Persuasive Speech Topics: Athletics, Health, School, Humanity

Persuasive Speech Topics: Please choose one topic to research.
Should physical education be mandatory for all students every day of the school week?
2. Should students on sports teams be required to carry a certain grade point average [GPA] in order to
3. Should coaches be required to give equal playing time to athletes at the secondary school level
regardless of skills (middle and high school)?
4. Are sports athletes role models?
Is mandatory drug testing of all athletes on a secondary, collegiate, and professional level necessary?
6. Should professional athletes who break the law (via drug use, illegal gambling, domestic abuse, etc.) be
banned from their professional sport in addition to doing jail time?
Should athletes who have taken performance enhancing drugs be admitted into the Hall of Fame?
8. Should parent-spectators be required to sign a “Spectator Expectation Code of Conduct,” which
includes prohibitions against verbal abuse and obnoxious behavior (“Respect all athletes, coaches,
officials and fans.”) if their child plays a school sport. Thus, if a parent-spectator is found disrespecting
a player, coach or opposing team they should be banned from attending their child’s athletic games.
9. Does video violence effects the teenage brain?
10. Intelligence depends on environmental factors, not genetic factors.
11. The McLawsuit: Is the Fast-Food Industry Legally Accountable for Obesity?
12. Do School Cafeterias Contribute to the Rise in Childhood Obesity?
13. Can the growing problem of obesity in the US be reversed?
14. Are Diet Companies in the Business to Help People or to Make a Profit?
15. Are Low-Fat Foods the Healthier Alternatives?
16. Should Sodas and Sugary Snacks be sold in Vending Machines at Schools and Bake Sales be banned?
17. Is Obesity a Matter of Individual Responsibility? Who is Responsible for Controlling Obesity?
18. Why cigarette smoking and effects
19. Avoiding distracting behaviors while driving
20. Controversial T-Shirts – If a student wears a controversial T-shirt, does the school board have the right
to ban offensive and controversial clothing or does the student have the right to wear it under the first
21. Cyber Bullying Statutes – If a student is bullying someone do they have the right to claim they have
freedom of speech to say what they wanted?
22. Posting Videos Online – Is This a Right & Your Freedom of Speech? – Does anyone have the right and
freedom to post videos online even if the person taking the video does not have permission and the
videos are of people in personal or compromising actions – a school fight, personal encounter?
23. Should students be allowed to use mobile devices in class?
24. Should there be a filter on the internet in school?
25. Should schools provide technology devices (i.e. tablets or laptops) for all students?
26. Parents who engaged with their children are more likely to excel in school and avoid risky behavior.
27. School cafeterias should be transformed into food courts with fast food companies supplying meals.
28. Students should be required to wear school uniforms.
29. School should start later in the day. Is it beneficial to the mind?
30. Schools should shift from a nine month school year to year-round schooling.
31. Video cameras should be put into all classrooms to record student and teacher interactions at all times.
32. Foreign Language should not be mandatory.
33. Armed police guards and metal detectors should be installed in every school.
34. Private schools vs. Public schools.
35. The importance of Arts Education in schools. Is it an essential part of the complete learning process?
36. Adoption – Should people adopt and why is it important?
37. Donations – Organ and Blood donations.
38. Why should people “go green?”
39. Joining the military – what are the benefits?
40. Should product testing on animals or humans be allowed?
41. Why is it important to preserve our natural resources?