sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science! UNIT INTRODUCTION Solubility, dissolving rate and the role of water in solutions are important concepts in chemistry. Changing the dissolving rate and using heat to increase the solubility of a solute in a solvent are commonly used at home. Examples include cooking, mixing a powdered drink into water, making sun tea and even taking medicine. A practical extension of these examples is crystal growing. In this module, IPC teams of students grow crystals using Copper II sulfate and Aluminum Potassium sulfate. Students measure the size and mass of their crystals daily and graph the results. Students write in their crystal diaries every time they see their crystals to record information about the crystal and any observations that they have made concerning the ways to grow the most perfect crystal in size and shape. Students will conduct four experiments on water (universal solvent), temperature versus solubility, types of solutions (saturated, unsaturated and supersaturated) and ways to change the rates of dissolving solutes into solvents. Students will observe different crystal shapes and the different solubility rates of the two crystal growing chemicals. As a final activity, the crystal diary is turned into the teacher with daily entries, data tables, graphs and answers to questions. A possible "beauty contest" can be held giving prizes to the "Most Beautiful Crystal" of each solute, the "Best Shape" award for each solute, and if the class members can be good humored about it: "The Most Sympathetic Crystal Award." Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 1 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science TABLE OF CONTENTS UNIT COMPONENTS Steve’s Engaging Movie Clip A brief description of the accompanying SCIENCE in the MOVIES DVD for this unit. PAGE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Overview of Learning Experiences Targeted Science TEKS, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate 3 Unit Project Description An exciting project focuses student learning and participation in unit activities. A description of the project is outlined here. 4 Unit Engagement Students participate in introductory activities to capture their interest about a problem or phenomenon and make connections to prior knowledge and experiences. 7 Unit Exploration Students manipulate materials during hands-on activities to explore the concept further while sharing their observations and ideas with others. 8 Unit Explanation Students communicate their findings from the explore activity as the teacher guides the discussion using effective questioning strategies, introducing new terms as appropriate, and clarifying any misunderstandings. 40 Unit Elaboration Students apply, extend, and enhance their understanding by participating in additional active learning opportunities. 41 Unit Evaluation Students demonstrate their understanding of concepts. This section includes both a performance rubric and sample TAKS items. 42 Unit Materials List and description of items required for each section of the learning experience. 47 Background Information for Teachers Teaching tips/Common misconceptions. 49 References List of books, articles, and websites used by developers of this learning experience. 49 Master Copies Student sheets and other material to be copies by teacher when using these learning experiences in the classroom. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 STUDENT PAGES 2 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science ENGAGE TEKS Overview of Learning Experiences 9 Science concepts. The student knows how solution chemistry is a part of everyday life. The student is expected to: (A) relate the structure of water to its function as the universal solvent; (B) relate the concentration of ions in a solution to physical and chemical properties such as pH, electrolytic behavior, and reactivity; (C) simulate the effects of acid rain on soil, buildings, statues, or microorganisms; (D) demonstrate how various factors influence solubility including temperature, pressure, and nature of the solute and solvent; and (E) demonstrate how factors such as particle size, influence the rate of dissolving. See Steve's video clip for "Solution Chemistry." Show students photos, books, web sites or video of mineral samples of crystals. If possible, show some actual mineral crystals. Discuss how crystals grow. EXPLAIN EXPLORE EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES: Exploration Activity One: “Crystal Project” (This activity should start at the beginning of the unit and be completed by the end of the unit.) Exploration Activity Two: “Dissolving Rate of Sugar” Exploration Activity Three: “Saturated Solutions” Exploration Activity Four: “Effect of Temperature on the Solubility of KNO3” Exploration Activity Five: “Universal Solvent” WHOLE GROUP DISCUSSION What have you observed that would help you grow the most perfect shaped crystal? What have you observed that would help you grow the largest crystal? What hints would you give to students who were just starting out to grow a crystal? What dissolving rate exploration activity observations apply to crystal growing? How did temperature/solubility of a solute and the type of solution apply to growing crystals? ELABORATE TECHNOLOGY CONNECTIONS Investigate crystal growing competitions on the Internet. Create a computer slide show to show how your crystal changed over time. Investigate other solubility graphs on the Internet to find possible crystal growing recipes. Keep your crystal diary on the computer and print out a decorative and informative diary. EVALUATE FINAL PROJECT: “Crystal Project” A film crew comes to the area to film an adventure-action movie. One scene involves valuable crystals that will be stolen by the hero. You are hired to grow the most perfect and largest crystals possible so that they will be filmed as part of the movie. By doing this project, students will be highly motivated to investigate how to grow the best crystal because they are growing their own. As the unit progresses, students will observe and formulate "hints" that will be useful. The exploration activities are designed to help students understand the concepts of how crystals grow and be successful in their learning and their crystal growing. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 3 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Crystal Growing Project PROJECT DESCRIPTON: Students grow crystals as they learn about factors that affect solubility and dissolving, and water as the universal solvent. Each student keeps a crystal diary and measure mass and length daily. At the end of the project, data tables, graphs, the crystal diary entries and answers to questions are handed into the teacher. This unit covers TEKS 9A (relate the structure of water to its function as the universal solvent), 9B (concentration of ions), 9D (factors that affect solubility) and 9E (factors that affect dissolving) ACTION: A movie team has come to the town to film an adventure-action film. A major scene of the movie involves stealing valuable treasures and the director hires you to grow the most perfect and largest crystals. These crystals will be featured in the film. DESIGN CONSTRAINTS: Materials: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • two beakers, paper to hold the chemical, balance two burners or one hot plat thermometer water chemical for the crystal thread splint (or popsicle stick) sandpaper (or emery board) empty metal coffee can graduated cylinder goggles apron wooden stirring stick for solution Procedure (Exploration) Split up the following jobs: 1. Mass out your chemical. Remember to find the mass of your paper to hold the chemical. The amount of chemical needed is: 50 grams of Copper Sulfate OR 22 grams of Potassium Aluminum Sulfate. 2. Measure out 100 ml of water with the graduated cylinder and pour it into a beaker. 3. Add the chemical to the water and heat the mixture until it reaches 50 degrees Celsius. Stir with a non-metal stick as the mixture is being heated. 4. Make sure that the seed crystal is tied securely on a piece of thread using a slip-knot. Attach the other end to the wooden splint. Find the mass of the seed crystal and measure its length. Begin to write about the crystal and what you did today in your journal. This should be at least 2 sentences. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 4 sE Crystal Clear Science 5. Prepare a warm water bath by heating water in the second beaker to 40 degrees Celsius. Use about 150 ml of water for the water bath. When the chemical and water in step 3 have been heated to 50 degrees Celsius, take the beaker off of the heat and let the solution cool on your lab table until it reaches 40 degrees Celsius. Only then, put your crystal into the beaker as shown below: SOLUTION CHEMISTRY 6. 7. 8. Pour the water for your water bath into the coffee can. Check to make sure that its temperature is 40 degrees Celsius or less. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR WATER BATH IS COOLER THAN YOUR SOLUTION. Put your crystal with its beaker of solution carefully into your water bath as shown below: 9. On Day 2, remove the crystal from the beaker and dry it off. If there are bumps on it, file them off with your emery board (or sandpaper). Remember that the bumps will get larger but holes will fill in over time. Measure the mass and length of your crystal. Give your crystal a name. 10. Record in your journal and write two or more sentences about what happened today. Spill out the water bath water and put the crystal back into the solution until the next day it is checked. 11. Every day (or when your teacher directs), check your crystal. Measure its length and find its mass. Write at least two sentences about your observations in your journal. Keep a chart of the date, size and mass of your crystal. Sketch the shape and size of the crystal. 12. When it is time to change the solution (about 5 days), pour out the solution and donate the seed crystals on the bottom of your beaker for future crystal growers. Do steps 1-3 and 5-8 again. DIRECTOR’S (Teacher) NOTES: Students are allotted class time to grow crystals. They can work in a team of two or more students based on the availability of the chemicals. Students will keep a diary chronicling their "adventures" and including their observations. A "Beauty Contest" can be held at the end of the unit after crystal diaries, graphs, data tables and answers to questions are handed into the teacher. A "Show and Tell" can also be scheduled. • • Potassium Aluminum Sulfate can be found in pharmacies and in chemical catalogs for a reasonable price. Its nickname is Alum. Copper Sulfate can be found in hardware stores and chemical catalogs. Its nickname is Blue Stone. In large amounts it can be poisonous, but it tastes so bad (like chewing on a tin can) that students are very careful. Do not use a metal nail file to file down bumps on this crystal. It will cause a yellow residue and cause the crystal to discolor. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 5 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY • • • • • • • • • • • Crystal Clear Science Students must wash their hands completely after touching their crystals. Wearing goggles and aprons during the heating of the solutions is required. This project should be done in teams due to the cost of supplies and the amount of work that must be done in a short amount of time on Day 1. Students should not ignore deformities in their crystal shapes. Holes will fill in over time but bumps on the crystal shape will get larger over time. Coffee cans work well for holding the water bath water, but any waterproof container with a flat bottom will work. Make sure that the beaker of solution does not float in the water bath. If the beaker falls over, the crystal will dissolve. On Day 2, some students will find that their crystals have grown nicely. Some teams will find an empty loop. This is usually caused by a solution temperature above 40 degrees at the time that the crystal was added, water bath at a higher temperature than 40 degrees, too much water added to the solution or too little chemical. Sometimes, the students have tied the seed crystal too loosely and it fell to the bottom of the beaker. If there is solute on the bottom of the solution, the saturated solution is safe to hang another seed crystal. Notching the crystal to give the string a place to settle will often prevent the crystal from slipping out. This new crystal will grow slowly by evaporation and has missed the cooling part of crystal growing until next time the solution is changed. Hang the crystal low in the solution. If there is no solute on the bottom of the beaker, this unsaturated solution is unsafe for a seed crystal. If the teacher has extra solution from the demonstration day, some can be added to an empty beaker. If not, students may need to come on their own time to repeat the experiment. After the first day, the water bath can be spilled out unless the room where it is stored gets very hot. The water bath will keep the solution at a constant temperature and prevent the dissolving of the crystal by heated water molecules. Teacher can show students atomic structures of different mineral crystals. At the end of the crystal growing, a "beauty contest" can occur. Students can vote for "Most Beautiful", "Best Shape", "Most Sympathetic" crystal awards. Prizes (such as rock candy) and certificates can be given out. If there is a yellow residue on the crystal, wash it off. This is due to a reaction to metal such as metal stirring rod or metallic ions in the water. If the solution is contaminated, pour it out and clean the beaker completely. Change the solution at least once during this project. Five days between new solutions is best. Students should give the teacher the seed crystals so they can be used next year. The last recommendation is for the teacher to try this project ahead of time. In this way, sample crystals will available for students to see and there will be a supply of seed crystals for students to use. Good Copper sulfate crystals look like parallelograms and good Alum crystals look like flat diamonds. The teacher can also anticipate problems so that all students will be prepared to complete this project successfully. SAFETY NOTE: Be careful using chemicals. Make sure students wash hands thoroughly. Students must wear goggles and aprons for safety. Students must not taste chemicals or rub their eyes with unwashed hands. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 6 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science ENGAGE ENGAGE Show large scale photos, pictures, web sites or actual mineral crystals to discuss the formation of crystals in nature. Discuss how to grow crystals and include the properties of solutes and solvents. Share the process to grow crystals. Go directly to “Growing Crystal Project” and have students start their crystal growing. SHOW STEVE’S Solution Chemistry clips to engage students in the study of crystals. I Get to Grow a Crystal! Watch an Engaging Film Clip! Show large sized crystals of Copper II sulfate and Aluminum Potassium sulfate grown by teacher before the unit begins. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 7 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Students participate in five exploration activities: Exploration Activity One: Crystal Growing Project" Let DO Science ! Students investigate solution chemistry and learn that the rate of dissolving and amount of a solute dissolved by a solvent depends on the nature of each, the temperature and particle size. They gain this knowledge by growing crystals that are of high personal interest. Students explore the concept of solutions and participate in four activities in which investigate factors that affect solubility, rate of dissolving and water as the universal solvent. EXPLORE Explore Exploration Activity Two: "Dissolving Rate" Students investigate which factors most affect the dissolving rate of sugar. Students will discover that surface area, temperaturem, and sturring or shaking are all afctors that affect the dissolving rate of a solute. Exploration Activity Three: "Saturated Solutions" In this investigation, students will learn that unsaturated solutions have solvents that have not dissolved all of the solute possible at that temperature. They will learn that solutions become saturated when the solvent has dissolved all of the solute possible at that temperature. Supersaturated solutions occur when the solvent cools and is still holding more solute that it normally holds at that temperature. Students will observe that supersaturated solutions can drop the extra solute with help (like shaking) and the solute drops until the solution becomes saturated. Exploration Activity Four: "Effect of Temperature on Let’s DO Science! Solubility” In this lab students study the effect of temperature on the solubility of KNO3 . When given different temperatures students will be able to explain the effect of increased temperature on the solubility of KNO3. Students will graph their data and will be able to determine the solubility of various solutes at a given temperature. Exploration Activity Five: "Universal Solvent" Students investigate the properties of water and learn that water's structure allows it to dissolve many substances and is therefore known as the universal solvent. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 8 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science IPC: Science Course Module—Goes to the Movies! University of Houston Growing Crystals Type of Lesson: IPC Content TEKS: Content with Process: Focus on constructing knowledge through active learning. 9A 9D 9E 1. 2. 3. Learning Goal/ Instructional Objective: Relate the structure of water to its function as the universal solvent. Demonstrate how various factors influence solubility including temperature, pressure and the nature of the solute and solvent. Demonstrate how factors such as particle size influence the rate of dissolving. General Objective Students investigate solution chemistry and learn that the rate of dissolving and amount of a solute dissolved by a solvent depends on the nature of each, the temperature and particle size. They gain this knowledge by growing crystals that are of high personal interest. Instructional Objectives While participating in a crystal growing project students: 1. Explain the function of a solute and solvent in forming a solution. 2. Point out that for many solute/solvent combinations, as the temperature increases, the solubility of solute increases, as does the dissolving rate. Also, to identify the solubility of rate of a solute/solvent from a line graph. 3. Discuss that as the surface area of solutes increases and the particle size exposed to the solvent decreases, the dissolving rate increases. 4. Observe and describe that different solutes, such as potassium aluminum sulfate and copper sulfate have different solubilities. 5. Construct and interpret graphs showing how the change in mass and size of crystals result over time. 6. From daily observations of crystal growth, describe how as a crystal solution cools, the solvent drops extra solute to form crystals. Also, as the solvent evaporates how this contributes to the formation of crystals. 7. Identify solutions that are unsaturated, saturated, and supersaturated. 8. Grow large, well-formed crystals. Key Question: Why do crystals grow? What factors affect the growth of the crystal? Related Process TEKS: (1) Scientific processes. The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts field and laboratory investigations using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations; and (2) Scientific The student is expected to: (B) make wise choices in the use and conservation of resources and the disposal or recycling of materials. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 9 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY processes. The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations. Crystal Clear Science (A) plan and implement experimental procedures including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment and technology; (B) collect data and make measurements with precision; (C) organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data; and (D) communicate valid conclusions. (3) Scientific processes. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to: (A) analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information; (B) draw inferences based on data related to promotional materials for products and services; (C) evaluate the impact of research on scientific thought, society, and the environment; (D) describe connections between physics and chemistry and future careers; and (E) Research and describe the history of physics, chemistry, and contributions of scientists. To the Teacher: • Potassium Aluminum Sulfate can be found in pharmacies and in chemical catalogs for a reasonable price. Its nickname is Alum. • Copper Sulfate can be found in hardware stores and chemical catalogs. Its nickname is Blue Stone. In large amounts it can be poisonous, but it tastes so bad (like chewing on a tin can) that students are very careful. Do not use a metal nail file to file down bumps on this crystal. It will cause a yellow residue and cause the crystal to discolor. • Students must wash their hands completely after touching their crystals. Wearing goggles and aprons during the heating of the solutions is required. This project should be done in teams due to the cost of supplies and the amount of work that must be done in a short amount of time on Day 1. • • Students should not ignore deformities in their crystal shapes. Holes will fill in over time but bumps on the crystal shape will get larger over time. • Coffee cans work well for holding the water bath water, but any waterproof container with a flat bottom will work. Make sure that the beaker of solution does not float in the water bath. If the beaker falls over, the crystal will dissolve. • On Day 2, some students will find that their crystals have grown nicely. Some teams will find an empty loop. This is usually caused by a solution temperature above 40 degrees at the time that the crystal was added, water bath at a higher temperature than 40 degrees, too much water added to the solution or too little chemical. Sometimes, the students have tied the seed crystal too loosely and it fell to the bottom of the beaker. • If there is solute on the bottom of the solution, the saturated solution is safe to hang another seed crystal. Notching the crystal to give the string a place to settle will often prevent the crystal from slipping out. This new crystal will grow slowly by evaporation and has missed the cooling part of crystal growing until next time the solution is changed. Hang the crystal low in the solution. If there is no solute on the bottom of the beaker, this unsaturated solution is unsafe for a seed crystal. If the teacher has extra solution from the demonstration day, some can be added to an empty beaker. If not, students may need to come on their own time to repeat the experiment. • After the first day, the water bath can be spilled out unless the room where it is stored gets very hot. The water bath will keep the solution at a constant temperature and prevent the Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 10 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science dissolving of the crystal by heated water molecules. • Teacher can show students atomic structures of different mineral crystals. • At the end of the crystal growing, a "beauty contest" can occur. Students can vote for "Most Beautiful", "Best Shape", "Most Sympathetic" crystal awards. Prizes (such as rock candy) and certificates can be given out. • If there is a yellow residue on the crystal, wash it off. This is due to a reaction to metal such as metal stirring rod or metallic ions in the water. If the solution is contaminated, pour it out and clean the beaker completely. • Change the solution at least once during this project. Five days between new solutions is best. Students should give the teacher the seed crystals so they can be used next year. • Multiple Intelligences: The last recommendation is for the teacher to try this project ahead of time. In this way, sample crystals will available for students to see and there will be a supply of seed crystals for students to use. Good Copper sulfate crystals look like parallelograms and good Alum crystals look like flat diamonds. The teacher can also anticipate problems so that all students will be prepared to complete this project successfully. LogicalMathematical Intelligence Consists of the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking. Linguistic Intelligence Involves having a mastery of language. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively manipulate language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically. It also allows one to use language as a means to remember information. Includes interpersonal feelings and intentions of others. Interpersonal Intelligence Intrapersonal Intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence--the ability to understand one's own feelings and motivations. Materials: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • two beakers, paper to hold the chemical, balance two burners or one hot plat thermometer water chemical for the crystal thread splint (or popsicle stick) sandpaper (or emery board) empty metal coffee can graduated cylinder goggles apron wooden stirring stick for solution SAFETY NOTE: Be careful using chemicals. Make sure students wash hands thoroughly. Students must wear safety goggles and aprons. Students must not taste chemicals or rub their eyes with their unwashed hands. See Texas Science Safety Manual for lab and investigation guidelines: E ngagement: Show students pictures of mineral crystals or bring in real samples. Another motivation could be showing students large examples of the crystals being grown Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 11 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Explore: Procedure: Split up the following jobs: 2. Mass out your chemical. Remember to find the mass of your paper to hold the chemical. The amount of chemical needed is: 50 grams of Copper Sulfate OR 22 grams of Potassium Aluminum Sulfate. 2. Measure out 100 ml of water with the graduated cylinder and pour it into a beaker. 3. Add the chemical to the water and heat the mixture until it reaches 50 degrees Celsius. Stir with a non-metal stick as the mixture is being heated. 4. Make sure that the seed crystal is tied securely on a piece of thread using a slip-knot. Attach the other end to the wooden splint. Find the mass of the seed crystal and measure its length. Begin to write about the crystal and what you did today in your journal. This should be at least 2 sentences. 5. Prepare a warm water bath by heating water in the second beaker to 40 degrees Celsius. Use about 150 ml of water for the water bath. 6. When the chemical and water in step 3 have been heated to 50 degrees Celsius, take the beaker off of the heat and let the solution cool on your lab table until it reaches 40 degrees Celsius. Only then, put your crystal into the beaker as shown below: 7. 8. Pour the water for your water bath into the coffee can. Check to make sure that its temperature is 40 degrees Celsius or less. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR WATER BATH IS COOLER THAN YOUR SOLUTION. Put your crystal with its beaker of solution carefully into your water bath as shown below: 9. On Day 2, remove the crystal from the beaker and dry it off. If there are bumps on it, file them off with your emery board (or sandpaper). Remember that the bumps will get larger but holes will fill in over time. Measure the mass and length of your crystal. Give your crystal a name. 10. Record in your journal and write two or more sentences about what happened today. Spill out the water bath water and put the crystal back into the solution until the next day it is checked. 11. Every day (or when your teacher directs), check your crystal. Measure its length and find its mass. Write at least two sentences about your observations in your journal. Keep a chart of the date, size and mass of your crystal. Sketch the shape and size of the crystal. 12. When it is time to change the solution (about 5 days), pour out the solution and donate the seed crystals on the bottom of your beaker for future crystal growers. Do steps 1-3 and 5-8 again. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 12 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Explain: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Draw a graph showing how the mass of the crystal has changed during time Draw a second graph showing how the size has changed during time. Make sure that your data table is complete. Your journal must have the diary entries for each day and sketches of your crystal. You must discuss the following questions at the end of your journal entries: A. What problems did you have during the project? How did you solve them? B. Why was the water bath in the coffee can needed only on the day the solution was heated? The water bath slowly cooled down the solution so that the solute had time to arrange onto the seed crystals. The slower a crystal grows, the better its shape. If the water bath had not been used, the seed crystal would have grown too quickly and the shape would have been poor. After it cooled to room temperature, the crystal was growing by the evaporation of the solute. C. How did the solubility of your chemical change as the water was heated and then cooled? As the solvent was heated, its solubility increased as more solute was dissolved by the solvent. When the solvent was cooled, its solubility decreased and solute starts to fall out of the solution. D. Under which conditions could your crystal become smaller while in the beaker of solution? Explain why each would happen and how you could "fix" each problem. My crystal can become smaller if I put it into a solution that is too hot and the solvent dissolves the solute (crystal) because the solution is unsaturated. It can also dissolve if there is too much solvent and the solution is unsaturated. In both cases, adding additional solute until the solution becomes saturated will keep more of the crystal from dissolving. E. Do all chemicals have crystals of the same shape? Suggest reasons to explain why. Not all crystals have the same shape. In this project, the Alum crystals look like diamonds while the Copper sulfate crystals look like parallelograms with slanted sides. The molecules must fit differently in each solute crystal. It must depend on the atoms of the different elements that make up each solute compound and the bonding involved. F. How would you improve what you have done in this project to produce a better crystal? Write a conclusion by writing your final answer to the problem using what you have observed in this project. Elaborate: Investigate different minerals and their crystal shapes and colors. Research different crystal shapes and find examples of minerals with those shapes. Visit a local museum that features minerals. Investigate other crystal growing chemicals besides Copper II sulfate and Aluminum Potassium sulfate. Create solubility graphs by using other chemicals besides KNO3. Conduct the Magic Garden Elaboration Activity found in this unit's materials. Use solubility graph question sheet to practice reading and interpreting graphs. E valuate: Explain how your students demonstrate their new understandings and skills. What is the learning product for this lesson? Is the experimental conclusion, a picture, a Power Point presentation, a story, a solved problem? Be explicit here. And then prepare a rubric to evaluate student learning. Be extra sure that your assessment measures exactly what the target TEKS says it should measure. Grading Rubric: 1. There was a diary entry for each day that students checked their crystals. ____ 2. Each day, student measured the mass and size of the crystal. ______ 3. There were data tables and graphs. ______ 4. Sketches of the crystal over time were included. ____ 5. The analysis questions (Student lab instructions #13 E 1-6) were discussed fully. ___ 6. A conclusion was written that showed that the student analyzed the factors that affect crystal growth and how crystals grow. ____ Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 13 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY POINTS Scientific Accuracy of data and graphs Reasoning 4 All graphs and data tables are correctly set up All questions on crystal growing are answered correctly using observations 3 Graphs and data tables set up with some mistakes Most questions on crystal growing are answered correctly using observations 2 Graphs and data tables set up with many mistakes. Some questions on crystal growing are answered correctly using observations 1 Graphs and data tables not set up or set up incorrectly Subtotal: ____ Questions on crystal growing are unanswered or not based on valid observations Crystal Clear Science Communication in written crystal diary Collaboration during crystal growing Crystal diary was well organized with all requirements met. All questions answered clearly and completely Crystal diary was organized adequately with most requirements met. Most questions answered fully Crystal diary was slightly disorganized with some requirements met. Some questions answered Crystal diary was disorganized with few requirements met. Very few questions answered and most is unclear and incomplete Team of students worked very well together and shared all responsibilities and input Team of students worked well together and shared most responsibilities and input Team worked somewhat well together. Each person had some responsibilities and some input. Team did not work together. The team did not share responsibilities or value the input of team members Subtotal: ____ Subtotal: ____ Subtotal: ____ TOTAL: ____/16pts References/Resources/Websites: • • • • • (San Diego Natural History Museum) The following site contains teacher resource lessons: The following sites contain information about growing crystals in unusual gravity conditions: • (crystals in outer space) • (growing crystals in near zero gravity) The following sites contain information about many I.P.C. topics including chemistry and crystals: • • • (This web site has advertisements.) Properties of Matter: The following sites contain information about chemistry especially matter and crystals: • • • • • Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 14 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science IPC: Science Course Module—Goes to the Movies! University of Houston Dissolving Rate of Sugar Type of Lesson: IPC Content TEKS: Content with Process: Focus on constructing knowledge through active learning. 9D demonstrate how various factors influence solubility including temperature, pressure and the nature of the solute and the solvent. 9E demonstrate how factors such as particle size influence the rate of dissolving Learning Goal/ Instructional Objective: Learning goal: Students investigate which factors most affect the dissolving rate of sugar. Key Question: Which factor is the most effective in dissolving sugar the fastest: temperature, particle size due to surface area or stirring? Related Process TEKS: (1) Scientific processes. The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts field and laboratory investigations using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations; and (2) Scientific processes. The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations. The student is expected to: (A) plan and implement experimental procedures including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment and technology; Instructional Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. explain how changing the surface area affects the speed of dissolving 2. discuss how temperature affects the dissolving rate 3. observe how stirring affects the rate of sugar dissolving 4. identify the independent variable, dependent variable and the constants in each part of the experiment (B) make wise choices in the use and conservation of resources and the disposal or recycling of materials. (B) collect data and make measurements with precision; (C) organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data; and (D) communicate valid conclusions. (3) Scientific processes. The student uses critical thinking and scientific The student is expected to: (A) analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information; Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 15 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY problem solving to make informed decisions. Crystal Clear Science (B) draw inferences based on data related to promotional materials for products and services; (C) evaluate the impact of research on scientific thought, society, and the environment; (D) describe connections between physics and chemistry and future careers; and (E) Research and describe the history of physics, chemistry, and contributions of scientists. To the Teacher: INTRODUCTION: Students conduct a variety of simple investigations to determine which factors most affect the dissolving rate of sugar. After the various investigations, they draw conclusions from the data they collected. The data should indicate the warmer water, crushed particles, and stirred solutions will dissolve faster. The water temperature and stirring are common answers among the students. You might have to have brief math lesson to review surface area. As the surface area increases, the ability to dissolve the sugar faster. The water needs to come in contact with the sugar to dissolve faster. The smaller particles expose more surface area allowing more water to come in contact with the sugar. Check the glassware for cracks before students use them on the hot plate. If a beaker has a crack, it might break further and cause damage. Remind students to use heat resistant gloves to remove the hot beakers from the hot plate. The directions tell them to remove the beaker from the heat before placing the sugar in the water. If the sugar is placed in the beaker on the hot plate, the sugar will cook and create a strong odor. Multiple Intelligences: LogicalMathematical Intelligence Consists of the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking. Linguistic Intelligence Involves having a mastery of language. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively manipulate language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically. It also allows one to use language as a means to remember information. Includes interpersonal feelings and intentions of others. Interpersonal Intelligence Intrapersonal Intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence--the ability to understand one's own feelings and motivations. Materials: • • • • • • goggles 50-mL graduated cylinder 250-mL beaker hot plate alcohol thermometer heat resistant gloves • stop watch (2 if possible) • • • • • • apron triple beam balance water 6 sugar cubes stirring rod/spoon 2 clear cups or 100 mL beakers SAFETY NOTE: Wear goggles and aprons for the entire lab. Use heat resistant gloves to handle hot glassware. Inspect all glassware for cracks. Be careful of the hot plate cord and the electrical outlet. See Texas Science Safety Manual for lab and investigation guidelines: Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 16 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Engagement: Crystal Clear Science Discuss stomach remedies and how to speed up the time so that the medicine works faster in your stomach. Explore: Procedure 1. Safety goggles and laboratory aprons should be worn throughout this experiment. 2. Obtain laboratory materials. READ THE LAB COMPLETELY THROUGH BEFORE BEGINNING. 3. Measure 50 mL of water and place in a 100 mL beaker. Make sure there are no cracks or chips in the glass before you place the beaker on the hot plate and turn it to high. Bring to a boil. Continue reading as the water warms. Measure 50 mL of water and place in a 100 mL beaker of water. This will be your cold water sample. On one paper towel, carefully crush a sugar cube and label it A. Repeat the process for cube 2 labeling it B. Measure the mass of the sugar cubes separately and record the results in the appropriate data table in your journal. 4. 5. Once the water reaches the boiling point, use heat resistant gloves to carefully remove the beaker and set on the table. Do not add the sugar when the water is on the hot plate. 6. Place the crushed sugar sample A in the hot water and time how long it takes for the sugar to completely dissolve using a stop watch. Do not shake or stir the solution. Record your observations in your data table in your journal. COLD – HOT NOT STIRRED COLD – STIRRED 7. Rinse out all cups and prepare for the next set. Read the data tables for Sets 2 – 4 and conduct the investigations needed to complete the data tables. 8. Once you are completely finished, WASH each beaker out and dry. 9. Carefully return all materials to materials area, make sure your hot plate is unplugged, and return goggles and folded apron. Wipe off your work area so it is clean of sugar and water. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 17 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Explain: DATA/OBSERVATIONS: COPY THE FOLLOWING DATA TABLES BELOW IN YOUR JOURNAL TO COMPLETE AS YOU WORK. Cup Sugar Sample SET 1 A Mass (g) Time (min.) faster Sugar Sample Cube Cube Water Conditions Hot Cold Time (min.) faster Cup E F Sugar Sample Cube Cube Water Conditions Hot, stirred Hot, NOT stirred Mass (g) Time (min.) faster Sugar Sample Water Conditions Cup G Crushed Cold, stirred H Crushed Cold, NOT stirred ANALYSIS/CONCLUSIONS: (Record in your journal.) Mass (g) Time (min.) faster SET 4 Cup C D Mass (g) SET 2 Cold SET 3 B Crushed Crushed Water Conditions Hot 1. Did you change the same factors in each set? variable in each set. yes Independent Variable Set 2. Complete the data table below identifying the independent 1 Temperature 2 3 4 Temperature Stirred Stirred Were all the dependent variables the same? variable for each set. yes Complete the data table below identifying the dependent Dependent Variable Set 1 Time 2 Time Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 18 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY 3 4 3. Crystal Clear Science Time Time Complete the data table below identifying the constants for each set. Constants Set 1 Solute, particle size, amount of water, not stirred Solute, particle size, amount of water, not stirred Solute, temperature, particle size, amount of water Solute, temperature, particle size, amount of water 2 3 4 4. How does the particle size affect the rate at which sugar dissolves in water? The smaller the particle the faster it dissolves. 5. How does temperature affect the rate at which sugar dissolves in water? The higher the temperature, the faster the sugar dissolves. 6. How does stirring affect the rate at which sugar dissolves in water? Stirring causes the particles to move faster and break up faster causing the sugar to dissolve faster. 7. If you wanted to dissolve a substance faster, what should you do? Heat the water, stir the solution, and crush the solute. 8. If you wanted to dissolve a larger amount of substance, say 10 sugar cubes, what should you do to dissolve the sugar faster? Heat the water, stir the solution, and crush the solute. Elaborate: 1. 2. 3. Based on lab observations, investigate the effect of surface area and particle size on starting a fire with wood. Find out examples of how cooking uses the observations on the effect of particle size (surface area), and stirring on the rate of dissolving AND solubility affected by temperature, pressure and the nature of the solute and solvent. Apply all of the lab observations to crystal growing. E valuate: Students evaluate and analyze data and observations. Based on data and observations, students complete questions and relate their observations to real life experiences Grading Rubric: POINTS Scientific Accuracy 4 All data was collected accurately. 3 2 Most data was collected accurately. Some data was collected accurately. Reasoning Communication Collaboration Conclusions were correctly reached using accurate data and other observations. Most conclusions were correctly reached using accurate data and other observations. Data was displayed properly with correct units. All questions were answered clearly and with detail. Most data was displayed properly with most units correct. Most questions were answered clearly and with detail. Some data was displayed properly with some correct units. Some questions were answered clearly with some detail. Team worked well together. All team members contributed and discussed lab results in detail. Team worked fairly well together. Most team members contributed and there was some discussion of lab results. Team did not always work well together. Some team members worked together and there was little discussion of lab results. Based on accurate data and observations, conclusions were incorrectly reached. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 19 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY 1 Data was inaccurate Subtotal: ____ Crystal Clear Science Conclusions were incorrect. Data was improperly displayed with incorrect units. Few questions were answered clearly with little detail. Team worked poorly together. Team members did not help each other or discuss the lab results. Subtotal: ____ Subtotal: ____ Subtotal: ____ TOTAL: ____/16pts References/Resources/Websites: • • • • • (San Diego Natural History Museum) The following site contains teacher resource lessons: The following sites contain information about growing crystals in unusual gravity conditions: (crystals in outer space) • • (growing crystals in near zero gravity) The following sites contain information about many I.P.C. topics including chemistry and crystals: • • • Properties of Matter: The following sites contain information about chemistry especially matter and crystals: • • • • • Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 20 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science IPC: Science Course Module—Goes to the Movies! University of Houston Saturated Solutions! Content with Process: Focus on constructing knowledge through active learning. Type of Lesson: IPC Content TEKS: 8B 9D Analyze energy changes. Demonstrate how various factors influence solubility including temperature, (pressure), and nature of the solute and solvent. 9E Learning Goal/ Instructional Objectives: Demonstrate how factors (such as particle size) influence the rate of dissolving. In this investigation, students learn that unsaturated solutions have solvents that have not dissolved all of the solute possible at that temperature. They learn that solutions become saturated when the solvent has dissolved all of the solute possible at that temperature. Supersaturated solutions occur when the solvent cools and is still holding more solute that it normally holds at that temperature. Students will observe that supersaturated solutions can drop the extra solute with help (like shaking) and the solute drops until the solution becomes saturated. Instructional Objectives: • When observing solutions, students can distinguish between unsaturated, saturated and supersaturated solutions. • When observing solutions, students can determine the effect of the temperature on the rate of dissolving and solubility of solute. • When observing crystallization, students explain the temperature changes. Key Question: Related Process TEKS: What are the differences between unsaturated, saturated and supersaturated solutions? (1) Scientific processes. The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts field and laboratory investigations using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices (2) Scientific processes. The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations. The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations; and (B) make wise choices in the use and conservation of resources and the disposal or recycling of materials. The student is expected to: (A) plan and implement experimental procedures including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment and technology; (B) collect data and make measurements with precision; (C) organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data; and (D) communicate valid conclusions. (3) Scientific processes. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to: (A) analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information; Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 21 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science To the Teacher: 1. The chemical Sodium thiosulfate (Hypo) can be purchased from chemical catalogs. 2. Use a disposable container to collect the Hypo solution after the experiment is completed. 3. If students are observant, they will notice that the test tube gets colder as the Hypo is dissolved in the water and after the Hypo falls out of the supersaturated solution, the test tube will get warmer. 4. To see the supersaturated solution "snow", the solution should be clear when lifted out of the cold water beaker and as the crystals are dropped in, the test tube must be shaken sideways. Be careful that the solution does not splash out. 5. The supersaturated solution will stop dropping Hypo crystals until it becomes saturated. 6. Make sure that the students re-heat the test tubes to completely dissolve the chemical. If not, the test tubes are very difficult to clean out. Multiple Intelligences: LogicalMathematical Intelligence— Consists of the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking. Linguistic Intelligence— Involves having a mastery of language. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively manipulate language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically. It also allows one to use language as a means to remember information. Spatial Intelligence— Gives one the ability to manipulate and create mental images in order to solve problems. This intelligence is not limited to visual domains--Gardner notes that spatial intelligence is also formed in blind children. Materials: • 15 grams of Hypo (Sodium thiosulfate), • test tube • test tube rack • 10 ml graduated cylinder • beaker of water • burner • stirring rod • test tube holder • balance, funnel • paper to hold chemical • small spoon • goggles • apron SAFETY NOTE: Remind students how to heat a test tube filled with chemical over a flame. Test tube must be pointed away from students and kept in constant aback and forth motion. Sodium thiosulfate (Hypo) is used in film developing and students should be careful to wash hands after using this chemical. Due to the solubility of this chemical (15 grams per 2 ml of water), do not let students pour the hot solution down the drain. It will clog the drain pipes as the solution cools and the sodium thiosulfate crystallizes. A large beaker in the front of the room should be used. To clean up, students should re-heat the test tube to dissolve the chemical and pour the hot solution into the large collection beaker. If the budget is tight, the chemical can be used over again if water is removed and Hypo is allowed to dry out. See Texas Science Safety Manual for lab and investigation guidelines: Engagement: Since students are already growing crystals, this lab will answer many questions that they will have: 1. Why do some crystals dissolve when placed into hot solutions? 2. Does it matter what temperature the solution is heated to or how cool the solution should be before the crystal is hung in the beaker? 3. How can I grow the best crystal? 4. Show several crystals and explain that what students learn in this lab will help them become better crystal growers. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 22 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Explore: 1. Measure 2 ml of water and pour into a clean test tube. 2. Measure out 15 grams of Hypo for use in this lab. 3. Place a few crystals of Hypo into the test tube using the spoon and funnel. 4. Stir. When the crystals have completely dissolved, this is an unsaturated solution. 5. Continue to add hypo and stir. When no more can dissolve, the solution has become saturated. Touch the test tube and note any temperature changes. 6. Gently heat the solution, adding Hypo until all 15 grams has dissolved. Do not let the solution boil because this will remove some of the water in the solution. 7. Place the test tube carefully in a beaker of cold water and allow it to cool for at least two minutes. The test tube should be clear when you remove it from the cold water. 8. At this point the solution is supersaturated. Touch the bottom of the test tube and note the temperature. 9. Drop a few crystals of Hypo into the test tube and shake sideways. Record all observations and include any temperature changes. 10. Reheat the solution to re-dissolve the Hypo and pour it into a container as directed by your teacher. Facilitation Questions: 1. What changes did you observe in this lab? Record in your journal. 2. What are the differences between saturated, unsaturated and supersaturated solutions? Explain: Answer the following questions in your journal. 1. What temperature changes did you observe in this experiment? Why did they happen? The solution cooled down as I added the Hypo but became very warm when the Hypo dropped to the bottom of the test tube. Energy must be needed to dissolve the Hypo but was released when the Hypo crystallized. 3. How did the heating of the water affect the solubility of the chemical Hypo? As the water was heated, more and more Hypo dissolved because the heated water had more energy and dissolved the chemical quickly. 3. Why was the solution called unsaturated at step 4? The solvent (water) had not dissolved all of the solute (Hypo) that it could at that temperature. More Hypo could be added and would dissolve. 4. Why was the solution called saturated at step 5? At that point, the water had dissolved all of the Hypo that it could at that temperature. 5. Why was the solution called supersaturated at step 8? At that point, the water had cooled down and should have “dropped” some of the solute. The solute did not drop to the bottom of the test tube. Since the water is holding more solute than it should at that temperature, it is supersaturated. 6. Why did the supersaturated solution begin to drop small crystals when the additional Hypo was added and the test tube was shaken? I think that the additional solute bumped into the water molecules and the solvent could finally let go of the extra solute that would not let go until that point. 7. At what point will the crystallization of the supersaturated solution stop? (When will it stop "snowing"?) it will stop snowing when the solution is saturated. 8. In your own words, define the terms: Unsaturated, Saturated, Supersaturated and Solubility. Unsaturated happens when a solvent has not dissolved all of the solute that it can at that temperature. Saturated happens when the solvent has dissolved all of the solute that it can at that temperature. Supersaturated happens when the solvent dissolves all of the solute that it can at a high temperature but cools down. The extra solute that should drop off at the cooler temperature does not crystallize. The solvent is holding more solute that it usually can hold at that temperature. Solubility means how much solute dissolves in a certain amount of solvent at a certain temperature. I think that Conclusion: This lab showed the different types of solutions. At the beginning of the lab, the solution was unsaturated because the water could dissolve more chemical. At step 4 in the lab, the solution was saturated because the water had dissolved all of the chemical that it could at that temperature. I heated the water and more chemical dissolved. At step 8 in the lab, the solution was supersaturated because some of the chemical should have dropped out of the solution because the water cooled and lost the ability to keep the solute dissolved .At step 8 of the lab, the solution became saturated because the extra chemical dropped out of solution when it started to “snow.” The Hypo dropped out until the water was holding all of the chemical that it should be holding at that temperature.” Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 23 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Elaborate: Students can investigate the solubility of other chemicals and find out the amount of solute and solvent needed. Another important part is to find the temperatures that a student must heat and cool the solutions to grow that “perfect” crystal. Evaluate: Use the following rubric to measure students' understanding of solutions and this investigation. POINTS Scientific Accuracy 4 Procedures were followed accurately and safely. Excellent 3 Most procedures were followed accurately and safely. Good Some procedures were followed accurately. 2 Fair Lab procedures were not followed accurately. 1 Poor Subtotal: ____ Reasoning Communication Collaboration Types of solutions could be identified based on their properties in this lab. Lab questions were answered showing great understanding of the properties of solutions. Most types of solutions could be identified based on their properties in this lab. Most lab questions were answered showing much understanding of the properties of solutions. Some types of solutions could be identified correctly based on their properties. Some lab questions were answered showing some understanding of the properties of solutions. Solutions were incorrectly identified in this experiment. Most lab questions were incorrectly answered showing little understanding of the properties of solutions. Subtotal: ____ Observations were fully recorded in detail. Lab questions and conclusions were well thought out and showed a great understanding of solutions. Team worked well together. Each member was involved in the activity and there was a detailed discussion of observations and conclusions. Observations were recorded in detail. Lab questions were thought out and showed much understanding of solutions. Team worked fairly well together. Most members were involved in the activity and there was discussion of observations and conclusions. Observations were recorded in some detail. Lab questions were answered but showed some understanding of solutions. Some members of the team worked together but with little discussion of observations and conclusions. Few observations were recorded but were without detail. Few lab questions were answered and showed little understanding of solutions. The team did not work together. Members did not help each other and did not discuss the lab observations and conclusions. Subtotal: ____ Subtotal: ____ Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 TOTAL: ____/16pts 24 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science References/Resources/Websites: The following sites give information about solutions and crystal growing: • • http:/ • • • The following site contains teacher resource lessons: • The following sites contain information about growing crystals in unusual gravity conditions: • • l The following sites contain information about many I.P.C. topics including chemistry and crystals: • • • Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 25 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science IPC: Science Course Module—Goes to the Movies! University of Houston The Effect of Temperature on Solubility of KNO3 Type of Lesson: Content with Process: Focus on constructing knowledge through active learning. IPC Content TEKS: 9D Learning Goal/ Instructional Goal: Demonstrate how various factors influence solubility including Temperature and nature of the solute and solvent. In this lab students study the effect of temperature on the solubility of KNO3 . Instructional Objectives: • Given different temperatures students are able to explain the effect of increased temperature on the solubility of KNO3. • Given a solubility curve students are able to determine the solubility of various solutes at a given temperature. Key Question: How does temperature affect the solubility of KNO3? Related Process TEKS: (1) Scientific processes. The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts field and laboratory investigations using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations; and (2) Scientific processes. The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations. The student is expected to: (A) plan and implement experimental procedures including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment and technology; (B) make wise choices in the use and conservation of resources and the disposal or recycling of materials. (B) collect data and make measurements with precision; (C) organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data; and (D) Communicate valid conclusions. (3) Scientific processes. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to: (A) analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information; (B) draw inferences based on data related to promotional materials for products and services; (C) evaluate the impact of research on scientific thought, society, and the environment; (D) describe connections between physics and chemistry and future careers; and (E) Research and describe the history of physics, chemistry, and contributions of scientists. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 26 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY To the Teacher: Crystal Clear Science For all solids there is a limiting amount that will dissolve in a given amount of solvent. Some solids are very soluble in water, while others are nearly completely insoluble. About 200 grams of ordinary sugar will dissolve in 100 grams of water at 25°C, but only about 2 x 10-4 g AgCl will dissolve under those conditions. . Solubility is defined to be the maximum amount of solute that will dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a specified temperature. The solubility of a solid in a given solvent depends on the temperature of the solution. Usually the solubility of a solid increases with increasing temperature, sometimes very noticeably. Typically, solubilities are recorded as grams of solute per 100g of solvent. For many solutes, increasing the temperature increases the solubility, that is, more of the solute dissolves in the same amount of solvent. In this experiment, you will distinguish the temperature behavior of a solution made up of KNO3 dissolved in water. A graph which plots the solubility as a function of temperature is called the solubility curve of the substance. Given such a graph, the solubility of the solid at any temperature may be determined. In this lab students study the effect of temperature on solubility. They are given weighed samples of a soluble salt such as potassium nitrate. The sample is added to 20 ml of water and heated until all of the salt dissolves. The solution is cooled, and the temperature at which solid appears is noted. A solubility curve is prepared by pooling the data from all of the students. • • • • The experiment should be done as a class project, with results posted on the board. Assign samples of KNO3 within a range of 8.00 to 35.00 grams in integral values. Students tend to report the temperature at which the first tiny crystals are sighted, and this value is usually low. A more accurate result is obtained by noting the temperature at which about 5% of the original solid has crystallized. Solubility curves may be produced in a similar way for other salts. Consult solubility curves for the ranges which may be assigned. KClO3 and NH4Cl are two salts which are commonly used in this experiment. Some students may require assistance in the preparation of the solubility curve. Make sure that the students are able to interpret the graph, which indicates the increasing solubility of potassium nitrate with increasing temperature. Time Preparation time: 10 minutes Class Time: 40 minutes Multiple Intelligences: LogicalMathematical Intelligence Consists of the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking. Materials: (for 10 students working in pairs) • 5 400-mL beaker • 5 25 x 200 mm test tube • 5 support stand • 5 heating setup (hot plate; iron ring; wire gauze; burner; striker) • 5 25-mL graduated cylinder • 5 single sided buret clamp • 5 thermometer • 5 35- to 45-cm length heavy gauge copper wire (for stirrer) • 100 g KNO3 • 100 mL distilled water • 1 centigram balance, weighing paper SAFETY NOTE: • • • • • • • These materials may be disposed of in the sink using large amounts of water. Burns when handling hot objects are possible. The potassium nitrate and potassium chlorate are strong oxidizing agents. Handle hot equipment and solutions cautiously and handle the thermometer bulb gently. Wear goggles and aprons. Wash hands thoroughly at the end of the experiment. See Texas Science Safety Manual for lab and investigation guidelines: Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 27 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Engagement: Crystal Clear Science Texas Tea Drinker! Facilitation Questions: 2. As students walk into class sweeten a glass of iced tea with sugar and drink. 3. As the sugar begins to fall to the bottom of the glass ask students to explain what they think is happening. 4. Ask students what could make the sugar dissolve? Write these responses on the board. Explore: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Set up a 400-mL beaker on an iron ring and wire gauze. Add about 300 mL of tap water. Weigh out the amount of potassium nitrate, KNO3 , assigned by the instructor. The sample will range from 8.00 to 35.00 grams. Transfer the solid to a large test tube and add 20 mL (20 g) of distilled water. Stir the mixture with a stirring wire to dissolve as much potassium nitrate as possible. Carefully insert a thermometer. The glass bulb on the bottom of a thermometer is thin and easily broken. Heat the water in the beaker with the Bunsen burner. Clamp the test tube in the water. Use a stirring wire to stir the mixture gently until ALL of the potassium nitrate has dissolved. The temperature may vary from 25 °C to 85 °C depending on the amount of potassium nitrate in the sample. When all of the potassium nitrate has dissolved, loosen the clamp from the support stand and raise the tube out of the water bath. Turn off the burner. Reclamp the tube above and to one side of the beaker. Using the stirring wire, stir the solution gently and observe it as it cools. As soon as crystallization begins, note the temperature of the solution. It is easiest to see crystals by looking at the bottom of the test tube where they will collect as soon as they begin to form. After the crystallization temperature has been recorded, put the test tube back into the water bath and warm the solution until all of the crystals have redissolved. Repeat the cooling procedure to check the crystallization temperature. The two readings should be within 1 degree of each other. If the two readings do not agree within 1 degree, rewarm the solution in the water bath, cool it, and continue until satisfactory agreement is obtained. Your sample mass will be recorded on the blackboard; record the experimental temperature next to it. When the data from all of the student samples are recorded at the board, copy them to draw (graph) a solubility curve for grams of potassium nitrate dissolved per 100 grams of water. Explain: 1. Your data furnish the amount of KNO3 that will be dissolved in 20 g of water at each temperature. For each data point, calculate the amount of KNO3 that would dissolve in 100 g of water. Your calculations will be the solubility of KNO3 in water at each of the temperatures reported. Mass of KNO3 8.00 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 2. Saturation Temperature °C 26 33 44 57 65 73 83 Mass of KNO3/100g of water 40 50 75 100 125 150 175 Construct the solubility curve for KNO3 . Plot solubility in grams per 100 grams of water on the y-axis and temperature on the x-axis. Extrapolate the curve to include solubility from 10 °C to 100°C. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 28 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY 3. Crystal Clear Science Explain how temperature affects the solubility of KNO3. There is a positive correlation between temperature and solubility of KNO3 Elaborate: • • • • Ask students how they would go about testing the solubility of KNO3 in various solvents. The dissolved oxygen content of water is very critical to marine life. Using the internet investigate the solubility of oxygen in water as a function of temperature., Find solubility graphs of other chemicals Discuss how crystal growers use solubility graphs to figure out the following: 1. Which solutes will grow the biggest crystals by cooling? 2. How much solute will be needed to grow the crystal? 3. What temperature must the solution be heated and cooled for the best results? 4. Why do certain solutes such as salt grow such small crystals? Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 29 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Evaluate: Scientific Accuracy POINTS Reasoning Communication Collaboration I analyzed the data accurately and answered analysis questions accurately. I communicated answers to the investigation questions completely and thoroughly using correct grammar. I shared my ideas about the investigation in the whole group discussion and with my teammates. I communicated answers to the investigation questions and using correct grammar. I shared some of my ideas about the investigation in the whole group discussion and with my teammates. I worked very well with my group. Each person had a lot of input and participated in the investigation. I analyzed the data with some errors and answered analysis questions with some errors. I communicated answers to the investigation questions and with grammatical errors. I shared a few of my ideas about the investigation in the whole group discussion and with my teammates. I worked somewhat well with my group. Each person had some input and participated in the investigation. I cannot explain how temperature affects solubility of different solutes. I cannot create a solubility curve and read a solubility curve. I analyzed the data incorrectly and answered analysis questions incorrectly. I communicated answers to the investigation questions and with many grammatical errors. I did not share my ideas about the investigation in the whole group discussion and with my teammates. I did not work well with my group. A few people had input and participated in the investigation. Subtotal: ____ Subtotal: ____ Subtotal: ____ I can accurately explain how temperature affects solubility of different solutes. I can accurately create a solubility curve and read a solubility curve. 4 I can explain how temperature affects solubility of different solutes. I can create a solubility curve and read a solubility curve. 3 I can sometimes explain how temperature affects solubility of different solutes. I can sometimes create a solubility curve and read a solubility curve. 2 1 I analyzed the data somewhat accurately and answered analysis questions somewhat accurately. I worked well with my group. Each person had input and participated in the investigation. Subtotal: ____ TOTAL: ____/16pts TAKS-like Items: 1. A crystal of solute is dropped into a solution and it does not dissolve, but falls to the bottom of the flask. Identify the type of solution. A. B. C. D. Dilute Saturated Unsaturated Supersaturated Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 30 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY 2. Crystal Clear Science Select the statement that lists the various factors that affect the solubility of a solute. A. B. C. D. The The The The solubility solubility solubility solubility of of of of a solute increases by heating the solvent, by adding more solute, and by stirring the solute. a solute increases by cooling the solvent and stirring the solute increases by adding additional solute and stirring. the solute increases by stirring the solute, by heating the solvent, and by crushing the solute. Examine the graph of the solubility curve below to answer question #3. 3. Based on the graph above, approximately how many grams of KNO3 are dissolved in 20 mL of H2O at 60 °C? A. B. C. D. 40 30 10 20 g g g g References/Resources/Websites: • • • Alternate solubility lab: Power Point Presentation on solubility Animation dissolving rate of NaCl Solubility of KNO3 Solution Chemistry Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 31 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science IPC: Science Course Module—Goes to the Movies! University of Houston Water as the Universal Solvent Type of Lesson: IPC Content TEKS: Learning Goal/ Instructional Goal: Key Question: Related Process TEKS: 1. Content with Process: Focus on constructing knowledge though active learning. 9A Relate the structure of water to its function as the universal solvent Learning goal: Students investigate the properties of water and learn that water's structure allows it to dissolve many substances and is therefore known as the universal solvent. Instructional Objectives: Students . . . 1. Predict and prove if water can dissolve eight different substances. 2. Explain why water is called the universal solvent. 3. Identify whether a substance is a solute or a solvent Will a variety of test substances dissolve in water? (1) Scientific processes. The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts field and laboratory investigations using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices (2) Scientific processes. The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations. The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations; and (B) make wise choices in the use and conservation of resources and the disposal or recycling of materials. The student is expected to: (A) plan and implement experimental procedures including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment and technology; (B) collect data and make measurements with precision; (C) organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data; and (D) communicate valid conclusions. To the Teacher: The student is expected to: (3) Scientific (A) analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and processes. theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information; The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The structure of a water molecule can help us understand how water can dissolve so many substances. A water molecule is made up of one atom of oxygen bonded with two atoms of hydrogen. The atoms are bonded by sharing electrons. This sharing is like an unequal tug of war. The oxygen atoms attract the electrons more strongly than the hydrogen atoms. The shared electrons are more attracted to oxygen than to hydrogen. The oxygen "end" of the water molecule is more negative than the hydrogen "end." The hydrogen end is more positive than the oxygen Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 32 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science end. The oxygen end is said to have a partial negative charge. The hydrogen end is said to have a partial positive charge. H H O Multiple Intelligences: Molecules that have ends with partial negative and positive charges are called polar. Water is a polar molecule. Water molecules can attract particles of other substances. Many of the substances that water dissolves are made of polar molecules. LogicalConsists of the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think Mathematical logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and Intelligence— mathematical thinking. Linguistic Intelligence— Involves having a mastery of language. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively manipulate language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically. It also allows one to use language as a means to remember information. Spatial Intelligence— Gives one the ability to manipulate and create mental images in order to solve problems. This intelligence is not limited to visual domains--Gardner notes that spatial intelligence is also formed in blind children. BodilyKinesthetic Intelligence— Is the ability to use one's mental abilities to coordinate one's own bodily movements. This intelligence challenges the popular belief that mental and physical activities are unrelated. Materials: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Vinegar Graduated cylinder 8 test tubes per group test tube rack sugar salt vegetable oil alcohol sand flour ammonia soap flakes cornstarch SAFETY NOTE: Goggles and aprons may be worn during the entire lab but especially when ammonia is used. Students must thoroughly wash hands at the end of the lab. See Texas Science Safety Manual for lab and investigation guidelines: Engagement: 1.Set up a demonstration with two large beakers of water. Show the students two solutes. Unknown to them, one solute in soluble in water and one is not. Use sugar or salt as the soluble chemical and perhaps sulfur or Magnesium carbonate as the insoluble chemical. Drop some of each chemical into the water and observe whether they dissolve. Inquire what dissolving means to the students and explain how the structure of a solvent affects its ability to dissolve solutes. 2. Show mixtures that have two substances that do not dissolve. Examples might include Italian salad dressing, ocean in a bottle. Discuss how dissolving is a physical change and how students can recognize if dissolving has taken place. 3. Is water the best solvent to grow your crystal? Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 33 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Explore: 1. Copy the data table in your journal and make a prediction if the substances dissolve in water by placing a yes or no in the prediction column. 2. Place the test tubes in racks. Fill each test with 10 mL of water. 3. Pour 5 mL of alcohol into Tube 1. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 4. Place 1 mL of soap flakes in Tube 2. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 5. Place 1 mL of sugar in Tube 3. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 6. Place 1 mL of flour in Tube 4. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 7. Place 1 mL of salt in Tube 5. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 8. Place 1 mL of cornstarch in Tube 6. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 9. Place 1 mL of sand in Tube 7. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 10. Place 5 mL of oil in Tube 8. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. Explain: DATA: Copy in your journal and record your results. Contents of Test Tube Prediction if Substance Dissolves in Water (Yes/No) Dissolves in Water (Yes/No) Alcohol Soap Flakes Sugar Flour Salt Cornstarch Sand Oil 1. Did all the substances dissolve in water? No. Why or why not? Not all substances are polar. 2. Which substances did not dissolve in water? Flour, sand, and oil. 3. What is a polar molecule? Molecules that have ends with partial negative and positive charges. 4. What is an ion? An ion is an atom that has lost or gained electrons. 5. What is a non-polar molecule? A non-polar molecule does not have unequal sharing of electrons. The electron density is symmetrically distributed among atoms in the molecule. 6. What is a solvent? The component of a solution that is present in the greatest amount. It is the substance in which the solute is dissolved. Which substance(s) are considered a solvent? Water. 7. What is a solute? Solutes are the substances that are dissolved by the solvent. Which substances are considered solutes? Those substances that dissolved are considered solutes – sugar, salt, alcohol, cornstarch, and soap flakes. 8. What is hard water and how does it affect solubility? Hard water contains ions, mainly Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe2+. These ions increase the ability of water to dissolve polar molecules. Elaborate: 1. Investigate emulsifiers and apply the research to this lab. 2. Research how to make an ocean in a bottle. 3. Explore other types of mixtures such as dispersions (colloids) and suspensions and compare their properties to that of a solution. 4. Find out information about Carlsbad Caverns and other underground caves that contain stalactites and stalagmites. Explain how they are formed through the action of water. 5. Conduct an at-home investigation (with family members' assistance) to discover substances at home that do or do not dissolve in water. Evaluate: Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 34 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Students answer questions to the lab based on evidence and observations. Use the rubric to evaluate their progress. Awarding a 4 means that the student has done excellent work. Awarding a student a 1 means that the student's understanding of the subject matter and conclusions need improvement and further practice. POINTS Scientific Accuracy Lab procedures were conducted exactly according to the directions. 4 3 2 1 Most lab procedures were conducted exactly according to the directions Some lab procedures were conducted exactly according to the directions. Lab procedures were not conducted according to the directions Subtotal: ____ Reasoning Communication Collaboration Predictions were made for all steps and lab answers show great understanding of the nature of solutes and water as the universal solvent. Predictions were made for most steps and most lab answers show an understanding of the nature of solutes and water as the universal solvent. Predictions were made for some steps and lab answers show some understanding of the nature of solutes and water as the universal solvent. Predictions were made for few steps and lab answers show little understanding of the nature of solutes and water as the universal solvent. Subtotal: ____ Data table was completely filled out and all questions were answered in great detail showing evidence of research on the topic. Team worked well together. Members helped each other during the experiment and discussed the lab results in great detail. Data table was mostly filled out and most questions were answered in detail showing evidence of research on the topic. Team worked fairly well together. Members usually helped each other during the experiment and discussed the lab results in detail Data table was somewhat filled out and some questions were answered in some detail showing evidence of research on the topic. Team worked poorly together. Members helped each other rarely during the experiment and there was little discussion of the lab results. Data table was not filled out and few questions were answered showing little evidence of research on the topic. Team did not work together at all. Members did not help each other during the experiment and there was no interaction between the team members. Subtotal: ____ Subtotal: ____ TOTAL: ____/16pts References/Resources/Websites: • • • • • (San Diego Natural History Museum) The following site contains teacher resource lessons: • The following sites contain information about growing crystals in unusual gravity conditions: (crystals in outer space) • • (growing crystals in near zero gravity) Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 35 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science The following sites contain information about many I.P.C. topics including chemistry and crystals: • • • (This web site has advertisements.) Properties of Matter: The following sites contain information about chemistry especially matter and crystals: • • • • • (teacher lessons) Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 36 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science IPC: Science Course Module—Goes to the Movies! 1. 2. 3. 4. What do you think? What do you think? 5. 6. Suggested Teaching Strategy: Whole Group Class Discussion Draw a graph showing how the mass of the crystal has changed during time Draw a second graph showing how the size has changed during time. Make sure that your data table is complete. Your journal must have the diary entries for each day and sketches of your crystal. You must discuss the following questions at the end of your journal entries: A. What problems did you have during the project? How did you solve them? B. Why was the water bath in the coffee can needed only on the day the solution was heated? The water bath slowly cooled down the solution so that the solute had time to arrange onto the seed crystals. The slower a crystal grows, the better its shape. If the water bath had not been used, the seed crystal would have grown too quickly and the shape would have been poor. After it cooled to room temperature, the crystal was growing by the evaporation of the solute. C. How did the solubility of your chemical change as the water was heated and then cooled? As the solvent was heated, its solubility increased as more solute was dissolved by the solvent. When the solvent was cooled, its solubility decreased and solute starts to fall out of the solution. D. Under which conditions could your crystal become smaller while in the beaker of solution? Explain why each would happen and how you could "fix" each problem. My crystal can become smaller if I put it into a solution that is too hot and the solvent dissolves the solute (crystal) because the solution is unsaturated. It can also dissolve if there is too much solvent and the solution is unsaturated. In both cases, adding additional solute until the solution becomes saturated will keep more of the crystal from dissolving. E. Do all chemicals have crystals of the same shape? Suggest reasons to explain why. Not all crystals have the same shape. In this project, the Alum crystals look like diamonds while the Copper sulfate crystals look like parallelograms with slanted sides. The molecules must fit differently in each solute crystal. It must depend on the atoms of the different elements that make up each solute compound and the bonding involved. F. How would you improve what you have done in this project to produce a better crystal? Teacher facilitates a class discussion of findings and new understandings that resulted from the exploration activities. Students do the explaining. EXPLAIN Explain Write a conclusion by writing your final answer to the problem using what you have observed in this project. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 37 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Investigate different minerals and what their crystal shapes are. Research the names for the different shapes of crystals and find examples of minerals that have each shape. Students research and investigate everyday energy issues via a variety of extension activities. ELABORATE Elaborate Crystal Clear Science Integrate and Elaborate! Visit a local museum to see the mineral crystal exhibit. Investigate other crystal growing chemicals besides Copper II sulfate and Potassium Aluminum sulfate. Create solubility graphs by using other chemicals besides KNO3 Use the solubility graphs and analysis questions to allow students to practice reading graphs. Perform the Magic Garden Elaboration Activity that is included Integrate and Elaborate in this unit. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 38 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Crystal Growing Project RUBRIC Grading Rubric: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. TAKS Items Use the Rubric 2. There was a diary entry for each day that students checked their crystals. ____ Each day, student measured the mass and size of the crystal. ______ There were data tables and graphs. ______ Sketches of the crystal over time were included. ____ The analysis questions (Student lab instructions #13 E 1-6) were discussed fully. ___ A conclusion was written that showed that the student analyzed the factors that affect crystal growth and how crystals grow. ____ Student understanding of solutions and crystal growing is evaluated using a performance rubric and by successfully responding to a set of selected response (TAKSlike) items. EVALUATE Evaluate Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 39 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY THUMBS UP! 4 3 2 SCIENTIFIC ACCURACY of data and graphs All graphs and data tables are correctly set up and completed. Graphs and data tables set up with some mistakes. Graphs and data tables set up with many mistakes in data collection and plotting graphs. Crystal Clear Science REASONING COMMUNICATION in written crystal diary COLLABORATION during crystal growing time All questions on crystal growing are answered correctly using observations Crystal diary was well organized with all requirements met. All questions answered clearly and completely. Team of students worked very well together and shared all responsibilities and input. Most questions on crystal growing are answered correctly using observations. Some questions on crystal growing are answered correctly using observation. Crystal diary was organized adequately with most requirements met. Most questions answered fully. Team of students worked together and shared most responsibilities and input. Crystal diary was Team worked somewhat well together. Each person had some responsibilities and some input. slightly disorganized with some requirements met. Some questions answered. 1 Graphs and data tables not set up or set up incorrectly with mistakes in data collection and plotting graphs. Questions on crystal growing are unanswered or not based on valid observations. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 Crystal diary was disorganized with few requirements met. Very few questions answered and most of the diary is unclear and incomplete. Team worked poorly together. The team did not share responsibilities or value the input of other team members. 40 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Solution TAKS Items Use the information in the table below to answer questions # 1-2 A group of students conducted an experiment to test the dissolving rate of different substances in water. They obtained 5 grams of four different solutes, four identical glasses, and 50 mL of water for each solute, which were at room temperature. Mass of Volume of Substance Solute Water (g) (mL) Washing powder 5 50 Sugar 5 50 Salt 5 50 Baking soda 5 50 1. According to the data collected, which substance has the fastest dissolving rate? (TEKS 9D) A B C D 2. Time to Dissolve (sec) 56 15 18 22 washing powder sugar baking soda salt Which of the following factors contributed to the dissolving rate of the solute? (TEKS 9E) A B C D mass of the solute volume of the solvent temperature of the apparatus chemical composition of the solute Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 41 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY 3. Crystal Clear Science Two IPC students conducted an experiment to test the solubility of three different substances. They put 20 mL of three different types of liquids in the same type of containers and three different substances. They measured the amount of time it took for the solute to dissolve. Which of the following procedures will improve their investigation? (TEKS 9E) A B C D B Amount of Solute Dissolved (g) Temperature (oC) C Temperature (oC) D Temperature (oC) 5. Amount of Solute Dissolved (g) A Amount of Solute Dissolved (g) As the temperature of a sample of water increases, the amount of sugar that can be dissolved in the water also increases. Which graph illustrates this relationship? (TEKS 2C, 2D) Amount of Solute Dissolved (g) 4. stir all three solutions use the same type of liquid change the temperatures use the same solute Temperature (oC) A crystal of solute is dropped into a solution but it does not dissolve. Instead it falls to the bottom of the flask. Identify the type of solution. (TEKS 9D) A B C D Dilute Saturated Unsaturated Supersaturated Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 42 sE Crystal Clear Science 6. From the information provided on the above solubility graph, how many grams of potassium nitrate (KNO3) are dissolved in 100g of H2O at 65 degrees Celsius? (TEKS 2C, 2D, 9E) SOLUTION CHEMISTRY A B C D 45 grams 50 grams 130 grams 240grams 7. A crystal of solute is dropped into a solution and it does not dissolve, but falls to the bottom of the flask. Identify the type of solution. A. B. C. D. Dilute Saturated Unsaturated Supersaturated 8.Select the statement that lists the various factors that affect the solubility of a solute. A. The solubility of a solute increases by heating the solvent, by adding more solute, and by stirring the solute. B. The solubility of a solute increases by cooling the solvent and stirring C. The solubility of the solute increases by adding additional solute and stirring. D. The solubility of the solute increases by stirring the solute, by heating the solvent, and by crushing the solute. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 43 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science 9. Examine the graph of the solubility curve below to answer following question: 10. Based on the graph above, how many grams of KNO3 are dissolved in 20 ml of H2O at 60 C? D. E. F. G. 40g 30g 10g 20g Unit Materials 1 centigram balance 10 ml graduated cylinder 100 g KNO3 100 mL beakers 250-mL beaker 25-mL graduated cylinder 400 mL beakers 5 35-to 45 cm length heavy gauge wire 5 single buret clamp 50-mL graduated cylinder Alcohol Alcohol thermometer Ammonia Aprons Coffee can Copper Sulfate Cornstarch Distilled water Flour Funnels Goggles Heat resistant gloves Hot plate Hot plates Iron ring Potassium Aluminum Sulfate Ring stand Salt Sand Sandpaper Soap flakes Sodium thiosulfate Stirring rods/spoons Stop watches Striker Sugar Sugar cubes Test tube rack Test tubes Thread Triple beam balances Vegetable oil Vinegar Water Weighing paper Wire gauze Wooden stirring stick Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 44 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science Background Information for Teachers What should the IPC learner know about Solutions? The study and design of materials involves several disciplines and issues. An effort should be made to explore how scientific knowledge fuels technological advances and how technology creates new scientific knowledge. Chemistry, physics, biology, and geology provide many clear examples of this interactive relationship between science and technology. As students understand better how atoms are configured in molecules and crystals (and less-well-defined arrangements), they can begin to see the connections to large-scale properties of materials. This understanding leads naturally to laboratory tests that measure a material's physical properties (such as tensile strength, hardness, and absorbency). Such tests can be included in problems that require students to select and process materials to give the optimum compromise between properties available and properties needed. Students should see some automated production process firsthand, if possible, or at least they should see some media presentations of several automated processes (Benchmarks, 1993). To develop an understanding of how modern manufacturing works, students need to study and experience the role of automation in freeing people from tasks that are typically "dull, dirty, or dangerous." Students should have opportunities to manipulate and program automated devices such as tabletop robots. Students generally have a lot of misconceptions and negative attitudes about industrial robots, often based on television and movie depictions of robots. Without concrete experience, they tend to think robots are intelligent and evil machines that take jobs away from people. After a little experience playing with an industrial robot, they often report that robots are very stupid machines that are dependent on people for all the brain work and can perform only the very simplest tasks (Benchmarks, 1993). Understanding the general architecture of the atom and the roles played by the main constituents of the atom in determining the properties of materials now becomes relevant. Having learned earlier that all the atoms of an element are identical and are different from those of all other elements, students now come up against the idea that, on the contrary, atoms of the same element can differ in important ways. This revelation is an opportunity as well as a complication-scientific knowledge grows by modifications, sometimes radical, of previous theories. Sometimes advances have been made by neglecting small inconsistencies, and then further advances have been made later by attending closely to those inconsistencies. Students may at first take isotopes to be something in addition to atoms or as only the unusual, unstable nuclides. The most important features of isotopes (with respect to general scientific literacy) are their nearly identical chemical behavior and their different nuclear stabilities. Insisting on the rigorous use of isotope and nuclide is probably not worthwhile, and the latter term can be ignored. The idea of half-life requires that students understand ratios and the multiplication of fractions, and be somewhat comfortable with probability. Games with manipulative or computer simulations should help them in getting the idea of how a constant proportional rate of decay is consistent with declining measures that only gradually approach zero. The mathematics of inferring backwards from measurements to age is not appropriate for most students. They need only know that such calculations are possible. Students should have opportunities-in seminars, projects, readings, and experiments-to reflect on the value of thinking in terms of systems and to apply the concept in diverse situations. They should often discuss what properties of a system are the same as the properties of its parts and what properties arise from interactions of its parts or from the sheer number of parts. They should learn to see feedback as a standard aspect of systems. The definitions of negative and positive feedback may be too subtle, but students can understand that feedback may oppose changes that do occur (and Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 45 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science lead to stability), or may encourage more change (and so drive the system toward one extreme or another). Eventually, they can see how some delay in feedback can produce cycles in a system's behavior (Benchmarks, 1993). Watch out for the following common misconceptions: Constancy and Change Lower elementary-school students fail to conserve weight and volume of objects that change shape. When an object's appearance changes in several dimensions, they focus on only one. They cannot imagine a reversed or restored condition and focus mostly on the object's present appearance (Gega, 1986). The ability to conserve develops gradually. Students typically understand conservation of number between the ages of 6 and 7, of length and amount (solid and liquid) between 7 and 8, of area between 8 and 10, of weight between 9 and 11, and of displaced volume between 13 and 14. These ages will vary when different children are tested or the same children are tested in different contexts (Donaldson, 1978). Many students cannot discern weight conservation in some tasks until they are 15 years old. The ability to conserve weight in a task involving transformation from liquid to gas or solid to gas may rise from 5% in 9-year-old children to about 70% in 14- to 15-year-old-children (Stavy, 1990). More complex changes, such as chemical reactions, especially those where gas is absorbed or released, are still more difficult to grasp as instances of weight conservation (Stavy, 1990). References/Resources/ Helpful websites: • • • (San Diego Natural History Museum) • • The following site contains teacher resource lessons: • The following sites contain information about growing crystals in unusual gravity conditions: (crystals in outer space) • • (growing crystals in near zero gravity) The following sites contain information about many I.P.C. topics including chemistry and crystals: • • • (This web site has advertisements.) Properties of Matter: The following sites contain information about chemistry especially matter and crystals: • • • • • Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 46 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science PARENTAL PERMISSION SLIP FOR CRYSTAL (Please consult your science coordinator and principal to make sure this is an appropriate form to use. You may want to translate your form into any languages that your parents speak besides English.) Crystal growing has now come to an end. This unit has been another example of IPC project based learning approach. Students grew crystals as they investigated solutions, solubility, and chemistry in other lab activities. For a student to bring his (her) crystal home, you must sign a permission slip after reading the information below: Your student has grown one of two crystals: 1. Copper II sulfate (Cupric sulfate) is blue in color. The chemical is used to flush down sewer and water lines to keep tree roots from growing in the pipes. It tastes like you are chewing on a piece of aluminum foil and is listed as poisonous on the chemical label. Copper II sulfate is sold in hardware stores under the name "Blue Stone" if your student wishes to continue to grow his (her) own crystal at home. 2. Potassium aluminum sulfate (Alum) is white (clear) in color. This chemical has been used as mouthwash for mouth sores. It is listed as a poison on the chemical's label if swallowed. Alum is sold in drug stores under the name Ammonium Alum. Ammonium alum has the same crystal shape as Potassium aluminum sulfate if your student wishes to continue to grow his (her) crystal at home. 3. If you allow your student to take home his (her) crystal, care must be taken that younger brothers or sisters do not think that the crystal is food and eat it. They must not drink the solution if the crystal is allowed to continue to grow. Hands must be washed thoroughly after touching the crystal or solution. Permission slip: I ____________________________, parent or guardian of ________________________ (please print name) (please print name) have read the information above and allow my student to bring his (her) crystal home from school. I will discuss safety with the rest of my family and keep the crystal away from younger members of my family. Please sign here __________________________________ date _______________ This form must be returned to teacher before the crystal will be sent home. If this is the last project for the year, I add: It has been a pleasure to have your student in my class this year. I hope that the experience has been fun and educational! _______________________ Mrs. Marintsch Please feel free to e-mail me at or call me at school (713-365-5110) if you have any questions about the crystal or your student's progress. Thanks! Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 47 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science STUDENT PAGE The most familiar solution is a solid dissolved in water. Dissolving a solid in a liquid is an everyday experience for many people. You make a solution when you make up a powdered drink mix. When you add lemon powder to water, you make lemonade, a water solution. No chemical change takes place when a solid is dissolved in a liquid. Does your powder dissolve faster in tap water out from the sink, water from the refrigerator, or hot water? What are the factors that affect the rate of dissolving? If the liquid evaporates, the original solid remains chemically unchanged. OBJECTIVE: Students demonstrate how factors such as temperature and particle size influence the rate of dissolving. (TEKS 9D and 9E) PROBLEM: Which factor is more effective in dissolving sugar, temperature, particle size, or stirring? HYPOTHESIS: What do you think? Record your predictions in your science journal. Safety Precautions: MATERIALS: • • • • • • goggles 50-mL graduated cylinder 250-mL beaker hot plate alcohol thermometer heat resistant gloves • stop watch (2 if possible) • • • • • • apron triple beam balance water 6 sugar cubes stirring rod/spoon 2 clear cups or 100 mL beakers PROCEDURES: 1. Safety goggles and laboratory aprons should be worn throughout this experiment. 2. Obtain laboratory materials. READ THE LAB COMPLETELY THROUGH BEFORE BEGINNING. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 48 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science 3. Measure 50 mL of water and place in a 100 mL beaker. Make sure there are no cracks or chips in the glass before you place the beaker on the hot plate and turn it to high. Bring to a boil. Continue reading as the water warms. Measure 50 mL of water and place in a 100 mL beaker of water. This will be your cold water sample. 4. On one paper towel, carefully crush a sugar cube and label it A. Repeat the process for cube 2 labeling it B. Measure the mass of the sugar cubes separately and record the results in the appropriate data table in your journal. 5. Once the water reaches the boiling point, use heat resistant gloves to carefully remove the beaker and set on the table. Do not add the sugar when the water is on the hot plate. 6. Place the crushed sugar sample A in the hot water and time how long it takes for the sugar to completely dissolve using a stop watch. Do not shake or stir the solution. Record your observations in your data table in your journal. HOT COLD – COLD – NOT STIRRED STIRRED 7. Rinse out all cups and prepare for the next set. Read the data tables for Sets 2 – 4 and conduct the investigations needed to complete the data tables. 8. Once you are completely finished, WASH each beaker out and dry. 9. Carefully return all materials to materials area, make sure your hot plate is unplugged, and return goggles and folded apron. Wipe off your work area so it is clean of sugar and water. DATA/OBSERVATIONS: SET 1 COPY THE FOLLOWING DATA TABLES BELOW IN YOUR JOURNAL TO COMPLETE AS YOU WORK. Cup Sugar Sample Water Conditions A Crushed Hot B Crushed Cold Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 Mass (g) Time (min.) 49 sE Sugar Sample Cube Cube Water Conditions Hot Cold Mass (g) Time (min.) SET 2 Cup C D Cup E F Sugar Sample Cube Cube Water Conditions Hot, stirred Hot, NOT stirred Mass (g) Time (min.) SET 3 Crystal Clear Science Cup G H Sugar Sample Crushed Crushed Water Conditions Cold, stirred Cold, NOT stirred Mass (g) Time (min.) SET 4 SOLUTION CHEMISTRY ANALYSIS/CONCLUSIONS: (Record in your journal.) 6. Did you change the same factors in each set? identifying the independent variable in each set. Set Complete the data table below Independent Variable 1 2 3 4 7. Were all the dependent variables the same? identifying the dependent variable for each set. Set Complete the data table below Dependent Variable 1 2 3 4 8. Complete the data table below identifying the constants for each set. Set Constants 1 2 3 4 Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 50 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science 9. How does the particle size affect the rate at which sugar dissolves in water? 10. How does temperature affect the rate at which sugar dissolves in water? 11. How does stirring affect the rate at which sugar dissolves in water? 12. If you wanted to dissolve a substance faster, what should you do? 13. If you wanted to dissolve a larger amount of substance, say 10 sugar cubes, what should you do to dissolve the sugar faster? Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 51 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Crystal Clear Science STUDENT PAGE TITLE: Water – The Universal Solvent OBJECTIVE: Students relate the structure of water to its function as the universal solvent. (TEKS 9A) PROBLEM: H Will various substances dissolve in water once shaken? H O HYPOTHESIS: What do you know about water? Predict what will happen when you dissolve (each separately) vinegar, sugar, oil, salt, sand, alcohol, flour, soap, ammonia, and cornstarch in water? BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The structure of a water molecule can help us understand how water can dissolve so many substances. A water molecule is made up of one atom of oxygen bonded with two atoms of hydrogen. The atoms are bonded by sharing electrons. This sharing is like an unequal tug of war. The oxygen atoms attract the electrons more strongly than the hydrogen atoms. The shared electrons are more attracted to oxygen than to hydrogen. The oxygen "end" of the water molecule is more negative than the hydrogen "end." The hydrogen end is more positive than the oxygen end. The oxygen end is said to have a partial negative charge. The hydrogen end is said to have a partial positive charge. Molecules that have ends with partial negative and positive charges are called polar. Water is a polar molecule. Water molecules can attract particles of other substances. Many of the substances that water dissolves are made of polar molecules. MATERIALS: Graduated cylinder test tube rack flour vinegar test tubes salt ammonia sugar oil soap flakes sand alcohol cornstarch PROCEDURES: 1. Copy the data table in your journal and make a prediction if the substances dissolve in water by placing a yes or no in the prediction column. 2. Place the test tubes in racks. Fill each test with 10 mL of water. 3. Pour 5 mL of alcohol into Tube 1. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 4. Place 1 mL of soap flakes in Tube 2. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 5. Place 1 mL of sugar in Tube 3. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 6. Place 1 mL of flour in Tube 4. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 7. Place 1 mL of salt in Tube 5. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 8. Place 1 mL of cornstarch in Tube 6. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 9. Place 1 mL of sand in Tube 7. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. 10. Place 5 mL of oil in Tube 8. Gently shake the test tube. Record whether or not it dissolves in water. DATA: Draw the chart on the next page in your journal and record your results. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 52 sE SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Contents of Test Tube Prediction if Substance Dissolves in Water (Yes/No) Crystal Clear Science Dissolves in Water (Yes/No) Alcohol Soap Flakes Sugar Flour Salt Cornstarch Sand Oil CONCLUSIONS/ANALYSIS: Answer the questions in your journal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Did all the substances dissolve in water? Why or why not? Which substances did not dissolve in water? What is a polar molecule? What is an ion? What is a nonpolar molecule? What is a solvent? Which substance(s) are considered a solvent? What is a solute? Which substances are considered solutes? What is hard water and how does it affect solubility? REFLECTION QUESTION: What did you learn about water in this activity? Write about your new understandings in your science journal. Science Course Module: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 2005 53