GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION Harnessing Nutrients To Increase Profits Green Circle GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION Per capita consumption 2011: Wheat = 96kg/head Maize = 122kg/head Soya = 37kg/head GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION Green Circle GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION AHDB source data Green Circle GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION • Assessment of issues for future development • Today = Welfare –– No Mutilations – No Confinement • Tomorrow = Environment – Social Responsibility – Carbon / Nitrate Efficiency • Future = Human Health – Hygiene & fresh air = reduced antibiotics • Outdoor production considered not able to achieve two out of three above. 0.8Ha Crop (6 tonnes) = 1 sow = Fertiliser for 0.8Ha • Crop rotation important to balance feed requirement with fertiliser output Green Circle GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION Bacon Pigs Kitchen Waste Pig Slurry Bio Digester & Generator Odourless Fertiliser Pig Feed Green Circle Electricity & Heat GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION • Commodity prices go down, interest rates go up. • Our aim is have both a utility business and commodity business. • Don’t write cheques, bank them. • Three of the biggest costs in a farming business • Feed, Fertiliser, Fuel, Can all be produced on farm • We aim to run all our tractors / harvesters on biogas • Fertiliser companies charge us £300 tonne for Ammonia mixed with Sulphuric acid (26% N liquid) – we do that ourselves for a fraction of the cost • In our business we grow over 90% of what we consume and consume 100% of what we grow Green Circle GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION • Need for change – analogy of the car industry - Toyota versus Longbridge Green Circle GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION Separation system Tanking water round the countryside is not necessary – Solids to the (much smaller) biogas plant – Liquids to the ammonia stripping plant (sulphuric acid) = low volume ammonium sulphate fertiliser . Water can be evaporated off using heat from biogas Green Circle GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION Flushing system Retains 75% more ammonia – Toilet versus Portaloo Green Circle GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION Air Scubbing & Filtering system To ensure odourless production Green Circle GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION High Welfare Measuring stress can be done by recording tail biting incidence. Ability to leave tails on pigs is multi faceted problem. Temperature control, environmental enrichment, stocking density, genetics. But potentially £50 per pig difference in cost if you reduce stress completely, the holy grail of animal welfare groups. Green Circle GREEN CIRCLE PIG PRODUCTION £ Profitable Pig Production Green Circle