2015 GRANT APPLICATION Janssen Youth & Youth Sports Fund Deadline for Submission: June 30, 2015 5:00 pm, Contact: Janice Fong Wolf, Director of Grants & Programs 543-2323, FAX 543-2346 jwolf@cfsloco.org 2015 Janssen application THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SLO COUNTY Janssen Youth & Youth Sports Fund Grant Guidelines and Application Procedures Mission Statement The Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County provides leadership and encourages charitable giving for the issues that improve and enhance lives in the county. History Through the generosity of the Robert H. Janssen Foundation, grants are available to local nonprofit organizations providing youth enrichment programs and/or youth sports programs in the City of SLO and adjacent area within San Luis Obispo county. The Janssen Youth & Youth Sports Fund seeks to support programs that enrich the lives of local youth and ideally reflect the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets. Mr. Janssen was a lifelong resident of SLO County and devoted a considerable amount of time to local youth sports and other community and youth activities. He valued the benefits for all youth that could be gained through participation in team activities with positive adult mentorship. General Information for Applicants The Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County supports charitable organizations whose programs primarily benefit San Luis Obispo County residents. An organization must have a current tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3) to apply. The Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County will follow these basic procedures in relations to grant requests: ♦ The Community Foundation will send grant application guidelines upon request. ♦ The Community Foundation will screen and fairly review all completed grant applications. ♦ The Community Foundation will notify all agencies of the award decision in a timely manner. Exclusions In general, the Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County does not make grants to/for: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, disability, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race or religion. Individuals. Fraternal Organizations, unless in support of a specific program open to or benefiting the entire community. Governmental Organizations Indirect Administrative costs greater than 15% of the awarded funds Fundraising events such as annual campaigns, walk-a-thons, tournaments, fashion shows, auctions or dinners. Organizations with religious affiliations unless the program is open to the entire community without regard to religious beliefs. Organizations and programs designed to elect candidates to public office. Organizations located outside San Luis Obispo County unless for a specific program benefiting residents of-and conducted within-San Luis Obispo County. Pay off past debts or existing obligations. Endowment funds. Scholarships, fellowships, travel grants and technical or specialized research. 2015 Janssen application Funding Criteria & Priorities The Janssen Youth & Youth Sports Fund seeks to primarily support youth sports programs in San Luis Obispo county that provide access to all segments of the community regardless of income level. Secondly, the Fund will support youth enrichment activities in the City of San Luis Obispo and adjacent area, with an emphasis on active participation over educational programming. Janssen grant funds should represent only a portion of the funds required to implement the program, and a preference is to support direct service costs. Funding and Review Cycle The Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County Grants Committee will consider grant requests once in 2015. The maximum grant award allowed will be $5,000. Notification and awards will be made on or about September 5, 2015. An organization may only submit one application, unless they are part of a collaborative request. Organizations which participate in a collaborative request, may apply once as a member of a collaborative and may submit one additional request in the same funding cycle, either for separate agency funding or as part of a second collaborative. Organizations must submit an application for each funding cycle in order to be considered for a new request. Follow-up and Reporting Requirements Grantee site visits may be conducted by the Program Officer and Board Members of the Foundation during the term of the grant. Successful grantees will be required to provide a one-page narrative on how the funds were used and the benefits to your organization or the community. Copies of press releases and/or media contacts resulting from the grant award shall be included. A financial report outlining grant expenditures is required. Failure to submit the required report may disqualify the grantee from future funding requests. More information Please call Janice Fong Wolf, Director of Grants & Programs, at 805-543-2323 ext. 13 with questions. 2015 Janssen application THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Applying for a Janssen Youth Fund Grant Two Page Narrative 1. Please provide a brief statement on how the grant funds will be used. 2. Information on your request, including: a) What is the local problem or need this grant addresses? How will youth in the City of San Luis Obispo and adjacent area and/or countywide benefit? How will all youth have the opportunity to participate in the program? How will, if any, of the 40 Developmental Assets be cultivated in the youth participants? b) If your organization has received Janssen funding for the proposed project in the last year, please provide the outcomes in measurable terms and a case example of the grant impact. c) Project description, including explanation of project approach, identified strategies and anticipated outcomes. Please quantify the number of youth to be served and in which geographic region activities will be conducted. Include a list of planned activities, timeline and staff/volunteers responsible for the project. 3. Please provide information about your organization(s), including: a) Mission Statement and Goals, brief history, programs and population(s) served, organizational structure and experience with proposed grant activities If your organization provides programs countywide, indicate the percentage of youth from the City of SLO and adjacent area. b) If a collaborative request, a description of prior collaborative activities, and proposed responsibilities of collaborative members. Required Appendices Please include only one copy of the following appendices as they apply to your organization: 1. Current Board of Directors list 2. Fiscal Year 2014 financial statement (P&L Statement & Balance Sheet) Please include an original and five copies of the following appendices 3. Line-item budget for grant requested, including any in-kind contributions, leveraged or matching funds (see sample format) 4. Fiscal Year 2015 organizational operating budget, including all sources of funding 5. List of Major Contributors over last three years Application Due Submit an original and five (5) copies of your application along with the appropriate number of copies of the required appendices. Applications must be received (not postmarked) in the Community Foundation office (550 Dana Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401) no later than 5:00 pm, June 30, 2015. FAXed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered for funding. 2015 Janssen application THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Janssen Youth & Youth Sports Fund Application Cover Sheet Applicant Information Organization/Fiscal Agent: Address: Street City State Zip Contact Person: Phone: ____________________ Fax: ____________________ E-mail: ___________________ Grant Request Amount : $________________ EIN# ______________________ Brief Grant Request Description (if applicable, project name): _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Application Checklist Application Cover Sheet (Original and five copies) Two-page Narrative (Original and five copies) Line-Item Grant Request Budget (Original and five copies) Fiscal Year 2015 Organizational Operating Budget (Original and five copies) List of Major Contributors (Original and five copies) Board of Directors List (One copy) Fiscal Year 2014 Financial Statement (One copy) Authorizing Signatures Application must include two signatures: 1) Executive Director or CEO Signature 2) Board Chairperson or President Title ____________________________________ Name Printed ____________________________________ Signature ____________________________________ Title ____________________________________ Name Printed 2015 Janssen application Office Use Only LINE-ITEM GRANT REQUEST BUDGET SAMPLE FORMAT ONLY I. List Project Budget Items-(not limited to those presented) PROJECT BUDGET Expenditures Salaries Taxes Equipment Telephone Rent Office Supplies Printing Consultant Training Postage Mileage Misc. Supplies Other TOTAL BUDGET Leverage CFSLOCO GRANT $20,000 $3,000 $1,000 $500 $3,000 $300 $400 $1,500 $1,000 $100 $800 $200 $200 $32,000.00 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $500 $3,500 11% of Total Budget II. List Other Sources of Project Support and Amounts, i.e. SAMPLE ONLY INCOME Contracts Donations Fundraising, ie: Events/Campaigns Grants Program or Membership Fees CFSLOCO Grant Other TOTAL ANTICIPATED PROJECT INCOME $10,000 $ 3,500 $ 7,000 $ 3,000 $ 4,000 $ 3,500 $ 1,000 ====== $32,000 III. List in-kind donations and their estimated value, i.e. Volunteer number and hours Donated goods 2015 Janssen application LIST of MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS Please list your major contributors over the last three years and the amount of their contribution. Contributor 2014 2013 2012 2015 Janssen application Type (Foundation, Corporation, Governmental, Major Donor) Amount