Methyl eugenol

Screening Assessment for the Challenge
Benzene, 1,2-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)(Methyl eugenol)
Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number
Environment Canada
Health Canada
September 2010
Screening Assessment
CAS RN 93-15-2
The Ministers of the Environment and of Health have conducted a screening assessment
of benzene, 1,2-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)-, (commonly called methyl eugenol), Chemical
Abstracts Service Registry Number 93-15-2. Methyl eugenol was identified in the
categorization of the Domestic Substances List as a high priority for action under the
Ministerial Challenge, as it was considered to pose an intermediate potential for exposure
of individuals in Canada and it had been classified by the United States National
Toxicology Program on the basis of carcinogenicity. This substance was not considered to
be a high priority for assessment of potential risks to the environment as it did not meet
the ecological categorization criteria for persistence, bioaccumulation potential or inherent
toxicity to aquatic organisms. Therefore, this assessment focuses principally on
information relevant to the evaluation of human health.
Methyl eugenol is an organic substance that occurs naturally in the essential oils of several
plant species. These oils are extracted for use principally as flavour ingredients in food
and beverages and as fragrance ingredients and emollients in personal care products.
Methyl eugenol can be a component of citronella oil, which is registered as an active
ingredient in personal insect repellent in Canada. Based on information reported pursuant
to section 71 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999), methyl
eugenol was not reported to be manufactured in Canada in 2006, and less than 100 kg of
the substance was imported into the country in the same calendar year.
Methyl eugenol is considered to be ubiquitous in air and water at very low concentrations.
The predominant source of exposure to the general population is expected to be its
naturally occurring presence in food and beverages, with smaller contributions from the
use of personal care products and citronella oil based personal insect repellents.
Based principally on the weight of evidence–based assessments of international or other
national agencies, a critical effect for the characterization of risk to human health for
methyl eugenol is carcinogenicity. In the standard 2-year carcinogenicity studies with rats
and mice, methyl eugenol induced multiple types of tumours in both males and females in
a dose-related manner. Of note, the significantly increased incidences of liver tumours
were observed at the lowest dose tested in both rats and mice in the chronic studies.
Methyl eugenol was genotoxic in a range of in vivo and in vitro assays, although it was not
mutagenic in bacterial cells. Methyl eugenol bound to liver DNA and formed DNA
adducts in vivo and in vitro. In addition, methyl eugenol caused gene mutation in the liver
of transgenic animals and induced mutation of β-catenin gene in mouse liver tumours.
While the mode of induction of tumours has not been fully elucidated, based on
genotoxicity of methyl eugenol, it cannot be precluded that methyl eugenol induces
tumours via a mode of action involving direct interaction with genetic material.
Methyl eugenol is also associated with non-cancer effects in experimental animals
including cytological alteration, necrosis, hyperplasia, atrophy, organ or body weight
changes in rats and mice. The critical non-cancer effect was reduced body weight or body
Screening Assessment
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weight gain. With respect to non-cancer effects, comparison of the critical effect level
with upper-bounding estimates of exposure to the general population from the use of
methyl eugenol-containing personal care products and citronella oil (containing methyl
eugenol) based personal insect repellents results in margins of exposure that are
considered adequate.
On the basis of the carcinogenic potential of methyl eugenol, for which there may be a
probability of harm at any exposure level, it is concluded that methyl eugenol is a
substance that may be entering the environment in a quantity or concentration or under
conditions that constitute or may constitute a danger in Canada to human life or health.
Based on its physical and chemical properties and available limited degradation data,
methyl eugenol does not meet the persistence and bioaccumulation criteria as set out in the
Persistence and Bioaccumulation Regulations of CEPA 1999. In addition, both
experimental and modelled toxicity data suggest that the substance is only moderately
hazardous to aquatic organisms. Given the low quantity of methyl eugenol in commerce in
Canada, its environmental concentration is predicted to be well below the predicted no
effect concentration. On this basis it is concluded that methyl eugenol is not entering the
environment in a quantity or concentration or under conditions that have or may have an
immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment or its biological diversity or
that constitute or may constitute a danger to the environment on which life depends.
Where relevant, research and monitoring will support verification of assumptions used
during the screening assessment and, where appropriate, the performance of potential
control measures identified during the risk management phase.
Based on the information available, it is concluded that methyl eugenol meets one or more
of the criteria set out in section 64 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.
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The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) (Canada 1999) requires
the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Health to conduct screening
assessments of substances that were prioritized during the categorization of substances on
the Domestic Substances List (DSL) to determine whether these substances present or may
present a risk to the environment or to human health.
Based on the information obtained through the categorization process, the Ministers
identified a number of substances as high priorities for action. These include substances
met all of the ecological categorization criteria, including persistence (P),
bioaccumulation potential (B) and inherent toxicity to aquatic organisms (iT), and
were believed to be in commerce in Canada; and/or
met the categorization criteria for greatest potential for exposure (GPE) or
presented an intermediate potential for exposure (IPE) and had been identified as
posing a high hazard to human health based on classifications by other national or
international agencies for carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, developmental toxicity or
reproductive toxicity.
The Ministers therefore published a notice of intent in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on
December 9, 2006 (Canada 2006), which challenged industry and other interested
stakeholders to submit, within specified timelines, specific information that may be used
to inform risk assessment and to develop and benchmark best practices for the risk
management and product stewardship of those substances identified as high priorities.
The substance methyl eugenol was identified as a high priority for assessment of human
health risk because it was considered to present an IPE and had been classified by other
agencies on the basis of carcinogenicity.
The Challenge for methyl eugenol was published in the Canada Gazette on March 14,
2009 (Canada 2009). A substance profile was released at the same time. The substance
profile presented the technical information available prior to December 2005 that formed
the basis for categorization of this substance. As a result of the Challenge, submissions of
information pertaining to the substance were received.
Although methyl eugenol was determined to be a high priority for assessment with respect
to human health, it did not meet the criteria for persistence, bioaccumulation potential or
inherent toxicity to aquatic organisms. Therefore, this assessment focuses principally on
information relevant to the evaluation of risks to human health.
Screening assessments focus on information critical to determining whether a substance
meets the criteria for defining a chemical as toxic as set out in section 64 of CEPA 1999.
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Screening assessments examine scientific information and develop conclusions by
incorporating a weight of evidence approach and precaution 1 .
This final screening assessment includes consideration of information on chemical
properties, hazards, uses and exposure, including the additional information submitted
under the Challenge. Data relevant to the screening assessment of this substance were
identified in original literature, review and assessment documents and stakeholder
research reports and from recent literature searches, up to November 2009 for ecological
effects and March 2010 for human health effects and exposure 2 . Key studies were
critically evaluated; modelling results may have been used to reach conclusions.
Evaluation of risk to human health involves consideration of data relevant to estimation of
(non-occupational) exposure of the general population, as well as information on health
hazards (based principally on the weight of evidence assessments of other agencies that
were used for prioritization of the substance). Decisions for human health are based on the
nature of the critical effect and/or margins between conservative effect levels and
estimates of exposure, taking into account confidence in the completeness of the identified
databases on both exposure and effects, within a screening context. The final screening
assessment does not represent an exhaustive or critical review of all available data. Rather,
it presents a summary of the existing critical information upon which the conclusion is
This final screening assessment was prepared by staff in the existing substances programs
at Health Canada and Environment Canada and incorporates input from other programs
within these departments. The ecological and human health portions of this assessment
have undergone external written peer review/consultation. Comments on the technical
portions relevant to human health were received from Dr. Bernard Gadagbui, Toxicology
Excellence for Risk Assessment; Dr. Michael Jayjock, The LifeLine Group; and Dr. Chris
Bevans, CJB Consulting.
Additionally, the draft of this screening assessment was subject to a 60-day public
comment period. While external comments were taken into consideration, the final
content and outcome of the screening assessment remain the responsibility of Health
Canada and Environment Canada. Approaches used in the screening assessments under
the Challenge have been reviewed by an independent Challenge Advisory Panel.
A determination of whether one or more of the criteria of section 64 are met is based upon an assessment
of potential risks to the environment and/or to human health associated with exposures in the general
environment. For humans, this includes, but is not limited to, exposures from ambient and indoor air,
drinking water, foodstuffs, and the use of consumer products. A conclusion under CEPA 1999 on the
substances in the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) Challenge Batches 1-12 is not relevant to, nor does it
preclude, an assessment against the hazard criteria specified in the Controlled Products Regulations, which
is part of regulatory framework for the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System [WHMIS] for
products intended for workplace use.
A publication was identified after finalizing the assessment and is added to the list of references for
completeness (Smith et al, 2010)
Screening Assessment
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The critical information and considerations upon which the final assessment is based are
summarized below.
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Substance Identity
For the purposes of this document, benzene, 1,2-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)- will be
referred to as methyl eugenol, derived from the Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and
Chemical Substances (PICCS). Information on the identity of methyl eugenol is
summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Substance identity for methyl eugenol
Chemical Abstracts Service
Registry Number (CAS RN)
DSL name
National Chemical Inventories
(NCI) names1
Other names
Chemical group (DSL Stream)
Major chemical class or use
Major chemical sub-class
Chemical formula
Benzene, 1,2-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)4-Allylveratrole (REACH, EINECS)
Benzene, 1,2-dimethoxy-4-(2-propen-1-yl)- (TSCA)
Benzene, 1,2-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)- (AICS, ASIAPAC, ENCS, NZIoC, PICCS, SWISS)
1,2-Dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene (ECL)
Eugenyl methyl ether extra (PICCS)
Methyl eugenol (PICCS)
1,3,4-Eugenol methyl ether
Benzene, 4-allyl-1,2-dimethoxyChavibetol methyl ether
Ent 21040
Eugenyl methyl ether
Methyl ether
Methyl eugenyl ether
NSC 209528
NSC 8900
Veratrole methyl ether
Veratrole, 4-allyl-Discrete organics
Aromatic ether
Alkoxy allylbenzene
Screening Assessment
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Chemical structure
Molecular mass
178.23 g/mol
Abbreviations: AICS, Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances; ASIA-PAC, Asia-Pacific Substances
Lists; CAS RN, Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number; DSL, Domestic Substances List; ECL,
Korean Existing Chemicals List; EINECS, European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical
Substances; ENCS, Japanese Existing and New Chemical Substances; NZIoC, New Zealand Inventory of
Chemicals; PICCS, Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances; REACH, Registration,
Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances; SWISS, Swiss Giftliste 1 and Inventory
of Notified New Substances; TSCA, Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substance Inventory.
Source: National Chemical Inventories (NCI) 2009
SMILES: Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification
Physical and Chemical Properties
Table 2 contains experimental and modelled data for the physical and chemical properties
of methyl eugenol that are relevant to its environmental fate. Where experimental data
were not available, models based on quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs)
were used to fill data gaps. These models are mainly based on fragment addition methods,
i.e. they rely on the structure of a chemical.
Based on its physical and chemical properties (Table 2), methyl eugenol is characterized
by moderate water solubility (500 mg/L), moderate vapour pressure (modelled 1.6 Pa),
low to moderate log Kow (modelled 3.0) and log Koc (modelled 2.7), and low Henry’s
Law Constant (0.567 Pa·m3/mol).
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Table 2. Physical and chemical properties for methyl eugenol
Melting point
Boiling point
(1.032-1.036 g/cm3)1
(1.036 g/cm3)
(0.012 mm Hg)
(5.60 x 10-6
MITI 1992
Vapour pressure
Henry’s Law
Log Kow
Log Koc
(Organic carbonwater partition
Water solubility
Lide and Milne
Lide and Milne
MITI 1992
Lewis 2001
Merck 1997
Values and units in brackets represent those originally reported by the authors or estimated by the models.
Perry and Green
Screening Assessment
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Methyl eugenol is a naturally occurring substance found in the essential oils of several
plant species. The oils are extracted from plants by steam distillation or with organic
solvents, typically for use as flavour or fragrance ingredients. The amount of methyl
eugenol in an essential oil extracted from a given type of plant varies with the variety,
plant maturity at harvest, harvesting method, storage conditions and extraction method
(Smith et al. 2002).
Methyl eugenol is also manufactured synthetically in small quantities. Annual production
in the United States in 1990 was estimated to be 11,400 kg (NTP 2005a); in a more recent
report, annual production in the United States was reported as 77 kg (FAO/WHO 2009).
There are currently four manufacturers of methyl eugenol in the United States and three
manufacturers elsewhere, but none in Canada (2009 email from SRI Consulting to Risk
Assessment Bureau, Health Canada; unreferenced). In response to the section 71 notice
pursuant to CEPA 1999, no company reported the manufacture, import or use of methyl
eugenol in 2006 above the reporting thresholds (i.e., 100 kg for manufacturing and importing,
and 1000 kg for using the substance). There are no other data on industrial activity with
respect to methyl eugenol in Canada.
An extensive listing of the methyl eugenol content of essential oils from different
botanical sources is given in Appendix 1, which summarizes data from Burfield (2004).
The concentrations of methyl eugenol typically found in essential oils used in consumer
products in Canada have not been quantified to date.
In Canada, flavouring ingredients such as methyl eugenol or essential oils containing
methyl eugenol can be added to any food that does not have a standard of identity and
composition in the Food and Drug Regulations and to those foods that have a standard of
identity and composition that allows for the addition of flavours to the food. Plant
materials such as leaves, stems, and seeds containing methyl eugenol may also be added to
foods that do not have a regulatory standard, and to those that have a standard where there
is provision for the addition of spices or seasoning.
Some examples of common culinary herbs and spices that contain methyl eugenol are
basil, tarragon, lemon grass, bay leaf, nutmeg, allspice, cloves and mace. Methyl eugenol
is also reported to have been found in oranges, bananas and grapefruit juice (Johnson and
Abdo 2005; Smith et al. 2002). Commercially prepared foods in which methyl eugenol
may be found include ice cream; baked goods such as cookies, pies, pastries and buns;
puddings and other gelatine-based desserts; condiments, soups and sauces, especially
pesto; various meat products; candy and chewing gum; and beverages made with spices
and herbs containing methyl eugenol (Council of Europe 2001).
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Methyl eugenol, when used as a flavouring agent, was classified as GRAS (Generally
Recognized as Safe) by the Flavour and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) in
1965 and that classification remained unchanged following a re-evaluation of methyl
eugenol by FEMA in 2001 (Smith et al 2002). In the United States, methyl eugenol is a
permitted food additive, provided that it is used in the minimum quantity required to
produce its intended effect, and otherwise in accordance with all the principles of good
manufacturing practice (US FDA 2001).
In the European Union, EC Regulation 1334/2008, which will be effective in January
2011, prohibits the addition of methyl eugenol to foods and restricts the concentration of
methyl eugenol in compound foods that have been prepared with flavourings or food
ingredients with flavouring properties; however, if the only food ingredients with
flavouring properties that have been added are fresh, dried or frozen herbs and spices, the
maximum limits do not apply for methyl eugenol. For instance, pesto made with basil is
permitted in food preparation, regardless of methyl eugenol content. The permitted
maximum concentrations range from 1 mg/kg in non-alcoholic beverages up to 60 mg/kg
in soups and sauces (European Commission 2008).
Some essential oils including citronella (Cymbopogon spp.), basil (Ocimum spp.), bay
(Laurus nobilis) and tea tree (Melaleuca spp.) that may contain a high percentage of
methyl eugenol are used in fragranced consumer products such as personal care products
and household cleaners.
The European Union has conducted a risk assessment of methyl eugenol in cosmetic and
non-food products. Based on the findings of this assessment, methyl eugenol is permitted
in cosmetics as a component of plant extracts only. The permitted concentrations are as
follows: 0.01% in fine fragrances, 0.004% in eau de toilette, 0.002% in a fragrance cream,
0.0002% in other leave-on products and oral hygiene products, and 0.001% in rinse-off
products. Methyl eugenol may not be added as a pure chemical to cosmetics (European
Commission 2000a; b). These concentration limits on the methyl eugenol content of
essential oils in cosmetic products were adopted by Canada and are outlined in the
Cosmetic Ingredients Hotlist (available at (Health Canada
In Canada, citronella oil, which can contain methyl eugenol, is an active ingredient in
some commercially available personal insect repellent lotions and sprays applied to the
skin. In 2004, under the Pest Control Products Act, Health Canada conducted a reevaluation of the safety of citronella oil use in personal insect repellents. As a result of that
review (PACR2004-36) (Health Canada 2004), and a review by a scientific advisory
panel, Health Canada recommended adopting the methyl eugenol concentration limits
proposed by the European Commission (REV2008-03) (Health Canada 2008). Health
Canada has requested information on the levels of methyl eugenol in insect repellents
containing citronella oil and will propose a phase out plan for personal insect repellents
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containing citronella oil as an active ingredient if additional information to confirm the
safe use of these products is not provided.
Methyl eugenol is also a component of certain fragrances present in 15 pest control
products in Canada, with a resulting methyl eugenol concentration ranging from of
0.00233% to 0.005 %. However, none of these pesticides are registered for use on food.
(2009 email from PMRA to Risk Assessment Bureau, Health Canada; unreferenced). In
the United States, methyl eugenol is used as a bait attractant for insect traps and lure
products for control of fruit flies in fields and orchards (US EPA 2006).
In addition to its use in personal insect repellents, citronella oil is used in outdoor candles
and torches as an area insect repellent.
The tobacco of flavoured bidis and clove cigarettes has been analysed for a number of
alkenylbenzene compounds, among them methyl eugenol. The concentration of methyl
eugenol found in the cigarettes in this study ranged from not detected to 61 μg/g in
strawberry-flavoured tobacco (Stanfill et al. 2003). The source of methyl eugenol in
flavoured tobacco is presumed to be in the flavouring and not the cured tobacco. In May
2009, the Government of Canada introduced amendments to the Tobacco Act to prohibit
the selling of cigarettes, little cigars and blunt wraps (leaf-wrapped tobacco) with flavours
and additives that taste like candy (Health Canada 2009).
Essential oils are sold to individuals who choose to make their own preparations. Essential
oils are used in a number of specialized applications such as aromatherapy, as ingredients
of massage oils and in alternative medicine practices, among others. Methyl eugenol is a
component of several essential oils which may be used in these practices (see Appendix
Methyl eugenol is listed in the Natural Health Products Ingredients Database. Health
Canada does not authorize the use of pure methyl eugenol for either medicinal or nonmedicinal purposes in oral and topical Natural Health Products. More information
regarding safe use of methyl eugenol and natural products that contain methyl eugenol can
be found in the Natural Health Products Ingredients Database (available at
Releases to the Environment
There are very limited data on which to base an estimate of releases of methyl eugenol to
the environment. There are no known industrial sources of methyl eugenol releases to the
Canadian environment; however, it is expected that, as in the United States (Barr et al.
2000), this substance is ubiquitous in air and water at low part per trillion levels.
Environmental Fate
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Based on its physical and chemical properties (Table 2), the Level III fugacity model has
been used to predict the environmental partitioning for methyl eugenol, with consideration
of the half-lives in air (estimated as 5 hours, HSDB 1983-2009), water (measured as 8
days, CHRIP c2008), soil (8 days estimated as the same as half-life in water), and
sediments (32 days estimated as four times the half-life in water). The results from the
modelling suggest that methyl eugenol is expected to mainly reside in the environmental
compartment to which it is released (Table 3).
Table 3. Results of Level III fugacity modelling (EQC 2003)
Substance released to:
Air (100%)
Water (100%)
Soil (100%)
Percentage of substance partitioning into
each compartment
Persistence and Bioaccumulation Potential
Environmental Persistence
Both empirical and modelled data were available and used in a weight of evidence
approach to determine the environmental persistence and bioaccumulation potential of the
substance. In the atmosphere, methyl eugenol is not expected to undergo photolysis due to
the lack of absorption in the environmental UV spectrum (>298 nm) (Meylan and Howard
1993). If released to air, the substance will degrade by reaction with photochemicallyproduced hydroxyl radicals. The half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 5 hours
(HSDB 1983-2009).
In water, methyl eugenol is not expected to undergo hydrolysis in the environment due to
the lack of hydrolysable functional groups.
The empirical data from a biodegradation study (HSDB 1983-2009) show that there is
approximately 90% ultimate biodegradation over 28 days using an activated sludge
inoculum in a ready-biodegradation test for methyl eugenol (Table 4a). The rapid
degradation observed in the test can be translated into a half-life of approximately 8 days
in water, assuming first order degradation kinetics. The substance is therefore not
expected to persist in water. Shaver and Bull (1980) identified a dissipation half-life of 34
hours in water and 16 hours in soil. Although they did not determine a mechanism for the
dissipation, they speculated that the losses were mostly a result of evaporation.
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Table 4a. Empirical data for degradation of methyl eugenol
Fate Process
Activated sludge
Endpoint (Units)
Half-life (hour)
(% over 28 days)
HSDB 1983-2009
HSDB 1983-2009
In addition to experimental data on the degradation of methyl eugenol, a QSAR-based
weight-of-evidence approach (Environment Canada 2007) was applied using the
degradation models (see Table 4b below). Given the ecological importance of the water
compartment and the fact that most of the available models apply to water (BIOWIN
2009), biodegradation in water was primarily examined. Methyl eugenol has been
included in the training set in BIOWIN 2009 for developing the MITI biodegradation
model. It is also within the domains of TOPKAT and CATABOL for predicting
biodegradation in water. These QSARs are therefore expected to model methyl eugenol
Table 4b summarizes the results from available QSAR models for degradation of methyl
eugenol in water and air.
Table 4b. Modelled data for degradation of methyl eugenol
Fate Process
Ozone reaction
And Model Basis
Model Result and
t 1/2 = 0.14 days
(3.4 hours)
t 1/2 = 0.96 days
(23 hours)
“biodegrades fast”
< 182
“biodegrades fast”
< 182
“biodegrades fast”
< 182
“biodegrades fast”
< 182
“biodegrades fast”
< 182
Sub-model 3: Expert Survey
(ultimate biodegradation)
Sub-model 4: Expert Survey
(primary biodegradation)
Sub-model 5: MITI linear
Sub-model 6: MITI non-linear
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CATABOL c2004−2008
(biological oxygen demand)
% BOD = 73.1
“biodegrades fast”
< 182
Output is a numerical score from 0 to 5
Output is a probability score
In air, a predicted atmospheric oxidation half-life of 0.14 day (see Table 4b) demonstrates
that methyl eugenol is likely to be rapidly oxidized. It is also predicted to react quickly
with ozone, with a half-life value of 0.96 days. Based on experimental data (HSDB 19832009) and model predictions, the substance is considered to be not persistent in air.
QSAR models were also used to predict the biodegradation potential in water. The
BIOWIN (2009) aerobic biodegradation models (BIOWIN submodels 3, 4, 5 and 6)
suggest that methyl eugenol biodegrades rapidly. The BIOWIN submodels 5 and 6
probability results are both greater than 0.3, the cut-off suggested by Aronson et al. (2006)
to identify substances as having a half-life <60 days (based on the MITI probability
models). The other two ultimate degradation models, TOPKAT and CATABOL, both
predict that the substance may biodegrade rapidly in water. There is sufficient confidence,
based on the experimental data together with support from aerobic models (in Table 4b),
to predict that methyl eugenol biodegrades rapidly and the half-life is far below 90 days.
According to experimental data (MITI 1992) and model predictions, methyl eugenol is not
considered persistent in water.
To extrapolate a half-life in water to half-lives in soil and sediment, Boethling’s factors
t½ water:t½ soil:t½ sediment = 1:1:4 (Boethling et al. 1995) were applied. Using the half-life in
water of approximately 8 days (estimated from the MITI ready biodegradation test result assuming first order kinetics) and the extrapolation factors, the half-lives in soil and
sediment are estimated to be about 8 and 32 days. It is thus concluded that methyl eugenol
is not persistent soil and sediment.
Based on the empirical and modelled data, it is concluded that methyl eugenol does not
meet the persistence criteria in air, water, soil or sediment (half-life in air ≥ 2 days, halflives in soil and water ≥182 days and half-life in sediment ≥ 365 days), as set out in the
Persistence and Bioaccumulation Regulations (Canada 2000).
Potential for Bioaccumulation
Since no experimental bioaccumulation factor (BAF) or bioconcentration factor (BCF)
data for methyl eugenol were available, a predictive approach was applied using available
BAF and BCF models to estimate the bioaccumulation potential for the substance. The
modelled predictions (mid level trophic by BCFBAF 2008) are summarized in Table 5
below. Given that the log Kow is <4 as described below, the uptake of the substance is
expected to be mainly via the gills and thus metabolism via the gut is not expected to be
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The modified Gobas BAF middle trophic-level model (Arnot and Gobas 2003) for fish
predicted a bioaccumulation factor (BAF) and a bioconcentration factor (BCF) of 72 and
69 L/kg respectively, indicating that methyl eugenol does not have the potential to
appreciably bioaccumulate or to biomagnify in the environment. The result of the Gobas
BCF model calculation also suggests a low bioconcentration potential for this substance.
It is noted that the metabolic biotransformation potential for this substance was calculated
from modelled BCF data, and was then used in calculating the QSAR-based Gobas BAF
and Gobas BCF values. There is little difference, however, between the BCF and BAF
estimates when metabolic biotransformation rates were included. This is because the
predicted rate of biotransformation was relatively inconsequential compared to the other
rates of chemical elimination most notably gill elimination (i.e., 2.6 /d).
The results of other BCF model calculations (OASIS Forecast 2005, and CPOPs 2008)
shown in Table 5 below, add to the weight-of-evidence supporting the low
bioconcentration potential of this substance with respect to the bioaccumulation criteria of
5,000 L/kg.
Table 5. Modelled data of bioaccumulation for methyl eugenol
Value (wet
BCFBAF 2008 (mid trophic level)
BCFBAF 2008 (mid tropic level)
Arnot and Gobas 2003
(Gobas BCF/BAF Middle Trophic Level)
Arnot and Gobas 2003
(Gobas BCF/BAF Middle Trophic Level)
OASIS Forecast 2005
CPOPs 2008
Based on the model predictions of BAF and BCF, it is concluded that methyl eugenol does
not meet the bioaccumulation criteria (BAF or BCF ≥ 5000) as set out in the Persistence
and Bioaccumulation Regulations (Canada 2000).
Potential to Cause Ecological Harm
Empirical ecotoxicity studies for methyl eugenol are available for fish, daphnia, and alga,
and results are summarized in Table 6a. The EC50/LC50 values from acute studies ranged
from 6 to 22 mg/L, while the chronic no-observed-effect-concentrations (NOECs) for
algae and daphnia ranged from 1.1 to 4.6 mg/L. In the chronic study with daphnia, the
EC50 was reported as 13 mg/L. There were no experimental toxicity data for methyl
eugenol in soil.
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Table 6a. Empirical data for aquatic toxicity of methyl eugenol
Test Organism
Test Type
Acute 96-hr
(Oryzias latipes)
Bluegill sunfish
(Lepomis macrochirus)
Bluegill sunfish
(Lepomis macrochirus)
Rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Water flea
(Daphnia magna)
CHRIP c2008
Acute 96-hr
US EPA 2008
Acute 24-hr
Acute 48-hr
Acute 96-hr
Acute 96-hr
Beroza et al. 1975
Acute 24-hr
Acute 48-hr
Acute 96-hr
72-hr Growth rate
72-hr AUG***
48-hr Immobilization
21-day Reproduction
US EPA 2008
Beroza et al. 1975
CHRIP c2008
CHRIP c2008
LC50 – The concentration of a substance that is estimated to be lethal to 50% of the test organisms
EC50 − The concentration of a substance that is estimated to cause some toxic sublethal effect on 50% of
the test organisms
NOEC – The No Observed Effect Concentration is the highest concentration in a toxicity test not
causing a statistically significant effect in comparison to the controls
* Some of the original studies have not been reviewed for quality
** Critical toxicity value which is used to derive the predicted no effect concentration
*** AUG – Area Under Growth curve
In addition to the empirical toxicity data for methyl eugenol, the predictive QSAR model
ECOSAR (2009) was also used to estimate both acute and chronic effects of the substance
on aquatic organisms. Predicted ecotoxicity values were summarized in Table 6b below
and used in the QSAR weight-of-evidence approach for assessing aquatic toxicity
(Environment Canada 2007).
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Table 6b. Modelled data for ecotoxicity of methyl eugenol (ECOSAR 2008)
Test organism
Fish (sea water)
Green Algae
Mysid Shrimp
Fish (sea water)
Green Algae
Mysid Shrimp (sea water)
Type of test
Acute 96-hr
Acute 96-hr
Acute 48-hr
Acute 96-hr
Acute 96-hr
Chronic 14-day
Chronic 30-day
Chronic 14-day
Value (mg/L)
LC50 – The concentration of a substance that is estimated to be lethal to 50% of the test organisms
EC50 − The concentration of a substance that is estimated to cause some toxic sublethal effect on 50% of
the test organisms
ChV – Chronic toxicity value
The range of empirical toxicity values and the predicted aquatic toxicity (obtained from
the QSAR model considered) indicates that methyl eugenol is not likely to cause acute
harm to aquatic organisms at low concentrations (< 1 mg/L).
The lowest empirical acute effect value of 6 mg/L was selected as the Critical Toxicity
Value (CTV) and used to derive the predicted no effect concentration (PNEC). An
assessment factor of 100 was applied to account for inter- and intra-species variations in
sensitivity, and to extrapolate from a laboratory-based endpoint to a chronic effect value in
the field. This resulted in a conservative predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) of 0.06
mg/L (Robust Study Summary available upon request).
Given the very low quantity of this substance imported in Canada, a conservative aquatic
exposure scenario was developed to estimate the potential release into the aquatic
environment from a hypothetical industrial operation and the resulting aquatic
concentration. The 100-kg reporting threshold for the section 71 notice was used to
represent the total amount used at the facility. The predicted environmental concentration
(PEC) is conservatively estimated (assuming 5% of the mass in use is released over the
course of one year to a small watercourse) to be 0.0006 mg/L (Environment Canada
The resulting risk quotient (PEC/PNEC) is 0.01 (Environment Canada 2009), indicating
that methyl eugenol is unlikely to cause harm to aquatic organisms in Canada.
With the exception of a predicted LC50 for an earthworm (Table 6b), no ecological effects
information were found for this substance in media other than water. Given the short halflife due to reactions with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals, the substance will
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degrade fast and exposure in air is not expected to be significant. Based on the model
predictions of environmental fate, if released to soil, there is the potential for soil-dwelling
organisms to be exposed to methyl eugenol. Given that emissions to soil are expected to
be very low based on the section 71 reporting information, as well as the short dissipation
half-life (measured as 16 hours at 22 oC) in that compartment, the exposure to methyl
eugenol in soil is anticipated to be limited. Based on this, and on the predicted LC50 for
earthworms and the relatively low aquatic toxicity of this substance, significant ecological
effects on soil organisms are unlikely.
Uncertainties in Evaluation of Risk to Environment
There is uncertainty associated with the exposure assessment. Although methyl eugenol
has been identified in various natural substances and in some industrial raw and partially
treated effluent, there is no quantitative study monitoring ambient environmental (nondietary) concentrations of the substance at which organisms in water and other
environmental media are exposed. However, given the low use quantity based on section
71 reporting information and the conservative nature of the aquatic exposure estimate,
confidence is high that the risk associated with the predicted environmental exposures is
The bioaccumulation assessment is limited by the absence of experimental data; this
necessitated that predictions using QSAR models be generated. Although the predictions
using models have some degree of error, methyl eugenol is well within the domain of
applicability for the QSAR models and estimates from all QSAR models indicate that
methyl eugenol is expected to have a low bioaccumulative potential. The low to moderate
log Kow of methyl eugenol confirms the validity of the modelled values for the substance.
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Potential to Cause Harm to Human Health
Exposure Assessment
Environmental Media and Diet
Methyl eugenol was detected in the raw and partially treated effluent of one unbleached
kraft mill at concentrations of 0.001–0.002 mg/L, but not in the final effluent (Keith
1976). Air in the vicinity of insect traps baited with methyl eugenol was analysed for the
presence of the substance 0–5 days after bait stations were set out. Methyl eugenol was
detected in samples on days 0 and 1, but not on day 5, at distances of 1 and 25 m from the
traps (Turner et al. 1989). No other reports of methyl eugenol levels in environmental
media have been located.
There are insufficient data with which to prepare an estimate of exposure to methyl
eugenol from environmental media (air, water and soil); however, the exposure from these
media is expected to be low.
Estimates of the dietary intake of methyl eugenol from foods and beverages were prepared
by the UK delegation to the Council of Europe Committee of Experts in Flavouring
Substances for its 47th session in October 2000. The overall average and 97.5th-percentile
intakes were estimated to be 190 and 530 µg/kg body weight (kg-bw) per day,
respectively, for consumers only. These estimates were calculated using dietary intake
data from a British survey of daily food and beverage consumption. For each food or
beverage category, the highest level of methyl eugenol in that category was used to
estimate dietary intake of methyl eugenol. The delegation report stated that these numbers
were likely to be overestimates (Council of Europe 2001).
Smith et al. (2002) prepared estimates of daily dietary intake of methyl eugenol and
estragole in one of a series of safety evaluations by the Expert Panel of FEMA. The
researchers used data on the annual volumes of plant materials with methyl eugenolcontaining essential oils, methyl eugenol-containing essential oils and neat methyl eugenol
imported and consumed in the United States in 1999. These data were combined with the
average methyl eugenol content of essential oil derived from each plant type. Dietary
intake of methyl eugenol was calculated by considering the intake of methyl eugenol from
traditional food (principally spices), from essential oils added as flavour ingredients and
from neat methyl eugenol as a flavouring substance. The estimated mean dietary intake of
methyl eugenol for consumers only was 8 µg/kg-bw per day.
The Joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health
Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) published an
evaluation of a group of alkoxy-substituted allylbenzenes, including methyl eugenol, in
which the FEMA population-based estimation methodology as well as FEMA trade data
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were used to derive an estimate of the maximum dietary intake of methyl eugenol in the
United States of 424 µg/person per day or about 6–8 µg/kg-bw per day for an adult
(FAO/WHO 2009).
The concentration of methyl eugenol in basil is highly variable and the use of basil to
make pesto may occasionally result in the ingestion of a large amount of methyl eugenol.
In the estimate of daily dietary intake of methyl eugenol from basil, Smith et al (2002)
used an average concentration of methyl eugenol in dried basil of 2.6% and in fresh basil
of 0.11%. Miele et al (2001) reported that the concentration of methyl eugenol in essential
oil extracted from Ocimum basilicum cv Genovese Gigante ranged from 5.5% to 100%
and estimated that the intake from a single serving of pasta with pesto could reach 250
μg/kg-bw per meal for adults and 500 μg/kg-bw per meal for children, based on a
concentration of methyl eugenol in basil oil of about 40%.
Consumer Products
Methyl eugenol is not permitted to be intentionally added as an ingredient in personal care
products and is present only as a naturally occurring component of essential oils. Essential
oils which may contain methyl eugenol are used in the formulation of thousands of
personal care products in Canada (CNS, 2009). The Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist details
the maximum concentration of methyl eugenol in essential oils used in personal care
products to: 0.01% in fine fragrances, 0.004% in eau de toilette, 0.002% in a fragrance
cream, 0.0002% in other leave-on products and oral hygiene products, and 0.001% in
rinse-off products (Health Canada 2007).
The potential exposure to methyl eugenol from the use of personal care products made with
essential oils containing methyl eugenol was derived using consumer exposure modelling
software (ConsExpo 2006). A representative calculation is provided in Appendix 2. Based on
information from notifications to Health Canada (CNS, 2009) upper-bounding estimates of
systemic exposure to methyl eugenol from use of certain personal care products were derived
and are shown for females in Table 7.
Table 7. Estimated adult female systemic exposure of methyl eugenol from personal
care products containing methyl eugenol. based on ConsExpo (ConsExpo 2006)
Product category
body lotion
face cream
skin cleanser
Amount per
in grams
Frequency of
use per day
Percent methyleugenol in
product for
μg/kg-bw/ per
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The upper range of methyl eugenol reported in the table represents the Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist limit in
Canada (Health Canada 2007).
For adult women, the estimated daily systemic exposure to methyl eugenol resulting from
dermal exposure only from the aggregate use of four types of personal care products (body
lotion, face moisturizer, skin cleanser and fragrance) formulated with various essential oils
containing methyl eugenol is 1.5 µg/kg-bw per day. This estimate assumes a dermal
absorption of methyl eugenol of 40% for products left on the skin (European Commission
2000b) and a permeability coefficient of 0.0221 cm/hour for skin cleanser that is washed
off (DERMWIN 2000). While the estimated exposure of adult women was the only
scenario presented in the current screening assessment, the estimates of exposure from the
use of personal care products are not expected to differ appreciably across age groups. As
previously noted, the concentration of methyl eugenol in plant-derived material is quite
variable, and there is significant uncertainty associated with these estimates, precluding
the need to characterize exposures of other sub-populations.
In an assessment of human exposure to methyl eugenol prepared by the European
Cosmetics Association (COLIPA), for the European Commission, a lower estimate of the
exposure to methyl eugenol from fragranced cosmetics was presented, in part based on a
concentration of methyl eugenol of only 0.05% in the essential oils. Neither estimate
includes exposure arising from the use of dental or oral hygiene products. Clove flower oil
is licensed for sale in Canada as a non-prescription dental analgesic (LNHPD 2009).
In Health Canada’s (2004) re-evaluation of the safety of citronella oil use in personal
insect repellents, dermal exposure to methyl eugenol, which can occur in these products,
was estimated. Based on 15% citronella in the insect repellent and that it may be applied
more than once per day for a short period each year, a dermal exposure of 3.56 μg/kg-bw
per day of methyl eugenol was estimated.
Methyl eugenol was detected in 98% of 206 adult human serum samples analysed in the
Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, an indication that human
exposure in the United States is ubiquitous. The 5-95% distribution was 5-78 ng/kg in
serum. It can be concluded that methyl eugenol is broadly present in human serum,
however, the concentrations are extremely low. During the laboratory analysis phase of
this work, it was determined that methyl eugenol was present in laboratory air and both
distilled and bottled water at low parts per trillion levels. The researchers concluded that
methyl eugenol is ubiquitous in air and water, albeit at very low levels and that human
exposure arises from multiple sources (Barr et al. 2000).
Confidence is high that the predominant sources of exposure to methyl eugenol for
Canadians are diet and personal care products. While the highest concentration of methyl
eugenol suggested for use in cosmetics is outlined in the Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist,
there are no data to characterize actual levels of methyl eugenol typically found in
essential oils used in personal care products. There are no Canadian data on dietary
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consumption of methyl eugenol. Exposure to methyl eugenol via cleaning products is
likely a minimal contributor to overall exposure.
Health Effects Assessment
Appendix 3 contains a summary of the available health effect information for methyl
The US National Toxicology Program (NTP) classified methyl eugenol as reasonably
anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in
experimental animals (NTP 2000a, b; NTP 2005a). The International Agency for Research
on Cancer (IARC), has not assessed methyl eugenol for carcinogenicity. However, the
structurally related allylbenzene, safrole, was classified by the IARC as possibly
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) and was listed as reasonably anticipated to be a
human carcinogen by the US NTP (IARC 1976; NTP 2005b).
In experimental animal studies, methyl eugenol induced tumours in two species, in both
genders, and at multiple sites. In the standard 2-year NTP carcinogenicity studies with rats
and mice, methyl eugenol induced multiple types of tumours in liver and neuroendocrine
tumours in the glandular stomach in both males and females in a dose-related manner. In
the NTP studies, significant dose-related increased incidences of hepatocellular carcinoma
or adenoma were observed in male Fischer 344 rats (7/50, 14/50, 28/50, 43/50, 45/50,
respectively); and in female Fischer 344 rats (1/50, 8/50, 14/50, 34/50, 43/50,
respectively) after exposure to methyl eugenol by gavage at doses of 0, 37, 75 or 150
mg/kg-bw per day for 105 weeks or at a stop-exposure of 300 mg/kg-bw per day for 53
weeks, followed by vehicle only for the remaining 52 weeks. The incidences of benign or
malignant neuroendocrine tumours in the glandular stomach were also significantly
increased in both male (0/50, 0/50, 0/50, 7/50, 4/50 for 0, 37, 75, 150 or 300 mg/kg-bw
per day, respectively) and female rats (0/50, 1/50, 25/50, 34/50, 41/50 for 0, 37, 75, 150 or
300 mg/kg-bw per day, respectively). In addition, methyl eugenol significantly increased
the incidences of kidney neoplasms, mammary gland fibroadenoma, malignant
mesothelioma, subcutaneous fibroma or fibrosarcoma in male rats; and the liver tumours,
hepatocholangioma or hepatocholangiocarcinoma, in both male and female rats (NTP
In the carcinogenicity bioassay with B6C3F1 mice, the incidences of hepatocellular
adenoma or carcinoma were increased significantly in male mice (31/50, 47/50, 46/50,
40/50, respectively) and female mice (25/50, 50/50, 49/49, 49/50, respectively) when
exposed to methyl eugenol by gavage at doses of 0, 37, 75 or 150 mg/kg-bw per day for
104 weeks. Significantly increased incidences of hepatoblastoma were also seen in female
mice in a dose-related manner (NTP 2000a). The significantly increased incidences of
induced liver tumours were observed at the lowest dose tested (37 mg/kg bw per day) in
both rats and mice. In addition, another study showed that methyl eugenol or its
metabolite, 1’-hydroxyl methyl eugenol, significantly induced liver tumour in mice that
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had received four intraperitoneal injections before weaning (total 28.3 mg/kg bw methyl
eugenol or 18.3 mg/kg bw 1’-hydroxyl methyl eugenol) and were observed for up to 18
months (Miller et al. 1983).
Methyl eugenol was genotoxic in a number of in vivo assays in experimental animals, in
vitro assays in mammalian cells and its metabolites were mutagenic in some Salmonella
test strains (Appendix 3). In in vivo bioassays, methyl eugenol caused chemical-specific
mutation of β-catenin gene in mouse liver tumours at 69% incidence at codons 32, 33, 34
or 41 compared with only 9% in spontaneous tumours. Mutations in β-catenin gene caused
β-catenin accumulation and up-regulation of Wnt-signaling, subsequently stimulating cell
proliferation and inhibiting apoptosis (Devereux et al. 1999; NTP 2000b). In a gene
mutation assay with transgenic animals, methyl eugenol significantly increased the
mutation frequency of lacI gene in the liver of female Big Blue® rats administered with
methyl eugenol by gavage at 1,000 mg/kg bw per day for 90 days compared with controls
(Tyrrell et al. 2000). By contrast, in a transgenic Big Blue® male mice study, the mutation
frequency of lacI in liver in methyl eugenol-treated mice (by gavage at 300 mg/kg bw per
day for 90 days) was not significantly different from the controls. However, the mutation
spectrum (pattern) of the methyl eugenol-treated group was significant different from the
control group (Tyrrell et al. 2000). DNA adducts were observed in the liver of CD-1
female mice treated with methyl eugenol by intraperitoneal injection of 100 or 500 mg/kgbw (Randerath et al. 1984); and in the liver of newborn male B6C3F1 mice treated by
intraperitoneal injection with 0.25 to 3.0 µmol methyl eugenol on days 1, 8, 15, 22 after
birth, respectively (Phillips et al 1984). Moreover both studies showed that methyl
eugenol was more potent than the structurally related carcinogen safrole, in the formation
of liver DNA adducts. Methyl eugenol did not induce micronuclei formation in the bone
marrow of male or female B6C3F1 mice (NTP 2000a).
In in vitro mammalian cell bioassays, methyl eugenol induced sister chromatid exchange
in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells in the presence of S9 (NTP 2000a); induced cell
transformation in Syrian hamster embryo cells (Kerckaert et al. 1996); and formed DNA
adducts in cultured human HepG2 cells and fibroblast V79 cells transfected with human
sulphotransferase (Stening et al. 1997; Zhou et al. 2007). Methyl eugenol and its
metabolite, 1′-hydroxymethyl eugenol, induced dose-related unscheduled DNA synthesis
in cultured primary rat hepatocytes (Howes et al. 1990; Chan and Caldwell 1992).
Moreover, as seen in vivo, higher DNA binding activity was observed for methyl eugenol
than for the structurally related carcinogen, safrole. However, methyl eugenol did not
cause chromosomal aberration in CHO cells (NTP 2000a).
In bacterial bioassays, methyl eugenol was not mutagenic in several Salmonella
typhimurium strains in the presence or absence of S9; nor was it mutagenic in Escherichia
coli WP2uvrA in the presence of S9 (Dorange et al. 1977; Sekizawa and Shibamoto 1982;
Mortelmans et al. 1986; Schiestl et al. 1989; NTP 2000a). However, its metabolite, 2′,3′epoxymethyl eugenol, induced point mutation in S. typhimurium strains TA1535 and
TA100 (Dorange et al. 1977); caused DNA damage in Bacillus subtilis strains M45 Rec−
and H17 Rec+ (Sekizawa and Shibamoto 1982); and caused increased frequencies of intra-
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and interchromosomal recombination in the diploid yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain
RS9 (Schiestl et al. 1989) and intrachromosomal recombination in yeast strain RS112 in
the presence and absence of S9 (Brennan et al. 1996). The mutagenicity, cytogenicity and
DNA damage data support a conclusion that methyl eugenol is genotoxic to mammalian
somatic cells in vitro and in vivo. This conclusion is consistent with the opinion of the
Scientific Committee on Food on the safety of the presence of methyl eugenol in food that
methyl eugenol is genotoxic and carcinogenic. Therefore “the existence of a threshold can
not be assumed” (European Commission 2001).
A fully elucidated mode of action for tumours arising as a result of exposure to methyl
eugenol has not been developed. In the literature, divergent opinions have been expressed
on the mode of action for such tumours. The Expert Panel of FEMA suggested that the
dose-dependent hepatotoxicity is “likely to be a necessary step in carcinogenesis” in the
liver (Smith et al. 2002). The induction of benign and malignant neuroendocrine tumours
of the glandular stomach in rats and mice may be due in part to induction of glandular
stomach atrophy, reduced gastric acid secretion, hypergastrinemia and proliferations of
enterochromaffin-like cells (NTP 2000a, 2005a). However, strong evidence of mutations
in β-catenin gene in mouse liver tumours led others to suggest that mutation of β-catenin
may be an early event in hepatocellular tumour formation (Devereux et al. 1999; NTP
2000b; Johnson and Abdo 2005). In addition, methyl eugenol and its metabolites form
DNA adducts in in vivo and in vitro assays, which suggests that DNA-reactive
intermediates may also be involved in the neoplastic transformation (Johnson and Abdo
2005; NTP 2005a; Rietjens et al. 2005a, b). Burkey et al. (2000) suggested that both
cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of methyl eugenol may be involved in tumour induction.
The mechanisms by which the alkoxy-substituted allylbenzenes, including methyl
eugenol, induce cancer in experimental animals have not been established (FAO/WHO
2009). Based on the weight of evidence of carcinogenicity observed in both sexes of two
experimental animal species in long-term studies, including hepatocellular carcinomas
observed at the lowest test doses in these studies, and the evidence that methyl eugenol is
genotoxic in a range of in vivo and in vitro assays, which included binding and damage to
liver DNA and gene mutations in liver tumours and in transgenic animal assays, it cannot
be precluded that the tumours observed in experimental animals resulted from direct
interaction with genetic material.
With regard to non-cancer critical effects, a significantly increased dose-related incidence
of non-neoplastic lesions in the liver and glandular stomach was observed in male and
female rats and mice dosed with methyl eugenol in the 2-year chronic studies. The nonneoplastic lesions in liver included eosinophilic and mixed cell foci, hepatocellular
hypertrophy or hepatocyte necrosis, oval cell hyperplasia, cystic degeneration, bile duct
hyperplasia, portal hypertrophy, hematopoietic cell proliferation and hemosiderin
pigmentation. The non-neoplastic lesions in the glandular stomach included mucosal
atrophy, neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia, glandular ectasia and chronic active
inflammation. Based on the effects of the non-neoplastic lesions (hypertrophy,
hyperplasia, etc.), the lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) was identified to be
37 mg/kg-bw per day in male and female rats and mice (NTP 2000a). In subchronic
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studies, cytological alteration, necrosis, hyperplasia, atrophy, and organ or body weight
changes were observed in rats and mice dosed orally with methyl eugenol at doses of 0 to
1000 mg/kg-bw per day for 14 weeks. Among the non-cancer critical effects, the most
sensitive endpoint was reduced body weight and body weight gain, with an oral lowestobserved-effect level (LOEL) of 10 mg/kg-bw per day identified in male rats in the
subchronic study (NTP 2000a; Abdo et al. 2001). In addition, intrauterine growth
retardation and mildly delayed skeletal ossification were observed at the highest dose in
Sprague-Dawley rats administered methyl eugenol by gavage at 0 to 500 mg/kg-bw per
day on gestational days 6–19. However, maternal toxicity was observed at the lowest dose
of 80 mg/kg-bw per day (NTP 2004).
Methyl eugenol was rapidly absorbed following oral administration to rats or mice; the
plasma levels of methyl eugenol peaked within 5 minutes, and elimination of methyl
eugenol from the bloodstream was rapid and multiphasic (NTP 2000a). Methyl eugenol
was metabolized by the cytochrome P-450 system by three different pathways: side-chain
hydroxylation, side-chain epoxidation and O-demethylation. Of the various metabolites,
1′-hydroxymethyl eugenol and methyl eugenol-2′3′-oxide were considered to contribute to
the toxic effects in the liver. The metabolite, 1′-hydroxymethyl eugenol, followed by
sulphation, subsequently formed electrophilic carbonium ions that could bind covalently
to DNA and other cellular macromolecules, including proteins (Gardner et al. 1996, 1997;
NTP 2005a). DNA-reactive metabolites of methyl eugenol may be a critical step involved
in gene mutation and in liver tumour induction. The structurally related allylbenzene
compounds, such as safrole, estragole and eugenol, are metabolized via similar pathways.
A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model was developed by the NTP to represent
the absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of methyl eugenol in rats and
mice (NTP 2000a). The in vitro metabolism studies with various expressed recombinant
human individual P-450 enzymes and with specific inhibition of enzymes showed that
human cytochrome P-450 1A2 was the main enzyme involved in the bioactivation of
methyl eugenol to 1′-hydroxymethyl eugenol and that cytochrome P-450 2C9 and 2C19
might contribute to the bioactivation at higher methyl eugenol substrate concentrations
(Jeurissen et al. 2006). In vitro studies showed that human liver microsomes had
comparable capacity (0.47 nmol/min/mg protein, average of 13 human liver microsomes)
in bioactivation of methyl eugenol to 1-hydroxy methyl eugenol with microsomes from
rats (0.42 nmol/min/mg protein, average of 25 rats from liver microsomes of all 5 test
groups), although some variations were observed among humans. Taken together with
other lines of evidence of bioactivation of methyl eugenol in the human liver (Jeurissen et
al 2006), formation of DNA adducts in human hepatoma cells (HepG2) (Zhou et al. 2007)
and in human sulfotransferase-transfected fibroblast V79 cells (Stening et al. 1997), all the
lines of evidence suggest that methyl eugenol can be bioactivated by human liver cells and
the biologically plausibility for the human cancer risk can not be discounted.
The confidence in the toxicity database for methyl eugenol is considered to be moderate.
Critical effects including carcinogenicity occurred at the lowest exposure levels tested.
However, the modes of action for the observed carcinogenicity of methyl eugenol have
not been fully elucidated. Oral dosing studies (short-term, subchronic, developmental
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toxicity, carcinogenicity and genotoxicity) are available. However, most of the animal
studies used oral gavage as the route of administration. Repeated dose animal studies via
diet, inhalation and dermal routes – the most relevant routes of human exposure - are
limited or have not been identified. Studies have shown that the introduction of a bolus
dose of test material via gavage can lead to higher peak blood plasma levels and increased
metabolic demand compared with slower more steady absorption of the substance from
the diet. For example, one unpublished dietary study (Jones, 2004) was cited in the recent
JECFA evaluation (FAO/WHO 2009). This study was conducted in rats with
microencapsulated methyl eugenol at dietary levels of 0, 5 or 50 mg/kg-bw per day over a
28 day period. No treatment-related effects were noted in the study at the highest dietary
intake of 50 mg/kg bw per day. The large bolus dose delivered by oral gavage may
produce metabolic and toxicological effects that are not relevant via the other routes of
Characterization of Risk to Human Health
Based principally on the weight of evidence–based assessments of international or other
national agencies (European Commission 2001; NTP 2005a), a critical effect for the
characterization of risk to human health for methyl eugenol is carcinogenicity. Methyl
eugenol is a multisite carcinogen in male and female rats and mice at all doses tested in a
2-year NTP bioassays. In the carcinogenicity studies, methyl eugenol induced multiple
types of tumours in the liver and in the glandular stomach in both males and females. The
liver tumours were observed at the lowest dose tested (37 mg/kg-bw per day) in both rats
and mice. In male rats, tumours were also observed in the kidney, mammary gland,
subcutaneous tissues and mesothelium. Methyl eugenol was genotoxic in a range of in
vivo and in vitro assays, although it was not mutagenic in bacterial cells. Methyl eugenol
caused gene mutation in liver of transgenic animals; mutation of β-catenin gene was
observed in mouse liver tumours. Modes of action have not been fully elucidated for
carcinogenicity. However, based on the weight of evidence of carcinogenicity and the
genotoxicity of methyl eugenol it is considered that the tumours observed in the
experimental animals resulted from direct interaction with genetic material.
The FAO/WHO (2009) report discussed the carcinogenic potential of methyl eugenol as a
single component and general population exposure to methyl eugenol as part of a larger
mixture in foods or essential oils. While there is evidence to suggest that methyl eugenol
is a multi-site carcinogen, there are no available data to assess the toxicological potential
of the mixtures most commonly found in foods or consumer products. The FAO/WHO
(2009) report further suggested that the toxicity data may not relate to the presence of
methyl eugenol in natural spices based on recent in vitro data that indicates that other
components of natural spices might modulate bioactivation and/or act as detoxifying
agents. In the opinion of the FAO/WHO (2009) authors, the relevance of the critical
effects observed in animal studies to the exposure scenario in humans was questionable
and further assessment of methyl eugenol was recommended. While structured
epidemiological research exploring possible associations between spice consumption and
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hepatic cancer in humans is lacking, there is an absence of any indications of human
cancer associations noted in the scientific literature.
The critical non-cancer effect noted in the animal database was reductions in body weight
or body weight gain noted in male rats at an oral lowest-observed-effect level (LOEL) of
10 mg/kg-bw per day following 90 days of treatment (NTP 2000a; Abdo et al. 2001).
Since the predominant source of dietary exposure is from methyl eugenol’s naturallyoccurring presence in foods, derivation of a margin of exposure was not considered to be
meaningful. The exposure and risk associated with the presence of methyl eugenol in
environmental media and consumer products are considered to be low.
The use of personal care products containing essential oils results in a potential exposure
of 1.5 μg/kg-bw per day, resulting in a margin of exposure of 6670 when compared to the
critical effect level (10 mg/kg-bw per day). Exposure from use of a citronella-based
(containing methyl eugenol) insect repellent results in a potential exposure of 3.56 ug/kgbw per day (Health Canada, 2004), resulting in a margin of exposure of 2810, when
compared to the critical effect level. With respect to non-cancer effects, these margins are
considered adequate to account for uncertainty in the database on health effects and
Uncertainties in Evaluation of Risk to Human Health
The modes of tumour induction have not been fully elucidated for the various tumours
observed in animal studies. While the evidence shows that DNA adducts, DNA damage
and mutations play the primary role in the tumour initiation, cytotoxicity might also be
involved in the tumour induction. Limited information indicates that there might be a
marked variation in bioactivation of methyl eugenol among humans. Sufficient data are
not available to show the pharmacokinetic difference between animals and humans. It is
assumed that the effects observed in experimental animals are relevant to humans. Liver
tumours were observed at the lowest tested dose in rats and mice. In addition, there were
no adequate lifetime animal studies conducted via inhalation or dermal routes of exposure.
However, there is no epidemiological evidence associating the natural presence of methyl
eugenol in spices and spice oils, which are likely to be the main sources of methyl eugenol
in the diet, with liver cancer in humans.
There are significant uncertainties in the estimates of dietary intake of methyl eugenol as
well as in the estimate of dermal exposure to methyl eugenol from the use of personal care
products. The dietary intake of methyl eugenol in Canada is difficult to estimate without
detailed current data on the levels of methyl eugenol in the Canadian food supply. Spices
and spice-derived essential oils are probably the primary contributors to dietary exposure
to methyl eugenol (based on Smith et al., 2002; FAO/WHO 2009), so the wide variation in
methyl eugenol content of spices and their oils and the unknown use levels of these
sources as ingredients in foods are two major factors that would lead to uncertainty in any
Screening Assessment
CAS RN 93-15-2
dietary exposure assessment for methyleugenol. In the absence of Canadian data, this
screening assessment presented the available dietary exposure estimates conducted
internationally but a risk assessment was not done for dietary sources of methyl eugenol.
While restrictions on levels of methyl eugenol in essential oil ingredients in personal care
products are in place in Canada, there are no data on actual concentrations in these
products. Modelling of dermal exposure to methyl eugenol did not account for all types of
product that may be formulated with oils containing methyl eugenol, nor did the estimate
account for market share of individual products within a product category.
Based on the information available with respect to the environment, it is concluded that
methyl eugenol is not entering the environment in a quantity or concentration or under
conditions that have or may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the
environment or its biological diversity or that constitute or may constitute a danger to the
environment on which life depends. Additionally, the substance does not meet the criteria
for persistence or the criteria for bioaccumulation as set out in the Persistence and
Bioaccumulation Regulations (Canada 2000).
On the basis of the carcinogenicity of methyl eugenol, for which there may be a
probability of harm at any level of exposure, it is concluded that methyl eugenol is a
substance that may be entering the environment in a quantity or concentration or under
conditions that constitute or may constitute a danger in Canada to human life or health.
Therefore, it is concluded that methyl eugenol meets one or more of the criteria under 64
of CEPA 1999.
Where relevant, research and monitoring will support verification of assumptions used
during the screening assessment and, where appropriate, the performance of potential
control measures identified during the risk management phase.
Screening Assessment
CAS RN 93-15-2
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Screening Assessment
CAS RN 93-15-2
Appendix 1. Various references re: Naturally occurring methyl eugenol content of
essential oils. (adapted from Burfield 2004))
Essential oil
Acorus calamus
Acorus calamus
Acorus calamus (?)
Calamus Indian
Calamus Mediterranean
Calamus oil
Anasarum canadense
Aniba rosaedora
Artemisia dracunculus
Snakeroot oil
Rosewood oil
Tarragon oil Russian
Tarragon oil
Russian type
Tarragon oil French
Artemisia dracunculus
Artemisia dracunculus
methyl eugenol
0.9% max
36.0- 45.0%
Reference key
(see below)
Shiva et al.
IFRA website
5 – 29%
0.1 to 1.5%
Artemisia dracunculus
Tarragon oil French
Artemisia dracunculus (?)
Estragon oil
IFRA website
Canarium indicum
Canarium lucozonium
Essential oil
Elemi oil Philipines
Cananga oil
300-750 ppm
0.17% max
Duke 2
Cananga odorata subsp. macrophylla (?)
Cananga oil
IFRA website
Cananga odorata subsp. genuina
Ylang ylang IInd
Ylang ylang. No details.
Croton elutaria
Croton elutaria (?)
Cascarilla oil W.I.
Cascarilla oil W.I.
0.2% max
Cinnamomum camphora
Not detected
Cinnamomum cassia
Cinnamomum cassia (?)
Camphor oil white,
Cassia bark oil China
Cassia oil
0.03% max.
Cinnamomum tamala
Citrus paradisi
Citrus sinensis
Cymbopogon citratus
Tejpat oil
Grapefruit oil
Sweet? orange oil
geraniol chemotype
to 18.0%
IFRA website
Cananga odorata subsp. macrophylla
Cananga odorata subsp. genuina
IFRA website
Screening Assessment
CAS RN 93-15-2
Cymbopogon nardus
Cympopogon nardus
Cymbopogon nardus (?)
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Citronella oil Sri Lanka
1.8% max.
Cymbopogon winterianus
0.2% max.
Cymbopogon sp.
Cymbopogon winterianus (?)
Citronella oil, China
(Java type)
Citronella oil
Citronella oil Java
Dacrydium franklinii
Daucus carota
Daucus carota
Daucus carota
Huon Pine Oil
Carrot seed oil
Carrot seed oil Chinese
Carrot oil
to 98.0%
Daucus carota
Echinophora tenuifolia
Elettaria cardamomum
Eucalyptus (globulus?)
Hyssopus officinalis (?)
Carrot oil CO2 extract
Cardamom oil, India
sp. name not indicated
sp. name not indicated
Hyssop oil
17.5 – 50.0%
tr. to 0.1%
Illicium verum
Laurus nobilis
Laurus nobilis
Laurus nobilis
Levisticum officianale
Levisticum officianale (?)
Star Anise oil
Bay Laurel oil
Bay Laurel oil
Bay Laurel oil
Lovage Leaf
Lovage leaf oil
2.8% max.
1.3% max.
Lippia citriodora
Verbena oil
Michaelia or Magnolia
spp. ??
Tea tree oil
(chemotypes II, III,
(chemotypes I,II,III, IV)
to >40%
Melaleuca alternifolia
Melaleuca bracteata
Melaleuca bracteata
Melaleuca leucadendron
Melaleuca leucadendron
(chemotype II, methyl
eugenol form)
(chemotype I, Ila and
Michelia alba
Flower and leaf oils
Myrstica fragrans
Nutmeg Oil Sri
East Indian Nutmeg oil
West Indian Nutmeg oil
Myrstica fragrans
Myrstica fragrans
trace; 1.5%;
8.7% and 50%
1.6, 94.6
and 6.7%
0.38 & 0.22%
tr – 1.2%
0.1- 0.2%
IFRA website
IFRA website
IFRA website
IFRA website
Brophy et al.
Brophy JJ
Screening Assessment
CAS RN 93-15-2
Myrstica fragrans (?)
Nutmeg oil
< 1.0%
IFRA website
Myrstica fragrans (?)
Mace oil
< 0.5%
IFRA website
Myrtus communis
Myrtus communis
Ocimum basilicum
Myrtle oil
Myrtle berry oil
Sweet basil oil
Ocimum basilicum
Ocimum spp.
Oil of Egyptian origin
Basil oil
5.6% max
< 6.0%
Ocimum basilicum
Ocimum basilicum var. basilicum
Basil Oil
Described by F & P as
Exotic type Basil oil
Described by F & P. as
European type Basil oil
Described by F & P. as
“Small Basil”
Described by F & P. as
“Basil oil thymol type”
(Brazilian Sassafras oilmethyl eugenol type)
Geranium oil China
Geranium oil Bourbon
Geranium oil Egypt
Pimento leaf oil
Pimento leaf oil
Pimento leaf oil
Pimento leaf oil
Pimento berry oil
Pimento berry oil
Pimento berry oil
Pimento leaf oil
Ocimum basilicum var. “feuilles de laitre”
Ocimum basilicum var. “grand vert”
Ocimum basilicum var. minimum
Ocimum gratissimum var. thymoliferum
Ocotea pretiosa
Pelargonium graveolens
Pelargonium odoratissum
Peumus boldus
Pimenta dioica
Pimenta dioica
Pimenta dioica
Pimenta dioica
Pimenta dioica
Pimenta dioica
Pimenta dioica (?)
Pimenta dioica
Pimenta racemosa var. racemosa
Pimenta racemosa
Pimenta racemosa
Pimenta racemosa (?)
below 0.2%,
Comores (exotic
type) to 1.6%
IFRA website
F & P.
2.5 to 7%
F & P.
F & P.
F & P.
F & P.
> 50.0%
Not detected in
either oil
Not detected
100-125 ppm
to 2%
to 8%
< 15.0% <15.0%
Plant part to produce oil
not stated
1.2 – 4.4%
Methyl chavicol/methyl
eugenol chemotype
Bay leaf oil
Bay leaf oil
Bay oil
0.4 to 12.6%
< 4.0%
IFRA website
F & P.
Aurore et al.
IFRA website
Screening Assessment
Pimpinella anisum
Piper cubeba
Ravensara aromatica
CAS RN 93-15-2
Rosa sp.
Anise oil
Cubeb oil
Ravensara oil
Rose absolute
Rose otto
Rose otto
Rose otto Bulgaria
Rose oil Bulgaria
“different types”
Rose oil China
Rosa damascena
Rosa sp.
Rose otto Morocco
Rose oil Morocco
0.5% max
Rosa damascena
Rosa sp.
Rose otto Turkey
Rose oil Turkey
0.5% max
Rosa sp.
Rosa damascena
Rosa damascena
Rosa spp.
Rosa rugosa
Rosmarinus officinalis
Rosmarinus officinalis
Satureia hortensis
Satureia montana
Satureia montana
Rose oil
Rose otto India
Rose bud oil Georgia
Rose otto, China
Rosemary oil
Rosemary oil Tunis
Summer savoury oil
Winter savoury oil
Winter savoury oil
Winter savoury oil
0.8 to 1.6%
IFRA website
Shiva et al.
IFRA website
Rosa centifolia
Rosa centifolia
Rosa damascena
Rosa damascena
Rosa spp.
Satureia montana (?)
Not detected
0.6% to 1.9%
1.1 to 3.0%
1.1 to 3.0%
1.6% max
< 2.5%
< 3.5%
F. & P.
Syzygium aromaticum
Syzygium aromaticum
Syzygium aromaticum
Syzygium aromaticum
Clove bud oil
Clove bud oil
Clove leaf oil Indonesia
Clove oil
to 0.15%
Tagetes minuta
Tagete oil
Ajowan oil, India
Trachyspermum ammi
Shiva et al.
IFRA website
Lawr. a
Aurore et al.: Aurore GS, Abaul J, Bourgeois P, Luc J. 1998. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of the
essential oils of Pimenta racemosa var. racemosa P. Miller (J.W. Moore) (Myrtaceae). J Essential Oil Res
Brophy JJ:
British Essential Oils Association, November 9, 2001; data reproduced by kind permission.
Brophy JJ. 1999. Potentially commercial melaleucas. In: Southwell I, Lowe R, editors. Tea tree—
the genus Melaleuca. Harwood Academic Publishers.
Brophy et al: Brophy et al. 1999. J Essential Oil Res 11:327–332.
Duke J. Chemicals and their biological activities in: Peumus boldus MOLINA (Monimiaceae) –
Boldo. See
Screening Assessment
CAS RN 93-15-2
Duke 2:
Essential oil safety. Tisserand R, Balacs T. Churchill-Livingstone. 1996.
F & P:
Franchomme P, Peneol D. 1995. L’Aromatherapie.
No reference provided in Burfield (2004).
Annex 1 International Fragrance Association (IFRA) Standards.doc, April 6, 2004.
IFRA website:; information as at 01.05.2004.
Southwell I. 1999. Tea tree constituents. In: Southwell I, Lowe R. Tea tree—the genus Melaleuca.
Harwood Academic Publishers
Kameoka H. 1993. The essential oil constituents of some useful plants from China. In: Recent
developments in flavour & fragrance chemistry—Proceedings of the 3rd International Haarman &
Reimer Symposium. Publ. VCH NY 1993.
Lawrence BW. 1989. Essential oils 1981-7 Allured Publ.
Lawr. a:
Lawrence BM et al. 1985. Perf Flav 10(6):56–58. December 1985–January 1986.
Mazza G. 1983. GCMS investigation of volatile components of myrtle berries. J Chromatogr
Zhu Lianfeng et al. 1993. Aromatic plants & essential constituents. South China Institute of
Botany. Hai Feng Publishing Co.
Shiva et al: Shiva MP, Lehri A, Shiva A. 2000. Aromatic & medicinal plants. Publ. IBD 2000.
Burfield T. 2000. Natural aromatic materials: odours and origins. Publ. AIA Tampa.
T. Burfield (unpublished data).
Trade suppliers questionnaire (IFF 2003).
Screening Assessment
CAS RN 93-15-2
Appendix 2
ConsExpo 4.1 report
Body Lotion 0.005% methyl eugenol
Compound name :
CAS number :
molecular weight
vapour pressure
General Exposure Data
exposure frequency
body weight
methyl eugenol
0.01 3
Inhalation model: Exposure to vapour : instantaneous release
weight fraction compound
exposure duration
room volume
ventilation rate
applied amount
Uptake model: Fraction
uptake fraction
inhalation rate
Dermal model: Direct dermal contact with product : instant application
weight fraction compound
exposed area
applied amount
Uptake model: fraction
uptake fraction
Inhalation (point estimates)
inhalation mean event concentration :
inhalation mean concentration on day of exposure:
inhalation air concentration year average :
inhalation acute (internal) dose :
inhalation chronic (internal) dose :
Dermal : point estimates
dermal load :
dermal external dose :
dermal acute (internal) dose :
dermal chronic (internal) dose :
Integrated (point estimates)
total external dose:
total acute dose (internal):
total chronic dose (internal):
Screening Assessment
CAS RN 93-15-2
Appendix 3. Summary of health effects information for methyl eugenol
Lowest effect levels1/Results
Experimental animals and in vitro
Acute toxicity
Oral LD50 (mouse) = 540 mg/kg-bw (NTP 2000a).
Oral LD50 (rat) = 810 mg/kg-bw (RTECS 2008).
Other oral LD50 (rat) = 1179 mg/kg-bw (Beroza et al 1975); 810-1560 mg/kg-bw (Jenner
et al. 1964; NTP 2000a; European Commission 2001).
Inhalation LD50 (rat) >4800 mg/m3 (Beroza et al. 1975).
Dermal LD50 (rabbit) > 2025 mg/kg-bw (Beroza et al. 1975).
Intraperitoneal LD50 (mouse) = 540 mg/kg-bw (Engelbrecht et al. 1972, cited in Johnson
and Abdo 2005; RTECS 2008).
Intravenous LD50 (mouse) = 112 mg/kg-bw (Engelbrecht et al. 1972, cited in Johnson and
Abdo 2005; RTECS 2008).
Short-term repeated- Lowest oral LOAEL: The LOAEL for maternal toxicity was estimated to be 80 mg/kgdose toxicity
bw based on increased liver weight and aversion to dosing in a developmental toxicity
evaluation study, in which timed-mated Sprague-Dawley rats (25 per group) were
administered by gavage with methyl eugenol at 0, 80, 200, or 500 mg/kg-bw per day on
gestational days 6–19 (NTP 2004).
Other oral LOAEL: 150 mg/kg-bw based on significantly increased serum gastrin levels
in female F-344 rats administered by gavage with methyl eugenol at 0, 9,18.5, 37, 75, 150,
or 300 mg/kg-bw per day for 30 and 90 days (Snell et al. 2000).
No inhalation or dermal studies were identified.
Screening Assessment
Subchronic toxicity
CAS RN 93-15-2
Lowest effect levels1/Results
Lowest oral LOAEL: Groups of F344/N rats (10 per sex) were administered
methyl eugenol by gavage at doses of 0, 10, 30, 100, 300 or 1000 mg/kg-bw per
day, 5 days/week for 14 weeks. At the two highest doses (300 and 1000 mg/kgbw per day), significant increases in the incidence of cytological alteration,
cytomegaly, Kupffer cell pigmentation, mixed foci of cellular alteration and bile
duct hyperplasia of the liver and atrophy and chronic inflammation of the mucosa
of the glandular stomach were observed. At the middle doses (30 and 100 mg/kgbw per day), some changes in hematology, clinical chemistry and relative organ
weights were observed. A LOEL of 10 mg/kg-bw per day was identified based on
significant (p < 0.05) decreases in body weight or body weight gain (10%), an
increase in relative kidney weight in female rats and a decrease in relative thymus
weight in male rats (NTP 2000a; Abdo et al. 2001).
Other oral LOAEL: 18 mg/kg-bw per day based on significant (p<0.05) increase in
relative liver weight in male rats (24 per sex) exposed to methyl eugenol in diets for 91
days (Osborne et al. 1981).
Oral LOAEL in mice: Groups of B6C3F1 mice (10 per sex) were administered with
methyl eugenol by gavage at doses of 0, 10, 30, 100, 300 or 1000 mg/kg-bw per day, five
days per week for 14 weeks. A significant increase in the incidence of cytological
alteration, necrosis, bile duct hyperplasia and subacute inflammation of the liver; and
atrophy, degeneration, necrosis, edema, mitotic alteration, and cystic glands of the fundic
region of the glandular stomach were observed. A LOEL of 30 mg/kg-bw per day was
determined based on a significantly (p<0.05) increased incidence of lesions. The NOEL
was estimated to be 10 mg mg/kg-bw per day based on mortality, body weight gain, gross
and microscopic results (NTP 2000a; Abdo et al 2001).
Chronic toxicity/
No inhalation or dermal studies were identified.
Oral carcinogenicity in rats Groups of F344/N rats (50 per sex) were administered
methyl eugenol (0.5% methylcellulose as vehicle) by gavage at doses of 0, 37, 75
or 150 mg/kg-bw per day, 5 days/week for 105 weeks. A stop-exposure group of
60 male or female F344/N rats received methyl eugenol by gavage at 300 mg/kgbw per day, 5 days/week for 53 weeks, followed by vehicle only for the remaining
52 weeks. In male rats, significantly increased incidences of hepatocellular
adenoma or carcinoma were observed in a dose-related manner: 7/50, 14/50 (p <
0.05), 28/50 (p < 0.01), 43/50 (p < 0.01) and 45/50 (p < 0.01) for 0, 37, 75, 150
and 300 mg/kg-bw per day, respectively. Significantly increased incidences of
adenoma were also observed in kidney: 4/50, 6/50, 17/50 (p < 0.01), 13/50 (p <
0.01) and 20/50 (p < 0.01), respectively; fibroadenoma in mammary gland: 5/50,
5/50, 15/50 (p < 0.01), 13/50 (p < 0.01) and 6/50, respectively; and fibroma or
fibrosarcoma in skin: 1/50, 12/50 (p < 0.01), 8/50 (p < 0.05), 8/50 (p < 0.01) and
4/50, respectively. In addition, other significantly increased incidences of tumours
included hepatocholangioma or hepatocholangiocarcinoma in liver: 13/50 (p <
0.01) at highest dose vs. 0/50 in control; benign or malignant neuroendocrine
tumour (cancers of the interface between the endocrine [hormonal] system and the
nervous system) in stomach: 7/50 (p < 0.01) at 150 mg/kg-bw vs. 0/50 in control;
and mesothelioma in all organs examined: 12/50 (p < 0.01) at 150 mg/kg-bw vs.
1/50 in control. In female rats, significantly increased incidences of hepatocellular
adenoma or carcinoma were observed in a dose-related manner: 1/50, 8/50 (p <
0.05), 14/50 (p < 0.01), 34/50 (p < 0.01) and 43/50 (p < 0.01) for 0, 37, 75, 150
and 300 mg/kg-bw per day, respectively. In addition, significantly increased
Screening Assessment
CAS RN 93-15-2
Lowest effect levels1/Results
incidences of hepatocholangioma or hepatocholangiocarcinoma were seen in liver
at the highest dose: 17/50 (p < 0.01) vs. 0/50 in control.
Non-neoplastic LOAEL = 37 mg/kg-bw per day based on a significantly
increased incidence of non-neoplastic lesions in the liver and glandular stomach in
both sexes in a dose-related manner. The non-neoplastic lesions in liver included
eosinophilic and mixed cell foci, hepatocellular hypertrophy, oval cell
hyperplasia, cystic degeneration and bile duct hyperplasia (females); while the
non-neoplastic lesions in the glandular stomach included mucosal atrophy and
neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia (Johnson et al. 2000; NTP 2000a).
Oral carcinogenicity in mice: Groups of B6C3F1 mice (50 per sex) were
administered methyl eugenol (0.5% methylcellulose as vehicle) by gavage at
doses of 0, 37, 75 or 150 mg/kg-bw per day, 5 days/week for 104 weeks. In male
mice, significantly increased incidences of hepatocellular adenoma or carcinoma
were observed in liver in all methyl eugenol-treated groups: 31/50, 47/50 (p <
0.01), 46/50 (p < 0.01) and 40/50 (p < 0.01) for 0, 37, 75 and 150 mg/kg-bw per
day, respectively. In female mice, significantly increased incidences of
hepatocellular adenoma or carcinoma were also observed in liver in all methyl
eugenol-treated groups: 25/50, 50/50 (p < 0.01), 49/49 (p < 0.01) and 49/50 (p <
0.01) for 0, 37, 75 and 150 mg/kg-bw per day, respectively. In addition,
significantly increased incidences of hepatoblastoma were seen in a dose-related
manner: 0/50, 6/50 (p < 0.01), 11/50 (p < 0.01) and 15/49 (p < 0.01) for 0, 37, 75
and 150 mg/kg-bw per day, respectively.
Non-neoplastic LOAEL = 37 mg/kg-bw per day based on a significantly
increased incidence of non-neoplastic lesions in liver and glandular stomach in
both sexes in a dose-related manner. The non-neoplastic lesions in liver included
eosinophilic foci, oval cell hyperplasia, hepatocyte necrosis, portal hypertrophy,
hematopoietic cell proliferation, bile duct hyperplasia and hemosiderin
pigmentation; while the non-neoplastic lesions in the glandular stomach included
glandular ectasia, mucosal atrophy, chronic active inflammation, epithelial
hyperplasia and neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia (Johnson et al. 2000; NTP
Carcinogenicity in mice by intraperitoneal injection: Groups of young mice
(44–56) were treated by intraperitoneal injection to methyl eugenol or its
metabolite 1′-hydroxymethyl eugenol on days 1, 8, 15 and 22 of age. The total
administered dose per mouse was 0.85 mg methyl eugenol or 0.55 mg 1′hydroxymethyl eugenol (equivalent to 28.3 and 18.3 mg/kg-bw, respectively).
Significantly increased incidences of hepatomas were observed during 13 and 18
months (96% for methyl eugenol, p < 0.001, and 93% for 1′-hydroxymethyl
eugenol, p < 0.001) compared with vehicle trioctanoin control (41%) (Miller et al.
No inhalation or dermal studies were identified.
Screening Assessment
Reproductive /
CAS RN 93-15-2
Lowest effect levels1/Results
Lowest oral LOAEL: 500 mg/kg-bw per day for developmental toxicity based on
intrauterine growth retardation and mildly delayed skeletal ossification in timedmated Sprague-Dawley rats (25 per group) administered methyl eugenol by
gavage at 0, 80, 200 or 500 mg/kg-bw per day on gestational days 6–19. The
NOAEL for developmental toxicity was estimated to be 200 mg/kg-bw per day.
The LOAEL for maternal toxicity was determined to be 80 mg/kg-bw per day
based on increased liver weight (NTP 2004).
No inhalation or dermal studies were identified.
Genotoxicity and
related endpoints: in
Negative In Salmonella typhimurium TA97, TA98, TA100, TA102, TA1535,
TA1537 and TA1538 in the presence or absence of metabolic activation by
induced liver S9 (Dorange et al. 1977; Sekizawa and Shibamoto 1982;
Mortelmans et al. 1986; Schiestl et al. 1989; NTP 2000a).
Negative: In Escherichia coli strain WP2 uvrA with liver S9 metabolic activation
(Sekizawa and Shibamoto 1982).
Positive: methyl eugenol metabolite, 2′,3′-epoxymethyl eugenol, induced point
mutation in TA1535 and TA100 (Dorange et al. 1977).
DNA damage
Positive: Growth inhibitions were observed in Rec assay in Bacillus subtilis
strains M45 Rec− and H17 Rec+ (Sekizawa and Shibamoto 1982).
Genotoxicity and
related endpoints: in
vitro mammalian
Genome rearrangement
Positive: Dose-related responses were observed in increased frequency of intraand interchromosomal recombination in the diploid yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae strain RS9 (Schiestl et al. 1989).
Positive: Caused increased frequency of intrachromosomal recombination
(deletion) in yeast strain RS112 in the presence and absence of S9 (Brennan et al.
Chromosomal aberration
Negative: In Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells exposed to methyl eugenol in
the presence or absence of S9 (NTP 2000a).
Sister chromatid exchange
Positive: In CHO cells exposed to methyl eugenol in the presence of S9 (NTP
Negative: In CHO cells exposed to methyl eugenol in the absence of S9 (NTP
Unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS)
Positive: Methyl eugenol and metabolite, 1′-hydroxymethyl eugenol, induced
dose-related UDS in cultured primary rat hepatocytes (Howes et al. 1990; Chan
and Caldwell 1992). The metabolite 1′-hydroxymethyl eugenol showed a stronger
induction than the parent substance.
Morphological transformation
Positive: In Syrian hamster embyro (SHE) cell transformation assay without S9
(Kerckaert et al. 1996).
Screening Assessment
Genotoxicity and
related endpoints: in
CAS RN 93-15-2
Lowest effect levels1/Results
Macromolecular adduct formation
Positive: 1′-Hydroxymethyl eugenol formed adducts with DNA and proteins in
fibroblast V79 cells transfected with human sulphotransferase in a dose-related
manner (Stening et al. 1997).
Positive: methyl eugenol formed DNA adducts in cultured human HepG2 cells;
methyl eugenol showed higher DNA binding activity than the structurally related
carcinogen safrole (Zhou et al. 2007).
Gene mutation in methyl eugenol-induced tumours
Positive: Methyl eugenol caused chemical-specific mutation of β-catenin gene in
mouse liver tumours at 69% incidence (20/29 hepatocellular neoplasms) at codons
32, 33, 34 or 41 compared with only 9% (2/22) in spontaneous tumours or 6%
(1/18) in non-genotoxic carcinogen dioxin-induced tumours. However, no dose–
response relationship was observed for the gene mutation. Mutations in β-catenin
gene caused β-catenin accumulation and upregulation of Wnt signalling,
subsequently stimulating cell proliferation and inhibiting apoptosis (Devereux et
al. 1999).
Positive: Big Blue® female rats were administered methyl eugenol by gavage at a
dose of 0 or 1000 mg/kg-bw per day, 5 days/week for 90 days. The mutation
frequency of lacI in liver was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in methyl eugenoltreated female rats ([8.69 ± 3.09] × 10−5) compared with controls ([1.20 ± 0.72] ×
10−5) (Tyrrell et al. 2000).
Positive: Big Blue® male mice were administered methyl eugenol by gavage at a
dose of 0 or 300 mg/kg-bw per day, 5 days/week for 90 days. The mutation
frequency of lacI in liver in methyl eugenol-treated mice ([4.27 ± 1.09] × 10−5)
was not significantly different from that of controls ([4.20 ± 2.15] × 10−5), but the
mutation spectrum from the methyl eugenol-treated group was significantly
different from that in controls (p < 0.034) (Tyrrell et al. 2000).
Micronuclei formation
Negative: Methyl eugenol did not increase the frequency of micronucleated
normochromatic erythrocytes in peripheral blood and did not alter the percentage
of polychromatic erythrocytes among total erythrocytes in bone marrow of male
or female B6C3F1 mice administered doses of 10–1000 mg/kg-bw by gavage for
14 weeks (NTP 2000a).
DNA binding
Positive: methyl eugenol formed DNA adducts in liver of CD-1 female mice
administered methyl eugenol by intraperitoneal injection at 100 or 500 mg/kg-bw
(Randerath et al. 1984). The major DNA adducts of alkenylbenzenes appeared to
be guanine derivatives, and methyl eugenol showed a higher covalent binding
index compared with safrole (Randerath et al. 1984).
Positive: DNA adducts were observed in the liver of newborn male B6C3F1 mice
treated with 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 or 3.0 µmol methyl eugenol on days 1, 8, 15 or 22 after
birth, respectively, by intraperitoneal injection. Liver DNA was isolated on days
12, 29 and 43 and analysed by 32P post-labelling procedure. methyl eugenol
produced higher levels of DNA adducts (72.7 pmol/mg DNA) compared with
estragole (30 pmol/mg DNA) or safrole (14.7 pmol/mg DNA). The liver DNA
adducts were prevalently on the N2 of guanine rather than the N6 of adenine
(Phillips et al. 1984).
Screening Assessment
CAS RN 93-15-2
Lowest effect levels1/Results
Protein adducts
Positive: methyl eugenol formed a 44 kDa protein adduct in livers of rats by
intraperitoneal injection at doses of 10, 30, 100 or 300 mg/kg-bw (Gardner et al.
1997). The protein has not been characterized.
Contact dermatitis was observed in 1.8% of 218 fragrance-sensitive volunteers in
a patch test study with 5% methyl eugenol, when the patch test sites were
evaluated initially at 2–3 days and at a further 2–5 days after the first reading
(Larsen et al. 2002).
Each of nine healthy volunteers was given 12 gingersnaps (containing a total of
216 µg methyl eugenol) for breakfast. The background serum level of methyl
eugenol was 16.2 pg/g, and the peak serum level of methyl eugenol was 53.9 pg/g
in 15 min after consumption of the gingersnaps. The half-life of elimination in
humans was about 90 min (Schecter et al. 2004).
LC50, median lethal concentration; LD50, median lethal dose; LOAEL, lowest-observed-adverse-effect level;
LOEL, lowest-observed-effect level; NOEL, no-observed-effect level.