The aggressive Bonelli's Eagle

The aggressive Bonelli's Eagle
A Fierce and Deadly hunter... The Bonelli's Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus
If you were to search for an emblematic species which would define the importance of the
Serranía de Ronda for wildlife, then the Bonelli's Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus would be the
definitive and unequivocal choice. Among the rarest species of raptor in Europe, the Bonelli's
Eagle has perhaps, for the moment, its highest breeding density in the world right here in the
With a wingspan of up to 1.8 meters the Bonelli is a medium sized eagle and although it is
known to sometimes nest in trees in the Serranía its preference is for rocky crags and faces.
The pairs form lifelong and all year round partnerships staying in or close to their breeding
territories throughout the year. Usually nests are re-furbished during late December and early
January. During this period pairs can be witnessed indulging in flight-play with one, normally the
male, dropping a stick and the other retrieving it before it reaches the ground! The first egg is
laid during February and although a clutch of 3 is possible the most usual is for 1 to 2 eggs.
Incubation normally takes around 40 days and usually a single young is fledged after a further
60/65 days.
These eagles are extremely agile flyers and one of the most aggressive. Protection of the nest
site during the breeding season is a spectacle that can provide the fortunate observer with a life
time experience. The male will often pursue and sometimes inflict fatal injuries on much larger
birds such as Griffon Vultures who venture too close to the nest. I have often seen unfortunate
Griffons retreat from areas minus a few feathers! Unlike many other eagle species, the Bonelli's
are capable of flying-down their prey and over long distances. Most large raptors avoid long
distance pursuit in order to save energy, but these eagles, once giving chase, will continue to
fly-down prey over considerable distances. Hare, Rabbit, Partridge and other large birds form
the largest part of their diet, although some reptiles are also taken.
The current status of this magnificent and spectacular eagle is officially listed as being under
extreme danger of extinction. So it is essential we afford them the highest possible protection.
Although some of their nesting sites are close to populated areas, they remain intolerant of
human disturbance, so close observation should be avoided at all times. Also they tend to have
defined hunting routes and are sometimes seen daily on these routes, so not only do their nest
sites need urgent protection, but also their feeding areas. Their continued presence in the area
depends on us and our willingness to afford them the special protection they need and deserve.
Our skies would be the poorer without them. It has been estimated that an annual total of in
excess of 15,000 birdwatchers visit the Serranía and without doubt this eagle is a star attraction.
So the Bonelli's Eagle is important to the local economy! Any unwanted or unsustainable
The aggressive Bonelli's Eagle
developments that adversely impact on the numbers of this threatened species of eagle i.e. Los
Merinos Golf, will by definition have a very real and negative affect on the area's tourism,
economy and people.