Physical Education 3 (Fitness Lifestyle Design

Update 8-13-14
Physical Education 3
(Fitness Lifestyle Design)
Students will open and read all lessons listed below.
Students will complete all activities listed below, which will be turned in using the dropbox
in the “Assignments and Assessments” folder at the end of each unit.
Students will complete all quizzes and tests listed below with an 80% or higher.
Links to quizzes and tests are on the left side of the screen under the “Assignments and
Assessments” section of each unit.
Students will complete 50 hours of physical activity outside of school time and record their
activities and hours on the form provided to them.
Students will turn in their notes when they have been completed the required lessons.
Unit 1: Club Web Check-In
____ Setting: 01.04: Mandatory Safety Drill
____ Training: 01.04: Mandatory Safety Drill: Safety First – Click on the movie reel to watch
the slide show
____ Activity: 01.04: Mandatory Safety Drill. Click on “Mandatory Safety Drill and complete
the Self-Check. Do not do the Mandatory Safety Drill Test Equivalent.
____ Setting 01.05: Meet Jim Phitt and Alexis Isor
____ Training: 01.05: Meet Jim Phitt and Alexis Isor: What Makes up Fitness?
____ Setting: 01.06: Shopping Bonus Rewards
____ Training: 01.06: Shopping Bonus Rewards
____ Activity: Complete the writing assignment (your will copy and paste it to answer one
of the quiz questions.
____ Quiz 01.06: Shopping Bonus Rewards (The link to the quiz is on the left side of the
screen under Module 1 (Assignments and Assessments)
____ 01.08: Snack Delight
 Click on the link for the Medical Questionnaire and then complete the questionnaire
(keep this in your notes)
 An Active Day – read the information provided
Unit 2: Your Fitness Analysis
____ Setting: 02.02: Room Service
____ Training: 02.02: Room Service
 Part 1 – read the information and then complete the “Eating Habits” page
 Part 2 – read the information and then complete the “Change List” page
____ Setting: 02.04: Light Lunch: The Skinny on Fat
____ Training: 02.04: Light Lunch
Update 8-13-14
 Take the “light Lunch: True or False self-check (take notes!)
 Part 1
 Are You at Risk?
____ Activity: Part 2
 Quiz 02.04: The Skinny on Body Fat
____ Setting: 02.06: Shopping for a Stress-free Lifestyle
____ Training: 02.06: Shopping for a Stress-free Lifestyle
 Saying “No” to Stress
 Don’t Let Your Schedule Do You In!
____ Activity: Take the “Stress Test,” record your score, and list three things you can do to
improve your score.
____ 02.08: Snack Delight – read the information and then take the “Sleep Challenge Selfcheck”
Unit 3: Starting Your Program
____ Setting: 03.02: Breakfast Bar
____ Training: 03.02: Breakfast Bar Take notes on the links found in the following:
 Breakfast Woes
 The Water Break
____ Activity: Quiz 03.02: Water and Breakfast
____ Setting: 03.03: Sensational Sixty
____ Training: Sensational Sixty
 Let’s Get Moving
 View the presentation on warm-up and stretching
____ Activity: Sensational Sixty
 Your Turn
 Part I: Review the stretches and take notes. You are not required to do these stretches on a daily
basis. If you do decide to do these stretches, you can include the time on your Activity Log.
 Part II: Do not do!
 Part III: Open each of these links and take notes: “Enduring a Lifetime of Fitness,” “Strength
Room,” and “Putting it all Together.” You will need these notes for a quiz and the final exam.
____ Setting: 03.04: Lunch Break
____ Training: 03.04: Lunch Break
____ Activity: 03.04: Lunch Break
____03.06: Shopping Savvy
 If the Shoe Fits …
 Shopping Tips
 Don’t Break the Bank
____ Setting: 03.07: Club Cabaret
____ Training: 03.07: Club Cabaret – read the information and then watch the presentation
____ Activity: 03.07: Club Cabaret
Read and take notes from these links: MyPlate
Ten Tips to a Great Plate
Ten Tips for Healthy Meals
Ten Tips to Liven up Your Meals with Fruits & Vegetables
____ 03.08: Snack Delight: How are you feeling today?
 Quiz 03.08: Sensational Sixty
Update 8-13-14
Unit 4: The Next Level
____ Setting: 04.02: Continental Breakfast
____ Training: 04.02: Continental Breakfast
 Making Choices
 Fresh Fruit vs. Fresh Juice
 Which Would You Choose?
Activity: Quiz 04.02: Continental Breakfast
____ Setting: 04.05: Body Alignment
____ Training: 04.05: Body Alignment
 Resistance Exercises for Lower Body
 Resistance Exercises for Upper Body
 Resistance Exercises for Abdominals
____ Activity: 04.05 Body Alignment
 Assignments: 04.05: Complete the “Matching Column Assessment” (Body Alignment
Part 1) Turn this in to the dropbox!
 Quiz 04.05: Body Alignment Part 2
____ Setting: 04.06: Shopping Savvy
 Get the Most for Your Money
 Beware Nutrient Claims – Do not be fooled by splashy advertisements
____ Training: 04.06: Shopping Savvy Taken notes on the links in the following:
 Nutrition Facts
 Calories
____ Activity: 04.06: Shopping Savvy
 Quiz: 04.06: Part 2 Food Label
____ Setting: 04.07: Movie Matinee
____ Training: 04.07: Movie Matinee
 What makes a healthful diet for teenagers?
 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
 What are Nutrients?
____ Activity: 04.07: Movie Matinee: Complete only Part 1
____ 04.08: Snack Delight: How many calories a day are right for you?
Unit 5: Checking Your Progress
____ Setting: 05.02: Breakfast Buffet
____ Training: 05.02: Breakfast Buffet
 The Serving Challenge
 What Counts as One Serving?
____ Activity: 05.02: Breakfast Buffet: Dish Up a Serving (Hint: Use the internet to look up the
food information)
 Quiz 05.02: Serving Sizes
____ 05.04: Boxed Lunch: Vitamins and Minerals (print the charts)
____ Setting: 05.05: Cardio Activities
____ Training: 05.05: Cardio Activities
 Evaluating Workouts
____ Setting: 05.06: Shopping Savvy: Are You Properly Equipped?
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____ Training: 05.06: Shopping Savvy
 Club Web’s Research
____ Activity: 05.06: Shopping Savvy
 Assignment 05.06
____ Setting: 05.07: Talent Show: Athletes with Courage
____ Training: 05.07: Talent Show: Special Olympics
____ 05.08: Snack Delight: Who do you believe?
Unit 6: Making Choices
____ Setting: 06.02: Breakfast Special
____ Training: 06.02: Breakfast Special
 Including Protein at Breakfast
____ Activity: 06.02: Breakfast Special
 Assignment: 06.02: Protein Chart
____ Setting: 06.03: Modifying Your Workout
____ Training: 06.03: Modifying Your Workout
____ Activity: 06.03: Modifying Your Workout – Self-Check
____ 06.04: Luncheon Special – read the information
 Assignment 06.04
 Quiz 06.04: Food Analysis
____ Setting: 06.06: Shopping Savvy: Is Your Workout Stuck in a Rut?
____ Training: 06.06: Shopping Savvy
 Choosing a Personal Trainer: Advice from Jim and Alexis
 Where will you exercise?
____ Activity: 06.06: Shopping Savvy
 Assignment 06.06: Complete Option 3
____ Setting: 06.07: In-room Movie
____ Training: 06.07: In-room Movie
 Read intro information
 Energy intake is very simple
 Energy output is a little more complicated
____ Activity: 06.07: In-room Movie - Read the information
____ 06.08: Snack Delight: Save Money – Be Active (read the information)
____ Final Exam 07.03 – Complete only the multiple choice questions!
(minimum score 80%)
Update 8-13-14
2 projects are required:
Project #1: Create a Personalized Workout
Instructions: Create a PowerPoint presentation titled “My Personalized Workout.”
Based on the information that you have learned in this class, create a workout designed specifically for
you. Be sure to include:
1. General description of your health
2. Describe any medical and/or physical conditions that may impact the exercises you can
3. Warm-up activities
4. Workout exercises
5. Cool down exercises
6. Include the reason(s) that you chose each exercise
Include pictures that illustrate each part of your workout
8. Give any additional information about this workout that you think is pertinent.
Your PowerPoint project should have at least 15 slides. A correctly formatted ‘Works Cited’
page of at least 3 sources is required!
Plagiarism is not allowed! This means that you should not copy and paste information. You need to put the
information you find into your own words! If you choose to plagiarize, you could be dropped from the Digital
Update 8-13-14
Project #2: Obesity in the United States
Instructions: Create a PowerPoint presentation titled “Obesity in the United States.”
Research the issue of obesity in the United States. Be sure to include the following information:
1. Description/definition of obesity
2. What is the difference between overweight, obese, and morbidly obese?
When was obesity identified as a problem in the United States?
4. Factors that can lead to obesity
5. Health risks associated with obesity
6. Percentage of people in each of these age groups who are considered to be
overweight, obese, and morbidly obese: 5 – 12, 13 – 20, 21 – 30, 31 – 40, 41 – 50,
51- 60, 61 – 70, 71 and older
7. Describe what daily life is like for a person who is obese or morbidly obese
8. Recommendations to help people lose weight
9. What is the prognosis for successful treatment/management of obesity?
10. Include pictures that illustrate obesity
11. Give any additional information about this mental disorder that you think is pertinent.
Your PowerPoint project should have at least 15 slides. A correctly formatted ‘Works Cited’
page of at least 3 sources is required!
Plagiarism is not allowed! This means that you should not copy and paste information. You need to put the
information you find into your own words! If you choose to plagiarize, you could be dropped from the Digital