BRADBURY SCHOOL RESPONSIBLE USE POLICY 2014 Balanced Caring Communicator Inquirer Knowledgeable I will balance my use of computers and mobile devices with other information or communication forms. I will take care when using IT tools, showing respect by carrying them carefully and being gentle when using them. When online, I will communicate with others respectfully, being careful not to hurt people’s feelings or be a bully. I will ask thoughtful questions about IT skills. I will seek balance in my life, appreciating the need to be physically active and connected to friends and family away from technology. I will also help others to improve their IT skills and knowledge when I am capable. If I find that someone is sending me inappropriate messages or that they have hacked my account, I will tell an adult immediately. I will show curiosity and enthusiasm when learning about different IT and multimedia tools. I will build my knowledge of IT tools and skills over time, remembering what I have learnt and applying this to different activities, presentations and situations. Open-minded Principled Reflective Courageous Thinkers I am willing to use a range of IT presentation and publishing tools. Respecting and appreciating the hard work and skills of others, I will only use and share information, pictures, music and media that I am allowed to. When thinking critically about my IT skills and knowledge, I know my strengths and areas of development. I approach unfamiliar IT skills and tools with enthusiasm and courage. I can confidently use IT strategies and skills to solve problems. I am not afraid of making a mistake, and enjoy exploring different and new ways of learning and presenting. When faced with challenges when using IT, I am able to think critically and creatively to try and overcome them. I understand there are many different ways of presenting and publishing work, and will show respect for other’s personal choices and skills. I will take responsibility for my actions online and the consequences that accompany them. I use this reflection to improve my learning and be proud of my achievements. I understand that if I do not use technology in the above way, I may be banned from using technology for an amount of time. Any wilful damage to equipment could also incur the costs of repairs or replacement. I also understand that any students reported as cyber bullying will be asked to meet with Ms Webster or their phase leader and their parents. Signed (Student) : ______________________________________ Class: ________ Signed (Parent): ______________________________________ Date : _____________