FileX at Work: Wilkinson Insurance


A FileX™ Case Study

FileX™ insures customer service for Wilkinson

June Wilkinson Taylor started feeling the tension between profit and customer service with Wilkinson Insurance Co. in White

House, Tennessee.

“We have approximately 3,000 customers,”

Taylor said, “and for each client we were keeping a hard copy file.” The filing was in a tab system like most others, “all on the shelf and accessible if you could find it .”

“But we never caught up on filing. We had to take Saturdays to catch up,” Taylor notes.

When the staff had to find a record, it was quite a task to sort through folders to find the right file.

“We’re busy, thank goodness, from the standpoint of needing to service our clients, but getting it into the file is the hardest thing,” Taylor said. “I was going to have to continue buying filing cabinets,” as the business grew, Taylor said.

“Wayne Sanderford approached us with

FileX™ and we decided it would be good for the agency,” Taylor said. Wilkinson

Insurance went on-line with the system in

January 1997. Taylor hired part-time help to scan records of existing clients prior to 1997.

Past records are important in the insurance business and Wilkinson had plenty of them dating back to its 1954 founding. “We purge information after a while,” Taylor said, “but we probably went back 10 years.” For new clients, the staff is now scanning the records as they go. “Now I can sit at my desk and toggle to FileX™ to see all our information for any client,” Taylor said. “We can access that customer’s file and no longer be concerned if it is missing vital records.”

FileX™ eliminated the need to hire more people to manage the records. “We don’t need a file clerk anymore and we don’t have to play catch up. We’re at that point where every document is scanned in on a timely basis.” And that’s at a rate of about 40 pages per minute. Taylor is enjoying the ease at which FileX™ retrieves documents.

“We are much more responsive to our customers and able to give timely responses to their questions since we have their entire file at our fingertips.

“We don’t lose anything anymore. We don’t have to go back to our companies and ask for backup copies. In the insurance business, the original image is what’s needed. Often, the companies are surprised at how quickly we can pull up the info,”

Taylor demonstrates FileX™ by typing in a client name then clicking on an Aug. 6, 1998 document. The document immediately appears on her screen. “That’s quicker than pulling it out of the cabinet. It’s so natural to us now, we don’t even think about it,” Taylor said.

Her once crowded file room full of filing cabinets is now a desktop with a computer terminal and scanner. “In a small space the size of two PCs, we can now store more than 1.6 million documents,” Taylor said.

Connect to your files from anywhere

With FileX™, your information is even accessible off site. June

Wilkinson Taylor of Wilkinson

Insurance Company in White

House, Tennessee regularly uses her laptop computer to connect to FileX™ from client sites.

Taylor also uses a digital camera to download images directly into the FileX™ system. In the past, photos eventually deteriorated or got lost, but not any more when stored in FileX™.

More time for selling and servicing

“Simply, FileX™ saves us money. We don’t have to hire more people or continue having the same people doing those things that don’t make us money. We can devote our time to selling and serving clients.

With FileX™, we are more efficient than before and able to concentrate on our core business—and not the filing.”

—June Wilkinson

For more information, contact:

Digital Filing Solutions, Inc.

P.O. Box 1603

Coppell, TX 75019

Voice: 972-304-6300

