March 27, 2015 Ellen Torbert Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion

March 27, 2015
Ellen Torbert
Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion
Southwest Airlines
Dear Ms. Torbert,
My name is Todd Gage and I have been a Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant for seventeen years.
I am to writing you on behalf of the Southwest Airlines Flight Attendants, as I currently serve as
the 1st Vice President of TWU Local 556, the Union of Southwest Airlines Flight Attendants.
Recently, Indiana State Governor Mike Pence signed into law a bill that gives businesses and
individuals in Indiana the right to discriminate against gays and lesbians in the name of "religious
freedom." This bill not only harms Employees of Southwest Airlines that reside in Indiana but also
harms Crews that layover in Indianapolis.
TWU Local 556 is strongly opposed to this bill and we hope that Southwest Airlines will join us in
speaking out against it. We are not asking that Southwest Airlines boycott Indiana yet, as this
would likely harm our Employees as well as our Passengers who rely on us in that market.
However, we hope that our Company realizes that this is another form of discrimination and could
be detrimental to our business plan in the region.
Can the Flight Attendants of Southwest Airlines and Members of TWU Local 556 count on
Southwest Airlines to speak out against this bill and protect the gay and lesbian Employees of our
Todd Gage
1st Vice President
TWU Local 556