eBinders: You Can Do It, We Can Help! Deanna Darr- Jack E. Singley Academy-AVID Marla Rhodes-Lady Bird Johnson MS-AVID Stefanie Sims-Lady Bird Johnson MS-ITS WICOR Writing Inquiry Collaboration Organization Reading Philosophical Chairs Activity Students should consolidate their organization into a large binder. Source: Ben Solomon, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qll1_hc3ErA Video: I Like Big Binders Decision to Digitize Expense-program provided binders & supplies to students Some campuses provided to all students Class management with supplies Cumbersome Student buy-in to big 3-inch binders No time for organization within the school day Access at school to binder (home) Our students use technology daily Source: Partnership for 21st Century Skillshttp://www.p21.org/about-us/p21-framework Source: Jeff Dunn via @edudemic gone-google/ ttp://www.edudemic.com/the-staggering-number-of-schools-that-have- Burning question... Why is student organization important to you? Think -- Stare --Pair Activity eBinder options LiveBinders Portfolio in Project Share (Epsilen) Dropbox.com folder Folder in Google Drive Google Site Google Apps for Education-Google Drive AVID Resources Folder Cornell Notes Cornell Notes in Health Science Folder Example: Cornell Notes created using Google Docs Cornell Notes as an image uploaded to folder in Google Drive. Learning Log Folder Learning Log DLIQ eBinder in Google Sites Calendar Template Page Learning Logs Template Page Cornell Notes Template Page Cornell Notes Page, Video Example Videos created for Irving ISD by Katie Crone, ITS at Jack E. Singley Academy eBinder Check Page AVID Resources Page Help Page Google Sites in Templates How to search templates within Google Sites 1) http://sites.google.com 2) Create, Browse Gallery 3) In Gallery, search for AVID eBinder 4) Use template 5) Customize it to your school before using with your students. support: https://support.google.com/sites/?hl=en#topic=1689606 eBinder sharing Because our Irving ISD system is closed, the presenter is zipping a file of Word Docs and PDFs that you can use to upload into Google to create a site for your district or campus. Critical Friends (Buck Institute Strategy) I Like...something specific you like about the activity, project, lesson, topic, etc. I Wonder...a new thought that came about as a result, not a recommendation. Next Steps...A recommended next step for going forward. We liked... We liked the concept and organization of the eBinders once it got rolling, as teachers we could access it from home, feedback could be confidential, students could adapt to their learning style (fonts, colors) and students more engaged, inserted pictures, images, used available cameras (phones & webcams) But we wondered... We wondered where we went wrong in teaching them how to set up an eBinder, about incoming students and how they might get behind, how it was going to fit into lesson plans (stop teaching, do eBinder), we wondered if students could manipulate the system and grades electronically, we wondered how it was going to work without class sets of technology. Next step became... Chunking the set up presentation, embedding the Cornell Notes, teaching other subjects besides AVID to gain buy in, comfort & consistency, calendaring changed to just one calendar instead of AVID, considering going to just shared folders in GDocs instead of Google Site. http://todaysmeet.com/avidebinder http://todaysmeet.com/avidebinder I like I wonder Next steps Please give us your contact information in Today’s Meet if you’d like a copy of the presentation sent to you. Contact Information Deanna Darr, AVID ddarr@irvingisd.net @MsDarr Marla Rhodes, AVID marlarhodes@irvingisd.net @jmsrhodes Stefanie Sims, Instructional Technology ssims@irvingisd.net @ITSStefanieSims