6-7 方面 aspect / respect 你應該同時考慮這件事情的其他方面 [“方面”為句子裡的受詞] You have to consider other aspects of the matter. 他們在這方面往往非常粗心 [“方面”為介系詞的受詞] In this respect, they are often very thoughtless. aspect 與 respect The English nouns aspect and respect each have more 兩 字 都 有 多 重 定 than one meanings, for example, aspect can mean「外 義,aspect 可以是 表 or (人的)容貌」, and respect can mean「尊敬」, but in 「外表」 「容貌」; addition both also have a meaning which is the same as respect 通 常 作 the Chinese 「(事情的某一) 面,方面 or 局面.」(This can 「尊敬」解,但同 be seen, by the way, from the almost identical spelling 時這兩字也有相同 of the two words, the root for both being the Latin verb 的 意 思 , 即 「 方 specere, which means ” look at” or “regard” something.) 面」 ,但兩者有所差 But this causes a problem. When a writer whose native 異。 tongue is Chinese thinks of the Chinese word「方面」and wants to express the same in English, should he/she write aspect or respect? The two words mean the same, so choosing one or the other will not be decided because of the meaning. 判定的方式根據該 Actually, to use these words correctly is very easy. 字 在 句 子 中 的 位 The choice between aspect and respect depends on in 置,如果名詞前面 which grammatical form the word is. By a very constant 緊跟著介係詞時只 usage, 能使用 respectt。 (1) If the word is the subject or object of the clause 例如: (sentence), or the object of the preposition “from,” then in this respect, aspect is used, but with respect to (2) If it is the object either of the preposition “in” or 否則使用 aspect。 “with,” then respect is to be used. Note the differences: All aspects of education in the US were hurt by racism.「美國教育各方面都受了種族主義的損害」 In every respect, racism greatly hurts education.「無 論從哪一方面來看, 種族主議會損害教育」 With respect to your proposal, I haven’t made any decision yet.「關於你的建議,我什麼都沒有決定」 Other examples for usage: smoking affects many aspects of family life / the various aspects of life / in many respects this plan is unwise / in no respect / in what respect . . . ? / from this aspect it seems that . . . A common error in students’ writing is to express the meaning of 「方面」almost always, invariably, by aspect, even in an in . . . prepositional phrase, where respect should have been used. This is because when learning English, aspect and「方面」have become closely connected. Cross out the inappropriate word. 1. In every (aspect / respect), like sports and studies, he is excellent. 2. In this (aspect / respect) I agree with you completely. 3. Family education influences a child a many (aspects / respects.) Answer: 1. aspect 2. aspect 3. aspects