately equivalent to a charged beam of well defined energy and decidedly bremsstrahlung aids in the identification in particular the discrimination This ability to isolate corresponding neutral at SLAC in 1967. 8 This additional of reactions with missing neutral between single and multi-neutral relatively reactions of several background pure reaction samples hanced relative boson resonances particles, events. for the photoproducfrom the has indeed allowed which had been obscured the by multi- experiments. how the intensity to the background is orders ous processes with two or more neutrals in previous To understand strahlung in utility more useful than the 4-+--o ++tion channels pn+n-x0 , A T T n, pa r T T x , and x’=‘x’x-n-n observation The beams which were the only high energy photon beams avail- able until this beam was implemented constraint events. of annihilation photons can be en- when the total cross section for brems- of magnitude larger, by which positrons it is necessary passing through matter to look at the varican produce photons at an angle theta: e+i-e--2y (4 e+ + em- e+ + e- + y (b) e+i-Z-e++Z (c) (II. 3) e++e--mmy In addition m>2 to the two photon annihilation there are the multi-photon annihilations tions to the two photon process, nucleus bremsstrahlung section is proportional 34 (c and d). to Z 2 process f-y (d) . (a) under consideration. (b), which are the radiative as well as positron-electron Since the nuclear , it is clear - 16 - and positron- bremsstrahlung that the radiator correc- cross should be hydrogen. Furthermore, there are two types of bremsstrahlung main background: direct and indirect. wide angle bremsstrahlung than the characteristic a positron scattering, angle followed angle. elastically are strongly with angle approximately . nihilation Indirect process from positron or inelastically, implies is a two step process, the characteristic the photon beam angle. direction, decreasing to bremsstrahlung For a typical photons increases signal to noise ratio, SLAC positron energy, E = 10 GeV, x = 200 photon energy of 5 GeV and an angle of 10.1 mrad. sections for positron annihilation 36 lung have been evaluated numerically, conditions, >O. 02 GeV, with the indirect For photon energies ly as E increases little further energy estimated improvement. However, bremsstrah- shown in Fig. II.4. photons to annihilation E(brems) to be 100/oof the direct photons bremsstrah- above 2.5 GeV the signal to noise improves Hence to optimize The condition - 17 - signal one to as symmetric energy for a reliable beam at SLAC is about 12 GeV, to obtain photon energies rapid- level off with the monochromatic K = E/2 is referred since the maximum 37 > 1 GeV and E(brems) until E = 2K, beyond which point the curves should run with K< E/2. annihilation. positron and direct with the results II. 4 shows the ratio of bremsstrahlung expected for two interesting lung. It below. The cross Fig. as x2, x must be in the The choice to run with photon energy just half of the incoming is explained Both of (x = Ee/m), whereas the two body an35 only as dx/x. Therefore the ratio of photons decreases an annihilation larger dx/x3 will be shown that for a reasonable range 200-300. is simply of magnitude through peaked in the forward as annihilation bremsstrahlung within which give the bremsstrahlung at angles one or more orders by bremsstrahlung these processes Direct effects higher positron than 6 GeV I I I I I 9 \ 8. Ey=2 I I I IO BeV BeV I 2 I 4 I 6 I 8 I IO I 12 I I4 I I I I I I I I 10 BeV %6- W i 24i-2 2 2 z2 Ey= I BeV b O- I 2 I 4 I I 6 E+ 8 ( BeV ) I 10 FIG. IL 4-- Noise to signal ratio for annihilation positron energy. - 18 - I 12 I 14 I 492-6-L beam as a function of it was necessary CeV spectrum to run at slightly suffered less than optimal conditions. The 7.5 from this as will be seen in the beam spectra for the three exposures. The limits on the resolution to either angular or momentum -dK K e For symmetric minimum -dK K =- 1 2 il% which give the highest energy obtainable -dE E comes from: uncertainty the photon interaction, scattering (11.5) . is dominated The contribution in production ce2> lengths. to be about 10 -4 in position of angle in the inciplus the multiple before annihilation. = 15 MeV E 2 > Since the divergence radians, in 0 The in hydrogen behaves as ( with t in radiation have of the H2 target where of the positron in the target material scattering uncer- to the uncertainty angle due to errors in the position and 3) uncertainty of the positron it by the angular The last is composed of the beam divergence mean square multiple timated e beam (0 = 0.01 rad. ), the beam will 2) uncertainty the photon was created, dent ef beam. d0 =_- beam can easily obtain a full width dE/E cl%, for de = f 0. 1 mrad. I) for reduce to -dK KE and For the 10 GeV positron resolution (II. 2), E out that the beam energy resolution tainty de. Differentiating F these equations Since the SLAC positron works and conditions, e uncertainties. =-- K dE E E background, of the photon beam energy K may be due implying - 19 - t z ) (11.6) of the positron a minimum beam is es- energy spread of at least *l%, it is clear that each independent to this magnitude if possible. It has been shown where the resolution 37 should be kept down Thus t must be about 0. 02 radiation that the intensity is dominated get is proportional uncertainty lengths. of the photon beam in the region by multiple scattering to the cube of the allowable in the hydrogen resolution dK/K, tar- according to the expression I Y -8 and symmetric or about 1000 monochromatic In order to suppress conditions hadronic in the beam direction. tons while reducing a factor of three. chamber into account, In addition, one radiation was electromagnetic bremsstrahlung nearly particles emission re- all the low energy pho- of high energy photons by approximately the finite the intensity azimuthal acceptance by a similar Fig. II. 5 shows the predicted bubble chamber positrons. This beam hardener This removed the intensity window decreases incident events, field which swept the resulting out of the beam line to reduce the secondary radiated 10 = 9.6 photons below 20 MeV, which cause a significant hydride was put in the beam. placed in a magnetic tn. 7) this says that Ir/I+ photons for 10 scanning annoyance but yield no interesting length of lithium dK 3 K . (E - K) For a net 1% resolution x 10 I(> K2 = 0. 024 I+ ; factor. of the bubble Taking all these high energy photon intensity for a photon beam of 1% net energy resolution per 10 in the 10 inci- dent positrons. The flux used in the experiment ,production cross was still section of about 20 millibarns fifteen photons to interact gen. However, limit on the tolerable electromagnetically the number of pairs produced photon flux, lower causes approximately in one meter in each frame since too many pairs - 20 - than this since the pair of liquid one in hydro- places an upper can drastically reduce I r I I I !\ I -7 I - Photon Swathe FL- Chamber Window 1 I 2 I 4 I 6 I I 8 E+ 10 (BeV) I 12 I 14 I 16 492-e-A 10 FIG. II. 5-- Predicted photon kensity in the bubble chamber per 10 Beam window positrons of 1% energy resolution incident. acceptance and attenuation in 1.0 radiation length of hardener are included (see Ref. 37). -bl- J the efficiency determined of scanning for hadronic events. by the constant monitoring experimental bubble chamber meant that it was possible but this did require run. The operating of test strips The high positron opening the collimators beam direction ing the toroid The positron position strahlung entering monitors magnets, by CO, Cl, hardener. the first The beam arriving with approximate dimensions Three exposures symmetric the maximum ting. with a spot with a beam di- target 15 cm of 0.1 milliradians long. The by checkby 35 m. mass while the photon beam and C2 (140 radiation Charged particles of which contained lengths in total) before were removed the lithium by three hydride at the bubble chamber was crescent beam shaped 6.4 cm. x 45 cm. were made at conditions discussed as close as possible above. energy of 12 GeV necessitated Table I shows the beam conditions II. 7a, b, c show the energy spectrum sures. exposures) than m/E which bounds the brems- photon productiongeometry positron beam of P36 and 2Pl which were separated much larger the bubble chamber. sweeping at a liquid hydrogen was kept to a tolerance at an angle emission A positron of the various beam was dumped into a shielding was collimated II. 6. of <0.5Y’ is focussed to a 3 mm of <O. 1 milliradians positron at SLAC energy as defined below. energy E (see Table I for the parameters vergence currents during the and using the event vertex posi- The actual beam layout is shown in Fig. resolution by physicists to get an adequate flux of photons into the chamber, tion to define the annihilation momentum flux was finally For the 7.5 GeV run a slightly asymmetric and the size of each exposure. of measured The high energy peaks are obviously - 22 - present pairs to the SetFigs. in the three expo- but they are significantly BEAM POSITION INDICATOR DUMP MAGNET \ STEERING \ CURVED COLLIMATOR Cl / II SWEEP M2 I 40 ” HBC BEAM POSITION 8 HARDENER 0 I IO I SCALE, meters FIG. II. 6-- Layout of the positron annihilation beam in end station B. 20 I 800 - > (5 600 - 14.250 PAtRS 4.3 GeV 012345678 400 > LT 300 -7 0 25 200 w 2 100 0 012345678 0 I 2 3 4 5 Ey 6 7 (GeW 8 9 IO II 12 I89501 FIG. II. 7-- Measured electron pair spectra at the three annihilation energies. The larger degree of spreading apparent in the annihilation peak of the 7.5 GeV data is because this exposure was made at less than optimal conditions (see Section II. 2). - 24 - wider than the resolutions First, claimed there is the ultimate produced by the radiative transfonrs in Table I. resolution This is due to three factors. of the annihilation tail of multi-photon the two photon annihilation annihilation When this and the resolution due to the energy and angular uncertainties from each individual the production with a net resolution event still processes, spike at K into the cusp-like tion peak shown in Fig. II. 8. gether, photon spectrum discussed which annihila- of the photon beam above are folded to- can be assigned a monochromatic angle determined by its vertex position Because of this, of about *2%. energy in the chamber the collimators were opened to obtain an adequate flux of photons in the bubble chamber. sulted in a superposition These spectra about 10%. energies, of monochromatic therefore about *2% from the calculated high energy peaks in Fig. of E(fit) II. 9. - E(calculated) This removes discrepancy suring multiple the measured the cross photons known to This is the second effect spreading by plotting as has been done for the data of Fig. II. 7c in Fig. and the true photon spectra The correction sections A third is due to meaplus normal This tends to spread out the ideal cusp in both directions, This leads us to use the energy spectrum This is illustrated pair the the spectrum the effect of the finite width of the collimator. to obtain the Ey spectrum, no bremsstrahlung. II. 10. monochromatic II. 7; it can be eliminated toward lower energies. of 3-C events large spread of photon with undetected energy losses due to bremsstrahlung scattering. but primarily in Fig. angle. between these spectra tracks photons over an energy range of show a fairly but with the energy of individual This re- spectrum for tracks suffer almost for the 3-C events by the inset graphs these bremsstrahlung is a very in the experiment since hadronic important and will - 25 - distortions of feature for obtaining be discussed in detail in .- -+k d& di;ldk ;_ I I I I i I I y I e++-es-2 y --3Y I e++p-e++p+y j. e++g+e++e+y ; I j / ) (e++e-+3 y e'+p---e+tpty A K, .. E 309-l-A FIG. II. 8-- Theoretica! spectrnm for a positron’-hydrogen atom collision at fixed angle.~ k:is the,, ka is the 2 photon annihilation energy, and the upper limit to the bremmsstrahlung background is the-incident, positron energy, E. - 26 - 800 10304 PAIRS AT 7.5 GeV 150 r 100 50 0 -6.0 -4.0 2.0 Ey- Ecalc (GeV) FIG. II. 9-- E(gamma) - E(calculated) for 1-C pairs at 7.5 GeV. Inset graph These shows an enlargement of the annihilation peak region. measurements are not corrected for the distortions introduced by bremsstrahlung and multiple scattering. 0 Section III. 2. A summary is given in Fig. II. 10 in addition note the resemblance II. 8. of the photon spectra The small to E(gamma) of this spectrum hitting than expected, the collimators ducing indirect II. 3 The bremsstrahlung probably the bubble chamber coordinate with the coordiiptites rately ef-p was about beam particles scattering maintained gen target and the system magnet were moved. marks beam direction of the liquid pro- This, its value in space, of the incident from x=0 was and could be accu- runs because of the fixed nature of the hydro- of rails small of the target on which the bubble chamber housing and for runs in between which the bubble chamber shifts in the vertical (nearly Therefore systems. or horizontal alignment changes in the values of the 60 meters were obtained separately the resulting target in together defined the direction away) as measured in the the y and z values of the for each run by projecting obtained in 1-C pair fits back to the x distance A slightly the photon hydrogen (See Fig. II. 11). could produce substantial coordinate target coordinates system However, was moved for servicing, bubble chamber the location to determine for different y and z coordinates were not only used to determine (along the photon beam line of the target very accurately and averaging background II. 10 Beam Parameters of the event vertex, The x distance of the fiducial of Fig. peak in Fig. because of stray positron of the Annihilation but also to determine surveyed spectrum Also bremsstrahlung.8 The pair measurements beam. for 3-C events. to the theoretical and the large amount of inelastic Determination spectra, - E(calc) tail of events above the monochromatic is due to e+-p bremsstrahlung. 50% higher obtained at all three energies the of the target distributions. more complicated calculation - 29 - is necessary to be able to (a) VIEW OF THE x-z (HORIZONTAL) PLANE X t (b) VIEW OF x=0 (VERTICAL) PLANE PHO TON BEAM \ \ \ \ \ \ \i LIQUID H2 TARGET (-5989,yt,zt) r2 i(ye-yo)z+(ze-zoJ2 e+ BEAM \ FIG. II. ll-- Bubble chamber coordinate are the coordinates of event coordinates of the projected coordinates of the projected plane. The liquid hydrogen I’s,; sys tern viewed in two planes. (x, y , Z) vertex, while (yo , zo) are the photon direction and (ye ,ze) are the positron beam direction in the x=0 target was located at (-5989, yt, zt). - 30 - determine the angle of the incident tron beam from the vertex and z coordinates, photon with respect The technique position. called ye and ze , the positron plane x=0, i.e., at the bubble chamber, beam dump. Then the incident the event vertex if it had not been deflected photon direction into the can also be projected and the photon direction is to find the correct This is done by adjusting the presumed so that the quantity can be calculated does not exceed 20 cm, whereas from peak, since if ye is incorrectly plotted (see Fig. B(Y) = r(yO)/xt = [r + (ye-m) as a function exposure in order of y. to center Due to the possibility Ize-zol is 40-60cm. the width of the annihiliation angles as a function is plotted photons of y accord- Such di-plots E(fit)-E(calculated) - 31 - in different y have been made for each its actual value. of bremsstrahlung (II. 8) . versus y on a two dimension- of energy differences to adjust ye toward of ze have been adjusted (See Fig. II. 11) @-(ye + Yye)/2)/rl/xt al plot the center of the distributions shifts a case of adjust- II. 12): This means that if E(fit)-E(calculated) intervals beam. II. 10 is center- set, events produced by annihilation of the same energy will be assigned different ing to the relation lye-yol z separation minimize The only subtle in Fig. This is primarily the typical at a known ye and ze of the positron y separation value of ye will angle. for the positron coordinates as possible. ing the value of ze, since the typical the proper direction E(fit)-E(calculated) ed at zero and is as narrow However which y beam would have had in the from the target to give the photon production part of the process beam, is to ascertain posi- into the x=0 plane to give yo and zo, and hence the distance between the ef direction distance to the original Similarly the values at zero. along the leptonic tracks, AY (J= r(yo) xt (ye-y ye)(yo- ye+2YYe ) WHERE r(yo) z r + r 1895A15 FIG. II. 12-- Diagram illustrating how an incorrect value (yye) of the projected positron beam coordinate ye can influence the calculation of the photon beam angle (and hence the annihilation energy), making the calculated photon energy a function of the projected y vertex position instead of just the distance from the projected positron beam direction in the x= 0 plane. - 32 - care was taken to select high energy pairs with long, well measured for the determinations of target positions sults from pair measurements 3-C fits so that the visible direction and project been determined and beam projections. were then rechecked particles using events which gave for the target positions In this way consistent and positron the beam values have beam parameters. Scanning Procedures II.4 The purpose of the scan was two-fold: to determine strongly the photon flux. interacting positive charge, work) leaving of charge. Infrequent vertex scattering, ly with low energy; zero net visible (also called one unit of “prongs” in this odd with one net positive momentum). Strange particles unit are identified 2) electron-positron can be confused with hadronic pair is produced or when a negative background is identified resulting as single negative pairs, Ton) before can often be identified 1) Compton electrons, charge and usually the electromagnetic state contains proton (e. g. , ~-p + The electromagnetic characteristics: resulting occur when the outgoing proton has a range on a neighboring distance. decay. photon-electron is normally (i. e. , less than 80 MeV/c a visible the following event is defined as a number of Because the initial exceptions prong charge-exchanges events and such as pions , kaons , and protons, collision. the primary characteristic to find all hadronic the number of charged tracks of less than lmm traveling A hadronic particles, from a photon-proton pairs These re- could be used to determine back to the target. tracks by their by one of from elastic tracks, general- produced off nuclei, have zero opening angle (the rare wide angle two prong events); off an electron, of minus one. - 33 - and 3) triplets, where have total visible charge The hadronic within a fiducial events were recorded only if their volume defined in view 2. This fiducial so that a sufficient mine accurately determined within length (a minimum the momentum whether without on the momentum of fast forward ionizing could not be made, the event was recorded on a track that an accurate the same fiducial that the statistical in the flux determination views, In practice views, areas were recorded as bad frames light Frames tracks, in a pre-scan where a combination made accurate scanning impossible Two independent results of poor film quality were removed Pairs would be greater This comparison by computer poor contrast or blank and were subsequently In addition, and abnormally from certain high flux the experiment. and all discrepancies scan. efficiency had been shown to be among the most reliable. The resolved scan was conducted only by scanners in a third - 34 - than although in some scans were made for events and pair counting. of these were compared so which had missing deleted in scanning for events or in flux determination. regions the electron- on enough frames this was every 200 frames, abnormally deter- as unmeasurable. the experiment pairs were counted more frequently. overlapping interaction volume defined for the events. throughout accuracy to check momentum of photon flux was made by counting were counted systematically regions a proton track. If a secondary mination that of the events. stopped the end point of the track was measured so close to the vertex pairs within tracks indicating occurred positron to deter- Also the scanners hadronic of the short stopping protons. The determination volume was limited tracks. decay or annihilation, For such stopping protons, occurred of 25 cm) could be measured any of the strongly the chamber vertices The combined whose scan efficiency can then be computed from N(nl + n2 - N) E = (II. 9) “1 . n2 where n1 and n2 are the numbers of events found in the first respectively, and N is the net number found in the two scans. events found, the scanning efficiency bers are presented The corrected Furthermore, has been applied to the flux, error It. 5 numbers 100%. the Therefore although the possibility no specific of a small correction systematic has been considered. Measuring machines measured and Kinematic Reconstruction reference points for subsequent spatial However, tion of factors, the accuracy including due to turbulence finite by the measuring gradients in certain The latter problem by using different only one of which had been used to measure constants. The net result unit stage was about 1 distorting and some non-linearities optical The smallest apparent bubble displacements chamber, was aggravated on was much less due to a combina- bubble size, or temperature marks in each view to serve as reconstruction. obtainable mea- Six to ten points were on each track in each of three views and four fiducial on the film which could be digitized micron. on conventional put on-line to an AS1 6020 computer. the inside of the chamber window were measured mining scanned at of pair scanning has been ex- The events analyzed at SLAC were measured suring num- have been used to determine the efficiency amined and found to be essentially The number of by event type, and the corrected for 3 prong and 5 prong events in the film SLAC in Table II. 1. cross sections. and second scan regions the original optical path in the of the measuring measuring fiducials machines, for deter- is that a more honest estimate - 35 - stage. of TABLE II. 1 Number of events found in two independent scans of the film, scanning efficiencies by event type, and corrected number of events on the film for those portions of the 5.25 and 7.5 GeV data scanned at SLAC and used for The second digit of the event type indicates the number of charged tracks seen (3 and cross section calculations. 5 prong events), while the last digit gives ionization in formation: 0 for all tracks minimum ionizing, l-9 otherwise. All efficiencies except for type 130 are consistently above 99%. The corrected numbers of this table have been compared to the numbers actually measured and on the SLJMX tape to determine the scan-to-measure corrections of Table RI. 5. Also note that those scanning efficiencies only correct for random scanning losses and not the systematic losses of low momentum transfer events with short range protons, 5.25 Gev Data Event type 130 Rolls 218-282 ( 131-9 1 150 1 151-9 Events seen on film I------ I 130 Rolls 131-9 ‘732-830 150 930 3352 222 151-9 270 Scanning Efficiency 0.975 0.993 0.994 0.998 Events on film 953.8 3375.6 223.2 270.5 7.5 GeV Data I T Rolls 3’71-578 Rolls 1240-1531 I Rolls 1685-1762 151-9 130 131-9 150 399 1534 1336 114 Scanning Efficiency 0.999 0.988 0.993 0.998 Events on film 399.4 1553 1345.4 114.2 Event type Events seen on film the accuracy of measurements 20 microns, corresponding to 150-300 microns as the one by Levy and Wolf suring accuracies microns in the film plane would be in the range of IO- 38 discussed below have typically in space in the range of 50 microns Studies such obtained mea- in the x-y plane and 250 in the z direction. The geometrical the programs reconstruction and hypothesis TVPG and SQUAW. 3g The particle three and five prong events are listed attempted incident for each possible in Table II. 2. final state, The former is designated are attempted to final states with no missing fits are attempted particles. In addition, ent assignment Therefore, mass calculation of masses to tracks, magnitudes matic chi-square The 3 and 0 constraint of these quantities surement than 30. were then compared mine which fits were compatible for incorrect event types, measurements. fits and both 0 and was made for each differannihilation fits listed give some feeling fits. The for the percentage photons. The successful constrained fits with kine- hypotheses for each mea- to the events on film by physicists with ionization. overlooked photon in Table II. 2 4 and 1 constraint of fits was done by rejecting greater particles using the calculated of events produced by the monochromatic The selection A for annihilation both 3 and 4 constraint neutral exclude those that also made the corresponding relative according to final states with one (or more) neutral a missing energy and heam direction. placed on the energy calculated by the mnemonic B for bremsstrahlung. were done by Two types of fits were one with no constraint and the latter 1 constraint fittings states fitted by SQUAW for gamma energy and one with the incident to Eq. lI.2. quality in the chamber. Also the physicists strange particle All events whose original - 37 - to deter- decays, checked and poor event type was incorrect TABLE Reaction Reaction hypotheses n. 2 tested for 3 prong events. No. fits at: Notation Source 4.3 GeV (1) + YP-+P” ?I (2) 5.25 GeV 7.5 GeV Annih. Brems. P+-A P+-B 823 3917 519 4020 810 11868 )/p -+,7r+71-7p Annih. Brems. p+-OA p+-OB 832 1571 943 2058 1689 5608 (3) yp --+nn+n+n- Annih. Brems. n++-A n++-B 479 1313 339 1384 592 3809 (4) Annih. p-+-MM 2403 3001 7397 ++-MM 1792 1723 4401 yp --t ~+a-MM (5) ‘yp-. T+r+r-MM Annih. ti or which were badly measured was continued by physicists of events either poorly were sent for remeasurement. This check at each stage of remeasurement measured or unmeasurable until the number was reduced to a very small percentage. The calculated photon mass for all 3-C fits to events in the 5.25 and 7.5 GeV monochromatic peak region is given in Fig. distribution is due to the errors distribution depends on the knowledge field. of measurement, In both aspects our measuring production 40 experiments, especially The width of the while the centering of the central quality II, 13. value for the magnetic is comparable considering of the to previous photo- energies of these the higher exposures. The chi-square Fig. II. 14. ments, distribution is shown for these same 3-C events in The usual phenomenon namely that the chi-square 41 encountered distribution in bubble chamber is loo wide, is evident here. There are about 7-14s too many events in the high chi-square theoretical factor shape is off by a scale factor can be fit in either level distribution. be generalized the chi-square The chi-square in the remaining distribution distribution in which case Q! = 1 corresponds experimenters generally 1-2, which means that the errors factor tail and the events. This scale or the confidence for 3 degrees of freedom can to PjY2)K($)1’2. chamber itself experi- (II. 10) exp(.$) to the theoretical distribution. find that the scale factor Bubble 2 CY is in the range in TVGP output are underestimated by a of o. The exact causes of these deviations - 39 - from the theoretical distribution 120 “> 100 ’ : 9 80 60 P z 40 20 I nr I F I- I PI I I 100 a z 0 518 EVENTS 5.25 GeV I 120 “> I I 641 EVENTS 7.50 GeV 80 . q 60 u-l 2 2 40 20 0 0 MF (GeV*> 0.2 189582 FIG. II. 13-- Gamma mass squared calculated for 3-C events at the annihilation energies from the geometry values for the visible tracks. -40 - 120 I 518 3-C EVENTS 5.25 GeV 80 40 2 c!3 0 0 2; 160 641 3-C EVENTS z z 120 80 40 0 0 2 4 6 IO 8 X2 FIG. II. 14-- Chi-squared 3 -C events. I4 16 I8 119,116 distributions -4-l I2 - at 5.25 and 7.5 GeV for Poorly are elusive. understood tortion corrections and liquid effects in Coulomb scattering that the chi-square strongly viation and the generally corrections revealed may well be responsible. of the 5.25 GeV data deviates diffuse (see Chapter V), the optical film was processed. ence in chamber was the initial characteristics understood Another liquid however, improved greatly possible turbulence difference at SLAC, and dis- of these data which re- and the overall by the time that the 7.5 GeV systematic difference between the two runs. is the differ- The 5.25 GeV film and the particular stability of the chamber were perhaps not as well as they were after many months of operating both sets of data have greatly parameters constants is that the 5.25 GeV film was film measured and idiosyncracies for scaling mass plots reprocessing One systematic output from a new bubble chamber of their differences, tributions A complete improvement. of the measurements Because of this de- redone for the 5.25 GeV data to see if had been made originally. batch of photoproduction We note much more nature of some of the invariant mains between the two exposures, the first dis- corrections were completely no significant constants, as well as real non-Gaussian from the expected shape than the 7.5 GeV data. some error quality in the optical turbulence, distribution studied in the 1-C channels tortion uncertainties o well within experience. improved In spite chi-square dis- the usual range of l-2. We 2 find LY2 = 1.4 for the 5.25 GeV data and CY = 1.2 for the 7.5 GeV data. Since these numbers a quite reasonable are reasonably chi-squared tortion of the errors rather the conspiracy close to 1 and since this scaling produces distribution, one concludes is not due to a small of all the poorly set of poorly understood -42 - that the basic dis- measured features rolls, mentioned but above. As noted above, there are many sources tortions in a bubble chamber and its geometrical among them turbulence in the chamber determination parameters of optical the measurement photograph and geometrical charged particles deviations in the chamber to field off. measuring machines and a search lines expected. in It is possible with the magnetic and made for Any such deviations effect of one or more of the potential sources for dis- listed above. A. Levy and G. Wolf 38 have performed bubble chamber measuring analysis machines, the TVGP optical photographed consisting such a study for the SLAC of the 40” chamber, and the TVGP geometrical determined fast muons in the chamber of many tracks distortions system, constants tions due to multiple tions. process, and errors process. programs, dis- or incomplete constants, by conventional from the straight would be the combined an incorrect or distortion by the usual reconstruction systematic tortion liquid, systematic reconstruction reconstruction Their paths may then be measured reconstructed for possible scattering reconstruction by fiducial The upper limits plane (y direction) of the directions for such distortions and 250 microns From a fit to the curvature normal a maximum 42 field off. by adding together in the same region of the chamber. were found in either program measurements. with the magnetic were eliminated the NRI with They Distor- the effect In this way no systematic normal to the beam direc- were 50 microns in the visual to the visual plane (z direction). detectable 1600 (+2400, -600) GeV/c was found by assuming momentum a magnetic of P(MDM) = field of 26 kG and 100 cm. of track length. In many instances we have checked our programs and studied the ef- fect of our cuts on the data using the track and event simulation -43 - program PHONY. 43 This program produces fake events, then digitizes a fixed num- ber of points along each charged track with a Gaussian distributed finally projects PHONY seemed to imitate exact relationship nature quite well, between PHONY setting errors was never fully understood. It was necessary in PHONY than that used in TVGP in order ties. chi-squared However, and missing the PHONY missing so we are confident our losses due to cuts. -44 - setting error the physical FRMS mass squared proper- these errors routines should be worked mass and invariant seem to be a very good representation obtained experimentally. studying and TVGP setting errors to reproduce and the Coulomb scattering In all cases, butions obtained distributions, except that the to use a different at least for the lower energies Coulomb dominated sistently. and these into the three camera planes as if they were a real measurement. distributions, error, very conmass distri- of their counterparts that they are a valid way of CHAPTER DETERMINATION OF THE CROSS SECTIONS General Method HI. 1 Since the bubble chamber magnetic terms rately. III pairs, By instructing volume, energy interval (El, u (events, The quantity both hadronic the cross section for the hadronic of the pair-production same fiducial observes cross section, the scanners it follows which is known extremely to record events and pairs that the cross section Er) Number of events (E ,AE YY = Number of pairs (Ey,AEy) N(pair)/u(pair) the beam is not purely monochromatic to the same energy interval, should be considered (El, equivalent in order considered, for the expo- it can be com- First, this equation. should correspond is large, to equal the cross section at the median energy rather than the mean, should be averaged over the interval. or multiple the measurement scattering microbarn -45 - Third, of electrons of the true pair spectrum, to obtain the photon spectrum. accurate if (and our beam with its bremsstrahlung such as the bremsstrahlung which distort Er). E2), or at least be normalized as calculated and energy dependent quantities are carefully the cross sections. Second, if the energy interval must be corrected in exactly o@air, was not), the pairs and the events considered and positrons, accu- for events in the and once it has been determined Several points should be noted regarding energy intervals. in ) is called the microbarn pared to any set of events to determine any effects events can be evaluated E2) may be deduced from the formula sure in that energy interval background events and electro- equivalents If all these effects can be determined. The methods to be described here were applied to the best film of the 5.25 C&V data and that part of the 7.5 GeV film analyzed at SLAC. The main problem this was was to determine done, these cross the cross section for “/p----- pa+n-; sections were used to determine exposure which could be extracted Similar procedures The cross sections deduced agreed well within The 3-C cross vious experiments. the flux for the entire using the numbers were used by the Weizmann sections after of 3-C events found. group for their 4.3 CeV data. errors calculated with the results of pre- in this chapter are from the SLAC data only. Several earlier the cross experiments on photoproduction section for pair production about 3-590. 40 However, uations of theoretical are accurate in 1970 T. M. Knasel formulae to better on hydrogen due to Jost, 46 published Luttinger, sections of Knasel which have been used for this work are listed III. 2 in Fig. counting all pairs of curvature as events, factor was ascertained in order with energy greater eight frames average of about 50 events. and all discrepancies by counting that the statistical approximately accuracy in the cross section computations. of the two tracks on approximately in Table for Cross Sections The number of e+e- pairs flux not be a limiting of 1%. The cross III. 1. Flux Determination twice as many pairs which have been by recent experiments to an accuracy eval- 45 and Slotnick These results of to only numerical verified III. 1 and plotted at DESY that were reliable 44 than 0.5% above 20 MeV. used calculations This involved than 100 MeV (by requiring to sum to more than I4 cm ). per roll, yielding of the the radii This was done about 100 pairs versus Two independent pair scans were performed, were resolved in a third scan by one of the most -46 - an TABLE Cross sections III.1 for pair production to Knasel (Ref. 44), as a function on hydrogen, according of photon energy, EyS EyWW u (mb) Ey l&V) u (mb) 0.10 11.66 1.0 18.29 0.15 13.15 1.25 18.65 0.175 13.69 1.5 18.91 0.20 14.15 1.75 19.11 0.30 15.45 2.0 19.26 0.40 16.28 3.0 19.65 0.50 16.85 4.0 19.87 0.60 17.28 5.0 20.02 0.70 17.62 8.0 20.25 0.80 17.88 10.0 20.33 0. so 18.10 -47- 20 E 0 “a 2 E - II? 19 b’- I9 17 15 I I I 0.2 I8 I I 0.4 I I 0.6 I I I / 0.8 I 13 1.0 I 5 Ey (GeV) FIG. III. l-- Pair production cross -48 - sections according to Knasel (Ref. 44). reliable scanners. set of film, pairs This procedure, resulted present. in getting within Since errors errors 1% of perfect could introduce ones, it was decided to neglect statistical when checked by physicists false pairs these corrections on the events. The results poor film quality as well as miss real as being much less than the in Table IfI. 2. pair scans were conducted uniformly ment with the exception in the number of of the pair scanning tions of the work done at SLAC are presented from this table, accuracy on a sample for the por- As can be seen throughout the experi- of one set of the 5.25 CeV data, which because of and excess flux was not used for cross section measure- ments. In order to know the energy distribution of photons in the annihiliation beam, about 50% of the scanned pairs were measured These spectra spectrum. posures. error have been presented culate the cross section for reactions the total pairs produced complicated tron pairs actually belonging events. near the annihilation to annihilation These effects tracks. the strongly bremsstrahlung depopulate interacting distortions since many elec- and bremsstrahlung energies on the enhance the regions just above and can only reduce the measured in either direction). are all much heavier are negligible -4s must be known. peaks of the mea- can cause errors particles of the annihilation bremsstrahlung scattering peaks, to cal- the fraction photons yield measured scattering and correspondingly below the peaks (whereas multiple For a given exposure, in some energy interval the peak region due to multiple sured pair spectra energy, II. 7 for the three ex- by photons in that energy interval This is especially leptonic in Fig, the pair In each case the sample is large enough to reduce the statistical well below that due to hadronic outside to determine on hadronic - pair Because than the electrons, tracks, making the the TABLE Statistics Pair Scanning and Pair III. 2 Frames for Rolls Scanned at SI,AC This is the raw data as tabulated by the program INDEX which was used to record and compare the results of scanning. Note that rolls 600-730 were the best 52 of 130 rolls which suffered from high flux and poor development. Since the criteria for acceptable film had been considerably relaxed, no pairs were scanned nor were they used for cross section determinations. The flux for rolls 1063-66 has been estimated using the pair flux from rolls 1083-1146. 5.25 GeV Data Bad Good Frames Frames #Rolls Total Frames 59282 70369 11015 48267 600-730 49 52 4801 65568 1654 -- 732-830 - 94 132226 13803 118423 1128 Total 195 261877 29619 232258 2782 #Rolls Total Frames 7.5 Gev Bad Frames 117 169781 1063-1066 4 1083-1146 Rolls 218-282 Pair Frames Pair Frames 5664 164117 5667 650 64 93833 1240-1531 262 1685-1762 51 , Total 498 18762 Z Flux 586086 )ata Good Frames Rolls 381-578 #Pairs #Pairs I: Flux 10394 2072337 5017 824 -- 17644 76189 670 9317 1054731 372291 5966 366325 1906 21001 4021964 74015 865 73150 378 4121 794868 715587 30789 684798 3778 44833 8013100 -- (69200) 3-C event spectrum shape much closer iterative procedure was used: timated 3-C cross then corrections bremsstrahlung obtained from and multiple PHONY generated pairs scattering weighted an by the es- and finally pair spectra pair spectrum. spectrum the corrections of Fig. were applied for to produce a distorted the measured between the distorted trum were obtained, measured the 3-C event spectrum Therefore section gave the shape of the assumed photon spectrum, which should approximate the differences to that of the photons. spectrum In each energy bin and the assumed photon specfound were applied to the II. 7 to see how many pairs actually belong in each energy interval. The program tiple scattering PHONY (see Section II. 5) was used to simulate and bremsstrahlung on leptonic Fig. III. 2 shows the outcomes corrections. 5.25 and 7.5 GeV after simulation programs above. by PHONY and reconstruction give energies If in fact these two curves in the cumulative ratio tortion, pairs within Em/Ep. (Fig. form, each energy bin of the measured the bin limits, but whose energies been organized into an iterative III. 3). E/E (produc- These data are very use- namely the probability that a pair Because of this dis- pair spectrum contains : (a) those from photons outside because of measurement matrix -5l- of the in Fig. III.4. in that bin whose measured and (b) those pairs fall within by the same energy less than Em as a function These data are presented due to photons with energies at the actual measurements. are plotted on a scale versus of energy Ep will yield a measured generated less than their exact energy and l/3 go tion) they are seen to be very similar fully presented to obtain the necessary of 3000 fake pairs (TVGP and SQUAW) used to process About 2/3 of the pairs tracks the mul- calculation errors. which, energy lies the bin limits This has given the 1200 2731 PHONY PAIRS MADE AT 5.25 GeV 1000 800 600 400 200 0 800 I I I I I I I I 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 2754 PHONY PAIRS 600 400 200 0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 E,(I-C) FIG. III. 2-- GeV Spectra of PHONY generated pairs - 52 - 9.0 at 5.25 and 7.5 GeV. r I I I I I I I I I I I 1.2 1.4 1.6 2731 PHONY PAIRS 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1000 I I I I I I 2754 PHONY PAIRS MADE AT 7.5 GeV 800 600 400 200 0 0 I- 0.2 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Ev (I-Cl/En FIG. III. 3-- Spectra of PHONY generated pairs - 53 - 1.8 189586 on a percentage scale. I 1.0 0.8 I I I I I I 2731 PHONY PAIRS MADE AT 5.25 GeV 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1.0 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 2754 PHONY PAIRS MADE AT 7.5 GeV 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 I 0 0 0.8 0.4 I.2 E, (I-C)/E, I FIG. III.4-- I I I I 1.6 ” Cumulative probability that a pair of energy E,-, will reconstruct to a pair with 1-C energy <Ey , deduced from the PHONY spectra of the previous figure for EO =5.25 and ‘7.5 GeV. -54- cumulative effect of bremsstrahlung on the pair measurements, an original photon spectrum energies. From this and the original into the resulting function of energy and interval various energy intervals spectrum spectrum can be found. of measured a correction of the measured pair spectra factors were evaluated 7.5 GeV data, in each instance event spectrum differed This was necessary which is needed to for the 5.25 GeV data and for those rolls tions of the typical flux error of 7.5 GeV data that were independent For maximum calculations The important sources will be presented calculations of error applied Table HI. 3 shows these energy ranges and found to be consistent These independent calculations and the 3-C since the appropriate section calculations. in the high energy cross sections, done over different for the 5.25 and and the correction under consideration. analyzed by SLAG and used for cross marized to the gives the actua1 num- separately for the two exposures depended upon the interval errors. as a applied using both the PHONY results for that energy. energy intervals accuracy pair the cross sections. The correction results factor This correction ber of pairs produced by photons in that energy interval, compute transforms were well within the below as illustra- (see Table IH.4). in the flux determination by looking at the equation which defines the microbarn can be sumequivalent for a given energy interval: NP(E1 > E2). Microbarn equivalent BC . NSCT - NGF (El, E2) = CT* NPT * NPF where NP(El,E2) is the number of pairs sured pair spectrum, in the interval NPT the total number of measured pair cross section in microbarns for the interval, - 55 - (El, E2) of the meapairs, u the mean BC the correction for TABLE III. 3a 5.25 GeV Flux Determination True Flux 2 18-282, 732-830 #Pairs 732-830 Correction Factor .4-o. 5 715 1.00 1.30 .5-O. 6 575 1.01 1434 Ey t&V) .6-l. 0 1. o-1.2 a(Pair) in mb. lo5 Events/$ 218-282 732-830 16.8 7.75 1. 06 17.1 6.18 1.01 2.64 17.8 14.82 467 1.02 0.87 18 5 4.69 1.2-l. 5 515 1.02 0.96 18.8 5.09 1.5-2. 0 614 1.01 1.13 19.1 5.91 2.0-2.5 438 1.00 0.80 19.35 4.12 2.5-3.0 320 0.95 0.55 19.6 2.81 3. o-3.5 281 0.94 0.48 19.75 2.44 3.5-4.0 237 0.88 0.38 19.85 1.91 4. o-1.5 285 0.68 0.35 19.9 1.77 2485 1.11 5.02 20.0 25.11 6. O-7.0 85 0.83 0.13 20.2 0.636 7.0-8.0 56 0.85 0.09 20.3 0.427 8.0-10.0 64 1.12 0.13 20.4 0.640 -- -- -- 1.703 4.5-6. 0 6. O-10. 0 -- Total 1-C measured Total flwr, rolls pairs on rolls 218-282, 732-830, 732-830, 14096. 2.567X 106. - 56 - TABLE III. 3b 7.5 GeV Flux Determination EyW’) 0.4-O. 5 0.5-O. 6 0.6-l. 0 1.0-1.2 1.2-l. 5 l-5-2.0 2.0-2.5 2.5-3.0 3. o-3.5 3.54.0 4.04.5 4.5-5.0 5. o-5.5 5.5-G. 0 6.0-6.5 6.5-7.0 7.0-a. 0 8.0-10.0 0.2-12.0 1-C measured pairs btal pair flux from scanners canned/ measured --zd 578 273 212 555 167 163 218 164 108 88 65 63 47 61 40 52 100 386 87 19 12401530 532 413 984 351 358 444 230 231 176 131 148 107 88 104 126 215 844 138 37 16851762 112 78 195 59 65 78 55 50 39 27 26 25 20 20' 35 40 133 32 19 b&l 4957 9902 1976 2072337 402 1964 794868 418.06 406. II 402.26 Total 917 703 1734 577 586 740 499 389 303 223 237 179 169 164 213 355 1363 257 75 Correction J?actm 1.0 1.0 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.93 0.91 0.83 0.55 0.68 1.314 0.62 1.00 apair) in mb. 16.8 17. 1 17. 8 18.5 18.8 19.1 19.35 19.6 19.75 19.85 19.9 20.0 20.05 20.1 20.15 20.2 20.25 20.3 20.4 381578 6.79 5.18 13.17 3.81 3.66 4.82 3.58 2.33. 1.84 1.33 1.26 0.92 1.16 0.69 0.59 1.41 10.45 1.11 0.39 Events/fib 12401530 12.86 9.81 22.68 7.78 7.81 9.54 5.94 4.83 3.58 2.60 2.87 2.03 1.63 1.75 1.40 2.94 22.19 1.70 0.73 16851762 2.68 1.83 4.45 1.30 1.40 1.66 1.14 1.04 0.79 0.53 0.50 0.47 0.37 0.33 0.39 0.54 3.46 0.39 0.37 TOtIll 22.33 16.84 40.30 12.89 12.87 16.02 10.68 8.20 6.21 4.28 4.63 3.57 3.16 2.77 2.38 4.89 36.1 3.2 1.5 TABLE III.4 5 GeV 3-C Cross Section Calculation Experimental (Ey=4. O-6.0 GeV) Data Values 2770 Pairs with Ey=4. O-6.0 GeV (1-C Fits) 6% correction for bremsstrahlung losses Pairs created by photons with Ey=4. O-6.0 GeV Total number of 1-C fits to measured Fraction pairs 2.0% 14096 1.0% 2940 =o* 209 14096 2.2% 218-282) 0. 586X106 Scanned pair flux (rolls 732-830) 1. 981x106 Total flux in 218-282 + 732-830 Equivalent O-6.0 GeV 0.209 * =5. 35x105 F =20 mb (218-282 + 732-830) 3-C events (218-282 + 732-830), 8% scan to measure correction Ey’4. 26.8 events/pb O-6.0 GeV (Table III. 5) 3-C events on film with Ey=4. O-6.0 CeV %isible (3-C, 3 prong, Ey=4. O-6.0 GeV)= iF8 13% Forward cbtal 1.0% 2. 567x106 = 4~ Pair Cross Section Ey=4. O-6.0 GeV Microbarn 0. 2940 Scanned pair flux (rolls with Er=4. 1.9% 170 of all pairs with Ey=4. O-6.0 GeV Number of pairs Errors loss correction (yp ----t pa+?r+, Ey=4. O-6.0 GeV) - 58 - = 2.5% 1% 2.7% 418 4.9% - 34 452 1.4% 5.1% 16.9 pb 5.7% 2.2 pb 1.5% 19.1~1.15 pb 6.0% bremsstrahlung distortions to the actual pair spectrum NSCT the total number of pairs good frames in the experiment but all the other factors the microbarn contribute equivalent. and possibly cross section definition a small either systematic systematic contributes or statistical errors and do not they are a source of statisti- error for pair counting. The number NP(El,E2) the largest to statistical The pair is the smallest error; also it is by interval-dependent. The most difficult strahlung correction error BC. this error the corrected number. in NP. (e. g. intervals statistical sideration, with the bremsis ultimately For each bin of the spectrum, smaller are adjusted NP(E1, E2) to obtain is then ( IBC-1 I /NP(El, than (NP(E1, E2))- li2, E2)) in the microbarn correction are small from the peak by measuring equivalent in the number of measured pairs the statistical However, error in the correction it is incorporated - 59 - m the percen- in the bremsstrahlung so that the corrections most of those displaced Since the error I BC-1 I < < 1. error pairs which which are wide enough around the center of the annihilation encompass error from the observed This shows that the error is least when the intervals errors). part of this error at one energy. The percentage I BC-11 < 1, this is clearly peak to is that associated is taken to be the square root of the net number of pairs must be added to or subtracted tage error to estimate The statistical based on 3000 Monte Carlo pairs For are exact and hence have no error, being considered; is known to <O. 5%. number and therefore on which pairs Both NPT and NSCT are large numbers depend on the energy interval above), NGF the total number of and NPF the number of frames These last two numbers were counted. cal error counted in scanning, (as discussed is dominated by the in the interval under con- is unimportant if in any case by multiplying the . statistical percentage under consideration error in the number of measured by the factor This procedure which were used to determine in the interval I 1 - BC 1 ) l/2 . (1 + can fruitfully pairs be illustrated the cross sections for the two intervals in the region of the annihi- lation peaks: 4.0-6.0 GeV for the 5.25 data and 6.8-8.2 GeV for the 7.5 * GeV data. A sample calculation is presented in Table III. 4. III. 3 3-C Channel Cross Section In order rections to obtain cross must be introduced sections worth retrieving. the number successfully these into one number, ed are also listed energies. owing to scatters cf events which failed considered channels, cor- in the double scan, or short fast tracks, all measurements and or were lost and not The number of events found in the scans and measured are shown in Table III. 5. the “scan to measure” correction, in Table III. 5 for three and five-prong This boost was applied equally theses of Table II. 2, assuming Combining the results to all of the various The numbers are large enough that the statistical error obtain- events at both SLAC physical that losses other than short protons dependent of the event configuration. rection reaction for events that were missed events that were not measurable a small fraction for various hype- are in- which make up this corin the correction is quite small. In addition there is a significant and therefore to this t’scan to measure” loss in the p7r’r- very short protons, pair to the scanner. This forward correction, for 3-C events channel of events with small t(p,p) +which can make the event look like an e e loss correction - 60 - is also quite significant TABLE Ran-to-measure corrections III. 5 for events used to determine 3-C cross sections. These corrections do not include energy-dependent effects like the forward losses which must be corrected separately, but do account for all random losses in the processes of scanning and bookkeeping, including losses for unThe events “on SUMX’ measurable events and events never remeasured. have been counted directly from our SUMX tapes, while the events “on film” are corrected for scanning losses as in Table II. 1. 5.25 GeV Data Three Prong Events Rolls On Film 218-282 1386.3 1289 178.5 147 732-830 4329.4 3993 493.7 426 _ Sum of above 5715.7 5282 672.2 573 Correction Factor On SUMX Five Prong Events On Film 1.032 on SUMX 1.173 7.5 CeV Data Three Prong Events On Film Rolls on SUMX Five Prong Events On Film On SUM1 381-578 4445.1 4212 605.2 545 1240-1531 8742.6 8143 1137.6 1019 1685-1762 1651.5 1571 236.6 __217 14839.2 13926 1979.4 1781 Sum of above Correction Factor 1.065 1.111 1 I - 61 - for the channel pw but less so for other events in the channel pa’x-~’ the proton seems to be less peripherally nel x’r+a-n which generally ward loss corrections study of forward has 3 clearly visible above, can be obtained directly correction events on film and divided by the microbarn loss corrections lation are then applied where applicable III. 6. It is clear from uncertainty events. in the cross sections perimental and Fig. exponential to give the results results are to give the visible using a linear of the cross section to have maximum intervals tive to the calculated “catch” These numbers equivalent is dominated accuracy by high energy annihilation made in wider are not dis- 3-C extrapo- shown in Table by the statistics that the of the hadronic from the 5.25 and 7.5 GeV compared with other ex- for three-constraint, three - 9,10,16 In order produced IV. 1. to give the number of visible El. 5 shows these SLAC results determinations prong events. in section the number of events in each energy interval Table III. 7 shows the combined exposures The the number of 3-C events in any ener- from a histogram. then boosted by the scan to measure the for- separately. the 3-C event energy spectra pair spectra, Forward in the chan- Therefore losses in the channel pp” will be discussed torted like the measured cross section. tracks. must be studied for each reaction Since, as discussed gy interval produced and of course where in the cross photons, sections independent for events calculations were than those in Table III. 7 so that they are less sensi- correction function more of the pairs whose energies (i.e. , the intervals are mismeasured). - 62 - being larger This check TABLE 5.25 GeV 3-C, III. 6a 3 Prong Cross Section Calculation --- Ey (C+eV) Events/p b 3-Z Events - 01 suM.x 3-C Events on film 0.4-0.5 7.15 69 74.5 9.6 pb 9.6 pb 0.5-0.6 6.18 249 268.9 43.5 pb 43.5 vb 14.82 LO24 1105.9 74.6 pb 74.6 pb 1. o-1.2 4.69 299 322.9 68.9 pb 68.9 pb 1.2-1.5 5.09 259 279.7 55.0 pb 55.0 pb 5.91 261 281.9 47.7 pb 47.7 pb 2.0-2.5 4.12 139 150.1 36.4 pb 36.4 pb 2.5-3.0 2.81 80 86.4 30.7 pb 30.7 pb 3.0-3.5 2.44 62 67.0 27.5 pb f-V& 29.2 pb 3.54.0 1.91 49 52.9 27.6 pb 8% 23.8 pb i.o-4.5 1.77 36 38.9 22.0 pb 10% 24.2 pb 25.11 382 16.4 pb 13% 18.5 pb 1.70 19 12.0 pb 14% 13.7pb 0.6-l. 1.5-2. 0 0 L.5-6.0 5. O-10. 0 4.2.6 20.5 C&3-C) Forward loss correction U(3-C) TABLE 7.5 GeV 3-C, ItI.6b 3 Prong Cross Section Calculation - Ey(-V) Events/pb 3-C Events - 01.1SIJMX 3-C Events on film *y (3-C) Forward Loss correction 0(3-C) o-4-0.5 22.33 131 192.8 8.61J.b 8.6IJ.b 0.5-0.6 16.82 777 827.5 49.2 pb 49.2 pb 0.6-1.0 40.30 2962 3154.5 78.3 pb 78.3 pb 1.0-1.2 12.89 855 910.6 40.6pb 70.6 pb 1.2-1.5 12.87 744 792.4 61.6 pb 61.6 pb l-5-2.0 16.02 754 803.0 50.2pb 50.2pb 2.0-2.5 10.66 367 390.9 36.7 pb 36.7pb 2.5-3.0 8.20 244 259.9 31.7 pb 31.7 pb 3.0-3.5 6.21 142 151.2 24.3 ,ub 3.5-4.0 4.28 88 93.7 21.8pb 7% 23.4pb 4.0-4.5 4.63 83 88.4 19.1pb 8% 20.6pb 4.5-5.0 3.57 67 71.4 20.opb 9% 21.8pb 5.0-5.5 3.16 56 59.6 18.9pb 10% 20.8pb 5.5-6.0, 2.77 45 47.9 17.3,ub 11% 19.2 pb 6.0-6.5 2.38 29 30.9 12.3 pb 12% 13.8 pb 6.5-7.0 4.89 64 68.2 13.9 pb 13% 15.7 pb 7.0-8.0 36.10 469 499.5 13.8 pb 3.20 38 40.5 12.7 pb 8.0-10.0 6.5% 13.4% 14% 25.9pb 15.7 pb 14.4 pb TABLE Cross sections for the 3C fit reactions found in this experiment, III.7 yp -+pn'~- averaged and Y~,~I?T+IT-R- in the energy intervals shown. EyGW u(yvp~+d(N-4 I 0.4-0.5 9.0+ 1.0 0.5-0.6 47.6~3.0 0.6-1.0 7'7.2 * 3.5 1.0-1.2 70.2~4.0 1.2-1.5 60.023.5 1.2-1.5 0.035rto.04 1.5-2.0 49.5L3.0 1.5-2.0 0.8LO.2 2.0-2.5 36.5 k2.0 2.0-2.5 1.9 LO.3 2.5-3.0 31.222.2 2.5-3.0 3.lLO.5 3.0-3.5 26.8~2.0 3.0-4.0 5.5kO.7 3.5-4.0 25.3~2.5 4.0-5.0 4.4LO.7 4.0-4.5 20.7rt2.0 5.0-5.5 4.9LO.7 4.5-6.0 19.0&1.0 5.5-6.0 6.Okl.O 6.0-7.0 15.8 ~2.0 6.0-7.0 4.6rt0.9 7.0-8.0 16.011.2 7.0-8.0 4.6ItO.4 8.0-10.0 14.5 ~2.5 8.0-10.0 5.4Ll.O - 65 - ,.... ;..A+& I I I .....I.....4, A+.....&--:I -+ I - 66 - I I + I produced quite consistent results: c(3-C, 3-prong) = 19.1 f 1.2 microbarns Ey =4.0-6.0 GeV c(3-C, 3-prong) Ey =6.8-8.2 GeV = 15.7 f 1.0 microbarns which are the values used to normalize other cross sections in the rest of this study. III.4 Calculation of Cross Sections for 1-C Channels Constrained fits can be made to events of the reactions -!--0 YP -plT?TT ++T 77n -YIP ---7~ if these are produced determines tested by comparing events, constraints The remaining from diverse the confidence since the location of the vertex uniform constraint scatter plot. Three of the four energy- the three neutral can act as a filter This is the standard with charged beams, to isolate procedure where the incident In our case there are a number of backgrounds As in the charged case, there are the multi-neutral YP -ppn+T-?PP. , YP - was levels of 3-C and 4-C fits for the same are used to determine backgrounds. ber experiments photons, (III. 2) photon energy to about *l. 50/O. This precision which gave a fairly momentum ables . by annihilation the incident (III. 1) particle vari- these events for bubble chamenergy is well known. which are troublesome. reactions . - (I& 3) .IT+T+B-flPn. . . (III. 4) - 67 - where the dots represent more, reactions 1-C hypotheses additional under consideration let the notation wise for reactions (2) - (4). can be contaminated (LA) denote reaction from bremsstrahlung Thenfor example,the if one of the pions in reaction reaction photons may fit the or unfavorable (1) from annihi- photons, sec- and like- events of reaction (1A) by the events from (1B) and events of (3A) and (3B). can not be distinguished larly, Further- the energy cuts used in the previous (1B) denote the same reaction Moreover, particles. due to poor measurement lation photons (i.e. , photons within tion): neutral (1) to (4) produced by bremsstrahlung Therefore kinematics. possible from a proton, (2) or (4) is fast enough so that it it may simulate (2) may be contaminated reaction (1). Simi- by fits from events of (1) or (3) with fast protons. The independent determination of the gamma energy allows ing mass of the fit to be used as a criterion to isolate of reactions backgrounds Therefore (1A) and (2A) from the various a missing pure samples discussed mass approach has been adopted to determine number of events to be assigned to these reactions. annihilation relatively peak and perfect Assume The calculated measurements. the miss- above. the true a very narrow missing mass, m, is defined by m2 = (KA+ mp - Evis)2 - (rA -rvis) where kA and kA are the energy and momentum the proton mass, photon, m P and Evis and Fvis are the sum of energy and momentum or visible, peak sharply at the mass squared of the missing the background tracks. Then if the hypothesis the charged, from of an annihilation m2 will be more uniformly - 68 - is correct, particle, distributed. for m2, will while for events In practice, the distinction is less precise, since the annihilation and the spread in measurements peak is not a perfect is non-negligible (see Fig. spike II. 7). For a number of reasons it is more useful to study distributions missing mass squared rather is more closely related have an approximately than missing to the measured normal quantities, distribution. mass squared do appear to be normally studying reactions is distorted a single pi-zero, To understand criminatory tion, momentum, the actual neutral of an ambiguous mass and production system of particles. track is measured = (mf2 - mF)/2p, track of momentum off for good ionization lated neutral mass squared as a dis- can not be identified kinematics. by ioniza- In the labora- angle with respect In the bubble chamber essentially correctly, Let f=(assumed where mf is the mass assigned p (p greater in an event, k the mass fit and let Eo, PO, m. and theta be the assigned depends on the assumed mass. energy) in The neutron mass is but has been treated to examine photoproduction in the missing of mass distribution let kt be the true energy of the photon producing value assumed histograms Furthermore, the missing of missing tool in the case that the particle tory system, to for consistency. the effectiveness it is necessary energy, distributed. this distortion, the same way as the pi-zero mass squared which are presumed because the pion mass is so close to zero. far enough from zero not to suffer exactly Missing Also experimental missing involving 47 mass. of to the beam of the momentum but the energy energy minus true to an ambiguous than 1.4 GeV , which is the approximate discrimination) while mt is the true mass. cut- The calcu- mass mc is then given by rn: =m “,+2(kA- kt)(Eo-PO case ) -2f(E0 - 69 - - kA + kt - f/2) W. 6) If the ambiguous track is assigned its correct mass, then f =0 and it is clear that for true photon energy kt less than the expected annihilation rn: is always greater neutral than the true missing system will make the missing energy. For example, an annihilation between calculated single neutral proton bremsstrahlung be seen from hypothesis events, in the final state (f > 0) generally represent energy and the events which will be assigned when f =0 are from the electronthan kA, and as may contamination. gave low enough E. and high enough m. to hypothesis (1) or (3), annihilation a considerable pion whose it turns out that those with a true neutron with the p=+?r-r’ reaction annihilation of Fig. II. 10, will make negligible For ionization-ambiguous proton from neutral photons with true energy greater the spectra make the overlap events with 3-C fits will very often The only multineutral photon energy. a fast forward to assumed photon (1A) by adding a fast forward energy is just the difference correct mass insensitive low energy pr’?r- also give a fit to reaction However, mass. energy, small. Those with a true fast or bremsstrahlung,however, overlap with reaction (2A) and must be treated more carefully. The separation of a pure sample of four-body, energy events for the three annihilation mass squared plots. After mass squared of the neutral applying Fig. the type Yp - and Yp - peak at MM2 = rni and MM2 = rnt . In order reactions criteria, from the missing the annihilation particles mass squared distributions ~r+.rr+n-MM. (1) and (2) in the monochromatic by Eq. for fits of These distributions to obtain the cross peak regions, - 70 - high was done using missing momenta of the visible III. 6 shows the missing pr+n-MM the ionization system was calculated photon energy and the measured (Ill. 5). experiments single neutral, clearly sections it is necessary for to (4 (b) yp-pn+a- MM yp-TT+T+K- 200 50 Ey=4.3 GeV r n Ey=4.3 GeV r Ey=7.5 GeV 80 MM Ey7.5 GeV 20 t r -0.5 0 I I 0.5 1.0 -1.0 0 MISSING MASS SQUARED (GeV)2 FIG. ICI. 6-- 1.0 2.0 3.0 1-1 (a) Missing mass squared, as defined in text, for all events consistent by ionization with the reaction yp -px+aplus neutrals at three photon energy settin f se9 (b) same for events consistent by ionization with yp --t ?r i&r- plus neutrals. Events with fast proton appear in both (a) and (b). The dotted lines show the various background estimates as explained in the text and Ref. 7. - 71 - determine missing the shape and magnitude Exactly mass plots. the neutron channels. before discussing the specific three main classes: (i) contamination contamination photons, (ii) contamination largely reactions below. peaks fall into by misidentified by multineutral Then PHONY calculations according 5.25, were used to estimate and 7.5 CeV. the generation mass cuts could then be separately the num- Events of reactions of the 3-C as being a mono or brems energy was within energy cuts used for these exposures. and Each of these events was labelled to the energy used in generation depending on whether All The choice of these cuts is (1) and (2) were generated by PHONY with the energy distributions at 4.3, events. 0.10) GeV2 for the pi-zero ber of true events which had been excluded by this cut. event spectra by events excluded by making cuts in the missing 1.2) GeV2 for the neutron distributions. discussed terms events of pn+n-?P and vice versa, The cuts used were (-0.18, mass spectra. here in general of the high energy regions of the four-body of these backgroundswere and channels. i. e. , fits to T+?r’x-n by ambiguous and (iii) to the methods were used for the pi-zero in the region of the single neutral from nearby bremsstrahlung (0.6, parallel contributions These methods will be described The backgrounds events, of the background or outside the standard The discrimination determined event, of the missing for brems and mono events at each energy. The PHONY missing mass squared distributions Those events produced with energies well defined signals particle, whereas at the appropriate III. 7. inside the mono energy bands show very missing mass values for their neutral the brems events give very distorted most of which fall outside appear in Fig. the cuts used. missing mass spectra, It is evident that most of the mono - 72 - YP 80 I I p-rr+-rr- TTOPHONY EVENTS I I 270 Events 4.3 GeV I I 252 Events 5.25 GeV I I I 366 Events 7.5 GeV (0) 1 1 1. I 4 I 2470 5.25 Events GeV I I 2877 Events 7.5 GeV (b) - I -0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2 ‘I MISSING MASS SQUARED (GeV)’ FIG. lTI. 7-- ,soscil Missing mass squared distributions for PHONY events of the reaction yppn’ir-16’. (a) 1-C fits to events with photon energies in the bremsstrahlung region for each exposure. (b) 1-C fits to events with photon energies in the annihilation The arrows in (a) show the cut used to define good regions. n0 events. - 73 - events will survive exact numbers percentages the cuts whereas can be used to generate of mono and brems These can then be combined N ratios observed the missing to relate The giving the mass cuts. the true number of inside the cuts. The necessary are obs (mono) =f(mono) Nobs(brems N true (mono) in mono) = f(brems Ntrue (b rems) in mono) Ntrue (brems) Ntrue(mono) =X where X is a factor which combines the relative number of photons attributed to the brems and mono regions with the different these regions known, events will fail. f(mono) and f(brems) events which survive for any exposure mono events to events actually equations most of the brems for the reaction it can be adequately at the cross approximated and by defining Although using first sections in X is not perfectly guesses (uncorrected) the brems region to extend far enough in energy below the mono region that it is very unlikely for any fits to come from farther sections being studied. average cross away into the mono region. bined to give a relation served within Then these equations between those events--brems the missing can be com- or mono--actually ob- mass cut and the number of true mono events--in and out of the cut, namely fibs = Nobs(mono) =(f(mono) + Nobs(brems) + X f(brems)) This equation has been used to correct cuts above backgrounds Ntrue (mono) those events within (ii) and (iii) into the total number - 74 - the missing mass of events produced in the mono region. from section This number divided by the proper III, 2 then yields Backgrounds protons strained the cross of type (ii) in the neutron channel from events with fast were estimated by recalculating the missing of the opposite contamination as s’r+r-MM. the characteristic bump mass. Very (i. e. , true neutron events simulating was found. body events, were estimated namely 3-C fits to p~‘r”?r-x-. is kinematically equivalent squared distribution is concerned (p” production nn”. it is possible to simulate px*a+x-7r- is not important Backgrounds as two different from p*+ir-r”xo to the Pi-Zero with ionization. Simi- events ?r+a’?r-MM by and =‘rfr-rOn In this way simulahave been obtained. Channel Fig. III. 6a shows the missing prong events failing when likewise events of the type pr+*-MM. each negative pion with the proton for omission. tions to the backgrounds mass in turn each 8’~~ pair from p*+n’r-a-, four different can be recalculated that a B+T- pair as the missing and that px- combination Then by omitting approximates by using the actual five- It was assumed to a mono pair insofar averaged over all X+X- combinations) pairing protons mass plots just below the true neutron The type (iii) backgrounds larly mass squared of con- fits to pa+a-~~’ with good MM2 and ambiguous in the neutron missing pr’r-x’) equivalent section. Such events which also gave a neutron fit explained little microbarn mass squared calculated a 3-C fit but making a O-C fit to reaction for all three (1) consistent The data for each energy appear to peak very close to m2 7To * to fall off smoothly to the left, and to encounter as one moves beyond the two pion threshold. - 75 - rapidly increasing Superimposing background on the data the symmetric Fig. at m2+ , as predicted curve centered III. 7), determines the point above which the background bute more than the good single pion events. Gev2 are suggested; by a PHONY calculation -0.18 The limits the height of the tail of the symmetric The primary Whatever effects the missing are neglected. constraint mass distributions backgrounds of the true signal, events, to reactions events, 2 (1A). the dominance , estimated Their subtraction distribution tant for establishing background within resulting from 3- using only the proton and two pions Using the requirements near a missing we have not included - 76 - seen in five-prong III. 6a. For the pur- the events of reaction however, background. of the cut described 35 events at both energies. mass squared via PHONY in a more quantita- as given by PHONY, the level of multi pi-zero the limits xf7r-x0 as shown in Fig. separately of symmetry shape by multi-pion from the number of no - since they can be corrected tive way. which result when two charged pions of the background one can draw the backgrounds pose of background by PHONY while the from actual five prong events by of some n ’ production and the presence of 0.3Gev are from reactions This is the shape that has been used for the multi- are shown in Fig. III. 8. neutral to this reaction mass squared distributions events calculated dis- of true events. The effect of (1B) has been simulated The missing five-prong the PHONY simulations for the exclusion of (3 A & B) have been simulated studying (1B) cut is chosen, a correction events is about twice x0 peak, using the left side of the peak sources of background (1B) and (3 A & B). of -0. 18 and i-0. 10 the Gaussian tail of the true T’ events and 0.10 GeV2 is the point where the height of all O-constraint cussed above determine events contri- GeV2 is about the point where the flat background under the ?p peak intersects to define the shape. (see. has been imporIn this way the above is seen to be about 50 I I I I I I I I 4 COMBINATIONS OF I73 PRONGS AT 5.25 GeV 40 30 20 r 4 COMBINATIONS OF 203 3-C 5 PRONGS AT 7.5 GeV 20 IO 0 -0.5 -0.1 I 0.3 I 0.7 I.1 MM2 FIG. 1.5 (GeV2) 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.1 ‘89518 III. 8--Missing mass of 5 body events treated as 3 prongs to simulate the behavior of yp +pr+n-fl?r” events. The arrows show the cut used to exclude multi-r’ events. Backgrounds to the Neutron Channel Fig. III. 6b shows the missing making a O-C fit to reaction considered included thesis n+?r+w-n. One type, from reactions events of p*‘r,-r’ and pa+n+n-r-. events , included a+?r+ir-mr”. events to other &body charge states, used. and pnilr-4iro Another the isospin The sum of these three backgrounds but as in the pi-zero but in the quantitative ground within which fit the hypoevents in from pa+?r+~-n- 3-C weights of Shapiro 48 were gives the solid line in Fig. shows estimated case, these are not corrected way discussed the limits fore estimated with fast protons, type, from multineutral To transform The broken line above the solid background levels, of background These were studied using actual fits to ambiguous the channels pn+a-r’ neutron As can be seen, the sources (2). were very diverse. misidentified mass squared for all three prongs above using PHONY. III. 6b. bremsstrahlung from the graph, The net back- of the cut of events not of the type nfrTT+r-n is there- to be 51 events for the 5.25 GeV data and 42 events for the 7.5 GeV data. In Table III. 8 the net yields of O-C fits within are given, along with the microbarn resulting,cross sections making the calculation of the invariant culation section and the In (1A) and (2A) at the three energies. for the proton channel, mass spectrum for those samples the events in the omega region were removed, a separate cross section cal- made for those events (see section IV. 2), and the omega cross (without the cross the 10% correction section for non-omega PHONY corrections events, for reaction equivalents the cuts at each energy and forward which was necessary for neutral events. decay modes) was added to This allowed loss corrections for omega and non-omega since omega production - ‘78 - the use of separate is much more TABLE Cross sections yp--+nlrfnfir- III. 8 found for the reactions at the annihilation over a photon energy interval E 4.3 peak energies, approximately y p-Ppr+n-7P Y up--tpafn-7ro yp-tns and averaged 1 GeV. ++- H x Gev 5.25 GeV 7.5 Gev Raw SLAC data yp-~“+“-?pp Unique O-C Events in Cut Non-Omega Omega Background in Cut (non-w) Correction for Excluded Events Non-w Forward Loss Correction 5.25 Gev 394 67 10 0.916 1.5% 7.5 408 78 8 1.019 1.5% Gev Raw SLAC data yp+s’nfa-n O-C Fits in Cut Estimated Background from Other Reaction Net True Events in Cut Correction for Cuts and Brems Estimated True y p-+a+a+n-n 5.25 GeV 208 54 154 1.032 159 7.5 196 42 1,54 1.131 175 Gev peripheral than the rest of this channel. cut (0.68 CeV<m(3r)<O. sometimes track as the proton) which introduced counting has been corrected Recent results sample, cussed extensively weight error associated tage error The errors is relatively in the number of events, is the percentage straight N -l/2 change in N resulting analogous to the way the error corporated into the flux error Table for the with the size of the with the PHONY corrections in the photon flux have been dis- in section III. 2 and the statistical calculation in preparing laser beam fit quite well associated root of the number of events in the sample. the error l/2 This double here are the flux determination errors subtractions. the III. 9. the statistical and the systematic and background some double-counting. from the SLAC backscattered The main sourcesof error equivalent, whereas gave two fits (one with each positive for by assigning with our data as shown in Fig. microbarn the omega mass 88 GeV) were assumed to be unique, events of the channel p?r+a-*’ III. 8. The events within error is the square Also for the PHONY correction forward, multiplying , by a factor the percen- (1 + IDI ) l/2 from the PHONY correction. due to the bremsstrahlung calculation in section - 80 - III. 2. correction where D This is is in- - 81 - CHAPTER PHOTOPRODUCTION This chapter OF NEUTRAL begins the presentation in this experiment concerning specific stand the data in photoproduction model (VDM). l4 IV VECTOR of the experimental reactions. are influenced VDM is currently the photoproduction on the SU(3) behavior of the photon as the IJ: r-3- T-p O+ Bv is the mixing phi. dominance theoretical This approach member of the vector apis based (l-) + $cos ev) , angle which correctly this relation for diffractive of hadrons. $ (wsinBv If it is assumed that vector all mesons, by the vector to under- 49 as : meson octet expressed singlet. data obtained Most attempts the most comprehensive proach for explaining where MESONS combines meson-proton may be interpreted photoproduction the SU(3) l- octet and scattering is the same for as giving the relative of the neutral vector Note>that the photon has both isovector amplitudes mesons rho, omega and (rho) and isoscalar (omega and phi) components. Experimentally, rho production the channel pr+r- as the incident This prominence chapter the photoproduction and compared 11 above the background to its extremely reactions narrow yp-pop in light of vector dominance - 82 - the in the channel p=+a-n’, fits are possible. very complicated width. Therefore and yp --+wp predictions. by neutral Furthermore regions where only unconstrained of the omega meson in an otherwise channel is due primarily dominated photon energy increases. omega meson stands out clearly even in the bremsstrahlung is increasingly in this are studied Unfortunately, since this experiment not possible vector did not study the photoproduction to make the relevant comparisons Because the neutral mesons. of strange particles, of the phi meson to other rho meson is so dominant and because the small amount of nucleon resonances accounted duced to explain mesons, mass vector together. mesons as predicted Therefore nated by a single reaction. presentation This includes being neither exami- a search model. I5 Such including vector inelastic than protons), nor so domi- is singled out for as a quasi-elastic, diffractively pro- All other aspects of the C-body final states, meson. p’production associated so free of back- are measured) omega production here due to its importance duced neutral (i. e. , rhos produced off particle rho-delta charged rho meson production, production, are presented states other charged A2 production together and in the final chapter. The Channel yp -+ p=+?rThis reaction has been investigated experiments, 9-12 dominates the channel, forward-peaked parity has a roughly production t-channel led to the interpretation in previous track chamber and which showed that the reaction YP + natural model) intro- if they were found, would then also have to appear in Eq. (IV. 1). ground as the 3-body channel (where all particles counter entirely the entire by the Veneziano The channel pxf7r-7ro is quite different, Iv. 1 seen is almost the skewing of the H+K- mass distribution, nation of the 3-body channel is presented for higher in the channel models (e.g. , the Sb’ding interference for by certain it is POP w. 2) constant cross section with a sharply angular distribution exchange mechanism. of this reaction and is consistent 16,50 as a diffractive - 83 - with a These observations process. have For squared four-momentum appears lo,16 y-p vertex to E transfer to the proton, that s-channel in the overall helicity CMS). 1 t 1 , less than 0.4 GeV2 it is conserved In addition (i. e. , no spin-flip a small contribution at the proportional -2 9,10,29,51 from the reaction Y - YP is observed. nA Evidence has been sought, than p” in the T’?T- mass system. 52 our data and shows that p” production incident A. but not found, for resonances This section confirms increasingly other these features dominates in the channel as energy increases. p” Production. In Figs. IV. l-2 the invariant mass of the x’r- six photon energy ranges. The previously invariant with respect mass distribution comes especially almost ++ dramatic observed system skewing of the dipion to the usual Breit-Wigner in the 7.5 GeV data (Fig. In Fig. change of shape for the 7.5 GeV data with t is illustrated form but at small even the s-wave Breit-Wigner the mass prediction. 53 This distortion model adopted. phenomenological below means that a The approaches follow those taken by the SLAC-Berkeley-Tufts in their studies of p” photoproduction. To present r ) as is shown by 1t 1 the high mass tail is significantly depends upon the production used here generally collaboration by plotting the seems to approach a relativistic (i.e. , Eq. (IV. 5a) below with a fixed the solid curve, full analysis IV.2(b,c) near the rho mass for O< It 1 <O. 12 GeV2 and 0.12< 1t 1 <O. 40 GeV2. At large 1t\ the mass distribution Breit-Wigner shape be- IV. 2), there being no sign of a high mass tail to the distribution. distribution is shown for (SBT) 16,30,32 the raw data independent of models we begin with a purely approach. It is assumed that the double differential - 84 - cross I ’ 2.5-3.0 __d ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 3.0 -3.7 GeV 0.4 0 .8 1.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 M (kr-1, 2.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 G eV 0.4 M Crr+rr-).GeV FIG. N. l-- - GeV 0.8 1101.1 Dipion mass distributions for yp ----f pn’ir- in the first 5 energy intervals as labelled. The darkened areas of (d) and (e) represent events with pn+ mass in the A++ 1236) region (1.12<M(pa+) Cl.35 GeV and t(p,plr+)l .<0.8 GeV 2’). - 85 - - - - - I zi I 0 -* I I z - I I 0 a0 I I 0 0- l70’0/s+uaA3 I Aa9 I 0 CD - 86 - I I 0 * I I 0 N I - T 0 I I FIG. IV. 2 (cont’d. ) I AW bO’O/ SlNM3 - 87 - I (9 (u l3.l cu’ CD . FIG. IV. 2 (cont’d. ) PHENOMENOLOGICBL FITS 6.8 < Ey < 8.2 GeV TO yp-p-rr+r- 40 0.24 5 I tl 5 0.80 GeV2 <n(t)>=l.2*0.6 20 0 203 618 3-C EVENTS 0.06<ltl~t,,,GeV2 <n(t)> q 3.2 f 0.3 x2 3- C EVENTS 0.12 2 Itl 5 0.24 <n (tl>= 3.8f0.5 GeV2 = 13.5/22 0 0.06 5 Itl 5 0.12GeV’ <n (t)> q 4.3 20.4 ) - 40 20 ) - 0 4c 1 - 2C1 - (1 L 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 M,+,- 2.2 (GeV) 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8 I8PSCZZ (e) Phenomenological model fit curve superimposed on 3-C event data with 6.8<E (8.2 GeV for 0.06 GeV2< It 1 <t,,. (f-h) Phenomenological model fits inlhree different t intervals, each a subset of the data in (e). The variation of the exponent n(t) is illustrated by these fits. - 88 - section for dipion production 1t 1 < 0.4 GeV’ may be described with by the form 2 dg dtdm with A and B functions the t distributions represents IV. 3 shows (0.60<m<O. this region well. 85 GeV), A loss in scanning of A and B have been determined for fixed in m for events with 0.06< 1t 1CO.4 GeV2 using the “average-t” method as explained below. slopes are shown in Fig. more marked B=7.0*0.4 The resulting IV.4. interval production in the range from 4 to 8 GeV. analysis models. fall into two classes: the kinematic other interference of p” photoproduction, The production i) the interference skewing or phenomenological models differing background; matic factor, which 17 it is neces- models suggested in model of sijding models, the second includes class also includes any modifications and Uretsky very accurate - 89 - of the of the kine- or Mannheim exponent used with the Ross-Stodolsky the data with such models, 17 such as the one from that of Sb’ding in the details such as the models of Kramer or the variable By fitting This collaboration suggested by Ross and Stodolsky. 54 The first interfering 815 GeV), namely GeVs2 at a photon energy of 4.7 Gev. sary to use specific originally and with the same value of the SLAC-Berkeley-Tufts To make a more detailed and ii) sections of slope with mass becomes about the rho mass (0.715<m<O. agrees well with the results the literature cross but is consistent GeV-2 for photon energies found B=6.6*0.5 forward The variation at the highest energies in a symmetric 16. Fig. mass. for events with m in the rho region, events at small t is evident here. Maor, , of m, the dipion invariant which show that Eq. (IV.4) intervals = AeBt factor determinations and in Ref. of &J ; - - 90 - / r (0) IOOO- 2.0-2.5 800. E M ( T+ TT- I. GeV (b) I 16 rlliT-Tw’ 2.0-2.5 l Gev , ‘v---- _ -2 5-3.0 GeV 16N t ’ d 8- m I 16 - I /I 1 47-5.6 I, w-i ’ Cev I l---e+-6.8-8 2 G CV 8-LA -11 0.4 I 0.6 0.8 M (T’T-), FIG. IV.4-- (GeV) 11018 : (a) Double differential cross section d2a/dtdm (t=O). The curves are the phenomenological shapes described in text (Eq. IV. 5) with r =O. 125 GeV, mp=O. 765 GeV). The exponent n=6 was used a P all energies except Ey=2. O-2.5 GeV, where n=4 has been used. (b) The slope B for the interval 0.06< 1t 1CO. 40 GeV2 as a function of the dipion mass. -91- the quantities polation A(m) and B(m) can be made if the models provide of the data points. A particular to provide functional been fitted to obtain p” cross the rho. Applied forms describing The results shown in Table IV. 1. A third A(mc) from the raw experimental model independent as possible. 2) kinematic The true p” cross these values. fitting of these two fitting sections Therefore Siding ference Fits. and 4. 7 GeV, including produced presumably interference background amplitude values, procedures are from in order to be as I) Sliding fit values, and lie somewhere 3) “standardtl within values. the range of methods the cross as for an “undistorted” sections rho, which should be most Detailed descriptions of these three It has been shown in Ref. 16 that the Siziding intermost of the characteristics of co production the shape of the dipion mass distribution In this model the major p” (Fig. inherent follow. model explains dependence. uncertainty three sets of photoproduction These are for making VDM comparisons. 1. by small amounts has been derived dipion mass spectrum In the Sijding and the standard procedures These have near the rho mass by determining (phenomenological) quoted may be interpreted relevant of the theoretical have been determined. skewing data. and values for the mass and width of set of cross sections of dipion pair production cross sections the dipion production sections as a measure in the choice of models. the intensity example of each class has been used to the same data, these values differ which may be regarded a good inter- IV5a) as in VDM. of the diffractive due to the Drell rho amplitude The distorted amplitude and its t is from a diffractively p” shape is due to the with a p wave non-resonant diagrams 56 (Figs. IV. 5b, IV. 5~). is assumed to have a nearly constant phase, - 92 - at 2.8 interfering rfr- The Drell TABLE IV. 1 Raw and corrected events and cross sections for the channel ~p-+pn+n-. Fitted masses, total cross sections for p” produced in yp--+o”p as obtained by the phenomenological and &ding Cross sections are corrected for other t values assuming in the interval 0.06< 1t 1 CO. 4 CeV2. exponential. l- Same1 Eve] mcorrected Ey(GeV s and Cro j Sections :orrected 2.0-2.5 1001 1001 C@+T-) ---i&L36.5i2.0 2.5-3.0 642 642 3. o-3.7 552 3.7-4.7 -r Phc 3menolo ro(MeV; lpWV) -I- :a1 Fits jding Fits npWeY y$G) widths and fits made a linear TotMeW y,bW 764*7 143*12 19.1*1.7 765*8 146h15 18.5*1.9 769=% 144-114 22.1*1.4 31.2*2.2 772=% 136*15 21.4&l. 588 26.3*2.0 772*7 141*18 18.7U.6 773*8 140*15 15.7&l. 775 852 21.5*1.2 ‘769*6 134*10 16.2*1.7 774*5 142*10 14.7S.7 4.7-5.8 536 606 19.0*1..2 759+4 110*10 15.4&l. 4 75415 122*12 16.6*1.7 6.8-8.2 809 917 16.0*10 758% 151*11 13.7*1.3 771s 14 7*10 14.3*1.3 6 l. 7 (b) I I (d) 0.2 0.4 Mhd FIG. IV. 5-- 0.6 I I ----p BREIT-WIGNER --------DRELL TERM I\ -*---INTERF: TERM I 80 (cl \\--n-r 0.8 (GeV) DISTRIBUTIO N I.0 18OBA13 (a-c) The contributing diagrams in the Sijding model. (d) The contributions of the Drell, interference and p-wave Breit-Wigner terms to the yp --+ pn+~are normalized to the number cross sections at 7.5 GeV. The distributions of Drell, interference and p” events obtained with the Siding fit. - 94 - FIG. IV. 5 (cont’d.) I 6 I I I (e3 4.3 GeV 5.25 GeV 7.5 GeV 5 4 3 2 . I %O 3.0-3.7 6 5 2.5-3.0 GeV 2.0-2.5 GeV GeV \ 4 3 2 I 0 0 0.2 0.4 0 I I 0.2 0.4 Itl (GeV’) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 MPJUO (e) The variation of the phenomenological exponent n(t) with t for all 6 energy The data has The lines are best fits of the data to straight lines. intervals. been fit in the t intervals O-O. 12, 0.12-o. 24, and 0.24-o. 80 GeV2 (e.g. , see Figs. , IV.2f-h). - 95 - constructively produce below the central the observed cross-sections mass of the p” and destructively mass skewing. we followed closely M2, and M3 are the matrix the procedure elements and IV. 5c, then the cross-sections term” and the interference 2Re \M*~(M~+M~)) For the quantitative evaluation used in Ref. for the diagrams for diffractive in Figs. to 1Ml1 2, In the calculations were used with the following t dependence of diffractive Ml 0: exp(Bt/2). changes (See footnote production p” If Ml, N. 5a, IV. 5b, the “Drell- , M2+M31 2, and the explicit given by Sijding for Ml, M2, and M3 as well as his computer formulae 13 in Ref. 16). First, multiplying Third, The virtuality the amplitudes by T,(s , t) which describe the x N inter- of the interacting i6 T * (s , t) by a Ferrari-Selleri p” in elastic 8x scattering,58 evaluate which corrects to form a p” indistinguishable the rho cross-sections, incoherent (b) the reaction yp -+ s-A++, directly. and (c) Lorentz-invariant Practically I Ml The cross-section 2 I over the available - 96 - IV. 5 (a-c), The by the fitting by the fit and most of the term without for To to an phase space. determined no phase space was required - ++ events were accounted for by the Drell TA mined by integrating (IV. 2) were fitted (a) the diagrams program. - ++ 7~ A events. with the from that produced given by: 57 element of the width and slope were free parameters yp -+ matrix for the rescattering rho mass, tional the Drell events of reaction sum of three distributions for by type form factor. cosS, where 6 is the p-wave phase shift associated e dipion system data for pion was accounted double counting was avoided by multiplying by the factor the has been approximated Second, the amplitudes 74 GeV. 17 program action at the lower vertex were evaluated from the xN phase-shift M(pr)<l. of 16. p” production, term are proportional respectively. above it to a need for addi- yp -pop was deter- mass range while the 2 M2+“3 t calculated and interference results, shown in Fig. of the diffractive resulting terms p” term, were regarded as background. IV. 5d, illustrate the relative the, Drell dipion mass distribution term, importance and the interference at 7.5 GeV. Typical term in the The comparison between the raw data and the Siding fit shown in Fig. IV. 2d shows that this method gives an excellent representation The parameters of the experimental mp, 5, from a fit in the t region section results. and B of the Sading model were determined It11 =0.06< for co events in this t range, jt~<lt,l =0.4 GeV2. The cross cp (t 1, t2), was then increased by the 2 ratio of I Ml I integrated over the entire physical region of phase space to 2 portion of the physical region where I Ml I integrated over the restricted 0.06</ t l(O.4 GeV2 in order slope determined physical to obtain the total p” cross for 0.06 <I t ‘1(0.4 region for dipion production section. GeV2 in the integral is equivalent Using the over the entire to the usual forward loss correction. The forward extrapolation p” cross section was also computed to t=O using: d,S”;d a- BE%d 0 (tl’t2) (t=O) = Sijd tl) - exp(BSijdt2) exp(B ’ This method avoids the effects of scanning losses at small by the kinematic resulting c (t t ) by an p 1’2 from boundary at tmin, fit parameters and cross the minimum sections IV.2. - 97 - momentum t and the distortion transfer. are given in Tables The IV. 1 and TABLE IV.2 Forward cross sections and slopes for the p” as obtained by the three methods, and double forward differential ~108s sections for mTr = ,715 - .815 GeV. Slopes B were determined in the range 0.06 < 1t ( 5 0.4 GeV2. $- (t = 0) (pb . C&V-~ ) <&(t=w> B (W-2) EyWV) I CD co I m Phenom. &ding Standard t Phenom . Siiding 2.0-2.5 138 f 20 143 f 14 180 f 20 5.9* .7 5.4 * 2.5 - 3.0 179 * 27 170 * 17 184*25 7.7-t .9 3.0 - 3.7 159 f 26 160 f 16 152 f 22 3.7 - 4.7 130 f 13 100*10 4.7 - 5.8 123 f 14 6.8 - 8.2 104 + 11 = .715 -. 815 Ge’ Standard? (pb GeV-3)+ .5 6.7* .s 770 * 6.4 * .6 7.5 f 1.1 780 * 110 8.2 + 1.0 7.1* .7 7.5 * 1.2 650 + 100 105 f 10 7.5* .6 6.5-+ .5 6.8* .7 450 132 + 13 117 l 12 7.6-t .6 7.7* .6 6.7* .8 500 * 102 + 10 so f 10 7.5* .6 7.1* .6 7.0* .8 380 + 40 t No incoherent background correction. l so 45 55 Phenomenological 2. rho was parametrized by: Fits. In this method, the shape of the neutral 16 P(m) = f@W4W , w. 5) where5’ f(m) = T(m) 2 (m P (IV. 5a) - m2)2 + mir2(m) and (IV. 5b) L(m) is a Lorentz-invariant momenta tively. two-body phase space factor, in the dipion rest frame for dipion masses of m and mp respecEq. (IV. 5) is essentially exponent is replaced departure the Ross-Stodolsky by a t-dependent from the procedure modification, introduced used in our preliminary in Ref. 16, describes when the fit is repeated for distinct of t, decreasing similar 2,3 the experimental at all energies. at all energies, is a relatively the low ~-mass energy-independent enhancement Fig. data well. However, ( It IN. 5 IV. 5e shows how the It is n(t), exhibits that the true mass skewing effect. is presumed - 99 - This of t at all energies. skewing factor, suggesting a n(t) is found to be a function of Ref. 16. as a function to note that the exponential behavior mechanism model, with the results shape changes strongly interesting t intervals, reports. from about 5.5 at t=O to about 0 at large t values in agreement distorted form where the constant exponent n(t), which represents When fitted over the full range of t, < n(t)>=4 c,v2,, q and qp are the T In the Ross-Stodolsky to originate from genuine co events. ALthough this interpretation which has a sin20 H distribution distribution, all mtl. would explain the p” decay angular 0 GeV, in the sijding interference distribution is also provided be used to provide Lorentz-invariant tions of p”, a-A’+ and <n(t)>. term. a smooth interpolation As in the Sb’ding fits, and from interpretation by the Drell seen for the 7.5 GeV data in Figs. in the dipion center of mass for contributions from the reaction differential cross and fitting together cross sections the resulting Ittinl<ltl< The frac- 0.06 GeV2. with the mass, were derived width by re- sections to the This fit to the GeV2. section was also used to correct - ++ x A yp -+ p” cross in the range 0.06< 1t I<&4 cal p” cross section for as can be have also been allowed. The rho slope and forward form (N.4) fits can N. 2(e-h). and phase space were fitted exponential The parametrization between raw data points, phase-space peating the fit in t-intervals such an angular the total phenomenologiTables Iv.1 and N.2 list the values found. Both of the above models suffer phenomenological developed diffraction model, as is implied dissociation the high statistics (mp/m)4 the exponent must be a function Although the suggested four-momentum transfers, l6 showed that to fit the data well of t, which has no theoretical underpinning. of Ref. 16 does show evidence for an interference which changes sign at the rho mass, rho interfering Sijding model, only for small of the SBT collaboration The moment analysis basis. model of Ross and StodolskyB4 originally factor The deficiencies. by the name, has been empirically to fit the data with almost no theoretical using the kinematic diffractive from theoretical however, which supports with a Drell background has other problems, - 100 - the physical (see Figs. term picture of a N. 5a-c). The despite the fact that it gives an excellent fit to all aspects of the experimental in how the exchanged pion should be corrected We used the Ferrari-Selleri form factor rho widths which were consistently meson. Fortunately, factor this ambiguity to use. underscores diffractive accurate experimental determination Method. Breit-Wigner interference resonance model, even the lfDrell” introduced. skewing diagram and must be at m’mp vanishes he suggests a very These observations at mp itself. method. A common feature the interference intensity 60 of the shape of the dipion mass distri- of the two classes incoherent of background, is just that given by the peak of a shape describing For the kinematic factor besides the Drell above is that, apart from a small the value of A in equation (IV.4) form the use of any form factors must vanish at the rho mass, “Standard” of the correct but that in any case a great deal of the non- form the basis for the so called standard models discussed rho masses vary less, as has been pointed out by Yennie bution near the rho mass and especially 3. expected for the rho Yennie argues that these other contributions but realizing background question other diagrams for gauge invariance. could be significant, and fitted gives fitted than the Ferrari- than widths our lack of knowledge 57 Furthermore, even by Sliding himself, considered sections Also some theoreticians in photoproduction. however, about 20 MeV larger and which were on the average larger still above, but Benecke and The latter, Selleri, the cross for its off mass shell behavior. mentioned have suggested another form factor. Durr57 There is uncertainty data. an undistorted rho meson. In the term goes through zero at m=mp and because of the rescattering explanations of the skewed distribution, in all cases becomes unity by definition - 101 - corrections at the rho mass. the Hence, by interpolating the total forward ent background) the data shown in Fig. IV.4 cross section by multiplying by a factor p” is no estimate data at the higher energies the previous fitting However, usually proportional dependence of the cross sections which can be substantial Also it illustrates can be easily explicitly because of the steep slope of the dipion errors. These uncertainties are Since VDM allows a com- (see Section IV. 3), the form has been taken in which F=n rp/2, 60 The cross section then becomes rr $P,t the made for the mass rp=130 MeV and mp=765 MeV as suggested by D. R. Yennie. forward analo- Because the number all experiments and Compton scattering of the Breit-Wigner the raw data to the height of the best fit to the in the region of the rho mass. of photoproduction “standard” for is found to be small by obtained on the choices above and beyond the usual experimental with , Since only be reliable quoted as possible. when analyzed by this method. zero width limit P F is then given (IV. 4) in a form as closely raw data at the value adopted for the rho mass, parison resonance. in the sense that it presents cross section in this way is directly mass distribution f procedures. gous to the p” cross sections and width, it will where such background from the double differential compared for incoher- this method is not a fit and provides therefore background; This method is standard obtained a p-wave assumed to have the form (IV. 5a) above, of incoherent one could find F which depends only on the o” meson width, mp f(mp )). by F = Jf(m)dm2/(2 P A(mp) (corrected assumed and on the exact form chosen to describe the undistorted to m=m ,=,=2 d& (m=m p’ t=O) = - 102 - A(m 2 ) W. 6) which merely mentioned counter expresses above, useful for comparing results of McClellan This standard determination production A(mp ) in a more ,recognizable et. al. 12 method requires way. experiments; It is, as in particular, the have been obtained by this method. an interpolation function if an accurate of the height of the data at the rho mass is desired. models discussed data with high accuracy, above have been shown to reproduce lo’ l6 one possible fit to the raw data with the model, t=O, and then multiply procedure Although at m=mp and a good interpolation cross section data, the fit curves in the region of the rho mass (see Fig. IV. 2d,e), mass can cause a significant change in A(m ). the raw is to obtain the best use this to find d20/dtdm by F as given above. can be made to the forward Since the so a small are very steep error in the rho While these sensitivities P cannot be avoided, from the data. 815) MeV, form it is possible Numerical symmetric to calculate calculations A(mp ) in a more direct have shown that for the interval about the value of the rho mass used (765 MeV), (IV. 5) has the same area to 20/oprecision Breit-Wigner under the distorted interval By numerical integration using m rp =I30 MeV, the expected value of the double differential this 100 MeV interval has been related the under an shape ((IV. 5) with n=O) is essentially shape. (715, for any n between 0 and 6. This means that the number of events in this symmetric undistorted way the same as P -765 and cross section to the height of this cross in section at the rho mass: m=615 (m=m,) = > 1.1 d%mdm m=715 - 103 - 2 (IV. 7) III particular, this latter method for finding the amplitude A(mp) has been used for the data of Table IV. 2 and IV. 3. Finally, since in the Sb’ding model, skewed rho mass shape roughly the interference cancels in a mass interval tered at the p” mass (with other backgrounds of about turns out to be true of the phenomenological possible to relate differential numbers the raw numbers cross energy settings, the mean of d2c/dtdm differential cross by 1.15 to obtain the cross rp taken as 130 sections and slopes do/dt(t=O) and the Ae Bt e-B I v that this procedure - (It21 + l/BP average-t which, -B t2 I I 0-V. 8) _ e-B I 31 1tll< to the maximum The slope B for events in a certain by a numerical 815 GeV) are given from the measured for events with is identical by the stan- is given by: -B tl I I (It11 + l/B& <t > was determined derived part of the rho (0.715<m<O. distribution <t>= I I cross section section d2u/dtdm(t=0) The slopes were derived for an exponential determined above, by in- by 711; /2, with forward given for the t bin where scanning are obtained as explained the standard the forward double differential in Table IV. 2. slope. 815 GeV is the forward and them multiplying dard method for the central where In Table IV. 3 the below. The slopes, forward 0.715-o. for the mass interval These values determine as discussed form for all values of n(t), it is omitting The values of da/dt value at the rho mass, MeV. 100/O)and the same section at all t values using Eq. (TV. 7). three annihilation creasing of 100 MeV cen- of events in this mass range to the p” of events found in the interval losses occur. term causing the solution It I< 1t2 ( . It can be shown likelihood solution dipion mass interval for the was thus of (IV. 8) where <t > is the average - 104 - TABLE Event distribution M(*‘a-) for the reaction = 0.715 - 0.815 GeV. are from the ltStandard” described T- 4.3 GeV g Yp -pn+a- (@/GeV2) in the mass range The corresponding method t(GeV) 2 Events IV. 3 sections in the text. I 5.25 GeV :vents cross 7.5 GeV I Events g (@/GeV2) ------I g @b/GeV2) .06-. 10 71 65 f 7 52 69 f 9 44 . lo-. 15 60 44* 5 48 51f7 55 44*6 . 15-.20 42 31 f 4 40 43 f6 31 25 f 4 .20-. 30 53 19f2.5 38 20 f 3 40 16 *2 .30-. 40 31 11 f 2 21 11 f2 19 7.7 l 1.7 .40-.80 32 18 1.8kO.4 2.9io.5 25 3.3* 0.6 45f 6 four-momentum transfer squared for that mass interval. given by AB=(aB/at)A<t> the error where 8B/8t is derived on the average four momentum approach, dddt(t=O) P transfer Finally, squared. the extrapolated is For the standard 7rrp/2, with values for d20/dtdm ) are also given in the last column of Table IV. 2. were obtained by assuming on B is (IV. 8) and Act> was taken as d20/dtdm(t=0,m=mp) rp =130 MeV as above. (t=O,m=m from The error at These results that the data of Table IV. 3 have the ideal shape given by (IV. 4) and making a simple exponential extrapolation form and the number of events with 0.715<m<O. based on that 815 C&V and 0.06< I t I< 0.4 GeV2. The results IV.1, obtained by the three methods are summarized 2, 3 and Fig. lV.6. The fitted p” parameters given in Table IV. 1 for all six energy intervals. give the observed cross section menological and corrected The first sections are three columns number of events as well as the total channel at each energy. The fit results models are also given. there is substantial and cross in Tables agreement using the Sb’ding and the pheno- Inspection of Table IV. 1 indicates between these two fitting procedures. that The rho mass is around 765-770 MeV and the fitted width about 135-140 MeV. The cross section seems to drop by about 30% between 2 and 8 GeV. In Fig. IV. 6 the forward from the central above are plotted IV. 6d). part of the p” as determined (Figs. The errors are similar differential cross sections by the three methods discussed IV. 6a-c) as well as the total p” cross sections in Figs. IV. 6b-d are the phenomenological to those of the other approaches. From IV. 1 and IV. 2 it appears that all three approaches within errors. and slopes derived Fig. errors which TV. 6 and Tables yield similar results The dipion slope at the rho region is consistent with a - 106 - (Fig. t- z (,-Aag/qd) (ch=u -1 IO=+) 3 2 - 107 - 0 ad constant slope of about 7 GeV -2 for 4< Eye 8 GeV, and similar obtained from the Sb’ding and phenomenological there is a slow drop of the fovard that observed by Alvensleben ward cross sections other than px+a-. smaller Compton scattering free of possible Also, 22 at very small In this regard t values, energies. that due to is not sensitive agree well with counare unbiased. Total and forward cross to cross section agree at cor- in Ref. 16. The total cross sections methods and indeed they agree. determined Thus the kinematic in the p” matrix The slope B element, it from a fit to the differential cut off at large m(n’a-) slopes found by the SBT (B Since the siding to the The Sb’ding model is applied here in a way slightly in the present work was fitted directly data). IV. 6c) is model can be compared lo,16 experiments. from the SBT collaboration the smaller it must be admitted but our results as well as the slope of the differential SBT collaboration in from channels and closer this experiment from the phenomenological were fitted by equivalent tions. experiments in the t range where both techniques those of other bubble chamber responding backgrounds yp-pop our average slope B (Fig. in most counter slopes. The results different lower than those obtained in the counter losses for short range protons ter measurements sections of our for- in the 4-body final states which might be hard to than that observed to any structure the magnitude with As will be shown in Section V. 3 there is a considerable with other techniques. the scanning However, consistent to point out here that the reaction is essentially amount of p” production eliminate 12 are significantly the bubble chamber In this energy interval cross section with energy, It is important experiments. fits. slopes are model describes S6d and small - 108 - while the p” cross sec- t brings about =5.9&O. 3 GeV for their the data very well, sd E=4.7 our procedure CeV for deriving standard the forward method, distribution. &ding cross section is essentially using a p” width which would fit the observed However, the Sb’ding model fits subtract ground which is of increasing importance method are higher at low E for the dipion system appears description ReplO and plsl reflections lo,16 conservation tem is valid for indicate B. are displayed. For most points, hypothesis elements (0.6, system 61 0. 85) provides of the photon elements poo, Backgrounds fmm A by analyzing were negligible. with and without and in particular ++ cuts the small It is evident that the y-p of no spin-flip in the s-channel helicity sys- 1t 1 up to 0.4 GsV2, and the data from the 7.5 GeV exposure that the hypothesis may be good up to 1t 1 = 1.0 GeV2 (see Ref. 62). Nucleon Resonances In addition reaction to the p” production discussed above, A” production via Fig. IV. 8a shows the M@n+) at all energies. ++ production is obvious. Only those for the 7.5 GeV data where A (IV. 3) is observed spectrum events with rn(R+x-)>l GeV are plotted. I t@,Pa+)l< ItCP>P”-)l * mechanism, with it, the helicity IV. 7 the three measurable system the results. these corrections the standard matrix because the helicity and phase space were subtracted t regions, helicity In Fig. in the helicity and interpolating back- IV. 6b from in the mass interval of the distribution to be conserved. sections Fig. the spin-one density As has been observed previously, the simplest dipion mass Y’ Using the method of moments, have been evaluated cross to the the incoherent as Ey decreases. indeed shows that the values of the forward GeV. equivalent In black are those events for which If the nucleon isobar one would expect the smaller as is clearly true for the A’+(l236). - 109 - is produced by a peripheral of these t values to be associated Fig. IV. 8b shows the same 2.5-3.0 GeV 3.7-4.7 GeV 4.7-5.8 %eV ltl,(GeV2) FIG. N. ‘7--Spin one density matrix elements in the helicity frame for the dipion system (0.60<m<O. 85 GeV) with background subtraction. ,808Alb in the p” region II x w 4 5 1 2 w lo rc’ m .* II h W I > Q) W c ‘t a i (3‘ . > 0) f t a z thing with r? replaced 4.3, 5.25, In Figs. by g-. and 7.5 GeV regions IV. 8c and d the combined is shown for M(pn+) and M@a-) respectively, using only those events with m(a+x-)>l those with the lesser pelling, momentum the accumulation GeV. transfer. The solidly blocked events are Although not statistically com- of events in the 1.9 GeV region for pnf and the 1.6 GeV region for pa- indicates m(ni7r-) >l GeV are probably Drell data for the that a substantial accounted fraction of the events with for by N* production (e.g. , by the process). In Fig. as determined IV. 9 the cross sections - f-b for yp ---L A A at the six energies from the phenomenological fits using a relativistic delta shape5’ of the form given by (IV. 5a) are plotted. dence of the delta cross section with a slope a=l. 74tO.16, hadron collisions is well descrtid One would expect nil=. difficult mechanism involved meson exchange. 5 (oi3=. to draw decisive and the reflections the reflections are minimal with ~0.4 mechanism 63 The use of a of the cross section, 0) in the Jackson system for the delta proceded by pure one pion exchange (OPE;). from the density 1t@ ,pr+)l ETa 29 not change the slope. however, a-A++)= which is close to the slope for quasi-two-body produced by non-strange decay if delta production The energy depen- by U( yp -+ delta shape other than (IV. 5a) may reduce the magnitude but will p-wave conclusions matrix elements about the A’ ’ production because of the small from the o” events. =0.21*0.10 other than pure OPE. - 112 - statistics For the 7.5 GeV data, where (see Fig. IV. 2), the matrix GeV2 is & It is, element which probably for events indicates a I0.C )- I I I I III 8.CI6.C )- \ T 5.c l4.c I- - 2.0 5 ‘k t “x 1.0 b 0.8 0.6 \ 0.4 ^ - z .w I - I I 6.0 4.0 E,(GeV) FIG. IV. S-- Cross sections for yp -+ A’+ T- as obtained with a fit to a relativistic p-wave Breit-Wigner for the delta. The solid line represents the best fit to the form A Eea. Y - 113 - C. terval Higher Mass Vector Meson production Vector mesons with square of their about 1 GeV are predicted decay width, crepancies existence but presumably (p’) mass forming by the Veneziano a series 15 model, allowed to decay to two pions. between VDM and experimental with in- with uncertain Also, some dis- data could be reconciled of higher mass vector mesons (see section IV. 3). by the No evidence for such states is to be found in the spectra of Fig. IV. l-2. data the number of events with m(x’x-) > 1 GeV turns out to be especially small. Furthermore, as was shown in the last paragraph, the events appear to correspond angular distribution to rN interactions. of the T+ in the dipion helicity two t ‘(Y , a~) intervals transfer (t’=t-t,m, for the given mass). If the p’ were diffractively interaction ( sin20f to occur with In Fig. system Iv. 10 (a-b) the is plotted The shaded events represent produced distribution), in a center-of-mass helicity-conserving = 11/16. for events with lcosef;II to events with momentum transfer Fig. < 6.5. squared to These events with lcoseH )<0.5 and 77 to 1 event/(O. 1 GeV) in the 1650 MeV region and 1 GeV) in the 1250 MeV region, level that up (1600)<0.1 momentum then one would expect most of the p’ events the dipion system less than 0.4 GeV2. GeV2 correspond for the the A++ events. lcos @:I cO.5, i.e. , with N( lcos er? <0.5)/N(all) The shaded areas correspond 4 events/(O. a large number of where tmin is the minimum IV. 1Oc shows the dipion mass distribution t’~O.4 For the 7.5 CkV pb and up (1250)<0.3 indicating with 90% confidence pb per 100 MeV width of such resonances. IV.2 Omega Meson Production The analysis of the reaction YP-+@P - 114 - 0-v. 9) YP--- (( ,‘;r p7f+x-, M(~~%r-bl I (b) lt’l>0.4 1) It’1 CO.4 GeV 30 GeV, Ey=7.5 GeV GeV r---l 2c ri 6 4 2 2.2 1.8 M(x+fl, 2.6 GeV 3.0 ,*clB*i: FIG. IV. 10--(a), (b) Angular distributions of the ?r’ in the helicity frame of the dipion system for events with m(n%-)>l GeV for the 7.5 GeV data. Shaded area represents delta events. (c) Dipion mass diskibutions for those events with (cos e$< 0.5. 2 The shaded area represents events with It (y , a?r)l < 0.4 GeV . -1 .5 - is more complicated than that of p” photoproduction pn+n-a0 is much more complex discussed In addition above. and difficult due to the presence channel does not have a single resonance does in the pn+lr- final state. events, saturating for the 1-C channels of the contamination of the annihilation to noise ratio by removing Although omega production the narrow over relatively large backgrounds. omega signal observed, in section necessarily proof the has given some events by events mass cut which optimizes the events, leads to a neutral It has therefore is consistent particle been possible in to deterand brems- mass distributions with the reaction pn+r-(mm)’ for eight intervals of the reconstructed energy intervals, reaction >O. 005. (Iv. 10) photon energy Ey . In the three higher (IV. 10) is identified with the missing level III.4 one pi-zero Fig. IV. 11 shows the x+x-x0 invariant yp - cut on confidence The discussion for events induced by both annihilation for fits where track ionization photon energy, but also significant width of the w meson makes the signal detectable mine omega cross sections photons. a missing this the channel as the rho most of the contaminating the final state, s trahlung of bremsstrahlung and plr”po is observed. of other channels and has determined signal particle for about 15% of the events in this channel, section determination indication by multi-neutral Not only is a prominent duction of the final states A++pcross to analyze than the 3-body channel ,to the contamination events and to complications accounting because the channel by a 1-C fit to the annihilation mass cut determined The restriction - 116 - in section III. 4 and a to 1-C fits satisfying the (0) I---- 320 ’ Ey=l.2-1.5 Ge\ 280 ’ ’ (b) Ey = 1.5-2.0 (1239 (742 Entries GeV Ey T 2.0 -2.5 Entries) (978 GeV EntrIes) 240 > 2 200 0 160 p II / /’ 1111 -%&!kl 2 iTI 120 2 80 rll 0.6 1.0 0.8 I 0.6 I1 L 1.0 1.2 0.8 1.0 0.6 M (TT+TT- TO) 80 I ’ I ’ I ’ !e) I I ’ I ’ I $ 60 w (651 - 4.7 ’ I ’ I ’ (9) I Ey=4.7-5.8 GeV (453 Entries) I II Ey’3.7 I .4 GeV Ey = 3.0 - 3.7 GeV (603 EntrIesi k 1.0 0.6 1.4 nn fl (h) (f) I GeV Ey = 6.8 - 8.2 Entries) (495 Entries) I 40 20 0 0.8 1.2 I.6 2.0 0.8 1.2 M (TT+TT-TT~) 1.6 GeV 2.0 2.4 2.8 lWSC3 FIG. IV. ll--a+~-P invariant mass distributions for yp ----t p~+x-~’ with photon energies in the rang= of 1.2-8.2 GeV. Dashed lines indicate the phase space background assumed. - 117 - missing mass and probability bremsstrahlung cuts removes background. Although fits to events in the bremsstrahlung clearly identifiable In order to be considered: tamination no such cuts are possible region, and for the O-C in every case the w signal is increasingly over background, to determine most of the multi-neutral so at higher the w cross-sections several corrections (a) loss of events with a short (invisible) of the data by events not belonging energies. proton; had (b) con- to the channel p?r+~-x’, mainly events in which more than one x0 was produced and which nevertheless a good 1-C fit or a O-C reconstruction (c) contamination at lower Ey according of the data by events of reaction photons outside each selected gave to Eq. III. 6; (IV. 10) produced by energy band, which gave acceptable 1-C or O-C fit with Ey inside the selected energy band; (d) loss of omega events because of the cuts in the 3-pion mass spectrum introduced omega event or because of the cuts used to eliminate These cuts were (i) 0. 68<m(n+n-so)< (probability cut). cut) and (iii) Since correction estimated (a) is essentially for E<3 GeV, and 10-14s study of corrections has been used. the missing-mass w events significantly removed (effects reactions. P( X 2, >O. 005 mass squared it can be best It turned out to yp -pop. in the energy range 3-8 GeV. Both pw and phase-space Study of the fake events has indicated imposing a scanning loss, (b)-(d) the track and event simulation jected to the same geometry-kinematics (ii) 10 GeV3 (missing by using our more abundant reaction, be negligible background 0.88 CeV (w-cut), 0.18 < MM2<0. to define an program events were generated fitting For the PHONY and sub- and cuts as the real events. that for the annihilation (1-C) events cut (-0. 18<MM2< 0.10 GeV2) did not affect real whereas contamination (c) and (d) resulted (b) above is almost entirely in a long low level tail on the expected w - 118 - mass distribution). approximate The net corrections knowledge of them should give a good final cross-section. the five lower energy intervals of the fit was generally overall corrections energy intervals A further Previous The in Table IV. 4 and for all than the statistical accuracy 9,lO have shown that the cross significantly of a substantial with increased contribution of the data. w decay (which has a cross section63 cross section from a diffractive section approximately process. for omega photon energy, from the one-pion The data at high energy flatten out, indicating constant accuracy. in the bubble chamber. decreases indicative Ey-2 ). measuring (a)-(d) are specified For from the O-C nature of 10% was applied to account for the neutral experiments photoproduction uncertainty by the better they are smaller modes which are not visible (OPE) process the increased countered for effects correction behavior amounted to about 10% and thus even a exchange proportional in addition to a nearly This work has extended the upper range of photon energy to 8.2 CeV, as well as making independent measurements in the energy range 1.2-8.2 the cross-section presented is shown in Fig. together at SLAC. for reaction than the pry more to reaction In Fig. IV. 12a our results A more comprehensive (IV. 9) is given in Fig. From SU(3) it is expected larger IV. 12. The energy dependence of are with the recent data at 2.8 and 4.7 GeV from the polarized- photon (laser) experiment cross-sections CeV. 19 in the ratio 9:l. of IV. 12b. that the WAY coupling Thus one-pion (IV. 9) than to co production compilation should be much exchange can contribute and in fact be a substantial A fit has been made to the data of Fig. IV. 12a (for E>2.0 part. CeV) by a curve of the type C(YP -wp) = c OPEEy +1+ - 119 - c DIFFEy -‘y2 (Iv. 11) TABLE Number of observed chromatic events, corrected total channel cross sections IV. 4 w events, as a function - EyWV Events(a) Observed No. of w” Events Observed w total cross sections of the incoming l- crT(W)(C) Corrected 04 and mono- photon energy. Total Channel Cross Sections W) 1.2 - 1.5 742 220 235 6.9 f 1.4 1.5 - 2.0 1239 180 194 6.7 f 1.2 2.0 - 2.5 978 141 150 6.9 * 1.5 2.5 - 3.0 512 66 75 6.2iO.S 3.0 - 3.7 603 34 3 6(b) 2.8 rt 0.7 3.7 - 4.7 631 81 g5(Q 2.9 zk 0.4 18.2 f 2.0 4.7 - 5.8 430 52 57(b) 2.3 f 0.4 13.5 * 1.5 6.8 - 8.2 464 68 731b) 2.0 f 0.3 11.8 i 1.2 (a) Unique OC events for the bremsstrahluns data (1.2 -23.7 GeV) and events surviving the missing mass (-. 18 < MM < . 10 GeV ) and probability (P(X2) ? .005) cuts for the 1C data (3.7 - 8.2 GeV). (b) Including 10 - 13% forward (c) Including w neutral6 scanning loss correction. decay modes (10% correction). where Ey is the photon laboratory energy in GeV. It has been assumed that the energy dependence of the OPE and diffractive mated by a power law. o2 should be small cyI is expected 63 since the diffraction contributions can be approxi- to be in the range 1.5-2.5, cross-section and does not depend accurate for a good determination on E . The data arenot sufficiently Y of all 4 parameters appearing in Eq. (IV. 11). Hence, an energy dependence strongly is assumed for the OPE part ((rI=2. These values yield CopE=(31.*5. curve on Fig. ) with constant ) pb and Cl,IFF=(l. IV. 12 represents A similar CeV), and with fixed ol(l. in Ref. COPE=(16.4*5. possible A2 and f exchanges (Pomeron) amplitude, 8) pb, proportional 65 and their The full calculated fit over a more restricted range (E =2.0-5.8 would hope to detect terms term (02=0.). 5*. 3)pb. the omega cross-sections Eq. (IV. 11) using these values. 10 yielding diffractive with energy 6) and (r2(0. 08) was attempted CDIFF=(l. 9*0.9)pb. Ideally one to E -’ and Eyoe5, to account for Y interference with the diffractive but since the present data are insufficient, such terms are assumed to be small. The parameterization (IV. 11) determines tive (natural) and OPE (unnatural cross-sections at all energies. the two processes, elements the differential for reaction The calculated parity the diffrac- exchange) contributions to the w Thus, with some plausible cross-sections (IV. 9) can be calculated OPE contribution above is shown as a function line in Fig. IV. 12a. For comparison, assumptions and the density and compared to the cross-section parameters for w production independently about matrix with experiment. determined by the of the photon energy by the dashed the unnatural at 2.8 and 4.7 GeV as determined - 121 - exchange cross-sections recently in the polarized I I I I I ’ I I I I I- . cT This Experiment A cT Ref. 28 8.0 (a) - 6.0 4.0 g 2.0 . TOTAL ‘t-A,- ----_ OPE E 3 . ‘This Experiment x Ref. 9 0 Ref. IO A Ref. 28 0 Ref. I I t g 8.0 b 6.0 t if 2.0 0 I 0 I 2.0 I ++\ I 4.0 (b) - 1. *, + I I 6.0 I 8.0 I IO 16 Ey(GeV) yp -+wp total cross sections measured in this experiment FIG. IV. 12--(a) and in Ref. 28. a u is the unnatural parity exchange cross sections for 1t 1Il.0 GeV2 at 2.8 and 4.7 GeV. (Ref. 28). The curves are best fits to Eq. (IV. 11) for crl=2. 0 and cr2=0 (see text). (b) Compilation of yp -wp cross sections (Refs. 9,10, 11,28 and this experiment). - 122 - photon experiment observed are plotted. cross sections The observed The agreement and is good. differential above 2.0 GeV is shown in Fig. cross section dc/dt IV. 13 (a-f). ably well with the data, have been calculated part of the amplitude between the calculated in the forward OPE part is assumed real, The curves, which agree reason- as follows. Since the diffractive direction the amplitudes for photon energies is purely imaginary do not interfere and the and the cross section may be written: OPE da _ da dtdt The OPE part of the cross-section corrections, Fermi and + d<fFF was calculated using a sharp cut off absorption r(wry)=1.2 MeV. . with final state absorption model The diffractive (Iv. 12) 66 with a radius of R=O. 8 part of the cross section can be written: daDIFF dt with B=(?. OlO.4) in the previous GeV -2 section. section , which is the average value for the so slope obtained by natural parity photon experiment. (the diffractive (IV. 13a) This also agrees with the value of B=7.5* for omega photoproduction the SLAC polarized = A&p ---cw DIFF P)e Bt part)‘obtained 28 1.5 GeV exchange at 4.7 GeV obtained Since the asymptotic -2 in omega cross- above is I. 5&O. 3 pb, the forward cross section becomes : A(yp -w(DIFF)p) This value together = QDIFF)* B=lO. 5*2. I/&/G& with the corresponding be used in section IV. 3 to derive the direct - 123 - forward . (IV. 13b) co cross-sections, VDM couplings of photons to will yP -‘UP 50 IO I 0.5 IO 5 I 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 ItI (GeV*) FIG. 0.2 0.4 0.6 I,a,*5 IV. 13--Differential cross sections da/dt for the reaction yp ewp with photon energies above 2 GeV. The curves are the calculated cross sections (see text). - 124 - vector mesons as well as for comparisons results from the omega decay density H pl 1 in the helicity = Pijtt) The diffractive dt DIFF= and thus gives poo matrix The final results results are shown in Fig. using the relation: daDIFF dt pfFF(t) has been assumed to be helicity DlFF DIFF = 0 in the helicity =Repl0 cl-1 IV. 14. con- frame. with the sharp cutoff model mentioned of the calculations Dominance In the preceding yp -pop as well as our experimental Again fair agreement between theory and Model Tests and the Photon-Vector sections have been obtained, the constant, forward the defining differential cross and a simple and hence presumably Assuming diffractive sections Meson Couplings for the reaction model has been used to extract diffractive, part of the omega cross the same slopes for rho and omega production, differential characteristics the most valid comparison direction H H and coo , RePlO elements obtains. Vector section. + da x was calculated above. IV. 3 pEPEft) part of the cross-section The OPE density matrix frame were calculated daoPE experiment with Compton Scattering. Finally, serving of these cross-sections cross section of diffractive has been deduced. production 7.5 GeV. behavior, in the forward At this energy the values obtained are A(yp -+ pop)= 99* 12p b /CeV2(averaging methods in Table IV. 2) and A(yp -+wp)=!0.5~2.1~b/GeV2, - 125 - Since one of is its asyptotic of the rho and omega cross sections will be that made at our highest energy, the omega the three yieldinga Ey =3.7-8.2 Ey = 2.0~3.7 GeV 0.6 r GeV r 1 -0: .L 0.4 =i rr” 0.2 0 -0.2 II- II Q I -0.4 0 I 0.2 1 I 0.4 I 0 It I (GeV*) I 0.2 I I 0.4 1783A6 FIG. IV. 14--The spin density matrix elements poo , ReIO and plWl in the The curves are helicity system for the reaction yp --twp. the matrix elements calculated with the OPE model discussed in the text. - 126 - forward cross section ratio of NY& It follows = gg*12 10.512.1 = 9.4k2.0 . (Iv. 14) from VDM that this ratio should be the ratio of the photon-vector meson coupling Within constants. the framework photoproduction can be written $ where g2 YV of VDM the diffractive in terms of vector (YP --+VOP) is given in terms the optical of the vector theorem meson elastic coupling 2 yv-1 4r l- I constant by (IV. 16) as the following between the total cross section and the spin averaged for elastic as (Iv. 15) . can be written meson scattering 2 da (vop -+v”p, = grvx 2 o! gyv=-z In general, part of the vector forward relation cross section scattering: (Iv. 17) where TJ is the ratio of the real and imaginary amplitude (i.e. , n =0 implies a completely When combined with Eq. (IV. 15), the optical 6&T C,(VOP) = 7 where v” is any vector neutral gives meson. rho and omega meson, a relation between y2 1 parts of the forward imaginary amplitude theorem becomes: [ 1 ‘:’ -I 4n Assuming da dt (YP -+VOP) and the forward - 127 - at 0 =O”). t=0 equal total cross sections as the quark model predicts, 49 scattering (IV. 18) for the Eq. (IV. 18) cross section ratio IV. 14. Neglecting the squares of which are known to be small, 67 the the real parts, to g”yw is given by the ratio ratio of g2 YP (IV. 14) of forward cross sections: 2 YzJ -= 3.L 2 gYW (Iv. 19) . Y2 P This agrees reasonably = 7.3&l. 3. P;p/P;w 9.4+2.0 well with the colliding beam result which finds It is also very close to the most simple ments I9 which predict Furthermore, W(3) treat- that this ratio should be 9:l. VDM can also be used to expand the amplitude Compton scattering 13 in terms of the amplitudes for vector for meson photoproduc- tion : a(-ip - YP) = 2: gyp a&p -V”P) . (Iv. 20) w~=Pc,~,~) P Using this expansion, the optical the following between the total photoabsorption imaginary relation (diffractive) tion of vector theorem, part of the forward with the ratio of yt and yz of y ; a value for yz/4a. and cross cross section 21 of cT(yp), n2) section and the for the photoproduc- IV. 15, with this relation, together given by (IV. 19), as well as assumptions T$ (nt is estimated67 Our experimental given in Fig. a(0) = iJdT,(l+ mesons results Using the recent measurements magnitudes and writing to be about 0.04), determines values for the right hand side of Eq. (lV.21) y,2/4s adjusted - 128 - for best agreement on the are with the total -- G- 4 4- - --a-----X----w--- ” --@-+F=YF= s - 129 - cross section 21 measurements cesses is seen to be similar, essentially logical indicating both subtract cross sections the incoherent from that the coupling while the ratios and Anderson et al. which becomes more prominent of the omega and phi diffractive of the couplings The best agreement to note that our experiment section us confidence of two different r,2/47r. ring experiments). evaluated experiment Eq. (IV. 19) A similar that no systematic experiments problem in relation The recently sections certainty a result 22 direct allow a further of the extrapolation in agreeThis gives by using the results experiments in both hydrogen a coupling constant of (N. 21). measurements of Compton scattering test of the VDM idea, which avoids the un- to t=O for the p” data and the assumption real part in Compton scattering. In the approximation tudes (IV. 20) all have the same phase (e.g. , all imaginary) same spin structure Itis (IV. 21) to obtain the best value of with aT (yp) via relation reported precisely in Ref. 21. is introduced in the energy range 3-8 CeV require about 0.3 when compared com- the total photoproduction described We thus conclude that photoproduction and deuterium small 12 et al. , res- have been obtained from (see Ref. 1) at 7.5 GeV, obtaining ment with the more complete cross cross made on 4.3 CeV yd data found the value yi /4~ =O. 28&O. 04. interesting at is obtained for yE/47r =O. 32*0.03 (and not 0.50 as obtained in the storage cross are and phenomeno- have been taken from section IV. 2 and from Anderson pectively, parison constants Table IV. 2 has been used since they background The magnitudes lower energies. The s dependence of both pro- The average of the &ding energy independent. forward sections also shown. at all t values, one obtains - 130 - the following of a that the ampliand have the relation between Compton scattering and photoproduction: In the general case when the phases can differ VDM would require the left hand side of Eq. (IV. 22) to be less than or equal to the right hand side (the rho appears to be transverse from the density Fig. IV. 16 shows our results for the right hand side of Eq. (IV.22), the above value of ~;/4s. The standard matrix 815 CeV, where the Siding interference have been used for the rho term, explained cross above. sections standard 22 forward cross sections measured butions. Excellent to determine in Fig. only diffractive cross section has already GeVS2) is in agreement conclusion direction our best contri- data and Compton is available. the coupling constant, what different to the p” is obtained at all values of s and t been used in Eq. (IV. 21) the real meaning of the agreement IV. 16 is that the slope that we observe of 7.OkO.4 represent between the photoproduction (via the VDM equation (IV.22)) Because the forward Compton scattering in the forward Thus the curves for the right hand side of (IV. 22) assuming where data on both reactions as cross section plus the omega and phi diffractive estimate scattering estimated The lines in Fig. IV. 16 correspond as in (IV. 21). agreement using term is expected to cancel) slopes from Table IV.2 and are normalized to the sum of the co standard IV. 7). with mass in the interval with the omega and phi terms Also shown are the directly on hydrogen. of Fig. values in Table IV. 3 (which are the raw data obtained from the number of dipion pairs 0.715-o. elements in photoproduction with Compton scattering. observed (an average This is a some- than that reached in Ref. 22, since the slope they - 131 - YP-YP I I 1.0 i I l Predicted From This Experiment (Effective r;/47r =0.3 2) o Anderson et al. (5.5,8.5 x Boyarski et al. (8 GeV) n Optical Points (Caldwell et al.) GeV) n 7 1.0 - 0.5 ;G‘ 0.2 - 0.2 2 ? ** I .o = 0.1 0.5 - 0.05 - 5 0.02 0.1 0.05 I 0.2 0.4 0.6 Itl (GeV2) FIG. IV. 16--da/dt for Compton scattering calculated from the present photoproduction data of Table IV. 3 using Eq. (JY. 22) and -$ /47~=0.32. The straight lines represent our standard fits (see text). The VDM predicted cross sections are compared with recent Compton scattering measurements of Ref. 22 at 5.5, 8 and 8.5 GeV. - 132 - assumed for photoproduction be noted that our forward counter experiment “inelastic” was about 8.5 CeV rho cross sections values. l2 rho production a larger mass interval function. Furthermore, observed if there were any anomalous that the two processes within and over a restricted stant, it is possible to satisfy pairs range of comparison value of 72/4s disagreement smaller meson mass shell). with the production obtains rough agreement of ~:/47 that is required they seem to require or the electron-positron ring value (which has in the comparison of vector in magnitude mesons by pions , with the VDM predic- 71 on complex This coupling nuclei 12 values of ~:/411 (0.6-I. storage ring experiments. 7: /4~, 0) than this experiment This implies that simply a change of coupling with meson mass cannot account for the deviation - 133 - has and such studies did not yield a unique value for larger of around 0.30, ‘70 but in this case there may be in the t dependence of the two processes. 72 Although con- by our VDM Furthermore also been evaluated from rho photoproduction deuterium. the same s determined than, the storage constants and the VDM tests. is close to, but significantly tions for coupling and the y-p coupling The magnitude one also usually would be completely of photoproduction tests in hydrogen is not at all clear. single pion photoproduction of the differ- have the same t dependence, only one parameter, The meaning of the effective photons on the vector by using t values ( 1t I< 0.04 GeV2), this experi- of electromagnetic so that by varying 69 extrapolation behavior We conclude from our comparison large errors than some may be accounted for by the in this and other experiments, Compton scattering dependence, In this context it should to define the o” or by using a different ment with its large background to it. . and slopes are lower This discrepancy ential cross section for very small insensitive -2 from the storage ring value and therefore of y-p coupling in the nuclear further at the photon mass shell. effects the discrepancy seems to lead away from a unique value involved, However, because of uncertainties and the other differences between our results and the complex in the experiments, nuclei results needs form. It is investigation. Thus VDM appears to be violated conceivable that more vector in its most simple mesons (or multi-pion structures same quantum numbers as the photon) are required to saturate (IV. 21) with the photon on its mass shell, even though no direct V-nucleon Similar scattering conclusions deuterium. amplitude relation evidence for is that the 73 changes when the V is off mass shell. such objects can be found in this experiment. Another having the possibility have been reached in studies of photoproduction 68 - 134 - on CHAPTER RESONANCE PHOTOPRODUCTION As discussed in Chapter III, are much more complex multi-neutral eliminate to isolate mechanism beams. for determining energy is calculated was the complete superior the missing production obscuration Fig. III. 9. mass), making the analysis Equally production O-C could be troublesome in the single of the photon energy for the dominance model. and the with the rho because As can be seen in Fig. IV. 11, from the rest of the channel at the Consequently, most of the work in this chapter the omega reflection of the remaining in Section III.4 found in these final states, has been done with a cut on the 3-pion mass spectrum This cut removes final states experiments only upper limits in Chapter IV together the omega events are quite well separated meson. that beams had no and presented resonance has been discussed they are related by the vector are visible. background. as a function The most prominent peak energies. to earlier which was observed. channels have been derived omega meson, annihilation results of some resonance The total cross sections and mass of an event (because their a missing final states by multi-neutral single neutral to the class of four-body Since the bremsstrahlung assuming given for the resonance from bremsstrahlung particle This has been one of the main areas where photons. beam has provided using bremsstrahlung STATES mass squared were determined most of the events not belonging the annihilation FINAL than those channels where all particles cuts on the missing produced by annihilation neutral IN FOUR-BODY the channels with a single neutral and difficult background In Section III.4 V to remove in other particle the omega combinations, events much more straightforward. - 135 - This chapter presents - ++ and yp ,A&, A YP-P rho production by yp -P nucleon isobars. results on the quasi as well as presenting paN and a complete The fits to resonance using the multidimensional maximum production without into account the reflections likelihood ground to other channels. channels where many resonances The fractions multidimensional Ai +=‘n-, likelihood A”&ro A%-, , p+pn-, omega events had been removed. and unassociated in computing each in fairly fit to the states : A++p-, A+p”, p”p7ro , p-p=+ and phase space, The cross sections program Furthermore, monochromaticity using the SLAC backscattered sections The final states laser beam. 31 events were similar, considering the different types of involved. improved by “shaping” phase space with factors (l+a* m 2(ps+))/[(l+b.m2 These factors multineutral could not be identical The fits were substantially the empirical after the used were the same as those for the recent the methods for excluding although they clearly A”p+, obtained for the various considered experiments for were obtained by a in Table V. 1 for all three energies. photoproduction the back- small amounts. final states are presented and the fitting takes is very advantageous of events in the channel p?r’r,-*’ maximum 74 MURTLEBERT. It also automatically fitting are present, of fits to possible program resonances This simultaneous on inelastic have all been performed associated double counting. of the various observations summary production This method allows us to fit simultaneously resonance two-body reactions did not alter for unassociated (T+t - )) (l+c* m2(r+no)) the delta-rho rho production (l+d. m2(nor-))] fractions, significantly, - 136 - . (V. 1) but they changed the cross while simultaneously TABLE Cross sections resonance obtained for the reactions production the single resonance therein. v. 1 yp,pi~+a-no Associated resonance values and no correction and yp *nx production ++ ‘TI T , and for is excluded from (except w) was made for decays into other channels. T Final State a) 1 Ey(GeV) 3.7 - 4.7 4.7 - 5.8 6.8 - 8.2 pATIT 18.2~2.0 up(*) 2.9io.4 2.3 ~0.4 2.0~0.3 o-A” 1.8 i 0.4 0.920.35 1.120.2 p”A’ O.lrtO.2 0.5 + 0.2 0.3 t 0.2 ;A0 O.likO.2 0.4 k 0.3 0.2~0.2 p-p7T+ 0.8t0.5 1.7io.5 0.7LO.4 POPTO 0.5t0.5 (**) p+PT- 1.8~0.5 7.950.5 3.110.4 A+++lTOll- 0.5L 0.62 0.O;tO.l A+ ?: A- 0.320.3 O.OkO.3 0.5 to.2 A07TiT0 o.ot0.3 0.0 + 0.3 O.OkO.5 7.5Ll.5 4.6 it 1.4 4.0+ 0.5 i 0.3 0.220.2 0.6~0.3 0.3 + 0.3 b) 0.4 A-77+1: 1.4* + “A2 0.8~0.3 pOnr+ 1.2k (*) (**) pb 0.4 13.5 L 1.5 pb 0.7 (**I Including 10% neutrals. Unacceptable fits: see text. - 137 - 11.8 & 1.2 pb 0.9 + 0.4 0.3 1.2 2.0~0.6 improving the chi-square of the fit in the various It has been assumed that this empirical determination mass projections. mass shaping allows of the amounts of specific when all the deviations two-pion resonance of the backgrounds a more accurate production in the channel from pure phase space are not fully understood. There are numerous possible expected phase space shape. duality, that all background crossed channel, inappropriate tion of the resonances priate to modify is merely 75 present reflections a manifestation Another possibility (observed this would change the resulting to return but with each curve consistently In the mass projections low mass enhancements to something A; and A;. of multi-neutral 76 events The net result of these like hand drawn backgrounds, can be noted at all energies, the presence cussed in the next section, phase space. of the 3-pion final state (See Fig. IV. 11) signi- The shape of the data deviates Considering in the 3.0-3.7 may change the into all mass combinations. by phase space together with the reflections channels. in a i. e. , it may be appro- phase space. projected of phase space is an the usual phase space to a so called peripheral present, higher ones. invariant and unobserved) if there were indeed a large contamination ficant of resonances in other mass combinations, is essentially from the is that the angular distribu- Finally, modifications for this deviation It may be, as suggested by some forms in which case the usual Lorentz assumption. shape of their explanations strongly the from the shape implied of all the resonances of Ai in the afn’r-n and the suggestive especially in other final state, as dis- bumps at the A2 mass visible CeV and 7.5 CeV data, fits were made to final states including These fits allowed CeV of A mesons. 0*2% at 4.3, This corresponds SW% at 5.25 and 13*2% at 7.5 to an upper limit - 138 - of 1~ b on AI production at 7.5 GeV with 90% C. L. the deviation rather These percentages of the shape of this mass spectrum than actual presence of. A; in Table V. 1)obtained using the shaping factors Moreover effect on the fractions ,fitting This topic will above. with the of the final states in the data when the backgrounds discussed of from pure phase space, mesons. Ax or A mesons included had no significant (listed may be just a manifestation were obtained be examined more fully in the Section V. 2. v. 1 Associated Rho and Delta Production Associated rho and delta production - YP-+P has been observed in several previous Since the p- cannot be produced tion is that reaction rho radiative difficult given decay width, ii- W.2) bubble chamber for reaction are proportional of I’(war)) of &H This experiment (V. 2) up to 8.2 GeV. as a test of the OPE assumption. In fact, dominated by an OPE process. of which were based on this assumption. r(pay) Only the monochromatic This questions events, the by SU(3)lg and y) have therefore been extends the cross section Thus the energy dependence serving the dependence of this cross section on the photon energy is found to be quite different 63 assump- to I’(pny), - ++ can be studied for a wide range of photon energies, A ofw-p 9,lO through one pion exchange (OPE). (l/9 Estimates experiments. the next most simple mainly which is small using an OPE model. measurements A - f-t A cross sections to measure directly. 9,lO in the reaction diffractively, (V. 2) proceeds in this case the yp -+p in the Final State p7r+n-?r” than that found for reactions the validity of the estimates which give constrained were used in the study of the energy dependence of the delta-rho - 139 - kinematic cross fits, To avoid systematic sections. been previously criteria, published, cuts, resonance 2,3 were reanalysed shapes and fitting with low confidence or with competing by demanding the 4.3 and 5.25 GeV data, which had and the same selection procedures were used for all The cuts excluded events with missing energy ranges. pi-zero, biases, 3 or 4-constraint m(n+s-?P)>O. A scatter levels, masses not near the with very fast forward fits. neutral Omega events have been removed 81 GeV. plot of m(pn+) versus m(x’a-) for the channel p?r’n-x’ 7.5 GeV is shown in Fig. V. la together jections The shaded areas correspond (Fig. V. lb and V. lc). - ttproduction p A thus there are no difficulties smallness. Similar a somewhat larger p- A ” in determining background. cuts are introduced to At+ events It can be seen that at this energy is well separated signals from the background are obtained at 4.3 and 5.25 GeV with on the four-momentum become more pronounced transfer, 1t ( y, p-)I<O. The fitted amounts of p, A and pA as found by MURTLEBERT for p- production distribution in reaction (V. 2) are given, In addition, energies are plotted together at 2.8 and 4.7 GeV. 31 6( G~V/C)~. in all charge a momentum matrix have been evaluated cross sections and are also a, b, in Table V. 2. for our three monochromatic with two recent cross section The events in both these experiments - 140 - transfer elements, the values of the shaping parameters c, d of Eq. (V. 1) obtained in the fits are listed V. 2 the p-A+’ assuming The diagonal density in the Jackson sys tern, for the p- and At’ In Fig. when In Table V. 2 the slopes B of the t distribution of the form Aexp(-Bt). given in Table V. 2. and the cross section in spite of its The signals states are given in Table V. 1. at with the non- and pT+rnass pro- in Fig. V. lb and to p- events in Fig. V. lc. the associated systems, determinations have much less 5 2.6 6 $ 2.2 a = 1.8 I .4 1.0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 MT-+ 1 0 is > 0.8 1.6 2.0 2.4 (GeV) MT-+ (b) ! 1.6 2.4 20 IO 0 1.0 1.8 2.6 3.4 FIG. V. 1-- (a) Scatter plot of M(pa’) versus M(~‘T-) for yp pats-?P at 7.5 GeV. (b) and (c) are the M(?PA-) and M(pn’) mass disThe shaded areas are: M(r”a-) tributions respectively. distributions for Ait events (l.l2<M(pa+)<l. 32 CkV) in (b), and the M(ps+) distribution for p- events (0.66~ M(?r’n-)<O. 86 81 GeV were removed GeV) in (c). Events with m(r’a-#)<O. from the plot to exclude o events. - 141 - TABLE V.2 Momentum transfer slopes B and density matrix elements obtained in this experiment for the reaction yp -p-A++. B is the slope of the t distribution, p{O and & the diagonal elements for p and A, all for this reaction. Errors in the latter include an uncertainty from the unknown background decay distribution. Also listed are the fitted values obtained for the mass shaping parameters of Eq. (V. 1). E 3.74.7 Y (@VI 4.7-5.8 6.8-8.2 (GeV) (@V) B(GeV-2) 7.7 *1.1 6.4 a3.1 7.6 *2.5 40 0.2WO. 13 0.64iO.27 0.60*0.22 A p11 0.26*0.10 0.41*0.1s 0.21&O. 13 2.25&O. 85 9.04i2.67 10.0 *3.87 -- 0.96iO.48 0.13*0.10 a mW+) b m(7r07r-) C m(s+n-) 0.41&O. 24 1.95io.72 5.95*1.57 d m(7r09+) 1.58&O. 55 -- 2.56*0.78 - 142 - background because of their quasi-monochromatic case for the bremsstrahlung same resonance events used in earlier parameters, resonance been used for both the present systematic errors. photon beams than was the experiments. shapes and fitting experiment programs the have and that of Ref. 31, minimizing A least square fit of the five cross a(YP -p-A++) Also, sections to the form = CEy-a (V. 3) gave C=3.5* 1.2 and a=O. 6* 0.2 where cis expressed in microbarns and Ey in CeV. There is no unique prescription Eq. (V. 3) to the production mechanism. used to study this relationship: exponents for reactions for relating energy dependence of cfrom Therefore (a) comparing believed three approaches with similarly to be dominated da/dt, the energy exponent a in by OPE; are obtained (b) extracting the which in a Regge model should be pro- portional to E -’ with n=2, I, 0 for pion, vector meson or Pomeron exchange Y respectively (at least for small t); (c) attempting to fit the data with a specific OPE model. III approach (a) it has been noted believed to be OPE-dominated the reaction NN-+ 63 that for our energy range, have a in the range 1.6-2.5. AA, an especially likely reactions In particular, OPE candidate which has been studied up to 30 GeV, 77 has been shown to have an energy dependence with a3.5i0.3. In addition the reaction examined in this experiment, (See Fig. IV. 9). this range, Clearly No firm yp --+ - ++ ?TA , another has an energy dependence yielding the dependence of reaction conclusion OPE candidate may be reached, - 143 - a=l. 74+ 0.16 (V. 2) falls outside however, since the effects of the kinematic boundaries tance of the minimum Approach momentum transfer due to the increased with energy. of the Chew-Low of the finite physical This occurs because plot for reaction impor- at lower photon energies. (b) takes intp account these effects range of t varying small may be substantial, (V. I),cuts tmin (the minimum off a substantial fraction t) of the t region and reduces the total cross section at low energies. The form -a’ Bt du/dt =AEY e is assumed in the formula t dEy) = dmngBWm,,$ / where BW(m) is a relativistic representative Breit Wigner J factor of the values given in Table V. 2. over the mass range within question, / t The integral exponent,aeff. sharp cut-off. 66 a fair description two body reaction. and R , the cut-off t-dependence 1 fermi. 66 of our results of the reaction Using the relation r(pry), is usually introduced 78 to value. by a another quasi- the rho radiative determined width, by a fit to the studied and in hadron induced reactions R2=4B, an our experimental for omega photoproduction, The latter in been shown in Section IV.2 to give It has two parameters, radius. yields that a’ =2 corresponds (c) uses an OPE model with absorption This model has already , taken as u(Ey) over our energy aeff =l. 4 and only for a’ =l. 2 does one find a eff = 0.6, Approach -2 side of the resonance The resulting The fit determines 9 was performed range was then fitted to the form of Eq. (V. 3) and for each a’ effective da min and B =7 GeV two full widths on either and tmax put equal to infinity. l-IlZlX dtdt dmppWpa) is about the slopes in Table V. 2 would also - 144 - imply a radius observed of about 1 fermi, for hadron-induced which is the same order reactions. The broken lines in Fig. V.2 show the cross this model for R=O. 5, 0.7 and 1.0 fermi, r(pny) the SU(3) value. lg of magnitude = (l/9) As R increases, sections 79 all assuming T(wsy) obtained with = 0.134 the t-dependence (V.4) becomes steeper, and the low energy cross sections are depressed of the kinematic Hence the energy dependence found can indeed boundaries. be reproduced by OPE, but only if same conclusion Apparently OPE process with an OPE mechanism et al., -- the ratio a(yn -+ a2 using an possible discrepancy (V. 2) was recently reported by of yp and yd reactions that --+ p-A ++) at 4.3 C&V is in disagreement wA’)/u(rp and found the cross section for the reaction A similar who found in a comparison OPE + SU(3) predictions. By combining for reaction y). Such level. GeV cannot be reproduced of r(pn The of a search for the process the energy dependence of the cross and the SU(3) value is applied. 6 MeV at the 97% confidence in the energy range 2.5-8 Eisenberg 5 MeV (with RZO. 8 fm). with the result p ----t a y which found 81 r(pry)<O. - ++ r(pny)>O. is reached when the OPE model of Wolf8’ a large value is in contradiction YP-+PA more than the high by the effects This experiment looked for the reaction with yn ---&A’ section to be less than 0.5pb in the mode where A0 -Pa SU(3) and the OPE model, should in fact be 2, indicating however, it follows again that the combined that this ratio prediction of OPE and SU(3) is violated. One possible dominate explanation these reactions. for this discrepancy It is possible that vector - 145 - is that OPE does not meson exchanges are -. 3.0 0 THIS H REF 35 OPE Calculations ---- 2.0 b, EXPERIMENT r (prr 1 y)=O.l34 Me\ / I .6 0.8 2 0.6 .z- \ ’ R,=Q.7f 0.2 -1 ‘\ R,= l.Qf 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 15.0 EJGeV) - ++ cross sections determined in this experiment FIG. V.2--yp~p A and from Ref. 31, versus the photon energy Ey. The full line is best fit of the data to Eq. (V. 3) which yields a=@. 6 The dashed curves are the OPE calculated cross i-0.2. section for various absorption radii and fixed coupling (r (pw) =O. 135 MeV). - 146 - important o+o-o’ in these reactions, couplings since within could be quite strong. 83 the vector dominance model Moreover in a Regge pole model -1 for vector meson exchange. Y energy dependence observed for the energy dependence of (T should be given by E This could account for the unexpected - A ++, but more accurate YP-P data on the production final state p-A++ are needed to determine Table V. 1 lists quasi two-body other than p-A++ states do not, for example, The cross sections small, of this reaction. the reactions but no significant The delta-rho ratios yp + of 3:2:1 which VA. Even allowing observed do not support for nucleon isobars as can be seen in Fig. energy (See Fig. V.4). nucleon resonance Although production othar than A V. 3 for the 7.5 GeV data. that there are substantial ciated with any resolved in detail v.2 rho signals baryon resonance ++ OPE are all A- producrapidly with much about it is easily possible to in all charge states not asso- production. This will be studied in Section V. 3. A2 Meson Production The first reported these data do not reveal in these final states, the the simple tion in the =+x+x-n channel is large at 4.3 GeV, but decreases conclude charge decay of A’ and A0 into proton and neutron channels, amounts of A+ and A0 production rather is found. seem to appear in simple would be expected if OPE dominated hypothesis. the mechanism the other charge states of delta-rho, production for the relative and decay of the observation in a previous the following grounds. Since it has spin-parity of the photoproduction publication 84 on this experiment. of the A2 meson was 4 It was expected on The A2 is known to decay predominately 2+, it should couple only to transverse - 147 - into PT. rhos. 518 NON-OMEGA EVENTS c 7.5 GeV M 0 1.0 1.4 I.8 2.2 M (pr) 2.6 GeV 3.0 3.4 ,.PIA,? FIG. V. 3-- M@n) in all charge states for 1-C fits in the 7.5 GeV data with -0.18<mm2<0.10 GeV2, P(X2)>0. 005 and omega events removed. The fit curves incorporate the resonances listed in Table V. 1. - 148 - -149 - Invoking the vector dominance and show a substantial not been directly this coupling model, it should thus also couple to photons decay into the yx observed, mode. Although this process if there is indeed an appreciable should allow the photoproduction has decay width, of A2 mesons via OPE in the reaction yp -A$. The reaction rapidly is observed to reaction It is the only quasi two-body V. 5 shows the invariant (5). than 5%. neutron cut, that the production combines the small (0.6, 1.2) GeVf likelihood events at all energies production r(A2) V. 5d (i. e. , the =O. 070* 0.044 GeV. fits to all the data in the channel summarized n+r+a-n at our in Table V. I. Note in Table V. 1 at 4.3 and 5.25 GeV are somewhat lower are corrected Also note that the presence the structure Figure data. 65 than those of Ref. 4 because of more accurate The results levels < 0.5 (GeV/c )2, transfer energies yield the results that the cross sections mass squared V. 5a-c) and has been used to fit the A2 mass and These agree with hadronic three annihilation It (p,n)l is highly peripheral. M(A2) = 1.30+ 0.01 GeV and Maximum for fits and with confidence mechanism momentum shaded events of Figs. tion. observed mass distributions The shaded events are those with indicating yielding three-pion All of the data shown are 1-C fits with missing inside our standard width, reaction 7rfrfr-n. Figure better in our data with a cross section which decreases with photon energy. in the channel w. 5) fitting for all experimental of a small Al of the data at the small and a revised and analysis normalizalosses. signal at 7.5 CeV is supported momentum - 150 - transfers. by The fits in fact (b) n I61 everh )i- 2( 1, 3bO events I( 3 FIG. V. 5--M(a’lr+ir-) distribution in the reaction yp ---tT’?r*?T-n at (a) 4.3 GeV, (b) 5.25 GeV and (c) 7.5 GeV. The shaded areas reprecomsent events with )t@,n)l < 0.5 GeV2. (d) Mass distribution The curves are best bining the three energies for above t cut. fits to A$ resonance (M(A2)=1. 30 GeV, r(A2)=0.1 GeV) and phase space (see Table V. 3). - 151 - reject the three-pion decay mode, yielding the branching + o+ ip 77 A2 + A2 -all(a+r+n-) which also agrees with hadronic a rho in one of the two n**- combined +o = 1.0 production data. events for which at least one neutral exclusive This figure subsets: with shows the those 3-pion is in the rho region is in the rho region. A2f signal is only found in those events associated because the kinematics of Ai is also shown graphically dipion combination and those for which no such combination into three pions constrains This association 4.3 and 5.25 GeV data. data, divided into two mutually convincing (V. 6) -0.2 charge combinations in Fig. V. 6 for the combined ratio with a rho, Although the this is less of the decay of an object of mass 1.3 GeV the two pion combinations to be preferentially in or near the rho region. The energy dependence of the A2 cross expected for an OPE production derive entirely the Ai mechanism. width by assuming section is consistent with that As in Ref. 4 it is possible that A2 production to in this channel is due to OPE. 66 This yields r(A; - Yx+) g2A RY 4r2 = +j- This value is obtained for an absorption calculation. radius q5 4 mAO Z 0.5 MeV. of about 1 fermi This same radius has been found to give reasonable our omega data (See Section IV. 2). - 152 - (V. 7) in the OPE results with 50 •I ALL q p” EVENTS yp - n TT+TT+TT- I EXCLUDED n 40 30 20 2 2 IO z \ r cl z 0 YP 30 np”lr+ (b) / 20 IO 0 0.6 1.0 FIG. V. 6-- (a) M(a’ir+n-) distribution for yp n+?r+a-n, combined data from 4.3 and 5.25 GeV. The shaded area represents the 3 pion effective mass for events with no ~T+H- combination in the p band (0.60-o. 85 GeV). The curve is a one dimensional fit to an At _ resonance plus Lorentz invariant phase space. (b) The M(s+n T ) distribution for events having at least one T+T- combination in the p band.. - 153 - The clear signal of the A2 in the neutron channel leads us to reexamine our 3-pion mass spectra in the proton 4-body final states. mass plots for eight different Fig. IV. 11. photon energy intervals tion of multi-neutral be drawn from events, GeV data there is a Since the O-C data may contain a large proporno conlcusions about the 4-body final state should it except in the case of extremely sharp and well separated In the 7.5 GeV data, on the other hand, there is a excess of resonances. about 16 events/80 MeV over an average background in the mass interval 1.28-l. opposite tions are such that the Ai should not be produced mechanism invoked to explain channel must be more complicated. said to exist deviation to the y, and so clearly In addition, could not be diffractive. fore any production MeV of significance. The A2 has charge conjugation Ai production level of 24 events/80 This is about a 3 standard 36 GeV. effect ,and thus it is on the threshold pr+n-?P have been shown in In both the 7.5 GeV data and the 3.0-3.7 bump in the A2 mass region. These invariant m the A2 region in either the isospin coupling by pion exchange. the presence Moreover, any rela- There- of A2 in the no structure can be the 4.3 GeV or the 5.25 GeV data, although the entire low mass region is enhanced over what phase space predicts for these data, so a mechanism tion at higher must be considered energy if the 7.5 GeV effect is to be accorded The structure has been subjected A2 (1300) accounts for 6.8*2.3% standard signal corresponding deviation about 0.7*0.25 momentum which favors pb. transfers very large portion to multidimensional of the channel. of the background any significance. fits where This is again a three to 35*12 events or at this energy This signal is found to be largely to the final proton, produc- associated 1t(P,p)I < 0.5 (GeV/c)‘, goes away (see Fig. V. 7). - 154 - with small whereas a The signal 5 0 N co - I N - I co Aa9 bO’O/SlN3A3 * i. .,.l.,.r,.,.,.,.,. $$:y:::::::: ..ty...>i.:.:.:.:.: :::::: ,:::: :::.:. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::::::::::::::: ““““‘.:::::g :.:.:.: ::::::~.:::::::::::::::: .i....i A.... ::::::::‘.> ::::::::::::::: .>~.:+:.:.:.::::::::::::::::: . . . ..~~........:.:.:.:.:.:::::::: .w,.:.:.:.: .,.,.... ;gi sy:; .,.:.iin.,... ............A,. ... :.:.:.:. ... - 155 - remains quite strong when the final state pions are required one charged rho combination. If the signal were due to an Ai meson, decay mode p”no would be forbidden of a p” signal does not reflect to be in at least by isospin on the presence conservation, of A;. the so the presence This is why charge rho cuts have been applied. In the structure of the 3-pion spectrum shown in Fig. V. 7, enhance- ments can also be noted in the A; region and also in the mass region 1700 MeV. The overall mass spectrum observed in the m(a+x-?r’) gtL23 They see a three-humped to that observed here. spectrum is very reminiscent at 8 GeV/c in rfd They identify their by isovector exchange. by Bugg structure three enchancements and @(1670), and at least for the Ai they speculate explained of the structure interactions low mass enhancement similar at A:, A;, that their data may be This also might be the production for Ai in our data, if indeed this enhancement 1600- persists mechanism in high statistics experiments. v.3 Inelastic Rho Production The preliminary substantial production reports on this experiment of rhos in the inelastic YP-+ ~3 have already reaction pxN. (V. 8) As can be seen from the fits of Table V. 1 , there is a substantial amount of unassociated in all charge states. our missing tions. function rho production mass cut eliminates The relative most events produced abundance of neutral of their production noted mechanism. Furthermore, in multi-neutral and charged rhos in yp + Charged rho production - 156 - reacp7rN is a cannot be diffractive, while neutral produced various via isovector rho production exchange. will be suppressed if the rhos are Therefore the production mechanisms charge states may be reflected shows the invariant p,“r-~~’ in their cross masses of the various production dipion combinations are present the 7.5 GeV data is more clearly at all energies as is shown in Fig. darkened events are those with small momentum system. Photoproduction Significant The cross dimensional as explained fitting single resonance program, production production. separated, rho sections are clearly transfers above, exclusive deviation when possible The to the dipion visible, but not all of in Table V. 1 are from a multiso the cross sections for of those for associated None of the rho cross sections more than one standard these signals V. 9 and Table V. 1. of p+, p- and p” is clearly these events are peripheral. fits. in the channel is seen in every charge state. Although resonance Figure V. 8 sections. for the 7.5 GeV data with omega events removed. for has been changed by A: and Ai were allowed in the For the 5.25 GeV data good fits could not be obtained to the =+A- mass spectrum in either was anomalously the proton or the neutron channels, broad with a background because the rho signal unlike phase space. We are unable to account for this effect (see Section II. 5), which does not occur at other energies, but which does occur to a lesser states at 5 GeV. observed energies, This effect probably at 5.25 GeV. we prefer at this energy. degree in the other rho charge diminished the p-A++ cross section Since the signal is clear at the other annihilation not to give a cross section for unassociated We conclude that there is an appreciable duction in the channel p,‘r-7r” which does not decrease energy. - 157 - p” production inelastic rapidly rho pro- with photon 518 NON-OMEGA EVENTS 7.5 GeV 50 Mb--W’) 40 30 20 IO > s O 40 fz Q 30 2 5 iTi 20 IO 0 30 r 20 IO 0 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 M(-rr-rr) GeV FIG. V. 8-- Dipion the 7.5 GeV2, curves 2.2 2.6 ,,,,,,. masses in all charge combinations for 1-C fits in GeV data to yp pn+lr-?P with -0. 18<mm2< 0.10 The fit P( x 2)>0. 005 and omega events removed. incorporate the resonances listed in Table V. 1. - 158 - YP -pi+ rr- T”, oil energies (1573 ev. 1 FIG. V.9--M(aa) distributions for the reaction yp --PPT +T - TO at4.3, 5.25 and 7.5 GeV combined. Shaded areas represent events with It(-y ,aa)l < 0.5 GeV2. All w (M(?T+T-?~~)<~. 81 GeV) and 60-O. 85 GeV and M@a+)=l. 15-1.30 P-A ++ events (M(fln-)=O. GeV) are removed. - 159 - Figure at 7.5 CeV. possibility V. IO shows the invariant The fits in the neutron channel at all energies of an Ai decaying channel varies Wigner into p”. to a skewed shape by varying not so impressive The exact percentage at other energies, laser beam experiment In order but is present rises with energy. has also observed to gain information mesons produced at all energies very prominent about the possible rho signals production the p’ transfer associated and that it is peripheral discussed V. 11. Excluded production. p” may be at least in part diffractively To examine the possibility that if the p” signal were produced charge state nxf as to proI Table V. lb, as much inviting p” after all these cuts rho production This has led Wolf to suggest that these produced. of a diffractive 24 production by pure Pomeron nucleon system produced at the nucleon vertex l/2 remaining The signal for charged inelastic an isospin Thus reflections above are eliminated with both pa0 and mr’, It I values is much weaker. Moreover, from the Fig. V. 11 that there is quite a significant at small state. mechanism and p” invariant - ++ graphs are all events having w, p A or Ai production. production, in all ( 1t I< 0.5 GeV2) between the photon and the vector meson are plotted in Fig. It is evident from with a The SLAC backscattered in these channels, two-body reactions The signal is 31 masses for events with small momentum from the quasi Breit- the exponent n in Eq. (IV. 5), but in all charge states in these 4 body channels. as possible. the of p” in this 40-50Y0 of the neutron channel at 7.5 GeV. section that apparently of the vector included as the shape of the rho is changed from the standard cases it constitutes cross dipion mass in the channel n+ir+n-n mechanism, exchange, would remain note then the pion- in an isospin l/2 state is expected to decay twice as often to the a comparison of these two channels. the ratio at 7.5 GeV is indeed consistent - 160 - with two, 2.1iO.4. From This is 50 I yP-T I I +r+ 7-n 40 7.5 GeV 2 x 233 Combinations 30 20 IO 0 a 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 M ,,-+T- (GeV) FIG. V. lo-- M(T+T-) for a 1 C fits to yp +R+T+H-n with 0. 6<mn2< GeV2 and P(X I- )>O. OU5 in the 7.5 GeV data. - 161 - 2.4 1895A18 1.2 .. t- t L. - 162 - I I L P consistent with the assumption the SBT collaboration errors) parity of diffractive for inelastic production. p” production Also the results are consistent (within of large with twice as much p” in the neutron channel and also with a natural exchange production ascertain exactly what fraction should be considered test is impaired. associated produced, Also the large errors uncertainty compelling; indeed, positive&charged co seen in each channel of this ratio on all of these determinations the majority transfer it is not clear how to so the usefulness in the correct with small momentum than the final-state However, of the unassociated peripherally well as the systematic far from 31 mechanism. as p” shape make this evidence of this inelastic co production is to the final state nucleon rather pion-nucleon system. This latter fact tends to suggest that some three pion object is being produced diffractively which decays into a rho. Although this production in the .rr+lr-x’ final state, there can be no diffractively in the neutron channel by charge conservation. there is no obvious candidate for a diffractive mechanism produced is conceivable 3-pion system Even in the proton channel, three-pi system which could then decay into a pox”. If this peripherally dissociation” process, tive photoproduction This is similar reactions. 87 associated to inelastic Unfortunately p” were associated one could conclude to the ratios to study this process However, 87 produced diffractive with a “diffraction that the ratio of elastic production obtained in pion-nucleon is abut diffrac- 30(15nb/O. 5pb). and nucleon-nucleon our small signal does not yield enough statistics in detail or even to prove that it is really it is worth noting that when the invariant with the p” are plotted in Fig. masses of the NT system V. 12, no clear - 163 - diffractive. evidence is seen for - I 0 N I I 0 AW I t i70’0 I 0 N /wJ~V - 164 - I I 0 - I the production of any of the known N*(I=1/2) such an N* associated energies. production resonances. that would be seen at much higher photon 24 Finally ,we wish to comment in this experiment, and the reactions that the inelastic yp --+V ’ T- A ‘+(V’=pow) mechanism. may be due to OPE (w-production), Much more extensive these inelastic experiments in coupling would be required processes. - 165 - previously Some may be diffractive ‘yn reactions),82 and p* production meson exchange since the pfp-po observed in yn reactions which were reported (like the no in Fig. V. 11 above and the one observed charged vector p production the final states pox-p and UT-~ observed need not all have the same production others It is possible may be due to could be large. for the detailed 83 study of CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS Results on the photoproduction photoproduction The principal of their appearance Diffractive section results are summarized o” Photoproduction results (see Chapter of previous section is slowly decreasing production mechanism. This result model, We extend previous observations possibly density matrix cleanly separable recurrences, up to -0.8 elements into pp” and n-A stringent in the channel exchange (OPE) contributions reaction ++ a largely the rho cross the &ding interference using the double differential lo,16 that s-channel by our determination production, (see Chapter helicity of the rho and no o’ or higher mass IV. 2): are obtained model, 15 are ob- Cross sections the “diffractive” to omega production. is shown to reproduce yp -+wp. - 166 - for omega in eight energy inter- A fit of these data to a constant to E;” enables us to separate and OPE contributions namely that The data at 7.5 GeV are seen to be very yp--tpx’=-x’ between 1.2 and 6.2 C&V. proportional in our upper limits. Omega Meson Production vals 16 such as might be expected from the Venziano served within production (G~V/C)~, at 7.5 CeV. 9-12 holds whether calculation is conserved, here in the order above 2 GeV, which implies is obtained from a phenomenological section. in the pre- IV. 1): We confirm experiments, model, lo’ l7 or a model-independent cross mesons and on the in the main body of the text. data the well established diffractive vector of other 4-body final states have been presented ceding two chapters. the co cross of neutral plus a term and the one pion This mix of diffractive the observed t dependence of the Vector Dominance (see Section IV. 3): The omega forward section can be compared the predictions the forward of the vector 19 model l4 plus SU(3). l8 dominance in agreement 21 our forward cross r2,/41r of 0.32&O. 03, which disagrees and heavy nuclei results, Associated Rho-Delta with the behavior 6 plus SU(3) calculation. yp ---to- This raises mechanisms the question with the usually of the radiative directly energy, in this experiment the applica- decay width of the about coupling, however, in the channel and is consistent to reach any firm conclusions Although - 167 - has a decay mode not are not only much smaller but also they decrease from this amount of data. The photoproduc- An OPE model calculation of the A2ny The cross sections, making it difficult mechanism observed the strength than those for p - A ++ production, OPE for this reaction. accepted mass and width. observed. 1s shown to new speculations In our combined data the signal is clear been used to estimate ++. as to whether of the A2 Meson (see Section V. 2): meson was first yp -~~+x+x-n. A expected on the basis of a simple rho into a pion and a photon is valid and introduces Photoproduction in both the (see Chapter V. 1): The energy tion’ ’ lo of these models in the derivation production ring results 22 data on Compton scattering. Production ring section data imply a with the storage dependence of the cross section for the reaction tion of the Ai SLJ(3) total photo- l2 but which does give a good agreement s and t dependence with existing possible We obtain with simple theorem 20 and existing Using the optical cross section data, be inconsistent to examine a ratio of 9 and the value from the ORSAY storage results ,13 7.5H.5. value for rho photoproduction cross section ratio of 9.4i2.1 which predicts production to our diffractive cross Ai more rapidly with on the production production in the channel 13 yp -+ pr+x-?p servation, .. could be neither diffractive there is a peripheral CeV data for which an upper limit ments in the neutral 23 actions. This similarity Inelastic the remaining observed pi-rho enhancement at exactly is given. Very similar system have been observed extends to several Rho Production (see Chapter to be associated which is consistent may indicate with the production low mass enhancein 8 GeV/c x’d inter- other features of this distribution. V. 3): A very large amount of with our data, but the presence vector not or decay of other resonances. that some of the o” signal may be produced a significant con- this mass in the 7.5 events in the 4 body final states is due to rho production It has been suggested2* signals nor OPE by spin and isospin diffractively, of strong charged rho meson exchange in these final states. - 168 - REFERENCES 1. et al. , Phys. Rev. Letters, -A 22-, 1541 (1968); GA. 421 (1969). J. Ballam, 22, 1544 (1968). 2. J. Ballam, , Phys. Letters, E, 3. Y. Eisenberg, et al. , Phys. Rev. Letters, -- 22, 669 (1969). 4. Y. Eisenberg, et al. , Phys. Rev. -- 23, 1322 (1969). 5. Y. Eisenberg, et al. , Phys. Letters, -- 6. J. Ballam, et al. , Phys. Rev. Letters, -- 7. J. 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