Table of Contents

Strand 1 – Enterprising People & Entrepreneurs
Overall Expectation: Characteristics and Contributions of Enterprising People (folder: Strand1.1) Learning Activities Entrepreneurship in the Arts: “Will You Create a Job or Get a Job? (filename: 1.1.1 Will You Create a Job) Student Activity: Discussion; Teacher’s Key; Student Activity: Chart; Teacher’s Key How Does Self‐employment Differ Financially From Employment? (filename: 1.1.2 How does selfemployment) Student Notes Tee‐Shirts, Inc. (filename: 1.1.3 Teeshirts) Student Activity: Ice Breaker An Enterprising Venture (filename: 1.1.4 An Enterprising Venture) Student Assignment: Team Activity Overall Expectation: Characteristics and Contribution of Entrepreneurs (folder: Strand1.2) Learning Activities Characteristics and Skills of an Entrepreneur (filename: 1.2.1 Characteristics and Skills) Student Notes The Artrepreneur (filename: 1.2.2 Artrepreneur) Student Handout: Guest Speaker Form Venture Profile on Diane Dupuy: “Dreams Can Come True…” (filename: 1.2.3 Dreams Can Come True) Student Notes Venture Profile on Mark Jowett: “What Do Avril Lavigne…” (filename: 1.2.4 What Do Avril Lavigne) Student Notes Agents of Change (filename: s1oe2.5) Student Assignment: Chart; Teacher’s key Identifying Similarities and Differences (filename: 1.2.6 Similarities and Differences) Student Assignment: Chart; Teacher’s Key Venture Profile on Anne Abbot: “Determination Has Been…” (filename: 1.2.7 Determination Has Been) Student Notes Questions on Venture Profile of Anne Abbott (filename: 1.2.8 Anne Abbott Assignment) Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key Questions on Venture Profile of Jully Black: “I Do What I Love First…” (filename: 1.2.9 Jully Black Assignment) Student Assignment: Internet; Teacher’s Key Andy Warhol: An Entrepreneur (filename: 1.2.10 Andy Warhol) Student Assignment: Essay Extra! Extra! Read All About It! (filename: 1.2.11 Extra Extra) Student Assignment: Interview of Entrepreneur Overall Expectation: Self‐assessment (folder: Strand1.3) Learning Activities Self‐assessment Package (filename: 1.3.1 Self assessment package) Student Assignment Show or Tell (filename: 1.3.2 Show or Tell) Student Assignment Your Portfolio (filename: 1.3.3 Your Portfolio) Student Assignment Strand 2 – Ideas and Opportunities for New Ventures
Innovations (folder: Strand2.1) Learning Activities Circus Impresario: Guy Laliberté (filename: 2.1.1 GuyLaliberte.doc) Student Activity; Teacher’s Key; Quiz; Teacher’s Key Intellectual Property and Copyright (filename: 2.1.2 IPAndCopyright.doc) Student Activity: Quiz; Teacher’s Key Copyright: Friendly Images (filename: 2.1.3 CopyrightFriendlyImages.doc) Intellectual Property Rights: Canadian Inventions and Innovation (filename: 2.1.4 IPRightsCanadian.doc) Intellectual Property Rights (filename: 2.1.5 IPRightsAssignment.doc) Student Activity: Follow‐up Question; Teacher’s Key Stand Out From Your Competitors (filename: 2.1.6 StandOutFromYourCompetitors.pdf) Resource document from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office Canadian Innovation – The Documentary (filename: 2.1.7 CanadianInnovation.doc) Student Notes Producing a Feature Film in Canada (filename: 2.1.8 ProducingAFeature.doc) Student Notes Film & Broadcasting Industry Portals (filename: 2.1.9 IndustryPortals.doc) Student Notes Canadian Documentary Funding (filename: 2.1.10 CanadianDocumentaryFunding.doc) Student Notes Documentary Promotion Budget (filename: 2.1.11 DocPromotionBudget.doc) Student Activity Selling a Short (filename: 2.1.12 SellingAShort.doc) Student Notes Intellectual Property & The Documentary (filename: 2.1.13 IPDocEvaluation.doc) Evaluation Rubric Generating (folder: Strand2.2) Learning Activities “Blue Chip” Art Investment (filename: 2.2.1 BlueChip.pdf) Student Notes; Student Assignments; Teacher’s Key “Blue Chip” Art Investment money (filename: 2.2.1 BlueChipmoney.pdf) Student Assignment money Street & Guerilla Art (filename: 2.2.2 StreetGuerillaArt.doc) Student Notes Guerilla Marketing (filename: 2.2.3 GuerillaMarketing.doc) Student Notes Street Art Forces/PEST Analysis (filename: 2.2.4 StreetArtForcesAssignment.doc) Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key Force Field Analysis (filename: 2.2.5 ForceFieldActivity.doc) Student Activity The Street Art Debate (filename: 2.2.6 StreetArtDebateAssignment.doc) Student Assignment: Team Activity Debate Format (filename: 2.2.7 DebateFormat.doc) Student Notes Debate Planner and Organizer (filename: 2.2.8 DebatePlannerAssignment.doc) Student Assignment Debate Checklist (filename: 2.2.9 DebateChecklist.doc) Student Activity Debate Evaluation (filename: 2.2.10 DebateEvaluation.doc) Recycling Found Items as Art (filename: 2.2.11 RecyclingArt.doc) Student Notes; Student Assignment Art Tourism (filename: 2.2.12 ArtTourism.doc) Student Notes Art Shows, Fairs and Festivals (filename: 2.2.13 ArtShows.doc) Student Notes Tourism Poster – Ad Rating Scale (filename: 2.2.14 TourismPosterAssignment.doc) Student Assignment WOW (filename: 2.2.15 Wow.pdf) Appreciative Inquiry & Decision Making (filename: 2.2.16 AppreciativeDecisionMaking.doc) Student Assignment: Worksheet; Teacher’s Key Appreciative Inquiry & Group Decision‐making (filename: 2.2.17 GroupDecisionMaking.doc) Evaluation Strand (folder: Strand2.3) Learning Activities PEST Analysis – Music Business (filename: 2.3.1 PESTAnalysis.doc) Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key Music PEST Analysis Brainstorming (filename: 2.3.2 MusicPEST.doc) Student Assignment: Team work What’s the Buzz (filename: 2.3.3 WhatsTheBuzz.doc) Student Assignment Consumer Music Survey (filename: 2.3.4 ConsumerMusicSurvey.doc) Student Assignment Five Forces Analysis (filename: 2.3.5 FiveForcesTeamAssignment.doc) Student Assignment: Team work; Teacher’s Key Five Forces Analysis (filename: 2.3.6 FiveForcesAssignment.doc) Student Assignment Sample SWOT Analysis – Record Label (filename: 2.3.7 SampleSWOT.doc) Student Notes SWOT Analysis – Assessing Your Competition (filename: 2.3.8 SWOTAnalysisActivity.doc) Student Activity Music Marketing Videos (filename: 2.3.9 MusicMarketingVideos.doc) Student Notes Independent Radio Venture (filename: 2.3.10 RadioVentureEvaluation.doc) Evaluation Rubric Five Forces Analysis (filename: 2.3.11 FiveForcesActivity.doc) Student Activity Service Scenario: Multicultural Dance in the Park (filename: 2.3.12 ServiceScenario.doc) Required Services Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key; Web Organizer Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key; Impact of the Venture Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key; Application for a Special Event in a City Park (City of Toronto) (filename: 2.3.13 ApplicationSpecialEvent.pdf) Special Event Guidelines for City Parklands (City of Toronto) (filename: 2.3.14 GuidelinesSpecialEvent.pdf) Special Event Temporary Food Establishment (City of Toronto) (filename: 2.3.15 FoodSpecialEvent.pdf) Strand 3 – Benefits of a Venture Plan
(folder: Strand 3.1) Learning Activities Importance of a Venture Plan (filename: 3.1.1 ImportanceVenturePlan.doc) Student Notes; Student Assignment; Checklist Business Plan Resources (filename: 3.1.2 BusinessPlan.doc) Online Business Plan Templates and Samples (filename: 3.1.3 OnlineBusinessPlan.doc) Importance of Having a Business Plan (filename: 3.1.4 BusinessPlanEvaluation.doc) Evaluation Rubric 12 Elements of the Arts‐based Business Plan (filename: 3.1.5 ElementsBusinessPlan.doc) Student Notes The Art‐Based Business Plan (filename: 3.1.6 ArtBasedBusinessPlan.doc) Student Activity and Teacher’s Key The Financial Plan (filename: 3.1.7 FinancialPlan.doc) Student Assignments; Teacher’s Keys; Student Notes Why You Need a Strong Business Plan (filename: 3.1.8 WhyYouNeedEvaluation.doc) Evaluation Rubric The Executive Summary (filename: 3.1.9 ExecutiveSummary.doc) Student Notes Executive Summary Analysis (filename: 3.1.10 ExecutiveSummaryAnalysis.doc) Student Activity The Mission Statement (filename: 3.1.11 MissionStatement.doc) Student Notes Mission Statement Research (filename: 3.1.12 MissionStatementResearch.doc) Student Activity What Are Your Values? (filename: 3.1.13 WhatAreYourValues.doc) Student Activity Values Collage (filename: 3.1.14 ValuesCollage.doc) Student Notes Values Collage Rating Scale (filename: 3.1.15 ValuesCollageScale.doc) Appendices – Supporting Documents (filename: 3.1.16 SupportingDoc.doc) Student Notes Creating a Table of Contents (filename: 3.1.17 TableContents.doc) Student Assignment; Template Cover Letter (filename: 3.1.18 CoverLetter.doc) Student Assignment; Evaluation The Importance of Having a Venture Plan (filename: 3.1.19 VenturePlanEvaluation.doc) Evaluation Rubric Business Analysis (folder: Strand 3.2) Learning Activities Business Analysis (filename: 3.2.1 BusinessAnalysis.doc) Student Notes SWOT Analysis – Market Sector (filename: 3.2.2 SWOTAnalysis.doc) Student Activity Market Analysis (filename: 3.2.3 MarketAnalysis.doc) Student Assignment The Target Market (filename: 3.2.4 TargetMarket.doc) Student Assignment; Case Study; Questionnaire Competition (filename: 3.2.5 Competition.doc) Student Assignments Not‐for‐profit Cultural Event Scavenger Hunt (filename: 3.2.6 ScavengerHunt.doc) Student Activity Art Collectives: Artists Working Together (filename: 3.2.7 ArtCollectives.doc) Student Notes Classifications of Not‐for‐profit Organizations (filename: 3.2.8 Classifications.doc) Student Notes Summation (filename: 3.2.9 Summation.doc) Student Activity Model Release Form (filename: 3.2.10 ModelReleaseForm.doc) Strand 4 – Developing and Completing a Venture Plan
Part one (folder: Strand 4.1) Learning Activities Passion and Profit (filename: 4.1.1 PassionProfit.doc) Student Notes Arts Business Strategy Comparison (filename: 4.1.2 BusinessStrategy.doc) Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key Art Organizations (filename: 4.1.3 ArtOrg.doc) Types of Business Ownership (filename: 4.1.4 Ownership.doc) Student Assignment Types of Business Ownership (filename: 4.1.5 Ownership.doc) Teacher’s Key Types of Business Ownership (filename: 4.1.6 Ownership.doc) Student Activity; Teacher’s Key Types of Business Ownership (filename: 4.1.7 Ownership.doc) Student Assignment Types of Business Ownership – Interview Assignment Worksheet (filename: 4.1.8 Ownership.doc) Student Assignment Types of Business Ownership – Interview Self‐Assessment Worksheet (filename: 4.1.9 Ownership.doc) Student Assignment; Teacher’s Evaluation Art Collective: Artists Working Together (filename: 4.1.10 ArtCollective.doc) Student Notes Traditional Business Marketing Tools (filename: 4.1.11 TraditionalMarketingTools.doc) Student Notes Business Card (filename: 4.1.12 BusinessCard.doc) Student Assignment The Art of Self‐Promotion (filename: 4.1.13 SelfPromotion.doc) Student Notes The Art of Self‐Promotion (filename: 4.1.14 SelfPromotionAssignment.doc) Student Assignment: Questionnaire; Teacher’s Key Effective Artist’s Website (filename: 4.1.15 ArtistWebsite.doc) Student Notes Effective Artist’s Website (filename: 4.1.16 ArtistWebsiteAssignment.doc) Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key Event Promotional Plan (filename: 4.1.17 EventPromoPlan.doc) Student Notes; Checklist; Evaluation Rubric Trademarks – Logos and Slogans (filename: 4.1.18 TrademarkAssignment.doc) Student Assignments Pricing Strategy (filename: 4.1.19 PricingStrategy.doc) Student Notes Stock Photography Pricing (filename: 4.1.20 StockPhotography.doc) Student Assignment; Case Study Ticket Pricing (filename: 4.1.21 TicketPricing.doc) Student Notes Ticket Pricing (filename: 4.1.22 TicketPricingAssignment.doc) Student Worksheet; Research; Teacher’s Key Financial Strategy (filename: 4.1.23 FinancialStrategy.doc) Student Notes Opening Balance Sheet (filename: 4.1.24 BalanceSheet.doc) Story: Toni Onley Versus Revenue Canada (filename: 4.1.25 ToniOnley.doc) Taxation Benefits for Self‐employed Artists (filename: 4.1.26 TaxationAssignment.doc) Student Notes; Questionnaire; Teacher’s Key Taxation Terms (filename: 4.1.27 TaxationTerms.doc) Student Activity Taxation Terms (filename: 4.1.28 TaxationTermsKey.doc) Teacher’s Key Canadian Arts Funding Sources (filename: 4.1.29 CanArtsFunding.doc) Ontario Arts Funding (filename: 4.1.30 OntarioArtsFunding.doc) Selling a Short (filename: 4.1.31 SellingAShort.doc) Student Notes Advertising and Promoting (filename: 4.1.32 AdvertisingPromo.doc) Student Notes Part 2 (folder Strand 4.2) Learning Activities Resource Analysis – Theatre Production (filename: 4.2.1 TheatreProduction.doc) Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key Theatre on the Fringe (filename: 4.2.2 TheatreOnTheFringe.doc) Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key Canadian Actor’s Equity Association (filename: 4.2.3 Equity.doc) Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key The Production Plan (filename: 4.2.4 ProductionPlan.doc) Student Assignments; Teacher’s Keys; Evaluation The Marketing Plan (filename: 4.2.5 MarketingPlan.doc) Student Notes, Student Activity; Evaluation The Financial Plan (filename: 4.2.6 FinancialPlan.doc) Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key; Evaluation Breakeven Analysis (filename: 4.2.7 BreakevenAnalysis.xls) Excel worksheets Cash Flow Statement (filename: 4.2.8 CashFlowStatement.xls) Excel worksheet; sample The Fringe of Toronto Theatre Festival (filename: 4.2.9 FringeToronto.doc) Information and Policies The Merchants of Shakespeare (filename: 4.2.10 Shakespeare.doc) Student Notes The Merchants of Shakespeare (filename: 4.2.11 ShakespeareAssignment.doc) Student Assignment; Teacher’s Key; Evaluation Stock Contract (filename: 4.2.12 StockContract.pdf) 